Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 29, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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New rt ve-room f . at.
Steam heat anu hot water In
Fine lot-ntion.
A' t $40 nr-.nrh.
315-17 Swetiar.d bidg.
FOR RENT 2 rooms, suitable for house
keeping, f urnished or unfurnished, up
stairs; also tt-roorn flat, unfurni-hed. with
t-ath. downiiairti. 047 4th st.
MODERN flats. !ti elzea, for rent. East and
West Eidea. " Pvrriaci Trurt iv,m;r.y of
Oregon. S. E. csr.3d and Oak. Phaa
Et'T.Ane 72.
FOR RE N'T Flat. 4 rooms and sleeping
porch; modern; walking distance E. Side;
reduced f. m lu $20. D. G- Wood-
wrd. 104 2d st.
FOR RENT Nice ne
pr Cau rent $25.
or phone C
r rrlm
Ca:i 25
6-mom up-
UPPER FLAT, furnished, two. three or four
rooms; bath. gas. phone. 26 .North lllh
St., blocks from Washington. Hours
11 A. M. till 2 P- M. Phone Main 0-3.
NEW. m"d'rn .-rnnm ipprr na:s. corner
CnlMl ave ar.d Srhuy.'T. J'i' completed.
$-.V to small family. WaktScld. Fries
Co.. 22ft .Stark.
FOR RENT Lower fiat, with all modern
Improvements, on 6'0 at.. near Jackson;
7 minutes' walk from Postoffic. Apply
404 5th at. Harrison it
NEW 6 roomi. hot water, bath and steam
heated; walking distance. The Newcas
tle, 3d and Harrison.
l-ROOM fiats, Overton, near 2".d St., mod
ern, every room sunny, porches, juxci.
r aoice neighborhood.
TWO strictly modern 3 -room new flats,
magnificent view; large porches. lawns,
etc.; $25. Key next door. 427 14th St.
NEWLY fumuwied 4-rtK,m heated apartment,
beautiful Be ghborhood. lO minutes to post
office; to rehned people. Inquire S6T 10th.
-ROOM modern flat, one block from West
Side High School. Apply 175 loth; no
6-ROOM modem flat; furnace, cooking- ran,
fine- view; $30 Jr nv.ntn. Western Ore
ton Trust C k. 14 Chamber of Commm
MODERN and 7-room upper flats. 5th and
Grant ; reasonable rent to good tenant.
WakeflpJd. Fries A Co. 22 Stark St.
65ft TAYLOR Lower comer flst. oak floors.
as and clcctr.c lights; rent $0. Key
Graves Music Store. Ill 4ih st.
LOWER flv rooms, strictly modern; yard,
porch. 6J-3 Everett, near 21st- Sheeny
Bros. Main 3072.
NEW FLATS of rooms and bath. 731 to
733 Hoyt at. Apply Harris Trunk. Co..
6th at.
FOR RENT 8 -room flat, all modern con
venience. Inquire at Mrs. R. Stott. 268
T1 IIOYT ST . modern 6-room lower flat;
furnace and fireplace. D- Woodward, 104
room upper flat; furnace and fireplace,
"'m Ho) t st U- Woodward, 104 2d.
4V ROOM modem
Market. I'
flat. Inquire Seviila,
Main 51V-
NET 6-room. modern flat, all conveniences,
IIS month. Apply 3.1a Cook ave.
furnished fla;
lit.'. 13th.
all modern
Housekeeping Room.
THE ONEONTA. 17 17th St.. near TnmhUL
thoroughly furnished, gas range, hot and
ccld water In each apartment, both tele
phones and baths free; term reasonable;
Ho chlldreav
Waahlnx-oo. cor. 2o;h Nl-ely furnishea
housekepina: rooms; gas hot watr.
free bath. free phono, b.t'h floora; alee
suit" from $'2 up.
FURNISH EI housekeertnc sttite of rooms
with u of both ph-n's and piano; very
reasonable to a 1m Us without children,
dogs and cats. Market st
$2ft Beautiful new;r furr.lehe! housekeeping
apartment, lnclud :nif fuel, light, hit. hot.
rod aster; dj cni.drtn. both phones. 351
rh st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms $12 per
mo., with gas. X1S Ti.lamook st , near
l"it ton ae.
154 SALMON One very desirable room fur
nished for light housekeeping; gas plate;
no children.
461 EAST MORRISON ST. Completely
furnished housekeeping rooms, modern,
reasonable. Alder trtt entrance.
BEAUTIFULLY located bay-wmtfow. unfur
nished 2-rojm iu'I In centrally located
apartment-bolide. 3' 5'i J-(Teron. cor. 5th.
NO RENT Three unfurnished housekeeping
rooms in return for -arctker's duties; no
children; references, inquire 714 Everett.
4-ROOM apartment, n'.c-iy furnished; steam
heat. prU ate bath, botn phones. 473 Sal
mon, near Hth.
THE 8AM IEKT. Washington and Trinity,
bet. 19t h and 0tn ; ntwly furnished
Housekeeping suites, privme bath.
FRONT rooms, single oi
housekeeping. ma. king
phone. 61 I1 GUsan st.
en suite, light
distance. batn.
51 SALMON 1 dslrabii
for light housekeeping;
large furnished room.
room, furnished
gas plftte; also
y ICE. new. I -room, housekeeping suite,
steam heat, electric lights, etc. The Bar
ton. 4ii Alder.
"Wayne wood " 105 n. lth. small
I -room housekeeping suites, furnace heat,
good neigh bo rho'd.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, parlor
flnor. suitable for Z ladies, gaa 72 Mont-
gonrvery St.
CONNECTING parlor. furnished house
keeping, inchirtint- piano; adults only; $20
month; ground foor. 2i2 K'lh.
lWO weK-fum-shed tousekeepng rooms; fur
ra heat. bath, ga and phone; also single
ro-m. 6t7 Everett ml.
$ I 60 WEEK
1S4 Shermaa.
up. lartre. clean furn'shej
r-K'ms ; ;i.t r'. nr. laundry, bath.
Suth Portland.
SINGLE housekeeping room, nicely fur
nihel. re.sonab!; suitable for lady; gas,
phone 415 Montgomery st.
HOl'SEKEFPlXa rooms, furnished com
plete. 14J 13th sV, let Alder and Morris-?
lPt''lAM-Y desirable bay-window rooms;
1 ar g. i ! c h t . a I ry. good loca 1 1 on ; bo t h
phones. M 'tris.-)!!.
F 1 R RENT Two nicely furnished h oise
lie-ping rn.s. go-l location, l'hne Main
3V-eS. 2c 12:h.
4T ALDER ST.. convenient to bnsinesw,
furnished fc ousekeer".n,c suite; bath.
Phone, gas; also single room.
1A ROE front un f u rn 1 e h ed rrom. use
ts:h. kitchen; heated. M 7ti-. Sd
THE MILNEK, 3:.n Morrison, cor. Park.
hou5eke-T - n. j apartments. all convert
lenc-is. bct Ioca;ion. sicam hfat.
TWO well -fi missed housekeeping rooms,
eertrlc llchts. a-as. t.rr.c heat 5o0
Johnson st.. between 14th and 15th.
FN' 'NT suite of furr IslieJ room. $15 per : laundry and bath. ti?S Grand
ae. North.
LAH'IE. sunnv. outsjde rooms, furnl-hed
t.-:n; f r housekeeping. J.IL, E. Mor-
FLi'AANT nilte furnished complete mM-
.n -onv"T,'fn.e. kitchen i' dt-Mied. tne
second of N .xemSer. 4 JO Jefferscn.
THREE lare nnt
:.. water. l.iTif ;
ci. -?ls. '20
TWO furnished bonp-k-eptng rooms; no
children isi 14th si . o-r. Taylor.
rmt. M East
usekrepirrg rooms
st . cor Stark.
4-7 TAYLOR, n
uite for l:r
reat. modern.
r 14-:i. vry pleasant front
h--uekrei na . furnace
on u.etire.
ONE front pa-' r
t":i vnlrs after
r !' housekeepng.
7. 1 75 14th.
KOOM suitable for working girl. $ 10 per
mortn; modern reMder.ce. ;,2s Morrison st.
FOR RENT J ur f'.irntsved rooms, c'ose !
i block from City Hall. 307 Jcnion.
t NICELY furnished
2! JefT-rso:i. betmeei
h-.-tikeep :r. e rooms.
i 4th and .Vh.
XARGK. Micht houekeep'rtr suites and sin
gle rooms. $2. 5 "'s Aldr st.
$fOR RENT -romed house. 771
Apply 462 Johnson St.; rent $40.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOMB
BUT AT NO-RENT price; the sav
in r will exceed cost of moving.
rury cne-ha!f: collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phoi.s Eaat 2929.
ONE of Dr. Rand's apartment houses, all
modern. 9 rooms, two large perches, large
reception hall effect with fireplace. "West
End" district Irving St., n-ar 24th; eras
stove, linoleum, etc., for sale. Tinting to
suit tenant. Main 356.
ft-room cottage with furnace ai
p!ace: modem bathroom ; $35.
Chamber of Commerce.
A PESIRABIE new 6-room house In South
west Portland, good view, furnace, 2 fire
place?!, gas. electric light, f r $27 CO. 511
Worcester bldg or Main S401.
MODERN house, - furnace. two fireplaces.
eiectncitv. gas. porcelain bath, 82 East
12th. near Stark. $:;250. Appiy Room tOI.
Dekum bldtf.
FOR R ENT 7-room house on West Side,
rlose in on Momgomerv st., $27.50. Henkle
Harrison. 511 Gerlinger bldg., id and
10 McFarland' new bungalow. Myrtle Park;
X lots, electricity, bath. Mount Scott cars.
Wells, agont. Stewart Station.
DESIRABLE cottage,
on Brooklyn car line,
ton bldg.
wlth Kood around.
Inquire 115 Ablug-
7-BOOM house, bath, gas and furnace, in
first-class condition. 3'H Rosa st.; rent $20
Parrlsh. Watkins Co., 2t50 Alder st.
6-ROOM modern cottaa-e, electricity, a-aa,
bath, fireplace. s;ood neighborhood; near
beat carl In. Phone mornings, Main 3534.
FOR RENT One large upstairs front bed
room near bath, furnace heat. 188 Weat
4VROOM bouse. SO minutes' ride from busi
n9f cervter; 99 per month. Western Oregon
Trust Co.. 14 Chamber of Commerce.
6-ROOM house for rent. $18; also 6-room
house for $12; Eaat Side. Apply 40 Eaat
12th st. North.
NEW. modern. 7 rooms, furnaq. walking
distance. 381 Rosa, near Broadway.
Phone K. 4697.
MODERN (-room cottaa-e, 11 East 11th at.
North; rent $ls. Phone East 5141.
NEW house of 6 rooms and bath, E lth
near Everett. Appiy Harris Trunk Co.,
132 6th at.
6-ROOM cottage for rent. $16 per month.
Inquire 1255 East Clay at.
COTTAGE. 7 room, porcelain bath. gaa.
2Srt Williams ave. Apply 301 Dekum bldg.
8 ROOMS, modern: good bath, fireplace, fur
nace, lawn, rosea; car 1 block. Main 8496.
9-ROOM modern house. 553 Johnaon st., cor.
17th. Phones E 524, B 1845.
FOR RENT Mldern 6-room house. 627
Wasco st. Puone Jiat te.
NEW 5 -room cottage.
8th St.; $17.
bath, etc 601 Eaat
NEW. modern. 6-room cottaa-e. close to
car. $15. Call 13 Chamber Commerce.
Furnished IIoos
NEW and completely furnished, strictly
modern. B-rooin house in desirable resi
dent neighborhood, to rent ; very rea
sonable to reliable party. Call room 50ft
Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and wasnington.
N KWLY furnished 4-room heated apart
ment. beautiful neighborhood, 10 minutes
to postort ire ; to refined people. inquire
307 10th.
ELEGANTLY furnished modem flat; large
rooms, spiencld light; no children; give
references. 547's South 6th st. A 5031.
Main 671)5.
FT" R NIMH ED house. S rooms. West Side.
fine view and neighborhood; reasonable
rent. 20 Mulkoy bldg.
FURNISHED 6-room cottage. West Side;
w a iking d iMance. Call evenings or Sun
da y. iUT Sherman st.
COM PLETET.Y furnished 6-room house It
. suburb, November 1. Inquire 642 Morri
son. no vnn vnnt ta rent a house t See our
list. Hartman 4 Thompson, Chamber of
Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale.
Elegantly furnished 4-room. stesm-
heated, modern flat; must sell Immedi
ately; only those who mean business an
swer. E 405. Oregon ian.
FOR fcALE Ail or part of new furniture of
5-room corner nai. cneap; sweu neignoor
hood ; must sell. Call and sea it. 406
Clay st.
SNAP Furniture well-furnished 7-room fiat,
thcap. with steam heat; rooms all rented.
5.1 Washington, flat C, between 16th and
ROOMH, good, heavy furniture; all rented,
$"."o, terms; next door to Oregon Hotel.
t5 7th t. phone Main o63.
SNAP Just furnished, 5 rooms, Bennington
Court, flat 6. 310 Benton St., near Steel
HAVE for rent 6-room cottsge. centrally lo-.-ated,
to buyer of furniture. 84 West
6-ROOM house to rent nd furniture for sals
cheap to right party. 29 North Park. Call
I-ROOM house to rent and furniture for
sale cheap to right party. 29 North
lark. Call afternoons.
FURNITURE of modern 6-room flat; furni
ture all new; price reasonable. Call Main
FURNITURE of B-room house for sale cheap.
545 E. Couch St. Phone East 1501.
7-ROOM house for rent and furniture for
sale. 73 N. 10th St.
SPOT cssh paid for your furniture; prompt
at test ion always given. Phone East 1007.
FOR RENT A-l location for grocery;
large patronage assured; no charge for
refrigerating showcases; rent moderate.
New building under construction. Apply
718 Board of Tiade bldg
FOR RENT Meat market. A-l location, big
trade assured, rent moderate; no charge
for refrigerating counters. jew rulld
lng under construction. Apply 71S Board
of 1 raue oiag.
4-STORY brick building and basement. 50x
loO. with large e'ectric elevator, on 1st st..
between Taylor and Salmon. uWaMe for
wholesale or retail business. Apply to
w. fc. lirace car or commercial ciud.
FOR RENT December' I. 4-story and base
ment, brick store bunaing. 100x15. 8 tl
corner Front and Pine sts. ; also large
dock in rear. it"x-:w. Appir k u. a.
Dol;'h. Mouaak bldg.
FOR RENT Nice store at 847 Morrison
st.. only $r" ; also spate for bootblack
;:ind. on principal thoroughfare. Apply
I no;naay avenue or pnone ts b-.
FOR RENT Good location for confection
ery; big tmde assured; r:nt reasonable.
New building under construction. Apply
71H Board of bldg.
THREE-STORY and basement building, good
fvT whcli-sa'.e cr warehouse: 4'YK square
f'-et, with elevator. Appiy R. H. Strong:,
710 Corl-ett bldg.
FOR RENT Fireproof building. SOxlOO. one
floor and basement; suitable for garage,
storage or machine shop. Located at 86
ivth st.
LARGE, light store, corner East Morrison
a;sd East tith; reasonable rent. Wakefield,
Kries & Co.. 229 Stark.
FOR RENT Store. 25-foot front, fixture and
living room back; full basement. I.
lievurtx. 173-6 1st st.
SUITABLE for tailor or closk house. 8d
floot. Washington st- rronc 30 J Swetland,
FURNISH ED office; !arge spsce in hand
somest office In Orianiher of Commerce;
windows for lettering; no real estate. In
quire at office 432.
b-.(ffn 4th and 5 th. Pe Janitor or
TorCand Trust Company of Oregon,
southeast corner 8d and Oak.
SOME MODERN OFFICES Bear location tn
the citv. App mom 201 Merchants Trust
b.dg.. 326S Washington st.
DESK room in bright outside room, front
of esevator. Kenton bldg.
TWO ror-ms. not connected,
pin. 12 7th st.
A. B. McAl-
DESK ROOM for rent. Couch bids..
- $10 $15 $20
In heart of district. Well lighted
and ventilated; two elevators; all nlpht
service; hot and cold water, gas and elec
tric lights: excellent janitor service; auto
matic lire alarm system ; low Insurance;
property prutected by night watch.
Pes k room $ 5 and up.
303 SHETLAND BLDG.. 5th and Wash.
FOR RBNT Office room on court; hot and
cold water, light and use of reception
room. Call 210 Macleey bldg.
FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bide
Apply room 80S.
FOR bargain in a close-In. well-furnished
rooming-house with loir rent, inquire at
16$ West Park st.
Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 8516 Morrison St.
$100 Cash business paying $4 to 6 per
$450 Cijrar store, clears $100 above ex
penses; will Invoice $550.
$ 1 50 Cigar store, fine location, for
quirk sale.
Real estate partner wanted; fine oppor
tunity for young man.
Room 3, B43i Washington.
NEW R. R. completed to Enterprise. Wal
lowa County, Or.; drat train run from
Portland Nov. 1. : all kinds of business
opportunities; drugstore for sa!e: best mer
cantile business in county can be pur
chased; owner desirea to retire from
active business1. Particulars?. address
Daniel Boyd. Enterprise. Or.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 18W) furnle'nes free information oa
opportunities In merchantlle or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
403-4-6 S wet land Bldg.
GRAIN. HAY AND FLOFB The best biud
ns In city for Investment; has been es
tablished for a term of years and is sow
doing a cash business of several thousand
dollars each year.
Call 35-16 Tjsfoyette bldg..
Cor. 6th and W.-ishin g ton .
GROCERY store doing business of $75
daily. Will trade, what have you? 315
Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
Owner of over 1 2D -room, steam-heated
hotel, will sell one-half Interest to re
liable party, who will manage the same;
ill-health forces owner out of the city;
price and terms to suit. ti27 Corbett bldg.
GROCERY One of the best retail stores on
the West Side, established 20 years; large
family trade; guaranteed to be on paying
basis; owner wants to retire; a chance
not often found, $2500. Grussl A Gantner,
20' Washington, corner 3d, room 7-
WANTED At once, man to work in and
out of office; salary $75 per month nnd
ono-half of all commissions; must invest
$1000 as security; no experience required;
must have references; steady Job. Chas.
Adier, 411 Couch bldg.
HOTEL wanted Want to buy hotel in
country or live town In Oregon, Washing
ton or Northern California; -can Invest
about $70oO ; state location, price and par
ticulars in first letter or no notice will be
taken. D 3o3. Oregonian.
STOCK and fixtures of first-class cigar, to
bacco and confectionery store (oysters and
lunches in season) at invoice, doing good
business, in country town; for sale on ac
count of ill-health. Address Y 838, Ore
gon ian.
LADIES' tailor and dressmaker, doing fine
business, retiring, will sell furniture and
fixtures, large store, heated. 2 show win
dows, low rent, lease ; fine location; a
snap. Address N 85a, Oregonian.
CANADIAN patent for $3000. A corporation
bought the U. S. patent for $4.1.000;
are manufacturing the article and Its
sales are very remunerative. Investiga-
y tion invited. A 3o3, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted for city realty depart
ment in established ofHce; must be hust
ler and hae unquestionable references
"Business chance" scents need not reply.
Address S 303. Oregonian.
roomino-HOCSE We have a 5-acrs tract.
good coil, tributary to 2 carlines, 6-cent
fare; also biock in residence district on
West Side, to exchange for rooming:-house.
15-16 Lafayette bldg.
WE have a man who wants to buy a bro
kerage or manufacturers agenti business;
w hat have you to offer ? Will consider,
however, env legitimate enterprise. 512
Gerllnger bldg.
REAL ESTATE Owner wants a partner he
c-in depend on; will guarantee active man
Si.v a. month: experience not necessary and
rerv little money required. Particulars
248 Stark st.
WANTED A man with $500 to take an In
tert is the manufacture of concrete
k:.,-u-- t.t a dav and profits of the bus!
ness guaranteed. 208 Stark St., suite 32.
onr in -Ri-siXESS Partner wanted to check
oos. etc - little money required, as it to
the man wanted more than his money; pay
you $125 a montn; tnai given, i-an -siova
Stark st.
FINE shoe business, grand opportunity for
a man with .;twu to iu 10 oujr es
tablished business, clearing from $275 to
:oo per month; tnis can oe ouuuieu. w-
Corbett hiflg. .
WE are having a very strong demand for
legitimate business openings. I"
you wish to sell or want a partner call
at once, spencer -o., ii -u
vn'p .-onemi store. Brood trade, established
stock, about ?3v00 to $3500; sickness the
cause. Give phone number wnen answer
ing. Address F 355. Oregonian.
FOR SLE Two pool tables, confectionery
and clfiar store, good location and the
right time to go in ousinesa; can
owner. 1019 Union ave.
$3500 BUYS the best exclusive business in
the city; pays 10 ir w- """"
month on capital; can be doubled. D 8.0,
HOTEL Laboring man's place, win near
$130 per montn; bihbu i j , -----
Call room U10 Lumber Exchange Bldfi.,
2d and Stark-
BEPT bargain in a paying restaurant in the
city; owner mim leave on atiuum w
health; $5o0 will handle it.
suite 32, upstairs.
268 Stark St..
$250 BUYS
8 rooms, room and board; center of city.
For a few days only.
MORRIN. 307 First.
WE have several cash customer for rooming-houses
in different sizes In tho city.
If you wish to sell call at once and list
your house. Spencer A Co., 102 2d st.
GROCERY store in best town In Montana;
splendid stand; will invoice from $4000 to
isOyO; can be had on easy terms. Box 167,
Bozeman. Mont.
WE can locate you in paylnc business, be
fore buving be curt and see us Kinney A
Stamph'cr. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Main 44S0
GENERAL merchandise store. In the coun
try, near Portland, doing a business of
$.VOoo- this Is a mor.ey-maker; $12,000.
or.e-half cash, terms. 627 Corbett bldg.
We can give you a special prioe on any
mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlla A
Co.. room 3 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED A partner with $500 capital in a
big paving proposition; can clear $1800
jv-r vcar. For further particulars call
room la. 350 Morrison,
ONE of the best groceries in the city; doing
from $75 to $10O per dny. for ssle at in
ventory; this Is a bona fide proposition. 230
Lumber Exchange.
WANT partv with some money to take In
terest in invention that will net millions.
Pee Inventor, 1027 Board of Trade build
ing. Act quick.
REAL ESTATE partner wanted; experience
not necessary beyond ability to show prop
erty; small amount of money required
and fuliy secured. 272 Stark.
PARTNER wanted In a good restaurant;
some money down, out of the busJ
rrera; investigate. , 2.30 Lumber Exchange.
ONE of the best moving-picture proposl
' tlons In the state of Oregon; it will stand
Investigation. Answer N 300, Oregonian.
A FINE grocery; will trade or sell at in
voice: also a book and periodica l store
to exchange for property. 272 Stark.
WANTED A partner with experience to
start delicatessen business; woman pre
ferred. Apply 409 East Burnside.
WANTED 5-eent theater in good location.
S 30 S. Oregonian.
2i-627-628 Corbett Bldg.
Main 3317. A 2772.
Business Investments. Roomlng-Houses,
Real Estate and Timber.
Investors, if you are looking for a first
class business we have a number that
will bear th closest investigation. Call
and see our list of hotels, roomlng
houses, general stores, bakeries, butcher
shops, barber shops, drugstores, whole
sale and commission businesses, confec
tionery and cigar store, groceries, sa
loons and most any business you may de
62o-d27-62o Corbett Bldg.
FOR SALE Old and well-known business,
established for over 20 years, in one of
the best growing towns in the state of
Washington: population now 8000: Btock
consists of hardware, paints, oils, crock- j
ery, eta ; will take about $20,000 to
handle; reason for selling owners wish to
retire; no better opening for obtaining an
old established business with big trade in
the West. Address Hardware. C 378,
$21,000 One-baJf cash and the baJance at
6 per cent In a year, secures a magnificent
highest-clsss good, profitable retail busi
ness, which present owuers are anxious
to dispose of because of still larger Inter
ests demanding attention; thl will bear
careful investigation and is a splendid op
portunity for one or two wide-awake, blgh
claen young business men or women. Ad
dress "San Francisco," oar Oregonian.
We have some first-class business pYopo
sltlons; call and see our UsL W. Lawrence
A Co., 315 Lumber Exchange BiUg.. 2d
and Stark sts.
FOR SALE or trade, an old-established sen-
ral merchandise business In a prosperous
Valley town near Portland; Information
given on application; will sell for one
half cash, balance on secured paper, or
will trade for good property- none but
bona-fide purchasers need apply. Address
room 12 Hamilton bldg., Portland. Or.
A BAKER with family can nnd a good open
ing for a little business In South Portland
district; low rent, shelving and fixtures In
place; living rooms In rear; good man can
step right into a good thine oy simpJT
' CU11U 111! BLUI W. Alf4 X. Ml LA, 1
6 lt at.
REAL ESTATE Rare chance for man
get In business where he can earn $150
to $200 month. Partner wanted at once
to show land; experience not necessary
ana very mue casn require:, call toaay,
National Realty & Trust Co., 82&Wash.
St., room 516.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 13 rooms, rent $40.
price $050. nice modern house, 5 blocks
from Portland HoteL all first-class furni
ture, rooms all rented; we have choice
list an sizes. i. w. tiariand & Co., ivi
4th st.
WB have manufacturinr proposition that
needs more capital; we will place 3000 sharea
or stock at (H per cent aoove par; if you can
place this stock we will allow tour good
men sufficient compensation -to Interest
you if you will address A ad, Oregonian.
REAL estate business, one of the best In
the city; agents for one of the best coal
mines: office ground floor; central loca
tion; this Is gilt-edge; one-half interest
can be Dougnt cneap; $700. 021 coroeti
FOR SALE Sawmill, 10,000.000 feet Al tim
ber, flume to S. P. A S railroad and Co
lumbia River, near Portland; will accept
good Portland Income property as part
payment; some cash; balance terms. N
sCtf.'S. Oregonian.
MANUFACTURING business, reliable man
wanted as nartner to keen nlain accounts
and look after city salesmen; salary $150
monthly besides profits, which are largo;
investment fully secured. Particulars, call
Room 523 Lumber Exchange.
ARE you looking for a good business? We
have for aale 2 groceries, half Interest In
a saloon. 1 wood yard. 1 real estate orxice,
1 cigar store; also full set of office fur
niture. 82 i Board of Trade.
On business opportunities. W have
buyers and sellers waiting. If you want
to get In or out of business see me. room
523 Lumber Exchange.
Good 6-room house and lot 40x110 feet.
In St. John, only $1200. easy terms.
270 hi Washington St., Room 8-
FOR SALE! Restaurant on Williams ave.,
chance for right party to make good on
small capital: reasons for selling fully ex
plained by owner. Call at 500 Williams
CIG.VR and confectionery, price $350, 6
living- rooms and partly furnished, fine,
close-In location; rent $25; lease; a rare
snap. Call at once. 101 4th st.
MERCHANDISE business; partner wanted
with $00; owner will guarantee you $5 a
day; your money secured and duties easily
learned. Call 248 Stark st.
LODGING-HOUSE, 33 rooms, all modern,
iron beds, carpets new, lease $35 month;
price $1200. Sacrifice on account of other
business. Call 20H 4tn st.
A 24 -ROOM hotel In one of most prosperous
towns In Oregon; land and building for sale;
a bargain. Apply 303 Swetland bid., 6th
and Washington sts.
GOOD 8-chalr shop, splendid location, for
sale on easy terms.
2704 Washington St., Room. 8.
MAN to take cae-h and assist well paying
lunch counter and restaurant clearing $150
monthly; small amount required. Call
85 6th, near Oak.
FOR SALE Old established -wood and coal
yard on R. R. track; owner going- In
wholesale business. Particulars, call Room
523 Lumber Exchange.
PARTNER wanted to help maiuuje old es
tablished business: experience not neces
sary. Austin, Raleigh bldg., 323 ft Wash
ington. BUTTER and egg store doing cash business,
$60 to $100 daily; trial given before buy
ing. Particulars, call Room 523 Lumber
A OOOD-paylnr cigar store, down-town lo
cation. 2-year lease and cheap rent; will
be sold at a bargain If taken soon. 272
WORKINGMEN'S boarding-house, 24 reg
ular and 15 table boarders; clearing- over
$160 a month; price $1000; from owner,
C 379, Oregonian.
$550 CASH
Handles a 20 -room house; fine location;
Quick sale.
MORRIN, 807 First St.
OLD established restaurant; good location;
good business; price right. 363 Morri
son. OLD established restaurant : good location ;
good business; price rignt. 3td mom
ion. ONE of the best located 28 -room brick for
transient in me city, oniy iouu.
4th st. Main 2039.
RESTAURANT If you want one for $550
we guarantee to please you. Call 513
Chamber Commerce.
THERE Is a good paying opportunity for a
good dentist at wesion. inquire ox ai.
J. Cookerllne. Weston, Or.
CIGAR store; pood location; for sale by
owner; price, ouu. n.u n.t tvt iarra.-
bee st.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. The Fletcher Co., 125 Abington.
A SNAP In rooming-houses, all sizes and
prices; vou name tne location, we ao tne
rest. 272 Stark at.
t INTEREST In a good paying real eetate
on ice; wm sianu u ciuacai 111 ves ligation.
230 Lumber Exchange.
A NEAT little restaurant tnax win in
voice $9"0 win D sacrnicea toaay xor
$400. 272 Stark.
WANTED General blacksmith to buy half
or whole interest in gooa snop. u 337,
RESTAURANT doing fine business; a snap
f taken at once. diz uurnside st. ; no
BARBER shop for sals by owner; 8 chalra,
872 S N'- 17th.
THE finest 50-chalr restaurant in the city
at a bargain, from owner. 412 Couch.
NEATEST 25-room lodging house in city by
owner. Call MaifA 04 o 5.
SALOON for sale : will sacrifice; other busi
ness demands my attention. Call 361 lat
CIGAR and grocery, must sell by 1st on
account of sickness. Main 2515.
8-CHAIR barber shop for sale, good loca
tion, cheap rent. J. H- Milks. Rainier. Or.
ROOMING-HOUPES In all parts of the city;
see us for snaps. 230 Lumber Exchange,
WANTED An energetic man to take
chnrire Portland business for Eastern
manufacturer; big income assured; pleas
ant business; small capital required, in
vest! gate. 512 Gerlinger bldg.
RESTAURANT Owner busy cooking, want
honeet partner ta handle the cash. etc.
pay you $4 a dav. with board; $250 re
quired. Call 24SVi Stark St.
ESTABLISHED office business for sale; no
competition; pleasant work; clearing $300
ir month : proof to investigator. 1 2
Gerllnger bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSE at 306 4th at., clearing
a bout $ 100 per montn ; oargain u &j iu
this week.
rsoor conic wants partner to act as cashier,
experience not necessary and little money
require a. zau Lumorr cikl-uui
eat. nice rooming-house of 17 rooms,
close In. clearing $75 per month; $1000. or
terms. 230 Lumber Excnange.
FOR RALE A (rood 40-chalr restaurant
doing good business, down town; price
$8 60 cash. G 35 6, Oregonian.
17 ROOMS. near Nortonla Hotel, with
lease; price reasonable; clean; no agents.
Call SS3 Aider.
BY OWNER Rooming and boarding-house,
8 rooms, well furnished, good location. 1S1
East 7 th.
MANT'EACTT'RING Partner wanted with
$225; pay you $4 to $6 a day. Call 243i
fip&rk st.
WILL you sell your business? List it with
us. we nave ouyers. 011 wnnyjoi "-&
WANTED Partner for ladles ready-to-wear
garments; $150 required. 207A 3d.
FOR SALE A good restaurant, doing busi
ness on v asmngron m. , sr. j. ua -
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
t.fiRT Masonic watch charm, diamond set
ting, engraved chas. E. Hall, Harmony
Lodge; reward. 3S0 Front-
LOST A pair of gold-bowed glasses In the
vicinity of Everett and 23d sts. Return to
755 Everett st. Kewaro.
PARTY taking fur collar left by mistake
in Baker Theater last nignt. icieynuuc
Main 4223. Reward, no questions.
LOST Llewllyn setter, white, with black
cheeks and ears. F. W. Isherwood, 10o4
Quiinby st.
t aqt r-irlnp TMnder nhone Miss Mann,
Main 4004. who will describe necklace
minutely. Reward.
LOST On Washington St., envelope con
taining letters valuaote to owner oniy.
Please return bh jercerson.
LOST A black chattelaine purse on Alder,
bet. 6th and 6th; return to Oregonian
office; reward.
LOST Lady's small gold watch, diamond
in back of case; rewara. caai rnone r-asv
LOST On Monday. Tadys gold watch, pic
ture of 2 girls In back; reward. East 021.
LOST Parrot from 213 West Park
Finder phone Main 2094; $10 reward.
Money to Loan.
"GET" $10 TO $:00.
M'TT-UriT'T" T IT Vf V i I .
HOURS S A. M. to 6 P. M.
You can get the money you need from
us all you ask for in cash and repay
In small weekly or monthly payments
arranged to suit you. .
We loan money on household furniture
and pianos without removal you have
use of both money and goods also loans
maae on storage receipts ana uii
sonal property. Call for confidential talk.
flUTTUA CKl'-Ull C-..
612 6th floor) Dekum Bldg.
402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash.
The recognized bank of the wage
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist,
engineer or employe can obtain money of
us on his note without security.
$15 return to us a fj-
$30 return to us 0.
$50 return to us $13.35 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleseant Inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, eto.
SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried
employes and on Pianos, Furniture, Ware
house Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policies
and all kinds of securities.
403 Swetland bldg.
We have the following amounts:
$ 1.000 at 8 per cent.
$ 4,000 at 7 per cent.
$10,000 at 7 per cent.
62 Third St., Upstairs.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names witnout se
curity; cheapest rates, easiest payment;
offices In 68 principal cities; save your
self money by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
MONEY loaned on salaries; no other secur
ity; my system is best for rauroaa men.
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and
others; busiuevs confidential. F. A. New
ton. 511 Buchanan bldg.. 2364 Wash
ington st.
to loan on the proper security.
Also $4000 at 7 per cent
605 Concord bldg.
ON improved city property or for building
purposes, for from 8 to a years time wn
privilege to repay all or part of loan after
two years; loans approved from plans and
money advanced as building progresses.
Equitable Savings A Loan Association,
240, 212 Stark st.
TITLE GUARANTEE, Oregon Trust accounts
and German-American certincates oougni
at the highest cash price; also Home TeL
bonds. Cohn Bros., ISO 1st st., cor. Yam
hill. TO LOAN Several large and small amounts
on good city real estate; low rate or inter
est. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mul
key bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest xor long or snort
time. A. & M- Delovage. jewelers, 269
Washington sC
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and lurnlturo, warehouse
receipts, purchase contract, diamonds and
Jewelry. E. Pierce. 211 Alisky bldg.
MONEY to loan in large and email sums
at 6 to 8 per cent on improved real estate.
607 Commercial bldg.
MONEY to loan on good real estate se
curity, conani neauy k,u., room o, Xou
Alder st.
IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all
securities. R. I. Ecrkerson A Co., room 5
Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655.
$100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or mora
to suit. 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
M. G. Griffin. 263 Stark, opp. Cham, of C
LOANS on real estate and all kinds of
personal security. W- A. Hathaway,
room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302.
MONEY All you want on real estate at 6 to
8 per cent. Frary A Seltx.. 232 5th sL
$500 AND $1000 to loan on Improved prop
erty. E. E. Miller, 4S0 Worcester bldg.
LOW rates; we loan nr.oney on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d ax.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co.fc 410 Dekum bldg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg.
ANY part of $25,000 to loan at 6 and 7 per
cent interest. 305 Gerllnger bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W- Pallett. 804 Fenton bidg.
$2O0O At 7 per cent -on real estate security.
Newton McCoy, room 715. Oregonian bldg.
CASH LOANS on any good security. Henry
C. Prudhommc. 30ft Chamber of Commerce.
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. K. Thom
as, atate agt. Multnomah Co- 400 C of C
LOANS on city property: no commlseloa
charged. Call 410 Failing bldg.
Mosey to Loam.
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; business confidential. m,
Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkiy.
$75 return to us ....$2000 $10.0-1 $5.00
$50 return to us $13.35 6- J"
$;10 return to us b.00 4 0O .00
$15 return to us 4 00 2.00 1.00
2ui McKAY ,bldg.. cor- 8d and Stark ata
Loans Want a.
$5 000 If tou have $3000 to invest I want
you to Investigate my proposition. T
357, Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $3500 on a hotel and
several lots, located in an irrigated dis
trict; security ample; will pay 8 per cent
for two years. Address R 300. Oregonian.
MUST have $10O0 immediately; positively
guarantee 300 per cent. This Is no fake
and well worth looking Into. E 3.7, Ore
gonian. WANTED To borrow on 3 years time $1600,
with flrst-clas Improved real estate se
curity. Call room 16 Mllner bldg.
I WANT to borrow S250O on bearing or
chard. Southern Oregon, worth $6000. K
84S, Oregonian.
Proposals Invited.
OREGON ; in the matter of David West,
bankrupt : The undersigned will receive
seaJd bids at his office, 7 1st St.. room
8, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock
noon of Saturday. October 31st, 1908, for
the following property belonging to said
estate, namely: A stock of merchandise
consisting of groceries, boots and shoes,
furnishing goods and hardware of the in
ventory valu of $1999.23, together with
a lot or store noctures 01 mo inveu wi j
value of $495 45. all located at Westport.
Clatsop County, Oregon.- An inventory
of said property Is on file at the office of
the undersigned and the said property
may be inspected on application to ju
W harton at Westport. Cash or a cerxi
fieri1 ehtielr fnr 10 nereent of the BJnoun
offered must accompany each bid and
said sale Is made subject to confirmation
by the court. . U. fcA5iis,
OFFICE of Chief Quartermaster. Depart
ment of the Columbia, Vancouver Bar
racks, Washington. October 2tf. los.
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re
ceived at the office of the Post Quarter
master. Fort Stevens, Oregon, until 2
o'clock P. M., November 27, 100S, and
then publicly opened, for the supplying
and installing one new "Mosher,
equal, water tube boiler in Quartermaster
steamer Major (juy iiowara. jvuu inror
mat ion can be obtained at the Quarter
master's office. Fort Stevens, Oregon. The
United S'.ates reserves the right to rejec
any or all bids or any part thereof. En
velopes containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Boiler," and ad
dressed to the Quartermaster, j? on Ste
vens, Oregon.
I. CHARLES H. JOHNSON, will not be re
sponsible for any debts contracted on and
after this (iate (October 27) by my wire.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get
Pacific Builder A Engineer. 315 Ch, Com.
254 Montgomery U All mental ami nervous
diseases treated; the whisky, morpmne.
opium and cocaine habits cured In 48 hours;
we guarantee no Dain or Buffering : no money
until cured and thoroughly satisfied. Call
and investigate our method of treatment,
the fundamental principle of which Is the
destruction of that craving which prompts
the desire for the drug or stimulant. Phone
A 3U29.
TO MEN The only scientific vacuum ap
paratus is manufactured by Erie Medical
Co., Dept. E E 2, Buffalo, N. 1'., who
made it known throughout the world;
furnished, together with important acces
sory treatment, on approval and easy
terms; write tho company for descriptive
matter; mailed in plain seaiea envelope.
DESIRABLE company toucd or lonely peo
ple or strangers, either sex; 500 to select
from; photon on nle; meetings promptly ar
ranged Dy pnone, wun ue oi partors; pn
vate place to mail or receive letters; mem'
bership 2; register of member 10c. Port
land Introducing Bureau, 'HI Alleky bldg.,
2u5 Morrison sL
maternity hospital, where ladles can have
the beet care at reasonable rate and any
physician they chooe. Office 5u8 Merchants
Trust bldg.. 326H Washington st. Phone
Main 7743. Dr. Isabella Mackle.
SWEDISH trained nurse. Helsingfor gradu
ate, cure rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing;
steam sweat and tub baths: both exes.
7 East 11th St.. one door from East An-
keny car. Phones Bast 260. Home xi 1603.
AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin spe
cialist; blemishes, wrinkles and smallpox
nlt removed: hairdresslng. manicuring -and
dermatology taught; largest stock of hair
goods In the West at cut prices, r-anors.
Grand Leader.
Psrho-maenetic and suggestive tberapeu
tics; a full line of electrical appliance; new
est and most Improved electrical blanket. All
disease successfully treated. Room 30, 350
Morrison st. Main 201 1.
YOU can't work when you don t sleep
well; Palmo Tablets make you ieep ana
give you steady nerves; 50c a box. 6
boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the
J. A Ciemenson Drug Co.. Portland.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters
Diamond urana .rins. ror wuwu
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Fill ar sold
by druggists everywhere.
YOUR eyes may need attention for diseased
conditions or glasses; we ui giaaaew ngn
and treat eyes, ears or catarrh In any
form. Impondero-Therapy Co.. 508 Mer
chant Trust bldg.. 326 Waeb. at.
Treated and cured of all acute and
chronic diseases, lady physician assistant.
Columbia Sanitarium, Raleigh bldg., cor.
6th and Washington sts.
ELECTROPODES for rheumatism, nervous
disorders, poor circulation, etc., i pa-ir,
$1 05 by mail. Guaranteed satisfactory
or money back. Berni's Pharmacy, 233
Washington at.. Portland, Or.
LADIES, no difference what your aliments
may be, see our may puj sic-itm, Bpconwiai
for women. Impondero-Therapy Co., 608
Merchants Trust bldg.. 32H Wash, st.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.50 month
keeps your ciotnes cieanou, icau, uuuoas
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark.
GENTLEMAN going East who can transact
some business at 01. x-ttux nun umcago,
will find it to his Interest to address at
once. N. 3C2, Oregonian.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other for
eign textOOOK BJia iuciiui a yetiity.
A. W. Schma.e Co., 229 1st St.
NEW LINE HAIR good, latest hair dress
ing manicuring, laciiu m.aaa5e, cnain
pooing. Hudeon, 207 Macleay bldg.
Mme. Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat
ments, racial oeiumuuw uuiretiru, piasi:c
surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042, A 2069.
SHAMPOOING, scalp treatment, electric
massage. wm umi eaiucui.o. . wan up
Sellwood 846.
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorena Nerve
Tonic Tablets, 23c box. Eyssell's phar
macy. 2Stf Morrison st.. bet. 4th and 6th-
MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist,
aoi Alisky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Public lec
tures Wednesday. 8 P. M- Main 2S35.
FIR.T-CLASS ticket to Chicago for sale
cheap if taken at once. T 358, Ore
gonian. ,
ASTHMA end catarrh cured. Arnold's, Imme
diate results guaranteed. 31 Hamilton bldg.,
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on
lr Ketchum. graduate; advice free.
170 3d St. Main 8770.
A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock
Salvo." Woodard, Clarke A Co.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560
GlUan at. Main 9215.
PACIFIC Introducing Club for jonely slngi
people; circular 10c. 229 lt st.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hiil. 830 Fliedner bldg. M. 3473.
DRS AT WOOD; private hospital; maternity
caaes; good care, terms right. Ad. Aljaky bl.
HUDSON'S satin cream. 207 Macleay bldg.
All druggists or Meier A Frank.
FURS repaired and remodeled by Eastern
parties at reasonable prices. 661 E. Taylor.
250 PRINTED business cards, $1; 100 visit
ing cards. 50c Schmala. 229 1st.
JUST opened, ladies' barber shop. 68 4th
St., bet. Oak aad Pin.
and all imperfections of the scalp, hatr
and face removed, busis developed, sup
perfiuous hair removed by the late.-t
French method; all the rage in Paris: no
electricity; faces bleached; booklet free.
Facial Institute,
146 11th St., bet. Alder and Morrison.
SUITS preitsed whl: you watt. 50c To vis
itors of Portland hotel and to public at
large. Suits pressed at 6Uo at Gilbert, the
tailor's. t 6th at., next to Oxford Hotel.
Ladles' skirts pressed. 50c. Koathers and
boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964.
MEN, whatever your dlseaee or infirmities
may be, our specialist for men will give
you the pioper treatment. Impondero-
Therapy Co., 5C8 Merchants Truit blag..
Wash. st.
Accordion Plait lng.
MISS O. GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife plaiting and pinking.
Commercial. County and Municipal.
Auditing, In estimating and Systematiring.
324 Worcester Biock. Phone Main &)tW.
Assayers and Analyst.
Wells A ProebsteL mining engineers, chem
, lsts and assayers. 24 Washington at.
PAUL BAUMEL. aayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Aider st.
and ore-tesLing work. 186 Morrison at.
DR. E. O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years'
experience. 2ikt Siark st.
EMMONS EMMONS have removed law
offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg.
Architects and Builders.
SEE Johnson about bungalow. 204 ;
hawk bldg. A 432L
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
BLAM SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engia
electrical repairing. 326 Stark t.
Carpet Cleaning?.
THE IONE Steam Carpet-Clean lng Work;
carpets cleaned, refitted and laid. R. W.
Shepard. manager. B 2236. East 360.
WM. DEVENY and Eatellu Devenr. the
only scientific chiropodist in the city. Par
lors 802 Gerllnger bldg.. 3. W. cor. 2d ana)
Alder. Phone Main 130L
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473.
CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mr. F. E. Dun
ton, room 1, Iris Apartments, 362 3d St.
Commission Merchant.
TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., shi.i broker, com
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland.
Dog and I' one Hospital.
DR. C. E. Brown. D. V. S. D. C M. Dog.
horse hospital. 113 N. 6th. Union Trans Co
Feed Store.
E- L. COOPER A Co.. wholesale hay and
grain. 181 Washington at. Phona Main
7716, A 871S-
Gasoline tn glues.
Stationery, marine. electric equipments,
launches, accessories. wholesale, retail;
engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.
Harness and Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale sad
dle and harness mnfrs. 60-86 1st. Main 229
Junk, Hides and Pelts.
L. 6HAKK A CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals ana
sacks. 312 Front et.
Leather and Findings.
tablished 1S0S. Leather cud finding;
Stockton sole leather and cut stock; fuU
line Ktt.stern J umbos- 16U Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leauer
of every description, tap. mfrs' iliidinvs.
BAND instruments, room 204 Tournsy
bldg.. 2d and Taylor. L. Seiberllng.
EMLL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil oj
Sevclk. A 4100. Pine 834. Main 3045
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Salmoa
st. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty.
GUITAR, banjo, mandolht school; violin anc
piano. 4;i Columbia st.
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-10-17 Dekum Bldg.,
Third and Washington Sts.
Phone, office. Main 349. res., E. 1023.
Faints. Oils and Glass.
F. E. Beach A t, tn Pioneer paint Co.
Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334-
RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oil,
glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Portland office. 402-8-4 Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co.. street paving,
sidewalks ana cronis"- on i.umucr
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; infringement caaa v ubuiu.
PATENTS, trademarks. Smith A Buchanan.
827 Boara or iraue mut.
J. J. HIRSHHEIMEK, pension and patent
attorney, room j-muuo viu..
Photo ijigravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hicks-Chattea
Engraving CO., comr auu Aiuer -
Roofing, Cornices and Skylights.
6th st. P. J. Jucaianon ana r. j. enaxaey.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all offic good. P.
VJt C. CO., 'bO.L DlttTK BU oum yuuic wt.
San Francisco Hotel.
when In San Francisco, stop at the WIN
CHESTER HOTEL. 3d St.. near Market
iV,0 rooms. Free 'bus. free baths, bingl
rooms 50c a day; family. 1 up. Rolkin A
Sharp, proprietors.
DAVIS SAFE A LOCK. CO., Dlebold safe
6-S oa Bl. uaifcoiu-jM
THE MOSUER SAFE CO.. 108 2d at. Safe
at lactury mo-"-
The largest sign-makers in the North
west, 6th and Lverett sts. Phone Prlvatt
Exchange 55, Home A 1155.
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixture.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcase,
cabinets, smm
st- Main 2703.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O- PICJv Transier ana storage co., oiuct
ana tjiuuiuuwu" --'. u.i.n ne.i-
house, separate iron rooms and fireprool
vaults for valuables. N. XV. cor. 2d and
Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipping. Main 59G, A 1996.
General trasCerring and storage, safes,
nianos and furniture moved and packed
for shipment 209 Oak St.. bet. Front and
1st.'. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Typewrit en.
THE typewriter exchange, 401-3 Buchanan
bldg. ; Stale ciiLo au iw;oi ottuiuaru
SPECIAL prices, all manes rented, sold, re-
Wholesale Jobbers.
WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, man
ufacturers. COUUIllBJlVfU HtVJk LIIUU !-
and. Oak.
Portland. Oregon.
Mo 'interest paid on acoouots.