Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Are beromlng scare. and advancing
tesdily la price. Ws still have limited
number of
at prices that ar
You buy
So Cheap Acnn
So '"heap A sain.
Do It No :
Do It Now!
7th Foor Couch Bldg, 109 4th 6L
LOOK this up; bargain; fine -room modern
house and barn. 2 nice lots lufxloO. a;l
fenced and painted; fruit treea. nice yard,
7-foot basement undr house; a bargain
at terms, $ IrtOO cash, balance S
years' ttrr.e. 11 Sprue st , Firlsnd, Mount
Scott !!r.e phone Tabor AM.
35 ACRES, with frontage on Willamette
River and extending back to Improved
county road, running mater on tract,
mostlv In wild, nut with native tree
and shrubberv; five ratios from Portland,
1 0 feet from electric line, price 924. 0o.
H. G Starkweather, route 1. Mllwai.kie,
Or. Phone Oregon City. Farmers IB.
Fr new.y mArrui rout'.e; new, cozy
buiisa'.ow. 4 r-vrr.s and l ath ; latest mod
ern convenience; iaxa Iiving-rjom. targe ,
r-.-h. ri:t.'h kitchen, etc.; It
to .-are nri- I5: term; worth
$ i0. Jas. C. Lan. room 411 Corbett
.jv THE Wear Sid-. .North Portland. 6
(trt tMn 21st and .2d
t reet. modern ft-roam ho;: fractional
;-t ; easy renting property; $5o0 cash, bal
ance like rent, price ...
.'.na-o e:land bldg . cor 5'h and Wash.
TVIT.I. riii.d FOR TOL
6-room modern hurcalow on lot with street
Hn: rwrt hrIHi and curb :n ar.1
Ti!d. for nainient 'f 4' cash and 2U j
.iri'v Hutterworth-S;erher.on Co..
R Itavette blue.. th and Wash. Main
...I mi K.fiinfir furnished new, modern
a w.m hmme. 'murovfd street, first
l,-,. stion walking distance. Jot 40x12.1
trn. two riK-mi rented for $l: will
unfurnished. 72 East Salmon.
APARTMENT houfe and 2 cottages near
flrand a e. and East Davis, pays 12 per
rent net on price: )i..Ht; see us it
-rfti-u 'ara. Parrlsh. Watkins A Co.. 200
Atder St
g'tn JTl resoHHDie in ui! mi"
lot "."x7. on Front street, with modern 5-
room bunc-'it'"
F. FUCHS. 2'J I H Morrison St.
MT TABOR 3 beautiful lots. 1 block from
rarhn'. --ould not be a more sightly loca
tion S300 canh. Henkle A Harrison. 511
t;erlinger bldg . 2d and Alier.
a HOME for The asking In choice residence
dlatri-t on the West Si-ie. Owner competed
to sell. Any terms go. CaU 410 Falling
n t j-t tonirO Irnated 150 feet from Kil-
lircwnrth tve; non-resMeot owner w lhes to
s!l at one , 4jO cash. Call 410 Failing
FOR SALE 7-roora cottage and fractional
lot 7'3 Everett, between lst and 22d
sts. For terms see owner. 318 Falling
bldg.. city.
HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city;
acreage close In and farms In Oregon and
Washington. Phone Main 44, Kinney A
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
NEW modern 7-room home, beautifully ar
ranged and fin shed: choicest location Ho
lad ay Park, near Broadway car, $5300.
V 347. Oregonlan.
jyO you want to buy a ppin1td ft-room modern
up-to-date home, la most desirable residence
nisiri-'t at a su rin. e 1 rue oniy ajiuu.
Terms- C. B. Lucas. 31 Corbett Didg.
Oregon City carltne. 2 H acres all In culti
vation. C. w. isiey owner, . u. Mil-
waukie. Phone oak Grove, red 12.
S1600 WILL get a new modern cottage, dose
to car: easy terms; mis is oeiter tnan
what you have even. Call 613 Chamber
f MODERN five-room
terms. 4it Mechanic at.
lawn car. Large lot.
cottage, easy
Take wood-
SEE tt; acre tracts we are wiling for $t
erh on easy term. M. E. Iee. rom 411
Corbett bid.
11 A 000 Whot Mock, close In. good for
stnbles or iaundr. Fuhr. Osborne Hotel.
East Side.
good well. etc.
;;'2. Oregonlan.
with new a-room house.
Write for particulars, D
i acres. 5 In prunes and r. in apples
miles from Vancouver, 1200. 612 Couch
ft ACRES for r''!"; h'rh and sightly; rhor-e
r-edence district; 0"U. can 41o Failing
bi ig.
FORCED to sell fine lot. PeDlnsula; plenty
fruit; convenient car and school. I' .i;5.
TW O good p!acer claims. Southern Oregon.
I' .. I. oregonlan.
Will sen :ximj on t. ith st . on easy
terms at lioo. inquire sju J-aillng bldg.
tHK.AP-fPP aa in Vernon, tf-room house
and 2 lors. fcat loth st. North.
BY OWNER At a bargain, choice corner B
i-tin ana lamniii. x Araer st.
Chicago. 5 Orlsana. Seattla.
aJtf Chamber of Commerce.
iULl.H' Hr.r UK. ML'KE OR LE?S
TI'iN R. F. D. NO. 1. BOX 2?,
Havw leveral patented timber claims, well
situated'i to e.U'Hi.iHHJ feet each.
at SI ooo per clIm. Western Investment
V.O-, ZA) 1 -ZrVl. Corbett bldg.
TIMBER location; will be here for a few
da a lor .nation Ktone ati.1 timber
hnertpad. ah or adUreee; rMm 23, t7
S15 MONTH rents IS acres of land. R acres
c ear. gtXHl 6-room house, on O. W. P
Ti R. near Lents. . J. Getaer, 221
WE are headiuariers fcr timber and lum-
rr en of a:i kinds. Kinney A
Stampher. 551-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Government location 327 Wcrceer b'.k.
WANTED Dairy farm. SO to 100 acres.
pai t must be river bottom, not over lO
per acre : some improvements preferred. Kearney at.
20 OR M'K3 acn
or ap;--Portliu.i
s Improved Hood River
orcnarit : pay cash and
2r Failing bMg.
FOR Willamette
Land Co.-nr.ny.
see Olmatej
HOMESTEAD rerir.quimen:, tributary
Portisr.i!. S2T Worcester block.
FARM fr rer.t: buddings ample; close in:
no failures need app:y. Inquire 170 Front
St.. Portland.
THREE homesTeada. good fruit land, near
Columbia River. Hoban. Allsfcy K.dg.
A-l APARTMENT SITE, quarter block, for
Veaae for term of years, cn :3th st., near
Taylor Address J 113. Oregon ian.
TIMBER lands wanted.
104 McKay bids.
C J. McCracken,
122 acres adjoining the town site of
Wocdville. Or., good house and barn,
house only 20 rods from the Southern Pa
cific station ; 82 a res of level bottom
land. 40 acres of timbered hillside; this
land lies along the bank of the Rogue
River; the soli la gray or black loam;
there Is no better land In the entire valley
for apples, pears, peaches or walnuts; the
hillside would be suitable for grapes and
tte timber will more than pay for. clear
ing; this ranch mu be sold by De
cember 15.; price $16,000 cash, or one
half cash and the ba:anre In 90 days.
Also 3i acres 7 miles southwest of
Grants Pass. Or.; 30 acres level bottom
land along the A p pi 'irate River; five acres
Is good hillside suitable for grapes; the
bottom la '"river-wash" soil, clear and
partially cultivated: 100 Inches of water
belong with this land; price $2500- Ad
dress Rev. William C Long. Grants Pass.
Oregon. .
1C-7-ACRB dairy farm. 0 mllea from Salem.
2m acres plow land, balance pasture ana
timber. 230 acres choice bottom land. 30
acres hops. 3u choice cows, 1 registered j
jersy duii. z gooa teams no. yuuns
stock; all farming and dairy machinery,
o-room house, l tenant house. 4 barns. 2
hop houses. 1 dairy house and other out
buildings; plate fenced and cross-fenced,
wator supply, good well, windmill ana
elevated tank, numeroua springs and
Willamette River, fruit for family use. K.
F D.. phone in house, all for $24,000. part
cash, rood terms on balance : will take
Income Portland omnerty for part pay
will divide farm to suit purchaser; bu
direct and save agent s coram lasion.
358. Oregonlan.
For sale or exchange for Portland prop
erty. 0 acres, about 30 acres under plow,
6-room house, large barn. 2 acres
orchard, runnlna water, all under fenc
about ll.'iOO to $lft"0 worth of standin,
timber, personal property, team of horses.
harness and wagon, hark. buggy, .t cow
12 hogs, about 5 rhickens. a) Implemen
and iro ina crops; price ;,; It is
miles southeast of Oregon City: would
exchange for Portland property, 20uo or
.iU0O in value.
1.13 v First St.
Tou pay $!o0 to $200 for choice fruit
land in Hood Klver ana southern ure
gon. We will sell you the choicest wal
nut land in the world for $15 to $30 per
acne. In a short time It will sell for
more than fruit land. Have been pickfn
up snaps for past z years; some 40,
160 and 400-acre farms; easy terms. 92
liuard of Trade.
FOR SALE Orwi of the best farms in Ore
icon, containing .tw acres, aooui an 01 11
bottom land: 50 acres under cultivation.
At ares in cedar and nr timber, balance
In a-ood ttasture with runninK water
houses and 2 barns on the dace wort
4A00. This valuable farm can be had
f 'r "0 an acre If bought soon. Fo
terms address lock box 44, Forest Grove,
160-ACKH farm, good farm house. 2 barns
,H( acres under cultivation; :w miiee irom
Portland. 2 miles from boat landing
railroad utation ; god orchari : ideal fruit
Innd; prle &li ir acre; fWO cash, long
time on balance. M. Lee, room 41
Corbett bldg.
40 ACRES near Vancouver, under fine state
of cultivation, 4 acres fine orchard, living
stream, new -room house, good outsid'
building, all farm and dairy tools. 4 cows,
team of horses and so forth; terms, $:tS50.
Spencer & Co., 102 2d St.
60-ACRH Geston milk ranch house, bam
stream, railway station one mtie, l4Mo;
including 120-acre walnut grove adjoin
ing; ." ears rent free. Walnut Grove
Co.. 2.'S Stark st. Phone Main 5338.
A lO-ACRE fruit and chicken ranch, 1 mile
from Forest Grove, on gooa county road,
with aood house and barn and lots
fruit, for S23O0. Address Burdette Ship
man. Forest Grove, or.
1000 ACRES near Portland, fruit or dairy
purposes, near railroad. $16 per acre; t0
acres. S5 per acre, cut-over land; 40 acres
s miles out. for platting, vzo per acre.
Hoban, Ansky Didg.
UNIMPROVED n-acre tracts near Mit-
waukle on main wagon road. 250 per
acre; easy term a Harlow Co., Mtlwaukie,
HERE is a snap: seeing Is believing; have
mviaea mv 4 acre rancn. near v
couver. Wasn., In 6 and 10-acre tracts
terms to suit. B J 95. Oregonlan.
160 ACRES at half value: 2,nno.0o0 feet good
timber, 10 acre tn cultivation, good barn.
f-mall house. Iami level; price 15"0. Call
room 23. 6 3d.
lwi ACRES, by owner; 7 miles from North
Yamhill; fair buildings; SO acres cleared
and fenced. 15 cultivated 602 Guild ave.
Phone "Main 1174.
AI'PLE and walnut land near college town,
Io acres unimproved, nice snrinxs. a 30 on
one-third cash. Box IS 1. Forest tjrove. Or.
And investigate our list of
farms In all parts of Oregon
and Washington. We will ex
change with you for your
home or other good city real
.Mi't-lO Buctianan Bid?..
2.-6 S Washington St.
I WILL EXCHANGE 100 acres of best land
in the valley for Portland residence or
buslneee property, or will divide It in 23
acre lots. This is less than one mile to
Monmouth and two miles of Independence
on the 6 P railroad, and county road on
two sides of it. Address Box 277. Mon
mouth. Or.
WANTED To exchange for acreage on car-
line, or city property, saooo, a 13-room
hoteL all furnished, with restaurant and
pool table, soft-drink bar. etc.. located
In Eastern Oregon live town, on railroad.
Making- 120O month. National Realty . A
Trust Co.. 326 Vs Wash, at., room 61 A
TO EXCHANGE: tsaOO equity, well Improved
residence property, near baiem state bourn,
for livestock or property around Portland;
also swell room lng-ho up for vacant or Im
proved property. Goldschmldt's Agency,
233 Washington.
WILL SELL or exchange for choice realty.
in good location, or tease ror term or
years, up-to-date apartment-house, with
all modern improvements. In center of
city. Correspondence soucuea. irincipats
only. T 250, Oregonlan.
SO-ACRE. well improved farm, well stocked.
close to Portland, everytnmg reaay to
us, isortn: not much cash necessary: will
accept Portland property aa part. Call
613 cnamoer commerce.
W ILL take good rooming-house as part
pavment on modern nome, ciose in, iasi
Mde, easy terms remainder. F 3t2, Ore
Ionian. WE have a fine family hotel In Kansas City,
Mo., earning SO per cent on investment, to
trade for god Income property in Port
land. Brong-Steele Co., 110 Second et.
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If yon want to
rvy, sen or traae Duiindw or property ioi
law the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor.
room 310 and 811 Buchanan bldg.
FOR SALE or trade for Portland property.
good business and dwelling in one oi tne
best Western cities. For Information call
at 140 E. 2Sth at. N. or phone East 120ft.
A, HOUSE and lot of 32 rooms, in Oakland,
gon. price $5000; my equity $3400. Box S2,
Beaverton. Or.
11. A NS to exchange for automobile, motor
bicycle or lot. For particulars aaaress v.
H. Schlippy. 207 V . 15th. ancouver.
HOOD RIVER acreage for sale cheap, will
take residence or lots for part- owner.
O 357. Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILE. 5 passengers, in good con
dition, to exchange for real estate. 390.
WILL exchange dividend-paying stock for
automobile or equity in real estate. 2.
SSO, Oregonlan.
WE have 2o-acre fruit farm to trade for
good income Portland property. Call to
day, Brong-Steele Co., 110 Second st.
WHAT have you to trade or exchanger W.
Lawrence Co, si Lumber n.xcnange
bldg.. 2d and Stark.
LOT on Mt. Scott carUne to exchanxe for
light work team. ir.'0. 4T Mildred ave.
WHAT have you to exchange for state light
In good patent? "27 Board of Trade.
W ILL take residence a:
1 part payment for
Ing. 243 Stark.
7 residence lots. al
EXCHANGE Good real estate for
and bonds. B 376. Oregonlan.
WILL trade for what you have. Qua Smith,
4& Buchanan Did.
7 OR 8-ROOM modern house, west of E.
20th. between Hawthorne and Everett or
near Steel brldpe. pay X4000 to $5000;
state location. F 359, Oregonlan.
WANTED Residence Iota everywhere; also
dwellings and Income properties to sup
pi v demand. Jackson & Deering, 24
W A N T from owner, good cloae-ln lot. must
be in good residence district; give loca
tion with lowest cash price. Address P
350. Oregonian.
WANT income business property with fu
ture: will pay up to $20,Ouo; West Side.
M 353. Oregonlan.
LIST your real estate and business chances
with Oregon Adjustment Co., 3"8 Ankeny.
Main 62b 1.
WE have party to buy a nice 8-room house
don t pnone. out can on rruiig-oird
CO., HO bCCODQ si.
EXCHANGE Driving team and buggy for
suburban lot. Vernon preferred; cash dif
ference. 290 Ivy etreet.
Horses, Vehicle and Harness.
ONE sorrel horse. IIOO. pvice 30; 1 bay
horse. HtK. orlce SIOO; 1 bay nurse. 1
nrlce S!5: one 2.0 team, price 0; one
iiao mule for S'JO: one set of single ex
nress harness. So; 1 new stock saddle,
price 117.50; new hand-made bakery
wagon, $100; one side-spring buggy. Just
out of paint shop, Horses fur hire.
12th and Flanders.
FOR SALE Prize-winner, handsomest five
galted. weight-carrying saddle horse
guaranteed to pass any veterinary ex
animation; absolutely gentle for lady o
f:ld gentleman. For further informa
tion apply to S. E. Kramer, agent. Port
land Hiding Club, or ;sortonia Hotel,
A sood selected" lot. of mares and horses
on hand a I ways ; new lots every 10 days
from Condon, or.
N. BHI NZEL. 322 17th st. North.
LiADV or gentleman's brown saddle hore,
years old : goes in harness. For further
particulars nitiy to Hughes Brae., 204 11th
St., near Jefferson.
FOR SALE T horses. 1400 to 1000 lbs. each
sound, good pullers; 3 dump wagons.
Phone Tabor 743. B 2355. 102S East
Alder at.
FOR SALE Hack and hack harness: near
ly new; will carry 1000 pounds; price $83
ir soia quicK. inquire or aa areas room
.00. oregonlan oiug-
AT Union Stock Yards, one carload horse
acme will make lirst-class drivers. If
you want horses, come on, as they must
be sold right away.
1125 BUYS 2300-lb. team of horses, good
pullers. U14S Omaha ave.. Arbor Lodge
fetation, tsi. jonn car.
WANTED Horses to board: rate 12.50 per
week; good care, good pasturage. Call or
write. A. P. J.angenberg, Clackamas. Or.
WANTED A nrst-class saddle horse; if
you naven 1 mat Kinu aon 1 ootner me. b.
C Knapp, 717 Corbett bldg.
WANT to hire small horse or pony to work
light clou Die ritf, must be true and gentle.
K ii.iU, oreoman. p
EXCHANGE Driving team and hameas for
lot. ernon. Richmond preferred; difference
cash. iiK) ivy street.
FINE surrey for sale cheap If taken at once.
inquire at oui 1 nut-man st.
LARGE horse, suitable for farm work.
W. Lum Co.
HORSES, mares, rle an sarness of
kinds for sale. l4 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Young team draft horse a
ply 508 Davis st.
HUBERT A HALL. 3 SO Front, buy. sell, rent
hordes, vehicles, low rates on buinss rigs.
and heavy -wagon for sale, reason-
must sell. O 354, Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILE1 7-pasnenger touring car. A-l
for renting purpose; will sell at a bargain
or trade for Inside property: will give or
take difference. Merrill, 7th and Oak,
OLDS runabout Automobile for sale for 1150
caeh; am leaving city; bargain. L 390, ore
gonlan. AUTOMOBILES 1150 and up for sale or
trade. Hartman. 4n 2d st
A BETTER piano for less than we are
selling cannot oe ootainea. ours is a
general music business so we are not de
pendent upon the profit or our piano de
partment. See the nice new piano we
aell for $200. Pay $0 a month. Pianos
for rent; used pianos. SS5 and up, at 111
4th st. Hallet A Davis Agency, second
oldest and best make in America.
GET our prices and save money on all klnda
Yea. wa sell to all.
Plumbing goods Installed If desired.
110 N. Sd st., near Glisan.
New films, new subjects for rent and right
prices. Moving picture machine for sale.
Information freely given about the busi
ness. We teach you to operate. Consult
us about the most profitable business of
the age. Laemmle Film Service, 41tf-424
Marquam bldg., Portland, Or.
$10 to 1100 made daily in the moving
picture theater business; experience un
necessary; easy work; short hours; a small
Investment will make you rich ; open
evenings; Information gratis. Newman
Moving-Picture Exchange, 213 Burnside st.
tures after your competitors. We guaran
tee no repeaters. We buy fourteen reels
of new association films every week.
Phone Main 7429. Edison Display Co ,
165 4th st.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender.
49 Third st.
WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. complete house
rurnisnera, new and secona-nann House
hold goods bought, sold and exchanged ;
for bargains call us up. Main 1108 or
A 1793. Cor. 20th and Washington sta.
FOR SALE One !"0 bed davenport, in
good order, reasonable ; or would traoa
towards cow or mare. R. E. Davis. 429
East Lincoln st.
TYPEWRITER for sale"; used only short
time; Dmitri 1'rtmier ro. : as gooa as
new; cheap for cash. Call Room 13 Mil
ner bldg.
HAVE a nice lot of 50 and 60-foot cedar
poles for sale; make me an offer. Kirk
Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Leghorn pullets
ana cockerels. i4Ui ti. iitarjc at. rnone
Tabor 62'.t.
BARGAIN Fairbanks-Morse gasoline en
gine with auto-sparker, 50OO-gallon red
wood tank. 211 East rMh st. k
BOWSER oil tanks, self-measuring, per
fectly new. can be bought very reason
able. 134 Front.
FOR old fertiliser delivered to any place.
call up Main 7442, between 6 and a even
ings. FOR SALE One 12 h. p. stationary gaso
line engine; bargain, ltauway equipment
Co., 74 1st st. Both phones.
BUTTER receipt will make 2 pounds
butter of l pound ana. pint ox mim.
HOW CASES, cash register, scales, coun
ter, candy jars and everything in store.
195 4th. cor. Taylor.
OLD violins bought and sold; expert re
pairing. L. Winters, 318 TUford bldg.,
lOth and Morrison.
FOR SALE Cheap, black-top tent, 24x43
feet, 10-foot s:ae wans. iau Aewman.
293 Burnside. phone Main 6453.
3 Silver "Conn" cornet, cheap, cash or
installments. Spaulding. Grocer, Wood
stock. Phone Sell wood 521.
FOR SALE Best cr7 -fL fir and oak wood
at lowest market pneea. noow. 31 water
st. Phone Main 7451.
SMALL printing plant for sale; great bar
gain. If at. oregonian.
FOR SALE Linoleum and range with coils.
Apply Monday. s-ast layior si.
HOUSEBOAT, cash or trade.
Merrill, 7th
and Oak, afternoons.
supplies, alldes. Dims ior rent. 1004 tn
BOY WANTED Would you like to know-
how lota of office boys, errand boys, mes
senger boys, all kinds or boys w 11
"steady Jobs" have doubled their wacs
Would you like to increase yours? It
easy enough, and without Interference
with vour nresent work, and the pay l!
good. James C. Havely, Jr., 715 East 11th
street; F- M. Troeh, Fourth ana Aiaa
streets. ancouver.
10 000 POSITION'S for e-mrtuates last year
men and women to learn baroer trada In
eight weeks; help to secure positions
rrariiialM m from XI & to 125 weekly
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
CHiaioguv. JHonier system 01 luucjoi,
ix. 4 in BLf rorttana, ur.
$10 to 1100 made daily In the moving
nictnr theater hunt net : experience tin
necessary; easy work; short hours; a small
investment will make you rich; open
evenings: information gratis. Newman
Moving-Picture Exchange. 93 Burnside st.
WANTED Experienced ax-handle men,
who thoroughly understand the busitiei
for lathe and bandsaw, patternmaker,
bolter, aanders and exDert finishers o(
handles. - Address Handle Factory. Dal la.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and nlcht classes,
do books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230
u bin at., an Fr&acleco.
Employment Olice Men's Department
2d North Second st.
Phones Main and A 1520,
Help Free to employera
WANTED Men to work in tunnels at
Siring Garden and Cbllcoot, California.
and on outaide railroad sradlnsr near
wuincy. iai. Apply ai cnncooi or
Spring Garden. The L'&h Construction
agents and temperance workers to sell
tins nooK on greatest conflict in history
even saloon men buy It; prospectus 1L
dook iL ix.-w. bales co., Portland
WANTED Man that can take charge of
telephone construction work to take half
interest with a man that has a good es
tablished contract work; 1500 required.
WANTED Combination clerical man and
stenographer; must be good at figures and
nie legioie nana. Apply in own hand
writing, stating salary expected. Good
cnance for promotion. F 29, Oregonlan.
GENERAL agent for Colorado and Idaho
can make l.000 per year; must invest
some money; exDerlence not reaulred
must have references. Call or write, 411
MAN that wants to Ret into business for
nimseir , salary guaranteed. ?100 and
commissions, besides earnings; permanent
buei news ; good for $;000 per year. Call
iorenoons. 1U0 swetland bldg.
WANTED Bright, honest, sober man with
small capital as partner to snow property
uuu iearn tne Dusmees. zzz bth at.
WANTED Live, neat appearing young men
who are not afraid to hustle; big money
for right parties; real estate salesmen or
tnte wishing to learn bueinesa preferred.
ij jo, oregonlan.
GOOD, lively young man who wishes to learn
real estate buslnt;i; Catholic preferred; big
money jur ngnt man. ::uti liothchud bldg
Afk for Mr. Ross.
HUSTLERS to take charge of business
chance department of rfliable real estate
nrm, paying large returns; part cash, bal
ance from business. Particulars 203 fe 4th.
RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, postoffice clerks,
carriers wanted ; $liut yearly; examina
tions here November IS: preparation free.
Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y.
GENTLEMEN of good address and A-l ref
erences to interest investors in the biggest
money-making. invention of years, bee in
vetitor. lo27 Board of Trade bidg.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tica: easy terms; positions secured; money
earned wnue tearing, w atenmaking, en
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
railway mail clerk examination; good
salary and promotions. Facifio States
Schools, McKay bldg.
WANTED Men experienced in selling books
or insurance to handle a new proposition
having special features. Call 9 to 10, 148
nm st.; take elevator; ask ior mt. wnite.
WANTED Young man to learn the hot
house business, l. fc;. Kice, 121 u Ells
worth st.. Richmond.
THE Leisure Hour Psychic Club meets 7:4S
tonight. 1)2 2d St.; occult and theosophlo
students eiiprmie.
GROCERY salesman, high grade, young
married man for country. ommerclai
Abstract Co., Commercial Club bldg.
STUDY LAW Two years course with de
gree: enter now. Portland Law School,
030 Worcester block.
MAX to clean windows In new house: call
lo A. M. today. Heinz Apartment Houee,
14th and Columbia sts1.
WANTED A good solicitor. by business
college; gooa reia; uoerai commission, a
281. Oregonlan.
DRY GOODS, clothing furnishing goods
raJesmen, bookkeepers, stenographers, f.
A. & C. Co.. 323 Wash. st.
WANTED Energetic, high-grade salesman;
a special opportunity to a live man. rs 35s,
For Men 250 Burnside Streeu
Phone Main 56M.
12 North 2d st. Both phones.
RELIAFLE place to borrow money on dia
monds, watches ana jeweiry; strictly con
fidential. 103 lat at.
THREE good solicitors, good money, easy
work. Angelua Cleaning &. oye works.
2H2 3d at.
COMPETENT bricklayer, Welnath and
Broadway, or phone Main zaid, arter 1
P. M-
A. B. 0 Eyi rLU i M. r ou.,
226 H Morrison. M. 3022. We are white.
HUSTLER who can place a high-grade
pTock of unusual merit. Call or address
22 Falling Bldg.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins
Depot. Loratl, 143 4tn. Alain oouo.
STEADY young man as partner; very small
capital reaulred. Inquire .lT balmon at.
WANTED This- morning, good man at E.
23d and Tibbetts sta.
The Eagle Bath and Shaving Parlors; shav
ing 10c. Ed Dennlson, prop., 64 sixth st.
SIDE LINE on liberal -commission, city and
country, good sellers. Apply 2J1 Oak st.
GOOD reliable harness cutter wanted imme
diately. John Clark fcaddlery Co.
BARBER wanted Saturday at 864 E. Burn
A MAN to dig a well, by day or contract.
at once, m soi. oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook wanted at once.
Columbia st.
WA NT experienced man to wash dishes
and help in kitchen. O 350, Oregonian.
WANTED-t-A good solicitor. Room 89
Hamilton bldg.
Ladles Department. 205 Morrison
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 608 Roth
child bidg., 4th and Washington.
BXPERIENCED stenographer, give age, ex
perience, reference. M 359, Oregonian.
A COMPETENT cook for
work. Phone Main 4152.
general house-
GIRL for general housework; small family.
824 Water at. Phone A 323o, Main 6206.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
257 North 22d, corner Northrup.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. 714 EVerett st. References.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages. 351 32d st.. Willamette Helghta
WANTED Girl for general housework;- fam
ily of three. Apply 304 Salmon st.
GIRL to assist with cooking and general
housework; 3 In family. 471 Main st.
TWO very good, plain sewingr grirls.
Gurney. 407 Mohawk bldg.
DOMESTIC Middle-aged
room. Phone C 1259.
4 COOKS, 1 private boarding; -ho use S30 to $40
2 second girls
11 general housework $20 to o0
3 housekeepers, country $ 15
Other good orders coming In daily.
209 H 4th St. Main 2039. A 2824.
MARRIED ladr without children or dogs
can have three furnisnea nouseneepiu
. rooms for caring for rooming-house. Ap-
c!v 364 20th st.. North. 16th-st. cars on
Washlneton to 26th. turn south half
Thoroughly exoerienced and reliable In
knit underwear, children's wear, art
needlework, etc.. etc.
84316 Waeb. St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2682.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED A good housekeeper for a small
family, new house; aauirs. awe.y aa
times; a good home to deserving party
1033 Hawthorne ave. pnone xaoor auo
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and state; good money. Call
room 308 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and
Washington at-
WANTED Threo first-class waitresses for
Aherdeen. Washlncton. ADPly Bungalow
Oyster House. 12th and Morrison. Call
from 9 to 11-
WANTED Man with team and wagon to
take load furniture 40 miles in country.
R E- Davis, 420 East Lincoln.
COMPETENT cook for general housework
small family ; good wages. Call 348 Vs
10th st. after 10 A. M.
SIX trustworthy ladles to travel, $ti0 per
month and expenses; city work,L$2.50 per
day. 512 imperial Hotel. Hours 9 to 6.
243 V ashingtcn sr.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main '9l'.
32072 Washington st., room 307.
Main SS36 or A 3200.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
pay; instruction tree, tan oz v asning
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework; small family. Phone
A 2SH2.
YOUNG LADY wanted at once to learn bar
ber's trade; good wages; steady work.
6S 4th st.
GIRL for second work and to assist In car
ing for baby; references required. Call
34ti4 10th st.
WANTED- Girl for general housework: must
be a good plain cook. Apply morning at
1092 Thurman.
WANTED Lady canvassers, house to housa,
good thing. Call 2S9 First St., Portland,
or. ,
WANTED First-class singer for motion-
nicture theater, big- salary; a:ao proies-
nionnl nnH Amateur actors and SinserS.
Call at Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 2t3
DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL for bookkeeping.
shorthand, arithmetic, English, any branch.
Business University, 62 Worce3ter block.
Phone Main 4504.
DEVELOPING and printing for amateurs.
Write for prices. The Pictura tstuaio.
East Everett and 27 th.
EXPERIENCED busheling- tailor wanted for
second-hend work. 207 Everett st., bet.
3d and 4 th.
FTFK Teachers' Agency. now.
2j2 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410.
Hookkevpera and Clerks.
POSITION" in clothing store, city; salary to
start no object; beet city ana country
references. Address E 3j6, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED young office man or assist
ant bookkeeper; reierences. i 30 z. ore
YOUNG man desires position aa stenograph
er or assistant bookkeeper; . expenencea.
P 351, Oregonlan.
BY young man as clerk In of flip; 5 years'
experience. A-l reierences. xi do, ora-
TOUNO man, Yale graduate, wants position
with nigh-class nrm wnere auvancemeiiL
will come consistent with ability and en
ergv; combination of inside and outside
work preferred. S 350, Oregonlan.
POSITION tv traveling salesman, success
fully covered Northwest grocery iraae ior
3 years with special line; gooa reierences.
O 35!3, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man on trip over Oregon and Cali
fornia wishes to do aOfveriiing or iiko
work to help pay expenses. M 352, Ore
gonlan. W ANTED Position as lumber salesman or
timhor cruiser; have the experience; rei
erences; wages no object to atart. C 3S3,
A PLANING bill foreman would like to have
a situation; would accept piace aa eucKer
man In large plant. Address J. B. Duncan,
12'8 Macadam at.
WANTE3D Position by all-round sawmill man.
as foreman or miuwrignt; reference. ooj,
FIRST-CLASS flier wishes position as flier
in camp; nrst-class -work or no pay. o.
Clough. S3V Ut st.
JAPANESE, excellent waiter, wishes posi
tion in city, c s. Agucni, ti otn
bL, city.
BY young man experienced In hardware
business, good mechanic, pest reierences.
Address P 359, Oregonlan.
AN experienced carpenter, builder ana
draughtsman would accept jod 01 insiae
finishing. F 35fi. Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending business college
wants place to work for room ana Doara.
AD 229. Oregonian.
POSITION By young- man familiar with
civil engineering-; tnree years' experience
in field work. Address 203 East 27th at.
WANTED A position by married man as
chauffeur; sober, expenencea; reierences,
O S52. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position as schoolboy or
any kind, few hours work. O 356, Ore
gonlan. RESTAURANT man of 14 years' , experience
wants situation; competent In kitihen or
dining-room. Phone L. W-. Main 46t7.
WANTED Position at fireman or night
watchman; have third-c3ass engineer's li
cense for Montana. L 300, Oregonlan.
FURNITURE and crockery packed for ship
ping by experienced man. Pnone East
A JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
housework; wages, $15 per month. D 301,
RELIABLE chauffeur wants position. Call
or write C. Richards, 1091 L Morrison st.
JAPANESE boy wishes position ss schoolboy.
L 352, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position to work in
morning or night. AB 350. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE employment office. 249 Couch
st. Main 6321. A 4358.
FIRST-CLASS meat and pastry cook (chef)
wants position. P 352. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cake baker and pastry cook,
wants position. Address K 351, Oregonian.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency.
310 Davis st. Main 8309. A 2997.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG LADY (Swiss) Just arrived from
the East, speaking German and English,
wants position as bookkeeper or cashier.
Address F. Fuhrer, 584 7th St., city.
WANTED By public stenographer, desk
room and use of typewriter In exchange
for services. A 2309. Main 6778.
LADY bookkeeper, thoroughly experienced,
would prefer grocery business; references.
Address R 352, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires position assistant book
keeper, cashier or clerk In store. R 353.
YOUNG lady stenographer desires position;
references. Phone Woodlawn 2122 bet.
10 and 11 A. M-
STENOGRAPHER wants position Immedi
ately. M . 358. Oregronian.
TOUNO lady wishes position as stenog
rapher. Phone East B6S2.
Bookkeepers and 8tenoarapberm.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer will work for
135 per month If allowed to take in some
outaide work at times. P 85S, Oregonlan.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone Business University, Main
45 4. Tested and certified.
BILK drop skirts made with accordion
plaited flounce. 11.50 to f-'.OO; waists
made for 75 cents and up- East 4613, C
1463- 275 McMillan at.
THE famous K el Bier's Ladles Tailoring
College Ladies, save dressmakers' bills,
make your own gowns here. We teach
Keillor's drafting system. 806 Stearns big.
DRESSMAKING neatly done; prices reason
able, work guaranteed, at 946 Tibbetts st.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices
Mrs- Angeles. 242 Stb and Main.
YOUNG lady wants position; family two; no
washing; light homework. Phone Main
JAPANESE, nice girl, wants housework
in family. O 353, Oregonian.
WIDOW, one child, wants position as house
keeper or managing roommg-nouse. zuyi
4th st. Main ujw. a s4.
EXPERIENCED woman desires position as
housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house. B
3S8. Oregonlan.
NURSE, well experienced, will take charge
invalid, sick; can leave city or travel.
Main 3S5.
PRACTICAL nurse, extensive
with elderly invalid. best
Phone Main 3202.
as nurse girl.
-Young girl wishes position
Phone Main 4-iO or Ai:iJ-
WANTED Work by trustworthy woman;
references. Home phone 3 1S32, or ad
dress P 337. Oregonian.
CURTAINS carefully laundered at home 40o
pair; satisfaction guaranteed; wll call
for. Phone Sell wood 134.
YOUNG Norwejrian girl wants day work,
laundry or cleaning, good worker. R 850,
TAILORS' buttonholes and pockets of superior
workmanship made In men's or ladles' coats.
Phone A 1303.
THE St. Louis Ladles Employment Agency
has several good girls for good positions.
209 hi 4th St. Main 2039, A 2H24.
A LADY retoucher and general all around
photographer. A No. 1 references. B
876. Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40o
pair; blankets specialty. Main 6598, A
POSITION wanted as companion or house
keeper for one person. M 355, Oregonian.
AGENTS wanted for good proposition. Call
after 9 A. M.. 2(9 Jefferson. Calvett.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords -will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms "im-
meaiatejy near car, net. H.onauay aw.
and Ockley Green station, by adults; rent
not over $12. Address Mrs. J. Colquitt,
1212 Moore at.
HAVE you a house to rent? Place it on
our list. Hartman A Thompson. Cham
ber of Commerce.
DUCK-SHOOTING privilege within moder
ate distance of town. Apply W. J. B., P.
O. Box 759-
YOUNG professional man wants room,
351, vate family preferred; moderate. M
Oregonlan. "
THREE or four furnished or unfurnished
rooms in East Portland. Address O 301,
TWO young men wish board and room with
private family; state prices. L 353, Ore
gonlan. MAN and wife, room and board; mocern con
veniences; private family; lull particulars.
L 351, Oregonlan.
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping west of 10th. J. W. Ta
per, Franklin Hotel, city.
ROOM or room and board, with Scandinavian
family, by gentleman, near business center.
M 356, Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house, 5 or 6 rooms.
close in. West Side. P. O. box 301.
And anything eise you have to sell.
Main 6655. A 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 Sd st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED Two parties to take interest in
duck-shooting reserve on one or tne best
lakes. F 361. Oregonlan.
WANTED to buy 2000 feet 4 or 6-inch sec
ond-handed wrought iron pipe. . Address
308 Davis st.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 088. B 311.
CLOTHING Phone M. 1S51 83 N. Sd.
Highest prioe paid : prompt attention.
Booms Private Family.
FOR RENT One large upstairs front bed
room near bath, furnace heat, iss w est
FURNISHED ROOMS One fine front room
and two single rooms. 32o 7th.
Funiiished Rooms.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington-
Modern rooms, single ana en suite; ajso
housekeeping; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
FOR RENT One furnished front bedroom.
walking distance, $l.i0 per week. 4ol
,6th St.
SIDE or bay-window room for two, facing
east; modern conveniences. J4u; btn.
Main 7424.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths Iree. 32t
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
ROOM or suite, with private family; no
other roomers; all conveniences; waik
lng distance. Main 9002.
ELEGANT furnished rooms, all modern
conveniences; swell residence jnod iilii
district. Owner, 69 N. 21st.
194 LOW N S DALE ST. Corner Taylor, nice
front room, central location, ail modern
FOR RENT One large upstafrs front bed
room near bath, furnace heat. 18S West
825 H 13TH Elegantly furnished front
room, well heated, with bath; will board.
Phona M- 6634.
NEWLY furnished rooms, corner house, fur
nace, gas and bath, running water, 5 min
utes" walk from P. O. 295 10th.
FURNISHED rooms and furnished light
housekeeping rooms. 253 6th st., corner
FRONT room, nicely furnished for gentle
men, la walking distance. 509 Morrison.
NICELY furnished front rooms for two; pri
vate family; furnace heat. 129 14th st.
THE RANDOLPH, Sd and Columbia rooms;
heat, bath; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
Hotel Royal, 10S 4th, steam h'.ated rooms,
11.50 to $5 per week, 50c to 11 per night.
THE DORMER, 283 13th Beautiful rooma,
steam heat, hot water, rates reasonable.
NICBLY furnished rooms, with fumaco heat.
262 12th st.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; 12 to $5
wit. ; also transient rooms. 343H Morrison.
ROOM, hot and cold water, walking dis
tance, $7. 269 Montgomery at.
NICELY furnished rooms in good location;
heat in every room. 122 12th st.
Furnished Rooms.
PRIVATE family has large room furnished
nicely and entirely new; gas and electrlo
lights; adjoins bath, hot and cold water
all time, phone and ail modern convenience-
rut ni )i rni-imAra- would lat this
room to desirable man or to two young
ladies who are employed; A minutes tv
P. O. 203 13th at. Phone Main 6097.
aaa ioth 6T.
Newly furnished rooms; furnac heat,
hot and cold water In rooms; plenty of
hot water all the time: free phone ami
bath; popular prioes; very homelike and
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder Under
new management ; newly renovated
throughout; 70 outside rooms steam heat,
electric lights, etc. Rooms 13 week UP!
suites with running water. 122-50 lo $30;
elegant parlor, with piano In connection.
Phones and bath free.
Cor. 10th and Washington Btn.
Elegantly furnished rooms, single or
eh suite; steam heat, hot and cold water
In all rooms; private baths; special rates
to permanent people. Rooms by the day.
week or month.
Nicely furnished rooms. $2 per week tip;
stPRm heat, hot and cold water, free baths
and phone; transients Buc, 5o and fl per
day: open all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 438-4.2 Washington st.
THE WESTMINSTER. 6tn and Madison sts .
has a few bachelor rooms ready for oc
cupancy; these rooms are the handsomest
furnished in the city and have every mod
ern convenience; terms moderate; ran?
begins Oct. 1st.
GAYOSA HOTEL, 392 East Stark. cor.
Grand ave.; modern, new, elevator, J-
heat; hot, cold water, private baths; $2.50
per week up; a few select housekeeping
suites, furnWhed; gas stoves. Phone East
THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Ho
tel. 330 Yamhill; new management; an
ideal plate to make your Winter quarters;
new fireproof building, with modern con
veniences, in heart of city; special rates to
permanent guests. A. H. Pracht. prop
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout:
;.evv buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room, phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
First and Morrison; steam heat, electrfa
lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3
per week up; transients solicited. Phones
A 440S. Main 4861.
THE GOO UNO UGH, cor. 5th and Yamhl'.l,
opp. P. 0. ; rooms by day, week or month;
levator servioe, steam heat, etc.; singles
and suites; 3 weekly up. Mrs. Allison
& Snyuar.
BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, en suite, in
steam-heated apartment: every modern
convenience; electric lights, central, cheap
rent. Phone A 4970.
THE AUDITORIUM, 20S 3d St.. horns
comforts, steam heat, free baths, water in
rooms, permanent or transient, $3-50 up
FURNISHED rooms In private family;
steam heat and uao of bath and phone;
references. 500 Glisan st. Phone Main
FURNISHED rooms; carllne, close In. 3
nilnute service ; furnace heat, elect ria
lights, 'jath and phone; good location!
board If desired. B 2140.
NICELY furnished choice outside (roorrLSj,
modern noune. well heated; plenty hot
water, private family, central; $10; gei
'tlemen. 86 North 15th.
Washington and l"Vh. nrst-class furnished
rooms, sint'le or en suite; all modern oso
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. Main 6t7.
1S1 FIRST ST.. cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nulshed rooms; reasonable; bath, both
phones, permanent or transient.
LARGE front room, with board, suitable
fir two; private family. 530 Davis, near
16th-st. carline.
VERY desirable room with light, heat and
bath, use of phone, 17. 327 7th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED rooms, single and en suite,
housekeeping or sleeping, cheap. 809 S4t
1st st.
Rooms with Board.
Board and room only $30 per month.
Investigation will bo a mutual advantage.
The Vallamont, West Park and YamhUL
WHEN in Portland stay at the Hill Hotel,
cor. 23d and Washington; under new man
agoment; an elegant family and transient
hotel; beautifully situated, near the City
Park; every modern improvement; excel
lent table; rates reasonable.
LARGE, light, well furnished front room,
ground floor, for 2 people; furnace heat,
bath, gas and phone free; walking dis
tance; good board ; neat and clean; $tl
per week. 86 North 14l1i St.- Phone Main
BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of ths
nicest private boarding-houses in city ;
larse, airy rooms, running water, beauti
ful grounds, finely located for touruts.
transients and permanent guests. A 5345.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch.
100m and board. $25 per month, large
grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables;
large parlor with piano all free; . easy;
walking distance.
SUITE of two nloely furnished rooms, with
nrst-class board; suitable for 3 young;
men ; all conveniences; J 5. 50 per week.
Aster House, 7th and Madison.
MRS. A. SIMON has suites and single
rooms with board, suitable for couples or"
gent tamen ; modern conveniences. 46 N
lst St., near Washington.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20 th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Eiila Raw
lings, Supt.. 610 Flanders St.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, first floor,
with first-class home cooking; model
home; easy walking distance. Main S860.
107 North 22d.
ROOMS with board In a new private home;
suitable for 1, 2 or 3 young men; very
reasonable rent. Address 582 East 6th or
Phone Selluood 133.
LARGE, front rooms, suitable for two, heat,
bath, good board, private family ; walk
ing distance; rates reasonable. 454 Mont
gomery st.
NEWLY furnished front room, walking dis
tance suitable for two. with board, pri
vate family, home cooking, reasonable.
423 E. Davis fiT
TWO furnished front rooms, 1 small, 1
large, all modern conveniences, breakfast
if desired. 2ul 16th, cor. Taylor; walking"
BOARD and 100m. large front room for 2.
$l'4 month; table board, 14 per week. 328
Clay. Phone Main 5963.
LARGE, sunnv roorp for 2. also single room,
home cooking. 135 N. 22 d st., corner of
Hoyt. Phone Main 6S66.
PLEASANT sunny room with board, modern,
walking distance; use of lath and phone.
410 2nd.
LARGE newly furnished front room with
board; home cooking; walking distance;
suitable for one or two people. 455 6th st.
THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morrison.
A home hotel; large rooms, good board, lovr
NICELY furnished rooms and board, front
room, steam heat, reasonable. 653 Wash
ington st.
FRONT suite and single rooms: hot and cold
watur, stam heat. Phone Main 2118 or
call 147 13th.
FRONT room, with board, suitable for 1:
on single; walking distance; terms rea
sonable. 41 Ella st.. near Washington.
THE) MORRISON. 533 Morrison St., family
hotel, modern,, new management, board
optional; best table board; prlcs moderate.
THE MARLY N, Washington and 17th. well
furnished rooms. hot and cold water
home cooking, permanent or transient.
FURNISHED room, with board. Ths Oaark.
226 11th st. '
THE MANITOU, 261 13th.
rooms. Rates reasonable.
Large, airy
UP-TO-DATE rooms and board in family;
$20. 651 -,2 Union ave.
BOARD and room, modern house, reason
able. Phone East 722. 89 East 8th North.
ONE large, sunny room for 2; also single room,
with board. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
NICE front room on ground floor, with,
board, meal tickets $4.50. at 284 Main st.
12th and Columbia
apartment for
"The Bralntree."
THE ELMS Furnish'ed 2 and -room apart
ments; heat; phones, bath. 191 14th sL