1' I I mE4DflCABTElU I I THE I D-Jt s. I FOB TOUJU8T and I PORTLAND PORTLAND, CR. ' ECHOFEA FLAX HOIIER.X RES r ALKA.VT cost one mrxjoif doixam. ' CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Pay and Dp European Plan. Free Bos , Z WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. I mmmm C trmlly Located "g-lJfa.T ,la-g-rg Vmmm Dhtoel (s HOTEL PERKINS yfe, Fifth and Washington Sts. a In the heart of the business and shopping district. The i Ji-'??1 most modem and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. 4V5 r.r:i Local and lone-distance phones in every room. Rooms n -v ?H--;tK r,i7t r,th r.TJr irtt'i.fS.Ji ernly equipped sample-rooms. mSSi ELEGANT GRILL-MUSIC Dm meets all trains. Rates 1.00 sad W. BWETLAXD, HlUfOi JL F. DA VIES, PrMUant St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets. PORTLAItL OR. ' EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50o TO $L$0j FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION I THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Aider CALUMET HOTEL MODERN 1 t acLjj4.s;ius...L..Lj j ten Good Reason. Why You Should Stop at "THE CORNELIUS" THE BEST IX PORTLAXI). Cornelius. Proprietor. N. K. Clarke. Manaeer. ei'a.rr.a HARBOR CITIES HAVE 25,000 Directory Gives Aberdeen 14,000, Hoqulam 11.000 Population. ABERDEEN. Vash., Sept. Jl. (Spe cial.) Aberdeen 14.000 and Hoqulam 11.000. these are the estimated popula tions of the two cities of the Harbor as given In Polk s new directory for 1908, which la IfBued today DAI1.T METEOKOIAXilCAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Sept. 21.-Maxlmtm tempera ttir.. T0.& drrrcM; mlnlmirm, 8S.8 dureea. Rlv.r reading at S A. M., S.J feet; chanre la Uat : hours. rl. .1 foot. Total rainfall 6 P. M. to 5 P. M.). none: total alnce September 1. ldos, .83 Inch; normal. 1.08 taehea; de aclency. .3 Inch. Total sun.Mne September SO. 10 hour, 42 minutes: poaslble, 12 hours. 1 m'.nutea Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at 6 P. M.. 30.19 Icchee. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The hich barometer arMt continues atonr the N'orth Paclflc coaet. but th. preasur. Is falMnr in the .aatern porttoa of this district, th. enter of low pressure apparently being north of Montana. It Is cloudy this evening at the mouth of the Columbia Rlv.r and over th. Sound and Strait, and rain fell dur ing the day at Tatooah Island. Elsewhere over the district clear eklee are general. It Is slightly cooler along the Oregon and Cali fornia coast and from the mouth of the Columbia River and Portland northeastward acrosa Waahlngton. It la warmer tn South rn and stern Oregon and Idaho. The temperature are unseasonably high la the ATK1DABTEB8 FOB IUWW asss COMMXBCIAX. TBAVELEBS. Special ratea ,"d to families aad eln. cl. gcsstlemesL Tb mani'Mwnt will be pleaded at all time to ihow noon and grre prices. A em Turkish bdt M tabHshsnesit In thm biiLc. BOWEHfl. I I Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. Matxchaa A Sow, Prog nna Rates en -iiitn and single. Larse and moa- C a DAVIES, Sw. aa Tmm. A Strictly Firt-Cl and Modora Hotel Contaiiungl70 Rooms. Only American and Europoaa Hotel in Portland. onff DUtanoe Phones in Every Boom. Iff 'Bua Meta All Train. Ess Board v .rnHMA. 13.00 Br day and op. -European. $1.00 par day and op. niti Binarl room and board. 143 to tM according to room. For two. $T5 to $11. Board without room... COW Vm BWUUi NORTON. A HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHWGTOS ST. Beautiful Grill Room American Ratea to Families aad Eaxoaeaa Our Bna Meeta All Train. Sample Saltea, wttk Baths, for Traveling M.a COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE DANMOORB Portland's new hotel. T8 WansUsurton, eoraer 14th, sxetllsT Tnealsw. Em.p.aa pl.a ! mm Cp. Baa meeta all trains. DAM JL MOORH. Proprletom. aide, On Open all yea. K.r later, snntioa apply at Tfce Dasunoore. Tge HOTEL LENOX Portland'a new and most modernly furnished notel Third and Main streets, fronting- on the beautiful City plaza and adjacent to buslnesa center. Free 'bus to and from trains. Up-tp-date grill. Excellent culslue. Telephone In every room. Private baths. EUROPEAN PLAN, AMERICAN PLAIT, SI to 2-00 Per Day. i50 te M Per Day. O. H. SPENCER, Manager eastern portions of Oregon and 'Waahlngton and In Idaho and Montana. The Indications are for fair weather throughout the district Tuesday, except post slbly showers In Western Washington. It will be cooler la the eastern portions of Ore gon and Washington and In Idaho. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight. Sept. S3: Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly winds. Oregon Fair, cooler east portion ; north westerly winds. Washington Possibly showers west, fair aad cooler east portloa; westerly winds. Tdeho Fair and cleiv AUCTIOX BALES TODAY. By the Portland Auction Co.. til 1st lO A. M. sharp. Furniture, carpels, ranges, draping and kitchen untenslls. At 1309 Mallory are. piedmont, at 10 A. M. Sale reached by Woodlewn cars. J. T- Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House. IBS Park St.. car Morrison st. Furniture, carpata, etc. gal. at 10 o'clock. Baker a Son, auctioneer. At Oilman's auction rooms, '411 Washing ton stmt, at 10 o'clock A. M. a I- K. Oilman, auctioneer. prEP. BUSHET In tnis city. September 81. Peter Bushey. aged 63 years. FLTJHRER In this city. September SI, Mrs. Minnie Fluhrer. aged 89 year 10 months 24 days. STEARNS In this city. September 21, Wil lis C Stearns, aged Ra years, brother of A. M. Stearns of this city. Funeral no tice later. DB LBZA In this city, September IS, John DeLesa. aged 2e years. TIIE MOUSING OREGOXIAy, TUESD A YSEITErBER 22, 1905. 11 .I I TOnAT. ! XKW TOOAT. I FOB 8ALK REAL ESTATE. Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACinC Leaving; Portland Roaeburg Psasenger Cottage Orov. Passenger. ... California Exiles. Ban Franclaco Sapresa ..... West Bide i Corral! la Passenger ........ Bh.iidaA Passenger Forest Grove paaeng.r. .... Foret Orove passenger. .. Forest Orove Passenger ArrlvlnB Portland Oregon Express ... Cottage Orove Passenger .. Roseburg Passenger ....... Portland Express .......... West Side Corvallls passenger fiherldan Passenger . S:1B a. nv .1 :15pm .1 1:49 s. m IJtQ a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:10 p. as. 8:50 a. m 1:00 p- m. 6:40 p. so. T:1S a. m. U:SOa. m. 0:30 p. m. lliUp. n. 6:M P. m 10:a0 a. ns. Forest Grove Paaseage S:VO a. m. For st Grovs Passng.r. .111:00 a. m. Forost Grov. passenger. 4:30 p. OREGON BA1LBQA1 MAVIOATION OO- Leavlns Portland - J Pendlston Passenger Chicago-Portland Bpaclel Spokans Flyer Kansas City A Chicago Express. Arriving; Portland Spokane Flyer ChL, Kan. City Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special P.nalefo. Passenger T:10 a. m. 8:30 a. m. S:16 p. m. O:U0 p. m. 8:00 a. m. :4B a. m. 8:60 p. m. 6:1J p. m. SORTHEKM PACIFIC. " v ViMi.nj Taooina and Beattls Kxpresa ... Korth Coast Chicago Limited. Overland Express Arriving Portland Worth Coast Limited Portland Express 8:80 2:00 11.46 1:00 4:16 8:35 p. m. p. m. Overland Express ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. iMdn. PArtlana-. Astoria A Seaside Express.... Astoria A Beaside Exprss. .... Arriving Portland! Astoria A Portland Passenger.. Portland Express 8:00 0:80 a. m. p. m. 11:16 p. m. p. m. 10:00 CANADIAN PACXFIO RAILWAY CO. C P. R. Short Line, via Spokane, 8:18 p. I 11:46 b. via n.KLLi a ....... Arriving Portland -C P. R. Bhort Line, via Spokans Via Beattls 8:00 a. : 1:00 a 1 Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Parvenger .... Arriving Portland Dailaa Passenger .... T:e0 4:16 10:16 Dallas Passenger 6:50 OBJCOON ELECTRIC BAIL WAY. Arriving; Portland j Wilaonvllls Local Salem and Intermediate Local . WlleoavUle Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Baletn and Intermediate Local.. Wllaonvllle Local Bal.ra and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Salem and Intermediate Express. Lea vine: Portland Salem and Intermediate Local. . Wllsonvills Local Salem and Intermediate Expresa Salem and Intel mediate Local.. Wllsonvills Local 6alem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local .. Wllsonvills Local Salem and Intermediate Express. I T:05 8:16 10:30 11:20 1:20 4:46 4:00 6:40 '18 6 25 7:36 8:36 11:10 1:10 2:06 8:80 8:10 6:06 MEETING NOTICES. IVAN-HOE TjODQE. NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, meets tonight (Tuesday), at 8 O'clock. K. of P. building. 11th and Alder streets. Visiting brothers welcome. Knight rank. CEOROE J. EM RICH. C. C. W. J. CEDERSON, Assistant K. It. A S. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL OF KADOSH NO. L A AND A. 0. RITE) Regular meeting In Me morial Hall. Scottish Rite Ca thedral, this evening at o'clock. By order EM. COMMANDER. HARMONY LODGE. NO. It, A. F. AND A M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even ing at 7 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. Visitors are cor dially Invited. By order of ths W. M. W. M. tB LIN. See. M COR 84. O. J,V Hon t V. o'clock W. M. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO. E. 8. Rerular communion' this ITnsidaTl evenlna. 8 clock. Masonic Temple. By order T. M RoclaL ELIZABETH SILKNITTER, Sec. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO 1, L O. F. Regular meeting this CTuesdsy) even ing, September 22, at 8 o'clock. Oddfellows Temple. Patriarchal degree. Visitors wel oome. R. OSVOLD. Acting Scribe. UNITED ARTISANS Members are re quested to attend the funeral of 81ster Kate Paulson, of Fram Assembly, at Erlcson's chapel, 411 Alder St.. this afternoon at 2 o'clock. MRS. J. LEACH, Secretary. ORBGON CIRCLE- NO. 171, W. O. W. Of ficers and members are requested to attend the funeral of our deceased neighbor, Karen Paulsen, from Ertcksou's chapel, Tuesday, 411 Alder st. . September 22. at 2 P. M. ELIZABETH HECAN. Guardian Neighbor. Attest: MART BAND ALL. Clark. B. P. O. ELKS Members of Portland Lodge, No. 142, are requested to meet In the lodgeroom today (Tuesday) at 8:46 P. M. sharp, to conduct the funeral service of our late brother, F. R. Cheney, of Juneau Lodge, No. 420. Visiting brothers Invited to assist. By order of the exalted ruler. C. M. BILLS, Secretary. ENGROSSING resolutions, testimonials, memorials, ate. Ellis. 60S Columbia bldg. FUNERAL NOTICES. MOTHERSOLB The fuaeral service of the late George Mothersole will bs held at Hol man's ohapel. Third and Salmon streets, at '2:30 P. M., today (Tuesday). Friends in vited. Interment River View Cemetery. CHANET The funeral services of the late Dr. Fred Russell Cheney will be held at the Elks temple, at 4 P. M. today (Tuesday.) Friends invited. Interment River View Cem etery. KTBRNAN la that city, September 20, at the family residence, 290 Columbia street, Elisa beth Klernan. aged 81 years, beloved wife of James Klernan, mother of Mrs. Mamie Leaning and W. B. Kiernsn. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Chapel, Third and Salmoa streets, at 1 P. M. today (Tuesday) September 22. Inter ment River View Cemetery. PAULSON At 818 East Tth St.. North., Sept. 19, Carrie Marie Paulson, aged 64 years, 2 months and 7 days, beloved wife of Chris Paulson. Deceased was a mem ber of Artisan Lodge. No. 121, and Women of Woodcraft, Oregon Circle, 171. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday), September 22, at 1 P. M. (Instead of 2 P. M. as formerly announced) from Erie son's chapel. 409 Alder St. Friends In vited. Interment in family plot. River View Cemetery. 8LATTERX In this city, Sept. 20, James Slattery, aged 75 years. Funeral Wednes day, Sept. 23, at 7:40 A. M., from Dun ning, McEntee A GUbaugh chapel, Tth and Pine sts., thence to St. Mary's Cathedral. ISth and Davis sts., at 8 A M. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Friends Invited. W Kfe'l' In this city. September 21. Charles Edwin West, aged 48 years. The funeral services will be held at the chapel of ths Portland Crematorium at 2:30 P. M. today (Tuesday.) WEIDLER The funeral services of the late George W. Weldler will be held at the fam ily residence. 618 Lovejoy street, at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday.) Friends Invited. Thence to crematorium. Please omit flowers. FLUHRER At St. Vincent' Hospital, on Sept. 21, Mrs. Minnie Fluhrer, wife of Wllltsm Fluhrsr, aged 69 yeans, 10 months. 24 days. Interment will be at Maccabee Cemetsry at Mayger, Or., on Sept. 23. Pro cess sica will leave A A C. depot st 11 o'clock, after both trains arrive. Friends and neighbors pleess take notice. KIERNAN Elisabeth Kleman. aged BL be loved wife of James Klernan and mother of Mamie Lannlng and W. B. Klernan. Funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel, 8d and Salmon sts., at 1 P. M. Tuesday. Friends Invltsd. rrajmln McEntee M GUbaugh, Funeral Directors, Tth and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOI-MAN CO.. Funeral Dtrect ars. StO d St. Lady assistant. Phase M 607. J. r. FINLEY A SON, Sd and Ksdlsoav rnone sxaut st low. SELLER-BYRNES CO, Funeral Dtree ara. 278 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant, F. a DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant Phone East 63. WHERE TO DINTS. Hot Weather DietJi eat. Vege tarian Cafe. 108 6th sU. near Washington. A- HEILIG 14th and Wash. . l . A A 111. monc main " rw TONIGHT EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. Special Price atatines naturu.j. KOLB & DILL. MUSICAL COMEDY. "LONESOME TOWN." Evenings. 81.80 to 25c; matinee. 81 to 23c BUNGALOW THEATER Phones Main 117. A 4224. Empire Theater Co. (Inc.), Lessee. Home of the famous Baker Stock Company. All ims woc. ...'.....'. . . in a Nat Goodwin's noted comedy success, "A GILDED FOOL." Prices Evenings, 25c 85c 50c; matinees Nexwiek "The Girl of the Golden Went-" BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2 A 6360 Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee. GEO. L. BAKER. General Manager. Tonight, all week, matinees Tuesday, Thurs day. Saturday. The leader of all musical showa H. H. Frasee's original production, "THE ROYAL CHEF." 20 whistling song hits, famous beauty chorus. 65 people. 65. Evening prices 25c 60c 75c, 81; matinees, 25c. 60c. , Next Week "The Cat and the Fiddle." MAIN 6 A 1020 Matinees Ex. 8 on days and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75C Advanced Vaudeville Week September 21. The Military Octette i The Four Kianos: Julia Klngsley Co.! Jupiter Bros.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Beane: Mabel Sinclair; Three Dancing Mltcbelat Movlna Pictures. THE STAR phones Main 6400, A 1490. MAtlnees Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday. For ths Entire Week of Sept. 20. GEORGIA HARPEB IN "NELL G WYNNE." Matinees at 2:30 P. M-, prices ISo and 2Xc; every evening at 8:18. prices 15c 25c. S5c 60c Seats may be reserved by either phone. Next Week "Uncle Josh Perkins." THE LYRIC THE BIATNKAU STOCK COMPANY WILL PRESENT Tennesse's Partner MAMTE HAS LAM IN THE TITLE ROI.K. PAN TAG ES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Stars of All Nations Engagement Extraordinary of MLLE. LOUISE And her high school acrobatic monkeys. .- Special Added Attraction. YE OLDE HOME CHOIR Sweetest Singers in America. Matinees dally. 15 cents; two shows at night, IS and 25 cents. THE GRAND-VaadeyiUe deLnie Another Big Bill. ar.h VmhaI. f'n Loola Chevalier and Company. Mile Theo and Her Dandies. Sakata. Fred Baner. Grandascope. In the Fast and Fu rious 1-Round Com edy Bout Entitled "The Flip Mr Flop." All, Hunter & Aki, Novel toniana. BASEBALL EECEEATI0N PARK Oor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND September 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Games begrln weekdays 3:30 P. M.; Sunday, 2:80 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 60c; boxes, 25c extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS r. m4i Lasto Mantle, 28c the Gas Mantlei equal ot the best 35a mantle on the market. Barretts. 410 Mor rison. nu,u iu Wnnd n0 cora nrst-elass 4-foot fir tYOOtl wood. 85 Per cord delivered. Phone Main 4435. Eagle Creek Fuel Com pany, 408 Corbett Bldg. . 1 rt c- Cut Flowers always fresh from X iOrla I our own conservatorlea Martin A Forbes, 347 Washington St. Both phonos. Electric Fixture. nfwuhomJe.D rour prices are right. All work guaranteed; Western Elsctrlo Works, 61 Sixth street. ril-Mnr, Knlvss, Forks and all Sllver Aiailllg ware replated as good as new. Oregon plating Works, loth and Alder. Main 2575. A 2578. tt'1. O'Malley A Neuberger, 827 Wash II lue lngton street. PUone Main 2394. Free delivery. A gallon of 10-year-old Ingle nook PortJLBO. Kemmsrer seal, the best Wyo vOel tning coal; gives more heat and less ash. cburchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sts. Phones Main 931. A 883L Richmond and Walleend Australian. lOBI independent Coal A Ice Company, opposite City Library. Both phones. ear Ths Portland Fuel Co.. 287 B. Mor- TTUUU rlson St., Is prepared to furnish cordwood In large ana small quantities a the lowest prices. Phones E 26 and B 1029. NEW TODAY. Bargain 40x100 On Overton, near 24th street, fac ing north. $3500 Frank Bollam, 128 3d St. Choice Residence Site $3500 50 by 70 on 24th street. This is a great bargain. FRANK BOLLAM 128 THIRD STREET. Very Delightful Home $4500 6 rooms, reception hall, full cement basement, gas, electric light, furnace, stationary washtubs, automobile house, cement walks, splendid yard, all street improvements, . walking; . distance, on East Side. OTTO & HARKSON 133H First St. .14 Net West Side property; choice location. Terms. . SMITH A EVERETT, 815-317 Swetlaad Building;. . V CAPITOL HILL The choice of them all with 6-cent car fare on the best carllne running In and out of the city. The Oregon Electric Railway runs throuKh the center of Capitol Hill for more than half mile; every lot cleared, sightly and level, no stone of gravel, the richest kind of solL The lots in Capitol Hill are all full slxe, 60x100 feet, no Jim Crow 25-foot lot. Capitol Hill is only ten minutes' ride from the business center' of tnis city, inside the city lim its, on the West Side, in Portland proper; - you can ride to and from Capitol Hill in a palace car. We have a nice little depot on the ground; you can also walk from the depot platform on sidewalk through the tract for more than a mile. Every lot is a beauty, and the price, that ts so low we are ashamed to mention it, $200. 8230 and 1300 per lot The terms, any kind of terms you want, from 85 up monthly. .Title to all of Capitol Hill is perfect ly you don't want to you need not call at our office, take the car at Front and Jefferson streets, ride to Capitol Hill and look it over for yourself. If you call at the office we will pay your fare. This is the cheapest Inside property and the most desirable ever offered at the above low prices before in Portland for twenty years, i An other statement we here make and that is that you can build your home In Capitol Hill and from your front porch see more people passing through it dally from now until the end of time than any other residence portion of Portland, and that's what gives value to real property and not hot air. Cap itol Hill has two railroads running through it, and the best carriage and automobile road from the city to every lot in ths tract. Address or come to the office ana talk to. us about Capitol Hill, CLOHESSY & SMITH 401 and 402 McKay Bids;, Tel. Main 1068. Within the City Limits at $100 Per Acre Is Nota Speculation Bat an Investment It is an investment that will pay 100. to 300 per cent profit in a very few years. If you want to place your money whera it will grow as the city grows and wp all know how rapidly Portland is forging ahead come and see me abont this acreage investment. Now is a good time to invest. - After elec tion prices are liable to be higher. ;Take a U car to Ivy street. W.N.CARTER 712 Williams Avenue.' 50 feet from Washington St. Fractional lot, substantial, nearly new building; guar anteed lease for $1500 yearly. Location east of 15th street. Sure, safe in vestment; bound to. increase in value. $18,500 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. BLYTHSWOOD NEXT WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Special Reduction In price and terms, with choice of magnificent sites, to any purchaser beginning- immediate construction of good residence. There la no finer, bet ter laid-out nor cheaper residence property on the West Side, the land being sold In irregular tracts, according- to the contour ot the land, while all good trees have been carefully pre served. RUSSELL & BLYTH COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. Bargain The Best Buy in the Market Something doing on 16th and Thur man; fine quarter block; 8 per cent net Income. This quarter block is worth $30,000. Tou can have it for a short time for $22,500. Bee C. R. DeBURGH 118-120 Ablngton Bids. NEAR THE COUNTRY CLUB 19 acres, all cleared and fenced, a pretty place, good soli all In cultiva tion for years. I will sell this land for the low price of $550 per acre, $1D0 per acre less than the price being asked for a single lot 60x100 feet near by. This Is like finding money In a locality where lots are selling readily at $600 and $700 per lot. Call on the owner. M. J. Clohessy, 401 and 402 McKay bldg. Nob Hill Bungalow Glisan, near 24th St., 7 rooms, hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, panelled dining-room, fireplace, furnace, light fixtures, shades and screens. Will take other property in trade. C. AFRVE, JR, Photographer, Fifth and Alder Sts. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to suits pe rial ratea and favorable terms oa Iarga loans eat business properties. Fundi .Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL ma McKay Bids;.. Sd A stark. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lowest Current Bates. Bill I ding Loans, Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 202 Worcester Block. OEORGfc BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTAItTS. A2 Worosstsr Building. Phone Mala 8371. ACREAGE Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of Interest. LOUIS SALOMON, t.1S Stark Street, near Second. BEAL ESTATK DEALERS. Ac draws, r. V. A Co.. at sseo. IS H.mlltoa M Bexar. Alfred A. US Ablngtoa bldg. Chapln A Bsrlow. 832 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. a A Co. 603 Corbatt bldg. Croasley Co.. 708-8 borb.tt bldg. at TSM. Fields, c. B. A Cc. Board of Trade bldg. Ooddard. B. W-. stain and A 1TA 110 2a St. leanings A Co. Mala 188. SOS Oregonlaa. Klnnsy Stampher, 6S1-M1 Lor. Ex. M MM Lea, M. K . room 411 Corb.tt bunding. Mall A Von Borstal. 104 2d st. SOS B Burnsta. Palmer, H. P.. tlS Commercial Club bldg. M 8889, A 2088. Parrlsh. Watklns A Co., SSO Alder St. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. Scbalk. Ceo. T.. !t Stark st. Main 381. A 22 Sharker. J. P. A Co.. 122 V Sixth st Swensson, A F. A Co.. 2oS44 Washington st Th. Oreron Real Batata Cos. sett laird su tHolladar Addition.! Veteran Land Co.. 822 Chamber of Ctraameros Waddel, W. O., 808 Lumber Exchange blag. While. B. F-. 22TV Washington et. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. A LARGE number of choice houses In Irving-ton and Holladay Add. Come and Inspect befor. It Is too lat. to get into the most desirable part of Portland. Any amount ot lots, all prices; some very de sirable home sites cheap. One 10H-a. tract, nicely located to the city, only $1000 per acre. Finely furnished house, carpets, rules and furniture very reasonable. Irv lngton. Broadway cars. For further par ticulars call at office, cor. 15th and Ha soy sta East S9. C IMS; res. C 1508. C 12TL DOLE! A HARDMAN. BY OWNER New 2-story ft-room house, Brooklyn Heights; full concret. basement, stationary washtubs, woodllft. piped for furnace; Winter's wood: halls, combination fixtures, large pantry, hot and cold water. Bull Run water, large porches, east facing, splendid Tlew; 80 minutes' walk to busi ness center, 2 blocks to carlise. eohool and stores; will Include all new furniture If de sired and sell on small payment down, bal ance like rent; this Is an exceptionally good buy. For particulars Inquire B 240, Oregonlan, HUAr equity or siiii " - .- East Bide addition will be sold for $S0O cash; party going oti See Churchill-Matthews Co., 110 2d St. 11600 NEW 5-room house; 8 rooms besides hall, pantry and den on first floor, l rooms, closets e'id bath on second floor, electrlo and gue fixtures; ohina oloset, full concrete basement; roof tarred; ce ment walk; modern plumbing; easy terma Inquire of owner, 1005 Maryland ave.. near piedmont car barna Phone Wooo lawn 60. Take St. John car. $3250 BUYS S acres In cultivation. 8 miles I rum center ui - two carllnes; very neat house ana new Darn,- gooa wen suw iiu,. : Crops, Winter's wood and all tools ana implements go wim junov. bushels potatoes expected. If yon want to be perfectly happy, buy this home. J. . . Compton. 116 Ablngton bldg. Main 093J. CENTRAL ALBINA. New 7-room strictly modern house, full cement basement and floor, cement side walk around house, roomy attic, houso tinted throughout; nrst-elass furnace. S70 Kerby St.. between Mason & Shaver, op posite Thompson School; $3600. Owner, X 245. Oregonlan. i-ROOM new, modern house and nice lot. East Side, close In. one block from car; full basement, with ooncreted floor and wash basins, fireplace, gas and electric fixtures; $3500; 81000 cash (or a lot of that value), first and second mortgage for bal ance. Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. - TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL Buyers waiting with $150 to $300 cash to apply on small homes. WHAT HAVE YOU ? See me at once. Automobile for showing property. A 3. DRAPER. 82 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. MODERN 6-room house. Just completed; fireplace, electrlo and gae fixtures: full cement basement; new lawn; 10-mlnute car ride to center ot city; a beautiful little home; can be had on easy payments. O. M. SMITH, 415 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE Two lots, each 50x100 feet. In Beauvolr Heights Addition. Just outside city limits; taxes low; water from cele brated Pennoyer springs; lots plowed; price $700. Apply W. E. Bates. Hellman Station. waverly-Woodstock carllne. INVESTMENT. I will build store and flat In splendid, Walln.- nrtll MV 90 Tier Cent U6t OB full price or about 25 per cent net on amount requirea to nanaie. Duiiomutiu, 85 Fafayette bldg. Main 8529. 5-ROOM house and lot BOxlOO; $800 cash, bal. terms $15 per month. New bungalow. $500 cash. bal. terms $15 per month. Both ., nv i .Id, Will build tn suit. Mult. Inv. A Realty Co.. 1018 Board or Traae, etn ana tje $1200 FOR 100x100 on Killlngsworth ave., near Denver; also several scattering bar gain lots nearby; $500 up; easy terms. VANDUTN A WALTON, 615 Chamber Commerce. BIZOO r J I 4WA..1VV VU ..LP'.." v. near Denver; also several scattering bar- aTaln lots nearuy; .iiww up, . VANDUYN A WALTON. 615 Chamber Commerce. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG Rmtnrm vnii aslr me about our Irrigated farms for only $200; $10 down and $10 per month. THOMAS McCUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. BAROAIN 6-room new modern house; den, pantry, china closets, fins yard and rose - bushes ; beautifully located, 1 block from Thompson School. 636 Kerby, near Sha ver. L or U cara NOB HILL RESIDENCE 88 Cornell (24th st.) between Everett and Flanders; modern, con venient and artistic; concrete mission styl. of architecture, u. th IVODIO, owner, m merclal Block. ABSTRACTS of title often show defects that will cause failure In your sale; have each abstract examined by a competent attor ney at moderate charge. See W. 9. Ward, 210 Allsxy Diag., tu ana surnauu. WAvm wt nn Broadway, between East 6th and 7th, 60x65 for $1900, or 32x05 for 81050. or zaxea lor .tfov. twiw, o Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES for sale ra ail parts of th. city: niium close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampcer, 631-82 Lumber Exchange bldg. RISLEY TRACT, Oregon City carllne, 2 acres or more: all in cultivation; best of land. C. W. Rlsley, owner, Rlsley P. O., Mllwaukls. BUNOALOW, large and commodious; ground 100x100; beautiful home; owner forced to sell. Call on B. ., Room 40, Washing ton bldg. 6-ACRS tracts, close to electrlo and steam lines; Dest Diaca soiii siov .uuu, 7 vuu, balance 6 per cent. Cattarlln A Mann. 242 H Alder SL QUARTER block, close to ear, fine berries and grapes; good 5-room house, only $1700 and good terma tin oo wim ber of Commerce. 5 ACRES of high and sightly ground; level; lies fine for platting; a good buy. Call on B. R-. Room 40, .Washington bldg. FOUR modern dwellings. $3000, $3750. $4000, $5500: all walking distance. See owner, 691 East Washington st. 8150 CASH, balance $15 per month: nice home, full lot, on carllne. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 182 THIRD ST. FOR 8AL8J Beautiful West Side 5-room cottage. 784 Kelly St., will sell cheap; terma CHOICE building lots for sal. In all parts of the city. Washington A Oregon Realty Co., 108 2nd St.. Portland. CHOICE horn, near car in Sellwood; good neighborhood; $2500, terms. Room 16, Washington bldg. BELOW market price, choice Improved lot. Rose City Park, east frontage, cement walks, close car, terms, bargain. H 263, Oregonlan. BARGAIN Good 6-room house and busi ness lot In Sunnyslds; $2250. terms. Phone B 1762. CHOICE home near car In Sellwood; $2500; terms. Room 16 Washington bldg. agoo Good building lot on Commercial at., clos. in. Inqulr. 244 Sellwood st. CHEAP LOTS. 8 Quarter blocks In Boston Add. 1 00x100 lot. nice. In Boston Add. 1 quarter block In Burfleld Add. 1 73x100 lot In Willamette. . 1 quarter block In Montavllla. 1 quarter block In Morgan Add. 1 60x100 lot In Hudson Add. 1 2.x100 lot In Hudson Add. 1 60x100 lot In lrvlngton Park. 8 60x100 lots In heart of Llnnton. 1 75x100 corner in Llnnton. These lots are sold at extremely low prices, and title to same is based on sheriffs deed. C. F. PFLUOER A CO.. Room 14 Mulk.y Bldg.. 2d and Morrison. ENGLISH WALNUTS. . We sr. ths largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our protertles ar. In th. walnut country. Yamhill 5-acre tracts, planted. $100 cash, $15 per month. CHURCH1LL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC., 110 Ssoond St. 85 ACRES, with 1000 feet deep water front age on Willamette River and extending back to Improved county road, running water on tract, mostly In wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five mlke from Portland. 1S00 feet from electrlo line, good graded road leading to same. Price I24.E00. No stents need apply. H. G. Starkweather, box 43. route 1, Mil waukle. Or. Phone Oregon City, Farm ers 1S6. CASH PRICE. 6-room modern house on East Davis St.. furnace, full cement basement, cement laundry tubs, built-in china and linen closets, bullt-m seat in dining-room, house has Just been completed: am asking $lij $,M)0 down and $M monthly, or would sell for cash before Wednesday for $3000. H. P. PALMER, 218 Commercial Club Bldg. BUILDING NOTICE. If you own a lot why not build on it, either for a home or Investment t We'll build for cash or furnish money on easy terma We have plans of some very artlstlo California bungalows. Plans and estimates furnished free. Call and see these plana. 617 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 3917. IF there Is a hots) man tn town wanting a good business, having from $11000 to $8000 or property worth $10,000. we will place him In the midst of a thriving community In Eastern Washington grain belt. A hotel doing first-class business, has 28 sleeping rooms, office, dining-room. bar. etc.; doing an exoellent business. Price $9600. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Ald.r SC NEJW 5-room modern bungalow, large lot, trees, wood fiber plaster, tiled In kltohen and bath, walls tinted, porcelain bath, lavatory, toilet, sink. 30-gal. tank, base ment, cement foundation. 8 coats paint, worth $2250; $1860 will make you ths owner: $250 down, balance to suit. 612 ' Couch bldg. ' 20 ACRES rich, ashy swale land, good for high-class gardening; over half cleared, good barn, small house, 1ft miles from electric line; 10-cent carfare; $2300. $700 down, your own time on balance. Bennett A Derbyshire. 201 Bwetland bldg. NEW map of Portland. Or, and vicinity of 25 miles' radius, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, rhowlnr the new railroads and electric lines in operation and course of construction. For sale at the Crossley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. 800 10 acres, partially cleared, lies Just right, is right, fruit land, vegetable land, about one acre onion land; on county road; fine site for a home. Is worth more money today. J. F. Compton, 118 Ablngton bldg. COTTAGE FOR SALE OR RENT at Wood stock, half block, garden, fruit trees, well fenced, free water, ohlcken yards, 87.50 per month. Apply J. Gaston. Home phone A 4820. 624 Salmon st. ONLY $3500 A fine modern 6-room house,, new. on Cleveland ave.. near Maegly sta tion. Full 60x100 lot. Terms. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. $4600 Modern 8-room house on East Burn side St.: furnace, full cement basement, ec. H. P. PALMER. , 218 Commercial Club Bldg. Main S699, A 2053. 13660 Elegant home; best residence district; 6 large room a basement, bath, closets; everything complete; fixtures and shades all go; best car service; must sell; terms. C. B. Lucas, 822 Corbett bldg. $475 WILL buy 4 fractional lots In Sell wood. easy terms. ' H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Blf g 8 ACRES, near carllne, only $1720; cold spring water; fine for chickens and ducks; easy payments; Bo carfare; 17 min. ride. See Russell at once, room 444 Sherlock. $15,000 Whole block, close In; 6 houses on property; Income $75 month: balance of block good for lauadry or stables. Fuhr, Osbors Hotel, Bast Side. IF YOU have a lot and a little cash, we will build you a home. The balance can be paid on - the Installment plan. Ths Spanton Co.. 270 Stark at. 81600 BUYS a cosy 4-roora bungalow Just com pleted In one of Portland's prettiest suburbs; small payment cash, balance like paying rent. C. B. Lucas, 322 Corbett bldg. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Pay rent to yourself: modern bungalow: 5 rooms and bath; call and learn oue system. 827 Corbett bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BT EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATI X. D. A. TUFTS. 803 14 WASHINGTON ST. PENINSULAR lots; buy now; choice lots ad Joining Swift townslts on the west; cheapest and best location. See R. a Carey, office at Peninsula Sta. tor SALE 2 acre of choice land, 4-rornn houseTon Barnes Heights. $1500. Address B. 8. Brooks. 215 Spencer St., Montavllla, Oregon. ' BY owner, choice corner. East 14th and Yamhill, suitable for flats. Barette, tailor, 268 Alder. . 225 SNAP Lot In Reservoir Park; easy terms; must be sold. 610 Bwetland, Main 1669. FOR SALE 7-room cottage and fractional lot 70S Everett st: pries 84760. . See owner, 818 Falling bldg. GOOD 6-room house, full lot, Montana st. J MTIN: HIGLET. 182 THIRD ST. 1865 FINE lot In Terrace Park: building re-; . . . . . . r Mitt KIO R.M 1 at 1 1 etnouoiiB, .01 w - Main 15D9. WELL-FURNISHED 6-room flat for salej modern. 804 North 16th St.. near Wash ington. Phone 8835 213 ACRES, all or in part, Salem Elsctrlo) line. Phone owner. East 1719. Chems ket. Station. COUNTRY home, near good carllne, with 8 acres of choice fruit and garden. Call on B. R.. Room 40, Washington bldg. BEST snap on Nob 'Hill, full lot. 5-roonf, house, on Lovejoy St.. near 23d; $4850. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. $500 DOWN, balance monthly, snap. - New, modern 5-room house, close In, East Side; price $2300. Owner, AB 248, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM modern home, with fine view, on West Side; price $4500; terms to suit. B. R., Room 40. Washington bldg 10500 Lot 60x100 ft., with 12-room house, in 1st St., In South Portland; terma Par rleh, Watklns A Co., 250 Alder st. $4600 6-room modem house, on carllne; Willametts Heights; 1004 Thurman. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. LOTS and houses near Alberta carllne. very cheap. 325 Lumber Exchange. SOUTH PORTLAND cottage; new; 5 rooms; corner Meade St. 243 Stark, Owner. 145 CASH. $10 monthly: full lot. graded street; near car. Y 195. care Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED For cash, a 8 or 4-room cottage or bungalow, not further out than 19m or 20th St.. and In the neighborhood of; the Alberta carllne; must bs a bargain. 840 Chamber of Commerce. ' MODERN 6 or 7-room house between Holla-; day ave. and Tillamook st. and Union and Benton aves. : can pay $200 cash, balance. $25 or $60 a month; state location and price, a 264. Oregonlan. ! WANTED At once, 4 or 6-room new or sear-! lv new modern cottage, not too fsr out:l will pay $200 down and $16 per month, a 260. Uregonian. 1 WANT home within 2 mllee of 34 and Wash-! lngton sts.: will pay $500 down, balance 125 per month. B 259, Oregonlan. WILL pay spot cash for good, vacant lots near Hawthorne ave. I want to buy about to. J 24J. Oregonlan. WANTED One or 2 Bell. Crest lots. Main or A 1876. Fred Mllus.