13 THE MORNING OREGONTAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1903. LEAVES HER HOME Mrs. Isaac Roberts Thought Demented by Socialism. DISAPPEARS WITH CHILD ibandoms Xurslnff Babe and Two Small Children Had Avowed Intention of Preaching to Working Clause on Streets.' The poTloe are trying; to locate Mrs. Isaao Roberts, who disappeared from her home. 1029 Gay street, near Ockley Green station on the St. John carl in e. last ; night, taking with her a daughter 8 i years old. Her disappearance was rev 1 ported to the police by her husband, who la a brother of J. C. Roberts, president ! of the Peters & Roberta Furniture com i pany. Mr. Roberts, accompanied by Dr. HI It I of the Mohawk building, who Is the , family physician, called at the police I station and requested Captain Mooxe to ' effect the woman's arrest wherever . found. According to the statements of Mr. Roberts, his wife has become demented through socialism. He said that she had left a nursing baby and two other rery small children at home to put Into execution her avowed intention of going to New York City and preaching on the streets In the Interests of the labor ing classes. She was described as being 6 feet 4 inches In height, wore a b'aca silt coat, bine skirt, whita waist and a gray fur hat with feathers In It. 8he is about 40 years of age. The little girl with her was dressed m a red sweater Jacket and a red cap. According to Mr. Roberts, his wife had threatened to leave home for this purpose some time afro, and when he had refused her the money for her ex penses she had written to her mother and received a large sum from her home. This money, he says, he took away from J her yesterday when he went to work, hot was astonished to find that she had departed when he returned last night. He Is afraid she Is wandering about In a demented condition. Some investigation made y the police last night in the neighborhood of the Roberta home revealed the fact that among the neighbors It was talked that Mrs. Roberts had ran away from her home owing to family differences of long standing. Xo trace of her was found by the police last nlxht. BUTLER ANSWERS BRYAN MAKES ROrSIXO SPEECH FOR TAFT AT AUtAXY. Henry MeKlnney Dlcuses Bank Guaranty, Showing How Plan Failed In Xcw York Long Ago. A LBAXT, Or, Oct. S3. (Special.) Show ing the absurdity of Bryan's famous query. "Shall the people rule?" R. R. But ler. Republican Presidential elector, deliv ered an eloquent campaign address In A!ha-iy tonight. He asserted that the only place where the people do not rule and have sot ruled for years. Is in the South, where the Democratic party has full control of affairs and where a large , proportion of the population Is not allowed to vote. He also gave a brief review of Republican history, forcefully contract ing conditions under Republican and Xfemocratio rule. He advocated a revision of the tariff and discussed injunctions. Mr. Butler was followed by Henry Me Klnney. representative from Baker Coun ty, who forcefully discussed the Demo crat! a bank guaranty plan. He showed how the guaranty of bank deposits had been tried In New York 80 years aso and - how after a period of wild speculation chs guaranty fund became Insolvent be cause of bank failures and the plan was abandoned. The rally was held In the Courthouse and was enthusiastic I M- Curl, chalr man of the Republican County Committee, presided and Introduced the speakers. LABOR ME5 IX CONSPIRACY Effort on Foot to Destroy Sherman Law, Pays Jndge Lowell. M3rTNNTTLLH. Or, Oct. 2!. (Spe cial.) Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, addressed an enthusiastic political gathering at the opera house here this evening. A few salient points brought out in ths two hours that Mr. Lowell spoke were replete with logical exhortations against the danger of drifting into Bryanlsm; that the American people could not afford to have the White House at Washington converted Into a political experiment station by the "Orator of the Platte." Mr. Lowell declared there was a conspiracy existing In this country today to destroy the Sherman anti trust law and the leaders of this con piracy are the controlling forces of the great industrial corporations and some of the offl'-e-holders of the Federation of Labor. This he said was the power behind the anti-injunc-tlon plank and the license feature of its declaration on trusts in the Demo cratic platform. Judge Lowell will go from hera to Sheridan and will speak there tomorrow night. MAYOR RODGFRS ABLE TALKER Salem Speaker Tourlnjr Tillamook County for Taft. TILLAMOOK. O-.. Oct. II. (Special.) Mayor George F. Rodgers, of Salem, aMressed a large Republican meeting hre last evening. The crowd was one of the biggest and most enthusi astic that ever attended a political rally In this city and the address was an excellent one abounding in good reasoning and clinching argument for the Republican nominees. Mr. Rodgers spoke at Bay City Tues day evening and at Cloverdale tonight. He is touring Tillamook County under the auspices of the State Central Com mittee. Tillamook County will give Taft and Sherman a big majority. Lee Winning Yotea In Wheeler. FOSSIL. Or.. Oct. S3. (Special.) J. D. Lee. of Portland, has been cam paigning in Wheeler County and has addressed lirge crowds at Sprav, Richmond. Mitchell and Fossil. lie has awakened a lot of latent Kepubli can enthusiasm and has mado a num ber of converts from the Democratio ranks. Wheeler County will re for Taft by a safe majority. Mx. Le will speak at rRBsresn Saturd&T nlirht and will epna next A vrsok In Sherman nd TVuw Counties. Ellis Daffy In Coos County. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Oct. it. (Spe cial.) Contrreasman E111 na" ben Going- ome effective campilfn work In this county for the RepubM can tickat. Ho has alresvJv spoken at MarnhflBld. North Bend. Coqullle City Kand Myrtle Point and will address tha , voters of Bandon tomorrow evening--' tt - , v, . .... wmc1vA hv hi ir crowds J'O ucin " " ' ' ' " - and his campalsn arguments hava been unanswerable. Address Crowd at Lebanon. LEBANON. Or, Oct. 13. (Special.) R. R. Butler, of Condon, and Henry M. MeKlnney, of Baker City, addressed a large crowd at the opera house last evening. These young men are tour ing Western Oregon under the aus pices of the Republican State Central Committee and are 'doing effective work for the ticket. They are excel lent campaigners ana orator of mors than average ability. FREE CHURCH OF POLITICS BISHOP ATKI3TS ADDRESSES SOITIIERN' METHODISTS.' Reviews Growth Made by Denomi nation and Outlines Duty Ahead of Church Members. While I am a Southerner by birth and education and love the Southland, 1 recog nise the manhood and intelligence of the North, East and West, and the Southern Methodist Church is not a sectional, nor political churoh, but la apostollo. evangeli cal and acceptable In any portion of the United States." These remarks were used In the address of Bishop Atkins, yesterday morning at the opening sessions of the Columbia Conference of the South Methodist Church ,Grand avenue. Bishop Atkins made a very broad talk to me conierem--c, .v. ing away any Impression that the South Methodist Church is a sectional church organization and political in sentiment. He emphatically declared that civic re forms were not achieved through politics, and cautioned the members of the confer ence against too great activity In political movements for civic righteousness. "We should cut out the political element every time. Absolutely the churoh should keep its hands out of politics. We should create an atmosphere of right in all lines. Our church is not political. I never heard a political sermon even in the days of the Civil War, and even if I had, I should have rebuked the preacher then and there. We have many prominent Northern people in our church. In San Francisco a promi nent member Is a Republican and North ern man. Our church is everywhere ac ceptable to the whole people. We have people of all politics, and we ask no man what his politics is." It was announced that there had been a gain In membership of 10 per cent ta the East Columbia Conference, 6V per cent, in the two California conferences, but no gain In Montana for reasons given. The total average gain was 84 Pr cent out side the Columbia Conference now In ses sion. Rev.- C. L. Causland. presiding elder, made report about the two homes for su perannuated ministers, one at Tangent, al ready established, and one at Roseburg where a lot had been secured. Only super annuated ministers and their wives will be admitted. Rev. Mr. Walker made report of the work In Seattle, which showed more than 100 per cent growth, only 13 per cent of members coming from other churches. He eeld- that there were 60,000 Southern people in Seattle. Dn Reed, of the Home Missionary Board, reported that an institution was being established in San Francisco for young people, and a lot costing $58,000 purchased for the purpose. He declared that San Francisco was a heathen city. Out of a population of 00.000, there are only 16,000 members ef the Protestant churches. It was hoped to change this. At the morning session Rev. W. T. Goul der was elected secretary; Rev. C. H. Cleave, assistant secretary. Rev. John Flinn. pioneer, and Rev. C. E. Cline. were Introduced. Yesterday afternoon the Home Missionary Conference was held, and re ports were submitted of work. Miss Pres ton read a paper, "How Can We Increase Our Membership and Promote Spirituality in Our Auxiliary?" Officers of the Home Mission Conference are as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. Elsie B. McLaughlin; first vice president, Mrs. Anna Presley: second vice president Mrs. Cora Bran h an; third vice president. Mrs. C. A. Rexroad; corre sponding secretary, Mrs. Ella Herron; treasurer. Mrs. A. I Causland: superin tendent of supplies, Mrs. Lou Clapsedel; superintendent press work and agent of "Our Homes." Mrs. Ada Cummlngs. ROSES ON PENINSULA Meeting Hold to A r on so Enthusiasm In Culture. At the annual meeting of the Penin sula Rose Association, held last night at Peninsula, W. J. Peddicord presid ing, a campaign was started to "have every resident on the Penlnssula be come a rosegrower preparatory to the Rose Festival of 1909. The programme was opened with music by the Penin sula Band, followed by remarks by President Peddicord and J. H. Nona. Then came th programme, as follows: Records of last year, M. C. Van Tyne; recitation. Ruth Turner: song, Emma Webber; recitation, Laura Hilton: song, young ladies: recitation, Mollie Rhom berg: remarks on "Rose Culture," J. H. Nolta; recitation. Edna Webber: song. Chairman Peddicord set forth that the object was to make the Peninsula bloom with roses as a matter of educa tion and to make a better display next vear. He said it was desired to raise between $1500 and $2000 for the rose display from the Peninsula next year. Other mass meetings will be held at other places, and the campaign will be kept moving rrom now on. commit tees will be appointed and a canvass naiie at the different points on ths Peninsula for orders for rosebushes, the Intention being to distribute In the next year as near 50.000 bushes as pos sible. Barrett Offers Footbal Trophy. SEATTLE, Oof 22. Before the students of the University of Washington today John Barrett, director-general of the In ternational Bureau of American Repub lics, announced his plans for giving a eilver cup to be competed for by the football teams, representing the TJeilver sities of Washington. Oregon and Idaho. This cup to be awarded ta the team which first wins It for the second time. Mr. Barrett proposed this plan to the University of Oregon, and it was gladly accepted. An ovation of cheers followed the announcement at the State University today. Unit's Registration 4840. ALBANY, Or., Oot. 22. (Special.) The complete registration in Linn County for the Presidential election is 4H0, a gain of 281 over the registration for ths Jot elec tion. RepnbiVoan predominat by a k! tnsdoaxtr sa s s sswUssastaas. GIVES STARTLING EVIDENCE MATE OF KTJTAK TELLS OF STAR OP BEXGAIi WRECK. JTo Signals Given Hundred Lives Snuffed Out Through Gross Criminal Carelessness. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 83. Fred Wlllke, mate of the tug Kuyak, testified today in the investigation of "the wreck of the bark Star of Bengal on the coast of Coronal Island, Alaska, and the loss of 111 lives. It has been charged that many live would have been saved if the Kuyak and tug Hattle had atood by with assistance. WUlke testified that no signals were given to warn the Star of Bengal that the towllne was to be out He admitted that It was customary to give such signal, and did not know why none was given. He said that when the line was cut, there was a rock between the ship and the rugs which it would have been Impossible ta pass. He said that at midnight, three hours before the.hawser was cut four and one half miles off the Island. It would have been possible to have turned back when the hawser was cut He said: "We steamed alowly away out of danger and laid to until morning. I did not see blue lights on the Star of Bon gal, but the captain afterward told me he had seen them. We did not know she was wrecked until the following morning, when with a small boat we got within 100 yards of shore. We spoke to the survivors and they were satisfied t remain there until the sea calmed down." HI POSTPONED AGALX BY AGREE MENT OF ATTORNEYS. Judge Hunt Not Here and Heney Cannot Come Are Reasons As signed In Court. Once again the trial of Binger Her mann, indicted in connection with the Oregon land frauds, has been postponed and this time Indefinitely, or at least until the attorneys in the- case come together at some indefnlte time and de cide upon a date for trial. After Judge Wolverton had resumed court after the noon recess. Assistant to the Attorney General Tracey C. Becker announced that the date set for the Hermann trial was November 9. but owing to the ab sence of Judge Hunt before whom many of the trials had been held, and because Francis J. Heney, who was expected to conduct the prosecution of the case, could not come, that an agreement had been reached among the attorneys to postpone the trial until such time as Judge Hunt could come to Portland and Heney was through with the trial of Ruef in San Francisco. Ex-United States Senator John M. Gearln, Hermann's attorney, was In court when Attorney Becker, in behalf of the Government made his statement and agreed to the postponement. The Williamson case and the application or John H. Hall. ex-United States Attorney, will also be postponed. This means that Binger Hermann will not be tried during 1908. STRIKING PLUMBERS BACK Retnrn to All That Have Cpmplied With Union Rules. Twenty plumbers who were employed In shops which did not conform with the regulations of the union were called out by James H. Morrow, busi ness agent of the union, and remained out uncil yesterday, when all excepting three or four returned to work. The shops where the men returned, Mr. Morrow said last night had complied with the union rules, regulations and by-laws. One or two shops have not yet complied, but their men are still out Mr. Morrow declined to state the number or the names of the master plumbers who violated the union rules or the nature of the offense. He had simply ordered out the men because a principle had been violated and not on account of a demand for higher wages. A report had been circulated that the men had struck for an increase of pay from $6 to $6.60 per day, a olosed shop and an eight-hour day. Decisions In Circuit Court. Judge Cleland. In the Circuit Court this morning will render decisions In the fol lowing cases: O. G. Emlg against John P. Sharkey, motion for a new trial. W. G. Bonn against Daisy M. Fllppen and others, on the merits. Elizabeth Welter against J. N. Welter, on ths merits. William A. Adams against William F. Mackenzie, on the menu. Jack Rankin against R. A. Proudfoot on the merits. Alleges Quick Desertion. Louise M. Wllklns alleges. In a divorce suit filed in the Circuit Court yesterday, that her husband. Welby M. Wllklns. de serted her In August 1907. She says she married him at Vancouver, Wash., only a few weeks before. They have one child and she asks Its custody. Guilty of Stealing Clothes. James Bopst and H. Watts pleaded guilty before Judge Gantenbein in the Circuit Court yesterday afternoon, to stealing a quantity of clothing from Charles H. Francis, on October 10. They will be sentenced at 2 P. M., to day. e DAIT.T METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at P. M.. Faclflo time. October 12: " 2 f 5 Wind 2 STATIONS. -S S ; if ? 3 : 3 : ? a 3 : : r Baker City. . . Biamarck Boise. ......- Eureka . Helena .- Ksmloops. . . . . North Hsad. . Pocatello Portland Red Bluff. Roseburg;. . fcacramento. - lt Lake Ban Franaisco. .. Spokane. - Taconia . Tctoosh Island. . Walla Walla.... Blaine. . ... ....... 6i8klyou Marsh field 42 0.00 I 84 0.00 12 46)0. 00 4 SB NW SB N ' ID XH N 8 E N tv SE NW NW N NW E SF1 Na siv -NW PL Cl'dr Cloudy t'loudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cl dy Clear PL Cl'dy OH V ITil 40:0.0I); 42 0.00 6$ 0.00 4;o. oo ii T. 7 0.00 M 0.00 7S 0.00 42 0.001 70 0.00 8 42 0.00 4 ti 0.04 4 4S 0.14 14 in 0.01 4 64 0.1SI 4 (4 o.no: 4 t;,o.ooj. 4 T. Tracs. POBTLArTD, Maximum am arauiM, ill efrsssM Minimum, 41,1 da- tal rainfall (I P. M- to I P. If.) trace! to tal rainfall stnoe September t ltet, 4.11 Inches: normal, 4.17 Inohea; deflolenoy. s.14 Inch. Total sunshine, October 11, i hours possible, -10 hours II mlnues. Barometer (reduced t sea lal) at P. M-. l.t incbea. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Although there has been an Increase la cloudiness in the Northwest portion of this district and some rain has fallen, the Ba rometer continues above normal and the conditions are unfavorable for stormy weather. The changes In temperature sinoe yesterday have been slight, except In BuUt ern Orexon, and the Interior of Serthera California, Where It Is warmer. FORECASTS. Portland ant vicinity Falri easterly winds. Oreson Fair, except rain near the csasti easterly winds. Washington Bain west probably rain er snow east portion; easterly winds. Idaho Rain er snow north, fair south portion. EDWARD A. BEAM. District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Miction rooms, sorner Seoona n Tamhlll, at 10 A. M. Grooerls an tur nlshlns roods. 1. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Wueon'l salesrooms, corner Second aid T.mhlU Streets, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. auctionr. At a P. M. sharp, by Portland Awrtloa Co.. Ill lit St.. complete assortment of furni ture, rto. At Oilman" 411 Washington o-clock A. M. B. U N. Oilman, auotionestt HEITDO XOTICKS. . T"i.n urn 1X1 tnt nr. rvii, Ajwuu,. -' John. Or.) A special meeting wiu be held at Masonic Temr.le (cor. Wt Park and YamhlU eta.), Fri day (today). October 23, at F. U. to conduct i " i""" . - over ths remains of our late dpart9 brother, H. T. Butterworth. All Masons re aueated to attend. By order of W. M. , 8. c DAVIS, oretary. MOtTKT TABOR LODGE, NO. 42, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication thl (Friday) even ing at 7:4S o'clock. West Bids Temple. Work in M. M. derree. MTRCT.E CHAPTER, NO. 15, O. S. 8. Regular nntlif this (Friday) trenlr.s, in new Masonic Temple, cor ner Wast Par and Yamhill. Ds- JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Beorstary. COMRADES OF LINCOLN GARFIELD POST, No. . Q. A, R. and old soldiers are request ed to attend the tuneral of Comrade J. A. Fabrlque. Com- pany B, Seventh Michigan Cav alry. Services at residence. 1690 Hsvon street, Friday. Oc tober 23, 1 P. M. Interment at Columbia Cemetery. Take St. John oar and get off at Peninsular Station. J W. CURRAN, wmnuumt. R. H. WOLFARTH, AdJL HAS6ALO LODGE, NO IB, I. O. O F. Regular meeting this (Friday) ,e"n?,S,rJl' 7:30 o'clock. Work In the InltUtory degree Visitors welconw. F. COZEN 3, Secretary. I?D9T THPK teW 0DVWe"c,bty tt land tonight October 2S. in W. O. w. Temple. 128 11th St.. top floor. un!r ths auspices ot Webfoot Camp. No. 6i The publlo is invited. Muslo by full orchestra. DIED. ELIOT In St. Louis, Mo.. OcL 20. Mrs. Abigail Adams Eliot wife of Rev William Greenigaf EhoL D. D.. LL. . (deceased). seed 91 yeara.. 8 months., mother or itev. Thomas L. Eliot of this city. HITRLB 17RT October 22, at 870 Mllwsukls street, John A. Hurlburt, aged 6 years. Funeral notice hereafter. GCLOVSON At the North Pacific Sana torium. October 112, Edltb Amelia Gulov- aon, age 18 yeara HANSEN In this city. October 22. Hana Hansen, aged 42 years. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICE. BOLBERG George J. Solberg. aged 44 years, at Good Samaritan Hospital. OcL 21 He Is survived by a son, his parents, a 'brother and four sisters. Interment today (Friday) at River View Cemetery. 2 P. M., from Holman's undertaking psr- . lors. BUTTERWORTH Funeral service of the late H. T. Butterworth will ba held to day. OcL 23, at 3 P. M., from Dunning. McEntee & Gilbaugh's chapel. 7th and Pine ats., under the auspices of the Masons. Friends invited. PXBRIQUE The funeral services of John A. Fabrlque will be held at the fam ily residence. 1590 Haven SL. University Park, at 1 P. M October 23. Friends In vited. Interment Columbia Cemetery. Donning. McKntee 4t Gllbangh, Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady aaalstant Office of Jounty Coroner. EDWARD UOLNAM CO.. loneral Direct ors. 220 Vd st. Lady assistant. Phone M 501. i r. FINI-EV SON. .1l and Madlaon. Lady attendant, l'hone Main , A 1S9H. ZJiLUCR-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Direct ors 273 KuaseU. Kast 108S. Lady aaaiatant. F. a DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East Sr. Grand Central Station Time Card BOUXUiUUi 1ACU1C Leaving Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger. .,.n.. S:10a. m. 4:13 pm. i 1 :45 p. ra lu:u a. m. T:20 a m. 4 : 10 p. m. 8:60 a m. 1 :00 p. xn. 6:40 p. m- T:1S . m. Ban Francisco Express West Side Corvalils Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Paasenger., Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger., Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passersjer Roseburg passenger Portland Express ........ West Side Corvalils passenger Sheridan Faasenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger ., iTA...r i ,iv, PaiianHir. . 11:00 a m. 6:0 p. m. 11:16 p. as. S:20 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:V0 a. m. 11:80 a. m. Forest Grove Pasienger 4 :30 p. OREGON RAILROAD at NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland - 1 Pendleton Pasaengcr ......... ...1 T:lSa.m. taiiaKO-raruKua syvuiai ....... i a - w- S: lli n. m Kansas City Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. City i Portland Ex, Chicago-Portland Special ...... Pendletoa passenger :00 p. m. 1:00 a. m. 6:43 a. m. 6:60 p. xa. 6:16 p. xa, NORTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express ... North Coast, Chicago Limited. Overland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Express I so a i 1:00 p. i 11.-46 p. l f'.OO a l 4:13 p. 1 6:33 p. l ASTORIA a COLUMBIA RJVEB. Leavina Portland- Astoria A Seaside Sxpr rasa. 8:00 a. sa. .....v... C :O0 p. xn. longer.. .12:15 p. m. 110:00 p. m. Astoria passenger .... Arriving Portland Seaside ac Portland Fa Portland Express .... CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving I'ortlnnd 1 C I'. R Short Line, via Spokane 8:15 p. m. V'-a Seattle 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland C P. R. Short Line, via Spokane. 8:00 a sa. Via Seattle 7 :00 a- m. Jefferson-Street Station gOlimimi FACLUC. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger ... palias Paaaenger ... Arriving Portland Dallas Paaaenger ... T:40a. as. 4:13 p. ta. 10:16 a m. I K SA n m Palias Passenger OBsXiOX ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Arrlvinc Portland Wllsonvlile Local Salem and Intermediate Local .. Wllsonvlile Local Salem and Intermediate Expreaa. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Wllaonviile Local Salem and Intermedials Express, ealem and Intermediate Local.. Salem and Intermedials Express. Leaving Portland Eslem snd Intermediate Local. . Wllsonvlile Local Salem and Intermediate Express Salem and Intel mediate Local. ., Wllsenvlils LoosJ Balem and latermsdlats Czprssa Salem and Intermediate Local .. T:05 a m. 8:13 a m. 10:80 a. m. 11:20 a, m. l.'M p. xn. 4:46 p. m. 4:00 p. me 6:40 p. to. 13 p. so. I V 25 a. sa. T:35 a m. 6:33 a. m. 11:10 a. in itio p. m 4:06 p. m. mi Wllsosrviii Losai ftelaem aaA AMUSEMENTS. HEIaLIG I4h&and Vfastiintrrem Phones Main 1 and A lltSV Tonight 8:18 SpeelsJ Price Tomorrow NighL Matinee Tomerrew. The Merry Musical Comedy, "THE TIME-PLACE-GIRL" Evenings, 1.60 00 i matinee, 81 ta too. HEILIG 7 "heater 4th and Washington ehniua Vnlii 1 snd A 1122. FOUR NIGHTS BEGINNING SUNDAY Special Price Matinee Wednesday. Jeserb and William W JEFFERSON nt Shsrldan s Brilliant Comedy, "THE RIVALS. Evenings, $1.60 to 60c; matinee, $1 t 3e. Mala 11T A 4t?24 THEAtRE tJMPIRE THEATER CO. Baker Stock Company all (INC.) LESSEsl see, in tne ra- rhous oollege play. "Brown of Harvard. Matinee Saturday only. Evening prices Inc. 3,1c. BOc; Matinee, ISO, SSa Next wMk Glittering' Oloria.' i BAKER THEATER Phones: Main 3. A S860 OREGON THEATER CO. (INC.) LBSSEB Geo. L. Baker, Gen. Manager ?atlnses Tuesdsy, Thursday, and Saturday onlght all this week. Geo. M. Cohan s Famous Musical Comedy THE HON BYMOOSKBS" With WIllieDunlay and a Splendid Cast Cohan Girls, Boys, Muslo and Fun Night Price, 25c. 50c. Toe, 1; Matinees, iBo, 60a Next attraction Hans Ma. I MAIN S A WtO Matinees Ex. Sundays ana nouaays. 15-25-50S NIGHTS 15-25-50-750 Week of October W Seyen Hoboev Edna Phlllipa, Fnnr N-ffhton. Alfred Heirs' and Company, The UriMyi, Mabel iHaltland, Carter and Bluford, Oivbeum iletur, Orpheam Orcb etra. THE GRAND ANOTHER -Vaudeville de Luxe BIQ BUX. The Three lVewaomea The Marlnlonl Family v Bosa Roma Al Coleman The (trazera Gran da scope i.mrro arena The Marvelous Klectric Man W. J-. Werden ft Co. Introducing The Great Multlcomposlt Assisted by Fred Bauer A 1406. Matlnftea Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday For the Entire Week of October IS Hal Reld's Great Play "AT CRIPPLE CREEK" Matinees at 2:80 P. M. Every evening at 8:15 Klght prices IGo, 25c. 3&C 50o; matinees 15 c and 2c Seats may be reserved by either phono. Next Week "The Flaming Arrow." PANT ACES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. Stars- of All Nations. THE MARVELOUS HARDEE 3f . Fresentlng His Own Original Death-Defying Milk-Can Mystery. Hardeen will leap from the Burnalde-atreet bridge, handcuffed and manacled, at 12:30 Monday afternoon, giv ing a thrilling free exhibition of his daring and puzzling ability to master the manacles. Matinees dally, 16c. Two athows at night. 13c and 25c. LYRIC THEATER Seventh and Alder THE BLUNKALL COMPANY October ISth Entire Week. Stricken Blind No German Co. Friday. Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sat urday. Next Week, October 23, Pink Domino Mile. Sigrid Westeriind SWEDISH-FINNISH SOPRANO, Assisted by MISS FRANCES BATCHELOR, Pianist, AND SWEDISH SEVGING CI.l'B COLUMBIA WILL. GIVE SONG RECITAL AB.ION HALL, SECOND AND OAK ST, SATURDAY EVEM.G, OCT. 24. Gen. Admission, BOc; Reserved Seats, $1. This is a rare treat for Portland musical people. Mile. Westeriind sings English, Swedish and other languages. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) T'ollowlnc rates will be given only when advertising is ordered to run consecutive days, Daily and Sunday issues. The Ore-a-onian charges first-time rate each insertion for clar-slned advertising that Is not ran on consecutive days. The tlrst-tiioe rate Is chanted for each insertion In The Weekly Orrgonian. "Rooms, 'Rooms and Board," "Honse keepins; Rooms," (private houses only), 'Situations Wanted,' 15 words or less, 15 cents: 16 to 80 words, 20 cents; 21 to K5 words, 25 cents, etc Mo discount for addi tional Insertions. Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads, one time rate each Insertion. IN PI. ft A 1.1. OTHER HEADS, except Mev Today," 30 cents for 15 words or leas ; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 worda, 60 centa, etc. first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (-range measure agate), 14 cents per line, first Insertion; 7 cents per line for each additional insertion. Above rates apply to advertising paid In advance only. All book entries will be char-red In lines 14c per line for first in sertion and 7c per line for eacli consecutive Insertion. Special rates' on contracts given on application. NEW TODAY. A Home in the Most Beautiful Location on the Willamette River 6-room house, all medern conveni ences, In perfect condition, electrio lia-ht, telephone, city water, sewer: bathroom with all new modern fix tures. Most magrnificent view of river ana hills, one minute to car, 25 minutes to center of city, 3 full lots, large bear ing: fruit trees of choicest varieties, nice lawna and garden, barn and chicken-house. Price only $8000, J1905 cash. Boat, cow and chickens for sale also. If you want to buy a swell home on the river this Is your chance, there is nothing- like it in or near Portland. THE CROSSI.BV COMPANY, INC. 708 and TOO Corbett Bldg. ' 34600 Cash BaJanca $4400 at 6 par cent for Four 6-Room Houses 100x125, close In. East Side. Martin J. Higley 132 Third fitroat. $B00 Cboiea herne. nearly new, 8 rooms, newly tinted, large parlors, fireplace, gas, alaotrtctty, bath, furnace, cement baaa mint. choloa roses and shrubbery. 3 blocks from East Side High School; very t aasiraDie. inquire at io aa si. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates al terms avlt spe cial ratea and favorable terms larva loftaa at business properties. Panda Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL noa McKay Bids-. 3d fltarfc. HOLLADAY. Apr nn 8-storv. 9 -room colonial home, OdOUU very desirable in very re Bpot, yrlth all improvement, large roomi and balls, close in, lot 80x100, eastern exposure. $3600 cash re quired. THEATER JfEW TODAY. 105b NET West Side business prop erty, near Multnomah Club. Leased to prosperous ten ant, $100 per month. Price $10,500 SIXTH STREET Near Union Depot 50x100 corner (vacant) $30,000 50x100 corner (income) :. $31,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. GET PRICES OF , 100x200. Portland Heights. 100x100, Eleventh and Taylor. nOilOO. Taylor, between 0th and Tin. oOxtOO, Fifth and Clay, 60x100, park and Flanders. 50x100. Two new flats, Hoyt near SM. 100x100, 28d and Hoyt, Improved 1 rent $78. 89xlO.1i 18th, near Montgomery. TWO NEW FLATS. RENT ). 100x100. 21st and York, on R. R. 60x100. Vnlon ave. end B. Couch. 60x100. Hollailay sve. and Occident. 100x100. Belmont snd E. Seventh. 60x100, Grand ave. .and Ankeny. Two fine residence sites, Kings Heights. Acreaae. East and West Sides. DONALD MACIEOD, 309 Concord Block. 2d and Stark. PLEASANT VIEW FARM In Three and Five Acre Tracts Located immediately adjoining Shattuck's Station in the West Side, Willamette Valley, 28 minutes' ride from Fourth and Stark streets ; 8 l-3o fare, and five trains. Beautiful view, splendid soil; only 2o-minute walk to Council Crest. W.B. STREETER and M.B.AMES 201-202 Kothchild Building. REAL X6TATK DEALEKA, Andrews, I. V. A Co.. M 3e0. as Uamlltoa si Baker. Alfred a, lit Ablngtoa bldg. Chaptn Rerlow. S12 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. S. A CO , 60S Corbett bldg. Crossler Co.. 70S-0 Oorbett bldg. X 78l Fields,' C EL Cow Board of Trade bldg. Ooddard, H. W- Main and A 1T4S. 110 91 St. Jennings Co. Uala IBS. f0 Oregonlaa. Lee. X E-. room 411 Corbett building. Mall A Von Borate'. 104 sd st. S62 B rnmalda palmer. B. P . tit Commercial Club bldg Id A 633. Parrlsh. Watkloa a Co., am Alder st- rUchardson. A. B.. 121 Com. Club bldg Schalk. Geo. D.. 24 Stark st. Main 301. A SM Sharkey, J. P. ft Co.. 122 H Sixth at. Ewensaon. A F. Co.. iOSV Washlngtoa at The Oregon Real Estate Co . Grand ave. and Multnomah sts. (Holladay Addition.) Wadd.l. . O.. Sc-w Lumw Kxcnaniie Diog. White B. F.. 2274 Washington at. FOB SALE RF.AI. ESTATE. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. Sacrifice! That'i what we aald. AND "VSTE MEAN IT. A $6000 lot, and a houee that cost $6500 five year ago. It in perfect condition and ha every modern conveuience and comfort. We will sell you the lot, and throw the honsa In at HALF PRICE or will LEASE For 2 or S years. DON'T HURRY. DON'T WORRY And don't blame us 1 some one else gats AHEAD OF YOU. Don't waste your time on thla unless you can pay $800 per year. No telephone Information. 1 CALL ON US, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 7th fioor Couch bid.. 10W 4th St. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $825 100x100, including corner in Rosa City Park, 1 blocks from brick store, faces east. Small payment down, balance easy monthly Installments. This includes street improvements and sidewalk. MANCHESTER A WILSON, 50b Wells-Fargo E)d- ENOLISH WALNUTS. Wa are the largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. . We have tha only planted tracts on tha market. Our properties ara In the walnut country. YamhlU 5-acre tracts, planted, $100 cash, $15 per month. CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO , INC., 110 Second st A BARGAIN A3 IS A BARGAIN. If you want an exceptionally fine lot worth. $300 for $350 caeli, on East OUsan St., Bull Run water, etc., see ua at once. Party must have money. Dubois A Crockett, Washington bldg., room 3. $4500, $1600 cash, balance at 7 per cant, buys an 8-room house on Portland Height; close to car, splendid view, at me show you. Main 2202. John B. Easter, Gerllnger bldg. NEAR EAST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL. Modern New England 8-room house, a swell home; can be bought on eay terms If de sired; owner must leave town. Gruasl & Gantner, 2t5 Washington, cor. 3d. Room 7. $4800 Modern 8-room house on East Bum aid e st., near 20th ; furnace, full oement basement, etc H. P. PALMER, US Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE 7 -room cottage and fractional lot, 703 Everett, between lilst and 22d sts- For terms aea owner. 818 Falling bldg., city. $SO,000 Half block, good business location, on West Bide. Western Land Co., 417 Board of Trade bldg. $1650 MODERN five-room cottage, easy terms. 459 Mechanio st- Take Wood lawn car. Large lot. FOR SALE 7 -room cottage and fractional lot, 703 BTerett st,, price $4750. For terms sea owner, 818 Falling bldg. FOR SALE 8 lota 25x100, Ii vlngton Park, good looatlon. Y 840, Oregon lan. BY owner, choice lot 50x100. close In. East Side; central location : improvements In and paid. Phone B 14. "54. 6-ROOM cottage for saie. close In, easy terms, by owner. 1255 East Clay st. TO 7-ROOM houea, Wast Bide, at about 000 rive particulars; Y $41. Oregonian. FOR 8At.r REAL E9TATK. IRVINGTON. $0500 NEW BOMB. rooms, porches, sleeping-porch, t wre- f laces; evry modern, up-to-date cenven ence. Buy It now end have tha finish to your Hklng. Lot Is ftOalOO, lies south of Thompson at., en very wide asphalt street i every improvement complete, and til paid, except paving. There is no finer cation iu beautiful Irvlngton. Call on us tor further details SO IT MOW! Then there Is that easy u HOLLADAY PARK BOMB. AT IIVO PER MONTH. Gee! Tou don't know what van are missing. Look after It! DO IT NOW COLUMBIA TRUST CO 7th (lour L'uuch bldg. 109 4th St. BEAUTIFUL HOME. ?9StO bus &, acres L-n Oregon City carllne; well improved : 6-room modern .,hou, barns. Slu peach tres, all kinds nf yther friuts and a variety of veg etables; adjoining lots are selling at fSOOt will trade for Improved farm noar Wil lamette Rivpr. $y2&0 buys &.t acnes, with modern 6-room house, on Mount Bcott Une, Sd fare; will exchange for stuck general merchandise in a live country town. $3000 buys 10 acres within 8 mites ef P. O.. near electric Ilnei good Improve ments. Linre list of small and larpre tracts of Improved and unimproved fans to sell and exchange of near-by and Eastern er Southern Oregon property. $1SU0 buys 6-room modern bouse, wllh l4 block In Firland, restricted street. Mount Scott line, ;koo buys 4 lots 50x100 on Clark st.j on wtme street we hs ve beautiful bungalow for f rfl'io ; part cash : look at It; also lots Box 100 i-ach with fl-room medem house fur an extremely low price. Yen better look Into this. OOLPSCHM I UT'S AGENCY, 2i3 ',4 Washington St. -ROOM BUNGALOW. $3000. Just south of HAWTHORNE AVENUK- On 84th st. Only tckes about $1200 te swing it and balance small monthly pay menta SAYI IT'S A GOOD ONE. And we don't believe you can dnd another buy like It lu the district. It's your move. DO IT NOWI COLUMBIA TRUST CO. Tth fioor Couch bids., 109 -th at. EALB OF BEACH LOTS, $;;5. TUESDAY, OCTOHER 2T, ONLY. Having been Intruded by the owner, to does out all unsold lute In en add 1 ton ta Ocean Park. I shall on Tuesday, Ootober 27, at lo o'clock, offer 12 lota at a price eura to sell them. Twelve lots at only $35 each. This Is a rare chance to get a beach lot at a sacrifice price. Title perfect. Terms, $5.00 cash. balance $5 per month. No lots sold before Tuesday next, but map can be seen and full Informa tion obtained at office of agent. PRED 8. BYNON. 2 It, Marquam bkig. A HOME. There Is a splendid new 6-room home with lot GOxiUO feet on the East Side that I will sell for $2000; $500 down and $20 per month; per cent interest; there is no reason why ycu should pay rent when you can get a bargain like this; buy this and get settled before tha rains set In. GEO. D. 6 CHALK. Main 392, A 1.392. Iiu4 Stark Bt. 86 ACRES, with frontage on Willamette River and extending back to Improved county road, running water on tract, mostly in wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five miles from Portland, 1600 feet from electric line; price $i!4.&uu. H. G. Starkweather, route 1. Mllwaukle, Or. Phone Oregon City, Farmera 18$. AM COMPLETING my swell bungalow In Holladay, but must leave the city; stone porch, oak floors, paneled dining-room, fireplace, furnacei everything- modern; added conveniences. Will tsacrlflce for buyer at on ce. N o deal era. Address AB 803, Oregonlan. BUY where your family can help you make a living; buying an acre tract in North rop Acres, they ran greatly assist yon; only 10 minutes car ride to this beautiful property. 5-cent fare. West Side; price only $S0O each; easy terms; macadamized roads. M. E. Lee, room 411 Ccrbett bldg. COZY new bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, well built, all modern conveniences, concrete foundation, best plumbing, kitchen cabi net, etc. Nice location, must sell at great sacrifice. Price $1400. Discount for cash. Address AD 809. Oregonlan. LOOK this up; bargain; fine 6-room modern house and barn, 2 nice lots 100x100, all fenced and painted; fruit trees, nice yard, ?-foot basement under house; a bargain at $2500; terms, $1600 cash, balance 8 years time 01 .Spruce st., Firland, Mount Scott line. Phono Tabor 664. BUNGALOW, -room bungalow, on 17th and Halsey, In the best part of Holladay s Addition; furnace, fireplace, paneled dining-room, etc.; $4700; terms. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. A GREAT many fine bargains tn Irving ton. John Irving, Holladay, Holladay Park Additions; 7-room cot tape. $3700; 6-room, two-story reridence, $4600; many others. Broadway Irvlngton cars. Office, 15th and Halsey its. Eat 896, C 1993, C 1271, C 1IW8. Dolen & Herdman. NICE home, Z acres, well improved, 8 room house, barn, chicken-house, shrub bery, fruit and berries, 3' miles out, tn -good graveled road, for terms see owner, 302 Front st. I WILL sacrifice modern 7-room house, fur bished complete. In the best part of Hol laday. if sold this week, as I am unex pectedly leaving city at once. Phone East 3957 ' RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carllne. acres all In culti vation. C. W. Risley owner, P. O. Mil waukie. Phone Oak Grove, red 13. ABFTR ACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT'Y. D. A. TUFTS. 806H WASHINGTON ST. MODERN f-room house, full basement, cor ner lot, with barn, roses and fruit trees In Sunnvside. Apply 1163 East Salmon, Phone Tabor 1118. - SOUTH PORTLAND LOT. $"60. Nice lot, 4 xl 10. corner, fine view on Bancroft ave.; a snap at $750. Gruwrt A Gantner, 265 Washington, cor. 8d. room 7. FOR SALE A 10-room fiat or would trade for smaller house or vacant city property, see owner. Phone Tabor 184 or C 1711. 6-ROOM plastered house, lot fenced, one block from car; price $1200. Byrnes, 245 Morrison. - 750 Lot on -Grand ave., near Shaver St., 6 0x10 0 ft terms. Parrish, Watklns at Co., 250 Alder st ' 4 NEW modern flats, West Side, for sale at a great sacrifice. Inquire of M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. ' VERNON Must sacrifice choice lot; owner ill; needs money. Call afternoons, 20 N. 3d st. $15,000 Whole block, close tn, good for stables or laundry. Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side. $25 CASH; lot 2th st., near "A" trollert balance $S monthly. Owner, H 85 Ore- gonian 160 ACRES unimproved land near Forest Grove; price $21X10; easy terms. H 84a, Oregonlan. CHOICB lota on East 34th, Hawthorne dis trict; only $4750. Walling. 243 Stark. LOTS in Peninsular Add. No. 2, very ree sonable. A 8361. 16 ACRES on Pewall Valley road must Jl ia Call 80T MohaWlt Wdg.