Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 29, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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    ttt nivrvc nprr.nvTAV TTTTTRSnAY. OCTOBER 29,
' 7. . I for HALE. HELP WANTED MALK- ASTED-nMALE. Furnished Boom.
va .." WAV rSTlTC I FUK HALiV-I I - - I , I
We Have a Number or
That Poisw Manx
And the Pric-a Are Simply
Don't Iook at Them Nowt
Tou night Buyl
Better wait a montli and par
That l0xl00 Site at $7000
Might Bankrupt Tou.
7th Floor couch Bldg.. 10 Fourth St.
Lot 60x100, local'! on Eat 33d. near
Hawthorn. In .well reeldencw district:
graded street,, t water; a.nall payment
down, easy terms, owner. 1 170, Orw
We tin a dandy new busgalow on the
comer of 17th and Haisey. south and ewt
front, for H;. ff terms; fuf
riae. cement basement, laundry tuba.
jDutcn kltcber..
213 Commercial Club bide.
Nlc lot. ureioo. north front, on East
Tim hill ..I Price. ?-; 4 cash. Orul
Gantner. 26J Washington at., cor. 3d.
Room 7.
We have one of the choicest corner quar
ter 'lock . In Irrtogton for 25uO. on two
O-foot -trea. p PALMER.
tlj Commerer.1 Club Md.
eganfly furnished
hou.e. Imprnvfd
new. modem
street, first-ruts
?-" u"",-,::" h .,,.. mt 40x12.-
IS,, ,wo room.' rented for IS: will .ell
unfurnished. 72 East Salmon.
jpiRTirT boose and I cottage, near
fand ive and Ea-t Davl. par. 11 per
rent net on .ale price: X17..V10: ... n. for
particular., Parrf.b. WaXkln. A Co.. 230
Alder t
ROrPGS for aale tn all part, of the city:
"";,, C! . in and farm. In Oregon and
Stxnpher. wi-o-
hrW modern T-mom home. beautifully ar-rare-ed
and finished; choicest location Hol
35 Prk. near Broadway tar. $5500.
V 37. Oregonian.
1.'.0 MODKRN fir-room
tfrmt 459 Mechanic at.
la an car. Large Jot-
cottage, easy
Take Wood-
aSs (ym-whnle blk. rlr In. good fox
fable or Uundr. Futir. oaborne Hotel,
ut Bide.
33AKGA1X Aere," with new -room house,
good wWl. ate. Write ror particulars. D
362. Oregonian.
10 ArKES. 6 In prunes and 5 in apple. 6
mils from Vancouver. $11.00. 612 Couch
CHOICE bulldlnc Iota trr sale In all parts
of the city Washington A Oregon Realty
Co.. 109 Snd t.. Portland.
B ACRFf for platting: hich and sightly; choice
residence diatrtct; -. Call 410 Failing
SCTH near Tillamook. 5xl00. $9.'. Owner,
ia d.
WILL H Ril00 on E. th st.. on easy
terms at "" Inquire 4W Falling bide;.
ft-ROCM cottase for sai. clna In. easy
terms, by owner. 1255 East Clay st.
BT OWNER At a bargain, choice corner K
14th and Yamhill. 2;S AMr at.
1 WILL- EXOHANO.B 100 acres of best land
in tha vailey fr Port.jd residence or
business property, or will divide It tn 2-1
acra lots. This la lesa than one mile to
Monmouth and two miles of Independence
on the a P railroad, and county road on
two aides of it. Address Box 277. Mon
mouth. Or.
WANTED To exchange for acreaee on car
line, or citT property. $5000. a 13-room
hotel, all furnished, with rentauraut and
pool ab:. soft-drink bar. etc., located
In Eastern Oregon live town, on railroad.
Making ;o month. National Realty 4k
Trust Co.. aJBi Wash, St.. room
WILL. PELL or exchange for choice realty.
In good location, or leaea for term of
years, up-to-date apartmant-bouee. with
ail modern Improvements, la center of
city. Correspondency ao 11 cited. Principals
only. T 250. Oregonlan.
-ACRE. rll Improved farm, well stocked,
cloaa to Portland, evoryrhing ready to
uie. not much ca-h necessary; will
" accept Portland property aa part. Call
613 Chamber Commerce.
WILL take good roomlnir -house as part
paxment on modern home, close In. East
Side, easy terma remainder. F Ore
k on tan,
WB hava a One family hotel In Kana City,
Wo., aau-nliig 3o tier rent on lnatmnt, to
trad for cood Inopme property In Port
land. ro&.:-Steele Co.. 110 Second at.
OP roi'RSE! CERTAINLT! If yon want to
bi--. aell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to steveneon Taylor,
room 31" and Sll Buchanao bldg. rate or trade for Portland property,
good husinn and dwelling In one of the
lest Watern cltiea. Kor information call
at 14tf E. IStn at. or pnona can i-ws.
AL'TOMOUILK, & paaaenjtera, in good con
dition, to exchange for real eat ale. fc. 3s,
WILL exchange dlvUIoid-paylnaj stock for
miinmobtle or cuuliy In real estate. K, uregonlan.
WE have ".-acre fruit farm to trade for
pood Income Portland property. Call to
day. Brong-sHeele Co.. 110 Second st.
WHAT have you to trade or exrJiangeT W.
l.nw renca A Co . 313 Lumber Exchange
bide.. Sd and Stark.
EQl'l TY TO choice 1c t s f c, r ho ma and cutt
or farm, C STtL Orexonlan.
LOT on Mt. pcott carllna to ei chance for
hffht work team, x.u. 4tJi viiurea ave.
EXi'HANiiE Good real estate for stocks
and bond. B SIS. oregonlan.
t-KouM residence and LOOxit-O corner for
areajce or kL9. C uregonian.
WILL t-a!e for what yon hava. Cue Smith,
4.-4 Bucharan hie.
W B hava purchasera for the following prop-c-tlcw:
f 7o00 to gMHAk modern residence la
north ares t part of city. fciiX-O to $:KA
resMeac la South Portland. aro $-lXo rej
i.irmt? In uthwst tart of city; thte par
ties hava their money rej-uy, dui tn prop-
ii. it -t t. worm
asxtM xjr mm.
6.7 Commercial bldg.
vtc-i a i l'i"K" a tni-ulcrn homa la IrvlQjc. Holladay. Ho.laday Park
Av! . full lot, rooma. price. itk-OO, two-
urtla cash Phone Eat b C 1SS.
lKufn -k lierdman.
CAH customer for 4 or fl-room house, con
venient to car, under $1S00; possession
reoutred Nov. 15; owners only. J. W.
W led rick, no 2d St.
r it,t S-KihM modern houae, west of E.
loth, between Hawthorne and Kverett or
rear Steel brage. pav .u ovw
s;ute location. F Oregonian.
W ANTED Residence lots everywhere; alai
,..iiin' btiiI income DTOEHertlee to sun
pit demand. Jackson at Xearlng. 24
SIGHTLY quarter block. Yalue I1J00. as
nrst payment on modern oottage; baianca
raan. jo a. vreiuu.u.
H5T year real aetata and buslneae chances
with Cr-eeoa Aajuarman, o., Anenj,
la;n C6T.
wk hin Tiartv to buy a nice S-roorn house
doa't phone, but call on us, Brong-Steela
Co., IIO second St.
EXrHANT.E Arriving team and bugxy for
miburban lot varnon prarerrea; cm- on
Terence. CSO Ivy aCreet.
A-1 APARTMENT SITE, quarter block, for
Vaae Tor term ox years, to um wi, om
Talor. Add reai
eaa J
313. Oregonlan.
TIMPF.r landa wanted.
I0 Mcalay bldg.
C J. McCrackaa.
122 acres adjoining the town alt of
Woodvllle, Or., good houae and barn,
house only 20 rods from tha Southern Pa
cific station; 62 acres of level bottom
land, 40 acres of timbered hillside; this
land lies along th bank of the Rogue
River; th soil la gray or black loam;
there 1 no better land tn tha entire allT
for apples, pears, peaches or walnuta; the
hl!lside would be suitable for grape and
the timber will mora than pay for clear
ing; this ranch roust b sold by -eember
15.; price $16,000 cash, or oat
half cash and th baianca In &0 day.
Also 3.1 acres 7 mile southwest of
Grants paaa. Or.; 30 acres level bottom
land along th Applegate Rlvr; five acre
la good hillside suitable for grapes; the
bottom Is river-wash" soil, clear ana
partially cultivated; 100 inches of mater
belong with thla land; prlc $200. Ad
dress Rev. William C La. ursnu
110-aer farm of very finest soli, in
Clackamas County. 70 acres highly culti
vated, acres bearing orchard, balance
fine pasture, over $1000 fine timber, 2
running springs, good farmhouse and jood
outbuildings, all kinds of farming ma
chines and Implements, 19 head of Jersey
cows, 2 thoroughbred Jersey bulls, bugy
horse, new buggy and harness, 2 good
n a irons, new drill, cream separator and
numerous other things. 23 hogs, 20 sheep.
20 chickens, 60 tons clover hay, 60
bushels wheat. ftOO bushels oats ; ma
chinery and stock alone almost worth the
price; special prica $7500; term. $8000
raah. balHni-e own time.
Lumber Exchange Bldg-. 2d and Stark.
12 acres, 80 acres In cultivation, new
houae. good bam. with spring writer piped
to the house and barn; good family or
chard, some almond and English walnut
trea In full bearing: land is all fenced
and croaa-fanced. Ilea good and the best
of eoll: good apan of borsea, aome good
cowa. 23 goats, all hay and grain on the
piace; a lot of good bora all farming
tools; nice creek and spring water; every
thing g' for $fl-0O.
W. H. LANG, 340 Chamber of Commerce.
33 H acres, very finest and best of soil,
almost leva, no gravel or atone. 35 acres
In highest state cultivation; sold $oO
worth of hay last year from same; 17
arrea finest timber; house and shed, R- r.
D and creamery route, close to Oregon
City; price $:Tn; terms. $1000 cash, bal
ance number years.
Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Cor. 2d and
You pay IliO to 1200 for choice fruit
land in Hood River and Southern Ore
gon. Wa will sell you the choicest wal
nut land ic the world for $16 to 30 per
acne. In a abort time it win aeii ior
more than fruit land. Have been picking
up ana pa for paat Z years; some 40. S't.
1 and 400-acro farms; easy terma 922
Board of Trade.
Clse In. all in cultivation; nice creek
en tha place, good well, good 4-room house,
good barn and cr.!-ken-huee. all fenced;
no stone or gravel; the best of soil; X
hour's drive from the Courthouse. 25 min
utes from th streetcars; cheap and eaay
840 Chamber of Commerce.
UN IM PROVED B-acre tracts near Mll-
waukle on main wagon roaa, -. p.
acre; easy terms. Harlow Co.. Milwaukie.
HERE Is a snap; seeing Is believing; nave
divided m v 4 acre ruiicu, iir -rouver.
Wasn . in 6 and 10-acre tracts;
terma to ault. B S5. Oregonlan.
160 ACRES at half valua; S. ram. 000 feet good
timber, 10 acres in cultivation. gooa Darn.
amaVl house, land level; price $ViOO. Call
room 23. 67 4 3d. -
lOO ACRES, by owner; 7 miles from North
Yamhill : fair buildings: 00 acrrn nriru
and fenced. 13 cultivated CI3 Guild ave.
Phone Main 1174.
SNAP 140 acres, unimproved, near pro
posed electric line. aomw iirau.
Joseph Parker, Matthieaen Hotel.
FOR SALE 8 acres fine cnerry iana.
cleared, one mne irom rairm cur iimiia.
eaay terma. H. C. Stoddard. Med ford.
APPLE and walnut land near college town.
0 acres unimprovea, nice spring. .'",
one-third cash. Box 131, Forest tjrove. Or.
FOR Willamette VaMev lands see Olmsted
Land Company, sa.em. w.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to
Portland. wwrcfit-r ..irm.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
29 Chamber of Commerce.
2S MILLION FEET r lK. MOH B vjit iivs,
TION. R. F. D. NO. 5. EOX 2S,
Have several patented timber claims, well
altuated 3.000.0O0 to 6.000.000 feet each,
at $1000 per claim. Western Investment
Co., iOl-502 Corbett bldg.
TIMBER location; will be here for a few
dayn for location atone ana umiw or
homestead. Call or address room 23, 67
3d. 9:30 A. M. to 11 A. M.. 2 to 4 P. M.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney Jk
Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
RELINQUISHMENT 1.000.000 feet fir, near
Columbia River; good road, bouse, d
rooms, Hoban, Alisky bldff.
Government locattone. 327 Worcester blk.
WANTED To rent small farm, preferably
stocked, by man with large family; house
must have at least 8 rooms; cash or
share rent. Call, phone or write. L.
Saunders, 714 Couch bids;. Main 5SL
TVAVTKn Dairv farm. SO to 100 acres.
part must be river bottom, not over $10
per acre; lomi imp. o suicu fi
Address Kearney st.
20 OR MORE acre Improved Hood River
or Moaier apple orcnara : pay caan ana
Portland property. 226 Fallinr blg.
v- a vi tn tnt bulldlnas amnle: close In:
no felluree need apply. Inquire 1T0 Front
at., Portland.
Horaea, Vehicles and Harneaa.
ONE sorrel horae. 1100. x,vlce $0: 1 bay
horse. 1000. price $100: 1 bay horse. IO.kj.
price $15; one 2310 team, price $H0; one
, 1 n.ur mtctnlr tffKldle.
price $17.50; new hand-made baker
ma iron, $100; one aide-spring buggy. Just
out 01 pain, snup, .. 11 " a...
Jth and Flanders,
a .ond selected lot of mares and horses
on hand always; new lota every 10 days
from Condon. Or.
N. BRUNZEU 352 17th L North,
LADY er gentleman's brown saddle horse. 8
rears old: goes in haroma. For further
parllculara apply to Hughes Bros., 264 11th
at., near jenerson.
FOR 6ALI3 7 horses. 1400 to 13O0 lbs. each;
a.i.mii rood Duller: 3 dump wagons
Phone Tabor 743. B 2355. 1028 East
Alder at.
FOR SALE Horse, combination. fancy.
well broke, worth $4O0: U aold now $225
Austin. Chicago Dentists,
WANTED A first-clara saddle horse; if
you haven't that kind don't bother me. F.
W'ANT to hire amall horae or pony to work
light double rig. must be true and gentle.
R 3o. urefoniaa.
EXCHANGE Driving team end harness for
lot. Vernon, Richmond preferred; difference
cash. 3VO ivy street.
FINE surrey for sale cheap if taken at oace.
Inquire at Ovi l nurmaa at-
LARGE horse, suitable for farm work. O.
W. Lum. Co.
HORSES, mares, rlss aci harness of all
kinds for sale. zv jtonifomary.
Hurlbert A Hale, SSO front, buy. sell, rent
horaea, vehicles, low rates on touslness rigs
FOR SALE Young team draft horses,
ply 90S Davis st.
Horaea, Vehicles and
FOR SALE Hack and hack harness: near
ly new; will carry 1000 pounds: prlc $95
If sold quick. Inqulra or addrasa room
xw, urecomiui oiua-
BUYS 2300-lb. team of horses, good
pullers. 1348 Omaha ave.. Arbor Lodge
Station, St. John car.
AUTOMOBILE 7-pasaenger touring car. A-1
for renting purposra; will aell at a bargain
or trade for lnsida property; will give or
take difference. Merrill, 7th and Oak,
OLDS runabout autcmoblle for sale for $150
ca-h; am leaving city; bargain. D 380. Ore
gonian. AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for sal or
trade. Hartman. 46 2d st. .
X BETTER piano for leas than w are
selling cannot be obtained. Ours la a
general music business ao we are not de
pendent upon th profit or our piano de
partment. Bee the nice new piano we
sell for $200. Pay $6 a month. Plos
for rent; used pianos, $Sa and up. at 111
4tl at. Ballet & Davia Agency, aecond
oideat and beat make In America.
STANDARD upright grand piano, cheap, or
trade for carpenter work. 617 Tourny
bldg. Main 373.
FOR RENT A beautiful new Wgn-grade
piano. Aiatn or a -c '
FOR SALE Best ry e-ft. fir and oak wood
at icwea mrn3. vl uvw, w-
at. Phone Main 7451.
FURNITURE for sale, by lot or single piece.
. , . . . mi i4th mt nr. fltark.
jippiy tuhciuuwM. v
SMALL printing plant for sale; great bar
gain. Ti 338, oregonian.
FOR SALE Houaehold furniture. 194 East
12th. Call this weex.
HOUSEBOAT, cash or trade.
Merrill, Tth
and uti, aiterooon.
DRESS SUIT, site 37. $15. cost $60; good aa
new. pnone tasi
In a city of 4000 inhabitanta. the only one
In the city, through which there run two
railroads. This theater is equipped with
electric ptano plaver. talking machine, 20U
folding chairs, stoves, electric fans, moving-picture
machine, atereopticon dts
eolver, a good supply of music for Pn
and records for talking machine, ana
everything that is necessary to operate a
picture theater, at a cut price. Inquire
of or wri:e I. F. Repmen, at the Perkins
Hotel, this city, at once. Thla snap will
not last long: It cannot.
SEWING machines f0 slightly damaged
a.t -. ... Inw rtrtrS Stntcr.
Wheeler A Wilaoil. Domestic. Houaehold.
Pavia. Olds King. Standard, White, New
Home, and otnera Machines rented by
week or month. Net d lea, part" nd at
tachments for makes Expert re
pairing and all work guaranteed. S. -Kinei.
agent for Slngfr and Wheeler si
Wilson machines 835 M or risen st.
GET our prices and save money on all kinds
Yea we sell to all.
Plumbing goods Installed If desired,
110 N. 3d St., nesr GHsan. '
New films nw subjects for rent and right
prices. Moving picture machines for sale.
Information freely given about the busi
ness. Wa teach you to operate, Coneult
us about the most profitable bualnesa of
the age. Laemmle Film Service. 419-424
slaiquam bldg., Portland. Or.
$10 to $100 made dally In the moving'
!..,. tmr rin: n PTDrTiMlCe UI1
necessary: easv work; short hours; a small
investment will make - you rlch open
evenings; information gratis. Newman
Moving-Picture Exchange, 2!3 Burnside st.
tiir-jaa a'or irttir om nc 1 1 1 ore. vv ts k uta.i
tee no repeaters. We buy fourteen reels
of new association Sims every week.
Phone Main 7429. Edison Display Co
163 4th .at
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rn.
tables with privilege of buying; modern
par nxtures; enemy pi-itM.
Balke-Collender, 49 Third at.
tw a rT it' 1.1 .v new Edison ohonograpn,
rmrrhiiidd In Ju v- latest mproveu HOI II ,
will sell for purchase price. $23 cash, bal
ance monthly; this to Include 31 new rec
ords. N 351, oregonian.
WESTERN SALVAGE CO., complete houae
furnishers, new ana secona-nanu nwuoc
v.niH hoi).? hi. aold and exchanged;
for barcalns call ua up. Main 1108 or
A 8791. Cor. 20th and Waahington ats.
FOR SALE One $0 bed davenport. in
towards cow or mare. R. E. Davis, 429
East Lincoln st.
TYPEWRITER for ale; used only short
new; cheap for cash- Call Room 15 Mil
ner bldg. -
time: imun rrsmiei - .--""
FOR SALE One 12 h. p. stationary gaso
line engine; bargain. Railway Equipment
Co., 74 1SI SI. Dom pnuuea.
SHOW CASES, cash register, scales, coun
ter, candy jars ana everyining m aiure.
193 4 th, cor. layior.
FOR SALE Cheap, black-top tent. 24x48
feet, . 10-foot side walls. Call Newman,
2i3 Burnside. phone Main 848.
$7,n Silver "Conn" cornet, cheap, cash or
installments. Spauldlng. tirocer, vooa-
stock. Phone Sellwood t2i.
vnvivn.Pirri'RE EXCHANGE Machines,
supplies, trildrs. fllnn for rent. 165 4th at.
PiivsifiAN To work In a legitimate med
ical Institution; only a moderate salary
will be paid until fitness Is proven by
trial. W itoi. ure.oiiiaii.
WNTED Man to take charge of small
power plant, water power; married man
preferred, r. w. nmiica, r uiuvc,
railway mail clerk examination; good
salary and promotions. Pacific State
Schools. McKay bldg.
WANTED A good solicitor, by buaina
college; gooa neia; iiuerai cuuui-i.h.
281, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS coat maker; ateady man;
prlcea $10 and up. Addresa A. Nettel
blad. Aberdeen, Waah.
Dry GOODS, clothing furnishing goods
salesmen, bookkeepere. stenographers P.
A. A C Co., 323 Wash. at.
WANTED Energetic, high-grade salesman;
a special opportunity to a live man. N 358.
For Men 250 Burnside Street
Phone Main 5694.
12 North 2d at. Both phones.
RKLIAFLE place to borrow, money on dia
monds, watches and Jewelry; atrictly con
fidential. 165 1st at.
22$ H Morrison. M. 3022. W are white.
WANTED A first-class stlckerman. Apply
Acme Planing Mill Co., Eaat Water and
East Oak.
HUSTLER who can place a high-grade
stock of unusual merit. Call or address
226 Falling Bldg.
STENOGRAPHER. railroad experience;
must give re faiences. Address E 403, Ore
gonian. Headquarters cooks helpers. California Win
Depot, P. LoratI, 148 4th. Main 6600.
The Eagl Bath and Shaving Parlors; shav
ing 10c Ed Dennison, prop., 64 Sixth st.
COATMAKERS wanted at once at Colum
bia Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark ats
WANTED Photo coupon and picture agents;
something swell. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
WANTED A man with moving-picture out
fit for road show. Call 915 E. Salmon at.
SIDE LINE on liberal commission, city and
country, good aellera. Apply 231 Oak at.
A FIRST-CLASS Inside and outside tinsmlth.
R 357. Oregonian.
GOOD reliable harneaa cutter wanted Imme
diately. John Clark Saddlery Co.
WANTED First-class all-around tailors,
F. W. Lyon, 203 Rothchild bldg. .
WANTED Boy with bicycle.
A Co.. 250H Alder.
K, S, Ervln
Millwright $100 mo., band saw man. $3;
gang edgerman. 3.25 up. We also want
several wood choppers, woodsmen, saw ana
hingle mil! laborers, farm hands, etc,
at good wages.
New work coming in all the time.
Call early and take your pick
Main office 12 N. 2nd at., both phones
WANTED First-class assistant marine en
gine and boiler draftsman at per uau.
a competitive examination will be held at
the Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Wash., No
vember 16, 1W)S, to nil the above position.
For application ana runner iuii '"-'ir
addre&s "Commandant, ravy xaro,
get Sound. Wash."
BOY WANTED A good opening for an
energetic boy unaer 1. ininw -
business methods; short hours and gooa
pay; need not interfere with other duties;
wtrk in spare moments all Winter. James
C. Havely. Jr.. 715 East 11th St. F. M.
Froeh, Fourth and Main streets, Vancou
ver. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last yr.
men ana women 10 wara "7,
eia-ht weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly,
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 3o
N. 4tn at., Portland, Or.
$10 to $100 made dally in the movlng
plcture theater business; experience un
necessary; easy work; short hours; a small
Investment will make you rich: open
evenings; Information gratia. Newman
Moving-Picture Exchange, 298 Burnside st.
WANTED Experienced ax-handle men.
who thoroughly unaerstana in
for lathe and bandsaw, patternmaker,
bolter, sanders and expert finishers or
handles. Address Handle Factory, DaLaa,
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230
240 8th at., San Francisco.
Employment O if Ice Man's Department.
23 North Second st.
Pbonaa Main and A 1526.
Help Free to employers
WANTED Men to work in tunnels at
Spring Garden and Chilcoot, California,
and on outside railroad grading near
Quincy. Cal. Apply at Chilcoot or
Spring Garden, The Utah Construction
agenta and temperanca workers to sell
thla book on greatest conflict in history;
even saloon men buy it; prospectus $1.
book $2. N.-W. Sales Co., Portland
Spokane. FIRST-CLASS day porter who has had ex
perience In Portland hotels; also engineer
who understands plumbing and electricity;
also elevator boy who lives at home. Ad
dress with references S 357. Oregonian.
STEADY, reliable man take -care horses,
yard and furnace, good horseman, $25
per month and board. Don't apply unless
you can fill the bill. 611 Commercial
HAVE more work than I can take care of;
will take good, brignt young man. win
amall capital, as partner. 225 5th at.
MAN that wants to get into business for
himself; salary guaranteed. siuu ana
commissions, besides earnings; permanent
business; good for $5O00 per year. Call
forenoons - 705 Swetland bldg.
HUSTLERS to take charge of business
chance department of reliable real estate
firm, paying large returns; part cash, bal
ance from business. Particulars 208 H 4th
WANTED Combination clerical man and
stenographer; must 00 gooa at ngurea ana
write legible hand. Apply in own hand
writing, atatlng salary expected. Good
chance for promotion, F 289, Oregonian.
GENERAL agent for Colorado and Idaho
can make $.".000 per ' year; muBt 'invest
aome money; experience not required;
must have references. Call or write, 411
Couch bldg.
GENTLEMEN of good address and A-1 ref
erences to Interest investors in the biggest
money-making Invention of years. See In
ventor. 1027 Board of Trade bldg.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics: easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learlng. Watchmaking. En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
WANTED Men experienced in selling books
or Insurance to handle a new proposition
having special features. Call ft to 10, 148
5th st.; take elevator; ask for Mr. White.
JANITOR for an apartment house, married
man, no children, must nave some Knowl
edge of plumbing; give phone No. if pos
sible. T .155. Oregonian.
DRUG CLERK wanted, registered, senior or
Junior. Address lyuu jaasi tiara: st. t-nono
Tabor 878.
Hamilton bldg.
Room 89
Thoroughly experienced and reliable In
knit underwear, children's wear, art
needlework, etc., etc.
83 Wash, at., cor. 7th, upstaira.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
HATS remodeled like new, half price; we
dye. clean, curl, remake plumes. Model
Millinery, jiiercnanw aiuol urn..
and Washington.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and atate; good money. Call
room 508 Merchants Truat bldg.. th and
Washington at-
voiTNrt LADY, clerical work; must be
rapid, accurate and good penman; $0 per
weeit to oegin. 1 u ceuumu.
wanted Youns lady stenographer with
general office experience preferred, Wil
lamette Tent & Awning Co.
rnvpr.TKNT cook for general housework
email family; good wages. Call 348 H
10th st. after 10 A. M.
SIX trustworthy ladies to travel, $00 per
month and expenses; cny worn, per
day. 612 imperial Hotel. Hours w 10 o.
S43A Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Ma'n 2692.
326 H Washington at., room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
pay; Instruction free. Call 452 Washing
ton. WANTED A girl for general housework,
Norwegian or Swedish preferred. Apply at
429 Yamhill at,, Weat Side.
WANTED Lady canvassers, house to house,
good thing. Call 289 First st., Portland.
YOUNG LADY wanted st once to learn bar
ber's trade; good wages; steady work.
68 4th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
wages $20 per month. Call 703 Hoyt.
A $610.
GIRL for second work and to assist in car
ing for baby; reference required. Call
348 10th at.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for light
housework In plain family. Apply Young
Women's Christian Association.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook; good wages to capable person. Call
689 East Ankeny.
Ladies Department. 205 Morrison at.
Phones Main 1062, A 2064.
WA NTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vtavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
THOROUGHLY experienced cook and gen
eral houseworker; small family of adults;
good wages. Main 9550.
GOOD plain cook and housekeeper. Apply
between 12 and 2. 695 Davia, near 2lst.
WANTED A stenographer and office
ant. Reply-box D 376. Oregonian.
A COMPETENT cook for general
work. Phone Main 4152.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. 714 Everett st. References
WANTED Girl for general housework; rood
wages 351 32d st,, Willamette Heights
GIRL wanted for general housework; small
family; $26. 625 E. Ankeny at.
YOUNG nurse girl to assist with two chil
dren. 742 Hoyt. Main 4752.
GIRL to assist with cooking and general
housework; $ In family. 471 Main st.
DOMESTIC Middle-aged woman,
room. Phone C 1259.
4 COOKS, 1 private boarding-house $30 to $40
2 second girls :::vA"!;J
11 general housework $20 to S30
3 housekeepers, country ....... ..$i
Other good orders coming in dally.
209 H 4th St. Main 2039, A 2824.
THE Leisure Hour Psychic Club meets at
Drew Hall. 162 x, 2d St.. tomorrow (Fri
day) evening 7:45. No charge for mem
bership. Only students of occultism (pre
ferably theoaophy) eligible. All wanting
to Join will write their intentions today
(Thursday) to H. Shepard, 749 Water st.
No phone.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework In amall family. Call at 252
13th at.
WANTED Man with team and wagon to
take load furniture 40 miles in country.
R E. Davis. 429 East Lincoln.
EXPERIENCED pressers on lad'8- gar
ments. Vienna Dye wonts, z-o
GIRL for general housework.
Apply B81
10th, cor. Montgomery.
GIRL for general housework, wages $25-
Phone Main 4U4S.
WANTED First-class singer for motion-
picture theater, Dig saiary, n Vxm
sional and amateur actors and singers
Call at Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 293
EXPERIENCED busheling tailor wanted for
second-hund work. 2674 Everett St., bet.
3d and 4th.
FISK Teachers Agency. Register now, si.
202 Swetland bldg. Pnone Main znv.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man, Yale graduate, wants position
with high-class firm where advancement
will come consistent with ability and en
ergy; combination of inside and outside
work preferred. S 350, Oregonian.
POSITION in clothing; store, city; salary to
start no object; best city and country
references. Address E 376, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young office man of assist
ant bookkeeper; references. T 832, Ore
gonian. BY voung man aa clerk in office; 5 years
experience. A-1 references R 356, Ona
gonlan. GROCER, 14 years' experience in this city.
R $54, Oregonian.
T. S. LAFRANTZ or Lapantx, letter from
S 342 delayed; Is at postofnee today
CIVIL engineer open for employment; ex
perience South Dakota, Montana ana
Alaska: have -my own transit, level and
equipment. Address D. L. Buckingham,
Hotel Nortonla, city.
COOKING, country hotel or city, prlvato
family; Japanese courts want situation;
man experienced cook, wife good second
work; good references. S 361. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as lumber salesman or
tlmbor cruiser; have the experience, ref
erences: wages no object to start. C 883,
POSITION as florist or landscape gardener
on private or commercial place; roses
trimmed and gardens cared for by month.
Address A 3G4, Oregonian.
SOBER young man, German, who also
speaks English, a good horseman, handy
with tools, understands garden work,
wants place to work. F 304, Oregonian.
A PLANING bill foreman would like to have
S situation; wouia nwcpi i-ic , ..
man in iarge plant.
1208 Macadam st.
Address J. B. Duncan,
WANTED Position by all-round sawmill man,
as foreman or millwright; reference. C 333,
FIRST-CLASS filer wishes position as filer
in camp; nrsi-cmeo vtvin.
Clough. S31 1st st.
i v-c-- v voiionr waiter, wishes oosi
tton In city. C. S. Aguchl, 51 Vt N. 6th
at., city.
YOUNG man attending business colless
wants place to work for room and boara
AD 229. Oregonian.
POSITION By young man familiar with
civil engineering; three years' experience
in field work. Address 203 East 27th at
RESTAURANT man of 14 years' experience
wants situation; competent in klt'-hen or
o . xi.Aa T W Main 4tiS7.
UUllUg-l UUIU. ""v
A JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
housework; wages, per mumn. uoo.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do any
kind work in ramny or ooaruinB-iiouao,
speaks English good. F 363, Oregonian.
JOB as cook and waitress by man and wife,
In or out of town or In camp. E 393. Ore
gonian. " '
RELIABLE chauffeur wants position. Call
or write C Richards, 1091 E. Morrison st.
JAPANESE employment office. 249 Couch
r - 1 ok 0-1 a AV-G
Bl. JUUAII UJiii -n.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency,
310 Davis st. Main 8309. A 2997.
Bookkeepers and Stenographere.
TifiMTrh .DntiHnm for stenocraDhers. of-
o-iri, UKrarinn or bookstore clerk.
cashiers and for women to wash and clean.
Ynune Women's Christian Association.
Phone Main 0267 10 to 5 o'clock
YOUNG LADY (Swiss) just arrived from
the East, speaKins wiuhm... kuu ahu.h,
wants position as bookkeeper or cashier.
Address r . J? unrer, aatu . m
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, pnone xjuemcoo uu"jiij,
4504. u esiea ana ci uucu.
WANTED By public stenographer, desk
room and use of typewriter in exchange
for services. A 230S. Main 577S.
vnnvn r.inv tnoirrarjher wishes post
tion: references. Phone Woodlawn 2122
between 10 and 11 A. M.
t rw v x-oot-b' Mtifirience insurance bus!
ness" desires position ; recently from the
East. S 350. Oregonian.
LADY recently from East, desires position
aa cashier or bookkeeper; good references.
S 354. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady stenographer desires position
references. Phone Woodlawn 2122 bet
10 and 11 A. M.
on v rrn kirts made with accordion
iaiti flounce. $1.50 to $2.00; waists
- made for 75 cents and up- East 4613,
1463. 275 McMillen st,
THE famous Keister Ladles Tailoring
College Ladles, save dressmakers bills,
make your own gowns here. We teach
Keistefa drafting system. 306 Stearna big.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day ; experienceu. ruuuo x oum
npir.ssMAKiN'ft neatly done: prices reason
able, work guaranteed, at 946 Tlbbett st.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices
Mrs. Angeiea, om muu
SITUATION wanted by experienced girl as
housekeeper ior one iauy or emew;
pie. or helper in kitchen. F 353, Orego
fiDARi.w lndv wants a nlace as house'
"keener for widower or bachelor. T 354,
COMPETENT woman would like a position
as houseneeper ior wuiuj' ui
dress P. O. box ..VJ,, kjl.
WIDOW, one child, wants position as house
keeper or managing rooming-house. 209 H
4th st. Mam iu.j, j. .041.
ftpprttpnted woman desires position
"housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house,
B 338, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower, or two
family. T 351, Oregonian
x) ct t a woman wants day work
cooking. Apply 411 Mildred St., Highland-
Phone C 1081-
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position to do
second work, not less man j. oov,
SWEDISH girl wishes second work In pri
vate family; gooa reicreute-. a.'.
Si Oregonian.
SWEDISH girl would like place to do cook
ing and general housework. Phone Wood
lawn 1309.
GIRL wants place to do light housework
and plain coosing. t-u-i jkluiu 00..
PRACTICAL nurse wants to care for in
valid or be a companion for lady, t ss,
NURSE GIRL Young girl wishes position
as nurse girl, phone Main 4279 or A 42. 3.
Misoel lsneaa.
WANTED Good ragtime pianist and rnor-lng-plcture
player: also vaudeville pianist
arm nr priaintr wunn uusinwu.
O 335. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED ticket eeller or cashier
-Wishes a position ; reiereuco u nw"
Y 335, Oregonian.
CURTAINS carefully laundered at borne 40j
pair; aausiacuon gui"
for. Phone Sellwood 134.
YOUNG German woman wishes chamber
maid work or to neip m
apeak English. C S77, Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 centa
pair; blankets specialty. A
TAILORS buttonholes and pockets of superior
workmananlp maae in men m ur
Phone A 1303.
HOME laundered lace curtains by XPT"
lencea nana, pnone iniwt wo. i . a.
DAY work by experienced young woman.
laundry or cleanups, ow
A 354S.
WANTED -Cooking or laundry
work by
day. Phone Main B7a. '
A YOUNG lady wishes position, pianist. In
town or out. it so. ureguiiinii.
ARE you out of workT or if you want to
make more money, can a-- w -
can give you easy-selling articles to sell;
big money for hustlers
AGENTS wanted for good proposition. Call
after 9 A, M-, jenerson.
WANTED To rent, modern home, seven
rooms, electric ugiiu wiu luc-"' Z iLZZZ
19th and 25th. Washington and Qulmby
sirtet rent not to exceed $45 per month,
Chapln s Herlow, 322 Chamber of Com
merce, WANTED Furnish-ed room, bath, phone.
etc. ; moaern cuuvomcui, " ZZ .
(not mere sleeping quarters); cloae-ln,
south room, off streetcar side, and 6.3U
dinner preferred. C 381, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, la
a to res, omces. roominB-uuuw., T
lords -will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED To lease for one year or mre
a lurnisnea nou 01 o v -be
on West Side, well furnished and in
good neighborhood; private family, no
children. E 382. Oregonian.
SINGLE man, 80 years old, wants room in
. n ... W A , hon 111 nlOOlCS
private nouuo. no " , T-T 7
fiom Plaza Park preferred. B 855, Ore
gonian. ww- . w..,w.r7.w. a w...iViai4 TvuimM fnr
housekeeping; must oe wen iumwueu
neatea; ataie price muikm. iuwiuu.
WANTED Small cottage with barn or
small cottage in xne vicinity w
Weidler. S 362, Oregonian.
WILL pay $650 cash for 6 to 10 well-fur
nished modern roonw, wuiu ui -a.,0
ton, close in. F 360, Oregonian.
FURNISHED house In Irvington by young
. . ' i..An fall 1 ill L
couple. Deet 01 reiwcuL." -
Front Bt., Main 2020.
HAVE you a house to rentT Place It on
our list. Hartman oc ...
ber of Commerce.
LIST your houses and stores with us for
QUICK reniHJ. rut.. w
of Commerce. Main 7309.
WANTED 8 or 4 unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping, west or lotn. J. vv. A it
be r. Franklin Hotel, city.
WANTED Office spaoe In modem office.
with phone; real estate ana minin., per-
manent. u ss2. ureguniaii.
r.i.nKHl,T ladv wants unfurnished room and
board with private ramny, muai o.
ground floor. Aaaress z3 v uuim .
WANTED 2 or 8 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, west side. J oo. regoum.
WANTED Furnished house. 5 or 6 rooms.
. . . it: .1 t Vnw SOI
Close in, v e.i piMc. i . w- M"..
And anything eiae you have to selL
Msln 6665.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
ahoes; we also Duy nousnoia huuhuiub-.
highest price iaid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d at North. Phone Main 9212.
WANTED Two parties to take interest In
duck-shooting reserve on -u
lakes F 801. Oregonian.
WANTED to buy 2000 feet 4 or -lnch sec
ond-handed wrought iron pipe. jvuh
SOS Davis st.
Paya the price" for second-hand furni
ture, Eaat 988. B 231L
CLOTHING Phone M. 1851 S3 N. 3d.
Highest price paid : prompt attention.
Fnrnlisbed Rooms.
THE AUDITORIUM, 208 3d at., home
comforts, steam heat, free batna, water in
rooms, permanent or transient, $i.50 up
FURNISHED rooms . in private family;
steam heat ana use oi oatn n yuvue.
references. 660 Glisan St. Phone Main
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weeaty up. a , mu
T-ifrviT. u-tfwvriv i sfh mnrt CTashlnsrton''-
rnnmn win ST U and en suite: also
housekeeping; running; water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable, Paciflo 490.
181 FIRST ST., cor. TamhllL nicely fur-
t j n - vQcrnahlf bath, both
UU19I1CU iuuuin, aw . -
pnones, pcnuimcit vi
BT FRANCIS. 3 4 K. at., cor. uuuun,
beautifully furnished rooms en suite or
Single; raira i ccmwuu
t . irp.k! frfint mom. with board, suitable
fcr two; private family. 530 Davia, near
16th-st. canine.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827
. Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Bates.
ELEGANT furnished rooms, all modern
conveniences: swell residence Nob Hill
district. Owner, 69 N. 2lst.
194 LOWNSDALE ST. Corner Taylor, nice
front room, central location, all modern
FINELY furnished room in steam-heated
apartment ; every convenience ; central ;
cneap rant, rnoiw a j7iv.
325 13TH Elegantly furnished front
rOOm, W OH IlCifclCU, HUH urn.., " aaa uwssl nlcelv furnished front room: gas.
bath, heat; close In, walking distance. 1S5
16th st. .Nonn.
T.ARfiR lleht bay window room, electricity.
furnace, new flat- 187 16th, near Yamhill.
Main 8910.
NEWLY furnished rooms, corner house, fur
nace, gas and bath, runnkig water, 5 min
utes walk from P. O. 295 10th.
258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms
private family; new house; every conven
ience; gentlemen only.
FRONT suite and single rooms; hot and cold
water, steam heat. Phone Main 2118 or
call 147 13 th.
housekeeping rooma.
ind furnished light
253 0th st., corner
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
Hotel Royal, 10S 4th, steam heated rooms,
$1.50 to $5 per week, 50c to $1 per night.
THE DORMER. 28S ISth Beautiful rooma.
team heat, hot water, rates rMvn.uiw.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
, . . . . -Anma "JJ H 1Z. Unrrlinn
WK.; BUBO v u.Ainici4. .ww. a
FURNISHED ROOMS One fine front room
and two aingle rooms 325 7th.
ROOM, hot and cold water, walking dia
tance, $7. 26$ Montgomery at.
NICELY furnished rooms In good location-;
heat In every room. 122 12th at.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder l"nder
new management: newly renovated
throughout; 70 outside rooms; steam heat,
electric lights, etc. Rooms $8 week up;
suites with running water, 422. M to .10;
elegant parlor, with piano in connection.
Phones and bath free.
Cor. 10th and Washington Sta.
Elegantly furnished rooms, single or
en suite; steam heat, hot and cold water
In ail rooms; private baths; special rates
to permanent people. Rooms by the day,
week or month.
Nicely furnished rooms, f2 per week tip:
steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths
and phone; transients SOc. 75c and (1 p
day; open all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 4S8-4U2 WagMngton st.
....... I r A,, .nr. U.rilUin StB .
has a few bachelor rooms ready for oc
cupancy; these rooms are th, handsomest
furnished In the city and have every mod
ern convenience; term, moderate; rent
begins Oct. 1st.
QATOSA HOTEL. 392 East Btark, cor.
Grand ave.; modern, new. .levw steam
heat: hot. cold water, prlvata baths. t.M
per week up; a few select housekeeping
suites, furnished; ga stoves. 1'hone East
THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Ho
tel. 330 Yamhill; new management, aa
Ideal place to make your W inter q
new fireproof building, with modern con
veniences. In heart of city; special rate, to
permanent guests. A. H. Pracht. prop. -
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
ington sta Newly furnished 'hr,"h,""i
iiew buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phon. Main
T195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
THE NEW OCU11JH.I-, iaii
First and Morrison; steam heat, elect no
lights, hot and cold water, baths
per week up; transUnta aollcltad. Phone,
A 4408. Main 4S6L
THE GOODNOUGH. cor. 6th aad TamhllL
opp. P O.; room, by day. week or month;
elevator service, .team heat, etc.; alnflea
and iltes; 3 weekly up. Una, .lllw
NEWLY furnished front bedroom In new
. bungalow; private family; every con
venience; breakfast it desired. 10th. and
Tillamook tlrvlngton). East 4224.
A LADY retoucher and general all around
photographer, A No. 1 reference, B 87a.
NICE large front room for one or two gen
tlemen, 7 blocks from poatoffloe. Main
6682. 22 7th.
Room, with Board.
Board and room only 30 per month.
Investigation will bo a mutual advantage.
The Vallamont, Weat Park and YamhllL
WHEN in Portland stay at th. Hill Hotel,
cor. 23d and Washington; under new man
agement; an elegant family and transient
hotel; beautifully altuated. near the Citj
Park; every modem improvement; excel'
lent table; rates reasonable. '
BLAKELT HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of th
nicest private boarding-houses In dty
large, airy rooms, running water, beautl.
ful grounds, finely located for tourist
transients and permanent guests. A 5345
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
loom and board, 25 per month, largf
grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables!
large parlor with piano all free; eas
walking distance.
NEWLY furnished largo room, lower floori
nrst-class home cooking, modem noma
easy walking distance. Main 81160, 167 N.
22d st.
SUITE of two nioely furnished rooms, with
nrst-class board; suitable for 3 youn,
men; all conveniences; S5.B0 per week.
Aster House, Tth and Madison.
MRS. A. SIMON has suite, and slnglf
rooms with board, suitable for couples oi
gentlemen; modern conveniences. 46 N.
21st St., near Washington.
LARGE, airy noma modem convenience,,
extensive grounds, walking distance; ex
cellent board. 617 Kearney.- Phones A 2618,
Main 3996.
PORTLAND Women". Union. 20th year; room,
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella Raw
lings, SuuU. 610 Flanders U
ROOMS with board In a new private borne;
tillable for 1, 2 or 8 young men; very
reasonable rent. Address 6S2 East 6th or
Phone Sellwood 133.
LARGE, front rooms, suitable for two. heat.
batn, gooa uuaiu, i" - -----
lng distance; rates reasonable. 454 Mont
gomery st-
LARGE modem rst-flor room; furnac.
neat, not aou, TT- -
PLEASANT sunny room with board, modern.
, . . . i . . .... n. lath and nhona.
walking uAswfcuu., w
410 2nd.
LARGE newly furnished front room with
board; nome cooaiua. w.....
suitable for one or two people. 455 6th st.
THE COLONIAL Comer 10th and Morrison.
A nome hull-, , . . . -
NICELY furnished rooms and hoard, front
room, steam neu-L, cufw, ww.
lngton at. y
FRONT room, with board, suitable for ;
one single; whiiuuh iu.i, -
aonable. 41 Ella St., pear Washington.
THE MORRISON, 633 Morrison at., family ,
hotel, mouei u, w " " " . .
optional; best table board; prices moderate.
THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th. well-
home cooking, permanent or transient.
FRONT room, uitable for o-Jf ,
home cooking. o.o w. -
FURNISHED rooms, with board. Th, Oxark,
inn st.
THE MANITOU. 261 13th. lrge, airy
rooms. xihi-cb noaum..
BOARD and room, modern house, rearcn-
able. I'lione ciuik i... "
ONE large, sunny room for 2; also single room.
with boara. aionimm,
NICE front room on ground floor, wltb
board. meal tickets 14.50. at 284 Main at.
Apart men ta.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th, Columbto. 5
blorks south of Morrison, 100 feet from
Jefferson or 13th-t. carllne: easy walking
distance; new, handsome brick building.
In 2 3 4-room family apartments; prlvato
reception hall, steam heat, hot water,
elevator, free phone, compressed air
cleaning. Janitor service, maximum of
convenience, elegance, equipment; com
pletely furnished, ready for housekeeping,
some unfurnished; rent reasonable; ready
for inspection and to rent apartments.
compietea oy nuv.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence)
apartments, each having private vesti
bule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range, refrigerators, window
shades and screens, telephone and Jani
tor service. Apply Janitor. 18th and Coucn. ,
W L. MORGAN. 822 Failing bldg.. Just
completed at 21st and Kearney, most
beautifully finished 4 and 6-room steam
heated apartments; splendid location; ex
cellently equipped; reasonable rent; also
627 Everett, 6 rooms, same equipment.
Marshall sts. ; take S or 16th st. cars go
ing north, get off at Marshall; 2-room
suites, newly furnished, from 16 up; also
S-room suites, JiO up; modern conven
iences; no dogs. Phone Main 67 il.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders:
beautiful 5 and 6-room apartment,; steam
heat. Janitor, etc. '
THE Westminster. 6th and Madison. Bach
elors should see our stylish looms. Here
are comfort and good cheer.
KTPELY furnished 6-room apartments,
steTam heat, water. Janitor service. 65J
Flanders St.; references.
gix-ROOM steam-heated apartments; 4
rooms- furnished; Janitor service. 'Call
Flat C. 403 10th St.
lumbia. Furnished 4-room apartment for
rent, or will sell furniture. -
THE CHETOPA Modern 4-room unfur
nished apartments. Apply to the Janitor;
both phones.
BEAUTIFUL 7-room comer apartment; every
modern convenience; excellent location. 715
Johnson. A 1678
BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment for rant,
12th and Columbia. "The Braintree.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 8-room apart
ments: heat; phones, bath. 191 14th st.
SIX-ROOM modern flat, one block fro:
tiih school. Annlv 175 10th
FOR RENT 328 Park t nice 5-rootn up
per flat, very reasonable; adult, on).