Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 10, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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'Washington Voters Nominate
Pomeroy Republican
for Governor.
Three Loading Candidates Ran
Close Race and None Has
Required Plurality Jones
Beat Ankeny lor Senator.
(Continued From Flret Pas.)
to "get ths scalp" of Senator Piles will
bs made. Is freely predicted by many
politicians here today.
Xew Law Condemned.
Thers Is small praise for the primary
election law of Washington. The ticket
voted at the primaries was cumbersome
and difficult to nandie. Election Judges
and inspectors, even late tonight, are still
wrestling wltli the Intricacies of tn bal
lot, and. wan and heavy-eyed, they be
moa . the fate that made them election
One surprising feature of the primary
election was the surprisingly small vote
cast, by the Democrats. From ever county
comes the report that Democrats partici
pated In the Republican primaries and
in doing; so undoubtedly they have left
themselves In the same class with the So
cialists, so far as party organization is
concerned. Returns at hand Indicate that
they will not reach the 10 per cent re
quired by the law to give the right to
present themselves on the primary ticket
at the next election.
Vote May Be Larger.
In fact.. the vote falls far below th ZO
per cent, but may pick up on later
returns for the reason that In almost
every district election officers counted
Republican ballots first.
From the best analysis of the tabula
tions at hand, the following Republican
ticket is nominated:
Republican Ticket Named.
Congressional Representatives. William
XX Humphrey, F. W. Cushman, M. C
State Governor. Samuel G. Cosgrove:
IJeutenant-Governor, Charles E. Coon;
Secretary of State, Sam H. Nichols; State
Auditor. C. W. Claussen; State Treasurer,
dwar K. Qrwin: Attorney-General, J.
H. Eaaterdsr; Commissioner of Public
Lands, B. W. Ross: Superintendent of
Public Instruction, Henry B. Dewey; In
surance Commissioner, John H. Sohlvely;
preference, for United States Senator,
Wesley I Jones. .
.Nominated by Democrats.
Democratic state and Congressional
Dominations are as follows:
Congressional Representative, Charles
H. Miller. I
State Governor, John Pattlson; Lieu-
tenant-Governor. A. C. Edwards; ecre
tsrv of State. Otis Johnson; Commissioner
of Public Lands. Albert Schooler; Super-
lntendent of Public Instruction, taonage
Wheeler; Insurance Commissioner, Ed
win F. Masterson.
Preference for United States Senator,
George F. CottrllL
Following are the nonpartisan nomi
nees: Judiciary Judges of Supreme Court.
Herman D. Crow. Milo A. Root and
Stephen J. Chadwlck.
Cosgrove Sow Appears l""1 Out
side of Spokane.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Sept. . Special.)
Eastern Washington Republicans hart
given W. I Jones, of North Yakima, an
enormous majority over Senator Ankeny,
of Walla Walla, as the people's cholcefor
I ntted Slates Senator. Partial returns
from 14 counties in Eastern Washington,
excluding Spokane County, give Jones
8S7J against Ankeny's 6538. In Spokane
County Jones Is running nearly two votes
to Ankeny's one, and Indications are that
full returns will show a landslide for the
North Yakima man.
For Governor. Cosgrove. of Pomeroy. Is
leading the field in Eastern Washington.
While the vote of Cosgrove and Governor
Mead on first choice Is close. Cosgrove is
polling a heavy second choice vote, and
will go to the mountains with a substan
tial majority. Thirteen counties in East
ern Washington. excluding Spokane
County, give on first choice, Cosgrove
4715. Mead 4340. iicBrlde 3S14. Spokane
County will give McBrlde a substantial
McBrlde managers claim Spokane
County by a plurality of between 2E00 and
2W0 votes on both first and second choice,
and will not concede that Eastern Wash
ington will show a plurality for Cosgrove.
Leads Both Mead and McBrlde for
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Sept. 9. (Special.)
The first direct primary held in this
county under the new law passed without
especial incident. In Aberdeen the vote was
not as large as had been expected, about
60 per cent being cast. Everywhere there
was trouble with the ballot, the voters
apparently not comprehending Its require
ments. Especially did this apply to second
choice voting.
Jones-nppears to have Carried the county
bv not less than 700 majority. He carried
Hoqulara and small outlying precincts by
S15 and will probably win in Aberdeen
by m.
Cosgrove has carried the county, with
Mead second and McBride third. This ap
plies to first choice votes and Cosgrove
will win easily on total first and second
In the county the chief fight was that
over the judgeship and it now appears def
initely settled that Judge Irwin has won
over Ben Sheeks. Aberdeen has given
Sheeks a majority of about 60. The
County Attorney Is still in doubt, the
fight being between Campbell and Lan
nlng. with the chances greatly favoring
Another close contest -developed on Sher
iff, with Ed Payette developing the
greater strength as against Conner. Pay
ette is probably the nominee.
Judge Crow and Judge Root were knifed
throughout the county. ,
Spokane County Returns Show Pe
culiar Situation on Legislators.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Sept. 9. (Spe
cial.) Returns from 80. precincts out
of 120 in Spokane County, are In and
the County Republican ticket can be
gutltrted, ttiafTmilt eac JatsrJjWO-wUa Jia,
I r
SKATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 8. (Special.) Samuel wsgrct
the Republican voters have nominated for Governor oi wasn.naiu...
was born in Tuscarorawa. County, Ohio. April 10. 1847 and reared n
Defiance County. Ohio, on a farm. He '"liet'f '? " ?" .T'L
7l- c-i, ii i -'r..- F. 14th Ohio Volunteers. P. I., and was
discharged In July. 1865. at the close or the war. ne e. nterea
Wesleyan University In 1864. and graduated In 18.3. He then read
law and was admitted to the bar in 187B. He worked his way
through college and his law course. In his early life he taught ichool.
He ha. been a lifelong Republican, and has lived at Pomeroy, Wash..
""""Mrcosgrove was a member of the State Constitution Convention
and was a McKlnley and Roosevelt elector. He is now a regent of the
State University, an appointee of Governor Mead, and is prominent in
Grand Army and lodge circles, being a member of many secret orders,
including the Masons. Elks and Oddfellows.. .-
In addition to practicing law. he has farmed for the past ao years,
being the owner of a 1400-acre farm in Washington and Idaho. His
family conelsts of himself, wife, two sons and a daughter.
returns changing the result. R. A.
Hutchinson. E. C. Whitney and Jesse
Huxtable are nominated for State Sen
ators. It is a peculiar fact that al
though Spokane County gave Jones a
big plurality for United States Senator
the three new State Senators are gen
erally known as Ankeny men. It is
understood, however, that they are
pledged to carry out the wish of the
people ss expressed at the primaries,
as are also the Representatives nomi
nated. The Representatives are: J. A.
Fencher, A. M. Stevens, Morton Cogs
well. L. Denman. Guy B. Groff, T. T.
Kilbury. J. W. McArthur. John Ander
son and probably R. E. Buchanan and
H. H. Jones.
The county officers nominated are:
6her1ff. McK. Pugh; Clerk. Anderson;
Auditor. Green: Treasurer, Sewart;
Prosecuting Attorney. Pugh: Assessor,
Galbralth: Superintendent of Schools,
McFarland: Engineer. Scott: Coroner.
Schlegel; Commissioner first district,
Phillips; third district, McBroom.
Far Ahead of Mead and McBrlde.
Two to One for Jones.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Sept. 9. (Special.)
Forty-eight out &S Lewis County pre
cincts, complete, give Jones for Senator
149, Ankeny 81S.- Cosgrove leads for
Governor with S66 first choice Votes and
616 second choice. Mead has 676 first and
471 second. McBride is third with 546
first and 318 second. No footings on state
offices have been made and results are
practically unchanged from those noted
last night. H. O. Flshback. of Adna. has
defeated State Senator J. A. Vencss for
renomination, U9 to 1213. The remain
ing precincts will Increase the lead of
both Cosgrove and Flshback, as both ran
very strong in the country.
For Representatives, W. H.. Kenoyer.
of Chehalls, and H. W. Thompson, of
Centxalla are nominated. Grant Cot
trill, of Centralis., Is third, with J. E.
Leonard, of Chehalls, but a few votes
County officers nominated are: Treas
urer, P. Summersett; Clerk. D. W. Mon
fort; Auditor. H. H. Swofford; Sheriff.
H. W. Urquhart; Superintendent of
Schools, W. D. Bay; Coroner. C. L.
Sticklln; Engineer. E. C. Brechly: Attor
ney, olose between Buxton and Gus
Thacker; Commissioners, H. H. Trllly
and Henry Rayton. renominated.
Former's Xominatlon Sure, 'Latter'
Indicated by Incomplete Returns.
SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 9. (Special.)
The returns from the primary election
are yet far from complete, at least 30
per cent of the total vote ts unreported.
The selection of Wesley L. Jones as the
Republican candidate for United States
Senator Is assured. Belated returns In
crease the lead of Mr. Jones over his
opponent. Senator Levi Ankeny.
In the, race for Governor, the returns
at hand Indicate that none of the Re
publican candidates received the neces
sary 40 per cent of the party vote to
secure the nomination on first choice bal
lots. In which event it will be necessary
to count the second choice votes. There
are indications that S. G. Cosgrove, of
Pomeroy. will secure the Republican nom
ination on first and second choice votes.
In the race Henry McBrlde, of Seattle,
Is second and Governor Albert E. Meadi
is third. In the First Congressional
District McBride secured a slight plurality
with Cosgrove second and Mead third.
Mead carried Pierce County.
Ankeny has carried King County by a
small plurality over Jones. In 101 pre
cincts in Seattle and 86 precincts in the
county, Jones is behind 850 -otes.
Assured of Republican Xominatlon
for Congress In Washington.
SPOKANE! Wash., Sept. 9. Judge
Miles Polndexter, of Spokane, has won
the Congressional nomination over a field
of six candidates.' three of them in Spo
kane County. Complete and incomplete
returns from nearly all counties in. this
district show that outside of Spokane
Poind?xter is running neck and neck
with Johnson, of Yakima, his strongest
But as Polndextef will carry Spokane
County by from 3600 to 3000, his nomina
tion is assured.
Harriman to Make Record Run.
OGDEN, Utah, Sept. 9. President E. H.
Harriman's special train left Sparks at
S o'clock this afternoon and reached Og
den at 5:2 this afternoon, after a fast
run. After a stop of 30 minutes at Ogden,
the Harriman party pulled out for Omaha
and a record run Is scheduled tot the
Owner Discovers That Bracelet, Ring
and Shoes Were Taken by
Culprits Under Arrest.
W. C. Wilson, employed as a meatcutter
for the Nob Hill Market, and Howard
Dodd. have confessed that they are the
men who broke Into the garage of Ru
dolph Becker, at 162 North Twenty-second
street, and took a spin In tils $6000 auto
mobile without his "knowledge. They
thought he would never find It out, but
the machine broke down before It was re
turned. It was taken about 5:30 o'clock in
the morning and at 7 A. M. was back In
the garage. It bore the appearance of
having been hard driven and has been In
the repair shop ever since. Mr. Becker
thinks the repairs will cost between $200
and $300.
That the men took two girls riding that
morning is denied by both of them, but
they do not deny that this had been
planned. It Is believed to have been the
reckless speed at which the machine was
driven which caused It to break down.
Wilson formerly worked for Becker as a
chauffeur. When Becker asked htm at the
County Jail last night .why he took the
machine, he was silent.
Wilson was arrested by Sheriff Stevens
and Deputy Sheriff Harry Bulger at 8
o'clock last night at his home at the
rear of the market, where he has been
employed for the last three years.
Dodd. who was first arrested, and who
first confessed, lives on Johnson street,
near Wilson. Not only did he participate
lnr damaging the automobile, but he stole
a pair of shoes, socks, ring and bracelet
from the Becker residence. Although the
theft occurred August 28 It was not no
ticed until members of the family re
turned from the beach. One day, when
Becker went to look for a pair of shoes
which he was sure be had placed under
hie bed, they were missing. Two hours'
search failed to disclose them. Then i
was found that a new half-ruby ring,
and a gold bracelet, set with an amethyst,
were missing. As the bracelet was ob
tained In Switzerland, and was a keep
sake, the Beckers were much perturbed
over the matter.
Dodd. who is 19 years old, said yester
day that he entered the house through
a window. He gave the bracelet to a
young man, and pawned the ring. In
doing so he gave the name of Roy Harris.
Mrs. R. Becker, mother of the automobile
owner. Identified the ring, and the boy
was taken into custody. Dodd was wear
ing Becker's shoes when he was ar
rested. He Is held to appear In Justice
Olson's court on $250 bonds, or $150 cash
Wilson offered last night to pay his
half of the damage to the automobile If
Becker would have the case against him
dismissed, but the latter h8 not de
cided to do this at a late hour.
Mr. Becker says that a large amount
of gasoline has been stolen from his
garage this Summer, but he does not ac
cuse the two young men of taking It. A
new rug, valued at $30, has been missing
for two months.
Rancher Is Instantly Killed by
Young Hunter.
Nicholas Praslloski, 53 years old, a pion
eer settler of Peardonville. in Matsqui
district, was shot and Instantly killed by
being mistaken for a bear by Paul Welsh,
a well-known young hunter of that sec
tion. Praslloski leaves a widow and three
small children.
Welsh has lived in the district for 13
years and has bunted through the for
ests around Peadonville every season
since 1906. A verdict of accidental death
was returned at the Inquest.
Friends Care for Coughlln. .
MINEOLA. L. I.. Sept. 9. John 'c.
Coughlln, who was arrested Monday while
trying to reach President Roosevelt, left
the Jail here today for his home In Wal
pole. Mass., In the custody of Chief of
Police Howard Patten, of that place. Rel
atives will take care of Coughlln until ha
can be placed In a sanitarium.
Bellot Tests Aeroplane.
PARIS. Sept. 9. M. Beliot made a
flight In his monoplane at Issy today.
He did not meet with an accident, and
covered 100, 250 and 800 yards.
Negotiations On for Isaiah
Buckman Tract.
Owner Admits That Verbal Agree
ment Has Been Reached, but De
clines to Make Public
Name of Purchaser.
It was reported yesterday that the
Isaiah Buckman tract on the East Side
had been sold to a purchaser whose
Identity was not announced. Mr.
Buckman admitted that negotiations
are In progress, and said a verbal
agreement had been reached.
This sale. If consummated, will con
stitute one of the largest transactions
In unimproved residence property that
has been closed In this city for months.
The deal affects about 14 blocks In
cluded In the tract bounded by East
Twenty-fourth and East Twenty
eighth. East Ankeny and East Gllsan
streets. The consideration -has not
been announced. It was learned, how
ever, that the traet. if purchased, will
be reserved and sold for residence pur
poses exclusively.
Mr. Buckman last night said that ne
gotiations preliminary to Its purchsse
were well under way and that the
transaction was bound by a verbal
contract, although no money had been
paid on the deal. It Is expected the'
transfer of the property will be effect
ed this week. Mr. Buckman would not
divulge the name of the parties mak
ing the Investment.
The land Included in the sale orig
inally was a part of the James Buck
man estate and has been held in an
unimproved state by the heirs for sev
eral years. It is one of the choice resi
dence districts on the East Side. Sur
veyors are now at work on the tract,
subdividing It into lots, of which there
will be about 115. This transaction
is regarded as added evidence of the
stability of the ' real estate market
Charles Webber Says He Saw Pris
oner Rifling Telephone-Box.
John Bishop, arrested Tuesday after
noon by Sheriff Stevens and Deputy
Sheriff Archie Leonard for stealing
money from telephone boxes, was iden
tified yesterday by Charles Weber, who
said he saw the accused man at the
Winchester Hotel. On that occasion
Bishop claimed to be a collector for
the Pacific States Telephone & Tele
graph Company. In the Winchester
telephone box he found besides the
nickels, 13 slugs it Is said, whioh he
took to the woman in charge with the
remark' that she .must pay. him their
value in coin, 65 cents. He was paid 26
rents. The Winchester is at Third and
Bumside streets.
It is said that Bishop used the nick
els at saloons, explaining in some in
stances that he had been playing poker
all night. At one saloon he changed
$7 in nickels at one time. With them
were 60 slugs, which he gave to the
When Bishop was arrested, skeleton
keys for telephone boxes, a screw
driver and other tools were found in
his possession. He was once a line
man for the telephone company.
Maurice Jeffs Knocked Down After
Jumping From Auto.
Maurice Jeffs, aged 14, living at 660 East
Alder street, was knocked down by an
East Ankeny car at Union avenue and:
East Morrison street last night about 11
o'clock, and escaped with a broken arm
and a bruised leg. In company with
Earl Everest, another boy af about the
same age, Maurice was stealing a ride
on the rear of an automobile going out
East Morrison street. At Union avenue
the boys were seen by Patrolman O'Brien
and both Jumped and started to run
across the street.
The Everest boy cleared the car track
but the Jeffs lad was struck by the car
and dragged about 30 feet before the
motorman could bring the car to a stand
still. The unfortunate boy was carried
to Wilson's drugstore, where an examina
tion, of his injuries was made. His right
forearm was found to be broken and a
bad bruise was found on his left leg. He
was then taken to the office of Dr.
Sprout, where his injuries were dressed.
Witnesses of the accident declared that
the motorman In charge of the car was
not to blame. -
Gnaw Into Box of Matches and
Cause $500 Loss.
Mice and matches caused a fire shortly
before 1 o'clock last night which par
tially destroyed the little grocery and
confectionery store conducted by Mrs. A.
Brill, at 354 First street, corner of Mill.
The rodents got into a large box pf
matches which was stored in the rear
of the place and started the blaze with
their teeth.
The flames had spread throughout the
entire store before passersby discovered
them and turned in an alarm from box
38. The building, which Is a one-story
wooden shack, was badly damaged, and
the stock of goods was almost an entire
loss, amounting to about $500.
Walter Attacks Children.
Charged with attacking two little
girls. Lulu and Sara Warner, aged 9
and 7 years, A. J. Kelly, a waiter,
forty years of age, who has been em
ployed In a restaurant at 66 North
Sixth street, was arrested yesterday af
ternoon and, placed in the Ccty Jail by
Patrolman Kelnlen.
Concert for Crew of Puglia.
A concert will be given by Madame
DAuria at the Seamen's Institute, Front
and Flanders streets, on Wednesday next
In honor of the Italian cruiser Puglia. A
large number of officers and enlisted men
are expected to be present and the pub
lic will also be welcome.
National Delegate of Postal Clerks.
PORTLAND. Sept. T. To the Edltor.
On behalf of Branch No. 61, United National
Association of Poetofflce Clerks. -1 would ask
The Oregonlan to correct an error appearing
In an article published September 6. Some
unauthorized person seems to have furnished
you a photo of William Thieleman and a
statement that he was our delegate to the
National convention. Mr. Thieleman is not
a member of the V. N. A. P. O. C. and R.
H. Mlcenhimer Is our delegate to the Na
tional convention, which meets at Berrolnj-
ham. Ala., today I
JSNTfia -v ymSSSLEM, Secretary A'
Via the
From the East to the Northwest.
In effect during September and October.
Apply to
255 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon,
' Or to any passenger representative of the Company for full informa
tion. Ticket deliveries arranged at any points in the East.
While the Season Lasts Visit
Man Who Operated In Washington
County Said to Have Withheld
Funds From Company.
J. D. Gray, who resides with hte mother
and children at Nashville, on the Mount
Scott carllne. was arrested at 6:30 o'clock
last night by Deputy Sheriff Beatty and
Sheriff Hancock, of Washington County.
He Is wanted at Hlllsboro on a charge
of larceny by bailee. Deputy Sheriff
Beatty has been looking for the man since
August -4, when the warrant was sworn
out for his arrest. It was only through
the astuteness of Deputy Beatty that he
was captured yesterday.
Gray was formerly employed by the
Des Moines Life Insuranoe Company to
write policies. He was operating in the
neighborhood of Tlgardville. He wrote
about 20 policies, and received notes there
for. These he later discounted. It Is
charged by Tlgardville citizens that in
stead of turning over the money to the
Insurance company he appropriated It to
his own use.
When seen at the Multnomah County
Jail, last night, Gray denied having stolen
any money. He admitted that he wrote
the policies, and that the notes were
made out In favor of himself. He said,
however, that the whole trouble origin
ated over the company's order that he
employ a different physician from the
one then being employed, and that he
was ordered to have the applicants ex
amined a second time. He said he re
fused to do this. He then went to work
for the Pacific Mutual Accident Insurance
Company, . in whose employ he is at
A few of the Tlgardville people who
have complained of Gray's operations are:
A. Goddard, who says he was mulcted
to the extent of $90; A. Schlecht, $30;
Joseph Howard, 30; A. W. Haines, a
cousin ot State Senator El W. Haines,
Although Gray's home is within 30
minutes' ride of Portland, none of his
relatives knew of his whereabouts when
This woman says that sick
women should not fail to try
Lytiia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound as she did.
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence
St., Denver, CoL, writes to Mrs.
Pinkham :
' I was practically an invalid for six
years, on account of female troubles.
'I underwent an operation by the
doctor's advice, but in a few months I
waa worse than before. A friend ad
vised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and it restored me to perfect
health, such as I have not enjoyed in
many years. Any woman suffering aa
I did with backache, bearing-down
pains, and periodic pains,should not fail
to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable . Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands oi
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ? .
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. . Address, Lynn, Mass.
Extract of. Beef
Wonderful for its economy and good
It is all nure condensed beef,
so condensed that it contains but a
email percentage; of
moisture. The beef
from which one
pound of it is made
would cost over six
dollars. 'A a-oz. jar
will make 16 break
fast cups of delicious.
sustain in? bouillon.
the One-Way
questioned by Deputy Beatty. Gray was
traced to Washington County, and It was.
found that he was planning to come to
Portland yesterday. When he left the
train at the Jefferson-street depot he
made his way around a boxcar, when he
was taken Into custody.
Good Fishing at Newport.
Advioe has Just been received that
silverside and Chinook salmon are being
caught on trolls in Yaqulna Bay.
Is your moutb slmflar In any way to the
above? If so. no need to wear a wobbly,
unusable partial plate or Ill-fitting ordinary
bridge work. The Dr. Wise system of
The result of 21 years' exeerlece. the new
war of replacing teeth In the moutb teeth
In fact, teeth in appearance, teeth to chew
tour food upon, ai you did upon your nat
ural ones. Our force is so organised we
can do your entire crown, bridge or plate
work in a day if necessary. Positively pain
less extracting. Only hlgh-ciass. scleutlflo
Dr. W. A. Wise. Mgr.. 21 years in Portland
Second floor Falling bids.. Third and
Washington streets. Office hours. . !.
to 8 P. M. Sundays. 8 to 1 P. M. Painless
extracting. BOo; plates. 5 up- Phone. A
and Main S02U.
There is no need of anyone suffer
ing long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it is only neces
sary to take a few doses of
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
In fact. In most cases one dose Is
sufficient. It never fails and can be"
relied upon in the moat severe and
dangerous cases. It is equally val
uable for children and is the means
of saving the Uvea of man children
each year.
In the world's history no medicine
has ever met with greater success.
The Well - Known
Root and Herb
. has made a life study
3 of roots and herbs.
? and in that study
discovered ana is
g-lvlnpr to the world his wonderful
No Mcrrurr. Poisons or Drugs Used
He Cures Without Operation, or With,
out tlic 'Aid of the Knife. He guaran
tees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
Throat. Rheumatism. Nervousness,
Nervous Debility. Stomach, Liver. Kid
ney Troubles: also Lost Manhood,
Female Weakness and All Private Dis
Just' Received From Peking, China
Safe, Sure nnd Reliable. IF YOU ARK
ARE DANGEROUS. If you cannot call,
write for symptom blank and circular.
Inclose 4 cents In stamps. COSSILTA
162' i First St., Cor. Morrison,
Portland, Oregon.
Please Mention This Paper.
A Skin cf Bsauty is a Joy Forever
Removes Tan, Ptmplw,
I- reckles. Moth Patches,
Raab, und bkln Diseases,
ana every oiemin
on beaut v. and tie
flea detection. It
has ituotl the teet
of 80 years, and
Is so harmless we
taste It to be sure It
Is properly mads.
Accept no counter
feit of similar
name. Dr. L. A.
Sayr said to a
lady of the haut
ton o patient) :
"As you ladles
will use them,
I recommend
i.Hnl. r-a- m tViM Ipast harmful of all tb
skin preparations." For sale by all druginU d Fancy
Goods jJealcrs Id the United States, Canada and Europe.
KRD.T.HOPKNS, Prop., 37 Breal Jon Sireet, Hew Toil
Sa, W-C-gr-r.-v
Nerve energy, is tHs
force that controls the or
gans of respiration, cir- .
dilation, digestion and
sVMminAtfnn. Vhen you
feel weak, nervous, irri
table, sick, it is often be
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain
ing lif is interfered with.
Dr. Miles' Nervine has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely
cure you. Try it. .
"My nervous system gave sway
completely, and left me on ; the verse .
of the grave. I tried skilled Physi
cians but grot no permanent relief.
I irot so bad I had to give up my
business. I, began taking; Dr. fanes
Restorative Nervine. In a few dajs
I was much better, and I continued
to improve until entirely cured I
am in business spun, and never miss
remeoy. Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv
Ine, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) If It falls
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Building is of
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Located in the
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able shopping
district. ,
210 rooms, 135
Library and
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in read-
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FREE AUTO BUS wtcuwi.. ' "
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Means all that is modern. Attested
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Get our catalogue and learn why our
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Twenty-econd annual aelon besins Sep
tember 14. ll08. Address 8. K. Joseph!.
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Visit the Mountain Rest BiiOfralow and par
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Cltv ot Portland. Rpei-ial rates on boat ol
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7 A. M., return by train arriving In Portland
at C P. M. Four hours at the Locks.
Shipherd's Springs
Health Bul!der.
Hot Mineral Haths.
Rates. $2 00 to J3.00 Per Day. .. ..
Carson. Vvashtngton