17 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1908. BIG SALE AT YAKIMA Nearly 1000 Bales of Hops Change Hands. T. A. LIVESLEY THE BUYER Practically Nothing Doing Tet In Oregon Market Barley Trans action at Board of Trade. Eggs Are Higher. Although the Oregon hop market continue quiet lorn beavy transaction have taken place h Washington. The purchase by T. A. Uvestey Co., of Golem, of nearly 1000 bales 1 , of Yakima hop became knows yesterday. The lota bonght were those of Rankin, 600 bales, and Be II. 200 bales, both of the new crop, and the Eodet Jot of 186 bales of 180Ts. For the latter, the price paid was 8V4 cents. The Bell hope are understood to hare been bought at T cents and the Rankin lot at a price contingent on toe advance in the market. list of Yakima growers and their crops nas been compiled which shows s, total yield in that section this year of T300 bales, or about 1000 bales more than wae expeoted. Of the total crop 6300 bales hare now been, sold. The lightness of the Yakima crop, as compared with the past few rears, has cause! It to be regarded by hop men as one of the feest speculations In the market at the present , time, as the Yak i mas have established a r-pu-4 tatlon of their own In the Eastern markets snd this year's supply Is likely to prove In adequate to the needs of the trsde. The Western Washington crop Is now figured at 3600 bales, which makes the total for the state at the present estimate 11.000 bales, in stead of 10,000 bales, as was recently es timated. Very little la being done In new Oregon hops yet. Aside from the sale of a small lot at Sllverton at T cents, reported -to have been takes by Catlln a Linn, no transaction came to light yesterday. It is the general belief that the market will not fully open nntllthe Eastern dealers have had an oppor tunity to inspect a representative line of samples. In the meantime, the Oregon growers are taking things calmly and waiting for developments. SALE OF JANTARY BARLEY AT fl.SO. Two Hundred Tons Disposed of at the Board of Trade. Two hundred tons of January barley were sold at the Board of Trade yesterday at $1 80. September was wanted at $L284 and December at 11.31. but there were no sellers at these figures. Oats were firmer, with bids up to $1.53 for Decembsr delivery. The wheat market was steady. 03 cents be ing offered for December and 9314 cents asked. September was unchanged at 82 cents bid. November wheat was offered at 83 cents. The spot wheat market was y quiet and steady. The range of futures (f. o. b. warehouse, Portland) was as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept . ..I .93 S $ .93 I.P3B Nov Pi .:! .83 .83 A Deo 83 .03 f .83 .83 MA OATS. Sept . .. 14! ,1.4s . 1.4S 1.48 B Deo . ... 1.60 1.53 1.60 - 1.53- B BAR LET. . Fept . .. 1.2 Vi 1-28 1 28 14 1 28 Deo . ... 131 1.31 1.31 1.31 B Jan . ... 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 Receipts for the week to date follow: tVh"t. Oats. B ly. Flour. Sh's. Hay. cant. cars. cars, sacks, cars. oars. Monflay ...132 1 1 250 .. 22 .Tuesday 143 8 2S 810 2 12 Wednesday ,100 S 12 ... 1 10 BOO PRICES STEADILY ADYAXCTN'Q Supply et Orecoa Ranch Stork Insufficient for Local Trade. Receipts of Oregon ranch eggs are very small and the quantity of selects available Is Insignificant. The demand Is oa the In crease and prices are steadily advancing, 81 and 82 cents being quoted yesterday. Svea wtth thla advance. Portland la still several cents under the other Coast markets, the Se attle quotation being 87 cents for the best fresh satire stock, while Petal umae are held at 41 cents la the San Francisco market. Eastern eggs are naturally fllllsg most of the requirements In the local market at the present ttrae and win continue to do so for the next two months. Eestera eggs are quoted at 2S to 28 cents. Poultry receipts yesterday were of good else, but aot such as to oversupply the mar ket la view of the good demand, and prices were oa firm basis all around. Three city creameries maintain t the top butter quotatloa of 84 cents, but the others have not yet advanced beyond t3 cents. Cheese la la good supply and unchanged In price. CA5CARA BARK MARKET CONDITIONS. Opinion Differ aa to Local Prices, but . Eastern Market Is Steady. Willie local dealers in cascaxa bar have different opinions as to the condition of the market and actual values, the market In the East holds very steady at the ad Tance recently established, according to the New Tork Journal of Commerce of Sep tember IS. which said: There waa no change In the position of eascara, sajrrads. Demand waa confined within Jobbing limits, but as a rule the market was maintained on a steady basis In sympathy with conditions on the Coast. In some quartere 8c might have been done, but a general range was 8H(10e. In view of the position of caaca'ra, the demand for buckthorn was disappointingly quiet, but quotations of 4?4tsc were well maintained. In the local trade It Is stated that as high as T cents has been paid for a round lot In the country. One dealer declares that bark has been sold to Eastern consumers st 8 centa. while others Insist that business cannot be worked above 6H centa. CRANBERRIES COME FROM SAND LAKE. First Lot Received I Offered at (18 pee Barrel. The fruit trade waa fairly active yester day, and as stocks were not burdensome In any line, prices held to a steady basis. Perches sold at a wide range according to quality, sales being at 85 to 83 "cents, with occasionally a fancy lot bringing 70 centa Cranberrlea have made their appearance, the first coming from Sand Lake. For the earliest arrival, the quality la fair. They offered at $5 per box. or $10 per bar rel. A car each of oranges, grapes and melons was received during the day and a car of sweet potatoes came in last night. Receipts of Produce. Produce receipts as reported by the Board of Trade: 250 boxes apples. 8 boxes crab apples. 12 crates berries. 1 sack string beana 13 cratea cantaloupes. 2 boxes crabs. 15 boxes clams. 6 boxes crawfish, 19 cratea celery, 6 casee cheese. 18 boxee ground cherries. 8 crates cabbage. 46S8 gallons cream. 20 crates egg plant, 187 boxes fruit. 1 crate dried fruit. 1 car canned fruit. 2 boxes frog legs. 108 boxes fish. 334 crates grapes. 1 car grapes. 28 baskets grapes. 1 car meat. 2T.0 gallons milk. 1 car melons, 45 sacks onions. 70 sacks oysters. 742 boxes peaches. 64 boxee pears. I box plums. 1 box peas, 45 boxee prunes, 183 loses pota toes, lOT boxes tomatoes. 18 sacka vege tables. 78 boxes butter, 48 tubs butter. 127 cases eggs. 64 hogs. 48 veal. 78 coops chick ens. 2 coops turkeys. 7 coops ducks. 4 coops geese, 4 mutton. California Demand for Potatoes. There Is a limited California demand for strictly fancy Oregon potatoes and a few cars are being sent south. For such stock buyers are offering 8080 cents la the country. Otherwise the potato market la slow except for the buying for current local requirements. No great activity la the shipping line Is expected until the Winter montha Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday ware as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland al.IHO.0rt7 1187.512 Seattle 1. SOS. 106 224.852 Tacoma.. e7U.8N 60,40 Spokane 1.178.tiO 138,380 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed, Eto. BARLEY Feed. 828 per ton; rolled, $27.506 28.60: brewing. $26.50. OATS No. 1 white. $30 per ton: gray. $28. WHEAT Track prices: Club, lc per bushel; forty-tola. tfiic; Turkey red, 8-c; fife. 8c: bluestem, 83c: Valley, 91c FLOUR Patents, $4.70 per barrel; straights, $3.85: exports, $3.70; Valley, $4.45; Ja-sack graham, $4.40; whole wheat, $4.05; rye, $5.60. . MILLSTUFFS Bran, $28.60 per ton; mid dlings, $33; shorts, country, $31; city. $30; U. S. mill chop, $221 HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. $14 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordinary. $11; Eaatern Oregon, $16.60; mixed. $13; clover, $8; alfalfa, $11; alfalfa moai, $20, Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH FRUIT Apples, new, 60cQ$1.50 per box; peaches, 8.iOo per dox; pears, 6Oc0$l per box; plums, 60cfe$l per box; grapes, 40c(3$1.26 per crate; Wordens, 20-250 per basket; huckleberries. 8Oo per pound; quinces, $1. 261. 60 per box; ground cherries, 75c oer box: cranberrlea, $10 ner barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, Mediter ranean sweets, $33.75 per box; Valencia, lates, $3.6094.60 per box; lemons, fancy, $4.505 per box; choice, $44.50; standard, $2.75 per box; grapefruit, $4o4.76 ner box: bananas. 54 &6c per pound. POTATOES Buying price, 8090o per hundred; aweet potatoes, 20 per pouna. MELONS Cantaloupes, 6075c per crate; watermelons, fefrlc per pound; esse has, $1.75 per dozen. ONIONS California, $1.25 per sack. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.50 per sack; carrots, $L6; parsnips, $1.75; beets, $1.50. VEGETABLES Artichokes, 65c per dox: beans. 3S4c per pound; cabbage. 2c per pound; cauliflower. $1.25 dozen; celery, 75cy$l per dozen; corn, 75c$l per sack; cu cumbers, hothouse, 25c per dozen; outdoor, 30(4uc per box; egg plant, 50ct6$1.25 per crate; lettuce, head. 15c per dozen; parsley. 15a par dozen; peas, 6c per pound; peppers, 8 10c per pound; pumpkins, llfto per pound; radishes, 12fto per dosen; spinach,' 2c per pound; sprouts, 10c per pound; squash, H4c per pound; tomatoes, 17H6-5C v Provisions. BaCON Fsncy. 23e per pound; standard, 18c; choice, 18ho; English, 1717ttc; strips, 15c DKY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12H; smoked, 13ttc: short clear backs, heavy, dry salted. 12Hc; smoked, 13c; Oregon exports, bellies, dry salt, 140 ; smoked, 15c. HAilS 10 to 13 lbs, 17c; 14 to 16 lbs, 16,c; 18 to 20 lbs., 16c; hams, skinned; ltffeo; picnics, lOttc; cottage roll, 12c; shoulders, 12c; boiled ham, 23c; boiled pic nic, ISc. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, 14 Ho; tubs. 14ViC; 60s. 14ic; 20s, 14c; 10s, loo; 6s, lSftc; 3s, 15c. Standard pure: Tierces, 12c; tuba, 13c; 60s. 13c; 20s. 13ttc; 10s, 13c: 6s, 13c: 3s, 13c. Compounds: Tierces, 84c; tubs, Sc; 60s, 63c; 20s, 85.C; 10s. 84c: 6s, BSC SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each, 70c; dried beef sets, 16c: dried beef ontsldes. 15c; drlod beef lnsides, 16c; dried beef knuckles, 18c PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. $13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe. $12: pigs tongues, $18.60: lamba tongues, MEMS MEATS Beef, specials, $13 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel: pork. $21 per barrel: brisket, $25 per barrel: S. F. beef tongues, $20; pig uouia, ai2.ou; pig, ears, Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 82 4 84c: fancy outalde creamery, 9032a per pouna: store, Jbc. EOOS Ore ran extras, 814f32c; firsts, 27 ?30c; seconds, 23tj26o; Eastern. 262Sc per dozen. POULTRY Fancy hens, 13t,3H4c; Spring. 144 15c: ducks, old, 12S12Hc; Spring. 14&15c; geese, old, 8c; young, 10 lie; turkeys, old, 17 918c; young, 20c CHEESB Fancy cream twins. 14tul&o per pound; full cream triplets. 14H15c; full cream Young America. 15fc?16c. VEAL Extra. 8SSH0 per pound; ordi nary. 77Hc; heavy, 5c PORK Fancy, 81ic per lot ordinary, 60 ; large, 5a. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Eto. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 7Q per pound; peaches, ll&12c; prunes, Italians, 60 6 4c; prunes, French, 85c; currants, un washed, cases, 8 fee; currants, washed, cases, loc; figs, white, fancy, 60-pound boxes, C1.C COFFEE Mocha, 242Sc; Java, ordin ary, 17 S 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 0 200; good, 10y18c; ordinary, 12ltio per pound; Columbia Roast, 14c; Arbuckle, $18.50; Lion, $15.75. RICE Southern Japan. 5c( head, 8a; Imperial Japan, 64c. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $2 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.05; 1-pound flats. $2.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 85c: red, 1-pound talis, $1.45; sockeyes, 1-pound tails. $2. SUGAR Granulated, $3.16: extra C, $5.55; golden C, $5.45; fruit and berry sugar, $6.05; plain bag, $0.30; beet granulated, $3.85; cube (barrels), $6.45; powdered (barrel), $5.85. Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct ie per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct Ha per pound. Maple sugar, 15)180 per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 16?lbc per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 10c; filberts, 16c; pecans, lHu; almonds, 18Ht?18c: chestnuts, Ohio, 25c; peanuts, raw, 6xQSHo per pound; roasted, 10c; plnenuts. 10$12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 80c per dozen. SALT Granulated. $14.50 per ton. $2 per bale; half ground. 100s, $10 per ton; 60s, $10.50 per ton. BEANS Small white, 6c: large white, 6ic; pink. 4tao; bayou, 4c; Lima, 60; Mexi can red, 4c. HONEY Fancy, $3.50 per box. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90- round sacks, per barrel, $7; lower grades, 5.506.50; oatmeal, steel-out, 45-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 9-t. sacks. $4.25 per bale; split peas, per 100 pounds, $4,259 4.80: pearl barley, $4.505 per 100 lbs.; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks. $&75 per bale; flaked wheat, $2.75 per case. Hops, Wool, Hides, Eto. HOPS Oregon, 1808, 7o per pound; 1807. 21s8f4c: 19o6, lttffllic WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 10 G16Vic per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 1516c MOHAIK Choice, 18918He per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. L J4$j13c pound: dry kip. No. 1. 13c pound; dry calfskins 16a pound; salted hides, 78o pound; salted calfskins, 12Q13a pound; green, lo less FUKS No. 1 skins: Bear, skins, as to size. No. 1. each. $510: cubs, each, 10 3; badger, prime, each. 2550c: cat. wild, with head perfect, 3050c; house, 620c; fox. common gray, large prime, each, 400 60c: red. each. $3t?5; cross, each. $5015; silver and black, each, $1000300: fishers, each. $508; lynx. each. $4.5006; mink, strictly No. 1, each, according to size. $1 0 3; marten, dark northern, according to size and color, each. $10015; marten, pale, ac cording to size and color, each, $2.0004; muskrat, large, each, 12015c; skunk, each, 3ok4uc; civet or polecat, each. 5015c: otter, for large, prime skin, each, $6010; panther, w-lth head and claws perfect, each. $2 03s raccoon, for prime large, each. 60 0 75c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $2.5005: prairies (coyote), S0cJl.10; nolvtrine. each, $t!0ft. CASCARA BARK Small Iota, 6c; car lota. 607c Coal Oil, Unseed Oil. Eto. REFINED OILS Water white. Iron bar rels. 10Hc; wood barrels, 14Vic Pearl oil, cases. ISc; head light, iron barrels, 12c; cases, lUisc; wood barrels. leVjc Eocene, cases. 21c. Special W. V, iron barrels, 14c; wood barrels, iSc Elaine, cases. 28c; extra star. caes, 21c. GASOLINE V. M. and p. naptha. Iron barrels, 12-c; cases, l9'4c. Red Crown gasoline, iron barrels, I6H0; cases, 23c; motor gasoline. Iron barrels, 164c; casea. 2Wc; 80 gasoline, iron barrels, 30c'; cases, 37c: No. 1 engine distillate, iron barrels, 8c: cases. 16c. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 62c; boiled, barrels. 55c; raw, cases, 6Sc; boiled, cases, oc Fresh Fish and Shell Fish. FISH Halibut. 7c lb.j black cod. 70Sc; black bass, 2uc; striped baes, 18c; herring, 6 4c; flounders, 6c: catfish, llo; shrimp, 12Vzc; perch. 7c; sturgeon. 12o; sea trout, 15c; torn cod. 10c; salmon. 67c OYSTERS Shoalwater iiay. per gallon, $2.25: per sack, $4.50: Toke Point. $1.60 per luO: Olympias (1-0 lbs.), $6; Olymplae, per gsllon. $2.25. CLAMS Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Esu de cologne. Invented by Jonathan Maria Ferine, over 200 years ago. Is com posed of oils of neroll, citron, bergamoat. orange and rosemary. STOCKS TURN AGAIN ! Price Movement Takes an Up ward Swing. MARKET IS NOW TRANQUIL Sudden Change, However, Arouses Suspicion of the Traders Deal ings Are Congested in a Few Issues. NEW TORK, Sept 28. The tranquil state Into which the stock market fell to day after the turmoil of yesterday formed a strong contrast. The transformation was so sudden as to appear unnatural and was for that reason made the sronnd for some suspicion and for reserve In speculative commitments It Is usual after so violent a collapse In prices ss has occurred In the last few days for the Srst rebound to be of corresponding vigor. The languor into which the movement fell today at a moderate stage of the recov ery, therefore, - left grounds for distrust. Something of this moderation was attrib utable to the extent to which bear operators covered their short contracts late yester day when prices were recovering In pro portion to the enormous buying for that account. Thia ooverlng movement by the bears was continued today. Very large buying orders were executed by a few Influential stock exchange houses who were most active In the recent selling. Their transactions were largest in the two Harrlman Pacific stocks and in Reading. These are the oper ations which the supposition current on the floor of the Stock Exchange connects with the Standard Oil and Harrlman interests. Sentiment on the stock market has been swayed for weeks by the belief that action waa being taken in the market for this account. The buying today created the Impression that a further fail In prices was to re ceive the countenance of these powers no longer. The miscellaneous following of room traders and professional operators followed thla leadership Implicitly, as they believed they penetrated its concealed purposes. The dull hesitation of the market after the first hour gave this element much anxiety. Dealings were greatly congested In the Harrlman stocku, Reading and the copper Industrials. There was a rebound from the recent declining tendency in the price- of copper warrants in London. This called renewed attention to the close correspond ence there has been between the price movements In oopper in price movements In copper and in stocks throughout the Summer speculation. While stocks were rising there was a dally announcement of an advance In copper Quotations, while the relapse In stocks has been accompanied by successive declines In the quotations for copper. This correspondence has been taken to confirm the opinion of the respon sibility for the movement of the group of capitalists with a large common Interest in the copper industrials and in the cor porations of which the shares have been most active In the stock market. The breaking of the drouth In the West waa heralded with satisfaction. but the warning of a probable cold snap to follow made the corn market sensitive. The day ended at the Stock Exchange with one of the . numerous upward swings of prices, but with no more assurance displayed in the movement than on previous occasions. -Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,222,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK; QUOTATIONS. Closing Balas. High. low. Bid. 37,000 71 is 7ui 71 ii 60O 38 87)4 37ij 102 800 S3'i 3314 33 1,500 244 24 SO0 25 24-Ji 25 JB 1,600 451J 45 4T 200 101 a, lol lul , 82,700 82 814. 82 200 101 101 101 1,200 128 125 lS'-i 81!4 - $3 $,8U0 42 41 1 L6U 6ti 85' 400 85 IMfe 84 83 4,300 86 85 tM ...... ..... . ... 90 ' 8100 48!4 44 46 1,500 171 170 171 700 24 24 24 93 TOO 188 187 200 1.5O0 40 30 38 6.600 m, 6 7 B.500 156 154 156 Amal Copper .... Am Car & Foun. do preferred Am Cotton Oil.. Am lid 4b Lt pf. Am Ice Securl. Am Linseed Oil.. Am Locomotive., do preferred . . Am Smelt A Ref. do preferred ... Am Sugar Ref. Am 'Tobacco pf.. Am Woolen Anaconda ailn Co Atchison ......... do preferred . Atl Coast Line. . . Bait & Ohio.... do preferred . . . Brook Rap Tran. Canadian Pacific. Central Leather .. do preferred . . Central of N J.. Chea a: Ohio Chicago Gt West. Chicago & N W.. C, M at St Paul. 17,800 131 is 1289s C. C. C A et Louis 13(1 00 'A 32 37 64 68 140 Colo Fuel & Iron. 1.400 32 37 81 86 65 68 Colo & Southern. 6.700 300 do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. Consolidated Gas. . Corn Products . Del 6c Hudson... D R Grande... do preferred . Distlllere Securi.. Erie do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. General Electric . Gt Northern pf... 300 68 K0O 140 13Si iW 11 17 17 200 163 162 163 65 100 28 28 28 3S.20O 3u 2U 30 700 43 42 42 300 35 34 35 600 136 184 136 26.8U0 128 126 126 Gt Northern ore. 64 64V. Illinois Central 1,800 137 135 135 .1.1 , 10s InterborouKh Met. 1.800 11 10V do preferred ... 8,800 81 80M Int Paper ....... ..... 30 8 65 21 17 27 61 103 26 118 61 20 62 do preferred Int Pump ........ Iowa Central .... K C Southern do preferred . . Louis & Nashville Minn & St Louis Minn, St P St L Missouri Pacifio. . 100 21 21 100 27 61 27 61 200 '00 103 .10: 200 27 27 800 118 117 1.40O 62 61 Mo. Kan & Texas 1,000 2 do preferred National Lead V Central . 8,000 8 L800 102 101 102 KT -v fint A West. 1.100 30 38 Norfolk West. 200 72 71 71 North American 68 Northern Paclflo.. 21.500 134 132 133 Pacifio Mall . 24 Pennsylvania 6.000 121 120 121 People's Gas 1.400- 85 88 84 P. C C ft St L 74 Pressed Steel Car. 200 SO 80 SO Pullman Pal Car 160,, Rv Steel Spring 34 Reading ..175.RM 125 124 125 Republic Steel ... 7O0 21 77 18 33 26 21 20 do prererrea ... Rock Island Co. 800 do preferred ... 2.800 8t L ft S F 2 pf. 100 76 17 32 26 76 17 S3 26 " 17 43 U 69 101 117 10 6l 37 '23 24 65 St L Southwest do preferred ... Floss-Sheffield .... " 60" 68 Southern- Pacific.. 7S.800 101 69 do preferred . . . Southern Railway. do preferred ... Tenn Copper Texas & Pacific. . Tol, St L West. An nnf.rml ... 1,100 300 100 100 2 20 80 38 23 26 20 50 " SS 23 25 65 40O TJnion Pacific ...162,200 155 163 164 8 do preferred TJ S Rubber 100 do 1st preferred IT s Steel 77.20O S 28 43 2S -42 100 69 Z!4 86 43 107 39 2S ins 12 24 69 67 8 28 do preferred 6. BOO 107 T"tah Copper Va-Caro Chemical. 800 30 do prererrea ... Wabash do preferred ... 100 24 Westlnghouse Eleo 700 70 Western Union ... 600 6. Wheel ft L Erie.. O0 8 Wisconsin Central 1.400 28 24 70 66 S'l 27 Total les for the day, 801.700 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, Sept. 23. Closing quotations: TJ S. ref. 2s reg.V3!N T C O 8s... 81 do coupon 104!North Pacifio 3s. 73 TJ a 8s reg:...10l North Pacific 4s. 102 do coupon .101 South Pacific 4s. 91 Union Pacific 4s. 102 Wlscon Cent 4s. 86 Japanese 4s..... 80 TJ s new 4s reg.r-'i do coupon. .. .121 i,.h,n. mAi 4S. 93U D ft B O 4s... 82 I Money, Exchange, Eto. LONDON, Best. 23 Bar silver, uulet, 24d per ounce. Money. 6 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1Q1 6 1 ft per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills Is 1 7-16 per cent. NEW TORK, Sept. 23. Money os call easy. lt?l per cent; ruling rate, closing bid and offered. 1 per cent. Time loans were dull and steady. Sixty days. 2 per cent: 80 day per cent; six months. 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 44 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.S5104.8511 for 60-day bills and at $4.8650 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.844.84. Bar silver, 62a. Mexican dollars, 46c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. N- FRANCISCO. 6ept, 23. Silver bars, 62c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight, 6c; telegraph, 7c. Sterling on London, 60 daya, $4.86; sight, $4.86. Storks at London. ' LONDON. Sept. 23. Consols for 85 : do for account, 85. money. Anaconda ... 8.62!N. T. Central. 106.00 Norfik ft Wes do pref rtnt a- West.. 73.50 64.00 41.00 62.12 7.12 64.00 20.87 do pref. ... 87.00 Bait ft Ohio. 9S.25 Can Pacific.. 175.50 Ches & Ohio. 40.75 Chi Grt West 6.00 C M. ft S. P. 134.00 De Beers 13.00 D ft R a 27.00 do pref 08.00 Erie 30.02 do 1st pf.. 44.00 do 2d pf.. 35.00 Orand Trunk 20.12 111 Central... 140. 00 L ft N 106.50 Mo. K. ft T. . 30.50 Pennsylvania. Kana Mines., nndlnr . Southern Ry. . do prer South Pacific. Union Pacific. do pref os.uu 101.37 158.62 80.00 44.50 110.00 12.50 23.50 83.12 73.25 U. S. Steel.. do pref.... Wabash .... Ho nrpf . ISpanish 4s. . . Amai copper EGGS FOR THE FAR NORTH ALASKA DEMAND SENDS PRICES TJP AT SEATTLE. ' . Advance in Butter Expected "Within Iray or Two Poultry Is Scarce and Firmer. ' SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 23. (Special.) Demand for eggs for Northern shipment Is responsible for a squeese In this market. As a result the price went to 37 cents for the best today and several dealers announced to night that the price will be 88 cents tomor row. Hens are scarce, snd outside prices are ob tained for fancy stock1. Oregon shippers are not furnishing as much poultry as usual and Eastern shipments are not as frequent. Butter Is firm, following an advance at Portland. The market will probably advance here within a day or two. There ie a good demand for butter, especially for Northern orders. Veal Is more plentiful and easier, but not much lower. Oregon veal, which was kept out of thle market to a very large extent during the hot weather, Is now coming in more freely. Top veal easily commands 12 cents. Fruits were generally firm today. The potato glut has about disappeared. QUOTATIONS AT BAX FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Markets. , SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 23. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar- Millstuffs Bran, $28.O03O.6O; middlings, $331535. Vegetables Cucumbers, 20c$1.25: garlic, 67c; green peas. 24c: string beans. iJ4c: tomatoes. 2040c; egg plant, 4060c. Butter Fancy creamery, 81c; creamery seconds. 26c; fancy dairy, 2c; dairy sec onds. 20o. 1 . , Cheese New, 1111c; young America, 12812c EggsStore. 32c; fancy ranch. '41c. Poultry Turkey gobblers. 2224c: hens. 2224c; roosters, old. $3.604.60; roostfrs, young. $68; broilers. small. $33 50: broilers, large, $44io0; fryers, $5g6; hens. $48; ducks, old, $3504.50; young, $5(a7. Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mesdoclno. I518c; Mountain. '8c: South Plains an San Joaquin. 79c: Nevada. 8012c Hay Wheat. $1B20: wheat and oats, $1418; alfalfa. $1113.50; stock, $9,500 12: straw, per bale, 6065c. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, $1.2031.60; sweets. 16-Ic Fruits Apples, choice. $1.25: common, 40c: bananas. $l(fi3: Mexican limes, . $4.60 )5.50; California lemons, choice, $3.25; com mon. $1: pineapples, $2 S3. Hops Spot, l0c: contracts. 8010c Receipts Flour. 2117 sacks; wheat, 20 cen tals; barley, 9720 centals; oats, S170 centals; beans, 1310 sacks; corn, 875 centals: potatoes, 9565 sacks; bran, 140 sacks; middlings, 100 sacks; hay, 1S31 tons; wool, 16 bales; bides, 2680. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Livestock receipts yesterday were light, ex cept on bogs. - The market was on a firm basis for all fancy offerings and such com manded full prices. The hog receipts were 640 head, the largest for some time past. The top price of 7 cents was quoted on strictly fat hogs weighing 225 to 276 pounds, for which the demand wae very good. Lighter hogs of 175 to 200 pounds were In fair de mand at 7 cents when the stock was light. Stockers and lights are not wanted at all. Of the large day's receipts not over 50 hogs were of the top grade. One hundred and thirty head of cattle were received and prime fat steers were in demand at the top quotation, but not many of 'this class are coming in. There were no receipts of sheep, lambs or calves and prices on these lines were as formerly quoted. The following prices were current on live stock In the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, $4!4.25; medium, $3.26'3'S.50; common, $33.25: cows, best, $2.753.25; medium. $2.252.50; calves, $3.60ig4.50. SHEEP Best wethers, $3.50; mixed, $3; ewes, $2.602.75; lambs, best un trimmed, $4; untrimmed, l3.50-tf3.75. HOGS Best, $77.25; medium. $5.756; feeders, not wanted. Eastern Livestock Markets. OMAHA, Sept. 23. Cattle Receipts, 8600; market, slow to steady; Western steers, $3.255.65; Texas steers, $34.50; range cows and heifers, $2.504: canners, $22.S5; stockers and feeders. $2,7514.60; calves. JS'a'O: bulls and stags. $2325. Hogs Receipts, 2300: market for best steady; others, S'flOc lower. Heavy, $6.65 06.85; mixed, $6.706.73: light, $6.607; pigs, $r6-25; bulk of sales, $6.70 6.90. Sheep Receipts, 21,000: market, slow and lower. Yearlings, $3.734.15; wethers, $3.2598.75; awes, $33.50; lambs, $4.5019 6.10. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 23. Cattle Re ceipts. 15.000; market, steady to 10c high er. Stockers and feeders. $2.804.75: bulls, $2.253.S0: calves. $3.&0'6.50; Western steers, $3.505; Western cows, $2.403.75. Hogs Receipts, 17,000: market, 5 10c lower. Bulk of sales. $6.40S6.0; heavy. $a.a04f7.05: packers and butchers, $6.60 7; light, $6.406.85; pigs, $4fiP;. Sheeri Receipts, 12,000: market, weak; muttons, $3.60ii 4; lamba $4.255.25; range wethers, $3.4004.15; fed ewes, $34.30. CHICAGO, Sept. 23. Cattle Receipts, about 14,000: market, strong to 10c higher. Beeves, $3.757.65; Texas steers, $3.C0 6.10; Western steers, $3.805.90; stockers and feeders, $2.60(4.40; cows and heifers, $1.753.65; calves, $5. 750 8.23. Hogs Receipts, 18,000; market, steady to 5c lower. Light. $6.00'3i7.35: mixed, $6.00 7.50; heavy. $6.60 7.55; rough. $6.606.S0; pigs. $4.506.30; good to choice heavy, $d.S07.15: bulk of sales, $6.80,7.20. Sheep Receipts, about 30.000; market, slow and weak. Native sheep, $2. 25 4.25; Western sheep, $2.25$4.25: yearlings. $4.25 4.75; native lambs, $3.2ov5.70; Western lambs. $3.2565.75. - Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Sept- 23. Closing quotations: Adventure . .$ 7.37 Mont C ft C. . .35 Old Dominion. 38.5U Osceola 104.00 Parrot 25.00 Quincy 88.50 Shannon ..... 14.J2 Tamarack ... 69.00 Trinity 17.1.5 United Copper 10 25 U. S. Mining. 38.75 U. JS, Oil 24.50 Utah . , 41.25 Victoria 4 2-5 Winona B.50 Wolverine ... 137.00 Allouez Amalgamated 71.12 Atlantic 16.25 Bingham ... .50 Cal ft Hecla.630.00 Centennial . . 2S.25 Copper Range 71.00 Daly West... 8.73 Franklin .... 1150 Granby 88.00 Isle R ovale.. 20.87 Mass Mining. 5.75 Michigan 12.75 Mohawk 60.00 NEW TORK. Sept. 2:le Closing quotations; Alice 350 ILeadville Con... 8 Breece 6 jT.tttle chief 8 Brunswick Con. 6 Mexican TO Com Tun stock. 21 iontarlo 450. do bonds 17 JOphir is C. C. ft Va c,7 Standard 1S5 Horn Silver .V) T Yellow Jacket... 42 Iron Silver 100 I ALL OFFERS T AKEN Heavy Selling and. Good Ab sorption at Chicago. WHEAT FIRM MOST OF DAY Northwest Weather Likely to Curtail the Movement to Market Oats and" Corn Close With Advances. CHICAGO, Sept. 28. The tap of the opening gong found a large short Interest which had sold confidently on the rains In the Winter wheat country. They were con fronted, however, by cables which were firm In face of the decline on this side yester day. Arrivals at Minneapolis and Duluth reached, not to say passed, their maximum. Opening prices under the rush of cover ing orders were Irregular. December rang ing from a shade under yesterday to Ho above, the best figures being $1.00 1.00. Within the first hour. c had been added to this price. Heavy selling was Invited by the bulge and in the unloading which followed one Arm alone is said to have got rid of 8,000,000 bushels. Decem ber receded to 88o under this pressure, but rebounded promptly on renewed ac tivity by the bulls, who were impressed by the manner In which the heavy offerings had been absorbed. A factor in the recovery was a report of freexlng temperatures in the Canadian Northwest and weather in general calculated to lead to a curtailment of the movement to market. December at the close waa o over yesterday, at $1.00 61.C0. While the fluctuations In tre corn mar ket ahowed to some extent the effect of the wheat market, prices were held well on covering by shorts, who -were buyers of both September and the new crop montha The market was agitated not only by the light receipts but by fears of frost follow ing last night's rains, December prices cov ered a range of c and the close, 65 9 65o, was Kc up. Oats were fairly strong all day. despite considerable selling of distant deliveries by cash grain Interests. Buying on all soft spots was of an Influential character, and the cash market ruled firm to cup. De cember sold within a range of c aud closed 4o over yes'.erday at 484Bc Selling of nearby prtjducts In the pro visions market held the entire list in check despite the appearance of new investors who were buyers of January. That delivery, however, closed with a gain of 25c. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. September ...$ .89 $ .09 $ .88 $ .89 December ... 1.00 1.00 .99 1.00 May 1.08 1.03 1.02 1.03 CORN. September 77 .78 .77 .78 December ... .65 .66 .63 .05 May 64 .65 .64 .64 OATS. September ... .48 .48 .48 '.48 December ... .48 .48 .48 .49 May 51 .51 .61 .61 PORK. October 16.87 16.37 16.20 15 82 January 16.82 16.92 16.75 16.82 May .16.75 16.85 16.75 16.7 "is 20 LARD. October 10.20 10.22 10.17 10.20 January . 9.80 8 87 8.75 8.82 May 8.82 8.90 9.80 SHORT RIB8.' October 9.82 9.82 8.75 8 82 Wanuary . &80 8.85 8.77 8.82 May 8.90 8.92 8,87 8.92 Cash Quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 8, 86clff$1.04; No. 2 red, 88 0 $1.00. Corn No. 2, 7878c; No. 2 yellow, 78J 78 o. Oats No. 2 white, 60o; No. S white, 45 eooo. Rye No. 76c. Barley Fair to choice malting. 6861o. Flax seed No. 1. $1.141.22; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.24, Timothy seed Prime, $3.1663.25. Clover Contract grades, $8. Bhort ribs Sides (loose), $9.62lO.0O. Porli Mess, per obi.. $18.S715.50 Lard Per 100 lbs., $10.20. Sides Short, dear (boxed), $10.0010.00. Whisky Baals of high wines, $1.37. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls. 63,000 8O.00O Wheat, bu. 81.000 23,000 Corn, bo 416,000 . 68.000 Oats, bu 471.000 828.000 Rye, bu. 8.000 4.000 Barley, bu 835,500 6,000 Grain and Produce at New Tork. NEW TORK, Sept. 23. Flour Receipts, 85.800 barrels; exports, 6800 barrels. Market steady with demand slow. Wheat Receipts, 68,000 bushels; spot steady. No. 2 red. $1.071.08 elevator and $1.08 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Du luth, $1.11 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Win ter. $1.09 f. o, b. afloat. Options closed c net higher. September, $1.09; December, $1.09; May, $1.09. Hops Dull. Hides and wool Quiet. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 23. Wheat and barley Finn. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.6391.67; milling, $1.70 Cl.72. Barleys Feed, $1.303ri.S3; brewing, $1.35 4J1.40. Oats Red, $1.601.70; white, $1.60$1.75; black. I2.40g2.50. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $l.SM.3Si bid. Cord Large yellow. $1.851.87. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Sept. 23. Cargoes, quiet but steady. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, un changed, 88s: California, prompt shipment, unchanged, 38s 6d. English country markets steady. French country markets firm. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 23 Wheat September, 7s 8d; December, 7s 8d; March, 7s ,7d. Weather clear. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Sept. 23. Wheat Steady, mil ling, bluestem, 94c; club, 80c; red, 89c lint port, bluestem, 92c; club, 8Sc; red, 86a. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. Sept. 23. Very little business1 Is reported in the market for evaporated ap ples. Fancy are quoted at 810c, choice at 7i9c. prime at 66c and common to fair at 566c. There Is a moderate demand for spot prunes with quotations ranging from 4 to 13c for California and from 6 to 7o for Oregon fruit. Apricots are quiet, with choice quoted at 88c, extra choice at 85469c and fancy at 10llc Peaches are said to be a little steadier In tone, with choice at 77c, extra choice at 78c and fancy at 88c Arrivals of freshly seeded old crop raisins are reported and considerable shipments are believed to be on the road. These supplies seem chiefly for delivery on old contracts. Loose Muscatels, 48c; choice to fancy seeded, 67c: seedless, 46c; London layers, $1.6o1.85. , Census Bureau Cotton Bepori. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. The Census Bureau report shows a total of 4.575.438 run ning bales of cotton consumed in ths United States during the year ending August $1 last, compared with 4.984.936 for 1907. The total stocks on August 13, 1908. were 1.233.628, of which 596,432 bales represent manufacturers stocks and 637.196 in the handa of other holders. The total number of spindles was 27,895,531, compared with 26.939,415 last year. There were 27,399,896 spindles In 1908, which consumed some cotton and 445.635 were Idle throughout the year. The total present Ladd & Tiltoh Bank PORTLAND, OREGON Established 1859. " Oldest Bank on the Pacific Coast Capital fully paid - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $500,000.00 OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, President. Edward Cookingham, Viee-Pres. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. 'Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good banking. MORRIS BROTHERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT BONDS Dealers in United States Government, State, County, Municipal, Railroad and approved Public Service Corpo ration Bonds. Upon application, we will be pleased to furnish lists of bonds suitable for the investment of Trust Funds, Estates, Savings Banks and Individual Account. Inquiries and correspondence invited. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND STEAMSHIP CO. FIRST CLASS r ..sv. TVT.A It Included Upper Deck $15.00 Second Class $5.00 S. S. ROSE GITY Sails From Ainsworth Dock. 'j. W. RANSOM, Dock jljrt.. Ainsworth Fhone Main 268. spindles are classified as 22,914,061 ring and 430.870 mule. KBIT TORK. Sept. 28. Cotton futures closed steady. September, 8.92c: October, 8.94c: November. 8.69c; December. 8.75c; January, 8.64c; February, 8.63c; March, 8.64c; May, 8.68c , Metal Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 23. The London tin market waa lower today, with spot quoted at 130 10s and futures at fl2- The local market was quiet at 28.6028.87i4c. Copper was steadier in London and recov ered part of its recent loss, with spot quoted at 59 lis 3d and futures at 60 8s 9d. The local market was weak with Lake quoted at 13.2S13.80c, electrolytlo 13ffl3.25o snd casting at 12.7513c. Lead was dull and unchanged. Spelter declined to 19 12s 6d m the Lon don market. Locally no change was re ported. Iron wss lower at 80s for standard foundry In the London market, but Cleveland warrants were unchanged at 61s 6d. Locally there was no change. Coffee and Sugar NEW TORK, Sept. 23. Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales, 89.000 bags. Including Septem ber at 5.75c. December at 6.50c, January at 5 4566.60c; February at 6.45c, March at 5.40 6.45o and May at 5.40S5.45C. Spot coffee, quiet. No. 7 Rio, Hc; Santos, No. 4. 8Vic Mlld coffee, dull. Cordova, 912o. Sugar Raw. Arm. Fair refining. 8.468.50c; centrifugal. 96 test, S.954c; molasses sugar, 8.203.25o. Refined, steady. Crushed, 6.0c; powdered, 6.30c; granulated. B.20c. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. Today's Treas ury statement: Available cash balance 1K,2,S!K Gold coin and bullion 1? fS ius Gold certlflcates 31,396,490 Wool at St. Lonls. ST. LOITIS. Sept. 23. Wool Steady ter ritory and Western mediums, 1819c; Una mediums, 1215o; fine, 9Uc. Dairy Produce In the East, CHICAGO. Sept. 23. On the Produce Ei- C. GEE WO The Well Kaowa Reliable CHINESE Root ad Herb DOCTOR , has made a life study 4 of roots and herbs. and in that study discovered ana is giving- to the world his wonderful remedies. Ko Merevry, Poisons or Drnsjrs TJsed He Cares Without Operation, or With out the Aid of the Knife. He guaran tees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Nervousness. Nervous Debility. Stomach, Liver, Kid ney Troubles; also Lost Manhood, Female Weakness and All Private Dis eases. a Sure: cancer cure - Just Received From Peking;. China Safe, Sore and Reliable. IF YOU ARE AFFLICTED, DON'T DELAY. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps. CONSULTA TION FREE, THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. First St., Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oreffon. Please Mention This Paper. W.nTii-SfiTe. iff I to-night . I R. S. Howard, Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. "Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. , .OO Saturday, Sept. 26, 9 A. M. Dock. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A., 141 3d 8t Main 403 ; A 1402. change today the butter market was firm. Creameries. . 18S24c; dairies, 17920c EggB Firm: at mark cases Included, 16(s . 19c; firsts, 22c; prime firsts, 23c Cheese Firm; 12H.13fcc NEW TORK. Sept. 23. Butter Firm: creamery specials, 252534c; extras, 29(9 29c. Cheese and eggs Firm, unchanged. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. PORTLAND BY., LIGHT ft POWKB CO. CARS UCAV'K. Ticket Office and Wslrlng-noen, First and Alder Streets FOR Oreren City 4, 6:30 A. M . and every 80 minutes to and Including 9 P. sL. then 10. 11 P. M.; last car 12 midnight. Gresham. Boring-. Kasie Creek. Esta cada, Cazadero, Fairviesr and Trout dale 7:10, 9:15, 11:16 A. M 1:16. 8:40, :16, 1:26 P. M- FOB VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room second and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15, :60. 7:25. 8:00, :IS, -10, 9:50. 1030. 11:10, 11:60. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:80. :1. 8:50, 4:30. 6:10. 6:50. 8: SO. 7:03. 7:40, 8:15. :1I5. 10:35". 11:45. On Third Monday In Every the Last Car Leaves at 7:05 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Dally except Vonday. COOS BAY LINE! Th steamer BREAKWATER leaves Fort- 1 land every Wednesday tU ft p. It. from Oak- ; street dock, for North Bend. Marsbfleld and ' Coo Bay points Freight rolTd till 4 p. : M on day of saninjr Passenger far, first- i class, 910; second-olass, $7. lncludingr berth , and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Oak-street dock. ' North Pacific S.S. Co'k Steamship Roanoke and Geo. W. Eider Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday: at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Young, Agent fSamburg-Jimerican. Iaondon Pa r 1 Ha mbara Amerika Oct. ltBluecher. . . . . .Oct. 9 G. Waldersea. .Oct. 3lPres. Lincoln. .Oct, 10 Gibraltar Naples Genoa, Moltke.' Oct. Hamburg. .Nov. 3 Deutschland to Italy Feb. 6 Winter Cruises to the Orient, to West Indies. Hamburg-American Line, 908 Market St., San Francisco. Local Agts. in Portland, etc SAN FRANCISCO ft PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Only lirect Steamers and Daylight Sailings. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 0 A. hl.i S. S. Rose City, Sept. 26, Oct. 10. 8. S. State of California, Oct. 8. From Lombard St., San Francisco, 11 A. M.; S. 6. State of California. Sept. 26, etc. S. S. Rose City, October 3, 17. J. W. RANSOM, IK Aue.it. Main 268 Ainsworth Dock. M. 7. KOCHE, Ticket Agent, 14 3d St. Phon Main 402. A 14011. REGULATOR LINK. Fast Steamer Bailor Gutsert Round 'H ips to l n Dalles Week Days, Ex cept Friday, Leave 7 A M. Rund Trips to Cascade Docks Sunday. Leave t A- M. DALXBS CITY AND CAPITAL CITY Maintain dally service to The Dalles, except Sunday, callinr at all way landings fat freight and passengers. Leave 1 A. M. Alder-Street Dock Phone Main 014. A 5111 K T r T C f U i fa v--' : .!'. i, : s fl rt s)juiwrw'y"wwi'