r li H YSTEH I C S I H G 0 If BT Woman Tearfully Begs to Be Given Her Child. PLEA IS OF NO AVAIL tittle Thclnia Holden Taken From Her Mother, Who Is Charged With Parental Neglect Given to DlTorced Husband's Aunt. fpon her knees In the Juvenlls Court, with the temr streaming down her face, and sobbing pitifully. . Mrs. Bose Holden hysterically pleaded with her husband yesterday afternoon to listen to her only this once, -and let her have her baby girl." But James E. Holden steeled himself against his wife's pleadings, and stolidly replied that he had listened to her too long already. Turning, she laid her face upon that of her child, in the arms of Superintendent Baker, of the detention Home, the child uniting her sobs to those of the mother. Mrs. Holden was assisted to a seat In a fainting con dition. The agonixing plea to her hus band was only made after Judge Ganten b.ln had refused to give her the custody nf the child, which she recently took from the home of Mrs. F. Hopkins. In Sellwood, where It had been placed by order of the court. Five-year-old Thelma Holden was first brought into the Juvenile Court about a year ago. upon the complaint of nelgh- bom that during her fathers absence on business in Idaho she was not receiving proper parental sure. Judge Frazer awasded her to the custody of the father. Mrs. Holden said yesterday that after this her husband wrote her to come to him. but not to permit her relatives to learn of her whereabouts. She said she did. But their troubles were not ended, tor Holden returned to Mace. Idaho, one day to find both the child and her mother mlBsing. A short time ago the child was given Into the care of Mr. Holden's aunt, Mrs, Hopkins, with whom his mother resides. There she had remained until about a week ago. when Mrs. Holden took her to the home of her sister. Mrs. Emily Knowlee. There the ch)ld was found last Thursday by Detective Hartman and Probation Officer Knitn, of the Juvenile Court. When Mrs. Holden left him In Idaho, her husband filed a yslivorce suit there, which she said yesterday she in tended to contest. "But." she continued, "he promised me everything I wanted In the world, my baby, if I would not appear against him, so I let the case go by de fault. "The reason I took my baby girl this time was because my mother-in-law would not permit me to visit the child alone, and I could go but once a week. Vhen I sent presents to the little one they refused to give them to her and even: went so far as to tell her not to think anything of me. They wouldn't even let her wear the hair ribbons I sent her." This was denied by Mrs. Holden, the child's grandmother. "Mrs. Holden once came to the house in Sellwood with a revolver In the pocket of her coat. That is the reason we would not permit her to visit the child alone." explained Mr. Holden.- ."My -brothw-fn-iaw went for the marshal and had the wenpon- taken away from her." "Your Honor. I was determined to make away with myself that night If they did not let me see my baby," ex plained the woman. As Judge Oantenbeln ordered that the child be given again into the custody of Mrs. Hopkins. Mrs. Holden dropped to her knees and sobbed out to her divorced husband. "Oh. Jim. listen to me this once. Just this or.ee. I,et me have my baby." The court derided that the mother may visit the girl ooce a week. Kills Bear Xear Portland. John Brooks, of Holbrook. killed a black bear weighing about 200 pounds within three miles of Portland, and the Orchard farms bark of the Fair grounds. Brooks had two hounds that he brought from the East, and he Is now looking for the female and her Cuba DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Pert. 29. Maximum tm p.r.lur.. ,7 dpgr.es; minimum tempera ture. 61 S degree. Klver reading at 8 A. M. 2 4 feet. Chanre In law 24 hour, fall, n S ft. TotjU rainfall 15 P. M. to 5 P M.. nnoe. . Total rainfall .Inc. September 1. 0t. O.IS Inch; normal rainfall si nr. ptmbT 1. IftOS. 1.75 Inches; d.flt-l.ncr. I 2 Inches. Total sunshine. 8 hour. M minutes. rosslhl. aunmhln. 11 hours. 48 minutea. Barometer treduced to aea level at P. at.. 80.05 Inches. ' PAClnc COAST WEATHER. tlma"rTt,0n" "U"n ' P' Pclno K 5 -33 3 i 5 3 3 " 2 STATIONS. Faker City Ktitmarck Bols Eureka Helen , Kamloops North Head.... Tocatello Portland. Red Bluff Roaehurg Sacramento. . . . . Fait I.ake an Francisco. . fcpohsne Tlroml Tatooah Island. . Walla Walia Plain. Siskiyou Marshneld WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometric preanure has fallen slight ly throughout the Northwest, and the northern low pressure area hss moved slowly eastward r-robahly to Manitoba and Minnesota, accompanied by light showers. Clear skies prevail over this district, and no rain has fallen. A slight rise In tem perature has occurred In nearly all sec tions from which reports are received, and the temperature Is now considerably above normal from the Rocky Mountains westward- The Indications are for fair and con tinued warm weather over the district Wednesday, except that showers are pos sible along the Washington coast. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and contin ued warm: northerly winds. Oregon Fair and continued warm; northerly winds. . Washington Fair and continued warm, except possibly showers along coast; north erly winds. Idaho Fair and continued warm, FRANK MONTGOMERY. Local Forecaster. NEED A NEW SUIT? Want it Tailor Made? For less than ready-mads? Read our Ad. tomorrow. COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS CO. .(70.001 4;w Clear .! T. I4 .VW Raining .s 0.00; 4 NW t-lear .1700.01) 4N Clear .Kio.onjisw cloudy .(R4 0.ool 4 B Pt.cloudr . .is n.on i N c,,ar .1.4 O.OOi a stv Clear -! O.on 5 XW Clear . ? 0.0.1 4 SE Clear . o.on' 4 n Clear !: O.OOI 4 NW Clear . 72 O.on 4 XK Clear . 0.0ft 8 NE lci,ar .70.00 4 K Irt.cloudy . O.ool x 'clear ' 1'2 NK k-lear . SJ-o.ool 4 W 'Clear n.onl 4 XW 'Clear .'S2 O.ool. . . . loiear .'TSO.OOf 8 NW Clear , -tiie aioRXiy'G "-(DggGbyiAy. wedxesday; septeiber 30; 190S. 11 71 I XFW TOD4T I rOR 8ALK-EEAL ESTATE. , FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. f TOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. I AUCTION BALES TOUAX. I m I . . I At Wilson's auction rooms, corner 2d and Yamhill at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MKKTIXJ NOTICES PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 8. R. A. . Called convocation of Portland chapter. No. . R. A. M . this (Wednesday) evening at 7-30 o'clock. Work In marlc master's degree Visiting com panions welcome. A. 3L KNAPP. bee HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 11L A. F. AND A. M. Special com- munlcatlon mn i v , Work in the' M. M. degree. Vis iting brethren welcome. By order , ,h. w. u. g MILLER Sec. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 1. A. F AND A. M- Special communi cation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. Visitors are cordlaliy lnvltad. By order of the W. M. W. M. DE LIN. Sec WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M Special cone ......... .... (Wednesday) even- 3? lug 7:30 Eat Eighth and BurnslcS. S streets. J. as. . . ( welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec HALL OF UPCHURCH LODGE- NO. 126. A. O. V. W. Remember the open air meet ing tonight. Address from prominent member of the order. A genuine old-faehloned smoker. Nothing to keep rou and your friends aw?yJ Tou'll regret it If you miss It; 8 P. M., l.tn and Marshall. FRED L. OLSEN. Sec ENGROSSING resolutions. testimonial memorials, etc Ellla. 00 Columbia bids. PIED. FAIR FOWL Tn this city. September 28. at Good Samaritan HoepltaU Naomi Covlllaud Falrfowl. beloved wife of Howard M. Fair fowl and adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schenck. of The Dallea, Or. JOHNSTON At the Home for the Aged. Tues day, September 29. Jane E. Johnston, aged BS years. Remains at Dunning, McEntee A Gllbaugh's parlors. 7th and Ankeny streets). Funeral announcement later. B3AS LEY In ihla city. September 29. at the family residence. 273 Haasalo street, Wil liam Beasley. aged 09 years 0 montna. Funeral announcement later. DAGGETT In this city, September 29. at 449 Clay street, Leorle Wlnnlfred Daggett, aged 2 years 4 months S days. Belov4 daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Daggett. ROBEY At St. Vincent's Hospital. Tuesday, September 29. Laura A. Robey. aged a years. Remains at the parlors of Dunning, McBntee a GUbaugh. I - FUNERAL XOT1CES. FAIR FOWL In this city. September 2S. at Good Samaritan Hospital. Naomi Covlllaud Falrfowl, beloved wife of Howard M. Fair fowl and adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 6. Schenck. of The Dalles. Or. t uneral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Mark's Church. 19th and Qulmby streets". A requiem communion will toe celebrated at 9 AM. The body of the deceased will be In the church from 9 A. M. till 2 P. M. Friends desiring to look once more on the face of the departed will have an oppor tunity during these hours. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. Friends are Invited. GRIFFITH At the family residence, 740 Oregon street, September 28. Delilah Jane Griffith, aged 48 years, 6 months and 21 days Beloved wife of S. H. Griffith and mother of William T. Frank F. and Emma J. Griffith, all of this city. Serv ices will be held from the above number today (Wednesday). September 80, at 2 p. M. Frietids Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. Los Angeles and Seda.Ua, Mo., papers please copy: ILTZ At the family residence, 491 Free mont street, September 20. Katherlne Iltx, aged 43 years, 1 month and 1 day, be loved wife of Henry Iltx. Funeral will take place from St. Paul church. East and Falling streets today (Wednesday). September 30. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment, Rose City Cemetery. M0NAHAN At the family residence, 676 -Vanderbllt street. University Park, Sep tember 2. Alice R. Monnhan, aged 32 yeara The funeral services will - be held at the Baptist Church. University Park, at 12 M. today. Friends Invited. Interment Green wood Cemetery. WATHl'B In thlo city. Sept. 29. Mrs. Rosa ' Bell Mathus. aged 37 yeara Funeral serv ices wl.l be held at Holman's chapel at 2 p. M-, Thursday, Oct. 1. Friends in vited.' Interment River View Cemetery. MONCKTON September 29. baby Paul Graves Monckton, 9-months-old son of j Pearl and Avery T. Monckton. funeral Services this morning at 9:30 at the .resl - denoe. 397 Brown street. Friends Invited. r,annlng. McEntee T Gllbaugh, Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 4110. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Dlrert era. zzo ad at. Lady assistant. Phone M SU7. J P. FIN LEY SOX. Sd and Madlaoa Lady attendant. Phone Main a, A 19. ZELLER-BYTCNE3 CO.. Funeral Dlreot ars. 7 RusaeU. East loaa. Lady aaatatant. F. & DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady aaalstanx- I'taoae East eS WBERE TO DINxV. Hv Wasfhas T!rN t. Vege- MM-VMt IT V aillV 1 aVV(- lii&n Cat lo th st.. near Wa-Oiin toa. Grand Centra! Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Roseburg Pasaanger Cottage Orove Pasaanger.... California Express San Francisco Express West Side Corvallla Paasenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grove Paasenger 8:16 a. m. 4:1S p m. 7:45 p. m l:u a. m. 7:30 a m. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 rt0 p. m. 8:40 p. m. 7:15 a. m- Forest Grove Passenger.. Arriving peruana Oregon xprsfl ........ Cottage Grove Passenger ... Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Bids Corvallla Passenger .... Sheridan Paasenger .......... 11:80 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:15 p. as. 6:20 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:V0 a. m, 11:50 a. m- 4:50 p. m. Forest Orove Paasenger Forest Grove rassenger Forest Grove Paasenger OREGON RAILROAl NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland ' Pendleton Paasenger ChU-ago-Portland bpeclai ....... Spokane Flyer Kansas City A Chicago Express. Arriving Portlaad Spokane Flyer CnL. Kan. City A Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special ...... Pendietoa Paasenger ........... 7:15 s.1 8:S0 a. 1 8:15 p. 1 8:00p. 1 8:00 a. 1 9:43 a. 1 8:50 p. 1 8:15 p. I NORTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Portland Taroma and Seattle Ezpreas , :I0 a. 1 .O0 p. 1 .'45 P. 1 :00 a. 1 :15p. 1 :35 p. 1 North Coast A Chicago Limited. Over.and Kxpreas ArrlvlBg Portland Norm Coast Limited ......... Portland Express ., Overland Express ASTORIA COLUMBIA KIVEB. Leaving Portland Astoria A Seaside Express... Astoria A Seaside Express ... Arriving Portland Astoria A Portland Passenger. Portland Express ............ 8:00 a. 1 5l0 p. 1 12:18 p. 1 10:00 p. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leavlna Portland C P. R Short Line, via Spokane 8:15 p. 1 11:43 p. 1 Via Seattle ArrtvDg Portland C P. R- bbort Line, via Spokane Via Seattle 8:00 a. 1 7:00 a- 1 Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Dallaa Passenger ... 7:40 4:15 Dallas passenger ... A Hirim. PartlMsBd p. m. a. m. p. m. ri.iias Paasenaer ... 10:15 8:50 Dallas passenger ORxiUON KLLCTKIO RAILWAY. Arriving Portland Wilsonvllle Local Salam and Intermediate Local .. Wlisonvtlle Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Wlisonvtlle Local Salem and Intermediate Express, fialem and Intermediate Local.. Salem and Intermediate Exproes. Leaving Portland Salem and Intermediate Local. . Wlisonvtlle Local Salem and Intermediate Expresa Salem and Intel mediate Local.. Wllsonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local .. Wllaonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Express. T:0 8:15 10:30 11:20 1:J0 4:45 4:00 5:40 8-15 8.25 7:35 8:35 11:10 1:10 3:05 8:S0 8:10 S:0e HEILIG 14th and Wash. Thnn Main 1 and A 1122. TWO PKRFORMANCE8 TODAY. Special Price Last Time Matinee 2:15 Tonight 8:15 Musical Comedy With "Salome Dance" "COMlXi ItlKy i nr. kxb.' Evening. 81.50 to 25c; Matinee, SI to 25c Phones Main 117. A 4224. Empire Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee. Home of the famous Baker Stock Co. All this week: matinee Saturday, "The Girl of the Golden West." First time here. Evening Curtain 8 sharp. Prices 25c. 35c. 50c; matinees. 15c. 25c. BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 5360 Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee GEO. L. BAKER, General Manager Tonight. all week; matlneea Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. The great musical and scenic extravatranza . "THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE" On a lavish scale of magnificence. Night prices 26c. 50c. 7."c, 81; matinees 25c, 50c Next Week "Isle of Spice." MAIN A 1020 Matinees li. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS 1S-25-50-T5C Advanced Vaudeville, week Sept. 27, Gen naro'i Venetian Band, Franklyn Underwood, Rtdford A Winchester. Beanah A. Miller, the Tennis Trio. Klein A Clifton, Prank McRea fc Co.. Orpheum Motion P let urea. THE STAR Phones Main C-,06, A 1496. Matlneea Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday. For; the entire week of September 27 the Biff Fun Show TN'CI-B JOSH FKBK1NS" Matinees at 2:30 P. M. Kvery evening at 8:15. Prices 15c and 2."ic, Night prices, 15c, 25c, 35c. 30c. Seats may be reserved by either phone. Next Week "Four Corner of the Earth." LYRIC THEATER The Blunkall Company presents that merry farce "NIOBEn With the extraordinary added attraction Nedra Lansrombe In th sensational SALOME DANCE PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE t Stars of All Nations THE HEDMAN TRIO World's greatest comedy bicyclist. Grand Opera Duo presentlnR "The Prison Scene" from "Faust." Matinees dally, 15c Two shows at night, 15c and 25c. THE GRAND-Yaaderille deLuxe Another Bis; BilL Roland West & Co., presenting "The Criminal." Six Abdallah Troupe. Lough. lin's Aerial Dogs. Mozarto. Grace Leon ard. Fred and Bess Lucier. Fred Bauer. Grandascope. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS faa M.nllss Lasto Mantle, S5o, the baS Mantles equal ol the best bio mantle on the market. Barretts. 410 Mor rison. Both phones. IV..J 5000 coras first-class 4-foot flr T UUU sood, 85 per cord delivered. Phone Main 44S5. Eagle Creek Fuel Com pany, 408 Corbett Bids-. Vlorlat Cut Flowers always fresh from XlUrial our own conservatorlea Martin A Forbes, 847 Washington at. Both phonea Electric Fixtures "noaiue.I yS" prices aro. right. All work guaranteed. Vestern Electric Works, 61 Sixth street. pi. Knives. Forks and all Sllver Alllllllg ware replated as good as new. Oregon Plating Works, 18th and Alder. Main 25T3. A 2575. . ir:na O'Malley A Neuberger, 327 Wash IIID0 ington street. Phone Main 2394. Free delivery. A gallon of 10-year-old Ingle nook Port. 81.50. fn Kemmerer eoal. the best Wyo mlng coal; gives more heat and less ash. churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall eta. Phonea Main 931, A 8931. Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal A Ice Company, opposite City Library. Both phones. lYnnrl Tne Portland Fuel Co., 287 B. Mer it UtU nson st., Is prepared to furnish cordwood In large and small quantities at the lowest prices. Phones B 26 and B 1029. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.. FoliowlnE rate win te len only when dvertiMinc la ordered to run concaUT days. Daily and bunday iMuea. The Ore kulvImh char sea flnt-tim rate each lnMrtlon for cLaiMifled adTertlalns that Is not run on eoneesrutlve daja. The flrat-tlnie rata Is ebarsrd for caci inaertlon in The Weekly Oreconlan. Koomi," ' 'Booms and Board." Honse keepinir Booms.' (private houses only). Situation Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 fnt; 14 to 20 words, 20 cents; SI to 25 words, 25 cent, etc No discount for addi tional jpOeTttortS. NEW TOD AT. INCOME $1650 PRICE $15,000 This is a fine piece of property, in the rapidly-growing; Thurman-street business district. There is more move ment In real estate ln the northwest portion of this city than in any other section. Get 1st while the values are low. Look at the record of sales for the last few months and convince your self. Call in and I will show you the records. MAKTIX J. HIGLET, 132 Third St. INVESTORS, READ THIS A nplendld !te for an apartment honae, fw blocka from tVanhlngrton. Values jump In rapidly in this a part -mrnt-houae district. Sacrifice price. fttOOOf 80x100 feet. DAN'L McALLEN Owner, Third and Morrtsoa Sts.) Bungalow for Sale Mortem In every respect. Attractively located In Holladay's Addition. Must be sold this week. SMITH Everett, S1R-317 Swetland Bnildlns;. SPLENDID BUY $3600 100x100, near J4th and Thurman st. Could be used for warehouse or apartment-house. 'OTTO t HARKSON, First St. Washington-Street Property A beautiful lot, 63x100, on Washing ton St., at a bargain. I need money. If you are lookina; for a snap, answer this ad. D 2S1, Oregonlan. No agents. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lowest Cnrrent Rates. Boil dins; Loans, Insiailment Loans. VVm. MacMaster Ot Worcester Block. . ill i I II I li I s ll 1 I 8 THEATEE HAVE YOU SEEN MABELVILLE It's five minutes' walk east on the Base Line road from the end of the Montavilla carline. LOTS $85 and $100 $10 down; $5 a. month If you haven't seen Mahelville don't see it until you have looked at every thing else on the market. Then look at Mahelville, compare the property and the prices. That's all we ask. NO BRUSH, STUMPS 0B ROCKS OX THIS PROPERTY. THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY CLEAN LOTS. AND YOU WILL FIXD IT HARD TO LOCATE PRETTIER SITUATED LOTS ANYWHERE THAN AT MABELVILLE. See our Agents, Kedmond Real Estate Co., end of carline. MURPHY & CASWELL, 230 . Stark Street. Phones: Main 8877, A 3223. TOMORROW, THURSDAY At 152 Park ft., near Morrison, we shall sell the furniture, carpets, etc., for Mrs. Dilltan, removed for conven ience of sale to our salesrooms, at above address. This is all nearly new furniture, eraa range, water heater, etc. For positive sale at 10 O'CLOCK (TO MORROW). BAKER & SOf, Auctioneers. Offices 152 Park St. Both phones. 24th Street Fine Residence Corner, 100x70, At a Bargain FRANKBOLLAM 128 Third St. . NOB HILL HOME On easy monthly payments; 306 North 24th street. Thoroughly modern eight room house. In the heart of the West Side's best residence district. FidelityTrustCo. OWNER, 901 Board of Trade Building. Phone Main 447. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT For 3 to 5 years to one who has money to buy p toe It and feed and can give good reference; 15 Winter cows (choice); registered bull wood, water, fruit, telephone; two dally mails; 1 mile to two churches and schools and market; everything convenient and ready for business; a chance to make Bure money; only come and see. W11I have to hurry.". W. B. Duncan, Salem, Oregon. Care McCoy Stage. Good Investment 68x100, 12-room house, N. W. corner 1st and Whlttaker; house stands on rear of lot. leaving 58x70 on corner for store or flats. Price $5500, part cash, balance 6 per cent. Mt Tabor Realty Co., 508 Gerllnger bldg. Fhone Main 8251. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowert re tea and terma to suit; ape rial rates and favorable terms oa lara; loana on butelneaa properties. frauds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL 202 SeKir Bids-., 3d Jt Stark. A POOR MAN'S BARGAIN Two lots on East 26th street, near Clinton Kelly School, for the price of one. AVH ALLEY, 615 McKay Bldg. REAL ICS TA TIE PKALKR. Andrews, 7. V. Co.. at S340, SS Uamtltoa el Baker. Alfred A, 110 Ablnvton bid. Cbapln A Herlow, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 608 Corbett bldg. Croulejr Co., 708-0 Oorbett bids, at 7S5&. Fields, a Et A Co- Board of Trad bide Goddard, H. Main and A 1748, 110 dd st. Jennings A Co. Main 168. 206 Orrconlaa. Kinney A Stampher, 681-633 Lbr. Ex. M 443 Lee, M- IB., room 411 Corbett buildlna. Mall A Von Borstal, 104 Id st, 893 B Burnslde Palmer, H. P., tlS Commercial Club bids. M 8699, A 2653. Parrlsh. Wa.tk.ns A Co., 260 Alder St. Richardson. A. B.. 121 Com. Club bid. Bchalk, Geo. D., 264 Btark st. Main S92, A 891 Sharker, J. P A Co., 122H Sixth st. Bwenaeon, A F. A Co., 263 VI WashlDfton St. Tbe Orecon Real Estate Co.. &Ss llrd sc. (Holladay Addition.) Wad del. W. O., 809 Lumber Exchange bldav White. B- F.. 227 Vi Washlnaton at. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. 600 CASH, balance easy terms; a nice 6 room modern cottage near Woodlawa car line; full bawtnent; fruit trees, 60x1 42-foot lot; price only S1650w Bee owner, 469 Mechanic st. HOUSES for sale In all parts of ' the city; acreage close in and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6, Kinney A Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. LOT 20 minutes' ride; price $ft50. includ ing cement aidewalk; terms, $66 cash, $10 per month. Purse, 823 Chamber of Com merce. Main 7309. FOR SALfi One-half Interest, with posi tion in established retail business; re quires about $5000; principals only. Ad dress R 282, Oregonlan. NOB HILL Fine residence lot 60x60, sur rounded by best homes in the city, $3000. Vanduyn A Walton, 616 Chamber Com merce. 81300 FOR a business lot on Mississippi ave., close to Shaver;" It's a bargain. Van duyn A Walton. 615 Chamber Commerce. HAVE left on Broadway, between East 6th and 7th, 60x65 for 1900, or 32x65 for $1050. or 28x65 for $960. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. TWO lots one block from Killlngsworth ave.. near Patton ave., $1100; term a Call on B. room 40. Washington bldg. 6-ROOM modern home; most desirable loca tion; only $1600; easy terms. . Call 613 Chamber Commerce. CITY View Park Pretty 8-room home. 100x 100 corner, choice shrubbery, only $5000; terms. Phone Sellwood 370. A LARGE number of choice houses In Irvington and Holladay Add. Come and Inspect It before it Is too late to get Into the most desirable part of Portland. Any amount of lota, all prices; some very de sirable home sites cheap. One !0H-" tract, nicely located to the city, only $1000 per acre. Finely furnished house, carpets, rugs and furniture very reason able. Irvington, Broadway cars. For fur ther particulars call at office, cor. 13th and Halsey sts. East SOG.C 1993; res. C 1508. C 1271. DOLEN- A HARDMAN. ELEGANT house, fine location, 12 rooms, strictly modern, full basement, hot water system, ifc block. fine grounds $11,000; terms. Willamette Heights. modern bouse, 8 rooms, furnace and fireplace, nice grounds and shrubbery; $To00; terms. Modern 7 -room bouse, . good neighbor hood, $2800; $luu0 cash. COME SEE OUR UST. If you want a good buy, we have It. If you have a good buy, we want it. MOSSMAN REALTY CO., 40S Commercial Club Bldg. IF YOTJ x m Will take the Montavllla car and get off at Jonesmore we t.111 show you the best investment for the money in this city. GEO. X. SCHALK. Main 892. A 2392. 284 Btark St. ENGLISH WALNUTS. Ws are the largeat owners and plant ers in Oregon. W have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are in the walnut country. Yamhill 6-acre tracts, planted, $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO., INC., 110 Second st. IRVINGTON" 7-room modern house, fur nace, fireplace, full cement basement, $.i50; terms. Hartman A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. SNAP!! HOLLADAY PARK. SNAP!! New 2-story, strictly modern, 9-room house, cove ceilings, full cement basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, etc., beautiful lot 67x100. sewer, gas. electric fixtures all In cement walk, graveled street, 3 blocks to car; only $4300; terms. The best buy in Portland. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Washington. 100x100 IN Woodlawn, all in nice young fruit trees. Bull Run water, close to car line; this week only $625 cash. 127 HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. 1 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. 60x100. East 17th and Main sts.; south front; cement sidewalk, macadam street, sewer, gas. 60x100, 29th and E Everett sts.; south front; street graded, aidewalk, sewer, gas; price very low for quick sale, bee owner, 309 Lumber Exchange. Wfl have 12 acres only 4 miles from city limits on a fine road; all lies level, quar ter mile to a graded school, handy to R. R. station; all clear and in grass; some bearing cherry trees. Will trade this for a good 5 -room cottage In city. HENKLB A HARRISON, 611 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. 10-ROOM modern house in every respect; furnace, electric and gas fixtures, com manding a magnificent view of the Wil lamette River, on lot 70x100, with adjoin ing lot 110x120x79 feet; West Side; magnifi cent lawn and shrubbery; $6500. MURPHY A CASWELL, 230 Stark St. Phonee Main 8877, A 3223. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL. Buyers waiting with $150 to $300 cash to apply on small homes. WHAT HAVE YOU 7 See me at ones. Automobile for showing property. A S. DRAPER. 82 Lafayette bldg., 0th and Washington. MODERN 6-room house, Just completed; fireplace, elect Ho and gas fixtures; full cement basement; new lawn; 10-mlnute car ride - to center of city; a beautiful little home; can be had on easy payments. O. M. SMITH. 415 Commercial Club Bldg. KILLINGS WORTH ave.. close to Patton, only few more lots and K blocks left at old price for quick sale; this is right In line of present Peninsular actlvttes and sure of rapid advance ; don't lose this chance to double your money. Vanduyn A Walton, 615 Chamber Commerce. CHEAP lots. 4 full lots, corner, near new race track, nice and level; this is a fine investment for the most skeptical; price only $500 for the 4 lots, if taken st once. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., Room . 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. ROSE CITY PARK Improved lot on Mish lah, bet. Thompson and Tillamook ; x east frontage; high, close car; below prevail ing price; terms; a bargain. N 270, Ore gonlan. $5500 CASH, balance time, 2-story brick building on Russell st.; near Williams ave., business property. For price and terms phone owner, B 1758, or address K 261, Oregonlan. THIS IS GOOD. 10 acres on Salem line, near station, all under cultivation, plenty of fruit, good house and barn, for $4000. Chapln A Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. ABSTRACTS of title often show defects that will cause failure In your sale; have each abstract examined by a competent attor ney at moderate charge. See W. S. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. SJtfiftO IRVINGTON. nice 6-room Queen Anne cottage and beautiful lawn with flnej bearing irutt trees; au improvements m and paid for; walking distance.., Address owner. F 268, Oregonlan. A BEAUTIFUL quarter-block on E. 10th and Tillamook' sts; can be bought reason able if taken now. C..F. Pfiuger A Co., Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. Second and Mor rison sts.' A REAL bargain for any one; a corner lot 85x100, on county road. 2 1st, 3 blocks from Alberta carline. for $230. Apply at 64 3d st.. near Pine. $850 BUYS choice Peninsula residence or business lots on Union ave., near school. $10 down and $10 per month. Address C 2S3, Oregonlan. PENINSULAR lots; buy now; choice lots ad joining Swift townslte on the west; cheapest and best location. See R. B. Carey, office at Peninsula Sta. 8 ACRES, near carline, only $1720; cold spring water; fine for chickens and ducks; easy payments; 5c carfare; 17 mln. ride. See Russell at once, room 444 Sherlock. 9 ACRES on electric line. In cultivation, all kinds of fruit, good house and barn; terms, $4000. Montana Realty Co., 816 Board of Trade bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTY. D. A. TUFTS, 803 WASHINGTON ST. 6-ACRE tracts, close to electrio and steam lines; best black soli; $760 ech; H cash, balance 6 per cent. Catterlln A Mann, 242 Aider St. WEST SIDE house, mod en., attic, hot-air furnace and two fireplaces; fractional lot; $3500; terms; by owner. A F 240, Ore gonlan. A SNAP. AS IS. 100x100 on E- 13th near Hawthorne ave. for $5000. Chapin A Herlow. 832 Chamber of Commerce. $160 AND $15 monthly; swell 4 -room resi dence; beautiful lot. Angeles, 242 Fifth and Main. 2O'0 GOOD 6-room .house, full lot. gas, bath. etc.. on Montana st. MARTIN J- HIGLEY, 132 8d St. 6-ROOM modern residence on 5c carline, SO minutes out; will sell at cost. Montana Realty Co., 316 Board of Trade bldg. WHY pay rent when you can buy a good lot for $10 down and $10 per month on Union ave., near schooL C 284, Oregonlan. 8 ACRES on carline; fine building site; price $2350, half cash. Purse, 623 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7809. $550 l-ROOM house and lot, small pay ment, $10 monthly. Angeles, 242 5th and Main. 10 LOTS, 1 block to car; Gladstone ave. , worth $.1500, only $2500. Owner, B 280, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM cottage, fractional corner. West Side; $2600. Geo. Veasey, Gen. Delivery. 100x110 Worth $1060; will take $850; $420 cash; terms. Owner J 271, Oregonlan. $100 CASH buys $!75 lot in restricted dls trict. Sellwood 635. C 262, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. If you want to buy or sell anything and anywhere, write to me. I can handle your business, no matter where located. I have two fine mining claims, located st Florence. Humboldt County, Nevada. 14 miles southeast of Denlo. Or., and within two claims of the Rain Storm Group, which refused $J5.000. These two claims can be had for $1000 cash. Party Is hard up and must have money. Want to exchange 30,000 shares of the Quincy Ozark Orchard A Fruit Company for a business property paying 10 per cent or better; free title and no incumbrance; in Portland or Seattle. Two fine drugstores for sale In Rocky Ford. Colo., doing fine business; one cost $4000, the other one $6000 cash. A. K. 8IEBBANDT, 3 Real Estate, Loans and Investments, 736 Umatilla Ave.. Portland. Or. FORTUNATE AND UNFORTUNATE. The first pick of sightly lots on Council Crest when prices were low; party forced to sell within 10 days. See the lots and make offer; must be all cash. Phone A 342;, or address A D 2ti7, Oregonlan. SI1 UATED on a corner lot 50x100 is a beautiful new modern house, 1 block to car; cement sidewalks, concrete walk around two sides of tot; trees, lawns graded and seeded, cement basement, di vided Into three large rooms; cement floor, wall and ceiling; front and rear porch, pantry, bath, reception hall and three large rooms on first floor; dlning- - room paneled to plate rack, walls tinted, electric fixtures, porcelain bath, lavatory, toilet and sink, 3 large bedrooms, up stairs' servants' room and large closets; $271,0, worth $3500; owner must sell; $1000 down, balance to suit. Sheppard, 613 Couch bldg. $50 BEAUTIFUL HOLLADAY PARK HOME S50. , Can be obtained on the unheard-of terms of $50 per month; new, strictly up-to-date, two-story, four rooms, hall, den, pantry, etc below; three rooms, bath, toilet, large closets, etc., above; attic and full concrete basement ; fireplace, fine furnace, laundry trays; nice corner lot 60x100. fine lawn and plenty of roses; 4 and 2 blocks to car; price $5O00. The only chance like it in Fort land, Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Washington. A NICE HOME ON EAST 22D ST. Walking distance, 5-room modern house, has cement basement, bath, furnace, nice level lawn, fine large porch, Is In a good locality, surrounded by nice homes and can be bought for $3300; $1000 cash, bal ance as you would pay rent. 193 HARTMAN & THOMPSON, - Chamber of Commerce. WILL sell our new home on 29th and Frank lin sts., Waverlelgh Heights; can see all over the city; a strictly modern bungalow, 6 large rooms, on the best corner lot in the tract, restricted district, cement walks, good car service, the best workmanship and material obtainable, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, old brass locks and electric chandeliers, bevel plate glass in front door and side lights, velvet velour curtains, shades, . steel range included In price; $3200; .terms. Ad dress Harry Randies, 8S0 Franklin st., or phone Sell. 425; take W., W. car, get off at" Franklin. ' SUBURBAN HOME. REDUCED TO $4500 FOR QUICK SALE.. Large grounds, good 6-room house, por celain bath, city water, electricity, cement walks and curbs, on carline, close to school, large lawn with over 30 varieties of roses, 7 of apples, 3 cherries. 2 pears, 7 berries, almond, peaches, plums, grapes, currants, garden, poultry-house and yard; must be seen to be appreciated; $2500 . cash, time on balance. Inquire of owner. 66 Concord bldg. 85 ACRES, with 1000 feet deep water front age on Willamette River and extending back to improved county road, running water on tract, mostly in wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five mites from Portland, 1500 feet from electric line, good graded road leading to same. Price $24,500. No agents need apply. H. G. Starkweather, box 43, route 1. Mil- waukie. Or. Phone Oregon City, Farm ers 186. OUR long experience In building and de signing only the most modern, costly and artistic bungalows, cottages and dwellings in the East saves you fully 10 to 25 per cent from ordinary prices prevailing; ad vice and Information furnished free; also plans and specifications. Call at Architec . tural Dept., Room 517, Lumber Exchange Bldg Phone Main 8(117. 100x100 AND 8-room house, hardwood floors, high-class plumbing, thoroughly modern, close in. E. 6th st., Holladay Addition; price much less than actual value. 100x100 and 7-roora modern house, beau tiful grounds, choice location, E. Madison St.; price very low. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Exchange, HERD IS AN INVESTMENT That Is rare these days; two 6-room fiats that pay big on the price asked; close in, north of Montgomery street; small amount of cash required. HBNK1JD A HARRISON, 611 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. lOTH ST., WEST SIDE. Near college, modern 7-roora house, fur nace, electricity, etc.. nice lawn, east front; less than 15 minutes' walk; $5500; good terms. Hurry. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. WE have 4 large lots 4 blocks from ML Scott line. In good neighborhood; water In; price $200 each, terms, $20 cash. $10 per month. Purse. 823 Chamber of Com merce. Main 7309. CORNER 60x65 or 50x60. northeast cornr E. 14th and Madison sts.,; improvements all paid; very cheap; must be sold at once. , MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 182 3d st. 10-ROOM house and 100x100 ground on John eon st.. West Side, best location on the street. HENKLT3 A HARRISON, 611 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. SOME bargains in city property ; good houses and lots very low; some on the installment plan. Engeles, In Common wealth bldg., at 6th and Ankeny. DO YOU want modern 7-room house, fur nished complete, at a bargain, the best part of Holladay. phone E. 3957. Call 848 13th, near Broadway. BARGAIN Only $2250; worth $5000; 14 lots, 750 ft. 'from car, 16 minutes' ride, 6c car fare; terms. See Russell at once. 444 Sher lock bldg. MODERN 7-room house. West Side, on cor ner, H block from car. fins view, river and mountains, $3500. .See owner, 462 Washington. HALF block on Killlngsworth ave., near Patton, $3300. Call on B. R- room 40. Washington bldg. 'CHOICE East Side residence lots, with all improvements; good investments. 16 Washington bldg. 7-ROOM modern home, with fine view, on West Side; price 4500; terms to suit. B. R., Room 40, Washington bldg. FOR SALE Two modern butjgalows, a bargain. 974 East 19th St., North. Also 7-room 2-story modern house. FOR SALE Modern 2-story residence ; 7 rooms; full lot; good location; a bargain; part cash. Owner, Phone Tabor 148. TWO fine lots 60x100 each in St. John, Ma range Addition, for sals cheap. Reply L 2S2, Oregonlan. MODERN 7-room residence, almost new near car." East Side $2500; terms. 16 Washington bldg. FOR SALE 7-room cottage and fractional lot, 703 Everett st., reasonable terms. In quire owner. 818 Falling bldg. S LOTS, 50 by 100 each, near Portland boulevard, close to car, $2200; $700 cash. 325 Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN Best house in Vernon; 6 rooms; new, modern; no agenta Owner, M 270, Oregonlan. $150 CASH, balance $15 per month, nice house on carline, full lot; price $1000. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 8d tt. SMALL tracts near O. W. P. line, $250 to $600 per acre. 325 Lumber Exchange. $45 CASH, $10 monthly; full lot, graded street; near car. Y 195, cars Oregonlan. FOR BALE 6-room modern house. See owner, 742 E. Main St.. or phone E 1311. 2 28 ACRES, choice soil, cultivated. 6c fare, $1600. Address room 332 Danmoore Hotel. LOTS close to Alberta car with small houses. 325 Lumber Exchange. ABSTRACTS examined at moderate charges. W. S. Ward. 210 Allsky. M 7324. GREAT VALUE! PRICE BELOW THE MARKET!' New, strictly modern 7-room hours on a choice lot; clever house plan, substantial con struction, woodwork dark finish; plenty of room In this house; intended for a home; deep conoreate foundation, full cement floored basement, trays, FURNACE, all Improvements, including sewer; excellent car service; price only $3150; placed at this figure for quick sale this week; terms can be arranged; If you are In search of a bar gain, see us about this Immediately. H. W. LEMCKB. 210-11 Corbett bldg. Main 1177. A 2a5. A SPLENDID SUBURBAN HOME. It Is worth investigating; 6 full lots with an 8-room plastered house ; lots covered with a great variety of fruit. Including Englls-h walnuts, all in full bearing; epltn did view of Willamette River, only 2 blocks from carline; takes about 25 minutes to go to Portland; fare 7i-i cents; price $3200. $1000 cash, balance easy terms, or would consider Portland income property; will - pay difference. OTTO A HARK SON, 1339 First st- OWNER will sell modem 8-room bme, facing Ladd tract; a bargain at $3t00; only $1000 cash; come and see this. Hart man A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. $40 ON 3 ACRB $400. Within 5H-mlle circuit from postofflee. convenient to 6c fare; all cultivated, bst of soil, very sightly, good water, fine school and good neighborhood; 60 minutes drive to city's center; $25 down, $10 month. B. S. COOK & CO.. 603 Corbett Bldg. WE BUILD HOMES. ' We have first-class, modern facilities for building homes upon terms within th reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Cvmmerce. A HOME. This is a splendid new 5-room cottage. , lot 50x100, east front. 1H blocks from carline, $2500; $500 down and $20 per month. ' B. S- COOK & CO.. 003 Corbett Bldg ' CENTRAL Alblna; new 7-room strictly mod ern houne. full cement basement and floor, cement sidewalk around nouse, roomy at tic, house tinted throughout; first-class furnace. 870 Kerby St., bet. Mason and Shaver, odp- Thompson school; $3600. Owner, X 245, Oregonian. . . 6-ROOM house and lot 60x100; $300 cash, bal. terms $15 per month. New bungalow. $500 cash. bal. terms $15 per month. Both on carline, 20 minutes' ride. Will bulla to Suit. Mult. Inv. A Realty CO., 1019 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. 6-ROOM modern house; small lot-; corner on B. 14th st.. near new High School; the very best surroundings; easy terms. HBXKLH & HARRISON, 511 Gerllnger Bldg., Cor. 2d and Alder. BARGAIN 6-room new modern house; dn, pantry, china closets, fine yard and rose bushes, beautifully located, 1 block from Thompson School. 636 Kerby, near Sha ver, L or U cars. FULL lot with 6-room house. Sunny. de, nearly modern; gas, electricity, desirable home, $1500; terms; possession In 3 days. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY' 5-room new modern bungalow, E. 13th and- Alberta; east front; $2600, terms. J. J. Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny BEAUTIFUL corner, 100x100, block from Swift's townsite; come immediately; $800, $200 cash. bal. $20 mo. Owner, Main 8820. FOR SALE 2 Peninsula lots, close to Swift Packing plant; owner In a pinch; must sell. Phone Main 4387. WFST SIDE home, $4860; 5-room cottage on College st.. lot 40x90. Howard Bros., 619 Swetland bldg. Main 1569. $900 TWO small houses and two lots, Sell wood, easy terma Angeles, 242 6th and Main. TWO lots on Alberta carline, $'J50. Phone evenings Woodlawn 119. FOR SALE FARMS. COUNTRY HOMES. $12,000 20 acres, 3 miles from the Courthouse, all Improved, fruit trees, spring and well, house, barn and out buildings. 15 mirutes walk from car line; good view; can make easy terms. $11,000 20 acres, 15 under cultivation. 2h acres in fruit, good house, barn and outbuildings; ' $1600 worth of cucumbers taken off this year; 15 minutes' walk from Council Crest carline; easy terms; will make lovely home. $11,000 20 acres cleared, never plowed, not fenced, good view, 10 minutes from carline, 3 miles to Courthouse; easy terma $5200 6H acres near Council Crest, partly cleared. . good view. $2000 2 acres 20 minutes from car llie, cleared; nice place. HUMASON & JEFFERY. Main 1189. 22G Stark. A 3814. RIVER FARM AND STOCK RANCH. 821 acres, over 1 mile of river frontage and only 80 miles from Portland; all of this land is tillable and a large portion of it is the best land in the state; It le good timothy, clover and alfalfa land, and will produce all kinds of grain and fruit; a por tion of It Is In cultivation, the balance be ing heavy timber, oak. ash, maple and fir; will sell In tracts from $40 to $65 per acre or will sell es a whole at $45 per acre; I have looked this tract of land over very carefully and wish to say that It cannot be duplicated for the money. If at all Interested in land, go with me and see this tract. Geo. W. Turner, 415-18 Roth- child bldg. - . 350 ACRES, 8 miles from Eugene, Or., near Junction McKenzie and Willamette Riv ers. 250 acres In cultivation, balance pas ture, all can be cultivated; ood house (cost $3000), 2 splendid barns, family orchard, all fenced and cross-fenced; this is the very best of soil and In a beautiful country; only 3 miles to school on county road; price $60 per acre; a big snap. H 283, Oregonlan. 629 ACRES, less than 40 miles from Port land, in Yamhill County; suitable for stock ranch; well watered or easily lends itself to cut up Into small fruit farms; nicely rolling land, good elevation and can be bought for less than $16 per acre. The oak wood on it will more than pay for It. Whalley, 615 McKay bldg. FOR SALE 10-acre farm, within 4 miles of city limits on county road, 64 acres un der cultivation, 3H acres rich bottom land, Including comfortable hous., stuck and im plements; all for $:S000; part caeh; adjoining timber land Is held at $:k0 per acre; you will flni this' snap at Goldschmidt's Land Department, 253H Washington. IDAHO Carey act lands. $25,000 acres em bracing some of the choicest agricultural and horticultural lands in the Htate new open for entry under Big Wood River Project. For information address C. B. Hurtt, Mgr.- Land Sales Dept., Boise, ' Idaho. IF you want a good home or - Investment, call on us;, we have an extensive list of farms; also tracts from 5 to 200 acres, on electric line. Kuratll Bros., Hllisboro, Or. i i WHO wants ths best farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particulars call- upon or write Connell, Ixng A Imbrle, Hllis boro, Or. FOR- SALE Chicken ranch, 2hi acres, all Improved, in Milwaukle. Call Browning Baths. 146 1st. Phone Main 9129. - 213 ACRES, all or in part, Salem Electrio line. Chemeketa station. Phone owner. East 1719. IF YOU are looking for a farm, large or small, cash or trade, call 325 Lumber Ex change. IF you want land, then see my list of farm a John Anderson, 311 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE want timber lands, single claims or tracts. Murdoch A Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALS FARMS. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company. Salem. Or. . TO EXCHANGE. NO. 134 21 acres, 4 mile from town oa Columbia River; an old homestead held for about 18 years; all level tide land with house; good deep water frontage; any Portland boat can land at place; land covered with light brush and small trees; price $300. Ralph Ackley, 603 Corbett bldg ' TO exchange for city rentable property, a well improved farm of SO0 acrea, 80 miles from Portland, near good town and electric carline. W 281, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE) Good 5-room house for JO PT 20-acre farm. Y 271, Oregonlan.