Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 12, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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    SEPTEMBER 12, 1908.
1 jtllllf 1 I .llr lX!Lijrj liiii oaiuuwjiii
1.J , .
. i i rT n-.vnm-ntMAU!. I SITTATIOW WANTB2D IFE-MAI-E.
Vll CATV HFBT. XT M I M-. I M1K nAliC-EflKJlK 1 I f
At 6.15 Kearney st. close to th xpnstv
home on 20th st; it's modem, conven
ient and pleasing; lot la worth tVHX);
house cant be built for less than $5500:
4 11. i'K; and It's yours for $9000; you'll
bui It.
$27.v BUYS ten lota In Peninsular Addition
within on block of th Swift townslte; s
anon aa building activities set fairly started
down there this chanc to buy at $276 per
lot will go a gllmmerlne;: now la the op
portunity not hereafter; it will tax about
to handl thla. W. N. Carter. 112
W llllams ave.
TV have a fine Quarter blocs: fronting
south and east on East 14th and Haw
thorn, for $5000. on, which we can intii
218 Com. Club bids. Main 8699. A 2658.
$5:o Beautiful 6-room. strictly modern
house, full cement basement, good furnac
and fireplace, nice lawn with cholc rosea
In Hawtnorn Park, easy walking dis
tance; terms. J. H. bhleids, 305 Gerltnger
lJfO acres of fine stock land: 200 acre
In hay land, all wlr fenced; price $10 per
acre, also several 40-acre tracts that can
be had at $25w per acre; this Is located In
ITnlon County, near La Grande: will ex
Chang this for Portland property.
6O9-5I0 Buchanan Bldg., '
26 S Wash, at.
30 ACRES, half cleared, part fin bottom
land, all we.l watered; good fence and
crtj&a fences, good 7-room house. & bams,
many other house, blacksmith ahop: 4 miles
to K. R, close to two good towns; fine road
and well Improved generally; only 120 per
acre; half cash and terms, or will tak
good Portland property. Thla la th big
gest bargain for a nrst-clasa farm In Ore
gon. Call 613 Chamber Commerc.
TO EXCHANGE Modem 13-room house,
large corner lot, northwest part of city,
choice location and surroundings, 1 block
to 23-t or W can. IS minuter walk to
Postoffice: rents $'".5 pr month: value
vXO- want acreage els In suitable for
platting. Owner. H 222, Oregon la n.
WILL trade 140 acnes homestead twlth
small house) land, partly cultivated (can
cultivate about 12 a. easily), located In
good wheat belt; will take Improved
acreage near Portland for part payment.
Address AE 514. oregonlan.
FOR SALE or exchange. 2 new French baaw
soon, high ar.d low pitch. "THbert ft Buf
fet " 22 kevs rosewood, warranted every fi rst -class. F. W. Van Dyke,
- Grants Pass, Or.
80-ACRB dairy ranch, hair In cultivation,
good plastered house, well, creek and or
chard" 15 acres beaverdam: $6500; will take
ha.f cash, balance mortgage, or house and
lot up to $fA. 325 Lumber Exchange,
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
buy sell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to Stevenson Taylor,
room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
A tlVOOO Klickitat hill fruit and farm
tract w trad, toward PorUand home or
business proj.rt Fiank Ls. 147)4
WIL trade S acres Hood River land for
some Portland suburban lota Address,
W1,h full particulars. AD 199. Oregonlan.
WHAT hav you to trad or exchang? W.
Lawnenc. ft Co . 11. Lumber i-xchangs
bldg, 2d and Stark.
otiaT hav you to trad for lots In
Marshfleid.? Yelas $300, H 215. Orego-
CoOD HOUSE. 7 rooms and 2 lots for farm
land, near Portland, on or near carlln. J
211. Oregonlan.
IF you want to buy, sell or trad anything,
see Kauffmann ft Moor. 825 Lumber Ex
change. u, ILL trad for what you hay. Gus Smith,
40 Buchanan bldg.
WILL sell or exchang livery and fed
stable at Lents. Or. m
Wanted the people of th United States
to know that we buy. sell and exchang
city and country property. Se us. W
succeed where others fall.
6O0-&1O Buchanan bid. Phone m.
xi' a n t to bur a strictly modern home In
th. Nob Hill district; full lot. corner p Re
ferred. Answer at once, giving best cash
price. Must b a bargain. J 214, Or
gonian. WANTED To buy from owner, a or B
room cottage, modern plumbing, with on
or two lots. In Vernon, not to exceed
12000. E. J. Gclser. 221 hi Morrison St.
I HAVE a client desiring to Invest In good
downtown business Pr"Prty paving good
Income; will Invest from $20,000 to $40.
OOO: give location. J 217. Oregonlan.
IMPROVED lot or nous and lot. I want to
trade my brand new -Pope" bicycle for
pavment on same, balance to be paid in
installments. O 224. Oregonian.
WANTED Modem 4 or Mroom house. East
Side; must be bargain and easy terms: give
location, terms and description. Address
G 220, Oregonlan. y
WANTED Immediately. -room bungalow
fireplace and gas; about 2O00: 1200 cash and
monthly payments; owners or agents. N
22S. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good Investment, from on to Ave
acres land, near carllne. suitable for plat
ting, at once. H 229. Oregonlan.
W" ANTED Dalrv ranch to keep 60 eowv up
the Valley or "down the Columbia, for cash.
Angeles. 411 Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED 4 to 6-room strictly modem bun
galow in Irvlngton district. C 220, Ore
gonlan. "
OWNER: must be a snap; have cash for
good buy. Address J 22. Oregonlan.
acre close In on electric lines. Address
K 229. Oregonlan.
LOT on or near Willamette Heights, must
be sightly and a bargain for cash. F
220, Oregonlan.
WANTED To buv vacant lot between 24
end 33d st.. close to Alberta carlln. M
227. Oregonlan. ,
I WANT to buv a lot north of Washington
at 'in Nob Hill district; must be full lot,
comer preferred. H 22.1. Oregonlan.
XM MEDIATELY Lot or bouse and lot In nlc
residence district. Phone Main 391
PARTIES having lots for sal. P""
1019 Board of Trade bldg.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle,
e2J Chamber of Commerce.
Port lan d-
From SO cents per 1000 op.
Can glv yon larg or small tracts In
almost any part of th state, and at th
rigHt price. C. J. McCracken. 804 Mo
Kay blug.
WE ar constantly acquiring fin tracts of
timber for sals and ar headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phon.
Main 44S8. Kinney Stamauar. 631-13
Lumber Exchange bldg-
California. Oregon. Washington.
Government locations a specialty.
1119 Board of Trad Bldg.
12 690 00 feet first-class yellow fir. 7 south,
4 east; 45c per 1000; cruise guaranteed;
terms- T 200, Oregonlan.
IS 000,000 and 45, 000, 000 feet, lower Colum
bia: well situated for logging. V 201.
TIMBER 820 acres, a snap for 23000 cash.
Address W 218. Orgonlan-
Government locatlona 327 Worcester bis.
14 block within two blocks of Port land
Hotel for terms of 25 or 60 years: this Is
one of the most desirable locations In th
city for a hotel or apartmerbouHe: con
sideration reasonable. See THB SP ANTON
CO.. 270 6tark St.
WILL pay cash for burned-over stump or
graxing land tributary to the Columbia
Klver; give net price, location and de
scription. V 200. Oregonlan
TIMBER Lands wantsd. C J. MeCracksa.
04. McKay bids.
I I n .vTrnVARln I FOR SALE. Xir-L-r H.w.-J" " :
Situated In Benton and Marlon counties,
1 and 2 mile from reliable shipping
point and about 9 mile from Corvallis.
the county seat, a prosperous and clean
little city with good school facilities: also
larg creamery, makes a splendid market
for cream and Is situated on th Wlllam
mett River.
4o4 acres, about 200 acres under culti
vation, all of 100 acres of nlc bottom
land, th Marys Rlvsr forms th south
boundary; along th river bank there 1
timber sufficient for many years to come:
It has good 8-room bouse and large barn,
practically new, built on Eastern style;
water piped to house, bam and yard.
Ther ar also 4 other barns In fairly
good repair: It Is all fenced; good family
orchard; on good road, quarter mile to
school; 1 mile to statlen; personal prop
erty, 8 horses, 8 to 10 cows, several hogs,
all crops and a splendid line of farming
tools: everything that Is needed in th
farming line; prlc J14.500.
755 acres, about 105 acres under culti
vation, fairly good house, 2 large barns
noarlv new; good orchard; all under fenc,
running water, about 3.000.000 feet of tim
ber. Price $12.00 per acre. Good terms
can b had. There Is a lot of atock on
this place, which can b bought at market
T6oo acres, 9 miles from Salem, B miles
from Independence; 300 acres in cultiva
tion; all bottom land; balance 200 acres
hill land and In pasture, covered with
timber. It Is all fenced. 7-room house;
horse barn 40x50: cattle bam for 44 bead;
sheep barn about 40x60. and several other
buildings. Family orchard. Has an Ideal
water plant piped to house and barn.
Th Willamette River formione line or
th farm. Electric carllne surveyed
through tiara. There Is about 2500 worth
of stock and Implements on place. Can
be bought with ranch: terms to suit.
OTTO ft HARKSON. 133 1st St.
(4000 ISO acres, good house and barn,
splendid well. One orchard. 4a miles from
railroad and boat landing. on county
road, orchard adjoining of IT acrea, owner
refused $iOO an acre this year: must be
old at once; part cash, balance long
t"IoO an acr for on of th best 'dairy
ranches In the Tualatin Valley, lit miles
from depot, all cleared, good nous and
barn; 81000 cash, balanc 81000 a year at
6 per cent. 1 , .
$.10 an acr for 100 acres of fin land,
partly cleared, on good road, near town
In Washington County, fertile soil, no
"if "you want fruit, walnut, farm or dairy
land, coma and see us. as we have it at
Manchester wtlson.
608 Wll-Fargo Bldg.
. $15.000 18 acres, all highly cultivated: S
acres Concord grapes. SoO peach trees. 850
pear, 100 walnuts, SOO apples, assorted, 100
assorted berries, 75 Alberts. 30 cherries,
9-rootn modem house, large hall and bath:
hot and cold water, full-e-.xe concrete base
ment, tsnk-houae. 300o-gal. tank, with en
gine llrst-class barn. 8-room cottage and T
outbuilding Thle farm Is located on the
Oregon City carllne. only a few minutes
ride from Portland; station right on the
place. James J. Flynn. 612 Chamber of
10 acres. 8 acres In petfect stats of
cultivation. 2 acres fine Umber, fine lit
tle orchard, full bearing, extra good 5
room nous., good barn, well fenced and
cross-fenced. 4 One cows, 1 horse and
buggy. 45 chickens and all farm Im
plements. 814 miles from Hlllsboro and
14V, miles from Portland, hi mile from
United Electric extra fln soil and on
fine roads; this Is an elegant little horn
and on we can highly recommend to
anyone. Price 83100. easy terms Sweet.
204 corbett bldg. Main and A 6790.
628 ACRES In a good stock farm. I miles
Irom jvortn lamuiu, www . , -
2.10 acres plowed or nearly ready for the
plow, in an estate 1 which th executor and
th heins are very anxious to close up. If
our price does not suit, make an oner.
There Is a bargain In It for someone.
10 acrea six miles from Portland, on
west side of th Mile; 50 In cultivation. 10
acres of orchard, apples, pears, en
and prunes; only $75 per acre. It will b
on a railroad soon and will mak someone
rich. Half cash.
615 McKay Bldg.
9 acrea tto acria In high state of cul
tivation, all fence! and cross-fenced wh
fine board fence, county road on two
sides, fine 8-room house., new. modem
barn equipped for horses on on side,
and cows on th other, driveway between
for taking In hay. storage room for bug
gies, wagons, et-.; fine family rcha-ri
fxtra fine soil; just the place that would
take an Eastern man's eye; 3 V, ","'
from HllUboro. hi mile from United Elec
tric survey. Price 810.000; aay terms.
Sweet, 204 Corbett bldg.
Chance of a life for a little fellow.
11700 For 10-acre, well improved farm,
very best of soil, bandy to Salem cars and
S P at Tualatin; fine spring, great buy;
do not miss this; you will look a good
while befor you find anything equal.
All kinds of cholc farms by
F. FUCHS. 2214 Morrison Street.
160 ACRES. 13 miles from Portland. 130
acres In cultivation. balanc pasture;
running water, 10-roora house, barns. 18
cows. bull. 30 hogs, all kinds of farming
implements, 75 tons hay; 845O0 down, bal
ance 10 years 6 per cent; closa to railroad.
811 Worcester bldg.
RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres fine, level
land all fenced, plowed and ready for
wheat, small house. 16 feet to water, only
6 miles from Echo, Umatilla County:
87 50 per acre; adjoining land selling at
$20 per acre. Walling . ft Payson. 243
A SNAP loo-acre farm, SO acres cleared,
new buildings, hi mile from railroad sta
tion. In a booming mining town, 20 miles
from Portland. Price JSuoO without stock
. and Implements; with stock and Implements,
810,000. Inquire C Kablnsky. Scappoose,
DON'T writ a letter: buy a one-fare re
turn ticket: see 100 acres, house, barn, 2S
cattle, hay. One little valley horn, good
neighbors, and you will buy It for 81250
cash, balanc 810SO. on ten years' time If
desired.- at 6 per cent Interest. O. Mlddle
kautf. Yaqulna. Or.
86 ACRES, fruit farm, especially suited for
English walnuts and apples, 6-room house
snd bam, plenty of water, 60 bearing fruit
trees; good roads. 6 miles from Mt&Mlnn
vills, church and school close by; $21oo, half
cash. 825 Lumber xchasg.
BOMESTEAD8 In th wheat belt of Eastern
Oregon, lo to 15 miles from a thriving
town on th main lln of railroad; all
good tillable soil; fin water to be had;
act quick, only a few left. Coast Com
mercial Co.. 30t Dekum bldg.
110-ACRE fruit farm, 2Vi miles from Dallas,
9-room house, hot and cold water, large
bam. outbuildings, about 2400 trees in finest
condition bringing large income, 4 mile to
railroad and school: $14,000; $5o00 cash.
825 Lumbar Exchange.
T ACRES land, all In cultivation. 6 acres
apple trees, V acre In grape vines; nw 4
room house. 2 wagons, all necessary appli
ances; cheap for cash. Inquire 65 1st St.,
North. Nick Matosln.
$9000 12 acres, all highly cultivated. 9
miles from Portland, on Oregon City line,
80 minutes" rid from the city. James J.
Flynn. 612 Chamber of Commerce.
WHO wants ths best farm In th Wlllam-
ett Valley T For particulars call upon
or writ ConnelL Long ft Imbrle. Hllls-
boro. Or. ,
LINCOLN COUNTY orchard and dairy farm,
mild climate, pure water; a few acres on
ths coast will make you Independent. O.
Dal aba. Elk City, Or.
M0 ACRES unimproved land. asy to clear,
nice creek, near ficappoose, $2000; 40
acres. $1000. Writ Joseph Parker. Scap
poose. Or.
( ACRES planted to fruit, on the comer of
two prominent avenues, with large mod
em home; price $0500. Call room 40.
Washington bldg.
Swedish Land ft Immigration Co.,
811 Worcester Bldg.
IF yon are looking for a farm, large or small,
cash or trade, call 328 Lumber Exchange.
FOR Wlllamett Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem. Or.
20 ACRES of fin land, running water, close
to electric line, cheap. O 223. Oregonlan.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to
Portland. 827 Worcester block.
0 acres finely watered, good buildings,
half cultivated, balance pasture, for rent.
11 cow, team, cream separator, young
stock and crop for sale; Winter seed In
the barn. Don't reply nnless you hav
$1000 cash..
B. S. COOK ft CO,
603 Corbett bldg.
1820-ACRE stock ranch In Grant Co.. Oregon,
close to school : all fenced; house, bam, cat
tle sheds; long lease If deelrsd. Inquire
967 East I6th st. North.
WANTED For cash, 200 acres unimproved
land f rem $2 to 5 per acre; must be good
soli not more 6 miles from railroad of
river. Address AB 220, Oregonlan.
WANTED to buy from owner a well Im
proved farm for dairying. Address, with
full particulars. T. C Shreva, Mt. Tabor.
Oregon. ;
WANTED-Good small Improved farm for
caeh and security; not to exeeed 11250;
owners only. Reply D 216. Oregonlan.
WB have a few choice homesteads; good ag
ricultural lands ready for the plow; well
watered; nothing to be had anywhere Ilk
them. 511 Swetland blcg.
Horses, Vehicle and Harness.
FOR SALE New light two-horse express
wagon with canvas top over seat; ca
pacity 10O0 pounds; also new double har
ness and robe, all In good condition; pries
8100 Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg.
or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or.
FOR SALE Buggy and small horse; works
single, double or under saddle; suitable for
children; good paDer-carrler; a nap
pony alone. $25. 821 Bast 8th North.
Phone East 2619.
FINE new Stanhope buggy, fine rig for
hore show; will sell cheap for cash or
trade for good horse. Phon A 20. S or
Main 2678.
NINB Syracuse slips No. 1. $3.50 eacl!. and
1 $45 Western road Plow $15; for lease.
4 Western wheelers. No. 2fc. Phon East
1345. ' '
WANTED Light young team and transfer:
mivt be good and cheap; real estate se
curity Address J 229. Oregonlan. .
20 HORSE8. farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddlea harness, cheap to clo
out. Hubert ft Hall. 268 4th st.
A 2-TON platform spring wagon used only
2 months. Geo. H. Walkers. West ave.
and East Lincoln, near reservoir.
CITY-BROKE horse, 12O0 pounds
buggy and harness; $135. 646 East Madi
son. East 299L
HORSES, mares, rigs snd harness of all
kinds for sale. 24 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Young team draft horsea Ap
ply 808 Davis st
FOR SALE Two horses, weights 1100 and
1300 pounds, cheap. 813 Water st.
WANTED Teams to haul cordwood. 82T
Board of Trade Phone Main 8S49.
FOR SALE 1300-pound horse, suitable for
farm or express work. 691 Johnson St.
FOR SALE $400. hotel "bus team and har
. ness. Call 234 Front st.
ONE sound hors for sale, $35; also 1 wagon
Call 141 Front st.
ONE mar to hlr out. sell or trade for a
larger horse Phon East 6308.
FOR SALE: Two horses, wagons and harness.
Chlopeck Fish Co.
$400 CABLE upright grand piano, cheap;
easy terms; will rent. 617 Tourny bldg.
Main 8753.
BUICK runabout. 1908 machine. Model 10,
agent's demonstrator, run about 150 miles,
first-class condition, will make attractive
price. P. O. box 808, The Dalles. Or.
FOR SALE New and second-hand runa
bouts from $2u0 to 8575; touring cars from
$450 to $2000; all in Al condition. Phone
B 2261, East 514.
WANTED Runabout. ew or second-hand.
Address, stating condition and best price,
H 94. Oregonlan.
FINE brass bed and springs, library table
and fine buffet. 394 Guild st, 23d and 24th
on Thurman, flat I.
SIX-PASSENGER White steamer, good con
dition, cheap for cash. Will trade for
real estate. Inquire 410 Corbett bldg.
FOR BALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water
st. Phon Main 7451.
FOR SALE 90 head of angora goats cheap.
Address T. J. Klpley, Oregon City, R. F.
. D. No. 2.
supplies, slides. Sims for rent. 1654 4th st.
BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old
Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon
Positively New Roofing Material.
1000 squares rubber roofing
Our prices. Others charge
1- ply $1.25 1-ply $200
2- ply.... 1.75 2-ply 2.50
S-ply 2.25 8-ply 8.00
W hav 5000 squares positively new
corrugated Iron that we ar selling at
$2.25 per square
Also 2O00 squares galvanised corrugated
srfe sure and see us before buying roof
ing, as we hav the right stock at th
right price.
244-240-250 Front st.
Just received on carload of genuln
coal tar.
244. 240. 250 Front St.
FOR SALE Th finest gasoline craft on
Puget Sound; 60 pounds under tonnage;
-capacity 150 passengers; separata electric
light system; engine 150 h. p.. speed 15
miles. Address 245 Bankers Trust bldg..
Tacoma, Wash.
ROOFING material, positively new corru
gated Iron roofing at $2.25 per squsr.
Any amount galvanized corrugated Iron
louo squares rubber roofing.
. J. SIMON ft BRO.,
244-46-60 Front -st.
MOVING plctur machines; any make:
films, slides and supplies; talking ma
chines, records; opera and folding chairs;
posters, tickets, etc. 6UJ page catalogue
free. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042
Golden Gat ave,, San Francisco, CaL
MOVING picture films for rent; the best
selected stock In the West; all reels 1000
feet; no damaged films; everything that's
food. 8end for catalocu - and terms,
heater Film Service Co. Inc.. 1042 Golden
Gat ave., an Francisco. CaL .
PREPARE for rainy season, corrugated
sheet Iron, both black and galvanized, In
nearly all sizes and kinds; get our prices
and savs money. M. Bard ft Sons, 847
363 Gllsan st, cor. 8th.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and poo! tables; easy payments; w rent
tables with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; 'cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender,
49 Third at
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $6000,
parties interested call Maglnnla ft Son,
408-4 McKay bids.
On Oregon City carlln for sals at rea
sonable price; freight charge to city 65c
The haw-Fear Company, 2.45 Stark st
OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old
Instruments always on band. Fine repairing
a specialty. Call or address L. Winters,
818 TUford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
WILL sacrifice my entire stock and terri
torial right In an Invention, acoount of
pressing business in other state F 21S,
$275 CASH, or will trade for good horse and
buggy or real estate, second-hand Cadillao
runabout Address Box No. 3, Hlllsboro,
FURNITURE of 4-room apartment for sale.
Apply Th Irving, bet 10 and 6, week
days only.
FOR BALE OR RENT, logging and hoist
ing engines, rails, cars, etc Railway
Equipment Co.. 74 1st A 2363, Main 2363.
LAUNCH and boathouse in first-class con
dltlon for cash or on time. AF 218. Ore
you the latest films, song slides, supplies,
etc., at th lowest prices. 293 Burnaid.
. ,
SPACE on walls of nlckelodlon for rent
22x22 Inches, $2 per month. Modsl Nlckel
odlon. 69 N. 3d.
500-FT. gasoline well drill; part cash. 1241
Maryland ave., city.
17-FOOT awning In perfect condition. $6
232 Alder st
FOR SALE 8-room houseboat, furnished!
foot of Clay. Inquire of L. M. Soaw.
FOR SALE Two safes. letteT-preew, desks
and office furniture. Chlopeck Flea Co.
W are surely the pipe kings. Any
amount of any six and all good pipe. too.
Every foot guaranteed, all dipped in coal
tar free, which makes the same as good
as galvanised.
2-lnch pipe. 8c foot.
2i4-lnch pipe. 12c foot
8-inch pipe, 15c foot. ' .
4-inch pipe, 23c foot.
We also have on hand:
50.000 ft. hi and -Inch galvanised pip.
2000 ft. 1 2-lnch new pipe.
2000 ft. 10-lnch new pipe.
3i00 fu 3-lnch new pipe-
2000 tw 4-Inch new pipe.
1000 ft. 9-Inch galvanized, rlveted.
All pipe guaranteed; If not satisfactory
your money refunded.
The store with the money-back policy.
J. SIMON ft B P.p.,
244-246-250 Front at.
GET our prices and save money on all Kinds of
Yes, we sell to all.
110 N. 3d St.. near Gllsan.
Just received one carload of Benune
coal tar.
244. 246, 250 Front st
FOR SALE CHEAP Candymaker's outfit.
Including two marble slabs and other ap
paratus. Address A B 200. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Second-hand 12-horse power
boiler, nearly new. Inqulr of Milton J.
. Jones, 151 4th st. Main 722.
For graduates last year; man and
women to learn barber trad In eight
. weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $18 to $28 weekly; expert in
structor: tools fre; writ for catalogue
Moler . System of Coll8a, 88 N. 4th st,
Portland. Or. .
TOUNO MEN for postal clerks and letter
carriers, call or write In regard to prepar
ing at once for examination; good salary
to start; steady employment to ambitious
young men. Pacific States Schools, McKay
bldg. '
$1000 BUYS half lnteresr In first-class real
estate business averaging $1000 per month,
money goes in business and options, etc.;
$250 monthly guaranteed, with real estate
or bank. Call or address. Pacific Business
Exchange, 303 Washington, suit 4.
MAN to handle block of stock to few people;
Oregon Industrial Mnfg. Co.; no competition;
exceptionally large dividends; must have
good connection and references; liberal com
mission; future provided for. L ,228, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Boy with hors or strong young
man, to carry paper route on Portland
Heights; salary $20; would divide route
and pay two boys $10 each for same work.
Apply circulator's desk, business 0HI0 Ore
gonlan. 8200 BUYS calf Interest In fine paying light
office business, real estate and- employ
ment agency averaging dally $15 and dou
ble. Pacific Business Exchange, 303V4
Washington st, suite 4.
WANTED Two or three first-class meat
cutters: must be fast and understand'the
business. Apply by letter to Puget Mar
ket Company. Publlo Market. Seattle,
WANTED Hcnest man with $150 to travel
with motion picture show; salary $25 per
week Call room 7, Palmer Hotel, corner
Park and Alder sts.
GOING to expand, $25 weekly paid respon
sible man who wants Interest In strictly
bona fide business. See agent, 226 Lum
ber Exchange. -
Thoroughly experienced and competent;
none others need apply.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, fre cata
logue. Coyn National Trad School, 230
240 8th at., San Francisco.
Employment Office Men's Department,
26 North Second St. v
Phonos Main and A 1526.
Help Fre to amployer.
WANTED Young man with email capital as
partner In well-established real estate busi
ness; am tired of hired help; I will teach
you the business. Room 820 Swetland
bldg.. 6th and Wash, sta
WANTED Gentleman of good appearance to
handle a good paying legitimate business
In Oregon and Washington;, email capital
required. Address V 216. Oregonlan.
WANTED Boy 16 years old. -as messenger.
Good pay. Fine opportunity for advance
ment The Paclflo Telephone ft Tele
graph Co.. room 202 Columbia bldg.
WANTED In railroad offloe. bright boys
about 17 two years or- more in high
school preferred. Answer in own hand
writing. F 227. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good farmhand to go to East
ern Oregon to work an wheat ranch,
wages $30 to 835 per month. Inquire 12
North 2d at.
REAL estate salesmen can make money
selling for the Spanton Co.; only hust
lers need com In. Th Spanton Co.,
270 Stark at.
MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly;
learn the business In short time; easy work;
lessons reasonable. Particulars, Newman,
293 Burneide.
MAN wanted for elevator, hours 6 till 13
evenings; $5 a week and furnished room.
Apply to Morgan-Atchley Furnltur Co..
81 to 85 Grand avo.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learlng. Watchmaking. Engraving-
School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Experienced salesman for re
tall stationery department; answsr with
references. N 215. Oregonlan.
TWO solicitors wanted for Bonvllle's West
ern Monthly, board and room advanced.
415 Marquam bldg. '
WANTED Bonbon and chocolate dippers
for wholesale confectionery. Q 220. Ore
gonlan. FIRST-CLASS solicitor for city work; steady
Job; most furnish references. Call 614
Buchanan bldg. .
WANTED Partner with $50 In second
hand lurniturs and repairing shop. B 229,
Oregonian. '
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor. $50
to $100 week: Investigation costs nothing.
Benedictln Press, 603 Ooodnouga bldg.
WANTED Experienced house to house
canvasier, steady work. Room 89. Ham
ilton bldg.
WANTED Simplex operator and all-around
printer at one. Address Glacier, Hood
Klver, Or (
GOOD opening in real estats office; experience
unnecessary; small capital required. Address
B 219, Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning oiler. Cutberth Studio, De
kum bldg.
WANTED A man to wash and clean har
ness at the O. R. C. Stables. 14th and
12 North 2d st Both Phonea
WANTED Young man with references, to
learn the business. Turkish Baths, Corbett
BOY wanted at Powers ft Estes drugstore?
143 6th; must have wheeL
A FIRST-CLASS barber wanted at 227 23d
St., North. Call Monday morning.
WANTED Bright boy (16 years old), to learn
printing trade. Apply cor. 13th and Davka
JAPANESE and Chinee employment
agency. 289 Burqslds st Main s-309.
MEAT butchers, sheep butchers, and casing
workers wanted. J 227, Oregonlan.
WANTED Teams to haul cordwood. 827
Board of Trade. .Phone Main 8849.
BRICKLAYERS wanted on Brooklyn sewer.
Inquire room 41 Lab be bldg.
MANAGER for fuel and supply business.
Commercial Abstract Co., 301 Oak st.
WANTED Two lathers, $2.25 per M. Writ
Petri, box 477. Eugene. Or.
WANTED Man to make postcards. Apply
15 N. 10th. See Stewart.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot P. Loratl, 148 4th. Main 5500.
GOOD woman or Jap cook wantsd. 188
6th st '
NEAT, quick dishwasher wanted: no Sun
day work. Stein's Restaurant 266)4 Stark.
. Wanted Lumber pliers and rough car
penters for Northern California, wages
82.50: Scandinavians preferred; one-half
fare from Portland to work.
Stlckerman. city, $3; lumber grader,
$2.25; teamsters, laborers, $2 to $2.25,
city; 10 section men for logging road. $2,
all Winter's work; farmhands. Eastern
Oregon,' $;10 to $35: others.
12 North Second St Both Phonea
WANTED 10 stavs bolt cutters. Good camp
accommodations. Steady work. None but
experienced woodsmen need apply. West
ern Cooperage Co., Corbett bidg.
For Men 250 Burnslde Street
Phone Main' 5694.
WANTED Good plledrlver engineer with
marine license. Inquire 12 North 2d st.
WANTED Two first-class coatmakers. Geo.
A. Smith, 815 Alaska bldg., Seattle, Wash.
6ODA dispenser wanted. Swetland' s, 273
BOY to work In shipping department P. J.
Cronln Co., 129 1st st
WANTED Coatmaker, $S 50 and up. D. L
Peters, Walla Walla, Wash. -
WANTED Good toolmaker. Portland Wlr
A Iron Works.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and state; good money. - Call
room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and
Washington sts
843)4 Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Fre to Employers.
WANTED as first-class waitresses for
State Fair: $15 per week. Apply Hotel
Oordan. West Park and Yamhill sts., be
tween 1 and S. W. F. Watson.
THE St. Louis Ladles Agency has list of
several good situations; must have today
some good help for them. 209)4 4th. Main
2039. A 2824.
GIRL for housekeeping, German or Swedish,
$25 per month; no washing; good home; must
understand housekeeping. Call 429 Wash
ington. J. K. Stern.
WAITRESSES, Salem Fair, $15; others, city;
Hillsboro: ohamber; cashier. waiting
combinations. $9. Drake's, 205)4 Wash
ington. WANTED Young girl to help In housework,
small family. West Side. Phone A or Main
8126 or call room 3, over Merchants Na
tional Bank (near 2d st.) - f
A GIRL to help with housework can find
good home and fair treatment by calling
at 775 Irving st, near 23d-et. - car (West
WANTED Woman for dishwashing and
chamber work In: private boarding-house
81 N. 14th st
COMPETENT girl for general housework
and sooking;. wages $25. Phon Main
WANTED A reliable young woman for gen
eral housework. 416 East 12th st North.
Phone East 1511.
848)4 Washington st. comer 7th, upstair.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Girl for general housework; small
family; must be good cook. Call 858
North 82d, Willamette Heighta
Washington st, room 807. Phon Main
6S36, A 3266.
Ladies' Department 206)4 Morison st
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
WANTED Refined, capabl woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co. 602 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Just one more lady wishing $25
weekly. Call today from 11 to 5 room
82. Breslln Hotel.
COMPETENT girl or woman for general
housework , and cooking. 794 Irving St.,
cor. 24th. ' Phone A 1182.
GIRL for general housework, cooking, on
who understands German. Apply 210 N.
25th st
EXPERIENCED, refined waitress for lunch
only; tea room, Olda Wortman ft King.
Apply Mra Spencer. 5th floor.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted In city, good home,
fair wages; middle-aged lady preferred.
E 220, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady to canvass from hous to
house, steady. easy work. Room 89.
Hamilton bldg.
WANTED A thoroughly experienced cook.
Apply 835 Lovejoy st; good wages; must
- have good references.
WANTED Girl; must b very accurate and
very quick on adding machine; $35. H 227,
WANTED Woman who Is good cook, for
general housework in small family; Ger
man spoken. 54 North 21st at.
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
plain cook, small family. 657 Hoyt, near
20th st.
WANTED Competent girl; general house
work: West Side. Phone Main 6045 or
A 8941.
perienced sewers for their cloak department
alteration rooms. . Apply at once.
WANTED Good cook, family 8, good
wages. Inquire 850 Salmon st, call In
GOOD home to young girl in return for as
slstanoe mornings and evenings. 1027
Bonrd of Jrad bldg. Main 7547.
"WANTED Offlc girl with some knowledge
of stenography and typewriting. A 228.
GIRL for general housework; must he com
petent and experienced; small family.
Phone East 1203.
WANTED Good, reliable girl general house
work; must be good cook. Three in fam
ily; good salary. 620 East Ankeny.
GIRL to assist with housework: 2 in family.
Call today and Sunday mornings. 660 Flan
ders St., apartment 3.
WANTED A first-class Jacket , hand. 'Ap
ply Suit Department, I. Gevurtz ft Sons,
2d and Yamhill sts.
GOOD woman or girl for housework, suburb,
small family, steady. Mra Bender, Tre
mont Mount Scott
AN experienced demonstrator, call Saturday
"and Sunday, Cornelius Hotel, for E. B.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 527 Taylor. Wages $30.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 42S
10th St.
WANTED For general housework. small
family, modem flat 261 N. 19th st
SCHOOL girl to work for room and board,
two in family. 962 Savler at
WANTED 'Experienced candy helpers In
wholesale confectionery. Q 227, Oregonlan.
A GOOD girl wanted. Apply 229)4 First
street, room 6.
WANTED A competent girl for gtnsral
housework. 687 Davis St.
EXPERT pressers on ladles' garmenta
Vienna Dye, Works. 226 8d st
GIRL wanted to assist with general house
work. Apply 747 Gllsan st
GIRL for general housework. TTO F:aaders
GIRL for general housswork, small family.
Apply 'yz lovwjuj bi-
WANTED Girl for general hoursework; must
ba good cook; good wages. Call 755 Everett
EXPERIENCED girl for housework. 791
Tillamook St.. Irvlngton car.
WANTED Chocolata dipper for country
town. Address G 224. Oregonlan.
wikted Apprentices for privats milli
nery. Apply 848)4 Washington, room 8.
COMPETENT cook, 731 Flanders st, cor.
TWO experienced Jewelry salealadlea B
220, oregonian.
MAID' for general housework; good wagea
0G6 Schuyler st; Broadway car.
LADY barber wanted, or girl with some
experience. 201 V4 Burnslde, near Front
WANTED Errand girl and skirt helpers. 606
Marquam bldg.
WANTED Competent, experienced laun
dresa AB 219, Oregonian.
8 COOKS, 2 camp out town, $30-$40.
2 2d girls, 1 out town.
6 waitresses, 8 out town. $2o-$35.
14 general housework, 1 out town, $1.0
$30 8 housekeepers. 1 out town. $15-$20.
209)4 4th st. Main 2039, A 2824.
WANTED First-class saleslady, 'cloak and
suit department; only tnose naving ex
perience and can furnish references as to
ability, etc Apply Suit Dept. I. Gevurtz
& Sons, 2d and Yamhill sts.
WANTED An experienced girl or woman to
do housework in a country nome; mrw in
family, all grown. Address AB 203, Ore
gonian. WANTED Woman compositor who has
knowledge of all-around printing . to ipaju
to operate Simplex. Address Glacier, Hood
River, Or.
WH want first-class representatives In every
county in Oregon to handle line of hosiery
and underwear direct from factory to
wearer; if you want a permanent and
profitable business, write us. Winona Mills.
614 Buchanan bldg., Portland, Or.
226)4 Morrison. M. 3022. We are white.
BOYS and girls, work after school, getting
customers Catholic and German magazines.
603 Goodnough bldg. -
LEARN advertising evenings. Holmes Busi
ness College, loth and Washington sta
Phone Main 613. A 2554.
GIRL who Is good cook call at 161 North
22d st Phone Main 2912
BOYS and glrla to work after school houra
415 Marquam bldg-
Bookkeepers and Clersx).
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or general
office work; experienced In collection and
credit department; can also do stenographlo
work and billing; furnish best of references.
K 228, Oregonlan.
WANTED By a middle-aged man of good
habits, place on a gentleman's suburban
home to make himself generally useful.
Address W 219, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED business man and book
keeper wants position as cashier, treas
urer, paymaster or collector. A. Everd
lng. The Glendora. Main 6289.
BOOKKEEPING and business forms; f"1'
complete course in the above, with the I.
C. S.. of 6cranton. Fa, for sals cheap.
AD 202, Oregonian.
WELL-EDUCATED, experienced young man
wants position timekeeper, cashier, hotel
clerk or similar position; best reforenoea
M 229, Oregonlan. .
POSITION wanted by experienced clothing
salesman; A 1 references. Geo. H. John
eon, 633 Yamhill st. Phon Main 4934.
SITUATION- wanted by boy 17 years old as
assistant bookkeeper or offlc boy. D 2.7,
SALESMAN of exceptional ability, wide
business training and experience, desires
position with real estate man or firm with
object of eventually acquiring Interest in
the business; references given and re
quired. Address O ZiO, in-egonian..
YOUNO man, steady, reliable and with good
references, experienced in grocery and de
livery, or will accept some other position
where there's chance of advancement. L
220, Oregonlan.
WANTED Situation as traveling salesman
by gentleman of good character and abil
ity; salary or commission; references. D.
C. McKee, Wapato, Wash.
YOUNG man wants to rent 20 acres of good
potato ground on. a place where he could
work for wages while not busy. C 226,
EXPERIENCED hotel clerk and bookkeeper
wants position day or night age 25; can
furnish good references. L 219, Oregonian.
JAPANESE high school student wants po
sition; cook morning and night. D 217,
A. O. CUYLER Painting, paperhanglng
and tinting; prices to suit th times.
Phone Main 8919.
FIRST-CLASS 'Chinese cook wenta position,
hotel, boarding-house and porter. Apply
Home phone A 3S58.
WORK evening and Saturdays by boy at
tending high school. Howard Klngsley,
Main 800.
EXPERIENCED cook wants schoolboy
work morning, evening. Phone Main 5613.
Pacific 350.
STEAM engineer of extensive experience, fa
miliar with refrigerating and electrical
machinery. IS 226. oregonian.
ing cooking, waiting, washing, by hour.
M. Taka. Phdne B 2073.
TWO carpenters wish to work on the farm
or build residence house by the day. A
215, Oregonian. 1
A VETERAN wishes a situation a watch
man or soma other light work. A 219,
Oregonlan. . '
YOUNG Japanese boy wants a position to
do housework In small family. T 218, Ore
gonian. CONTRACT work wanted clearing land,
contouring, treeplantlng or gardening, etc.
Sondrs Romtvedt. Jr., 694 Glenwood ave.
WANTED Steady position by married man,
84: 16 years with previous employer in
East V 218, Oregonlan.
YOUNG married man wants position of any
kind. Address W. B. Root 426 B. Ash.
AN expert dried fruit man 12 years' experi
ence, wants position- B 227, Oregonlan.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady would like position as bill
clerk; can do some bookkeeping. E 217,
YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier or
assistant In general office work. B 2-S,
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Smith Premier operator. Address 730
E. Ankeny. Phone B 1943.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wants posi
tion, fair knowledge bookkeeping. Phons
Main 6933 after 6 P. M.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper by a
young lady. Phone Sellwood 494.
WANTED Position by middle-aged woman,
good plain coojc and neat, those using gas
only need not answer: good home pre
ferred to high wages; no children. B 216,
Oregonian. '
THB famous Kelster's Ladles' Tailoring
College Ladles, save dressmakers" bills,
make your own gowns here. We teach
Kelster's drafting system. 306 Stearns big.
A THOROUGH and competent dressmaker of
wide experience, one who knows how. Is
open for few more engagements by the
day. Phone Main 6067.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonably
done 147 15th st. N. Phone Main 4005.
PLAIN sewing and children's clothear charges
reasonable. 1G5 North 17th st.
A GOOD girl wants housework where she
has a good home; will stay a long time.
O 225. Oregonlan.
TWO girls wish any kind of housework. 608
Pettygrove st.
MIDDLE-AGED lady with girl 12 years,
wishes position as housekeeper; good
home more Important than wages. A 21S,
YOUNG refined widow, 1 child, wants po
sition housekeeper. - Call 11 today, 209)4
t 4th.
A POSITION In doctor's office by an ex
perienced young woman. G 228. Orego
nlan. LADY, experienced teacher; French. Ger
man, oil painting; new method. D 228,
GOVERNESS. Swiss, desires position; no ob
jection to country. D 229. Oregonlan.
GIRL wishes position as restmaker. 60S
Pettygrov st
BY middle-aged lady to work In bakery or
restaurant D 218, Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady with good education desires
position with chance of advancement; will
start with moderate salary. B 224. Oregonlan.
BACKWARD children helped In any school
subject; Boston teacher. 5 years' expert
lence with backward pupils. A 217. Or
gonlan. WANTED Employment, out of town. In
camp, as cook and waitress, y woman
and girl. N 227, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by primary teacher;
best of recommendationa G 214, Ore
gonlan. '
TWO first-class reliable advertising solici
tors wanted. Call at 774. East Yamhill st.
WANTED To "rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call oa Portlaad
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. M
and Oak. Phon Exchange 72.
WANTED By October 1. modern house.
bungalow or rial, oy ;
rent reasonable; best references. Address
H 220. Oregonlan.
WANTED October 1, furnished flat, cottage,
with or without piano: $20, may pay mors
if suited; would buy furniture, easy pay
ments; particulars. K 227. Oregonlan.
YOUNG woman, employed during day,
wishes comfortable room in nice neigh
borhood; also breakfast, reasonable; nam
price. H 218. Oregonlan.
2 OR 8 unfurnished rooms, near carlln and
schoolhouee; reasonable rent N 229, Ore
gonlan. .
NEAT young lady wants on light house
keeping room; walking distance to 10th and
Yamhill. H 228. Oregonian.
WANTED A 6 or 6-room furnished cot
tage, within walking distance of East
Side High school. Phone East 3704
WANTED To rent dairy farm 15 cows on
shares. F 229. Oregonlan
And any thing else you havs to aU.
Main 5655. A 412E
WANTED to buy a passenger and freight
boat from 80 to 100 tons; must be well
built and speedy. Address 500 Colman
bldg., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272,
WANTED T9 get la a little business: hav
some money to Invest. C 221. Oregonlan.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d,
Highest price paid: prompt attention.
Furnllshed Rooms.
Portland s Best Family HoteL
American or European plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves.
Cor passes hotel every minute; very rea
sonable rates; largest, coolest and most
comfortable rooms to be found anywhere,
with every modem convanlenc; large,
well-kept lawn.
DO you realize that you can get an outside,
steam-heated, electric-lighted room at th
Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sta, for $10
up por . month? This house Is being re
painted, repapered and put in first-class
condition by the new ownera Nice larg
parlor in connection. Suites, with running
water, $22.60 to $35.
Nicely furnished rooms, $a per week up;
team heat hot and cold water, free baths
and phon; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per
day. Open all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st .
THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel,
330 Yamhill; new management; an Ideal
place to make your Winter quarters; new
fireproof building, with modern convenience,
in heart of city; special rates to permanent
guests. A. H. Pracht, Prop
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor-. 18th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phon Main
7193. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
827 6TH ST. New house, thoroughly mod
ern, beautifully furnished. large, airy
rooms; a clean and pleasant hom for
business men at reasonable prices; board
GAYOSO, Grand ave.. East Stark Well
furnished rooms, possessing modern con
veniences; steam heat, hot water, eleva
tor, baths; very reasonable rates.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outsid rooms; electrla lights,
baths, etc.. $2.50 week up; transient
269)4 Washington. .
Hotel Bushmark. Wash, and 17th. flrst-clsss
furnished rooms, single or en suit; all
modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; dally.
70c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647.
THE WILLAMETTE. 822)4 Stark St. larg
light rooms, well furnished, single or a
suits, 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. Mra
Hart, manager. A 6192, Main 9017,
293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water in rooms, furnac heat:
rooms $10 per month and up. Phono Mala
HOTEL KENTON, ISth and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Paclflo 490.
LARGE, beautiful room. private, modern
home, cloa in. East Side, Morrison bridge.
East 6042, forenoona
258)4 131 H ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
private family; new house; vry conven
ience; gentlemen only.
THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sts,
modern front suites, also single rooms,
bath and both phonea
LARGE, modern comer room; furnace heat,
hot and cold water, both phones. 642 Mor
rison. -
NICELY furnished rooms, private family,
nice location, walking distance. West Side.
phone M. bltlo.
4il MONTGOMERY, desirable front suite,
with kitchen; references exchanged. Phone
Main 739.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman; phon
and bath; rent reasonable. 48 North 15th,
near Washington.
121 EAST 18TH Walking distance. Die
sunny room, new house, near High School,
$2 week.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telophon and baths free. 327)4
Stark, corner Cth. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
TO two ladles, teachers preferred, large
room In quiet home, board near by. Wood
lawn 22311.
THB AUDITORIUM, 208)4 3d; single rooms,
suites, rooms with private baths; traa-
slent cr permanent.
SPECIAL ratee, men; rooms, 2 beds. $10
month; 6 minutes' walk postoffice. 21)2 10th.
FURNISHED rooms, near high school and
business collegus. 135 14th st, cor. Alder.
105 17TH NORTH, two newly furnished rooms,
furnace heat, gas, bath, $ and $10 month.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, (one with
grate) in modern home. 647 Yamhill.
TWO good outside furnished rooms, $2 and
$2.53 per week. 2U'J)4 4th st. Main 2039.
NICE, large furnished room, 2 gentlemen
preferred. 407 Stark st
NEATLY furnished room. In new house, for
lady. 120 E. 18th, near E. Morrison.
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeep
ing rooms. 95 11th st, oorner Stark.
HOTEL ROYAL, 108)4 4th St.: steam-heated
rooms $1.50 to $5 per wk., 50c to $1 per day.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d aad Columbia: modern
rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
Unfurnished Rooms.
ENTIRE lower floor of private resldencs
for rent, unfurnished, with a sleeping
tent. 429 8.1 it.
Rooms With Board.
THB CLAY, corner 2d and Clay, nicely fur
nished rooms, with board lor on or two
gentlemen. $5 per week; homelike.
THE MARLYN, Washlrgtcn and 17th. well
furnished rooms, not ana co.a waivr.
home cooking, permanent or transient.
THE MANITOU. 261 13th st, rooms large
and light, rates reasonable.
FURNISHED rooms with Board. Th Ozark,
225 11th st