Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 17, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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-f i - i I zztr- 1 : :
iaa aaa rrPT art tt rfiit vel low fir.
10 per cent cedar. Douglas County. It U
a map at 8' cents pr thousand; near
Elk ton crossing or. tn loos xy
rd, close to ariving iiream.
Holland Company, Inc., 6-627-629 Cor
bet! bldg.
TTMFPft i.a vrf
JAMES L) LACtl St -J..
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
2 Chamber of Commc4
WE re constantly acquiring fins tracts
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Fhon;
Vain 4486. Kinney Stampher. Wi
Lunvber Exchange bldg.
CaMfornia. Orison. Washington.
Government location a specialty.
1119 Board of Trade Bids.
626-627-628 Corbett DUig.
8.0X),V00 TIMBER claim in Douglas Coun
ty: patented: yellow and sugar pine.
Owner leaving city, need cash; $1650
this month. C 252. Oregon i an.
TIMBER claim relinquishment; 4 million
feel choir yellow fir; -three miles from
p.. R- E. P. Mobs man. 40S Commercial
Club bldg.
A FEW fine desert claim relinquishment.
for sale cheap. Call on or writs D. w.
Alton. Pasco, Wash.
CHOICE yellow pine claims: government lo
cations. 622 Worcester blug.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
TIMBER wanted from owners only. We
have clients for large or small tracts.
626-U27-6::8 Corbett bldg.
' TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. MoCracken
; 304 McKay bldg.
; FOR RENT Small farm 9 miles from Port
land; rent free to right man. Inquire
K. D. Morse. Beavertun, Or.
FOR RENT 3 acres opposite terminus Ful
ton Park car line. Apply H. Metxgr, 2id
Front st.
Horses, Vehicles said HarnfM.
FOR SALE New light two-horse express
wagon with canvas top over seat; ca
parity 10oo pounds; also new double har
ness and robe, all in good condition; price
SUM). Inquire at room 2oO Oregonian bldg.
or of A. P. Langenberg, Clackamas, Or.
. PONY for sale. S2T; weight about 800 lbs.;
will drive double or single; 8 years old;
lady can drive. Inquire E. Streble. Hills
dale. Or., route 2, box 3SB.
FINK new Stanhope buggy, fine rig for
horse show; will sell cheap for cash or
trade for good horse. Phone A 2678 or
Main 2678.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. Baddies, harness, cheap to close
out Hubert Hall. 236 4th St.
GOOD sound horse, weight about 1100
pounds; price reasonable. 394 E. Burnslde
st.. cor. Grand ave.
' FOR SALE (lentle mare, suitable to ride or
i drive In buggy or light wagon. Woodiawn,
; saw.
J FOR SALE Light delivery outfit; good con
1 dltton and a bargain If taken at ones. Main
1 273.
FINE) surrey, torether with harness, for sale
cheap; have only been used a few times.
Inquire at 591 Thurman st.
HORSES, mares, rig and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2i4 Montgomery.
HORSE for sale cheap; city broke; 179
Grover st
I HAVE to sell one of three teams. Take
yonr pick. 408 East Russell st.
"W ANTED To get horse for light work; will
buy In 60 days. F 245. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Young team draft horse a Ap
ply 808 Davis st.
FOR SALE New and second-hand runa
bouts from $j0O to $75; touring cars from
$ir.O to $2000 ; all in Al condition, phone
B 226 1, East 514. Open Sunday. US Grand
ave., cor. East Alder st. Open evenings.
BUICK runabout. 1908 machine. Model 10.
agent's demonstrator, run about 10 miles,
first-class condition, will make attractive
price. P. O. box 500. The Dalles, Or.
TOfRING csr. 4-cyltnder. glacw front, top,
new tires; fully equipped; 750. N 235,
WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand.
Address. ttlng condition and best price,
H V4. Oregonian.
rian oe.
$0O OR DE R on G raves Music Company,
absolutely cash equivalent, to prospective
piano purchafw-r; must sacrifice; big dis
count. Phone C 1418.
FOR SALE Pine $x.0 piano, almost new;
will sell very cheap, cash or terms. H
2-1S. Oregonian.
t FOR SALE $WA piano, with orchestral at
tachments, $300 cash. AC 23o. Ore
gonian. tlOOD UPRIGHT PIANO, f 101. easy terms,
or cash. $95. 617 Tourny bldg. Phone
Main :t7,"3.
' PIAVOT.A PIANO at sacrifice: leaving city.
I Inquire of Janitor, 56 Everett.
M Ihcetlaneons.
' MOVING picture films for rent; the best
selected stock In the West; all reels 1000
feet; no damaged films; everything that's
good. Snd for catalogue and terms.
Theater Film Service Co. Inc., 1042 Golden
Gats ave.. San Francisco. Cat
i 1
i MOVING picture machines; any make;
films, slides and supplies; talking ma
chines, records; opera and folding chairs;
posters, ticket, etc. 50 i page catalogue
free. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042
Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco. Cal.
for sals
tillamook county warrants,
in lots of from $100 to $5000,
parties Interested call Maglnnla V Son.
! 4U3-4 McKay bid-.
t FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables with privilege of buying; modern
bur fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender.
49 Third st.
; FOR SALE OR TRADE Gasoline wood
aw. stoves, engine, young team horses;
would consider 1 large horse part pay
ment. Inquire 215 E. "6 st. Phone Ta
bor T72.
OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old
instruments always on hand. Fine repairing
a special t y. Cal 1 or ad d rews L W inters,
318 Til ford bldg., lulh and Morrison sts.
TRAP grade automatic shotgun, leather case
and extras: good as new; price $30. Phone
Richmond 621.
FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist
ing engines, rails, cars, etc Railway
Equipment Co., 74 1st. A 2366. Main 2363.
; FOR SALE CHEAP A new Columbia
phonograph; will play long or short rec
ords. Room 24. Selling-Hirsch bldg.
HANDSOME white wool Jacket suit, suit
able for young lady, at half Us value.
Call at 242 7th st. mornings.
FOR ClALE Best dry 4 -ft- fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, SIS Water
st. Phone Mam 7451.
FOR ALE OO head of angora goats cheap.
Address T. J. Ripley. Oregon City, R. F.
D. No. 2.
FOR SALE CHEAP Kitchen treasure, din
ing table and a new refrigerator. Inquire
7'l East Yumhlll st.
you the latest Alms, song slides, supplies,
etc.. at the lowest prices. 293 Burnside,
cases and two computing scales. 193
Fourth, cor. Taylor.
BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old
Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon.
FRESH cow for sale at Nickum Station, on
Estacada. line. E. Llndell.
BOO-FT. gasoline well drill; part cash. 1241
Maryland ave.. city.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 163 4th sc.
FOR PAI Two safes. letter-preew, desks
and r.rru-e furniture. Chlopcck Ftoh Co.
FOR SALK-Davenport bed. refrigerator. Iron
M IsceUaneoua.
SEWINO machines 30 slightly damaged
machines at very low prices Singer,
Wheelsr ft Wilson. Domestic. Household.
Davis. Olds King. Standard. White, Naw
Home, and others Machines rented by
week or month. Net d Its, parts and at
tachments for alt makes. Expert re
pairing and all work guaranteed. S- S.
Sigel. agent for Singer and Wheeler
Wilson machines, s;i5 Morrison sc.
GET our price and save money on all Kinds of
Yes, we se;l to all.
110 N. Sd sc. near Gllsan.
ROOFING material, positively new com
rated Iron rnnflnr at S2.2A oer SQUars.
Any amount galvanised corruga ted Iron
lOoo squares rubber roofing.
244-46-50 Front St.
W a TF,n For u. fc. Armv. able-bodied un
married men, between ages of 19 and 85.
citixens of United States, of good cnarac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak.
read and write English. Apply to re
cruiting officer. Alnswortb block. 3d and
u&jc sts., Portland, Or.
WANTED 1 carpenter, 1 mason, 1 plumber,
1 Da Inter. 1 electrician: must be thorough
ly acquainted with the city trade and
rustlers; a money-making proposition;
will not Interfere with present occupation.
Address B 241, Oregonian.
SI 000 P.TTTS li Interest In an old-established
real estate business averaging $1000
monthly money goes In business; $250 pr
monin guaranteea.
303 h Washington St., Suite 4.
CLERKS and carriers' examination in Novenv
ber; many appointments made each year to
qualified young men; short hours; salaries
up to $1200 a year; we prepare you. Pacific
btates) fochoois. McKay biag.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230
240 8th st., San Francisco.
WANTED Neat, bright, honest young man
with small capital as partner in a good pay
ing business. Room 320 Swetland bldg.
Employment Office Men's Department,
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1326.
Help Free to employers.
I can work one or two good salesmen on
creditable real estate propositions.
204 Corbett bldg.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade
trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished; cash
advanced weekly; good territory. Write
us If Interested. Albany Nurseries, Al
bany, Or.
WANTED Pnysiclan registered In Oregon as
assistant in advertising nmce; one exper
ienced in G. U. work preferred. Address
box P 238, Oregonian.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics: easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learing. Watchmaking. En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
LIVE young man to handle best business
on coast ; large uivmenas; aiso interest
can be had with small capital. Call suite
S27. Lenox Hotel, 9 to 10 A. M.
WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce
clerks, carriers; examinations nere No
vember 18; preparation free. Franklin In
stitute, Rochester, N. Y.
BOY or young man, with knowledge of
s-horthand and typewriting, to attena or
nce; email wages at start. Apply to 10
A. M., 222 Failing bldg.
TEAMS by the day: station men. dirt rnd
rock work, railroad and sawmill laborers;
farmhand. $30 and board. Travers &
lianley. employment agents, 7 N. 2d st.
WANTED Bright young man to act as
helper snd learn real estate business; no
money, but must be rustler. T 238, Ore
gonian. TWO. carpenters, 2 bricklayers, to go to
Condon, Or.; good wages. Apply bet.
12:30 and 2. Cherry Co.. aiw LumDer ex
change bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
WANTED A flrst-class, experienced col
lector for furniture store; must be active,
energetic and able to furnish first-class
references. R 244. Oregonian.
THE only independent barber shop In the
registered barbers: haircut ting. 15 cents;
sh am poo, 15 cents.
WANTED Flmt-class Japanese cook; also
experienced second boy. Apply juu jener
son. Immediately.
WANTED A good salesman for work In
city; write, giving experience ana pnond
number. AF 234, th-egonlan.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait r book
agents; winning oner, miuwm omu.w,
Hum Diag
WA NTED First-class coatmaker for coun-
McBrlde & Co.
WANTED Salesmen of good address, to
solicit from door to door- itoom w, .Ham
ilton bldg.
SOLICITOR for small daily rPr, advertis
ing, subscription, printing. newspaper
Brokerage, 63 Ooodnough bldg.
12 North 2d at. Both Phones,
WANTED Mattress-maker. Portland Fur
niture Co.. 1240 Macadam Koau. lake
Fulton car.
WANTED Errand boy, steady place, good
wages. H. senats, tne lauor. .outa
Yamhill mu
BOY for general office work, wholesale houje;
jermanent position. Address in own hand
writing, F 232. Oregonian.
BOY. about 16. with wheel, to deliver and
help in store: gooa wages, rraiey s mii
hnery. 214 Third.
TRAVELING and floor salesmen, all lines;
bookkeepers ana stenograpnera Lommer
cial Abstract Co., 301 Oak bL
WANTED Man and wife, take care of in
valid lady for um of acre ana lurnwnea
house. Mrs. Gray, Archer Place.
For Men 200 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 6694.
Fall term Oct. i; enrou now. oov n orcemw
MAN for the Winter to clear land; must
understand running gasonne engine; sv
per month. Box 104. Fostofflce.
WANTED Salesmen for men's furnishings.
Apply Paul strain, fusion aiurw. rnoio.uu.
Salmon sts.
DRY GOODS, clothing, shoe salesmen, book
keepers and stenographers. P. A. & C.
Co.. 323 H Washington st-
WANTED Strong boy with wheel for deliv
eries Call Grand Leader, cor 5th and
SADDLEMAKER APPiy Chas. L. Mastlck
A Co.. wholesale leather. Front and Oak
WANTED Two flrst-clasa coatrrrakers. Geo.
A. Smith. 315 Alaska bldg., Seattle. Wash.
FIRST-CLASS tailor for ladies' coats; good
wages to right man. Harris, 5th and Alder.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main 5500.
EXPERIENCED railroad agent. Call 508
Corbett bldg.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency. 31 0 Davis st. Main 8309.
WANTED Youth for railroad office. Apply in
own handwriting. D 24S. Oregonian.
WANT 4 flrst-class shlnglers at onco. Call
at 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash. sts.
WANTED Carpenters at Vancouver ave.
and Failing sts.
YOUNG boy to learn trade in candy fac
tory. 520 Burnside.
WANTED Three plasterers. 16th and W.
Yamhill, with tools, at once; good Job.
2 GOOD carpenters wanted for Inside fin
ish. Apply t room 616, Commercial bldg.
PRINCIPALS $75 to $100; commercial $100.
Phone C J5a0.
W NTED Flour and feed packers at the
Portland Flouring Mills Co-'s Albinamiil.
WANTED A good coatmaker. 439 Wash
ington st. .
tt- t v-T""E-r a Srkacl Prd. 311 Tilia.-
xnoofc a-., near W illiam ave, J
Sub foreman or head wlreman. $4 ; 3
linemen $3.50; 1 trouble man, $75. steady;
1 Inside wlreman to ut in switchboard,
etc.; rodman survey party. $45 expenses;
clerk for country, young man; carpenter,
city. $3; 4 carpenters, country, $3.50;
helpers, $2.50; man and wife as ecok on
small boat for 12 men. $50; 2 teams for
hauling bridge timbers, $5.50 day; 4 bridge
carpenters. $3; hoisting engineer. $3-50;
1 concrete foreman. $3.50; 2 firemen. $SO
each; loggers, sawmill help, woodchop
pers, tie loaders. '
Railroad men to California and other
places. Free fare. Station gangs for rock
and earth work.
4 men for combination ateel and wood
bridge. $4 day.
C. R. HANSEN. JR., 26 N. 2d at.
SALESMEN wanted In every town for the
best selling practical work of the day.
Stationary Engineering, In three volumes.
A complete course in Engineering and
Electricity, by Joseph G. Branch, B. S..
M. E-, former member of the board of
examining engineers of St. Louis., etc. ;
author of "Conversations on Electricity.'
Engineers Descriptive Charts," etc. Lib
eral pay to salesmen with energy. Rand.
McNally A Co., Engineering Dept.. Chi
cago, III.
WANTED 10 stave bolt cutters. Good camp
accommodations. Steady work. None but
experienced woodsmen need apply. West
ern Cooperage Co.. Corbett bldg.
For graduates last year: men and
women to learn barber trad in eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert In
structor; tools free; writ for catalogue.
Moler System oX CoUtgea. M N. 4ih at.,
Portland. Or.
FIRST-CIASS colored barber wanted. Em
pire Barber Shop, North Yakima, Wash.
FIRST-CLASS barber wanted. 546 Vs Wash
ington st.
TWO respectable young ladles wanted at
once to learn the barber's trade, that are
willing to go to a seacoast town. C 238,
WANTED Cooks and maids to visit free
cooking school at Honeyman Hardware
Company, every day at 10:30 A. M. and
2:30 P. M.
WANTED Young lady for assistant cashier.
Apply In own hand writing and state ex
perience. Salary $40 to start. D 246, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework In a small family to go to nice
country town. Call before 1 P. M. 232
13th st., near Main.
Camp cook and helper, $65 to $70; dish
washer for camp, $3; 2 salesladies, $30.
Many others, 326 Wash. St., room 307.
WANTED Woman to cook for 5 men, 12 miles
above Vancouver; goxl place for right per
son, $35 per month; l.iqulre 344 Montgomery.
Phone Main 3451.
INTELLIGENT young lady to handle hlgh-
ciass ousiness. can acquire interest ana
handsome profits. Call suite 327, Hotel
Lenox. 9 to 10 or 1 to 2.
WOMAN or girl for. housework, small fam-
ji; no washing or lunches; must sleep
home. 212 11th St.
WANTED By lady living alone; girl for
general housework. 475 Davenport st.
Main 4296.
A GOOD girl for general housework; good
wages. 440 East 19th et. N., Irvlngton.
Phone East 556.
$48 H Washington st.. corner 7th, upstalra
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Apply 181 E. 16th, cor. Yamhill.
Phone East 1593.
A WOMAN or girl from 2:80 to 6:30 daily.
vicinity or Hawtnorne lara; good wages.
K 234. Oregonian.
WANTED Flrst-class ulrl for cook and
general housework. $25 per month. Phone
East 474, or A 1474.
GIRL for general housework, family of 8;
good wages. 346 Clifton, near 7th. Phone
Main 5l16 and A 4L5
YOUNG woman, good cook, small family,
only kitchen work. Apply Mrs. F. H.
Page 614, Jackson si., Portland Helghta
TO keep house for a widower an elderly lady
or one having a child preferred. D 240,
WANTED Oirl to help with general house
work, small family. No. 3 7th. North. Main
WANTED Trustworthy girl for general
housework, one ud to children. 703
Hoyt st.
CATHOLIC ladies, light employment, liberal
commission, short or long hours). Bene
dictine Fathers; 603 Goodnough bldg.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
pay; instructions rree. call 432 Washing
ton. WANTED Girl to do housework in small
family. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange
Ladles' Department 205H M orison st.
Phones: Main 1062; A 2064.
WOMAN for cooking and housework part of
day; small family. 74 1 East Madison.
Hawthorne carat
GIRLS wanted to work in paper-box fac
tory; meaay position. Apply s. c. Stettier,
cor. 10th and Gllsan.
326 Washington St., room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking ani
general nouseworK: good wages. Apply 42
Ella St., between 20th and 2lt Ms.
WANTED Refined, capable woman Ir re
sponsible position. Viavl Co. 609 Roth
child bldg:, 4th and Washington.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework. Phone Alain 5843. 832 North
OIRL to take care of small child and assist
with housework. Apply The W ardrobe,
7d Washington.
AN experienced lady solicitor; salary and
commission. Keed-Krencn nano Co., 6tn
and Burnslde. forenoon.
COMPETENT girl wanted for general house
work; good wages. d40 tiassaio at., cor.
East 2d.
GIRL wanted for second work and assist
n-ltti rst-A n fiA flSO TP.'Ai-t at rnrnor
SCHOOL GIRL or woman for company
nights: very small board asked. Phone
-Woodlawn 1003.
A GIRL for cooking and general "housework.
4 adults. GOO Taylor st.
GIRL to assist with housework; German or
Scandinavian preierrea. zn i4tn soutn.
WAITRESS WANTED Apply San Francisco
Restaurant, S5 East Morrison st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 186 Bast ltun at. rnone .uast 2oo.
GIRL for general housework. Phone Main
WANTED Lady teacher. Apply this even
ing from 7 to 9:30 at 140 1st st-
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework; good wages. 184 North 18th st.
EXPERIENCED chocolate and bon bon dip
per. 620 Burnside,
WANTED A girl for general housework;
good wages. 473 Main st.
GOOD Japanese girl for general housework.
Call 3.u rarK su
MA ID to assist at the Mattlngly Private
Kindergarten, 2HW I4tn st.
GIRL to assist with housework: small house.
small family. Kearney st.
GIRL wanted toasslst with general house-
GIRL for general housework. 770 Flanders
street. -
GIRL for general housework. 1069 Thur-
nan st.. corner szd St.. wiuamette rigts
RL to assist in general housework; small
family. Tel. Main 6003. 745 Overton.
SCHOOL girl to assist with light housework
for room ana ooaru. wo iui ei.
WANTED Millinery maket. Allen King
Co.. 346 v asnincton si.
W" ANTED Girl for general housework. Call
mornings. js uurnsiue u
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
small family, om. aiain ow.
GOOD girl for general housework.
ttJO Pars: iu
Expert corset fitters.
Experienced glove fitters.
Silverware salesladies.
Neckwear salesladies.
Ribbon department.
Stationery department.
25 good appearing young ladles to learn
the business.
6 COOKS. 1 camp. 1 hotel 3J, $45
2 second girls. 1 out town i.
6 waitresses, 2 out town f
2 child nurses . . tij
19 general housework
2 housekeepers -00
St. Louis Ladies Employment Agency,
209 S 4th st. Main 2039. A 2824.
S more for fruit canning; cooks, wait
resses, second girls, chambermaids, house
keepers, others; nice places, good wages,
plenty of them.
843 i Washington st., cor. 7th. upstalra.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and state; good money. Call
room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and
Washington ati ..
WANTED Young lady for clerical .work
accurate, rapid and write good hand; sal
ary $6 per week to start. C 254. Ore
' $48 Wash. st.. cor. 7th. upstalra,
Phones Main and A 269S.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Lady to wait on table in camp
boarding-house; wages $25 per month. In
quire room 1, 205 Morrison st. Phone
Main 1062.
A COMPETENT lady teacher to come to the
house for 3 hours daily and Instruct a lit
tle girl in 5th grade work; state price and
references. E 245, Oregonian.
WANTED An elderly woman to help with
housework from 9 A. M. till 8 P. M. In
quire 351 Morrison st.
WANTED Good cook In family of three;
general housework; good wages. Phone
Main 2957.
A COMPETENT girl to do cooking and
housework; small family; no washing. 769
Marshall st. Main 2917.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Call 607 E. Taylor or phone East
WANTED Woman who Is good cook, for
general housework In small family; Ger
man spoken. 54 North 2lst st.
COMPETENT woman for general house
work; good plain cook, good wages. Mrs.
Brown, 305 11th.
LADIES wanted for good new proposition;
big pay. Call 471 Morrison, room 1.
GRADE $50 to $70. Phone C 1580.
GIRLS wanted. Troy Laundry Co.
HOTEL dishwasher, $30; cook, wife helper
(boat). $.V; waiters, waitresses, city. 2
Springs, $26; cooks, domestics. Drake's 205
WE secure positions for our students; day and
night school; enroll now. Business Univer
sity, 68 3d st. Phone Main 4504.
226 Morrison. M- 3022. We are white.
WANTED An energetic lady or gentleman
to handle up-to-date article; saves time and
money. Call 255 5th st.
GOOD cook and helper wanted for small ho
tel 6 miles from Portland. Call after
noons. Merrill, 80-82 7th ot.
WANTED A marker, body ironer and polish
er. Apply Laundry, 2tn ana upsner.
GOOD cook and helper, six miles from city.
Call afternoons. Merrill. 80-82 7th st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED By thorough, experienced dry
goods man. with thorough knowledge of
all details pertaining thereto, a position
where ability and results count; In con
cern doing $100,000 per year, or where
good salary can be paid for flrst-class
service; advertiser of merit; Al refer
ences; personal interview preferred. G
238 Oregonian.
WELL-EDUCATED, experienced young man
wants position, timekeeper, cashier, hotel
clerk or similar position; beat references.
M 229, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER or auditor, 14 years' expe
rience, principally in lumber. In wholesale
office and mills; best of references. T
234 Oregonian.
BRIGHT energetic young man 'wants office
position; five years" experience; small sal
ary to start; excellent references. AC 231,
BRIGHT, energetic young office man wants
office position or other work 7:15 to 10:30
P M. every night. Phone Tabor 1337.
A YOUNG man. well educated, of good ad
dress, wide business experience, would like
position of any kind, where ability and per
serverance will be appreciated. A-l refer
ence E 243. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situa
tion in private family ; speaks English;
"has good references: wages $30 and up.
Address AC 239, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, thoroughly experienced, in
drygoods and general merchandise; can
trim windows; out of city position pre
ferred. B 242. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boys want position ; with
cooking have five years' experience: other
at hour or day's work at house cleaning
Phone B 1867. East 818.
SCHOOLBOY, young Japanese, wants per
manent position In small family. Main
824 or 9361.
SCHOOLBOY. Japanese, wants situation In
Couch or Davis school district. Main
8324 or 936 L
YOUNG Japanese boy wants position to do
housework in Christian family. T 239,
YOUNG man attending business college
wants place to work for room and board.
AD 229. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE chauffeur wants position ;
just from the East; reasonable wages;
running repairs. T 232 Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN 2 years' experience in barber
shop, wishes to finish trade. H 233, Ore
gonian. A. O CUYLER Painting, paperhanging
and tinting; prices to suit the times,
phone Main 8919.
JAPANESE gang want steady position in
sawmill. logging, railroad, farm, etc. AF
232, Oregonian.
WILLING handy man wants position to hejp in
kitchen hotel, restaurant or boarding house;
reference given. D 242, Oregonian.
YOUNG German with experience wants posi
tion as por t er in h o te 1 or reatau rant.
Casak. Phone Main 5653.
POSITION by man of good habits to take
care of bachelors' quarters ; is all-around
good cook. T 231, Oregonian.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants position to
work in house after school hours. F 239.
CARPENTER, first class, would like situa
tion as foreman large or small buildings.
R 24L Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 18, wants some kind of em
ployment. R 240. Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND good cook wants situation in
hotel or restaurant. AF 236. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boys want steady positions in
town or country. AF 235. Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co., Main 4659,
A 4073. 268 Everett.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch at. Phone M. 6521.
YOUNG man wants position as carpenter;
lust Xrom aV B 40 preaoniaa.
TOT'NO man. thoroughly experienced in
dry goods and general merchandise, can
also trim winaows ana wmo win
accept position in city or country. Ad
dress J 228, Oregonian.
ELECTRICAL and mechanical engineer is
open for engagement; 12 years' practical,
theoretical and commercial experience with
largest concerns of this country. D 245,
WANTED Situation as , traveling salesman
py gentleman oi gooa carw;mi Wuu
Ity; salary or commission; references. D.
C. McKee, Wapato, Wash. -
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady wants position aa all around
office girl or bill clark; wages $7.50.
F 24 S, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady stenographer would like posi
t. tton; will accept $5 week to start. H 230,
YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier or
assistant in general office work. B 223,
YOUNG lady stenographer wants perma
nent position; salary no object. D 241,
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer and
rapid typist desires position: can furnish
good recommendation. E 247, Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone clerical office. Main 4504.
Tested and certified.
THE famous Keister's Ladles Tailoring
College Ladies, save dressmakers bills,
' make your own gowns here. We teach
Keister's drafting system, 806 Stearns big.
COMPETENT dressmaker desires engage
ments by the day. Phone E. 2357.
PLAIN sewing and children's clothes;
charges reasonable. 165 North 17th st.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements; best
references. Phone Main 4100.
CAPABLE young woman wants position aa
housekeeper in wealthy bachelor's or
widower's home. State particulars to P
233. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady with girl 12 years old
wishes position as housekeeper ; good
home more important than wages. A 218.
MIDDLE-AGED ledy with girl 12 years
wishes position as housekeeper; good home
more Important than wages. A 218, Ore
gonian. WOMAN wants position as working house
keeper In rooming-house or any kind of
work by the day. 413 Everett at.,
room 5.
MIDDLE-AGED lady with girl 13 years
would like position aa housekeeper. 427
NURSE, middle-aged lady, wants confine
ment nursing; will consider some light
work. Phone Tabor 1045.
YOUNG GIRL. 18. would like training for
nurse in any hospital. Address E 242,
Oregonian. 1
A GERMAN elderly lady to assist with
housework, small family. F 244, Ore
gonian. TWO girls wish position In general house
work. 513 Marshall st.. North Portland, Or.
GIRL wants place to sing in theater; ex
perienced in illustrated songs. Address
E- 240. Oregonian.
COLORED woman, flrst-class laundry, wishes
work of any kind. Phone Main 2651.
LADY wants work by the day. Address S66
Rodney ave.
SCHOOLGIRL wants to work for room and
board. B 243. Oregonian. '
BOOK AGENTS wanted in every town and
city in Oregon and Washington to sell
."Pearls at Random Strung, or How to
Live One Hundred Years Young." just out.
Apply or address the author. C- H. Plg
gott. attorney at law. 4 Mulkey bldg.,
Portland, Or.
BOOK SALESMEN Wculd a brand new
book proposition that pays from $5 to $10
day and up Interest you? If so. call in
and look over our propositions. Plenty
of unworked territory open. The Review
of Reviews Co., 338 Worcester bldg.
AGENTS Don't accept an agency until you
hear from us. Make $10 per day selling
a new household necessity; new article;
new pian; 12U.000 sold In Minneapolis;
two samples free. Domestic Mfg. Co.,
Desk 81, Minneapolis, Minn.
BIG money for agents handling our house
hold necessities. Particulars free. Newton
& Co., Coronado. Cal.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, ofrices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. S. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED Furnished apartment, 6 or 6
room modern apartment building, good lo
cation. West Side, six months lease; two
persons; responsible. Phone Main 7098.
WANTED TO RENT Furnished 5 or 6
room cottage or flat; centrally located
on West Side; thoroughly responsible ref
erences. Call Main 8031.
YOUNG man barber wants a large room In
a private family; no rooming-house need
apply ; state price. Address B 244, Ore
gonian. VEGETARIAN, member Thess. Ic, wants
room, with or without board. G 234, Ore
gonian. .
ROOM with 2 single beds wanted by 2 gen
tlemen in quiet neighborhood, walking dis
tance preferred. AC 233, Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished flat or cottage by re
sponsible couple; must be neat, reason
able. AC 232, Oregonian.
WANTED Modern four or five-room fur
nished fiat; state price In replying. A 242,
ROOMS and board in private family for 4
young men, walking distance. G 235,
WANTED 4. or 5-room furnished flat, mod
ern and close in West Side. Phone Main
WANTED Furnished house, close to East
Side High School. E 249. Oregonian.
BY young couple, board and room, in nice
private home. F 249, Oregonian.
And any thing else you have to selL
Mainv5655. A 412L
MANURE WAN TBD Carloa d on t ra cks or
delivered by wagon to Mt. Tabor. Call
or address 702 Oregonian bldg., Portland,
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED Range, heater, bedroom, suit
end couple of rugs; will pay cash, but
not to dealer. Phone A 5140.
"Paya the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 988. B 2311.
CANOE canvass in good condition; state
price. F 250, Oregonian.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d.
Highest price paid; prompt attention.
Furnished Rooms.
THE ANKENY Swell rumlshed rooms. $3
to $5; phones and bath. 349 Ankeny.
HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th St.; steam-heated;
rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk., 50c to $1 per day.
PLEASANT ROOM, all conveniences, close
in $2.25 a week. 511 Gllsan st.
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeeping
rooms. 96 11th St.. comer Stark.
A LARGE, nicely furnished room, bath,
heat, gas and phone. 391 Yamhill st.
NICE, large furnished room. 2 gentlemen
preferred. 407 Stark st
jS 12TH-srP leasaat rooxo-or gentleman.
Portland's Beat Family Hotel.
American or European Plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves.
Car passes hotel every minute; very rea
sonable rates; largest, coolest and most
comfortable rooms to be found anywhere,
with every modern convenience; large,
well-kept lawn.
DO you realise that you can get an outside,
steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the
Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts., for $10
up' per month? This house is being re
painted, repapered and put In flrst-class
condition by the new owners. Nice largo
parlor in connection. Suites, with, running
water, $22.50 to $35.
Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up;
steam heat, hot and cold water, free hatha
and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per
day. Open all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington sL
THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel.
330 Yamhill; new management; an Ideal
place to make your Winter quarters; .new
fireproof building, with modern conveniences,
in heart of city; special rate to permanent
guests. A. H. Pracht, Prop.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold 'water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
GAYOSO, Grand ave.. East Stark Well
furnished rooms, possessing modern con
veniences; steam heat, hot water, leva
tor, hatha; very reasonable rates.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
two gentleman or couple- modern; boarding-house
near. 407 Jefferson, flat A. In
vestigate this.
Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, flrst-class
furnished rooms, single or en suite ; all
modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; dally,
76c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 fitark st., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. Mra
Hart, manager. A 5192, Main 9017.
293 10TH ST. Newly rumished rooms; hot
and cold water In rooms, furnace heat;
rooms $10 per month and up. phone Main
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc., $2.50 week up; transients.
269 Washington.
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
TWO or three rooms in private home, near
Portland Academy, use of parlor, piano
and cooking if desired; would prefer man
and wife or ladle-. Phone Main 6630.
BEAUTIFULY furnished bay window room,
suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman
and wife; lights, bath, etc.; reasonable.
269 Washington st.
PARLORS furnished for sleeping-rooms,
single or en suite; electric light and
phone 349 Jefferson.
$8 BRIGHT, warm. cozy, newly furnished
ront room, central ; porcelain bath, gas.
325 12th st. Phones pac. 2102, A 3702.
NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen ;
walking distance. 188 14th st., bet. Yam
hill and Taylor.
NICELY-fumlshed front room, heat and gas.
67 14th st., North, between Davis and
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board. 149 Lonsdale, near Morrison. Phone
Main 7224.
THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sts.,
modern front suites, also single rooms,
bath and both phones.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and paths free. 827
Stark, corner 6th. Mra Maud J. Kates.
258 13TH ST. N icely furnished rooms.;
private family ; new house ; every conven
ience; gentlemen only.
165 NORTH 17TH Two newly furnished
rooms; furnace heat, gas, bath; $8 and $10
month ; use parlor, piano.
LARGE, beautiful room, close In, East Side,
Morrison bridge, private home. East 6042,
NICELY furnished room, five minutes from
Washington at., for gentleman. 274 Park
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
NICELY furnished and unfurnished rooms
for rent, reasonable. 447 Main st.
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia: modem
rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO very nice basempnt rooms; walking dis
tance; no children; would take part out in
wash Ins; If desired. 188 14th st., bet.
Yamhill and Taylor.
$12 3 nice unfurnishesd housekeeping
rooms, on 2 carlines. 362 13th. Phone
Main 2930. ,
Rooms With Board.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch,
room and board, $25 per month, large
grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables;
large parlor with piano all free; easy
walking distance.
BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the
nicest private boarding-houses in city;
large, airy rooms, running water; beauti
ful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 5345.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Raw
lings. Supt., 510 Flanders sL
JUST room for 2' more young men; flrst-
ciass room ana uuaiu. . w i ,
all conveniences; good home cooking. As
ter House. 7th and 'Madison.
1 OR 2 nicely furnished rooms in private
familv; electric light and hot water,
breakfast if desired; reasonable. 201
10th st., cor. Taylor.
NICELY furnished rooms, flrst-class table
board, strictly home cooking, modern, $6
week; easy walking distance. The Lin
dell. 269 Market.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms with or
without board. Phone Main 4921 or A
2593. 30 North 17th. .
ROOM and board for two employed people,
residence location, walking distance, rea
sonable. 624 East Morrison.
THE CLAY, corner 2d and Clay, rooms with
board for one or two gentlemen; a per
week; homelike.
LARGE room for two; also single room
with board ; modern conveniencese. 432
' Morrison, cor. 13th.
ROOM and board in private family; home
cooking; nice yard. 200 52d St., cor. Tay
lor. Phone East 722.
THE Thorndyke, 655 Washington st., ele
gantly furnished rooms with board, choice
location, walking distance.
C49 JOHNSON Front room with board.
two gent lemen ; electric light, furnace
heat; phone; walking distance.
THE MARLYN, Washlrgtcn and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
GOOD room, suitable for 2, home cooking,
home privileges, modern, reasonable. 30
East 16th st. North.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two,
small private family; fine home and
board, modern. 212 11th.
WELL-FURNISH ED room, with board, very
reasonable: also day board. $4 week. The
Chrysler, 389 Taylor.
THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri
son. A home hotel; large rooms, good
board, low rates.
FOR RENT Large front room with two
closets, with board. 446 3d.
THE WALDORF, 147 13th at., one suite of
rooms, also single rooms. Phone Main 2118.
ROOMMATE and table boarders wanted;
walking distance. 442 Jefferson.
2 FRONT rooms with private board, bath and
phone. 365 Couch at., cor. Park.
THE MANITOU. 261 13th at., rooms large
and light, rates reasonable.
LARGE, airy rooms, with board; reasonable,
at 284 Main st.
ROOM and board. 635 Couch. The
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark.
225 11th st.
A partments.
6 AND 7-ROOM, heated apartments, with
everv modern convenience. 715 Johnson.
A 1678.
FIRST floor, well-furnished apartments, kit
chen, private bath, heat, hot water; suitable
foe 2. 374 Park at.
Apartments: Roosevelt. 68 Kearney, :
near 21st, handsome, splendidly located; .
Colonial, steam-heat-ed bldg. just com
pleted. 5 rooms possessing modern con- 1
veniences: one at 40. on at (30; Wei- ,
lington Court, 625 Everett, near l&th,
same as above. $37.50.
IONIAN COURT Elegant S and 4-room rea- 1
idence apartments, each having private
vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and
cold water, gas range, refrigerators, win
dow shades and screens, telephone and
janitor service. Apply janitor, ISta and
FURNISHED apartment. 2 large rooms,
bath and kitchen; Park St.. walking dis
tance; rent. Including heat and hot wa
ter. $35 per month.
SENGSTAKE & LYMAN. 90 Fifth at.
THH SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts., un
furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new,
modern and fully equipped for convenience;
rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap
ply to Janitor.
BRYN MAWR, 185 East 15th. cor. Yamhill;
4 and 5 rooms, new and convenient; fire
places, gaa range, refrigerators, screens,
shades ; moderate rents ; ready for occu
pancy. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co
lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart
ments, possessing every modern conven
ience ; excellent location, reasonable rent;
walking distance.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apartment
with bath and all modern conveniences,
including telephone, gas and slectrto
light, without further cost. H 113, Ore
Flanders: 5-room unfurnished apartments,
new; high-class; reasonable rates. See
THE DAYTON 660-662 Flanders Nice
i-room basement apartment; bath, steam
eat, hot water, gaa range, eta $23
and 14th sts., new and up-to-date three and
four-room apartments; private phone, bath,
automatic elevator, steam heat, etc
4 AND 5-room steam-heated apartments; all
conveniences. See janitor, 401 10th, lower
IRIS APARTMENTS 3d and Mill at., 4
room unfurnished, $32. Inquire Apartment
22, 248 Mill st.
MADISON Park On t-room apartment.
$30 per month.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent,
12th and Columbia, "The Bralntre.
TWO brand-new 8-room flats, gaa, eleotrlo
Ity, good plumbing, only $S per ma
8. E. cor. 8d and Oak.
6 rooms, 403 12th St., $30.
5 rooms, 401 12th St., $30.
6 rooms. 6-'7 Overton St.; $1T.50.
6 rooms, 625 Overton St.; $17.50.
3 rooms. 621 Overton st.; rent reason
able. M. E. Lee, 411 Ocrbett bldg.
FOR RENT A very fine up-to-date flat; 6
rooms and 2 rooms in attic; furnace and
fireplace; no children; $35. 444 Park sr.
Phone Tabor 763.
MODERN flats, all rises, for rent. Bast and
West Sides, Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, 8. H. cor. 8d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
TWO 5-room and one 6-room modem flats
on Stout at., $18. $20 and $22. Inquire 260
Stout at., corner Madison. Phona Main
$16 4-room lower flat, yard. basement,
woodllft. shades, etc., 15 minutes' walk
from Steel bridge. 444 Rodney ave., cor.
Tillamook st. East 4863.
FLAT for rent at 449 7th; 6 rooms, furnished
or unfurnished ; bath, electricity and gaa.
Apply Edwards Co., 189 1st st.
THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk
ing distance, 9 '2 a. Mrs. A. Larry, room 60
Washington bldg. Phone Main 6159.
MODERN lower, 6-room flat, choice location,
walking distance, close in. 406 Park St.,
bet. Harrison & Hall. Key at 229 1st st.
MODERN 4-room flat, 8 extra bedrooms up
stairs. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Wash
ington. Call forenoon or evening. Main 8988.
MODERN 6-room flat one block north of
Steel bridge, fronting river. Phone E.
657, C 1857.
HANDSOMELY furnished flat of nine rooms
for sale, finest location In eUy; price low;
terms. A 243, Oregonian.
MODERN 6-room flat; steel and gaa ranges,
window shades. 207 Halsey, McMillan
$20 6-ROOM flat; all modern conveniences;
nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave.; phone East
MODERN flats 6-room. 3-room, also 4-room.
furnished; central. West Side. Afternoons.
412 2d.
5-ROOM flat, every corvenlence; just com
pleted. 604 East Alder. Inquire 895
Taylor. Main 6536.
MODERN 4-room upper flat, $16. good loca
tion: adults. Inquire 760 Williams ave.,
Woodlawn 426.
FOUR new 5-room flats, strictly modern,
walking distance, Everett, near 20d. Van
duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce.
LOOKING for a flat? We can suit yon:
have an unusually attractive one on Hoyt
st. Woodward. 104 Second.
MODERN flat, 194 McMlIlen st. Inquire at
188 McMillen. near east end Steel Bridge.
JS'EW modern .Vroom upper flat, 424 Tllla-
mooK, bet. union ave. ana aeventn.
7-ROOM flat, furniture for aale cheap.
77. L-iny. near ivui.
MODERN 4-room flat. 681 3d st. Ring"
Holman bell.
NEW 3-room flat, unfurnished. . modern,
close in. Call at 486 Jefferson at.
TWO large 5-room flats at 306 College st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, steam-ht-ated;
walking distance. The Newcastle,
3d and Harrison.
487 TAYLOR, near 14th, very desirable 2
room suite, furnace heat and other mod
ern conveniences.
SUIT furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern home, 8 East Sixth st., between Burn
slde and Ankeny.
FURNISHED room for housekeeping. $3
week up; bath. 128 Thirteenth, near
FURNISHED uppper flat; three large
rooms, with alcove, gas, bath, near
school. 124 North 18th st.
PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms.
single or en suite; prices reasonable.
Walking distanced 555 Morrison.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
modern housekeeping apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished.
J conveniences; ground floor; rent reascn-
BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur
nished 2-room suite in centrally located
apartment-house, 805 Jefferson, cor. 6th.
TWO cozy furnished housekeeping rooms;
view. conveniences, walking distance;
young couple preferred. 453 Hall.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, fur
nished. 104 11th St., near Wash.
LOWER flat. 8 large rooms, gas and wood .
ranges; piano; yard. 505 Everett st.
TWO pleasant furnished rooms for house
keeping. 555 5th st. $12 a month.
92 17TH, North, 1 nice room, suitable for
sleeping or light housekeeping. Main 4058.
205 11TH Nice room, first floor. sleeping
or light housekeeping; heat, bath, phone.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern. 1 sleeplng
. room. Phone East 63.10. 393 East Yamhill.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping
xooms. suitable for four adults. 580 2d st.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
fcath, gas and phone- $16. 163 N. 16th st.
Furnished housekeeping snd single rooms to
rent; prices reasonable. 189-193 W.Park at
FURNISHED and housekeeping. 2 rooms.
407 Stark st,
2 CLEAN rooms, gas. electric light, bath. 614
Everett St., cor, 15th.
FOR RENT 3 or 4 rooms, furnished or un
furnished. 222 16th, St., North.
beds. Address) F Oxegoclaa. a