Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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J.U1jJ1Aaw -;-
PnrtUnH Sdii, Agents for Butterick Patterns. Nemo Corsets, Tse Gloves, Perrin's Gloves, Columbia Yarns, Ostermogagssgs
The Meier 8b Frank Store
Sale 2000 Axminster Rugs
At Specially Low Prices
In the Carpet Store this week a very
miasuaLcffering of higgraqAX
mnsterJRugsin small and largeizes
OrientaXjesigns in beautiful color
ings and splendid assortment Every
fug at a price far tinder regular value
i 27x54-inch Rugs on sale at $L89
36x72-inch Rugs on sale at
$30.00 values on sale for $19.65
$35.00 values on sale for $24.95
$15 Brus'ls Rugs $9.95
Great soecial lot of 100 Brussels Rugs, size
9x12 feet, all new; light tan Oriental colorinps
and combinations, selling at 9 Q5
$15.00 each; your choice at, ea
Great Jewelry Bargains
Special lot of Side and Back Combs, best regular 35e values, on sale at, each.. 18
Special lot of high-top Back Combs, regular 75c values, on sale at, special, ea. .4
Gold-filled Bcautv and Collar Pins. 1-piece joint and catch; on sale at, each..J
Recnlar 75c Turq'uoise Brooches, lare variety to select from, great value, "
Rose Hat Pins, pretty new novelties in all colors; on special sale at, each..C
7.V Pearl Link Buttons and fancy Waist Sets, great values, on sale at, et..4
Rov' Watches, stem-wind and stem-set; every one warranted; on sale at, ea..C
Th'e Queen hair-covered Hair Rolls; great values, on sale at this low price, ea. .JJ
Complete new line of novelty Jewelry of all kinds, at all prices. Let us show you.
ee the new large "Marv Garden" Barettes; very newest fashions. Tak. advantage
$14 Ostrich Plumes $7.35
S 9.50 Ostrich Plumes $4.95
Lot IMagnificent Ostrich Plumes, the handsomest imported feathers; full showy
Plumes, in "black, light blue, pink, navy, browta & S7.35
r i -i m nu rnn, .Vimco nt this low rmce. ea.r"
inch. Keguiar values up iu r-.t r.., ,
Lot 2 An immense lot of handsome Ostrich Plumes, black and white; OS
16-inch; very handsome feathers; regular values up to $9.o0 each, for.
special sale of a new line of imported fancy Feathers and Wings in attract
ive styles and colorings; great assortment; values ranging from $1.00 J, Qff
np to $5.00 each all at one-third off regular prices take advantage.. I
Laces and Embroideries
Great values in tucked nets, white and
cream, in great demand for net waists
and long sleeves: very best styles; grand
bargains, on sale at these low prices:
$ 1 .25 Netsjnleat,yardJ 98c
$2.75 Nets on sale, yard. $1.98
potted and figured black Nets for waists
and gowns; chantilly and filet effects, in
ery handsome s t y 1 e s. at these prices:
$ 1 .75aluespiaH$ 1.29
$ 272 5yaines. per yard, $1.69
$2.75 values, per yard, $1.98
Trinccss and Yenise Lace Bands and Ap
pliques, in white and cream; also Silk
Kmbroidcred Bands, in white and col
ored effects ; all new, beautiful laces, on
sale at the following very low prices:
$2.50jvaluesat, Jeryard, 98c
$4.50 values. peiyard, $1.69
Sale of Val. Laces
300 dozen French and Round Thread
Valenciennes Laces, Edges and Inser
tions, for trimming holiday articles, un
derwear, etc.; best patterns, 2 o 2'2
inches; grand bargains at these prices:
50c values, per dozen yards, 25c
75c values, per dozen yards, 39c
$1 X)Ojyalues. dozen yards, 59c
$2.50 values, dozen yards, 75c
3000 yards of nainsook and cambric Em
broidery Flouncing and Corset Cover
ing. 15 and 18 inches wide; beautiful
patterns; the best regular 85c AQ-
values, at this low price, yard."'
5000 yards swiss, nainsook and cambric
Embroidery Insertion, 12 to 18 inches
wide, for trimming women's, infants'
and children's wear; $1.25 val- Op
ues, on sale at, special, the yard. V
Rogers Bros. "1847" Plated Ware
"1S47"' Chip Beef Forks. 85c val. .6Sc
"1S17" Berry Spoons, $1.60 val. $1.32
2- picce Salad" Set, $3 value, at.. $2.39
Bcrrv Sets. $3.25 value, at. set.. $2.68
Soup ladles. $2.50 value, each.. S2. 14
Gravv Ladles, regular $1.23 values. .99
Cream ladles, $1.00 values, each.. 79
$1.8-5 Pie Servers on sale for, ea.S1.48
3- piece Carving Sets, $6.75 val.. $4.98
Mail orders for sale, items of Rogers
Bros.' "1847" Silverware will be care
fully and promptly filled.' Order early.
"1847" Teaspoons, set of ff I C7
6: regular $1.18 value, set. H
"1847" Dessert Spoons, set C 1 Ql
of 6: $2.13 value, at, the set.P
"1847" Tablespoons, set of T O 1 7
fit 2.38 values, at. the set. -'
Medium Forks, set O 1 fT
of 6: reeular $2.38 val., set . V
50c Sugar Shells on sale for, each. .39
- - . n a r
"1847" Butter Jvnives lor, e&ca.
"1847" Cold Meat Forks, regu- 1.
lar 80c values, on sale at, each."
The Meier Frank Store
20,000 Pairs of Kid Gloves
Best Values in Town Here
Women's 12 and 16-button length Kid Gloves, in
black, gray and red, sizes 5V2 to 64. and white
in sizes 6 to 7i; the best regu- t? 1 5Q
lar $3.00 values, on sale at, the pair.
Women's 16-button length Chamois Gloves, white
and natural; sizes 5V2 to 7; best C 1
quality; regular $3.00 values, pair.P
Women's, misses' and children's one-clasp Cape
Walking Gloves, in the best shades of QQp
tan; all sizes; $1.25 and $1.50 vals., pair."'
Perrin's 16-button length Kid Gloves, cape style,
with gusset top, in best grade; reg- TO 5
ular $4.00 values, on sale at, pair.
Perrin's 16-button length Kid Gloves, overseam
and pique; white, black and tan;P AO
sizes 512 to 7; best $3.50 vals., pair. V4
Women's and children's Gauntlets for school and
driving; best shades of tan; sizes 8 t ? ' 1
to 8; best regular $1.50 values, pair.P
Women's 6, 8 and 12-button length Biarritz
Gloves; black gray, red and brown; QC
sizes oVi to 7; $1.75 values, at, pair
$4.50 Card Tables $3.95 Each
$4.00 Card Tables $2.95 Each
Special lot of the celebrated Burrows Featherweight Card Tables; g-J QC
best models; regular $4.50 values, on sale at this very low price each.
Special lot of folding Card Tables, with checkerboard top; $4 : values -2.95
30-inch weathered oak Card Tables, nicely made and finished- the best 2 QS
regular $4.00 values, on sale at this low price, each take advantages
36 inch Sewing Tables, with yard measure; regular $1.50 values, special, e -
Child's Folding Table, natural finish, 60c value, on sale, at this low price, ea. .9
Child's white Enamel Table, regular $1.00 value on sale at this low price, ea. ..79
All tables, on sale in the Toy Department, on tbe Third Floor. Let us show you.
$2.00 S
ilk Hosiery 98c
innihoi- one of our famous Silk Hosiery
Sales that never fail to attract an enthusias
tic throng of buyers; 5000 pairs in this
great special purchase every pair pure
silk; full-fashioned leg and foot; garter
top. Beautifully made and finished. The
color assortment includes black, white, light
blue, tan, brown, red, green, gray, pink,
navy, Copenhagen, etc. All sizes. The best
regular $2.00 values; buy all you QQ
want of them at this low price, pr. "V
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
Sale of Handbags
1000 women 's Leather Handbags, in several
desirable shapes; leather-lined and riveted
frames; leather straps; in black, brown and
tan; regular $1.50 values, on sale QQm
4- iUik 1 ,-ttt rriro tanYt fiPR t hpm .
1000 women's Leather Handbags, several
pretty leathers; black, brown C
and tan; $2.50 values, at, each.?
$ 1 .50 Veils for Only 69c Each
Great special offering of women's Lace and Chiffon Veils, including embroidered
v.. j j i,. .-,"! (iraat anrtmint of nrettv stvles: in
0 11 III Ou rat arapes miiu i lia'" u i y iai-o ' ' ' z - -
black, brown, blue, white, gray, green and red; all are IV2 yrds long; reg- CQ.
ular values up to $1.50 each, on sale at this wonderfully low price, each.''
See ruth-Street winaow jjispiay. mail oruere win uc piumpnj v.-iv...j
$7.50 Dress Waists $3.85
A sale extraordinary of 500 women's fancy and tailored waists
All new, pretty styles in grand array Waists for dress and evening
wear the best values offered this season Taffeta and messaline
silkschiffons and nets The styles include fancy yokes of lace and
rTiilrtnc fin in and half-inch tuckinsc White, cream, blue,
green, tan, brown, red, gray, navy and black as handsome a lot
of waists as we ever placed on sale at this low price d r C
We are able to offer these $7.50 values at. each P JJJ
The Meier (Sb Frank Store
Sale of Silk Faced Portieres
$9.50 Vols. $3.95
In the Curtain Department, Third Floor,
we place on sale for today and tomor
row an exceptional lot of single Por
tieres of double texture silk faced
Beautiful styles suitable for single doors,
couch covers and draperies Rose, nile.
green, gold and red High-class Por-
tieres in a grand assortment An ad
vantageous purchase from a leading
manufacturer enables us to offer values
ujTto $9.50 each at this f i Q v
wonderfully low price ea. pO-?-f
Drapery Department on the Third Floor
Come early if you want best values
Don't miss this golden opportunity
Drug Sundry Bargains
Pompeiian' Cream, best of all; regular 75c value, on sale at this price, each..59
Robertine Face Powder; the best regular 50c value; buy all you want for, ea. -33
Airfloat Talcum Powder; great special value, on sale at this low price, can..?
Odds and ends in Perfumes, all odors; the best regular 75c values, the ounce.. 3
Satin Skin Cream; regular 50c value: buy all you want of it at this price, ja.r..SJC
Sachet Powders, all odors; regular 50c values, on sale at this low price, , oz. .390
Fine Toilet Soaps, three cakes in box; rose and violet; on sale at, special, box. -lC
Witch Hazel Toilet Soap, three cakes in box, on sale at this low price, the box.
$1 00 Nail Buffers, 43c each ; regular 50c Ebony Nail Files on sale at, sp 1., ea. .8
Regular 35c Postcard Albums, imported covers; great special values, at, each..lJC
All grades of Toilet Papers a great variety sold here at the very lowest prices.
Great Sale Fall Dress Fabrics
$2.50 Values at $ 1 .29 Per Yard
Great October Sale of
new Fall and Winter
Dress Materials Our
entire stock of high
grade fabrics Values
up to $2.50 a yard on
sale at the low price of
$ 1 .29 a yard - Included
are beautiful fabrics
suitable for afternoon,
dinner and evening cos
tumes Silk and wool
mixtu r.jjaintripe
and shadow effects
By far the greatest
bargain in fine wool materials you ever had theop (t 1 JQ
pTffltv to share in-At the very low price per yard P
85c Ribbons at 43c the Yard
10 000 yards of the best heavy all-silk fancy Ribbons, m Dresdens, print warps,
.tripes guards; all new colorings and combinations; fine ribbons for Q
mSryJs7s fancy work, etc.; regular 65c to 85c values, at, the yard.'
Mocha and JavaCoffee23cPound
New LargeAsparagus 3?c Tin
Walnuts 18c Pound Prunes 3-lb. Box 45c
Special values in tbe Grocery Store. Phone Exchange 4, or A 6101. Basement.
Meier & Frank's celebrated Mocha and Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c
Ssfbuy all you want of it at this low price, the pound-take advantage.
Pitted Prunes in 3-lb. boxes, new crop. Tou don't pay for pits. The health
st of all fmit. Great special value-on sale at this low price, the box . -'-New
crop i large white Asparagus; great value, on sale at this low price, tm..37J
N:;cCrojla3ePapershel. iJtiT&fi
Hotel Mushrooms, nne quauvv; K"--' i -ttxX
Cape Cod Cranberries, the quart. .15-New Sultana Raisins, the pound.. 10
II . t iMli.iii.i-ii : II
1 ' I - I . ' l u " ,., . .1 "
' I
Special Committer -Asks Opinion Tle-
ganliHR Power Also About
Matus of Elevator Co.
Whether the City Council has the
rorr under the Uw to revoke any
ortlon or all of the franchise held
I y the Portland Railway. Light Pow
rr Companv. ia the queation aubmitted
to I'lty Attorney Kavanaugh yester
day mornlnsr by the special committee
of Councllmen. named aevarel months
ago by Mayor I-ane.
It la the desire of the committee to
take away the grants belonging; to this
, orporailon. If It can be done, and upon
ne opinion of the City Attorney wlU
..epend the action that will follow.
It ia admitted that. If the opinion holds
the Council has power to revoke. th
committee will recommend and even
urge that this be done.
The committee Is composed of Coun
cllmen Kellaher. Rushlight and
Vauchn. They have expressed them
selves at their various sessions as of
the firm belief that the Portland Rail-
v-aj Ugrht Power company s atti
tude' toward the city makes It neces
sary for the Council and all other offi
cial bodies in Portland, to meet the
company on a fighting basis." for they
declare that the policy of the company
is to wage war against the city. This.
It Is alleged. Is shown by the fact that
the company, through its officers, has
refused to pay its portion of several
big Improvements, such as bridges, and
has refused to lay certain kinds of ma
terial between Its tracks.
Councilman Kellaher. chairman of
the commttte. said: '
"The attitude of the railway com
pany is such that the officials of Port
land must do something to protect the
city's Interests. The corporation- offi
cers have refused to share the expense
of certain bridges and to lay certain
kinds of materials between Its tracks,
and the general policy of the company
seems to Indicate that they want a
fight. Now. it is up to us to see that
the city gets its shai-e and its rights in
thia matter, and we propose to do that.
We will wait for the opinion of the
City Attorney."
The City Attorney is also asked to
fdve an opinion as to the legal status
of the Portland Hydraulic Elevator
Company, controlled by the Portland
Railway. Light Power Company, and
as to whether the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Company can charge differ
ent rates to people in Portland, or
whether It roust levy one rate to all.
Doped by the Drue Trust.
Kneaded by the Flour Trust
and Faking powder Trust.
Peached by the Fruit Trust.
Rocked bv the Furniture Trust.
Cooked with the Oas Trust.
Cracked oy the Cracker Trust.
Sweetened by the Candy Trust,
Preserved by the Sugar Trust,
Spiced bv the Splee Trust.
Salted bv th Salt Trust.
Milked by the Milk Trust.
Popped by the Soda. Trust.
Fizzed bv the Liquor Trust,
Frozen by the Ice Trust.
Lit bv the Oil Trust.
Paked by the Stove Trust.
Wrapped by the Paper Trust,
Tied by the Twine Trust.
Rnc-sred bv the Bag Trust,
Wrenched by the Plumber Trust,
Mangled by the Laundry Trust,
punctured Dy tne 1001 irum.
Polished by the Diamond Trust,
FUyed by the Hide Trust,
Tart-ed by the Paving Trust,
Smoked by the Tobacco Trust,
Mined by the Coa! Trust, .
Humeri hv the Wood Trust.
Ixgged off by the Lumber Trust,
oi-uaA i- the Pin Trust
Sewed by the. Thread Trust
I Spliced by the Needle Trust
I and Sewing Machine Trust,
i Squeezed by the Corset Trust,
vv nizzea ay "'".. n, .
Soured by the Pickle Trust,
w.r ,vio atel Trust
The puppets of the Life Insurance Trust,
Knocked down by the Fire msuran.e
Truct, iinnea dv lib uh-v"
Read by the Book Trust,
Amused iy the Theater Trust,
' Fought by the Fight Trust, ,
: Chopped by the Feed Trust.
: Shocked by the Power Trust,
Crossed by the Bridge Trust,
Hauled bv the Car Trust,
i Run down by the Trolley Trust.
Shot by the Powiler Trust and
I Hanged oy tne fiuye
He has also fractured
?a on oy me luiuuoi xiuat, - ' ... j. i ...
But in Portland you can escape the clutches of the "Greatest Trust must pass up the markets ou both sides ot bmitn
butter trust and Swift's "side line" egg trust. You can get these good things at all of Smith s marke Mmt J Veal Cutlets
. siTc 12V... Best Rib Veal outlets -lof
Exceedingly choice Porterhouse
Steaks I212f
Tenderloin Steak ..10
Sirloin Steak 10?
Prime Rib Boast Beef 10-12V2?
Sirloin Roast Beef. ...10?
Extra choice and large Porterhouse
Steak, the cream of the steer 15
Fancy Sirloin Steak, the same flavor
as Porterhouse 12V27
Pot Roast Beef 6S7S8?
Shoulder Roast Beef ..8
All meat, little bone.
Soup Meat, tons of it 3t?
Beef for soup stock 3?
Beef Stew, fine, fresh, tender and
238 Alder Street, between Fin. d Second Streets.
(113 IIH Aveue. near Kauell Street.
Tl MlsaUstppl Aeoe.
wholesome 5t?
Necks of Beef o?
Beef for boiling . . : 5
Beef to cook with dumplings Dt?
Beef for potpie 5t?
Brisket Corned Beef 6?
Plate Corned Beef 6t?
Hamburg Steak 10
Fresh every hour.
Round Steak 10
It's tender.
Shoulder Steak 8
The cheapest steak in town.
Tripe 10
Beef Tongues lOt?
Not pork picked up from anywhere
and everywhere, but dainty little ten
der milk-fattened Oregon Pigs,
dressed in our own city abattoir.. You
will have to pass up the other mar
kets and come to Smith's.
Pigs' Head -5?
Pigs' Feet C
Pigs' Hocks
Shoulder Roast Pork 10
Whole Shoulder Pork 11
Center cuts Shoulder Roast
Pork 12y20
Smith's incomparable Pig Pork
Sausage 12?
Shoulder Pork Chops... 12V?
Fresh Side Pork 12y2
Corned Side Pork. 12V2
Spare Ribs h'?
Leaf Lard, fresh x-g5
Loin Roast Pork ljC
Loin Pork Chops 15?
Rib Pork Chops
Hams Wirt
Breakfast Bacon .;Xt.J
Smith's pure" Lard in 5-lb. pails. 6o?
Loin of Veal.. l"ln$
Breasts of Veal H'JSl
Veal Stew 8"1s
Shank3 of Veal - -bC
Shoulder Roast Veal lO
Better cuts Shoulder Rst V 1.122?
Loin Veal Cutlets 15
Shoulder Veal Cutlets.
Necks of Veal.... 8tf-10
Leg of Mutton.. 12V2S15
Shoulder of Mutton 10
Loin Mutton Chops 15
Rib Mutton Chops 15tf
Choice fresh Columbia River Salmon,
arrived on last night's boat, three
pounds for 25
Bnttsr air different brands, all full
Eggs, per dozen
. .1 r-tr-
Corer Finn and Mam -'"-"" T"" . ",. I. Astoria.
Twelfth Street, between Bond and Commercial,
253 Taylor Street. Astoria.