TTTE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3Q, '2 All Goods Bought On Credit Friday or Saturday Charged On Your November AccountRemember, Saturday Is Tag Dayjbrjhe ' 1 -. . . r t . t i t fl : 1- Baby Home Baby Week at This Store Lasts Until Saturday mgnt at v:ou o lqcr. 4 ' ' ; 2.50 Underwear 89c WOMEN'S VESTS, PANTS, UNION SUITS AND BLACK TIGHTS, iu wool and cotton mixtures; all sizes to select from, but this assortment is made up of odd lines in the various garments men- OQa tioned. Regular prices to $1.50, Friday Uuu Regular values to $2.50; special Friday $1.29 MISSES' MERODE UNION SUITS, Winter weight, fleece-lined cotton, sizes 3 to 8, values to CQp $1.00 the garment, Friday's special price wJu Child's Cashmere Hose, fast black, reg. prices to 40c the pair, all sizes from 5 to 10, special sale price Friday, 1 Qn the pair I UU Bovs' Merode Union i Suits Fleece-lined cot ton. Winter weight, sizes 24 to 32. regular prices to $1.40 the CQft suit, special price. 0 Ju LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS 10c AND 15c sr uulJIiuUfl 5 WASHINGTON. AND 6 STS. $4 Gloves $2. 75 Pr. WOMEN'S 16-BUTT0N KID GLOVES, in all trie new shades, and a full assortment of sizes. Prime quality skins; regular PQ "7C values to $4 pair ; Friday, only, Olif J WOMEN'S TAN CAPE GLOVES, DenT; style, 1-clasp length, regular values QCp to $1.50 the par, Friday's price. Women's Handker chiefs, of fine Irish Fancy Eibbons, in Dresden effects, plaids, stripes, dots and .checked de signs; widths Z;o to 5 in.; regular price to 50c the yard;1 Qn Friday price. I uU linen. with hem stitched border, or in cross bar effects, sell regularly 3 for 50c; Friday's 1 fp special sale I Uu OUR 288th YSALE Yard Wide Ta ffeta Silk lilack silk of the width that every one wants, lieautiful lustrous finished fabric, especially de sirable for sturdy wear. Every yard guaranteed. The $1.75 quality, Friday, at the re- H7 markably low special price of, yard Oil-1 NEW SHADES IN DHtECTOUtE SATINS, PANNE CREPES, ETC., ARRIVING DAILY. " frsntl Black A collection of UreSS KjOOaS this season's best fabrics in stripes, hairlines and herringbone patterns. Plain Panamas, serges, modelines and armures; worth to $1.50 the yard PLAIN SERGES AT 85c THE YARD The best fabrics of the season and in decidedly active demand at the present time. For Friday we feature plain serges in all the wanted shades and in five qualities. Everyone sharply QEp bargainized. The $1.00 grade, special price. 0 Ju 89c 95c Regular $1.25 quality, special. Regular $1.50 PI 1 C quality, special 0 1 1 1 0 Regular $1.75 PI OC quality, special 0 I iwU Regular $2.00 M CC quality, special 0 1 103 Curtain Madras Fine Scotch materials for curtains in dainty pat terns and attractive onlorings, 50 inches CCp wide, 90c grade on special sale at Dull COTTON FLEECED BLANKETS CI CR Heavy weight, large size, worth $2.25, pr. g I iD J For Women's Suits Worth to 38.50 Each, Friday Only THERE are nearly a dozen st.vles, two of which are illus trated here. One is made of splendid quality broadcloth, medium length coat, semi-fitting style, trimmed with silk braid and buttons, skirt trimmed with circular folds. Number Two is of fancy weave black cheviot, longer coat, new, graceful style, collar and cuffs edged with velvet, skirt in imita tion overskirt model. All of our previous efforts are sur passed in the superb .styles and values concerned in this Friday Special. Suits that were secured for spot cash at tre mendous price concessions by the mak- er. Shown in the Fifth street windows and on the Jiuge display racks in the department Friday. The colors offered are black, navy, brown, red, prune, purple, wine and other popular shades. The materials are extra good broad cloths and cheviots, the modes are the most recent, as tne entire shipment has just reached us from New York. A suit sale that will set the town a-talking; values to $38.50, special s m lost recent, as tne enure 1 7.98 The" New Pierrot Ruffs A wide neck ruff with ribbon bow, in black, brown, navy, light blue, pink and white. De servedly popular. Regular prices up to 01 MO $3.50 each, special price for Friday 01 i"U WOMEN'S NOVELTY BELTS $2.98 in Persian designs, tinsel or elastic webs. Reg. prices up to $6 ea., special. ZTM-if rc in spangle or novelty ef ranCy runs feets. A fine assortment of designs to choose from. White, black QQn or light shades, worth to $1.75 each JUb XT' Women's square chiffon automobile V CHS vejiS) in plain colors or two-tone ef fects. Regular value to $3 each; on special sale at the low price of, each. $1.98 Muslin Gowns 62c WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS, of fine muslin, daintily trimmed with hemstitched tucks and em broidery, Hubbard style, with tucked yoke, high or V neck, regular $1.00 value, Friday PQp only at the exceptionally low price of UZ.U CORSET COVERS, of long cloth or nainsook, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. Charming styles and all sizes. Values to ; r naay only at the exceptionally low price of.. 69C Silverware Sale Specials All 50c Neckwear at 25c 4-piece Tea Sets, sugar, creamer, spoonholder and tea pot; heavy plate, sell regularly at $6.50, the set. special, only ....4.88 $ 7.50 sets, sp'l..3.73 $ S.00 sets. sp'l..S6.15 $ 8.50 sets. sp'l..$7.50 $12.00 sets, sp'l..SS.95 $14.6T sets, spl. 511.65 $20.00 sets. sp'l. $14.75 Table Knives With ivory handle and steel blade. Regular $7.50 the dozen, special this week. 6.15 $8.00 vals., doz... $6.50 $8.50 vals., doz... 6.95 $9.00 vals., doz... $7.25 Cake Baskets Regular $4.00 values, spL$2.95 $4.50 values. sp'l.3.40 $5.90 values, sp'l.S4.45 Bread Trays Regularly worth $2.25 each, special this week $1.69 $3.50 values, sp'l.$2.65 $3.75 values, sp"l.2.85 $5.75 values ,spL4.30 Table Knives With cel luloid, handles, steel blade, fine quality goods; regu lar $4.00 doz; sp 'l.3.25 $4.50 values, doz. 53.55 $5.75 values, doz. 54.60 Carving Sets With ivory handles; worth $4.85; special this week. 53.90 For Baby Week Enamel ware, tinware, baskets, and dozens of things that baby needs, to be found in the 3d floor housefur nishing department. Chin aware for Baby Teddy Bear plates, milk mugs, Dutch milk mugs, 4-piece tea sets, puff boxes, etc. Unrestricted choice of any mens tie in our stock worth 5 0c for just half this price. Room must be made for holiday goods, and that quickly. Such hareainizinz as this must accomplish quick clearance. There is no wanted color, pattern or style missing; q mm I men 's 50c neckwear Friday at J C m Smallwares Bargainized 2-qt. Fountain Syringe, red rubber, $1.25 value, special sale price... 89 Dr. Gairand's Oriental Cream, $1.50 bot. 51.05 4 cakes Williams' Jersey Cream Toilet Soap and nickel box, special.. 60 15o Hand Brushes.. 10 Colored Border Paper Napkins, 100 in pkg., 15c value, special price. 10? Box Writing Paper, fine quality, 25c value . . 15? Plain or Ruled Writing Tablets, 20c and 25c each, special price 15 Playing Cards, enamel back", 25c value .19 Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder, 25c can, special at,.17? Mohair Skirt Braid, 4 yds. in piece, 15c val. 8J Spool Silk, 100 yd. Spools, all colors 5 Shell Back Combs, gld mounted, values to $5.00, special 89 Side Combs, all sizes, plain effects, 35c vis. 25J Curling Irons. Folding handles, 10c values... 5J Silk Garter Elastic, 1 inch wide, yard length, 30o value ...19J Bone Hair Pins. Half doz. in box, assorted 10 Pyrography Outfits, com plete sets, $1.50 vis. 90 Hair Brushes. Solid back, all bristle, $1.50 vis. 98 $15 Hats Only $5 Two hundred for this sale, fresh . from New York. The best lot of Z&VSi&ZZ&S styles and values we have yet ,- Vs7 secured to sell at this price. The r regular values run to $15. 00 each. Colors are black, brown, navy andcombinations. Stylish models, attractively trimmed on sale Friday, each $5.00 SPLENDID SPECIALS Baby Week HAND MADE SLIPS and short dresses of fine nainsook, linen or English lawn; daintily embroidered or lace trimmed; values $1.50 to $21.00; redued for this special sale HAND-MADE BONNETS, trimmed with tucks, lace and j fancy stitching; worth 90c to $5.00; reduced to FLANNEL PINNING BLANKETS, all wool, plain or "7Qp fancy stitched hem; with waist or band; $1.25 value I 0b INFANTS' LONG FLANNEL SKIRTS, made with scalloped edge, fancy stitched or embroidered hem; waist or band; QQn values to $1.75; on special sale at the low price of, each OUU BABY MOCCASINS, in red, brown or pink; 50c values OQp go on sale at the remarkably low price of, the pair Zuu In addition to these specials, everything in department is reduced. Jewelry and Leather Goods A comprehensive display of low-priced jewelry in all the late fads, and many remarkable specials in jewelry and leather "goods. Learn to trade here for your supply of these small articles, and you'll save a tidy sum over what exclusive jewelry stores would charge you. IX TIUS STORE ONLY CAN YOU FIND JEWELRY NOVELTIES THAT ARE DIRECT IM PORTATIONS, SELECTED IN THE EUROPEAN MARKETS BY OUR .OWN BUYERS. READ OF THE SENSATIONAL SPECIALS FOR .FRIDAY'S AND SATURDAY'S SALES. Very late and smart -de-signs, made of seal or j5t. Iff-;" 'r -tr?" rfiffrt Hand Bags long grain morroco leather. Fitted with inside purse, lined with kid or moire. Excellent styles and at this low price, a value impossible to du- plicate. Strap handles. Regular values $1.50 and $1.75, special for Friday at 98c Belt Pins, in hew imported de signs; Roman gold, oxidized Egyptian gold or Cloi- 7Cft sonne finish, at lUU Women's Hand Special Bags in horn al. ligator; new shapes, nicely fin ished, with good quality fit tings. Regular $2.50 to $7.50 values, special 1-3 LESS sntrial strap Purses in kickiui seal, morocco or calf. Plain or fancy clasps; colors brown, black, tan, blue or green. Regular $2 CM 1 Q values, special Oil'" Novelty Bracelets, in French gold plate, with medallion top, set with cameos, inlaid enamel or hand-colored min- 0"7 Cfl iatures, $3.75 to OliiJU Women's Rama Hand Bags. The newest thing in hand purses. Verv artistic designs; special 52.50 to 56.00 Srttntnl Beauty pins in ftJseCIUl R0man 0r pol ished gold finish; plain bead ed edge, fancy engraved de signs, or plain; 2oc values; Qn UU Women's Hand Bags, in seal, walrus and Morocco ; all shapes and all sizes; special, Cf $20.00 down to OliwU Vanity Bags, German silver fin ish, in desiems similar to the high-priced sterling sil ver. Special sale price. . Hat Pins in Dresd'en ef fects, fancy stone settings, or Japanese designs. Medium long pins, strongly set. Regu lar values to. 85c, on 75c Special 39c Laces Less Than V Colored applique laces and chiffon ap plique trimmings in widths from 1-2 to 5 -in. An assortment of trimmings sold J II J-- it C J aoun i u small iuis, ticiciw.c wcmnv- r-j; ously underpriced. ap ?oesid:$L98 Reg. val. no to$7.5OP'0 19c Reg. vals. to 50c yard Reg. vals. sfQ to $1.50 yd. tVC Reg: vals. Q o to $3.00 yd. ifOC Reg. val. o no to $10 pJ&0 Warm Shoes To Wear in the House These cool mornings and evenings call for comfortable footwear, easy to slip on and off, and we meet this demand with a special sale. Some of the best styles are bargainized for Friday's sale. WOMEN'S FELT JULIETTES, in black, brown, red or gray, trimmed with black fur. Hand-turned soles of belting leather. Better than the grade sold in most stores at $1.75; on CM QQ special sale Friday at the exceptionally low price of. 01 L D Women's Woven Wool Foot Warmers, lined with natural lambs wool, quilted in; soles of flexible grain leather; the warmest house slipper we QQp can buy; our price UUU Women's Felt Juliettes and Slippers, in black, brown or red ; fur trimmed, hand-turned soles; also two styles in nn. kid slippers, special Juu ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN I'senRer Car Going 4 0 Mlle n Hour Miraculously Escape. rmpruwA fai.i-s, win.. Ort. ;9. Th rhicapo-Imltith Limited passen ger train vest bound. Jumped the track near Augrusta. Wis., today. A number of passengera and trainmen were injured, but none seriously. The escape from fatalities seemed almost miraculous, as the train was irolngr 40 miles an hour. The engine turned a complete somersault and all the cars tipped over. PT. PAVI Oct. 19. A statement g-lren out today from the offices of the Chicago A Northwestern road says reparaing tne wic-n. m nuuiu.. "The derailment was caused by some unknown persons removing; a rail and two ties on the north side of the west bound track. The angle bar being; tied to the end of the rail with a piece of cloth." Prescriptions filled at Ersseil's Phar macy, 2S9 Morrison, bet. 4th and 5th. DITCH COMPANY IS FORMED Grants Pass Anxious to Secure Irri gation Project. GRANTS PASS. Or.. Oct. 29. (Spe cial.) An enthusiastic and earnest meet ing waa held In the opera-house yester day In the Interest of an Irrigation proj ect for this part of Kogue River Val ley. Much work was done by the com mittee at 14 citizens, and It was the re port of this committee that the people were eager to hear. H. L. Gilkey, of the First National Bank, as chairman of that committee, told briefly what had been accomplished and what could be ob tained under the present conditions and among other things that the committee hnrt een fit to organize under the name of Josephine County Irrigation & Pi.wer Company. At the close of the committers report, stock was offered In shares of tlOO and without hesitancy the entire aisle of the opera-house was filled, from the Mage to the rear, by business men, profes sional men. fruitraisers and farmers, ready to subscribe for the amount of stock offered. In several Instances busi ness men who were not present author ized their names to be listed for shares of stock. The corporation was organized for $10,000 and stock was subscribed to the amount of J8000. The officers of the company will pro ceed at once to secure an expert engineer to prepare Information as to what wou be the most feasible plan and Ui oo "t promoting the work.