12 FOB SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY FARM 3. & acres. 9 mllea from this city and J mile from country town, church, school; 22 acres In a high state of culti vation, 20 acre fine saw timber, more than enough timber on the land to pay f r clearing, new 7 -room house, good barn 44)x42. and all other necessary outbuilding. 6 acre, excellent orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing, 2 horses, harness, wagon, hack, top buggy, plow, harrow, clod amasher cultivator. 4 milch cows, 1 3-year-old heifer, 2 calves, brood sow, cream sep arator and all growing crops, some chick er. etc. Price $5O"0; f25u) cash. 40 acres. 1 mile from this- city. 20 acres tinder fine state of cultivation, and mile from country town, graded school, church and stores, 6 acres orchard assorted fruits In full bearing. 7-room house, new barn, fruit house, chicken and hog bourns and all other necessary outbuildings, team, wagon, harness, plow, harrows. 4 cows, some bogs, chickens, cider mill. f"d cutter, cream separator, hay and grain on hand and all growing crops. Price $:i50. Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. JM acres. 8 miles from tht city and only U mllea from Portland; (think of it): 45 acres beaverdam land under cultivation. 65 acres under cultivation on the place; on fine graded road, mile from school, good buildings, young orchard, etc ; this In a bargain; will double in value within the next six months. Price $13.0uO; terms. Vancouver has an ejeciric iine ana inw cars run; will build In the country at once and mma of the above place will ba along the line; do not ruy until you couver and Clark County. THOMPSON & SWAN. ClUsens National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. ! AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. All highly cultivated, 3 acres Concord grapes. 850 peach trees. 350 pear. 300 wal nuts. 850 apples, assorted; 10 assorted berries, 75 filberts. 30 cherries, W-roorn jnodern house with full concrete basement, furnace and fireplace; large hall and V-ath. hot and cold water; tank-boufe and 8tO-galon tank with engine; flrst-claas barn, with running water; 3-roora cottage, and 7 outbuildings, on the Oregon City earllne, miles from tne city ana a ou TTiiniMn riri Station rteht on the nlai-e. It also fronts on the county road. This farm with all implements and to.i.s. wagons, horses and harness, cowi, chick ens, pigs, pigeons, cream separator, nnd everything complete can be had for $21. "0. It Is without a doubt the most com plete farm on the Oregon City line, and worthv of your Immediate investigation. If desired will sell IS aires with all the improvements for SI 5,000. or 12 acres highly cultivated but no improvements, for fl00u. Terms if desired. Owner is obliged to leave the state, nence your op ; port unity to buy at this price. JAMES J. KLYN.V, 612 Chamber of Commerce. FIVER FARM AND STOCK RANCH. 31 acres, over 1 mile of river frontage and only 30 miles from Portland; all of thia land is tillable and a large portion of It la the best land In the state: It W good timothy, clover and alfalfa land and will produce all kind of grain and fruit; a por tion of It is in cultivation, the balance be ing heavv timber, oak ash, maple and fir; will sll n tracts from $40 to $05 per acre or will sHl ee a whole at $45 per acre; I have looked this tract of land over very carefully and wish to say that It cannot be duplloatel for the money. If at ail Interested In land, go with me and see this tract. Geo. W. Turner. 415-16 Roth chlld bldg. fflCE little place of two acres, near Van couver, all in cultivation; house, barn, bearing orchard. worth of potatoes In" the ground go with the place; a real home; only !00, and terms given. 160 acres, miles northwest from city; 1200 fruit trees, pears, cherries, plums, prunes, eto.; dryer, bam. small house; not much raonr needed to swing this; at present used as dairy ranch with city milk route. Let us show you this place, Whalley. 615 McKay bldg. .' BZ0 ACRES, 8 miles from Eugene. Or., near Junction McKenzie and Willamette Riv ers. 250 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture, all can be cultivated; gwd house f orchard, all fenced and cross-fenced; this , Is the very best of soil and in a heautuui country; only 3 miles to school on county i rad; price $00 per acre; a big snap. H uregonian. f yOR FALE Or exchange, 40-acre farm, near JHiauleton; 14 acre." in cultivation, nammr In pasture land; silently rolling, soil very fertile and deep; small house and barn; good t well; spring in pastur": on good road. H. ' F. D. route and telephone lln; mile to school: price $27ro; terms eay, or will take city lota In Portland a part payment; -( no agents. AC 241. Oregonian. 0-AC RE milk ranch, containing deep, rich onion ami orchard soil; spring water; house; barn; near Forest Grove; Tualatin Jtlver branch and county road, milk I rout-j cross farm: railway station one mile. . Eight years rent free of adjoining 120-w-ve walnut orchard oes with this splen did bargain for $Jo0. E. E. Morgan, 228 Stark. Main 0018. TARM. 302 or 175 acres; exceptional bar gain; must be sold at once; best of soil: well Improved ; adapted to all kinds of , farming ; SO mllea from Portland, 1 Ji miles from railroad station and town ; aprtna water, fruit, etc. O. K. Edwards, f 402 Commercial Club bldg. Office hours, t 1 to 6 P. M. 029 ACRES, less than 40 mites from Port land, In Yamhill County; suitable for stock ranch; weil watered or easily lends Itself to cut up Into small fruit farms; nicely rolling land, good elevation and 1 can be bought for less than $10 per acre. 1 The oak wood on it will more than pay for It. Whalley. 015 McKay bldg. 162 ACRES, $7.30 PER ACRE. 15 acres in cultivation, 4-room house, good barn, family orchard, abundance of spring water; timber atone on place , worth price asked. Close to county road and school; term? reasonable DEVLIN FIREBAI'tiH. V 6AS-9 Shetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. NAP 21 n-res. 18 cultivated, 2 miles from McMinnville on fine river; 2 acres line apple orchard, also family orchard. larn. chicken shed. 2 cows, horse, hiigs, I vagon, part of crop, etc.; all for $27l'0 1 until Oct. 1.1 only. Itox 531, McMinn ville, Or. Phone 124. 'IDAHO Carey act lands. $25,000 acres cm bracing some of ths- choicest agricultural and horticultural lands in the state now 1 open for entry unltr Tiig Wood River Project For Information address C. B. liurtt. Mgr. Land Sales Dpt., Boise, Idaho. ;FOR SALE 600-acre strvck and grain ranch; f 2"0 acres plow and pasture, balance tira ' br will more than half pay for It; price I acre; quarter down, balance on time; ; might corider part in Improved city prop erty. AP 2.3. Uregonian. FiR SALE 5o-acre stock and grain ranch ; 200 acres p'ow and pasture, bal ance timher will more than half pay f-r it; price $2,1 per acre, quarter down, bal ance time; might consider part improved city property. AF 253, Oregonian. t IF yon want a good home or investment, call on us; we have an extensive list of farms; also tracts from 5 to 2M) acres, on electric line. Kuratli Bros., Hillsboro, Or. "WHO wants the beet farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particular call upon cr write Co one 11. Long Imbrle, Hills boro, Or. 2"'0 50 acre apple axd walnut land; run ning water, timber enough to more than pay for it; close to town. Box 131. For est Grove. Or. HALF Ha value; acres in Klamath County; 100 hogs, 160 stock cattle, 50 dairy m we, 12 horses, all Implements, 400 ton hay. Apply 349 E. Glisan st. FOR SALE Chicken ranch, 24 acres, all improved, in Milwaukic. Call Browning Baths, 146 1st. Phone Main 0129. TUN or 1ft acres In Hood River Valley, 2 mile from town. Inquire of A. ButtSL Hood River, Or. 313 ACRES, all or In part, Salem Electric line. Chemeketa station. Phone owner. East 1719. ' ' I JF TOU are looking for a farm, large or small, cash or trade, call 325 Lumber Ex change. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. VE are in the market for from MVOoO.000 to 130.h0.OK feet of principally yellow f!r. acessfble to the Columbia River or near Portland; from owners only. 627 Corbett bldg. !VE want timber lands, single claims or tracts. Murdoch & Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, 34 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. V IN' I NO stock for vacant lot or acreage. Phone evenings East i917. WHAT have you to trade for good mining stock T Phone Mala 21, TO EXCHANGE. NO. 184 An Ideal dairy farm about half way between Portland and Astoria on -the Columbia River; 600 acres, all fenced ( woven wire) ; good 2-story house w It h basement; hot and col water on each fk-or; good windmill, tank and house; dock and warehouse; barns and farm Implements, etc.; 50 head of cattle, mostly young heifers; 10O tons of hay In the barns; good team; post office and store on the place. Will Invoice stock in store for what it is worth. All good bot tom land but a few acres; the finest ranch in Cowlitz County. Price $35,GuO. Ralph Ackley, 6o3 Corbett bldg. WANTED To exchange Portland suburban acreage, value $9000, or part thereof, for legitimate business or Income-bearing property in Portland or any other lively town; no saloons or restaurants; straight trade; no cash asked or given. If condi tions warrant, will consider higher-priced property - and assume mortgage or pay from proceeds. G 279, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, 163 acres farming land in Wisconsin, near Marshfleld, cov ered with timber; will sell on easy terms or exchange for Portland lots or good property in other parts of the state of Uregon. r or particulars clii or auaren j. s. jayior, zzi orcesier diock, fort land. Or. WILL fELL or exchange for choice realty. In good location, or lease for term of years, up-to-date apartment-house, with all modern Improvements, in center of city. Correspondence solicited. Principals only. T 2o, uregonian. TO EXCHANGE floo perferred ock cer tificate in old-established corporation; good business; bears 6 per cent: gilt-edge; pre fer vacant lot or will consider other good property. Answer quick. N 275, Ore gon ian. FX3T-TTY in 2 acres on cerline: fine location, for flrt payment on 5-room bungalow or cottage. r'uree. umniwr oi nu- merce. Main 7300. ROOMING-HOUSE wanted In exchange for modern 7-room hotie and lot 5oxlW. all furnished, value 4.V; equity of $3100. Particulars 24 Stark st. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you' want to buy, sell or trade business or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, room 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg. 80 ACRES of choice land, partly Improved. In Cowlitz Co.. Wash., to trade for house and lot In Portland; value $1000. Ira Abermatha, Carrolton, Wash. R. F. D. 1. A 12.000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm tra-t to trade toward Portland borne or business property. Frank Lee, H7H Front st. BEAUTIFUL, home at Forest Grove to ex change for small farm, value 4"ru. GOLDSniMIDT S AGENCY. 253 Washington, Cor. Sd. WANTED Hardware business, live town, a-ut $200o-$30o) stock. Address Gold schmidt's Agency. 253 Washington St. HOUSE and S lots, value $2000; will assume or pay up to $2000 more for near-in home. 220 Alisky. IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade anything, see Kauffman & Moore, 325 Lumber Ex change. WHAT have you to trade or exchange? V. Law rence Co.. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. BOOKSTORE in good location, doing good business, $1S00; v, take real estate for all or part. "25 Lumber Exchange. IF you have a piece of property or business of any description that you wish to pell or exchange, call 513 Chamber Commerce. $1600 EQUITY In 8-room Tie use. for lots, acreage, or will take auto s part. State Land Co., 133 First st. 47(nt Quarter blrck. good location. West Side, to exchange for modern residence in desirable neighborhood. T 2S2, Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5 to 6-room modern cottage or bungalow, convenient to s. S. or E. A. cars; will pay $500 down. balance monthly. I WANT to buy a double flat near Steel bridge; must be modern and in good condi tion; giv location and price , in first let ter, H 22. Oregonlan. WANTED-jf new modern flats, near the Steel bnwL'e; give price, bent terms and location. Address S 2-SI, Oregonlan. WANTED From owner, modem 5 or tt-room buncalow in Holladay or Irvlngton district. G 2M, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern house. 4 to 6 rooms. East Side; can make small payment, or trade good wheat land. 220 Morris st. CHOICE residence lot; want bargain forcaeh; state location and price. K 271, Ore gonlan. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. JUST arrived with a carload of horses from Condon; this Is the best lot that has ever been shipped into Portland; these are blocky and square-built horses, with large bone and good feet; business men and dealers should not fail to see thto lot. We will 2tay at the Union Stock-Yards 2 days and then 8 to San Francisco. FOR SALE New light two-horse express wagon with canvas top over seat; ca pacity 1000 pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all In good condition; price $10u Inquire at room 2u0 Oregonlan bldg. or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or. JUST arrived from Eastern Oregon, 20 head young horses. 1200 to l.X0 lbs. ; gentle and well broke, thoroughly guaranteed. Come quick. 22S Jefferson st. S. M Stewart. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus. raddles, harness, cheap to cloee out. Hubert & Hall, 206 4th st. DELIVERY wagon, horse and harness. In good condition, $t0. K 204, Oregoman. HORSES, mares. rl sr.i harnese of all kinds for sale. 2'M Montgomery. FOR PALE Young team draft horsea. Ap ply ;ms Davis st. HORSES, buggies and harness for sale or hire. 182 ot 34th st. Phone Tabor 1112. HORSEiS Small lot of nice young work horses ror sale at star stable. 30-3iy tront st. Automobile. BIG SACRIFICE SALE IN AUTOMOBILES. Now is your chance. Runabouts from $223 to $575: touring cars from $450 to $IS50. all in A-l condition; come early for choice. Portland Auto Commission House. 115 Grand ave. Phones B 2261, East 5M. AUTOMOBILES, touring cars and run abouts, JJ"0 to Sito. ror sale or trade. W. G. Hartman. 46 2d sL Main 1862. WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H JM. Oregonlan. $500 Cadillac: seats 5; Al condition. J 232. Oregonlan. FULLY equipped 1006 7-passenger White Steamer. T 2G9. Oregonian. Pianos. SPECIAL BARGAIN. The piano exchange and bargain room of gers a great range to select from this week, as five or six men have been regu lating, polishing, tuning and putting in flrst-c'.ass condition a large lot of our be rentals and pianos taken In exchange for Oenulne Pianola Planoa and Baby Gran da all of which go on sale Monday morning. If Interested In a dependable piano that has been ued some of them only a few months, there is no doubt you can find the instrument you want here. You are as sured of an important money saving. Prices range from $12S and upwards any of them at about half value. Better get a good piano, even If slightly used, than an ordi nary cheap one. and here will be found at all times a large assortment. Pay a lit tle at a time if you like at Filers Piano Exchange & Bargain Room (downstalraj, ;;53 Washington et., corner Park 8th). PIANO bargain. Ludwig. Snap. $250. Phone B 1090. E 2voy. 683 salmon at. Miscellaneous. FOR BALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, am water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE 00 head of angora goats cheap- Address T. J. itipiey, uregoa i-ny. r. T. No. 2. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, sildes. niras lor rent. lt3H 4th st. RHUBARB roots. 2 years old, $23 per 1000. Address S34 Mill st.. Portland. Or. FINE thoroughbred St. Bernard male pup, 6 months old; price $5. 7 4 Cleveland ave. SNAP $330 diamond ring tor $275. A 270, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2 gasoline woodeaws in good or dVr. Inquire E. 0th and Manhattan. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old Book; Store SIX 2d. near Salmon TOR SALE. Miscellaneous. MOVING picture machines. all makes; films, slides and supplies; talking ma chines, records; opera and folding chairs; posters, tickets, etc.; lowest prices. New man Motion Picture Exchange, 295 Burn side, Portland, Or. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap pricea. Brunswidt-Balke-CoIIender. 49 Third st. FOR SALE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000. Parties Interested call Maginnis A Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. OLD VIOLINS bought ana sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. Fine repairing a specialty. Call or addreaa L. Winters. 318 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. POINTKR pup. 6 months old, female, ready for field work, high-grade, full pedigree, reasonable price. Phone Main 4393. FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist ing engines, rails, cars, etc- Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st. A 2363, Main 2303. LUNCH COUNTER Oak top. and shelving, cheap. Corner 4th and Madison. HELP WAN TED MALE. EXTRA GOOD. A chance for a young man to take a half interest In well established, profit able real estate office. You must have tSOO. This will bear very close Investigation- and Is not one of those "duties easily learned; big money grafts." but a live proposition that I simply cant handle alone. Address J 273. Oregonlan. WANTED A man and wife on a country place near Vancouver. A permanent place at good wages to the right people. The man must be a worker and ready to do anything In the way of gardening and general farming and his wife to do plain cooking, washing and general work. Apply at room 501, Oregonian bldg. MEJN and boys don't accept any kind of work until you hear from us; make $10 per day selling a household necessity; new article; new plan; 120,000 sold In Minneapolis; costs 6 cents, sells for 25 cents; send 5 cents for 2 samples. Domes tic Mfg. Co., Desk 27, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED For U. b. Army, able-bodied un married men, between ages of 14 and 85, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English- Apply to re cruiting officer. Alnswortu block, 3d and O&k sis.. Port land. Or. SEVERAL BRIOHT young men at once for the V. S. postal service, between 18 and 45 years of age; examination soon; salary from $UK) to $1200 per year. We prepare you. oid exam, questions FRFMC. Call or write now. Pacific States School. McKay bldg. WANTED A combination singer and piano player, man or woman, for moving-picture show in Walla Walla, Wanh. ; good salary; mail answer Northwest Amusement Co., Walla Walla, Wash. M EN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, freo cata logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230 24li 8th st., San Francisco. C. rt. HANSEN, JR. Employment OJfice Men's Department, 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help Free to employers. MOVING picture operators make $35 week ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn the business In short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co., 21)3 Burnside st. SALESMEN wanted to sell our nigh-grade trees, shrubs, etc. ; outfit furnished: cash advanced weekly; good territory. Write us If Interested. Albany Nurseries. Al bany. Or. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics: easy terms; positions secured; money earnod while tearing. Watchmaking. En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeep ers and stenographers. Commercial Ab stract Co.. suite 40S Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Energetic young man to travel and learn good paying- business; references required. Call lo A. M. to 2 P. M. room 1 The Mercedes, 20th and Washington. SOLICITORS wanted at once for steam cleaning and dye works. Good commis sion, rati SJ4 East Burnside. B 1026, East r.2. FURNISHING goods, shoes. dry goods, clothing salesmen, bookkeepers and sten ograph prs: city and country. P. O. & C Co., 323 H Wash. Phones 39-41. WANTED Young men to study telegraphy and stenography; good waies and perma nent positions when competent. Oregon College, 83 5th et WANTED Bright young man for stock clerk in wholesale house; good chance for advancement. Address, own handwriting, state age. G 2S5, Oregonian. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers; examinations here No vember 18: preparation free. Franklin In stitute, Rochester. N. Y. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opene It Fall te-rm Oct. 1; two years' course with de gree. t!30 Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. WANTED A flrit-class presser on ladies' and gentlemen's clothes, for dye works; good wages. Artistic Dye Works, fc2t Williams. WANTED The addreB of a flrst-clase woodturner that will do turning by piece work, or at odd times. P 272. Oregonian. BARBERS John M. Levy, representing Del lar Barber Supply Co., Seattle; headquar ters at Perkins Hotel. WANTED Man good standing, services and small capital required. 411 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. RELIABLE place to borrow money on dia monds, watches and jewelry; strictly con fidential. 105 1st st. WANTED- Marker and sorter this morn ing; eteady position to competent person, city Laundry Co.. 0th and Flanders. SALESMAN, attention. Excellent side line; big commission. Address N 2S4, Ore gonian. ALL-AROUND printer wanted; $15 per week; chance for right man to learn Junior lino type. Journal. South Bend. Wash. WANTED Man handy about machinery, etc.. planing mill, city; wages $2.75. Inquire 12 North 2d st. NEWSPAPER subscription solicitor; good Held ; salary guaranteed ; only rustler wanted. Kelly Loe, Camas. Wash. WANTED A good solicitor, by business college: gool nid ; liberal commission. A 281, Oregonian. ' WANTED A good, live man to sell real estate ; he must be a hustler. Address K 277, Oregonlan. STEAM shovel engineer, $150; craneman, $00. C. R. HANSEN, JR.. 26 N. Second St. BOY wanted, about 16, In electric establish ment ; good prospects. Phone Main 879 or A 1S7. $30 AND services will secure a position netting honest man $dfxu per year. In vestigate. 303 H Washington St., suite 4. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP, CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d st. . Both phones. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Me n 250 Burnside S tree t. Phone Main 5604. IF you are a hustler and want to make money, call at 89 Grand ave. J, D. Sher man. WANTED Bookkeeper; must have good ref erences. Apply 123 Front st., cor. Wash ington. A NO. 1 drug clerk, for permanent position; must have references. Address K 2S1, Oregonlan. BOY to learn drug business; must be 16 years old. Apply 342 Washington st. WANT one flrst-claaa waiter. Apply 91 Sd st.. Peerless saloon. WANTED Flrst-claffl furnace man. A. W. Curry. 116 Grand ave. BARBER ahop for sale; long lease; good business. Ewell, 2d and Morrison. COAT, pants, vestmakens wanted. John Nel son. 305 Alisky bldg. YARD MAN wanted at 284 Main St.. 4th aad Main. COATM AKERS wanted. Apply Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. 7th and Stark sts. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl, 148 4th. Main 5500. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency, 310 Davis st. Main 8300. WANTED A good, young, reliable meat cutter. Box 04. uea, Or. KELP WANTED MALE. 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In elgn t weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in structor; tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 X. 4th at., Portland, Or. WANTED Photo coupon agent. Portland Studio. Macleay bldg. KELP WANTED FEMALE. SPECIAL FOR TODAY. 3 waitresses., $30. out of city. 2 hotel cooks. $30. small tiotels. 3 dishwashers, $25, out of city. 1 dishwasher. $2o, city. Also waitresses. - chambermaids. house girls, city or country; othero too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT Co Ladles' Dept., 25i Morrison st. Phones A 2004. Main 1062. S COOKS. 2 out town 30-$50 S second girls, 1 out town ---.$20-$.to 7 waitresses. 1 out town ...$22.50-$25 2 dishwashers. 1 out town $20-$25 5 house keepers, 3 out town 8-$20 3 child nurses .$l5-$25 40 general housework $15-$35 6 day workers today $2-$2.50 St. Louis Ladies'- Employment Agency, 2ui, 4th st. Main 2038. A 2S24. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state: good money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington st- HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843fc Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstalra. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. HATS remodeled like new. half price. We dve. clean, curl, remake plumes. Model Millinery. 204 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. GOOD competent cook wanted, small fam 1 ly ; must have best references. Call mornings. 400 , Twentieth St.. Portland Heights. MAN and wife, cook and helper for hotel, $75. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343H Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs. WANTED Girls to solicit; experience nec essary; good opportunity; salary and com mission. Call 8-9 A. M. and 5 to 6 P. M. Ask for Mr. Anderson. Ill loth at. WANTED Young ladies to study teleg raphy and stenography; good wages and permanent positions when competent. Ore gon College, 83 5th st. WANTED Young ladies to study teleg raphy and stenography: good wages and permanent position when competent. Ore gon College, S3 5th st. WANTED Head laundress in small laun dry; state wages and experience. Ban don Steam Laundry, Bandon, Or. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., C09 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 320 Washington st., room 307. Main SS3tl or A 32o6. EXPERIENCED millinery makers, must be competent. Apply Case &, Rust Co.. 292 MILLINERY lessons given at 475 Morrison st., 25 cents an hour; hats trimratd for 50c. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good ay; Instruction free. Call 452 Washing ton COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking 233 North 24th st. Phone Main 2717. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; wages $30. 825 E. Main St., cor 20th. B 1409. GOOD, reliable girl to assist with general housework and taking care of children; good wages. Phone East 1511. WANTED Experienced millinery saleslady and maker. Apply Grand Leader. 5ih ar.d Alder. Mrs. T. F. Ready. WANTED A middle-aged lady to do cook ing at the Willamette Hotel, Oregon City. WANTED German girl for general house work and cooking; tw in family. Apply 5"i3 Hoyt st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework : every convenience; good room. 705 East Burnnide st. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be experienced cxk ; two in family. A p ply mornings. 775 Kearney. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar ber's trade; steady work; good wages. 68 4th. WANTED- Two waitresses and one dish washer; man. Experienced help only need apply. 80 4th at. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062. A 2004. WANTED Girl to assist In general house work: must sleep at home. Apply 329 13th st WANTED Good skirt and jacket hand's in our alteration department. The SUverfield Co.. 4th and Morrison. GIRL for houeework in family of 3 adults; must be good plain cook. Call et 4u 11th street. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; good wages to right party. 324 Jackson st. WANTEfi Middle-aged lady to do general hAimfwori irttt West Emerson. Ocklev Green. WANTED Marker and sorter this morning, steady position to competent person. City Laundry Co.. 9th and Flanders. WANTED Middle-aged woman able to cook and take care of house, 4 In family. Apply J 272. Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework anil to assist wun couaiug. Apply 93 E. 35th. Phone B 16S2. ' HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843,4 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Girl to care for -child during dav. 354 N 32d, Willamette Heights. Phone Main 5206. HIGH SCHOOL girl or business college girl to aeslet with light housework for room and board; no kitchen work. 191 11th st. WOMAN to work In rooming-house, house keeping rooms and wages. 45fi North 3d st. WNTED Girl or woman at once, general v. ... 1. r 1 1UT IVaot Ta -L- GIRL for general housework. Apply 662 John son m. COMPETENT girl for light housekeeping; good wages; 3 adults. 581 East Taylor st. WANTED A girl for general housework. 710 Flanders. WANTED Girl for general housework. 363 6th st. WANTED An elderly lady for housekeeper on farm, 2 in family. S 2-SO, Oregonian. WANTED A good girl to help in kitchen by October 1 at 77 W. Park st. WANTED An experienced girl to do sec " ond work. Apply 215 St. Clair st. W NTEE An experienced cook at the Children's Home. S87 Corbett st. WANTED Good cook; German preferred. Call phone Main 8175. GIRL for general housework In a small family; must be neat. 107 North 16th at. GIRL for general housework ; good wages. 770 Flanders at. GOOD reliable girl to assist with general housework; German preferred. 410 2d. WANTED Fur finishers and giris to tew on fur. SUverfield Co., 4th and Morrison. EXPERIENCED helper on coats. Holbrook the Tailor, 109 4th st, room 403-416. SECOND girl wanted, 4 In family. 141 N. 18th st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 186 East 16th st. Phone East 2007. GIRL wanted for general housework. 54 N. 21st st. MASSEUSE One who has had sanitarium experience preferred. A F 245. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 181 N. 24th at. THREE housegirls, city; 3 waitresses, city; 3 cooks, city. Germain's, 5th and Morrison WANTED Girl for general housework. Call mornings, 412 Burnside at. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Ap ply 381 10th, cor. Montgomery. GIR L for general housework. Johnson. Apply 662 BOOK KEEPING, private lessons, 4 nights in ' .week. $4 per anuih, AUia io62. A 4U4&. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO chambermaids for & nice country Institution. $20, room and board. Housekeeper, rooming-house experience, $30. room and board. .1 housekeepers, $20 to $30. Restaurant cooks, top price for good cooks. Family cooks, second girls, nursegirls. Waitresses, hotels, restaurants, city and country. NEW ORDERS DAILY. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. SALESWOMEN, SUITS AND MILLINERY. Thoroughly experienced, competent and reliable, also in other departments. Ap ply at once, OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING, H3ELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Couple to take care of invalid lady for use of house, partly furnished, with acre ground. Mns. Gray, Archer place. Mu Scott car. SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Fisk Teachers' Agency. 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410; res., M. 6425. . WE 6ECURH POSITIONS for our students; any system of shorthand; enter now. Busi ness University, 68 3d st. Phone Main 4504. FOR HELP FOR WORK. A. B, C EMPLOYMENT CO., 226H Morrison. M. 3o22. We are white. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WELL educated, trustworthy man of sober habits, speaking English. German and Hollandsch. well acquainted with general merchandise, good bookkeeper and cor respondent, would like position with, view of permanence; office work preferred. Ad dress Ad. E. Schmidt, Clackamas. WANTED Position as first-class dry goods, clothing, gents' furnishings or all-round salesman; expert window trimmer; have best references; 10 years' experience. N 283, Oregonlan. YOUNG man, experienced stenographer and general office work, desires position of some kind in or out of city; references. Address G 286. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, married, with 5 years experience in R. R. work, desires position with large corporation offering good prospects to a hard worker; $65 to $75 to start. M 280, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced office man work of any kind that can be done evenings. Phone Woodlawn 2334. after 6 P. M. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man, age 32, who has been with one of the largest mining companies of the Northwest lor the past two years as chief electrician. Is open for a position in a similar capacity with a mining, power or lighting company. Have highest references as to ability and character. Personal interview solicited. Address R. H., Eaton Hotel. WANT position as engineer or assistant en gineer; several years' experience in steam engineering, pj.nips. boilers, etc.; stric'.ly sober. L 21, Oregonian. YOUNG, handy, able-bodied man of good habits wants steady work; has a little ex perience in painting and rough carpenter. K 282, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires experience in archi tect's office; has some knowledge of drafting and outside work. V 183, Ore gonian. GOOD carpenter wants employment by day, contract. Phone East 5013. 120 Grand ave., C. Hansen. WANTED by a reliable collector a few houses to collect for. on either salary or commission. A 207, Oregonian POSITION wanted by first-class circular sawyer or filer; references. Address box 805. Central la. Wash. MAN and w if e want steady positions as janitor in hotel or work on farm mllk ,ng cows. X 241, Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board AD 229. Oregonian. YOl'NG colored man wants position as cook; best references. Write or call 385 Flanders st. Portland, Or. 'M. Withers. GOOD Japanese boy wants position to do any kind of work in boarding-hoiu or hotel. S 282. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook, temperate and re llnhle. country acceptable, if fare paid. Y 25;i. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a situation at housework; can speak English. T 284, Ore gonian. YOl'NG MAN wants position driving and caring for private car; running repairs. T 2feO. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants eituatlon as fireman, jan itor or in warehouse; abstainer; worker. H 2S1. Oregonian. MAN and wife want steady position as jan itor in hotel or work on farm milking cows. X 241, Oregonian. WANTED Itv printer few days' work dis tributing or helping in job office. Ad dress B 270. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants to learn stationary en gineering; knows little about firing. Ad dress M 266. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man, porter work of any kind. Phohe East 3105. 414 East Davis st. WANTED Position as hotel porter: good habits; references; years' experience. W. Miller. Front-st. hotel. SITUATION as engineer. 25 years exper ience in laundry and office bldg. work. K 2S0. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY wishes situation as school boy; wants attend night or after school; wages no object. X 263. Oregonian. YOUNG man, good gardener, wants private place: good references in this city. V 241, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor wishes position. C 275. Oregonian. Japanese employment office; furnishes all kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work and helo cook. M 283. Oregonlan. MAN wants housecleaning of any kind. Phone Main 3016. A TM1. FIRST-CLASS chef desires position In country hotel. V 284, Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co.. Main 4659, A 4073. 20S Everett. WANTED Work In private family by colored man and wife. Phone Main 5569. TllTLIABLE MAN, age 22, wishes position In the evenings. T 281, Oregonlan. ALL kinds of stoves or ranp-es repaired and connected. Phone Main 7014. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office. Main 4504. Tested and certified. YOl'NG lady stenographer would like posi tion; will take $5 week to start. O 283, Oregonian. YOl'NG lady stenographer would like po sition with Insurance or real estate firm. V 282, Oregonian. 'COMPETENT stenographer desires position, good references. Phone Sellwood 725. FIRST-CLASS competent stenographer, city references. L 257, Oregonian. Dressmakers. THE famous Kelster"s Ladies Tailoring College Ladles, save dressmakers bills, make your own gowns here. We teach Keisters drafting system. 306 Stearns big. PROFICIENT dressmaker desires engagements by the day; $2; all work guaranteed. Main " 8304. DRESSMAKING Prices reasonable, work guaranteed. 290 Jefferson st. Phone A 4482 WANTED Family sewing by the day by experienced seamstress. J 270, Oregonian. WANTED Position as nurse girl by com petent young lady; can give references. A 2761 or V 280, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY wishes to work for room and board and small salary in private family. T 283, Oregonian. A GIRL would like to get a place In a private family as general housework. Call at 189 N 17th st. GIRL would like housework by the hour or day. Phone Woodlawn 1320. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. 2bJ OiegoahuL, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers, REFINED young woman wishes position aa housekeeper for couple, small family adults, club of ladles or gentlemen, or manage rooming or apartment-house ; bet of ref erences given. L 284. Oregonlan. I Miscellaneous. HOM E laundered lace curtains by ex perienced hand. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. s. M. Scott. YOUNG LADY wishes position with elderly couple as companion; can give best refer ences. K 284, Oregonian. COLORED WOMAN wants day work Wed nesday and Thursday. Phone Main 265L Call after 6 o'clock. LADY wishes flrst-cl&?s laundry work, with private families. Mondays and Tuesdays. Phone Woodlawn 1535. SKILLED laundress wishes engagements, Monday. Tuesday, Saturday, 25c per hour. Phone Main S92S. EXPERIENCED woman wtehes cleaning by the hour. Phones: East 878, B 1826. Room 23. LADY wants any kind of all day work. Phone Sellwood 1103. WANTED Washing and cleaning. M 281, Oregonlan. . WOMAN wanted go out by the day. laundry or housecleaning. Phone Main 6575. YOUNG girl would like to take care of baby and sleep home. 36S E. Couch. COMPETENT woman wants steady day work for all day Wednesdays. Phone Tabor LADY wants anv kind of work by the day. Phone Main 436S, A R36S. WANTED Work by the day by competent " woman. Tel. M 5569. W .ANTED AGENT S. AGENTS WANTED Fine proposition; liberal commissions; -investigate. Room 10 Aina worth bldg., 3d and Oak sts. BOOK AGENT to deliver and oollect on 10c premium books. Room 26, 133 1st st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED A nicely furnished room in a Catholic family, heat and electric light, convenient to loth and Washington sts., $J5 to $18 per month. Address S 2S3, Ore gonian. WANTED Large, clean, housekeeping room, partly furnished, on West Side, not over 10 blocks from. P. O. Address K 283, Ore gonlan. THREE unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, new house, 15 minutes from post offt:e preferred; must be reasonable. M 284. Oregonian. FURNISHHD room wanted by young man where supper and breakfast can be had; give price. H 280, Oregonian. 6 OR 6-room furnished house. West Side, good section, no children. Phone Main 6809. TWO girls, with piano, want room and board in private family. L 2&!. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And anvthing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 5655. A 4121. WANTED To rent, with the privilege of purchasing included, a good-sized covered wagon in good condition; capacity about 100O lbs.; state particulars. A 265, Ore gonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 02 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272. SECOND-HAND gas candy furnace, candy clab and copper kPttle. Carl Garwood, 242 Alder st. Phone Main. 8772. WANT to take piano for use of It;' hand some home; no children; AF 259, Ore gonian. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 9S8. B 2311. WANTED A diamond ; one or two karat stone. M 271, Oregonian. WANTED A good second-hand moving machine. JKox li7 Monmouth, or. CLOTHING Phone M. 185183 N. 3d. Highest price paid ; prompt attention. FOR RENT. Furnilshed Rooms. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; aew buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., has a few bachelor rooms ready for oc cupancy; these rooms are the handsomest Turnished in the city and have every mod ern convenience; terms moderate; rent begins Oct. 1st. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms. $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and co I water, free baths and phone; transients 50c, 76c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-42 Washington at. THE GOODNOUGH. cor. 5th and Yamhill, opp. P. O. ; rooms by day. week or month; elevator service, steam heat, etc. ; singles and suites; $3 weekly up. Mrs. Allison & Snyder. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 4408. Main 4861. WELL furnished front room, furnace heat; easy walking distance; private family; board close by. 310 Jackson. Phone Main 3309. - Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, nrst-class furnished rooms, single or- en suite; all modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; daily, 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; rooms $10 per month and up. phone Main 4631. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 4U6. THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sta, modern front suites, also single rooms, bath and both phones. "THE COZY," 195 7th, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, block from Portland Hotel. TWO furnished front rooms, ground floor; all conveniences; private family. 353 12th. Phone Main 8043. NICELY furnished steam-heated room suit able for one or two, fine bath,' reasonable. 362 Sd, apartment 5. Phone A 4970. "THE COZY." 195 7th. nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, block from Portland Hotel. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eetes. PLEASANT room, $10; gas, bath, phone, heat; board If desired; walking distance. 573 Irving, near 18th. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen, $5 per week. Inquire 427 Washington st. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for gentle men; centrally located. 248 6th su Phone A 1196. LARGE, light, well-heated bay-window rooms, residence district, walking distance. Main 8312, 361 10th. 258 y, 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every conven ience; gentlemen only NEAT room, kitchen privileges, 1 or J ladies. 469 6th at. NICELY furnished front rooms, light, bath and phone; reasonable, close in. 331 11th. 135 14TH ST. Choice furnished rooms, fur nace heat, light, phone, bath. LARGE, modern room, miltable for two; bath and phone privileges; close in. 349 1 6th st. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. HOTEL ROYAL, 10SH 4th st.; steam-heated; rooms ei.au to a per wis.. .0 l vkv ua.y. THE GRAND, 387 Yamhill, nice light rooms. S3 and up; walking distance. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to ?5 wk.; also transient rooms. 243 Morrison. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL SARGENT. Portland s Best Family HoteL American or European plan. Only ten minutes walk from business center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Car passes hotel every minute; very rea sonable rates; largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found anywhere, with every modern convenience; large, well-kept lawn. 834 YAMHILL ST. Attractive rooms, finely furnished, clean, neat, modern; under new management; by day, week or month. DO you realize that you can get an outside, steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts.. for $10 up per month ? This house ts being re painted, repapered and put In first-class condition by the new owners; nice large parlor In connection; suites, with running water. $22.50 to 5. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window and other outside rooms; electric lights, baths, etc., Si.lO week up; transients. 20y4 Washington. Rooms With Board. THE GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch, room and board, $25 per month, large grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. THE ROYCRRST. Twelfth and Yamhill Sts. Easy walking distance; 2 or 3 meal per day; table unexcelled; fine location and homelike; terms reasonable. BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the nicest private boarding-houses In city; large, airy rooms, running water; beauti ful grounds, finely located for tourists, transient or permanent guests. A 5345. NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table board, strictly home cooking: modern: $6 week; easy walking distance. The Lin dell, 209 Market. PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Raw lings, SupL, 610 Flanders st. NICE furnished room for two gentlemen, with board, in private family of adults; bath, phone, gas. furnace, walking distance; ref erences. 368 13th et. LARGE airy rooms, modern conveniences, hot and cold water; extensive grounds, excellent board. 617 Kearney at. Main 3U00. A 2618. GOOD room, suitable for two; modern, rea sonable; walking distance. 30 East 16th, North, near Burnside. FURNISHED rooms and private board, $20 to $2.50 per month. 355 Couch at., cor ner Park. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th, well fumlshed rooms. hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. BOARD with pleasant room; heat, gas, bath, phone ; private homo. 573 Irving, near 18th. LARGEi room for tw-o; nlso single room, wit'i board: modern conveniences. 452 Morrison, cor. lr.th. 4 1 ELLA ST. Room, with board, room suitable for one or two; home cooking terms reasonable. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son. A home hotel; large rooms, good board, low rates. FURNISHED rooms, modern, with or with out board ; private family ; home cook ing. 206 Harrison st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two Is small private family; nne home, modern. 212 11th st. FURNISHED rooms and board. "Sterling," 635 Couch street. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oxark, 21!5 11th st. ROOM and board, home cooking. 690 Couck et., walking distance. A 3376. Apartments. IONIAN COURT Elegant 5 and 4-roora res ldence apartments, each having private vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerators, win dow shades and screens, telephone and janitor service. Apply Janitor, 13th and Couch. THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts., is now ready to receive guests; a few only of thoee beautiful 4-room apartments left; everything first-class in every respect with every modern convenience at moaerats terms; rent begins Oct. 1st. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with bath and all modern conven iences, including steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone, gas and electric light without further cost. H 113. Ore gonian. W. L. MORGAN. 822 Failing bldg.. Just being completed. Most beautifully fin ished 4 and 5-room steam heated apart ments in city; splendid location, excel lently equipped; reasonable rent. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apartments, possesalng every modern convenience; ex cellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson ats., un furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap ply to janitor. THE BUELL APARTMENTS, cor. Salmon and 14th sts., new and up-to-date 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; pri vate phone, bath, automatic elevator, steam heat, etc. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders, beautiful 5-room unfurished apartment; steam heat, eto. THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders $25. 1 4-room unfurnished apartment, modern. Apply to Janitor. THE DAYTON 660-662 Flanders. elegant 6-room apartment, all convenience, fur nished. SIX and 7-room, heated apartments, with every modern convenience. 715 Johnson. A 1678. 5-ROOM lower apartment, steam heat and janitor service. Call Flat E, 401 10th. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent, 12th and Columbia. "The Braintree." NICELY furnished 5-room lower flat; piano, furnace. 326 10 th st. Main 6648 fore noons. LOOKING for a "comfy" homelike flat? We have an unueually attractive one. Choice West Side location. Woodward, 104, 2d. 6-ROOM flat, every convenience, just com pleted. 004 E. Alder. Inquire 305 Tay lor. Main 6535. WELLINGTON COURT $.17.50, 6-room mod ern, steam-heated. 625 Everett. W. L. Morgan. 322 Failing bldg. 464 HALL New 6-room flat, gas range, furnace, gas and electricity; $25 50. E 140, Main 4469. FOUR new 6-room flats, $35. $37.50 and $40; Everett, near 22d. Vanduyn ft Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. 633 TAYLOR Lower corner flat, oak floors, gas and electric lichts; rent $30. Key Graves Music Store, 111 4th st. FURNISHED and unfurnished flatjs; steam heat, private bath; modern, close in, rea sonable. Cottel Drug Co. THREE, five and six-room flat. West Side; walking distance, low rent, M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. MODBRN B-room flat, steel and gas range, window ehades. 207 Halscy, near Stee! t bridge. $22 West Side 6-room upper flat. No. 26 Stout st. Inquire No. 20n Stout St.. cornet Madison. Phone Main 5853. $20 6-room flat: all modern conveniences; nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave. Phone East. 907. MODERN 5-room flat, one block north Steel bridge, fronting river. 202 Margin. NEW, modern 2. 3 and 4-room flats, fire place, on Williams ave. phone East 1719. MODERN 6-room flat, 6 E. 11th. W. R. Stokes & Co., 106 Grand ave. FOR RENT Newly furnished 5-room flat. 593 Main st. Phone Main 8382. NEW 6-room fiat. 473 Park, large porch, sightly. Kay 468 Park st. FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat; rent $30. Inquire 85 West Park. MODERN flat, IP4 McMillen st. Inquire at 188 McMillen. near east end Steel bridge. NEW, modem 5-room flat, $15. 126 Gaines et. Main 6818. - 8-ROOM flat, steam heated, walking dis tance. The Newcastle, 3d and Harrison, J