THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1908. w. FINE PAIR! FARM. inn mjctcm: 90 acres best kind creek bot torn land; doe not overflow; raise 3 tons of hay to the acre; 40 acre In cultivation; 60 acres slashed; In good pasture the year rund; 3 creeks, never dry, and fine cool spring water piped to the house; fenced, on good county road and milk route; fam ily orcnara; gooa i -room nouae, wim ww phone; 2 barns; 60 tons rood clover ana timothy hay; 9 milch cows; good wajon, nowtnjr machine, rake. plow, harrow and ether small Implements. Exactly as ad- VMrttsea ana tne Deet ouy on me mwu Trlr-A m-fth tAnni. WILLAMETTE VALLBT INFORMATION BUREAU. 812 Board of Trade. WHO WANTS IT? 1M acres of the nnest kind of apple land, good house, well and barn. 4 miles from R. R and steamboat landing. 8 miles from Hood River. 2 got-d springs on place, email orchard, balance easily cleared, splendid view of the mountains, :tr.m. n&rt cash takes this, adjoining owner refused $.00 an acre for 17 acres tms buamtr. MANCHESTER WILSON. 5o8 Wells-Fargo Bids. 20 ACRES choice land, some beaverdam, 14 miles east of Portland, about half cleared, balance in pasture, living stneam, young fnTn it v irrhard rood bu lid In EL araded school near. mock, implements, hay and " some household furniture, all for $4000 net. Address 8. F. Starr. R. F. i-- ro. i, Troutdale. Or. FOR SALE or Tent. 40 acres of land. 25 acres under cultivation, on macadamized road and 10 mlies from Portland; running ater year round, on rural mail route, rear echoolhouse; good bargain. Call 613 Overton et. 80 ACRES unimproved agricultural land at railroad station, mns nrwi i ri Jand; best of frutt land, easily cleared; also 40 acres on R. F. D. near Camas. ' J L. Sutton. 174 13th st. SMALL chicken ranch. good condition, fowls go with place; coxy little house; must leave city; $So. $125 cash, balance 8 IS per month. See cashier Columbia Trust CO- "14 Couch bldg. tY'HO wants the best farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particulars call upon or write Connell. Long A Imbrie, Hills boro. Or. tHOICE HOMESTEADS Pay you to In . vstigate. Government Location. Fee $l!00. 5-2 Worcester bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. Land A Immigration Co., 311 Worcester Bldg. JIOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to Portland. 327 Worcester block. FOR Willamette Valley lands Land Company. Salem. Or. BURNT-OVER farm lands, on Columbia, cheap. 327 Worcester block. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. THREE BIO BARGAINS IN TIMBER. 14.1HR.000 fir and 1689 pieces of piling. '7.641.000 fir and 2526 pieces of piling. S5tt7,0O0 fir and 1617 pieces piling, $27o0. . In Lane County, guaranteed cruise. THE MAY-HOLLAND LAND CO. (Inc.). 26-27-0:2a Corbett Btdg. lII.ETZ homestead relinquishment, 8.000,000 feet; no squatter's right, but open for Immediate filing:; located on Sileta RlvT, rear store, postoffice and sawmill; price, 9 2O00 : claim easily worth $10,000 or $12, 000 when patented. A. W. Nelson Co.. Lafayette bldg. TIMEEFt lANDo. OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 92tt Chamber of Comnwoa Portland. TIMBER LANDS. California. Oregon. Washington. Government locations a specialty. OLIVER A HA VI LAND. 1110 Board of Trade BLdg. A SNAP. Mill and 6,000.000 feet timber. Terma Kinney A Stampher. 681 Lbr. Ex. Bldg. i. 000.000 YELLOW pine and fir land Is level and A-l soil: rear Medford. A rare chance. Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. Oregon and Washington. The MAY HOLLAND CCOIPANY (Inc.), 626-627-623 Corbet Bldg. 1.000.000 TIMBER claim In Douglas County; patented; yellow and sagar pine. Owner leaving city, needs cash; 31650 this month. C 232. Oregonian, TWO timber relinquishments; cedar and flr; timber and stone act. Call immediately. 827 Worcester b lock. TEN million relinquishment in Silets for sale cheap. Allen A Buoy. 511 Board of Trade bldg. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS, Oovernment location. 327 Worcester blk. TWENTY railroad claims, guaranteed six to 1J million feet. Hoban. 211 Alisky blk. TO EXCHANGE. A BK3 BARGAIN. 150 acres of fine stock land; 200 acres In hay land, all wire fenced; price $K per acre; also several 40-acre tracts that can be had at r-er acre; this Is located, in Vnlon County, rear I-a Grande: will ex change this for Portland property. FIVE TREE LAND CO.. 609-610 Buchanan Bldg.. 2S0 Wash, st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 42 acre of level land at Tillamook. All under cultivation, only 3i mJlc rr,m the city, on the main county road; H mile from school. Tfilamook River and large cheese factory. In the heart of the best dairy section in the state. All fenced, srnnll barn, no house. Price S350O. RALPH AC K LEY. 60S Corbett Bldg. S20 ACRES yellow pine timber land, for "suburban home or nearby acreage. Mortgage $;i00 on 40 acres good land In Lane County, for a lot, or house and THE AMK" MERCANTILE AGENCY. 43 tHvetland Bldg. OK COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy. sell or trade business or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor, room 310 and 811 Buchanan bldg A $12 000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm fact to trade 'toward Portland home or business property. Frank Lee. 147 Vrvnt st. V ACRE with lots of frudt and good house, ripht on carline. near MUwaukie. $4000. Will exchange for house and lot close in. So Lumber Exchange. 1500 EQUITY In 8-room house, will take auto as part pay- State Land Co., 133 1st st. r TELEPHONE BONDS AND STOCK Taken In exchange for real estate FRED H STRONG, 68 Concord Dlflg. IP YOU want to buy. sell or trade any thin:, see Kauffman A Moore. 325 Lum ber Exchange. W'tLL trade for what you have. Qua Smith, 44 Buchanan bldg. HOMXSTEADS. i FEW choice locations on agricultural land; very rich soli, level near PPct ive railroad. Will be worth fortune short ly. K 235, Oregonian- f rw choice homesteads, agricultural lands readv for the plow; plenty of water; In vestigate at once. 511 Swetland bldg.. 9th and Washington. IRST-CL-ASS soil, plenty of water, can .till be homesteaded. 6ee ws now. Frank 1 ucas. 216 Chamber or Commerce. WANTED FARMS. FARMERS. ATTENTION I We have a fine list of city property to exchange for farms, 10 to 600 acres; list your tlaoe with ua. we will sell or trade jt. City Realty A Building Co.. 430 Wor cester bldg. W A VT to rent, with option of buying. 29 to" 50 acres, suitable for small dairy and roultry; experienced and best of refer ence. O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay Bldg. -WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Homestead, also timber relln auiihtuenti; must be good. Phone East i;;45. or address J. A. Wells. 282 East 7th South want timber lands, single claims or tract. Murdoch A Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. TIMKFR lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. u4 McKay bklg. f ..CTwawn ! WATED-MALK, I HELP WANTED-FKttALB. SITUATION WANTED MALE. WANTED TO RENT. FOR RENT. ( GOOD 12-acre farm In Washington County, on North Prairie, with 6-room bouse, gar den, orchard, barn and other outhouse; rent $5 per acre. Apply to Wm. Kane, Forest Grove, Or. FARM lor rent.- J. N. Elliot, Oregon City, Route 8. FOR BALE. Hone. Vehicle and Harae- FOR SALE New light two-horse .express wagon with canvas top over seat; ca pacity 1O00 pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all In good condition; price $100. Inquire at room 200 Oregonian bldg. or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or. CHEAP, 2400-Ib. work team, new plow, light 3 -spring wagon, light wagon pole, fine sin gle harness; take cow in exchange, .638 East 2Mb. st. Woodstock car. 29 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus. saddles, ham ties, cheap to close out. Hubert A Hall, 266 4th at. BROKE single or double, city broke, weight 1200 pounds; will And same at Columbia Feed and Sale Stable. FANCY driving mare, city broke, 6 years old, standard bred. C. F. Frey, Milwau kee, Or. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of kinds for sale. 2&4 Montgomery. FOR SALE Young team draft horsee. Ap ply 908 Davis st. I HAVE to sell one of three teama Take your pick. 408 East Russell st. Automobile FOR SALE New and second-hand runa bouts from $200 to $575; touring cars from $4. to $2000; all in Al condition. Phone B 2261. East 814. Open Sunday. 115 Grand ave.. cor. East Alder st. Open evenings. BUICK runabout. 1908 machine. Model 10, agent's demonstrator, run about liO miles, first-class condition, will make attractive price. P- O. box 606, The Dalle. Or. WANTED Runabout, new or eecond-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H 94. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES, tourln cars and run abouts, $250 to $12011. for sale or trade. W. G. Hart man. 46 2d st. Main 1862. FOR SALE 0-passenger White steamer; this Is a bargain for cash or trade for real es tate. Phone Eaat 1020. TOURING car. 4-cylinder, glass front, top. new tires; fully quipped; $750. N 235, Oregonian. 30fl Cadillac; seat fi; Al condition. J 252. Oregonian. FOR SALE $5W piano, with orchestral at tachments. $300 cash. AC 230, Ore gonian. $40O Upright piano, flfiS; easy terms; cah discount. Phone A 1725. Main 3753. 446 3d. PIANOLA piano at sacrifice; leaving city. Inquire of Janitor. 6S6 Everett. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPEPIPBPIPE. We ere surely the pipe kings. Any amount f any size and all good pipe, too. Every foot guaranteed, all dipped In coal tar free, which makes the same as good as galvanized. 2-Inch pipe. 8c foot. 2 H -inch pipe. 12c fooL 8-Inch pipe. 15c foot. 4-lnch pine, 23c foot. We also have on hand: 50.000 ft. H and -lnch galvanized pipe. 20O0 ft. 32-Inch new pipe. 2O00 ft. 10-Inch new pipe. .TO00 ft. 8-inch new pipe. 2n ft. 4-Inch new pipe, loon ft. JMnch galvanized, riveted. All pine guaranteed; If not satisfactory your money refunded. . The store with the money-back policy J. SIMON A BRO.. 244-246-250 Front St. 8-FOOT bookkeeper's desk. $10: $85 weath ered oak buffet. $20; $0 white maple dresser, $1350; solid oak combination desk. $12; good barber chair, $3.50; good mahoganv dressing tables. $7.60; $60 black walnut sideboard, $16; folding beds, $3.60; Iron beds. $1.76: heating stoves, $1; camp stoves. 75c. We are closing out stock and going to move to our new quar ters at 20th and Washington sts., known as the Western Salvage Co., this month; we don't want to move any more of our stock than we can help, so If you want housefurnlshings cheap, call on, us this Wek'M'GRATH FURNITURE CO.. $9 North 3d St., bet. Davis and Everett Streets Main 2087. ROOFING M AT BR I A I. Posl 1 1 ve 1 y N e w Roofl n g M a terlal. 1000 squares rubber roofing Our prices. Other chargea 1- ply $1.25 1-ply $2.00 2- ply 175 2-ply 2.50 3- ply 225 3-ply 8.00 We have 6000 squares positively new cor rugated Iron that we are selling at $2.25 per square. - . . Also 2000 squares galvanised corrugated Be eure and ee us before buying roofing, as we have the right stock at the right price. J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-246-200 Front St. GET our price and save money oa all kind a Yes. we sell to all. NOT IN THE TRUST. M. BARDE & SONS. PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSB. 110 N. Sd su. near Gllsan. FOR SALE: Belting and hose, slightly dam aged. fc2 feet 12-in.. o-piy ruDoer uch, 235 feet 2M-In. 4-ply rubber belt; 125 feet 2-ln cotton mill hose. Miscellane ous lot of odd sized belting. F. M. Branch. 511 Lumber Exchange MOVING picture films for rent; the best seiectea stocx m tne w cmi, u feet; no damagod films; everything that food. Send for catalogue and terma heater Film Service Co. Inc. 1042 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco. CaL MOVING picture machines; any make; xi tms. suuea uu ukw chines, records; opera and folding chairs; Fosters, tickets, etc 60J page catalogue ree. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042 Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco. CaL FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 Third st. FOR SALE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OF FROM $100 x TO $5O00. Parties Interested call Mag Inn t ft Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. WOOD stumpage or lumber, about 5000 cords original nr. V mites rrom roruana. miie to station. Apply 75 East Couch, Port land. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. . Choice old Instrument always on nana. ia repiunni a specialty. Call or address L. Winters, 318 Tilford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist ing engines, rails, cars. eic. auway Equipment Co., 74 1st. VA 2363, Main 2363. NEWMAN MOTION FICTURHJ CO. rents you the latest films, song slides, supplies, etc.. at the lowest prices. 293 Burnslde. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Englieh setter pups 10 weeks oia. -appjy t. xiorger. 114 Russell st NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, two show cases and two computing scalea 195 Fourth, cor. Taylor. WILL trade A-l single driving harness for hammerless shotgun, or take same as part payment for lot. 243 Stark. 6OME nice furniture, very cheap; must be sold this week; come eariy au union ave. North. FOR SALE Best dry 4 -ft. fir and oak wood at lowet maricec prices. nwv, i n fticr C Phone Main 7451. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies. SHioes, mm iw jw m.. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old FOR 8 ALE: Two safes, letter-preae, desks and ofice furniture, cmopeca r n .o. HELP WANTED MALE. BARBER WANTED Steady Job. 205 Mor rison st. WANTED A washer and harness-cleaner. O. R. C Stable- I4tn ana xamniu. WANTED Three coatmakera. Curtis. Seattle, wain. A GROCERYM AN having experience with W. A. Irvin. Baiem, or. pnone Main w. WANTED Figures on a bungalow. See Johnson. z4 atonawa mag. WXNTED Competent man to do window dressing. Apply Lang ft Co.. a r M. WANTED Bartender, cor. 4th and Madison 6ALESMEN wanted in every town for the best selling practical work' of the day. Stationary Engineering, In three volumes. A complete course in Engineering and Electricity, by Joseph G. Branch. B. 6.. M. E-. former member of the board of examining engineers of St. Louis., etc.; author of Conversations on Electricity. 'Engineers' Descriptive Charts." etc Lib eral pay to salesmen with energy. Rand, McNally ft Co., Engineering Dept.. Chi cago. 11 L 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in structor: tools free; write for catalogue, iloier System of College, 95 N. 4th rt.. Portland, Or. WANTED For U. 6. Army, able-bodied un married men. between age of 19 and 85, cltlxens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to re cruiting officer. Alnsworta block, Sd and Oak sia, Portland, Or. WANTED Neat, honest young man with small capital as partner to work In of fice and show property. G 263, Oregonian. WANTED Honest man to assist in employ ment and real estate business; reference and $.300 required; $26 weekly salary guar anteed, also commlfalon PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 303 Washington St., Suite 4. WANTED Competent, reliable mattress maker, who is also capable of making couches; steady work and good position to right man. Address Box 304. Marsh field. Or. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230 240 8th st.. San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department, 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1529. Help Free to employers. MOVING picture operators make $35 week ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn the business In short time. Term reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co.. 21)3 Burns! de at. WANTED Ambitious young man to travel and learn good paying business; must come a ell recommended, and able to give personal bond. Call 10 A- M. to 2 P. M., room 1. the Mercedes, 20th and Wash. WANTED Young man with office exper ience and salesman's ability to Join ad vertiser in supply business; must have small capital, well secured. Box 583, Boise. Idaho. BOOKKEEPER wanted, must be familiar with real estate business and able to give bond or security; one that will take Inter est in the firm preferred. Address, -with references, S 262, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, eto. ; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Write us If Interested. Albany Nurseries, Al bany. Or. POSTAL clerks and carriers call In re gard to preparing at once for November Kxam. Good salary to start; steady em ployment to ambitious young men. Pa cific Statea Schools. SIGNWRITER wishes to Instruct pupils in his art at reasonable cost per lesson. Call at 327 Stark st.. bet. 7 and 8 P. M. This profession Is not overdone and wages very good. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learing. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. WANTED Couple to take care of an In valid lady for her board and the use of acre of ground. Mrs. Gray, Archer Place, ML Scott. , DRESS GOODS SALESMAN. Thoroughly experienced and competent; none other need apply. OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers; examinations here No vember 18; preparation free. Franklin In stitute, Rochester, N. Y. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor Cath olic magazine, 11,000 circulation; cash ad vanced on contracts. Benedictine Press. Good no ugh bldg. DRESS GOODS, furnishings, clothing and shoe salesmen, bookkeepers and stenogra phers. P. A. & C. Co., 323 to Wash. st. Rooms 39-41. WANTED Toung man between the age of 17 and 21 to begin mechanical train ing. Apply Tuesday, 8 A. M., 14th and Couch. BILLING CLERK, wholesale house Must state experience, age, and references; good opportunity. R 260 Oregonian. WANTED A bov or man to work In bakery. Phone East 2502. Call after 4, Wright's Bakery. 304 Russell st. - PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agents ; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, Deknm bldg. SALESMAN wanted for real estate and se curity, for the Montana and Nevada; good contract. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED Good salesman for general mer chandise store In country town. Inquire 12 North Second st. WANTED Bids excavating 8 basements and grading. East 50th and Lincoln. Dr. Darling. Main 1305. WANTED Young man wants to purchase railroad ticket East; give particulars. R 233, Oregonian. FOR WORK OR 'FOR HELP, CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both phones. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Men 250 Burnslde Street. Phone Main 5694. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine ucpui. ' OFFICE BOY Call at room 67. Concord bldg., MacNaughton. Raymond & Law rence. WANTED Young man, experienced, ledger clerk, in office of wholesale house. F 264, Oregonian. WANTED Two good subscription men at room 32. Hamilton bldg. Call this morn nig. WANTED One first-class barber to take charge of shop; a steady Job for right man. Address Geo. T. Pickett. Haines, Or. COAT and vestmaker wanted, $3 up. An drews & Berry. La Grande. Or. HELPERS for concrete at once. Apply Hall t., between 14th and 15th. TWO cabinetmakers wanted. Oswald Fur niture Co.. Oregon City. Or. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency, 310 Davis st. Main 8309. PAINTERS WANTED Several painters to work on scaffold. P 254. Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife on farm near city. Inquire 12 N. 2d st. WANTED A matress maker. Peters A Roberts Furniture Co., 62 Front st., N. DRUG CLERK wanted. Apply 1990 B. Stark. HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED Experienced demonstrator. Call bet. 6 and 8 P. M. 36 165H 4th St.. Bus cell bldg. WOMAN, for cooking and housework part of day; small family. 747 E. Madison; Hawthorne car. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; must be a good 000k. 687 Davis at., near 21st. GIRL to assist in general housework; must sleep at home. Apply 329 13th. Nl'RSD GIRL to take care of child during j... rw Main fOOA S!U Knrth 5l9t mt WOMAN For kitchen work. Riverside A LI PPM AN. ladles tailor. 183H &th st. Tel. Main 8511. WANTED A good nurse glrL Apply 740 Flanders st. BOOKKEEPING, private lessona. 4 nights In week. $4 per mo. Main 7862, A 4948. A GIRL to cook and do downstair work. 437 20th. near Carter at. COOK wanted: reference required; good wage. 66 Luoretla st. A FIRST-CLASS cook and general house work glrL Apply 755 Everett st WANTED Girl for general housework; good wage. 1S6 North 17th Mt, FIRST-CLASS waitress. Palace Restaurant, 120 4th e. GOOD plain cook, 761 Flanders at., cor. 23d. WANTED First-class Jacket and skirt hand for alteration room. Bartholomew Co.. 392 Washington st. 9 COOKS. 1 hotel out town. $30-$45. 2 2d girls. 1 out town. $20-$25. 6 waitresses. 2 out town. $22.50-$25. 2 kitchen helpers. $20 -$25. 2 child nurses. $15-$ 25. St. Louis Ladles' Employment Agency, 20SH 4th st. Main 2039. A 2S24. WANTED Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, kitchen helpers, house girls; nurse girls, factory girls, etc; good wagea Large lot of new positlone daily. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladle1 DepL 205 Morrison st. - GIRL to help In sales room, also for errands; must have some experience a eales girl. Call at 429 Washington. J. K. Starn. ladles' tailor. WANTED Good canvasser, neatly dressed women, city and atate; good money. Call room 508 Merchant Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington tr HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 hi Wash. st. , cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. A GIRL wanted to do cooking and house work In family of three. Call between 9 A. M. and 8 P. M., at 471 Main St., between 13th and 14th. WANTED Young lady, for clerical work, must be rapid, accurate and good pen man; salary $6 per week. S 255, Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced saleslady, general tore; must be neat, pleasant appearance. Salary $50 per month. Give reference. K. B. Bragg A Co.. Hood River. TWO respectable young ladies wanted at onoe to learn the barber"s trade, that are willing to go to a seacoast town. C 238, Oregonian. WANTED Come early, girl for light house work, family 8; no washing; wages $20 Germain's Employment Office, 6th and Morrison. WAITRESSES, city; 2 springs. $25. Cooks, city. Vancouver, Independence ($40). Do mestics, etc., etc -Drake's," 205 to Wash ington. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework, family or three. Address 567 Maple st., Ladd's Addition. Phones East 3026 and B 1661. WANTED Girl or woman to take care of 6-monthi-old child. 151 6th st.. North, upstairs. - WANTED Good cook and dining-room girl for small country hotel. Address Mrs. S. King. Stella.. Wash. WANTED Neat girl to do general house work in small family; apply bet. 9 and 4. 200 Park st. WANTED Lady agents to handle silk and dreasgoods line In outside towns; flrsl-clase proposition. 613 Buchanan bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstair. Phone Main 2692. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WANTED Refined, capable woman for- re sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826 Washington st., room 307. Main 8836 or A 9266. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; instructions free. Call 452 Washington. WANTED A woman to fit and make alter ations on ladies' suits. Apply, 10 to 12, A GOOD girl for general housework; good wage. 440 East 19th st. N.. Irving ton. Phone Ait 556. WANTED A young girl to assist house work, only 9 In family. Call at 42 1st st. Jacob Asher. A COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. SS3 North 32d St., Willam ette Heights. WANTED Girl or woman at once to assist In light housework, family of three. Phone 2421. GIRL for general housework with family of three, call mornings or Phone East 6240 or C 1405- 416 East 11th st- North. JAPANESE boy wants English teacher who can teach with good experience. C 259, Oregonian. WET NURSE wanted. Call 489 East Burn side, or phone B 1804. GOOD girl for general housework; a German girl preferred. Apply 601 Schuyler, cor. 16th. WANTED Nurse girl about 16 year of age. Inquire flat 26. The Sheffield. WANTED Girl for general housework. 8 in family. 3 7th U North. Main 2416. GIRL wanted to assist In housework. 747 Glisan st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 186 East 16th st. Phone East 2007. COOK in small country hotel. Apply morn ings. 814 Sellwood st. WANTED An experienced waitress at The Hill Hotel. 23d and Washington. WANTED Girl for dining-room. Winter's Restaurant. 230 First st. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply at 6S4 Everett st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call mornings, 412 Burnslde st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply at 223 N. 19th st. WANTED Competent second girL 25 St. Clair st. ' GIRL or woman for general housework; small family. 736 Hoyt st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at 735 Broadway or phone East 2273. GIRL wanted to wait on table In private boarding-house. Call 225 West Park. WANTED Girl for general housework, three In family, small house. 718 East Madison. WANTED Girl for general housework, 245 N. 22d, near Marshall. YOUNG girl to take care of baby and do light housework. 395 Ross st. GIRL for general housework; good wages right party. 748 Weldler t., Broadway car. GIRL wanted for light housework; no cook ing. Apply 430 7th et. FIRST-CLASS saleswoman for millinery, to work in the afternoons. S 258, Oregonian. A GIRL for general housework. 770 Flan ders st. GOOD girl for general housework. Aiply mornings, 256 12th st. Phone Main 3715. GIRL to assist In housework; good home; email family; good wages. 504 Davis st. HKXP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. FOR HELP FOR WORK A, B, C EMPLOYMENT CO., 226 Morrison. M. 3022. We are white. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. BY energetic young man. well acquainted with general office work, position with mer cantile or contracting firm; English, Ger man and Spanish spoken. Reply R 260, Oregonian. WE will keep your books, take trial bal ances, give you first -class credit system and send out statements. Address S- Mills, P. O. box 747. SITUATION WANTED Young man sten ographer, desire work of any kind. Phone Sellwood 12. Mlscelxaneoti. Japanese employment office ; furnishes all kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. GOOD Japanese boy -wants to learn cook ing, wages no object. -R 202, Oregonian. JAPANESE couple want a situation, man as porter,, wife as second work. A 1104. TWO carpenters want work by the day or job. Address S 256. Oregonian. A GOOD Japanese boy wants to do general housework in family. P 252. Oregonian. RELIABLE voung man. 20. who needs the money, desires position. R 254. Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co.. Main 4659, A 4078. 268 Everett. GOOD all around printer want situation; Job office preferred. Miscellaneous. MAN who has practical experience in can ning all kinds of fruit and vegetables, make Jams, preserves and pickles, is open for an engagement; will guarantee my work. P 259. Oregonian. STRONG, reliable young man wants situa tion as assistant In shipping department or wholesale houee; not afraid of work; mod erate wages; good references. R 2o8 Ore gonian. $ YOUNG MAN want any position where hon esty, capability and ambition assure a good future; moderate salary to begin. D 259, Oregonian. WANTED Steady employment by steady, re liable, temperate man of middle age; handy with tools inside or outaide, or night watch man. M 241. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wishes to work in gen. md Re store, has 3 years experience, speaks 8 languages; can also keep books. Address R 264. Oregonian. YOUNG man want work, tend bar, or In store, well educated. Address S 230, Ore gonian. GOOD Japanese cook -wants situation In pri vate family: speaks English; good refer ences. E 26L Oregonian. JAPANESE want contract farm, about 10 or 15 acres, within 10 miles from Port land. L 243, Oregonian. MAN and wife want steady positions as i anitor in h ot el or w ork on farm milk ing cows. 241, Oregonian. COACHMAN 26. sober, steady and reliable,, would like work in that line, 0 would work on stock farm. D 258. Oregonian. JAPANESE want contract to cut wood, over 1000 cords. 249 Couch at. Phone Main 6521. EXPERIENCED accountant want your books to post and letters to write; work called, for and delivered, phone Tabor 98. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. AD 229. Oregonian. WANTED A position by a first-class up-to-date bread foreman; best of references. C 235, Oregonian. JAPANESE cook and dishwasher want po sitions in city or country. P 262, Ore gonian. JAPANESE boy wants steady position as a houseworker or porter. Address S. M., 51 North 4th St., Portland, Or. YOUNG MAN. strong and intelligent, wants to learn electrical and mechanical work. P 200. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND baker wants situation Im mediately. P 201, Oregonian. YOUNG man would like to learn mechanical or plumber's trade. A. Hamen. 3 3d st. SITU ACTIONS WANTED FEUALB. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. RELIABLE stenographer, typewriter and dependable assistant wants steady po sition. $7.00 week start; references. Main 6558. COMPETENT stenographer, experienced in office work, wishes- position; moderate sal ary. S 252, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion, legal work a specialty; references; stranger in city. Box 303, city. Dressmakers. EXCELLENT seamstress. dresses. chil dren's clothe and underwear. Will sew at my home or yours. Millinery a spe cialty. Very reasonable. Phone Main 4394. THE famous Kelsters Ladies Tailoring College Ladles, save dressmakers bills, make your own gowns here. We teach Keister's drafting system. 306 Stearns big. GOOD, reliable dressmaker would like few more engagements by the day. Phone Sellwood 741. PLAIN, fancy dressmaking, shirt waist suits, evening gowns, by day or at home. 388 5th. A 5794. Mrs. Ida Winter. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day; experienced. Phone Tabor 483. Housekeeper. YOUNG woman wishes position as house keeper or cook in small family; good wage; can give beat of references. Address O 257, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE young widow would like to keep house for young married couple or widower and daughter. P 253. Oregonian. MAN and wife want charge of rooming-house; experience and references. B 250. Orego nian. NICE, refined widow, boy 10, wishes po sition as housekeeper in city. 209 4th street. COLORED woman, cook dinner, wash or Iron by day. Phone East 3105. N WANTED By refined, middle-aged woman, situation to care for invalid or children, is good seamstress; excellent references. Address R 251, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse, middle-aged, con finement case preferred; references. Phona Tabor 1303. 233 49th st. COMPETENT nurse will do housework In confinement cases; terms moderate; phy sician's reference. R 252, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. GIRL 18, wants position as ticket seller in theater, or cashier in some small store or restaurant; experienced In both. P 263. Oregonian. EUROPEAN lady desires position as gov erness ; elementary music, languages, painting; references. G 244. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants place In pri vate family, $35-$40; no room, 209 4th. Main 2039. THOROUGHLY experienced exchange op erator desires position either in store or hotel. Phone Main 4407 after 8 A. M. LADY would like most any kind of day work from 9 until 3 o'clock, rooming house, store or housework. Phone E. 1821. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. Please call bet. 5 and 6 o'clock evenings, . Phone Main 9089. FRENCH, German, Italian, oil painting, lady teacher ; terms reasonable. G 243, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman wishes general house work, two In family; $25 to $30; suburb. Tabor 107. FIRST-CLASS washing and ironing done neatly on short notice. Phone Main 1830. 464 Davis. DAY work wanted Tuesday and Wednes d ay ; laundry or cleaning. Main 7323, room 4. HOME laundered lace curtains, by an ex perienced hand. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. COMPETENT woman wants steady day work for Wednesday. Phone Tabor 829. WANTED AGENTS. BIG money for agents handling our house hold necessities. Particulars free. Newton & Co., Coronado. Cal. WANTED TO RENT. ROOM and board In private family by young couple and baby 8 months of age; must be good neighborhood; references exchanged. - F 255, Oregonian. LADY wishes room and breakfast with private family in good location on West Side; can give references; give particulars. S 257, Oregonian. WANTED Large room with board by man and wife; modern, with home privileges; .West Side, walking distance. Phone mornings. 8:30, Main 154, A 1541. FURNISHED house; would prefer one with barn in connection; good location. Dr. P. L. Austin, Chicago Dentists. 321 Wash ington. BOARD wanted, select, for four adults, three children; neighborhood 20th and Irving. Answer before noon. C 258, Ore gonian. WANTED, unfurnished. Immediately, by re sponsible party. 15 to 20 rooms, strictly modern In every respect. Phones Main 4632 or A 1S56. WANTED By musical gentleman of refine ment, furnished room or en suite, without board ; desirable location ; must take all or part music lessons. S 261, Oregonian. HOUSE or flat In vicinity Hawthorne ave., by responsible party; 2 adults; rent about $25. Phone East 602. WANTED 16 or 20 unfurnished rooms, close In, with steam heat, with gas and electric light. R 263. oregonian. J WANTED Family of 8 adult want to rent a nice 5-rooro cottage; must be In flrst-claes neighborhood,' with electric light and mod ern; not more than 20 minutes out; will pay not more than $22. If your cottage is run down In appearance do not bother answering. Phone Main 6150 bet. 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming -houees, etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Phone Exchange 7 WANTED Completely furnished 8-room flat or small house for Winter; good care; man and wife only; piano and fireplace de sirable, phone A 4276 or address 766 Irving st. ' DESIRABLE people, man and wife, and girl of 9. want 2 or 8 clean furnished house keeping rooms In suburb; give full particu lars. Address R 259. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room in a private family, by a young man; must be close in end prlcea reasonable, p 246. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. , WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6655. A 4121. WANT to sell all cord wood and brush slashed on 76 acres on Salem Electric, near Tlgardville. VANDUYN ft WALTON. 616 Chamber Commerce. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 8d st. North. Phone Main 9272. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988. B 2311. CLOTHING, dress suit, Prince Alberta bought, ladies evening and street dresses. Phone Main 8744. LADY wants piano for storage; best of care. W 250. Oraaonlan. CLOTHING Phone M. 185183 N. Sd. Highest price paid; prompt attention. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family Hotel. American or European Plan. Only ten minutes' walk from business center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne avea Car passes hotel every minute; very rea sonable rates; largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found anywhere, with every modern convenience; large, well-kept lawn. DO you realize that you can get an outside, steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts.. for $10 up per month? This house is being re painted, rep ape red and put in first-class condition by the new owners; nice large parlor in connection. Suites, with running water, $22.50 to $35. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished, rooms. $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transient 50c, 75c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-492 Washington at. THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel. 830 Yamhill; new management; an ideal place to make your Winter quarters; new fireproof building, with modern conveniences. In heart of city; special rates to permanent guest. A. H. Pracht, Prop. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout: new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phone in all rooms. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 4408. Main 4861. GAYOSO, Grand ave.. East Stark Well furnished rooms, possessing modern con veniences ; steam neat, hot water, eleva tor, baths; very reasonable rate. Hotel Buahmark, Wash, and 17th, first-class furnished room, single or en suite: all modern conveniences. $3 weekly up; dally, 75o up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Main 4631. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. QN E nice front room, suitable for two gentlemen; all modern conveniences, rea sonable rent. 841 Harrison. Phona Main &737 till Tuesday. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; Kings Heights; reasonable. 669 Main st. Phone M. 1822. NICE large room In private family, suit able for two young men. Main 6-17, 227 TWO nicely furnished outside rooms; free phones; only $2 and $2.50 per week. 209 4th at. 258 13TH ST. Nicely furnlBhed rooms; private family; new house; every conven ience; gentlemen only. LARGE, . light, well-heated bay-window room, residence district, walking distance. Main 3312. 361 10th. NICELY furnished and unfurnished rooms, heat, bath and light ; rent very reason able. 447 Main. BEAUTIFUL front bay-window rooms, large, airy; both phones; completely fur nished; first-class location. 534 Morrison. THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sta, modern front suites, also single rooms, bath and both phonea THE ESTES-,-Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE TEMPLE, 843 Yamhill St., opposite Hotel Portland; nicely furnished rooms; rent $2.50 week; transient. NEAT room for one or two ladies. 469 6th st. Call after 2:30 today or tomorrow. 262 12TH Lovely parlor room, $15; ground floor. C ROOMS on ground floor, furnished, furnace, yard. 290 12th st. DESIRABLE furnished rooms, open fire. 130 14th st- cor. Alder. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modern rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. HOTEL "ROYAL, 108 4th St.; steam-heated;-rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk.. 50c to $1 per day. VERY pleasant large front room, suitable for two. $8 month. 361 14th at. NICE, large furnished room, 2 gentlemen preferred. 407 Stark St. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $6 wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. FINE, nice furnished front rooms; gas, bath. 135 11th and Alder. Unfurnished Rooms. 8 LIGHT and air unfurnished rooms, rea sonable; single or en suite; bot and cold water, gas. light, etc 269 N. 21at St., near cor. North rup. Rooms With Board. BACHELORS' CLUB, well equipped, can accommodate one or two gentlemen, rea sonable; references. W 252, Oregonian. ROOM and board for two employed people, residence location, walking distance, rea sonable. 624 East Morrison. NICE room, suitable for two, with or with out board; modern; reasonable. 30 East 16th North, near Burnslde. 375 14TH ST. Wanted, four or six young men to room and board; terms reasonable; home cooking. THE THORNDYKE, 655 Washington St., ele gantly furnished rooms, with board, choice location ; walking distance. LARGE room for two; also single room with board ; modern convcnlencese. 452 Morrison, cor. 18th. WELL-FURNISHED room, with board, very reasonable; also day board, $4 week. The Chrysler, 389 Taylor. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. THE COLONIAL. Corner 10th and Morri son. A home hotel; large rooma, good board, low ratea $40 Nicely furnished room, with board for two in ideal home. 470 Main at. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark. 225 11th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two in email private family; fine home, modern. 212 11th st. THE MANITOU. 261 13th st., rooms large and light, rates reasonable. Rooms With Board. THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch, room and board, $25 per month, large grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. BLAKELY HALL, 800 Jefferson, one of th nicest private boarding-houses In city; large, airy rooms, running water; beaut i-( fui grounds, finely located for tourists, transient or permanent guests. A 8345 NEWLY furnished room, suitable for two, with board. In private family; furnace heat, bath and phone. Main 3853. 408 12th. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella Raw ling. Supt., 610 Flanders st. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished fronl rooms, one single, one double; breakfast if desired. West Side; walking distance, 201 16th St.. cor Taylor. NICE, light, airy rooms. A-l home cook- t ing, all modern conveniences; gas. elec tricity, heat. bath, phone. A 4190, or call 647 Yamhill. Mra Johnaon. WHOLESOME, palatable home cooked meals In private home. By week or tran sient. Close to Washington, 26 N. 10th. M 6595. NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table board, striotly home cooking; modern; $4 w eek ; eas y w a 1 king d is tance. The Lln dell. 269 Market. 41 ELLA ST.. front room with board; sult- able; table board. Apartment. W. L. MORGAN. 322 FAILING BLDG. Apartments: Roosevelt. 668 Kearney, near 21st, handsome, splendidly located; Colonial, steam-heated bldg. Just com pleted, fi rooms possessing modern con veniences: one at $40. one at $80; Wel lington Court. 626 Everett, near 13 th. same a above, $37.60. IONIAN COURT Elegant ft and 4-room re Idence apartments, each having private vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerators, win dow shades and screens, telephone and ' janitor service. Apply Janitor, 18th and Couch. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts. One block from City Hall, three and tour room apartments, and handsomely fur nished bachelor room a Striotly hign-clase in every respect with every modern con venience, now ready for guests. Rent be gins October 1. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia, elegant 4-room resJdenc apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sta, unfurnished 4-room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for con lenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Apply to Janitor. Main 2506. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 6-room apartment, with bath and all modern conveniences, including telephone, gas and eleotrio light, without further coat. H 118, Ore gonian. $ THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sta. un furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new. modem and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap ply to Janitor. CINCINNATI COURT Unfurnished 4-room steam-heated apartment ; gas range and Janitor service; also 6-room lower flat. 401 10th. MARLBOROUGH APARTMENTS. 21st and Flanders; 5-room unfurnished apartments, new, high-class; reasonable rates. See Janitor. THE DAYTON 660-662 Flanders Nice 4-room basement apartment; bath, steam heat, hot water, gas range, etc $25 month. THE BUELL APARTMENTS, cor. Salmon and 14th sts.. new and up-to-date 4-room apartments ; private phone, bath ; auto matic elevator ; steam heat, etc 8 AND 4-room steam-heated apartments, fur nished and unfurnished modern, exclusive. Cottell Drug Co., 1st and Sherman. SIX and 7-room, heated apartments, with every modern convenience. 715 Johnson A 1678. THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders 1 4-room un furnished apartment, modern. Apply to Janitor. LARGE, cozy houee tent, also lovely rooms, ' unfurnished, central. West ide. 429 3d BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. "The Bralntree." Flat. j30 Modern six-room upper flat; excellent location; will paint and tint rooma to suit tenant. 126 North 18th St., bet. Glisan and Flanders. Keys may be had at lower flat today. Dooly & Co.. 1117 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 1651. $16 4-room lower Jlat, yard, basement, woodllft, shades, etc., 15 minutes walk from Steel bridge. 444 Rodney av.. cor. Tillamook st. East 4866. UNUSUALLY attractive flat; everything K modern; fireplaces and furnace, large porcnes, gvod yard; cnoice west oiae loca tion. Woodward, 104 2d. UPSTAIRS fiat in desirable East Side neigh borhood; rent $30. Including water and heat. Apply W. N- Carter. 712 Williams ave. Phone East 4963. MODERN flats all sizes, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E, cor. Sd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. NICE modern lower flat 6 rooms, bath, base ment, furnace, etc.. choice location. 173 3d. near Johnson st.. rent (27.50. C. H. Korell. 251 Washington. THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk ing distance, $26. Mrs. A. Larry, room 69 Washington bldg. Phone Main 615S. MODERN lower, 5-room flat, choice location, walking distance, close in. 406 Park St., bet. Harrison & Hall. Key at 229 1st st. MODERN 4-room flat, 8 extra bedrooms up stairs. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Wash ington. Call forenoon or evening. Main 8988. NEARLY new 6-roonx modern flat; walk ing distance. Tag gar L '416 Chamber of Commerce. NEARLY new 6 -room modern flat; walk ing distance. Taggart. 426 Chamber o( Commerce. 20 8-ROOM flat; all modern conveniences; nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave:; phone East 07. MODERN 4-room flat ; shades, basement, wood lift, lawn; , near car. 780 William! ave. -Woodlawn 426. FOR RENT 4 pleasant rooms, unfurnished; hot water and gas; to parties without children. 671 5th st. Rent $18. FOUR new 5-room flats, strictly modern, walking distance, Everett, near 22d. Van duyn ft Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. MODERN 5-room flat, steel and gas range, window shades. 207 Halsey, near Steel bridge. MODERN 5-room flat, one block north Steel bridge, fronting river. 292 Margin. FOR RENT -room flat, 6i5 Gllsan. Inquire H. T- Hudson. 110 3d, st. NEW 8-room flat, 473 Park, large porch, sightly. Key 468 Park st. MODERN flat, 194 McMillen st. Inquire at 188 McMillen. near . east end Steel bridge. 8-ROOMED flat, also 6-roomed, light and convenient; reasonable- rent. 237 Hall st. 860 CORBETT, 5-room flat; bath, basement. L. E. Thompson, 228 3d. NEW modern 2, 3 and 4-room flats, on Williams ave. Phone East 1719- FOUR n-ew 6 and 6-room flats, bet. Hall and College, on 6th st. Inquire 428 6th st. Housekeeping Room. LIGHT nicely furnished single rooms and suites: $2 upward. 603 Alder. 115 12th. A 4252 12 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, free light and heat. 207 Sherman st. Mais 4482. $30 Two elegantly furnished rooma with cooking apartment, bath, gas, electricity, phone, piano; (adults). 2h2 Park st. SUITE housekeeping rooms, $10 per month, free phones and laundry. .09 4th st. TWO clean rooms; gas. bath. 514 Everett st., cor 15th. 375 14TH, furnished or unfurnished house keeping rooms; gas, bath and phone. Furnished housekeeping and single room to rent; prices reasonable. 189-193 W. Park st. TWO pleasant furnished rooms for house keeping. 655 6th st. $12 a month. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 800 4th,