17 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER 25, 1908. SUGAR VERY F I RH Another Advance Looked For in the East. ESTIMATE OF WORLD CROP Transactions in Barley and Oats on the Board of Trade Steady De mand for Fruit Produce -4 Is Very Firm. Kartm trade afl ices indicate ft very firm position In th sugar market. The 0-eent advance of ft few daya aao la ex pected to be followed by ftnother advance. "V In the near future. Whether the strength on the Atlantic seaboard will affect the Coast markets, however, remain to t Been. Commenting on the prospect, a leading- authority says: The aituation la materially different form I T.-r v.a. ,t this tfmfL whflll very lax ire amount of the 'year's crop had been carried over (estimated at 1,200, 000 bates). This year ther? are no old sugars to be disposed of and the demand must be mot entirely by the new crops. The Sugar Trade Journal gives .the fol lowing? estimates of the coming crop: Beet In Europe there Is a decreased acreage of S.4 per cent. The season baa been favorable during the greater part. Latest tests of roota show heavier weight and higher tests compared with last year, which is Ilk to more than offset the i sf&ialler acreage; the outturn last season was 6.542,000' tons. Present lndlcatlcns point to a crop of 6,600,000 to 6,800,000 tons, provided conditions continue favora ble. la the United States the condition of the t crop' Is irregular, being favorable in 341rhlgan, unfavcrable in some parts of Colorado and not the best in California; the acreage Is 4.46 per cent more than last year. The presenl outlook point to an outturn of 440,000 to 400.000 tens, if the weather during the remainder of the cam paign favors a good sugar content. Last O'ear tne production was aw.w ions. Cane In Louisiana the season has roved to be unusually satisfactory, giving romise of the largest crop on record, pos- libly 340.0O0 to 300,000 tona In Cuba the la toon were not In the best of condition larly In the season, having been affected lv the long drouth of last year and the Lear before, and plantings for a year or ore have not been aa extensive as usual. eat her conditions since the beginning of e year have keen very favorable gener ly, aad the cane presents a much better p pear a nee than for some time past. With r. turned suitable conditions, and with a normal grinding season, a possible outturn ' Anight b J. 100,000 to 1.250.VO0 tons, auainst the last year's crop of -060,000 tuna if Active Fettturea of the Grain Market t the Uottrd of Trade. Cats and barley have become the active features of the grain market at the Board of T.iJ-. Buyers and sellers have succeeded In setting together and more buslnesa in these cereals waa transacted yesterday. One hun dred tons of December oats were sold at the good price of $1.57 ft and 200 toos of De cember barley changed hands at SI. S3. These prices Indicate a good advance over the bids recently mad. There, were no deals in wheat. There were offers of November at US cents and December at O314 cents without takers, as buyers' ideas were half ft cent lower than the asked prices. ,The following amendment to the warehouse rales will be voted on at the next meeting of the grain department: j "Delivery In any of the following ware houses: Oceanic, Pacific Coast, Montgomery 2io. 2, Columbia No, 2, Irving, Mersey, Green wich No. 2." The rang of futures was as follows, f. . b. warehouse, Portland: WHEAT. FfPt S .OTV 1 S S ..VB ttt . .93 Vi .921, .93fcA OATS. 1.47 1.63 1.47 HB 167 Deo. 167 1.53 BARLBY. Set. 1.28U 1.2SB 1.33 Dec 1.30 1.35 1.U0 Receipt for the week to date follow: Wh't. Oats. B'ly. Flour. Shs. Hay. cars. cars. cars, sacks, cars. cars. Monday ....152 It! 16 250 .. 22 Tuesday 14M 8 25 10 2 12 ednewlay .ItiO 6 12 ... 1 lo Thursday . ..111 9 13 0 FROST NIPS POTATO VINES. Extent of Dmrnaire Done Is Not Yet Known. The frosts of the past two night have Kipped all the potato vine but what the amount of damage Is is not known yet. It will stop the potatoes from growing and at least make them undersized. It Is probable that the frost has also put an and to the late tomato crop and It Is re ported that the beans, peaa and other veg etables have also been Injured. Good Demand for Poultry. Receipts of poultry continue quite large, but the demand is still flrst-class and prices rule firm. Hens are quoted at 14 cent and prtns at IS cents. Eggs are very firm with a strong demand for fresh ranch stock, which Is In light sup ply. Another car of Eastern eggs arrived yesterday. There were no further developments in the butter or chaeese markata. Fruit at Steady Price. The fruit trade was fairly active, with price generally steady. Supplies In nearly all line were ample. Grapes are selling well, the California varieties at the former range. of prices. Local Wordecs move at S0jj2 ,ents per basket and Delaware are held at cents per basket. A car of sweet potatoes was received yesterday. J Chehalls Hops Sell for Six Cents. f No transactions In Oregon hops were re ported yesterday, but business was still under way In Washington. Klaber, Wolf A Netter bought 42o bales from Isaac Plncus Sons at 6 cents.. These hops were raised on the Dobson place at Chehalls. Bank Clearings. Clearing In the Northwestern cities yes terday were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 1 1.0J7.223 4232.3S5 Seattle l..Vi$.24l .W4.217 Taroma 727.220 S0.PS4 Spokane StWi.TiH S1.6V7 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed, Etc BARLET Feed. 26 per ton; rolled, $27 5otf W; brewing. $::tJ 50. OATP- No. 1 white. io per ton; gray, $29. WHEAT Track prices: Club. t9c per ushel ; forty-fold. W2c; Turkey red, 92c; Hfe. S-4V: bluestem. 93c; Valley, Sic FLOUR Patents. S4-70 per barrel; straight S3. 95; exporta, f3-70; Valley, $4.45; H-st.-k graham. $4 40; whole wheat. $4. 65; rve. $5-5u. "MILLSTUFFS Bran. 126.50 per ton; mid dling", 33; shorts, country. S-ii; city. $30; U. S mill chop. mr HAY Timothy. Willamette alley, $14 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordinary. $11; Fa stern Oregon. $16-50; mixed. $13; clover. $J. alfalfa. $11; alfalta moai. $20. Vegetables and Fruit. FRtTSH FRI-1T Apples. new 60c C$1.30 $ex box; peaches, 3tf70c per box; pcara. wv-?i Ivy r.Trim fwvfilt per box: grapes. 4Uc$l-20 per crate; Word ens. 20& 2c per basket; huckleberries, 8feloc ib. ; qulncoe, 91.31.00 per oox; urounu i-nci,i 75c per box; cranberries, $10 per barrel. TPoPFi-iT. fruits Oranrea Mediter ranean sweets. $33 75 per box; Valencia, lates. $3 5o4.50 per box; iv.hui.b. f.n,-v ti r, nr box: choice, $4 a4.i0: standard. $2 75 per box; grapefruit. $44.75 tier hoi: hananaJ. 5 ix 6c Der pound. POTATOES Buying price, sofe-90c per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2c per pouna. m it 1 js s ciin ts louoea T5c per crate watermelons, fcfcle pr pound; casabas, $1.75 per doren. OXIOXS California. $1.25 per sack. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.60 per sack; carrots, $1.0; parsnips. aA-.; oeeta, VEGETABLES Artichokes. S5c per do twins. i-Wi-tc oer pound; cabbage, 2c per pound cauliflower, $1.25 dozen; celery, 75c$X pyr d ozen ; corn, 75cjj $ 1 per sack ; cu cumber, hothouse. 25c per doten; outdoor. tfi40c ier box; erg plant. 50c4iil.25 per crate; lettuce, head. 15c per doten ; parsley. 15c por dosen; peas, flc per pound; peppers, 8 9 10c per pound; pumpkins, l?lc per nound; radisnes, lzyic per dosen; spinach, 2c per pound; sprouts, 10c per pounn; equasn, ifrc .per pound; tomatoes. Provisions. BaCON Fancy. 23c per pound; standard. jc; cnoice, iac; tngiisn, n Hffiic; strips, 15c DRY SALT CURED Rerular short clears. dry salt. 12c; smoked. 13c; short clear oacKs, nea- ary saitea, 1 c; smoKeo. lac; Oregon exports, bellies, dry aalt, 14o; smoaea, loc. HAMS 10 to 13 lbs.. 17c: 14 to lfl lb. ltPic; IS to 20 lbs.. 10c; hams, skinned, 16 M-c; Dicnics. 10 Sc: cottase roll. 12c: shoulders, 12c; boiled ham, 23c; boiled pic nic, inc. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, 14c tubs. 14Vc: 60s. 14Vc: 20s. Uc: 10s. 16c 5s. 15c; 3s, 1514c. Standard pure: Tierces, tubs. 13c; 60s. 13c; 20a, 13c; 10s, l.'iHc; 5s, 13c; 3a, 13 a Compounds: Tierces, 6c; tubs, 8c; 50. &c; 20s, b'ac; las, c; 5s, vc. SMOKED BEEF Beef .tongues, each. 70c; dried beef sets. 10c: dried beef outsldea 15c; drlsd beef in sides, 18c; dried beef anucKies. 18c PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet. $13: regular tripe. $10; honeycomb trtoe, $12: DiKS tongues. J 10. 50: lambs tonsuea MESS MEATS Beef, specials, '$13 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel ; pork. $2 1 per barrel ; brisket. $2a per barrel; S. P. beef tongues, $20; pig auouta, sizou; pig ears, siz-ou.- Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 32 O $4c; fancy outside creamery, 30i&32c per pound ; atore, 18c EGGS Oregan extras, Sl'S?32c; firsts, 2T j 30c ; seconds, 23 ra 20c ; Eastern, 25 & 2Sc per dozen. POULTRY Fancy hens, 14c; Spring. 15c; ducks, old, 12'121o; Spring, 14 15c; geese, old, 0c; young, 10 & lie; turaeys, oia, 17ftrl.Sc: vounr. 2Jc. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 1416cper pound; full cream triplets. 14HS15c; full ci earn Young America. iw 10c. VEAL Extra, 8$8c per pound; ordi nary, 7714c; heavy. 5c. PORK Fancy. 8 Vic per lb.; ordinary, flc; large, 5c. H!IS ARE IN PRICES ARE ADVANCING IX SE ATTLE MARKET. Eggs Pushed Vp Another Notch. Apples in Excessive Supply. Wheat Is Stronger. SEATTLE Wash., Sept 24. (Special.) Eggs continued to advance today, touching 30 cents for the beat this afternoon. Ore gon esgs were put up 2 cents to 32 cents ami many ranry oregons aoia at practi cally lower prfcea. Cheese is firm In all departments. There were not enough hens to supply requirements today. Springs were more plentiful. In fruit and vegetables the tone was firm. A considerable quantity of outside onions is being brought In to meet require ments, lftOO sacks coming on yesterday's boat, being- unloaded today. Fancy stock for shipment is In best demand. The price of Oregon yellow Dan vers was advanced to $1.25 today. Wheat was a little stronger, with 94 cents bid, but 95 cents was asked. Apples now are about the only weak spot In the market. They are coming in faster than can be used. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRAN CISC Ok. Prices Paid for Produc In the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar ket today: MltlstuffsBran. $29.0030.50; middlings, $33435. Vegetables Cucumbers, 20c(5$1.25; garlic 7c ; green pea?. 'Mi 5c ; stfi n g bean, 2 4c; tomatoes, 2'l4c; egg plant, 4oifl0c. Butter Fancy creamery. 30Hc: creamery seconds, 27Vac; fancy dairy, 22c; dairy sec- oa da. 20c. Cheese New, llllc; young America, I2i&12c- Ksgs Store, 32 H c ; fancy ranch . 42c. Poultry Turkey gobblers. 22 24c: hens, 22 it- 24c ; roosters, old, $3.60 4. 50; roosters. young. $6tff8; broilers. small, $33.50; broilers, large. $4 to 4 50; fryers, $5&6; hens, $4t 8; ducks, old. $3504.60; young, $5ttf7. w 001 spring, HUinooiai ana jaenaoctoo. !318c; Mountain. &8c. South Plain an San Joaquin, &toc; Nevada. 9912c. Hay Wheat. $1S20: wheat and oats. I14&18; alfaifa. $11 13 50; stock. $9,509 12; straw, per bale, GOftiOSc. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, $1.2001.60; sweets. l;(ilc Fruits Apples, choice. $1.25: common. 40c; bananas, $13; Mexican Umea, $4.60 (i5.60; California lemons, choice, $3.25; com toon. $1; pineapples, $2?S. . lope bptu, isftiitc: contracts, n'aiuc. Receiots Flour. 2W2 sacks: wheat. 15 cen tals; barley, 4050 cent ate; oats. 2540 centals; beans. 3115 sacks: corn. 70 centals: potatoes; 43 HO centals; bran, 1O50 sacks: middlings, 130 sacks; hay, 90S tona; wool, 65 bales; hides. 640. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Price Current Locally on Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. Uveatock receiDts were Hr-M yesterday. There was the usual strons: demand for "high-grade stock of ail kinds with inferior stock neglected. Prices were unchanged. The following prices were current on live stock in the local market yesterday: CATTLE Beat steers. $4??4.25; medium, $3 25'a 3.50; common, $3 'fir 3.23; cows, best. ft2.7S 3.2ft; medium.- $2.252-50; calves, $3.Mt'rJ 4.50. . . l.u t-c-t tj vKihpn t.50: mixed. $3; ewes $2. 50 iff 2.75: lambs, best un trimmed, $4: untrlmmed. $3.50? 3.75. 3. HOGS Best. r$7ff7.25; medium, $5.756, feeders, not a-anted. Eastern Ureatork Markets. CHICAGO. Sept. 24 Cattle Receipts, Miniated. 5010; market, strong. Beeves. and feeders, $2.0u4.40; cows and heifers. Hogs-Receipts, about 13.000; market rne at vesterdfty's close. Mixed, $b.60 S 7.45; heavy. $0 55'7.35; rough. $u.o.S a90; pigs. $4.50ft6.35; good to choice hesneepiRecipt9,' estimnted. 18.100; rriar ket. steadv. Natives, $2.25 4. 2o; West ern $2 25a4.25; yearlings, $4.25 4. m; na tive lamb. $3.255-70; Western lambs, $3.25 3.70. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept. 24 Cattle Receipts, 10.000; market, steady to strong. Stockers and feeders, $2.70 4 50; bulls. $2.50t3 3.50; calves. $3 306.50; Western steers. $:;.60t8 3.10; cows. $.403.50. Hogs Receipts. 90o0; market, weak to 5c lower. Bulk of sales, $040090: heavy, $.0o7; packers and butchers, $6.507; light. $0,2116.83; pigs. $G&7. Sheep Receipts, 5oO: market, steady. Muttons, 4.15; lambs. $44.25; range wethers, $3.40 4.15; fed ewes, $3(4.25. OMAHA. Sept. 24. Cattle Receipts, 240U; market, strong. Western ateers. $3. 25 H 5. 05 ; Ttxtns, $3 0 4. 50 ; range cows and heifers, $2.50i4; calves, $3t4J. Hogs Receipts. 60OO; market, strong; heaw. $rt 70U 7; mixed. $6 C5fc 6.80; liEht, $4706.90; pigs. $4136; bulk of sales, $3.75 i d 85. Sheep Receipts, 20.0OO: market, strong. Yearlings. $3.7594: W'thers. $330353; ewes, $3 3.50: lambs. $4,5045. Dried Fruits at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 24. The market for evaporated apples Is quiet. Fancy, &4fjl0ie; choice. 7hfc; prime, d7c. and common to fair. Mj tic Prunes ar in light demand. Quotations range from 9 to 13 cents for California and from 6-c to 7c for Oregon fruit. Apricots are steady. SfcHijc; extra choice. Sfec: fancy, lou-tUtc Peaches are unchanged. Choice, Tmt7$;c; extra choice, 7-Sc, and fancy at t,S9c. Raisins are In fair demand on epot with Irvi!e muscatel quoted at 4&'6tc; choice to fancy seeded at UU-Tc: needless at 4-ffc, and London layer at $1.00-61.66. Wool at St. louts. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 24. Wool Unchanged: Wei-tern medium. loij-ISc; fine medium, 12 f, lc; fine. 9u llc- - BEARS flRE ROUTED Advance in Stocks Makes ' Them Rush to Cover, TRADE ON LARGE SCALE Enormous Buying Orders in Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and Reading Entire Elst Joins in Rally Bonds Are Firm. NEW YORK. Seat. 24. Tlie recovery in pVicea was sustained and extended by the stocK market, and the advance was mucn more regular than the uncertain and heal. tatina movement of yesterday. The mar ket became active and buoyant toward the ena. Speculative sentiment was swayed almost entirety by the opinions of what was be ing done In the market by the Influential capitalists who are credited with having the market In control. Thus the whole list ran off rapidly after an opening ad vance when heavy selling appeared in the riill stocks and St. Faul. as it was as sumed that this represented a renewal of the important liquidation in those stocks which was the herald of the recent slump. Later 'there appeared enormous buying orders In Union. Paclnc Southern Pacific and Reading, for what were asserted to be controlling Interests in the Summer's ad vance. The purchase of many thousands of shares of these stocks by the houses which ftvere most active til ihe day gave color td the supposition that tsupport of the market had been renewed. By that time the sale of the Hill stocks and of St. Paul was ascribed to a bear faction which had formed a project for forcing prices lower again from the vantage point of the rally. When the market turned upward the bears were routed and their further buying to cover shorts was material in aiding the bulls in prices. Foreign exchange declined sharply. Fa vorable auguries were drawn of the money position from the sale of $10.0Ou.0uO of New York City warrants on a 2 per cent basis. i-1-..na, were nrm. Total sales, par value, eo.vu-t.iiu. unuea 3iates bonus were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing oaies. uig-n. low. jiu. -Aiiui.1 copper .... 41,7110 74-J, TOT, '4 Am ear Foun. l.uuu do preferred Am Cotton Oil . . 600 Am Hd fc t,t pf. 1,300 Am Ice Securi... 600 Am Linseed Oil 39 '34" 25 25 a 37 '83 14 24 26 3!l lOli 33 zo 25H Am Locomotive.. 2.0HO 46H 4S4 do preferred ... SO0 101& 101 Am Smelt & Ref. ,2,3lio 851, tjl 4GV4 llil 85 do preferred ... 300 102hi 10u lli2 Jm nugar iter... joo l 1JM Am Tobacco pf... Am Woolen Anaconda Mln Co. Atchison do preferred . . . Atl Coast Line... Bait & Ohio .... do preferred 1U0 Z ',, V2i 91 '4 2.1 ! 43 6,300 6, Boo 100 100 5,:w 43 88 VTA 4-.it, 80 8 96 V, 170 24 190 ii Sfll M 94 m 97 90 47 U, 171 25 8S 100 40(4 Brook Rap Trail . 6,700 4 Canadian Pacific.. 1,900 171 Central Leather do preferred . . . Central of N J.. 200 ISflti Ches 9l Ohio 1,200 4U-), Chicago Gt West. 1.000 138 I06H C, M & St Paul. 23,000 .4i 12914 133 C. c, C at St L. . 100 Colo Fuel sV Iron 40.000 Colo & Southern.. 3.8"0 do 1st preferred. 2o0 63 03 1, 63 34 38 65 82 14 3.114 37 65 581, i3iy 17 163 27 "i 2014 424 37 05 S 68 144 166 65(4 32 31114 do 2d preferred. 1O0' 18', Consolidated Gas. 18 -111) 146 Corn Products . Del A Hudson.. D R Grande. 1.3(10 18 1,100 16SH 100 27 do preferred Distillers' Securi. 3.70O Erie 37,500 do 1st preferred.' 1,600 32 3d4 43 S 30-jl , 4.1 30(4 do 2d preferred. 500 SO Geneiul Electric. Gt Northern pf.. Gt Northern Or,.. &00 ia- 1304 13 .700 129 1,400 OtiVi 125 128 64-! 5 Illinois Central .. iltO 140 136 14 139 4 Interborough Met. 200 600 300 800 600 '206 600 11 11 10 do preferred . . . Int Paper do preferred ... 32 9', 60 23 '27!, 31 f4 er. 22 31 9 654 23 i-H. 27 62 104 27 121 63 30 62 Int Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... do preferred . . . Lout, A Nashville Minn ft St Louis. Hi 61 14 1034 27 110 57 28 4iK 104 300 274 1.31)0 127 2,800 634 M. St P ft 8 S M. 1!. lusourl Pacific.. Mo. Kan & Texas 1,100 301, do preferred . ... National Lead ... 18.000 85 T8 8 N Y Central 1.000 M4- 101 H4 N T. Ont & w est 1,300 300 40 72 3i 411 Norfolk & West. North American.. Northern Pacliio. 72 2 600 60 61 : 21.900 134 130 134 Pftfffic Mall .... 8!0 0 '4 "JO Pennsylvania 6,300 122 People', Gas p r n A- st L 120 122 94 7 3n 163 35 128 21 78 18 35 26 17 43 60 104 118 20 61 88 23 25 5S 159 87 29 97 45 100 40 29 1119 12 25 74 58 8 Pressed Steel Car. 200 Pullman Pal Car.. Rv steel Soring.. 1.000 30 30 SR SS 125 "77" 18 33 26 Reading 19,100 128 Republic Steel do preferred ... 600" 78 H Rock Island Co.. 1.2"0 18 An preferred ... 10..HH1 Kii4 St L & 8 F 2 pf. 1,000 27 St L Southwestern An TM-prerrea ... ..... Sloss-Sheffield 1.600 60 V, 59 Southern Paclnc. 74,600 104 100 do preferred . . 11IO 11 11 Southern Railway 1J00 4iH 2.000 20 Vi do preferred .. 61 38 60 37 Tenn Copper . . . . TVa Jlr Pacific. Tol, St L & West 2lO 25 68 do preferred ... i.hhf 5 Union Pacific .. 2.500 15 154 do prererrea .... " 87 86 U S Rubber zoo z'4 97 45 2B 97 4.1 107 41 29 109 U 24 72 68 do 1st prererrea. U S Steel 8.000 do prererrea ... 2.700 109 TTth CoDDer .... 1,600 42 700 29 Va-Caro Chemical. An nrerarrea ... 3110 ll'4 109 12 Wabash "' do preferred ... 3,v Westinghouse Eleo l.ino 7 Western union ... wv n-Vui M, T. ITrle. Wisconsin. Central. 1.700 28 284 28 Total le, for the day. 1,017,800 shares.. BONDS. NEW YORK. Sept. 24. Closing quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.104 D ft R G 4s.... 9j do coupon 104 K Y C G 3... 91 U 8 3s reg . . . 11 North Pacific 3s. 73 do' coupon lOl North Pacific 4s. 102 V S new 4s reg.121 South Pacific 4s. 01 A n eouoon J 1 7S J L' 11 iwii xr.t,, 7" - Atchison adj 4s. 93 jwtscon Cent 4s. 86 Moner Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. Sept. 24. Mcney on sail, easv 11 per cent; time loans, very dull and heavy: 60 days. 2 2 per cent; 90 days. 3 per cent; six months, 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 44 per cent. Sterling exchange, weak and steadier at $4 8493 4.8.705 for 60-day tills, and at $4 8640 tor demand. Commercial bills, ,4:f.4fc4.84. Bar silver. 51. Mexican dollars. 45c. ....... Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. S A V FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. Bar silver, 81 c Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight, 10 Der cent. Eastern Mining Stock,. BOSTON, Sept. 24. Closing quotations: Adventure ..$ 8 00 Mont C ft C 4500 Allouex 34 00 Old Dominion 40.50 Aliouiri .-. v Amatcamated 73.75 Osceola ... . .106.00 Atlantic 16.02 Parrot ... Bingham ... 50.00 jQuincy ... Cal & Hecla,. 630.00 shannon .. centennial . . 30.50 Tamarack 25.30 89.50 14 50 69.50 CooDer Range 73.50 Trinity t opper nanism i.v Daly West... 85 12 United Copper 10.75 19.75 Franklin 12-00 L. S. Minlnr.. 39.00 Granby 98 ou Isle Rovale.. 2002 Mass. Mining 6.00 13 OO U. S. Oil 23.73 Utah 42.25 Victoria 4.30 n'innna . - .1 .1(1 Mohawk 32 00 1 Wolverine . . . 1S7 00 Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Sept. 24. The tin market was higher In London, with -spot at 132 7s 6d. and futures at fl34- Locally the r,ri wm higher, the market closing firm at 20. 05 (S 29. 25c. Copper advanced to nw iur puv, iu 16s 3d for futures In the London market. The local market was quletand unchanged Wlin UKfl tiui'it-u a . . ... trolytlc at I3.00a 13.23c and casting St Lead was lower at 13 In London. The local market remained dull at 4-47? 4.511c. Spelter was unchanged at 18 12s 6d in London, and at 4.72ig'4.72c locally. Standard foundry iron was higher at 50, 2d In the London market, but Cleveland warrants were unchanged at 61, 6d. Ihe local market was uncnangea. AT THE HOTKLS. The Portland A. F. Mitchell. J. D. Xebenaahl. New York: P. A. Stewart. St. Paul; Mrs. D. W. Gage, Miss GageA New xork; J. c. H. Ferguson, fcan rTancisco: r. J.eeoermaund, Chicago; a. sr. btone ana wire, San Francisco: D. Beer. Z. A. Oppenhelmer. New York: M. F. Lucas. Chicago: E. V. Piatt, New Tork; W. W. White. W. D. White, Wor cester: Mr. and Mrs. Whitson, S. J. Whit ten. Kansas City; A. K. P. Barman, San Francisco: T. C. Ills, Philadelphia; r . J. Hard, Eugene; A. F. -Lenning and wife, J. M. Levy. Mrs. A. B. Towle. Seattle; T. J. i-onray. K. a. aiattDey. ban rrancisco: n. a. Neustadter, New Tork; J. S. King. San Fran cisco: D. W. MurDhv. Los Angeles: C v Armes. Jr.. Oakland; H. H. Scovell, San Franclco: J. O.'Neill. New York: J. D. Isaacs, San Francisco: William Jackson, Philadelphia: S. G. McLean. G. Mitchell, A. Kunkele, New Tork; R. C. Bryant. J. hi. BrecKennage, Bos ton: William M. Steele and wife, Mrs. M. E. Roush. Long Beach; A. A. seaver ana wire, J. W. Heywood. New Tork; G. H. Cooper, Boston: J. J. Valentine. San Francisco: Mrs. G. C. Flavel. H. B. Stettem. Astoria; W. B. McLeod. Astoria; w. D. flue and wire, Buffalo; Mrs. C. H. Collender, D. Ames, As toria; C. C. Lon and wife, Kansas City: Mr. and Mm. R. Horst San Francisco: W. D. Clark. Kansas, Cltv: C. H. Cooper. Helena: P. Berkman. Seattle: F. H. Livingston and wife, Mrs. H. C. Dlthman. Miss C. E. Dith- man, San fTanclsco; M. J-.. ou, new iuii.. Miss H. McCahle. H. L. Ralston. Seattle: W. L. Martin and wife. F. H. Caldwell. San FmtiHwi- h V. Rdlnburs. New York: t. H. Taylor. Seattle; E. L. Holllngman and wife. Itidon: A. H. Edwards, Los Angeies; MiB K. ntimhn Taeoma: R. W. Gillette. San Francisco: C. M. Stern, and wife, Kansas Cltv: M. O. Nichols. San Franciiico; J Chambers. Chicago; G. Hall. W. H. Barnes, Kansas City: L. S. Thomas and wife. Painler; W. C. Calder. Baker City; B. Lin .nw,nr Axtnrla- A. J. stelnman. Ban Fran cisco; J. C. Aubln. G. N. R. Obensaix. Bos ton; F. L. Henderkoper, Washington; L. Hlrsch. J. S. Murphy, San Francisco; F. Hall. New York: l waiaer, uaser vn, . P. Merrard. W. E. Hamilton, San Francisco. The Oregon FV W. Stousler. Pennsyl vania: M. G. Bucksbaum. Chicago; J. W. Morton, Leslie Morton. Hood River: J. L. Damon, Seattle: D. A. Madison and wife. Harry Madison. Salem: Mrs. N. D. Keep haven. Lebanon; David Rogers and wife, Renttin' w. c Ttimhnri. Warrenton: Wal- ter M. 'Pierce. Hot Lake; C. K. Deneffo, Joe Geddes. Baker City; E. J. Ferguson, J. N. Griffin and son. J. K. Hlgglns. J. T. Ross. Astoria: J T. Rait and wife, city; H. H. Gramps, Minneapolis; Mrs. . A. P Walker. Alfalfa: Mrs. A. E. Oajrwln. Kelso; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Rainier; E. Curtis, Ala meda: Mrs. Donohue. Seattle: H. Van Or- den. JaDan: F. J. Clifton and wife. Sacra mento; B. W. Johnson. Corvallls. F. M. Mason. F. A. Richard Seattle: M. J. Cor wln, San Francisco; W. S. Bul-rlss. Chicago; D. M. Stuart. D. N. Stuart. Astoria: J. M. Boyer, Chicago; J. T. Tomley, Dufur: Mrs. H. M. Morratt. coirax: jas. umytn. ppo kane; Frank Underwood and wife, Bpeka; J. W. Settlemlre. woodbum: Lynn ti. Fer guson and wife. Newberg; Flora McCal- lon. Claris cochren. Dallas: Chas. Mlcneji, Medford; H. K. Dcut, E. W. Dutton. Seat tle: W. D. Trueblood. St. Louis; H. sa. StackDOle. Eugene: C. W. Smith. Kltchlkan Edward Stelp. Chicago; E. D. Daly. R. D. Riley, 6eattle: M. L. Janett. Alderson; David Anad. Atchison; F. A. Rlechart, Sacramento: M. W. Hauck. Taeoma: M. r.- Welch. Hood River; B. Barthell. Chicago; G. W. Dorman. Seattle; Horace Walker, Pendleton; J. w. Richards. J. F. Flynn, M. A. Rawson. A. O. Peterson. Seattle: E. J. Clough. Arlington; J. B. Eastner and wife. Hood River; E. L. Wheeler and wife, San Francisco; W. W. Watson, Seattle; A. D. Temple. San Francisco. The Imperial A. A. Ames. Mrs. Ames. The Dalles; John Adair, Astoria; G. H. Kelly and wife, Eugene; J. H. Cockran, Medford; Mrs. Trail. Los Angeles: Walter Stachle. Oakland; Mrs. M. C. FIndley. Grants Pass; tj. . John and wire, St. Helens: J. v. John, St. Helens: M. J. Graydon; C. B. Drlscoll, O. W. Wolfe. Butte; J. C. Currln, Salem; G. L. Ree, and wife. Cottage Grove; D. J. Du Brullle. Cottage Grove: F. A. Tripp. Eugene: F. W. Thackeray, San Jose; Jack Meldrlck. Canyon City: D. P. Ketchum. The Dalles; R. Mayhue, The Dalles: Dot Damy. Boise; J. H. Lewis and wife. Clatekanie: M. H. Horton. C. L. Reed. Burns; Mrs. Water house. Clatsop: R. C. Day. La Grande; H. B. McLean, Wallowa; R. W. Brown, Drusey; F. B. Phillips and wife. Cottage Grove; F. J. Hurd. Bohemia; P. W. Ford. Tillamook; F. W. Slsco. Raymond; E. E, Redfleld, Springfield, Mass.; D. L. Wehrd and wife, Peoria: W. S. Yoachan and wife. Home Val ley; H. T. Blackwell: C. A. Buckley, Grass Valley: W. A. Campbell. Condon; Mrs. Ida H. V&ughn, The Dalles: E. C. Calloway. Spo knae; E. C. McEUigott. lone: J. C. Kinsman. Pasadena: J. S. Cooper. Independence; John A. Carson and wife, Salem; M. Walker, city. The Perkins I E. Laurence and wife. Camden: J. Murphy, city; C. G. Scott. Jef- fetBon; J. Burkholder, Carson City; W. A. Richland and wife. Balem: Mrs. D. Airth, Bridal Veil; M. E. Coe. McMlnnvllle; R. S. Oilman, Montreal; E. Potter, Salem; W, E. Stlnson,- Amity; T. R. Eastman, Walla Walla; J. T. Kerr, Corvallls; E. B. Root, Los Angeles: M. Earlwood, Sllverton; J. F. Frost. Spokane; C. W. Barr, Astoria: S S. Bailey, Albany; E. J. Montague, Arling ton; E. B. Ouldrich, Pendleton: P. H. Honlr. Taeoma: Mrs. E. E. Estes. Mrs. O. B. Clstes. Astoria; Miss Francis Estes, Astoria; E. Straube and wife, A. Straube, Boyd; W. H. Arbuckle and- wife, city: Ada Lowney, Dallas; J. Erickson and wife, Astoria: Miss L. Reed, Warrenton; A. C. Richie and wife. Anacortes; T. C. Avary. Stevenson: G. M. Kempfer, S. L. Hays and wife. Hllls- boro; L. E. McKee. Goldendale; S. ' Carr, San Francisco: Wesley, Scio; J. Horan, Max Golder, San Francisco: W. E. Forsyth, Castle Rock: S. Pall, W. B. Matheson, Portland; A. W. August, Hillsboro; E. Palmberg, Astoria; W. S. Young, Steven son; A. S. Edwards, Stevenson; J. F. Ryan, Seattle: J. W. Anson, L. A. Baker, Chicago: C. D. Emahouer, Omaha; E. B. Querk, St. Joe; C. A. Pltuhohn, New York: A. L. Jor dan. Los Angeles; C. C. Covey, Warm Springs: J. M. Levy. Seattle: W. W. TJlrey nd wile. Etnei uroms. Dallas: A. rl. Moore. Miss Gearhart. Seattle; F. Fry and wife. Spokane: M. W. Oglesby. Cottage Grove. Fred Houchen, Cathlamet; Dr. A. G. Prill. Scio; Mrs. C. D. Bernard, Fossil; C. Caples and wife. Miss C. Jounson. Miss W. McMahon, Winnipeg; Mrs. J. C. Jensen, Stella: Pete Comacho and wife. Mrs. Lilly and sister, Yacolt; C. B. Merrick, city; J. J. La Fleur and wife. Kelso: fj. G. Eubank. W. Spring. Pasco; J. C. Weseott, Taeoma: c. a. .nutt ana wire, ADeraeen; jaeivin Purvine and wife. Goldendale: S. J. Beck, Lexington: E. E. Kaseberg and wife. C. W. Johnson. Wasco; H. Scott, Hood River; Cora Wilks, Mrs. H. stokes. Fossil. St. Charles W. M. Mullen. A. C. Mullen. Bcotts Mills: J. Wregal. The Dalles: R. Eis- ley. M. Kelrlck, Seattle: R. D. Allen. Charles Babb. Vancouver: H. M. Wade. H. Ziegler. Grass Valley: C. J. Llttlepage. Mosier: D. J. Selbert. Newberg: Walter Gould, Charles F. Stowe. Seattle: D. J. Stewart. Gresham: C Wallace. C. Conrad, Woodland; George W. Wicks. Salem: Blanchle Whittlngs, Ruby Whittinea. The Dalles: M. R. Lynch. Hall: J. J. Jacobs. L. J. Malstod. Rldgefleld: R. J. Duncan. Skamokawa: B. C. Wright, city: Angle Mury. c. s. Mcvay. G. M. Lingel and Wife. Newberg: J. A. McCoy, Salem: C. B. McBlathney. - Sllverton; James M. Van Dyne, Portland: W, Flood. Wkausa; Mrs. ra. E. Walar. Rainier; W. T. Kerr. Coauille: S. Matheney. Gaston: L. A. Lowe. Bull Run; Pay Patton, James Coats, Hillsboro: J. E. Plnault, city; C- A. Keeney. Newberg: Bll Rockey. Bay Center; E. Black, Goble; C. A. Witt, N. H. Price, Troutdale: W. T. Oakley and wife. Camas; Thomas Black, h. Black, McMlnnvllle: M. J. Farlngton. Butler; H. R. Murry. Glenwood: J. W. Nightengale and family; Molalla.; T. W. Sink and wife. Wasco; E. L. Delano. Momona: S. C. Wright, city; J. D. Wlleon Yoncalla; B5. Plauton, Newport; A. J. McConnell. Boston: Marguerite Kelley. Pearls Kelley. North Cove: W. Doyle. Wed derburn: W. H. Patterson. G. K. Walker and wife. The Dalles; J. D. Wilson, Yoncalla; G. H. Taber. citv: J. B. Duller, wife and child. Coquille: C. E. Broadbent. Myrtle Point: J. E. Glorle. Ray Fleming, W. H. GrosB. Gold Hill; Ross S. Watson, A. Dunn, E. Mathiot, Dayton: Miss J. Vdey, Troutdale: Henry Clan field. Bert Clanfleld. Dallas: H. G. Hayes. Heponer: Mrs. Macfierce, tiranui -aas; j. B. Wlest. Kalao. The rwnellnii C. E. Stone. M. Hull, city: Rodney N. Allabach. city; W. B. Schlngotf. Mm. W. E. Schlngofl, Astoria; Charles Flelden, Ft. Louis; Miss C. hi. Fleiaen. uni- oaro:F. B. Carter. Chicago: H. P. Hlldreth, E. Coolldge, lnus Adams. Beaitie; w. wrietit ana wire, union: jaiss noimes. As toria: Miss Helen McCabe, H. Smith. Seattle- w. M Oenn. Pittsburg: G. F. Holmes. Carrollton: Mable Adams, city; G. B. Like, Chicago: William Harris, t-ieveiana; . ej. r-nmli.n-k u B. Horn. Mr. Sherman. George Meyers. John Morris. W. H. White. San Francisco: J. W. Wilson and wife. Spokane; j. f. Riley and wife, Raymond; Edward Zlmm. New .York. The Dunmoore B. VanDusen. Astoria; Mrs. A. W. Elkins, San Francisco; N. Hnwe. New York: u. w. ntuart. u. IN Stuart. Miss H. Hollis, Dr. Furton, Astoria; V. w Woodward and wife. Seaside: G. W. Blaine and wife. Oakland: F. W. Franz and family, Sioux City; L. Wantnick, Seattle: W B. Robins, San Francisco: P. W. Peg ron, Chicago; F. J. Fitzsimmons, San Fran cisco; C. E. Miller, wewxon; j. ts. noason. citv: Mrs. Eliza Klipper. Canby: J. J. Reed and wife. Taeoma; J. W. veper. V.anton; J. L. Turner. Astoria; W. S. Barton and wife. "V. R. Brewer and wife, fit. Paul; E. J Houston and wife. Carson; Mrs. H. An drews, cltv; Miss Short. W. Short, city: A. H.Rumilng. Taeoma: C. V. Frazer and wife. Eureka: G. F. Read. New York: L. F. Gross. Lo, Angeles: R. Williams, city. The Nortonia H. W. Rogers, San Fran cisco; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cammotte. R. A. Wiley. Aberdeen; W. S. Haney. Cleveland; Mr and Mrs. P. C. Chalmer, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller and daughter, Llgarry; R. Miller. Seattle: H. Dunlap, Chicago; G. Arthur, an Francisco: D. R- Wilkes. Los Angeles: Mrs. N. A. Taylor, Butte; C H. Blum. Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cleves. Omaha; R. B. Bills, Forest Grove; C. G. Sanders, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. L. Jfl. Wllule, New York. ADVANCE IS STEADY Wheat Prices Working Toward Higher Level. REACTIONS ARE SLIGHT Reduction of Acreage in the South west Argentine Shipments Are Light Bullish Tone in Corn and Oats. CHICAGO, Sept. 24 With the exception of a drop of about s from the opening bulge, wheat sold on a jauntily advancing market, ma reactions were slight and of brief duration. Considerable long wheat was dis posed of on the theory that the pall of bullish smoke was not entirely justified by the Are under It. A Southwestern crop observer tele graphed that rain or no rain, the wheat acre age of Kansas, Oklahoma and Southern Mis souri would b reduced anywhere from 16 to 25 per cent. Argentine shipments were light. The trade in com was light but the tone of the market was distinctly firm. Indication, are that the market was oversold several days ago, and short, showed a disposition to get on th, same aide of their- trade. In this they were encouraged by the strength of the cash mar ket and threatening weather In Montana with prospect, of snow In that section. The oats market was bullish but steady in sympathy with the surrounding strength. December- closed o over yesterday at 94 4c. Provision, were quiet -and steady. Closing prices were unchanged to 2 points lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. September .99 1.00 .89 1.00 December ... 1.00 1.01 l.oo 1.01 May 1.03 1.041)5 1.03 1.04 CORN. September ... .78i .78 . .78 .78 December ... .60 .66 .65 .66 May .65 .65 .64 .66 OATS. September ... .48 .48 .48 .48 December ... .49 .40 .49 .49 May 61 .61 .61 .61 PORK. October 16.27 16.20 19.00 15.25 January 16.82 16.85 16.80 16.82 May . 16.80 16.80 16.76 16.76 LARD. October . 10.20 1055 10.17 10.17 January 9.82 9.85 9.85 9.82 May , 8.85 9.87 9.86 9.87 SHORT RIBS. Sept. and Oct. 8.82 8.85 T7 8 T7 January 8.82 8.82 8.80 8 SO May 8.80 8.92 8.90 8.80 Cash quotations were as follows: Wheat No. S, 96cS1.04;. No.-2 red, 1.00 1.01. Corn No. 2, T9S80c; No. 2 yellow, 79 80c Oats No.' 2. 48c; No. 2 white. 60c; No. Z white. 47850c. Rye No. 2, 7676c. Barley Fair to choice malting. 6961c. Flax seed No. 1, S1.1601.2S; No. 1 North western, SI. 26. Timothy seed Prime. $3.1533.25. Clover Contract grades, 99. Short ritM Side, (loose), 9.62gl0. Pork Mess, per bbL, 115.37C9S15.50. Lard Per 100 lbs., ,10.20. Stdefi Short, clear (boxed), 10.00310.00. Whisky Basto of high wines, $1.37. Receipts. Shipment,. Flour, bbls 37,000 37,000 w heat, bu 5L00O 24O.00O Corn, bu 152.000 297,000 Oats, bu. 29,000 208.000 Rye. bu 6,000 Barley, bu. 234,000 34,000 ' Grain at San Francisco. . 8AN FRANCISCO. Sept. 24. Market firm. Spot quotations - Wheat Shipping, tl.65-Sl.6Ttf; milling, tl.70 fSl-77. Barley Feed, 11.311.35; brewing, 11.36 (8-1.40. Oats Red. 11. 60S1.90; white. tl.80Ol.7S: black, 12.4032.50. . Wheat at Liverpool. T.fVVROnnT. IL- . q, ,,-1 . . ber, 7s 9d; 'December. 7s 8d; March, 7, 7d. Weather overcast. - Wheat at Taeoma. TACOMA. Sent. 24. Wbeat -Milling. Bluestem. 94c: cluh. blln. wri an. G..nn.,'. Bluestem, 92c; club, 88c; red. 86c. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Kordby-Craven Company to E. P. Williams, ioi a, block 2, lAnn'M Addition 2,200 9,000 1 300 250 173 1,450 8,600 1,410 10 1,600 10 Charles Hickethler and wife to H. rion, iota 10, 17, biock 3, Gold smith's Addition Joseph De Blond and wife to A C. Gaines, lots 29, 30, 31, 32, block 2. Point View Addition tn sr inhn Portland Realty & Trust Company to Kobert Helnds at al, lota lit, 20, 21. block 5 W. H. Matthews and wife to Lillian M. Hon: man, land In section 29, T. 1 8.. R, 4 E . X. A. Patterson and ' wife to J. L. Ledwldge, lot 24, block 1, Maple wood Addition Thomas F. Baylls and wife to Mary irace rs ortnrup, lot o, block 4V, Irving ton E. W. Baug-hman and wife to Harriet M. Lavlnger, south 100 feet of lot 2. block 9. Sunnyside Addition George A. Agosti and wife to Gui se ppe (Java Hero, lot 4, block 22, Albina Homestead Joseph Buchtel and wife to W. A. Dempsey, lots 7. S, block 253 Hol ladays Addition Aaron Goldstein and wife to Harriett Simms, lot 13, block 24, Mt. Tabor Villa Security Savings A Trust Company, trustee, w n. a mine, jot h, block 17. John Irving' First Addition.. A. I Reed to Nordby Lumber Co., lot 10, block 10, Dunn's Addition.. G. C. Gammans and wife to B. J. 050 1.500 425 Johnson ana wife, lot S, block 12-3, Caruthers Addition Moore Investment Company to Bessie Hiends, lot 17, block 87. Vernon.. Title Guarantee ft Trust Company to Diseases of Men Varicocele, Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Stricture, Gleet. Prostatic trouble and all other private dis eases are successfully treated and cured by me. Call and see me about your case It you want reliable treatment with prompt and permanent results. Consultation free and Invited. All transac tions satisfactory and confidential. Office hours -9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12, call on or address DR. WALKER 181 First St Cor. Yamhill, Portland, Or O ?a 3--St i o (of ? illlrv DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. KSTABU8KED ISM BROKERS STOCKS BONDS - - GRAIN Beach t ma Bala fcr eask ami aa tnanria. Private Wires ROOIDS 201 to 204, CCUCh BuUdlH Harvey E. Prakes, lot 4, block 4, West Piedmont 300 Moore Investment Company to Arba Jl. Merrls, lot 7. block T3, Vernon 400 W. C. Alvord and wife to Sarah E. Bradley, lots 11, 13, block 107, Irv Ington 3,000 W C. Alvord and wife to Matilda Akin, lot 7, block 107. Irvlngton.-. 1.250 W. C. Alvord and wife to John P. McEntee, lots 11, 12, block 90. Irvington 3,000 Otto J. Kraeraer to J. X- Coghlan, undivided one-bail of south half of southeast quarter of section 14, T. I N.. R. 1 W .500 J. S. Carlson and wife to Henry Kane, lot 8. block 1, Mildred Addition to Gresham 175 Ellis G. Hughes and wife to Minnie J. Washerman, lots 3. 4, block 62, Irvington I.tJOO B. O'Shea and wlf, to T. P. Mc Inerney, 6 acres In sectioa 20, T. 1 8.. R. 2 E 10 Martin Sattler and wife to Axel Peter son and wlf. lot, 7 and 8, block IS, Highland 1.200 H. S. Stone and wife to O. H. Jen kins. 1.26 acre in Sec. 28, T. 1 X., R. 2 E 250 Ernstlne A. Wohlam to George H. Jett, lot 7,. block , 'VYoblam'a Add 00 Robert EX Myers and wife to C. A. Reichen. lot 5. block 41, Sellwood.. 1.000 P. R. Salway and wife to Norman R. Land's, lot 11, block 4, Evanston.. 1 X. P. Noren and wife to Frank L Duke, lot 9. Arvldson's subdivision ot block 18. North St. John S50 Th, Ladd Estate Co. to J. W. Stevens and wife, lot 5, block 6, Bluraaper'a Add 600 William Abemethy and wife to A. E. Gantenbeln, block 25, McMillan', Add 1 Andrew Brugger and wife to August Specht. 70xlu0 feet in X. W. 54 of Sec. 10. T. 1 S., R. S-B 1,000 Moore Investment Co. to T. AD. Ricks et al., lot 8, block 16, Vernon 450 C. W. Davis and wife to P. R. Sal way, lot 11, block 4, Evanston.... 850 Mary A. Kllllon to B. E. Wright, east H of lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 13, Hawthorne-Avenue Add 1 Harry P. Ball and wife to Frank W. Osburn et al.. lots 25. 28. 29. 32. 33, 36, 3T. 40, 41, 42. 43 and 44, block 6. Smlthson Land Co.', Add 3,500 Warren E. Thomas and wife to John H. Krieger, lot 13, block 7, Lincoln Park 475 George K. Hill to Minnie L. Hill, 40x 100 feet beginning at point In west line of Twelfth street 150 feet south from Intersection with south line of Main street 10 H. R. Llttlefleld and wife to James H. Abrey et al., 10 acres beginning at X. E. corner of Sec 4, T. 1 6., R. 2 E 8,500 H. R. Llttlefleld and wife to Emma A. and James H. Abrey, lang beginning at N. E. corner of Sec. 4, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E 1 Investment Co. to Jos. H. Perens, lots 6. 6, T and 8, block 12, Irvington Park 900 Investment Co. to Edwin H. Bellows, lots 10, 12. 14, 16 and 18, block 16, Irvington Park 700 Weet St. John Land Co. to Jos. Mc Kee, lot 11. block 4. Whltwood Court 300 B. H. Bobbins to C. V. Wflloughby. lots 9 and 10, block II, Albina Homestead 1.500 Total ., 158,907 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft TRUST CO. Room 6. Board of Trade bldg. Abstract, a specialty. Have your abstracts made by th, Tltl, ft Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. NOW OPEN. A FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY FOR MEN ONLY For the benefit of men only we have a:lded to our office equipment a free museum of anatomy, presenting a study of health and disease In all Jta various forms, and affording educational opportunities not found else where. Man, know thyself. Study the natural and unnatural condi tions of the human body as Illustrated by life-sized models. DONT FAIL TO VISIT IT WE CURE MEN Do not waste yonr life consulting: Irregular "doctors" P0"" neither the education, skill nor experience necessary to find out nat your ailment is, much less to successfully treat and cure ypa. Things that are not done right never turn out well. Be-cia ' Consult u! We are regularly graduated Specialist,, whose original in vestigations and long study Into the cause and cure of special diseases have caused us to be duly recognized as the leading specialists In our line. We Cure Quickly, Safely and Thoroughly WEAKNESS OP MEN. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE, NERVOUS DEBIL ITY". BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. SORES, ULCERS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, KIDNEY. BLADDER AND RECTAL DEASES, PROSTATE GLAND DISORDERS AND ALL CONTRACTED SPECIAL DISEASES OF MBN" CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best serv ice that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines fur nished in our private laboratory from Il.oO to $5.00 a course. If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours 9 A. M. to d P. M. daily. Sundays, 8 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 28 1H Morrison St., Between Fourth and Fifth, Fortrand, Or. MEN $10 MY FEE FOR A CURE IS MY TREATMENT FOR WEAKNESS Functional derangement, such as premature loss of power, etc.. is neither a "weakness" nor a disease. It is a symptom of prostatic .disorder. To stimulate activity by the use of powerful tonics is an easy matter, but such results are merely temporary drug effects. Most doctors treat "weakness" in this manner because they do not know how to cure the real cause of the ing scientific and successful methods. My treat- pav -V h tFl"l ment is a local one entirely and corrects every Jr aawaa abnormal condition of that vital center, the T i VT. . prostate gland. My cures are real cure and are I VUrC X OU permanent CONSULTATION FREE MY HOXEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give you the very best opinion, guided by years of successful practice. Men out of town. In trouble, write if you cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure. My offices are open all "day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.. and Sunday, from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 334Vd MORRISON STREET, CORNER SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Telrchaaa msft TRAVELERS CriDt PORTLAND RV., LIGHT I'O WtB CO. CAK8 L&AVS. Ticket Office and v?altlng-Boom, Fin, and Alder (streets FOR Oregon City 4. 6:30 A. M.. and every 80 minute, to and including 9 P. M.. then 10. 11 T M.; last car 12 midnight. Gresham. Boring, fiagla Creek, Ksta eada. Casadero, Falrview and Trout dale 7:15, 9:15. 11. 1J A. M.. 1:15. 8:45. 6:10. 7:25 P. M. FOB VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Secoad and Washington streeta A. M :ir. 6 50. 7:23. 8:00. 8: S3. 9-10. 9:60. 10:80. 11:10, 11:8a P. M. 12:30. 1:30. 1:50. 2:80. 8:19. 8:60, 4:80, 5:10. 0.30, 8:30. 7:05, 7:40. 8:15. 8:25. 10:S5". 11:45. Ob Third. Monday In Every Momta (be Last CasELeaves at 70S P. M. Dally except Sunday. Dally except Monday. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leave Port land every Wednesday it 8 F. M. from Oak treet dock, for North Bend, Marshfleld and Cooe Bay points. Freight recelred till 4 F. M on day ot selling;, passe ner far, first class, $10; seoond-olasa, fT. including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Wasnlnaton streets, or Oak-street dock. North Pacific S.S. Co's. Steamiblp RoanoJad and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P. M, Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, AL 1314. IL Young, Agent. BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND B. 8. CO. Only lirect Steamer, and layllght Sailings. From Ainsworth Sock. Portland. 8 A. at.: S. S. Rose City. Sept. 26, Oct. 10. S. 8- State of California, Oct. 8. From Lombard St., San Francisco, 11 A. it.: 5. S. State of California. Sept. 26, ,to. 6. S. Ross City, October 8, 17. J. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent. Main 268 Ainsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE, Ticket Agent, 142 Sd 8t Phone Main 402. A 1402, REGULATOR LINK. Fast 8tamr Bail,, Uataart. Round Trips to Th, Iialles Week Daya, E cept Friday, Leav, 7 A. M. Round Trips to Cascade Locks Sunday. Leav, 9 A. M. DALLES CITV AND CAPITAL CITT Maintain dairy service to Th, Dalle except Sunday, calling at all way landings (of (rslgbt and passenger,. Lsav, t A. If. Alder-Street Dock. Phone Mala 914. A 8113. CANADIAN PACIFIC Empress Line of the Atlantic Low rates, fast time, excellent service. Ask any ticket agent for particulars pr write. F? R. Johnson. P. A 143 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. OUR FEE FOR A COMPLETE CURE IX ANT SIM PLE, UNCOMPLICATED DISEASE. EXAMINATIONS AND ADVICE FREE. IN ANT UNCOMPLICATED DISORDER DR. TAYLOR. The Leadina; Specialist.