Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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    a E'-- - I MIK - I I 1 - . " 1 -
THE BERNARD Beautifully furnished
parlor bedroom, suitable for t o, wi.h
board, home cooking, desirable. location,
beautiful lawn; also day boarders desired,
lhl 11th at., cor. Yamhill- Main 5330, A
THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch,
room and board, t'-o per month, larffe
ground, baths, pool and bUliard tables;
large parlor with piano all free; easy
walking distance.
Twelfth and Yamhill St.
Easy walking distance, 2 or 3 meals per
day; table uneicelltd; nne location acd
homelike; terms reasonabia.
BLAKELY HAIL, 300 Jefferson, one of the
nicest private board. ngr-houses in city;
large airy rooms, run n inn water; beauti
ful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 6345.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table
board, strictly home cooking; modern; S6
week- easy walking distance. The L4n
dell. 269 Market.
PORTLAND Women' Union, 20th year: room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella. Kiw
ling. Supu, 610 Flanders et.
BOARD and room suitable- for one or two
people. reasonable ; large yard, fine
Tiew. 20 Slid "t., corner Taylor, Ml
Tabor. Phone E. 122.
NICE furnished room for two gentlemen, with
board, in private family of adulta; bath,
phone, gas. furnace, walking distance; ref
erence. 368 13th mt.
LARGE airy room, modern convenience,
hot and cold water; extensive grounds,
excellent board. 617 Kearney at. Main
S99, A 2618.
LIOHT suory room, vacant Oct 4; also
large bay-window room. 300 Madison, near
RFTFINED family, near school, would like the
care of little girl; beat reference. X 2,0,
Oregon lan.
FURNISHED room and private board, $20
to 122.50 per month. Sio Couch at-, cor
ner Park.
BOARD with pleasant room, heat, gas. bath,
phone; private home. B73 Irving, near
THE MARLY N. Waahing-ton and 17th, well
furnished room. hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri
son. A home hotel; large rooms, good
board, low rate
URNIBHED rooms, modern, with or with
out board ; private family; hom cook
ing. 260 Harrison il
fURNISHED rooms and board. The
"Sterling," 636 Couch street.
JX'RNISHED room with board. The Ozark.
228 llth t.
por man and wife, private family; suburbs.
Phone Main 63&.
A partmenta.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 8 and 4 -room res
idenco apartments, each having private
vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and
cold water, gas range, refrigerators, win
dow shades and screens, telephone and
Janitor service. Apply Janitor, lSih and
THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts..
is now ready to receive guests; a few only
of those beautiful 4-room apartments left;
everything first-class in every respect with
every modern convenience at moderate
terms; rent begins Oct. 1st.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart
ment, with bath and all modern conven
iences. Including steam heat, txot and
roid water, telephone, gas and electric
light without furLher cost. H 113. Ore
gonlan. rt steam heated. West Side, apartment of
four small rooms, new. Furnished with
lisht fixtures, shades, gas range, bedstead,
spring, dresser and dining-room table. O.
11. Dam meter. 317 Board of Trade blag.
lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apartments,
po-sepsing every modern convenience; ex
cellent location, reasonable rent ; walking
THFJ SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts,, un
furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new,
modem and fully equipped for convenience;
rent r-asonable; location saves carfare. Ap
ply to Janitor.
and 14th ts., new and up-to-date 4-room
apartments; private phone, bath; auto
matic elevator; steam heat, eta.
THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders,
beautiful 5 -room unfurlshed apartment;
steam heat. etc.
THE CHETOPA. IS Flanders $25, 1 4-room
unfurnished apartment, modern. Apply
to janitor.
TH E DAYTON 660-662 Flanders. elegant
6-room apartment, all conveniences, fur
nished. SIX and 7 -room, heated apartments, with
every modern convenience. 715 Johnson.
A 1678.
6-ROOM lower apartment, steam heat and
Janitor service. Call Flat E. 401 10th.
12th and Columbia,
apartment for rent,
"The Braintree."
$416 Elegant solid oak furniture of modem
6-room fiat, completely furnished and used
only two months; electricity, gas and wood
range, handtnte rugs, draperies, etc, in
cluding rent already paid till July. 1909.
A 2937 or Main tWM.
MODERN flats, alt sixes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. 8. IS. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Excrirnge 72.
NEW. modern 5-room flat; B. lflth and Al
der; walking distance; 'reasonable rent;
7 -room house. 686 Gantenbeln av. Apply
James Slgglln, 141 ft lt.
6-ROOM upper and lower corner fiats, ga
and electric llpht; shades, tinted walls,
wash trays, basemenjt, gas rang. - 233
CP-TO-DATD modern 6-room flat, choice lo
cation on 23d bet. Johnson and Kearney
sts.: rent 333. C. H. Korell. 251 Wash
ington. M("H modem B-room lower flat, choice loca
tion, nt 3Sd. near Johnson t. ; rent 327.60.
C. H. Korell, 231 Washington.
BWEUj 5 room flat on Kearney st., swell
location, only $30. Call 613 Chamber Com
merce. THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk
ing distance. $25. Mr. A, Larry, room 60
Washing ton bldg. Phone Main 6169.
MODERN lower, 5-room flat, choice location,
walking distance, close in. 406 Park st.
bet. Harrison A Hall. Key at 229 1st at.
NICELY furnished 6-room lower flat; piano,
furnace. 126 10th at. Main 6548 fore
noons. WELLINGTON COURT J37.60, 6-room mod
ern, steam-heated. 62.' Everett. W. L.
Morgan. 322 Falling bldg.
464 HALL New 6-room flat, gas
furnace. gas and electricity,
E 140. Main 446a
ran e,
320 50.
FOUR new 6-room flats. $35. $.17.60 and $40;
Everett, near 22d. Vanduyn A Walton.
313 Chamber Commerce.
6-ROOM flat, every convenience, just com
pleted. 60 E. Alder. Inquire 393 Tay
lor. Main 6533.
FURNISrfED and unfurnished f'.at; steam
heat, private bath: modern, close in, rea
sonable. Cottel Drug Co.
MODERN 5-room lower and 6-room upper
flat-t, Marshall, near 16th; rent $25. Wake
field. Fries A Co.. 29 Stark st.
NICE, clean furnished housekeeping flat,
within easy walking- distance. 422V Jef
ferson sc.
NEW, modern 2. 3 and 4-room flats, fire
place, on Williams ave. Phone East 1719.
MoriERN 6-room flat. 6 E. llth. W. R.
Stokes A Co.. 10S Grand ave.
FOR RENT Newly furnished 6-room flat
5:3 Main st. Phone Main &;tS2.
NEW 5-room flat, 473 Park, large porch,
sightly. Key 48 Park st.
FOI'R new flats. 3 and 6 rooms. 6th St., bet.
Hail and College. Inquire 423 6th st.
MODERN flat. 194 McMlIlen st. Inquire at
IKS McMillen. near east end Steel bridge.
PHONE Main 3060: inquire about 6-room fiat.
West Side; extra choice location, fine view.
4-ROOM comer flat, every convenience, 472
Williams ave. East 11S4.
6-ROOM upper flat: carpets for sale.
N. loth. Phone A 660.
Housekeeping Koonw.
THE Jeffersonlan. rhelce 3 -room suite,
rrictly modern apartments, vacant Oct. L
614 Jefferson.
"-!- HKk Room.- Bou. Money to lan.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall at.,
newly furnished, fully equipped for house
keeping. Including ga range.
of eli "trie Mgnts. hot water, hstha, large
reception room and laundry room; beauti
ful lawns and verandas surrounding tne
building. Furnished apartment from $16
up; also e-irgle rooms; with similar con
venience. $2.50 per week up. There is
notnlns In comparison in the city for the
money. This place will bear inspection
Short distance from Union Depot.
"S" or 16th-t. car going north, get otr
at Marshall st. Phone Main 6..1. Ho dogs.
A LARGE, well-fumlshed housekeeping
room, suitable for man and wife or two
ladies; electric lights, bath, phone; price
Si"; also two large pleasant unfurnisnea.
half basement rooms; light and bath; iu,
close in on East Side, near car. Pnone
Sellwood 1109.
Washington. cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; nice
suite from $12 up.
THE ONEONTA. 187 lTth St.. near YamhllL
thoroughly furnished, ga range, hot ana
cold water In each apartment, both tele
phones and baths free; terms reasonable.
no children
THE MONTGOMERY, cor. East 8th and
Morrison, nicely furnished housekeeping
suites; electric lights, baths; reasonable
rates; temporary entrance on Sth, bet. Al
der and Morrison
NEAR THE RIVER and car. close in, beau
tiful location, everything new. new house,
light housekeeping rooms, "ingle and en
suite, or room and board. 6S2 K. tn.
Phone Sellwood 133. '
THREE completely furnished homelike
rooms, clean, cheerful; rood neighbor
hood, wslking distance; private family;
references. 695 Front, cor. Mead.
WAYNE WOOD." 109 18th North; nicely
furnished housekeeping suites; hot and
cold water, furnace het; pleasant loca
tion; reasonable ratea
DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms, 8-room
suite, suitable for tailor or other worker;
brick building. 211 Second-Salmon.
Save carfare.
THREE unfurnished rooms for housekeep
ing, new house, 15 minutes from post
ofnee preferred; must be reasonable. M
284, Oregonlan.
CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms,
west side river, two for S month; 4-room
new lower flat. $16. Apply room 31, 323 Vi
Washington st- -
NICELY fumjjhed 4-room apartment; new
building, strictly modern, private phone and
bsth. electric elevator. The Buell Apart
ments, 14th and Salmon.
WAYNE WOOD." 109 18th North; nicely
furnished housekeeping suites; hot and
cold water, furnace heat; pleasant loca
tion: reasonable rates.
$6 Largo furnished housekeeping room,
suitable for two glrla 186 Curry
South Portland.
THE NEWCASTLE Firnished housekeep
ing rooms, heated, walking distance. 3d
and Hiurlson.
THE FAIR 652H Thurman st.; clean and
light housekeeping rooms for rent; take
16th st. car.
BEAUTIFUL front bay window room":
large, airv. 'both phones; completely fui
nished; first-clas location. 514 Morrison.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern; no children; rent $16. Phone Main
$12 PER MONTH, two furnished house
keeping rooms; bath, gas. electric 651
East Morrison.
THREE very nice housekeeping rooms, with
balcony, private family. Hawthorne Park.
Phone East 0KS1.
FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping suite, $M;
single rooms, $2. Klght down town. 263
PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms,
siniEle or en suite; walking distance; prices
reasonable. 633 Morrison.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, also one houneekeeplng room,
close In. Inquire 163 "West Park u
THE SANGERT. Washington and Trinity,
bet. 19th and 20th. newly furnished house
keeping suites; private baths.
BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur
nished 2-room suite in centrally located
apartment-house, 305 Jefferson, cor. 6th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 or 3 as desired;
single room, running water, heat. 347
THREH modern housekeeping rooms, clean,
neatly furnished, upper fiat; Oct. 1; ref
erence. 3G8 13th st.
TWO and three nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, suitable for four. 4011 2d st.
2 NICE, light basement rooms; free bath
and phone. 194 North 15th st.
THB ELMS Furnished housekeeping and
single rooms; transient. 191 14th st.
Furnished housekeeping end single rooms to
rent; prices reasonable. 189-193 W. Park st.
THREE nicely furnished connecting modern
housekeeping rooms. 85 N. 17th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 3004 4th.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, N. B.
corner of E. 19th and Stark; $J5. C. F.
Pfluger ft Co., Room 14 Mulk-ay bldg.. Sec
ond and Morrison sts.
$16 McFarland's new bungalow. Myrtle Park;
2 lota, electricity, bath. Mount Scott car.
Wells, agent, Stewart Station.
FOR RENT 7 -room cottage, corner 17th
and Taylor sts. For particulars inquire
206 17 Lh st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished houseboat for
rent on very easy terms. Call 247 Wash
ington st-, or phone Main 6494, A 2494.
6-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, good
lawn, near schools. E 1786. 753 E- Burn
side MODERN 6-room house, 8!a San Rafael St.,
near Union ave. Inauire 899 Hancock.
Phones East 1685. C 1491.
7-ROOM dwelling. 661 E. Msdlscn. corner
E. ISth st.; yard 75x100 feet; $25. Call
675 E. Madison. .
1U MODERN 7-room house, newly tinted;
1 block from car. The Consnt Really Co.,
Room 5. 250 ft Alder st.
FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, walk
ing distance, rent $30. Phone mornings.
Main 2705.
DESIRABLE cottage, with good grounds,
on Brooklyn carllne. Inquire 115 Ablng
ton bldg.
A MODERN 6-room house, furnace. 2 fire
places, electricity, gas. rent $32-30. Apply
room 301 Dekum.
TWO 2-story modern houses. East 8th St.,
bet. Sherman and Caruthera Apply 460
East Sherman st.
DO you wsnt to rent a houseT See us; we
may be able to locate you. Hart man A
Thompson, Chamber of Commerce.
MADISON-CHAPMAN, 8 rooms $25; bath.
ga; convenient to center; key 253 Chap
man. MODERN 5-room cottage, with yard. 888
Benton. 6 blocks north Steel bridge; fine
6-ROOM bungalow, brand new. E. 8th and
Schuyler sts.. Holladay's Addition. Key
next door. $25. No children.
TO RENT by Oct. 1. private residence of 8
rooms, centrally located. Apply 374 Tay
lar st.. cor West Park
229 MEADE ST.. near 1ft., 0 rooms, newly
papered; $12. Owner, 211 Lownsdsle. Main
MODERN cottage. 6 room; new; $20. In
quire 40 Tillamook.
FOUR or nine-room house, suitable for two
families; hot water, gas. 671 Sth st.
HOUSE. No. C56 Gllsan t., will be ftr rent
about Oct. L Apply at drugstore.
MODERN 5-room house. 67 Ella st. Inquire)
435 Glisan. Main 4A76; A 3576.
6-ROOM cottage, 433 West Park st. Gas and
bath. Apply 3-8 7th st.
-ROOM house, bath and gas. 826 Sherman
t. John Barby, 171 4th.
MODERN. 6 room a gas, electricity. Key
852 Clinton st. W.-R. car.
4-ROOM cottage for rant, $12.
N. 14th sC
Inquire 106
ROOMS. $27.50. 349 Market (at ParkJ. Key
next door, or 303 Mohawk bldg.
6-ROOM cottage. 295 Sacramento t. In
quire 349 Grant St.
6-ROOM cottar. Kearney St., West Side;
rent $22.50. Frank Bollam. 12ft 3d.
9-ROOM residence. 367 South 10th st. In
quire 335 West Park St. Phone Main 4283.
" , i 7, -,7ca . TTTTti I RrSIXESS CHANCES. t rESSOXAL.
f miC KMl. I I . I in . r
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOMB
BUY AT NO-RENT price; the sav
ing will exceed cost of moving.
cupv one-half: collect rent on baianee.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone Ease 2929.
FOR RENT 9-room modern house, cor. 6th
and Montgomery sts.; rent $75 per month;
references required. Morris Bros., room
0 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
FOR RENT New 6-room house, corner of
East 19th and Stark, all modern. $25. C.
F. Pfluger sc Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg-.
2d and Morrison sts.
GOOD cottage. $13 month; another. $11: fur
nished housekeeping room. 2 for $8 month;
sll west side river. Apply room 81. 323H
Washington st.
NO, 701 Hood, 6 rooms. $15.
181 Caruthers, 6 rooms, $15.
166 East 20th. 8 rooms, $18.
Call 243 6tark st.
MODERN 6-room cottage In Sunnyside, bath
gas, etc. in house. E. T. Taggart, 416
Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN 6-room cottar 270 E. 23d st.
Apply 898 E. Salmon st. Phone B 2286.
14 COLUMBIA, upper, 6 room a $25; Al
condition ; key 290 14th. A 5442.
Furnished House.
FOR RENT 7-room furnished houe. choice
location, full lot, with fruit trees, roses,
nice lawn, $27.50 per month. 16 Eat 30th,
between Burnstde and Ankeny sts. V.
Schmid. 106 Grand, ave.. East Side. -
FOR ftRENT Well furnished 7-room house;
reception hall, 4 bedrooms; piano, etc.;
will lease for number of months. Inquire
782 E. Salmon before 4 P. M.
MODERN 6-room newly furnished flat: in
stantaneous beater, bath, heat, walking
distance. 8Vi 10th St., North. Key at
FOR RENT New, modern furnished house,
Irvlngton, 7 rooms and bath, electric
lights, gas and furnace. Phone East 1261,
mornings or after 6 evenings.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room flat; pi
ano, pa a range; private bath. 1022 Haw
thorne, cor. 34th.
FURNISHED flat or housekeeping suites,
fine location, West Side; terms reasonable.
. Phone Main 2219.
FURNISHED house, good neighborhood, rea
sonable. Inquire 912 Kelly at., or 20 Mulky
FURNISHED house for rent, 5 rooms, en
ground floor, bath, gas and furnace. 290
12th st.
COM PLETELY furnished house. 8 rooms.
Irvlngton, B5 per month. Phone, fore
noons. E. 8646.
FURNISHED house to rent 'for a strictly
private family, situated at 37 Taylor at.,
corner W. Park; reference.
FOR RENT 6-room furnished flat in best
part of city. Phone Main 8436, or call 730
Irving el.
FURNISHED house of 7 rooms modern.
Call In forenoon before 10:30. Tel. East
4-ROOM furnished cottage at 206 Arthur st.
Phone Main 6801.
Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale.
$800 BUYS 1 1-room modern, newly furnished
house, near Morrison, close in. Pacific
Business Exchange. 303 Washington st.,
room 4. .
THE neatest and prettiest 4-room flat In
the city; rent $25. Including heat and
water. Cash or payments. 406 Harri
son, fiat O.
SXAP C rooms, velvet carpet, west upper
flat. 409 Yamhill, $330; next Elton Court;
also furnished 5-room cottage, suburban.
FOR SALE Furniture of a 6-rodm flat, close
In. $300; call at 170 10th st., or phone
Main 6267 for location and terms.
NEW 5-room cottage for rent, new furni
ture for sale. Call afternoons. DO East
15th st. North.
GOOD furniture of 6-room flat cheap. 188
12th st.. between Yamhill and Taylor.
Main 6996. '
12-ROOM modern hoiure. well fumiehe4; 7
rooms rented; good location, facing park;
rent $40 per month. 51 N. Park.
FURNITURE nine rooms. West Park and
Morrison; rent $45, income ?S9. Cheap,
terms. Phone Main 6944. This is a snap.
NEWLY furnished flat of 9 rooms, for sale
cheap. C 280, Oreaonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 10C7.
4-STORY brick building and basement. 60x
100, with large' e'ectric elevator, on 1st st..
between Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for
wholesale or retail business. Apply to
W. E. Grace care or Commercial Club.
FOR RENT December 1, 4-story and base
ment, brick store building. 100x165. S. E
corner Front and Pine sts.; also large
dock In rear. 100x200. Apply to C A.
Dolph, Mohawk bldg.
LARGE store for restaurant and lunch
counter; good location; no opposition; rent
reasonable. Inquire S. E. corner llth and
Hoyt. Main 2884.
TWO-STORY brick building. 25x100, with
basement, on Frcnt st., between Yamhill
and Taylor. Apply 183 Madison.
STORE Grand avenue, best location, near
East Morrison, brick building. V- Schmid.
105 Grand ave.
FOR RENT Large two-story and basement
building; long lease; nominal rent. Chlopeck
Fish Co. "
SUITABLE store for millinery drygoods or
tailor. 91T Williams ave.; rent $20. Apply
at premises.
20 STORE building. Montavilla, large. 5
rooms above, all modern. 2 barns. 105
Hlbbeart st. Main 44S2.
SUITABLE for tailor or cloak house. 2d
floor, Washington st. front. 303 Swetland.
NEW brick store. 50x100. Jobbing district.
Give long lease. R 265, Oregonlan.
STOREROOM, 83 First st. Call at the Palm
Cafe. First and Oak.
THREE-storv and basement building, good
for wholesale or warehouse. 4000 square
feet with elevator. Apply R- H- Strong.
710 Corbett bldg-.
Bet location. $10 and up.
Desk room. $3 and up.
803 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington.
splendid light: give reference and state
business. Address A E 200, Oregonlan.
GROUND floor desk room, furnished or un
furnished, including both phones. Seng
stake & Lyman. 90 Sth et.
DESK room in light front office, newly car
peted and furnished. Call at 201 Fenton
DESK room to let; reasonable. 409 Couch
THB AUDITORIUM, 208 3d St., 3 large of
fices, suitable for any business.
FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg.
Apply room 808.
Honey to Loan.
$1000 to loan on long time real estate
mortgage security. Whalley. 615 McKay
WANTED Dwelling house mortgagee, $500
to $1500: easy terms; owners only apply.
W. S. Ward. 210 Aliakv. M 7326.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere
and any sum : $1 00 and up : see us.
Vaughn Burt. 402 Conbett bldg.
$1000 TO loan on long time, real estate
mortgage security. Wh alley, 615 McKay
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg.
LOANS on city real estate; no commission.
Call on B. R Room 40. Washington bldg.
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. O.
F. Cady. 322 Mohawk bldg-.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett, 804 Fenton bldg.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds
and jewelry. Marx A B.och. 74 3d st.
LOANS and good security. Henry C. Prud-
hom me. 306 Chamber of Commerce.
State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as state agC Multnomah Co.. 400 ,C of C
402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash.
The recognized bank of the wage
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist,
engineer or employe can obtain money of
us on his note without security.
$15 return to us -f4 a
$:i0 return to us $8 a Mo.
$50 return to us $13.33 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleseant inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture. ta
Money loaned on 'salary or chattel mort
gage; busLnes confidential.
Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 return to ns $20.00 $10.00 $5.00
$no return to u ' $18.35 6 65 3.25
$:t0 return to us .... 8.00 4.00 2.00
$13 return to us 4.00 2.00 1-00
209 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts.
SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried
employes and on Pianos, Furniture, Ware
house Receipts, Horses, Insurance Policies
and all kinds of securities.
403 Swetland bldg.
WE PAY you spot cash for your German-American
certificates and Title Guar
antee acounts. We also buy Oregon Trust
and telephone bonds for 30 days only.
Cohn Bros.. 180 1st st Tel. Main 4773,
A 3319.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without se
curity; cheapest rates, easiest payments;
office in 60 principal cities; save your-,
self money by getting my terms first,
TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
MONEY loaned on salaries; no other ecuiity;
my system is best for railroad men, clerks,
bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others;
business confidential. F. A. Newton. 511
Buchanan bMg., 286 Washington st.
$40,000 to loan, in one or two lots, on first
class Teal estate security at 6 per cent; no
commission, for 3 to 5 years. Inquire room
12 Labbe bldg., corner 2d and Washington
sts.. city.
WTE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest for long or short
time. A. A. M- Delovage, jewelers. 269
Washington sf.
$300 AND services, energetic person, secures
Interest in old real estate Arm. experience
unnecessary. 411 Commonwealth bldg.,
th and Ankeny.
WE will buy your German-American cer
tificates and pay the highest cash price
for Oregon Trust accounts. The E. L.
Fraley Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce.
PLENTY of 7 per cent money on good se
curity. FRARY & SEITZ.
132 6th St,, Ground Floor.
LOANS made cMtckly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse
receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds
and jewelry. K. Pierce, 512 Gerllnger bldg.
$100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or mors
to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty.
M. G. Griffin, 206 Stark opp. Cham, of C.
MONEY to loan in sums from $1000 to
$r00O at 6 per cent on city real estate.
Parrish-Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st.
ANY part of $50,000 to loan on approved se
curity, 6 or 7 per cent interest. 305 Ger
linger bldg., Portland, Or.
I BUY phone bonds, bank accounts, etc.
Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main
MONEY to loan on real estate. Gruber, 824
Board of Trade bldg.
Loans Wantea.
WANTED $1000 for 3 years; real estate se
curity. AF 257, Oregonlan.
Proposals Invited.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received until 4 o'clock P. M.,
October 1, 19U8, by the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company for the salvage of the
wrecked vessel Minnie E. Kelton. Bids for
the hull and cargo should be made sep
arately. Said wrecked vessel Is now lying at the
east end of the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Company's dock in said City of As
toria, where it can be viewed by pros
pective bidders upon application to the
. agent. George W. Roberts.
Cargo and vessel will be sold to the
highest bidder, cash in hand; cargo con
sisting of lumber and shingles: hull con
sisting of wrecked vessel, machinery and
appurtenances thereto. Bidders are request
ed to name price, cash in hand, at which
they will purchase said property. A rea
sonable amount of time will be allowed for
the unloading of the cargo of eaid wrecked
vessel In case cargo and hull are sold to
separate bidders.
All bids muel be sealed and all com
munications addressed to George W. Rob
erts, agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Company. Astoria. Or., who hereby
reserves the rlpht to teject any and all
bins that may be received by him.
Dated thle 24th day of September. 1908.
SEALED bids will be received by the un
dersigned, until noon on Wednesday, Oct.
21, Ju8, for the sale by Multnomah County,
of' 48 acres of land situated in section 5.
township 1 south, range 3 east. Multnomah
County, Oregon, to be sold as a whole or
in 6-acre tracts; plat of this land can be
seen at the office of the County Clerk in the
Courthouse. If sold in tracts. 20 feet will
be reserved off the west side for a roadway.
The county reserve the right to reject any
and all bids. F. S. Fields, County Clerk.
Master Notice.
CAPTAIN J. NAMOND, British steamship
Magdona Neither the captain nor the
undcrsicned consignees will be responsible
for any debts coptractea oy tne crew.
Kerr-Glfford & Co.
TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah County.
Oregon Notice Is herety given that on
Mondav. October lth. 1!0S. the Board of
Equalization of Kultnomah County will
attend at the office of the County Clerk
of said county and publicly examine the
assessment rolls for the year 1908. and
correct all errors in valuation, descrip
tion or qualities or land, lots or other
property, and it Is the duty of all per
sons interested to appear at the time und
place appointed, and If it shall appear
to such Board of Equalization that there
are any lands, lots or other property as
sessed twice or In the name of a person
or persons not the owner of same, or
assessed under or beyond its value, or any
lands, lots or other property not assessed,
said Board of Equalization shall make
the proper corrections. B. D. SIGLER,
County Assessor.
Portland, Oregon, September 26. 1908.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get
Pacific Builder & Engineer. 315 Ch. Com.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1074. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metxger.
LOST White Llewellyn setter female puppy
with brown ears and brown spot on back;
wore new unmarked collar. Return to
Hotel Cornelius. Reward.
LOST Letter with draft inclosed, addressed
to Howard J. Morton, 755 Belmont St.;
Arnold & Cot; Main 7311. 351 Morrison st.
A BROKERAGE business that will stand the
closest investigation; will sell half interest
or all. 272 Stark st.
A NET little business with 2 living-rooms il
connection will be sacrificed Monday; real
only $6.50. 2T2 Stark st. -
RESTAURANT Good location, good busi
ness, cheap rent; great bargain. 70 8th
St., North.
s700 ESTABLISHED real estate business;
good list of property and buyers; roing
East. J 253. Oregonlan.
phone and other bonds negotiated, bought
and sold. C. S. Fletcher, 125 Abington bldg
SWELL little restaurant; clears from 18 to
S10 daily; price $350. German American
Realty Co., 343 ft Washington St., room 3.
FOR SALE Photograph gallery, clearing
over $100 per month; $150 buys it. In
vAailate. A. A. Simmons, Eugene, Or.
85 6th St.. near Oak.
A Few of Our Many Bargains.
$ 225 Buys elegantly furnished cottage, 5
rooms acd bath, modern, large yard;
rent $20. v
$1900 Part cash, 20-room hotel on Wash
ington st., clears $150 monthly; long
f 1460 17 rooms, best df furnishings through
out, large, sunny room. A-l tenant;
rent $tk). Good lease; see quick.
Large list of hotels, apartment -house,
rooming-houses and flat. Call for free
$ 450 Restaurant. choice location, busy
street, clearing $2C0 monthly: bargain.
$ 650 Cigar stand, fine corner, large stock,
swell fixtures; rent $20; lease.
33G Ani services secures ft interest in
best paying business in Portland ; no
night or Sunday work; party must be
sober and reliable; see quick.
For quick sates list with us;, have many
buyers' waitinjr. .
85 6th St., near Oak. '
Phon A 3185.
RELIABLE and experienced salesman and of
fice man, with large acquaintance, would
invest some money with services In legiti
mate business In Portland; prefer growing
manufacturing business where integrity,
pueh and energy count; state nature of busi
ness and cash required; highest reference.
A C 259, Orgonian.
REAL estate partner wanted; owner is
alone; must get man at once; experience
not necessary and very little cash re
quired. Active man can earn $ 175 to
$250 per month. Particulars Merchant
Realty Co., Washington st., room
RELIABLE real estate man with best of
references will take bright young man as
partner to show mnd and guarantee him
$125 per month; $150 required. German
American Realty Co., 343 ft Washington
- st., room 3.
WANTED To buy lease and furniture or
lease, with privilege of buying, a 60 to
lOo-room modern hotel In a live town in
Oregon, Washington or Idaho; write full
particulars. Theodore Marcus, P. O. Box
937, Baker City, Or.
$460 STOCK of drygoods and groceries in
, one of Portland's best suburbs, well lo
cated and doing a good business; will be
sold at a discount; about $600 in gro
ceries, balance dry goods. 349 Broad st.,
Montavilla, Or.
OYSTER and chophouse, long lease, brick,
modern building. everything up-to-date;
money maker. Price $00.
SQllft Washington St., Suite 4,
Il-ROOM transient house, best of furniture,
velvet and Axminster carpets, clears 53
and 3 nice living-rooms; heart of city:
price $1400 if sold this week. F 207, Ore
gonian. WE pay epeeial attention to business open
ings. Before buying, call us up and see
what we can offer you. Phone Main 4i6.
Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Ex
. cringe bldg.
CIGAR STAND on principal street for a live
man; 2-year lease; price $350 if taken be
fore Tuesday.
3031 Washli.gton St., Suite 4 i
IF you have salesmanship ability, good ac
quaintance and $500 to $1000 in cash let
me hear from you; good business and
office management are in yc-ur hands. C.
J Wild, 302 Commercial block.
A PARTNER in fish, poultry and fruit mar
ket In a good location; doing a fine busi
ness; will stand the closest investigation,
as the man is what 1 wanted. 272 Stark
PARTNER wanted to show land, etc.; will
pay active man $150 a month and little
money required. Full particulars 272 Stark
A GOOD live bu?ine5? man with about $iK)0
wanted to take charge of a branch store
soon to be opened. Address with refer
ences; M 7, Oregonlan.
NO. 1 chance for a man with small capital
to get into the real estate business with an
experienced and popular man. Room 230
Lumber Exchange. -
RESTAURANT Owner does cooktn : wants
partner to act as cashier and do the buy
ing; little money required. 230 Lumber Ex
chance. NINE housekeeping and bed -rooms, down
town, cheap rent, income $89; very cheap.
$400, terms. This is host bargain In city.
See owner, 705 Swetland bldg. Main 6944.
SALOON lunch cafe, rocd business loca
tion. Parties having a fortune left them
In the East. Boggera, 22 1 ft Morrison,
room 6.
We can give you a special prloe on any
mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln &
Co.. room 3 unamoer oi omiiivri-e.
MODERN 60-room hotel, U-nr lease, full of
guests, will . stand strict investigation;
$4SO0. half cash, balance easy terms. AD
258. Oregonlan '
POSITIVELY the best buy; 100-room hotel,
cost In 1005 $11,000 to furnish; house run
ning full; forced to sell at $4500. Call
Main 300.
ONE of the best corner saloons in Portland:
long lease, low rent; also a newly furnished
12-room house In connection; a bargain; In
vestigate. R USA, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE by owner, or will trade for house
and lot, nicely furnished, 23 rooms, mostly
housekeeping suites, with lease, 414 Sth
WILL trade new No. 7 Remington type
writer, cost $100. for cows, sheep or young
stock. Address L. W. Wynkoop, 248 Ash
st., Portland, Or.
FOR SALE Sawmill and planinff-mlll: com-
bined capacity 20.000. For full particu
lars address Lee Brown & Sons, Stayton,
Oi '
FIRST-CLASS moving picture show for sale;
good location in good- town; price $0o0
cash; barealn for some one. Address O
2S0, Oregonlan. .
WANTED Industrious younff man as part
ner in cash business clearing from $10 to
$15 a day; $-'00 required; German Amer
ican Realty Co., 343 ft Washington st.
FOR SALE Complete Turkish baths, rooms
In good location. Inquire 251 Alder st..
Dr. Lambert.
SPLENDID chance for a hotel man; $2500
required. Address P. O. box 86. Salem,
SELLING OUT The entire printing office
located at 628 Everett St.; 8x12 press,
type, stock, etc. Main 4574.
$"50 GUARANTEES ft interest ln business
and $100 er month immediately. AC
250, Oregonlan.
52-ROOM hotel doing a good business, In
good location; easy terms. Owner, 350
Glisan s
SALOON for sale; small rent: doing good
business; price reasonable. Call 361 First
ROOMING-HOUSE, 22 rooms, $1100; most
Independence and profit for sum Invested.
W 27S, Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished and well located confec
tionery la offered at $350. It is a bargain.
Room 230 Lumbar Exchange.
CONFECTIONERY, right by good school, and
well established trade. $400; also another for
$500. Call 513 Chamber Commerce.
A SNAP in a small grocery in a fine suburb;
horse, wagon and stock; 4 living-rooms;
lease; all for $800. 272 Stark st.
NEW" rooming-house, 32 rooms, cheap rent,
long lease to right party. Room 7, Ben
son bldg., 5th and Morrison.
FOR -SALE Small stock dry goods, good
location, cheap If taken immediately. L
2.15, Oregonlan.
BAKERY for sale In country town, and
good location, and will sell for $450. AE
257, Oregonian.
A GOOD dairy ranch for sale or exchange
for city property. Inquire 555 5th st.
SALOON Must sell good location at a sac
rifice. S. Mi Blumauer, room 6, 107 6th.
ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. See my list.
Mrs. Koontz. 243 Stark. M. or A 1976.
RESTAURANT, best buy in town, little
money .required. Apply 886 Morrison.
22-ROOM rooming-house for sale by owner;
nicely furnished. R 272. Oregonian.
GOOD paying butcher business in town of
6000. Apply 548 Union ave. N.
WANTED To buy a business must be a
snap. R 273. Oregonlan.
SA.LOON for sale, rent reasonable. Inquire
at 591 Thurman st.
94 KILLINGSWORTH ave.. cigar store and
lunch counter for sale. B 400; Oregonlan.
STOCKMn the Bonvllle Pub. Co.. $100 a
share; terms. 415 Marquam.
LOOK at this restaurant snap before look
ing further. Address AC 247, Oregonian.
BARBER shop for &3e. Ewell, 2d, Morri
son. Long lease ; good business.
IF you want to save money It will pay
you tot see or phone Catterlln before ou
buy any stock or bond.
1C00 Alaska Pet. & Coal., trees.
10.000 Alaska Pet. & Coal, pooled.
2o00 Almeda Consolidated.
lO American Telegraphone.
B00 Portland Florence.
600 Big Hill Coal.
10.000 B. C. Amalgamated Coal.
1300 Butte Boys.
SOoo Cascadia Mining & Development.
10,000 Commercial Mining (Rainbow).
25i Comstock Gold-n Gate.
5000 Fidelity Copper.
200 German-American Coffee; snap.
lii.000 Mammoth.
20.000 Morning.
2000 National Copper.
4500 Oregon Gold Mining.
fiOOO Oregon Coal (Scotts Mills).
100 Portland Ccal & Development.
1000 Gt. Western JExpI. & Dredglnr
We can give you price on all teleprone
Chamber of Commerce
Wsnt & reliable man for Portland and
one for a California town, to take an in
terest In business and manage offices in
these cities; will pay a salary oi iow
year end good returns on investment. For
particulars call or write W. Lawrence &
Co.. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
Stark sts.
RESTAURANT I have a restaurant In a
countrv town that is feeding over 200 peo
ple daily; will give you all the time you
want to try It before investing; ha four
living rooms upstairs; low rent and a good
lea-; $600, part cash and the balance out
of the business. Call room 815 Lumber
Exchange bldg., 2d nd Stark st.
HOTEL In a country town near Portland,
clearing on an average over $200 per month;
a laborfngman's place and te full all the
time; will sell for $300 cash and the bal
ance to be paid on monthly installments;
will bear the closest Investigation. For par
ticulars "call room 316 Lumber Exchange
bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1815) furnishes free Information on
opportunities In merchantile or manufac
turing lines, city r country.
403-4-5 Swetland Bldg. .
REST AURA NT-Delicatessen, one of the very
nicest places in town, and very fine location;
this place has made good profit right
through the dull times; buyer can investi
gate fully: just the place for man and wife
or two ladles; only $4O0. Call 613 Cham
ber Commerce.
JUST a few choice roomlng-houees: 63
rooms on 1st st.. $1700. terms; 32 rooms,
Washington st., $3200 caeh; 11 rooms, Mor
rison -St., $650 cash; 17 rooms, housekeep
ing suites, $1700, term: 11 room. Wash
ington St., close in. $775. 272 Stark St.
$16 000 TO $25,000 will secure large Interest
lii one of Portland's best business propo
sitions; good salary, interest and profit ab
solutely guaranteed ; no agents ; answers
confidential. . Address S 284. care Ore
gonlan. WATER power electric plant and flourinc
mills. lighting two growing towns; a
money-maker; $14,400 cash If taken soon,
might consider A-l Portland property to
the value of $'500. Good reason for eU
ing. White & Luce, John Day. Or.
WANTED Some one to put in portable
sawmill to cut 350.000 feet of timber. 1
will furnish stumpage and give $10 per
thousand for the timber. Must be done at
once, as mill must be moved 5 mile from
railroad. S 267, Oregonlan.
PARTNER for a machine hop; will pay you
a first-class salary and give you an inter
est in one of the best propositions on the
Coast. For particulars call room 315 Lumt
ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark.
PARTNER for a caeh business; will pay you
a saiarv of $150 per month; trial given
before vou buy; satisfaction guarantee.
For particulars call room 315 Lumber Ex
change bldg., 2d and Stark sts
SALOON A sober, reliable man wanted as
partner in a nrst-claes saloon: experience
not necessary; will clear you $150 month
ly. For particulars call room 315 Lum
ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
and all imperfections of the scalp, hair
and face removed busts developed, sup
perfluous hair removed by the latest
French method; all the rage In Paris; no
electricity; faces bleached, booklet free.
Facial Institute,
J46 llth St., bet. Alder and Morrison.
DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo-
pie or stranger, either sex; ooo to select
from; photos on file; meetings promptly ar
ranged by phone, with ute of parlors; prl-.
vate place to mall or receive letters; mem
bership $2; register of members 10c. Port
land Introducing Bureau. 613 Gerllnger
blag., cor. 2d and Alder.
hospital, just completed, in South MSjunt
Tabor, beautiful location, where patients
can have the best care at reasonable rates
and any physician they choose. Office 508
Merchants Trust Bldg S2Qft Washington.
Main 7743 and A 6755.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfore gradu
ate, cure rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous ' disorders by hand rubbing;
steam, sweat and tub baths; both eexes.
7 East llth St.. one door from East An
keny car. Phones East 260, Home B 1803.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 60c. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to public at
large. Suits pressed at 5uc at Gilbert, the
tailor's 66 6th et., next to Oxford Hotel.
Ladies'' skirts pressed. 60c. Festhers and
boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964.
Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera
peutics; a full line or eiectricai appliances,
newest and most improved electrical blanket.
All diseases successfully treated.. Room 30,
350 Morrison st. Main 2011.
YOUR eyes may need attention for diseased
conditions or glasses; we fit glasses right
and treat eyes, ears or catarrh in any
form. Impondero-Therapy Co., 608 Mer
chant Trust bldg., 3264 Waeh. St.
YOU can't work when you don't sleep
well; Pa lino Tablets make you sleep and
give vou steady nerve; 60c a box, 6
boxes '$2.50. All druggists, or addrese the
J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.. Portland.
ladies Ask vour druKBist for Chlchesters
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
as the best, Hafest. KeiiaDie. iae no oiner.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pill are sold
by druggists everywhere.
MEN, whatever your disease or infirmities
may be, our specialist lev men will give
vou the pi oper treatment. Impondero
Therapy Co.. 508 Merchant Trust bidg.,
S23ft Waeh. st. "
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.60 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark.
DR SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root PHI eure remedy for delayed periods.
$2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce,
612 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder.
LADIES no difference what your ailments
may be, see our lady physician, specialist
for women. Impondero-Therapy Co., 608
Merchants Trust b'.dg.. 326 Wash. st.
MRS OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; references.
' Wft Park. Main 2403. A 2734.
MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist, 302
Alipky bldg., nours jv to o. x-udiic lec
tures Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 28S5.
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve
Tonic Tablets. 25a box. Eyssell's Phar
macy, 2H9 Morrison St.. bet. 4th and 5th.
tvr TAT'L CROMWELL'S former wife. Dr.
Cromwell-Smith, will sell East India herbs
at Zaoft Harrison m..
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other for
eign textDOOK anu liif-iaiuit: u. spc-ciany
A. W. Schmale Co., 229 1st st.
ixwnm Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat
merits, facial deformities corrected ; plastic
surgery. 225 i leaner oiag. jn. omz, a zoea.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr Ketcnum, gmuutuB , kuviuv tree.
110ft 3d st. Main 8770.
dress, Wltn iuu, , i"w on oi. ouuui.
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single
.. i . i in, 'Q1Z 1.
people; cinuiai - -i
PILES cured without operation by a well-
establlshea pnysiciso. w. aw, cny.
MOLES wrinkle?, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Fhedner bldg. M. 3473.
DRS- ATWOOD; private hospital: maternity
caees; gOOO Care, leriiia iigiit. .u. ajwkjt oi.
JUST opened, ladles barber shop. 68 4th
St., Detween o.
A PERMANENT cure for piles, "Hemlock
Salve. io.inv .
Capt. Patrick BrulnsDetectlve Agency and
Collection JlCI""' !-.' oaminuii uivB-
FEXTHER5 of all kinds wanted! Allstar
r earner v.u., ooo . r.
250 PRINTED business cards. $1; 100 visit
ing cards, owe Dcumaic,
6nt Aiameomery si- n
nervous diseases treated; the whisk y,
morphine, opium and cocaine habits cured
in 48 hours; we guarantee no pain or suf
fering ; no money intil cured and thor
oughly satisfied. Call and investigate our
method of treatment, the fundamental
principle of which is the destruction of
that craving which prompts the desire for
the drug or stimulant. Phone A 3629
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560
Uiisan st. Aiain vza
E. H. COLL1S, 324 Worcester block, puhllo
accountant and siaie iki- "
Invest iKatlng. systematizing; permanent
keeping of books and n-cords a specialty.
Assayers and Analysts.
Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists ana assajciH. ijv-
PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bougnt. zu Aioer si.
and ore-iesang worn. muiwu
EMMONS A EMMONS have removed law
on ices to w-ia itoaru oi
Architects and Builders.
SEE Johnson about bungalowa 204 Mo
hawk bldg. a ai.
Bicycle and Klectrfcai Repairing.
SHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine KUU BKII.IIK-W gya.i.U. "- '
Carpet Cieonlng.
THHJ lone Steam Carpet-Cleaning Works;
carpets cleaned, rent tea ana iaia. . r .
Shepard, manager. Phone B 2236, East
WM. DBVENY and Estelle Deveny. the
oniy ecienuuu cuhuuidiw u viw -
lore 802 Gerllnger bldg., fi. W. cor. 2d and
Alder. Phone Main 130L
Chiropody and Pedicuring Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room oou iieuner oms. ruvun abu -.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, oom-
miesion merchants. Sherlock Diag.. rornanu.
Lessons 25c; now opening classes for begin
ners this evening at i o cioca; pnvaio
sons every morning, afternoon and even
ing. Prof. Wal Willson School. 886
Washington, bet. West Park and 10th lU.
RINGLBR'S schools, dancing, physical culture.
New Masonic Temple and Rlngler hall; pri
vate or class instruction dally and Tues.,
Wed., Thur., Sat. eve. East 5670, B 1003.
MISS COPELAND, Friday evenings, Voel-
ker s Hall, wo uisaiasippi ave., ur
Beach. Main 6865.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th and Main.
Feed Store.
E. L. COOPER & Co.. wholesale hay and
grain. 181 Washington st. Phone Main
7716, A 8718.
Hunt cms and Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale "ad
dle and harness mmrs. eu-oo muiu -w
Junk, Hides and Pelts.
L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts.
sacks. 312 Front st.
Leather and Findings.
tablished 1S5S. Leather end findings;
Stockton sole leather and cut stock; luil
line Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front at.
CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, tap. mf iV liudiiits.
EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupu of
eevcik. A 4160. Pine 334. Main 3045.
PIANO STUDIO. 269 14th South; principles
thoroughly taught. Phone Main 3893.
M C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 462 Salmon
t. Main 7240.
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum Bldg.,
Third and Washington Sts.
Phone, office. Main 349, res.. K. 1028.
THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not in trust;
close figures, good work. 38 Ru&sell bldg.,
corner 4th and Morrison.
Paint. Oil and Glass.
RASMUSSEN & CO.. jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylcr.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
PATENTS, trademarks. Smith A Buchanan,
827 Board of Trade bldg.
t j HIRSHHEIMER. pension and patent
"attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing platea Hicks-Chatten
Engraving Co., corner 3d and Alder sta
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P.
D. a Co., 231 Staik St. Both phones 1407.
Ban Francisco Hotels.
When In San Francisco, stop at the WIN
CHESTER HOTEL 3d st.. near Market.
600 rooms. Free 'bus. free hatha Single
?ooms lc day; family. $1 up. Kolkln A
Sharp, proprletora
L,AP.,. m nnt-D-nin in 2d-hand safea
VIS, OU oA - " -
.t Iaotory orlcofc Second-band mtltm.
The largest sign-maker In the North
west Btn and Everett sts. Phono Private
Exchange D5. Home A 11&5.
Showcase. Bank and Store Fixture.
THE James I. Marshall Mtg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch
.t. Main 2703.
Storage and Transfer.
C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. office
and commodious four-story brick ware
house with separate iron rooms and fire
proof vaults for valuables. N. W. corner
of ad and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture
moved and packed for shipping. Main 008,
A 1908- '
General trasferrlng and storage, safes,
nlanos and furniture moved and packed
lor shipment. 209 Oak St.. bet. Front and
1st. Telephone Main &47 or A 2247.
Street Paving.
WARREN Construction Co.. street pavlr.g.
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex.
Portland .office. 402-3-4 Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all
makes, repaired, sold and rented; also
state agents the Visible Fox. The Type
writer Exchange. 64 3d sl Main 606.
SPECIAL, prices, all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. 1. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Wholesale Jobbers.
WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers, man
ufacturers, commission merchants. 4th
and Oak.
ALBINA Fuel Co.. green and dry eord-
wood. Alblna ave.. R. R. st.
Portland Oregoa.
No Interest paid on accounts.
AT 100.0