XlilS JlUlLMMi OKEGUMAN, iiuDAY, bill' i i Jii-LxC 1 Ocj. 14 TO EXCHANGE. TRADERS, TAKE NOTICE. A weil modern 7 -room houf; cement walks and basement: lot SoxloO; all Im proved with lawn. ro-s and fruit: 1 block to carline. In Piedmont Add. Will ex change for small, well-lmpri ved farm near carllne. Price $3200. PINE TREE LAND CO.. 09-10 Buchanan BMj ., 2$H Washington St. Phone, Main b00. NO. 13 400 acres of good land only 1 miles from E"tacada carline, on the Clackamas River: all fine land; nearly half low bottom; RO acres under cultiva tion; balance timber; over 2o acres of good piling timber on the place; good fnce; fair house and barn; 2 acres or chard; good country mad: price $45 per acre and will take In $mhp or more or city property. Any part of this farm can be sold or traded. Ralph Ackley, 603 Cor bett bldg. 10 ACRES. 4 acre at raw berries, 1 acre mixed orrhard. balance vegetables and hay; b room plastered house, cement cellar, water In houae; also 7-room bunaalow and good bsm; ail fenced; clow to Milwaukie; Jvmft, J.WP down or will take ranch up to $40u first payment. 323 Lumber Exchange. PALE OR EXCHANGE A BUSINESS THAT PAYS. Grocery store on corner lot :oi72 feet In a high class refinance district of Port land. Price for stock, building and lot H-"pO0: for stock alone $25" m. On easy terms. Ralph Ackley. H Corbett bldg. WILL PELL or exchange for choice realty. In good location, or lease for term of Tars, up-to-date apartment-house, with all modern Improvements. In center of city. Correspondence solicited. Principals only. T 250, Oregontan. HAVE beautiful home; hfuse strictly mod em. In desirable part of the city, valued at 5SO0; to exchange for residence, bus iness lots, grocery store or some other profitable business. tJ( coroeir omg CONFECTIONERY, cigar and notion store, clone to school, with 5 living rooms, rent $22. 50; receipts $15 find more; win es char a-e for cii v property and part cash. 31." Lumber Exchange. WA NTED Stock of merchandise for a good 3K-acre farm in Clat kamai Lounij worth $1".5"0 F. FUCHS. 221 i Morrison St. JF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buv, sell or trade business or property ioi low the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. DO jou want fruit land? If so. I will sell or trade you my 20 acres south of Port land; nrice $15oo; I want a no me. ij .t.t. Oregonian. EXCHANGE income city property and acre age do- to citv. value $22.O00. Incumb rance $25041. for good stock of general mer chandise. L 2H6, oregonian. a 112 oi Klickitat -hill fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or business property. Frank .Le Front st. TELEPHONE BONDS AND STOCK Taken In ex-han;e for real estate. FRED H. STRONG. 6 Concord bldg. t-inno EQUITY in flne residence for sale or trade for smaller modern house. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. i t VP l.niivs lots, farms, storm, rooming- houses Mid other businesses for sale or for trade. Call 513 Chamber commerce. WHAT have von to trade for inside lot In Chehalls. Wah.. a city of 5inM people? In vestigate. M 2l. Oregonian. IK ou want to buy. eI! or trade anything, see KaufTmann Moore. 325 Lumber Ex- hange. .nnriM house t acres lard, family or i hard, barn, chicken ard. 2 minutes out t-lty; trade or terms. 2 Hamuion Diug. WILL trade mining stock for vacant lots. Thone Mnin 3251. WILL trade for what you have. Gua Smith. 404 Buc hanan bMg. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. S2 ACRHS vellow pine and flr timber, cruise 2 to.iMM feet. 4 nules to town and railroad. rtar Elgin. Or.. $10 per acre, and will ex change for Portland residence. PINB TREK LAND COMPANY. .Vf.t-.-.io Buchanan Bldg. Phone HSfi. FOR SALE A relinquishment of timber on the Silciz: nine or ten million fet. with trnA ImnrnvpmnH' .'i0Ot If taken Quick. An opportunity to make $50"0 or Irtnftrt in the next 14 months. a duress dox -, Cor va His, Oregon. TIM1ER LAXOi OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D LACEY CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 82V Chamber of Commerce. Port Lin 0. FIXE homestead, only tf miles out from the town of Silets. rislit In the great timber party that haa this claim cannot possibly live on it and will relinquish very cheap at once for $KM. L 274. Oregonian. A GREAT opportunity Wanted, five men with S.vHMi each or one man wiin to float a bis timber and milling enter prise, easy to l"g and handy to railroad. For further particulars inquire of Jas. G. Horning. Philomath, Or. CHEAPER THAN GOVERNMENT LAND Have several patented timber claims, well situated. 3.00. 000 to 6.000.000 feet each, at $1000 per claim. Western Investment Co.. ,Hl-m'2 Corbet l Diog. 3 933 OOP HEMLOCK, spruce and celar, only $t2.V. I7.667.00O feet on drlvable stream, only C. J. M'CRACKEN. WE are in the market for from B0.000.ooo to 1 AO. 000. 000 feet of principally yellow fir; accessible to the Columbia River or near Portland; rrom owners omj. ti Corbett bldg. TWO A-l railroad logging shows on Colum bia River; one 12. other 40 million; $15, 000 cash will handle small show; $30. 00 large one. balance us logged off. B 2rtt. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. California. Oregon. Washington. Government locations a specialty. OLIVER U A VI LAND. 1119 Board of Trade Bldg. WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises of all kinds, phinn Main 440 Kinney Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Practical mill man; one-half ln terejn In IO years' cut; water and rail trans portation Portland markets; $S.H to $lU,OO0 cash reaulred. Box 7. city. WOOD stumpage or lumber, about 5'KM) cord original fir. 9 miles from Portland. 1? mile to station. Apply 75 East Couch. Portland. FOR SALK 1HO acres good timber; good lo cation, on river; for quick sale jour price takes it. L 2H8. Oregonian. WANTF1D Partner; best logging proposition on Columbia River: 2oo.oo,uw; $.Mou re quired. C 271. Oresontan. TWO timber relinquishment: cellar and flr; timter and atone act. Call Immediately. 327 Worcester block. CHOICB YKLIA"W PINB CLAIMS. Government location. 327 Worcester bik. TWENTY railroad claims, guaranteed atx to IS million feet. Hoban. VII AHsky blk. W.VNTEU K.L ESTATE. RELIABLE coup'.e wishes to purchase lot in North Albiua or vicinity; $00 down, $10 per month. 7 per cent interest. Address AD 2-"Ar Oregonian. WANTED A or 7-room house. good neighborhood; state particulars. L 270, Oregonian. iVIIL glre cash and very Ine timber for new modern house up to friOtiO; must be good locatien. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. W A NTBD Houses. lots. rooming-houses, owners please list with Howard Bros., 619 Pwetland. Main 1669. CHOICE residence lot; want bargain for cah; sra: location and price. K 271. Ore goaian. WANTED Acre or more, suitable for plat ting Main 92. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. WANTED Cheap house and lot. on install ment plan. Main V2, Angeles, 242 6th at.d Main. FOR RENT FARMS. GOOD !2i-acre farm in Washington County, on North Prairie, with 6-room house, Har den, orchard, barn and other outhouses, rent $; per acre. Apply to Wm. Kane. Forest Grove, or. WILL lease for years 10 acres. 6 acre bearing orchard, 4 acres clover. 1H27 Peninsular ave.. city. FARM fsr rent. J. N. El Hot. Oregon City, feouio a. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. FOR PALE: TIMBER LANDS OREGON AND WASHINGTON. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY tTNC.) 024-427-02 Corbett I Idg. WE want timber lani. single claims or tracts. Murdoch & Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. WANTED FARMS- DAIRY farm to work on shares by man who understands the business; long leasa desired A D 2".. Oregonian FOR 8 ALE, Hones, Vehicle and Harness. FOR SALE New light two-horse express wagon with canvas top over seat; ca pacity 1000 pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all in good condition; price $100 Inquire at room 2uO Oregonian bldg. or of A. P. Langenberg, Clackamas, Or. Ml "ST sacrifice our family driving mare. bay. 9 vears old. city broke, gentle, for any ladv. with new top. steel-tire buggy and new' hand-made harnew; only $125; no dealers need answer. A 13t9. Dr. Charlton. 26 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus. euddies, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert & IaU. 204 4th st. F ANCY driving mare, city broke. 6 years olcfT standard bred. C. F. Frey. Milwau kie. Or. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kir.ds for sale. 2i4 Montgomery. FOR SALE Young team draft horses. Ap ply SOS Davis st. HORSE, buggy and harness for sale cheap. Inquire 3.". North lih t. NICE bay mare, weight 107.0; good driver; lady or child can handle. 2S7 Morrison. HORSES, buggies and harness for sale or hire 12 East 34th st. Phone Tabor 1112. Automobiles. AL'TOMOBILES. touring cars and run abouts. 250 to $1200. for sale or trade. W G. Hartman. 40 2d a:. Main 162. TOCRING car. 4-cylinder. glass front, top. new tires; fully equipped; $750. N 235, Oregonian. WANTED Runabout, new Address, stating condition H 94. Oregonian. tr second-hand, and best price, g;,0o Cadillac; seats 5; 2."2. Oregonian. Al condition. J WANTED An'eleetrlc piano for cash; one slightly used preferred. Address 638 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE New piano. $2O0; $100 cash, balance long time as desired. AD 251, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE. PIPE). We are purely the pipe kings. Any amount of any size and all good pipe, too. Every foot guaranteed, all dipped in coal tar free, whl.-b makes the same as good as galvanized. 2- inch pipe, be foot. 2H -Inch pipe. 12c foot. 3- l'nch pipe, lflc foot. 4- lneh pipe. 23c foot. We also have on hand: 50.000 ft. u and 9n-incn galvanized pipe. 2"0O ft. 12-inch new pipe-21H-0 ft. 10-Inch new pipe. 3000 ft. 3-inch new plje. 2ton ft. 4-lnch new pij?. lotto ft. 9-lnch galvanized, riveted. AH pipe guaranteed; if not satisfactory your money retunded. The store with the money-back policy. J. SIMON & BKO., , 244 -246- 2.V Fron t St. ROOFING MATBRIA L. Posltlvely New Roofing Material. TOttO squares rubber roofing Our prices. Others charees. 1- plv.... $1.2.1 1-ply....$2.00 2- plv 17 2-pl' 2.50 3- pl"y 2 25 3-ply 3 00 We have 5oo squares positively new cor rugated lion that we are selling at $2.25 per square. . Also 20W squares galvanized corrugated iron. , tie mire and see us before buying roofing, as we have the right stock at the right price. J. SIMON & BKO.. 244-240-2.1O Front St. MOVING picture films for rent; the best selected stock In the West; all reels 1000 feet: no damaged films; everything that s good. Send for eataloeue and terms. Theater Film Service Co. Inc.. 1042 Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco. Cal. MOVING picture machines; any make; films, tildes and supplies; talking ma chines, records; opera and folding chairs; Fosters, tickets, etc. 5QJ page catalogue ree. New York Motion Picture Co., 104 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 Third st. FOR SALE. TILLAMOOK. COINTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OK FROM $100 TO S:oo0. Partus Interested call Maglnnis St Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. On account of removal Mr. James McCraken offers his launch, Locblnvar. for sale at a bargain. Applv to- Frank Masters, Ore gon Launch Co., foot of East Madison st. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. Fine repairing a specialty. Call or address L. Winters, 318 Tilford bldg.. loth and Morrison sts. FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and holst lne engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st. A 2363, Main 2363. FOR SALE Office furniture; 2 roll top desks, 2 rugs and other furniture; weathered oak. .122 Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE Handsome houseboat, complete equipment, cables. pontoon mooring rights etc. Address AF 248, Oregonian. FOR SALE Office fixture and safe. Phone Main BS54 from 10 to 4. 420 Lumber Kx- change bldg. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies; registered stock. 264 Alberta st. y car. FOR SALE Pest dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR PALE 90 head of angora goats cheap. Address T. J- Ripley. Oregon City. R. F. D. No. 2. MOVING-PICTI'RE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. lOM-j 4th st. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old Book Store, 211 2d. near Salmon. SNAP $:C0 diamond ring for $275. A 270. Orejeonian. TWO shares In a fine duck lake. Inquire C. C. Cott.L'0 Corbett bldg. FOR S LE Two safes, letter-pres. desks and office furniture. Chlopeck Fteh Co. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Young man between the age of 17 and 21 to begin mechanical train ing. Apply Tuesday. 8 A. M., 14th and Couch. WANTED S flrst-class sash and door cut ters; good wages. Apry at once. Supt. National Lbr. c Hox Co, Hoquiam. Wash. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both phones. STANDARD 'EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Men 250 Burnsifle Street. Phone Main 54. WANTED A good house-to-house can vasser, with references. Apply room 39. Hamilton bldg. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Lorati, 14S 4th. Main 550. JAPANESE and Chinese employment 'agency. 810 Davis st. Main 8309. WANTED Three coat makers. Curtiss. Seattle, vtasn. WANTED Coatmaker. $9 tip; railroad fare advanced. D- J- reiers. ana w ana, asn. BOYS WANTED AH day or after school. Apply 74 Third et WANTED A glazier. Geo. Ainsley Co., 650 Pettygrove st. WANTED Roy with wheel for delivery. Case A Reed Co.. 5th and Oak sie. WANTED A good, young, reliable meat cutter. Box 30L Eugene. Or. WANTED Coatmaker. Address A. Dyno, Unnnlim TVnxh COATMAKERS wanted. Apply Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. 7th and Stark sts. ELRVAT"R hoy; must be over 14 years old. Butler. Schutze Co.. 4-1 3tn si. WANTED A helper for the kitchen at Winter's restaurant. 230 1st st. WANTED 3 boys, steady work. 829 Everett J HELP WAN TED M ALE. 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeK; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert In structor; tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland, Or. WANTED Honest man to sselst In employ ment and real estate business; references and 930O required; 25 weekly salary guar anteed, also commissions. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE, So3 Washington St., Suite 4. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, so books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230 240 6th st., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 20 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. Help Free to employers. MOVING picture operators make $35 week ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn the business in short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co., 293 Burnstde st. WANTED A flrst-class tresser. gentleman or lady, who can cut either ladles' or gentlemen's wear in dye w rke; best wages paid. Artistic Dye Works, 821 Williams ave. BOOKKEEPER wanted, must be familiar with real estate business ana aoie i so bond or security; one that will take inter est in the firm preferred. Address, with references, s 202. uregonian. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Write us If interested. Albany Nurseries, Al bany. Or. WANTED Young, industrious man to eel! butter churn in country, $1 a day. ex penses; must know how to arive warn . also Invest $.0 as security; references, ("all 531 Lumber Exchange bldg- postal rUrki nnrt -rrir call In re gard to preparing at once for November Kxam. uooa salary to start; sieauy em pioyment to ambitious young men. Pa clflc States Schools. SOLICITORS wanted at once for steam cleaning and dye works. Good commis sion. Call 864 East Burnside. B 1U20, East 526. l.RARV wrrhml;!n(r en craving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money j Ikn. 1, i uaffhtnnWInr TCn- gravlng School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. SALESMAN, splendid line postcards and novelties; very liberal compensation; es tablished trade; finest possible side line. Columbia Card t o.. 20.; uooonougn oiur. WANTED Boys from seventh and eighth grades at Hassalo Congregational Church Sunday morning at U o'clock. Carfare guaranteea. WANTED The assistance of two ladies and ffonfiemen to introduce a fine business in Portland and Washington. Call after tt P. M., 13 W. Park. Mr. Castellow. TWO flrst-class clothing salesmen, one for steady position in this store, the other for new store we are openinK m r,usenc, ur. Call Brownsville Woolen Mills Store. wivTKti liood upholsterer and carpet man end mattress-maker; steady situation and good wages. Addrfss P. 0. box 1U5, Eu gene. tr. HAVE flne opening for young, energetic man who if detirous of advancement; amount required. $100. 85 5th st.. near Oak. wanted Two cabinetmakers for show case and fixture work, experienced men only. Address Willamette Showcase CO., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED A canvasser and collector for a position that WM1 pay --ov per momn; only hustlers need apply. 425 Washington street. GERMAIN'S high-ciass information bureau, none but flrst-class employes registered and pent out. 2 and 3 Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison. A 2145. suf.ictTOR wanted at once; must be we acquainted with local business houses; high commission. permanent position ; state references, j o-, uienuumu. SPLENDID opening for young man. share profits whtie learning iuim-b, capital required. Call 411 Commonwealth bldg., Cth and Ankeny. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opens Its Fall term October 1. Two yearn course with ri' Kiee. 630 Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, Dfkum bldg. WANTED 3 flrst-class general agents for accident Insurance company. . rx Weston, room 1 Commercial Club bldg. FOR SALE Vt Interest in real estate busi ness. Can show profit of $300 monthly. B 273 Oregonian. WANTED Salrsmen. all lines, bookkeepers and stenographer. Commercial Abstract Co., suite 4o8 Commercial Club bldg. m- v t ! 1 1 -f .siunsAr Vini- vrwwl hsnic for promotion. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 2"2 coiumDia oiaie. . SALESMAN wanted for real estate and se curity, for the Montana and Nevada; good contract. 20t weiis-i-argo Diag. CLOTHING salesman who can write cards and trim windows. P. A. A C. Co., 323 i-j Washington at SUBSCRIPTION solicitor, new paper, good field, money Tor, rustier. iveney joe, Camas. Wash. WA NTED 'First -class all-around plumber; steady work, un-ion scale. $5 per day of 8 hours. Charles Hann, iewision, jaa. WANTED Boy with wheel; must be steady; good wages. Inquire 3ul Wash ington st. WANTED A-cisiaiu i arocerv business. Apply between 8 and 0 . f. 1 -t anit lnknv A. M. v. --" J wiVTF.n A flrst-class furniture flnlher. Apply L Gevurtx & Son, between 7 and 9 A. M. WANTED Bright boy to run elevator. Ap ply J. G. Mack & Co., 5th and Stark sts. WANTED 4 mattress makers. Peters A Roberts Furniture Co., ta -ortn rroni. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY violinist, good reader and some ex perience; give phone number. E 270, Ore gonian. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. 233 North 24th st. phone Main 2717. GOOD helper on skirts, alteration depart ment. Drake & Swan Co., 415 Washing ton st. WANTED At once, experienced and relia ble waitress wttb flrst-class references. Call mornings. S.irgent Hotel. GOOD, reliable girl to assist with general housework and taking care of children; good mages. Phone East 1511. GIRL for general housework; family of two; muM be good cook. Apply 210 North 25th. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Apply 770 Flanders st. Nl'RSB girl wanted for care of child 3 years old. 304 Park. GIRL for general housework in a small family: must be neat. 107 North lth st. "OMPETENT girl for general housework, " family 3 adults. Main 12'.. A 1721. WANTED Experienced cook. 3 In family; wages $30. 245 King St. WANTED Second girl, experienced. 245 King st. GIRL wanted to assist In housework. 747 Glisan st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 1S6 East 16th St. Phone East 2007. 3 COOKS, city; 3 flrst-class waitresses, city; best salery. Germalns. 5th and Benson. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call mornings. 412 Burnside St. EXPERIENCED second girl, call at 321 North 24th St., after II o'clock mornings. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 22S N. lath. WANTED Girl for general housework. 15 IE. 17th st.. cor. E. Ah. BOOKKEEPING, private lessons. 4 nights In week, $4 per mo. Main 7S62, A 4048. WANTED Experienced saleslady. Heller's Millinery. 30 Washington st. WANTED Experienced arm waitress. 363 Morrison. FIRST-CLASS waitress. Palace Restaurant, 128 4th st. COOK wanted at 670 Hoyt St.; good wages. HELP W ANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. First-class restaurant cook. $li.50 per week; restaurant cook, small country place, $12 a week. Two boarding-house cooks. $45. 5 waitresses. $30-$25 and $20, and 4 at $! and $S a week. Camp waitress, sawmill camp, 3v. Camp waitress in boarding cars, f-5; free fare. House girls, cooks, second girls, nurse girls. 5 cannery women and girls, .3c day, room and board. 2 factory girls, etc. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 34Si Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. 9 COOKS. 1 hotel, out of town. $30-$45. 2 2d girls, 1 out town. S20-S25. 6 waitresses. 2 out town. $22.50-$25. 2 kitchen helpers. $20-$25. 2 child nurses. $15--S. St Louis Ladies' Employment Agency. 20H 4th st. Main 2o3, A 224. WANTED Neat girl or woman as houee matd and waitress: do Ironing; no washing; three in family, husband, wife, daughter 4 years. Lieut. Campbell, Vancouver Bar racks. WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for general housework. 5-room house, small familv. good wages; no washing. Phone B 1186, Tabor 541, or call 111b East Alder. GERMAIN'S high-class Information bureau; none but flrst-class employes registered and sent out. 2 and 3 Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison. A 2145. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; good money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bidg., 0th and Washington at-- HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. A GIRL wanted to do cooking and house work In family of three. Call between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M-. at 471 Main St., between 13th and 14th. WAITRESSES, city; 2 springs, $25. Cooks, city. Vancouver, Independence ($40 Do mestics, etc. "Drake's," 203 Washing ton. HATS remodeled like new. half price. We dve. clean, curl, remake plumes. Model Millinery, 204 Merchants Trust bldg., ttth and Washington. WANTED Man and wife; wife must be good cook; man to assist and take care of lawn; small family. Address AD 254, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St., room 307. Main bh-tf or A 3266. WOMAN, for cooking and housework part of day; email family. 747 E. Madison; Hawthorne car. WANTED A girl to do general house work. Apfcly morning and evening, 684 Everett et. GIRL for general housework In family of 3; good wages to willing girl. 346 Clifton, corner 7th. Phone Main 5016 and A 4155. A COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. 383 North 32d St., Willam ette Heights. MILLINERY lessons given at 475 Morrison st.. 25 cents an hour; hats trimmed for 50c. WANTED Stenographer and office assist ant, light work ; state experience and salary required. AF 200, Oregonian. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; instruction free. Call 452 Washing ton. WANTED A woman to do washing Satur d u y for family of 3 ; good pay. Phone Woodlawn 2296. WANTED Competent girl for general housework and to assist with cooking. Apply 93 E. 35th. Phone B 16.S2. WANTED Competent woman for house work and cooking; good wages. Apply 357 12th St., cor. Mill. A COMPETENT woman for general house work; three In family; good wages. 620 East Ankeny. WANTED A neat girl to assist In general housework. Call mornings 71 North 16th street. WANTED Two young girls to travel with show; $6 week and all expenses. Call at Imperial Hotel, room 402, bet. 2 and 3. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Flsk Teachers' Agency. 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410; res., M. 6425. WE SECl'RB POSITIONS for our students); anv svstem of shorthand. Business Uni versity. Phone Main 4504. FOR HELP FOR WORK A, B, C EMPLOYMENT CO., 226 MorriPon. M . 3022. W e are white. SIT r ATI OX WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GERMAN and English public speaker and teacher, bookkeeper and German sten ographer is looking for a better position; can give good references. 662 Gantenbeln ave. Phone 3. 4210. BOOKKEEPER wants position with build ing contractor or construction company, quick and accurate figuring estimated; good typewriter operator. A-l referencea K 209, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 24 years of age. Is open for clerical position of any kind; wages no object if there Is chance for advance ment; references and bond. B 272. Ore gonian. AMBITIOUS young man of good habits de sires position as assistant bookkeeper, hotel clerk or similar position; have experience in feed business. C 260. Oreconlan. WANTED Position as assistant bookkeep er; several years' experience; also under stand shorthand. Address box 56A, B. F. D. No. 1. Milwaukie, Or. POSITION as bookkeeper or assistant by man of 7 years' experience. Best of ref erences. B 271. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CONTRACT work wanted, clearing land, contouring, treeplanting, gardening. Sondre Romtvedt. Jr., 594 Glenwood ave. JAPANESE boy wants position day work or housework, porter. Japanese Mission. Phone Main 93RL ' MAN and wife want steady position as jan itor in hotel or work on farm milking cows. X 241, Oregonian. WANTED by printer few days' work dis tributing or helping in job office. Ad dress B 270, Oregonian. JAPANESE wishes position to do any kind of work morning or evening. L 273, Ore gonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wifhea a situation, school boy or housework. L 272. Ore gonian. JAPANESE HOUSE CLEANING CO. Clean ing, waiting, cooking, washing by hour. M. TAKA. Phone B 2075. SITUATION wanted in warehouse by young man. used to heavy work ; abstainer. J 261, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener and general man WOUla lIKe flT-O'i lAi"111"" 1-a.rvc vq ui gentleman's place. K 2H7, Oregonian. CAPABLE voung man desires position as salesman or manufacturers' agent. K 268, Oregonian. vnt " man wants to leam stationary on gineering; knows little about firing. Ad- aress so. o, cbuuioh. SITUATION by young man with experience In gent's furnishings. J 264, Oregonian. CHEF, good city reference. H 208, Ore gonian. TWO carpenters want work by the day or YOUNG man, 19, strong and willing, wants to become a butcher. J 260, Oregonian. Japanese employment office; furnishes all kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. JAPANESE boy wants position to work as cook, housework. Ophlra. 3R5 E. Pine. JAPANESE Employment Co.. Main 4659, A 4073. 26S Everett. FIRST-CLASS engineer wishes position. W. A. Smith, Hotel Hoyt, 142 N. 10th. JAPANESE boy wants steady position to SITUATION WANTED MALE. M tecell aneooa. YOUNG man. age 82, who has been with one of the largest mining companies of the Northwest for the past two years as chief electrician. Is open for a position in a similar capacity with a mining, power or lighting company. Have highest references as to ability and character. Persona interview solicited. Address R. H., Eaton Hotel. YOUNG man. experienced in opening and managing retail tea and coffee stores, ateo handling agents, desires to secure position with good house with opportunity itr fur ther advancement. L 265. Oregonian. MAN who has practical experience In can ning all kinds of fruit and vegetables, make Jams, preserves and pickles, Is open for an engagement ; will guarantee my work, p 25k), Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dry goods. clothing, gents' furnishings, all-around salesman, with best references' wants position in country or city. IJ- 272, Oregonian. JAPANESE want contract farm, about 10 or 15 acres, within 10 miles from Port land. L 243. Oregonian. JAPANESE want contract to cut wood, over 1000 cords. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521. GOOD, experienced, all around harness maker wishes position In city or country. 3 MS N. 20th st. YOUNG, good Japanese boy wants position as schoolboy. Address Japanese M. E. Mission. 121 15th st.. North, or Main 9361. WANTED by a reliable collector a few houses to collect for, on either salary or commission. A 267. Oregonian EXPERIENCED accountant wants your books to post and letters to write; work called for and delivered. Phone Tabor 9&. AMERICAN wants work In city or country; handy with tools; no bad habits. A 269, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by first-class circular sawyer or flier; references. Address box S05, centralia. Wash. DEPENDABLE voung man. 26. wants steady work of any kind in city, teamster, knows city. F. Klein. 135 N. 10th. PRINTER An A-l all around printer seeks employment; union. Apply to G 2!6, Ore gonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. AD 229. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, COMPETENT stenographer, general office experience, wishes position; will accept moderate salary. East 4246. CAREFUL, accurate stenographer, owning machine, wishes typewriting to do; work called for and delivered. Phone B 1744. STENOGRAPHER, experienced and com petent, wants permanent position- after noons; $5 per week. E 267. Oregonian. REFINED, capable young widow. Under wood operator, must have work. Main 4155. Room 6. IF vr.u wish a good stenographer, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. Carefully test ed and certified. COMPETENT stenographer desires position. Phone East 2079. YOUNG lady wants position as office girl. G 217, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer desires position, good references. Phone Sellwood 725. SITUATION wanted as assistant bookkeeper and office help. Phone Main 2990. Dressmakers. THE famous Kelster'a Ladies' Tailoring College Ladles, save dressmakers bills, make your own gowns here. We teach Keister's drafting system. 306 Stearns big. PLAIN shirtwaists and shirtwaist suits made at lowest possible prices. G 265, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse, wants work by day or week. Phone Main 1528. Domestics. WOMAN, competent, wishes general house work in Council Crest or the country, $25 to $30; two in family. H 271, Oregonian. Housekeepers. WANTED Housekeeping position by cap able woman in young men's club, bachelor or wealthy orivate home to take full charge. E 274 Oregonian. Miscellaneous. LADY with 6-year-old girl would like posi tion In refined private family as com panion and to assist with housework for sm-all remuneration; best references. Y. W. C. A. SCHOOL teacher, four years' experience Bos ton end New York schools; can teach vio lin and piano; would accept governess posi tion or private tutoring. K 274, Ore gonian. LACE CURTAINS, shirtwaists and children's flne washing beautifully laundered; fine cun drylng and grass bleaching facilities. Phone Tabor 1530. TWO girls would like to have position as chambermaids In a hotel; have to go home nights. 671 Quimby, bet. 17th and 18th. EUROPEAN lady desires position as gov erness; elementary music, languages, painting; references. G 244. Oregonian. FOR companionship, by contralto singer, with piano, likes to cook; salary no object. Miss C. Main 6S65. NEAT appearing lady, willing worker, wants position in small restaurant or boarding-house; has own room. Main 43S6. FRENCH. German, Italian, oil painting, lady teacher; terms reasonable. G 243, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants work in exchange for housekeeping rnonu. A 1206. Main 9100. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED To rent a modern 10 or 12-room house, furnished or unfurnished; two baths; King Heights or Nob Hill. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. 3 ADULTS, employed during the day, want 2 or 3 clean furnished housekeeping room with private family; references exchanged. Address, stating price, K 272. Oregonian. WANT to rent -as soon as possible, by a man and wife without children, a small fur nished cottage; can furnish high referenc; state price. K 270, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room, with board wanted by young man, with Catholic fam ily references' furnished ; West Side pre ferred. G 271. Oregonian. WANTED By musical gentleman of refine ment, furnished room or en suite, without board ; desirable location ; must take all or part music lessons. S 261, Oregonian. WANTED, unfurnished, immediately, by re sponsible party, 15 to 20 rooms, strictly modern in every respect. Phones Main 4632 or A 18a6. GENTLEMAN wishes board and room in private family. West Side, modern, 2 meals. Phone Main 6560, afternoon or evening. WANTED Nicely furnished -room, with bath preferred. In vicinity 17th North and Flan ders, by man and wife. L 269, Ore gonian. MODERN 6 or 7-room house, within walking distance of East End high school ; state price. Address M. E. Schouweller, genl. del. EUS1NESS young lady wishes room, cen trally located, breakfast and dinner. A 271, Oregonian. WANTED To lease residence close in; must he flrst-class; would buy furniture if suit ed. A 273. Oregonian. WANTED To rent small furnished house or cottage. East Side, walking distance. B 267. Oregonian. 4 OR 5-room furnished cottage, modern ; piano, machine, walking distance; adults. 1 271, Oregonian. WANTED Part of furnished office by re sponsible party. J 2.".8. Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman requires board and room in private family. G 26S. Oregonian. W A NTED MI SCELLA X EOUS. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988, B 2311. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And anvthing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5655. 4l21- COMPLETE outflt for butcher shop; also al kind of second-hand furniture; high est prices paid for the same. Phone Main 6188. 219 Worcester bldg WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid- Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 92X CLOTHING, dress suits. Prince Alberts bought, ladles" evening and street dresses. Phone Main 8744. WANTED To buy a diamond; must be a snap. Mr. Ruby. Barnes Msrket. TENTS Two rather small tente-. Phones A 1109 and Main 7180. WANT0D Gas plate and wood heater; no dealers. Main 4490. CLOTHING Phone M. 1S51 83 N. 3d. Hlghe." price paid; prompt attention. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family Hotel. American or European Plan. Only ten minutes' walk from business center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Car passes hotel every minute; very rea sonable rates; largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found anywhere, with every modern convenience; large, well-kept lawn. DO you realize that you can get an outside steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the .Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts., for $10 up per month? This house Is being re painted, repapered and put In first-class condition by the new owners; nice large parlor In connection; suites, with running water. $22.50 to $35. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 48S-492 Washington st. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; uew buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts., has a few bacneior rooms reaay , tor oc cupancy; these rooms are the handsomest furnished In the city and have every mod ern convenience; terms moderate; rent begins Oct. 1st. THE GOODNOUGH, cor. 6th and Yamhill, opp. P. .O.; rooms by day, week or month; elevator " service, steam heat, etc. ; singles and suites; $3 weekly up. Mrs. Allison A Snyder. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 440S, Main THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window and other outside rooms; electric lights. baths, etc., $2.50 week up; transients. 269H .Washington. Hotel Bushmar, Wash, and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en fulte ; ail modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; daily, 75o up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water In rooms, furnace heat; rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Mala 4631. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 4U& NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen, $5 per week. Inquire 427 Washington st. LARGE, light, well-heated bay-window room, residence district, walking distance. TWO neatly furnished rooms, one block from S carline, $2 and $2.50 per week; gas. bath and free phone. "424 1st st. Main 8076. NEW furnished room in new, modern pri vate home; flne neighborhood; references. Home phone B 1487. TWO nicely furnished rooms, one large room, 2 beds, $15 per month; 1 for $2 per week. 827 West Park. Phone Main 7959. NICELY furnished and unfurnished rooms, heat, bath and light; rent very reason able. 447 Main. NEWLY furnished room, private famfly. at 65 Mason st. ; $4.50 per month; gentleman preferred. THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sts., modern front suites, also single rooms, bath and both phone. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eetes. THE TEMPLE, 343 Yamhlllst., opposite Hotel Portland; nicely furnished rooms; rent $2.50 week; transient. NICELY furnished front room; steam-heated; walking distance. The Newcastle, 3d and Harrison. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. 135 14TH ST.. corner Alder Choice fur nished rooms, open fire. 6 ROOMS on ground floor, furnished, furnace, yard. 200 12th st. HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th st.; steam-heated; rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk.. 50c to$l per day. THE GRAND, 387 Yamhill, nice light rooms, $3 and up; walking distance. THE ELW'OOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk.; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. FURNISHED front room, suitable for two, $3 week; also rooms $1 50. 51 N. 9th st. Rooms With Board. BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the nicest private boarding-houses in city; large, airy rooms, running water; beauti ful grounds, finely located for tourists, transient or permanent guests. A 5345. THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch, room and board, $25 per month, large grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Kaw llngs, Supt., 510 Flanders at. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, one single, one double; breakfast If desired. West Side; walking distance. 201 16th st.. cor Taylor. BOARD and room in private family for 8 or 4 congenial people; large, sunny rooms; everything new; walking distance. West Side. G 269, Oregonian. WIDOW lady, all alone, with very pleasant home, would take lady and gentleman to room and board; no objection to invalid. Main 6727. 821 Corbett. WHOLESOME, palatable home cooked meals in private home. By week or tran sient. Closo to Washington, 26 -N. 10th. M 8593. NICELY furnished rooms, flrst-class table board, strictly home cooking; modern; $0 week; easy walking distance. The Lin dell, 2QJ Market. FOR RENT One nicely furnished room with board, use of parlor in day time. 2 gentlemen, good home. 801 First, corner Glbba. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two in small private family; fine home, modern. 212 llth st. BOA RD and room, with home privileges, within walking distance; reasonable. 388 Columbia St., near 9th. BACHELORS' CLUB, well equipped, can accommodate one or two gentlemen, rea sonable; references. W 252, Oregonian. THE THORNDYKE, 655 Washington ot.. ele gantly furnished rooms, with board, choice location; walking distance. LARGE room for two; also single room with board; modern conveniences. 452 Morrison, cor. ISth. THE MARLTN, Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son. A home hotel; large rooms, good board, low rates. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark, 225 llth st. 41 ELLA ST. Rooms with board, suitable for one or two; home cooking, furnace heat. GOOD table board. $4 per week, strictly home cooking. Phone East 722- THE MANITOU. 261 I3th St., rooms largo and light, rates reasonable. Apartments. BEAUTIFUL 5-room a part me st for rent, 12th and Columbia, "The Bralntree." FOR RENT. Apartments. IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-roois res ldence upartments, each having pit vats vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerators, vln dow shades and screens, telephone ni janitor service. Apply janitor, 18th and Couch. THE WESTMINSTER, th and Madison sts. Is now ready to receive guests; a few only of those beautiful 4 -room apartments left; everything flrst-class in every respect with every modern convenience at moderate terms; rent begins Oct. 1st. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished A-room apart ment, with bath and all modern conven iences, including team heat, hot and cold water, telephone, gas and electrlo light without further cost. 11 113. Ore gontan. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts., un furnished 4 -room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap ply to janitor. MARlBOROL"GH APART M ENTS, 21st and Flanders; 5-room unfurnished apartments, new. high-class; reasonable rates. See Janitor. THE BUELL APARTM ENTS, cor. Salmon and 14th sts., now anil up-to-date 4-room. apartments; private phone, baih; auto matic elevator ; steam heat, etc. SIX and 7-room, heated apartments, wlthj everv modern convenience. 715 J oh n son A 1678. THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders l 4-room un furnished apartment, modern. Apply to janitor 5-ROOM lower apartment, steam heat and janitor service. Call Fat, E 401 10th. 1 lata. UPSTAIRS flat in desirable E:ist Silo neigh borhood; rent $30, including water and heat. Apply W. N. Carter, 712 William ave. Phone East 4983. MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and' West Sldr-s. Fortland Trust Company ot Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak Phone. Exchange 72. : A STRICTLY modern 6-room flat tn rent)' new, in a flne locality on the Vent Sid: $35 per month. W. II. Lang. 340 Chamber' of Commerce. THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flit, walk ing distance, $J5. Mrs. A. Larry room tifli Washington bldg. Phone Main 169. , MODERN lower. 5-room flat, choir location,, walking distance, close In. 406 Park st.ti bet. Harrison & Hall. Key at 219 1st St.- MODERN 4-room flat. 8 extra bed-ooms up- stairs. 179' Green ave., near 23d ind Wash ington. Call forenoon or evening. Jain SPH. I FLAT, 5 rooms, for rent. ant carpets, shades and range for sal. S4 10th, near Burnside. TO lease Two new steam-h eat 3 5-room! flats, ready for occupancy October L, Apply Silverfield Co., 4th and Mrrison. j20 6-ROOM flat; all modern conveniences; nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave:; pi one East 807. - MODERN 4-room flat; shades, .basemenV wood lift, lawn; near car. 7it William' ave. . Woodlawn 426. MODERN 5 and -room flars on Stout at.,j near Madison, $1S. $30. $22. I. quire 260 Stout st. Phone Main 5S53. WELLINGTON COURT $17 ern. eteam-heatfd. 525 Morgan. 322 Falling bldg. .50, 5 -00m mod-1 Everet. W. L. FOUR new 5-room flats, $35. $37.J and $40; Everett, near 22d. Vanduyn t Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. MODERN fi-room flat, steel and as range, window shades. 207H Halsey, near Steel bridge. MODERN 6-room flat, one hlnck lorth Steel bridge, fronting river. 292-i Jargin. . 4-ROOM flat, unfurnished. 340V William, ave. 4-ROOM complete furnished flat. 623 Marshall st. Phone A 40-0. I MODERN flat, 194 "McMillen st. Inquire at; 1S8 McMillen. near east, ena seat onagje, ; 7-ROOM flat for rent. 625 Mir shall at Phone A 4030. NEW 5-room upper flat. 4245 Tillamook, bet. Union ave. and 7th. Phon C 2058. Housekeeping Roon THE HOW LAND APARTMENTS, 3H$ J Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas rnges, i Tra;c , free bath, free phone, both flora; nice suites from $12 up. THE ONEONTA, 187 17th St., neaiYamhllL thoroughly furnished, gas range hot and cold water in each auartment, oth tele- phones and baths free; terms rtsonable; no children. 8S6 CORBETT ST. 3 nicely lurnlshed housekeeping rooms, very warmind com fortable, with private family.; as. bath and phone; take S car south; lositively no children wanted. THE MONTGOMERY", cor. East 8th and Morrison, nicely furnished hou?keeping suites, electric lights, bath?, rnsonable. rates, temporary entrance on 8th,betweeu Alder and Morrison. "WAYNE WOOD, 109 ISth North nicely ; furnished housekeeping suites: hot andi cold water; furnace heat; pleasjit loca-: tion; reasonable rates. THREE completely furnished lomelika rooms, clean, cheerful; good jdghbor-) hood, walking distance: private family;! references. 695 Front, cor. Meal. DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms, 3-room,! suite, suitable for tailor or other worker; . brick building. 211V, Second Salmon Save carfare. j wtvTFT) Deslrahie voune lady ti shara 3 modern housekeeping rooms; walking j distance; very reasonable. Photo East w 5073 I 487 CLAY, near 14th. newly furnished' TWO light, clean housekeeolng suites, $1 5l and $20; furniture almost new ; 1 moaerni corner house; adults only. A 141 TWO and three furnished hnustkeeplna rooms, gas range, snuc, suuaoie jor iour 4o;t 2d. TH R NEWCASTLE Furnished hnusrkcep inn rooms, heated, walking distance. 3d and Harrison. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeepj ing rooms, also one houneekeeping toornl 1 close in. Inquire 163 West Park st. !. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-wlprtow. unfur-, ' nished 2-room suite In centrally, lot 1 apartment-house, 305 U Jefferson, cor. 5th. ) TWO large rooms completely furnished,1 light and water, $20 month. 301 Holladay (; ave., Pennington. 2 FRONT rooms, furnished for housekeeping; , gas. furnace heat; no children. 262 14 th street. 205 11TH ST.- First floor for rent, perma-. nent tenants; desirHhle. convenient to graded or high schools. THE SARGENT Washington and Trinity, bet. 19th and 20th. newly furnished house keeping suites; private baths. FURNISHED room with closet for cooking , verv reasonable. See janitor. Tourny bldg. PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; prices reasonable; walk, Ing distance. 553 Morrison. FRONT, downstairs, heated, furnished room with housekeeping privileges to a lady 555 Yamhill. THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and single rooms; transient. 191 14th st. 205 11TH ST. Furnished rooms, walking distance. housekeeping TWO nice front housekeeping rooms, with ga and wood stove. 461 Va Glisan st. Main 6263, THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $1 per month. 358 San Rafael st. TWO pleasant furnished rooms for house keeping. 355 5th st. $12 a month. 1 TWO and 3-room suites, housekeeping, mot ern. $9 up. 245V N. 17th. Main 1181. f HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. H llth St., near Washington. J Furnished housekeeping and single rooms k , rent; prices reasonable. 189-193 W, Park i 4-ROOM flat, good location; rent reasons H. 126 Gaines st. S. car. Phone Main 64. NICE, large modern housekeeping roi, only $3 per week. 209 Vi 4th st. Main 20. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, fit- able fur two, $hi. I'arK. THREE well furnished housekeeping rods. no children. 2s 3d sc. HOUBEKBBPINO room, elon In. 800& to.