Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    Sola Portland Ag.nU
C. B. a la Solrite Corsets
Sole Portland Agents
W. B. and La Vida Corsets
$36 Vals $18.75
Women's strictly tailor-made Suits of extra
quality all-wool broadcloth, In black, navy,
browM. olive and wine; made in the newest
36-inch coat styles, in plain or satin trimmed
effects, lined with taffeta silk or guaranteed
satin. The skirts are made in the newest
flare styles. Suits sold
regularly at $36.00, for
Friday Bargain Day only
50-In. Women's Coats $6.95
Women's 50-i:ich Ixose-Baek Coats of all-wool tan covert cloth
and fine quality black melton cloth, made in the new double
breasted style, "eollarless, cloth-strapped and trimmed with vel
vet and buttons: new coat sleeves with velvet andCf)
soutache braid-trimmed cuffs r
Heatherbloom Skirts at $2.48
The famous Heatherbloom Taffeta Petticoats are made of silk
like material that is better than ordinary silk because it costs
hnlf as much and wears twice as longr. Made with extra full
flounce, trimmed with deep ruffle, with a row of T AS
side pleating. Regular $3.50 value, Friday sale
Great Embroidery Sale
Values to $2 Yard 39c
Our Great October
Lace Curtain Sale
Here you will find thousands of pairs of
Lace Curtains greatly reduced for this great
October Sale. White and Arabian Curtains in
Cluny, Renaissance, Battenberg, Marie An
toinette, Cable Net and Scotch Lace all
greatly reduced.
Regular $ 1.00 Curtains at, Pair $ .79
Regular 1.25 Curtains at. Pair .98
D '
For this Fri
day we offer
another of the
Great E m
broidery Sales
for which Lip
man, Wolfe &
Co. are famous
values that
are so extraor
dinary that it
will pay to
come here at
8 o'clock today
E m b r oidered
Swiss and
edges, flounces,
wide bands and
medallions, from 5 to 22 inches wide, in English
eyelet and French effects; all new and pretty de
signs. Values to $2 a yard, Friday Bargain Day
$1.00 Tuxedo Veilings 49c Yard
Variety of white, black and colored Tuxedo Veilings, large and
small chenille and velvet dots ; also Russian effects. All A,Qn
latest colorings and designs, yard 3:
15c Bleached Huck Towels 10c
Bleached Huck Towels, size 40x21 inches, hemmed.
Never sold regularly for less than 15c. Sale 10c.
$3.25 Linen Napkins $2.19 Doz.
Full bleached, all pure linen, size 20x20 inches.
5o Novelty Veils 69c
Regular 1.50 Curtains at, Pair 1.15
Regular 1.75 Curtains at, Pair 1.38
Regular 2.00 Curtains at, Pair 1.53
Regular 2.50 Curtains at, Pair 1.98
Regular 300 Curtains at, Pair 2.33
Regular 3.50 Curtains at, Pair 2.69
Regular 4.00 Curtains at, Pair 3.15
Regular 4.50 Curtains at, Pair 3.59
Regular 5T00 Curtains at, Pair 3.95
Regular 6.00 Curtains at, Pair 4.79
Regular 7.50 Curtains at, Pair 5.95
Regular 8.50 Curtains at, Pair 6.79
Regular 10.00 Curtains at, Pair 7.95
Regular 12.50 Curtains at, Pair 9.95
Regular 15.00 Curtains at, Pair 11.49
6 ButtonFrenchKidGloves
The greatest glove value ever offered by any store in Portland at any time.
Every pair made by a famous French glover whose
gloves are sold in Portland at $4 a pair year after year.
Full 1 6-button French kid gloves, perfect quajity,every
size in all shades of tan, brown, black and white. No
second qualities. We are not allowed to state name
of the famous maker on, account of the low sale price,
but no woman will have trouble in recognizing brand
Every pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction
as to fit and wear. See our big window display
near corner JQ
and Washington.
Reg. $4 qualities
at lowest price
ever known in
Portland . . .
500 Fancy Silk and Net Waists
Reg. VaL to $10, Only $4.97
The greatest Waist bargains of the year, you will , have to see them to appre
ciate that they are the latest Winter styles at an end-of-the season price. An
assortment of fiest quality messallne and net waists, in white, light blue,
lavender and ecru, elaborately trimmed with fine lace and medallions; the
assortment comprises the season's newest and most up-to-date
ideas in evening and street waists; selling regularly up
to $10. Most extraordinary vals. For Friday Bargain Day
Stunning Trimmed Hats
Val. to $8.50 for $4.95
Many Portland women will
remember th extraordinary
beauty of the hats in our last
great sale at $4.95. These hats
even surpass them most of
them are shown Friday for the
first time and there are NO
TWO ALIKE. Hand - made,
slip-stitched silk velvet hats
some fancy-feather " trimmed.
some ostrich trimmed, otners
trimmed with flow
ers and ribbons for
T?rC pc Handsome 65c large
XWOUO RoseSj with f0iiagei
always stvlish and always used;
extraordinary value for r
Friday Bargain-Day at JC
75c-$1.50 Pictures for 49c
The greatest variety of subjects imaginable reproductions of
famous paintings, photographs, American girls by well-known
artists, etc. Every variety of picture, all styles of frames and
all shapes many odd sizes, suitable for dens.
Choice of 3C0 subjects, in miss ion oak,
gilt and novelty frames; values to $1.50
80c Sheets, 69c; 20c Pillow Cases 12 'c
The qualities of these goods are very satisfactory sheets and pillow cases made from extra good stout
material. Sheets 2 yards wide. Priced as above especially for Friday Bargain Day.
Friday Sale of Finest Cut Glass
Friday we offer the most ex
traordinary value in Veils of all
descriptions in many years.
Over 1000 Veils, including
black, white, navy, brown,
Copenhagen, gray and fancy
colored Russian Neck Veils,
iy2 yards long, with chenille
dotted borders. Also Magpie
Novelty Ribbon Veils,
yards long; Chiffon Veils, all
colors, 3 yards long; Princess
Lace Veils and Russian Mesh
Square Veils, 1 yards square,
in all colors. Values from 95c
to $2.50 all in one great assortment- 69c
Women's Knitted Worsted House Slippers, made gQp
with extra fine lambswool sole, all colors uu
Women's Merino Ribbed Vests and Pants, high neck, CQ
long sleeves, ankle length, cream or natural r
500 Hair Mattr'ses
Do not buy a cheap substitute for a hair mat
tress when you can buy a hair mattress for less
We have just received a special shipment of
SCO first-class hair mattresses that we will be
able to sell at about wholesale prices. Every
mattress is guaranteed to have the best qual
ity of curled hair, according to its grade first
quality black, first quality white, first quality
silver gray. All are full weight and are cov
ered with best quality of A. C. A. ticking.
$20.00 Mattresses, 35 Pounds at $13.95
$25r00Mattresses,35 Pounds at $16.85
$30.00 Mattresses, 30 Pounds at $19.95
$35.00 Mattresses, 30 Pounds at $21.95
All fine, clear, first quality Cut Glass, taken
from our regular stocks. Absolutely flawless,
NO SECONDS such as other stores reserve for
sales. Lowest prices ever:
$1.75 Nappies and Dishes, Sale $0.98
$2.00 Nappies a ad Dishes, Sale $1.23"
$2.35 Nappies and Dishes, Sale $1.48
$2775 Nappies and Dishes, Sale $1.65
$330 Nappies and Dishes, Sale $2.15
$4.50 Nappies Reduced to Only $2.78
$5750 Cut Glass Bowls, Only $3.35
$7.50 Bowls and Comports for $4.48
$7.75 Sparkling Cut Vases at $3.95
$8.50 Bowls, Water Jugs and
Sugar and Cream Sets for $5.18
$ 9.00Vases, Comports, Bowls, $5.48
$1000 Bowls and Water Jugs, $5.97
$1 2.50 Clear Cut Glass Bowls, $7.65
$13750 Vases and Bowls, Only $8.55
$15.00 Sparkling Cut Vases, $8.89
$20.00 De Luxe Cut Vases, $11.95
Cluny Lace Scarfs and Squares
Regular $2.50 Values at gl.35
German Cluny Lace Scarfs and Squares, with three rows
of hand-made Cluny lace, size 18x54 and 30x30 CJ- O ZZ
inches. Sale... PA.JJ
Leather Goods Sale
The feature of this event is the low prices that
we have placed on a special purchase of 300 gen
uine Ilornback Allipator Bags. The popularity
of the Hornback Alligator Bag, their high quality
and the remarkable price reductions combine to
make the event one of unusual importance.
Five "groups have Tieen made of tli the Hornback
Alligator Bags. The on priced $3.75 embraces
liarht and dark colors; 7-inch self-covered frames,
leather-lined purse to match ; values QQ
range up to $7.00; all priced HO.CCJ
Hornbnrk Alligator Bagicj small ond large horn?;
beautiful, rich shades; self - covered . frames; gilt
trimming; with lock on each corner of frame
leather-lined Inside compartment, with Sift
purse to match; values to $16.00; choice. .
Reg. $10.00 Alligator Bags, $5.00
Reg. $11.50 Alligator Bags, $5.35
Reg. $12.50 Alligator Bags. $5.98
Unparalleled Sale Notions From Reserve Stocks
5c Cabinet "Hairpins, Friday O
sale at 1
15c liquid Enameline
Stove Polish, a can.
10c Shinola Shoe Paste,
2 cans for
10c Rising Sun Stove Polish,
per cake.
Allover Hair Nets, all veil made
of human hair; extra "I Qf
large size; sale price. .
25c imported Jena Gas Globes;
will fit any burner. ' "I p"7
Friday sale '
Diana 4-Strap Pad Hose Sup
porters; regular 25c val- 1 A
ties. Friday sale
10c bundle White Cotton Tape,
12 assorted widths; per Or
bundle Friday
10c fancy Sewing Wax, Friday
sale 3
25c Lustrine Oil Polish
for ladies' and children's
shoes 16
50c Merry Widow Hair
Roll, all around style, net
covered 33t
20c and 35c good Gas Mantles, .
Friday special 10
5c black enameled Egg
Darner, sale 3J
10c Coat Collar Springs,
Friday sale 5
5c steel Safety Pins, any
doz 2Y2t
Pennison's fancy Napkins, suitable for Halloween,
25 napkins for 9
50c Handkerchiefs 27c
Hand-embroidered Initial 'Kerchiefs, pure linen; also
swiss embroidered Handkerchiefs in a large variety.
Bust Forms 95c
E00 Jersey Cov'd Bust
Forms, in all sizes from
32 to 42. Forms that
sell at $2 the country
over. Special QC.
today ...
250 Bust Forms, in
sizes from 32 to 42.
J?!!?...:. $1-45
60c can .'Peerless' prepared House
or Floor Paint, per can 34
oc Mending Tissue, per
envelope, Friday 3J
35c nicke'l d Shirt Mark
ers, Friday only 23
Chinese Ironing Wax, with handle . . .
tan, pimples, freckles, etc. Sale price
5c Carpet Tacks, two sizes,
2 boxes . .5
15c elastic Shirt Waist
bands, only 8t
10c cake pure Beeswax,
for, each 52
15c Halloween Candy Boxes, Xotion Dept lit?
8c Halloween Candy Boxes, Notion Dept. . . . . .6
8-inch paper Plates, a dozen 5
Oriental Cream for 93c
Oriental Cream, sold at $1.50 everywhere, removes
500 Flannelette Gowns
Vals. to $1.75 for $1.19
Women's plain white and fancy-stripe Flan
nelette Night Gowns, double-yoke front and
back, military and Japanese styles, full sizes
and tailored linish, values to
$1.75 for
35c Books of Fiction 18c
The best and most popular books in standard Eng
lish fiction that everybody wants to read, finely
cloth bound, good print, 35c and 50c values.-
Concerning I.abelle
Adam Bede.
Bride of Llewellyn.
Chanired Bride..
Connin Maude.
Mater of Ballanrrae
Wotberina; Helgrhta.
Black Rock.
tenst Lynne.
Coining Race.
Age of Fable.
Count Robert of
Bad limb.
Dnrknen. and Day-
Dora leane.
Durn Tliorne.
fCft.aya of Elta.
K1IKI1 I.yle'a Secret.
Felix Holt.
Grandfather's Chair.
rnff a. tbe Grave.
Little FilRrlm.
The l.ampllKhter.
Maker, of Venice.