Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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City E-ii'nr
Supt. Buiidlnsa
THEATER I Fourteenth and Wiih
Irrton mrrlM. Tonlrnt at 8:14 o'clock.
Th polltlclai drama. 'Tha Man of tba
BUNGALOW THRATBR (Twelfth and Mor-
rlaon) Baker Stock Company In "The Girl
of the Golden West." TonlBt at a.
BAKER THEATER (Tblrd. near Tamhll!)-
Tre mun a. cm.:jf. The ! of Spice.
Matinee 2 15; at 8.15.
ORPHEVM THBATFffl morrieon, between
SUth and Seventh Advanced rmudevllW
ttila afternoon at I IS and tonlaht at 1:1a.
CRAVD THEATTR rWaehlnirtoo. fcetweea
Seventh and Park VaudoHUa da luxe.
J 30. 7.30 and P. M.
PANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark)--
Continuous auilile. 2.30. 7:30 and :30
T. it.
STAR THEATER rXaahinrton and Park)
C-mel-drrti. "The K jut Corners of the
Earth. TonUht at 1:15.
LYRIC THBATER (Seventh and AJderV--
ritunka:i tock t'on-.pany In "Mr Jim.
F-very nlsht at :!: matlneea TnaaJar.
Thuradar and Saturday at 2 15.
1protcju.nt m Seu-wood. Property
owners are asking for the Improvement
of. Clackamas avenue, between Bast
Nlnteenth and East Twenty-third street,
but on a cra'ie different from the estab
lished one. Property-owners on Marion
avenue want the street Improved from
the, Mllwaukle road to Eaat Twenty-third
street. At the next meeting of the
Council. Councilman Wills will Introduce)
an ordinance for the sewer system in
Bellwood. between East Fifteenth and
the river, the plans for which have been
completed by the City Engineer. East of
Kast Fifteenth street establishment of
a sewer system Is a great problem that
the future must work out. Councilman
Wills says he cannot see a way out
except to run a conduit along Johnson
Creek to the Willamette River at Mll
waukle. It would be Impracticable, he
says, to cut a tunnel under Sell wood on
account of the rocky formations that
would make such an undertaking very
expensive. He believes that It will be
necessary to wait until the Ladd farm
has been platted and then form a big
district and run the conduit to the river
bv way of Mllwaukle.
Iioibu Recsfttchc. Rev. D. A. Waters,
Incoming pastor, and Rev. M. T. Wire,
outgoing pastor, of the. Patton Metho
dist Episcopal Church. North Aibina,
were given a reception in tlie church
Wednesday night. Mr. Wire goes to the
Methodist Church at The Dalles. He
had been pastor of the Patton congrega
tion for three years and was successful
In building up the) departments and con
gregation, and leaves for his new field
with best of wishes from the members
and community, and Mr. Waters comes
Into a pleasant field and well organized
church, after one year's service in rais
ing the ministerial endowment fund. Dr.
C. B. Cllne spoke words of welcome to
Mr. Waters and predicted for his new
field a very, successful ministerial
work. Rev. Mr. Douglas, pastor of
the Woodlawn Church, also spoke brief
ly, when replies were made by both the
retiring and incoming pastors. A pro
gramme of music was rendered .nd re
freshments were served.
Mat Chanob Constttutiom. Xotloes
have bee.i Issued to members of the
Commercial Club to assemble In mass
meeting to consider changes in the con
stitution of the organization, Wednesday
evening. October 14. The principal mat
ter suggested for alteration in the exist
ing law of the club relates to life mem
bership. A suggestion has been made
that the fee be fixed at 150. Under
present rule resident members pay dues
of C 60 a month or $30 a year, and non
residents 12 a month. Other matters of
. Interest to the members will be brought
up for discussion.
Sir vi est at tr. Miohabls Church.
The feast of St. Michael, patron of the
Italian Church, Fourth and Mill streets,
will be celebrated with great pomp next
Sunday. The church is being decorated
after the style of the great Italian
duomos and basilicas. The mass by
three priests, at 10:30 o'clock will be
rendered more attractive by a good choir
of well-trained voices. The Italians will
come In large numbers to assist at this
Impressive ceremony. The panegyric will
be delivered by the pastor. F. O. Villa.
Improving Countt Roads. The county
is improving East Twenty-eighth street,
between Kelly avenue and Hole-ate
street: Holgate. between Twenty -eighth
and Twenty-sixth, and Twenty-sixth,
between Holgate and Powell Valley road.
The surface of these roads Is being
covered with crushed rock. P. J. Kelly,
chairman of a committee from the
Brooklyn Club, took tho matter of Im
proving these roads up with the County
Court with satisfactory results.
Will Discuss Blxached Flour. A. L.
Knisely. acting chief In the local food
rn1 drug Inspection laboratory main
tained by the Department of Agriculture,
announces that a general meeting will be
held In Washington, D. C. November M.
for the purpose of discussing the subject
of bleached flour. The department Is
desirous of having all persons Interested
In the subject attend this conference and
express their views regarding the ad
visability of bleaching flour.
Goes Anna Yousa Forocrs. Patrol
man Fred A. Graves was selected yes
terday by Chief of Police ttrltimacher
to go to San Francisco to bring back J.
P. Monoghan and E. J. Thalrklll, the
two young railroad clerks under arrest
at the Rsy City for forgery against the
Pout hern Pacific Both young men had
forged passes and fled. Patrolman
Graves left last night for Kn Francisco,
and expects to return next Monday or
Tuesday with Ms prisoners.
Savf. thb Discount. Send check or
pay at office on or before the loth to
save the discount on October bills for the
Automatic Telephone. Home Telephone
Company, corner of Park and Burnslde
streets. The new directory is being dis
tributed today. Get your application In
for the most satisfactory telephone serv
ice Portland has ever had. Secret serv
ice, no party lines, no trouble. Call at
the exchange any time to see the auto
matic system In operation.
Kkvisino CYinstituth.n. The TTnkrlneon
debating society of the East Side High
fVhool will not have a public debate this
afternoon, but the time will be occupied
In revising the constitution. Friday. Oc
tober I, a special programme will be
rendered. The society has laid plana for
a minstrel performance to be given in the
near future for the benefit of the foot
ball team.
Woman's Ci.ur Wiij. Mbt-The Wo
man's Club will hold Its first meeting of
tle Fall season this afternoon at 2
o'clock. In Women of Woodcraft Hall,
Tenth and Taylor streets. Mrs. Robert
l.utke. the new president, will preside.
Addresses will be made by Mrs. F.
KKgert. retiring president, and Mrs.
Sferah A. Kvans.
Mator Lane to Spk.- Mayor I .an
will address the Willamette Improve
ment Association tonight at Anderson's
hall. Willamette Station on the ST. John
l:ne at it oclock. The addreas will be
followed by a basket social and dance.
Admission free and every lady Is re
quested to bring well-filled basket.
I.gcTt'RJts on ElJECTRtciTT. Jerome L.
Illaisdell will begin his series of talks
on "Practical Electricity." this evening,
at the Public Library In the children's
room. These talks will be given everv
other Friday at 7:45 P. M. under the
auspices of the Progressive Club.
Thi Nckdi-ecraft Shop now located
on S.xth street, near Morrison street,
next to Oregon News Company.
M. Sichbu exclusive haberdasher, at
JCJ Washington street. Imperial, Hotel,
building. Has no branch store.
Fob Rkxt. A few nioa efflcsa in The
Oresonlaa building, fee Superlatandsnt,
roam Jul. "
New Bishop Kkoww Herb. RT
Arthur Feldon Lloyd, D. of New
York, general secretary of the foreirn
and domestic board of missions of the
Episcopal Church, was appointed bishop
coadjutor of the diocese of Maryland, at
a convention held In Baltimore on Oc
tober 2. Dr. Lloyd visited Portland Vast
Spring at the time of the missionary con
vention, and took a prominent part In
the deliberations of that body. He Is
known as a clergyman of exceptional
character and abilities. He has on three
different occasions declined appointment
to similar stations- His selection to the
present office was a matter of much
satisfaction to those participating In the
Baltimore convention.
Continue Bridob Fioht. At a meet
ing last night of the South Portland Im
provement Club the question of a bridge
across the river in that district was
taken up, and a committee was appointed
to solicit funds on the West Side-to de
fray the expense of preparing referendum
petitions. The committee was made up
of the following: A. F. Smith. Joseph
Morak, A. Goldstein. J. C. Bayer and
John Barbey. The appointment of
solicitors for the East Side was referred
to M. Carlson and W. J. Applegate, who
will report at the next meeting. This
will be held Thursday, October 22. at
7-39 o'clock, in the Hotel Harrison. J.
C. Luckel presided at last night's meet
ing, i
Obsbrvb Jewish Feast. Succoth. one
of the festivals of the Jewish Calender,
commences tonight. The Feast of Booths
is described 1n the Bible as a memorial
of the time when the Israelites dwelt In
booths and -tents in the wilderness. The
services at Temple Beth Israel. Twelfth
and Main streets, will be solemnised to
night at g o'clock, when Rabbi Jonah B.
Wise will preach on the theme "A Tent
In the Desert." On Saturday morning
the services commence at 10 o'clock. The
children of the congregation are espe
cially Invited to be present. Strangers of
all faiths are welcome at all the services.
Classes at Y. W. C. A. -Interest Is
growing in the Domestic Art Classes of
tha Young Women's Christian Associa
tion. Prospects are bright for a success
ful year's work. Courses are being offered
for all ages. Intensely Interesting Is the
Saturday morning class for little girls
who are being taught to sew. on dolls
clothes. In response to a request for a
school girls' class In shirtwaist making,
a new one will be organised Saturday
met from 1 to 4 O'clock
each week. Miss Waring will be glad to
confer with any person woo uw
to Join one) of the classes.
Banquet for Mortbnsbn. M. Morten
sen, who has been connected with the
Haselwood Cream Company as manager
during the past several years, was, last
evening, tendered a farewell banquet by
the owners and employes of the com
pany. An elaborate repast was served,
and more than 100 employes attended.
Mr. Mortensen will leave in a few days
for Iowa, where he Is to become dairy
Instructor at one of the state Institu
tions. At the conclusion of tho dinner,
Mr. Mortensen was presented with a
handsome gold watch, the gift of the em
ployes of the concern. t
Evert day at Frank L. Smith Meat
Company you can buy fresh, choice
creamery butter, at 66 cents a roll: ex
traordinarily fresh Columbia River
salmon, three pounds for- 26 cents; all
other kinds of fish from 6 cents to 13
cents a pound.
Rats WarI Steamer Northland sails
direct to San Francisco Saturday after
noon. Cabin. $10: steerage. $5. Berth
and meals Included. Frank Bollarn,
agent. 128 Third street.
F. Bauer, of the Grand Leader, left
yesterday morning on a business trip to
New York and Chicago, and expects to
be gone four weeks.
Dr. Broww. dentist, has removed his
offices from the fifth to the third floor
of the Dekum bldg., rooms S05'4. a.
' Thb first shipment of imported Frank
furters end Fruffled liver sausage has
arrived. L Mayer & Co.. 148 Third St.
Experienced Saleswomen for suit and
cloak department. Apply, with reference,
to McAUen A McDonnell.
Dr Andrew C. Smith has removed his
offices to rooms 409-ttS Medical building.
Park and Alder streets.
Thomas B. Neuhausen Is located at
No. 538 Chamber of Commerce building.
Phone Main 60S2. "
Dr. Strohecker, recently from Chicago.
Rooms 307-308 Dekum bldg. Both phones.
Dr. Skitp has moved his office to the
Medical building.
MoriXTT, stationery. Ill gixth street.
Hood River Republicans Arousing
Enthusiasm for Candldate.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. Oct. &. (Special.)
At a weil-attended meeting of the
Hood River Taft-Sherman Republican
Club held here last evening, an execu
tive and membership committee was
elected and speeches on the Issues of
the campaign listened to by local
speakers. Steps were also taken to or
ganise Republican clubs In the Odell,
Pine Grove and Mount Hood districts.
Preparations will be made by the
clubs in the Valley to hold several big
meetings here before the close of the
campaign, which will be addressed by
prominent speakera.
The Portland Public Market Cold
Storage Company, whose new fireproof
market building will cover the entire
block at GUsan. Hoyt, Fifth and Sixth
streets, has opened offices at 718 and
719 Board of Trade Building. There
has been a rush of applicants for stalls,
but some very desirable locations are
still vacant for those who make reser
vations at once. Either call or tele
phone Main HSO.
Lots in the .very awellest part of Irv
Ington. Other lota In this vicinity are
selling for WOO. only 80x100. These lots
are 60x150 at the same price. What
more could you ask for your money?
tr particulars Inquire of
260 Stark St., Portland. Oregon.
Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits m
plain colors and fancy stripes, coats
trimmed with braids and buttons, gored
skirts, regular values up to C5. on sale
today at $12.75. No extra charge for al
terations. McAUen McDonnell, Third
and Morrison. tt
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant: fine private apart,
meats for ladles, J6 Wash., near Flfla.
933,000 Stork Sm Fall Style Shoes
Labeled Incorrectly.
Admit mistake and order shoes sold.
Bannister. Kneeland, Slater and Moral.
S6 and JT grades. $3.85; 4 and Jo grades.
t 86- women s JJ.50 and $4 gradea. S2-o,
Dellar. IS1 Morrison, bet. 4th and 6th.
All German speaking citizens should
assist In making the German Day celebra
tion to be held at Arion HalL Saturday
evening, a grand demonstration of their
power by attending with their families.
No admission will be charged.
Tomorrow (Saturday) will positively be
last day for discount on Weat Side gas
. bills. XkuVt torget to lead Oaa Ilea,
Fred David, Aged 14, Victim
of Strange Accident.
Small Boys Playing- With Rifle
"Which Was Supposed to Be Not
Loaded Are Parties to Sad
East Side) Tragedy.
Fred David, a lad 14 years of age,
was shot and killed by the discharge
of a .25 caliber rifle which had been
kicked by his brother. Robert David,
aged J2 years, on the railway trestle
at East Second and Salmon streets
about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
That the shooting was accidental Is
practically certain, for all the eye
witnesses, principally boys of the same
age of the deceased and his brother,
are unanimous' on this point.
According to the story told the po
lice, and which was afterward cor
roborated by the testimony of the boys
before the Juvenile Court, the David
boys had left their home at 164H
Union avenue to go fishing with Virgil
and Lafayette Copley, of 428 East Oak
street and Joined them shortly after
they had commenced fishing in the
slough. On Joining the Copley boys,
Fred David, who carried the rifle, said:
"I'll bet I can shoot the button off
your cap." addressing his remarks to
Virgil Copley. With this he raised
the gun and pulled the trigger, but the
weapon failed to explode, and he laid
the gun on the railway trestle. The
boys had been fishing only a few min
utes when the younger David changed
his position and, moving along the ties
of the trestle, his toe caught the ham
mer of the rifle, which was discharged
In some unaccountable manner. The
bullet penetrated the back of - Fred
David's head and caused Instant death.
The boys did not realize what had hap
pened, even when they saw their com
panion fall backward across the track.
The three boys hurried to the nearest
house and the police were summoned.
When Patrolman Gruber and Gould ar
rived the David boy was dead, and
Coroner Nordcn was called to take
charge of the remains. After question
ing all the witnesses closely and Inter
viewing the David boys' grandmother,
Mrs. Sarah Hammer, with whom they
had been living, Coroner Norden de
cided to further Investigate the shoot
ing by holding an Inquest this morn
ing. Robert David, when he realised the
seriousness of his act, broke down and
cried. His grief was so evident that
he was not questioned to any extent
when he was turned over to the offi
cials of the Juvenile Court Immedi
ately after the shooting.
The father of the two boys was
killed by poison at Seattle two years
ago. the crime having been committed
by a Spaniard, who first tried to
assassinate him with a knife.
"Girl of the Golden West" to Con
tinue at the Bungalow.
No better signs of the times could be
desired than the great run of "The Girl
of the Golden West," at the Bungalow.
For two weeks this drama as presented
by the Baker Stock Company, has
played to standing room only at every
performance, and as hundreds have
been turned away the last three days,
Manager Baker yesterday decided to
play It again for the third week. This
is simply phenomenal for Portland, and
surely Indicates a growth In population
beyond all expectations. '
About two years ago "The Eternal
City" ran for two weeks, the last week
drawing Just an -ordinary business
which was considered good then, but
now this greatest of all theatrical sen
sations as far as this city Is concerned,
has sold every seat at every perform
ance for two weeks and has every indi
cation of continuing to do so for the
coming week.
"When a play Is away beyond the
mediocre," said advertising manager
Seaman, yesterday, "It ' Is advertised
from Hp to lip, and one hears about it
on the street. In the shop or office, in
streetcars and elevators everywhere
people meet .or congregate for busi
ness or social reasons. Probably nev
er before in the kistory of Portland has
a theatrical offering created so much
of this sort of talk among all classes
of people. It Is something out of the
ordinary, and it is not only in this
city, but letters, telegrams and long
distance telephone calls have come
from all the surrounding towns as far
as Eugene, The Dalles and Astoria for
Federal Defendant Maintains He Is
Victim of Spitework.
IO uls R. Webb, who Is accused by the
Government of setting Are to several
townships of timber land, yesterday
through his attorney, John Edward Boys,
furnished bonds In the sum of IS000 to
appear In San Francisco for trial.
Webb Is a miner living near Deerlng.
Southern Oregon. He denies that he
set fire to the timber and declares that
he Is a victim of a plot hatched by cer
tain people against whom he gave the
Oregon City Trains
Beginning Saturday, October 10th, 1908, Oregon
City trains will leave First and Alder streets as here
tofore. Cazadero trains will leave East Morrison and
Water streets. Passengers can take any car operat
ing over East Morrison or Madison-street bridges.
The Oldest Trust Company In. Oregon
We believe in modern meth
ods of doing business. In pre
vious illustrations, wo' have had
much to say about our certifi
cates of deposit. We do all oth
er kinds of financial business.
We receive deposits subjeot
to check. We receive savings
deposits in large or small sums
upon the lines followed by tha
lew England savings banks.
We issue Letters of Credit
and buy and sell Exchange on
all parts of the world. We col
lect rents and other income, and
buy and sell real estate for our
. clients.
We conduct a fire insurance
We are always willing to dis
cuss any financial proposition,
either involving a loan by us, or
a deposit with us.
We conduct a large and stead
ily increasing trust business.
We pay particular attention
to caring for the estates of wid
ows, orphans and non-residents.
It is a pleasure to us to explain
our methods.
Call upon us if you need in
formation upon any subject
upon which a Trust Company
can enlighten you.
Portland Trust Company
of Oregon
BEXJ. I. COITEX President
H. I PITTOCK Vice-President
DR. A. 8. NICHOLS, .td Vice-Prest.
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
W. J. GILL Assistant Secretary
C. W. DECBAFF Cashier
Government information connecting them
with Oregon land frauds.
Webb was arrested and brought to
Portland several days ago. His arrest
was made at the request of the Federal
authorities In California. Judge Wolver
ton, instead of removing him at once to
San Francisco, gave him time to secure
bonds, - which he did yesterday after
noon. Tomorrow (Saturday) will positively be
last day for discount on West Side gas
bills. Don't foricet to read Gas Tips.
I-clasp Kid Gloves,
New Washable Linen Stock
Collars... 35. SO, T5tf
New Ruchlnsrs 25 and up
AH oolors and white.
5.00 Umbrella s. spe
cial ; .ow
Best In the business.
Call and See Them.
We are making a discount of 10 per
cent and 20 per cent on good ones.
Rustproof Umbrellas.
Repairing and Re-covering.
We have the only complete electrical
ly operated umbrella shop in Portland.
Best work at lowest prices. Personal
Umbrellas Exclusively.
S13 Waahingtoa St.. Bet. Sta.ud 6th.
fjjebwab Printing Co.
Pianos for Rent
and sold on easy payments.
Fourth carload of
of famous Cutler
Office Desks this
year just opened
up for your in
spection. Come in
and see the new
Sanitary LegBase
in low price, as
well as in the best
Kilham Stationery
and Printing Co.
Fifth and Oak Streets
8 Tears In Portland
Thompson, the "discoverer of the In
stantaneous Method of Sight Testing.
Acknowledg-ed by over 2000 of Europe's
foremost physicians to be the highest
authority on eyesight In this country.
Solte 309 Corbett bids;., 6tb and Mor
rison. 2nd floor. Take elevator.
The largest and most modern Optical
Parlors in Portland.
y.vv ja t".
$1.50 np
and up
I J Perfect
' 1 1 Fitting
; -i' 1 1 Glares
I- X 4 as low
' - - as
ZrGiUii I'i'iSH w;tn
iail BATH
j ! : 'v-.s.
Are you patronizing the small
shop clothier whose limited
business naturally restricts his
price-making power, or are you
a Steinbach & Go. dressed man,
as the bulk of Portlanders are,
safe in the assurance that no
one is more fashionably attired
than yourself, and that the
price you paid is lower because
of our tremendous buying
Selling Clothes is not a side line
here; it's the main issue. Our
$20.00, $25.00, $30.00
speak their own story.
CAPITAL $4,000,000 -
A general banking business transacted.
Letters of Credit issued for travelers
and importation of merchandise.
Interest paid on Savings and Time De
posits. Rates on application.
Assistant Manager
The policy of this bank is to cultivate helpful business
relations with its depositors and to render at all times
the service which their needs demand and which our
equipment insures. We invite accounts.
Head Office: Toronto, Canada.
Toreign Exchange bought and sold.
Drafts Issued payable in all principal cities.
Either checking or interest-bearing accounts may be opened by
mail. Correspondence invited. '
Portland Branch.
Want Ads
In the German Paper give excel
lent results. If you are looking for
good, reliable help, if you have
anything to sell, trade or rent,
place a small want ad with us and
note the results. German families
are large, large families are large
producers, large producers are
large consumers. Want ads only
cost 1 cent per word in the
Scittf d)c
A- E. KERN & CO, Second and
Salmon Streets, Portland, Oregon
SURPLUS $10,746,004.02
F. C. Malpas, Manager.
It insures an enjoyable, invig ,
orating bath; make every pox
respond, removes dead skin.
starts the circulation and leaves)
s glow equal to a Turkish bath.
12.00 Fall Set
Teeth. M OO.
Crowns and Brides
work. 3.00.
Rcom 405. Dekum.
Open. Kvsiubbs Z1U 1,
m .7