Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 05, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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    OCTOBER 5, I90S. Z
Local Firm Bids for Purchase
of Stranded British Bark.
Crft Went Ashore on Clatsop Spit
In November. lOS Vessel Ha
Been Dismantled and Hall
Is Offered for Sale.
Tha TVlllamette Columbia River
hlpllnin Company ha made an offer
for the. wreck of tha British bark Ga
lena as she lies on the beach at Clat
sop Eplt. The amount of money offered
for the craft or terms are not made
public It Is understood that the Arm
offering- to purchase the wreck will
tndeavor to float her and convert the
hull Into a coal barre.
The Galena, a four-masted bark or
lilt net tons burden. In command of
Captain J. J. Howell, went ashore on
Clatsop Fplt on the morning- of Novem
ber U 1906. A a-ale was blowing- at the
time and tlie ship was too far Inshore
before the master began to wear. She
flrlfted on the beach and for two years
has stood upright In the sands. She
Is guarded by a watchman, who puts
In his time digging tlm In the
wreck of the Galena no lives were lost.
The British bark Peter Iredale was lost
three miles from the Galena within 30
days. .
The top-gallant masts and yards of
the craft have been taken down and all
effects and furniture removed. She is
trimmed down to masts and topmasts
and only the lower rigging Is loft. She
stands nearly broadside to the breakers
and Is about 15 feet In the sand. If
saved, she will be fitted as a coal barge.
j. H. Roberts, of the shlpllnlng firm.
Is confident that the hulk can be saved.
Mr. Roberts has had considerable ex
perience as a wrecker. He hauled
IJvhtshlp No. B overland to Bakers
Bay several years ago.
Steamer Forces Nose Into Mad.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 4. (SpeclaL) As
the steamer State of California was
rnmtng down the river Friday night a
Short distance below Jim Crow point, a
cow schooner started across her bow
and Pilot Snow In order to avoid run
ning the schooner down was obliged to
run the steamer's nose onto the mud
bank, where she hung until high tide.
The vessel was not Injured and crossed
out Saturday afternoon.
Steamship Breakwater Arrives In.
The steamship Breakwater, from
Coos Bay ports, arrived up last even
ing with a large list of passengers and
a quantity of coal and general mer
chandise. The Breakwater made the
run up In average time, she will leave
south again on Wednesday evening.
Marine Note.
The steamship Rose City Is due to ar
rive this evening from San Francisco.
The gasoline sloop Condor will sail
.'or Alsea and Taqulna Fays this aft
ernoon. The tug George R. Vosburg will leave
for Nehaiem today with a barge In tow.
The steam schooner Jim Butler Is due
to arrive at Astoria this evening.
Jerry Butler, steward of the steamer
Bailey Gatsert. has returned from a va
cation at Bhlpherd Springs.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. Oct. 4 Arrived Steamship
Breakwater, from Coos Bay.
Astoria. Oct. 4. Condition of weather at
a p. cloudy: wind, southeast; sea,
smooth. Arrlred at t A. M. and left UP at
10:SO A. M. Steamer Breakwater. from
reos Bar. Sailed at 8 A. M 8teamer
Homer, for San Francisco. Sailed at 2 P.
M Cleamer Alliance, for Coos Bay. Out
side a four-masted schooner.
Francisco. Oct. oura ixn ni.nv
sr Jim Butler, for Portland.
pan rninuK w.
. i.. k IHmi Norwegian
steamer Thrra for Freemantle. via Aber
deen; barkentlne lrmgard for Honolulu;
t .airier Roanoke for Portland. Arrived
Steamer F. 8. Loop from Port Townsend:
bark Andrew Welch from Honolulu; steam
er W.llesley from Grays Harbor.
Tides at Astoria Monday.
High. I-ow.
S4 A M 8S fet'2:4S A. M 0 foot
OS P" M . . 7 T feel 3:83 P M.. . 6 te.t
Clark County Republicans Organize
for Active Campaign.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. 4. (Spe
cial.) The members of the Republican
County Central Committee of Clark
' w -k. mrmrm lCtri at th. recent
primary election, met yesterday at the
Courthouse) ana cnose a. j. pinns.
Vanoonver. as chairman for his second
term. He will appoint his own secretary.
The executive committee selected was
composed of A. J. Blgham. Wilton i.v
ani. G. R. Perctval. W. E. Greene, J. W.
Blackburn, F. M. Butterfleld and Martin
The committee plans to carry on a vig
orous campaign xrom now on tin iNovem
tr S. Political addresses will be made
ty various speakers at all the halls and
..kulhMiM, thrnnvhniit lha i-nnnt v f.esa
than 300 Democratic votes were cast at
the recent primary election, wnlcn is
less than half the normal Democratic
. . Kiir the Remlbltcana nrn-
pose to do some active campaigning with
a view to keeping tne uemocrauc voie
Woman Accused of Robbing Saloon
Man Dismissed Krom Custody.
ABERDCT1V. Wash., Oct. 4. Special.)
Mabel Montell and Violet Fisher, of
Aberdeen, who were bound over by
Justice of the Peace Lannlng for trial
In the Superior CVurt on a charge of
highway robbery were yesterday dis
missed from custody at the instance of
County Attorney Boner.
The arrest of the women grew out of
the automobile hold-up on the Hoquiam
road, w here Pat McDonough, a retired
saloon man. was relieved of a sum of
money variously estimated at to
structure at Elgin Recently Com
pleted at Co of $20,000.
TVOIS Or. Oct. 4. (Special.) El-s-taa
new 1:0.000 school building was
dedicated Monday afternoon In a fitting;
manner. The exercises were n.ia
. i kt- v -: i anii attended by over
lot srui'J
600 people. Tha new building was com-
v - . ..A Ann mrA 1a
pleted at a cwi ' V " , .
one of the finest school buildings In tha
state. It la a two-story brick struc
ture. With a Stone Dasemeni, uu
provided with every modern conven
Aside from the superintendents 01
. hi r --j Mttatlnn rooms, there
DC, H fl J - -
are 10 schoolrooms. The foundation
and basement 01 me new iirutiuic
. - ' - n.tlt rArk. and it
cvniiubiou - -
Is one of the most attractive structure
in Eastern Oregon.
Tv, nnoneil Monday. With
an enrollment of over 40. Ten teach
ers are employed, and a nigniy suttc
ful school year is anticipated.
The present corps of Instructors are:
Superintendent, E. G. Bailey; High
c-i i i in.i vfarioria Pitman:
(X.IIWWI IIHH.i-i, -
grades. C S. Rice, Carrie Owens. Eva
Mason, Bertha Braaen, jokpiu -
Connell. Belle Braden, Maude Hally,
Stella llayfleld and Chester Barlow.
A regular four-year JIlsTh School
course will be maintained.
Over 92500 Offered In Purses for
Races Some Fast Horse Ex
pected to Take Part In Events.
"Toe- nT.t ra fir Oct. 4. Special.)
The 18th annual fair of the Second
Eastern Oregon Fair District win De
gin here Tuesday morning, continuing
until Saturday night.
tk fair Hifrirt comnrlses the
counties of Wasco, Hood River, Crook,
Due t Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
Breakwater. . Coos Bay In port
Rose City. ... San Francisco. Oct. 6
Roanoke Ix Angeles... Oct. 6
Alliance Coos Bay Oct. 8
Btale of Cal. Ban Francisco. Oct. 12
Geo. W. Eider San Pedro Oct. 13
Nlcomsdla. .. Hongkong Oct. 14
Alula Hongkong o. 1
Numantla Hongkong D.C
Scheduled t Depart.
Name. For. r,at- .
Breakwater.. Coos Bay Oct. T
Roanoke Los Angeles. .. Oct. 8
Alliance Coos Bay Oct. 10
Rose rity San Francisco. Oct. 10
Oeo. W. ElderSan Pedro Oct. 15
State of Cal. . an Franclaoo. Oct. 18
Alesla Hongkong Nov. 22
Numantla... .Hongkong Dec 10
Wheeler. Sherman and Gilliam, and the
people throughout .the entire distriot
have shown greater interest, una c c
before In the coming attractions.
The Business Men's Association of
The Dalles, under whose direction the
fair will be held, has made more ex
tonalva nlans and preparations for the
event than ever before. The big1 pa
vilion downtown, where the agricul
tural and horticultural exhibits will be
j..i... i twiii a Iatbtq as on pre
vious occasions, extending from Third
to First streets on wasningion sireei.
The races will be held at the fair
grounds, west of the city. The track
there has been greatly improved this
Spring, and the fact that some of the
fastest horses in the Pacific Northwest
are entered points to some remarkably
..i -ni intereatlna- track events.
Over 13600 has been hung tip as purses
for the races, wmcn win do mm u
t. . w-noaH i v- Thnredav. Friday
and Saturday. Special prizes will also
be awarded for the winners or tne In
dian pony races. Over 25 Yakima In
ji. n.ri.i.H in tum cltv todav. These
red men will participate not only In
the races, but in war dance features as
.ii ..mi. whii.h i av. been nlaced on
the track programme for every day of
fair week.
An automobile race will also be a
feature of the fair, and on Thursday
- ....nrnDr. track and field meet
will be held, with The Dalles and Hood
Klver High School teams ana an aggre
gation of athletes from the Sherman
alionlct nartlclnatlnfir.
Fine blooded stock, fast horses and
fine agricultural and horticultural ex
t.ihif ova iradv nrrlvlnar In the city
thA atrtn of Th Dalles
will have a festive appearance, with
final arrangements ior ciuuua, cui
being made.
Amnnir the a xhlbits for which premi
ums will bo awarded are: Horses, cat-
.i. .irindi nnnltrv. vegetables
fruits and' all kinds of farm products.
a n-m r-A m win a io ha srlven for ladies'
textile products, preserved fruits, dried
rruit, Dreaas, canes, pies, oiu
An educational exhibit, open for all
...v.nni AhiMrn Af th fair Hlstrlnt. will
be held. Over 1300 worth of gold and
silver medals, besides a cabinet of tools
and a sewing machine, will be awarded
knn .ml e-irla for the best showing
of mechanical, floral, agrlcultuial and
cooking exhibits.
ri-.rvthinff nninti to the fact that
the coming fair in this city will be
the blgftest and most interesting event
of Its kind ever held in Eastern Ore
gon. Reduced rates on the railroads
and boat lines will be in effect during
the fair. Arrangements have already
been made for the entertainment of
about 30.000 visitors here during; the
KaMland Secures Scholarship.
Or.. Oct. 4. (SpeclaL) Herbert Eastland.
& university graduate of '05, has been
granted the full scholarship offered by
the University of Oregon medical college
In Portland to the graduates of the Uni
versity of Oregon. Eastland took his
ntejor work under Professor Sweetser in
the biological department. The scholar
ship amounts to all the tuition and fees
that are charged at the medical school.
No decisions have yet been made in re
gard to the two half scholarships award
ed each year
Leaves Elmore Packing- Company.
ASTORIA. Or, Oct. 4. (Special.) A
deal was closed last evening by which
alter IV. Ridehalgli sells his entire In
terest in the Elmore Packing Company,
which owns and operates several salmon
canneries on the Oregon coast and at
Grays Harbor, to Samuel Elmore. He
also resigned as manager of the company
to take effect Immediately. Mr. Ridehalgh
will make an extended pleasure trip to
his former home in England and upon his
return will probably engage in business
SeptomlxT pry Month In Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) Last
month was by far the dry est September
in Astoria since the records have been
kept by the local Weather Bureau. Rain
lell on only one day and then tha pre
cipitation was but .03 of an Inch. The
maximum temperature was degrees on
the 11th and the minimum temperature
was SS degrees on the KSth. The pre
vailing direction of the wind was north
west. Moore Forms Hotel Company.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) A
deed was filed ior record today whereby
D. J. Moore sells his hotel property at Sea
side to The Moore) Hotel Company for a
consideration or aso.wo.
Many Large Structures Are
Now Under Way.
In All Farts of City Sew Edifices
of Tarlons Kinds Are Being
Completed; Many Others
Are Contracted For.
TV. via-t n-.nV'a Farnnl nrnvH what
I Ia ka & In . Vl w&V nf hllllrl
ing operations during the coming Win
ter tnonms. ixecoras ox uie duuuihh
Inspector show that about the same
number of important buildings are to
be built the coming three or four
months as were begun during an equal
period of the Summer and Fall months
preceding. . .
xl7aw V. - - kaan vnlnir on at Intervals
.n h. .hn.i.h Hitilrifnir for thA Metho-
dlst Episcopal Church, South, located at
Multnoraan street ana union avenue.
East Side. The building Is now receiv
ing Ita finishing touches on the ex
terior. The structure is of Phoenix
stone and is one of the most imposing
church buildings In the city. When
finished It will have cosi aoour. isu.uuu.
Ornamental tiling for the Rosenblatt
Hotel has finally arrived from San
Francisco, after several weeks' delay in
-hinm-nt And worlr will ha resumed to
day on the building', which has reached
the second story.
I. N. Fleischner, Marcus Flelschner,
Emma Goldsmith, Hattle Blumauer and
Llllle Davis have joined In a corpora
tion to be known aa the Flelschner
Real Estate & Investment Company.
Under the articles the company Is priv
ileged to buy, sell and improva real
estate. The capital stock is placed at
Contract for the construction of the
public dock at St. John was awarded
last week to Joseph Paquet at J32,
299.S2. The dock Is to have a frontage
of 540 feet and width of 100 feet. Own
ers of waterfront land at St. John ex
pect the building of this dock to en
hance values.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
Chandler Hotel being erected at Marsh
field. Bennes. Hendricks & Tober, of
this city, are the archltecta.
Plies have been driven for the big
dock of the Spokane. Portland ez Beat
tie Railroad at Raleigh street, and fill
ing Is well on toward completion. Ma
terial for the fill is being taken from
the river bed. '
If the removal of the Mitchell. Lewis
& Staver Company's brick building
from Fifteenth to Seventeenth on Thur
man is successful, it is probable the
building of the Zimmerman-Wells-Brown
Company at Seventeenth and
Upshur will also be moved. The build
ing is to occupy a site at Sixteenth
street. The present location was bought
some time ago by the North Bank
Railroad as part of the intended termi
nal yards. In case the old building
cannot be moved bodily, the intention
Is to erect a new warehouse for the
Zimmerman-Wells-Brown Company.
The East Portland Mill Fixture
Company, whose plant on East Seventh
and East Morrison streets was recently
destroyed by fire, will soon have a new
home on East Twenty-sixth street and
Sulllvans Gulch. Grading of the ground
Name. Flar and
Alexander Isenbsrg. German ship...
Alice. French ship
train. French br.
Bendres. Norwegian bark
Bossuet. French bark..
BrablocK. British brk
Carmanlan. British bark
Clan Graham. Brltl.h ship
David d'Ansrlers. Frsnca bark......
Delke Rl-mers, Herman steamer...
Eusene Schneider.-Frsncb bark .
Falklanubana. xi .'
F1fenlr. British bark....
Finland. Russian snip
Franalyn. British steamer
Gsn. Faldhsrbe. FT. bark..
Gulf Stream. British bark. ......
Homeward Bound. American bark
Janets. British steamer
Kins George. British steamer -',.-
Tnlar British steamer
Laennec. French ship -
La Tour a'Auversne, French bark
Leon Blum. French ship
l.vdKate. British bark ............
Marshal Noalllea. French bark...,
N.ouflsld. British ship..
Vine au Havre. Fr ship
Nordsee. German ship
Orecon. German ship .............
Port Crawford. British ship
Bochambeau. French bark...-
Saint Anne. French bark .........
Thiers. French ship
Triidale. British .hip .
Turcot, rv. -
Total tonnage en route and listed ..
Same date In 190T -
- Same date m iffv'"
Kama. Flsg and Rig.
Abertoyle. British ship
Albert Blckmers. German ship .
Asgerd. Norwg!an ship
Aster. German ship .-"""
Brodick Castle. British ship ..
?Srnil Bart. French bark
pesdemona. British ship
Dsghlld. Norwegian bsrk ......
Henrlette. German smp.. . .
Knight "t the Thlstlerltisn k
Knight French bark
La rtocnj-j-r jiytfl l.lnnton .
Le Pilier. French bark --- 2I;W Dry iock
Leyland Bros.. """J ""J 1964. ... Stream ..
Michclet. French bara mi ptream ..
Neullly. French bark 12WI St. John .
Vigo. Norwegian . snip iT40. ...Stream ..
Vincsnnes. French '"V0' 15T3. .. .Stream . .
Wrnnstay. British snip
aaV-SST Auslrillan .Vhooner:
Berlin, American -ship
Churchill, schooner .. '
Crescent. American schooner
Echo, barkentlne . .
Gael. FTencn bars ....... ;-
Henry Villard. Australian ship
Iren. American schooner ..
Mabel Gsle. American schooner
W F. Jewett. American schooner.
Wrestler. American schooner
( .h n i s amnriraji imp
A Comfortable
- a Ti!2Nk. s
r Tepr -
Cost to build, exclusive of heating and
plumbing, 1825. Designed by Glenn L.
Saxton, architect, 242 and 244 Security
Bank building, Minneapolis, Minn.
A bungalow in many sections of the
country seems to lose its significance.
In the Southwest the term refers to a
one-story house only. A house that is
a story and a half or two stories is
never spoken of as a bungalow. Many
have been educated to live in flat build
ings; naturally, the bungalow appeals to
us more than a story or a story and a
half building, and it Is probable that
within the next five or six years this
type of building will predominate over
the whole United States.
Anyone Interested in a building of this
kind will find it instructive to study the
plan and exterior In today's paper. The
nf tha moms Is complete.
There is a basement under the front
half of the house, with ample room for a
laundry and heating room. The first
story Is 9 feet In the clear. There is an
abundance of store room in the attic
or in a pinch one could furnish rooms
there, one in front and one In the rear,
but it Is not Intended to be finished at
this price. Hardwood floors are used
throughout. There Is a birch finish in
all rooms except the two bedrooms,
which are to be pine to paint. The size
is 34 by 86 feet. Including the piazza.
Mr. Saxton will furnish one complete
set of plans and specifications for 15.
la completed and work has been start
ed on the buildings. The main struc
ture, which will be four stories high.
Is being erected. There will be several
other buildings on the ground. The
pulley plant now on East Water street
will be consolidated with the mill and
fixture factory at this point.
The Montavilla Board of Trade at its
meeting tonight will take up the ex
tension of Hibbard, Armstrong and
Bby streets northward from Villa ave
nue. The concrete work on the Union-avenue
bridge across Sullivan's Gulch was
completed Saturday night, and It now
remains only to lay the asphalt and
fill up at the approaches. It will take
some time to make the fills at the ap
proaches, and then the dirt must be
allowed to settle before the pavement
can be laid. However, the car tracks
can be connected up and cars may be
operated over the bridge before the
pavement Is put down.
Mall Von Borstel report the fol
lowing sales for the past week: House
and lot, 1135 Thurman street, for the
Merchants National Bank to C. H.
Jackson, $5000; house and lot, 731 fa.
vler street, for C. H. Jackson to Mrs.
Hannah Caishs. 4500; a lot on Broad
way, between Twenty-ninth and Thir
tieth streets, for the Mercantile Trust
& Investment Company to Mrs. A. Nor-
Tons. From.
,.li9. .. .Honolulu
..2192. .. .London
. .2018. .. .London
. .204. .. .Newcastle
..1951 Newcastle. N. B. V?.
..Sept. 13
. .July 23
..1773. .
..2SOU. .
.Antwerp .
.St. Rosalia
intv.nt ............
...June 1
June 2
.July 19
i2....AHi"'l' .....
1.DI V.ln.nilin . .........
ISIS." '.Newcastle, N. 8. W...
1390. .. -tiuayaquii
8161. .. . YOKonama ..........
19S0. .
.Antwerp .............
.Vancouver. B. C...
.San Francisco
.Valparaiso........ ...
.Honolulu ...........
n.mhurr ...........
...Aug. 17
...Sept. 24
...July 18
...1378. .
... 19-15. .
...June 13
...Sept. 28
....April 9
Mar 1
'.V.July 28
Am. .
1S79.'.'. .Pan Francisco
23il0. .. .Santa Kosaiia
216s. Talcahuano .........
1S20 Hamburg-
2945. .. .London .............
1662. . . .Callao .
,1776. .. -Callao
.1K31 ltth
...Mar 1
..May IT
.Newcastle, jl .......
.Antwerp -
.Newcastle, A
2251. .
..Sept 21
"in Port.
Tona Berth. . Arrived.
.... 131i. . Columbia No. 1 Aug-. 28
1 18S0 Oceanic June 21
13u9....Dry dock June 10
i:33. .Elevator Sept. 2
1770. .. .Stream Feb. 27
.......1998. .. .Stream ...Sept. 8
....... 1406. ... Astoria Aug. 31
2148. .. .Greenwich Aug. 29
216.1 Astoria March 28
. ... Montgomery xso. A cepi. zo
. 1MS9 Callao Sept. 13
Eastern and Western Sept. 30
"Oil ... .Bunkers Sept. IT
2011 Bunkers
. . . . bept. 9
. .March 6
...Au;. 30
...Sept. 17
...Aug. 31
...Aug. 30
...Sept. 23
.. 887 Astoria
.. 809. .. .Astoria
..141A Alblna
. . 800. .. .Knappton
..1334 Portland Lumber Company
St. John
.Astoria ..
.Astoria ..
.Astoria. ...
.Astoria. ...
m Astoria
409 Astoria ..
Bungalow Home
The plan will be complete in every de
tail. Mr. Saxton will also furnish for
$1 a beautiful, practical and helpful
book of plans entitled "American Dwell
ings." containing over 200 designs of
bungalows, cottages and residences, cost
ing from $600 up. In case plans are or
dered from this book you may deduct
the 1 paid for book, thus the book does
not cost a cent in the end.
mandlne; a lot adjoining the above for
the same company to Miss Bessie Eich
elberger; a lot for the Hawthorne Es
tate, on East Davis street, near East
Thirty-first street, to Mrs. Rose Alli
son; a lot for Frank Bode in Haw
thorne First Addition, to Chester A.
Among contracts let last week for new
buildings are the following:
T. C. Relchle tor a $1100 cottage for TV.
SchoilkoO, Arthur street, between Second
and Tnira streets.
. . . . . . . t ,n en A
11. )kaco ior a ww "
H. Hebard. East Caruthers street, between
last i nirty-iourwi miu .i(iiw. --
George H. Laney tor a J10U0 cottage lor
D. H. Capies, East Seventy-second street,
between Oregon and Pacific streets.
C. J. Cook & Co. for a 3O0O excavation
tor the Lipman, Wolfe Co. building at
Fifteenth, and Gllsan streets. This build
ing Will COSt ilO,VUU, U" V..U1".. . J -
. t i . .. , k- a' brink, have a
belghth of two stories, and be 100x100.
C J. Cook St uo. ior tne e-vw ,
for the E. G. Crawford building. lOOxluO,
of steel and reinforced concrete, to be
erected at Fourth and Everett streets, from
plans prepared by Architects MacNaughton.
Raymond Lawrence. Estimated cost of
the building is placed " .Uuo.
Boyd B. Welch, at 426 East Twenty-third
street, between Ivon and Division streets.
Hurley-Mason tjompaujr .u "
Homeopathic Hospital, to be erected on
tast inira troni, u . " - -
Multnomah streeu. The estimated cost of
this portion oi tne VTi,
of which are to be erected later as cir
cumstances may permit, will bo 150,000. a
. u- n .v. ni-n- nt this snlendlU
complete luca --'....,,
building, as It will appear when nlly
completeo. nave ooh m. , y -.
the Abstract. Whiddeu & Lewis are the
Brjh' N?UJartus tor a 3000 dwelling for
Robert Mcdanlgle. at the -corner of Capitol
and Shaver streets. Jv.. o
G. Kalliei ior a e-tvw " " -Hecker,
Church street, between East 6ev-
' . r ".,o for
Clara Spak. Bybes street, between East
Fourteenth and Eat Fifteenth treeta.
M V. WHKins ior a. ejuuw Z
v.- en i yA trr. he-
tween Tillamook and Thompson
G H Keecher & Son for a $1.V)0 dwell
ing for C H. Jackson. East Twelfth, be-
tweenFrescotlana i",'."-. tnr
xp tjurneu iul f -' -
Mrs E A. Marshall. Johnson street, between
T.a ntv-flfth and Twenty-sixth streets.
E C Wegman for a $1500 dwelling for
James Ahren. East Twenty-second street,
between Alberta and Wyjant streets
Jacob KrimDoi ior - :
seventh andTnty-.Ighth street.
I t. bWIDUCS s . -
j D Paquet, East Twentieth street, near
XlfdNe"on for a $1100 cottag. for
tj n mill Rmlthers, Pippin street, corner Wa
bash street .,. .uin
Rockbaugn a veia "-"-,""
for M J. Delahunt, Thompson street, be
tween East Fifteenth and East Sixteenth
streets. alterations to the one-story
brick warehouse building on Bast Mam
treet between East Water and East First
Streets, to cost about $1200. The building
.b. property of the Standard Oil Com-
'"gu't c. Manning for a $1000 cottage for
Chester A Simpson, East Thirty-second,
between Alberta and Sumner streeta
M N Hitchcock for a 3000 dwelling for
A Scott at Tabor Heights.
J L. Ang.Il for a 81400 store bul'dlng for
J Bolonsky. Alberta street, between East
Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth
""TetC Relchle for a 81100 home for W
Ehoilkoff. Arthur street, between Second
and Third streets. ,, k.
awarr War? n EnricFjbe' contract
for hulldlna a resment-c in ' , ,
tor Rev F. A. Emerson, a recent arrival
from the East. ., , . ttnnn
baiemenf for a building f or M. L A tc ham -
beau at the corner oi v-.. -
"a'e. Trogen for a J1500 dwelling for M.
Otterbeck East Twenty-eighth street, be
fween Gladiton. nd Irving r..ts.
S A Donnaugn iwr r-'w
flat building for A. W ejt. at th eor
f Hamilton avenue and Corbett street.
HowTrd S Reed for & MMO dwelling for
MO warn - u.ltrhi frt Via-
TweParr.nd JarV.ti"r.. A. H,
Faber. architect ,.,.. w
F M. Moore iwr . - - ,,
Wale. 971 corbett street, between Lowell
.Tm.1, for' 81700 dwelling for
Mrs. R. Roswels. uenvor, oci.u meu).
and Ainsworta
Ing for E. C. Brooks at the comer of Fall
ing ana "'7'ni",i, .ltl. e, Mr
FairbaTn. Newton street, between Vaughn
and "V''r"orne"n'for a S0n dwelling for
n F Kraunse. Hoyt street, between Twen-tv-fourth
end Twenty-fifth streets. The
nlans for thin handsome home were pre
pared by Architects R. N. Hockenberry A
Cir K Espy for a 8on0 dwelling for Mrs.
...... VartHla.
Architect Otto Kleemann drew the plans
Ed il b7 for $1000 cottag. for X
"-x"-' U
r" cr M-ffxM-0"
II 12 0 XM-0 B nil ii n I
Cut Your Fuel Bill In Two
In an ordinary soft coal stove half of the coal arises In cas and
promptly g-oes up the chimney. When vou remember that gas Is Itse't
fine fueL b!nit used In all the large cities for cooklnff heating and light
ln yoiT realile how much Is saved If the gas doesn't escape but Is held
In the stove and burned.
This patented Hot Blast Draft doesn't work In leaky stoves, and that
Is one reason why imitations are failures. . v.,.
It really makes-soft coal last as long- and burn nicely as hard coaL
This wonderful stove burns anything hard coal, soft coal, wood, com
bustible rubbish anvthlng. ,, .
A Guarantee Qoea With It.
J. J. KADDERLY, 130 First Street
We have .a neat line of
wtti "wlll ml you evenings I by 'appointment,
a t nvrrLl ojato
490 -Washington St. Pbomeai A 8881, Malm 48S4.
t Gives Best Results
Second and Taylor Distributer
Henalr Work Given Prompt Attention Founders MachlnlaU and Boiler
Repair worn u'makrs guiidlns and structural Work.
OfTkce aad works, M
Havrthorae Avemje and East P-on. port?LaHD, OREGON.
C. Logan. Highland, corner Bast Fifteenth j
"A"'!. Gonasle. for a $100 dwelling for
Martin Cereghlno. East silll street, between
ir.A.t Blehth and Bast Ninth streets.
8 Simmon. "or a $100 dwelling for C.
L. Strong. East Thirtieth street, between
East Grant and East Harrison streets.
VV V Loomls for a $2000 dwelling for
SYed Scrlbner, Eaat Seventy-eight street,
between Villa and Wadham streets.
O. N. Banster for a $3000 dwelling. Chap
man street, near Jefferson street, for l.
Ch'arle. Downer for a $2000 dwelling for
L Cappa, Prospect Place, between Forty-seventh
and Forty-eighth streets.
Hewitt ft Wright for a 2500 dwelling
for C. H. Dougherty, cieveianu.
A'r?rRoutTeV.arfo"-a ,2900 dwelling for
Mr a E. W. Parsons, East Main street, cor
ner East. Thirty-third street
Max Singer ior a - . C
Mrs. Hannah Neuman. First street, between
Hall and College streets. .
I A. Peters for a S1300 cottage for E C.
Brooks, Falling street. corner Seventh
street. . , , . ,
F. S. 'Hallook for a zvw "
K Quick. East Sixty-ninth street, oetweea
Gllsan and Oregon streeta
Roberts tooatrucuwu .... - -
dwelling for Lena Albert, Cleveland, be
tween Alberta and Sumner streeta
w -H. Bchuette for a $4500 dwelling for
H. E. Northup. Montgomery Drive, Detween
Snrln. anu Jiiim etrneio.
W H Schuette for a 20OO dwelling for
A. B Apperson at Wlberg Height..
Multnomah Mill CTonatrurtlm Cortpany
for a $2000 dwelling for L. D. McCllntock
atv8r.SnrRo,:- for a 4T0 store and flat
building for Anton .Shtem. Pow.n. be
tween East Twmij-m.i -
second streets: Otto Kleenvann, architect.
More Houses Goin Up Than Any
Years Since 1890.
wrL.LSBORO. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.)
Over 85 new houses have been built or
. under construction in this city since
the first of the year. The Pacific Coast
Condensed Milk Company has materially
Improved its plant in South Hlllsboro:
the Methodists are duuuuib a -
church, which will be completed In a few
1,- o., thA Kvaneelical Church has
built a new rectory. The Christian
Church is now remodelling; a ouuuing ior
a -parsonage.
tui. i ti 1 a r trout hlllldln&T DOOm In
the town since 1890, when William Reed
started construction of tne Astoria tc
South Coast Railway, on which he grad
ed ten miles before the project became
gaMlOO Stock; New Fall Style Sboea
Labeled jscorreniT.
. . ii owA nril.l. aVlA snllY.
Bannister Kneeland. Slater and Moral,
IS and 17 grades. 3.85: J4 and $5 grades,
$2.86; women's $3.60 and t grades, $2.46.
Dellar. 211 Morrison, bet. 4th and 5th.
It Tastes Good and
Creates Strength
the famous cod liver and
iron medicine, without oil.
Vinol is much better than
cod liver oil and emulsions,
because, while it contains all
the medicinal value they do,
it disagrees with no one.
As a body builder and
strength creator for old
people, delicate children,
after sickness, and for stub
born coughs and colds Vinol
is unequaled.
AVoodard, Clarke & Co., Druggists,
" '
to the Minute
TThen we accept n order for
wallpapering:, after you've selected
the patterns you fancy, you may
rely on our man being on hand at
the appointed hour to "hang" the
paper on your walls. We have a
record for promptness in executing
orders we are anxious to maintain.
201 Second Street.
AH Orocan and Dragxiat".
Diseases of Men
Varicocele, Hydrocele.
Nervoue Debility. Blood
Poison, Stricture. Gleet,
prostatic trouble and
all other private dis
ease are successfully
treated and cured by
me. Call and see m
about your case It
you want reliable
treatment with prompt
end narmanent results.
fi.nn,i.fian fvssa. anri invited. All transac
tions satisfactory and confidential. Offle
hours 9 A. M. to o P. el. ounoy- v m -
Call on or address
181 Firt St Cor. Yamhill Portland. Or
jl iciiri uiim auu . . u . . .
jpirss auu .ihwi "
Oregon Cttx f. 6:30 A. M.. and .v.17
SO minutes to and Includluc 9 P. (..
then JO, 11 P M.: last car 12 mldnlsht.
Gratbam, Borlna. Kacl. Cik. Esta
eada, Caaadero. Falrrl.w and Troot-dal-T:15.
t:15, 11:16 A. M.. 1:1ft,
6:16. 1:33 P. M.
Ticket offlc. and walUns-roaa SwoaA
and Washington street.
A. Jd. :15'. 6:60. 1:M. 6:00, :.
a-10, 0:60. 10:0. 11:1ft 11:60- . .
p M. 12:80. 1:30. 1:50. 3:80. 1:10.
8:50. 4: SO. 6:10. 6:60. 6:k0, T:0S. T:4ft
On Third Mondaj In Every
ue iw bsr - .
Daily Sunday. Dally xc9t
BEOULATOH L.INB to Th. D.lle. dally
.xcept Sund.y. 'Bailey Oatsert" leaTs
Portland Monday. Wednesday and Friday at
T A. M.. stopping at th. principal landings.
"Dalles City" leave. Portland Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at T A. M.. making
all landings. Returning, both leav.
Th. Dalle, on alternat. day. at T A. M.
Phon. Main M. or A 6112, Ald.r-.t. dock.
Th. steamer BREAKWATER leavM Port
land .v.ry Wodneday at S P. M. from Oak
treet dock. Ior North Bead. Marsbfleld and
Coo. Bay points. Freight r.c.lved till 4 P.
M on day of calling. Paasangsr far flrt.
clasa, 10; Mcond-clau. T. lacludlaa b.rt.
and lnaulr. city Uck.t oBlc. Third
and washlngtoa stroeta, or Q.k-str.t dock.
North Pacfflc S.S. Co. Steimihlp
Roanoita and Geo. W. Elder
Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and
Los Angeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third
St, near Alder. Both phonas, M
1314. H. Young, Agent.
Onfv direct steamer and daylight .alllnga
F?om Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 4 P. M.
a S. Row City. Oct. , , etc.
a a guLu, of CaUfomla. Oct. 16.
From bombard St. San Francisco, 11 A. M.
1 8. State of Caltfornla, Oct. S.
2" a Rom City. Oct. 16, SO
j W. KANSOM, Dock Ami,
Main 268 Alnsworth Dock.
M J ROCHE, City Ticket Agent, 142 8d St
Phone Main 402, A 1402.
Empress Line of the Atlantio
Low rates, fast time, excellent service. Ask
any ticket .gent for particulars or write.
4nV Johnson. P. A, 14a Third Btrcst.
Portland. Oregon.