3 OPPOSES BLUE IMS Dr. Dyott Says They Will Not Restore Open Sunday. WARNING TO LIQUOR MEN Congregational Pastor Would Pro hibit Baseball and Theaters, but Would Avoid Pharisa ism In Observance. That we ought to have laws prohibit ing Sunday baseball gamei and Sundy theater, was the assertion of Dr. Luther R. Lryott, In hla sermon at th First Con gregational Church last night, on "The Sunday Question." Ha also said that If the liquor men think, through the pres ent agitation, to make Portland an open town, it will be bent for all concerned If thy disabuse their minds of the Idea. r. Dyott took for his text the words of ( hria t to t he Pharisees, recorded In Mark 11:17. "The Sabbath was made for man. and not man for toe Sabbath.' The speaker said In part: TbaM art the words of Jesus. With his followers, he was on his way to the house of God. The disciples were hungry. An empty stomach is not a means of grace to a man of health and sanity. The dls ctples took what they needed, and ate It. The Pharisees did not raise the point In the deeper ethics as to whether H was right or roof for these men to take something from another man's field. The fact that they had done so on tie Sabbath day was the tlnn( which offended these critics. In our text it sterns that Cuiist would vindicate his disciples by saying that "the tabbed was made for man, and not man for the Bab bath." Exact Day Unimportant. The time of observance is not so Impor tant as the universality and spirit of ob servance. As a matter of faot the heb domadal cycle caauot begin at the same time Lo ail places. After the resurrection of Jesus, the Christiana began the ob servance of the first day of the week in stead of the seventh- There Is no record of a Divine command for the chance, but Christians claim the sanction of divine ap proval. Christians should, however, allow the same liberty of conscience to those who observe the seventh day, as they oialm for themselves in the recognition of the first day of the week aa the Lord's day. Every day is the Lord's day to any man who is the Lord s man every day. But we need, and muit have one day In seven set apart for physical rest and the worship of Al mighty God. No nation can survive with out religious life. Religion can not be per petuated without the religious culture of the adherents of the cause. Te be sure, there la Bach a thing as a modern Pharisaism which may go to ex tremes on the Sunday question, and there may be some "blue laws" which some per sons may think are not wholly compatible with modern progress. The best way to nullify a law w hlch ought not to be. U to enforce it. But we should be very care ful. We are In danger of making mistakes with reference to this matter. While mod ern Pharisaism Is In danger of straining at gnats, let not those who are broad-minded and liberal swallow camela Cannot Restore Opes Town. If, In this agitation upon the Sunday ques tion, now taking place In our city, the liquor men think they can carry their point and make Portland an "open town." the sooner they learn that the decent and law abiding and home-loving people of Portland will have nothing of the kind, the better It will be for all concerned. But why make so much ado about the candy stores, and the fruit stands, and say nothing about the more fin grant offenses. Let us take the worst things first. Portland does not need Fundsy baseball games and open theaters on this day. Works of mercy and necessity are allowable on the Lord s day, but are these things works of merry and necessity? What about some of those plays, given In some of the theaters here last Sunday, which ought not to be presented on any dayT Let u begin with those things which are the worst, if we have laws which ap ply no these things, we ought to enforce them. If we have no such laws let as make them -end enforce them. We cannot afford to have the atmosphere poisoned in whlh we are trying to rear our children. Even if the participants in the Sunday games and theatrical performances do not wish to attend church on Sunday, thev need the rest. The working people are. In some respects, the moet persistent In Funday desecration, and they are the very ones to whom ths lost Funday would bring the moat Irrepara ble ruin. My plea w. therefore, for a ra tional otiservsnre of the Lord's day fort the ask of all who need It. TO ORDAIN PASTOR TONIGHT Nrhemtah Baker Will Be Placed In First Vnltarian Pulpit. N eh em! ah A. Faker Is to be ordained to night and Installed as assistant pastor of the First Vnltarian Church, at Seventh and Tarn hill streets. The ordination In vocation Is to be made by Pr. T. Lv El iot, minister emeritus of the Unitarian Church. Rev. W. G. Eliot, the pastor, will extend to Mr. Baker the rifrht hand of fellowship. Mr. Baker graduated from the Meadvllle Theological 8choolof Penn sylvania, last June, and came to Portland In July. He la a native of Massachusetts. The ordination sermon tonight Is to be delivered by Rev. J. A. Cruaan. field agent of the American Cnttarlan Associa tion on the Parifl.- Coast. Rev. J. D. Corby, pastor of the First Universal 1st Church, will deliver the charge to the new minister, and Pr. 9. J. Barrows, of New York City, a worker for prison reform, will deliver the charge to the congrega tion. Her. O. YV. fuller, of the Spokane Unitarian Churrh. will welcome Mr. Ba ker to the Paclrtc Conference, while Rev. J. R. Wilson will extend a welcome on behalf of the community. Dr. Dyott A no u noes Sermons. Dr. I nt her R. Dyott. pastor of the First Congregational Church, has an nounced his sermon subjects for the next three months They are as follows: Oc tober 11. 'The Religion of a Reasonable Man"; October . "Religion In a New World"; October 25, "A Whole Religion for a Whole life; November 1, "Reli gion at the Ballot Box"; November . "Religion In the Home"; November la, "Religion !n the Church; Has the Church the Right Message for This Age?" November "A Rational Inter pretation of the Troubles and Sorrows of I-!fe': November 29. "Will Religion and Bus!nes Mix?" December 1 "Religion and Education; Should the State Give Money to Religious Schools? Should Re ligion Be Taught In the Secular Schools T December 1. The Dicta of Reason with Reference to the Immor tality of the Soul;" December 30, "Rea son. Sin and Salvation"; December 27. "Ought a Re'.lginus Man Join a Church T LONG-AGO STATE FAIRS Yfttran Salrmite Give More In teresting Reminiscence. ALEX. Or.. Oct 1. (To th Editor.) Th, communication in Uji Friday', Orese alan In regard to taa Mcond Stat, Fair should rd 6. acres aa tha land arst pur criesed. For eeYeral yesr. om and mall chil dren wpri admitted free and erery In ducement was given In th. premium list for mothora ar.d daughter, to compet, tn exhibiting article. Increasing the comfort of home Life, an.l the namee of the prlse v Inner, were Juet aa scrupulously published aa those contending for the largest award. The directors served for the honor, and the secretary for 100 ker annum. Men of afarlon. Mul'.nomah. Linn. Lane. Tarn hill and Washlrgton counties led ta the management, but Douglas. J sex son and Clatsop counties were not Ignored- The lists of winners 1 think were published until the sement feu unar tn, stat, ioara ox Agriculture, when horticulture ra so ne acted that the management had to pay men to glean th, old orchard to gat aa Indifferent exhibit. The revival of that Interest owes much to few men who settled In Hood River Valley, led by E- I Smith. But ths sno ress of Millard Lownsdals. of Yamhill, and W. 8. Wallace, of Salem, proves that suc cessful apple culture Is sot limited to Hood River and Rogue River. Ths latest Stats Fslrs at Salem, show that county exhibits slimJnavte Individuals. The Grange, and live town fairs are pro viding additional opportunities for the man and the family. The lata Country Club meet should become an annual livestock show. OLD 8AX.EMITB. Special Services Mark Day of Atonement Jewish Pra at Day la Observed Wltn Impressive starts and Sernaen at Temple Beth Israel. . REVERENT and beautffnlly Impreseilve were ritual, sermon and music last evening at the Temple Beth Israel, to mark the observance of the most sacred feast day of the Jewish year. Tom Klp pur, or day of atonement. The temple was crowded to the doors with worshipers and hundreds were turned away for lack of room. Rabbi Jonah B. "Wise's sermon on "The Law of the Land la Perfect," dwelt upon the significance of the day. The vocal muslo was exceptionally wen rendered, and It was a rare privilege to listen to It, the singers being Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, soprano and director; Mrs. Imogens Harding Brodle. contralto: Will iam H. Boyer, tenor, and Dom J. Zan, baritone, with Edgar E. Coursen. organ ist, and Henry Bettman, solo violinist. After an organ solo by Mr. Coursen the celebrated "Kol Nldrs" music as arranged by Max Bruch for the occasion was Played as a violin solo by Mr. Bettman. with artislto skill and solemn Interpretation. This was followed by the "Kol Nidre" air. sung by the quartet, and this portion of the serv ice was so satisfying and so much in line with the spirit of real worship that one would have to travel far to hear its equal. It Is a rare privilege to have such cultured singers in Portland, who can render an elaborate musical pro gramme of high ideal without calling for outside assistance. The other portion of the service con sisted of ritual numbers and a finely rendered solo sung with excellent intona tion and expression by Mrs. Bauer, "In Dreams I Heard the Seraphim," composed by Faure. with violin obllgato by Mr. Bettman. Dr. Wise's sermon made a profound Im pression on the large audience with its presentation of the perfection of the spirit of the law. that spirit that cannot be denied which has exerted and will exert powerful Influence for the betterment of mankind through all time. The religious services at the Temple Beth Israel will be continued today and the quartet will sing at Intervals from :J0 A. M. to 6 P. M. At the afternoon service Mr. Coursen will play theBe organ numbers: "Largo," by Handel, and "Asa's Death." from "Peer Gynt." by Grelg. This service will also be largely attended. Inconic-Kea rlnfr, Property. We have for sale a very choice piece of property on Sixth street, 70x100 feet. It is covered with modern flats, fin ished with all the latest improvements. This is very close in, on the West Side, and only a few blocks from the Hotel Portland. It is bringing in a rental of 1325.00 per month. For price and terms, inquire of Charles K. Henry A Boa, 360 Stark street. Portland. Or. Dynamite Cap Explodes; One Hurt VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct 4. Spe cial.) Borne dynamite caps exploded dur ing a fire in the house of Manfred Car son at Minnehaha, a few miles northeast of Vancouver, yesterday, and Jay V. Flke, principal of the Minnehaha school, who was In the room at the time of the explosion, had his hands and arms badly laoerated. DAILY MrTEOBOLOGICAt REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 4. Maximum tempera ture, S decrees; minimum temperature, 42 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. LS feet. Changs In last 24 hours, fall. 0 1 feet. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to S P. M.). none. Total rainfall elnce September 1, 1908 0 3V inches. Normal rainfall sines Beptember 1. ll09. .2 Inches. Deficiency. 1 97 Inches. Total sunshine October S. loog. g hours, 2 minutes Possible sun shine October S. 1908, 11 hours. 8o minutes. Barometer l reduced to sea level) at S P. at.. 30.12 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 6 P. If.. Paoifio time. October 4. 1908. . Wind. I f 3 5 OS a e v 3 STATION Taker City Bismarck.. Folse Eureka Ksmloops North Head..... Pocatello. ...... Portland Red Bluff Roseburg. ...... f acramento. . . Salt Lake Baa Francisco.. Fpokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla Plains Flskljou Marsh field ,.' 0.001 .l0 T. B 2 0.00' . 'ftOO.oo" .lMO.00: . 0.00 .44 0.34, . r. 0.0v ,'7S n.0O' , 174 n.onl . 70.00j J44 0.14! 8'NW a s- 4 NW 4 NW 0' !' SB 2 NW If 4 NW 4 NW (Cloudy (Cloudy ft loudy lear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear iClear Clear 4 B 12 W 12 SW 8 SW 12 W 12 aw 4 s 4 E NW Rain .'84 0 00 l4 0 00 -! T. I . Ki'0.01 . '70 0.0ft' . 'eo o.oo; . ': o.on! . :t2 0.00 1 Clear Cloudy Pt.cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A high pressure area haa moved from British Columbia to Northern Montana, with increasing Intensity since Saturday evening, and a high pressure area has developed over Southwestern Oregon. Showers have occurred In Western Washington. Northern Montana. Southeastern Idaho and Northern Utah. It Is slightly cooler In Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon, and somewhat warmer over the rest of the dis trict. Temperatures ars near the seasonal average. except In southeastern Idaho, where It continues quite cooU The Indleatlona are for showers Monday In Washlns-ton. Northwestern. Oregon. Northern and Southeastern Idaho, and fair weather elsewhere In this district Slight rhsnges In temperature will occur, except that It will probably be warmer In South eastern Idaho. FORECASTS, p-",- s-i vvifi'tr p-nMr showers: The change from coffee to POSTUM is pleasant and beneficial. "Tnere'i a Reason" " THE MORNING OREGOXIAy, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1903. t-. j VEH- TODAy! "f FOR SALE REAI ESTATK. ( FOB BALE-REAL ESTATE. r i i i .. - 1 i Brand Centra! Station Time Card gOCTHK&X PACIFIC. Leaving Portlsns Boeeourg raasenser Cottaa:. Grove Paaei 8:18 a.m. 4:13 p m. 1:43 p. a 1JO a. as. T:10 a. m. 4:10 p. as. 8.60 a. m, 1:00 p. m. 8.40 p. m. T:1S a. m. California Express San Francisco xpress ....... West Bids Corvallls Psassngsr Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grove passenger. Forest Grove Passengsr. Arriving Portland Oregon Express .a... Cettage Grove Passenger .... Roeeburg pasasngar Portland Express ...s.ee West Side Corvallls passenger .......... Shsrldaa Passenger ........... Forsst Orove Passenger ....... Forest Grove Passenger. ...... Forsst Grovs Passengsr 11:80 a. m. Silts, m. 11:15 p- as. 8:20 p. m. 10:80 a. ra. 8:O0 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 4:30 p. m. OREGON RAILROAl NAVIGATION CO. Leaving- fertlsnd Pendleton Passenger ...... Chicago-Portland special Spokane Flyer Kansas city Chicago Sx press Arriving Port las d . Spokane Flyer Cta. Kan. City ex Portland Bx. Chloago- Portland Special ...... Pendleton Passengsr T:15 a. 8:30 a. l 8:18 p. l 8UKp. l :00 a. l 9:43 8. l 8:80 p. l 8:13 p. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leasing Portland 1 Tacoma and Seattle Express ... IMS m. Norta Coast Chicago limited. 1:00 p. ae. Ovsrlsnd Express , 11:43 p. as. Arriving Portland North Cull Limited T OO a. m. Portland Express 4:13 p.m. Ovarland Express 8:83 p.m. AaTOBXA e COLCMBIA KIYKJt. Leaving Portland Astoria A beaslds gipisss... Astoria Passenger Arrivin.: Portland Seaside A Portland Passenger. Porteand Express ............ 8:00 a m. SKM p. m. 12:18 n. m. .(10:00 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving Portland C P. R- Short Line., via Spokans 8:18 p. m. 11:43 p. m. via bsaiua Arriving- Portland CPU. B'tort Line, via Spokans. Via Seattle 8:00 a.m. T:00a. as. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Dallas passengsr .... Dallas Passenger .... Arriving Portland Dallas Passsngsr .... T:48 4:13 p. so. 10:13 a. m. p. m. Pallas Passenger 8:30 OREGON LLLCIhUC RAILWAY. Arrlvlnz Portland Wllsonvllls Local Salem and Intermediate Local .. Wllsonvllls Local ,j Salem and Intermediate Express: Salsm and Intermediate Looal. . Wllsonvllls Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Looal.. Balem and Intermedials Expresa iMrlsf Portland Salem and Intermediate Looal. . Wllsonvllls Local , Salem and Intsrmedlata Expresa Salem and Intel mediate Looal. . Wllsonvllls Locu Salem and Intsrmsdlate Express. Salem and Intermedials Local .. Wllsonvllls Local Salem and Intermediate TPirprees T:08 8:13 10:30 11:20 1:30 4:43 4:00 3:40 813 8.23 1:HS S:&S 11:10 a m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. nx. p m 1:10 1:03 3:80 8:10 :0 moderate temperature; southwesterly winds. Oregon Fair, except probably showers northwest portion: moderate temperature; southwesterly winds. Washington Showers; modsrate tempera ture; westerly winds. Idaho Probably showers north and south east portions; fair southwest portion; warm er southeast portion. FRANK MONTOOMERT. T.ocs.1 Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be gtrea only when advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days. Daily and Sunday Issues. The Ore gonlan charges first-time rate each insertion for classified advertising that Is not ran on consecutive days. The first-time rate la chanrod for asvota Ins si Ilea In Ins Weekly Orcsjonlah. 'Rooms," "Rooms and Board, "Honse keeplng Rooms," (private houses only), "(utiuwlons Wanted, ' 18 words or less, IS cents,, 1 to 20 words. 24) cents! 21 to 28 words, 23 cent, sec. discount for addi tional Insertions. - Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads, one time rate each Insertion. UNDER ALL OT1LER HEADS, except "New Today," 80 cents for 15 words or least 18 to 20 words, 441 cents) 11 to 28 words, 80 cents, eta. first Insertion. Eaton additional insertion, one-hall) no further discount un der one month, . "NEW TODAY" gauge measure agate), 14 cents per line, Bret Insertion; 7 cants per line for each additional insertion. Above rates apply to advertising paid in advance only. All book entries will bo charged In lines 14e per line for first In sertion and lo per line for each consecutive insertion. Special rates on contracts given on sDolicwtlon. TLLKPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the oonvonlrnoe of patrons The Oregonian vrlU accept advertisement (excepting "situations Wanted") for publication In classified column over the telephone. Bills for such advertlstns; will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian - will not be responsible for errors In advenisement taken ver ths telephone. Telephone: Main 70701 A 6003. MLZTING NOTICES. CAM ELIA CHAPTER, NO. ZT, O. SWeT B s. Rsgular communication this JfTjV (Monday) evening In Masonic Tem sMjfaTJ west Park and Yamhill sta a A full attendanoe desired, as busi ness of Importance will come before the chapter. By order of W. M. ANNia B. COOTB, Secretary. -n t . rrTv rflrwrrr. Ttrvv- AL ARCANUM meet at K- P. Hall. Alder and 11th streets, ths first and third Monday of eaoa month at 8 P. M- Visitors cor- 11.11V welcoms. TC. J. Hufford- SSO- rstary. First National Bank. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) even ing at 7:80 o'clock; work In B. A. degree, visiting brethren wel come. W. B- WEEKS, Sec NOROSSINO resolntlona testimonials, memorials, sta Ellis. 800 Columbia bldg. BELLAJfT Ootobsr X, Julia B. Bellamy, aged 52 years, 4 months, 7 days, be loved wife of John F. Bellamy, mother of Georre. Ben A., Raymond. Clyds and Phoebe Bellamy. Funeral announcement later. BUCHANAN In this city Ootobsr 4, at his residence. 823 Multnomah street. Captain D. E. Buchanan, aged 71 years. An nouncement of funeral later. TRANCHELL In this city October A at the family residence. 1234 Atlantle street Kenneth Tranchell, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. TranchsIL hTALLISTER In this city October 4, at 649 East Fifteen to street. James Mc Allister, aged SO years, 8 months, 21 daya. Funsral notice later. SCHECRER At Battevli:. Or.. October 4, Mrs. Mary A. Rehear er. aged 48 years, wits et W. R. Schsursr. . FUNERAL yonCBS. W7LXTAMS In this elty. Oct. 8. Robert H Williams, husband of Jennie Williams and lather of Harry Williams, aged 04 years The funeral servlcea will be held at FInley s chapel at 1 P. M. today (Mon day), after which th remains will be taken to the Portland Crematorium. Friends Invited. CURTIS In this city, October S. Martha Bell Curtis, aged 11 years. 8 months, 20 daya Funeral services wlU be held at Holman's Chapel. Third and Salmon ets.. at 2 P. M. today (Monday), October fi Intermsnt Rlvsrnew Cemetery. 6CHEURER Funeral of the lats Mary A. Scheurer. wife of W. R. Scheurer. will be held at Buttevills, Or., October 8. at 2 p M at the Congregational Church. In terment at Buttevills Cemetery. MISNER Ths funeral servloes of ths lats Joseph H. MIsner will be held at Hol man s Chapel. Third and Salmon streeta at 2 P- M- Thursday, October 8. Friends Invited. Interment Lens Fir Csmstsry. rrannin-. McEntee GUbaagh. Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine- Phone Mala 43. lOr s"'t. Office ef Cesatr Coroaer. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Dlreet. rs, 218 Sd st. Lady assistant Poena M 807. J P. KIN LEY A SON. 2d and Madiaoa. Xsvdy atteadaat, Phone Mala , A 138s. EELLER-BYRNP9 CO.. Pnaeral Direct re. 813 Rasssll. Ease 188. Istdy assUtaat. , DnOTINO, VBdertaksr, 414 East assay sssisisnti x-bosss si ses Seat COM Sale METROPOLITAN Today QUARTETTE PRICESl WEDNESDAY EVENING, 84.00. S4.ee, OCTOBER 7. 8:18. 82.00, 31.S. Direction $10. Lois 6teer-Wyiui Coman Boxes $28.84). Gallery doors open T :S0. - i ir i f ii i i i 1 1 til 1JU THEATKE Phones Main 117, A 4224. Empire Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee. George L. Baker, gen eral manager. Seats now sslllng for this entire second week of Baker Stock Com pany's greatest success, "The Girt of the Golden West." Do not delay, and do not miss It. Price 2Sc, 33c. 50c Matlneea 15c, 13c Matinee Saturday. Next week: "Brown of Harvard." THE CLB1 IS COMING BAKER THEATER Main 2, A 5380. Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee. George L Baker, general manager. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Sat urday. Night prices, 25c. 50c 75o, 81. Matinee, 25c, 50c All this week Frazes s musical mixture. "THE ISLE OF SPICE" Nothing but beauty, fun and music. Best of all scenic musical comedies. Next week: Richards dt Prlngls's minstrels. LYRIC THEATER THE BLUNKALL COMPANY PRESENTS "MY JIM" With Hiss Nedra Landscome and the FAMOUS SALOME DANCE THE CLANSMAN IS COMING THE STAR Phones Main 6490. A 1498. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sun day. For the entire veek of October 4. Kllnt A Gazzolo's- Melodrama, "THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH." Matinees at 2:30 P. M., prices 15a and 23o. Every evening, 8:15, prices 10c. 25c.85c, 50c Seats may be reserved by either phone. Next Week. "The Rocky Mountain Express." i MAIN 6 A 1020 Matinees ' Ex. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS 15-25-50-75C Adranced Vaudeville, October 5. Tha Operutor, Helen BTtT&m, Charles H. Bradshanr fc Co., Ruffin't fciruLan Perform er,, Arthur Dentins;. Le Clair & Sampson, IV ob let te & Manhall, Orpluuin Motion Pic tures, Orphean. Orchestra. PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLK 6tan of All Nation Engagement Extraordinary of ATRA Tha bullet-proof woman. Impervious to or dinary steel-tipped butleta. The greatest -wonder of modem times. Special added at traction. The Victoria Quartette, alngera and instrumentalists. Matlneea dally. 15c. Two ihowi at night, 15o and 2Sc. THE GRAND-VacJevilledeLuie Another Blf BUL HI IX st SILVAM, Brooks Tedder World s Greatest .Mai? ?ch.e,,'". Unlcyollet . Th" -"f1 Gard THE TITIAS8, Welch' Earle World's Famous Prod Bnuer Sharpshootora Grandascope. HORSE SHOW Second anaual Horse Show, Portland Hunt Club. ORIENTAL. BUILDINO. Oct. 15-16-1T. Sale ot seats opens Monday, October S, Martin ft Rowe Drug Store. Restrred Seats, fl.BO; General Admission. 150c. WHKBJC TO DINK. 11 n WaotIiaf TlAfNo msat. Vege- Cafs. Ii th at-, near Washington. AUCTION SALE TODAT. At Wilson's Auction Rooms, corner 2d and Yamhill sti . at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. JfEW TODAY. $7000 100x100 Twenty-Second and Pettygrove, Suit able for Plats. FRANK BOLLAM 128 Third Street 47S0 Beautiful, modern 7-room bunsalow on 100x100 lot In Piedmont: open fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, nice shrubbery, lfe blocks from ear. 300 Vary desirable 6-room house on East Ankeny, west of S4th, in pink of condition; nice lawn. One-half cash, balance at 0 per cent. Call 8. RAXWORTHT. 9T Marshall. MORTGAGE LOANS LtwNt rates and terms to anlt spe cial rates and favorable terms oa larce loaaa butiieu properties. Fosdi Loaned for Private Investor. A. H. BIRRELL 302 McKay Bid;, Sd afc Stark. Home Wanted Am looking; for a modern home on East Side, between Sullivan Gulcji and Salmon st. and west of 25th. The price and terms must be reasonable and will do business with owners only. A B 273, Oregonian. w THEATER THE CLANSMAN IS COMING $5500 58x100, 12 rooms, First and "WTiit taker; house faces Whittaker, leav ing 58x70 corner suitable for store or flats. $2000 will handle, balanoa 6 per cent. A real snap. HT. TABORREALTY CO. 503 Gerlinger Building. Main 325L SAW MILL Dally capacity IS, 000 to 20.000 feet. Near ly new. Contracts on about 7.000.000, In vicinity. Within three miles of R. R., near Oreson City. Ready for business. Price J6000. A. D. BORTHWICK. JW Chamber of Commerce. THE OREGON Real Estate Co. CBAS1 A"E. AND MrLTSOJIAH 8T. HOLIADAY'S ADD1IIOX REMOVED TO IRVINGTON HOME And beautiful 75x100. below actual cost; $3000 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. A snap. 7U5 Weldler. A. D- MARSHALL. 42T Chamber of Con meroe. BJiAL KbTATB DKAfiKHH Andrews, F. V. A Co.. M S40. U liamlltoa Si Baker. Alfred A. 115 AblnrtoB bids. Cbspln A Herlow, 833 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 003 Corbett bid-. CruMler Co.. 70S-& corbstt bH. U 78Sv FleldSp CL SL A Co. Board of Trade bid. Ooddaxd. a. Main and A IT.. 110 3d sC Jennlnss A Co. Haln 16A J06 Oreonlaa. Les, M. B., room 411 Corbett bnlldln. Vail A Von Borstel. 104 Sd St. MSI B -urnslda, Pabner. H. P., 118 Commercial Club bldf- M 8699, A 1M5A Parrish, Watkics A Oo., 150 Alder St. Richardson. A. B.. S21 Com. Club bldj. Bcbalk, Geo, D., 24 Btark et- Main 382. A S&S Bharkey. J. p. A Co.. 123H Blxth st. ewenssott. A r. A Co.,- 263 Mt Wahlntoa st The Oreiron Real Sstats Co 9S Sklrd st. .Holladajr Addition. Waddel. . O., 809 Lumber Excbancs bldg. White. B. P.. 227 H Washington at. FOR 8AXa REAL ESTATE. 150 BEAUTIFUL HOLLABAY PARK HOMB 50. Can be obtained on the unheard-of terms f 50 per month; nw, strictly up-to-date, two-story, four rooms, hall, den, pantry, etc. below; three room, bath, toilet, large closets, etc.. above; attic and full concrete basement; fireplace, fine furnace, laundry trays; nice corner lot 50x100. fine lawn and plenty of roees: 4 and 2 blocks to car; price $5000. The only chance like It in Port land. Call on ua. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bid., 108 4th St., near Washington. SNAP!! HOLLADAY PARK. SNAPIt New 2-story, strictly modern. 9-room house, cove ceilings, full cement basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, etc. beautiful lot 67x100, sewer, gas, electMo fixture all In cement walk, graveled street, 3 blocks to car; only S43O0; terms. The beat buy in Portland. Call on ua. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bids.. 109 4th St., near Waehtnrton. WILL sell or trade my J1225 equity in Iota in fine Eaat Side addition; bargain for some one if taken quick. A. Railing, 825 Marguerite st. Montavllle car. A HOMES. There is a splendid new ft-room borne with lot 60x1 00 feet on the EJast Side that I will sell for $2500; $500 down and 20 per month; 6 per cent interest; there Is no reason why you should pay rnt when you can get a bargain Ilka this; buy this and get settled before the rains set In. GISO. I. 6 CHALK. Main 892, A 2392. 204 Stark Bt. HERE 18 A GOOD ONUS. 2 acres for 11170. only 17 minutes' ride from business center, good Boil, cleared, no stumps, no rocks, no draw bridges; wouldn't this make a nice home place 7 Just think, you can get to this place In less time than to Sunnyside, Irvington or any other near-ln addtioir; where a single lot will cost you as much;, better look this up at once. F. BKESKE, 444 Sherlock Bldg. FOR SALE, $4500. DOUBLE HOUSE AND FRACTIONAL LOT ON WEST SIDE Rented for $43.60 per month. This house is modern and is a safe investment. "Will make a desirable home, and also produce some income for an economical family. Q. H. DAM MEIER, 817 Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE number choice homes In John Irv ing and Holladay Additions. Come and Inspect before it Is too late to get into the most desirable part of Portland. Any amount of lots, all prices. For further particulars call at office, 15th and Hal sey sta.. E. S96, C 1093. Res. C 1271, C 1508. Dolen A Herdman. WE BUILD HOMES. We "have first-class, modern facilities for building homes upon terms with In the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. NEW HOME, 7 rooms, block from school and stores; lots of roses, bath, gas, fuil basement, open-air sleeping room, on sightly corner. South Portland; half block from S" car, good neighborhood. Inquire Rose City Art Store, 462 Washington st. Phone Main 8060. $3500. 6-ROOM house and lot 60x100; $300 cash, bal. terms $15 per month. New bungalow, $500 cash, bal. terms $16 per month. Both on carline. 20 minutes' ride. . Will build to suit. Mult. Inv. A Realty Co., 1019 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak ats. $8050 Elegant borne, best residence dis trict, 6 Large rooms, basement, bath, closets, everything complete, fixtures and ehadea all go; beet car service; must selL Terms. C. B- Lucas, 322 Corbett bldg. WEST SIDE house, modern; attic, hot-air furnace and two fireplaces; fractional lot; $3500; terms; by owner. A F 240, Ore gonian. S LOTS, price $606. worth $1500; time pay ments close to car new Salem line, 17 minutes out; good car service after Oc tober 1- See Russell, 444 Sherlock bldg. SHOO RESIDENCE lot In midst of beautiful homes, all improvements in and paid for. nearby lots selling for $1600. Phone B 1942. Owner, 619 Belmont st. $1 fVOO 3 -room cottage, corner lot lVxl00, bath, pantry, fine lawn, splendid neigh borhood." A little beauty. Terms. C. B. Lucas, 822 Corbett bldg. 4500 Modern 6-room house on East Bum r.de st., near 20th. H- P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main Bti99, A 2653. ' MUST sell modern 7-room house In Holladay, with or without furniture; immediate poe aesslon. See it today if you want a bar gain. 348 East 13th at. $100 CASH buys 8-room house near Union ave., balance $25 month. Price $2500. Tnls la a snap. State Land Co., 133 'yy 1st st. 250412 monthly; 4-room, plastered cottage; large lot, cement walk; $1250. Aageies, 342 5th. $20 monthly; 8-room modem house and lot; Woodstock line; $2800. Aageies, 242 6th. J-8TORT brick building, 23x100, with base ment, on Front St., bet. Yamhill and Tay lor. Apply 1&3 Madison et. CHOICE lot, Bavelock, $500; few installment lots 60x1 10. Zella Gossett. fit. John car. 1700 $15 monthly; 8-room modem house and lot; Clinton St.; $2200. Ange'.ea, 242 5th. $500 $18 month!v: 6-room modern house aad lot. U line; $2600. Angeles, 242 5th. A NICB HOME ON EAST 22D ST. Walking distance. 5-room modern house; has cement basement, bath, furnace, nice level lawn, fine large porch, is In a gl lrt.Alitv ,,rrn.in.11 hv nice homes ana can be bought lor $3300: $1000 caah. bal ance s vou would pay rent. WOODLAWN lOOxiuO: all in nice young fruit trees. Bull Run water, close to car; line : this week only $6-5 cash. 1 - IRVINGTON 7-room modem house, fur mace, fireplace, full cement basement; $3650, terme. LADD TRACT Owner will sell modern 8-room home, facing Ladd tract; a bargain at $3600; only $1000 caeh; come and see this. IRVINGTON Vacant 60x100 facing east on 16th St.. near Tillamook; bitulithlc pave ment ; $1600. easy terms. HOLLADAY ADD. 7-room house on EJ. d: a beautiful home; $3500. HOLLADAY PARK 6-room modern resi dence on Wasco et.; $4XrO. SOUTH SUNNYSIDS One block from Hawthorne ave.; vacant 60x100. surroun.ted by beautiful homes; a snap at $800; eaay terms. HARTMAX A THOMPSON, Chamber of Co miner oe. WILL sell our new home on 29th and Frank lin sts., Waverleigh Heights; can see all over the cltv; a strictly modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, on the beet corner lot In the tract, restricted district, cement walks, good car service, the best workmanehip and materia! obtainable, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, old brass locks and eiectrlc chandeliers, bevel plate glass in front door and aloe lights velvet velour curtains, shades, steel range included in price; $o200; terms. Ad drees Hurry Randlee, SSO Franklin St., or phone -Sell. 425; take W. W. car, get off at Franklin. FOR SALE. $15,000. APARTMENT-HOUSE WEST SIDE. Rented for $155 per month. This is one of the moat complete build ings in the city, containing six small apartments with hardwood floors through out, and tile floors in halls and bath rooms. Steam heated. This la a sure paying investment no matter what finan cial conditions may be. G. H. DAMMEIER, SIT Board of Trade Building. SNAP PENINSULA SNAP. We have three lots, 50x100. In fine resi dence district, which we must close out; graded streets. Bull Run water, 3 blocks to car These lota are worth $625, but to make a quick sale we will take $450 and $500 for them; terms if you like. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash. HERE'S a bargain because it must be sold at once: 40 acres rich swale land, 9 miles from Portland. 3 miles from Salem elec tric, 1H million saw timber, red fir; firics $3000. Also acres li miles north of he above. This is rich fruit land. 2 million saw Umber, red fir. Ftne spring, 11 4 miles from Portland, price $5u00. Apply of owner. 250 6th at., near Madison. LINCOLN PARK ANNEX. Grand ave. North, bet. Mason and Sha ver, -1-story 7-room frame dwelling, base ment, bath, toilet; lot 60x100; sewer, water, cement curbs, walks, all paid; many large fruit trees; must sell; only $2700: terms. CALL ON VS. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, T14 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. HOYT ST., CLOSE IN. GOOD AS NEW, T-ROOM HOUSE AND FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT. $8500. HOUSE CON TAINS EVERY MODERN CONVEN IENCE AND IS IN PERFECT CON DITION. FINE SURROUNDINGS, EAST EXPOSURE. 4 BEDROOMS. E. J. DALY. 21,2 FAILING BLDG. TWO ELEGANT HOMES. JuBt completed; single or together; 8 rooms, all conveniences, northeast corner 24th and Marshall. Apply 7S0 Kear ney. Main 245S. TWO LOTS AT TREMONT PLACE. 40x120, With alleys: good car service; 25 min utes' ride from 3d and Yamhill sta; lota number 12 and 13. block 7. Treraont Place. Price, $136 each ; easy terms. Address owner, D 270, Oregonian. $3750 Modern 6-room house on East Davla at,; Just completed, has furnace and everything just a little better than you would expect foirthe price; we can make terms. H. P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 8699. A 2053. SOUTH PORTLAND LOT, $750. Fins corner lot 42Vxl00; an excellent view that never can be shut off; faces eaBt; a snap at $750. Grusal A Gantner, 265 Washington, corner 3d. room T. IRVINGTON My new residence. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, 2 toilets, fireplace, fur nace and beam ceilicirs, elegant finish, swell fixtures. Lot 76x100. If you want a home, I will make terms that will sur prise you. A C 268. Oregonian. FOR SALE cheap, fine new modern 6-room bungalow, Firland, Mount Scott hill, on easv pavmenta; will take lots or email cash payment as first installment. Phone Main 845S. 293 Burnside st. WALNUTS. Five acres of fine walnuts, close to tha city; best of land and gooA oar service. F. J. Catterlln & Co., Inc., room 3. Cham ber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. We Have Them. Call on Us. MOUNT TABOR REALTY CO., 608 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. OWNER OF FINE HOME on paved etneet. compelled to go country; 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets, large fireplace and furnace, ele- fant combination fixtures, full lot in very est locality. Either phone 3126 FOR a nice suburban home we have an 18 acre tract of the best of Valley land, all under cultivation, close to station. F. J. Catterlin & Co., Inc., room 3, Chamber of Commerce. SEVEN lots and 6-room modern house on banks of Willamette River, near Univer sity; answer at once if you want to double your money. W 294, care The Oregonian. ELEVEN LOTS FOR $975. " 50x100 FEET EACH. IT minutes ride on the new electric line will take you there; see F. Breske, 414 Sherlock bldg., S3 3d st. $3250 WILL buy a 6-room house, with mod ern bath. eto.. three blocks from East Ankeny carline; cement floor in the base ment. Easy terms. H. P- Palmer. 213 Commercial Club bldg. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close in and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486, Kinney A Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6-ROOM house, only $600; lot 50x143, very best of soil, located on East Side, 6 bocks from carline. If you want a snap, see this. H. W. Garland A Co., 191 4th st. LARGE, modern home on 8 acres of ground, near good carline; $6500. Will trade for modern home, close in. Call B. R., room 40, Washington bldg. $1500 BUYS a cozy 4-room bungalow Just completed. In one of Portland's prettiest suburbs; small payment cash, balance like paying rent. C. B. Lucas. 322 Corbett bldg. SEVERAL lots near Ockley Green, 2 blocks from car; very cheap. S25 Lumber Ex change. ACREAGE for fruit or truck farming close to O. W- P- In small tracts on easy pay ments. 323 Lumber Exchange. 4 LOTS, 52x400, adjoining Waverly, $375 each; a snap; investigate. Call up owner, phone Sellwood 1020. ACRE and a half, small house, 50 fare, very easy terms; must pell. Inquire owner, Toom 9, 387 hi E. Burnside. LOOK Must sell; six lots with corner, only $300; worth $450; reliable investment. 785 Dawson. HOUSB and lot on carline. 20 minutes from Morrison bridge, only $060. 1208 Gladstone ave. W.-W. car. FOR SALE 2 Peninsula lots, close to Swift Packing plant; owner In a pinch; must sell. Phone Main 43S7. TWO lots one block from Killlngsworth ave, near Pattern ave., $1100; teims. Call on B. R.. room 40. Washington bldg. MEDFORD, OR. Land of sunshine- lota, acreage, business opportunities, good buya Write C W. Stone. I WILL build what you want, furnish lots If desired; terms to suit you. E. E. Milier, 4S0 Worcester bldg. Main 1940. 1 "" ' " BARGAIN, best house in Vernon; 6 rooms; new, modern; no agents. Owner, M 70, Oregonian. MODERN 7-room house, large lot, over looking entire city, Mt Tabor car line; a bargain at $7500. A C 276. Oregonian. EQUITY In two lots In Belle Crest, one block from carline. Address N 291, Ore gonian. . FOR SALE 7-room cottage and fractional lot, 703 Everett st, reasonable terms. In quire owner. SIS Failing bldg. $7000 HOME. ' For $7000 we have one of the prettiest homes In the swell East Burnside district. It has eight rooms, with quarter-sawed oak floors In the hall, living-room, dining room, deu and kitchen. Paueling in dining-room and den 6 feet high. Four bed rooms, with sleeping balcony 12x24: auto garage, with 120-galion gasoline under ground tank. This house was built for a home and Is first-class in every re spect. Haa more than a full lot, with frontage on two streets. 1 H. P. PALMER, 218 Commercial Club Bldg., Main 8699. A 26C3 IF YOTT Will take the Montavilla car and get eft at Joneemore we will show you the beat Investment for the money tn this city. GEO. D. . 6 CHALK. Main 892, A 2392. 264 Stark St. ENGLISH WALNUTS. . We are the largest owners and plant ers in Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are in the walnut country, Yamhill 6 -acre tracts, planted. $100 cash. $15 per monta. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO- INC.. 110 Second st. $5 ACRES, with 1000 feet deep water front age on Willamette River and extending back to improved county road, running watior on tract, mostly In wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five aiiles from Portland. 1600 feet from electric line, good graded road leading to same. Price $24,500. No agents need apply. H. G. Starkweather, box 43, route 1, Mll waukie. Or. Phone Oregon City, Farm era ISo. 10 ACRES of fine land at Falrview, close to O. R. A N. and O. W. P. station; right ou Sandy road, nearly new 7-room house, new barn, 100 Lambert cherry trees, 20 bearing walnut and lots of assorted fruit trees; all except acre clear; running water; can be bought cheap if taken at once. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison ats. AT Mel drum, on Oregon City carline: 5 acres. $1375. S acres. $2062. 40-100 acre. $200. 8 42-100 acres on Willamette. $S900. . 20 acres on Willamette. $4000. 30 1-3 acres on Willamette, with house. Windmill, barn, orchard, $27,250. J. W. MELDRUM, Mllwaukie, Or. FOR SALE. Lot for mfg. site on Fairbanks street. North End. A bargain at $i!500. Lots on E. 6th st.. North of Ains worth, 2 blocks from Union ave. car. Cheap-aat in city relative for home building $500 each. A. E BORTHWICK. 816 Ch. of Com. WHY? Have you a home of your own? If not, why? There's a reason and a remedy. If you own a lot and have a few dollars, we will show you how to get a home or an Income, or both. See that man But terworth, the builder, 34-35 LafayetU bldg., 6th and Wash. Main 8529. $225 Lot in Vernon, 83d st. $125 (4) each, Woodmere add.; terms. $1150 4-room house, Vernon. $4300 8-room house, Irvlngtoa. $4200 7-room house, 16th st. $6000 9-room house, 16th st. SWANK, 88 H 3d St., room 8; A 283S. OWNER, after completing very ftne house, finds it too large; must sell at once; . very modern, new effect, reception hall, double floors, hot water heating, fire place, panelled dining-room, buttet, sleep ing porch, bedrooms large, full lot, best residence district: will show Sunday. Phone East or B 1S94. BEAUTIFUL West Side Home, with mag nificent view; t8 bedrooms with alcove, 2 addltonal In finished attic, big fire place, sleeping porch; modern; one block from car; sickness compels sale at once; best buy on Weat Side. Call mornings, room 3, over Merchants National Bank. ONLY $3500, a large, new 7-room rinuse at Montavilia; all modern: lot 100x100. cor ner: finest ho line tn Mdntavllla; all con veniences; If taken now. $3500, $1700 cash, bal. time at 6 per cent. C. F. Pfluger A Co., room 14 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morri son sta. LOT IN EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A fine lot 50x100 between two nice houses on E. S3d St.. 150 feet from car; fine place to build. Price $600 ; easy . terms. Grusal & Gantner, 265 Washing ton, corner 3d, room 7. WEST SIDE Fine modern 7-room house and lot. within easy walking distance of 3d and Washington sts.. best snap on West Side; price only $6250 cash. O. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. $3700. An attractive new 7-room houee. all mod ern conveniences, fireplace, furnace, full concrete basement with laundry tubs; lot 60x100; fine lawn and roses; near Haw thorne ave. Address A B 271, Oregonian. $500 DOWN will buy a nice six-room house with furnace, cement floor in basement, porcelain bath, etc. Three blocks from East Ankeny carline. H. P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 8699, A 2653. NONRESIDENT is forced to aell two good 6-room houses and lot at 22d and Eartt Oak sts., near 8 carMnes, worth $400), for only $2500; pays 12 per cent on in vestment Inquire 212 South 8d st., room 12. $3650 Irving ton, nice 6-room Queen Ann cottage, nice lot and beautiful lawn with fine bearing fruit trees; all Improvement in and paid for; walking distance- C. F. Pflugftr & Co.. room 14 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sta. 6-ROOM house with 50x100. Bunnyside; bath gas. electricity, sewerage, $2500; $1000 cash (would take lot for part), bal ance ($1500j at $25 month. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $600 CASH, balance easy terms; a nice 5 room modem cottage near Woodlawm car line; full basement; fruit trees, 50x1 42-foot lot; price only $1650. See owner, 459 Mechanic st. gjKK) Half cash, choice corner lot, 60x100, near car. only lo minutes from P. O ; clar title, cost $1300 6 months ago; worth $1500. Call or write the owner, 803 Washington St.. Room 4. NFW. artistic. 7-room. modern home.' beau tifully arranged and finished, choicest loca tion Holladay Park, Broadway car, $5500. B 286. Oregonian. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTY. D. A. TUFTS. 303 WASHINGTON ST. 170O ONE acre, with 7-room house, orch ard outbuildings, near carline. 30 min utes out; time on part. 26 Hamilton bldg. J- Cy Smith. 6-ACRE tracts, close to electric and steam lines; best black soil; $750 e: :h; H cash, balance 6 per cent. Catterlin A Mann. 242 hk Alder St. STEPHENS' ADDITION. For sal by owner, desirable hi block, convenient to two carlines; $3500. A 290, Oregonian. JUST what you want, new, modern, 6 roorn house, good location, lawn, con venient to cars. Phone Woodlawn 1362. TWO-ACRE tract, convenient to carline. $4O0 per acre, easy terras; for sale by owner. A 298. Oregonian. 7-ROOM modern home, with fine view, on West Side; price $4500; terms to suit. B. R., Room 40, Washington bldg. CHOICE East Side restdence lots with all improvements; good Investments. 16 Washington bldg. CORNER 6-room houw, plumbing, gas, fruit, flowers, barn. Owner, 1220 Minnesota ave., near Pattou. 8-ROOM modem house, full lot, $1900; bar gain. Zella Gossett, Riverside office, St. John car. NEW 6-room house, large lot. close to car, reduced to $1600; good terms.. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE Bargain, my ome; good terms: good neighborhood. Answer this. A 301. Oregonian. HALF blork on Killingsworth ave., near patton. $.1300. Call on B. room 40, Was h i n gton bldg. ejeoo Four-room modern house, nicely fur nished; good cow; easy terms. S. Thorn ton, opposite M- E. Church. Woodlawn. 6-ROOM new, modern cottage, near Alberta it $2250; $400 cash, balance monthly. State Land Co., 133 hi 1st st. Room 1. $22AC MODERN 6-room cottage, splendid location; $400 down, $20 month. Tabor 861. VERNON LOT cheap; terms. Owner E 293, Oregonian. 6-ROOM house, modern, full lot, $2750; terms to suit. Phone Woodlawn 1799. TWO lots on Albtna ave., close to Alblna school, $1200 each, 325 Lumber Exchange.