Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 24, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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tY)D d A T V I I iuuo. 1 " - I . I - - . I '
CLARK t'Ol.vrx f AKJua.
40 acres about half under cultivation.
Bom timber, running- water nd frol
well; a 2-story, "-room bouse, nearly new.
new barn, chicken, bog. apple and out
hones: 5 acres In orchard of assorted
fruits, full bearing-: 2 acre in logan and
raspberries; cross-fenced, in (road locality.
1 mile from country town and 11 ml lf
from Vancouver, on nice level graded
road. Includes team, wagon, harness,
spring wagon, 3 cows, some young stock
and some hogs and all kinds of farming
implements, hay and grain on hand and
g-owlng crops; price if sold soon. $o80;
$2350 cash, balance 3 years.
70 acres. 11 miles from this city and
2'- ml lea from railroad town on rood
road. 60 acres under fine Mate of culti
vation, balance all slashed, burned and
seeded exrept about 50.000 feet of green
timber left for cord wood. g-od -room
house, fine new barn painted red. silo and
all necessary outbuildings, family orchard
of gMorted fruits in full bearing; living
stream and ppring and good well at house;
Ft. F. 1. and telephone; thre cream
routes by place. 8 fine milch cows, wagon,
h ick, cream separator, mower, rake,
binder, harrow, plows, 15 tons of hay
and enough era In for seed. This la an
A-l farm In every respect and if you
are looking for a money-maker do not
xau to see it. mrf tv"s. icru iv u.i..
Cltisens National Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, Wash.
n a unp-v in fiN'IDM LAND
90 acres 3 miles from Vancouver and
9 miles from Portland, 43 acres beaver
dam land, all under cultivation. 65 acres
under cultivation In all. balance land
verv easily cleared: good 6-room plaster
ed house, good bam and all neces
sary outbuildings, family orchard of as
sorted fruits iu full bearing, living stream
and good well. This place can be sold
In 20 and 3-arre trscts and will be about
half beavrdam land on all the subdi
visions. This fs the best buy In the vl
nnity of Portland or Vancouver and will
double In value wttmn tne next i- muui
rrire. if sold soon. 113.000. terms to suit.
If you are looking for a home or an
Investment, do not fall to sea me aoce.
Citizens National Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, Washington.
150 acres of the finest kind of apple
land, good house, well and barn, 4 '
miles from R. K and steamboat landing.
8 miles from Hood River. 2 good spring
on place, small orchard, balance easu
cleared, splondid view of the mountains.
$.".300, part cash takes this, adjoining
owner refused $'00 an acre for 17 acres
this Summer.
50S Wells-Fargo Bldg.
TWELVE acres of fine land, 3 miles from
this city, on good graveled road, 11 acres
under fine state of cultivation, balance
in cordwood, tlrrber and pasture, fine 4
room house, with brick basement, fine ar
ranged barn 18x26; good woodshed, brick
dairv house, and all other necessary out
buildings all under good fence, 4 mile
fiom school on main road and In a tine
neighborhood. This is one of the best
equipped little ranches in the county and
very ch ea p at price ($3300 . te rma to
Citizens National Bank BJdg.,
Vuncouver, Washington.
20 acres'. 2 miles from good town and
32 miles from Portland: 10 acre in culti
vation 7 in stump pasture, balance In tim
ber; good well end spring water, young
fruit and lot s of bt rrl es ; good 6- room
house, painted and In good condition; good
barn, chicken-house and brooder. Incubator,
ion chicken, good matched team, harness,
wagon, buggy and all farm tool and a
pl.-k-up at $270"; good terms If desired.
Geo. W. Turner. 413-16 Rothehlid bldg.
VALLEY stock and dairy farm; 30n a .res,
2', miles of R. R.. store and post office.
Ho acres In fine cultivation, loO tons hay in
the barns, good house, one good, large barn
and 2 others, stream running through the
r-lare. no bluffs or rtck. lw acres more can
be cultivated; will trade for improved Port
land property or sell on small cah pay
ment down: $75"0.
5U Board of Trade Bldg.
$2 per acre will buy the best all-around
farm and stock ranch on the market today;
thts propertv is only 40 mile from the
citv; there are 902 acre. 40O acres In cul
tivation. 1n0 acres in good timter. the bal
ance flrst-class r-aeture land; running water
fn all field; good large house and five
barns: county road through the place; bet
ter Investigate this if looking for land
bantams. Geo. W. Turner, 413-16 Roth
chlid bldg.
finO acre 6o acres In crops, all fenced
and cross-fenced. plenty water. 7 he id
horses, some other stock, steam threJHier,
mower, binder, rake, harrow, plows, cul
tivators. In fact all Implements and tool
needed; will exchange for small farm in
the valley; price $20 per acre.
60f-lrt Buchanan Bldg.. 2S6 Washington.
WHO wants the bes farm In the Willam
ette Valley? For particulars call up?o
or write Connell. iMUg A Imbrie, Hills-
boro. Or.
320 ACRES yellow pine and fir timber, cruise
2 . 000 feet. 4 miles to town and railroad,
near Elgin. Or.. $! per acre, and will ex
change for Portland residence.
509-510 Buchanan BUg- l'hone 8M.
FOR FLE A relinquishment of timber on
the Sihtz; nine or ten million feet, with
good Improvements; $3000 If taken quick.
An opportunity to make $30t or $00H
in the next 14 months. Address box o-
Corral lis. Oregon. -
Chleago. New Orleans. Seattla
829 Chamber of Commerce.
TWO A-l railroad logging shows on Colum
bia River; one 12. other 4i million; $1..
tMi cash will handle small show; $30.
KM large on balance as logged off. B
2rtM. oregonlan.
California. Oregon. Washington
Government locations a specialty.
1119 Board of Trade Bldg.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phtne
Main 44. Kinney Stampher, 531-32
i Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED Practical mill man; one-half tn-tere.-t
in 10 years cut; water and rail trans
portation Portland markets; (S00 to $10,000
cash required. Box 7. city.
626-627-t2s Corbett Bldg-
WOOr stumpage or lumber, about S00
cords original fir, 9 miles from Portland.
mile to station. Apply 73U East Couch.
WANTRD Iartner; best logging proposition
on t'ol uni bi a R i ver : 2w.fH o. WO ; $50,1100 re
q Hired. C 271. Oreronian.
TWO timber relinquishments; cedar and flr;
timber and stone act. Call immediately.
.127 Worcester block.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
- ' - - ' l
TWENTY railroad claims, guaranteed six to
15 million feet. Hoban. til Alisky blk.
WANTED At once, from owner, new 4
rrKun. modern house or bungalow, handy
to car; will pay $12n0 to 1H; reavon
ah term a Jas. C. Logan, room 411 Cor
bett bldg.
KELI A BLE couple wishes to purchase lot
in North Albtna or vicinity; $'0 down. $10 month. 7 per cent interest. Address
AD 233, Oregonlan.
WE have buyers for homes and lots. If
your price and terms are right, see Mount
Tabor Realty Co.. 50 Gerhuger bldg.. 2d
and Alder.
WANTED At once. 4 or 5-room new or near
lv new modern cottage, not too far out:
will pay $"0 down and $13 per month. S
M. Oregonlan.
WANTED Houses. lots, roo ml n g-h ousts.
Owners please list with Howard Bros.. 319
8 wet land. Main 1539.
WANTED Acre or more, suitable for plat
ting Main 92. Angeles. 242 5;h and
'."ANTED Cheap house
nient plan. Mam Vs
ai.d M-rin.
and lot. on Inst.ill
, Angeles, 242 3ih
WANTED Good investment for $2000 apot
cash, from owners or agents.
F. FUCHS, 231 Morrison St.
ROMS for myself from owner; slate price,
smallest first and monthly payment. A D
AC 9, Oreconiaa-
I -'- - I !
WANT to rent, with option of buying, 23
to SO acres, suitable for small dairy and
poultry; experienced and best of refer
ences. O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay Bid.
Horse. Vehicles and Han
FOR SALE New light two-horse express
wagon with canvas top over seat; ca
pacity 1000 pounds; also new double har
ness and robe, all In good condition; price
$100. Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg.
or of A. P. Langenberg, Clackamas, Or.
$100 BUYS big team of work horses and
new harness; must sell today. 294 Mont
FOUR combination saddle and driving
horses from 10OO to 110O lbs., Dargams.
Palace Stables. 3th and Montgomery.
73 RfTYS his: 1400-Ib. mare, good worker,
in foal by Percheron horse. 2i4 Mont
25 HOKHErf. farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert A Hall, 266 4th at.
FANCY driving mare, city broke, 5 years
Ue. Or.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness)
kinds for sale. 2&4 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Young team draft horse. Ap
ply 308 Davis st.
HORSE, buggr and harness for sale cheap
Inquire 33 North 10th sc.
HORSES, baggies and harness for sale or
hire 1S2 East 34th st. pnone laoor 1112.
WANTED To trade a good 2-acre chicken
ranch, on two canines, iruit oeanng.
lane chicken-houses, good 3-room house.
makes a fine Summer home, for an auto
mobile; White Steamer preierreo. ti. a
Cline. Tabor 1147.
AUTOMOBILES. touHng cars and run
abouts. $230 to $1200. for sale or trade.
TV. G. Hartman, 46 2d st. Main 1SU2.
FOR SALE 5-passenger White steamer; thts
iv a bargain for cash or trade for real es
tate. Phone East 1020.
TOURING car, 4-cyllnder. glass front, top,
new tires; fully equipped; $730. N 235,
WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand.
Address, stating condition and best price,
H 94. Oregonlan.
jjOO Cadillac; seats 6; Al condition. J
252, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE New piano, $200; $100 cash.
balance long time as desired. AD 231.
- Oregonlan.
We are surely the pine kings. Any amount
of anv size and all good pipe, too. Every
foot guaranteed, all dipped in coal tar free,
which makes the same as good as galvanized.
2- lnch pipe. 8c foot.
2V--inch pipe. 12c foot.
3- fnrh pipe, lfic foot.
4- Inch pipe, 23c foot.
We also have on hand: ft. y. and 4-inch galvanized pipe.
2H ft. 12-inch pew pipe.
2v0 ft. 10-inch new pipe.
rJOOO ft. 3-inch new pipe.
2000 ft. 4-lnch new pipe.
1000 ft. 9-inch galvanized, riveted.
All pipe guaranteed; If not satisfactory
your money refunded.
The store with the money-back policy.
' 244-24o"-230 Front St.
Positively New Roofing MaterlaL
lo squares rubber roofing .
Our prices. Others charges.
1- Ply....$1.23 l-ply.-..2.00
2- ply 1.73 2-ply 2.50
.l-ply.... 2.25 3-ply.... 3.00
We have 5t00 squares positively new cor
rugated iron that we are selling at $2.25 per
square. , . ,
Also 2000 squares galvanized corrugated
irBe euro and see us before baying roofing,
as we have the risht stock at the right price,
244-241-230 Front St.
SEWING machines. 50 slightly damaged
machines at very low prices feinr'
Wheeler Wilson. Domestic, Household,
Pavis, Olds & King, Standard, White. New
Home and others. Machines rented by
week or month. Nedles, parts and at
tachments for ah makes. Prt re
pairing and all work guarantt-cd. S. .
Sigel, agent for ginger and Wheeler
Wilson machines. 23 iiorrlscn at.
MOVING picture films for rent; the best
selected stock In the West; all reels 1000
feet; no damaged films; everything that's
good. S?nd for catalogue and term
Theater Film Service Co. Inc.. 1042 Golden
Gate ave., San Francisco. Cal.
MOVING picture machines; any make;
films, slides ana upwtB. ma
chines, records; opera and folding chairs;
posters, tickets, etc. 50i page catalogue
free. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042
Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco. Cal.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-CoIIender,
49 Third st.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000.
Parties interested call Mag Inn la & Son,
403-4 McKay bldg.
OLD VIOLINS nought and sold. Choice old
Instruments always on nana, rino repairing
specialty. Call or address L. Winters,
318 Tilford bldg., lUth and Morrison sts.
FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist
ing engines. raus. cars, eic raiiv, a.j
Equipment Co.
. 74 1st. A 2363. Main 2363.
FoR SALE Thoroughbred English setter
in. , rx A Innlv W TJirOu,
114 Russell st.
A LADY'S Washburn guitar for sale, with
case, books ana siana. rnone wooaiawn
FOR SALE Handsome houseboat, complete
equipment, caoies, poniuon uinuring
Tights, etc. Address AF 24S, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Office fixture and safe. Phone
Main 6834 from JO to 4. 4-v Lummr ex
change bldg.
BEST chairs, rugs and glass-top partition
for saie cneap. uun-c i"i v f
month. Call today. 523 Worcester bldg.
FOR SALE: Thoroughbred scotcn come
puppies; registered slock. aiuci .. il
U" car.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. ' fir and oak wood
at lowest marsei prices. wci, ma
st. Phone Main 7451.
FOR SALE 90 head of angora goats cheap.
. f T Rlnlav OriB-on CitV. R F.
D. No. 2.
OAK folding bed, berel-edge mirror and
m Hilt rs k bv.u - v-.
supplies, elides. Aims for rent. 165 H 4th st.
SNAP $"30 diamond ring for $276. A 270,
BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old
Book Store, -'ll so,, near wnnun.
FINE roll-top desk and revolving, chair for
sale cheap. Call at 566 Sherlock bldg.
NEW Fox typewriter, sacrifice. A 2dS Ore-
FOR SALE Two safes, letter-prep-, desks
ana onice lurauure. w -t- n. . "
FACTORY hands wanted at ence; 1 cutter
ana o sasn ana. "ci- "--"
vtile Planing MUl. McMinnvllle, Or.
WANTED 3 first-class sash and door cut
ters; good waxes. Ayj.iJ i " v-
National Lbr. & Box Co., Hoquiam, Wash.
12 North 2d st. Both phones.
For Men 230 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 5694.
WANTED A good house-to-house can
vasser, with references. Apply room 39.
Hamilton bldg.
WANTED Man to "file and do millwright
work In email circular sawmllL Inquire
12 North 2d st.
Headquarters cook a helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. LoraU. 14S 4th. Main 6500.
COAT and vestmaker wanted. $3 up. An
drews A Berry, La Grande. Or.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency. 310 Davis st. Main 8309.
WANTED Three coat makers. Dean A
Curtiss. Seattle. Wash.
WANTED -Coatmaker. $9 tip; railroad fare
advanced. D- J. Peters. Walla Walla, Wash.
BOYS WANTED All day or after school.
Apply TO Third at
3 planer feeders, city, $2.25 and $2.50;
2 lumber grader, city, $2.25: edgerman,
$3.25; bench carpenters. $3 up; 2 wood
turners. $:l-50; band sawyer. $3.50; shaper
man. $3.30; lumber pliers. $2.50; rough
carpenters. $2.50 up; 2 signal boys for log
ging camp, $1.50. no experience required;
saw ver for upright shingle machine, union
wages: loggers, mill hands, going wagee:
married men for mill In country towns,
cheap bouse rent, wages $2 up; wood cutters,
flrst-clas timber. $1 cord; laborers and
teamsters, $2 up: others.
Large List of New Work Every Day.
13 North 2d St. . Both Phones.
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber trade In eight
week; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in
structor: tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St.,
Portland, Or.
WANTED For U. b. Army, able-bodied un
married men, between ages of 19 and 35.
oltlsens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and writ English. Apply to re
cruiting officer, Ainsworth block, 3d and
Oak sia, Portland. Or.
WANTED Honest man to assist In employ
mon t and real est ate busl nesa ; re ferenees
and $300 required; $25 weekly salary guar
anteed, also comm lesions.
303 Washington St., Suite 4.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trads School. 230
240 8th st., San Francisco.
Employment Olfice Men's Department,
26 North Second st.
Phones Main and A 1326.
Help Free to employera
MOVING picture operators make $35 week
ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn the
business In short time. Terms reasonable.
Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co..
293 Burnslde St.
WANTED A first-class tresser, gentleman
or lady, who can cut either ladies' or
gentlemen's wear in dye wtrks; best
wages paid. Artistic Dye Works. 821
Williams ave.
BOOKKEEPER wanted, must be familiar
with real estate business and able to give
bond or security; one that will take inter
est in the firm preferred. Address, with
references. S 202, Oregonlan.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade
trees, shrubs, etc. ; outfit furnished ; cash
advanced weekly; good territory. Write
us if interested. Albany Nurseries, Al
bany. Or.
WANTED Young. Industrious man to sell
butter churn in country, $4 a day. ex
penses ; must k now how to drive team ;
also invest $500 as security; references.
Call 531 Lumber Exchange bldg.
POSTAL clerks and carriers call In re
gard t preparing at once for November
Exam. Good salary to start; steady em
ployment to ambitious young men. Pa
cific States Schools.
WANTED Real estate sales manager well
acquainted In city. Give last employer,
references, etc., la first letter. Big money
for a competent man. Address M 255,
WANTED Young man to learn real estate
business, small capital required, share
profits while learning. investigate. 242
Fifth and Main.
SOLICITORS wanted, at once for steam
cleaning ana aye worns. uooa com mis
sion. Call 864 East Burnslde, B 1926,
East 526.
WANTED Reliable man to work In store as
partner; will pay you good salary, also
profits: $350 cash required. Call 248
Stark st.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics: eaey terms; positions secured; money
earned while learlng. Watchmaking. En-
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattla
SALESMAN, splendid line postcards and
novelties; very liberal compensation: es
tablished trade; finest possible side line.
Columbia Card Co., 203 Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Boys from seventh and eighth
(trades at Hassaio -ongrega uonai i-nureii
Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Carfare
WANTED Two cabinetmakers for show
case and fixture work, experienced men
only. Address Willamette Showcase Co.,
Tacoma, Wrash. '
Dry goods man who advertised for po
sition. Oregonian, G 23S. September 16,
please address XX 213 Oregonlan.
WANTED A canvasser and collector for a
position that will pay $200 per month;
only hustlers need apply. 425 Washington
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postofffce
clerks, carriers; examinations here No
vember 18; preparation free. Franklin In
stitute. Rochester, N. Y.
GERMAIN'S high-class Information bureau:
none but first-class employes registered and
sent out. 2 and 3 Benson bldg., 5th and
Morrison. A 2145.
WANTED Young man between the age
oi it ana -i i we1"
Ing. Apply Tuesday, 8 A. M., 14th and
Thoroughly experienced, competent and
reliable; a first-class man.
term ucioner . j - - " .
degree. 630 Worcester block. Phone Main
TWO men of business ability at once. Call
forenoon; excellent opportunity. 703
S-wetland bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning oner. i,uiutiu
Dekum bldg.
WANTED 3 flrst-class general agents for
accident insurancu couumj. v-.
Weston, room 1 Commercial Club bldg.
FOR SALE Interest In real estate busi
ness. Can show prom oi muuim.
B 273 Oregonian.
WANTED 2 concrete mixers, tools are on
premises, ziT l uiamuu. --. i "
lams-ave. car.
LYNOTYPB operator ($21), machinist opera
tor. $24. night shift, small daily. Northwest
. t'niu icr DiuncioeB, "
SALESMAN wanted for real estate and se
curity for the Montana and Nevada; good
on Wn-"Farff-o hide.
WANTED Young man to assist shipping
i ' awtft nenman: no others need
appiy. jjtms
CLOTHING salesman who can write cards
ana trim winuuwo. -
Washington st
SUBSCRIPTION solicitor, new paper, good
field, money for rustler. Kelley Loe,
Camas, Wasn.
WANTED Coatmaker. Address A. Dyno,
Hoquiam, Wash.
COATMAKERS wanted. Apply Columbia
Woolen Mills Co., 7th and Stark sts.
WANTED 4 mattress, makers. Peters ft
Jtooerts MinmuiB u.. .v.....
BLACKSMITH'S helper wanted. 231 Madison
WANTED 3 boys, steady work. 329 Everett
YOUNG girl to assist in light housework.
801 Jefferson St.
GIRL for reneral housework, family of 2,
good wages. 6il Kearney st.
GIRL for seneral housework in small fam
ily. Call 250 King st.
GIRL to assist la general housework; must
sleeyi at home. Apply 329 13th.
GIRI to assist with housework in small
family. Apply 532 Kearney st.
FIRT-CLASS saleswoman for millinery, to
work In the afternoons. S 23S, Oregonian.
GOOD girl for general housework. Apply
mornings. 236 12th st. Phone Main 3715.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 16 E.
17th st.. cor. E. Aeh.
BOOKKEEPING, private lessons, 4 nights in
week. $4 per mo. Main Ib&Z, A 4948.
WANTED Experienced saleslady. Heller's
Millinery. 380 Washington st.
COOK wanted ; references required ; good
wages 36 Lucretia st.
WET NURSE wanted. Call 489 East Burn
slde. or phone B lSt4.
FIRST-CLASS waitress. Palace Restaurant.
129 4th et.
COOK, wanted at 670 Boyt st. ; good wage.
OFFICE! girl wanted. 229 First St.. room 0
10 cooks for boarding-houses, hotels and
private families. $23 to $45; 6 waitresses.
$7 to $10 week; camp waiters, $30, room and
board; 2 chamber maids, $22.50, room and
board; 2 dishwashers, country hotels. $20 and
$25. room and board; 10 girls for general
housework. $25 to $35; factory and laundry
girls; others too numerous to mention here.
We have a large list of new positions
every day.
Ladles' Dept. 205 H Morrison SL
2 cooks, city. $45; 1 country. $35: 4
waitresses, country. $25 and $30. tickets
here; waitresses, city. $25 and $-0, res
taurants, $8 and $9 week; 2 housekeepers.
$20; 2 second girls, country, $2i; cooks
and second gir.1. city. $20 to $35;
stresses and pressers Tor dye 'house. $1.50
to $2 day; others. Room 307 Merchants
Trust bldg., 326fi Wash. st. Main SS36 and
A 3266.
WANTED First-claes cloak hand for alter
ation room. Bartholomew Co., 392 Wash
ington. 9 COOKS, 1 hotel, out town, $30-$45.
2 2d girls, 1 out town., $20-$-'5.
waitresses, 2 out town. $22.50-$-5.
2 kitchen helpers. $20-$2o.
2 child nurses, $15-$23.
St. Louis Ladies' Employment Agency.
209 4th st. Main 2039, A 2624.
WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for
general housework. 5-room house, small
familv. good wages; no washirg. Phone
B 1936, Tabor 641, or call 111S East
GERMAIN'S high-class information bureau:
none but first-class employes registered and
sent out. 2 and 3 Benson bldg., 5th and
Morrison. A 2145.
WANTED Girl for light work In sundries
department; must have unquestionable ref
erences: must live with parent. Apply
Clark-Woodward Drug Co., Otta and Hoyt.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and state; good money. Call
room 508 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and
Washington at-
343 Wash. st. . cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2892. .
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
NEAT, attractive young lady a assistant in
dentist's office; must live at home. Apply
Thursday, between 1:30 and 2:30, at 308
Fliedner bldg. '
A GIRL wanted to do cooking and house
work In family of three. Call between
9 A. M. and 3 P. M-, at 471 Main St.,
between 13th and 14th.
WANTED Experienced saleslady, general
store; must be neat, pleasant appearance.
Salary $30 per month. Give reference.
R. B. Bragg A Co.. Hood River.
WANTED Man and wife; wife must be
good cook; man to assist and take care
of lawn; small family. Address AD 254,
WANTED Girls to solicit; good opportu
nity to make money; saiary and commis
sion. Apply 9-10 A. M and 3-6 P. M.,
301 Fieidner bldg.. 10th and Wash. sts.
LADY typesetter, country newspaper, most
lv straight composition, at once. North
west Newspaper Brokerage, 603 Good
nough bldg.
HOUSEGIRLS come up and pick out your
.jobs; no charges. ABC Employment Co,
226 Morrison. M 3022
WANTED Good cook and dining-room girl
for small country hotel. Address Mrs. S.
King, Stella. Wash.
343 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upatairst
Phona Main 2692.
Ladle' Department. 205 Morrison st.
Phones Main 1062, A 2064.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co., 6o9 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
326 Washington St., room 307.
Main SS36 or A 3206.
8 COOK8 for city, wages $40 and $50 month.
Germains' Employment Office, .5th and Mor
rison. WAITRESSES, city; 2 springs. $2-3. Cooks,
citv. Vancouver, Independence ?40). Do
mestics, etc. "Drake's," 2i5 Washington.
wnM x v for cook in e and housework part
. of day; small family. 747 E. Madison;
Hawthorne car.
WANTED A girl to do general house
work. Apply morning and evening, 6S4
Everett St.
WAITED A woman to give baths and
massage; one who has worked at the bus
iness. Home phone A 5413, after 11 A. M.
GIRL for general housework In small family;
references required. 367 ltith, near Mont
gomery. HOUSEKEEPER for farm; elderly lady
preferred; no objections to small girl. C
266, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED dining-room girl, also flrrt
clasa chambermaid. The Gladstone, 174
13th, corner Yamhill.
GIRL for general housework In family of
3; good wages to willing girl. 346 Clifton,
corner 7th. Phone Main 3016 and A 4133.
A COMPETENT girl tor general housework;
good wages. SS3 North 32d St., Willam
ette Heights.
YOUNG girl for general housework; family
of two. Call 773 Schuyler St., or phone
East 901.
A GOOD girl for general housework; good
wages, 440 East 19th Bt. N.. Irvington.
Phone East 536.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted to do house
work on farm, good home. Call 389 N.
19th. bet. 10 and 12 A, M.
MILLINERY lessons given at 475 Morrison
st , 25 cents an hour; hats trimmed for
GIRL for general housework with family of
three, can mornings "r ruuuo uv
or C 1405. 415 East 11th St.. North.
WANTED Assistant packer in wholesale gro
cery business. Apply between 8 and 9 A.
M., Lang & Co., 1st and Ankeny.
FOR general housework and plain cooking,
good home, good wages. 300 Poplar .st.
Phone B 1803.
WANTED Stenographer and office assist
ant, light work; state experience and
salary required. AF 250, Oregonian.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
pay; Instruction free. Call 452 Washing
ton. x
WANTED Competent woman for house
work and cooking; good wages. Apply 357
12th st., cor. MUL.
A COMPETENT woman for general house
work; three in family; good wages. 620
East Ankeny.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
steam-heated apartment. Mrs. Over beck.
Phone Main 6257. 69 North 23d st.
WANTED Lady to assist in small laundry
and ironing. 123 10th st, south of Wash
ington. LA-DY violinist, good reader and some ex
perience; give phone number. E 270, Ore
gonlan. COMPETENT girl for general housework
and cooking. 233 North 24th st. Phone
Main 717.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 3
In family. 3 7th 'iU North. Main 2416.
GIRL for general housework in a small
family; must be neat. 107 North 16th st.
COMPETENT gtrl for general housework,
family 3 adults. Main 729, A 1721.
GIRL wanted to help cook. Apply 606 Mar
quam bldg.
GIRI' for general housework. Apply S03
Clackamas. Phone C 124S.
GIRL wanted to assist in housework. 747
Glisan st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 186 East 16th sL Phone East 2007.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Call
mornings, 412 Burnslde st.
GIRL or woman for general housework;
small family. 736 Hoyt st.
WANTED Seamstress for alteration work.
Grand Leader.
A GIRL for jfeneral housework In small
family. Call 250 King st.
EXPERIENCED second girl, call at 32TL
North 24th at., after 11 o'clock mornings.
WANT young girl to sing illustrated songa.
H 265. Oregonlan.
WANTISDOompetent frlrl for general -house-work.
Apply 28 K. 19tb-
SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Fisk
Teachers' Agency. 202 Swetland bldg.
Phone Main 2410; res., M. 6425.
WE SECURE POSITIONS for our students:
any system of shorthand.- Business Uni
versity. Phone Main 4504.
t WAIL XtAn-lann TLt Wa Mt whit.
Bookkeepers mad Clerks,
BY energetic young man, well acquainted
with general office work, position with mer
cantile or contracting firm; English. Ger
man and Spanish spoken. Reply R 260,
GERMAN and English public speaker and
teacher, bookkeeper and German sten
ographer Is looking for a better position;
can give good references. 662 Gantenbein
ave. Phona E. 4210.
YOUNG man. 24 years of age. is open for
clerical position of any kind; wages no
object If there is chance fo advance
ment; references and bond. B 272. Ore
gonian. AMBITIOUS young man of good habits de
sires position as assistant bookkeeper, hotel
clerk or similar position; have experience in
feed business. C 200, Oresonian.
SITUATION wanted by flrst-class account
ant, a genuine ledger clerk and capable
assistant, credit man for a large whole
sale house; A-l referencea H 207, (Ore
gonian. YOUNG man wants position, hotel clerk,
country preferred, small salary to start.
H 272. Oregonian.
REFINED, capable young widow. Under
wood operator; must have work. Main
4155. room 6.
POSITION as bookkeeper or assistant by
man of 7 years experience. Best of ref
erences. B 271. Oregonian.
ographer, desires work of any kind. Phone
-Sell Wood 12. -
M wee 11 a neo us.
YOUNG man. are 32. who has been with
one of the largest mining companies of
the Northwest for the past two years as
chief electrician, is open for a position
In a similar capacity with a raining,
power or lighting company. Have highest
references as to ability and character.
Personal Interview solicited. Address R.
Eaton Hotel.
YOUNG man, 12 years' experience dry
goodj, furnishing goods and shoes, desires
position as traveling salesman; would lo
cate with good firm as buyer or manager.
AF 251, Oregonlan.
MAN who has practical experience In can
ning all kinda of fruit and vegetables,
make jams, preserves and pickles. Is open
for an engagement; will guarantee my
work, p 259, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, well educated, good address,
wide business experience, well versed la
general merchandise business, would like
a position where ability and honor will
count. Address D 206, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, well educated, good address,
wide business experience, well versed in
general merchandise business, would like
a position where ability and honor will
count Address D 266, Oregonlan.
STRONG, reliable young man wants situa
tion as assistant in shipping department or
whole pale house; not afraid of work; mod
erate wages; good references. R 258, Ore
gonian. ELDERLY gentleman, who is too proud
to beg and too honest to steal, wants
work of any kind anywhere. A 274, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE" want contract farm, about 10
or 15 acres, within 10 miles from Port
land. L 243. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE want contract to cut wood, over
1000 core. 249 Couch st. Phone Main
6521. '
GOOD, experienced, all around harness
maker wishes position In city or country.
3S8 K. 20th st.
YOUNG, good Japanese boy wants position
as schoolboy. Address Japanese M. E.
Mission, 121 15th St., North, or Main 036L
MOVING picture shows, A-l operator, 7
years' experience, wishes position in or
out of city. E 272, Oregonlan.
WANTED by a reliable collector a few
houses to collect for, on either salary or
commission. A 267. Oregonian.
EX PERIENCED accountant wants your
books to post and letters to write; work
called for and delivered. Phone Tabor 9S.
AMERICAN wants work In city or country;
handy with tools; no bad habits. A 269,
POSITION wanted by first-class circular
sawyer or filer; references. Address box
805, Centralis, Wash.
PRINTER An A-l all around printer seeks
employment; union. Apply to G 26, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man attending business college
wants place to work for room and board.
AD 229. Oregonlan.
CONTRACT work wanted, clearing land,
contouring, treeplanting, gardening.
Sondre Roratvedt, Jr., 694 Glenwood ave.
MAN and wife want steady position a Jan
itor in hotel or work on farm milking
cows. X 241, Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook and dishwasher want po
sitions in city or country. P 262, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT man, with best references,
wants position in wholesale liquor store
or as bartender. Phone Main 1029.
JAPANESE boy wants steady position as a
houseworker or porter. Address S- M., 51
North 4th St., Portland, Or.
WANTED by printer few days work dis
tributing or helping in Job office. Ad
dress B 270. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, experlencea in men'i clothing,
shoes and furnishings, wants situation, city
or country store. D 265, Oregonlan.
WANTED Job collecting or delivering by
a young man 24 4ears old. S 263, Ore
ing, waiting, cooking, washing by hour.
M. TAKA. Phone B 2075.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
JAPANESE boy wants position to work as
cook, housework. Ophtra, 383 E. Pine.
A. JAPANESE schoolboy wants a Job to do
housework. W 2i2. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co., Main 4659,
A 4073. 208 Everett.
JAPANESE couple want situations, man as
porter, wife at second work. A 1104.
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
housework and help cook. 65 N. 3d.
FIRST-CLASS engineer wishes position. W.
A. Smith, Hotel Hoyt, 142 N 10th.
JAPANESE boy wants- steady position to
work a few hours. E 268, Oregonlan.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
WANTED By a competent young lady a
place as cashier in either a hotel or
meatmarket; best of references. H 273,
IF you wish a good stenographer, phone
Clerical Office. Main 4504. Carefully test
ed and certified. "
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion, legal work a specialty; references;
stranger in city. Box 303, city.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position,
good references. Phone Sellwood 725.
COMPETENT stenographer wishes position
with mercantile firm. Main SliOS.
THE famous Keister'a Ladles Tailoring
College Ladles, save dressmakers' bills,
make your own gowns here. Ws teach
Keisters drafting system. 306 Stearns big.
PLAI shirtwaists and shirtwaist suits
made at lowest possible price. G 265,
EXPERIENCED nurse, wanta work by day
or week. Phona Main 1523,
W IDO W with year-old ch lid wishes pos Ition
In private family In or out of town; will
expect small wages. C 267, Oregonian.
REFINED girl of 24 wishes position as sec
ond girl in small family of adults; some
experience; wages $25. AD 257, Oregonlan.
RESPECT ABLE girl wants housework la
a nice family. Call at 763 Albln .
WOMAN, competent, wishes general house
work in Council Crest or the country. $25
to $30; two in family. H 271. Oregynlan.
WANTED Housekeeping position by cap
able woman In young men's club, bachelor
or wealthy orlvate home to take run
charge. E 274 Oregonian.
NICE refined widow, 1 child 11 months old.
wants position as housekeeper. 209 4th
st. Main 2039, A 2S24.
A GOOD plain cook, economical housekeep
er in genteel family 3 adultn; highest per
sonal references. B 266. Oregonlan.
LACE CURTAINS, shirtwaists and children's
fine washing beautifully laundered; fine sun
drvtng and grass bleaching facilities. Phone
Tabor 1530.
TWO girls would lfke to have position as
chambermaids In a hotel; have to go
home nights. 671 Quimby, bet. 17th and
EUROPEAN lady desires position as gov
erness : elementary music, languages,
painting; references. G 244, Oregonian.
LADY experienced in grocery business
wants position as clerk or cashier. A 236.
LADY wants position as cashier In small
store, bonds furnished If necessary. A 263,
FRENCH. German. Italian, oil painting,
lady teacher; terms reasonable. G 243,
PAINTING and drawing. 50c per lesson;
also orders taken for sofa pillows, etc
Main 8183. ,
STRONG young woman wants day work, 20c
per hour. Phone Sellwood 690.
LADY would like any kind of work by the
day. Phones Main 4368. A 5368.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houees, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED By musical gentleman of refine
ment, furnished room or en suite, without
board; desirable location; must take all
or part music lessons. S 261, Oregonian.
WANTED, unfurnished. Immediately, by re
sponsible party, 15 to 20 rooms, strictly
modern In every respect. Phones Main
4632 or A 1856.
25 CUSTOMERS waiting for vacant unfur
nished fiats or small steam-heated apart
ments. 3 or TO room C 273, Oregonlan.
WANTED 15 or 20 unfurnished rooms,
close in, with steam heat, with gas and
electric iignis. xv ioo,
TO lease, residence from 8 to 15 rooms, in
good location to rent rooms; would buy
furniture if suited. A 273. Oregonian.
BUSINESS young lady wishes room, cen
trally located; breakfast and dinner. A
271, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent small furnished house
or cottage. East Side, walking distance.
B 267. Oregonlan.
YOUNG gentleman requires board and
room In private family. G 2o3, Oregonlan.
And anything else you have to sell.
Main 5655. A 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
COMPLETE outfit for butcher shop; also
al kinds of second-hand furniture; high
est prices paid for the same. Phcna
Main 6188. 219 Worcester bldg.
CLOTHING, dress suits. Prince Alberts
bought, ladles' evening and street dresses.
Phone Main 8744.
WANTED An electric piano for cash; one
slightly used preferred. Address 638
Worcester bldg.
WANTED English setter, thoroughly
broke; state price, age and full particu
lars. A 262, Oregonian.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 988. B 2311.
CLOTHING Phone M. 1851 83 N. 3d.
Highest price paid; prompt attention.
Fornilshed Rooms.
FOR RENT Furnished from bedroom In pri
vate houee, including electric light, use
of bath and telephone ; w 111 rent for $5
per month to one or for $7.50 per month
to two respectable working girls. 624
Holgate st. Take Sellwood car.
Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up;
steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths
and phone; transients 60c. 75c and $1 per
day. Open all night: office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st
hotel FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms.
THT3 GOODNOUGH, cor. 6th and Yamhill,
opp. P. O. ; room by day, week or month;
elevator service, steam heat, etc.; singles
and suites; $3 weekly up. Mrs. Allison
& Snyder.
First and Morrison; steam heat, electric
lights, hot and cold water, hatha free; $3
pur week up; transients solicited. Phones
A 4408. Main 4361.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc., $2.50 week up; transients,
269 Washington.
293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water in rooms, furnace heat;
rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Mala
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite ; also
housekeeping; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
258H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
private family; new house; every conven
ience ; gentlemen only.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two gentlemen, $5 per week. Inquire 427
Washington st.
LARGE, light, well-heated bay-window
room, residence district, walking, distance.
Main 3312. 361 10th.
NEW furnished room In new, modern pri
vate home; fine neighborhood; references.
Home phone B 1487.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, one large room.
2 beds, $15 per month; 1 for $2 per week.
327 West Park. Phons Main 7959.
HAVE beautiful suite of rooms in fine sub
urban home. Fine chance for country
life close to city. Phone Woodlawn 535.
NICELY furnished and unfurnished rooms,
heat, bath and light; rent very reason
able. 447 Main.
THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sta,
modern front suites, also single rooms,
bath and both phone.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eetes.
THE TEMPLE. 843 Yamhill St., opposite
Hotel Portland; nicely furnished rooms; rent
- $2.50 week ; transient.
NICELY furnished front room; steam-heated;
walking distance. The Newcastle, 3d and
TWO nicely furnished outside rooms, free
phones, only $2 and $2.50 per week. 209
4th Bt.
FURNISHED front room, suitable for two,
$3 week; also rooms $L50. 59 N. 10th st.
5 ROOMS on ground floor, furnished, furnace,
yard. 290 12th st.
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia; modern
rooms, bath. 50o to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
6UNNY front room, walking distance, one
or two persons. 210 14th at., near Salmon.
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th st. ; steam-heated
rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk.. 50c to $1 per day.
TWO carpenters want work by the day -or
Job. Address S 236. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted, chef, good city refer
ences. H 268. Oregonian.
262 1 2TH Lovely parlor room, $ 15 ; ground
THBJ GRAND. 8S7 Yamhill, nice light
rooms, $3 and up; walking distance.
Famished Room.
Portland's Best Family Hotel.
American or European plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and . Hawthorne aves.
Car passes hotel every minute; very rea
sonable rates; largest, coolest and most
comfortable rooms to be found anywhere,
with every modern convenience ; large,
well-kept lawn.
DO you realise that you can get an outside
steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the
Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sta, for $IO
up per month ? This house is being re
painted, repapered and put in frrst-elas
condition by the aew owners; nice larse
parlor in connection; suite, with running
water, $22.50 to $35.
Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, flrst-olase
furnished rooms, single or en suite; all
modern conveniences, $3 weekly up daily.
75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient room a 343 Morrison.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO unfurnished rooms In private home at
$4 month including water, at 128 K. 46th,
st., 1 block from Mt. Tabor car.
NEW 3-room flat, $11. 19034 Market; 2 large,
clean rooms $8. 340 Front. .
Rooms With Boavrd.
BLAKELY HALL, 800 Jefferson, one of the
nicest private boarding-houses In city;
large, airy rooms, running water; beauti
ful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 5345.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
room and board, $23 per month, large
grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables;
large parlor with piano all free; easy
walking distance.
PORTLAND Women' Union. 20th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Baw
ling, feupt., 510 Flanders mU
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front
roorns, one single, one double; breakfast
if desired. West Side; walking distance.
201 16th st.. cor Taylor.
BOARD and room in private family for 3 or
4 congenial people; large, sunny rooms ;i
everything new; walking distance, W est
Side. G 269. Oregonian.
NICE, light, airy rooms, A-l home cook
ing, all modern conveniences; gas. elec
tricity, heat, bath, phone. A 4190, or call
647 Yamhill. Mr Johnson.
WHOLESOME, palatable home cooked
meals in private home. By week or tran
sient. Close to Washington. 26 N. 10th. M
NICELY furnished rooms, flrst-class table
board, strictly home cooking; modern; $d
week; easv walking distance. The Lin
dell, 263 Market.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two iti
small private family; fine home, modern,
2ia 11th st. ' .
BOARD and room, with home privileges.
within walking distance; reasonable. 384
Columbia st., near 6th.
BACHELORS' CLUB, well equipped, can,
accommodate one or two gentlemen, rea
sonable; references. W 252, Oregonlan,
THE THORNDYKE, 655 Washington et.. ele-1
gantly furnished rooms, with board, choice
location; walking distance.
NICE room, suitable for two, with or with
out board; modern; reasonable. 30 East
16th North, near BumsJdo
LARG E room for two ; also single room
with board; modern conveniences. 453
Morrison, cor. 13th.
THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and cold watsr,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri
son. A home hotel; Urge rooms, good
board, low rates.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark,1
225 11th st.
ROOMS and board near KHUngsworth ave.;
U car. Phone C 2177.
THE MANITOU. 261 13th st- rooms large
and light, rates reasonable.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room res -j
ldence apartments, each having private
vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and
cold water, gas range, refrigerators, win
dow shades and screens, telephone ana
Janitor aervlce. Apply Janitor, 18th and
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sta
One block from City Hall, three and four
room apartments, and handsomely fur-
nished bachelor rooms. Strictly high-class
in every respect with every modern con-
venience, now ready for guests. Rent be
gins October 1.
BEAUTIFUL tmfumished 6-room apartment. i
with bath and all modern conveniences, j
including telephone, .gas and elect rio;
light, without further cost. H 118, Ore
gonlan. THE4 SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts., un-j
furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new,
modern and fully equipped for convenience;
rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap-'
ply to Janitor
Flanders; 5-room unfurnished apartments,!
new, high-class; reasonable ratea See
and 14th sts., new and up-to-date 4-room'
apartments ; private phone, bath ; auto
matic elevator; steam heat, etc
SIX and 7-room, heated apartments, with!
every modern con ven lance, 715 Johnson, 1
A 1678.
HANDSOMELY furnished 4-room. eteam-J
heated apartment for two months. The
M or daunt, 18th and Everett.
THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders 1 4-room un-j
furnished apartment, modern. Apply t
Janitor. j
LARGE, cozy house tent, also lovely rooms,!
unfurnished, central. West Side, 429 3d.
BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment for rent,;
12th and Columbia, "The Bralntree.' j
5-ROOM lower apartment, steam heat and1
Janitor service. Call Fat, B 401 luth.
5 rooms. 403 12th st.. $30.
5 rooms, 4ul 12th st., $30.
5 rooms. 627 Overton st., $17.n0.
5 rooms. 625 Overton st., $17.50.
3" rooms. 621 Overton st.. rent reason
able. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg.
$16 l-room lower flat, yard, basement,
woodllft, shades, etc., 15 minutes' wallc
from Steel bridge. 444 Rodney ave., cor.
Tillamook st. East 4866.
UN USUALLY attractive flat; everything,
modern; fireplaces and furnace. large
porches, good yard; choice West Side loca
tion. Woodward, 104 2d.
UPSTAIRS flat In desirable East Side neigh-
borhood; rent $30. Including water and,
heat. Apply W. N. Carter. 712 Williams
ave. Phone East 4983.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of;
Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk-;
ing distance, $'25. Mrs. A Larry, room 60
Washington bldg. Phone Main 616$.
MODERN lower, 5-room flat, choice location,
walk:ng distance, close in. 406 Park stv
bet. Harrison & Hall. Key at 229 1st st.
MODERN 4-room flat, 3 extra bedrooms up
stairs. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Wash-,
lngton. Call forenoon or evening. Main 8988.'
$20 6-ROOM flat; all modern conveniences;'
nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave:; phone East
MODERN 4-room flat ; shades, basement,1
wood lift, lawn; near car. 780 Williams
ave. Woodlawn 426.
FOUR new 5-room flats, strictly modern.
. j i. near 0f V n -
duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce.
MODERN 5 and 6-room flats on Stout st..
near Madison. $18. $20. $22. Inquire 2i0
Stout st. Phone Main 5833:
WELLINGTON COURT $37.50, 5-room mod
ern steam-h-ated. 525 Everett. W. L
Morgan. 322 Falling bldg. ,
MODERN 6-room flat, steel and gas range.;
window shades. 207 Haisey, near Steel
MODERN 6-room flat, one block north Steel'
bridge, fronting river. 292 Margin.
4-ROOM complete furnished flat. 623
Marshall st. Phone A 400.
MODERN flat, 194 McMIIlen st. Inquire at
1S8 McMIIlen. near east end Steel bridge.
7-ROOM flat for rent. 625 Marshall st.
Phone A 4030.
FOR RENT 5-room modern flat; no chil
dren. Inquire 848 Mill st.
NEW C-room upper flat, 424 Tillsmoo,
bet. Union sre, and. 7th. Phons C 2058.