1 HIR KFT. . PK " V I I . Ijuu Wanted. 1 Kootu With BoX. THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th nd Couch, room and hoard. $25 per month. larg grounds, hatha, pool and billiard table: larce parlor with piano all free; ey walking distanc fiLAKELT HALL, 300 Jefferson, ona of th nicest private boarding-houses In city; larce. airy room, running water; beai'tl ful rrouodt. finely located for tourist, transient or permanent guests. A 5344. KiRTLAXD Women- Union, loth year: rouma with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella Raw ling. Supt., MO Feeder at. GENTLEMEN wishing "nice. - quiet, unny rooms, also good home cooking, apply East 27th St.. between Ellsworth and Clinton at, near W.-W. and W.-R- car lines. LARGE, airy rooms, modern conveniences, hot and cold water, extensive grounds, walking distance, excellent board. 61T Kearney. A 2HI8, Main 8996. NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table board, strictly home cooking, modem. 8 week; easy walking distance. Tha Lln dell, 269 Market. WANTED To room and board two gentle men who will carry lunch. Phone Main 8476. PLEASANT warm room for two ladles, em ployed; home cooking, modern, close In; 122.50. Kaln 6483. TWO elegant rooms, new house, walking distance; breakfasts and dinners; reason able price, phone Main 2218. BEAUTIFULLY furntshed room for two, small private family; One home and board. modern. 212 lUh. THE Thorndyke. 655 Washington St.. ele gantly furnished rooms with board, choice location, walking distance. FIRST-CLASS room and board for two. In private family: all conveniences. 91 North 17th St. Phone Main 4220. 451 MORRISON, cor. 13th, Tery large room for 2; also single room; modern conven ience!. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son. A home hotel; larga rooms, good board, low ratea Apartments. W 1. MORGAN. 82 FAILING BLDO. Apartments: Roosevelt. 6s Kearney, near 21st. handsome, splendidly located. Colonial, steam-heated bldg. Just com pleted 5 rooms possessing modern con veniences: on at 140. one at $30; Wel lington Court. 525 Everett. near 15th. same as above. 07 30. 1 ' IONIAN COURT Elegant S and 4 -room res idence apartments, each having private vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerators, win dow shades and screens, telephone and Janitor service. Apply Janitor, loth and Couch. THB SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sta. un furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap ply to Janitor. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Co lumbia, elegant 4-room resldenc apart mei'j. possear-tng every mocVrn convenience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 8-room apartment with bath and all modern conveniences. Including telephone. gas and electrlo llgh:. without Xurthr cost. H 118, Ors gonlan. T H K IRVING. 21st and Irvtnr sta. unfur nished 4-room apartments, new. modern: v-randas; location first-class; rent reason able: references. Apply to Janitor. THE BI'K.L APARTMENTS, cor. Salmon and 14:h sts.. new and up-to-date thre and four-room apartment: private phone, bath, automatic elevator, steam heat, etc. MARLBOROUGH APARTMENTS 5 rooms unfurnished, new. high-class building. In quire of Janitor, 21st and Flanaera. 4 AND 5-ROOM steam-heated apartments, all conveniences. Se Janitor. 401 10th. lower flat. MODERN 5-room apartmant, second floor. 681 Third st. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. -Th Brlntr. Flat. -ROOM modern flat. 263 18th at.; very de sirable; rent $40. ... . 5-room new fist. Just completed, modern In verr way. $74 Kearney St.; rent 135. PARRISH. WATKIN3 CO.. 250 Alder SI MODERN flats, all size, for rent. East and West Bides, Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Pnon Exchsng T2- VERY desirable flat, cholc West Side lo cation; no convenience overlooked; light on ail sides: lawn and rosea D. G. Wood ward. 104 Second. $16 4-room lower flat. yard. basement, woodllft. shades, etc.. 15 minutes- walk from Steel bridge. 444 Rodney ave., cor. Tillamook st. East 4868. NEW. modern upper 8 -room corner fiat, stair carpeted, shades, electricity, gas. easy walking distance. 113. 62114 1st. Phone Main 3675. 4 OR 5-room flat, first floor, steel range In kitchen, bath, hot and cold water, good neighborhood; rent very reasonable. 882 lLth at. TWO strictly modern 5-room flats, located near East Side High School. For further particulars apply to Rodger. Hart A Gibson Co.. HO 2d st. WEST SIDE Stout St., near Madison, S modern flats. 5 and 6 rooms, rent reason able. Inquire 260 Stout st. MODERN 4-room upper flat, $16. good loca tion: adults. Inquire 780 Williams m. Woodlanw 426. t 8-ROOM flats", modem. In Upper Alblna, $22 each. Hartman A Thompson, Cham ber of Commerce. FLAT for rent at 449 Tth: 6 rooms, fumkthed or unfurnished; bath, electricity and gas. Apply Edwards Co., 1S9 1st st. THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk ing distance. :s. Mrs. A. Larry, room SO Washington bldg. Phon Main 159. er.onn-vf t fin location, lawn, close In. East Side. Mrs. A. Dltchburn. Phon A or Main 3215. (-ROOM flat, nlc locality, bath, wash trays, sloping porch, shades, tinting, elec tricity, walking distance. S44 ft Benton. FOUR new 6 amd tVroom flats on 6th. bet. Hall and College; no children. Inquire 42s 6th St. MODERN lower. B-room flat, choice location, wa.klng distance, clos In. 406 Park St., bet. Harrison A Hall. Key at 223 1st st. FOUR new 5-room flats, strictly modern, walking distance. Everott. near 22d. Van duyn A Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. a an T room flat 179ft Green Ave. near 23rd and Washington. Phon Main sauo. Pac. 1243. MODERN 8-room flat: steel gas range, window shades, cement floor In basement. 207 ft Haisey. MODERN 6-rcora flat, one block north Steel bridge, fronting river. Phone E. 3612. MODERN r.at 194 McMillan St. Inquire at 188 McMillan, near East nd of Steel Bridge. FOR RENT 7 -room flat, C-3 Marshall st. Phone A 4030. LARGE, modern flat. heat, hot water. Janl ton, service. 715 Johnson. A 1678. 2S.ft 16TH. 5-room modern flat, 418. W. 1 Morgan. 322 Falling bldg. TWO large 5-room flat at 806 Colleg t- Hoasrkeeplng Room rivrt t.n,,..unin rooms, walking distance, no children: rent reasonable. 210 14th St., near balmou. 134 MORRISON Beautiful front rooms. large, airy; good location, Dotn pnoues, completely furnished. 16SS loTH .1 nicely furnished housekeeping dren. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms, ail convenience 10 North, lotu Phone Main 8067. 645ft FIRST Newly . furnished housekeeping rooms, single or ea suite; gaa, bath, elec tric lights, phon. 2 OR 9 nice housekeeping rooms, no chll dren. 269 Jefferson st. GROUND floor. 8 very desirable housekeep ing rooms. 185 Chapman st. Furnished housekeeping and single room to rent; price reasonable. 1S9-193 w. Park st, 487 CLAY, near 14th. newly furnished house keeping 'nulte: walking distance. FURNISHED housekeeping room and base ment. 68 Tth st. South. , , l i-1, f.!T . -.'f"K. U I W 1-. ,.. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta. newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping. Including gas range, fre us of electric light, hot watr. baths. larg reception room and laundry room; beauti ful lawns and verandas surrounding th. building. Furnished apartments from $18 up: also single rooms; with similar con veniences. 12 60 per week up. Ther Is nothing In comparison In the city for th money. This plac will bear Inspection. Short distance from Union Depot. Tak "8" or leth-.t, cars going north, get off at Marshall st. Phon Main 677 L No dogs. THE HOWL AND aPARTMENTS. 681 ft Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, hot wa ter, fre bath fre phon. both floors; nlc suf-.e from $12 up. THE ONEONTA. 187 lTth St.. near YamhllL thoroughly furnished, gaa rang, hot nd cold wier In each apartment, both tele phones and bath fre; tirnj reasonable; no children I I THE MONTGOMERY, cor. East 8th and Morrison, nicely furnished housekeeping suites, electric lights, baths, reasonable rates, temporary entrance on 8th, bet. Aldor and Morrison. GAYOSO Grand ave.. East Stark Two and three-room housekeeping apartment; steam heat, hot water. lectrlo levator; reaaonabl rate. THE Luxor, corner ISth and Clay t. oeautituiiy rurnisnea t-muiu --- - on first floor, private bath, steam beat, hot water. Janitor service. WELL furnished connecting housekeeping rooms, bath. gas. free phone, sewing ma chin, large yard, prlvat family; 11250. 421. corner Hall and 2d. FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms In mod ern house, close In; East Side; will tak bord for rant If desired. 821 Eugene su Main 1940. WATNBWOOD." 109 18th North. nicely furnished housekeeping suites, hot and cold water. furnace heat, pleasant location, reasonable rate. 4-ROOM furnished apartment, new wDUllcl: lng. Mrlctly modern, prlvat bath and phone; no children. Th Buell Apart ments, 14th and Salmon. THE 8ANGERT, Washington and Trinity, bet. lBth and 20tb, newly furnished housekeeping suite, prlvat bath TWO large, clean, sunny housekeeping rooms, unfurnished, or partly furnished; sink; thre closets. 603 Everett. 503 ti ALDER. 115 12th st., large nicely furnished housekeeping and single rooms. $: week, running water. A 4252- PLEASANT furnished housekeeping . rooms, single or en suite; prices reasonable. Walking distance. 655 Morrison- ENTIRE floor. S rooms and bath, nicely for nlehed; light. pleasant. desirable. 226 Grant at. 250 N. 19TH Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms, gas range. eiwuis "' bath, reasonable. TWO furnished housekeeping room, for two persons, gJ. pnoo. ....,. month. 214 Union ave.. cor. Holladay. THE M1LNER. 850" Morrison, cor. Pjrk. modern housekeeping apartments, fur nished or unf urnlslied. . UNFURNISHED housekeeping suites, steam . ... i i . ...... Tk. K.ff.ullfl neaiea. warning u ..".. - - -' 3d and Harrison. BEAUTIFULLY lecated bay-window, unfur nished 2-roora suire In centrally located partment-bous. 1WH jenerson, cor, ma. KNI:rlrJLJ nooseiwpini vuiiw, (m, " . sins. Iirni. uwi, it... .ssw,wuM., -- East 4bJl. CAMBRIDGE BLDG., Srd and Morrison, furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Apply room 30. THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and sin gle rwmai kbiwiiim. ' . ' - - HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clots In. 800 H 4th. House. WHEN YOU MOVB yen always need BOMB lurmtur. . BUY AT NO-RENT prices: th 1ST In rs will evceed cose of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rtnt on balance. MOROAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURB CO.. Grand are. and E. Stark Phon East 2U2B. BEAUTIFUL T-room bungalow, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, paneled aining room. furnac. Will lease to responsible party at $60 per month. 786 Glisan, near 24th. Inquire C. Aerne. Jr., photographer, 6th and Alder t. Phon Main 21U4. B-ROOM modern housa. very desirable resl- i , .. fl IV m.n.r of 11th UrilL. ill .1 J . "I i , . " - and Market sts. Will lease for long term if desired. Parrlsh. Watkln A Co., 250 Alder st. A BRAND new modern cottage on East Side, two blocks from Ankeny carllne; cement sidewalk and basement, laundry trays, gas and electric lights. Inquire 681 E. Ah. $10 10-room modern house, with H acr land; nice fruit tree, berry vines and ex cellent garden; can't be beaten for . splendid home. Phone Main 8430. $15 McFarland's new bungalow. Myrtle Park; 2 lots, electricity, bath. Mount Scott cars. Wells, agent, Stewrt Station. FOR RENT A new T-room modern bouae; every convenience; cor. 24th nd Eat Couch; key at 29 East 24th st- N. DESIRABLE cottage, with good grounds, on Brooklyn carllne. Inquire 115 Ablng ton bldg. 6-RQOM pleasant house, bath, gas, walk ing distant; rent $32.50. Call afternoons, 412 2d st. $20819 SELL WOOD t-, 6-room beautiful house, basement, ga in an. -n.a, 345 Morrison. . TWO modern dwellings, $24 and $27.50 per month, near High School. Inquire 61)1 East Washington. FOR RENT 7-room nous on Portland Height, on carllne; rent $30. Apply 380 . Washington st. ST EAST 8TH ST. N. Modern B-room cot tage, rent reasonable, good condition. In quire next door, phon A 3160. $30 7-room house at 850 Montgomery: fin location, with view of park; vacate about the 11th. EAST SIDE Nlc B-room cottage, larg grounds; responsible parties only. Horn phons A 41)22. MODERN 8-room house, furnac. -view of river. 672 E. 6th St. 7-ROOM house, comer East 16th and An keny. Inquir 8 East 12th North. MODERN 8-room hou with gardn; splendid view of river. 437 Larrabe at. MODERN 6 rooms, large yard. West Sid. 49S Clay St. Call before P. M. WrS rent houses and flat Havarstla A Gallagher. 843 Washington st- MODERN 5-room house. Clay st., between 7th nd Park; $25. Phon Main 843L FOR RENT House of 6 rooms, with bath and gaa Apply 425 Tth st- MODERN. rooms, gas. electricity. Key 852 Clinton st- W.-R. car. ROOMS. $27.50. S49 Market (at Park). Key next door, or 303 Mohawk bldg. 8-ROOM house. S9S Harrison, near West Park. Falrchlld. East 21&4. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house. 345 Har rison, cor. Tth st. 8-ROOM house. South Portland: modern, on car. Phon Main 1410. B-ROOM cottage. 295 Sacrament . In quir 349 Grant t- Furnished House. FURNISHED 8-room house to rent to prlvato family; no small children; references re quired. 874 Taylor st,, cor. W. Park. MODERN 6-room house, nlo furnltur. Haverstlck A Gallagher, 843 H Waahlng ton t- WELL furnished 6-room cottage. Including bath and gaa. Inquir Saturday 604 E, Harrison st. FOP. RENT Furnished B-room cottage; ref erences. 24 Sth st. North, near Burn lde. , B-ROOM house nicely furnished, to responsible party; near West Bid High School. Mai 7224. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house, two blocks from Eaet Side High School. $45. inquir 644 Eaat Ash st. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room modern flat: cheap" to good tenant. 243 . Chapman. Phon Msln 7732. SMALL, neatly furnished upper flat, gas. bath: also 3-roomed unfurnished. 412 Second sL, afternoon NETW elegant furniture of 8-room house cheap. Call 208H uw lay'0. THE I win RFVT I Bl'SOIOT ( H A v rvr.. I I I Furnished Bon PARTLY furnished. rooms and 'bath: lease 6 months or year; adults; East Side. close in: modern t-non t. j.-..o noons and evenings, or H 219. Oregonian. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house, strictly modern, almost new. Ixvlngton; rent $05; references required. Phon East 3rt46. forenoons. NICELY furnished modern corner flat, close) in gas range and water heater; 2 till 4, 381 ft 5th. A 8281. mornings. MODERN, nlcs 6-room furnished house; gas. bath, piano, yard. 617 Powell at, Brooklyn car. modern. completely I "furnished: walking distance. Phone Main Dt4. mu Will bv. House for Kent, Furniture for Sale. 1 1 1 1 1 Klof.iT trnm Washington: must I sell furniture with lease; a rare opportun ity to secure fine home in cx-ciusivc resi dence district; swell location, fronting on paved streets and new furniture, carpets, etc.. at a bargain; owner arranging to leave city for a time; rent $00. Addres P 207. Oregonian. g2-tO0 Half cash, will buy best paying .ru,rnn..r,niiM In fitV. 30 rOOHll On OnS I floor. 13 office rooms; no work to do; sickness causes sale; otners at an pnc. small payment down. Pacific Business Ex change. 303 Vi Washington St., suite 4. LOVELY house, 8 rooms. West Side, for rent, and furniture of 3 rooms, rented for $23, for sal. Inquir 429 8d U bet. 11 and 12 I4S0 Elegantly furnished 5-room flat, with bath, electric lights, telephone, both gas and wood range, together with year's leas at only $15 per montn. pnone a NINE rooms, good furniture, thoroughly clean, 10 minutes' walk to business dis trict: 4 rooms pay rent; must sell by Oct. 1; $650 cash. Phon A 337T. BARGAIN Furniture of 12 room, fur nished In housekeeping suite; owner must sell account of poor health. Call 818 14tn st, corner Clay. FURNITURE! of C-room flat for sale; rea sonable. 1S854 12th. between Yamhill and Taylor. SNAP 5 rooms: velvet carpets; west upper flat. 409 Yamhill; $350; next Elton Court; also furnished 6-room cottage, suburban. 6POT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given. Phons East 1067. FURNITURE of 8 room, reed go-cart chair, cheap. 21)0 12th st. T-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sals on easy terms, phon B 1289. FURNITURE 5-room cottage for alej cot tat; for rent. Apply 282 Croby. Summer Reort JUST OPENED The Mountain Rest dln-lr.g-room. Cascade Locks; first-class, home-cooked meals, 50c; lunches all hours, 6 minutes' walk from boat or train. Store. 4-STORY brick building and baement. 5 Ox 1O0. with large iectrlc elevator, on 1st St.. between Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for wholesale or retail business. Apply to W. K. Grace cr or Commercial Club. FOR RENT December 1. 4-story and base ment, brick store building. 100x165, S. E. corner Front and Pin sts.; also larga dock in rear. 100x200. Apply to C A. Doiph. Mohawk bldg. WASHINGTON-ST. STORE FOR RENT. Good storeroom, bet. 11th and 13th sts. The price Is right. Moulton A Scobey, suite 915 Board of Trade bldg. SUITABLE for tailor or cloak house, 2d floor, Washington st. front. 803 Swstland bldg. FOR RENT Large two-story and basement building; long lease; nominal rent. Chlopeck Flah Co. FOR RENT Store room, end of Montavllla carllne. Phone Tabor 24. Call 100 Baseline. Office. THREE-story and basement building, good for wholesale or warehouse. 4000 squar feet with elevator. Apply R- H. Strong. 710 Corbett bldg. DESIRABLE OFFICES. Pest location. $10 and up. Desk room. $3 and up. 803 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. GROUND-FLOOR deik room, Including both phones: $13. 8ensstakii A Lyman. 90 6th st. DESK room for rent. $3$ Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT A few office In Couch bldg. Apply room 808. ROOMINO-HOCSK OPPORTCNITITES. Arnold A Co.. Main 7311, 161 Vs Morrison st. BUSLNESS CHANCF-S. 64-ROOM new brick hotel; modern through out: steam heat, hot and cold water In every room: suits of rooms with private bath: furnished throughout with the finest furniture; leased for 6 years; very low rent. Thl hotel 1 now turning peopl away and clearing $1200 per month net. This is absolutely the only flrat-clae hotel between Spokane and the Paclrlc Coast, Will take about $12,000 cash to handle. Full particulars. D. W. Alton, Vlllard Hotel Block. Paeco, Wash. A DAIRY of 18 cows, a first-class milk route with over ISO customers, close In; business of over $300 per month, horses and wagons, bottle, cans and all utensils used In a first-class dairy; a chance to get Into a good business with little money. 340 Chamber of Commerce. ACTIVE- business man wlt $16,000 to $25,000 can secure Interest In one of Portland best paying proposition; liberal Interest on Investment; proQts big. good salary, abso lute jecurity: reference exchanged; answer treated confidentially. Addres W 223, care Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man or woman to buy half Interest In good real estate office, can remain as silent partner: will take about $500; can give you local bank references; have 180 prospective buyers from Eastern States: this 1 a square proposition. B 218, Oregonian. SHOE tor for sale, the only exclusive shoe store In a town of about 6000 population. Come quick or you will lose a chance which occurs once In a lifetime. If you don't mean business, don't bother. Apply Oregon City Shoe Store, Oregon City, Or. 5000 Buys first-class grocery doing $2500 monthly cash business; established 10 years- best reason for selling; long lease; modern brick bldg.; full particulars. Pa cific Business Exchange, 303 M Washing ton st, suite 4. WILL sell or leas the most up-to-date and modern bar on th East Side; fine loca tion end the beat class of trade possible; very best reason for selling. - Omar L. Banschbach, 271V Grand ave. Phon East 291. CIGARS fruit and confections, one of the best corners In the city, doing business of $75 dally, and clearing over $300 monthly; satisfaction guaranteed In every respect be fore you are required to pay any money. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark st. WANTED Up-to-date weekly newspaper and Jobbing office in some growing town on the Coast. Must be a money-maker; we ask reasonable terms. Address P. O. Box 477. Baker City, Or CONFECTIONERY, near large school, fln trade, nice stock nd fixtures, living rooms, cheap rent: $350. worth $500. 226 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Man and his wife to take charge of good paying confectionery stand; must have small capital. K 217. Oregonian. SALOON with good downtown lease for sal for half of actual valu. Inquire 304 1st st, Portland. WELL established pigeon and squab ranch for sale, or will sell pigeons separately. Tabor 1431. or AF 216. Oregonian. COFFEE and lunch room: good location; ex cellent business; cheap rent; snap for some on. 70 N. 6th; no agents MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, tele . Dhone and other bonds, negotiated, bought and sold. C S. Fletcher, 123 Ablngton bldg A SNAP Oregon and Washington territorial rights of an Invention long used; small capi tal; big money. M 216, Oregonian. PARTNER In paying business, $76. Inquir 340 2d st SALOON for ale; a good paying business; must sell at once. Call 361 1st t. SALOON Must sell good location at a sac rifice. S. M. Blumauer. room 5, 107a 6th. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. See my list, Mrs. Koontx. 243 Stark. M. or A 197a PARTNER wanted to tend (tore, pay you $150 montn; 4xuuu. o? aiva st. OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, SEPTE3IRER i SPLENDID grocery stock and meat mar ket, good patronage, low rent, 2-year leas, well located, corner; sell at invoice. $2500 Store building, with 3 living rooms below nd 1 above: stock of grocer ies and fixtures: lot adjoining with large building; 14 cold storage, ha woodshed; fine well of water on place, located In good country town, near Portland; owner sick and wants to go East; $400. A fin restaurant and delicatessen, well located, doing a good business, low rent. Thl 1 a bargain- Chittenden A Otto. DON'T DELAY A MINUTE. 14 rooms. In nice modern dwelling. In very best close-in residence district, fine furniture; steam heat, fine bath, gas; re ceipts from rooms $135. rent only $4.: high class of roomers. This --la th best bargain In months. ELLIS. YORK A CO, 826V4 Washington st, rooms 201-202. ROOMING-HOUSE 9-room. price only $250; rent $27.50. all furnished complete. Iron beds, igolde oak furniture, bouse Is mod ern, not and cold water, gas, porcelain bath, large yard, also stable; will clear you $25 a month and have 3 room for Belf; located clos In; must be sold, as owner Is leaving city. Garland A Shelton, 191 4th su HOTEL Hotel In country town near Portland that has never cleared lea tnan siou pei nionth, running nearer $250 all the time; has a good lease at a very low rent: $300 each will handle It and you can pay the balance out of the business. For particulars call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark sts. MAIL order proposition A metal polish without an equal; want party to Join with me; principal only. Address C 218, Oregonian. SALESMAN of exceptional ability, wide business training and experience, aesires position with real estate man or firm, with object of eventually acquiring Inter est in the business; references given and required. Address O 216, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Owner can't depend on hired help', will tak partner to act as cashter as he does the cooking and will pay $3.50 daily and board; very little money needed. Call room 623 Lumber Ex change bldg. I HAVE three practical Inventions, any one of them Is worth a fortune. If you have a few thousand to Invest would like to talk with you. Curiosity-seekers barred. Address AD 216. Oregonian. ONB of the best snap In an up-to-date gen eral merchandise store in a live town on the main line of th O. R. N. Railroad; $2500 will handle a half Interest In an $000 stock. 272 Stark st. WE pay special attention to business open ings Before buying, call us up and se what w can offer you. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampber. 681-32 Lumber ax chang bldg. FOR SALE; Boarding and rooming-house, 35 rooms, clearing $200 and better monthly; house full of good paying boarders. Address G 221, Oregonian. Price and terms made la person. FOR SALE by owner Corner cigar, fruit and confectionery store, doing a nlc business, with a lease; selling on account of leaving the city. Inquir 1U6 4th St., cor. Taylor. No agents. ARE you a practical iceman looking for an opening In th ice business? If so. I can offer you the best Ice proposition In this ' city today. Call at 607 Buchanan bldg, 2.S6H Washington st. A SNAP. Must sell at once, confectionery -and cigar store at 1567 East Stark it. Phone Tabor 603. piRTvr.H wanted In an uD-to-date res taurant; owner cannot do the work alone and cannot depend on nirea neip; very lit tle money required. 272 Stark St. ARE you looking for a business? Why not make your wants known through the Qold srhmlilt's Agency Business Department? 253 Washington a. -is.' a K-Ti.?r Rllnb! and active party with $750 to manage light manufacturing plant . In city; will guarantee eiuv pr moum ary. For Information call 300 Larrabe. noo $400 cash wll buy first-class restau rant costing $1200: lease and easy rent; best bargain ever offered. 303 Vi Washing ton st, suit 4. DON'T YOU KNOW We cn glv you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln A Co, room 3. Chamber of Commerce. A REAL ESTATE office that can show a net profit for the month of August of $300 is In need of a live roan a partner; a man with push can get in reasonapie. i cmr. IS YOU are looking for an A-l proposition In a real estate business, call and see what I have to ofTer. 607 Bucnanan oiug. 2S0V Washington st. BUTTER and egg business, as owner can't -nBn in Mr.l beln. wants rjartner and will guarantee you $160 monthly; $750 requirea. t-au ruoin i"i"i"i . FRUIT, sodawater. Ice cream and cigar store with living room ana some nouaa hold goods. In desirable location; $300; a snap. Se owner. 648 Wrashlngton st. :ii wtt.t. bur the best cigar and confee tlonery store In town, worth $."i00; rent $25 monthly. Appiy r-acinc business r. change, 803 hi Washington, suite 4. DipTNRp ' wanted, exnerlence not neces- .orv hevond ability to show land, etc.; ,pay active man $200 month; little money required. particulars on utw r. . -1 -. I T T .in,. In .nnH fritriA. ma- chlnery all new; $3500. $2500 cash; will .mnd closest Investigation. 325 Lumber Exchange. SPECIAL Solid business firm wants honest man to keep plain accounts, payroll, etc.; will pay $150 month salary. Big profits " !.., .,1 lll 24S1A Stark St. FOR SALE by owner Confectionery and cigar store. . living rwjuia, ai. 31 M. 3d St GOOD COOK wants partner to be cashier and do the buying; little money required. 272 Stark st. PARTNER wanted to handle office business of modem 60-room hotel; owner does cooking; $2000 cash. F 220, Oregonian. I HAVE a few choice homesteads; no Irriga tion, no timber; land ready for th plow. 611 Swetland bid. WANTED Bright, neat-appearing young man with $150; can clear $12.") by th first of AprIL Call 225 Failing bldg. WELL-ESTABLISHED cleaning, pressing and tailoring shop; good location, cheap rent; a snap; Investigate. 646 Washington st, FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing estab lishment, leaving town in four days; cheap. 42 South Union ave. GROCERIES We have them all prices from $350 up to $5000. Call on us and be con vinced. 272 Stark St. PARTNER wanted; pay active man $5 a day; experience not necessary; $000 r qulred. Call 248 1 Stark st. QUARTER Interest In Invention worth $100, 000 for $2000 to on who will assist In promotion. Address E 227. Oregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale. 8 chair. 2 bath tubs; good location and business; reasons for sale. 372H North 17th st. 1000 .HABES Alaska Petroleum A Coal treasury stock for sale at a sacrifice; compelled to sell. E 219. Oregonian. FOR SALE. CHEAP A 17-room rooming house, close in. Phon A 4990, or Main 607. Mr. Miller. 40-ROOM rooming-house, clearing $150 per month: lease; will sell at sacrifice. G 222, Oregonian. CASH groceries, with living rooms, for sale at Invoice; cheap rent. M 228. Orego- FURNISHED dining-room, no cash rent. New Grand Central Hotel. 8d and Flan der sts. ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 rooms. $300 cash will handle; easy terms Apply 92ft Grand ave. PARTNER wanted on platting proposition. $600 swings It: have acreage In city. 226 Lumber Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSES, all lxe, from $.100 up to $:t000. 272 Stark St. THE Bonvllle Pub. Co.' stock. $100 a share; terms. 415 Marquam bldg. RESTAURANT for sal very ebean. In qulr 83 N. 6th t- ; 8-CHAIR barber shop for sal. 803 H East Morrlson. 1 CIGAR and confectionery In central location, cheap for cash. 272 Stark St. FOR SALE Hand laundry, rough work, good price. OUnger. St. Maries. Idaho. PARTNER in barber shop wanted; $250 re quired. A 226. Oregonian. STOCK in the Bonvllle Pub. Co. $1 a share; terms. 415 Marquam. 13 12. 190S. ' The Ames Mercantile Agency estab lished 1S05) furnishes free Information on opportunities In . mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. , THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4-5 Swetland Bids LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between Mt. Scott and Woodstock canines, south or M.uiara ave, spaniel dog. has white spot between fore legs, had leather collar on. Finder return to N. I. Farnsworth, Millard ave.. Mt. Scott carllne. for reward, or phone Tabor 48. HILLSBORO. Sept. Stolen, brown mare. weight 1100 lbs, plgeon-toea, wire mil. uu front legs, branded on neck and shoulder; Mltchell-Staver rubber-tire top buggy, red running gear, black body. Any Informa tion, wire at my expense. Sheriff Hancook. Hillsboro. LOST Between College at, and Taylor-St. Church, east of 12th. lady's oroocn. tci with diamond and pearls; $25 reward to finder. Phon Main 1474 or call 441 11th at. $50 REWARD for recovery of lady's diamond ring lost Deiweea ivm wiu son St. Positively no questions asked. A. C. Hlslop, care Moyer Clothing Co, 8d and Oak. LOST Near Bth and Alder Thursday, loth. small Jet purse, oontaining "'" little money. Return to Oregonian; re ward. FOUND Wner hair mattresses ar reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. LOST Wednesday noon. lady's brooch, plain gold bar. set with cluster of three diamonds. Return to 2S8 Morrison St.; reward. LOST English setter bltoh; white with brown streak on right eye: hod collar and name plat. Fannie L. Brown, 680 KarL Reward. PARTIES who exchanged suitcase on th Newport train at Portland Thursday night can hav their own by telephoning Main 6728. LOST Oentleman's broad band ring, mono gram, raised M. F. in colored gold. Re turn to 182 1st st. and receive reward. LOST One bundle laundry, between Col lege and Morrison sta; return to 234 Front st. ; reward. LOST Solid gold ring with Jade setting. In business district. Finder return to Norrls Safe A Lock Co, 70 6th st.; reward. LOST Pair of eye-glasses, with automatlo holder and monogram A. K. Return 194 3d st and receive reward. LOST Gold locket off of watch fob; the locket has Initials J. A. C. on back. Finder phone Tabor 753. Reward. LOST Lady's leather purse, between Morri son and Grand av. Miss Walker. Olds A King, lace counter. LOST Sliver cigarette case. Initials; also "Glasgow, 1905." Return to Oregonian office; reward. t.ost nnM mh. bracelet. forsotmenot enameled; finder will he suitably rewarded by returning to fd Alain su LOST Tuesday, belt and green enameled buckle, Jade setting. Reward. Phono E. 1258. 650 Belmont. LOST Lady's gold watch, some plac down town: reward at 314 Lumber Exchange. FINANCIAL Money to Loan. $$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. WITHOUT SECURITY. LOANS ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC, WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES, EASIEST PAYMENTS. "EVERY $1 PAID OFF REDUCES COST. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY CO, Tot nvv-r-M wr. oil $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchiid bids., cor. 4th and Wash The reeognlied bant of the .wairs--- a Vnnib.iin.r machinist. engineer or employe can obtain money of tie on bis note witaoui sceuribjr. fl5 return to us $4 Mo. !,1 T.t,,n ... . SS a MO- $50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo. Con'.ldential; no unpleasant inquiries. Specufl rates on pianos, furniture, eto. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. ' mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly. $75 return to tis. .. .$20.00 $10.00 $5 00 50 return to us.... 13 35 6.65 .- . -j.i ... son 4 00 2 "0 SIX r.turn In .,' " 4 Mil 2.00 1.00 209 McKay BLDO, cor. 8d and Stark sta. SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried employes and on pianos, B'urnlture, Ware house Kecelpts, Horses, iniurmwe rwi..- ana an ainas o securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORGAGE CO., 403 Swetland Bldg. , MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names witnoui -curitv: cheapest rates, easiest payments; office In 6o principal cities: save your- seir money by getting my terms mm. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WE PAY you 80 and 85 cents for your German-American certificates and Title .Guar antee Accounts. Wo also buy Oregon Trust and telephone bonds for 30 days only, conn Bros, 180 1st st. TeL Main 4773. A 3S1U. MONEY .oaned on ralarlts; no other security; my system is oeei iur muiuttu "-'. bookkeecpers. streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Nev ton, 511 Buchanan bldg, 28tttf Washing. on st. LOANS made quickly and privately on sal aries, pianos and furniture, warehouse re ceipt; purchase contracts, diamonds and Jewelry. Hi. fierce, ui l.ciiihci - . . . ...1.1.1. nn nrlvstelV On salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts. diamonds . . , . T.i,., Kl r.rl!nr hlds. ana jeweirj. . j i-". . - larmn n- A mnrlrin Cer WHi Will OUy ur v. -. . ..... tincate and -pay the highest cash P"Je for Oregon iruat accounta. Fraley Co, 4lo unamuer ot- i,muiotv TO loan $30,000 to loan at reasonable rates on first-class real estate. In amounts over $1000. no commission. noom Lobbe bldg, 2d ana waaiimsiui .-. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for leng or shor. time. A. A M. t'elovag. iewelers, 69 Washington st. ANY part of $50,000 to loan on approved se curity, 6 or i per cent luiwcoi. ovo vj linger bldg, Portland, Or. $2600 AT 5 per cent on gilt edge Improved lnsiae property, hiuumik - i.cjM.a 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS'on real estate, cl-attels or personal security. w. A. iiatnawsy, jW yvuus tun bldg Paclflo 1832 a TO LOAN $1800, no commission, real estate security, 1 per cent, aph at uhw. w phone, both phones, Cbas. H. Dodd. , WANTED Dwelling house mortgages. $500 to $10OO; easy terms; owners oniy spyijr. w, 5. .vara. viiuny. . io-. TO loan $5000 or less, real estate secur ity. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. ' SIX per cent per annum paid for your de posits; guaranteed security. American Bank A Trust Company. 90 Tth st. $100 000 to loan In sums of $1000 or mora on Improved property. Cady A Selpla. 822 Mohawk bldg. $0000 ON Improved city property; may be divided. Newton McCoy, room 713 Ore gonian bldg. 8100.000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 261 Stork, opp. Cham, of C MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; $100 and up; se us. Vaughn A Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. I WILL make a few small loans on city real estate. B. R, room 40 Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contract W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel, Th Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. OANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pailett. 804 Fenton bldg. etate funds loaned, 8 per cent, W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co. 400 C. of C. tow rates; we loan money on diamond a.nd Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d st. Loans Wanted. LOAN of $5500 on $20,000 property. West Side; come early. Walling, 243 Stark. . I v.vr,., I PERSONA!. WANTED MONEY. 3 years at 8 .............3 years at 8 ....... ......3 years at 8 3 years at 8 3 years at 8 ............ .8 years at 1 3 years at 8 3 years at T ...3 years at 8 3 years at 8 per cent i $2500. .. $1000... $1400. .. $ 9'M). .. $1200. .. $1.100. .. $ 800. . . $1200. .. $ 650... $ 500. .. Room 3, per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent M'KINZIE s CO, Chambers Bldg, 3d and Alder sts WANTED $4000, 2 or 3 years. 6 per cent. on $10,000 improved city property; w wu mlssion. K 226. Oregonian. WANT. to invest $25,000? Will treble In 2 years. B 228, oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. MASTER'S NOTICE Neither the muter nor the undersigned agents will be re sponsible for any debts Incurred by tne crew of the British ship Aberfoyle, from Antwerp for W. P. Fuller A Co Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES Marshal's sale District . - ti .. . ,n n-ri1 fit K&l Issued out of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, on th 8th day of September, 1!08. notice Is here by given that I will sell by public auc tion, for cash, on Friday, the ISth day of September, 1908, at 10 o'clock A. M, at the north door of the Postoffice and Federal building, situate In the City of Portland, In Multnomah County, Or, on the block bounded by Fifth, Sixth. Mor rison and Yamhill streets, in said city, to th highest bidder the gasoline launch Oaks Flyer, her engines, machinery, tack le, apparel, appurtenances and furniture, as she now lies at Supple's boatyard, be tween East Morrison and Belmont streets. In sold City of Portland, Or. Charles J. Reed. United States Marshal. NOTICE is hereby given that th under signed as receiver In bankruptcy of th Davles Electric Corporation will offer the entire stock of merchandise, consisting of electrical fixtures, supplies, etc, for sale at public auction to the highest and best cash bidder on the 16th day of September, 1908. at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. at No 1115 C street, Tacoma. Washington; said sale to be forthwith reported to the court for confirmation or rejection. F. S. 1 Blattner, Receiver in Bankruptcy, Davles Electric Corporation. OREGON LAW SCHOOL Opens October 8. S. T. Richardson, dean (formerly dean of Law Dept. Willamette University). Moot Court every week and thor ough course In law make Its pupils prac tical and prepare its graduates to be come actual lawyers. Every Instruotor In this school Is a practicing attorney. Enroll now and plac your order for books, so they will be on hand whn th term begin. n ti. Business offices 815-316 Commonwealth bldg. M. Morehead, secretary. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of th stockholders of the Oregon Auto-Dispatch will be held In the office of the secretary. 606 Wells Fargo bldg, Monday. September 28. at 1 o'clock P. M, for the purpose of electing director, for th. mJun.'" ENRIGHT, Sec. NOTICE Puget Sound Realty Associates All bond and contract holders who. wish to protect their Interests In this company send name and address at once; explana ticn by letter. D. A. Fluker, 820 Arcade Annex. Seattle. FRENCH BARK "CORNIL BART" Neither the captain nor the undersigned con signees will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. Kerr-Glfford A Co. ARCHITECTS, contractor engineers, get Pacific Builder A Eng'neer. 815 Ch, Com. FESSONAL, THE GLENCOE SANITARIUM, located at 354 Montgomery st. All mental and nervous diseases treated; the whisky, morphine, opium and cocaine habits cured in 48 hours; we guarantee no pain or suf fering; no money until cured and thor oughly satisfied. Call and Investigate our method of treatment, the fundamental principle of which Is the destruction of that craving which prompts the desire for . i j .,i.I,!gn. vhnn. A 3629. DEEPEST WRINKLES. SMALLPOX PITS and all imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, busts developed, sup perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage In Paris; no electricity; faces bleached, booklet tree. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MAKCOTT, Facial Institute, 148 lltb st, bet- Aider and Morrison, AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. The old reliable skin, specialist and beauty doctor has returned. Located with Grand Leader, 6th and Alder sta. New 1'ork and Paris goods In hair. All this week will demonstrate the newest In beauty culture. Samples free In cosmetic. Beautl fuul hair switches. $1. Opening Tuesday. DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo ple or strangers, either sex; 600 to select Irora; photos on file; meetings promptly ar ranged by phone, with uee of parlors; pri vate place to mail or receive letters; mem bership $2; register of members loc. Port land Introducing Bureau, 513 Gerllnger ' bldg, cor. 2d and Alder. 8WEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th st, one door from East An keny car. Phones East 200. Home B 18U3. FIR GROVE SANITARIUM A woman's hospital. Just completed. In South Mount Tabur. beautiful location, where patients can have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Office 5u8 Merchants Trust Bldg, 82UVs Washington. Main 7743 and A 6753. MME. A, A. LUCKEY. Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera peutics; a lull line of electrical appliances, newest and most improved electrical blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 30. 340 ft Morrison st. Main 2911. SUITS pressed while you wall, 6UC. To visit ors of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 66 6th. st, next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boa cleaned and curled. Phone Main 41)64. YOUR eyes may need attention for diseased conditions or glasses; we fit glasses right and treat eyes, ears or catarrh in any form. Impondero-Therapy Co, 508 Mer chants Trust bldg, 326V- Wawh. St. YOU can't work wht you don't sleep well' Palmo Tablets make you sleep and sive you steady nerves; 50c a box. 6 boxes $2,30. All druggists, or address th J. A. Clemenson Drug Co, Portland. -ADIES Ask your druggist tor Chlcnestars Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years know ks the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlcbesters Diamond Brand Pills ar uld by druggist everywhere. MFN whatever your disease or Infirmities may be. our specialist for men will glv you the pioper treatment. Impondero Therapy Co.. 608 Merchants Trust bldg, 82d4 Wash, st. rvRF-ss suits for rent, sll sizes: $1.60 month kfeps your clothe, cleaned, pressed, button, sewed on. rip. .ewed. Prompt calls end de "veries Unlgu. Tailoring Co, 3utf Stark. i a DIES no difference what your aliments may be see our lady physician, specialist for women. Impondero-Therapy Co, 508 Mercham. Trust bldg, 320 y, Wa.h. .t. iost nowers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy, 289 Morrison st, bet. 4th and 3th. .,T i.v with means wishes to meet gen- . ...f.v. euA- obiect matrimony. L ilr-man wltn same 227. Oregonian. r FRMAN, French. 6panlsh and other for elin textbooks and literature a specialty. a W Schmalo Co, 229 1st st. rn PAUL CROMWELL'S former wife. Dr. c'romwell-Smith. will sell East India herbs at 288ft Harrison St. ukr OBROCK Masseuse, bcths. salt glow. alcohol rub. cream massage; reference 282ft Park. Main 2403; A 2734. LADIES Whatever your ailment, coll on Dr Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 17jft 3d St. Main 8770. oriHTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Ad P dress. wUh IPC, room 4, 406 3d at. South. . PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock SaWe." Woodard. Clarke A Co. xt m OF FIGS for all female diseases. 660 BGil"n st Main 9215. ..A PRINTED business cards, $1; 100 vlalt 2nf cordsT 50c Bchmale. 229 1st. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, single wpl: circular 10c. 229ft 1st st. PILES cured without operation by a well established physician. Box 800, olty. DON'T forget the number. 68 4th. between Oak and Pine sts. Lady barber shop. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs! M. D. Hill. 330 Flledner bldg. M 3473. DRS ATWOOD; private hospital: maternity cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Allaky b Tin RAKnnnsnvs CO. Savin and Cotto Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 per box or 8 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 612 Gerllnger bldg, cor. 2d and Alder. Mme. Courtwright, ski and scalp treat ments; facial deformities corrected: plaetls surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. A 2vtil). BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant. E. H. COLLIS, 824 Worcester block, pub!! accountant and estate agent. Auditing. Investigating, systematlslng; permanent keeping of books and records a specialty!' Architect and Builder. SEE Johnson about bungalows, hawk bldg. A 4321. 204 sU Aasayers and Analyst. Wells A Proehstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayera. 24rS Washington. PAUL BAUMEU assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 2U7 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. Attorneys. EMMONS A EMMONS have removed law offices to. 900-U13 Board of Trade bldg. Bicycle and xC-ectrica Kepalring. SHAW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine and electrical repairing. 326 Stsxk at. Chiropody. WM. DEVENY aad Estell Deveny, th only sclentlflo chiropodists 1 th city. Par lors 302 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. oor. 2d and Alder. Phon Main 1301. Chiropody and Padlouring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flledner bldg. Phone Mala 3473. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNO A CO., ship broker, oom- nilsslon merchants, bherioca mag, .rortiaaa. Dancing. Lessons 25c ; now opening classes for begin ner, this evening at 7 o clock; private les sons every morning, afternoon and even ing. Prof. Wal Wlllson Suhool, 866 ft Woshington, bet. West Park and 10th sta. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices, Mrs. Angeles. 242 6th ana Alain. ICduoatlonai. MISS CALL, tutoring; soma olaas work. 6a East Burnslde. 1'none Ji&al 2700, Feed Store. E. L. COOPER A CO, wholesale has and groin, lot Washington st. rnone 7718, A 3718. Gasoline Kngtne. Stationary, marine. electric equipments, launches, accessories. wholesale, retails -engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co-m Uaxnes ana trad tilery. THE George Lawrenoe Co, wholesale sad dle and harness mnfr 80-80 1st. Main 224 Junk, Hide and Pelts. L. SHANK A CO, purchasers of hides, pelts, wool. lurs. tallow, old rubbers, metals and acka 812 Front St. luncb.es and Yachts. FOR charter and sals, marine hardware gasoline engines. See Heyes, 171 Madison, Leather aur .Findings. J. A. 8TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1856. Leather and findings: Stockton sole leather and cut stock; fuj line Eastern Jumbo 181' Front st. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO, 74 Front, leather of every description, tap cure', findings. Machinery. ICE machines. Complete Installations. Arm strong Maohinery Co, Spokane. Wash, Musical. KMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 4100. Pine 334. Main 3045. PIANO TUNING D. R. Wood, 127 N. 14th; 30 years' experience; send postal. Osteopathic Physfciana, DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg, Third and Washington Sta, Phone, offict,. Main 349. Residence. E. 1028. Paints, OH. and Class. RASMUSSEN & CO, Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylur. Patent and 1'einuon Attorney. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement case 604 Lekum. PATENTS, trade-marks, copyrights. Matter. 411 Commonwealth bldg. J. J. J. H1RSHHE1MUK. pen:slon and paten! attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbs bldg. Printing-. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO, not In trust; close figures, good work. 38 Russell bldg.. cornur 4th and Morrison. Photo Kngravers. PERFECT printing plate Hlck.-Chattea Eugravlng Co, corner 2d and Alder sta Rubber H tamps. ALSO trad checks and all cfrice good P. I. C. Co, 231 Stark st. Both phones 14U7. Sale. DIEBOLD SAFE A LOCK CO. John B Da vis, 66 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hnd safe. THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2-d st. Safe at factory prices. Second-hand safes. San Francisco Hotels. When in San Francisco, stop at th WIN CHESTER HUTEL. 3d st, near Market. 000 rooms. Free 'bus. free baths, single rooms 50c a duy; family, $1 up. Rolkln t Sharp, proprietors. big us. FOSTER A KLElhER, SIGNS. The largest slgu-makers In ths North west. 6th and Everett sts. l'hone Prlvat Exchange 65. Home A 1155. Showcase. Bank and Store Fixture. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co, showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couca St. Main 2703. . Storage and Transfer. C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co, offlc 'and commodious four-story brick ware bouse, with siperate iron rooms and firs proof vaults for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d and Pine st.. Pianos and furniture moved and packed fur shipping. Main 596, A 1996. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes elano. and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2U9 Oak st, bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. Street Paving. WARREN Construction sidewalks and crossln Co, street paving. gs. 814 Lumber Ex, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, at Portland office. 402-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriter.. nf-W and second-hand typewriter., all makes repaired, sold and rented: also a-ate agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange. 84 3d st. Main 606 KPFC1AL prices, all makes rented, sold, re paired P D. C. CO, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Wood. 450 CORDS of thoroughly seasoned cordwood for sale Lies on the river bank at foot of Courtney ave, Oalc Grove. Rail or water transportation. Bargain for some body. Apply Main 2021, or address 5UJ Everett at. ALBINA Fuel Co, green and dry cord wood. Alblna ave, K. R. st. Wholesale Jobber. WADHAM9 A CO, wholesale grocer, man ufacturers, commission merchants. 4tl and Oak. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,006. No Interest paid on account GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, ISSUES DRAFTS AVAILA BLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OB" THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DliPOSIX VAULTS.