TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1908. 10 TO EXCHANGE. WANT to exchange my large stock ranch In Wt!:smtt Valley fr Portland Ibcod property or mill sell for $15 per acre on easy terms; also have a few desirable lots North Mt. Tabor. C-xl00 feet, cleared and leveL Bull Run water, at $275 each. ar irmi. Ita Lend Co., 61 Chamber of lommerct. WILL. FELL or exchange for cholc realty. In rood location, or leas for term o. years, up-to-date apartment-house, wit a ail modern improvements. In center of city. Correspondence solicited. PrtnAOpa only. T 2O0, Oregonlan. A $1 nearly new cottag. 22d and 'iin ton ; excellent plumbing, concrete oa ment: would accept vacant iot from -u0 up as part pay mnt. balance same a rent. 122 railing Lldg. WILL, exchange new No. 7 Remington type writer, coat lw. for good row. sheep or youDR stock. Address U W. Wyckoop, 2i8 Aeh at. Portland. Or. OK COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, sell or trade tui'.neM or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. U-ACRE farm, well improved, right close to railroad station, very fine ii. to ex change for good Portland residence worth $Jiu-i. Call 613 Chamber Commerce A $12.QM Klickitat nil) fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or buf.ness property, Frank Lee. Mi Front St. ACREAGE near Portland; trade for land on or near Laks Malheur or Harney; north aide preferred. F 218. Oregonian. WH AT hare you to trade or exchange? W. Uren- A Co, 313 Lumber .exchange bsdg-. id and b:art.. WR have houses, loti. farms, rooming houses, and businesses to exchange, call MJ Chamber ('ommre. FOR SALE or exchange, dairy and grain ranch SOU acre" or part. W bat have you. Address AL Oregonian. IF you want to buv. sell or trade anything s Kauffmann A Moore. 325 Lumuer Ex change. WE have a fine list of lty property to ex change for farms City Realty Bul.d;;ig Co., 4M Worcester bldg.. 3d gndOakiti. ftinoo EOt'ITY In 8-room house; what have ynU xu-ir Price 25i0. M 2irj. Ore;.o- WIT.L trade for what you have, Gua Smith, 4o4 Buchanan bldg. WILL sell or trade for dUmonds. 2 corner lets on Villa Hill. E ilrt. Oregou.an. WILL trails lots in an Oregon city for piano. 7j6 Swt!ar.d bldg. Phone Main 6t44. FOB B-VLC TIMBER LAN IX. TIMBER. Cruise 32S.OftO.iMio fet cedar, fir and spruce, on line of Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad in Rrltlh Columbia. In compact body; an Ideal milling proposition; run 1 to 6 logs- corners on Franer River; creaks for holding or driving logs; cruisers' re port guaranteed ; price. $ : 10,i0, or w 111 ell half interest for mft This Is worthy of your clocet investlKalion. Cruisers report and maps on application. D. W. ALTON. Pa.co. Wash. TO INVESTORS. Vnw la the time to p.ck up bargains. I have a few email buys that wi.l sur prise you. Four million fr $l-.'0; tn niiiilnn lor 4o0; elKhieen million for g"(MK. o. J. Mccracken, ao McKay Bidg. TIMFEh LANDa. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAUES D LACET A CJ-. Chi'-ao. Now Orleana. Seattle, 2d Chamber of Commerce. Fortland- A GREAT opportunity Wanted, five men with $5000 esrh nr one man with 2.Ymm) to float a bi rimber and milling en;er prlse. eay to l"g and handy to railroad. For further pui tlrulars inquire of J a. O. Horning, philomath. Or. CHEAPER THAN GOVERNMENT LAND Have neveral patenred timber claims, well Sltuad. 3.iXO.0X to rt.Mi.tUH teet each, at $low per claim. Western Investment Co., "l-Cv;i Corbett bldg LOGGING CHANCE, right clojie to Colum bia River rtt million yellow fir. spruce and cedar J il. Terms. N Ore Rontan. FOR PAf.F Choice timber claims; pat ented, bargains. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. Corbett lilM-k. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. I0.ooo.no0, well equ pped cahln. s;ood horse and pack ing outfit, accessible, cheap. U Xitti, Ore gcontan. OOitp 2 not.0(tO yellow nr timber claim In Linn County; locating fee 1.'0 If taken at once. I,ocatr wiil go mitb you. Fil ing made tn Portland. C Oregonion. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterpn.es of all kinds. Kinney A eUampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. IrtO ACRES good timber, by owner; no agents, a snap. K 2.0. OrKonian. TELIjOW PINE timber claims. Government locations. 2 Worcester bldg. CHOICE YELLOW PTNE CLAIMS, Government Ifv-ationm 8-7 Worcester blk. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANTED to rent nt once good dairy on shares. l." cows and up. lut st. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR BBNT Pt owner. 12 acres of beaver dam in a high Mate of cultivation. 2 mlU-e east of Vancouver Barracks, fnioin h.'us lar;e barn and onln h.me; 23 acres In paeture. AF 2tV. Oregvntan. GiHl 12V-aire farm in Washington County, on North Fralrie, with ft-rojm houye. gar den orchard, barn and other outhouses; rnt $A per acre. Apply to Wm. Kane, Forest Grove. Or. HOMESTEADS. to IrtO acres good level land, near town, IX. R-. on county road, a'hool. church, at ore. p. o.. etc. close by; house, fruit, fence. Pprlmr. al running water, splendid black soil 40 acres timber. Others all prices. Cali or ad. Ire. Pacific Wuinei Exchange. S1 a.K.mgt.n St.. guile 4. THREE g.-ol honied eaiia. I'"1 acre ar. torn land, balance good fruit land; good ir.es of water, a -o some choi--e pine timber Culms in g-M'.l l.- atlon. ery n as .n.i !. For further particu.ara call on J. M. Kerr A Co.. 2f lark st.. rm 10. CHOICE hom:ead ready for ft'.lng. free from stumps, stone, gravel or rock; Innd level and polity tnct water; fee $-tK). ?i"J2 Worcester Mock. FEW choice homesteads agricultural lands readv for the r' ; pmy of water: in vestigate at once. 511 b etland bldg., 5th and Washington. M'.1NTEI TLMKKB LM)S. WE ant tlner Ian!. tngle claims or t-m.-t. MurJiva Ac 1 our.g. 411 Buchanan b eg. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken, 34 McKay b!Jg. WAXTF.D REU ESTATE. CASH FOR A HOME I want to buy a small hr- or five-acre trS't of go-vi land on some crltne near I'ortlar.d. i in be either improved or un improved. U you hae onnth::ig g od to fTer. addresa A 31'i. r-gou:a:i. giving prUe and tul panu'ulara. W ANTED From ener. o-roora cottage cr bur.glow. mut be n.odem. in -Si. John. Mt Sv-ott or iit. Ta r ctr!!rr; 1" :iy tk to c h. i : ! not over Fior.e Main &kJ. A 121, or ca.l HU 4:h street. WANTED- llnu!i ar.d lot or vacant lot. ou:h of Taylor and west of tith st-; must t-e rnniM fr cash; state exact loca t on wttiTt price, or no attention paid. F 2i. Ore go man. WA NTS L Corner lot in Irvtrgton or Ho!- iaav A '.(!:ts n; w i.l pay c.r. . bm.d r.f it at; g.ve i nation aad pr.ee. Adrts 11 ro n in. I WANT a g-Kv1 residence, prtve mint be right. V i.l g'.e hank. s:ock. tee my ageut. M.I Chamber Comaiei c A FEW more nice residences) ar.d lots in Iringtoo I have burs waiting. A. j Maxsiia'.l, 42' Chamber ot Commerce. WANTED Comfortable house; pay value for iuc: s-nall improved firm near c;ty. Y 24. Orrgonian. WANTF.l For cash, lot near H:n:ard suhoo-.; gt pri'-e and location. Address S 21-, .regor.:an. I3V0 CASH for to 7-room house. East hide. A .dress 2"i trenonian. WANTED Firm ard city property. eu toners waita.g. liobas, 211 Askey bidg FOB BALE FARMS. AN ARSOLTTS BARGAIN. 3-Ar-RI SUBURBAN FARM. All higcly cultivated. 3 acres Concord grape, J peach trees. S50 pear, S wal ti ut. 60o appa, assorted ; 100 aborted berries. 75 ajberta, 30 cherries. Tom. n.oiera house with full concrete basement, furnace and fireplace; large hall ar.d bath, hot and coid water: tank-house and ikvO galloa tank with engine; first -clea barn, with running water; 3-room cottage, and 7 outbull dings. On the Oregon City carllne, 9 mile from the city and a 30-m in me ride. Station r;ght on the p.ace. It alao fronts) cd the cuunty road. Thla farm, with all Implement and tools, wagons, horses and harness. cchs. ctuckena nig, pigeons. cream separator and everything complete can be had for $21.V0. It is without a doubt the most complete farm on the Ore gon City line, and worthy of your Immediate investigation. If desired will sell 18 acre with all the improvementa for $15.00u, or 12 acre highly cultivated but no improve ments, for Terms If desired. Owner is obliged to leave the stale, hence your opportunity to buy at this price. JAMBS J. FLYNX. CIS Chamber of Commerce. A PXAP (O acres, near station on O. W. P ; :a acres Improved; good bouse and bam. good soli; near school; plenty good water: 2 horses. 2 wagons. 1 hack. 1 bu.Kfry. S cows, 6 hogs. 15 tons hay. 100 bushels grain, 2 acres potatoes, mower and rake, potato planter an for ajuu. on easy terma. Also 4(i acres, all w71 improved with good buildings; 3H miles from Gresham, for 70K) The above tracts are good bargains and we will be pleased to show them to any one winning to buy a small rarm. GRESHAM REAL ESTATE CO.. Gresham, Or. $25 $25. Apple land In the famous Klickitat FT 1 1 is. tn 10-acre tracts for $27 an acre; the finest young orchards In the North west; apples raised without Irrigation, the coming country; come in now while the prices are low. MANCHESTER A WILSOX, 50S Wells Fargo Bldg. FRl'IT and rtairv farm of 25 acres at Mil waukle, highly cultivated, bringing good income, good plastered house witn pain, hot and coid water, engine-house, barn and outbuildings, all in excellent con dition; very fine and sightly grounds, a model little farm and ideal country home; good well and creek: td50 per acre In cluding all Implements and 12 head of K"od cows; fV,0O will handle It. Will ell all or part. 31' 5 Lumber Excnang. SMK) Half cash. 1W acres, rood level land, part In cultivation, all crops, farm Implements, household furniture, good water, fair buildings, fences, fruit, etc.; best reason for selling, worth S or 6 times this amount; full particulars and free tr:p. call, write, phone or burn the wire our expense. I'armc business bxcoaoge, oH Washington at., room 4. FOR PALE 160 acres a-t Dover, in Clacka mas County, all fenced, well watered, 10 a'-res cultivated, 4-room house, new barn. ::2o8; 300 young fruit trees, 5 cows, span of large mares, pigs, chickens, farm Im plements, che.ip If sold soon. Owner, 321 East 8th st. North. Phone East 2619. IDAHO Carey act lands. 25.000 acres em bracing some of the choicest agricultural a-id horticultural lands In the state now open for entry under Big Wood River Project. For Information add res C. B. Ifurtt, Mgr. Land bales Dept., Boise, Idaho. ltW ACRES 4 miles from Shanlko. 25 In cultivation, balance good pasture, good soil, all under fence, good 5 -room house, st able and outbuildings; best of water a I .."VO, Including 4 n ead of ho rs ea. 3 25 Lumber Exchange. WHO wants the best farm tn the Willam ette Valley? For particular call upon or write Cocneil, Long A Xmbrl. HI 11a boro. Or. 862 ACR E3. except loqal bargain, best of soil, well Improved, 710 miles from Port land, near railroad station. Edwards, 402 Commercial Club bldg. 40-ACRE farm, close to carllne. all cleared; sell cheap. Boggera, 221 Morrison, room 5. 113 ACRES, all or In part, Salem Electric line. Chemeketa station. Phone owner. East 1719. FOR BALE Chicken ranch, 24 acres, all Improved, tn Mil waukle. Call Browning Baths, 14 1st st. Phone Main 9129. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to Portland. 827 Worcester block. FOR Willamette ValleT lands Land Company, Salem, Or. Olmsted FOR SALE. Morses, Vehicle and Harness, FOR SALE New light two-horse express waon with canvas top over seat; ca pacity IOuO pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all in good condition: price fluO Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg. or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas, Or. FOR SALE Horses from $30 to $300 each, weights from 800 to 17vo pounds; three rubber-tire runabouts, new ; one single harness, double harness, saddles and sev eral saddle ponies. Ncbby Stables, 12th and Flanders. BARGAIN Fine brown trotting- mare, 4 years old. registered; good for saddle also; harnes? and buggy. NobLy Stables, 1-th and Flanders. NEW Babcock runabout, aide springs, very latest; also Columbus cut-under body, with "Ide lanterns, both buggiea used only short time. 616. The Dekum. For PALE One sorrel horse, 10 years old, works single or double ami weighs 120u pounds Jackson Creek Creamery, Scap poose. Or. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus. saddles, haree. cheap to cioee out Hubvrt A Hall. 2ttt 4th St. HORSES. nr.ars. r'.;s s-i iarnese of all klutis for sa:e. 2V4 Montgomery. FOR RENT Stable, 40 malls. North 12th st. tiltl The Dekum. TWO saddlers, fl work horses for sale; rea sonable. Star Stables. 310 Front at. HORSES. bi:ggies and harness for sale or hire. IS2 East 34th. St. Phone Tabor 1112. GOOD WORK team for sale. 845 East Stark. Phone East 6$?7. FINE driving mare, with rubber-tire buggy; aieo 1 fine top uggy. Sl'd Est 7tn. FOR SALE Young team draft horsea Ap ply SOS Davis st. yoCNO borne, weighs H00. city broke. H. Grufke. Mt. Zlon: take Council Crest car. Automobiles. FOR snac on second-hand automobiles, call on Portland Motv Car Co.. loth ard A.der. 3m-H. P. 4-cy Under Cadillac. $150; 2t-H. P. 4-cyltnder Winton. $750, and sev eral others (rum $300 up. FRANKLIN tourlnr car. '07 model, tn per fect condition: teen used 0 weeka. cost ..a Will sell at a sacrifice. Box 2O40. city. Phone East 514 Bl-i 7-pawenger Pope Toledo: cash or real estate in citv limits; At condition; fine livery car complete. Merrill. 7 th and Oak. arternoona. AUTOMOBILES, touting cars and run atouis, 250 to $120o. fur sale or trade. W. G Hart man. 46 2d st. Main 182. WANTED Bulck runabout in good con dUion. 0S model, at once. Phone East 514. Addrees box 2U40. TOURING car. glass front, top. gas light, a. I in per foe t condition, to ready buyer, $Sj. Box 2i'40 city. Phone East 514. WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price. H W. Oreg.xiUa. WILL ex char, ge equity in house for auto mobile, runabout pre : erred. M 2SS, Orego- SCoo Cadillac: seats 5; Al condition. J 2 .". Z. Oregonian. 6TAN DARD make upright piano. gtod eon ,!t on; must seil at a sacrifice. $150. Phone Tabor 9-ti. gc. Upright grand piano. $l5. part cash, balance terma Sunday or evenings, 4i6 Third st FIRST-CLABS pi am t trade as part pay ment on lot or cottage. X 2&& Oregonian. FOB BALE. BEAUTIFUL mahogany case, upright cabi net grand piano, first-class make; cost t-t0; take $250 for Immediate sale. B 2Ji, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT piano for sale by owner, cost S'i.0. must sell at once; will take $175. Mam 370. Misoellaneoii. MOVINO PICTURES. New films, new subjects for rent and right price. Moving picture machines for sale. Information freely given about the busi ness. We teach you to operate. Consult us about the most profitable business of the age. La em ml Film Service, 41k-4-A Marquam bldg.. Portland. Or. MOVINO picture machines. all makes; films, slides and supplies; talking ma- chines, records; opera and folding chairs; j posters, tickets, etc; lowest prices. New- I man Motion Picture Exchange, 23 Burn- side. Portland. Or. J FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 49 Third st. FOR SALE 20 slightly marred sewing ma chines, all makes, sold at great reductions this week only: also machines for rent. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Wash ington st., cor. 11th. H. D. Jones. Prop. BARGAINS In 8x12 Gordon Press, . 34x22 style, 2A, Colt's armory, imposing atone. SO-lnch paper cutter, type, etc., 3 air brushes and automatic pump, 2 motors. Address E 2SS, Oregonlan. ANGORA kitten, pure blood, pedigreed. Call 225 Marguerite St. MLsw Railing. Monta vilia car. FOR BALE Best dry 4-ft. fir snd oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FRESH Two Durham cows, one good fam ily Jersey. 95 East a Oth. Phone Etut 5503. OLD violins bought and sold; expert re pairing. L. Winters, 31$ Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison. BEAUTIFUL 'White cabinet sewing ma chine, used less than on month; will take half original cost. H 27, Oregonian. WILL sell or exchange handsome sealskin coat: value $.Si)J Address T 200, Ore gonlan. HOUSEBOAT 5 rooms; beat on the river, at a bargain; for sale or trade. Merrill, 7th and Oak, afternoon a MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machine, supplies, elides, films for rent. 165 4ih St. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon. FOR SALE 2 fresh cows with calves. 132 E. 47th St.; Mt Tabor cars. FOR SALE: Heating stove, for coaJ or wood ; practically new. 701 E. Salmon. HIGH-GRADE marble-top counter, soda fountain, must be sold. C 803, Oregonlan. CHOICE pointer pups. Stable, 109 12th St., North. A GOOD safe for sale for $50. B 2267. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Some reliable buftiness ladles and gentlemen to introduce a fine proposition in Portland. Or., and other territory. Call week days between 6 and 7:30 P. M. Caa tellaw A Peterson, 193 W. Park st. WANTED Party acquainted In Portland with leading grocers, hotels, etc. to sail and deliver finest creamery butter made In this state; can handle as a aide line. A D 279. Oregonlan. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230 240 8th at., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help Free to employers. MAN to take charge of office new manufac turing establishment: staple article, exclu sive patent; investment $o00 to $fi0n0. divi dends 60 to 100 per cent; references re quired. A D 2S8. Oregonian. WANTED Young man with office expe rience and salesman's ability to join ad vertiser in supply business; must have small capital, well secured. Box 683, Boise. Idiiho. WANTED A young man as manager of a fish, poultry, butter and egg department; must be an expert In these lines, of good character and best references. Reply at once, L 294. Oregonlan. MOVINO picture operators make $35 week ly, iasy wotk. snort nours, iearn tn business In short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co.. 293 Burnside at. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Write us if Interested. Albany Nurseries, Al bany. Or. HONEST hustler with some capital can buy Interest In real estate office that pays $150 per month. particulars at 20Sli 4th st. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics: easy terms; positions secured; money earned while Jearlng. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. BOY to run errands, prefer one who has wheel; good chance to leam a good Dull ness. Apply to Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. ifWANTED By Washlngton-st. grocery. gon; state experience and wages wanted. A 317. WANTED Young men to study telegraphy and stenography; good wages ana perma nent positions when competent. Oregon College, 3 5th st. W ANTED Traveling saleman. North, West and middle territory, to take up good side line, handsome commission. 2y3 Burnsids street. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for a wide awake man witn small means to get into the real estate business. 230 Lumber Ex change. TAILOR wanted to do busheling in cloth ing store. Write box D, Eugene, Or. State experience and salary wanted. Trav eling expenses paid. COATMAKER wanted, to work team work. steady at -2 week, uavid m. iioibrooK, 4ih floor. Couch bldg. WANTED Experienced driver for bakery wagon; state loriner experience, a 319, Oregonlan. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5694. YOUNG man with some experience In dairy lunch business, jeraey xuncn Koom, etn and Stark sts. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP, CALL ON" PACIFIC t3irL.V 1 tU., 13 North 2d st. Both phones. WANTED Experienced furniture packers and good teamster. uregon c urniture 51 f g. Co.. Ik 1 4 Macadam Road. WANTED Young man court reporter to leave city; date experience, etc. Address u aw, Oregonian. W" ANTED Salesmen, all line. bookkeeper and stenographers. commercial A Detract Co., suit 4uS Commercial Club bldg. SHOE, dres goods, furnishing goods sales men, bookkeeper ana stenograpner. i'. a. A C. Co.. SJ35 Wash. t. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opens Its Fall term ct. i: two year course witn oegree. ao Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. TWO men of buslne ability, good address; your opportunity; don't miss It. 7u5 Swet land b.dg. WA N T E D Experlen cd retail leat her goort s salesman. Address, with references, D 2S5, Orrgonian. RELIABLE place to borrow money on dia monds, watches and Jewelry; strictly con fidential 165 1st st. "WANTED A good solicitor, by business college: good field; liberal commission. A Jil. Oregonian. COATMAKER wanted. 106 West 5th St., Vancouver, Wash. H. Delerllng. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency. iu uavu bl. aiain oou. Headquarters cook a helpers. California Win Depot. P. Lorati. 14S 4th. Main 55tX. TWO coatmakers and two pants makers wanted. Dean A Curtiss, Seattle. WANTED A dressgoods salesman. 823 Washington st rooms Su-41. WANTED Good boy 16 to 17 years old. 72 6ta st. DISHWASHER wanted at nce, 3u6 Co lumbia, ex. HELP WANTED MALX. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and. women to leant barber trade In eight week; help to eecur positions; graduates earn from $15 to $15 weekly; expert In structor: tool free ; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges. 85 N. 4th su, Portland, Or. WANTED Men to work In tunnels at Spring Garden and Chllcoot. California, and on outside railroad, grading near Qutncy, Cal. Apply at Chllcoot or Spring Garden. The Ltah Construction Co. EXPERIENCED sheen and cattle dip man: exclusive territory and. good contract to salesman with established trade; officer of company will be in, Portland about Oct. 13. Ad dree P 232. L. A. Farasworth, care Morning Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE school Men wanted to learn automobile driving and repairing and earn $150 a month or more; day and evening classes. Call at once Auto mobile School, room 1027 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED A baker with family to Inves tigate the proposition of a branch store at corner Front and GIbbs sts.; low rent, all fixtures Installed, living rooms In rear. Inquire of B. F. Jones In person or by phone. - i - ABLE YOUNG MEN to prepare for U. S. postal clerks and carriers. November ex aminations ; 12 new clerks appointed late ly. Salaries up to $1200 a year. Call or write at once. Pacific States Schools, Mc Kay bldg. 2 FIRST-CLASS slaughterhouse butchers; no others need apply. P. O. box lt&. WANTED Coatmakers. John Selbert, . Pen dleton. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CHOCOLATE" dippers, good fwagea, steady employment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Com pany, 12th and Davis sts. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. JS1 E. 14th st. corner Schuyler; take Irvlngton or Broadway car. Phone East 927. COOKS, waitresses, chamber, family, second help, city, springs; massage operators, San Diego, Cal. "Drake's," 205 hk Wash- ington. WANTED A capable, respectable woman for general housework for small family of adults; good wages and good home to right party. 481 Going St. cor. East th. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; ood money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington ate HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843a Wah. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. L TAILORESS that has experience on men's work, to help a tailor on ladies' jackets, also a first-class hand sewer. 429 Wash ington. J. K. Stern. Ladies Tailor. WOMAN for alteration department: women' garments; one who understands fitting and finishing; good wages. Call Tuesday 171 'intra su HATS remodeled like new, half price; we dye, clean, curl, remake plumes, uoaei Millinery, 204 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and W ashington. WANTED Young ladles to study telegraphy and stenography; good wage ana perma nent position when competent. Oregon college, 5th st. A GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; small family; good wages Apply ltil 14th st., corner Morrison. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. viavi Co., eov itotn child bldg., 4th and Washington. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar ber's trade; steady work; good wages. 68 4th st. MRP. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. S2o Washington St., room 307. Main 8ho6 or A 3266. WANTED Gfrls who can sell corsets, sal ary and commission. See Mr. Anderson, in renin il, Det. o ana a tr- m. GOOD com netent cook wanted, small family. must have references; call mornings, 400 20th St.. Portland Heights. A THOROUGH course of millinery taught In six weeks; terms reasonable. 147 11th at. WANTED Cook and maids to attend free cooking school at Honey man Hardware Company's store, 10:30 and 2:30 every day. GIRL for general housework and assist with children. Irvlngton. East 5093. nent position: state experience and salary aesirea. j ova, uregonmn. NURSE for baby, must be competent and with references. Apply .mornings, 19 Lownsdaie. SALESWOMAN Experienced In cloaks, suits, skirts, etc.; good wages. Call Tues day, 171 Third st. WOMAX to do work of four-room apartment; good wages; sleep out. Eastman, Madi son Apartments. Madison and Park. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles Department. 206 H Morrison st. Phones Ma'n 1062, A 2061. WANTED At once, experienced waitress. Sargent Hotel, cor. Grand ave. and Haw thorne. NEAT, refined glrL general housework must have good references. ,695 Davis, near 21st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. NIGHT SCHOOL for shorthand, bookkeeping, arithmetic, grammar. Business University, Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. FOR HELP FOR WORK A, B. C EMPLOYMENT CO., 228 Morrison. M. 3022. We are white. GIRL to assist In housework; three In family; good home. Phone E. 4872. Call 309 E. 19th X. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; instruction free. Call 452 Washing ton. GIRL for general housework; no noon meal. Call Monday after 2 P. M., Swetland's, 273 Morrison st. GIRL for general housework. 445 East 15th st.. North. WANTED competent girl for cooking and general housework. Apply 740 Flanders., FINISHERS wanted on pants, steady work, good pay. 109 2d sL. room 2. WANTED Good cook in email family, with second girl. 202 King st. GIRL for second work. Call at 321 24th st.. North, after 11 mornings. WANTED Girt for general housework. 15 E. 17th St.. cor. E. Ash. WANTED First-class vestmakers. Nicoll the Tailor, 141 6th st., cor. Alder. BOOKKEEPING, private leon?. 4 nights in week, $4 per month. Main 7S62. A 4948. WANTED An experienced cook, at the Children's Home. 8S7 Corbett st. COMPETENT second girl who can go home . nights. 735 Hoyt st. GIRL for general housework, good cook. 164 21st North. WANTED Gir! for general housework. Ap ply 381 N. 24th st- WANTED Fur finishers and girls to sew on furs. Silverfleld. 4th and Morrison. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; $25. 625 E. Ankeny at. GIRL to go to Seaside for Winter, as do mestic. Phone after 6 P. M. Main 5934. A GIRL for general housework ; must be competent cook; wages. (25. Main 4152. WANTED A lunch waiter at Winter's Res taurant. 230 1st st. WANTED Girl for general housework; fam ily adults. 506 Montgomery st. GIRL for general housework. Apply 142 Union Avenue North. GIRL for cooking and general housework. Apply overton St., mornings. GIRL for general housework: 3 in family. m TL Tavlor. Phones East 598. B 2440. VANTED Girl, reneral housework. no laundry work. 774 Hancock st. WAITRESS wanted. 23d and Savler ata. A GTgLT- A Portiand DeUcatasses. 13 3d. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 7 COOKS S30 to $40 3 second giria $20 to $30 5 waitresses $20 to $25 3 kitchen helpers, 2 out town. .. .$10 to $20 17 general housework ...$20 to $30 2 companions, out city. ST. LOUIS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 209 4th st. Main 20:19, A 2324. FOUR Al solicitors, who can furnish bond to work on big magaslne clubbing offer promoted by S. P. Railway; free trans portation. See R. H. Maddan. 602 Swet land bldg., Portland. See advertisement in other part of this paper. MILLINERY SALESWOMEN. Experienced and nrst-class, wanted at once, also ALTERATION HANDS Who are experienced and do good work. Apply Immediately to OLDS. WORTMAX & KING. FOUR Al solicitors, who can furnish bond to work on big magasine clubbing offer promoted by S. P. Railway; free trans portation. See R. H. Maddan. 502 Swet land bldg., Portland. See advertisement In other part of this paper. ANY woman or girl who desires to retrieve the past and make a new beginning will receive a kindly welcome and practical as sistance by calling at 312 Oak St., room 16. Business confidential. L. G. B. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE, MAN and wife, wife must be good cook ; man to assist and take care lawn. Inquire mornings, 400 20th St., Portland Heights. WE secure positions fox our students; any system of shorthand; enter now. Business University, 68 3d st. Phone Main 4504. SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Flsk Teachers' Agency. 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410; res., M. 6425. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED By well-educated man, 80 years old, position as bookkeeper, storekeeper, of fice man, any position of trust; wages no object; must have work. A D 289, Ore gonian. AMBITIOUS young man of rood habits de sires position as assistant bookkeeper or similar position, u xt. uregonian. YOUNG- man with 3 years banking expe rience wishes clerical work. C 295, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man wants position In office; had experience; references; salary not object. 13 2S7, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ELECTRICAL construction foreman wants steady situation with electric light com pany or streetcar company, 10 years experience handling repair and construc tion work, best Eastern references ; would take charge of light plant and construction repair work In small town. Address Electrician, P. O. Box 626, Portland. Or. MAN and wife without children want a place to take care of large rooming-house or work in hotel ; wife Is a good Ger man cook and man can help In kitchen or do any work around the place. Inquire of H. Relnke, 83 Park at. North, Port land, Or. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work on ranch or country place ; not much experience, but quick to leam and willing worker; ' state wages. Address F 306, Oregonian. WANTED Position with private family; practical landscape gardener. coach man, all-around handy-man; city refer ences. W. M-, Hotel Rhelnpfalz, Portland. WANTED Young man wishes place to work for room and board while attending business college. Address W 28S, Ore gonlan. DRAUGHTSMAN 5 years' experience, wishes employment at anything where his experience would be of value. E 205, Ore gonian. GOOD compositor wants work on country paper; can set ads, some Job work, locals, steady, sober, reliable; state wages. Ad dress F 305, Oregonian. BUSINESS man. experienced, and with best references from local financiers. Is open for proposition less confining. 252 Stout st. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a situation doing housework or any kind work; can speak English. F 312. Oregonlan. JAPANESE strong boy wants position to do any kind of work in family or hotel; speaks good English. F 311, Oregonlan. RELIABLE collector will collect on com mission for any house or office. F 304, Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending college would like work for room and board. C Edgar, Main 6771. TOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. AD 229. Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese -wants situation as cook In family or boarding-house. H 304, Orego nlan. STEAM engineer wishes position; best of references. What have you? A. D. 26S, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes position as elevator operator, experienced. Address 104 North 7th st. JAPANESE wants position to cook or help anywhere. Harry Kawa. Phone East 31)80. JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework and help cook. 65 3d St., N. A JAPANESE boy wants a position houseworker. A 817. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants position to office clean ing two hours every night. Main 9361. COMPETENT Japanese cook wishes position in family. G 309. Oregonian. GOOD Japanese cook wants position in small family. A 814, Oregonian. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants posi tion in private family. A 313, Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment Co., A 4073. 268 Everett. . Main 4659, JAPANESE employment office. 249 Couch st. Main 6521, A 4358. YOUNG man 17 years of age would like to do family worn, eaii at ortn otn et. SITUATION, WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER of ability wants good position; experienced, rapid, accurate, ca pable. Excellent business woman; good appearance and education. A 306. Ore gonlan. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office. Main 4504. Tested and cert id ed. TOUNG lady wants position with real estate or insurance nrm. a oregonian. TOUNG LADY wishes position as office clerk or cashier; 4 years experience- 431 5th. Dressmakers. THE famous Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College Ladles, save dressmakers' bills, make your own gowns here. We teach Keister's drafting system. 306 Stearns big. IV exoerlenced dressmaker wants engage ments; work guaranteed; children's coats a specialty. X 2S9, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING Prices reasonable, work guaranteed. 290 Jefferson st. Phone A 44S2 Honsekeepera. WANTED Managing housekeeper's posi tion or matron small institution by thor oughly refined, middle-aged New England widow of experience and ability; Portland and Eastern references. Mrs. A. R-, 913 State st., Springfield, Mass. REFINED young woman wishes position as nouseeeprr iur luuid, bhiou i j oumu, club of gentlemen or manage rooming or apartment-house; best of references given. F 281, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for wid ower or UBCumui , winutau. a Oregonlan. Domestics. SCANDINAVIAN girl wishes work with pri vate family. Call 17 lotn si., xsorin., near Gllsan. MCiseellaneoaa. REFINED young woman wishes position lady or child; can teach German; best references. A 307, Oregonian. LESSONS given in millinery; also sell the most exclusive styles cheaper than oth ers on account of low rent; see my work. Room 27. 227 H Washington St. YOUNG Japanese girl wants position to do housework and help cook in smau ranxwy. A 815, Oregonlan. COOKING and laundry work by the day. Mala biws. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wasted on Pacific Coast to sell "O-Joy-O"; can make big money; no cap ital required. Get in and make a few dollars per day easy. Call Monday, S16 Alisky Bldg., or write. EXPERIENCED solicitor wanted for Bonn Till Western Monthly. 415 Marquam bldg. AGENTS WANTED Fine proposition: liberal commissions; Investigate. Room 19 Ains worth bldg., 3d and Oak sts. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED To rent bouses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, roomlng-houe. etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust . Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED November 1, by family 8 adults, 6 or 7-room furnished house or flat; de sirable locality ; references "furnished. Phone Main 5607. WANTED 2 or 8 nicely furnished house keeping rooms; must be modern; refer ences. J. W. Rowe, 82 Sixth st. WANTED to rent 6 or 7-room modern h-use. West Side preferred. Address N 203. Oregonian. HAVE you a house to rent? Place it on our list. Hartnian & Thompson, tnam- ber of Commerce. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FUIiNITURS. And anything else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 5655. A 4121, WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes: we also buy household furnishings. highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272, Paya the price" for second-hand furni ture. n;asx woo. a ioii. WANTED Rooming-houses. 10 to 25 rooms. Oldest established business chance firm in city. H. W. Garland at ua, 191 4tn st. WANTED A diamond; one or two karat stone. M 271, Oregonlan. CLOTHING Phono M. 186188 N. Sd. Highest price paid: prompt attention. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family Hotel. American or European plan. Only ten minutes walk from businei center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Car naasea botel every minute: very rea sonable rates; largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be founa anywnere. with every modern convenience; large. well-kept lawn. HAVE an elegant, large front suite, both outside rooms, furnished in mahogany; steam heat, electric lights, running water; will rent to right parties for $35; Is well wortn 4o: aiso some nice suite wun run ning water for $22.50 to $25: single rooms, $2.50 up per week. The Barton. 455 Alder. THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Ho tel. 330 Yamhill; new management: an ideal place to make your winter quar ters: new fireproof building, with mod ern conveniences, in heart of city; special rates to permanent guests. A. H. Praeht, frop. FOR RENT Elegant suite of rooms with piano, kitchen privilege; also one or two other rooms; most desirable private home on juomson, bet. loth and I7tn. For par ticulars phone in evening to E. A., Main HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones in an rooms. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts. has a few bachelor rooms ready for oc cupancy; these rooms are the handsomest furnished In the city and have every mod ern convenience; terms moderate; rent Degina uct. ist. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms. $2 per week up: steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per day. Open all night ; office and reading- room ground floor. 466-492 Washington st. THE GOODNOUGH. cor. 5th and Yamhill, opp. P. O.; room by day, week or month; elevator service, steam heat, etc.; singles and suites; 33 weekly up. Mrs. Allison A Snyder. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL First and Morrison: steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones a 4ue, juain 4oi. TWO nicely furnished front rooms In best residence district, board n aesirea ; free phone and. bath, suitable for two to four gentlemen. can n-ast 3-4. Hotel Bushmark. Wash, and 17th. flrst-cl furnished rooms, single or en suite; ail modern conveniences, $8 weekly up; dally. 75c up; special monthly rates. Main oH7. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also nouseKeeping; running water, private ana xree Datns; rates reasonaDie. racino avo. THE AUDITORIUM. 2084 8d at., home comforts, steam heat, free baths, water in rooms, permanent or transient, $3.50 up weeiciy. SPECIAL rates men. Modern residence, 6 minutes' walk Poatoince; rooms $6 month. 292 10th. $20 3 furnished rooms, gas, bath, phone. heat, use of kitchen if desired, walking distance. Phone Main dxvs. TWO neatly furnished rooms, steam heat, porcelain bath, free phone, private resi dence, $tt ana $io. azo lztn st. FRONT room, first floor, suitable for one or two persons; walking distance, close to carllne. 32 nth st. 268 H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every conven ience; gentJ-eraen only THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 & Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICELY furnished rooms In modern flat; gas, electricity, bath, phone; reasonable; suitable for gentlemen. 427 Clay st. Main 192o. ST. FRANCIS 34 North 8th st.. cor. Couch, beautifully furnished rooms, en suite or single; baths and heat; rates reasonable. ATTRACTIVE, comfortable room, adjoining bath, for buslmns man; private family; se lect neighborhood. 94 N. 16th. S87 12TH ST. Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite, light, heat, bath and use of phone. THE ALPHA, 269 Washington St., be tween 3d and 4th; nice clean rooms, elec tric lights; 50 cents up. LARGE, handsomely furnished front room In private home, all conveniences, central, references. 327 7th St. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for gentle men; centrally located. 246 6th st. Phone A 1196. TWO elegantly furnished front rooms; all modern conveniences; rates reasonable; both phones. 188 13th. LARGE, light, well-heated, bay-window rooms, residence district, walking distance. Main 3312, 361 luth. ONE nicely furnished room, suitable for 2 ladles employed during the day. 168 10th. FRONT room suitable for two. 1S6 5th st. cheap rent. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent by week or month. 95 llth at. NICE front room for two gentlemen, with board 54 N. 16th St. THE MAYFAIR New brick, very central. 203 Stark at., near Mb. Phone A 1782. NICELY furnished front rooms, light, bath and phone; reasonable, close in. 331 llth. WANTED 2 gentlemen to room together; modern improvements. 129 14th st. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th St.; steam-heated? rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk.. 50c to $1 per day. THE EL. WOOD Newly furnirhed; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient rooms. 848 Morrison. FURNISHED room for single man. 71 Kearney. Phone 5553. THE DORMER, 283 13th Beautiful rooms, steam heat, hot water, rates reasonable. NEAT room: kitchen privileges; one or two ladles. 469 South 6th st. FURNISHED rooms at 22T 7th at. Phons 5217 Main. FOR RENT. Furnish ed Room a. 834 YAMHILL ST. Attractive rooms, modern, finely fur n I shed. neat, clean; running water; splen did baths, homey, comfortable. Excel lently appointed dining-room. Table sup plied with best. Business people solicited. Rooms With Boar. THE GLKNDORA HOTEL, 13th and- Couch, room and board. $25 per month, larg grounds, hatha pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the nicest private boarding-houses in city; large, airy rooms, running water, beauti ful grounds, finely located for tourists, transient or permanent guests. A 5S43. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, with board; home cooking, desirable location, beautiful lawn. 181 llth st., cor. Yam hill. Main 5330, A 35S0. Also day board ers desired. PORTLAND Women Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewtng-room and li brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. BUa Raw lings, SupL, 610 Flanders st. LARGE front rooms, suitable for two, heat, bath, good board, private family: walking distance; rates reasonable. 454 Montgom ery st. LARGE airy rooms, modern convenience. hot and cold water; extensive grounds; excellent board. 617 Kearney at. Mala 8996. A 2618. NICE light room, with board, private fam ily; references required ; gentlemen only. 284 Park. Main 3202. FOR gentlemen appreciating good corking, two rooms near Multnomah Club, newly furnlsh-ed.; res. with view. - Main 4094. 41 ELLA ST. Front room, with board, suitable for 2, and one single room; home cooking ; terms reasonaols. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. LARGE room for 2; also single room with board; modern, walking distance, phone East 8909. LARGE) room for two; also single room, with board; modern convenience. 452 Morrison cor. 13th. THE CLAY Corner 2d and Clay, nicely fur nished, double rooms, with board, for two gentlemen, $5.50 per week; homelike. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oaark. 225 llth st. Apartments. THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison str. Is now ready to receive guests; a few only of those beautiful 4-room apartments left; everything first-class In every respect with every modern convenience at moderate terms; rent begins Oct. 1st. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence apartments, each having private vesti bule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerators, window shades and screens, telephone and jani tor service. Apply janitor. 18th and Couch. W- L. MORGAN, 822 Failing bldg., just completed at 21st and Kearney; most beautifully finished 4 and 5 rooms, steam heated apartments; splendid location; ex cellently equipped; reasonable rent; also 627 Everett, 6 rooms, same equipment. CINCINNATI COURT. 5-room steam-heated apartment; gas range, shades, Janitor serv ice; reasonable rent; walking distance. 401 10th st., flat E. THE WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS Fur nished apartments, single room and suite of four; every convenience and comfort. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders; beautiful 5-room unfurnished apartment; steam heat, etc. FURNISHED apartments. 4 rooms; new, up-to-date. Apply at The Westminster, 6th and Madison. THB DAYTON, 060 Flanders, elegant 6-room apartment; steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, ate BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent, 12th and Columbia, . "The Biaintree." 6 AND 7-room heated apartments, with every modern convenience. 715 Johnson. A 1678. Flat. $47fj Elegant solid oak furniture of modern 5-room flat, completely furnished and used only two months; electricity, can and wood range, handsome ruge, draperies, eto.. Including rent already paid till July, 1009. Main 8277 or A 2384. $30 MODERN 6-room upper flat; excellent location; 126 18th st., N., between Gllsan and Flanders. Newly painted and tinted. ee Donald Woodward. 104 2d at. ' Mala 1436. FOR RENT Extra well furnished 8-room apartments, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service; 20 minutes' walk to Postoff ice ; reference. Adults; $25. 409 East Burnside. MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 8d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. THOROUGHLY modem 4-room flat, walk ing distance, 15. Mrs. A. Larry, room 60 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6169. CHERRY COURT Two 4-room flats left ; new. walking die-tance. Phone C 1995 even ings. 255 Cherry st. 6-ROOM flat, close In. desirable locality; bath, wash trays, tinting and electrio fixtures. East 1S98. STRICTLY modern 4-room flats walking dis tance. West Side, cheap. Call forenoon and evening. Main 6083. MODERN 5-room lower and 6-room upper flats, Marshall, near 16th; rent $25. Wake field. Fries & Co., 229 Stark st. CORNER fine 5-room fiat, furnace, fireplace and fine neighborhood. 813 Commercial bldg. 653 TAYLOR Lower corner flat, oak floors, gas and electric lights; rent $30. Key Graves Music Store, 111 4th st. 2 6-ROOM and 1 6-room pleasant flats on Stout at., near Madison; $18, $20. $22. In quire 260 Stout st. Phone Main 5853. MODERN 6-room flat. South Portland; every convenience; flno view, good neighborhood; on S carllne. Phone Main 3060. TWO and four-room steam-heated, furnished and unfurnished apartments, modern, ex clusive. Cottell Drug Co., 1st and Sherman. 6-ROOM flat, thoroughly modern, close In, choice neighborhood; reasonable. M. S. Rentery. Stearns bldg ELEGANT new 5-room flat, gas and elec tric lights. 714 East Main. Key upstairs. NEW, modern 5-room flat, $15. 126 Gaines st. Main 6816. 2 NEW 6-room flats. 6th between Hall and College, inquire 4zs bixtn st. FOR RENT 6-room upper flat; carpets can; be bought. i n. lotn. pnone a ooou. FOR RENT Modern 6-room lower flat, rent $0. inquire at 65 w est 1'arK st. JUST completed 5-room flat, large porch. 473 Park st. Key at 468 Park; MODERN 4-room flat, modern conveniences. l per niuitiu. ... - TO RENT Modern 5-room new flats cor. Ev Couch and tn. app FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat, No. 5 East li tn. 4-ROOM completely furnished flat. Phone A 4030. NEW, modern 5-room flat, $15. 126 Gaines st. Main w5io. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE front room, with kitchen; furnished for houseKeeping, irwu w , w uimuiw walk. 3o 7th. TWO and thnae nice modern furnished housekeeping rooms; cumcmeui, whikiub distance. 4u3 Second. THE upstairs of 2C8 Mill st. for rent furn ished lor nouseKccpiuB. -ROOM well furnished housekeeping suit. 8i5 Salmon St., cor. 10th. 2 OR 8 unfurnished housekeeping rooms; gas. bath and phone. twa water, earner aaeaae. THB ELMS Furnished housekeeping and single rooms; transient, iui 14m sl. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, phone and sin k, ii. od n $12 rooms, furnished; gas plate, steel range. 62 7th st. Main 4529. TWO front rooms completely furnished for housekeeping. 214 utn st. TWO basement rooms, $10 per month. Call slain boMi or - oiu. A