THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1903. 10 FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. L LA RGB number of choice houses In Irvlngton and Holla day Add. Coma and Inspect it before it la too late to get into the moat desirable part of Portland. Any amount of lota, all price; some very de sirable home altea cheap. One 10-acre tract, nicely located to the city, only $1000 per acre. Finely furnished house, carpets, rugs and furniture very reason able. Irving ton. Broadway cars. For fur ther particulars call at office, cor. 15th and Haisey sts. East bw, u r. v 1508. C 1271. DOLEN HARDMAN. LOOK! ! T Here la a rood one; 2 acres for $1170; only 17 minutes' ride from buainesa cen ter; good aoJl. cleared; no stumps, no rocka. no drawbridges. Wouldn't thla make a nice home place? Just think! Tou can get to this place In leaa time than to Sunnyslde, Irving-ton or any other near-in addition, where a single lot will cost you aa much. Better look thla up at once. F. BRESKE, 444 Sherlock bids;. IP TOTT ' Will take the Montavill car and get off at Jonesmore we will afaow you the best investment for the money In this city. GEO. D. SCHALK. Main 892. A 2392. 264 Etark SU ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and PIanT era In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properues are In the walnut country. Yamhill a-acre tracts, planted, $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. LM, 110 second at. SNAP!! HOLLADAY PARK. SNAP!! New 2-story, strictly modern, 9-room house, cove ceilings, full cement basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, etc.. beautiful jrvt 67xl"0. sewer, gas. electric fixtures all in cement walk, graveled street, 3 blocks to car; only $43O0; terma. Tne best buy la Portland. Call on us COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 71 Couch Bide-, 109 4th St., near Washlngton. lflO0 NEW B-room house: 3 rooms besides hall, pantry and den on first floor; 2 rooms, closet and bath on second floor; ef"ctrln and gas flxturea; china cloaet; full concrete basement: roof tarred; ce ment walk; modnru plumbing; easy terma Inquire of owner, 1005 Maryland ave., near Piedmont car barna Phone Wood lawn 60. Take St. John car. NOT A HOUSE) FOR SALE, BUT A HOME. I will sell my- ft-room cottage thla week for $1K0: full cement basement, with wash tray, cement walks, lawn, street improve ments; paid, connerted to sewer, electrio lights and gas: I wttl make terma to suit. Owner, lo60 East Madteon at., bt. 35ib and 36th. Phone Tabor 11.13. B 2126. g-ROOM modern house on East Davis St., just completed, haa furnace, cement laundry tubs, full cement basement, built-in china closet, linen closet, seat, etc., electric and gas fixtures in; will sell for $500 down and $."0 monthly, including interest. H. P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 8699. A 2653. - YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL " Buyers waiting with 150 to $300 cash to apply on small homes. WHAT HAVE YOU? See me at one. Automobile for showing property. A. S. DRAPER. 82 Lafayette bWg., 6th and Washington. If ODERN 6-room house. Just completed ; fireplace, elect rlo and gaa fixtures; full cement basement: new lawn; 10-mlnute car rifle to center of city; a beautiful little borne; can be had on easy pa men la. O. M. SMITH, 415 Commercial Club Bldg. KILLINGS WORTH ave., close to Pat ton, only few more lots and blocks left at old price for quick sale; this la right in line of present penlnaular actlvltes and sure of rapid advance; don't lose . this -hance to double your money. Vanduyn 4r Walton. 515 chamber Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS One of the prettiest homes on the Heights; a half block of well Improved ground, ona of the finest lawns In tfce city; the view of the mountains and both rivers lei un-bstructable. R. F. BRYAN. 6r rhajnber of Commerce. Main 1063. A 1227. WEST MDB Fine modern 7-room house and lot. within easy walking distance of 3d and Washington sts., beat bargain on West fide; price only rt2on rash. C. F. Pfluger Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. $S.W CASH, balance time, 2-atory brick building on Russell st., near Williams ave . business property. For price and trm phone owner, B 1756, or address K 261. Oregonian. BT OWNER River front T""5rerty on Wil lamette. 8 miles from Portland; Rrt acres, extending to Oregon City carllne; will sell In large or small tracts. Address box 62. Milwaukie. R. F. I.. No. 1. NEW 5-room house, large bath and toilet, hot and cold water, right close to car. kvk1 side walks, including furniture, only $!; small cah and monthly payments; also many other houses. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK Improved lot on Mlsh lah. bet. Thompson and Tillamook; east frontage; high; close car; below prevail ing price; terms; a bargain. N 276, Ore gonlan. ABSTRACTS of title often show defects that vlll cause failure In your sale; have each abstract examined by a competent attor ney at moderate charge. See W. S. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison, IS650 IRVIXGTON, nice 6-room Queen Anne cottage and beautiful lawn with tine bearing fruit tives: all improvements in and paid for; walking distance. Address owner. F 26S, Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL quarter-block on E. 10th and Tillamook sts; can be bought reason able If taken now. C. F. Pnuger & Co., Room 14 Mulkey bids;.. Second and Mor rison sts. PENINSULAR lota; buy now; choice lots ad Joining Swift townslte on the west; cheapest and best location. See R. B. Carey, office at Peninsula Sta. HAVE loft on Broadway, between East 6th and 7th. HoxG.I for $i:oo, or 32x65 for $HkVt. or 2x65 tor 1'JOO. Culver. 623 Chamber of Commervce. THOROUGHLY modern 5-room cottage, 26s 52; Sunnyside; this Is a bargain. F. J. Catterlln &. Co., room 3 Chamber of Com merce. 8 ACRES, near carllne. only $1720; cold spring water; fine for chickens and ducks; easy payments; 5c carfare; 17 min. ride. See Russell at once, room 444 Sherlock. 86 ACRES of land on Clackamas River ad joining Clackamas Health Resort; 30 clear. 6 pasture; 2 miles from O. W. P. carllne. A. Erickson, Oregon City. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTY. P. A. TUFTS. 803 H WASHINGTON ST. ONLY $H pr "" 'or 45 acres close to Beaverton and electric road; worth 10m, but owner obliged to sell. Vanduyn &. Wal ton. 615 Chamber Commerce. NEW 7-room modern home, beautifully ar ranged and finished; choicest location. Hoiladay Park; near Broadway car. C 263. Oregonlan. FULL lot with 6-room house. Sunnyside, nearly modern; gas. electricity, desirable home. $2"0; terms; possession In 5 daya Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. RISLEY TRACT, Oregon City carllne, 2 acres or more: all In cultivation; best of land. C. W. Rlsley. owner. Rlsy'e P. O.. Milwaukie. -ACRE tracts, close to electric and steam lines; best black soil; $750 e. :h; cash, balance per cent. Catterlln A- Mann. 242 Alder St. WEST SIDE house, modern, attic, hot-air furrace and two fireplaces; fractional lot; $35"0: terms; by owner. A F 240, Ore gon tan. $u0 TWO small houses and two lots. Sell wood, easy terma Angeles. 242 5th and Main. $50 4-ROOM house and lot, small pay , ment, $10 nosthly. Angeles, 24; 5th and Main. F you want good home cheap. In desirable location, full lot. east front, near carllne, see owner. Sel wood 330. BARGAIN Good 6-room ouae and busi ness lot in Sunnyside; $2250, terma Phone B 172 CITY View park Pretty 8-room home, inn 1O0 corner, choice shrubbery, only $n0; terms. Phone Sellwood 370. 81.V AND $15 monthly; swell 4-room, resi dence: beautiful lot. Angeles. 2 111 Fifth and Main. V RO 'SI house, nice location, Montavliia; $ 1 7- te rmm. F. J. Caiterll A Co., room 8. Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. If you want to buy or sell anything and anywhere, write to me. I can handle your business, no matter where located. I have two fine mining claims, located at Florence. Humboldt County. Nevada, 14 miles southeast of Denlo, Or., and within two claims of the Rain Storm Group, which refused $t"o.000. These two claims can be had for $1000 cash, party Is hard up and must have money. Want to exchange 30,000 shares of the Quincy Ozark Orchard & Fruit Company for a business property paying lO per cent or better; free title and no Incumbrance; In Portland or Seattle, Two fine drugstores for sale In Rocky Ford. Colo., doing fine business: one cost $4000. the other one JXO0 cash. A. K SIEBRANDT. Real Estate. Loans and Investments, 736 Umatilla Ave.. Portland. Or. 850 BEAUTIFUL HOLLADAY - PARK HOME $.r0. Can be obtained on the unheard-of terms of $50 per month; new. strictly up-to-date, two-story, four rooms, hall, den. pantry, etc "'below; three rooms. bath, toilet, large closets, etc., above; attic and full concrete ' basement; fireplace, fine furnace, laundry trays: nice corner lot 5oxl00, fine lawn and plenty of roses; 4 and 2 blocks to car; price $5000. The only chance like it In Port land. Cfe.ll on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg.. 109 4th St., near Washing-ton. SUBURBAN HOME. REDUCED TO $4500 FOR OITICK SALE Large grounds, good -ft-room house, por celain bath, city water, electricity, cement walks and curbs, on carllne, close to school, large lawn with over 30 varieties or, 7 of apples. cherries. 2 pears. 7 berries, almond, peaches, plums, grapes, currants, garden, poultrv-house and yard; must be seen to be appreciated; $2509 ca-sn. xime on balance, inquire of owner. ou i oncora mag. 85 ACRES, with 1000 feet deep water front age on Willamette River and extending; back to improved county road, running water on tract, mostly in wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five milos irora roruana. isuu xeet . rrom electric line, good graded road leading; to same. Price sim.500. No agents need apply. H. O. Starkweather, box 43. route 1. Mil waukie. Or. Phone Oregon City, Farm ers 1Kb. 8-ROOM house In swell East Bumaide dis trict; up to date In every respect and haa 'every modern convenience, including auto gnrace; over a full lot, frontage on two Ftreets; seven dozen choice roue bushes. H, P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. VINEYARDS IN FRESNO COUNTY. Five years old, produce net annual re turns of $150 per acre. We offer these lands at $25o per acre In ten-acre tracts on easy payments. CH A pi N & H ERLOW, OBSERVE bargain; 3 lots In Vernon for fL'o cash, reduced from $fc0i. for quick sal; east front ; quick. Owner, 113" E 23d North. Alberta car, near Killings- wort n. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. We Have Them. Call on T's. MOUNT TABOR REALTY CO.. 608 Gerllnger Bldg, 2d and Alder. BARGAIN Only $2250; worth $5000; 14 lots, 750 ft. from car, 16 minutes' ride, 5c car fare; tfma See Russell at once, 444 Sher lock bldg. $1600 BITYS a cozy 4-room bungalow Just completed. In one of Portland's prettiest suburbs; small payment casn, Daiance iik paying rent. C. B. Lucas, 322 Corbett bldg. ' A PMA LL IN VESTM EN T. Only $2M" for an irrigate-i farm; $10 flown and ni per montn. ask me aoout It. Thos. McCusker, zvo Couch bldg. BUY LOTS where you'll double your money at Peninsular Station. T. . Plttenger, 24ftH Morrison. BARGAIN Brand new 8-room residence; fireplace; 7S4 tu. lamnui, ztn. I34oU( only $350 down. HALF block on KUUngsworth ave.. near Patton. J330. jan on is. room . Washington bldg. FOR SALE cheap. If taken at once, a small house and 3 lots, chicken park, etc Call or address) llw E. ihtn St., k. WANT to leave city, will sell fine T-room modern home, near good carline, below value, $2.tOO. Owner, Fhone iast 2S13. BARGAIN, best house In Vernon; six rooms; new. modern; no agents. Owner, M 270, Oregonian. VTHOICE East Side residence lots, with all improvements; good Investments. 10 Washington bldg. 7-ROOM modem home, with tine view, on WMt Side: orice S4."i00; terms to suit. B. R., Room 40, Washington bldg;. QUARTHR block on Alder and 14th for $SO. 0oO; this Is a snap. Call 613 Chamber Com merce. for SALE Two modern butigalows, & bargain. 974 East litth sr.. North. Also 7-room 2-story moaern nouse. FOR SALE Modern 2-story residence: 7 rooms ; ruii i"i . Ku iwiu"ii , m uhi btiu ; part cash. Owner, Phone Tabor 143. $250 CASH buys an 8-room modern house, near Union; balance $L'5 month; prico $L'500. State Land C o., 133 t irst st. MODERN 7-room residence, almost new nar car. Fast Side $2000; terms. 16 Washington bldg. 5 LOTS, 50 by 1O0 each, near Portland nnuievara. Close io car, s.uu; siuu casn, 320 Lumber Exchange. DANDY 5-room new. modern bungalow. E. 13th and Alberta; east front; $20o0, terms, j. j. Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. SEVERAL good farms1, close to Portland market, from $25 to $100 per acre; easy terms. Boggers, 221 a Morrison, room 5. SMALL tracts near O. W. P. line, $250 to $tjy0 per acre. 325 Lumber Exchange. $45 CASH. $10 monthly; full lot. graded street; near car Y 105. care Oregon lan. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. See owner, 742 E. Main st- or phone E 3311. FOR SALE 5-room cottage, 50x100 lot; this IS a snap. im iveny si. LOTS close to Alberta car with small houses. 32.1 Lumber Exchange. ONE 25-foot lot In Peninsula Add. No. 2, $l.-0. A 3301. ABSTRACTS examined at moderate charges. W. 3. Ward. 210 Alisky. M 7320. $100 CASH buvo $175 lot In restricted dis trict. Sellwood S35. C 22. Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMEER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D LACEY A CO Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle, 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. A GREAT opportunity Wanted, five men with $."'000 each or one man with $25,000 to float a big- timber and milling enter prise, easy to log and handy to railroad. For further particulars Inquire of Jas. G. Horning, Philomath, Or. CHEAPER THAN GOVERNMENT LAND Have several patented timber claims, well situated. 3.0OO.00O to 6.000.000 feet each, at $lono per claim. Western Investment Co., SO1-502 Corbett bldg. WE are constantly acquiring- fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phcne Main 446 Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6TUM PAGE for sale; 2000 cord, on Salem Electric, close to track at TlgardvilVe. Vanduyn A- Walton. 616 Chamber of Commerce. 60.000.000 GOOD fir timber. 65 per cent old growth, near railroad in Willamette Val ky : Suits M ; liberal terms; deal with owner; no agents. C .76, Oregonian. LOGGING CHANCE, within donkey haul of Columbia River; a few thousand dollars will handle; deal direct with owner. N 209, Oregonian. FOR SALE 800 acres of timber adjoining SI let, for less money than the owners a no asking for It, if taken quick. 218 Worcester bldg. FOR BALE 160 acres good timber; good lo cation, on river: for quick sale your price takes It. L 2fS. Oregonian. THREE timber claims, relinquishments for sale; reasonable. Room 7, Benson bldg., Mh and Morrison. IN EASTERN OREGON. 20 timber claims, yellow pine. $ls00 claim; none but buyers need answer. O 26S, Oregonian. CHOICE YELLOW PINE- CLAIMS, Government location. 327 Worcester blk. FOB RE XT FARM S. TEN' or 15 acres In Hood River Valley, 2 miles from town. Inquire of A. -.Butts. Hood River. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary Portland. 427 Worcester block. FOB BALE FARMS. AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. 80-ACRE SUBURBAN FARM. All highly cultivated, 3 acres Concord grapes, 850 peach trees. 350 pear, 800 wal nuts, 850 apples, assorted; 100 assorted berries. 75 filberts, 80 cherries. 9-room modern house with full concrete basement, furnace and fireplace; large hall aud bath, hot and cold water; tank-house and SOiO-gallon tank with engine; first-class barn, with running water; 3-room cottage, and 7 outbuildinga On the Oregon City carllne, 9 miles from the city and a S0 xnlnute ride. Station right on the place. It also fronts on the county road. This farm with all Implements and tools, wagons, horses and harness, cows, chick ens, pigs, pigeons, cream separator, and everything complete can be had for 521. OO0. It is without a doubt the most com plete farm on the Oregon City line, and worthy of your Immediate investigation. If desired will sell 18 acres with all the Improvements for $15,000, or 12 acres highlv cultivated but no Improvements, for $"0000. Terms If desired. Owner is obliged to leave the state, hence your op portunity to buy at this price. JAMES J. FLYNN, 513 Chamber of Commerce. NICE little place of two acres, near Van couver, all in cultivation; house, ' barn, bearing orchard, $50 worth of potatoes In the ground go with the place; a real home; only $000. and terms given. "I HO acres. 6 miles northwest from city; 3200 fruifc trees, pears, cherries, plums, prunes, etc.; dryer, barn, small house; not much money needed to swing; this; at present used as dairy ranch with city milk route. Lt ua show you this place. Whalley, 615 McKay bldg. 80-ACRE milk ranch, containing deep, rich onion and orchard soil; spring water; house; barn; near Forest Grove; Tualatin River branch and county road, milk rout- cross farm; railway station one mile. Eight years' rent free of adjoininjr 120 acri walnut orchard goes with this splen did bargain for $4SOO. E. E. Morgan, 228 Stark. Main 6018. FARM, 802 or 175 acres; exceptional bar gain; must be sold at once; best of soil; well Improved; adapted to all kinds of farming; CO miles from Portland, 14 miles from railroad station and town; spring water, fruit, etc. O. K. Edwards, 402 Commercial Club bldg;. Office hours, 1 to 6 P. M. 629 ACRES, loss than 40 miles from Port land, In Yamhill County; suitable Tor stock ranch; well watered or easily lends Itself to cut up Into small fruit farms; nicely rolling land, good elevation and can be bought for less than $16 per acre. The oak wood on It will more than pay for It. Whalley, 615 McKay bldg. FOR SALE 500-acre stock and grain ranch; 2K acres plow and paoture, balance tim ber will more than half pay for It; price $25 acre; quarter down, balance on time; might consider part In improved city prop erty. AF 253, Oregonian. FOR SALE 500-aere stock and grain ranch; 200 acres plow and pasture, bal ance timber will more than half pay for It; price $25 per acre, quarter down, bal ance time; consider part Improved city property. AF 253, Oregonian. IF you want a good home or Investment, call -on us; we have an extensive list of farms ; also tracts from 5 to 200 acres, on electric line. Kuratli Bros.. Hillsboro, Or. 10 ACRES of land In high state of cultiva tion, with small orchard; 1 mile from Forest Grove, for sale for $2000, or to exchango for improved Portland property. Address owner. Box 44, Forest Grove, Or. WHO wants the best farm In the Willam ette Valley ? For particulars call upon or write Conn ell. Long & Imbrle, Hills boro, Or. $2000 50 acres apple and walnut land; run ning water, timber enough to more than' pay for it; close to town. Box 131 For est Grove. Or. WE make a specialty of small farm Is Washington County In the vicinity ofl Witch Hazel. F. J. Catterlln & Co., room 8 Chamber of Commerce. HALF Its value; 1000 acrea In Klamath County; 100 hogs, 150 stock cattle, 50 dairy cows, 12 horses, all Implements, 400 tons hay. Apply 349 E. Gllsan st. FOR PALE Chicken ranch, 24 acres, all Improved, In Milwaukie. Call Browning" Baths, 146 1st. Phone Main 0129. 21S ACRES, all or In part, Salem Electrio line. Chemeketa station. Phone owner. East 1719. IF YOU are looking for a farm, large or small, cash or trade, call 325 Lumber Ex change. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company, Salem, Or. IF you want land, then see my list of farms. John Anderson, 311 Worcester bldg. TO EXCHANGE. NO. 102 Good dairy farm on the Colum bia River, near Goble; 150 acres In all: 3oo acres of the finest kind of laad; good large orchard; four good springs and creeks 100 acres of river oottcm .'and and 60 acres of upland, which is partly cluied and all bottom land cleared; about S acres of potatoes. 16 cows, 2 younir heifers. 1 team of good horses, 2 sets of harness. 21 pigs, 24 ducks, 24 chickens, 1 good cider mill, good organ and most all the house hola furniture. This place lays so as to touch the Columbia Uiv r an 1 railroad. Only H mile to town of Goble, and store and postotfice only a few steps from place; close to school; good S-roon hiuse; barn and other outbuildings all farm tools all the very best of soil; price $11,000. RALPH ACKLEY. 603 Corbett Bldp. WANTED To exchange Portland suburban acreage, value $9t)u0, or part thereof, for legitimate business or Income-bearing property In Portland or any other lively town; no saloons or restaurants; straight trade; no cash asked or given. If condi tions warrant, will consider higher-priced property and assume mortgage or pay from proceeds. G 2 79, Oregonian. FOR BALE or exchange, 163 acres farming land in Wisconsin, near Marshfleld, cov ered with timber; will sell on easy terms or exchange for Portland lots or good property In other parts of the state of Oregon. For particulars call or address J. S. Taylor, 227 Worcester block, Port land, Or. WILL SELL or exchange for choice realty. In good location, or lease for term of years, up-to-date apartment-house, with all modern improvements, in center of city. Correspondence solicited. Principals only. T 250, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE $1000 perferred Mock cer tificate in oid-estaDiinea corporation; good business; bears 6 per cent; gilt-edge; pre fer vacant lot or will consider other good property. Answer quick. X 275, Ore gonian. WB have houses, lots, farms, timber, room ing-houses, restaurants ana uusineee ror sale and for trade. Call or write 513 Cham ber Commerce. OF COVRSE! CERTAINLY! If yon want to buy, sell or trade business or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. EXCHANGE Income city property and acre age cloee to city, value $22,000, Incumb rance $2500, for good stock of general mer chandise. L 206, Oregonian. SO ACRES of choice land, partly Improved, in Cowlitz Co., w asn., to traae tor nouse and lot In Portland; value $1000. Ira Abermatha, Carrolton, Wash. R. F. D. 1. A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm tract to traae towara roruana nome or business property. Frank Lee 147 ft Front st. TELEPHONE BONDS AND STOCK. Token In exchange for real estate. FRED H. STRONG. 66 Concord bldg. IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade anything, see Kaunmau oe Jiowrc, oo Lurauer .ex change. BOOKSTORE in good location, doing good business, lS"w; win iaae reaa estate zor alt or part. 325 Lumber Exchange. $1500 EQUITY In 8-room House, for lots. acreage, or win mno buiu m.m - DULie Land Co., 133 H First st. MINING STOCK for vacant lot .or acreage. Phone evenings iasx ban. WHAT have you to trade for good mining stock? Phone Main 3l'ol. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith. 40 Buchanan bldg. BALE or trade, good 7-room house and lot; terms, see owner, aiauory ave. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE want timber lands, single claims or tracts. Murdoch & loung. 407 .Buchanan bldg. WANTED Timber locations, ready for fil ing. O. A. tiranaxn, lizz e Btn sx. jv. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, &a McliLa-r a ins-. WAMED KEAL ESTATE. WANT lots In Hawthorne ave. district and South Portland at once. ML Tabor Realty Co.. 60S Gerllnger Bldg. Phone Main 3251. WILL give cash and excellent timber claim for mcJern house In good location; will pay from $00u0 to $7000. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. CHOICE- residence lot; want bargain forcah; state location and price. K 2il, Ore gonian. - WANTED A house from $1500 to $2500, lo-minute car ride; state price and terma. Address A Blgnaml. 148 &th st.. room A. FOB KENT FARMS. GOOD 12fl-acre farm In Washington County, on North Prairie, with 6-room house, gar den, orchard, barn and other outhouses, rent $5 per acre. Apply to Wm- Kane, Forest Grove, Or. FOR RENT Two good dairies on shipping point. For particulars call on Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FARM for rent. J. N- Elliot. Oregon City, Route 3. HOMESTEADS. FEW choice homesteads, agricultural lands ready for the plow; plenty of water; in vestigate ut once. 611 S wetland bldg., 6th and Washington. FIRST-CLASS soil. plent of water, can still be homesteaded. See us now. Frank Lucas, 216 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TO RENT FARMS, WANTED To rent, at once, a small ranch of 10, 20 or more acres of good land, close to Portland ; have horses and all tools to run a place; plenty of help. 40 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE: New light two-horse express wagon with canvas top over seat; ca pacity 1000 pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all in good condition; price $100 Inquire at room 200 Oregonian bldg. or of A P. Langenbers. Clackamas, Or. JLTPT arrived from Eastern Oregon, 20 head young horses, 1200 to 1.100 lbs.; gentle and well broke, thoroughly guaranteed. Come quick. 228 Jefferson st- S. M. 'Stewart. 26 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert & Hall, 26 4th St. ONE 2S00-pound team; harness, wagon; 1 r-ycar-oId black mare, L00 lbs. Phone E 1,12. 4."6 Goldsmith. 'FOR SALE Three young' horses, Hamil ton 1 to hire out. East 6S08. DELIVERY wagon, horse and harness. In good condition, $60. K 204, Oregonian. HORSES, mares, r!? t.-.d hame of all kinds for sale. 214 Montgomery. FOR SALE Young team draft horses. Ap ply 308 Davis st. HORSES, buggies and harness for Bale or hire. 182 East 34th st. phone Tabor 1112. Automobiles. BIG SACRIFICE SALE IN AUTOMOBILES. Now is your chance. Runabouts from $225 to $57-1; touring cars from $450 to 1 850. ail In A-l condition; come early for choice. . Portland Auto Commission House. 115 Grand ave. Phones B 22ill, East 614. $500 CASH takes a White Steamer. In good order; fully equipped; seats 5; absolutely the best buy In the city. A D 264. Ore gonian. AUTOMOBILES, touring t .irs and run abouts, $250 to $1200. for sale or trade. W. G. Hartman, 46 2d St. Main 1862. WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H 94. Oregonian. WILL exchange 7-passenger 30-H. P. touring car for real eetate of equal value. AF 2H2. Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-passenp'ir 30-H. P. touring car; bargain. AF 263. Oregonian. $500 Cadillac; seats 5; Al condition. J 252. Oregonian. FULLY equipped 1906 7-passenger White Steamer. T 29. Oregonian. Pianos. PIANO bargain. Ludwlg. Snap. $250. Phone B 109O. E 2009. 6S3 E. Salmon st. LUDWIG pianos, good as new, at a bargain. 10 Washington bldg. Miscellaneous. MOVTNG picture machines. all makes; films, slides and supplies; talking ma chines, records; opera and folding chairs; posters, tickets, etc.; lowest prices. New man Motion Picture Exchange, 293 Burn side, Portland, Or. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick.-Balke-Collender, 49 Third st. FOR SALE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000. Parties interested call Mag inn Ls & Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. TWO good fresh cows and calves; very cheap; must be sold. 1175 Ockley Green: brown house opposite station; St. John car. OLD VIOLINS bought an sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. Fine repairing a specialty. Call or address L. Winters, 818 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist ing engines, rails, cars, etc. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st. A 2363, Main 2363. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies; registered stock. 264 Alberta st. U" car. STEAMBOAT, length 75. beam 13, 100 horsepower; nearly new. O 272, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7461. FOR SALE 90 head of angora goats cheap. Address T. J. Ripley, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 2. MOVLVG-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, elides, films for rent. 165 4th st. RHUBARB roots. 2 years old. $25 per 1000. Address S.14 Mill st., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Two safes-, letter-press, desks and office furniture. Chlopeck Fleh Co. FOR SALE Marble slab counters; safe, shelv ing, etc' Chlopeck Fteh Co. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon. LUNCH COUNTER Oak top. and shelving, cheap. Corner 4th and MadlBon. GOOD, young- horse, weighs llOO, city broke. H. Grufke, Mt. Zion. Take Council Crest car. GOOD safe for sale, $50. Phone B 2267. HELP W ANTED MALE. HIGH-GRADE specialty salesman; salary or commission ; permanent position ; answer, with references. O 281, Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. Commercial Abstract Co., suite 408 Commercial Club bldg. SALESMAN wanted for real estate and se curity, for the Montana and Nevada; good contract. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED First-class all-around plumber; steady work, union scale, $5 per day of S hmirx. fharles Hnhn. Twiston. lHa FOR WORK 6R FOR HELP, CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both phones. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Me n 250 B urn side E treet. Phone Main 56&4. IF you are a hustler and want to make money, call at 88 Grand ave. J. D. Sher man. WANTED 4 men for sewer work, Corvallis. Or. Apply Monday, Sept. 28. at 550 East 25 th st. BARBER shop for sale; long lease; good business. Ewell, 2d and Morrison. WANTED Collector on 10c premium hooka Room 26, 133 First st. CUTTER and trimmer wanted. Columbia Woolen Mills Co., 7th and Stark sts. COATMAKERS wanted. Apply Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. 7th and Stark sta Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl, 148 4th. Main 6500. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency, aio Davis sc. Main WANTED A good, young, reliable meat- cutter. Box 261, Eugene, Or. j HELP WANTED MALE, 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year: men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeko; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert in structor; tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th at., Portland, Or. WANTED A man and wife on a country place near Vancouver. A permanent place at good wages to-1 the right people. The man must be a worker and ready to do anything In the way of gardening and general farming and his wife to do plain cooking, washing and general work. Apply at room 501, Oregonian bldg. WANTED Young man with small capital as partner in established real estate busi ness; am tired of hired help; I will teach you the business, etc 225 5th su SEVERAL BRIGHT young men at once for the U. S. postal service, between 18 and 45 years of age; examination soon; salary from $000 to $1200 per year. We prepare you, old exem. questions FREE. Call or writs now. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes. 110 books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230 240 8th st., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second at. Phones Main and A 1520. Help Free to employers. MOVING picture operators make $36 week ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn the business In short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co.. 203 Burnside St. BOOKKEEPER wanted, must be familiar with real estate business and able to give bond or security; one that will take Inter est in the firm preferred. Address, with references. S 202, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Write us if Interested. Albany Nurseries, Al bany, Or. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learlng. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. and Pike, Seattle. FURNISHING goods, shoes; dry goods, clothing salesmen, bookkeepers and sten ographers; city and country. P. O. & C Co., 323 & Wash. Phones 39-41. WANTED A first-class presser on ladles and gentlemen's clothes, for dye works ; good wages. Artistic Dye Works, 821 Williams. WANTED Young men to study telegraphy and stenography; good wages and perma nent positions when competent. Oregon College, 83 5th st. WANTED Young man between the age of 17 and 21 to bpgln mechanical train ing. Apply Tuesday, 8 A. M., 14th and Couch. $150 BUYS interest old established em ployment office doing $20 to $25 daily; experience not required. 85 6th st., near Oak. A HIGH-CLASS salesman wanted, capable of earning from $3000 to $5000 per an num. Apply Monday, 204 Corbett bldg., ask for Mr. Custer. BARBERS John M. Levy, representing Del lar Barber Supply Co., Seattle; headquar ters at Perkins Hotel. BOY wanted about 16 in electric estab lishment ; good prospects. Phone Main 819 or A J870. YOUNG MAN to cut meat; one who can wait on the trade. Inquire 23d and Sa vier sta WANTED Man good standiejg, cervices and small capital required. 411 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. RELIABLE place to borrow money on dia monds, watches and jewelry; strictly con fidential. 105 1st st. WANTED Young man to learn drug busi ness, or with some experience. Y 247, Oregonian. SALESMAN, attention. Excellent side line; big commission. Address N 284. Ore gonian. NEWSPAPER subscription solicitor; good field; salary guaranteed; only rustler wanted. Kelly Loe, Camas. Wash. WANTED A good solicitor, by business college; good field; liberal commission. A 281, Oregonian. WANTED A good, live man to sell real estate; he must be a hustler. Address K 277, Oregonian. $300 AND services will secure a position netting honest man $3500 per year. In vestigate. 303 Vi Washington St., suite 4. WANTED Photo coupon agents. Portland Studio, Macleay bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. 233 North 24th at. Phone Main 2717. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; wages $30. 825 E. Main St., cor. 2oth. B 1499. GOOD, reliable girl to assist with general housework and taking care of children; good wages. Phone East 1511. WANTED A middle-aged lady to do cook In g at the Willamette Hotel, Oregon City. COMPETENT girl wanted for general huose work, small family, good wages. Phone East 2062, 806 Grand ave. North. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; every convenience; good room. 765 East Burnside at. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department. 206 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WANTED Girl to assist in general house work ; must sleep at home. Apply 829 13th st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework and to assist with cooking. Apply 93 E. 35th. Phone B 4682. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843& Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Girl to care for child during day. 854 N. 32d, Willamette Heights. Phone Main 6206. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar ber's trade;- steady work; good wages. 69 4th. WANTED Competent girl for general housekeeping. Apply 228 N. 19th St., bet. Love joy ana Aiarsnau sts. WANTED Girl for general housework. Tel. East 1213. WANTED A girl for general housework. 710 Flanders. WANTED Girl for general housework. 363 6th st. WANTED An experienced girl to do sec ond work. Apply 215 St. Clair st. WANTED Fur finishers and girls to sew on furs. Silverfleld Co., 4th and Morrison. WANTED A good girl to help In kitchen by October 1 at 77 W. Park st. COMPETENT girl wanted immediately at 229 Cornell road. WANTED A girl for housework and cook ing; wages $30. Call Monday, 730 Hoyt. EXPERIENCED helper on coats. Holbrook the Tailor, 109 4th st, room 403-416. SECOND girl wanted, 4 In family. 18th st. COM PETENT girl for general housework. Apply 186 East 16th at Phona East 2007. WANTED An experienced cook. Davis, corner 17th. Apply 664 GIRL wanted for general housework. N. 21st st. 64 MASSEUSE: One who has had sanitarium experience preferred. A F 245, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 1S1 N. 24th st, WANTED Girl for general housework. Call mornings, 412 Burnside st. BOOKKEEPING, private lessons, 4 nights In week, $4 per month. Main 7862, A 4948. COMPETENT giri for general housework. 281 East 2d st. N. Phone O 1185. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call between 11 and 3 o'clock, 329 Morrison. GIRL for general housework. Johnson. Apply 662 WANTED Experienced girl. Apply Robes coniecLionery, oiu vvasa. Bi. WANTED Neat girl for general housework, 771 Kearney mU HELP WANTED FEMALE. 8 COOKS. 2 out town 30-$50 5 second girls. 1 out town $20-5-5 7 waitresses. 1 out town $22.0-$-3 2 dishwashers, 1 out town $20-$25 6 housekeepers. 3 out town $S-$-0 5 child nurses f1"! 40 general housework $15-$i. 6 day workers today $2-$2.50 St Louis Ladles' Employment Agency, 209H 4th St. Main 2039, A-2S24. SALESWOMEN, SUITS AND MILLINERY. Thoroughly experienced, competent and reliable, also In other departments. Ap ply at once. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. . WANTED Thoroughly experienced milli nery saleswomen; also cloak and suit saleswomen. Apply to Mr. Edward Ha gen. Parlor, Portland Hotel, bet. 1 and 3 P. M., today. W A N TED Neat g lrt or worn an as houee mald and waitress; do Ironing; no washing: three In family, husband, wife, daughter 4 years. Lieut. Campbell, Vancouver Bar racks. WANTED At once to Join & musical com edy, now on road, four young ladies, good voices. Northwestern Theatrical Booking Agency, 3d floor Mulkey blk., corner 2d and Morrison. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; good money. Call room 60S Merchants Trust bldg-. fith and Washington etr HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843s Waeh. St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. HATS remodeled like new. half price. We dye, clean, curl, remake plumes. Model Millinery, 204 Merchants Trusty bldg.. 6th and Washington. GOOD competent cook wanted, small fam ily; must have best references. Call mornings. 400 Twentieth st-. Portland Heights. WANTED Competent gtrl for general housework; small family; no washing; wages $30. Phone East 4207. 748 Weld ler st. WANTED Girls to solicit; experience nec essary; good opportunity; salary and com munion. Call 8-9 A. M. and 6 to 6 P. M. Ask for Mr. Anderson. Ill 10th St. WANTED A good Gorman girl for general housework in a small family; good home and wages. Apply Monday, A. Holtx, 711 Hoyt St., near 22d.. WANTED Young ladies to study teleg raphy and stenography; good wages and permanent positions when competent. Ore gon College, 83 5th St. WANTED Head laundress In small laun dry; state wages and experience. Ban don Steam Laundry, Bandon, Or. WANTED Reflned, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th aad Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 326 Washington St., room 307. - Main 8836 or A 3266. MILLINERY lessons given at 475 Morrison st., 25 cents an hour; hats trimmed for 50c. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, small family, good wages. 395 Hassalo at., cor. Grand ave. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; instruction free, call 452 washing ton. HELP WANTED HALO OR FEMALB. WANTED Couple to take care of Invalid lady for use of bouse, partly furnished, with acre ground. Mrs. Gray, Archer place. MU Scott car. SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Fisk Teachers' Agency. 202 S wetland bldg. Phone Main 2410: res., M. 6425. FOR HELP FOR WORK A, B, C EMPLOYMENT CO., 226H Morrison. M. 3022. We are white. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as first -class dry goods, clothing, gents furnishings or all-round salesman; expert window trimmer; have best references; IO years' experience. N 2R3, Oregonian. MARRIED man, German, with best refer ences, wants position in wholesale liquor house or as bartender. 80S Mill st. Phone Main 1029. Mi seel laneous. YOUNG man, age 32, who has been with one of the largest mining companies of the Northwest for the past two years as chief electrician. Is open for a position in a similar capacity with a mining, power or lighting company. Have highest references as to ability and character. Personal Interview solicited. Address R. H., Eaton Hotel. MAN who has practical experience in can ning ail kinds of fruit and vegetables, make jams, preserves and pickles, is open for an engagement; will guarantee my work. P 259, Oregonian. YOUNG, UNMARRIED Danish man wants steady work of any kind, or will buy in terest in small business If anything suit able. N. Andersen, Hotel Harrison, 401 Front St., Portland. A STEADY man of good habits, that can furnish a recommendation, would like a job running an elevator In the city. Please address William H. Quade, General De livery. A SALESMAN with 8 years experience In the hardware business and Its many branches wants a position, either city or country; can furnish beat of referencea V 270, Oregonian. DRAUGHTSMAN, 10 years' experience In general mechanical engineering, quick and accurate, wants position anywhere. P 273, Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants steady position as assistant engineer or fireman ; several years' experience with wood, coal or oil; referencea. J 255, Oregonian. WANTED by a reliable collector a few houses to collect for, on either salary or commission. A 267. Oregonian. JAPANESE hoy wants a position as cook in a family or general housework; a school boy. Phone Main 2302. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as school boy ; wages 50c a week. Phone Main 2302 POSITION wanted by first-class circular sawyer or flier; references. Address box 605, Centralla, Wash. WANTED Light work mornings and even ings in exchange for home during the Winter. Address R E 261, Oregonian. MAN and wife want steady positions as janitor In hotel or work on farm milk ing cows. X 241, Oregonian. GERMAN-AMERICAN, handy, able-bodied man wants steady work, city or country. K 27a, Oregonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board,. AD 229. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook, temperate and re liable, country acceptable, If fare paid. Y 253, Oregonian. MAN and -wife want steady position as Jan itor In hotel or work on farm milking cows. X 241, Oregonian. WANTED by printer few days work dis tributing or helping In Job office. Ad dress B 270, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants to learn stationary en gineering; knows little about firing. Ad dress M 268, Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY wishes situation as school hoy; wants attend night or after school; wages no object. X 263, Oregonian. YOUNG . man wants position as collector; experienced; Al references. N 266, Ore gonian. A JAPANESE schoolboy wants a. Job to do housework. N 277, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor wishes position. 275, Oregonian. Japanese employment office; furnishes all kinds' of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work and helo cook. M 2S3. Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co., Main 4659, A 4073. 268 Everett. EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wishes posi tion In family. N 282. Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants position cooking and housework. N 280, Oregonian. ALL kinds of stoves or ranges repaired and connected. Phone Main 7014. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAUL Dressmaker. THE famous K sister's Ladles' Tailoring College Ladies, save dressmakers' bills, make your own gowns here. We teach K els tor's drafting system. 306 Stearns big. SITUATIONv WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, YOUNG lady stenographer would like posl tlon: will take 5 week to start. O 283 Oregonian. . , COMPETENT stenographer desires position; good referencea Phone Sellwood 72o. FIRST-CLASS competent stenographer, citf references. L 257, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse desires day work ol maternity cases. Phone Tabor 1278. Domestic. A JAPANESE girl desires to have position In a family to do house work and cook lng. Address 315 Flanders. Phone A i860. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. N 2M, Oregonian. 9 Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing or cleaning. Call after 6 P. M A 1581. WANTED A position by experienced wo man dishwasher. A C 253. Oregonian. FANCY washing done at home. Phone Main 2ii60. SITUATION wanted as Janttress or clean ing offices. A- D.. 400 hi Glisan. WAXTEDsAOENT8. WANTED 2 solicitors, will And profitable employment selling lota In my addition. Call 148 5th St., room A. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores; offices, rooming -houeos, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. BACHELOR wants furnished room and bath, preferably with board, amall cob genial club or homey private bouse. X 268, Ore gonian. UNFURNISHED front room on carllne t suitable for dressmaker shop or one-halj of store for same. O 282, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR I FURNITURE, And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., ' Main 6666. , A 4121. WANTED To rent. With the privilege of purchasing Included, a good-sized covered wagoa in good condition: capacity about 1000 lbs.; state particulars. A 265, Ore gonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fait Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 02714. WANT to take piano for use of It; hand some home; no children; AF 259, Ore- gonlan. WANTED To adopt a baby under 13 months, must be healthy. Address Mrs. Edward Fowler, O 270, Oregonian. CLOTHING, dress suita, Prince Alberts bought, ladles' evening- and street dresses. Phone Main S744. FORD AUCTION CO. 'Pays the price" for second-hand furnl ture. East 988. B 2311. WANTED A diamond; ons or two karat atone. M 271, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand English style sad dle. T 272, Oregonian. CLOTHING Phone M. 185183 N. 8L Highest price paid ; prompt attention. FOB RENT. Furnished Booms. HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family Hotel. American or European Plan. Only ten minutes" walk from business' center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave a. Car passes hotel every minute; very rea sonable rates ; largest, coolest and moat comfortable rooms to be found anywhere, with every modern convenience; large, well-kept lawn. DO you realize that you can get an outside, steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the Barton, cor. l.'tth and" Alder sts., for 10 up per month?. This house io being re painted, repapered and put in first-clans -condition by the new owners; nice large parlor In connection; suites, with running water, $22.50 to fci6. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7105. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., has a few bachelor rooms ready for oc cupancy; these rooms are the handsomest furnished in the city and have every mod ern convenience; terms moderate; rent begins Oct. 1st. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free hatha and phone; transients 60c. 75o and $1 per day. Open all night ; office and reading room ground floor. 488-492 Washington et. THE GOODNOUGH, cor. 6th and Yamhill, opp. P. O. ; rooms by day, week or month; elevator service, steam heat, etc. ; singles and suites; $3 weekly up. Mra, Allison & Snyder. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, electrio lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 4408. Main 4861. WELL furnished front room, furnace heat; easy walking distance; private family; board close by. 810 Jackson. Phone Main 3309. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window and other outside rooms; electric lights, baths, etc., $2.50 week up; transients. 260 Washington. Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite ; ail modern conveniences, (3 weekly up; dallyH 76e up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; rooms $10 per month and up. Phona Main 4631. HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 4yfl. THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sta. modern front suites, also single rooms, bath and both phones. AN attractive, comfortable front room, ad Joining bath; for a business man; private family; select neighborhood. 94 N. 16th at. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms in private nome; wanting uisiance; rates reason able. Phone A 1032. 188 13th. ' TWO furnished front rooms, ground floor; all conveniences-; . private family. 353 12th. Phone Main 043. "THE COZY," 195 7th. nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, block from Portland HoteL THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and hatha free. 327 U Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen, $5 per week. Inquire 427 Washington st. 10 Beautiful, warm, newly furnished room in modern flat ; electric lights, fine porce lain bath. 361 6th st. Phone Main 9334. LARGE, light, well-heated bay-window rooms, residence district, walking distance. Main 3312, 301 10th. 258 14 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new, house; every conven ience; gentlemen only. PLEASANT room. 10; gas, bath, phono, heat; board if desired; walking distance. 573 Irving, near 18th. NEAT room, kitchen privileges, 1 or J ladies. 469 6th st. NICE, large front room, suitable for two per sons. 391 Yamhill st. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, 227 Tth., 3 blocks frcm Portland HoteL Main 5217. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia rooms; heat, bath; 60c to $1 day, ?2 to $4 week. HOTEL ROYAL, 108H 4th St.; steam-heated ) rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk., 60c to $1 per day. THE GRAND, 387 Yamhill, nice light rooms, $3 and up; walking distance. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk.; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison, NICELY furnished room ; gas and bath ; private house. 141 13th St. LARGB furnished front room, modern; In private family; J8 month. 442 3d. FINE front room; suitable for two; also 1 single room. 325 7th. NICE front suite, suitable for 2. 250 H 0th. 1 - j l