4 T1TE MORXING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY. SEPTE3IBER 24, 1903. 13 AM 16 EM F.N TS. XJT7TT T fl. THEATER llljlLilVJ UthandWaih Phones Main 1 and A 11. TONTOBT EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. Special Pries uauois Saturday. KOLB & DILL MTTSICAL COMEDY "LONESOME TOWN.- Erenlnirs. 1.50 ts 25c; matinee. 1 to 25c HEILIG THEATER 14th and Wash. Pbonn Main 1 and A U2Z 4 Nights Beginning Sunday Special-Price Matinee Wednesday The Beautiful Musical-Comedy " Coming Thro the Rye MAT 9AI.B OPKKS TOMORROW Evening, $1.60 to 25c Matinee. $1 to 2So BUNGALOW THEATER Pbonn Main 11T. A 4224. Emplr. Theater Co. (Inc.). Lease. GEO. L. BAKER. General Manager. Home of the famous Baker Stock Company. All this week, roatlnee Saturday, present ing; Jfat Goodwin's noted comedy success, "A GILDED FOOL." Prices Evenings, 20c 35c 60c; matinees l DC Z5C. K.it Wees: "The Girl of the Golden West. BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2 A 5360 Oreion Theater Co. line). Lessee. GEO. U BAKER. General Manager. Tonlfht. all week, matinees Tuesday. Thurs day. Saturday. Tho leader of all musical ehowa, H. H. Frasee's original production, "THE KOiAL CHEF. , SO whistling song hits, famous beauty chorus. 65 people, 65. Evening prices 23c. 60c T5c 1; matmeea, 25e. 60c. Next TfHk Th. Cat and tho Fiddle.? 1020 Matinees and Holiday. 15-25-50C NIGHTS -25-50-75C Advanced Vsadeville Week September ZL. The Military Octettes The Four Rlanos; Julia King- ley Jt to.j Jupiter Bro. : Mr. and Mrs. Geo- A. Besne; Mabel hint-lair; Three Dancing MUrhels; Moving; Pictures. THE STAR Phones Main 5490, 1496. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. For the Entire Week uf Sept. 20. GEORGIA HAHFEB IN Matinees at li:30 P. M.. prices 15o and 25c; every evening- at 8:15, prices 15-. 25 c. 35c, 60c. Seats may be reserved by either phone. Next Week "Uncle Josh Perkins." THE GRAND-Vaudeville de Luxe Another Big Bill. Welch, Francis A Co. In tho Faat and Fu rious 1-Round Com . rdy Bout Entitled "The Flip Mr Flop." AIL Mrniter AkL KoveltonJmns. Lonis Choraller and Company. MUe Theo and Hot ' Dandle, bakata. Fred Baser. Grandaorope. PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE 8 tan. of AU Nut lone Engagement Extraordinary of MLLE. LOCISK And hr high school acrobatic monkeys. Special Added Attraction. YE OLDK HOME HOIR Sweetest Sin ice r In America. Matinees dally. 15 cents; two shows at tilght. 15 and 25 cents. See the Whale EXHIBITION AT THE OAKS Length 80 Feet THE LYRIC THE BLUXKAIX STOCK COMPAJfT WILL PRESENT . Tennesse's Partner MAM IK HAS LAM IN THE TITLE BOLE. Stereopticon Views Orejroa'a Grandest Const Scenery, lhowflnjr the Moat Wonderful Spot on tbe Pacific. SEPTEMBER 25, 1908 Free Tickets Can Bo Obtained From POTTER-CHAPIN REALTY COMPANY K14 Corbet t Building. ' Phones Main 7324, A 4724. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND September 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Games begin weekdays :80 P. M. Double-Header Sunday first gams 2 o'clock Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; boxes, 25o extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25 o, LADIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. MKETING NOTICES. TVASHIXOTOff LODGE. NO 4H. A. F. AND A. M Special communication this (Thursday) evening. 7:30, Hut 8th and Burn side. M M. degree, visitors wel come. Order V. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. . EAGLES, ATTENTION! ALL. EAGLES are hereby notified to assemble In Eagl.'a Hall, corner 2d and Yamhill sta. Friday. Sept. 2o, at 1:30 P. M. for the purpose of performing the last sad rues of our depart ed brother, J. Balmer. W. E. SNYDER. Worthy President Portland Aerie No. 4, F. O. E. ITDRLtTT LODGE, A. O. U. W. The meet ins: to be teld Friday night. Sept. 25. In Oddfellows Hall. East Pine and Grand ave.. will be open to all Interested n fraternal work and a epeolal Invitation i extended to a:l members of the riearec of Honor and A. O. -v. J- U ZANE, Recorder. p- o ELKS All members Portland Lodge. No. 142. are requested to be present at the regular session this evening-, as a natter of Importance will be taken up. C. M. BILLS. Sta. EVGROSS1NO resolutions. testlmonlsls. memorial., etc Ellis. Cf'TiTT'.b's, bl.lg TW TODAY. av r l M AJ' a THEATER 6,500,000 FEET choice saw timber, tributary to Port land, on 230 acres. I can deliver this for a few days for $5000 spot cash. Nothing in this locality can be touched under $50 per acre. CP. WELLS 31 Worcester B nil ding. NEW TODAY. A Few Dollars INVESTED IN Portland Real Estate WILL BUILD UP AN INCOME FOR LIFE AILWAY "Directly East" of COUNTRY CLUB Offers Many Inducements to the Buyer PRICE OF LOTS $85, $100, $125 EASY PAYMENTS $10 Down and $5 Monthly COME ODT TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Take Montavilla car at corner Third and Morrison streets; get off at corner Villa and Hibbard streets, Montavilla branch office. For fur ther particulars call office. C. P. WELLS 231 Worcester Bldg. Phone M. 3253. MABELVILLE The -weather was all that conld be wished for on Sunday last, and we had ouite a number out to see MABELVILLE lots, and many of them knew a good thing when they saw it, and bought. John Wright, traveling agent for Disston's saws, purchased 4 lots; Geo. A- Brintnell and wife, 4; Hiram Edwards and mother, 4; Albert Johnson, 3; J. L. Reed, 2, and a number of others 1 and 2 lots each. MABELVILLE is five minutes' walk east on the Base Lino road from end of Montavilla carline, and yon will find no nicer, cleaner or better - situated lots anywhere than MABELVILLE lots. $S5to$100 $10 Down, $5 a Month REDMOND REAL ESTATE CO., Agents, end of carline. MURPHY & CASWELL 230 Stark Street. Phones: Main 8877, A 3223. SO CHEAP I'M ASHAMED I have for sale today an undi vided half interest in 10 lots on the Peninsula, adjoining the Swift townsite, for $1125, half cash. Title perfect. Owner simply can't "come through." Can you J If this appeals to you, call at my office today. Take a U car to Ivy street. W. N. Carter 712 Williams Avenue. Near 21st and Glisan 7-room house and lot $4650 Martin J. Higley OW 13 Thirel Street. WHERE TO DINE. J ILL ltarlaa Cafe, ICS 6th St.. near Washington. JSEW TODAY. CAPITOL HILL The choice of them all with B-cent ear fare on the best carline running In and out of the city. The Oregon Electric Railway runs through the center of Capitol Hill for mote than half mile; every lot cleared, sightly and level, no stone or gravel, the richest Kina or soil, xne 101s in apitui nm ar5 all full size, 60x100 feet, no Jim Crow 25-foot lot. Capitol Hill Is only ten minutes' rifle from the business center of this city, Inside the city lim its, on tho West Side, In Portland proper: vou can ride to and from Capitol Hill In a palace car. We have a nice little depot on the ground; you can also walk from the depot platform on sidewalk through the tract for more than a mile. Every lot la a beauty, and the price, that la ao low we are ashamed to went Ion It, 200, $250 and J300 per lot The termSj any kind of terms yuu wuui, irvui uij uiumiuji Title to. all of farjitol Hill is perfect. If vou don't want to you need not call nt our office, tnke the car at Front and Jefferson streets, ride to Capitol Hill ana iook it over tor youreeu. xl yuu call at the office we will pay your fare. This is the cheapest Inside property and the most desirable ever offered at the above low prices before in Portland for twenty years. An other statement we here make and that is that vou can build your home in Capitol Hill and from your front porch see more people passing through it dally from now until the end of time than any other residence portion of Portland, and that's what gives value to real property and not hot air. Cap itol Hill has two railroads running through it, and the best carriage and automobile road from the city to every lot In the tract. . Address or come to the office and talk to us about capitoi tiui, CLOHESSY & SMITH 401 and 402 McKay Bids;, Tel. Main 1068. Within the City Limits at $1,000 Per Acre Is Not a Speculation But an Investment It is an investment that will pay 100 to 300 per cent profit in a very few years. If you want to place your money where it will grow as the city grows and we all know how rapidly Portland is forging ahead come and see me about this aoreage investment. Now is a good time to invest. After elec tion prices are liable to be higher. Take a U car to Ivy street. W. N. CARTER 712 Williams Avenue. FREWING'S ORCHARD TRACTS TIGARDVILLE These tracts are unquestionably the finest ever offered anywhere around Portland. Only 85 minutes out on Ore gon Klectric. Good car service. Good community. Churches . near by. One of the best graded schools In Wash ington uounty across roan from tract. Fine soil, ail in cultivation, especially adapted to tipples, pears, walnuts, and all small fruits. The Winter apples are still on the trees. Come, see for yourself. Don t buy unimproved lands when you can gret a proposition like this. Eight tracts containing bearing orchard among the lot. Kememoer, tnese tracts are oniy iu miles from the city by wagon or rail; less than mile from Tigardville Sta tion on Oregon Electric. No rock, no gravel: good running water. Highly cultivated land with sightly building spot on every tract. If you are at all thinking of buying don't fail to see these tracts and get prices before you do. Discount on 10 acres or more to one purchaser. Take car from depot, Front and Jefferson, to Tigardville; walk one-third mile S. W.. ODDOsite schoolhouse. A. F. FREVVING. TIGARDVILLE, OR. AN OPPORTUNITY for safe and profitable Investment, We have 35 choice level lots scattered over Kant Portland as far east as West Mount Tabor at about one-half of the usual price; 6 to 8 very desirable homes, $1600 to $5000, at prices that no dealer In the city can afford to duplicate. All to be sold on easy terms, 6 per cent Interest. Why pay rent? We also have some good farms to exchange ior cny properxy. THE OWNER, At 6.11 Chamber of Commerce. Phone. M 1370, A 1370. NEAR THE COUNTRY CLUB 10 acres, all cleared and fenced, a pretty place, good soil all In cultiva tion for years. I will scU this land for the low price of J550 per acre, $100 per acre less than the price being asked for a single lot 50x100 feet near by. This is like finding money in a locality where lots are selling readily at 6O0 and 700 per lot. Call on the owner. M. J. Clohessy, 401 and 402 McKay bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to stilt ape- rial rates and favorable terms on lara-e loans on nuiness properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay II I da;.. Stl & Stark. TO LOT OWNERS "W'e will build a home to suit, if you own your own lot, on easy monthly payments. TBE SPANTON COMPANY 270 Stark St. 14 Net West Side property; choice location. Terms. . 5.T111H SB GVKHKn-, 316-317 Shetland Building. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lowest Current Rates. BulldintT Loans, Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster tot Worcester Block. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of interest. LOUI3 SALOMON, SS3 Stark Street, near Second, OEOROa BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, 131 Worcester Bulldln. Pboo Mala &S7L FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. MUST have money, lot SOxLOO, North 26th mt, D 2fTi. Jregonian. $45 CASH. $10 monthly; full lot, graded ACREAGE street; near car. x xvo, wu uibswummk KEAL ESTATE! DEAXBS. Andrews, V. V. A Co.. at S3 Hamilton al Baker. Alfred A, 115 A b In r to a bid. Cfcapln A Herlow. $32 Chamber of Commerce Cook. a. . m to , oua fjoroeit- oiag. Cruaaley Co.. 708-0 Oorbett bids. M 785a Fields, C. E. Co.. Board of Trade bid. Ooddard. H. W., Main and A 1743. 110 2d at. Jennlnas. Co. Main 188. SOo Oreaonlaa. Kinney A Btamphar, 63r-632 Lbr. Ex. if 44 3A Lea. M. SI., room 411 Corbett buildinn. Mall Von Borstal, 104 2d, at. S&2 B 2urna.de. Palmer. H. P.. SIS Commercial Club bide. M a 2053. Parrleb. Watklna Jt Co., 250 Alder et. Richardson, A B.. S31 Com. Club bide Bchalk. Geo. P., 264 Stark et. Main 392. A 393. fiharkAT. J. P. A Co.. .122 k Blxtb at. Bwenaaon, A P. A Co., 253 hk Washington at. Tbe Oreion Real Estate Co.. 88 Aira mu (Holladar Addition.) Wad del. w. O.. 509 Lumber Exchange bid. White, B. IT.. 227H Waeblneton at. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. $250 FOR a large, 6-room modern colonial nouse. Fu U cement baeement. Wood-lift. Lartre ba.th.room. Beautiful pantry, with bins and drawers and giaas china closet, finished In natural WOOd. Kitchen la tiled. Piped for gas. Wired for electricity. Large bay window. Plate rail in dining-room.-Sliding: doors between parlor and dining room, Cozv seat In recentlon hall. It Is equal to anything you "have seen for $3200 to $3500. but owing to another deal, this party will sell for $2650 and $500 is the terms. Ton will miss something if you don t come out and see it. Griffin. 1082 East Lincoln, comer 37th. Remember. 5 blocks south of Hawthorne eve Phonn B lfilO. t hAve 105 houses for sale on East Bide, but none of them can, compare with this buy. It Is Just as represented. Be sure and come out ana see it. TIT TOTT Will take the Montavilla car and get off at Jonesmore we -will show you the best Inrestment for the money in to is city. Main 892, A 2592. 2S4 Stark St. ENGLISH WALNUTS. TCje iK. lartraat n wrier and Plant ers in Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties aro In the walnut country. Yamhill 5-acre tracts, planted, $100 cash. $15 per month, ruiTUf-ijrr.T. matthrwa m. INC.. 110 Second St. SNAP!! HOLLADAY PARK. SNAP!! New 2-story, strictly modern, 9-room house, cove celllns'!). full cement basement. fine furnace, laundry trays, etc.. beautiful lot 67x100. sewer, gas. electric fixtures all in cement walk, graveled street, 3 blocks to car: only $-43W; terms. Trie oest ouy in Portland. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Washington. WHOLE block, being 8 full lots In high cultivation, neat temporary bungalow- style house; young orchard, all varieties of small fruit; excellent garden soil; 60 foot streets oa all sides; sightly spot for nice home; adjoining lots, ovxiuu. sen at $35u; must sen, win earn lice at ziuu. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison St. BEAUTIFUL, sightly lot 50x100. 2 blocki from car: Bull Run water: both phones. electric lights, etc.; $30 down and $10 per nvmth. with a little larger casn payment will build home to suit purchaser. See cashier, room 714 Couch bldg. 8-ROOM bouse In the swell East Burnslde district: un-to-data In every respect ana has every modern convenience, including auto garage; over a full lot. frontage on two streets: seven dozen cnoice rose Duones. H. P. Palmer, 218 Commercial Club bldg. CHEAP LOTS. 4 lots 25x100 each, corner near the new race tracK; tney lie nice and level and will prove a good Invest ment; price only $400 for tne tour. i. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg.. ia ana Morrison sta ENORMOUS SACRIFICE. $1275, only $1275, brand new 5-room California bungalow, on Alberta carline, in fine neighborhood, lot 80x100; owner must sell, mono Main xvu. NEW map of Portland. Or., and vicinity of 25 miles' radius, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, showing the new railroads and electric lines In operation and course of construction. For sale at the Crossiey Co., 709 corbett Diag. BARGAIN 6-room new modern house; den, pantry, china closets, fine yard and rose bushes; beautifully located, 1 block from Thompson School. 836 Kerby, near Sha ver. It or U cars: NOB HILL RESIDENCE 86 Cornell (24th st.) between Everett and Flanders: modern, con venient and artistic; concrete mission style of architecture. U. 2. isoble. owuer, com mercial Block. ABSTRACTS of title often show defects that viil cause failure In your sale; have each abstract examinea by a competent attor ney at moderate charge. See W. S. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison, MUST SELL Strictly modern 6-room house, full lot. nne location, nest car service, best buy in tne market. dauu; terms. Owner, 508 Gerllnger bldg, 2d and Alder. MODERN cottages. bungalows full lots, streets improved, i:;uu eacn ; terms, aauu cash, $25 monthly, 7 per cent; three on Alberta St., two on Sunnyslde line, one on Fulton line. State Land Co.. IS 3 S First sL M. 9046. NEW 6 rooms, fine bath and toilet, hot and cold water, good sidewalks, right close to car, with furniture Included, only $ld00; small cash and monthly payments; see It. Call 618 Chamber Commerce. GOOD borne, 5 acres, close to car line; Truits, berries, poultry, etc.; unaoie to care for place; only $800; terms, $80 down, $13 per month to right party. See Cleland, room 1119 Board of Trade bldg., today. LOVELY HOME on Portland Heights interest you? New modern bungalow, oeautiruny finished, thoroughly built, for owner's own use; must be sold at a sacrifice. For full particulars address A 20, Oregonlan. WE have some good lots, 50x100, choice location, for $25 down, balance $5 per month ; also choice lots In Irvlngton. German American Realty Co., 343 H Wash ington St. FOR SALE i acres level land. 6H miles from Portland on county road. 1-3 mile from O. W. P. station: terms. $l?rO cash and $30 a year for balance; price $250 per acre. AD 250. Oreeonlan. ACRE TRACT, cleared, close in. 16 min utes' ride on Oregon electric, r.c fare, macadamized St., best soil; price $600 for quick sale : easy terms. Jas. C- Logan, room 41L Corbett bldg. VERY CHEAP IRVINGTON LOT. $1200 buys nne full-sized lot. 1 block from car; all improvements paid. HEILMAN & LATHROF, Over Merchants: National Bank. GRAND AND UNION. If you are interested in Grand or Union ave. business property see J. J. OEDBR, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. An ken y. $.1650 Elegant home; best residence district; 6 large rooms, basement, bath, closets; everything complete; fixtures and shades all go- best car service; must sell; terms. C. B. Lucas, 222 Corbett bldg. FULL lot with 6-room house, Sunnyside, nearly modern; gas, electricity, deslrabie home. $2?O0; terms; possession in 5 days. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. 2-STORY brick building on Russell St.. near Williams ave., business property. For price and terms phone owner, B 1756, or address H 26ft. Oregonlan. $2100 FOR 5 lots, two corner, three inside; First Hyde Park. $400, $30 per month; no agents. H 270. Oregonlan. $3700 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $.170. Strictly modern bungalow, new, full lot. A genuine bargain. H-.nry C. Prudhomme, 306 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE left on Broadway, between East 6th and 7th. 60x65 for $1900, or 32x65 for $ 1050. or 2Sx65 for $950- Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. IgOO Good building, lot on Commercial at., close In. Inquire 244 Sell wood st. WILL sacrifice 2 lots on Peninsula, close to oar and school. ' A 2t8, Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ONE OF THE FINEST DAIRY FARMS OF OREGON ON THE TUALATIN RIVER. 2 miles from K. R. station, one hour's ride from Portland, 248 acres, 125 in high state of cultivation, 0 acres of tine saw timber, balance pasture, good 8-room bouse, large barn and outhouses, nice orchard, electric line will pass close to farm, a bargain at $75 per acre; $6000 cash, balance 6 per cent any length of time; this land will be worth $2aX per acre within one year. . 44 acres, 15 in cultivation, one mile to new electric line, running water, 4-room house and good barn, on fine automobile road, 14 miles from Portland; only $100 per acre; $1000 cash, balance any length of time at 6 per cent. R. F. D. and tele phone; young orchard. IS acres, 17 In cultivation, on Southern Pacific, mile to electric line, no build ings; $1600, $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent for any time; this will double in price within 9 months; 1 hour's ride from Portland. A beautiful country borne. 12 acres, 6 in cultivation; new, modern 4 -room house, 12 fine bearing fruit trees of choice qual ity, new barn; price only $2tKH, $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent; 15 miles from Portland. We have a number of select properties on or near the new electric line to Hills boro and we advise you to investigate our bargains before buying elsewhere ; we gladly take you out to judge for your self. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, INC.. 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg.. Corner Fifth and Morrison Streets. $4500. Beautiful home of7 large rooms; large ball, living-room, with fireplace; large, at tractive dining-room; convenient kitchen with laundry trays, large pantry, etc ; best arrade of oak floors in halL living-room and dining-room ; upstairs has 3 extra large sleeping rooms, large bath and plenty ot large c lose is; iuu cement case ment, cement floor, furnace, etc.: beauti ful lot 50x100, situated In choice neigh borhood; close in; best car service; owner is leaving' the state and is maKing tnis attractive price for quick sale; $4500, terms. SWEET, 204 Corbett Bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE ON BAST PINE- ST. Has electric light, bath, large porch, close to car; $1800; half cash. 108 Another good buy in the same locality, ' one 6-room house and one 8-room house on the same lot; $1400; $500 cash. 109 HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. A HOME. There Is a sulendid new 6-room home with lot 50x100 feet on the East Side that I will sell for 2500: $500 down and $20 per month; 6 per cent interest; there is no reason why you- should pay rent when you can get a bargain like this; buy this and get settled before the rains set in. GEO. D. 6 CHALK. Main 392, A 2392. 264 Stark St. A LARGE number of choice houses in Irving ton and Holladay Add. Come and Inspect before it is tco late to get Into the moat desirable part of Portland. Any amount of lots, all prices: some very de sirable home sites cheap. One 10-a. tract, nicely located to the city, only $1000 per acre. Finely furnished house, carpets, rugs and furniture very reasonable. Irv-inf-ton, Broadwav cars. For further par ticular call at office, cor. 15th and Halsey sta East 806. c 1903; res. C 1508, G 127 L DOLEN & HARDMAN. 11600 NEW 5-room house; 8 rooms besides hall, pantry and den on first floor; 2 rooms, closets and bath on second floor; electric and gas fixtures; china closet; full concrete basement; roof tarred; ce ment walk; modern plumbing; easy terms. Inquire of owner, 1095 Maryland ave., near Piedmont car barns. Phone Wood lawn 60. Take St. John car. CENTRAL ALBINA. New 7-room strictly modern house, full cement basement and floor, cement side walk around house, roomy attic, houso tinted throughout; first-class furnace. 870 Kerby st., between Mason & Shaver, op posite Thompson School; $3600. Owner, X 245. Oregoaian. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BELL. Buyers waiting with $150 to $300 cash to apply on small homes. , WHAT HAVE YOU ? See me at once. Automobile for showing property. A. S. DRAPER. 82 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. MODERN 6-room house. Just completed; fireplace, e?ectrlc and gaa fixtures; full cement basement; new lawn; 10-mlnute car ride to center of city; a beautiful little home; can be had on easy payments. O. M. SMITH, 415 Commercial Club Bldg. WE BUILD HOMES. We have first-class, modern facilities for building homes upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of C. mmerce. INVESTMENT. I will build store and flat In splendid location; will pay 20 per cent net on full price or about 25 per cent net on amount required to handie. Butterworth. owner, 85 Fafayette bldg. Main 8520. 5-ROOM house and lot 60x100; $300 cash, bal. terms $15 per month. New bungalow, $500 cash, bal. terms $15 per month. Both on carline, 20 minutes ride. Will build to suit. Mult. Inv. A Realty Co., 1018 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sta BUNGALOW Stylish, new. neat and natty; strictly moaern; gas, electricity; wans tinted; full basement; laundry; near cor ner Union ave. and Alberta st. $2550. Highland Realty Co., 1051 Union ave. CORNER and adjoining lots for sale at a bargain; graded street. Bull Run water, 6-minute car service; two proposed car lines. Investors, look this up. Terms. A 261 Oregonian. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city; acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney ft Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. NEW 7-room modern home, beautifully ar ranged ana nnisnea; cno.rest locauon, Holladay Park; near Broadway car. O 263, Oregonlan. RISLEY TRACT, Oregon City carline, 2 acres or more; all In cultivation; best of land. C. W. Rlsley, owner. Risley'e P. O., Mtlwaukie,' 10 ACRES, 6 miles out, near Enacada line; about 4 acres In berries: all fenced; sight ly ground; $3500, $1400 cash, balance 5 years at 5 per cent. 325 Lumber Exchange. I AM living in my 6-room unfurnished house comfortable now; z lots, rruit, gar den; "block from car; $1400, terms. Owner, room 8, 221 Morrison. SNAP 6-room cottage, almost modern, w.Ith one lot twxiw, ciuae in; yncs German American Realty Co., 343 Washington st. BUNGALOW, large and commodious; ground lOOxlUU; oeauinui iiumw , uwirer iorcea io sell. Call on B. R-. Room 40, Washing ton bldg. -ACRE tracts, close to electric and a team 1 hies; best black soil; $750 ech; cash, balance 6 per cent. Catterlin A Mann, 242i Alder St. ... 6 ACRES of high and sightly ground; level; lies tine ior piamoK. buuu uuy. -wtiu on B. R-. Room 40. Washington bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful West Side 6-room terms. CHOICE building lots for sale In all parts or toe City. wasningion ureitua xioaisy Co., 108 2nd st.. Portland. LOTS In restricted district $650, Including BfdewalKS; iu per cent casn. x-urse, bi Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. BARGAIN Good 6-room house and busi ness lot in sunnyame; aaju, terms, rooue B 1762. BY owner, choice' corner. East 14th and Yamhill. suitaDie ior nats. sarette, tailor, 26S Alder. VERNON Choice corner, 15 tU and Wy- gant, cneap; a. so msiae tot, tuu. fnone East 6308. 2 LOTS. 40x100 each, corner; small house, 1 block soutn or Aioerta car; StdU, 825 Lumber Exchange. 60x100. NEAR Ockley Green; $400, $150 down, balance witnin o montns. iv um ber Exchange. $150 CASH, balance $15 per month; nics home on cariiue, iuu iai; price 1UUU. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. 15 FULL city lota for $2500; close in, near carline; part casn. tuxm 1011 Jioard of Trade bldg. 5 LOTS, 50x100 each, rear Ockley Green; $2200, iUu casn. do i.umwr Jxcnange. ABSTRACTS examined at moderate charges. V . ara. Ainny. si ioio. A GOOD buy; block on East Bide, close In; owner, c . ureaonian. g4O0 50x100 on Alberta St. ; easy terms; gOOG ouy. -y Duma, Xsfcuruiton Diag. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. CHEAP LOTS. 8 quarter blocks in Boston Add. 1 50x100 lot, nice, in Boston Add. 1 quarter block In Burneld Add. 1 75x100 lot in Willamette. 1 quarter block in Montavilla. 1 quarter block In Morgan Add. 1 50x100 lot in Hudson Add. 1 25x100 lot In Hudson Add. 1 50x100 lot in Irvington Park. 2 50x100 lots In heart of Linn ton. 1 75x100 corner in Linnton. These lots are sold at extremely low prices, and title to same is based on sheriff's deed. C. F. PFLUGER & CO.. Room 14 Mulkey Bldg., 2d and Morrison. A NICE HOME ON EAST 22D ST. Walking distance, 6-room modern house, has cement basement, bath, furnace, nice level lawn, fine large porch, is In a good locality, surrounded by nice homes and can be bought for $3300; $1000 cash, balance a? you would pay rent. 193 HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 IN Woodlawn, all in nice young fruit trees. Bull Run water, close to carline; this week only $(J25 cash. 127 HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. 35 ACRES, with 1000 feet deep water front age on Willamette River and extending back to improved county road, running water on tract, mostly in wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five mikss from Portland, 1500 feet from electric line, good graded road leading to same. Price $24,500. No agents need apply. H. G. Starkweather, box 43, route 1, Mil waukie. Or. Phone Oregon City, Farm ers 1S6. NEW 5-room modern bungalow, large lot, trees, wood fiber plaster, tiled In kitchen and bath, walls tinted, porcelain bath, lavatory, toilet, sink, 30-gal. tank, base ment, cement foundation. 3 coats paint, wort h $ 2250 ; $ 1 850 will make you the owner; $250 down, balance to suit. 613 Couch bldg. OWNER of fine new home on paved street, 1 block from car, must go to country for health; homo new. very modern; 4 bed rooms, 2 toilets, large fireplace, furnace, laundry, cement basement, combination fixtures. Will sell for $4000; could not be duplicated for $4500. Both phones 8126. No agents. BUILDING NOTICE. Build for a home or make income property out of your vacant lot; we build for cash or furnish you the money on easy terms ; have plans of some very artistic homes; plans and estimates fur- msnea iree. .rnone Main 3917. TWO LOTS AT TREMONT PLACE. 40x100. With alleys: rood car service: 25 mln utps' ride from 3d and Yamhill sts. ; price itfo eacn, easy terms. Address Owner, I 270, Oregonian. NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. 50x100 on corner, with 2 6-room, frame buildings; 23d St., West Side; sale or ex- cnange for flats same value; $15, OW. PINE TREE LAND COMPANY, 609-10 Buchanan Bldg., 2X64 Washington Phone Main 8890. A BARGAIN IN A HOME. New 3-room cottage with bath, on good 60x100 lot, 3 blocks from Mt. Scott car- line, at Clark station; only $.50. cash re quired $350. Call at 243 Stark st. and see- owner. Walling & Payson. $5500 New, modem, 2-story. 6-room resi dence on East 22d. near Burnslde St.. made of especially selected lumber, plate glass Windows and all conveniences; easv terms. PARRISH. WATKIXS & CO., 50 Aldor St. VERY CHEAP HOLLADAY LOT. $1100 buys fine full-sied south-facing lot on Multnomah street; sewer and water in yard. HEILMAN A LATHROP. Over Merchants National Bank'. WEST SIDE Fine modern 7-room house and lot, within easy walking distance of id ana Washington sts.. best bargain on ' west aide; price only sfjuou cash. C. F Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d ana Morrison sts. GOOD 2-stery 7-room frame house, close to car; place in first-class condition; can give Immediate possession ; terms, $400 down and $20 per month. See cashier, room 715 Couch bldg. BUNGALOW 6 large rooms, full cement basement, beM plumbing, gas, electric, water: one block car: $2100: easy terms; a bargain. J. Cy Smith, 26 Hamilton oiag. LOOK, $1000. $150 cash, balance $20 per month, takes neat little cottage, rurnisnea. with 2 lots 7xiuo, ana about 2u cntcK ens, 50 feet from car. German American Realty Co., 34.1 U Washington st. ONLY $3500 A fine modern 6-room house, new, on Cleveland ave.. near Meaglcy sta tion. Full 50x100 lot. Terms. C. F. Pflnger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. Modern 7-room house, furnished com plete; choicest part of Holladay; Imme- 848 13th. near Broadway. E. 3957. GOOD home. 10 acres, close to city: house. fruits, berries, etc.; only $875: terms, $125 casn, balance cit per montn to goo a party, see Mr. u uonnor at rruit stana, N. W. cor. 11th and Washington. BY OWNER River front property on Wil lamette, a miles from fortiana ; au acres, extending to Oregon City carline; will sell in large or small tracts. Address box 62. Miiwaukie. R. F. .. No. 1. A RARE opportunity; must sell at once a cozy o-room cottage, moaern piumDing. eieo ' trie liaht. fireplace, 20 minutes on car. fre quent service ; ca?h or terms. Call 613 Linn ave., or phone Kellwood 983. 8 ACRES, near carline, only $1720; cold spring water; nne for cnicKens ana aucKs: easy payments; 5c carfare ; 1 7 mln. ride. bee tusseii at once, room anenocK 115.000 Whole block, close in: 6 houses oa property; income $75 month; "balance of block good ror laundry or sta Dies, t unr, Osborn Hotel, East Side. 36 ACRES of land on Clackamas River ad joining Clackamas Health Resort; 30 clear. 6 pasture; 2 miles from O. W. P. carline. A. Erickson. Oregon City. $1600 BUYS a cozy 4 -room bungalow Just com Dieted in one of Portland's prettiest suburbs small payment cash, balance like paying rent. c. a. Lucas, 6i cornett Diag. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT'Y. D. A. TUFTS. 303 WASHINGTON ST. I HAVE a bungalow in course of construc tion and will arrange Inside to suit pur chaser; full lot; price. $950. Fqr infor mation inquire n'J uanienoein ave. PENINSULAR lots; buy now; choice lots ad Joining Swift townsite on the west; cheapest and best location. See R. B. Carey, office at Peninsula Sta. BARGAIN Only $2250; worth $5000; 14 lots, 750 ft. from car, 16 minutes ride, 6c car ' fare; terms. See Russell at once, 444 Sher lock bldg. BEST snap on Nob Hill, full lot, 5-roora house, LoveJoy St., near 23d; $4350. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. $225 SNAP Lot in Reservoir Park; easy terms; must be sold. 619 S wet land. Main 1559. FOR SALE Y-room cottage and fractional lot, 703 Everett st : price $4750. See owner, 818 Failing bldg. WELL-FURNISHED 6-room flat for sale; modern. 30 North 16th St., near Wash ington. Phone 3835. ITALIAN, attention; modern 8-room, full lot, near car; $2200, terms. Inquire An geles, 242 6th. COUNTRY home, near good carline, with 3 acres of choice fruit and garden. Call on B. R., Room 40, Washington bldg. $500 DOWN, balance monthly, snap. New, modern 5-room house, close In, East Side; price $2300. Owner, AH 248, Oregonian. $750 Half block, only two blocks1 of car; pleasant location. J. Cy Smith, 26 Hamil- 7-ROOM modern home, with fine view, on West Side; price $4500: terms to suit. B. n n Aft TXTo hncrtnn hlrl tr XV., nuum p n- $15 CASH, $10 per month wMl buy lot. re stricted district. Main 1559. 519 Swet-land- 6 CRES best apple land.-Hood River dis trict; part down, balance monthly. E 265, Oregonlan. $20 CASH, $10 monthly buys two lots. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. ; CHOICE home near car in Be II wood ; $2500; terms. Room 16 Washington bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $50 BEAUTIFUL HOLLADAY PARK HOME $50. Can be obtained on the unheard-of trms of $50 per month; new. strictly up-to-date, two-story, four rooms, hall, den, pantry, etc. below; three rooms, bath. toilet, large closets, etc., above; attic and full concrete basement; fireplace, fine furnace, laundry trays; nice corner lot 50x100. fine lawn and plenty of roses; 4 and 2 blocks to car; price $5M0. The only chance like it in Port land. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bids:., 109 4th St., near Washington. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. No. 2ttf. A fine dairy farm, lrto acra. stout 18 miles from Portland; 50 acres In cultivation and 50 acres in pasture, nearly cleared, free from stumps. Well watered by creeks. Water pipd to all the buildings, etc.; 12 acres In orchard. 1'00 bearing fruit trees; 300 more set out last Spring; 2 houses, large barn, stra shed, tool house; hay barn for 15 tons of hay; carriage house for 6 or 6 rigs; gran ary: 4 hen nouses. 2 large hog houses, apple house for 2500 boxes of apples, frost proof, which cost $1000 : 6 water hydrants; plenty of stock goes with the place, in cluding 15 cows. 3 head of horses. 2 calves, about 40 bogs. 40 goats, 2 colts. 12 sheep, farm implements. Including wagons, plows, cultivators, drills, etc. All crops In or on the ground ; new cream separator and sli milking machinery and material, and line house for storing milk: IB swarms of bees, ducks, chickens, turkeys, etc. Prartirally all level land. Only 1 Vi miles to railroad (Na tion, store and postofflce. This is a first class bargain and offered at a low price; $12,000, terms. First payment can be made with city property. RALPH ACKLEY. 603 Corbett bldg. TRADERS, TAKE NOTICE. A swell modern 7-room house; cemnt walks and basement; lot 80x100; all im proved with lawn, roses and fruit; 1 block to carline. in Piedmont Add. Will ex change for small, well-lmprt ved farm near carline. Price $3200. PINE TREE LAND CO., 50H-1O Buchanan Bldg., 2Si '4 Washington St. Phone Main &90. FOR EXCHANGE. 1 6-room house, modern, full lot; also 1 6-room house, modern, lot 45x1 Oo, full basement; both block to carline; Cen tral Albina; will exchange for small farms or acreage near carline; value $3000 and $2600, respectively. PINE TREE LAND CO.. 509-10 Buchanan Bldg.. 2S6J-t! Washington St. Phone Main 8890. A RIG BARGAIN. 1560 acres of fine stock land; 200 acres in hay land, all wire fenced; price $10 per acre; also several 40-acre tracts that can be had at $2.50 rer acre; this is located in ' Union County, near La Grande; will ex change this for Portland property. PINE TREE LAND CO., 609-510 Buchanan Bldg.. 26l, Wash. at. 10 ACRES, 4 acres strawberries, 1 acre mixed orchard, balance vegetables and hay; b- room plastered house, cement cellar, water in house; aim 7-room bungalow and good, barn; ali fenced; close to Miiwaukie; $80o0, 1000 down or will take ranch up to $4000 as first payment. 325 Lumber Exchange. A NEW. modern 7-room house, with two lots, 100 feet frontage, cement walks, two blocks from carline, for small, we!l im proved farm near Portland. Will pay cash difference. B 266. Oregonian. $3oo EQUITY in very fine house in most desirable location; will sell or exchange for other property; this Is something better than ordinary. Call 618 Chamber Commerce. DANDY 5-room, new, modern bungalow. B. 13tb and Alberta, east front, $2500; terms. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. MODERN 5-room cottage near 61st and Hawthorne, paved street, to trade for building lots close In. Hornung, 326 Wor cester bldg. WANTED Stock of merchandise for a good 300-acre farm in Clackamas County, worth $10,500. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, sell or trade business or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or buelness property. Frank Lee 147H Front st. WE have houses, lots, farms, rooming houses and businesses of other kinds for Rale; also for trade. If interested call 513 Chamber Commerce. BY OWNER -8 -room residence. 100x100 corner, also 5-room cottage South Port land, corner and 2 acres on 5c fare, for lot or rooming-house. Walling. 243 -Stark. WHAT have you In exchanre for a fine barber shop clearing over $200 a month? Address H 269. Oregonian. $1500 EQUITY in 8-room house, will take auto as part pay. State Land Co., 138 Vj 1st st. TELEPHONE BONDS AND PTOK Taken in exchange for real estate. FRED H. STRONG, 66 Concord bldg. IF you want to buy, sell or trade anything, see Kauffmann A Moore, 825 Lumber Ex change. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. HOMESTEADS. A FEW choice locations on agricultural land; very rich soil, level, near prospect ive railroad. Will be worth fortune short ly. K 235, Oregonlan. FEW choice homesteads, agricultural lands readv for the plow; plenty of water; in vestigate at. .once. 611 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. FIRST-CLASS soil, plenty of water, can still be homesteaded. See us now. Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER wanted from owners only. We have clients for large or small tract n. The May-Holland Company (Inc.), 626-627-628 Corbett bldg. WE want timber lands, single claims or tracts. Murdoch A Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. WANTED Timber claim relinquishment or patent. Address AF 247, Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bicig. FOR RENT FARMS. GOOD 126-acre farm In Washington County, on North Prairie, with 6-room house, gar den, orchard, barn and other outhouses, rent $5 per acre. Apply to Wm. Kane, Forest Grove, Or. WILL lease for 5 years 10 acres, 6 aurei Dearing orcnaru, i ati u Peninsular ave., city. FARM for rent. J. N. Elliot. Oregon City. Route 3. FOR SALE FARMS. WOULD you Invest $10 a month for two years to secure sUit ran a mat win jiay you with absolute certainty after three; years, from $25 to $50 per month as long' as you live? See or write me for par-, tlculars regarding this investment, which I can heartily recommend. feweet. 204 Corbett bldg. 10 ACRES, only 4 miles from city limits, on state road to Salem; 6 wll Improved; good 4-room house, 3 acres rich bottom , land, with stock and implements, all for $3000; this iff a great snap; let us show ; you this. Goldschmidt's Agency, 253!6 Washington st. FOR SALE 20 acres. 8 acrea cleared, U J acre in bearing orcnarc, oaiance woocunai and pasture, small old house and bars, j good well, 80 rods to school, 1 mils to R. . R. station, on fine road, soil is ftrat-clajs. slightly rolling: part cash. Owner, care' Troch, 48 Washington, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE or rent, 40 acres of land. 25 ; acres unaer cuiumiiuu. .j...ia i road and 10 miles from Portland; running: water year round, on rural mall route near schoolhouse; good bargain. call 613 Overton et. ' CHOICE HOMESTEADS Pay you to in vestigate, (jovoriui.ciii $200. 522 Worcester bldg. 213 ACRES, all or In part. Salem Electrio line. rnonB w -" s kete Station. . ACRES on Base Line road, well 1m "proved; snap, $ih)u0. Angeles, 242 6th and Main. . HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to ' iron " FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted iamd tympany, muwo, vr. HrVl ,IAJ 100.0