THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1908. Portland Selling Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Trefousse Gloves, Columbia Yarns, Estelle Corsets, Ostermoor Mattresses The Meier Frafok Store's Grea 200 Ladies9 and Misses' Coats Cut Glass 20,000 Pairs Fine Kid Gloves ctolber Sales iSfflP Ml I if Values $10.85 Two great special lots of women's and misses' new Winter Coats on sale at a price you cannot afford to pass by Ad vantageous purchases by our cloak chief, now in New York City, enables us to offer regular $ 1 5.50 and $ 1 8 values at the low price of $10.85 each Take advantage of this offer Women's and misses' 34-lenJrth Coats loose back, velvet collar, single and double-breasted styles; materials in fancy tweeds, stripes, checks, mixtures, etc., in gray and tan effects ; regular values up to $18.00 a CIO A') garment, on sale at this low price, ea. take advantage of sale. .S vUJ Lot 2 Women's semi-fitting Broadcloth Coats, empire effect; braid-trimmed or satin-bound ; black, navy, brown and wine, all sizes ; the 1 f Q T best styles; regular $16.50 values, on sale at this low price, ea. .S Entire new shipment of women's Broadcloth Walking and Dress Skirts, in black, navy and brown; plain gored, trimmed with bias folds, also sheath effect; grand assortment. Prices range all the way from $15.00 to $25. OO New shipments of women's long tan. Covert Coats arriving daily; also black Broadcloth Coats in tight and semi-fitting effects ; very latest styles, all prices. The very latest fashions in Tailored . Suits arriving by express every day. The personal selections of our Mr. Hirsch, who is now in the Eastern market. See them. New Evening Coats, new Furs, etc., etc. You should not fail to see these splendid garments. On the Second Floor. Tailored Suits Great Sale 500 New Silk Petticoats $7.50 and $8 Values Reduced to $4.75 500 new Silk Petticoats at half their value ma'lp of superior quality taffeta silk, deep double flounce; rows of pin tucking and two rows of one-inch stitched bands. The color assortment includes gray, Copen hagen, plum, garnet, navy, golden brown and black; all are well made and full width; Silk Pet- C A JP tieoats selling regularly at $7.50 and $8.00 each; your choice today only at this low price, eaYT Great Sale of 5000 Brushes OF ALL KINDS AND ALL GRADES 4-row Tooth Brushes, pure bristles, ladies' and gents' sizes; won- O prt'nl rnlns at this nrice. each. French Tooth Brushes in all the pop ular shapes; every one war- 1 Q ranted; great values at, each. " Nail Brushes and Hand Scrub Brushes all pure bristles; regular 1 Qf 35o values, on sale at, each. 1000 Hair Brushes, pure stiff bristles, solid wood back; regular 75c A.Qr and $1 values, on sale at, ea." Genuine Ebony Back Hair Brushes, best fJ.50 values, on sale J 1 f?Q while they last at, each.V 7 1000 Cloth Brushes, best quality bris tles, assorted ebony and rosewood backs; $1.50 and $1.75 val- Qftp ues, on sale at. special, each. S.TOO Ebony Military C? 1 QO Brushes on sale at. pair.N VO Bath Brushes, with detach- XQ able handles, on sale at, each. Mail orders will be earefullv filled. $25-$ 100 Millinery In the Millini-ry Salon, Mon gM'fjf: '' ffiM day, Tuesday and Wednes- M:''MfwAmxm- WPij&y&ite season sale of French Pat- g&tt&f " '-Is tern Hats, exclusive models -fMi0$i risian artists; magnificent MWSM'f 3SS&$& creations for dress and eve- j '0'&SffljSJ AWf ning wear; black hats, taupe W5T?WW llfl natg.pinkhats, lighTblue j Wfpj'J -PjM pt hats, mulberry hats, etc.; all pKi 'I 'i fPt tne latest fashions and trin ! ( 1 Jl $ P 1 mings; values rangingfron) lr Jfi $25.00 to $100.00, on sale at ff p one-third, off 1Xff 1 f f reg. prices.... 3vll $5 Untrimmed Shapes at 'A Off Large new line of untnmmed Shapes, in felt, velvet and satin, all colors and shapes; newest and best styles; $250 to $5 Ia values, on sale at one-fourth off the regular selling prices. I Women's $3.50 Shoes at $2.48 a Pair Women's Fur -Trimmed Romeos $1.19 1000 pairs of women's new, stylish Fall and Winter Footwear, in patent colt, dull top, blucher and button boots, new shapely lasts; the styles and quality the exclusive shoe store asks $4.00 for; choice, pr..$2.48 100 pairs of women's fur-trimmed Felt Romeos, in all the popular shades, tan, maroon, P 1 Q ack. blue; turn soles; ihe best regular $1.75 values, on sale at this special price, pair.H 1000 bl Low Priced 5- inch Nappies, $2.00 values. .S1.57 6- inch Nappies, $2.50 values. .$1.97 6-inch Nappies, $350 values. .2.74 Spoon Trays, $3.50 values at.S2.74 Olive Dishes, $2.50 values at. $1.97 Sugar and Creamers, the best regular $4.50 values, on sale at, pair.S3.49 6-inch Vases, $2.25 values for. $1.74 8-in. Vases, $3.25 values for. $2.49 10-in. Vases, $8.50 values for. $6.69 8-in. Bowls, $5.00 values for. $3.94 Celery Dishes, $7.50 vals. for. $5.94 Oil Bottles, $3.25 values for. $2.49 Fruit Bowls, $12.50 values at. $9.25 Fruit Bowls, $16.00 values. $12.49 Water Bottles, $6.50 vals. at. $5.14 Water Jugs, $7.50 values at.. $5. 94 8-inch Dishes, $7.50 values at. $5.94 Stand Dishes, $11.00 values. .$8.69 Rose Bowls, $21.00 vals. at. $16.28 Flower Centers, $15 values. $11.84 Fruit Baskets, $15 values. .$11.84 .felly Dishes, $2.75 values for. $2.15 Finger Bowls, $12.00 values. .$9.48 Sherbet Cups, $6.75 vals., set. $5.34 On sale in the Big Basement Store. 500 Pairs Oregon $6.50BIank'ts $5.05 the Pair The 4th floor Blanket Store places on sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day 500 pairs of white Oregon Wool Blankets of exceptional weight and quality; pink and blue border, every pair regular $6.50 value J O your choice at, the pair.P'' 1000 pairs of extra long white cotton fleece Sheet Blankets, with fancy bor ders; great special value P 1 A 1 at this low price, pair. P 300 pairs of 10-4 light natural wool gray Blankets, with colored borders; best $4.50 values, on sale C? C at this special price, pair. 100 "Ostermoor" Mattresses $16.50 Great special October sale of the cele brated "Ostermoor" patent Elastic Felt Mattresses, full 50 lbs. weight, covered with satine striped ticking,f ull size; the quality mattress the factory asks $30.00 for; your choice while they last at this price, each. $16.50 Lace EmbroidVs Val. Laces and Insertion; round thread, fine mechlins and French Vals. 3 to 22 inches wide; values up to 45c a yard; on sale at this low price: Only 9c the Yard 18-inch Venise Allovers in white and cream; handsome styles for waists, yokes, etc.; reg. values to $3.50 yard, At $ 1 .69 the Yard Swiss Flouncing and Insertion, for waists, undermuslins, etc.,, 2 to 18 inches wide; magnificent patterns $2 Values 69c Yd 10,000 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery, Edging and In sertion, 1 to 9 inches wide; values to 35c a yard, on sale at this low price: Only 1 5c the Yard $1.75 Values 98c Pr. $4.00 Values $2.75 Pr. $3 Values at $1.59 Pr. $2 Values at $1.33 Pr. $3.50 Values $2.69 Pr $1.25 Values 67c Pr. High-grade Kid Cloves at prices never known Thousands and thousands of pairs of Perrin's and other leading makes Cloves of style and quality Every pair fully guaranteed Cloves for all occasions All mail orders will be carefully filled 2000 pairs of one and two-clasp Glaee Kid and Suede Gloves, black, white and all colors; sizes 5j to 7; regular (Lf $1.25 values, on sale at this special low price, pair." C 1000 pairs of Perrin's celebrated Kid Gloves in glace and suedes black, white and colors; sizes to 7; the QO regular $1.50 and $1.75 values, on sale at, the pair. 'OC 1000 pairs of one-clasp Cape Walking Gloves in the best shades of tan; Dent style; sizes 64 to 7; regular Ql $1.50 values, on sale at this special low price, pair. C 1000 pairs of 6, 8 and 12-button length 2-clasp and Biarritz Gloves; black, white and all the best colors; sizes Q C . 5 to 7; regular $1.75 values, your choice at, pair. 1000 pairs of 16-button length Kid Gloves in black, white, gray and red; sizes 5y2 to 7; regular $3.00 val- C 1 ues, on sale at this marvelously low price, pair.? 1000 pairs of 16-button length Chamois Gloves, in white and natural; sizes 514 to 7; all new, fresh stock; the 1 best regular $3.00 values, at this low price, pair.K CO 2000 pairs of Perrin's 16-button length Kid Gloves black, tan, white, navy, red, etc.; sizes 5Va to 7Vfc; the CO (Q best $3.50 values, on sale at, special, the .pair.N'" r 1000 pairs of Fowne's aDd Perrin's one-clasp tan Cape Walk ing Gloves; spear-point backs: sizes 5 to 7; T 1 regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, on sale at, pair. $4 Long Cape Gloves $2.75 1000 pairs Perrin's 16-button length Cape Gloves with gnsset top; very best skins; tans only; 5 to 7; $4 vals., pr.$2.T5 2500 Yds. Directoire Satin 98c Yd Reg. $ 1 .25 Fancy Silks 67c Yard Another great special sale of 2500 yards of the new Directoire Satin soft,' lustrous material, for QO dress and evening costumes, waists, etc.; assortment of full 100 shades; $1.25 quality, at, the yard. 5000 yards of fancy Silks in stripes, checks and figures, for waists, suiting, children's apparel, et. (L?f All new, pretty colorings and combinations; the best regular $1.25 values, on special sale at, yd.OC IV firf iSrOCC CZffAc RartTAinC 2000 yards of new Tailored Suitings in all the Ureal Ureas UQQUd Ilargallla latest patterns, colorings and combinations; the best values in town in Tailored Suitings ; on sale at the following very low prices, yard See them : REGULAR $1.50 VALUES, AT, THE YARD, 98 REGULAR $1.75 VALUES, AT, THE YARD, $1.29 1000 New Corsets $1.50 to $2.50 Values 69c Each Great cleanup sale in the m uorset department tor to- fj All good models of popular 4 makes Kabos, LaCrecques I and others white and drab at a price never before known on corsets of quality, style and merit all sizes, 18 to 36 about 1000 cor- sets all told values ranging from $ 1 .50 to $2.50 each Your choice at the fj Q extremely low priceO If C Sale of Combination Garments Sale extraordinary of two-piece Combination Undergarments corset cover and wide circular drawers combined; materials of fine nainsook, crossbar lawns and allover embroideries, trimmed in dainty lace and embroidery edgings, beading and ribbons. Beautiful styles and sensational bargains, at these low prices: $3.50 VALUES $2.87 $6.50 VALUES $3.98 1000 Wash able Bath room Rugs In light blue, rose, dark blue, green and red colorings and combinations; beautiful and original patterns, in all sizes, od sale at the following prices : 18x36 inches, $1.25 values, at 95 22x41 inches, $2.00 values, at $1.55 24x48 inches, $2.50 values, at $1.95 27x54 inches, $3.00 values, at $2.15 30x60 inches, $3.75 values, at $2.85 36x72 inches, $5.00 values, at $4.05 New patterns in Sootch Linoleums, finest, best and heaviest patterns we have ever shown. On the Third Moor. Sale of Trunks 100 34-inch duck-covered Trunks, wa terproof painted, deep, covered tray, art cloth lined, heavy bumpers, two leather straps over top; CQ "IfX regular $10.00 value, ea.Pu Extra heavy duck-covered Trunks- waterproof painted, steel center band, heavy bumpers,- linen-lined, etc., on sale at the following special prices: 34-inch, $12.50 value, each. .$10.00 36-inch, $13.00 value, each. .$11.00 CITY HUNTERS IS TROUBLE POLICK AFTER MEN WHO TL'feE FIHEAKMS IX SIBI RBS. Numerous Complaints Stir Special i-quad Into Activity and S. Seller Is Arrested on Heights. Fhe.iyant and quil huntinfc In the limits of the City of Portland Is the latest form of disturbance with which the peace puardians are forced to cope. So many complaints of such disturb ances have been sent to police head quarters In recent weeks that Captain Hailey yesterday detailed a sergeant and a command of four patrolmen to apprehend the urban hunters. One arrest resulted from their day of strenuous efforts, and S. Seller will appear tn the Municipal Court this mornlnsr to answer a charge of dls-ihargina- firearms in the city llratts. Ah a matter. of fact, according to the officers. Seller was shooting quail, or rather, shooting at quail, near the City Park when arrested. Seller was armed with m. rifle and considered tne hills and timbered slopes near the City lark an excellent place to hunt quuil and pheasant. He appar ently went there early in the morning to begin his shooting, for It was only 9 o'clock when he was interrupted by Officer lnskeep and taken to headquar ters, where he was released on balL Ho had flushed many birds, according to the officer, who based his opinion on the number of shots fired, but his marksmanship was decidedly amateur ish. In order to apprehend some of the city- hunters. Captain Bailey ordered the detail of officers into the sub urbs at & o'clock yesterday morning. They went on duty at that hour, but after patroling many of the suburbs where hunting is said to have been most common, they succeeded in ar resting only Seller. "Ueports have come to the station for several weeks," said Captain Bailey, "of the boys and young men hunting pheasants and quail Inside the city limits. From these reports I Judge that they shoot promiscuously at most any object that attracts their atten tion. How they have managed to avoid Injuring or wounding some one is more than I can explain. Many of these boys and young men hunt systematically in the city. They arm themselves with rifles or shotguns and travel through the suburbs either on horseback or in rigs. Residents of those districts have made numerous complaints and we are certainly doing all we can to -catch some of these sports." A SPECIAL SALE. Blankets, towels, table linens, cur tains and drapery materials of all kinds on sale today at specially re duced prices. Supply your household needs now at a great saving. McAUen tz McDonnell. Third and Morrison. Tomorrow (Tuesday) positively the last day for discount on East Side gas bills. Don't forget to read Gas Tips. Prescriptions filled at Eyssell's Phar macy. SS9 Morrison, bet. 4th and 6th. Price Teepl pianos. B. Allen Co. The Wiley SAYS COAST HEEDS TUFT L. T. MAHONE SPEAKS TO VOTERS OF MOXTAVTMiA. Commends Candidate as 'Warm Friend of Labor and Man of Wide Experience. In his address Saturday night In War ren's Hall in Montavilla, L. D. Mahone, member of the Legislature from this county, pointed out that the Repub lican party had been the only party which had every legislated for the benefit of the laboring man. Mr. Ma hone said that In every Republican state there were laws passed for the protection of the laboring men, while on the other hand In Democratic states no such laws could be found. Mr. Mahone then said that Mr. Taft was the greatest genuine friend that labor had, and gave a review of his career, from the time he was made Governor of the Philippine Islands. The speaker declared that Mr. Taft was the best equipped public man of the century to deal with the problems that confront the country. He was absolutely fearless In the discharge of all the duties falling upon him. said the speaker, and these had been of vast importance. He had been a safe Judge and a patriotic citizen. Mr. Mahone then compared him with Mr. Bryan, who, he declared, had shift ed bis opinions on every question that he had ever advocated, from free coin age of silver to Government owner ship of railroads, never holding to any opinion longer than four years, and seizing upon seme new fad every cam paign. Passing on. Mr. Mahone dis cussed the Democratic proposition of guaranteeing bairk deposits, which, he said, was simply a premium, on dis honesty and placing the burden on the honest banker of taking care of the dishonest banker. Mr. Mabone demon strated that the Democratic policy re garding Injunctions, if enforced, would deprive the ordinary citizen of the means for the protection of his . life. property and freedom. "The Pacific Coast," declared Mr. Ma hone, "needs Mr. Taft, for he knows the needs of this part of the country bet ter than any man. He Is known In Japan and China. He knows how to IF YOTJ should step up gently to every friend you met in the day and ask him confidentially .what is his favorite piece of meat, let me assure you that nine out of ten will whisper, "A fine juicy beefsteak." I don't believe, there has ever been a man born who didn't relish beefsteak that is, the right kind of beefsteak, such as Smith sells. At any of Smith's markets you can buy a tenderloin steak or a sirloin steak at 10c per pound. Or if you want the cream of the beef, buy a small, tender, sweet porterhouse sfeak at I2V2C per pound. And the glories of prime roast beef 1 Smith sells it for 10c per pound. Don't you know when the Chicago pack ers gave a banquet this past week it was the baron of beef that took the front rank and was carried in with honor by waiters costumed in old English livery. They didn't didn't say anything about turkey or chicken or goose the big attention went to the prime rib roast beef, such as Smith sells, remember, at 10c per pound. What are yon doing to give honor to Oregon pig pork these days? Ton can't find anything to overreach its goodness. Join the many thousands of Portland folks who eat Smith's pig pork sausage at 12y2c per pound every day. Or you can have the most delicious pork roasts you ever ate at 10c and I2V2C, and pork chops, awfully tasty, at I2V2C and 15c. The country-fattened, milk fed veal, absolutely fresh, that Smith sells at 6c to 15c, can't be equalled at another market in town. And Smith's Oregon lambs and prime fattened mutton grace the tables of all the big caterers for banquets. Fish at Smith's is the town talk. It's so fresh, so different from what you have been picking up at other places. We have tons of it arriving on every boat from the Columbia River. You can get salmon fresh from the stream, 3 pounds for 25c. At Smith's take your pick from several different brands of creamery butter, full weight, 65c per square. Ranch eggs at Smith's, SOc per dozen. FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" 228 Alder Street, between First and Second. 512 Williams Avenue. 791 Mississippi Avenue. Corner Fifth and Main Streets, Oregon City. Twelfth, Bet. Bond and Commercial, Astoria. 253 Taylor Street (Uniontown) Astoria. People looking for Smith's Market on Alder street must b e sure to avoid the markets on both sides of Smith's they are not ours and do not carry Smith's pure, fresh Oregon meats. 1 " Six Markets I Six Markets handle the Intricate problems that are sure to come up with these countries, for on the Pacific Coast there will be great commercial progress, and on the Pacific Ocean Is to be fought ont the greatest commercial battle of the age." 231 WASHINGTON STJ. PORTLAND. OR&0N- MAKErf Of MENS CLOTMCS