Store Open as Usual Today Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Perrin's Gloves, Trefousse Gloves, Etc., Etc Frank Store's ctolber Bargain BigUetm The Meier Ladies' Satin Princess Dresses $35VaI.$ 19.85 I ,7 t Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store places on sale today an nnusnal bargain in women's Satin Princess Empire Dresses This season's most popular materials and fashions A timely special purchase of 100 garments from a leading New York manutacturer Made up witn lancy net yokes; some have tucked fronts, others pleated full length and fancy panel The color as sortment includes black, navy, brown, green, pink, light blue and white Handsome dress apparel in a complete line of sizes Every costume in the lot regular $35.00 values. $ 1 9.85 your choice while they last at See Fifth-Street Window Display Come Early We direct special attention to our beautiful showing of Eve ning Coats and Wraps. The season's newest and prettiest effects. Both Paris and New York models in chiffon broad cloth, lace, velvet, etc. High-class, exclusive garments, in matchless array. Prices all the way from $35 up to $400. A large and complete new showing of Furs coats and sets, in all the most desirable skins and latest fashions, and you will find our prices to be far belcw what equal quality costs you at the exclusive fur stores. On sale on Second Floor. Women's 50c-75-$ 1 Neckwear 27c For today, a sale extraordinary of 4000 pieces women's fine Xeckwear in croat, stocks, coat sets, collar and cuff sets, jabots, rabats, bows, lace yokes, etc. ; white and colored effects, in a grand assortment; all new, up-to-date pieces, selling regularly at 50c, 7oc and $1.00 Ov apiece; buy all you want of them your choice at this wonderfully low price, piece.' All mail orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. Take advantage of reduction. $9.00 Oregon Wool Blankets $6.95 $7.00 White Wool Blankets $5.75 $5.50Blankets$4.45 $6Vals.$4.95 600 pairs of fine white Oregon Wool Blankets, extra large size, 78 by 84 inches; silk-finished ; best regular $9 values, on sale at this QtfL O very low price, the pair. P" 300 pairs of White Wool Blankets, with colored borders; full 11-4 size; best $7.00 values, on sale fl? C f C at this low price, pair. 200 pairs of White Wool Blankets, pink and blue borders; 10-4 size; the best regular $5.50 val- CI L1 nes, at this low price. .H. 500 pairs Oregon gray mottled Blan kets, full size; regular CA $6.00 values, at ,the pair.V 2000 pairs Cotton Blankets on sale at prices ranging from 75c to $1.50 pair. Mail orders will be promptly filled. Sale of Comforters Complete stock Comforters, 4th floor. New Face Veilings $1 Values at 28c Yd. Our greatest Veiling sale is announced for today, Tuesday and Wednesday 10,000 varus purchased from a large importer at a price far below foreign cost; all the new meshes are included Russian nets, tuxedo meshes, chenille dotted effects, hairlines and velvet dots. The color assortment includes black, brown, navy, gray, light blue, pink, white, red and cream; values up to $1.00 a yard; buy all you want of it at Ofts this unusually low price, the yard.''' Great Sale of 2000 New Leather Bags $2 Values 98c Each Sale extraordinary of women's new Leather Handbags a. special purchase from a large Eastern manufacturer. All new goods; 20 styles to select from, in black, brown, tan, green, navy; small, medium and large sizes; leather-lined and fitted with com purse. Every bag in the lot regular $2.00 Qftf value; your choice at, special, each. "Pen-ins" Kid Gloves $3.50 Values $2.69 Portland's greatest Glove Store offers for today, Tuesday and Wednesday 2000 pairs of "Perrin's" famous Kid Gloves in full 16-button lengths; every pair guaranteed perfect and to give sat isfactory service in every particular; in black, white, tan, brown, gray, red and navy: all sizes; best regu- CO AQ lar $3.50 values, at, pair. Mail orders will be very carefully filled. Sale of Underm'slins Women's Chemise and two-piece gar ments, in nainsook and dimities, trim'd in dainty laces, beading, ribbon, tucks and insertion; very pretty styles; regu lar $1.50 to $3 values, on sale QQ at this low price, the garment. Special lot women's Cambric and Nain sook Drawers, trimmed in good quality lace and embroidery, tucks and inser tion; regular $1.50 to $2.25 val- QRs nes, on sale at, special, the pair. Women's white Underskirts, trimmed in wide embroidery, tucks, lace and inser tion, and separate dust ruffles; the best regular $4.00 values, on sale DO RQ at this special price, each.Pr' Women's short white Underskirts, trimmed in embroidery, tucks, lace and insertion; regular $2.00 values. .$1.39 Women's Cambric and Nainsook Gowns, trimmed in embroidery, tucks, insertion, beading and ribbon ; values g 1 OQ up to $3.00, on sale at, each. r A very large and complete line of new popular-priced 2-piece Combination Gar ments drawers and corset cover com bined; materials of nainsook and cross bar dimitiec;-lace, embroidery, beading and ribbon-trimmed; on sale at prices ranging all the way from $1.25 to $3.00. Sale of 300 Waists $14 Values at$4.is5 Today, another great special oE ferine of women's fine Dress Waists 300 of them, in mousse- line, taffeta, chiffon cloth, figured nets, lace, etc., fancy yokes, - fine and coarse laces, round mesh, plat -Vals. filets, medallions, silk appliques; all new, beautiful waists, with long or short sleeves White, cream, blue, tan, gray, brown, navy, lavender and black; waists selling regularly jatl4? CIA A your choice, each f'T'"' Great Values in Fine Laces- Embroideries White, cream and ecru Venise Bands and Net Top Laces, iy2 to 12 inches wide ; all new, pretty styles, in splen did assortment ; the best regular IQm VALUES TO $1.50, FOR, YD."'' Magnificent lot of new Princess Lace in black and white, medallions and ap pliques, designs suitable for the trim ming of net waists; 4 to 9 inches wide; 2 lots; buv all yon want; CI LQ $6.00 VALUES AT, YARD. V VfZ Regular $3.00 Princess Lace, yard..980 $1.75 Vals. 59c Dz. 5000 yards of single and double-thread Val. Laces and Insertion, to V ins wide; best patterns; values up to $1.75 per dozen yards; your choice at Qp this special price, dozen, yards.. -J $4.50 Alio vers $1.19 2000 yards of Venise Allovers for yokes and sleeves; white and cream; 18-inch; best patteras, values up to P I Q $4.50 a yard, on sale at, yd.M Beautiful Waist Nets 1500 yards of white, cream and ecru dotted and figured Nets for waists, 45 inches wide ; all. new, beautiful styles, in the very best patterns, at these prices : $1.50 Vals. 59c Yd. $2.50 Values at 98c Embroideries 1 8c yd 10.000 yards . of Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, Edges and Inser tion to match; styles suitable for in fants' and children's wear; 1 to 9 inches wide; regular values up to 65a 1 Dm a yard, on sale at, special, yard. WW 35c Ribbons 19c yd. 5000 yards of fine all-silk Taffeta Rib bons, heavy quality, suitable for hair bows, etc.; black, white, brown, tan, red, blue, pink, Copenhagen, mais, nile, laven der, empire green; best 35c val- 1 Q ues, on sale at, special, yard. 25c Kerchiefs 15c 500 dozen women's Handkerchiefs, all linen; plain embroidered and crossbar effects, also hand-embroidery initial, plain and fancy embroidered; all the best 25c values, on sale at this 1 exceptionally low price, each. Great special values in School Handker chiefs for misses and children; splendid bargains for the economical buyer. Sale Overcoats $25 Values $16.65 Men's silk-lined Top Coats at a wonder fully low price; all-wool coverts, in the latest fashions and best make; a prac tical garment for all sorts of weather. The material is cravenetted and guaran teed showerproof; handsomely tailored throughout; best regular Cld C $25 values, s'L, garment. V Vf.WJ Men's 52-inch and 34-Iength Overcoats, in black and fancy mixtures; strictly all wool fabrics; attractive patterns, in very large assortment; best linings and splen didly tailored throughout; all sizes; reg ular $25.00 overcoats, on ClL L C sale at this low price, ea. ,P VJ.WJ 200 men's Priestley Cravenette Rain coats, in high-grade all-wool materials, in black, unfinished worsteds; fancy grays fancy striped and checked chev iots; full-length garments, high-grade, fashionable storm coats. By far the best garments ever offered f or 1 L (L C the money; $25 vals., ea.P Vf.VKJ 5000 Yards Silks All Latest Styles $ 1 .25 Values 67c In the Big Silk Store today a sensational offering of 5000 yards of high-grade fancy Silks at a price never before known on silks of equal style and quality The entire reserve stock of one of the best mills in the country All this season's styles in stripes, checks, figures, plaids, black, white and all the leading colorings and combinations for waists, suits, dresses and children's apparel Silks selling regularly at $1.00 and ZLF $ 1 .25 a yard Your choice at this low price Ul t "Harvard Mills" Vest and Pants Reg. $ 1 .50 Values at 98c A great seasonable offering of the celebrated "Harvard Mills" Un derwear for. women; vests and pants in mixed wool; vests in high neck, long sleeves and high neck, half sleeves; tights are ankle length; hand-finished underwear, perfect-fitting, all sizes; best $1.50 QD values, on sale at this exceptionally-low price, the garment, '"v $6.50 Curtains at $4.85 $2.25 Curtains at $1.35 11 iff IIBI 1000 pairs of white or ecru French Net Curtains, with linen Cluny insertings and edges; also Renaissance braid borders; handsome cur tains of the very best quality, 50 inches wide and 2Y2-3 fl? A yards long; regular $6.50 values, on sale at, special, pair. MJ" 1000 pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains, good quality of lace, with neat floral and scroll designs; all full size; best patterns, ff 1 50 inches wide, 3 yards long; regular $2.25 values, pair. 200 Tapestry Couch Covers Regular $7.50 Values for $4.85 200 beautiful double-faced Tapestry Couch Covers, Oriental and art nouveau designs, in solid colors or combination of colors, with or without fringes; 60 inches wide, 3 yards long; the best QA ft regular $7.50 values, at this low price, pair Third Floor. ) i i 1 m i 1 " " ' i ... i . I DECLINE TO REPLY Commissioners Not Ready to Discuss Grand Jury Report. SHERIFF WINS LONG FIGHT Expected Ho Will Assume Control of County Prisoners, as Hl r-nMtion In Controversy Is Completely Vindicated. T!.e rrand jury report, wherein it touches upon condition, of the prisoners t Kelly Butt. nd the manaicement of affairs at th county rockpile. mill at tract tlie attention of the County Com missioners and ?unty Judite L. R. Webster today. Th report w a rtndl catlon of the attitude of Sheriff Stevens In oontendniB that hi authority to con trot th. prisoners be recognised, and in dications are. now that the flndlnirs hav. been made puhltc. that Sheriff Stevens will win out In his lone fight for control of the convicts. Neither Judco Webster nor Commis sioner LJghtser wen willing to discuss the outcome of the grand Jury's investi gation. Mr. Llghtnex said that Sheriff Stevens had never made a formal demand that th. prisoners ba turned over to his keeping. Sheriff Stevens, on the other hand, says that he wrote a letter to th. Commissioners in July, asking that the matter of handling the prisoners be taken up and expressed a willingness to meet with th. Commissioners and Judgs Webster to discuss the matter. One Commissioner was willing to meet him, the Sheriff says, but the others were not. Judge Webster refused yesterday to Cls cuss the report of the grand Jury until th. entire report was placed before him. He declined also to say whether he and his Commissioners would act upon the suggestion that Superintendent Brlggs should be removed. "W. have investigated many of th. charges made against Brings." said Judge Webster, "and in every Instance we hav. found th. charge, false. Whether the grand Jury has found additional evidence against him I do not know. Until I hav. read th. report. I would rather not discuss the dismissal of Briggs. We will call a meeting of the Commissioners tomorrow, unless the cases set for Monday will occupy all of mr time, and we will take up th. grand Jury's report at this meeting." Sheriff Stevens, who has been contend ing for more than two years for full con trol of the prisoners, was naturally quit, pleased at the Jury's report. "So far as T am concerned. he said, "I hav. always been willing to work in harmony with the County Court for the best interests of the people who elected me to the office. From the beginning of the controversy, I have had In view no other end than the administration of the affairs of th. Sheriff's office in ac cordance with the law. My predecessor In office had full custody and control of the prisoners at all times, and was charg ing the county 1TH cants a meal for feeding them. My right to continue on th. same lines was veil established by law and precedent, but the County Court exhibited such antagonism to me that rather than percipitats a legal fight, I temporarily waived my claim to full custody of the prisoners until the Leg islature would have an opportunity to define exactly what were the duties and rights of the Sheriff. "The bill also provided for my feeding the prisoners although the remuneration was reduced from 17 cents a meal to lSi cents a meal. After the bill became a law. th. County Court Invoked the referendum and attempted to defeat the measure. The vote at the June election sustained the bill by a two-to-one ma jority. Soon after the result was known, I notified each of the County Commis sioners that I would like to have a con ference with them In regard to the best manner in which the prisoners could be worked under the new law. In order that there would be no misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the law, I asked that my attorneys be present at the con ference. One of the Commissioners verbally expressed a willingness to take the matter up with me, but the others made no reply- "Th treatment which I hav. received at the hands of the Commissioners in the past, however, will in no way Influence me in my de3ire to work harmoniously with them in the future." CASH F0RA HOME. I want to buy a small three or five acre trabt of good land on some carllne near Portland: land can be either Im proved J5r unimproved. If you have something good to offer, address A 31. Oregonian, giving Dries and full par ticulars. " A GREAT SUIT SPECIAL. Don't miss th. great sal. of new tailored suits at McAllen & McDon nell's today. Plain colors and fancy stripes in very . latest styles $20.00 and $25.00 values at $12.76. No extra charge for alterations. Five hundred and fifty doJars has been paid for a single specimen of the Antl marcua butterfly Portland People Yon did nobly last Saturday. It seemed no trouble for yon to pass up the Beef Trust Mar kets and arrive at Smith's. Why shouldn't yout Our fight is your fight. It is a battle with a .corporation that seeks to con trol the price of meat through out the civilized world. And at Smith's you get better, cheaper meat than at any pther market around about us. Just read the prices over there FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust." FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. 6 MARKETS 2 Alder St. bet 1st and Id St.. T t FIGHTING 612 Williams Avenoe. I 791 MissiMlppi Avenue. I Till Corner Fifth and Main Sts.. Oregon City. I lilL. Twelfth St., bet. Bond and Commercial, Astoria. I Pf f F TRUST" 53 Taylor St. (Cnlontown), Astoria. J ,nl"" You can get these things today at any of Smith's markets. . If you come to the Alder-Street Market you will have to pass up the enemy's markets on both sides of us. These markets are painted white, and to make a contrast we have painted ours red. See that Smith's name is over the door and then come in. Smith's meats are purer, fresher and CHEAPER THAN BEEF TRUST MEATS I like Spare Ribs Better than chicken. Boil them with cabbage and you have a feast for His Majesty. Spare Ribs! According to what part of the pig they are tak en from. Smith's Pure Pig Pork Sausage 12V2 Porterhouse Steak 12y2 Extra choice Porterhouse Steak 15 Tenderloin Steak 10 Sirloin Steak 10 Extra choice Sirloin Steak 12y2 Prime Rib Roast Beef . .10-12 V2 Sirloin Roast Beef. . . .10-122 Chinook Salmon 10 Halibut 10 All other kinds of Fish and Oysters. Creamery Butter 65 Ranch Eggs 30 Soup Meat 3 Brisket Corned Beef 6J Plate Corned Beef 6 14 different cuts of Beef for 50 11 different cuts of Beef for 8J 2000 pounds of different cuts of Veal 6 to 150 Tons of fancy fresh Oregon Pig Pork 50 to 150 Who would eat Eastern pork when you can get Smith 's 1 All the Oregon Lamb you can wish for, the choicest, fancy cuts 150 TOO IATB TO CIASrtEFY. WANTED Lady to keep house for a wid ower. Inquire 212 H S- 3d St., room 13. 231 MAKEH WASHINGTON ST; Of PORTLAND L "N OREGON. ClOTHtS A