t3 TOE MflRXIXtf OREGONIAX, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1903. ' , t . .. t m- S.T, f HELP WASTED-FEMALE. T SITUATION WANTDD-MAU. j FOB RENT. VI1H U I . F. lir.Ali XS&AAA. . w- . I 1 l HALF ACBB TRACTS. W are offartag the best thing tm r blf icn.truli la Portland: water main laid and Urm of only ad 410 per month. CH L RCHILL-M ATTBIWI CO, lid 2d St. 100x300 ON 4Sth -. IB fruit; $3O00. term. 3-room collage on 28th t-. North; -:ro. teLo"cre In Fall City. Or.. $1230: will trade for automobile. luOxllO. St. John carllne: $1600. term. KINNEY ft SlAJdrnt.n. Ml and 53 J Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 44S6. EAST PAYMENTS, rin. nw modarn 6 and 6-roora bun galows'; small payments down, balance aaar: If what we have don't suit we will build for you. Price, rrom to .. PACIFIC BROKERAGE COMPANY. 601 Board of Trade. Phone M .SI. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful home on half block of, well Improved ground, with fine Tlew. Thla la the beet buy on the Height. K. F. BRIAN. 60S Cham, of Commerce. Main 1B83. (6300 FOR aale ' owner, thoroughly mod ern new T-room home on E. Burnside near Hth. facing south; full lot: hardwood floors, beam ceilings; sleeping porch, fireplace; gas. electricity: terme one-third cash. No agents. Phone B H81. B-ROOM house and lot 50x100: $300 cash, bal. terma $15 per month. New bungalow. $.n cash, bal. terme 115 per month. Both on ctirllne. 1:0 minutes- ride. Will but d to suit. Mult. lnv. ft Realty Co.. 1019 Beard of Trade, 4th and Oak eta. EAST SIDE SPECIAL. 6-roora new modern cottage. firt-la material, well built, cloae to carllne, eaat front. $2500; $5oo down. . J. J. UBUER. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. IRVING HOME. Owner must seil ft-room modern nouee: cement r.oor. furnace, sewing-room, fine r-'umblng: lot 6xl"0; price $37110. Inquire 453 E. l'Hh at. North. Broadway car. lino CASH. $23 month frr 8-room modern house, near Union ave.. 12500. State Land Co.. 133lj First at., room 1. WANTED REAL ESTATE. NOTICE. . -Wanted the people of the United State to know that we buy. sell and exchange city and country property. See us. we succeed where others fall. PINE TREE LAND CO.. 1V-310 Buchanan bide. Phone M. W- WANT to purchaae. new T or 8-room. 2-story house full lot. comer preferred. Bast Side, between 4'x and $Mj0O: $33uo cash. Phone B 1756. or D 239. Oregonlan. WANTED Immediately. 6-room bungalow fireplace and gas; about $2i)0; $200 cash and monthly payments; ownr or agenta. N 28, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 6 to 8-room houee, Wert f Irte ready for occupancy: elate location and cash price D 231, Oregonlan. LIST your property with ue and we will advance money on the aame until sold. Bogges. room 5. 22114 Morrleon. WANT to buy at once from owner two cor ner Iot on car line In North Alblna. A F 220, Oregonlan. WANT to buy houee and lot on Installment Plan: can pay $2o0 or $300 down. T 223. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot between Eaat Davie and Tillamook. 24th and 30th; give location and loweet cash price. R 238, Oregonlan. TO bur house and lot from owner. Will ray $200 and $15 monthly. East Side, near Highland A F 224. Oregonlan. WANTED To bur vacant lot between 24 and 33d St.. cloee to Alberta carllne. M 227. Oregonlan. .PARTIES having Iota for aale. please notify 1019 Board of Trade bldg. FOR BALE .TIMBER LAND. TIMFER LAND! OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D LACEY CO, Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. OOOD buys In timber. Lincoln County: ISO acre 4.000.000 feet. $251 0; IHO acres, cruise 8 000.000. will cut lu.OOO.OOO. $5u00; 640 acres. 20.OO0.O00. $15 per acre, well bunched. Phone 44. Kinney A Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Exchange. TIMBER. From 20 centa per 1OQ0 up. Can glo you large or small tracts In almost any part of the state, and at the right price. C. J. McCracken, $04 Mc Kay bl.lg. WE are constantly acquiring fine tract of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enteri,rleee of all klnda Phone Main 4486- Kinney Stameher. 631-83 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER LANDS. California. Oregon. Washington. Government locations a specialty. OLIVER ft HAVILAND, 3 1 lie Board of Trade Bldg. A FEW fine desert claim relinquishments for sale cheap. Call on or write D. W. Alton, Pasco. Wash. TIMBER 320 acres, a snap for $3000 cash. Address W 218. Oregonlan. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 327 Worcester blk. FOB RENT FARMS, THE MOUNT HOOD CO.'S farms for rent, from 6 acres to 200 acres. In Eastern Multnomah County. Hobt, T. Lluney, agent, 603 Swetland bldg. 1920-ACRE stock ranch In Grant Co., Oregon, close to school; all fenced; house, barn, cat t sheds; long lease If desired. Inquire 9-7 East 16th st. North. FOR RENT 84 acres opposite terminus Ful ton Park car line. Apply H. Metxger, 229 Front et. HOMESTEADS. A FEW choice locations on agricultural land; very rich soli, level, near prospect ive railroad. Will be worth fortune ahort ly. K 2:15. Oregonlan. HAVE some good agricultural land, sub ject to homestead entry. Will soon make you Independent. See me at once. Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce. FEW choice homesteads, agricultural lands ready for the plow; plenty of water; In vestigate at once. 511 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE will buy 160 acres of timber for an Eastern client. Moulton ft Seobey. attor neys at law. suite 915, Board of Trade bldg X25O.O00 CASH In bank to buy timber direct from owners; will buy single claims. Call 10 to 12 mornings, room 407 Kothchlld bldg. TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. McCracken 304 McKay bldg. WANTED FARM 3. WANTED For cash. 200 acres unimproved land from $2 to $5 per acre: must be good soil, not more 6 milea from railroad of river. Address AB 220, Oregonlan. WANTED to buy from owner a well lm proved farm for dairying. Address, with full particulars, T. C. Shrove, M.C Tabor, Oregon. TO XJEASK. TO LEASE for a term of years, SS 1-$ by 50. corner of Flandera and 8th. 234. Ore gonlan. FOR BALE FARMS. LINCOLN COUNTY orchard and dairy farm, mild climate, pure water; a few acrea on the coast will make you Independent. O. Dalaba. Elk City. Or. IF you desire a ranch, truck-garden acreage or lota in or near Greaham. you will do well to Inquire at the First State Bank, Gresham. Or. FOR Willamette Valley land see Olmsted Land Company. Balem. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to Portland. 327 Worcester block. IF you are looktng for a farm, large or small, caab or trade, call S2S Lumbar Exchange. ' I vmv B 1 1 r V 1 D ru XU .tlU.Ub I . I I 1 WINK DAIRY FARM. 160 acres; 90 acres best kind creek bot tem land; can raise 3Vi tons per acre; 40 acTee In cultivation. 50 acrea slashed, in nasture. good the year round; 8 creeks. never dry. and line, cool spring water piped to the house; fenced; on county road and milk route; family orchard; good 7-room house, with telephone; two barns; 50 tons of gooa clover ana uni- , v h,v? a mtlrh m r OOd WSXon, mowing machine, rake. plow, harrow and other small implements, txacuy ad vertised, and It's a buy you find only once in a nrettme. t'JM with tetriS WILLAMETTE VALLEY INFORMATION BUREAU. 812 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN FARM. $15,00018 acres, all highly cultivated: 8 acres Concord grapea. 830 peach trees, SM pear. 100 walnut 860 applea, assorted, 100 assorted berries. 75 filberts. 80 cherrlee. 9 -room modern house, large hall and bath, hot and cold water, full-e-lxe concrete base ment, tank-house. 3000-gal. tank, with en gine first-class bsrn. 8-room cottage and T outbuildings. Thla farm la located on the Oregon City carllne. only a few minutes ride from Portland; station right on the place. James J. Flynn, 612 Chamber of Cynmerce. KURATU BROS . HILLSBORO. Or. 40 acres, all under cultivation, good buildings, family orchard. Tualatin Rlv" Is boundary, good soli. 4 miles to Hllls boro, milk route and phone; 5lO0. a bar gain 224 acrea. 100 under cultivation, house and barn, family orchard, creek and well, on the electric line. 2'mlles from Hillsboro. on the Tualatin Plains, desir able for amall homes: $20,000. half cash. 80 acres. 60 under plow, good well ana creek, house and barn, family orchard. 24 mile to station. 12 miles to Portland, splendid dairy farm; $7500. terms. 100 acres. 70 ander plow, balance In pasture and timber. 9-room house and barns. 1 mile to school and church. 8 mllea to sta tion; $8000. $2000 cash. SILETZ RIVER 'Is a part, of Oregon which has been overlooked In the past and la today the best place to Invest In Oregon, there being 20.000 acres of the finest kind of bottom land, which can be had for from $10 to $25 per acre: also all kinds of bench and rolling land at your own price. There is a good bay and harbor; boatl can run ud the river for 35 miles, where there Is located about 2O.OOO.OOO.000 feet of the finest kind of standing timber. Call and see our maps and plats of Slletx. ' RALPH ACKLET. 603 Corbett bldg. 629 ACRES In a good stock farm. T ml'es from North Yamhill, wen waierea. ayut 200 acres plowed or nearly ready for the plow. In an estate which the executor and the heirs are very anxious to close up. If our price doea not suit, make an offer. There is a bargain In it for someone. 160 acrea six mllea from Portland, on west aide of the faille: 50 in cultivation. 10 aeree of orchard, apples, rears, cherries and prunes; only $75 per acre. It will be on a railroad econ and will make someone rich. Half cash. WHALLET, 615 McKay Bldg. ARB YOU FROM THE EAST 7 Come in and aee our farm bargains, all the way from 10 to 130 acres, ranging in price from $10 to $100 an acre; some of them raw land and some of them im proved apple, walnut, dairy and garden land. MANCHESTER WILSON, 508 Wells-Fargo Bldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 1400 acres. 800 In good state of cultiva tion. 500 oak and fir timber, balance open pasture, well watered, on R. R.. .store and P. O., school on the tract; good farm house, barn. 5 acres good family orchard; 8 mile of county seat. 100 mllee south of Portland; this can all be tilled; at the price It is a good buy to get and hold for a raise. Half cash. $13.50 per acre. CAMERON CABLE. 611 Board of Trade bWg. $3200 A fine farm of 150 acres, good house ana barn, nne wen. et roues irum R. R. and Columbia River; choice apple land. Must be sold at once. MANCHESTER WILSON, 608 Wells-Fargo Bldg. TILLAMOOK COUNTY I now getting a railroad and I the place to buy. For free information, mao and pamphlet, call on Ralph Ackley, who has lived In Tillamook County for the past 84 years. We have 500 Tillamook County farms for sale at from $3 to $150 per acre: also township plat showing every section in the county. RALPH ACKLEY. 603 Corbett bldg. EEST IN THE VALLEY FOR THE. PRICE. 312 acrea ZUj miles or K. K . postomce and store on county road, 20 mliea of county seat; 100 acres In fine cultivation, good house and four barna, plenty water by stream and springs; 100 tona hay in the barns; there is no waste land on this place. Price. $7000. $2000 down, balance all' the time you want. CAMERON ft CABLE. 611 Board of Trade bldg. $4000 cash takea Oregon' best 20 0-acre rarm. near rorest urove. on county ruau, one mile from railroad station; 160 acres walnut land, under plow; earned $4000 profit in two years from onions, potatoes, wheat, oata, clover, milk; good house and barn: over living aprlng water; stream crosses farm: greatest bargain ever of fered, but must have all cash; no mort gage. W. T. Rambo. 766 Gliaan at., Port land. Telephone Main 6918. 8 ACREiS for $2600 House, barn, orchard, on Salem car line at llgaravuie; o acres in good cultivation: running water year around: good well at the house; on coun ty road. This la Just a we say or w deed It to you for nothing. Thl 1 a snap and we can prove It. Need not be all cash. CAMERON ft CABLE, 611 Board of Trade bldg. TILLAMOOK dairy farm and 29 cewa, 2.10 acres rolling land. 35 acrea meaaow. imi acrea in grass. L0 acres heavy fir timber, good young orchard. 5-room house, good large barn and all outbuildings. A. mile from town: 29 head cattle. 2 horses, wagon, harness, mower, rake, buggy, plowa. harrows, etc Price, $4600; easy terms. RALPH ACKLET, 603 Corbett bldg. DON'T write a letter; buy a one-fare re turn ticket: aee 360 acres, house, barn, zs cattle, hay. fine little valley home, good neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250 cash, balance $1050; on ten years' time If desired, at 5 per cent inttfreat. O. Mlddle kautT. Taqulna, Or. 85 ACRES, fruit farm, especially suited for English walnut and applea, 6-room house and barn, plenty of water, 60 bearing fruit trees; good roada, 6 miles from MaMlnn vllte. church and school cloee by; $21uo, half cash. 325 Lumber Exchange. HOMESTEADS In the- wheat belt of Eastern Oregon, 10 to 15 miles from a thriving town on the main line of railroad; all good tillable soil; fine water to be had; act quick, only a few left. Coast Com mercial Co., 504 Dekum bldg. 110-ACRB fruit farm, 2H miles from Dallas, - 9-room houee. hot ana cold water, large barn, outbuildings, about 24O0 treea in finest condition bringing large Income, mile to railroad and school: $14,000; $5000 oash. 325 Lumber Exchange. T ACRES land, all In cultivation, 6 acre apple trees, M acre in grape vines; new 4 Toom house. 2 wagon, all necessary appli ances; cheap for cash. Inquire 55 1st St., North. - Nick Matosin. ACRJEAGE. $8000 12 acres, all highly cultivated, 8 miles from Portland, on Oregon City line, SO minutes' ride from the city. James J. Flynn, 612 Chamber of Commerce. WHO wants the best farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particular call upon or write Connell, I.ong ft Imbrie. Hills boro, Or. TO EXCHANGE. BEAUTIFUL home In Portland, worth $17, 000, for farm near Portland of like value. R. F. Bryan, 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. TELEPHONE BONDS AND STOCK Taken In exchange for real estate. Fred H. Strong, 242 Stark at. WILL trade 5 acres Hood River land for some Portland suburban lota Address, with full particulars. AD 199, Oregonlan. X WILL trade a good automobile for real property. J. O'B. Scobey. 615 Board of Trade bldg. WHAT hav you to trade or exchange? W. Lawrence ft Co., $16 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. GOOD HOWE. 7 rooms and t lots for farm land, near Portland, on or near carllne. J 215. Oregonlan. WILL trade for what yon have. Qua -Jlnilta, 404 eucbjnsa bid. A BIG BARGAIN. J6A0 acres of fine stock land: 200 .acre t hav land all wire fenced: nrlce $10 per acre; also several 40-acre tract that caif be had at $250 per acre; tni is tocaiea m Union County, near La Grande: will ex change this for Portland property. PINE TREE LAND CO., 609-610 Buchanan Bldg.. 2fsVj Wash. St. - TO EXCHANGE Modern 13-room house, large corner lot. northwest part of city, choice location and surroundings, 1 block to 23-st. or W cars. 15 minutes' walk to Tostofflce; rents $B5 per month; value $s.vn: want acreage close in suitable for platting. Owner, H 222. Oregonlan. EQUITY of $3000 In new 8-room. ewell modern bungalow, most desirable location, awful cheap at $5500. for aale. or will trade for good property In or around Portland; this Is an opportunity to get something good. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. $2200 120 acres, 6-room house and barn, running water, 13 acres In cultivation, near Cape Horn; will trade for auburban resi dence property or acreage. Whalley, 615 McKay bldg. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, ell or trade business or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson ft Taylor, room SIO and 811 Buchanan bldg. A $1VOOO Klickitat hill fruit and farm trac, to trade toward Portland home or buslcees profrartjr. Flank Lee. 147) Front st. IF you have a house, or lot, or farm, or rooming-house, or business of any kind that you want to sail or trade, call 613 Chamber Commerce. $1500 EQUITY In 8-room house for lots), acre age or small house, or will take auto as part. V 228. Oregonlan, FOB SALE. Horse. Vehicle and Harnee. WANTED Thoroughbred registered horse, mare preferred. 15 to 16 hands. 1050 to 1175 pound. 8 to 7 years. thoroughly broke and gentle, in exchange for my Cadillac 10-H. P. runabout. In excellent order all over; state fully price and where horse can be seen. A 235. Oregonlan. FOR SALE New light two-horse express wagon with - canvaa top over seat; ca pacity 1000 pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all In good condition; price $100 Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg. or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamaa, Or. FINE new Stanhope buggy, fine rig for horse show; will sell cheap for cash or trade for good horse. Phone A 2678 or Main 2678. 23 HORSES, farm and grocery wagon, ho tel 'bus. saddle, harness, cheap to close out Hubert ft Halt 266 th at. FOR SALE Gentle mare, suitable to ride or drive In buggy or light wagon. Woodlawn, 2304. FOR SALE Light delivery outfit; good con dition and a bargain if taken at once. Main 273. FOR SALE--Handaome bay mare; also nice runabout and harness; call Monday. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders. GOOD sound horse, weight about 1100 pounds; price reasonable. 394 E. Burnside St., cor. Grand ave. A 2-TON platform spring wagon used only 2 months. Geo. H. Walkers. West ave. and East Lincoln, near reservoir. FINE fjirrey, together with harness, for sale cheap; have only been used a few times. Inquire at 691 Thurman st. ONE mare to hire out. sell or trade for larger horse. Phone East 6398. HORSES, marea. rig and names of all kinds for sale. 2K4 Montgomery. FOR SALE Young team draft horaea Ap ply 808 Davla at. Aatomobllea. BUICK runabout. 1908 machine. Model 10, agent's demonstrator, run about 150 milea, first-class condition, will make attractive price. P. O. box 606, The Dalles. Or. SIX-PASSENGER White steamer, good con dition, cheap for cash. Will trade for real estate. Inquire 410 Corbett bldg. ALMOST new touring car. perfect condi tion; make big sacrifice If sold immedi ately. D 214. Oregonlan. TOURIXCJ car, 4-cyllnder, glass front, top, new tires; fully equipped; $750. N 235, Oregonlan. I WILT, trade a good automobile for real property. J. O'B. Scobey, 915 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED RunabuuL w or second-hand. Address, stating condition and beat price, H 94, Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND automobiles, touring car and runabouts. W. G. Hartman. 46 2d st. Miscellaneous. 6-FOOT bookkeeper- desk. $10: $35 weath ered oak buffet, $20; $20 white maple dresser. $13.50; solid oak combination desk, $12: good barber chair, $3.30; good mahogany dressing tables, $7.50; $50 black walnut sideboard. $16; folding bed, $3.60; Iron beds, $1.75; heating stoves, $1; camp stoves, 75o. , We are closing out stock and going to move to our new quarters at 20th and Washington sts, known as the Western Salvage Co., this month; we don't want to move any more of our stock than we can help, ao If you want houaefurnisblnga cheap call on us this week. M'GRATH FURNITURE CO.. 66 North 3d St., bet. Davis and Everett Streets Main 2087. MOVING picture fllma for rent; the best selected stock in tne west; an reeis feet: no damaged films: everything that' food. Send for catalogue and terma, heater Film Service Co. Inc. 1042 Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco, Cal. MOVING picture machines; any make; fllma lliae ana supplies; taming ma chines, records; opera and folding chairs; posters, tickets, etc 501 page catalogue free. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042 Golden Gate ave., 8an Francisco. CaL' CONTRACTORS I can furnish one-quarter million common brick per month on cars In Portland after December 1. Also I make oak house rollers to order, any sixe or quantity. Albert Dixon, Portland. Or. PREPARE for rainy season, corrugated sheet ircn. both black and galvanised. In nearly all sixes and kinds: get our prices and save money. M. Berde ft Sons. 847 353 Gllsan St., cor. 8th. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 49 Third st. FOR SALE TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000, parties Interested call ataglnnia ft T5on. 403-4 McKay bldg. WOOD STUMPAGB OR LUMBER. About 5O0O cords original fir, 9 milea from Portland. H mile to station. Apply 7.19 E. Couch, Portland. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. Fine repairing a specialty. Call . or address L. Winters, 818 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. WILL pay reasonable cash value for second hand assay outfit; state condition, price wanted and give detailed description. A. N. Lawrle, White Salmon, Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist ing engines, rails, cars, etc. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st. A 2368, Main 2363. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 318 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR ALE 90 head of angora goats cheap. Address T. J. Ripley, Oregon City. R. F. D. No. 2. FINE 5-year-old cow and calf, part Jer sey. 808 East 28th at. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. , FOR SALE CHEAP Candy maker's outfit, including two marble slabs and other ap paratus. Address A B 200, Oregonlan. FOB SALE Second-hand 12-horse power boiler, nearly new. Inquire of Milton J. Jones, 151 4th St. Main 722. NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rent you the latest films, song slides, supplies, etc, at the lowest prices. 293 Burnside. FOR SALE Splendid fresh milk cow. Call at 2U5 E. 39th st, cor. Taylor. FOR SALE Some furniture. phone Main 9461. 600-FT. gasoline well drill; part cash. 1241 Maryland ave.. city. MOVING-PICTURB EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slide, film for rent. 16614 4th st, BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon. FOR SALE: Two safes, letter-prees. desk and office furniture. Chlopeck Fle-h Co. R. R. ticket via N. P. to Cleveland cheap; good to Nov. 1. Address A 233. Oregonlan. GOOD fire-proof aaf for sale. B. 2267.. Miscellaneous. GET our prices and save money on all lnds of PLUMBING- SUPPLIES AND PIPE. Yes, we sell to all. NOT IN THE TRUST. M. BARDE A SONS,' PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE. 110 N. 3d St., near Gllsan. ROOFING material, positively new corru gated Iron roofing at $2.23 per square. Any amount galvanised corrugated iron roofing. 1000 squares rubber roofing. J. SIMON ft BRO., 244-46-50 Front st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 10 stave bolt cutters. Good camp accommodations. Steady work. None but experienced woodsmen need apply. West ern Cooperage Co., Corbett bldg. , SPECIAL , One-half fare to Northern California for ectlon men. mlllhands. lumber pliers, rough carpenters, mill hands and wooas- men ; good wages. Ship tonight and tomorrow. Pacific Employment Co.. 12 North 2d. Both phonea 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduate last year: men ana women to learn barber trad In elgn. weeke; help to secure positions; graduate earn from $15 to $26 weekly; exner In structor; tool free; write for catalogu. 1 afoler System of College. 84 N. 4 in st, Portland. Or. 6A1.ERM AN Wilton rugs, brussel rugs, ln- fraln carpets, well-known lines, estab ished trade: territory. Denver to Coast; commission basis: state full particular regarding your experience, also your age. Address Wilton ft Brussels Carpet Co Thomas Develon ft Sons. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED Man to take charge of manu facturing business near Portland, salary $125 per month, interest in business, can make $10 day; must Invest $1600 cash aa security; mut have references. Experi ence not required. Call 411 Couch bldg. WANTED Carpet, laver and upholsterer, must be good worker, strictly sober, steady Job to right man. Write wages wanted and how soon can comej refer ences required. Queen City Furn Co., Baker City, Or. CLERKS and carriers' examination In Novem ber; many appointments made each year to qualified young men; abort hours; salaries up to $1200 a year: we prepare you. Paclflo States Schools, McKay bldg. $iO0 BUYS half Interest In fine paying light office business, real estate and employ ment agency averaging daily $15 and dou- . Me. Pacific Business Exchange, 303 14 Washington at., suite 4. WANTED Two or three flrat-class meat cutters; must be fast and understand th business. Apply by letter to Puget Mar ket Company. Public Market, Seattle. Wash. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing,- brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, , no books, positions secured, freo cata logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230 240 8th at., San Francisco. WANTED Man to work In and out of office and be able to drive horses; can make $200 month) must have reference and invest $350 as security. Ask for Mr. Pote, room 411 Couch bldg. - C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department, 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. Help Free to employers. WANTED In railroad office, bright boy about 17 two year or more In high school preferred. Answer In own hand writing. F 227, Oregonlan. DID you see the man throw certain goods In the etreet maliciously Sept. 10? Please send your name and address to L. Lewis, 31 N. 6th st. LOCAL' corporation desires first-class ex perienced solicitor; salary basis; good position for right party,; grVe full infor mation. X 229, Oregonlan. THERE'S a position open for a snappy, thoroughly experienced young dry goods man with the Golden Rule Store, Boise, Idaho. WANTED Packing-house men, beef and sheep butchers, casing workers. Apply Schwarzschlld 4 Sulzberger Co., Sunday morning. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics: easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learlng. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. Catholic and German magazines; quick cash commission, paying proposition. 603 Goodnough bldg. MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly; learn the business In short time; easy work; leeaons reasonable. Particulars, Newman, 293 Burnside. WANTED Youag men- to study telegraphy and stenography: excellent positions when competent; day and evening. Oregon Col lege. 83 5th St. BOYS wanted for messenger work; good wags: permanent employment. Apply to Manager American District Telegraph Com pany, 76 2d st. SALESMEN, clothing, drygoods. shoes, fur nishings, bookkeepers and stenographers. P. A. ft C. Co., Raleigh bldg., rooms 39-41. WANTED Carriage rider for steam-feed hand mill; wages $2.50. Inquire 12 North 2d st. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agenta; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De kum bldg. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d at. Both Phonea WANTED Boy for light office work; good pav. APPly room 34. Raleigh bldg, 7:30 to 9 A. M. or 1 to 3 P. M. BOY, 16-18 years, to work In kitchen. Southern Oregon; one without a home pre ferred. R 235. Oregonlan. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5894. TRAVELING and floor salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers ana stenograpnera. luhhuci clal Abstract Co.. 301 Oak st. WANTED Strong boy to work In bakery. Call between 11 ana 12 a. ju, nojui Bakery, 11th and Everett. BRIGHT boy or young man to make calls and deliveries: salary. ail ine waruruuo, 751 Washington. WANTED Experienced salesman for re- tall stationery aepartment: answer wno references. N 215. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS tailor for ladles' coats: good . - II 1 .,K '1 , WANTED Real estate salesman. Apply 220 Commercial Club. WANTED Two first-class coatmakers. Geo. A. Smith. 815 Alaska bldg, Seattle, vvasn. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency, zsv furnsiae - jaaia -ju. WANTED An ' all-around grocery clerk; muat have reference. 469 Williams ave. WANTED Two lathers, $2.25 per M. Write Petrle. box 47. Eugene, ur. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main 6500. A FIRST-CLASS "barber. Corneliua Hotel Barber Shop. BOY wanted to work In grocery tore. 293 1st. CARPENTER work in exchange for plaster ing. Phone Woodlawn 125. BOY for delivery wagon, grocery store. 443 6th et. GOOD day cook, one can handle gas. 204 4th st. WANTED Good buggy washer, at Red Front Stables, 26 N. 15th st. WANTED Experienced candy helper. Ap ply Rebes, 310 Washington st. WANTED Boys to" wrap soap. Luckel, King ft Cake Soap Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A thoroughly experienced cook. Apply 835 Lovejoy st.; good wages; must have good references WANTED Woman who la good cook, for general housework In small family; Ger man spoken. 54 North 21t at. ' WANTED Good, reliable girl general house work; must be good cook. Three in fam ily; good salary. 620 Eaat Ankeny. WANTED A young girl to work in candy factory. Call after 10. 520 Burnside. WANTED Girt for general housework. Call mornings. 412 Buinaide at. THE St. Louis Employment Agent Want Monday . 8 cook, 2 camp, 1 hotel, out town, $30 t024e'cond glrla, 1 out town, $20 to $25. 8 waitresses, 8 out town. $25 to $35. 26 general housework. 2 out town, $20-$35. 2 chambermaid. $25 to $30. 8 housekeepers, 1 out town, $15 to $35. 2 child nurseglrls, 15-16. pay $15 to $20. The St. Louis. 209 Vj 4th. Main 2039. A 2824. A GOOD talloresa to put In lining in ladies Jackets; none buc experienced; best wages, steady -work; also experienced girl to help tailor, a girl that has experience in men's tailoring will do. J. K. Stern. Ladles' Tailor, 429 Washington. WANTED Young ladles to study teleg raphy and stenography: excellent positions when competent: day and evening. Oregon College. 83 5th st. HIGHEST wages to first-clasa woman to cook and do general housework In small family.. Portland Height; reference. Ap ply out jaacieay Diug. TWO respectable young ladies wanted at once to learn the barber's trade, that are willing to go to a seacoaat town. E Ji, Oregonlan. WAITRESSES, Salem Fair, $15; others, city; Hillsboro: chamber: cashier, waiting combinations. $9. Drake's, 20514 Wash ington. DRAPERY SEWERS. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. Experienced workers wanted at onoa, OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; good money. Call room 608 Merchant Trust bids.. 6th and Washington t HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 84814 Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstair, Phone Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employer. LADIES to make pillow top at home: good pay; Instruction free. Call 452 Washing ton. COOK wanted by the 16th, one with ex perience. Apply at 191 Eleventh, near Yamhill HOUSE table maid wanted. must nave some experience. Apply 191 Eleventh st., near Yamhill. WANTED A competent girl for general housework: 6-room houee. small family, good wages. Phone B 1985. COMPETENT girl for cooking and house work; second girl kept; washes $30. 141 North 18th. Telephone Main 3633. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 181 E. 16th. cor. Yamhill. Phone East 1593. A WOMAN or girl from 2:30 to 8:30 daily, vicinity of Hawthorne Park; good wagea. K 234. Oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be good cook. 687 Da vls st. THREE experienced women solicitors, city work, good pay. Call 513 Columbia bldg-, 1 to 3. WANTED A girl to do general housework, family of 'three. Address 567 Maple st, Ladd's Addition. Phones E. 3026 or B 1661. GOOD girl for general housework: a Ger man girl preferred. Apply 601 Schuyler, cor. 15th. WANTED Competent girl, for general housework and to assist with cooking. Apply to 93 East ?5th St. WANTED First-class girl for cook and general housework, $23 per month. Phone East 474. or A 1474. WANTED A reliable young woman for gen eral housework. 415 East. 12th St. North. Phone East 1511. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84814 Washington st.. corner 7th. upstelra Phone Main 2692. WANTED Competent girl for upstairs work and white sewing In family of 3; wages $25. Phone Main 2849. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 82614 Washington St., room 307. Phone Main 8836. A 3266. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department 20514 Morlaon St. Phones: Main 1062: A 2064. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co . 603 Roth child bldg, 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework and cooking. 794 Irving at., cor. 24th. Phone A 1182. I GIRL for general housework, cooking, one 1 mua ...4...af omHa "I o r tti H A tllllv 2lO N. 25th St. WANTED An experienced cook. Apply 554 Davie, cor. 17th st. GIRL for general housework. Phone Main 1906. WANTED Girl for general housework. . 257 N. 22-d, cor. Northrup. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply at 684 Everett st. GOOD girl for general housework. Apply . 330 Park st. WANTED Competent helper for Children's Home. 887 Corbett st. WOMAN, gdfid cook, good wages. Apply at once. 269 North 20th st. COOK and second girl, good wages. Apply 674 Everett St. WANTED Three worfien to work half day each day on pies. 829 17th st. EXPERT pressers . on ladies' garments. Vienna Dye Works, 226 3d st. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. Apply 747 Gllsan st. GIRL for cooking and general housework, 4 adults. 500 Taylor st. GIRL for general housework. 770 Flanders street. GIRL to wait on table. 2 meals, assist with housework: no cooking. 452 Morrison. GIRL for general housework, small family. Apply 792 Lovejoy st. WANTED Girl for second work. Apply 3S1 12th st. EXPERIENCED girl for housework. 791 Tillamook st, Irvlngton car. WANTED Chocolate dipper for country town. Address G 224. Oregonlan. WANTED Good girl for general hdusework. Apply 236 12th st. FEMALE operator on pants, steady work, good pay. io za st, room GIRL for general housework. 1069 Thur man st, corner 3 2d st, Willamette Hgta WANTED Competent girl for general housework: good wages. 128 14th st. A FIRST-CLASS manicurist at' the Cornel ius Hotel Barber Shop. A GOOD hand sewer to finish skirts. J. K. Stern. Ladles' Tailor. 429 Washington. GIRL to do general housework. Mrs. Grady, 181 24th st. EXPERIENCED pastry cook. 386 Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE OB IF.MALK, WE eoure position for our students: day and night school; enroll now. Business University, 68 3d t. Phono Main 4504. FOR HELP FOR WORK A. B C. EMPLOYMENT CO, 22614 Morriaon. M. 3022. We are whits. BOYS and girls, work after school, getting customers Catholio and German magazine. 603 Goodnough bldg. BOYS and girls to work after school hour. 415 Marauam bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or general office work; experienced in collection and credit department; can also do stenographic work and billing; furnish best of references. K 228, Oregonlan. ' WELL-EDUCATED, experienced young man wants position timekeeper, cashier, hotel clerk or similar position; best referenoe. M 229. Oregonlan? FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer open for engagement after October 1; 8 years' general office experience; exoellent references. AC 228. Oregonlan; YOUNG married man with best of refer ences wishes position as assistant in office; good penman. Phone Woodlawn 1060 or address D 222, Oregonlan. BRIGHT, energetic young office man want office position or other work 7:15 to 10:30 p M. every night, phone Tabor 1837. YOUNG man wants permanent clerical position- experienced: can furnish excellent x clarences, A F. 225. jOtegonian, Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. thoroughly experienced In dry goods and general merchandise, can also trim window and write cards, win accept position in city or country. Ad dress J 228. Oregonlan. YOUNG man' wishes position as fireman helper In some plant where he could work for small wages while learning. Ad- ; dress lock box 141. Salem. Or. WANTED Situation a traveling salesman by gentleman of good character and abil ity; salary or commission; references. D. C. McKee. Wapato. Wash. IF YOU want your home painted and dec orated, apply at Main 9363, In the morn ing before 7 o'clock, or evenings after 6 o'clock. JAPANESE high school student wants po sition; cook morning and at night. D 217, Oregonlan. COMPETENT Japanese cook wishes position In family. Address Japanese M. E. Mis sion. Phone Main 9361. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situ ation in a family; good references. Ad dress M 232. Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework and help cook. K 223. Ore gonlan. FIRST-CLASS cook wants position in boarding-house or private family; colored. Telephone Main 7541. GOOD COOK want schoolboy work, morn ing and evening. Phones Main 5613, Pa clflo 330. A NICE Japanese wants situation at gen eral housework In private house. R 237, Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese boy wants a position to do housework or school boy. O 229, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED man and wife want con tract to feed 60 men or more. Room ft. The Schelly, oor. 11th and Morrison. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. AD 229. Oregonlan. A. O. CUTLER Painting. paperhanglng and tinting; prices to suit the times. Phone Main 8919. FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position, hotel, boarding-house and porter. Apply Home phone A 8856. WANTED Steady position by married man. 34 : 16 years with prevloua employer in East. V 218, Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment Co, Main 4659, A 4073. 268 Everett. Japanese employment office; furnishes all klnda of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. CARPENTER wants work, wage reasonable. Address K 238. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LEGAL stenographer desires position; ex cellent recommendations, ready for work. Main 92, Vancouver. R 229. Oregonlan. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or beginner, phone clerical office. Main 4504. Tested ana oertinea. YOUNG lady would like place as bill clerk; can do tookkeeplng. T 229, Oregonlan. Dressmaker. THE famous Kelster' Ladle' Tailoring College Ladies, save dressmakers' bills, make your own gowns here. Wre teach Kelster drafting system. 806 Steams big. PLAIN, fancy dressmaking at home by day: shirtwaist, suit, evening gowns a specialty. 388 6th at. A 6794. FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonably done 147 13th St. N. Phone Main 4005. PLAIN sewing and children's clothes; charge reasonable. 165 North 17th st. Housekeeper. MIDDLE-AGED lady with girl 12 years, wishes position as housekeeper; good home more important than wages. A 218, Oregonlan. Domestic SCANDINAVIAN girl would like to get good, steady place; understand cooking. Call at 127 16th st. North, near Gllsan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady with good education desires position with chance of advancement; will start with moderate salary. B 224. Ore gonlan. YOUNG woman of good appearance would like opportunity to sing in theater: ha good voice and wonld like to try illus trated songs. A B 228. Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE refined woman and daugh ter IO years of age, good home with small family In the country: good cook, neat housekeeper. X 239. Oregonlan. WANTED Employment, out of town, lit camp, as cook and waitress, by woman and girl. N 227. Oregonlan. LADY and daughter aged 18 wish place to work for board and small wagea Phone Paclflo 1720. HAVE your lace curtains done up at 811 7th. WANTED A position as dishwasher by young woman. K 237, Oregonlan COMPETENT woman wants any kind of day work. Phone Main 5170. HOME laundered lace curtains, bv an ex pert. Mrs. S. M. Scott. Tabor 634. WANTED AGENTS. BOOK AGENTS wanted in every town and city In Oregon and Washington to sell "Pearls at Random Strung, or How to Live One Hundred Years Young." Just out. Apply or address the author. C. H. Plg gott. attorney at law. 4 Mulkey bldg., Portland. Or. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers; special starting offer; exclusive territory: $75 to $300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co, Milwaukee, Wis. . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent bouses, cottages, flats, store, offices, rooming-house, etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED October 1, furnished flat, cottage, with or without piano; $20, may pay more If suited; would buy furniture, easy pay ments; particular. K 227. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. mechanic, would like room In private family, with privilege of prac ticing on piano. K 233, Oregonlan. SMALL poultry ranch, 3 to 5 acres, with houses- lent must be reasonable; closest to town preferred. K 230. Oregonlan. ROOM and board for elderly gentleman and daughter; private suburban home wanted. K 236. Oregonlan. FURNISHED house of about 9 rooms. West Side, within walking distance of Orego nlan. T 216. Oregonlan WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR. FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO, Haln 5655. A 412L WANTED Men' cat-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d st- North. Phone Main 9272. STUDIO of music, modern languages and English literature; 2 assistants wanted. 452 Morrison. WANTED To rent or buy a grocery deliv ery wagon and horse. 329 17th st. CLOTHING Phone M 1831 83 N. 3d. Highest price paid; prompt attention. FOR RENT. Fornllshed Rooms. FURNISHED rooms, suitable lor two; gas, and bath. 526 Kearney st. $8 UP Pleasant, light, furnished rooms; very central. 415 Taylor st. 165 1TTH NORTH, two newly furnished room, furnace heat, gas. bath. $8 and $10 month. FOR RENT A pleasant, well-furnlehed room, walking distance. 227 Cherry st. TWO elegantly furnished rooms, (one - with grate) in modern home. 647 YamhilL NICE, large furnished room, 2 gentlemen preferred. 407 Stark st. THE ANKENY Swell furnished rooms. $3 to $5; phones and-bath. 84914 Ankeny. Fornllshed Room. HOTEL SARGENT. Portland s Best Family Hotel. American or European Plan. Only ten minutes' walk from buslnes center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave. . Car passes hotel every minute; very rea sonable rates; largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found anywhere, 'with every modern convenience; large, well-kept lawn. DO you realize that you can get an outside, steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts, for $10 up per month? This house Is being re painted, repapered and put -in first-class condition by the new owners. Nice large parlor in connection. Suites, with running water, $22.50 to $33. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week upi steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st. THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel, 330 Yamhill: new management; an ideal place to make your Winter quarters: new fireproof building, with modern conveniences, in heart of city; special rate to permanent guests. A. H. Pracht, Prop. THE MERCEDES. Beautifully furnished single rooms; all modern conveniences, including heat, hot and cold running water, bath and tele phone: $3 to 6 per week. The Mercedes, 20 th and Washington. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash Ington sts. Newly furnished throughout! new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms. GAYOSO. Grand ave. East Stark Well furnished rooms, possessing modern con veniences; steam heat, hot water, eleva tor, baths; very reasonable ratea. Hotel Bushmark. Wash, and 17th, first-clas furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; dallya 76c up; special monthly ratea. Main 6647. THE WILLAMETTE. 82214 5tark st, large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $3 week. Mr. Hart, manager. A 5192, Main 001T. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished room; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Main 4631. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window and other outside rooms; electric lights, baths, etc, $2.50 week up; transients. 20914 Washington. - HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Paclflo 496. TWO or three rooms in private home, near Portland Academy, use of parlor, piano and cooking if desired; would prefer man and wife or ladles. Phone Main 6630. BEAUTIFULY furnished bay window room, suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman and wife; lights, bath, etc.; reasonable. 2(31) H Washington St. TWO rooms, single or en suite, modern, first floor, walking dlstanoe. on carlin. 380 11th St. Phone Main 495. 25814 131 H ST. Nicely furnished rooms) private family; new house; every, conven ience; gentlemen only. LARGT3 furnished room for rent at 358 12th st, with all conveniences; breakfast If de sired. Phone Main 8G43. THE ANGELUS. cor. th and Jefferson sta, modern front suites, also slnglo room. bath and both phonea THE ESTES Gooa rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and bath free. 82714 Stark, corner eth. Mr Maud J. Bites. TO two ladles, teacher preferred, larga room In quiet home, board near by. Wood lawn 2239. HEKINED young lady can get nice fur nlehed room and use kitchen reasonable. Call 215 10th st LARGE, newly furnished front room, pri vate family, modern; very reasonable. 442 2d st. 8714 SIXTH t. Best furnished room In city, $2.60 to 16 per week; 6 do to $1 per night; transients solicited. NEATLY 'furnished room, suitable for gentleman: private family; all conven iences; rent reasonable. 256 11th at. NICELY furnished front room, bath, phone, private family. 170 Chapman, near Mor rison st. 892 COLUMBIA Bright room; large closet, desk; suitable for student; porcelain bath; electric light, furnace. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for gen tleman. 141 13th st, cor. Alder. NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeep ing rooms. 95 11th st, corner Stark. HOTEL ROYAL, 10814 4th St.; steam-heated ; room $1.50 to $5 per wk., 6O0 to $1 per day. THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia: modern rooms, bath, 60c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. Unfurnished Room. $10 PER MONTH, 8 nice rooms; bath, toi let, gas. 1155 Belmont. Rooms With Board. THE GLENDOR A HOTEL. 19th and Couoh, room and board, $25 per month, largo grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the nicest private boarding-house In city; large, airy rooms, running water; beauti ful grounds, finely located for tourists, transient or permanent guests. A 5345. t PORTLAND Women' Union, 20th year; room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Etxehange, Mrs. Ella Raw. lings, Supt, 610 Flanders St. JUST room for 2 more young men, flrat-cla room and board, $5.30 per week; all con veniences: good home cooking. Aster House, 7th and Madison. LARGE, airy rooms, modern conveniences, hot and cold water, extensive grounds, walking distance, excellent board. 617 Kearney. A 2il8. Main 3996. ' NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table board, strictly home cooking, modern. $6 week; easy walking distance. The Lin dell, 269 Market. LARGE room for two; also single room with board: modern convenlencese. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. THE MARLYN. Washlrgtcn and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and co.d water, home cooking, permanent or transient. TWO elegant rooms, new house, walking distance: breakfasts and dinners; reason able price. Phone Main 2219. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son. A home hotel; large rooms, good board, low ratea THE MANITOU, 281 13th st, room large and light, rates reasonable. 'A FRONT room for two, with board. 494 Morrison it, flat 11. ROOM and board. Sterling. 63S Couch. The FURNISHED room with noard. The Ozark. 225 11th at. Apartments. THB SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.. un furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new, modem and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap ply to Janitor. BRYN MAWR, 185 East 15th. cor. Yamhill; 4 and 5 rooms, new and convenient; fire places, gas rangi, refrigerators, screens, shades; moderate rents; ready for occu pancy. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Co lumbia, decant 4-room residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 3-room apartment with bath and all modern conveniences, including telephone, gas and electrla light, without further cost. H 113. Ore gonlan. THE BUEI.L APARTMENTS, cor. Salmon and 14lh sts, new and up-to-date three and four-room apartments; private phone, bath, automatic elevator, steam heat, etc. HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison, very desirable unfurnished front apartments. 2 rooms and bath. Phone Main 514s. MARLBOROUGH APARTMENTS 5 room unfurnished, new, high-class building. In quire of Janitor. 21st and Flandera. 6 AND 7-ROOM, heated apartments, with every modern convenience. 715 Johnson. A 1678. 4 AND 5-room steam-heated apartments, all conveniences. See Janitor, 401 10th. lower flat. MADISON Park Ona a-room apartment, $30 per month. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent, 12th and Columbia. "The Bralntree,"