$170 For a nice 10-acre trart. nearly all 1n culilvatlon: fine aprins; handy to falem eler-trlc near Tuaiatln. S2nrt0 For a f2-arre farm in Yamnlll Cnunlv, well worth $:;V4. 57(J For a beautiful 48-acre farm onlv milea from Portland Courthouse, with stock, crop and machinery; the cheapest place around Portland, M0 With only 1500 cash, balance o per cent on Ions time for a fine 155-acre farm In Yamhill County. Thla la auch a d-clded snaj, that a man ousrht to e licked who doe not Investigate tnii chance. n All kinda of tirmi throushout Oregon, small and large. If you want cooa value for your money, see F. FUCHS. SliUs Morrison St. TOO WANTS IT? 150 acres of the finest kind of apple land, good house, well and barn. 41, miles from R. R and steamboat landing;. R miles from Hood River. 2 govA springs on place, small orchard, balance easily cleared, splendid yiew or the mountains. part cash takea this, adjoining owner reiused :00 an acre for 17 acres this Bummer. MANCHESTER WILSON. ftoS Wells-Fargo Bldg. VALLEY stock and dairy farm; 300 acres. S miles of R. R.. store and postofnee. 1 acres In fine cultivation. 10o tons hay In the barns, good house, one good, large barn and 2 others, stream running through the place, no bluffs or rock. lto acres more can be cultivated: will trade for Improved Port land properly or sell on small caeh pay ment down: S75)0. CAMERON CABLF1 611 Board of Trade Bide-. 10 A'RES. only 4 miles from city limits, on state road to Salem; well Unproved; aoM 4-room house. ei acres rich bottom Iflnd. with stock and Implements, all for :mw: this is a great snap; let us show you this. Goldsuhmidt's Agency, 2534 Washington St. FOR SALE 2" acres, 8 acrea cleared. H a-re In bearing orchard, balance woodland and pasture, small old house and barn, good well, 80 rods to school. 1 mile to R. R station, on fine road, soil is first-class, sllghily rolling; part cash. Owner, care Troch. 4S Washington. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE or Tent. 40 acres of land. 25 a.res under cultivation, on macadamized road and 10 miles from Portland: running water year round, on rural mall route, rear schoolhouse; good bargain. Call 613 verton st. so ACRES unimproved agricultural land at railroad station. 25 mllea north of Port land; best of fruit land, easily cleared; also 40 acrea on R. F. D. near Camas. J. L. Sutton. 174 13th st. . WHO wants the beat farm In the Willam ette Valley 7 For particulars call upoa or write ConnelU Long Imbrle. Hllis- boro. Or. CHOICE HOMESTEADS Pay you to In vestigate. Government Location. Fee $100. 522 Worcester bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. Swedish Land A Immigration CO.. 311 Worcester Blug. HC'MESTEAO relinquishment, tributary to Portland. 327 Worcester block. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted 1 .smi Company, Ealem. Or. rOR SALE TDIBEB LAND. THREE BIO BARGAINS IN TIMBER. 14.t0,000 fir and 16S pieces of piling, 17.V" T. mil .000 flr and 2528 pieces of piling, S4.VIO 5 .'.". 000 flr and 1617 pieces piling. 27.V. In I.ane County. Guaranteed cruise. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY (INC.). 626-627 28 Corbett Bldg. SII.ETZ homestead relinquishment, 8.0OO.000 feet: no squatter's right, but open for Immediate filing; located on lletx River, near store. postofTlce and sawmill; price, 1mh);-claim easily worth $10,000 or immi when patented. A. W. Nelson A Co., Lafayette bldg. FOR SALE A relinquishment of timber on the Silctz: nine or ten million feet, with good Improvementa; 13000 If taken quick. An opportunity to make $3000 or $0000 in the next 14 months. Address box 622, corvallls. Oregon. T1M1ER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D LACKY A CO Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 828 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. TIMBER LANDS. California. Oregon. Washington. Government locations a specialty. OLIVER A HAVILAND. 1119 Board of Trade Bldg. 2.000.000 YELLOW pine and fir land is level and A-l soil: pear Medford. A rare cnar.ee. Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce. 3000.000 TIMBER claim In Douglas County; patented; yellow and svisar pine. Owner leaving city, needs casn; $1650 this month. C 252. oreconian. WANTED Practical mill man: one-half in tercj In 10 years' cut; water and rail trans portation Portland markets; $$0V0 to $10,000 tash reauired. Boa 7. city. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. ORKGON AND WASHINGTON THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY (INC.), 626-627-6-8 Corbett Bldg. WANTRD Partner: best logging proposition on Columbia River: 2o0.0oo.000; $00,000 re qulrrd. C 271. Oregonian. TVVO tlniher relinquishments: cedar and fir; tlioN-r and stone act. Call Immediately. 327 Worcester block. TEN" million relinquishment In Sllets for sale cheap. Allen A Buoy. 611 Board of Trade bldg. CHOICE YEI.LOW PINB CLAIMS, Government locations. 327 Worcester blk. I TWENTY railroad claims, guaranteed six to 1" million feet. Hohan, 211 Alisky blk. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED For cash, a 3 or 4-room cottage or bungalow, not further out than lttln or 2oth St.. and In the neighborhood of the Alberta carline: must be a bargain. 40 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6 or 7-room house between Holla dav ave. and Tillamook st. and Union and Ticnton aves. : can pay $2C0 cash, balance $2. or $ a month; state location and price. S 254. Oregonian. WE have buyers for homes and lota If your price and terms are right, see Mount Tabor Realty Co.. 503 Gerliuger bldg.. 2d and Alder. WANTED At once. 4 or 6-room new or near Iv new rr..Wn cottage, not loo far. out: will pay 2vt down and $15 per month. S 2.l. Or soman. WANTED FARMS. FARMERS. ATTENTION! We have a fine list of city property to exchange for farms, 10 to 5t0 acres; list your place with iu, we will sell or trade It. City Realty A Building Co.. 430 Wor cester bldg. WANT to rent, with option of buying, 23 to 50 acres, suitable for small dairy and poultry: experienced and best of refer ences O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay BldR. FOR SALE. Honrs. Vehicles sod Harness. FOR SALE New light two-horse express wagon with canvas top over seat; ca pacity looo pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all in good condition; price $100 Inquire at room 200 Oregonian bldg. or of A P. Langenbcrg. Clackamas, Or. CHEAP. 240O-lb. work team, new plow, light 3-eprlng wagor.. light wagon pole, fine s:n gle harnen; t:ike cow in exchange. 838 Kast 2Mh st. -Woodstock car. 26 HORDES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus. eadd.eit, ham-?, cheap to close cut. Hubert A- H;I1. 2A 4th St. FANX'Y driving mare, city broke. 5 yeara oid. standard bred. C. F. Frey. Mllwau kH. Oiv HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinda for sale. 214 Montgomery. FOR SAL Young team draft horses. Ap ply 308 Davis st. A NICE dappls gray pony 4 years o;d: good traveler: a beauty; $40. 267 Morrison at. I HAVE to sell one of three teams Take your pick 40 East Russell st. IliilSKS boTStes and harness for sa or hire .S2 Ka.t ::tth st. phoue Tabor 1112. AutomobUrs. FOR PALE New and second-hand runa bouts from $2oO to $573; touring cars from i $4V to $2000: all in Al condition. Phone B 2361. East 614. Open Sunday, lilt Grand , awa-. cor. EasvAlder at. Opes, evenlnga. : : I ...-. .. j ., ,VTF.VALE. F" SITUATION WANTED MA1JS. 1 WAXTFD MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BENT. ! - mR M.I .ur I H . . , -. - I - I I Automobile. WANTED To trade a good 2-acre chicken ranch, on two carlines, fruit bearing, large chicken-houses, good 5-room house, makes a fine Summer home, for an auto mobile: White Steamer preferred. G. B. Cllne, Tabor 1147. AUTOMOBILES, touring cars and- ran abouta. $250 to $1200. for sale or trade. W. O. Hartman. 46 2d su Main 1862. FOR SALE 5-passenger White steamer: this Is a bargain for cash or trade for real es tate. Phone East 1020. TOURING car. 4-cyllnder. glass front, top. new tires; fully equipped: $.50. N 2J5. Oregonian. W A N T Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H 4. Oregonian. $500 Cadillac; seats 6; Al condition. J 252. Oregonian. I'tanoa. PIANOLA piano at sacrifice: leaving city. Inquire of Janitor. 586 Everett- Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPB PIPE. We are surelv the pipe kings. Any amount of anv size and all good pipe. too. Every foot guaranteed, all dipped In coal tar free, which makes the same as good as galvanised. 2-Inch pipe. 8c foot. 2Vlnch pipe. 12c foot. S-lnch pipe. 15c foot. 4-inch pipe. 23c foot- We also have on hand: , 50.000 ft. and 4-lnoh galTanlied pipe. 2000 ft. 12-inch new pipe- 2ooo ft- 10-tnch new pipe. 3OO0 ft. 3-inch new pipe- 2OO0 ft. 4-lnch new pipe. 1000 ft. 9-inch galTanlied, riveted. All pipe guaranteed; If not satisfactory your money reiunded. The store with the money-back policy. J. SIMON A BRO-, 244-246-250 Front St. ROOFING MATERIAL Positively New Roofing Material, lono squares rubber roofing Our prices. Others charges- 1-nlv $1 23 l-ply....$2.00 IS?:::: i w 2 Piy.... 2.50 S-pli-.... 2.25 3-ply .... 3.00 We have 6000 squares positively new cor rugated iron that we are selling at $2.25 per QAleo 2000 squares galvanlied corrugated lTBr sure and see ns before buying roofing, as we have the right stock at the right price. J. SIMON A BRO., 244-246-250 Front Et. FOR SALE Belting and hose, slightly dam aged. Z reel ij-in.. " 233 feet 2"-ln. 4-ply rubber belt. 1-5 feet 2-ln. cotton mill hose. Miscellane ous lot of odd sixed belting. F. M. Branch. 611 Lumber Exchange MOVING picture films for rent; the best selected stock In the West; all reels i 1000 feet: no damaged films; everything that s good. Send for catalogue and terms. Theater Film Service Co. Inc.. 1042 Golden Gate ave.. Ban Francisco. CaU CHEAP for cash, furniture of or real estate buptness. Including 52-lnch roll-top dee and chair, flat-top desk, rugs, office chairs and typewriter: will sell separately; office rent only $7 per month. 622 Worcester bldg. ; MOVING picture machines; any make; films, slides and supplies; talking ma chines, records; opera and folding chairs, posters, tickets, etc. 50 J page catalogue free. New York Motion Picture Co.. 1042 Golden Gats ave., Sam Francisco. Cal. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tablea with privilege of buying: modern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 Third at. FOR SALE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS. IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5OO0. Parties interested call Maglnnls A Son. 403-4 McKay bldg. NEW tailor-made suits, alio 36. cost $40; mist wear black; sell for $2.".. Call Wed nesday A. M. Antlers, cor. 10th and Waahlngton, room e. On account of removal Mr. James McCraken offers his launch. Loehlnvar. for sale at a. bargain. Apply to Frank Masters. Ore gon Launch Co.. foot of East Madison st. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. Fine repairing a specialty. Call or address L- Winters, 318 Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and bolst ln engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway . A- Ta a oifljl Main 2303. Kquipmem J" NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents you the latest films, song slides, supplies. J . , , ..-4- - ') n 'J Tliien.ida etc.. at tne lowea. FOP SALE Thoroughbred Englleh setter pups 10 weeks old. Apply H. Horger, 114 Russell st WILL trsde A-l single driving harness for hammerless shotgun or take same a. part pavment for lot. 243 8tark M. or A 1H.6. FOR SALE Office fixtures and safe. Phone Main 6S54 from 10 to 4. 420 Lumber Ex change bldg. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies: registered stock. 204 Alberta, at. U" car. SOME rrtee furniture, very cheap: must be sold this week; come early. 7.0 Lnion ave. North. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prlcea. Hoover. SIS Water St. 1 nor., aain -u FOR SALE 00 head of angora goats cheap. Address T. J. Ripley. Oregon city. R... D. No. 2. A $75 CERTIFICATE on Graves' Music Co good till Sept. 26. Phone Woodlawn Hol. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 ta 4th St. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon- FOR SALE Two safes, letter-press, desks and office furniture. Chlopeck Fleh Co. HELP WANTED MALE. FACTORY hands wanted at once; 1 "ter and 8 sash and door helpers. McMlnn vllle Planing Mill. McMlnnvllle. Or. WANTED S flrst-claas sash and door cut ters; good wages. Apf.iy at once. Supt. Natlonal Lbr. A Box Co.. Hoqulam. TV ash. WOULD like partner In long established real estate business: good opportunity and will stand close investigation. C 257, Oregonian. WANTED Young man wants to purchaae railroad ticket East; give partlculara. R 2."3. Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitor wanted with refer ences: will sell half Interest; Investigate. I. 270. Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. Commercial Abstract Co.. suite 40S Commercial Club bldg. FOR WORK OR FOR HELr CALL ON r PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d st. Both phones. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Men 250 Burnslde Street Phone Main 3604. w ANTED A good house-to-house can- visser. with references. Apply room 39. nam ii . Headquarters, cooks, helpers. CjHtaJla Wins Depot. f. ioraw. awj COT and TMtmaker wanted. $3 up- An drew. Berry. La Grande. Or. WANTED Boy with wherl: must be ifteady; Vood we? Inqulm 351 WaMhlnsto-t t. TV AVTED Oood apprentio oa type. Schw.il Printintt Co.. Stark U TWO cabinetmaker wanted. Oawald Fur niture Co.. Oregon City. Or WAN'TBD Man to do chorea about house; ood h onTe vnd aome pay. 433 Market st. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency. 810 DaTia at- Main S309. MXX with $100 can make big money. Ca.U till 2, 4 East 7th. or Phone Eat 771. patn'TFRS WANTED Sereral painter to work on scaffold. P 2.-4. OreRonian BARBER wanted; ateady Job. rlson at. 205 Mor- WANTED A matreaa maker. Pet era A Kooen.- ru""tu'q - GIRL for ireneraJ housework In small fam ily. Call 2-50 King at. WANTED Three coatmaker. Iean k Curtias. Seattle. Wash. A fSROCERYMA N navinp experience with W. A. Irvin. Salem. Or. Phone Main 86. WNTEi3 Coatmaker. ! up: railrcad fare advanced. D. J- Peter. Walla Walla, Wash. BOYS WANTED AU day or after school. TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1908. WANTED Gang edgerman for larpre min, $3.25; lumber frraders. 2 to $2.25; lum ber pilere, $2.30; 3 whistle boys, $1 and board. Man and wife on ranch near city; no children; good wages. Large list of other Work too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CtX, 12 North 2d st. Both phones. 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year ; men and women to learn barber trade in eight week; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in vt ructor ; tools free ; write for catalogue. Moler System of Collegea, 35 N. 4th St., Portland, Or. WANTED Six good clrcue acts; anything that can work next week and make good; also a couple of singles for house. 10 to 12 today. 218 Rothchild bldg. WANTED Honest man to assist In employ ment and real estate business; references and $300 required; $25 weekly salary guar anteed, also commissions. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 308 H Washington St., Suite 4. ALL-AROUND camp blacksmith. $110 month; carpenters. $3; helpers. $2.50; haijsdymen, $2.30; sawmill help, loggers, city laborers; R. R. laborers. Eastern Oregon and Cali fornia; free faro. C. R. HANSEN, JR., 26 X. 2d St. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230 240 8th St., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employ men t Olfi ce M en' s Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Holp Free to employera MOVING picture operators make $35 week ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn the business In short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co. 293 Burn side st. BOOKKEEPER wanted, must be familiar with real estate business and able to give bond or security; one that will take Inter est in t he firm preferred. Address, w 1th references, S 262. Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Wrije us If interested. Albany Nurseries, Al bany. Or. WANTED Young, industrious man to sell butter churn in country,. $4 a day, ex penses; must know how to drive team; also Invest $'W0 as security; references. Call 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. POSTAL clerks and carriers call in re gard to preparing at once for November Exam. Good salary to start; steady em ployment to ambitious young men. Pa- CII1C omicsj oi:iiuuiB. WANTED Real estate sales manager well acquainted In city. Give last employer, references, etc., in first letter. Big money for a competent man. Address M 2jo, Oregonian. " WANTED Draftsman experienced in de signing iron and steel framed wood-working machinery. Apply Western Cooperage Co., Corbett bldg., Portland. Or. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics: easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learing. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle WANTED Couple to take care of an in valid lady for her board and the use of acre of ground. Mrs. Gray, Archer Place, Mt. Scott. WANTED Young man to learn real estate business, small capital required, share profits while learning. Investigate. 24 J Fifth and Main. DRESS GOODS SALESMAN. Thoroughly experienced and competent; none other need apply. OLDS, WORTMAN KING. WANTED A canvasser and collector for a position that will pay $200 per month; only hustlers need apply. 423 Washington street. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor Cath olic magazine. 11.000 circulation; cash, ad vanced on contracts. Benedictine Press, Good no ugh bldg. GERMAIN'S high-class information bureau, none but first-class employes registered and snt out. 2 and 3 Benson bldg.. 3th and Morrison. A 2145. WANTED -Toung man between the age of 17 and 21 to begin mechanical train ing. Apply Tuesday. 8 A. M., 14th and Couch. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opens' its Fall term October 1. Two yearn" course with degree. 630 Worcester block. Phone Main 4604. BILLING CLERK, wholesale house Must state experience, age, and references; good opportunity. R 250, Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, Dekura bldg. WANTED--3 first-class general agents for accident Insurance company. C. H. Weston, room X Commercial Club bldg. SALESMAN wanted for real estate and se curity, for the Montana and Nevada; good contract. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED Bids excavating S basements and grading. East 50th and Lincoln. Dr. Darling, Main 1303. CLOTHING salesman who can write cards and trim windows. P. A- A C. Co., 323 Washington at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GERMAIN'S high-class Information bureau; none but first-class employes registered and sent out. 2 and 8 Benson bldg., 6th and Morrison. A 2146. WANTED Experienced demonstrator, bet. 6 and & P. M. HQ 165 4th st. sell bldg. Call rub- woman for cooking and housework part of day; small family. 747 E. Madison; Hawthorne car. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; muet be a good coo It. 687 Davis at., near 21st. GIRL wanted to assist In housework. 747 Glisan st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 1S6 East 16th st. Phone East 2007. WANTED Young woman to learn nursing. Swedish Hospital. 433 Market. WANTED Women for general housework ; must understand cooking. 433 Market st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call mornings. 412 Burnslde st. GIRL or woman for general housework; small family. 736 Hoyt sc WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at 7:5 Broadway or phone East 2278. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position in small family. Main 8524. Main 91161. TOUNG girl to assist in light housework. 601 Jefferson St. GIRL for general housework, family of 2, good wages. 601 Kearney st. WANTED G!rl for general housework; small family; $25. 626 E. Ankeny at. GIRL to assist In general housework; must sleep at home. Apply 329 13th. EXPERIENCED presser at once. Call 751 Washington, The Wardrobe. COMPETENT woman cook, with references. Call Wednesday. 653 Johnson st. WANTED Lady solicitor to sell city real estate. Address D 269, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework: good wages right party. 748 Weidler at., Broadway car. GIRL to assist with housework In small family. Apply 652 Kearney st THE COLONIAL, 10th and Morrison; want ed, first-class waitress; wages. J25. FIRST-CLASS saleswoman for millinery, to work In the afternoons. S 258. Oregonian. GOOD girl for. general housework. Apply mornings, 2.o l-m rnone BOOKKEEPING, private lesson 4 nights In week. $4 per mo. Main 7862, A 4948. WANTED Experienced saleslady. Heller'a Millinery. 880 Washington st. COOK wanted; references required; good On LiUCTBlls. ! WET NURSE wanted. Call 489 East Burn side, or phone B 1S04. A FI RST-CLASS cook and general house work girl- Apply 735 Everett st. FIRST-CLASS waitress. Palace Restaurant, 129 4th et. - GOOD plain oook. 761 Flanders St.. cor. 23d. COOK waated at 570 Hoyt St.; good wages. SPBCTAL. M girls for packing factory, city. $125 day; 8 girls and women for bottle washing. $1.25 a day; 15 women for fruit canning, country. 75c day, room and board. 3 salesladies, city, $1 day and commission; 4 salesladies to travel around the state, $.'J0 per month and traveling expenses; no es pecial experience required, excepting hustle. Housegirla, cooke, second girls, nurse girls. Waitresses, chambermaids, housekeepers. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. WANTED. Cooks. $25 to $45; waitreese. $7, $8, $9 $lo week. $25 to $30 month; chambermaids, $20 to $25; girls for general housework, $15 to $30; second girls. $16 to $26; factory girls, laundry girls, etc.; other too nu merous to mention here. Large llet of new positions dally. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison sfc 9 COOKS. 1 hotel, out town, $30-$45. 2 2d girle 1 out town. $20-$25. 6 waitressee. 2 out town, $22.50-$26. 2 kitchen helpers. $2n-$25. 2 child nurses. $15-$25. St Louis Ladies' Employment Agency, 209ri 4th St. Main 2039. A 2824. WANTED A woman to fit and make altera tions on ladies' suits. Apply 10 to 12, gen eral manager, I Gevurtz & Sona WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; good money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington st HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Wash. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. A GIRL wanted to do cooking and house work In family of three. Call between 9 A. M. and S P. M., at 471 Main St., between 13th and 14th. WANTED Experienced saleslady. general store; must be neat, pleasant appearance. Salary $50 per month. Give reference. R. B. Bragg & Co.. Hood River. WANTED Girls to solicit; good opportu nity to make money; salary and commis sion. Apply 9-10 A. M and 5-6 P. M., 301 Fleidner bldg.. 10th and Wash. sts. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework, family or three. Address 567 Maple st., Ladd's Addition. Phones East 3026 and B 1661. . TWO respectable young ladles wanted at once to learn the barber's trade, that are willing to go to a seacoast town. C 2o8, Oregonian. WAITRESSES, city; 2 springs, S25. Cooks, city, Vancouver, Independence ($40). Do mestics, etc, etc. "Drake s," 203 Wash ington. ' RESPECTABLE woman for chamber worR; wages and housekeeping rooms. Inquire the Grand, 45 North 3d St. WANTED Good cook and dining-room girl for small country hotel. Address Mrs. S. King, Stella. Wash. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2682. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladle' Department. 205 & Morrison at. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St., room 307. Main &S:6 or A 3266. GIRL for general housework In small family; references required. 367 16th, near Mont gomery. , LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay ; instructions free. Call. 452 Washington. HOUSEKEEPER for farm; elderly lady preferred; no objections to small girl. C 266, Oregonian. A COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. 383 North 32d at., Willam ette Heights. WANTED Girl or woman at once to assist In light housework, family of three. Phone 2421. A GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. 440 East 19th st. N. Irvington. Phone East 556. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted to do house work on farm, good home. Call 389 N. 19th, bet. 10 and 12 A. M. GIRL for general housework with family of three, call mornings or Phone East 6240 or C 1405. 415 East 11th St.. North. GIRL or woman for general housework; plain cooking, small family. 40 20th. on Portland Heights carline. Phone A 4376. WANTED A competent igirt for sgeneral housework ; small family ; . good wages. 756 Wasco st. WANTED Competent woman for house work and cooking; good wages. Apply 357 12th st., cor. Mill. YOUNG girl for general housework; family of two. Call 775 Schuyler St.. or phone East 901. A COMPETENT woman for general house work; three in family; good wagea 620 East Ankeny. . WANTED Girl for general housework in - steam-heated apartment. Mrs. Overbeck. Phone Main 6257. 69 North 23d St. LADY violinist, good reader and some ex perience; give phone number. E 270, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl to asstM with light house work; $12 per month. 1094 Corbett St., end of S. car. South Portland. GOOD girl for general housework; a German girl preferred. Apply 601 Schuyler, cor. 16th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 3 In family. 3 7th St.. North. Main 2416. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Fisk Teachers Agency. 202 S wetland bldg. Phone Main 2410; r.s., M. 6425. WE SECURE POSITIONS for our student-; any system of shorthand. Business Uni versity. Phone Main 4504. FOR HELP FOR WORK A. B, C EMPLOYMENT CO., 226 Morrison. M. 3022. We are white. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BY energetic young man, well acquainted with general offk-e work, position with mer cantile or contracting firm; Englieh, Ger man and Spanish spoken. Reply R 260, Oregonian. GERMAN and English public speaker and teacher. bookkeeper and German sten ographer Is looking for a better position; can' give good references. 062 G an ten be In ave. Pbona E. 4210. AMBITIOUS young man of good habits de eires position as assistant bookkeeper, hotel clerk or similar position; have experience in feed business. C 260, Orexonlan. SITUATION WANTED Young man sten ographer, desires work of any kind. Phone Sell wood 12. Mlscelxaneo aa- YOUNG man, experienced in men's clothing, shoes and furnishings, wants situation, city or country store. D 265. Oregonian. YOO-'G MAN. strong and Intelligent, wants to learn electrical and mechanical work. P 260. Oregonian. YOUNG man with experience in large whole sale house must have work. M 242, Ore gonian. WANTED Job collecting or delivering by a young man 24 years old. S 263, Ore gonian. JAPANESE HOUSR CLEANING CO. Clean ing, waiting, -cooking, washing by hour. M. TAKA. Phono B 2075. SECOND-HAND baker wants situation Im mediately. P 261, Oregonian. MAN wants house-cleaning. Phones, Main 361 6 and A 2361. Japanese employment office; furnishes all kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. GOOD Japanese boy -wants to learn cook ing, wages no object. R 262; Oregonian. TWO carpenters want work by the day or lob. Address 8 256. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position to work as cook, housework. Ophira, 385 E. Pine. TOUNG man wants any kind of work in or OUtsme. A a. uregui.ni.n. A JAPANESE Rcrmolbor wants a Job to do housework. W 262. Oregonian. RELIABLE young man. 20, who needs the money, desires position. R 254, Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co Mala 4659. A 4073. 368 Everett- Miscellaneous. - MAN who has practical experience In can ning all kinds of fruit and vegetables, make Jams, preserves and pickles, is open for an engagement; will guarantee my work, p 239, Oregonian. YOUNG man, well educated, good address, wide business experience, well versed in general merchandise busine-, would like a position where ability and honor will count. Address D 266, Oregonian. STRONG, reliable young man wants situa tion as assistant in shipping department or wholesale houee; not afraid of work ; mod erate wages; good refsrencea R 238, Ore gonian. JAPANESE" want contract farm, about 10 or 15 acres, within 10 miles from Port land. L 243. Oregonian. JPANESE want contract to cut wood, over 1000 cord. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521. MOVING picture shows, A-l operator. T years' experience, wishes position in or out of city. E 272, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant wants your books to post and letters to write; work called for and delivered, phone Tabor 98. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and boarO. AD 229. Oregonian. MAN and wife want steady position as Jan itor in hotel or work on farm milking cows. X 241. Oregonian. JAPANESE cook and dishwasher want po sitions in city or country. P 262, Ore gonian. JAPANESE boy wants steady position as a houseworker or porter. Address S. M., 61 North 4th St., Portland, Or. WANTED A girl to do general b018- worK. Appty muming . ....,, - -Everett St. JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework and help cook. 65 N. 3d. JAPANESE boy wants steady position to work a few hours. E 208, Oregonian. YOUNG man would like to learn mechanical or plumber's trade. A. Hamen, 34 3d st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, A LADY who has had consldtrable experi ence as stenographer and in general of fice work desires position. C 264 Ore gonian. CAREFUL, accurate stenographer, owning machine, wishes typewriting to do; work called for and delivered. Phone B 1744. IF you wish a good stenographer, phone Clerical OfTlce, Main 4504. Carefully test ed and certified. STENOGRAPHER, experienced and com petent, wants permanent position after noons; $3 per week. E 267. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion, legal work a specialty; references; stranger in cicy. Box 303, city. COMPETENT stenographer desires position, good references. Phone Sellwood 725. COMPETENT second girl desires good posi tion. E 273. Oregonian. Dressmakers. THE famous Kelsters Ladles' Tailoring College Ladies, save dressmakers bills, make your own gowns here. We teach Kelsters drafting system. 306 Stearns big. WANTED Sewing by the day or at home. Phone Main 8122. Call for dressmaker. Domestics. WIDOW with year-old child wishes position in private family In or out of town; will expect small wages. C 267, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE girl wants housework In a nice family. Call at 763 Alblna ave. Housekeepers. WOMAN, refined, experienced, wants cham ber work In rooming-house or will take full charge as working housekeeper or land lady. C 272, Oreiconian. WANTED Housekeeping position by cap able woman in young men's club, bachelor or wealthy orivate home to take full charge. E 274 Oregonian. N WANTED By refined, middle-aged -woman, situation to care for invalid or children. Is good seamstress; excellent references. Address R 251, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, maternity cases, mod erate rates; good references; will do light dav work; no washing. Phone Main 5073 after 6 P. M.. MLsceUaneoos. GIRL IS, wants position as ticket seller in theater, or cashier in some small store or restaurant; experienced In both. P 263. Oregonian. - LACE CURTAINS, shirtwaists and children's fine washing beautifully laundered; fine eun . drying and grass bleaching facilities. Phone Tabor 1530. WANTED Positions for two bright, capable girls; good character; no housework. Y. W. C. A. EUROPEAN lady desires position as gov erness; elementary music, languages, painting; references. G 244. Oregonian. LADY experienced in grocery business wants position as clerk or cashier. A 256. Oregonian. LADY wants position as cashier in small store, bonds furnished if necessary. A 26-i Oregonian. FRENCH. German. Italian, oil painting, lady teacher; terms reasonable. G 243. Oregonian. SCHOOLGIRL wants place to work for room, board and small ealary. Call after 4, room 51, 301 1st st. Phone Main 9268. FIRST-CLASS washing and Ironing dons neatly on short notice. Phone Main 1830. 464 Davis. CAPABLE elderly woman wants general housework, assist with cooking: no wash ing; give phone. E 269, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. Call Main 9089; room 17. TEACHER wishes position; five years ex perience. C 261. Oregonian. LADY would like any kind of work by the day. Phones Main 4368. A 5368. COOKING or laundry work by day; private family. Main 3321. GIRL wants housework. Apply 554 Petty grove, cor. 17th. Take 16th-st. car. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to represent the Schell Patent Form. Very good proposition. 209 Tenth st. Side entrance. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores offices, rooming -houees, etc. Land lords ' will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED Completely furnished 3-room flat or small house for Winter; good care; man and wife only; piano and fireplace de sirable. Phone A 4276 or address 766 Irving st. DESIRABLE tenant will pay good rent for 4 or 5 furnished rooms, walking distance. West Side preferred. Phone Main .2567. Call room 210 Fenton bldg. WANTeJd, unfurnished. Immediately, by re sponsible party. 15 to 20 rooms, strictly modern in every respect. Phones Main 4633 or A 1856. WANTED By two adults, modern 5 or 6-room cottage on West Side; rent rea sonable; references given. D 267. Ore gonian. WANTED By small family, 4 or 6 rooms, furnished, walking distance. West Side pre ferred. Phone Main 2567 or A 2423. WANTED 15 or 20 unfurnished rooms, close in, with steam beat, with gas and electric lights. R 263. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 8d st. North. Phone Main 9272. COMPLETE outfit for butcher shop; also al kinds of second-hand furniturei high est prices paid for the same. Phone Main 6188. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED By musical gentleman of refine ment, furnished room or en suite, without board; desirable location: must take all or part music lessons. 261. Oregonian. WANTED English setter, thoroughly .broke; state prloe, age and full particu lars. A 62. Oregonian. WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITUKB, And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 5655. A 41ZU WANT to sell all cord wood and brush slashed on 76 acres on Salem Electric, near Tigardville. VANDUYN WALTON. 615 Chamber Commerce. WANTED Man with first-class launch who wants to shoot duck; shooting privilege for use of launch; splendid opportunity. Geo. E. Wightman, Olds, Wort man & King, shoe dept. CLOTHING, dress suits. Prince Alberts bought, ladles' evening and street dresses. Phone Main 8744. WANTED An electric piano for cash; one slightly used preferred. Address 6iS Worcester bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988. B 2311. WANTED Roll-top desks and office fur niture, no cheap stuff. E. 266. Oregonian. CLOTHING Phone M. 185183 N. t 3d. Highest price paid; prompt attention. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family HoteL American or European Plan. Only ten minutes' walk from business center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Car passes hotel every minute; very rea sonable rates; largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found anywhere, with every modern convenience; large. wen-Kept lawn." DO you realize that you can get an outside, steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sia. for $10 up per month? This house is being re painted, repapered and put In first-class condition by the new owners; nice large parlor In connection. Suites, with running water, $22-50 to $35. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 483-492 Waahlngton st. THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel. 330 Yamhill; new management; an Ideal place to make your Winter quarters; new fireproof building, with modern conveniences. In heart of city; special rates to permanent guests. A. H. Pracht Prop. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 4408. Main 4861. Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, flrat-claes furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; daily, T6c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Main 4631. HOTEL KENTON. 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths ; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; Kings Heights; reasonable. 669 Main st. Phone M. 1822. 258 H 13TH ST- Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every conven ience; gentlemen only. LARGE, light. well-heated bay-window room, residence district, walking dlbtance. Main 3312. 361 10th. TWO nicely furnished rooms, one large room, 2 beds, $15 per month; 1 for $2 per week. 327 West Park. Phone Main 7959. PRIVATE family have two nice modern rooms, suitable for 3 gentlemen. 407 Jef ferson, flat A. TWO nicely furnished outside rooms; free phones; only $2 and $2.50 per week. 209 HAVE beautiful suite of rooms In flue sub urban home. Fine chance for country life close to city. Phone Woodlawn 5:i5. NICELY furnished and unfurnished rooms, heat, bath and light; rent very reason able. 447 Main. WANTED 4 or 6 young men to room; new furniture, gas, heat. bath, phone; pleas ant rooms; cheap. 188 14th st. THE ANGELUS. cor. 6th and Jefferson sts.. modern front suites, also single rooms, bath and both phonea TH E ESTES Good rooms, reasonable ; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327J6 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE TEMPLE. 343 Yamhill St., opposite Hotel Portland; nicely furnished rooms; rent $2.50 week; transient. 6 ROOMS on ground floor, furnished, furnace, yard. 290 12th St. PLEASANT single room in private family; breakfast if desired; references. 327 7th st. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; modern rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. SUNNY front room, walking distance, one or two persons. 210 14th st., near Salmon. NEWLY furnished room with private fam ily of two. 434 3d St.. flat B. $10 month. NICE large room in private family, suitable for two young men. Main 5217. 227 7th. HOTEL ROYAL, lOSH 4th st.; steam-heated;-rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk.. 50c to $1 per day. 262 12TH Lovely parlor room, $15; ground floor. THE EL WOOD Newly furnished ; $2 to $5 wk.; also transient rooms. 343 hi Morrison. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 LIGHT and air unfurnished rooms, rea sonable; single or en suite; hot and cold water, gas. light, etc. 269 N. 21st at., near cor. Northrup. . TWO unfurnished rooms in private home at $4 month Including water, at 128 E. 46th st., 1 block from Mt. Tabor car. NEW 3-room flat. $11. 190 Market; 2 large, clean rooms $8, 340 Front. Rooms With Board. THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch, room and board, $25 per month, large grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the nicest private boarding-houses in city; large, airy rooms, running water; beauti ful grounds, finely located for tourists, transient or permanent guests. A 6345. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Raw lings, 6upt 510 Flanders St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, one single, one double; breakfast If desired. West Side; walking distance. 201 16th St.. cor Taylor. NICE, light, airy rooms. A-l home cook ing, all modern conveniences ; gas. elec tricity, heat, bath, phone. A 4190, or call 547 k Yamhill. Mrs. Johnson. WHOLESOME, palatable home cocked meals in private home. By week or tran sient. Close to Washington, 26 N. 10th. M 8393. NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table board, strictly home cooking; modern; $6 week; easy walking distance. The Lin dell, 269 Market. BOARD and room, with home privileges, within walking distance; reasonable. 388 Columbia st., near 9ih. i BACHELORS' CLUB, well equipped, can accommodate one or two gentlemen, rea sonable; references. W 252, Oregonian. THE THORNDYKE, 655 Washington t., ele gantly furnished rooms, with board, choice location; walking distance. LARGE room for two; also single room with board ; modern convenienceae. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. THE MARLYN Waahlngton and 17th, well furntshed rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son. A home hotel; large rooms, good board, low rates. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark, 225 lit st. . THE MANITOU. 261 13th St.. rooms large and light, rates reasonable. Apartments. LARGE, cony house tent also lively rooms, unfurnished, central. West Side. 429 3d, BKAUTTFTJL 6-room apartment for rent, 12th and Gohimbit, 'The Bratotreet J; W. L. MORGAN. S?2 FAILING BLD Apartments: Roosevelt. bt8 iVCiirn':l near 2ist. handsome, splendidly locatert. Colonial, steam-heatod bldg. Just com pleted. 6 rooms possessing modeii con veniences: one at $40. one at 130. V Wel lington Court. 6l'5 Everett, near un, same as above. $37.50. IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room mi Idence apartments, each having private , vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot ana) cold water, gas range, refrigerators. m". dow shades and screens, telephone ana i Janitor service. Apply Janitor. 18th ana; Couch. j THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sta One block from City Hall, three and four-: room apartments, and handsomely fur- j nlshed bachelor rooms. Strictly hign-classl in every resoect with every modern con-; venience. now ready for guests. Rent be gins October 1. 1 COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, llth and Co lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart ments, posseting every modern conven ience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 6-room apartment. with bath and all mooern convenit-noe. , including telephone, gas and electrtoj'sw light, without further cost. H 113. Ore-1 gonlan. I THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.. un-j furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience;! rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap-i ply to Janitor. ' f ' M A.RLBOROUGH APARTMENTS. 21st and, Flanders; 3-room unfurnished apartment, i new, nigh-class; reasonable rates. See1 Janitor. THE D ,YTOS" 660-662 Flanders Nice 4-room" basement apartment; bath, steaiu heat, hot water, gas range, etc. 2 month. TH k BUELL APARTMENTS, cor. Salmon, and 14th sts., new and up-to-date 4-room, apartments; private phone, bath; auto-, niatlc elevator; steam heat. etc. ( SIX and 7-room, heated apartments, with l ...nraniam-u. 7 1 Jnhniiin. A 1678. THE CHETOI A. 18 Flanders 1 4-room un furnished apartment, modern. Apply to1 janitor 1 Flat. $10 i-room l"wer flat, yard. basement, woodlift. shades, etc., 13 minutes' walk from fcteel bridge. 444 Rodney ave.. cor.i Tillamook at. East 4R66. UNUSUALLY attractive flat: everything! modem; fireplaces and furnace. large, porches, good yard; choice West Side loca-, tlon. Woodward, 104 2d. , UPSTAIRS fiat In desirable Eust Side nelgh-i borhood rent $30. including water and; heat. Apply W. N. Carter, 712 William: ave. Phone East 4983, j MODERN flats all l7.rt, for rent. Kast and ! West Sides. Portland Truet Company of I Oregon. S. E. cor. d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72 J THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, talk ing distance, $1'5. Mrs. A. Larry, room 60 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6169. MODERN lower, 5-room flat, choice location,; walking distance, close In. 406 Park St., bet. Harrison & Hall. Key at 229 1st st.j MODERN 4-room flat, 3 extra bedrooms up-; etalrs. 179i Green ave.. near 23d and YY ah-. ington. Call forenoon or evening. Main 8188. i NE RLY new 5-room modern flat; walk ing distance. Taggart. 416 Chamber of Commerce. - i n.pnnM flat- all modern conveniences nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave:; phone East 907. MODERN 4-room flat; shade, basement.! wood lift, lawn; near car. 780 WUUama ave. Woodlawn 426. FOR RENT 4 pleasant rooms, unfurnished;' hot water and gas; to parties without children. 571 oth st. Rent $18. J FOUR new 5-room flats, strictly modem,) walking distance, Everett, near 22d. Van-, duyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. MODERN 5-room flnt. steel and gas range.? window shades. 207 Halsey. near Steel bridge. j MODERN 5 and 6-room flais on Stout st.-. near Madison. $18. $20, $22. Inquire 26QF Stout st. Phone Main aj... NEWLY furnished lower flat, corner. 3PT First and Montgomery; i.Bt.o. un. phore. Main 2.166. i 4-ROOM complete furnished flat. 6-3 Marshall sc. rnono a MODERN 5-room flat, one block nnrth Steel . , . m . i., !,... o J. Marcln. oriage. u uhub , MODERN flat. 194 McMtllen st. Inquire aft! iH MCAiiwen, near 1 1 i 7-ROOM flat -for rent. 625 Marshall W rnone a wov. j Housekeeping Rooms. 20n 11TH Furnished housekeeping rooms,! first floor; gas range, steam heat, bath. and phone. : LIGHT nicelv furnished single rooms and,' suites; $2 upward. 503 Alder. 115 12th: A 4252 TWO completely furnished housekeeping! rooms, gas. bath, heat, phone and laundry;! walking distance. 673 Irving St., near 18th.. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern; rent reasonable; suitable for man' and wife. Call 345 Harrison. TWO beautiful front-room housekeeping suites, modern, good location, walkings distance. All Glisan st. , FRONT, downstairs, heated, furnished roons with housekeeping privileges to a lady 555 Yamhill. LARGE front suite, nicely furnished, ground floor, nice yard, bath, phone. Main 2266, 3S7 First. i FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; furnace) heat, electric lights, cheap rent. 509 John son st., between 14th and 15th sts. j 2 FRONT rooms, furnished for housekeer-j Ing; gao, furnace beat; no children. 2iVJ 14th st. j TWO and three furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, sink, suitable for rour.j 403 2d. . , 3 CLEAN, sunny rooms, separate entrance private family, good neighborhood, walk-i ing distance, references. 6W5 Front. i BEAUTIFUL front hy window rooms,: large, airv; both phones; completely fur nished; first-class location. 534 Morrison THREE rooms, unfurnished, ground floor;, front entrance; $11. Call 2:30 to 4, 2SJ llth. YOUNG lady with housekeeping rooms woul like young girl to pay half expenses. Roonv 51, 301 1st. Phone Main 9268. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern: no children; rent $16. Phone Mala 7773. . TWO beautiful rooms nicely furnished for housekeeping: e.ery convenience; only $13 per month. 549 Morrison st.. West Side. 487CLAY. near 14th. newly furnlshedj housekeeping rooms; choice of two suites J walking distance. TWO nicelv furnished housekeeping rooms private family, cheap. Phone M. 1822. 59 Pri Main. 272 MONTGOMERY ST cor. 4th. 2 nlcelyj . furnished rooms, first floor; modern and reasonable. j FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, also one houneekeeping room close In. Inquire 163 West Park st. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite in centrally locate apartment-house, 305 Jefferson, cor. 6th. 468 TAYLOR near 13th. three nicely fur nished rooms, with sink and furnace heata rent reasonable. ' PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; prices reasonable; walk ing distance. 555 Morrison. THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and single rooms; transient. 191 14th st. TWO and 3-room suites, housekeeping, mod' ern, $9 up. 245 N. 17th. Main 1811. Furnished housekeeping and single rooms td rent; prices reasonable. 189-193 W. Park stj SM4.LL housekeeping suite; modern convent lences; $9; no children. 308 13th st. NICELY fursu-hed housekeeping suite at 4a West Park St., for $10 per month to adulitt, SUITE housekeeping roome, $1 per month) free, phones and laundry. 209 4th st. NICELY furnished room for cooking, ver chesp. See janitor. Tourney blug. TWO pleasant furnished rooms for bouse keeping. 556 5th st. $12 a month. HOU8EK&E1PINO rooms, close In. 800)4 i