1 21 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1908. WALNUTGROPLARfaE California Output Estimated at 9000 Tons. WAS 7400 LAST YEAR A.-Mochulons Adopt New Method ol Cleansing the Nuts by Electricity. Trading Very Slow In the Local Grain. Market. Itnort nnlvM from th Southern Cali fornia wlnut Association as well th sttmatra mad on th quantity oat!d of that controlled by It. how. according to Ban rranel-aro artYlce. th maximum eatlmat of thla iera crop aa WX ton aislnat ToO ton hHpl laat year. Cropa. while larger, will haT a much bticaer proportion of No. 2a. Tr quantity of Brat arade will b llttlo mora than Iik year, owing to tha bia ezceaa of aaconc. Moat of tha aaaoclatlona hava adopted tha aw method of claanaiiia; tha nut that la, bleachmi thara by electricity. A weak aolu tlon of aalt and water la uaed and thla la thoroughly charged with aleetrlclty. with the result ttat a: duM and dirt are removed and tha walnuta. hava a bright, clean, na tural appearance. New machinery baa been Inatalled. ao that the food can bo promptly bandied, and with ample faellltloa and Im proved methods. It la believed that tha beat crop ever haxveated In California will be turned out thia year. In ita rerort on tha recent meeting of the California Walnut Association, at which prl-ea ma'le on the lus crop, tha Cali fornia Kmlt Grower aa: 1-aat year the shipment of walnut from Calitornla aaarraattd 7 ton ao that with the estimated crop of thla year there will b an Increase of 2U per cent In the lower grades and ft l-r cent on the N". la. I-ast year Importation of foreign wainuta to the Lnlted dates mere about ilouble the tonnage pro duced In California. A telegram waa received and read at the meeting from the Treasury iMoartmint at Waahlngton giving tha figure In bonded warehouee. la tha United Statce. which were practically the game aa on a eorreapondlng date a year ago. The conaular reporta received and read Indicated a very light crop of Olrenoblea. with an Increased quantity of Marbote and Cornea. TIEAEKB rEF.IJXO IX OATS MARKET. Paa Franrlac) Price Pepi eaar d by laurgw lleeelpta. Fan Francisco advlcea wera of a much weaker tone In tha oata market, du to heavy arrlvala from thla atate. Aa the local firm neaa baa been the result of the atrengtb and atror demand from tha South, tha change In condktiona naturally weaken tha feeling bera. At the Board of Trade, however, prices were quoted ateady. No deala were cloaed, there being a difference of 2V cent In tha vlewa of buyera and eellera In barley and 3 to a centa In oata. The range of futures waa (F. o. b. warehouse WHEAT. Open. High. rvt . ( .-',A Nov ei"a .- W A Dec. - 1 OAT8. Oct 1 "24 1 M'A Nov. l.M 1M A BAKI-EV. Oct 1 2H 1 S A Nov 1 3" 1. :124a rac i.a;4 1.33 a .l B Itecelpta for tha week to date: ars care. care. ska. cara loi 11 1.1 l'- 1 Ml IS 12 S"0 8 M 1 8 1 112 S U X T TVedneaday FOH.EIOW HOP MARKETS DC1.U But Klabee. Waif at Netter Co-tlnne ta Hug la tha Morthweat. Foreign hop market conditions are moat unaat lf actory. A cablegram received yea terday by Klaber. IVolf aV Netter aald: "lndon market continue very quiet. Slanhelm market contlnuea very quiet. Nu remberg market dull and declining." Klaber. Woif V Netter In the paat two daya bare bought BOO bale In Oregon at 7 and Tti centa Herman Klaber Co.. of Ta eoma. bought the Holl lot of 0 bale at Ta coma at centa and 110 balea from Henrlot Y Cbaae. of Chehalla. at S4 centa A San rranclavo wlra reported scarcely anything doing In tha California market. Clem Uorat left for San Francleco laat sight. Ilia vuat to Oregon waa entirely on account of bla fcop-plcklng machine. Advlcea from Kngland reported net Import a Into Great Britain from September 1. 107. to Auguet 81. 190S. of 2ST.2TS cat., aa agalnat M1.1M cwt. and 1T2.SU cwt. during tha two previous years. CRATES SCARCER AND JTKM. But a Good Supply la Promlaed Today. Man I'racaei Arrival Grapes were ecarce on Front etreet and very firm. Muacata aold up to 11.10 and Tokaya at II 25. There will b plenty today, however, aa two cara arrived laat night, one of maUgaa and Comlchona and on of Mua 'cata, Tokaya and Rose ol Peru. Two mora cara are In tran.lt. There wcr liberal expreaa receipt of peachee, moatly halwayi. and the market waa rot aa firm as on Wednesday. Salea were made at 6vj.0 centa with a few extra large lwllea peaches bringing 90 cental A shipment of pomegranalee was received and offered at fl.;.X2 per box. Plneapplea war plentiful at 2ti2.50 per doien. Among tha carlot reoelpt were A car each of orange and aweet potacuea Receipt of Produce, rrluce receii'te rep-rted by the Board of Trade; 24 boxea aprlea, 12 encke apple, ft cratea berrlea, 4 crates cabbaKv. 67 bar re' cranberries. 41 rxee clams. 7 cratea crawfish 14 Dose craba, 8 barrela crab. 7 cratea celery. 173 boses cheese. 61:10 gallor.a cream. 11 ea.'ka chlttajn bark. 27 cratea eag plant. S8 b.ea fruit. 117 boxee Bsh. 1111 bAlea boia l- cratea grapea, fr baekelg graiee. lo eecka gra;e root, 3 caeea honey. 2rt aa.-ka lenti'a 2 cara meal. 1 car orangea. 2 b'at.-a orange, lo aacka orlotia 6 aacks oatrrs. M b..a a pcara, 2 boae prunes, a b-'iaea peppers. UH c.a'S pea-h.-a, ll sticks potatce. 24 cratra tomat'e. 1 crate to toati cratea rt ubarb. 3S racks veglab'.ee. 7Jt biiaee) butter. 171 caata eRtfa. 71 hoga. li4 veal 4 mutton. 1.1H cvpa ci;h'kera, 6 crate ducks. 2 coops geete. 1 coop aquaaa roaltry Price shaded. There were large receipts of poultry yester day and aa the demand waa not aa good as It might hav been It waa necessary to shaa frrr In order to prevent an accumulation. A cleanup quotation of 12 4 cents was ma.le n bena and aorlrga. Fksa, both Oregon and Eaatern, war very !rm. There were no new development la tna butter or chetwe markets. Bans. Clearings. Clearlnre of the Northwestern cities ve tenlay were aa Xollowa: Clearlnga. Palancea. Port'ana H "I Seattle 1.37 7S 2S4 937 S.kar.e . l.QOD.Mu 139.2.. POItrLVNn MARKJTTS. (.rain, flour. Feed. Etsv Tt'H KAT rluetem. 9c; club. Sc; tjfw. gc; r,d Ruaalan, etk-; 40-foid. 91c; Val lev. B-V k.tnuiT-Feed. f2 rr ,ton; rollad. 1:1 3' c : W; brewii.. jh.ow OATS No. 1 white, .llii.l.W per too: gray, ij :io ;,o. FLiit B Patent $4 70 per barrel : atraiihta. 3 .l; export S 7": Valley. 14 4.1: V,-aa. k graham. 4 40. wb Jla a heat. 14 i; MILLS rt'FFS Bran. $. V) per ton: mld d'lnsa -3: ahorta. country, fal; city. J0; L niiM chop. $2S ., HAT Tin-mUt. Willamette alley. 114 r-ee ton: Willamette Valley, ordinary. Ill: Faatern Oreg n. 1V; mixed. ll; clovac j. alfalfa, til: a.ra.ta meal. l Vegetable aa Trail. rxESH FRLIT Apple, aew, 0c 9 11 M per box: peachea. SO90c pr box: Pears. ! K-ft1.2S fer box; plums. 60cbfl.n0 per box; mim Jiicbtl 25 per crate: Concorde, J"V ?747pr baekit; huckleberne WlOo lb : SuHct" l-2i per, box; cranbexna 10 per barrel; t-rures. 2c perlb. ...,,. TROPICAL FRUITS Orangea. alencla, ) .o-M SO per box: Imona. Sn'y 4.5tJ. par box: cholc. 3.er4 l-K MndJl I7 per box; grapefruit. 4.4.7S r box: baninaa. 51,4; per pound; pomegranates. tl.752 per box: pineapples. X 2 1 2 .10 per doxen. POTATOES Buying prlca, 098o pr hundred; aweet potatoes, 2o per pound. MELONS Cantaloupe. $lf 1.50 per crate; watermelons, . if lc per pound; caa abaa. gl70to2 per dozen. ONIONS California, $1-23 per aack. BOOT VKiiETABLEP Turnips, fl.25 per ack: carroaa, bic; parsnips. 1.25; beets. "CeGETABLES Artichokes, 3o per dog ; beans. 5-illoc per pound; cabbage. 2tj2Vic per pound " cauliflower. 5oc'otl--5 d.,zen; celery, 75o tuv'K: per dozen: corn. cil-15 per aack: cu cumbers lMiltne per dozen: egg plant, tl 25 per crate; lettuce. Toe 6 11 par box; parslev. 15c per doien; peas, tic per pound; pepper, btrluc per pound: pumpkins, 1&14C per pound: radiahea. 124c per doxen; splnsch. 2c per pound; sprouts, 9c per pound: exjuash. 14c par pound; tomatoes. 60c 81- Provision. BaCON Fancy. 23c per pound; etandard. l4c; choice. 184c: Engllan, n 9 lilac; "iStir SALT CURED Regular abort clear, dry salt, 124c: smoked, l4c: short clear backs, heavy, dry aalted. 124c; smoked. 134c; Oregon exports, bellies, dry salt. 14c; "h "odS-dO to IS lb., 17c; 14 to 1 Ra. 18 4c 18 to 20 lbs.. 10c; hams, skinned. 184c; picnics. 104c; cottage roll. 12o; shoulders, 12c; bolied ham. 23c; boiled plc- "'laRD Kettle rendered: Tierce. 144e; tub. 144c; 60s. 144c; 20a. 144c; 10s. lfac; Bs. 154c: 3s, 154c. Standard pure: Tiercea, 124c- tuba ltc; 50s, VJc: 20s, 134c; 10s, I.l4c: Ha. 134c: as. 13c. Compounds: Tierces. bHc; tubs, &c; 00s. 84c; SOS, 84o; los. 4c: 5s. 94c. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongue, each. 70c; dried beef sets. 16c: dried beef ontsldes. loc: dried beet Insldes. ISc; dried beef knuckle. 18c PICKLED GOODS Barrela: Plg" feet. $13: regular tripe. 110: honeycomb trio. 112: plgr tongues. S19.50: Igmbs tongues, MF.SS MEATS Beef, specials. 13 per barrel; plate, (14 per barrel: family. 114 per barrel: pork. 121 per barrel; brisket. $23 per barrel; S P. beef tongues, $20; plf snouts, $12 50; pig ears. $12.50. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extra. 32 4 9 84c; fancy outside creamery. 300324c per pound; store. Inc. EtMJS Oregon extnus. 81f324c: firsts, 27 ( ceconds. 23 6 20c; Eaatern. 25 0 2V per dosen. . POULTRY Hens. 124c per pound; Bprlng, 124c; ducks, old, 123124c; Spring, 14916c; geese, old, Dr; young, 10.11c; turkeys, old. 171Sc; young. 20c. CHKE?E Fancy cream twins, 144ftl5c per pound: full cream triplets. H415c; full crenm Young America. 154M6c. VEAL Extra, 9o per pound; ordinary, 19 74c; heavy, 6c. pork Fancy, 8 4o per lb.: ordinary, 6c; large. 5c, Croeerlea, Dried Fruits, Eta. DRIED FRUITS Applea. 7 4c per pound; reaches. Illx4c; prunes, Italians, 69 w.c- prunes. French. 3 3c; currants, un wsnbed. caaes. 9 4c; curranta. waahed, cases, loc; Bgs. white, fancy, 50-pound boxes. "trOFFEE Mochs. 242Sc: Java, ordin ary l7J20c; Cota Rica, fancy. 1820o; good KlalSc; ordinary, 12'll'.c per pound; Columbia Roast, ltc; Arbuckle, $14.50; Lion. 915.75. . . . RICE Southern Japan. 6c; head, 8c, Imperial Japan. 84c. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails; $ pr dosen; 2-pound tails. $2.05: 1-pound flata, $2 10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 95c; red. 1-pound talis, $1.45; sockeyes, 1-pound '"sugar Cranulated. $ 13: extra 0. $5 51: golden C. $3.4.1; fruit and berry augar, $8.05; plain bag. $0.30: beet granulated, $5-S5; cube (barrels), $8.45; powdered (barrel). $5 S3. Terms: On remittances within 13 dsys deduct 4c per pound; If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct 40 per pound. Maple sugar. 1.1ylSc per pound. NUTS Walnuts. Iu4lc per pound by sack; Bravll nuta. 18c; nlberta. 18c; pecana, 1lc almonda. 184tf18c; chestnuts. Ohio, loc- peanuts, raw. 04-84c per pound; roaated. 10c; plnenula. 10 12c: hickory nuts. lOc; cocoanuta. 90c per doxen. SALT Granulated. $14.50 per ton. $1 per bale; half ground. 100s, $10 per ton; 60s, $10 .10 per ton. BEANS Small white. 5e; large white, 84c; pink. 4 4c; bayou. 4c; Lima. 0c; Mexi can red. 4c. HONEY Fancy. $3. Ml per bog. CKKEAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90 pound sacka. per barrel. $7: lower grades. $5. .108 ;: oatmeal, steel-cuf, 45-pound sucks, $H per barrel; 9-lb. sacks. $4.25 per bale; splltpesa. per 104) pounds. $4,259 ( M: pesrl barley. J .VI IT 3 per 10O lbs.; Sastry flour.- 10-pound sacks, $2.73 per bal; aked wheat, $2.75 per case. Coal Oil. Unseed OU. Etc REFINED OILS Water white. Iron bar rels. 104c; wood barrela. 144c. Pearl olL casea, 18c; bead light. Iron barrels, 124c; cases, 194c; wood barrels. 184c Eocene, caeee. 2I Special W. W., Iron barrela, 14c; wood barrela, lac Elaine, cases. 28c; extra tar, casea 2lc. GASOLINE V. M and P. naptha. Iron barrela 124c; case. 194c Red Crown gasoline. Iron barrela. l4c; casea, S'J4c; motor gaeoiine. Iron barrels. 164c; cases. 23 4c; SO gaavlin. Iron barrela. 30c: caaea, 87 4c: No. 1 engine distillate. Iron barrels, 8c: caea. 10c. L.IN8EED Olt, Raw, barrel. 62c; boiled, barrela, 65c; raw, caaes, 6ec; boiled, caaea, 6UC Hop. Wool. Hide. Etc HOPS Oregon. 190S. 77 4c per pound; 1907. 2 4t 4c; 1IKI6. lli(Slc. WOOL Eaatern Oregon, average best, 10 tl84c per pound, according to shrinkage; Vslley. 1.1tflS4e. MOHAIR Choice. 1817 194o per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 14 013c pound dry kip No. 1, l:tc pound: dry calfskins 160 pound: salted bides. 7tSc pound: salted ca.fsklns. 12tfl3c pound; green, lo less. FURS No. 1 skins: Bear skins, a to Ixe. No. 1. each, to '110; cuns, each, $19 8; badger, prime, each. 23 050c; cat, wild, with head perfect, 80&5OC; houae. 8t920c; fox, common gray, large prime, each. 40 d 60c; red. each. $385: cross, each, $.1fyl3; silver and black, each. $100e:ioo; Ushers, each. $3tfS; lynx. each. $4.5t66; mink, strictly No. 1. each, according to six. $1 9 3; marten, dark northern, according to slxe and color, each. $10w15: marten, pale, ac cording to slse and color, each, $2.5094; muskrat, iarge, each. 12913c; skunk, each. 804 40c; civet or polecat, each. 5tf 15c; otter, tor large, prime akin. each. $6910: panther, with bead and claw perfect, each. $293; raccoon, for prime large, each. 50975c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $2 5095: prairies (coyote), 60c6$1.10; wolverine, ea-h. $S9S. CASCARA BARK Small lota, 6c; car Iota, 6c per pound. Fresh rth and Shell Flab, FISH Halibut. 7o lb.; black cod.' 798c; black base. 2oc; trlped baes, 18c; herring, 84c; flounder. 6c: catfish. 11c; shrimp. 32 4c; perch, 7c; sturgeon. 124c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod. 10c; salmon. 67c OYSTrJRS Shoalwater bay. per gallon, $2.26; per sack. $4.60: Toke Point, $1.60 per loo; Olymptaa (120 lba.). $6; Olymplaa, per gallon. $2.23. CLAM S Little neck, per box. $2.80; raaor dams, $2 per box. Eastern Minlnc Stock a. . BOSTON. Oct. 1. Closing quotations: Adventure .. 8.00 IParrot 2.150 AliOues 6.1.1H3 iQuincy ...... IHJ Amalgamated 74 37 4 Shannon 14 so 00 00 23 30 SO 0O 23 50 00 37 4 12 4 .10 00 Atlantic .... 17. .10 lama.-acg Bingham . . . .3.1 Cal at Heela.6'000 Centennial . . 32.50 Copper Range 73. .10 Dalv West... 9 00 Trinity 19 lUnlted Copper 11 I. S. Mining. . 33 ll- d ,-M IrtnH 43 Franklin 12 25 I Victoria .... I ll'mnn. Graubv S 00 Is' Royale. Xla.a Xdnlne 22 50 (Wolverine .. .140 . 81. 1.1 71 'North Butte. Michigan l.nai IHutte coal., INevada Cal & Ariz.. I Arts Com. . . IGreen Can.. Mohawk 60.SB Mont C r .43 t:d Dominion 41. 50 Oeceola 107.00 . 15 .114 10.25 j NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Closing quotations: Alice ......... .o- iL.eau.vme o a . . . o Breece 3 jl.lttie Chief 8 Brunselck Con. 6 Mexicsn 70 Com Tun stock. 2'. iontarlo S."0 do bonda 17 lOpnlr 163 . C ex Vi 81 small Hope.... 11 Horn Silver.... 00 'Standard ...'....173 Iron Sliver 90 ! Yellow Jacket... 43 Coffee and Sngar. NE-W YORK. Oct, 1. Th coffe future market clcejed seeadr. net unchanged to five point higher. Sale were reported of 14.000 bags. Including October and November at .8iie; December. 6 60tS5.3c: May and July. 6 6"C. A private caMe from Lond.n aald that Bra silian bond wr flat on rumor that ne gotiation for tb Sa Paulo loan bad been discontinued. S;ot coffe steady. No. 7 Rio 6)o: No. 4 Santo. 84c; mild coffe dull; Cordova, 94 s124- Sugar Raw quiet: fair refining. 8.48c; cen trifugal 96 teat, 8.9c; molasee ugar. IBc Refined quiet: crushed, 4 90c; powdered, S 30c; granulated. 5.2tv. Wool at St. Looi. FT LOUIS. Oct. 1. Wool Unchanged: territory and We. Tern medium. 1 7 1 -' c ; one mediums. 13017c; Sn. 12 914c WAIT FOR 'ELECTION Stock Speculators Postpone Large Operations. MARKET IS VERY DULL Reports of Gross Railway Earnings Begin to Show Marked Im provement Call Money Continues Firm. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. A' further hrtnk ge continued today In the volume of busi ness transacted at th 8tock Exchange. Th almost stagnant condition of the mar ket I attributed to th purpose rm th part of larg financial Interest to await the cut oome of tb election 1 efor entering on committment. While thl would Indicate a neglected market for over a month to come. It seldom happens that such absolute dullness as that of today la prolonged for such a period. That th market awaits a new Initiative after the progressive settle ment into It present stagnation ! evident. Incidents of anr Interest or Importance were scare today. Call money continued to rule somewhat firmer than of late, as Is not unusual In New York following a periodical financial settlement In contrast with th almost Immedlat response on foreign money to the passing of the settle ment day. Thus discounts were marked doan today In Berlin and Paris and In Lon don the easing tendency yesterday even anticipated the October 1 date. In addition to the regular quarterly pay ment the New Tork market had to finance a 811.625.000 Installment of subscriptions for Northern Pacific stock. Th Interior also continues to make requirements on New York for currency. Shipments are being made by express and interior banks also draw on their correspondent for pay ing obligations to the Government, a Indi cated by the gain of $4,102,000 made by the ubtreaury from th bank since last Fr:day. Reports of railroad net earnings for Aug ust, while showing effective economies in operating expenses, left large margin of net decreaacs still to be overcome. In the reporta of groa earnings of railroads for a later period there begins to appear marked Improvement In comparison with last year. Not only Is the growth of earn ings this year over earlier montha at work In the comparison, but als the poorer traf fic of last year, which began to develop as affairs approached the October crisis. In the absence of news development there was a disposition to fall back, on rumors In the attempt to move prices. Those affecting th supposed Harrlman intentions toward the Uould group were heard again today. The Union PacHlo Se curities Company project was also dis cussed again. These proved but feeble fac tor In th market, which was almost motionless throughout most of tbe ses sion. Bonds were steady. Total sales par value. $2,984,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Sid Amal Copper . . . Am Car 4t Foun 1,000 744 74 H 3S4 200 394 39 do preferred 114 Am Cotton Oil... 1.000 354 m 354 Am Hd A Lt pt.. 600 ' 25 800 28 24 244 Am lc securl,. Am Linseed Oil.. .. Am Locomotive. . . 25 284 10 700 48 S 45 1i do n referred Am Smelt Ref. 7,700 84t 83 M do preferred ... 3O0 J02: I0i1 ii'a Am Sugar Ref 128 Am Tobacco pf... 1O0 94 94 93 Am Woolen 23 Anaconda Mln Co. 600 444 44 4 44 Atchison 8W 87 874 do preferred . Atl Coast Lin.. 100 87 874 8S4 Bait A Ohio 4,"0 .984 74 984 do preferred ... 100 nv, eoi, bo rook Rap Tran. 200 474 "4 ' Brook Rao Canadian Pacific. 2.00O lilit 1.6)1 JiO'fl Central Leather .. 6.000 25 244 2H do preferred ... Central of N J.... Chea A Ohio Chicago Gt West.. Chicago lc N W.. C. M A 6t Paul.. C. C. C St L. , Colo Fuel tt Iron Colo A Southern.. do 1st preferred. do 2d Dref erred . 600 197 196 8U0 404 40 196 ti 74- 1584 .I00 134 1334 1331 o--1 00 84, 34, 34 4 OO SO fc. iW-i 39 4 66 8O0 66 2O0 684 684 68 Consolidated Ga.. 10,6o0 60O 147 4 1454 H"4 174 Corn Product . . Del & Hudson... V A R Grande. . 10O 274 274 do preferred loo 67 68 Dimmers' Securl.. 1.200 814 J04 304 rl S.700 29T4 234 294 CO 1st prererrea. n1" " '- do 2d preferred. l'K 34 4 J4 -H4 General Electric woo 101 10, , 137 Gt Northern pf... 1,400 1304 1294 1304 Gt Northern Ore.. 100 5.4 5.4 57 Illinois Central .. 100 1SS 138 1 374 Interborough Met. l.Soo 104 104 10s n,Ae-rPH . . 21m SOU 20U, 81 1 II L riper ....... do preferred . Int Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern.... do preferred . . . Louis A Nashville J.OOU OTH 073 l.&OO OOW 4. 2.800 244 23 48 24 18 274 61 134 Minn A- St Loui 100 .284 284 284 M St P S S M. 600 124 4 123 4 123-t Missouri Pacific. 700 63 4 62 '4 62 Mo. Kan Texas SoO 304 304 f An. nrafarrsvl National Lead ... S.90O 834 24 84 N T Central 100 1034 1034 103 N T, Ont & West 40 Norfolk v eat North American 100 714" 7154 71 i 61 4 Northern Pacific. 1,700 1S64 W54 1384 Pacific Mall .. Penneylvanla People's Gas .... P C C aV St L.. Pressed Steel Car Pullman Pal Car. 1,300 122 4 121"4 122 100 93 95 91 74 , 31 IBS 38 Ry Steel Bprlng 43;700 129U 1274 230 21 4 214 ""Mo "i4 194 12.400 42 4d4 3 200 29 2S 100 164 164 '. is.soo io24 1014 300 11S US 600 214 204 " t.UlO 4H4 "474 "s'.ioo 'i4 04 B6.000 -6194 1584 iV.BOO "4n4 4 1.400 109 10I 800 414 ' 414 4.100 814 334 ""ioo 24 bni BOO 72 71 4 Republic T3 preferred ock l!ana t do prefererd 284 16 44 4 604 do preferred Slose-Sheffleld Southern Railway. do preferred . . . Tenn Copper Texa . Pacific. Tol. St L West. do preferred . . . Union Pacific ... do preferred . . . TJ S Rubber do 1st preferred. V S Steel 864 29 994 do preferred Wabash ,1 ,-. neef erred 110 124 26 72 60 8 Wertlr.ghouiw Elec W estern t.nion .. Wheel L Erie Total salea for tb day. 155.700 ahare. BONDS. NEW TORK. Oct. 1 Clolr.g quotations: tr S ref Ss reg.l034'N T C O 34.. 824 do' coupon 104 INorth Pacific Ss. 73 TJ 3. 3s reg ...1004'North Pacific 4s. 1014 do coupon 101 ISouth Pacific 4s. 914 U 8 new 4s reg.121 IVnlon pacific 4a. 1024 do coupon 122 I Wlscon Cent 4s. . Son Atchison sdj 4s. 0..4'Japanes 4s 8O4 D a. R O 4s... 9241 Stock a Loo do a. LONDON. Oct. 1. Consol for 81 11-18; do for account, 85 13-16. ao.cnnda ... 9.874'N. T. Central money. 106.50 Atchison 90 124Nortlk We 74.30 83.00 41.00 62.75 7.374 6S.87 4 21.624 63.50 do pref o. so Palt A- Ohio. 1O0 75 Can Pacific. .1S2 28 dies A Ohio. 41.75 Chi Grt West 7 oO C. M. S. P. 137.50 De Beers.... 13 75 D A R G 225 do pref 75 Erie 30.50 do let pf . . 44.00 A a I nf s.ioo do nref. lOnt et West.. (Pennsylvania. Rand Mines.. I Reading . . . . ISouthern Ry. . I do pref. . 'Soutn pacino. souin Union do ; U. 8. 103 12 4 163 50 90 00 46.50 11.73 13 00 27.00 93 00 76.50 lion Pacific. pref. . !. Steel... do pref c.n' Trunk 22 874TWabash 1111 Central. .141 50 I do pref I. N 108 OO Spanish 4s.., Mo. K T.. 31.374 Amal Copper Money, Exchange. Etc NEW TORK. Oct. 1. Money on call steady at 14ffl4 per cent: ruling rate, 14 per cent: closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 1, per cent. Time loan very dull and easy; 60 days, 24 , - da rlBv 8 ner cent; six months. 84 per cent: prime mercantile paper, 448 44 per cent Sterling exchange, steady, with actual buel ne In banker bills at $4.854.8510 for 60 day "bill and at $4.8630 for demand. Com mercial bills, $4.84464.844. Bar silver. 61ic. Mexican dollars. 45c. Government and railroad bonds, steady. LONDON. Oct. 1. Bar silver, quiet at 23 lS-16d per ounce. Money. 14 per cent. The rate of discount In th open market for short bill ke 14 Per cent, for three month bill. 14 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Silver bans. sis Mexican autiaro. nou,u,&i. Drafts Sight, 10c; telegraph. 124c. Sterling. 60 dajw. $4,854; eight, $4,864. Daily Treasury Stateme-nt- WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. Today' state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, show!. : Available cash balance 1I?'"?S'Ai Gold coin and bullion ?-,' S'2 ?o? Gold certificates . . SS.3i8.lo;) &0UB PATENTS HIGHER SEATTLE MILLERS QUOTE A 10 CEXT ADVAXCE. Washington Creamery Butter Raised to the Portland PriceEggs Lifted to 4S Cents. SEATTLE. Oct. 1. (Special.) Miller advanced patent flour 10 cents a barrel to day and are now asking $4.70 a a bas "Washington creamery butter was today advanced to 34c. The market Is strong at the advance. Higher prices in the East have caused a notlceablly firmer tone oa Eastern butter here. Eggs sold as high as 43c today, although the general price was 41 and 42c Poultry was very active. Receipt were heavier. Prices were unchanged. Tomatoes are scarce. Good stock sold at 70c. . The market is flooded with cheap peaches, selling as low as S5e. Poor cantaloupes are also too much In evidence. The demand for grapes Is Improving. Tokays meet with popular favor and are Belling at $1. Wheat showed no advance at the clos. Butter Price Advance. TACOMA, Oct, 1. (Special.) Activity In dairy products markea the market today, butter prices taking an advance of 2 cents, the lobbing price for Washington creamery being- quoted at 8435c. the latter for fancy brands. Oregon butter Is quoted at 33 cents, -while Iowa and Minnesota products are selling at 29 centa Eggs ar scarce and 2. cents higher. QUOTATIONS AT SAM FRANCISCO. Price Paid for Produce la th Bay City Markets. - " SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 1. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar ket today: Millstuffa Bran. $:9.5031.50; middling. 3VegabiesCucumbers. SOc0$1.25; garlio, 6ffr7c areen peas. 4&5c; string beans. J S4c-omatoe.V50c: eggplant. 4050c. Butter Fancy creamery. 31c; creamery seconds. 274c; fancy dairy. 224c; dairy ec- ""heese-New. 11 4 124c; Toung Amer ica. 12124c. . Eggs Store. 38c: fancy ranch. 414c. Poultry Turkey gobblers. 2224c: hens. 22fe24c; roosters, old. $3 50 4.50; roost-rs. young. $5.507.50; broilers, small. $3S3.50: broilfrs. large. $S.504; fryers. $4.505.50; hens, $49; ducks, old. $45; young $68. Wool Spring, Humboldt and Mendocino 1518c: Mountain. 8c: Sout'q plains and San Joaquin. 7 9c: Nevada. 90 12c. Hay Wheat. $1520: wheat and oata, $14H8; alfalfa. $11013 50; atock. $9,509 12: straw, per bale, G0665c. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks. $1.23L0; 'Fruits Apples?" choice, $1.15; common. 40c- bananas, tiff 3; Mexican limes. 4y 6; California lemons. choice. $3; common, $1; pineapples, $263. Receipts Flour. 5526 quarter sacks: wheat. 1420 centals; barley, 3725 centals: oats. 1150 cental: bean. 6461 sacks: potatoes, 340 sacks: bran, 190 sack; middling. 70 aack; hay, 229 ton; wool, 8 balea; hides, 733. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MAKKET, price Current Locally on Cattle. 6heep and Hog. - Condition were unchanged In the live stock market. Receipts were large, but aa has been the case for some time past, the greater proportion of the stock was of Inferior grade. There waa a JHdm,n1,J for the best offering In all lines, but there was so much joor stock on hand that It made the tone of the market weak. Receipts for the day were 520 cattle. TOO sheep, 840 hogs. 100 lambs and .0 calves. The following prices were current on live stock in the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, $44.25; medi'tm, t3 25tr3.no: common, $33.25: cows, best, $2.75f3.25; medium. $2.252.50; calves, 3SHEEP Best wethers. $3.50; mixed. $3: ewes, $2.502.75: lambs, best untrlmmed, $4; trimmed. $3.503.75. ' HOGS Best, $77.25; medium. $3.78 3 6. feeders, not wanted. . Eastern Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. ' Oct, 1. Cattle Re ceipts. 500: market. steady. Western steers. $3.5005.60; Texas steer. $34.50; range cows and heifers, $2.504: canners. $29 2.80; stockers and feeders, $2-754.85: calves. $2.76e5.55; bulls and stags. $2.25 6 3.15. Koga Receipt. 4100: market steady to easier. Heavy. $6.45 3 8 77 4: mixed, $6.50 6.60; light, $6.406.75; pigs. 84.25S5.50; bulk of sales. $6.50 8.63. Sheep Receipts, 23.000; market, steady, weaker. Yearlings. $44.40; wethers, $4.30 6; ewes. $33.60; lambs. $4.755.25. KANSAS CITT. Mo. Oct. 1. Cattle Re ce'pts. 5000: market, steady. Sttckers and feeders, $2.804.80; bulls. $2.40?3.75; calves, $3..106.25: Western steers. ?3.338 6.40: Western cows. $2.403.60. Hogs .Receipts, 12.000; market, steady to 6e lower. Bulk of sales. $6.356.75; heavy. $675(9680; packers and butchers, $6.40 6.S0; light. $8.106.6.-; pigs,. $46. Sheep Receipts. 6000: market, strong to 10c higher. Muttons. $3. 60314: lambs, $4.25 r5 50- range wethers, $3.404; fed ewes, $34.10. CHICAGO. Oct. 1. Cattle Receipts, about 6000; market, weak to a shade lower. Beeves. $3. 70S 7.60: Texans, $3.505: Westerns. $3.50 6; stockers and feeders, $2 704.85; cows and heifers. $1.755.60; calves, $6.25 8.50. Hogs Receipts, about 14.000: market, ateadv to 5c lower. Light, $6.357: mixed. $6.407.15: heavy. $0.357.15; rough. $8 35 tO.Od: gOOU tO MM,, eu.oo 31 I . lu, pigs. $46.05: bulk 'Of sales. $6.45& 6.J40. Sheep Receipts, about 15.000: market, strong to 10c hlsher. Natives, $2.304.30; Westerns. $2.30f4.30; yearlings. t4..Wa '4 80- lambs, $3.505.55; Western, $3.51 8.85.' Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Oct. 1. The London tin mar ket was unchanged at 134 2 6d for spot while future were a shad higher at 136 12a 6d. Th local market was steady but a shade lower on the average at 29.40 29.50c. Copper was unchanged in the London mar ket with spot quoted at 59 17 6d and fjr- tures at 60 13 9d. Th local market wa dull and unchanged with lake quoted at 13.S74lS.624o: electrolytic at 13-124 13.374c and casting at 12.87413.124c Lead was higher at 18 8s 9d In London. The local market waa dull and unchanged at 4.454.60c Spelter was unchanged at 19 6 in Lon don. The local market was dull and un changed at 4.7244.874c Iron was unchanged In the English mar ket and no change was reported locally. Dairy Produce In the East, CHICAGO, Oct. I. On the Produce Ex change today th butter market wa steady. Creameries. 20628c: dairies. 1822c Eggs Steady, at mark, eases Included. 169 18c: first, 22c: prim firsts, 23c. Cheese Firm at J3gl4c, NEW TORK, Oct. 1. Pu'rer Firm. Creamesy special. 27c: extras. 26264c: thlrca to firsts. 1824c Cheese and egg Steady, unchanged. New Tork Cotton. Market. " NEW TORK, Oct. 1. Cotton future closed barely ateady. October. 8.89c; No vember. 8.64c; December. 8 65c; January, feDruary ana aiarcxi, a.oiv, FLOUR TRADE BRISK Has the Effect of Strengthen ing Wheat Market. CHICAGO CLOSES AT TOP Market Firm All Day in Spite of Continued Heavy Movement ot the Xew Crop in the Xorthwest. CHICAGO. Oct. 1. Although trade in the wheat pit wa only of moderate volume, the market was Arm all day and closed near the highest point In spjte of the continued heavy movement of the new crop In the Northwest. Arrivals today at Minneapolis and Duluth were 1355 cars against 681 cars a year ago and stocks at Minneapolis were reported to lwive Increased 2.000,000 bushels In the past five days. This heavy movement to the Northwestern market was offset by a brisk demand for flour at Minneapolis, where sales of 123.000 barrels were said to have been made over night. Export busi ness here was practically at a standstill but th seaboard reported sales of 12 boatloads. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1,400.000 bushels, wltloh Is almost th record for a single day. Corn was strong all day. Prices at the eample tables advanced 4 to4c above yes terdav'a level. The October delivery ad venced to 77c after opening at 74 4c. Th close was strong with prices up 4 to lc compared with the previous close. The oats market was strong throughout the day. Provisions were a trifle easier early In the day on renewed liquidation of October delivery, but rallied later on a brisk gen eral demand. The market closed steady with prices 5c lower to 12 4c higher. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. . Open. High. Lo, CloBe. October .."...$ .994 -99-4 .994 -904 December ... .994 1.0i .99i LOO'S, May 1.02 1.03 I.l2 1034 CORN. October 744 .77 .744 e December ... .05 .60"4 .85 .064 May 65 .65 .644 -t4 OATS. October -4Si December ... .49 .49i .494 -4?4 May 51 .51 .514 -51 PORK. October 14.60 14.674 14 524 14.53 January 16.85 16.85 16.65 16.75 LARD. October 10.25 10.30 10.22 4 10.27 4 January ... 9.C7V4 9.8i. u.t. w. . May tt.ttf 8.70 SHORT RIBS. - October 9 80 9.80 9.72 9.80 January 8 70 8.77 8.70 8.75 May 8-SO 8.87 8.80 8.85 Cash Quotations wre as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.05(31.06; No. S, 97c $ 1. 00 ; No. 2 red . 99 e$ 1 -00 . Corn No. 2, 7878c; No. 2 yellow. TO79C. Oat No. 3 whit-, 4TQ-M0. Rye No. 2. 76c. Barley Good feeding;. 55iT56c; fair to choice xnaltlnic, B760c. Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, 1 $1.24. Timothy seed Prima. $3.60. Short ribs Sides (loose). $9.75 10. Pork Mess, per bbl., $14.5514.66. Lard Per 100 lbs., $10.30 10. 32. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $10.5011. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.37. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl , 34,000 47,800 Wheat, bu. S8.O00 17,300 Corn, bu, 342,800 98.300 Oats, bu 331.800 227,500 Rve, bu. 5,000 Barley, bu 15,950 12,700 Grain and Pro-dace at New York. NEW TORK. Oct. I. Flour Receipts, 27, 500 barrels; exports, 12,600 barrels; market firm but culet. Wheat Receipts. 230,500 bushels; exports, C12.100 bushels. Spot, Ann; No. 2 red, $1.06 fcl.07 elevator; No. 2 red, $1.08 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.12 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.09 f. o. b. afloat. Sharp responses were made by wheat to bull news today and prices advanced a full cent at one time, reflecting; big; clearances, a good cash demand, talk of lighter receipts and covering;. The market finally eaaed off a trifle under realizing; and closed lo net higher. December closed $1.09; May closed $1-10. Hops and wool Quiet. 1 Hides and petroleum Steady. Grain at 6an Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Wheat Steadr. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.62 1.65 per cental; milling. $1.6701.7O per cental. , Barley Feed, $1.821. 96 per oentef ; brewing, $1.85!. 40 per cental. Oats Red, $1.00(31.80 per cental; white, $1.601.72 per cental; black, $2.402.&0 per cental. . Call board salea: Barley, May, $1.43 per cental; December. $1.401.40 per cental. Corn Large yellow, $1.851.87 per cen tal. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Oct. 1. Cargoes quiet but steady; buyers reserved. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, 3Ss; California, prompt shipment, 38s 6d. English country markets, steady; French country markets, alow. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 1. Wheat December, 7s 8d; March, 7s 6d; May, 7s 5d. Weather fine. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Oct. 1. Wheat Steady; mill ing, bluestem, 95c; club, 91c; red, 90c. Ex port, bluestem, 91c; club, ST-c; red, 63c. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK, Oct. 1. The market for evaporated apples Is more or less nom inal and unsettled as a reflection of early new-crop supplies. Prime fruit for No vember delivery Is said to be available at 6c, but little business Is reported. New crop cases are quoted at 5Jc; choice to fancy, crop 1907, are held at 79c nominal; lower grades at 46c. Prunes are quiet on spot with quota tions ranging from 4 to 13c for California, and from &hi to 7c for Oregon. Apricots are unchanged with choice at 88c; extra choice, 8&9c, and fancy, 10-&10c Peaches continue quiet with choice quoted at 77c; extra choice, 7Sc, and fancy, 8 & 9c. Raisins are in moderate demand with loose muscatels quoted at 46c; choice to fancy seeded, 67p; seedless at 4Q6c. and London layers, $1.60 1.65- London Wool Sales. LONDON, Oct. 1. The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 14,159 bales. The selection was a superior one and continental buyers secured the bulk of lt after active, competition. Americans pur chased Tasmania first come-back greastes at 11 d. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. Thorburn Ross and wife to Anna M. Maxwell, lots 4, S and 6 block 1, Johnson's Add. $16,000 James Otto Smith and wif to Jeru s'nia Green well, lot 1, block 4, Ring's Add., and lot 18, block 38. Tremont 600 John Thomas O'Neill et al. to Jera ahla Green well, lots 9, 10, block 7, Arleta Park No. 2- 00 Simeon Geil et al. to Charles A. Sum ner, lot 15. block 1. Blckford Park 850 Richard Williams to Anna L. Ran kin, land at Clifton and 15th 1 Sarah J. Herring to Joseph Rose, lot 18, block 10. First Electric Add... 150 Ed Hansen et al. to Susan M. Riechel, lots 2S, 29, block 5, Peninsula Add. No. 2 1 M. W. In galls and wifca to Sam J. Beswick. trustee, lots 14. 15. block 1, Cooper's Add 10 George S. Hutchtns and wife to Ed ward Shelley Morgan, lots 39, 40, 41. 42, 43, 44, block 4, Graybrook.. 1 DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. ISTABLISHKn IttM , BROKERS STOCKS --BONDS --GRAIN Bocxht and old far cask and aaanrtn. Private wires Kooms 201 to 204, CHANGE OF SAILING S. S. STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAILS FROM AESSW0RTH DOCK 4P.M.FRIDAY,OGT.2 INSTEAD OF 9 A. M. SATURDAY. OCT. 3 FARE First class, $10 and $15; second class. $5.00 j v. RANSOM, nock Art.. Aln worth Dock. M. ?. ROCIIK, C. T. A 14 3d St. Phone Mala 2 OS. Mala 402: A 1408. EEP0ET OF THE CONDITION OF HARTMAN & THOMPSON, bankers PORTLAND, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1908. RESOURCES Loans, discounts aud overdrafts Bonds and other securities Banking-house furniture and fixtures. Other real estate owned Cash and exchange LIABILITIES Capital stock Surplus and undivided profits Deposits Richard H. Sale and wife to Anna E. Grlvelll, lota 1, 2, block 2. Central Alblna Add 71 L,. M. Ackerman to Glen Harbor Realty Co , lots 11 to 15. block. 18, Portsmouth Add 750 Sampson J. Jones et al. to H. P. palmer, lots 7, 8. block 7, Dunn's Add .7 Investment Co. to Howard F. Bing ham et al lots 13, 14, block Si, Piedmont H. D. Winters to P. B. Vucash, lots 5, 6, block 20, Columbia Heights.. 400 B. C. Hurlbert et al. to P. F. Peddi cord, lot 6, block 1, Peddicord & Hurlbert's Add 600 L. o. Ralston and wife to J. Mar gulls, S. 40 feet of lot 8, block 8, Green's Add 1,000 M. E. Lozler to Ruby S. Flrabaugh, lots 4 and 5, Mock 17. Klnsel Park 10 Peter Gerlach and wife to Henry Lenhardt, lot , block 24, North Irvington 475 John Gantenbein to A. K. Ganten- bein. block 25, McMillan's Add... 1 University Land Co. to J. M. Shan non, lots 18, 19. block 138, Univer sity Park 210 D. M. Lloyd and wife to. Hattle Travis, S. 30 feet lot 15, block 1, Albina Homestead 650 Electric Land Co. to Eva May Noble, lots 9, 10, block 14, Portsmouth 400 B. M. Lombard and wife to Thomas Hazlett, lots 41, 42, block 4, Rail way Add. to Montavilla 170 I. N. McNeil to L. H. Rumbaugh, lots S. 4, block 6, Summit Add 10 Ernstlne A. Wehlam to C. M. Stout, lot 6, block 4. YVehlam's Add 675 E L. Fraley and wife to Salll "W. Johnston, lot 23, block 1, Have lock Add 4 1 S. P. Osburn to H. E. Happersett, lots 1, 14. block 1, Falling Add 1 O W. Taylor and wife to Dan J. Malarkey et al., lota 8, 4, block 323, cty . 32,500 Arthur'c. Spencer and wife to Hiber nla Savings Bank, undivided half of E. 75 feet of lot 1, 4, In frac tional block 5, Watson Add., and fractional block 256, Couch Add... 6 Carl Abendroth and wife to E. W. Reder, lot 4. block 1, Bungalow Glade 10 Mary A. Runyon to Fred T. Lisco, lota 1. 2, 3. 4. block 3, Park Add. to Alblna '.600 James A. Fraker et al. to Oscar W. Paulson, lot 10, block 4, Lincoln Park Annex 75 Security Savings & Trust Co., trustee, to A. S. Paulson, lot 14, block , Irvington 10 Charlos P. Overton and wife to J. D. Moore, lot 10. 11, block 3. Chi cago . 1 James D. Moor and wife to Joseph H. Nash, lots 10. 11, block 2. Wood- mere i.-wV, 799 A. A. Lindsley and wife to E. W. Re der, lot t, block 1, Bungalow Glade 00 Ernest D. Jones to Elizabeth Moon, lot 82, block 16. Willamette Heights Add.; W. H of B. ft of lots 7, 8, block 236. city VI Oregon Real Estate Co. to J. A. Thompson, lot 1 and north tt of lot 2. block 19, Holladay Add..... 1 Kate Rd to J. Schmltk. lot 27, block 12. Harlem Add. .... 0 Elizabeth Slgman to Mrs. Helen H. Thomas, lot 8 and N. 20 feet of lot 9, block 00, Irvington . .... " James H. Abrey and wife to Mary T. Littlefield. lots 1. 2. block 18. Wil lamette Heights Add. ......... ... .600 Rose City Park Association to Louise M. Bsnz. lot 15. block 80. Rose City Park i Phebe A. Breyman to Charles H. Smith et al.. lot 11. Palatine Hill. ,000 C. D. Vaughn and wife to Mrs. fc. L. Brink, lot 42, Subdlv. of lots 1 to 4, block 19. Whitwood Court 1 J. E. Brink and wife to Paul Wes slnger et al.. lot 42. Subdiv. of lot 1 to 4, block 19, Whitwood Court.. I Total ......192 LAWTERS ABSTRACT TRUST CO. Room 6. Board of Trade blllg Abstracts a specialty. Have your abstract made by th Tltl Truat Co.. T Chamber of Commerce. OLDEST OFFICE BOY. Quietly Celebrates In Xew Jersey His 89th Birthday. Trenton (X. J.) Dispatch. Samuel Brackett, said to be the oldest office boy in the world. Is now 89 year. He is employed in the office of. the anvil works owned by Mrs. Clark Fisher, and he is known as an "heirloom" of the family, havinr been In its emploj for the laat 60 years. He now occupies the eame position he did when he first went to work. "'Strict attention to business is the way to succeed in this world," says Brackett. That is why I did not want a lot of fuss made over my birthday. Some of my friends wanted to arrange a big- cele bration, but I was afraid it would take my mind and too much of my time from my office duties." Brackett was a pupil In the Sunday school class of Mark Fisher in 1839 when Mr. Fisher had a large tannery in Port land, Maine. As he seemed to be a bright lad, Mr. Fisher put him to work in bis office. When his employer moved to Trenton, in 1842 and helped to establish the Fisher & Norris anvil works "Sam my" accompanied him. Instead of stay ing in the office, he went into the shops. When advancing years and injuries that had made him slightly lame unfitted Brackett for arduoue toll the late Captain Clark Fisher, Mark Fieher's son. wanted to pension him, but as the veteran anvil maker declared he was still able to work, he was put in the office. Brackett is prominent in the Masonio fraternity. He is a past master of Tren ton Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M.; is a member of Oebal Council No. S, Royal and Select Masons; is past high priest of Three Times Three Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and for 80 years was recorder of Palestine Commandery, Knights Templar. Mrs. Fisher, Bracken's employer, is well known in society In New Tork and Trenton, and is designated by manufac turers aa the "Anvil Queen." Because of her various achievements she was pro Couch Building Telephea JOSAJ Axial. .$ 74,122.64 . 31,072.60 . 8,219.71 . 2:1,211.64 . 40,887.99 $177,514.48 .$ 50,000.00 . 14,085.64 . 113,428.84 if 177,514.48 nounced by Wu Ting Fang, Chinese Min ister to the United States, to be the "most wonderful woman in the world. Diseases of Men Vnrlcocale. Hydrocala. Kervoua Debility, Blood Poison, Stricture, aleet, FrostEtlo trouble and 11 other private dis eases are successfully treated and cured by me. Call and see ma about your case tC you want reliable treatment with prompt and permanent results. Consultation free and invited. All transac tions satisfactory and confidential. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 13. Call on or address DR. WALKER 181 First St. Cor. Yamhill, Portland, Or in z. Tit AVE ITERS' CDIDK. fOKILASU HY., LIGHT rOVVHB CO. t Alia UCAVJu, Ticket Office and Wall Inn-Boom, First aud Alder btreets FOB Orraoa City 4. 8;30 A. at.. nd vrf SO minutes to and lncludluc 9 P. M., then 10. 11 P M. ; laat car 12 midnight. Gresbam. Boring-, 1-agle Creek, cada. C'azadero, Falrview and Trout dale 7:15, 11:16 A. M.. 1:15. :5. 6:15, 7:23 P. M. FOB VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Baeond and Washington street. A. M. 6:15: 8:60, 7:25. :00, 8:65. 8:10, 50. 10:30, 11:10, 11:00. P M. 12:80. 1:10. 1:50. 2:80. 8:1a, 1:5a 4:80. 6:10, 6:60, 6:b0. 7:03, 7:40k 11:15, :25. 10:85', 11:46. On Third Monday In Ererr Month) tbe 1-ast Car Leave at 7:05 P. M. Dally xcpt Sunday. Xally xcpt llonday. REGULATOR LINE to The Dalle dally except Sunday. "Bailey Gatzert" leave Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M.. stopping at the principal landings. "Dalles City" leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. making; all landings. Returning, both steamers leave The Dalles on alternate days at 7 A. . M. Phone Main 914, or A 6112,Alder-st. dock. COOS BAY LINE Tbe steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wednesday st $ P. M. from Oak street dock, for North Bend. Marsh field and Coos Bay points. Frelsht received till 4 P M on duy of sailing-. Paasenser fare, flrst ciass, 910; eeooad-cla-M. $7. Including bertls and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or ouk-street dock. North Pacirlc S. S. Cd'j. Steamiiiip koanoite and Geo. W. tide; Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Thia. St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Young, Agent. CHANGE OF SAILING S. S. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Sails from AlnsworLh dock. Portland, 4 P. M. Friday, Oct. 2d Instead of 9 A. M. Saturday. October 3. t. W. RANSOM. Uock -AceuU Main 268 Ainsworth iJock. M. J. RO( HE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d 6t Phone Main 4Q2. A 140J. CANADIAN PACIFIC Empress Line of the Atlantic Low rates, fast time, excellent service. Ask, eny ticket anent for particulars or write. t. r Johnson, p. A., 143 Third Street, Portland. Oregon. M1 Jim P W W sail P f -, fa B&il rIl.I