Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Board of Equalization Begins
Week's Session to Hear
Assessment Protests.
Seroral Large Firms Want Valua
tlons Cut Pown, but Xo Public
Service Corporations Have
Yet Appeared.
When the. Multnomah County Board of
Equalization adjourned for the day, at
o'clock vesterday afternoon, upwards ot
KO profits had been filed to this year
MMismmt More than half of these wore
entered durinc tho afternoon.
it was the first day of the Board s
ssion, few lanre assessments were pro
tested, there beins a week in which property-owners
may make their crievances
known. The Board will adjourn for tho
year at 4 P. M. Octoher Us members
are: Jud?e I K. Webster. Assessor B.
D. ffpler and Clerk Frank 9. Fields.
W J Gill, assistant secretary of the
Portland Triwt Company. protested
aeainst the taxation of lots 1 and 2. block
-fin. Holladay Addition, because the land
was donat.-.! over two years ago to tho
Salvation Army Rescue Home, and is used
for charitable purposes. Mr. Gill asked
that a permanent order be issued exempt
ing the property from taxation. It has
not been taxed during the last two years.
Gaar, Scott & Co. protested against the
assessment -f their money, notes and ac
counts at JlOO.fl"). saying that they have
no accounts in Or.con. They asked that
the mercliandis-; assessment of JlS.Ouu be
cut to $7W. ,
Rosenthal : Co. came forward yester
day with the statement that their mer
chandise, assessed at .KjO. Is worth but
$:.".. " . .
The Portland Cordage Company aKea
to have its '.00O assessment of money,
rotes and accounts reduced to $4i.tX
The Parlin & Orendorff Company assert
ed that the assessment of its money, notes
and accounts at $,' should be cx
punsed from the tax roll, for the reason
that the accounts are kept in Illinois and
the. books at Portland arc in reality only
an extension of those In the Kast. The
merchandise assessment of JtXi.uUO should
be $.10,000. It is asserted.
The building at Fifth and Oak streets
in which Archer & Schanz- wholesale
drUKStoro is located ie worth only $1V.,
according to R. Hapedon. the owner. He
protested aeainst the Assessors valua
tion of $S0.m. The drug company asked
that Its assessment be reduced from $5,
Ofo to KO.mio.
The Crown Columbia Paper Company
was the first to file a protest. The com
pany asked that an assessment ot $ir.,00
on its machinery be reduced to $10.nijO.
The assessment on tiie o. K. N. Com
pany's money, notes and accounts this
year is about $4.(XW.0 less than last.
I y- ire assessment was li.2"X.0iH).
The corporation s money, notes and ac
counts are valued at JH.400.CKrt this year.
The railroad company has so far failed to
pay its tax of last year, having Bled suit
over the matter.
Assessment on the franchises of public-service
corporations aggregate
fjori this year. The amounts are as follows:
Portland Railway. Light fc Power Com
pany, $1.S15.rt: Home Telephone' Com
pany. JI'iO.OO: Western Union Telegraph
Company. Ji;,0i: Postal Telegraph Com
pany. ji.i.Ooj); Paeilic. Telephone & Tele
graph Company. .'.VV: Southern Pacific
Company. Jl.W.rttO; North Pacitic Terminal
Company. JT5.f"': Oregon Railroad & Nav
iqation Company. $3).tW; 1'nited Railways,
javKi: Oregon Klectrlc Kailway. Jjrt.AiO;
Portland Gas Company. $-."!V",l; Mist
I'ortland Giis Company. $70.f".
Tnin Falls C'iilzrns Framing Thins
for Now Courthouse.
G. I. Crock or. I. 11 Siiluday ami John
F. Hanson, of Twin Falls, Maho, County
Cominlssionrns of Twin Kails County,
were in Portland yesterday. Thoy are
making a tour of the Coast cities for th(
purpose of Insspertinc tlie varioiw types
ot construction used In municipal and
commercial btiildinps here and elsewhere,
with a view to adopting such feature as
appeal to them In the building of the new
Courthouse of Twin Falls County. At id
Mr. Hansen yesterday:
"We intend to make of Twin Falls a
model community. We plan to erect a
Courthouse costly? ?..". and desire to
liave as commodious a bi:ildii jr as that
amount will afford. AVe are very proud
of the progress our city has made. Our
county is only two years old. having been
firmed from sections of Cassia and Owy
iee Counties. In Southern Idaho, on the
northern boundary of Nevada. Twin
Falls, the County feat, is only four years
o'fl. ar.d now has a population of ."V
The school property is vaiued at Ji'-fto.
A pysTe-n has Nvn adapted by wliich nil
the children in tlie outlying districts, com
prising an area of ;.-i acres, attend the
frohools in Twin Falls. Those children
ar? brought in from the various faris In
arryHlls provided by the School Hoard.
Thin has been found to be a great Im
provement over the old plan of numerous
ttrnall country schools.
"The Recorder's office thit year turned
in more fe.-s than any other two counties
in the stat combined. Th assessment
this year fixes the value of th lands In
the county at $l.T"U. IVfnre the re
clamation work was undertaken most of
thl arei was nothing but a sagebrush
waste. Wheat iff now grown to a large
extent on this hind and the average crop
Is from ."-a to t0 bushels to the acre. The
district is destined, however, to be a fruit
growing center, second to none. The or
r hards that have been set out. while not
yet in bearing, give every Indication of
success tn the growing of apples and oth
rr fruit."
Victims of Cooke's Scheme Got Iee
Transportation Home.
An unhappy predicament for three
young men was solved the other day
by the appearance of a subpena serv
er at their boarding-house with a sum
mons for them to appear in New York
to testify against Henry G. Cooke,
whorn the authorities of New York are
trying; to convict of fraud. The names
of the trio are Harry F. Heardsley,
John F Benjamin and Harry 1. Corner,
all of Klmira. New York.
With about 40 other ambitious men
from the Fast, who thought money
grew on trees out In this far Western
Why these grapes ? Because from the
healthful grape comes the chief ingre
dient of Royal Baking Powder, Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
Alum-phosphate powders are made with harsh mineral add
and must be avoided.
country, tlie parly under the guidance
of Cooke Journeyed to Mearh Creek to
settle on land whic h was later to make
their fortunes. Kirst and most import
ant, thongll tliey each and every one
paid Cooke $100, which was to be the
price he charged for letting them in on
this excellent sthemn for pitting rich
quick. After getting to Baker City
things began to look queer and in a
short time Mr. Cooke, who had turned
out to be a bunco man, was taken back
to Now Turk by the authorities and
his party of fortune seekers left stran
ded at linker City.
Tills all happened last July and the
crowd of 40 have gone in all directions
since then. Some were fortunate en
nu;!i to got back to Klmira. but a
greater number found johs in Portland.
Among tills number were the three
voting men mentioned above. They had
been figuring that it would take them
about four months more to save enough
to get back to Klmira on, when the
Government steeped to the front with
an offer to transport them to New York
In first-class style and pay them S3 a
day while they were there. Besides
this they are to receive their transpor
tation back to Portland and In case
they do not come they are to get tho
amount of the ticket. Needless to say
they are all delighted.
Fart or 100-Acre Property Bought
LaM, January for $B5,000 by
William Killingsworth.
A real estate transfer of importance
was that made yesterday by the Colum
bia Arms Investment Company to M. I
Holbrook. The deal covers a tract of
71U. acres of land at Smith's crossing,
near at. John. The consideration was
SJii.000. The land In question Is a por
tion of the 100-acre tract purchased by
William Ktllingsworth and associates last
January for the sum ot SB5.000. Their
profit amounts to J'o.OOO, and they still
retain approximately one-fourth of the
acreage. The sale is considered a signifi
cant one as showing the Increasing ral
lies of real estate on the Peninsula.
The tract is loaned at Smith's cross
ing, near where the St. John cirline
crosses the Spokane. Portland & Seattle
track. Mr. Holbrook intends to cut the
property up into city lots. Streets are
to he graded, water mains laid and side
walks put in. as is being done in other
suburban districts. Fessendcn street,
which extends through the property, is
to be widened and paved, in conjunction
with the property-owners along the same
Consrcsationalists ot State to Hold
Annual Conference.
The first session of the annual gath
ering of the State Congregational Asso
ciation will be held tonight In the Has-salo-Street
Congregational Church.
Kast Seventh and Hussalo streets. W.
H. Morrow will deliver tlie address of
welcome on behalf of tlie local church,
which will be followed by the address
of the retiring moderator. Rev. K. Clar
ence Oakley.
Rev. Paul rtad.-r and members of the
Hassalo-Street church, have been mak
ing special preparations for this gath
ering and for the entertainment of the
delegates. The sessions will continue
daily until Friday night, when the con
vention will close with a rally by the
Christian Fndeavoj" Societies of the
i it v.
The daily programmes will be full of
interest. Prominent educators, leading
ministers and laymen will deliver ad
dresses. Rev. 11. II. Wikoff. field sec
retary of the Congregational Church
Building Society, will be present and
speak Kriday afternoon. A special pro
gramme by the students of Pacific Uni
versity will be rendered Thursday
night, when President W. N. Ferrin will
The ladies' suits we sell at S24.S0
will surprise you.
ST3 Washington street.
Had a Clone Call.
Mrs. Ada K Croom. the widely
known proprietor of tlie Croom Hotel.
Vaughn, Miss., says: "For several
months I suffered with a severe
cough, and consumption seemed to
have Its gr;p on me. when a friend
recommended Tr. King's New Discov
ery, i began taking it, and three bot
tles effected a complete cure." Tlie
fame of t!is life-saving cough and
cold remedy, and lung and throat
healer is world wide. Sold at Wood
nrrt 'Clarke Co. drugstore. 50c and
J1.00. Trial bottle free.
Olympta Beer. "Ira the water." Brew
ery a own bottling:. Phouei Main TU
A. 3467.
Park Commissioners Object to
Abolition of Body.
AItlioucli Believing Department
Should Be Continue!, Members
Hesitate to Make Suggestion to
Kramers of iew Charter.
Should the members of the City Park
Board suggest to the Charter Commis
sion the advisability of perpetuating the
Board? Is a question that will receive at
tention at a special session of that body
to be held In the City Hall next Mon
day night. It is the belief of the mem
bers that there should be a board; that
it is wiso to have more than one man at
the head of this department, but all arc
agreed that it does not matter to them
personally whether they are retained. It
being their sole aim to promote the in
terests now in their charge. The Char
ter Commission, however, has made ac
tion by the Park Board difficult, it hav
ing voted to abolish all boards and com
missions, although F. V. Holman. a
member of the Commission, made a
strong effort at the last meeting to keep
the Park Board intact.
Park Commissioner Lang declared
himself opposed to making any sugges
tion as to the Park Board personnel or
as to whether it should be retained,
when the matter came up for discussion
at the special meeting of the Board yes
terday afternoon. He said he did not be
lieve it to be the proper function of the
Board to make any suggestions in this
respect, but he did think a special meet
ing should be held to talk, over some
features of park business and to consider
recommendations to be submitted to the
Charter Commission for its guidance. Dr.
Wilson agreed to this, and moved that
the Board meet for this purpose next
Monday night.
City Attorney Kavanaugh submitted
two opinions to the Board as to its rights
In certain matters bearing on the ac
quiring of property for park purposes. He
advised the Board to meet with the City
Council and agree upon a plan of action
in the purchase of ground for parks and
boulevards, and this was agreed to by
the members. A time for the meeting
will be arranged later. Mr. Lang said
that he heard of a certain Councilman
working up a deal for some property and
that it was intimated the Councilman had
said "the Council will have something to
say about park property." Mr, Kava
naugh replied that he felt certain there
are fair-minded men in tho Council who
will tlx upon an amicablo plan for the
acquisition of property.
The offer of an elephant with a sore
foot, tendered by the Norris & Rowe cir
cus, was respectfully declined by the
Board, as Park-Keeper Mlsche said he
did not care for the elephant.
Fewer Connections and Higher
Price New Telephone Kdict.
Hereafter no four-party lines will be
installed in the residence districts by
the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Company. Four-party lines now in use
are being taken out bJS rapidly as pos
sible and either two-party lines or in
dividual lines substituted. The old
We Will Plant Your Trees, Culti
vate and Care for Them for
Three Years and Turn Your
Orchard Over to You in a
Guaranteed Perfect Condition.
This plan is offered to those who buy a ROSE
BURG HOME ORCHARD tract now and cannot
live on the place and cultivate their orchard for'
themselves. AVe include in the price of the land
the care of it for five years. Hundreds of men and
women who are working on a salary can build the
foundation of their fortune by putting aside a cer
tain portion each month toward the payment on a
5 or 10-acre tract. To those who can go at once
upon their tract and develop it themselves, a more
delightful climate and location for a home could
not be found anywhere. The land is all ready for
planting the trees, having been under plow.
"We will cultivate between the trees, giving tlie
These immortal words were uttered by
Patrick Henry at a time when the souls of men
were burning with a desire for liberty free
dom from the rule of England.
' The liberty so earnestly sought after in those
provincial days, and so vigorously fought for
afterwards, was purely political liberty Nat
ional Independence.
The liberty that is uppermost in the minds
of thinking men today is freedom from the
grinding toil of business financial independence
that is as secure as the Nation.
What could more thoroughly constitute man's liberty
than ownership of a 10 or 20-acre orchard in the most
productive valley in the world where the soil gives up
her products in the greatest abundance and of the highest
quality where the markets of the world come to your
door and lay their gold at your feet in return for what
mother earth alone produces for you?
There is no financial liberty so secure as the liberty of acres.
Susceptible influence except Nature, the rise and fall of Na
tions cannot affect or impair it. Oblivious to stringencies and pros
perous times, mother earth goes on, year after year. Riving up the
products of her soil, which constitute the liberty of acres.
Oldest and Earliest Fruit Sec
tion in Oregon Famous for
Its Spitzenberg Apples
The Umpqua Valley is the oldest fruit section in'Oregon. Fruits
and vegetables of all kinds are raised here two weeks earlier than
in any other section of the state. One acre this year produced $2400
worth of Spitzenberg apples, which breaks the world s record. The
quality of Umpqua Valley apples is the finest, and the Spitzenberg
apple shows the highest color of any m the world.
purchaser half the net returns, thus helping him
pay for his land. Tins oner applies oniy to xnose
who purchase before November 15.
Go With Us to the Umpqua Valley. See the Roseburg
Home Orchard Tracts. You Can Make the Trip Free
of Cost. Send Us Coupon for Full Details of the Free Trip.
Ground Floor, Board of Trade Building
"W. C. Harding Land Co.,
Board of Trade BIdg,
Portland, Or.
Send me full particulars con
cerning Roseburg Home Orchard
Tracts and Free Trip to the
Umpqua Valley next Saturday
service has been adjudged unsatisfac
tory, and it is believed by the com
pany that the new lines will prove more
There is also a change in rates as
the result of the new service. The old
four-party rate was J1.50 a month, but
this is no longer offered, the two-party
line rate being J3.25 a month. Indi
vidual service" is $3 a month. The old
four-party lino service is belnjr done
awav with gradually, and before long
there will not be a line serving four
residences throughout the city.
Woman Sues Streetcar Company.
' Alleging that a northbound Third
street car was started too soon at Third
and AMer streets, throwing her to the
Almost Instant Relief is Waiting for
Oregonian Readers Who Suffer
From Stomach Trouble.
If what you Just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
Gas and Kructate sour, undigested
food or have a feeling of Dizziness.
Heartburn, Fullness. Nausea, Bad taste
in mouth and Stomach headache this
is Indigestion.
A full case of Papes Diapepsin costs
only 50 cents and will thoroughly cure
the worst case of Dyspepsia, and leave
sufficient about the house in case some
one else in the family may suffer from
Stomach trouble or Indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to show you
the formula plainly printed on these
iO-cer.t cases, then you will under
stand whv Dyspeptic trouble of all
kinds must go, and why they usually
relieve a sour stomach or Indigestion
In five minutes. Get a case now and
eat one Triangule after your next meal.
They are harmless and taste like
candy, though each contains power
sufficient to digest and prepare for as
similation into the blood all the food
you eat; besides, it makes you go to
the table with a hearty, healthy ap
petite: but. what will please you most
is that you will feel that your Stom
ach and intestines are clean and fresh,
and you will not need to resort to lax
atives or liver pills for Biliousness or
This city will have many Diapepsin
cranks, as some people will call them,
but you will be cranky about this
splendid stomach prescription, too. if
you ever have Indigestion or Gastritis
or any other Stomach misery, and eat
Just one Triangule of Diapepsin,
ground and dragging her for some dis
tance, Margaret Pkillman has filed suit
!n the Circuit Court against the Port
land Kailway Company to recover
$40,531.40 damages. The accident oc
curred September 2.1. 1S07. The plain-
tiff asks $40,000 for her persona
juries. $347.50 for the physician's
and" tlie remainder for various inciden
tals, includingrHformiyRlfees.
1 9 O 9
Stationers Printers
Fifth and Oak Streets
A 2776 Phones Main 2776.
Vulcan Coal Co.
XFJ Burnxldr St.
Wellington Coal
All Other High-Grade House Coals.
ST s St- .
This Beautiful Suburban Home
Two Blocks From Mount Scott Carline
One and one-half acres of ground, with fruit trees, berry and garden
patches; house, 8 rooms, natural wood finish, freshly tinted and ex
terior recently painted; two fireplaces, full cement basement, wash
room, stove and tubs, plumbing and bath A-l. Fine view of Mount
Hood. House built of selected stock and everything in fine repair.
Barn with room for carriage and auto. Chicken-bouse and yards.
Owner has offer of $2200 for two-thirds of an acre. You will be sur
prised how low you can buy this property for cash or terms.
B. S. COOK 8c CO.