IX TIIE MOKXTXG OKEGOXIAX. TTTTTIISDAT, OCTOBER 29, 1903. THREE MORE QUIT Subordinates of .Superinten dent Fields Follow His Lead. 0. W. P. EMPLOYES RETIRE Chief Dispatcher E- B. Heath, His Assistant, E. M. Smith, and Chief Clerk A -L. Gape Will Get Oat November 1. Resignations on the OrpRon Water a?ower division of the Portland Railway, Ught ft Power Company were the order of the day yesterday. Chief Dispatcher II B. Hath, his assistant. E. M. Smith, and A. I. Gae, chief clerk In the office of G. C. Fields, superintendent of the O. V'. p. division, tendered their resignations with the request that trwy take effect on Kovemher 1. The move is supposed to be made out of sympathy with the action of Superintendent Fields, who resigned Tues day. The rsUmatlons were tendered to Su perintendent Fields, since all three men are in his department. President Josse.yn toad not heard lant night of the resigna tions and declined to discuss probable causes for such action. He aaid the operation department of the O. W. P. le under the. control of Mr. Fields and that he is the one to manage such mat ters. The resignations are understood to have been filed because of friction between the traffic department of the O. W. P. lines and the operating department. This is believed to be responsible for the retire ment of Superintendent Fields, who re sented the stepping over his head of Trafflo Manager Hunt on many matters formerly within the Jurisdiction of the of the superintendent. It is said the resignations yesterday were made by the men to show their loyalty to Superintendent Fields, the bead of their department. That they re- eent the replacing of Mr. Fields by TrafDc Manager Hunt, who will take over the duties of the superintendent's office. Is shown by their action. I really do not take the action of the three men today very seriously,' aald Superintendent Fields last night, when evoked the cause for the resignations. have not yet accepted their resignations and shall do what I can to get them to reoonalder. Mr. Gage, my chief clerk. I know has been contemplating getting out of the work for some time, and his resignation might have been expected on that account. I have no doubt the others have something else in view that they want to take up." The two dispatchers, as well as Mr. Gag, have been In the employ of the O. W. P. for some time and are known to be competent and faithful employes, M'CUME IN NEVADA FIGHT fveno Clab Em ploy a Him to Aid In Terminal Rate War. REJN'O. Ner., Oct. 18. F. H. McCune, who conducted Spokane's flsht for rail road terminal rates, haa been employed by the Reno Commercial Club and the Nevada Railroad Commission to assist Nevada in Its fight afralnat the Southern Pacific and the merchants of Ban Fran cisco for intermediate terminal rates for Reno. McCune at present la at Carson, where be la compiling; rates In the State Railroad Commission's office and secur ing; data to be adduced at the hearing to be held in this city soon before Com missioner Cock rill of the Interstate Com merce Commission. Daily meteorological report. PORTLAND, Oct. IS. Maximum temper ature, SS.l decrees: minimum. 43. degrees. River veadlna- at A. M., 1 1 feet: change In last 24 hours, 0.2 foot faJl. Total rain fall I P. U. to 8 P. M.) 0 01 Inch; total rainfall si no September 1. 19 OS, 4.25 Inches; normal. .") laches: deficiency, 0.94 Inch. Total sunshine. October 17. 0 honrs S min utes; possible, 10 hours IS minutes. .Ba rometer ( reduced to sea lercl) at t P. t.M lnchee PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at P. Pad do time. October 88 : i .a o stations. :; J J - f d ? s 3c-. a j : : paker City..... Plimsrek. Polne F.ureka M.. l.aier.ft . K am loons North Head.... I'ocatello. .H. . Portland. Ped Bluff Koeeburs . ..... H t a aranxn to. . Palt Lake fan Francisco. ftpokane Tacottia. , Tatooeh Inland. , V "alia Walla. ... Plalne F:kl-ou. 64 0.001 SE 4J 0 00 1J NW 2 0.00! 4 W 65 0.0 SE ' T. NW 40 0.0')' 4 W 64 0 ?J S SB 60 0 00 10 SK iPt. Cl'dy Idoudy t'Ku.i jr U'loudy Icioudv !'lrtu ijr !Halny (Clear U'loudy rt. "!-dy Rainy (Clear Clear ;Tt. CTdy it'Ioud v '('.U.iy j Ilainy k'U-uiiy ICIoutlv Ri.o.o: m o e fii 0 04 o.ool 4 S 4 .V 4 S 4 V C2 0.001 2 n 0 : o.i! e w 4 sw 4 SE EC o i6';o s o.oo; 4 v R4 0.H J0 SE 0 00' 4 S T. Traoe. TVEATHER CONDITION'S. A disturbance of considerable magnitude Is approachlnc tbe Washington coaat, but so far It has not d ere toped much intensity and the winds here not bevn strong ex cept at North Head, where a 36-mile breeze was blowing at the time the report was received. Rain has fallen In Western Ore gon and Western Washington and the weather is cloudy and threatening in the eastern portion of these etaive. It ts cooler in the Interior of Northern California and warmer in extreme Northwest Wash ington. Elsewhere on the Pacific Slope the changes In temperature as a rule have beea light and unimportant. The Indications are for rain tn this dis trict Thursday with Increasing southerly winds. FORECASTS. Portland and rlclnlty Rain ; Increasing southerly wlnda Oregon. Washington and Idaho Rain; Increasing southerly winds. AT TTTE HOTCTA Portland Mrs. E- 8. Tuttle. r?-ly R. Tuttle. Can Franct-co: A. W. Tuderhark end wife, Los Anreles; W. E. Draper Oak land H. M. JaiunFr. city: A Field. San Franrtsco; F J- Currier and wife. Lynn; Mies V. 5f. Hastinft: Mrs G. Malloy. S-ol-ne- H C Price. M Walters. Spokane; J. Plesenberc Butte: H. Rtelf. San Francls-o; HechU Baltimore: P. C. Gerhard U Pnn jefnotsco; 8. O Baboon and wife, Mt. Hood" Mrs. C. H- Suthard. chlraso; A. C Cos head, Preecott: D- G- M-Lean. N. T. : William Deana. cK ; A- Purch and wife, Pan FTsnrisco; H- F. S-hei;!ng. N'. T. ; E. J Brauek. Ft. Louts; R- Cloonv, N. T. : E. M Gallen. pochecter: A. F Stone, city; R O Rice. tt:e; A. I Il-innan. Pt Paul: TR G. Gasaleln. Philadelphia; J. Stephen os, Jr.. Botae; J. Nathan, fialtlmore, Mr. O. W. Koeater. Bradford: Mrs. J. H. Day ton: A. Haselton. W. ti LIndsey. T T. Goodwin. X. T-; D. D. Sutphen. San Fran cisco; Geo. E- Toult. Seattle: J. Scliattman. V. T. ; J. S. Andrews. Seattle: J. ciilmore, K T.; N- D- PhiUpe, San Franciaco; E. F. Cavajiau-rh. San Krwifivo: O- Ilorla, V. T. ; J. P. Treanor. Sxn Franctsro; J A. 11 lane h srd and wtie, N T. ; V. M. Phelps. Hart ford; F A. Fletcher. J. K. Opteaheimer. A- Herschnerg. N. Y : A. M. Drake. Port land : L- B- Levy. San Francisco; E. C Lajiford. V. T. : J O. Cbeuert. letrolt: J. p. aJn. San Franriico: I S. Stanley. I-onf peacn ; A. Ray. Stattle: Geo. B. Sweek. X'.rm. J- E Cumm!na Mlfs J. Nicholson. A Nrmtnn, St- Paul: W. H. Young. San jTraJKisoo F. K. Sanborn. W. B. McLeod. 1 Brand Central Station Time Card UUUTllfciAX PACIFIC. Leaving Fort land Rumours fuMUtfor 8:18 a. m 4:Ua CuUM Orov rktMSftf ttluoraia .xiiM ........... Bad Fraud. c.j ikxpresa West bids CorvaUls passenger Ghendaa Der ......... Forest Grove paasenger. .. . . Forest Grove paueuger. .. Foret Grove Passenger. Arriving Portland Oregon tip rem .... CcitaKe Grove passer .car ... Eoseborj pauenger Portland Express ...,. West Side tCorva.Us passenger her.aan passenger .......... Forest Grove Fsoger ...... forest Grove rUMaer Forest Grove Passenger I ?:45 B. m X :ii a. to. f :20 a m. : lO V- 8:50 a. m. 1 :u p. m. 5.4J p. m. 7:15 a. m. 11:30 a. m. ft: 30 p. a. 11:16 p- nu 8:20 p. m. 10:0 a. m. VH a. m. 11:50 a. m, 4:ftUp. aa. OttbOO.N BAILKOAU AVIUAriO.N CO. Leaving Portland Fend let oq Paase.at.er CbuaKo-Port.na eclal ....... Spokane Flyer k.anaa city CM case Express. Arriving Portland- Epokaue 'ler Chi.. Kan. City J: Portlaad Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special Feudira pAM&gnr ........... T:13 a. m. B:eO a 8:1ft P :UQ p. ox 8:00 a. m a 8:50 p. m. 5. 15 p. KOUTlltlU PACIFIC. Lest Id Portland ' i Tfccorot and fieattls Exprssl ... North Coast Chicago Llmitsd. Overland Kxpr.ra A rri i III , Portland. North Coa.t Llmllsd Portland Express Ov.rlacd Ktprm :0a. 1 I;X .. l 11.44 p. 1 T:00a- i 4:15 a. I :3i P- l AJ.TOK1A 4t COLCMBIA KIVKB. LcaTioa- Portlaad 1 Astoria A S.asids Express..... 8:00a. Astoria passenger :O0p.l Arriving Punlsad Seaside 4t Portland Passsnssr. . .12:ls p. i Portland Exprasa 110:00 p. i CANADIAN PACII1C RAILWAY CO. Lcavlax Portland C P. R- Short Una, Tim Spokaae 8:13 p. I 11:4a p. l via beattlo Arriving Portland C. P. K. te hoi t Liu., ia Spokana Via Sattl 8:00 a. 1 7:00 a. i Jeilerson-Street Station LeaTlns; Portlaad Dallas r'aseuncer . ... Lalias PMiUer . ... Arriving Portia art Dallas taeaser .... Dallas Faawmtr T:40 a. i 110:15 a. i I 0:60 p. i OREGON fcLECTBJC RAILWAY. ArrJwtus lortlJMl WUaooi:ie Locai ! ., 6alem and Intermediate Local Wl'sonvtlle Local Ealem and Intermediate Express balem and Intermediate Local. UiiuinvillM Local .............. 7:03 a. i 8:15 a. l 10 :60 a. i 11:20 a i l:Wp.i 4:4S p. l 4 :00 p. i 0 .40 p. i lft . I 6-23 a. i T:5 a l 8:11 fialcm and Intermediate Kxpraee. fcaleni and Intermeaiate A-ocai . . galem and Intermediate Kjtpxess., Leavlnat PortUuad Ealem and Intermediate Local.. WUeonvllle Local alem and Intermediate Express, balem and Intel mediate Local.., Wlleonvllle LocaI balem and Intermediate JExpreaa. Balem and Intermediate Local WlUonvilie Local Ealcm and Intermediate Express.! 11:10 a i 1:10 p. i 3 :05 p. i S :30 p. i 5:10 p. i :05 p, 1 T. T. Mullln. Astoria: F. K. Rockott. Chi cago: M. G. Jelenko. N. Y. : H. M. Lyon, St. Pul; H. E. Klein, Philadelphia; w. Waterman and wife, cnicago; w. look, GiBicow: c. L. Houston. Astoria; it. iea- vins, St. John : F. W. Freeborn. Kansas City; u. W. Cherrlngton, Omaha: E. H. Powell. Burlington: W. A. Avery. Detroit F. Hcxter, 1. Cohen. X. T. ; D. 51. Ross, Boise; M. G. Jelenko, T. M. Munger. R. L. Mcintosh. N- Y. ; N Bennett. Tacoma; M. I'cek. aa Francucu. The Oregon J. H. Scholl. Kansas City; H. La. Valencia. San Francisco ; J. T. Cun ntngham, city; A. Longmire, The Dalles W. p. Reed. Gardner: H. L. Co. Chicago P. MoGulre. Aberdeen: E C Dav. J. K Plakealey, New Orleans: J. E. Winaxandiey. J. Schillings, Chicago; F. Charles, New York: R. P. Branson and wife. Ishnennlng F. O. Ward, San Francisco; W. A- Reid and wife. Fort Seward: N. C Stiff. Everett: J. 1-2. Diebold San Francisco; T. J. Parker and wfle. Loa Angeles: E. V. Honeyer. A. Coats. Seattle: D. W. Merrill. Albany: P. M. Balta. city; C. W. Harteougn. Los Angeles: E. Will Lams. Spokane; Grant Gaddes, Baker City; E. P. Benrmann, Sumpter; H. Mulligan, Spokane; A. w, Whitney. Gwendolen: E. H. Zlsker, New York: O. H. Grav. rltr: Maurice Winter. Portland; J. E Wllllazns, Ceirtralia,; Miss Emma Malno, Denver; K- C. Krles. M. K Kent. jr. II. Miller and wife. Centralta: W B. le-h. 1 G. TarrebeL Seattle: C S. Hampton. Chicago; J. D. Waterman, San Francisco : P. L. Fales. Detroit: A. M. Lindsay, Pan Francisco; J. StaTr, Seattle; M r H rooks HflDnner: J. rl. Kruger. Portland; Mrs. O. E. Truax. Grand Raplde; R. Butler and wife. Seattle; W. T. Pea cock. Baltimore: P. Commacher. Tacolt; H. E. Fleming. T. Towney, Spokane; Maurice Lewis. Butts; 5. M- Owens, J. M.. a.aer, Atlanta. The Imperial J. I,. Sullivan, Spakone; w. w rlarht. Alinneanoiis: J. A. ingie. j M. Elder and wife. Corvallls: J. 8. Ogllvle snd wife, O. W. BchaXer. Goldfteld; F. C. Wallace, city; J. W. Flummer and wife, noMhM- I M Graham. Eurna: T. D. Taylor. W. F. Daniels. Pendleton: Frank G. Mirelll. Roseburg; O. D. Doane, The Ialles: W. P. Moffatt, L. McMorris, Walla Walla: J. B. Iedbette. Goldendale; R. E. Willlnma. Harrv Hnolam. Dallas: J. B. Menstck. Baker City; T. Brown hill. HsMlnn- vl le: .a. ii. Artnana, noquiam; v. o. Walter. Roanoke : C C. Clark. Arlington : W O'Vlel. Shaniko: W. 8. Noon. Eugene; Otto Stndabl, Seattle; Mrs. K. P. Bowers, k'nnw1rk : H. il Way. KUKAna Hi. fc, Chase. Silverton; W. & Pearce, city: vV . B. Turner. Washington. D. C; c 8. nan. Cottage Grore; L. M. Whitehead and wife, city; F. Wesley. Fores Grove; Carl John nn r-- tViinmar - C fl Hackatt. North Bend: o J Trorter and wife. R. G. Trotter and wife, Vancouver. Tourist Hotel; M. E. Jones and wirs. c Peterson ana who, men- mond; R. W. Bobbins, Kelso. Perkins Dr. Robt. Greece. Mexico ; Mre E. Fitzhugh, Truckee, Cal.; T. McKlnnm. Lyle. Wash.; Cbas. Oalllshe, Wasco; Mrs. M- Nelson. Tacoma; E. A. Atwood. San IMego, Cal.; Mrs Puts. Spokane; H. A. Fpy and wife. Oystervllle, Wash.; L. D. Hlbbard. Silverton, Or. ; H. W. Thompson, I,, a McEu and wife. Centralis; E. H. Nlles. Albany; G- R- Fa it a, corvallls: R. I Red Be If . Tacoma: Win- M. Anderson. f"hcAo: George D. FelL Pendleton; Grant WaJe and wife, Olex; L. M. Huck. Oregon; Captain Jones, London, Eng.; H. Berg. Spokane; Edward B. Morn and wife. Wasco; a! r. IN- J. ison. (.apcaae liockj; a my Lvens. St. John; Sol. F. Myer, San Fran cisco; J. 8. Cloringer. Lslama; P. N. Rld hcrir. North Bend: Ora Rhnde. Atfiena: O. V. Roberts, Eugene; G. A. Everslcy. Corval lls; George Dysert. Central la; Mrs. M. H c.llman: D. D. Seymour and family. South Haven. Mich. The St. Chmrlee S. M. Anthers, Newberg; W. R. Ailim.i. Salem ; W. Ganger, Mr. Josivn. Hood River; A. W. Greenman. WaKhougal : J. D. Mitchell, Collins; W. Parsons, cfty; E. FT Mettler, Echo; C. 1 Shearer, Echo; W. Hasklna pocatello; p. Peters, Tillamook : H. C. Phillips. Wash turna; H- C. Wilson. Oystervllle; H. J. Johnson. Salmon; R. D. Gibson, Salem; R, (.arrett. Aurora: W. Parsona, Mrs. 8. Hunt lev, cltv; E. Roy. Stayton: A. B- Aikln, ;reham: F. Levtnson. Qulncy; Mrs. Ida lidier. Washougal; E. C. Stark and wife. :tacada: Mrs. Wlest, CatUn; Susie and Virgie Parker. Linnton; C. A. Ryan. I Rvan. Dundee; M. M. Reddington. Fred Stuart. Raymond; Mrs. Mueller. Oak Point; A W. Guerman. Waahougat; W. rt. Crab tree, city; D. V. Cole. CTackamss: F. t. cianon and son. pnyd; P. A. Lilly and family. Akron; J. S. Hughes and wife, Vtta Grand: J. L. Houltman. Goldendale; p. Ahola. Centerville; A. O. Jackson. Gohle; F. F- Martn, city; C. Walbem, Falls Cltv: H. "Tisse. Newberg; H. Luan. Home VaTley; C N. Cornelius, Seattle; Mrs. I. Diicca. Mrs A. Diggs. Gaston; H. 11. Mills, Heppner; C. H. Price. McMlnn ville:C J. Srsrrett and wife. Silverton; R. 1.. G'."3. Corvallls: H. R. Norton, city; G. IT Weber and wife, Marshfleld : Hattle Bruce. Coque'.ie; Mrs. Brooks, North Bene : Ptflla. Milia. Pkamokawa; J. C. McCrea. Jr.. Newberg; P. Anderson, Tacorna; B. C. Dvmond. A Ward. F"Ma; Mrs. W T. Ie. Fc!o; H. Marty. Madlra: B. B. Tuturler, Hull- W. E. Purdy. Newberg; Frances W'est. Kelso; H. J. Borgelt. R. A. Jones. Salem. wortonui "B. C. McWtelty. Worcester. Mttxn. ; McKenns, St. Paul, Minn.; W. Dlrk eron and wife, Dorothy Dickersan. Miss Dikerson. Helens. Mont.: A. K. Frank, Wallace. Idahv E. E. Smith and wife. Chi cago; A. C. Bloom. North Yaktmaf R. C n irfer. Seattle: G. York. Billings. Mont.: J J June. San Franclaco; James Sherwood, city C. W. McKlnlry, SAn Francisco: S. F. Thomas Snlem: J. E WPtxe. Seattle: J. R. Williams. Bualo; B B Davis. Belllngham; Miss C W. Green. Tacoma; E. B. Clay and wlf. St. Paul. Minn-; Mrs. Lucks Eugene; J H Mountain. Vancouver. B- C. :Mlss B. Lewis Toronto. Canada; Jack Burns. Mrs T. Burns, Cspe Town, Africa; Mrs. I Daniels. Grand Rapids. Mich.; A. Merer and wife. Taooma; Mrs. J C- Black, city; T. R. Fdgan, Reno. Nevsda; B. G. Kelly. San Francisco; E- F- Burton. N. Y. ; J. H. Harlin. Albany. N. T-; C. N. Willis Seat tie. The Calumet Mrs W. P. McClure. Oak Point: R. O. Yeager, Philadelphia; C. F. Edwards, Seattle; W. P. Harper, city; J. A. Morrow. H. E. Valols, New York; W. D. Lavden. Eugene: W. H. Boggs, Hanivburg; Jttmea Brock. Cincinnati- B. A. Aahton. Chicago; EL A MoDonaJd. Seattle James CKNiia. New York; M. B, Holly, SeatUei THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. REalAlHAXT COST ONE MUXION DOf.T.AlM, ! HOTEL CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan. Free Bus S WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. e Centrally Loeatad in' la Bvwn In the heart of a J t&f!rfe i4j!:jti354 Local and long i wun private oatn, en suite aua Biugio. uaiu j ernJy equipped Una n.ata all U , i. F. DAVIES. PrwidMit St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Alder CALUMET HOTEL e a s :iVv?J5.aja., - JL d st spy .'i s ft if p t ample MODERN ! liiffiiiil C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor :. EL Campbell. Fresno: P. Doran end wire. an Francisco; C. Coualn Salt Lksi C. onson. Sprlngflold; J. KJerna Chicago, ... ut..Ti xnth.n. Loi Angela,; Jonn Glllta. Philadelphia; M. Andtraon Spokane; t ci,... r J Roeera. Houaton; George Harrla. JPIlv.rton .....is: . H. Crawford. Ban Franclaco; Mra. Haywood, Tacoma; an. r.. , Clav.land; Mlaa J. B. Corbett, Seattle; H. i ovco. I.O AOIBJr, . ' me: C Hayea. Cliff.; Mr.. D. P. Horto". attle; E. D. Al.tlne. city; B. W. ana wit., nooa i . Denrer; Miss U R. Nugent. Spokane; Mrs. Kleppy. Canby; T. J. Flti.lmmonl. San Franclaco; J. W. Swafen. Seattle; H. O Sticknay. oity; W. Thompson and . . , r. tmiw rMatsaanla: t i -aHv- vim Aduna XjOS . . C. . ' . j Angeles; H. I. Morrla. Seattle. Toe Cornelius W. C Ttt. Kajnier; A. Hall. Jl. Goldendale; B. C l-atu, ummi a- Spoon. Molalla; P. Shaf,r. Molalla; W. T Francisco; C. LJberateln. Sumptar; N. W. Patterson. Ban Franclaco; Mra. J. P. Henry, Cincinnati; T. C. Larkm. Seattle; Mra. Anna Brughtmeyer. Jackion: C B. Hurley, city: J. C. Stephena. -Weaver: Mra. J c. Thomas. Thame,; A. C. Heath. St. Panl: W. B. AcVland. Chicago. MEETING NOTICES. ORTHIA CIRCLE, Pythian Sisters, an nounce, a Halloween dancing party Satur day evening. October 81. at the Kalghte of Pythlaa Hal!, nth and Alder eta. All are cordially Invited. Admlaelon, gents oOc la dlea 26c By order of committee MINERVA LODGE, NO. 19. I. O. O. T. Regular meetlnr this rThurday evening at T:0 o'eiecs. Second degree. Victors wal ame. B. aUXIC fiao'y. FOR TOCKISTB ma OOM3EEHCIAI. Special Tmtxm ma o families ud sin gle sjentlenieA Tns H.r-,mil Will b. Slewed at .11 ttm. , Bhow rooms ana stv. prirwa. A mod ern Turkic bath es-tabHshm-M in the hotel . H. C. BOWKB8, OREGON Moda Iropr.1 Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. Matachaa A Soot, Proa. "ST Koom. rkoma Rate 51j0M10-$2.C0 HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sta. the business and shopping district. The J JAJ. In ik. Vnl4Wost - distance phones in every room. Rooms sample-rooms. ELEGANT GK1LL MUalU traina. Rate. S1.0O lai If. XV. S1VETUHD, Manager. C a DAVIES, Sac. aad TraaaJ ' ROOMS 50c TO $aJ0j A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Zjonr Distance Phones In Ever? Boom, tree 'Bus Meets All Trains Fates Ajnert ran, 2 00 per dar and up He tee European. L00 per dar snd up. Per month, ainarle room snd board. $46 to 965 sccordlna to room. For two, $75 to $110. Board without room $30 per month N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. Beautiful Grill Room American Batea to Families and European On Boa Meets All Trains Suites, wttn Bat ha, tor Travellns Ilea COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE DANM00RE Portland's Dew hotel. 4TS Waantnarton, corner letk. apn. B.UlaT Ikaatin Baim plan Sl-Ca an Ua Bna meets all trains. DAN J. MDOREi Proprietor. Hotel Moore Clata Bmis, ea. .Me, Or. Open all rear. For Infer, naation npyir at Tke Panmooro. THE CORNELIUS "The House of "Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omni bus meets all trains. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. We HOTEL LENOX Portland's new and most modernly furnished notell Third and Main streets, fronting- on the beautiful City plaza and adjacent to business center. Free "bus to and from trains. Up-to-date g-Hll. Excellent cuisine. Telephone In everv room. Private baths. , EUROPEAN PLAN, AMERICAN PLAN, 1 to S2JH Per Day. 2-',0 to (4 l'er Day. O. H. SPENCER, Manager MEETTNO NOTICES.. OREGON COMMANDBRT. No. 1, K. T. Special conclave this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Order of the Temple Visiting lr Knlgnt, courteously invited. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18, R" A M. Special convocation this CThureday) evening at 7. 80 aharp'. Work In Past Master and Most Excellent Master's Degrees. Vistors welcome. Ref reshmenta. By Order E H. P. Clyde Evan,, See. JTJNERAX. NOTICES. WTLJCrNS In tbl, city, Ootober 94. John H Wilklns. aed 70 yaara 2 months 311 daya. Xeceased leaves a wife, Mra Anna IVUklna, and the following children: John Wilkins. Henry 'Wllklna, Elizabeth Wat nee. William Wllklna and Fred Wllklna Deceased was a member of Sumner Post. No. 12, O. A. R., who will have charge of the funeral services, which will be held from Erlcaon'a chapel today (Thursday), October 19, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment G. A. R- plot. Greenwood ceme tery. Imantn., McEntee A OUbangh. Funeral Director.. 7th and Fine, f bone Main 4SO. l.dr sseistsnt. Office sf County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN- CO.. Funeral Dlreet srs, XZ0 Id St. Lady assistant, Fhens M Ml. t. P. F1VLEY at SON. Sd and Madison. XaWy attendant. Phone Main a, A IjBS. KELLEK-BVRNF.S CO.. Faneml Dlree sea. t71 W us, ell, Eaat 18S- LmOi assistant. r. U. DtTNNTNO. TJadertaker, 414 East araone anas as. t'iiis amu&exents. UPH T Thsatar H ' -a m 14th and Waalitnffttm Phone Main 1 ana "A 11JJ. Seat sale opens today for MR- I.EK W1LLARD In Sol Smith RuaaePa plar "A POOR RELATION." Next Saturday-Sunday Nlshts. Prices ft. TBc, BOc. I6c. HEILIG THEATER Six nights beginning next Monday DCSTIN FARNCM In "THE SQl'AW MAN." SEAT BALE TOMORROW. Evenings Lower floor. f2. ft 50; balcony ft. 75. 50; gallery 50c Matinee, fl.50 to 25c PRICES TONIGHT S:80 GOGORZA S3.30, S2.00, flJSO, S1.0O. Gsllery , AdjnisRlon 75c Open T:80 P. M. Seats Selling Carrlagea 10:10. Distinguished Barltons Splendid Programme HEILIG THEATER Direction Loi Etera Wyna CoTn&a- Main 117 A EMPIRE THEATER CO. (INC.) I.RnSKK by Baker &toc Company all thia week. A big hit. Evening prices, zjc, ooc, ovc. jt.v. Matinee Saturday. Next week.' "Men and Women." BAKER THEATER i'nonea: nsm si. a oow OREGON THEATER CO. (INC.) LBSSEB tJCO. aj. SaaCii UCU. iucn", Dixon & Bernard in the funnltjst ot all lierman aiaicci muaicai i-muBuiw, n-s. O -"t A- a.ev. Glrla, muaic, fun, life nnd ginger. Note . i . w . r.n 7flg Matinees (except Wednesday) 25c. 30c. rs ext. iiaru aunoa. mivimwt, k"" THE STAR Ahoxl Maln Mfi Matinees Wednelday. Saturday and Sunday For the entire week of Oct. 25, Lincoln J Carter'' Special Production. . . t . .Tt IV "XtUS tLA.ai3U nnMw... Matinee, at 2:30 P. M. Every evening- at 8:16. Night prices. 15c. 2Sc. 85c 50c. M'" Inees, 15c and 26c Seats may be reserved Dy eitner pnone . Next week. "The Montana Limited. MAIN A 100 Matinees ' Kt. finndari ana nouuio 15-25-50C NIGHTS 15-25-50-75C Week of Oct. 26 The Mtilman Trio Henry Morton io., mwn . 1 The Three Moshers, May and Flo Hengler, . , -1 1 i, . irthAl MaiiDenoush. Or. pheom Pictures, Orpheum Orchestra. THE GRAND-YaudeyilledeLoxe ANOTHER BIO BILL Tbe Great White Mystery D'Amon Psychtnmancy Three Zaras and Carmen Les Durand Trio The Haverlocks Jolly ft WUd Fred Bauer Grundaaeope PAN TAG ES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. Stars of All Nations. MRS. EVA FAY. The wonderful daughter of a wonderful mother. Anna Eva Fay. In her sensational demonstration of Thaumaturgy. or mental telepathy. Ask Mra. Eva Fay. Matinees daily. 15c. 15c and 25a Two shows at night. LYRIC THEATER Seventh and Alder. THE BLUNKALL COMPANY October 29 Entire week. PINK DOMINOES No German company Friday. Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. DIED. CALVIN In this city. October 28, John H. Calvin, agea oz years, lu montns, as aays. Announcement of funeral later. MORSEl Martha E. Morse, at the home of her son. a. E. Morse, at Jennings Iodge, Oregon, October 28, at P. M. Announce ment of funeral later. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Oilman's. ' 411 Washington St.. st 10 oolock A. M. B. I. N. Oilman, auctioneer. At Bakara Auction House, 162 Perk at.. furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auctioneers. NEW TODAY. East Third St. 100x100 for sale, with 3 houses. At southwest corner of East Third and Couch; 100 feet from East Burnside street. 100x100 for sale, with 4 houses, at northwest corner of East Third and Couch: 160 feet from East Burnside street. No better property close in, on solid ground, on the East Side, than the above, either for use or speculation. There will be an awaken ing right there very soon. The man who then owns it will receive a fortune for it. R. M. WILBUR 110 Second Street. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates tad terms to sntti ap- rial rates and favorable terms oa large loans oa business properties. Ponds Loaned for Frtvato Investors. A. H. BIRRELL 202 MciUT Bide, Sd at Vtaxk. Mortgage Loans lowest rates of Intersst. LOUIS SALOMOX. IN Mark Strsct, THEATER NEW TODAY. East Third St. Half Block For Sale 200 feet on east side East Third street, between East Davis and East Ever ett streets. Solid ground, 6 feet above sidewalk. This is only two blocks from Burnside-street bridge; 100 feet from Union avenue. Splendid manufacturing or warehouse site. R. M. WILBUR 110 Second Street. WILL BUILD Warehouse To Suit Tenant 13th St. TRACKAGE Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS A home in the most beautiful location on the Willamette River O-room house, all modern conveniences. In perfect condition, electric light, telephone. cny water, lewer. Most majrnlflcent view of river and hills, one minute to car, 25 minutes to center of city; 8 full lots, large bearing fruit tres oi cnoicest varieties, nice lawns ana garden, b&rn ana cnicken-nouee. Price onlv S3000. S1000 cash. If yon want to buy a swell home on the liver thia Is your chance; there Is nothing like it in or near Portland. TKE CROSSLEY COMTANY. INC., "08 and 709 Corbett Bide $2SOO $500 down and $35 per month, Includ ing Interest, will purchase a modern 6 -room bungalow with furnace, fire place, basement and attic, with a lot buxi40 ieet, on .ttavensview Drive, Portland Heights. 20 minutes by car from Third and Washington sts.: or $2900 S100 down and $25 per month. You can nave your choice or terms. F. V. ANDREWS & CO Hamilton Bids- 131 Third St. Tel. Main 3349 on A 3329. NOB HILL HOME On easy monthly payments; 306 North 24th street. Thoroughly modern eisrht- room house. In the heart of the West Blue a best resiaence district. Fidelity Trust Co. OWNER, 801 Board ot Trade Building;. Phone Main 447. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD My bearinr orchard in Hood River for sale. One of best Known properties in the valley, famed for Its prlae Spitz and Ar kansas Blacks. Over 25 acres full bearing-, manv vountr trees. Free irrigation water, best apple soil, splendid location. Stock and Implements go with property. This is I Treat oTmortunlty to et a first-class com merclal orchard at right price and on easy terms. Agents neea not answer, a a areas S 25&. Oregon! an. BROADWAT. tC7Kfl -Btory 7-room and reception VU I uU hall residence, exceptionally well built, witn many attractive fea tures, including furnace and fireplace, comer lot 90x4. Will make terms. THE SPANTOX CO, 270 Stark St. GKOROta BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNT AWT. sL21 Worcester Bulldln PhoB Mala S31X CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING-!. Vollawlna rotes will be riven only when advertising is ordered to ran consecutive any a, lHUiy ana sanauy issues. xne ure gonlan charges first-time rate each insertion for classified advertising that Is not run on consecutive days. The first-time rate Is charged for each Insertion in The Weekly Oregoniaa. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board, "House keeping Booms (private houses only), NituaiJons Wanted. ' 15 words or less. IS cental 10 to SO words, 0 cents. 21 to 23 words, xo cents, ete, as aisuount xor aaai- Uonai insertions. Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads. one time rate each insertion. CNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Nwr Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less: 1A to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etcarse insertion, nscn aamtiontu insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one monta. X"F!W TODAY future measure ante). 1 rents ner line, first insertions 7 cents per line for each additional insertion. A DOVO raica appiy iu uuvvriiniug yma s-U advanc only. All book entries will be charged In lines 14c per line for first In sertion and 7c per line for each consecutive insertion. Special rates on contracts given on application. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS Tor the convenience of patrons The Oregonlan will accept advertisements (excepting "Situations Wanted") for publication In classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors la advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070. A 6095- FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. ft ACRES of choice ground at the junction of two well traveled avenues; all In high state ot cultivation; choice orchard; largo modern 8-room house; near good -carllne; .tdoOO. Full parti aulars givsn at 410 Fall ing building. KKAL KSTATB DEALERS As draws, r. V. Cot. M Hid, U HsmlUoa M Baker. Alfred A 11S blngtoa bid. Chapln A Herlow. SSt Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. a sV Co . 503 Corbett bldg. Crossley Co., f0s- Oorbett bldg. U fields, C. &. Cw, Board of Trade bid. Osddard. H. Main and A 1T4S. 110 ad St Jeanlng A Co. Main IAS. S0 Oregon las. Lee. M. B., room ell Corbett building. MAD Voa Borstal, 104 Sd at. S&2 B Sunulda. Palmer. H. P . SU Commercial Club blag. M 8699. A 1653. Parrlsh. Walkln Co.. 15 Alder at. Richardson. A B.. S21 Com. Club bldg. Bebalk. Geo. D.. 64 Stark st. Main 302. A Sl Sharkey. J. p. Co.. 122 H Sixth st Bwensson. A F . Co.. 353 Wasbtngtoa at. The Oregon Real Estate Co. Grand ava. and Multnomah sts. Ho Had ay Addition.) Waddel. W. O.. S" i.'imbr Kxchanga bldg. White. B. F.. 227H Washington at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $2750 New 8-room modern house, lot U0x 100. restricted district, $400 cash, balance $15 monthly; vacant lot taken for part payment. $500 5-room house, modern, lot- 60x100, half block from carllne, $700 cash, balance $20 monthly; vacant low taken In exchange. fSO--8-room house. lot 100x100, alj fenced, fruit and shade trees. $304 cash, balance $ 10 monthly. 11150 4-room bungalow, lot 50x100. nlot lawn, bearing fruit trees, $150 down, balance $10 monthly. $650 3 -room house, lot 85x143, eMokea houoe and park, fruit. Bull Rua water on Woodstock carllne. We have many others. Call on C. S. ARNOLD A CO., 361 'ik Morrison St. BEAVER ACRES. Join St. Marys on the West. The Oregon Electric Railroad la now running trains every hour; we hava IS 5-acre tracts of cultivated, black solL flhe for gardening and homes; we will eell for $1000 each, one-third cash, balance monthly. 7 per cent Interest; come quick If you want one of those 5-acre tracts, a they will go like hot cakes and will double In price very soon. PALMER A RIGOS. 616 Couch Bldg. Home Phone A ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and plant era In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are in the walnut country. Yamhill 6 -acre tracts, planted, $100 cash, $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO., INC.. 110 Second at. W1H take the Montavilla ear and get all at Jonesmore we will show you tbe besl investment for the money In this city. GEO. D. 6 CHALK. Main SQ2. A 23d2. 264 Stark St. A HOME. There Is a splendid -new -room home with lot 50x100 feet on the Eaat Side that I will sell for $2500; $500 down and $20 per month; 6 per cent interest; there is no reason why you should pay rent when you can get a bargain like this; buy this and get settled before the rains set in. GEO. D. BCHALK. Main 302. A 2392. 204 Stark St. BEST BUY IN MOUNT TABOR. 6 -room modern house, electrio lights. f:as. Bull Run water; two full lots, fine awn, shrubs and bearing fruit trees; flns large barn, well and windmill for barn and irrigation; $3150 takes it. See owner on premises. 1360 E. TAYLOR ST. Take Hawthorne or Mount Tabor car and get off at 48th. 20 ACRES, 1 mile from new electrio carllne and 4 miles N. W. of Linnton. on county road; land lies nice and level and is partly improved ; some fine timber, fruit trees ; would make a fine vegetable, fruit or chicken ranch; $2030 for the whole place If taken at once. C- F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. CHEAP Nice block, 100x100, on S. W. corner of E. 13th and Ivy sts. ; (his la walking distance from Courthouse; can be had at a bargain or would trade for good lota further out. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sta. LOOK this up; bargain; fine 6-room modern house and barn, 2 nice lots 100x100, all fenced and painted; fruit trees, nice yard, 7-foot basement- under bouse; a bargain at $2500; terms, $1000 cash, balance 3 years time. SI Spruce st., Firland. Mount Scott line. Phone Tabor 6S4. 15 ACRES, with frontage on Willamette Ktver ana extending DacK to improvea county road, running water on tract, mostly in wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five miles from Portland, 1600 feet from electric line; price $24,500. H. G. Starkweather, route 1. Mllwaukle, Or. Phone Oregon City, Farmers 186. WE BUILD HOMES. We have first -class, modern facilities for building homes upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO, 822 Chamber of Crmmeroe. A GREAT many nae bargains in Irving- ton, John Irving, Holladay, rtouaoay r'arfc Additions; 7-room cottage, $3700; 6-room, two-story residence, $4600; many others. Broadway lrvington cars. Office. 15th and Halsey ets. Eaot 890, C 18U3, C 1271, C 150v Dolen & Herdman. A BARGAIN and must be sold by Friday night, ovxiw corner lot, o-roora now uuum. first-class plumbing, bath, etc., furnished new in oak; 20 minutes to town; only $1050; take Hawthorne car to Glenn ave., 6 blocks south. Come right away. 983 East Grant. S. E- comer. CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS OR HOME $1485 for 9 beautiful lots worth $3000, near car, this side of Montavilla; sold on very easy terms; sacrificed to settle an estate; will pay anyone to investigate. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison Bt. NEW, modern 0-room house, corner lot, near Hawtnorne ave., on n-ast win , caeh $t0, balance $25 monthly and interest- will sell part or all of new furni ture; must sell soon. Addrem T 856, Ore gonlan. NEW map of Portland and vicinity of 25 xnller ramus, giving n v no n -. and section numbers, new railroads and lectrio lines. Price 50 centa. The Cross ley Co.. Inc.. 709 Corbett bldg. A WHOLE block, 200x200. with new, mod ern ll-room House on 1J innuina. hi., uear Patton home, $8500 for the whole prop erty, half cash. C. F. Pfluger A Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sta MASON-STREET HOUSE, $400. Nice 7-room house on Mason St., corner lot 50x100; $400 cash, balance like rent Gruasi & Gantner, 205 Washington st., cor. 3d. Room 7. DO you want to buy a spiendid 6-room modem UP-tO-Oate Dome, III iiivwi. ucanauis district at a sacrifice? Price only $3700. Terms, C. B. Lucas, 322 Corbett bldg. RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carllne. 2 ft acres all In culti vation C. W. Risley owner, P. O. Mll waukle. Phone Oak Grove, red 12. $1600 WILL get a new modern cottage, olose to car; easy mima, m what you have seen. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. MT. TABOR S beautiful lots, l block from carllne, could not be a more signny loca tion, $500 cash. Henkle A Harrison. 511 Gerllnger bldg-, 2d and Alder. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTI. D. A. TUFTS. 803 WASHINGTON BT. A HOME for the asking In choice residence district on tne w obi. aiuu. vuci twucii to sell. Any terms go. Call 410 Failing bidg. 2 LOTS, 100x100. located 150 feet from Kll- llntarwortn ave; duu-ictiuoui wuti v sell at once; $600 cash. Call 410 Falling bldg. NEW, modern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath. all conveniences, nivv lawn; $1300, terms. Inquire of Jas. C. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 7-room cottage and fractional lot, 7U3 jsverett, Detween .i-isi sts. For terms see owner. 316 Falling bldg.. city. $1150 WILL handle modern 7-room house; fur nace, nrepiaoe; nice iawn ana rosea; waiuu corner lot; good barn; easy terms; balance 6 per cent. Owner. Phone B 223d.