Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 10, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets, "Estelle" Corsets, "Trefousse" Gloves, October Butterick Patterns
Tomorrow The Meier dk Frank Store9s9 TMWrMay Surprise Sales
3000 Pieces French Uhdermuslins
300 Women's Fine Tailored Suits
$2.00 to $50.00 Values Half Price
f I MA
For tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise Sale we announce a
great offering of 3000 pieces of magnificent French under-
muslins at prices never before known on hand-made un
derwear of equal style and quality Gowns, Skirts, Drawers
and Chemise are included A great special purchase from one
of the largest and best importing houses in the country Ma-
terials of line French percale and nainsooks All new, beautiful
hand-embroidered garments in superb assortment Over 1000
gowns in the lot High and low-neck styles, with or without
hand-embroidered yoke effect; short flowing sleeves and long
sleeves; made full length and width Hand-embroidered French
chemise, hand-embroidered drawers, hand-embroidered petti-
coats in handsome styles and large assortment Over 3000
pieces to select from imported underwear of the best grade and
finest quality Values ranging from $2.00 to $50.00 a gar
ment Your choice tomorrow only at one-halt regular selling
nnp5 The best buyers in the city must be.
interested in this unusual sale of high-class
undermuslins; for Friday's Surprise Sale at
Big Fifth-Street Window Display Better Come Early
if You Want the Best Bargains Take Advantage of This Sale
Values up to $50 Choice at $ 1 9.45
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store announces for
tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise Sale a sensational of-?5SJfojnJg!
ments received only yesterday A timely purchase from
two leading manufacturers who confine their product to
The Meier &. Frank Store in Portland All new, up-to-date
garments that find ready sale at prices up to $50 a suit
The materials are cheviot, serge, tweeds, worsteds, broad
cloth, diagonal goods, fancy mannish mixtures and stripes
Long and medium length coats with semi or tight-fitting
back, single or double breasted and trimmed with braid,
buttons, velvet and satin; some bound with braid or satin,
plain tailored collar with small revers or high standing
collar and large revers of self material or satin Sleeves
full length finished with turnback cuff, braid and button
trimmed The skirts are pleated or circular gored, also the
new directoire skirt with button and braid trimming CoK
ors are navy, edison blue, taupe, catawaba, black, brown,
green and other good shades All are beautifully made
and finished and the best values
you will buy this season Suits
worth up to $50 choice Friday
See Two Big Fifth-Street Window Displays Second Floor
1000 Fine New Belt Buckles
Regular $1.00 Values at 39c
For tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise, an unusual bargain in
beautiful new Belt Buckles, all the sample lines of a well
known concern; all new effects in rose gold, oxidized, gilt
and silver; grand variety; values in the lot up to $1 OQ
each; your choice for tomorrow only at, special, ea.
800 Women's - Misses'
Novelty Coat Sweaters
$7 Values for $2.85
In the Second Floor Cloak Store
tomorrow, a remarkable surprise
sale of women's and misses'
Knit Coats in looee, half-fitting
and cutaway styles, single or
double-breasted, with or without
pockets; high V-neck, or shawl
collar; fine, coarse and fancy
weaves; colors are white, red,
gray, navy, black, tan and mixed
colors; all new, high-grade coat
sweaters a special purchase
from a' prominent Eastern' man
ufacturer; values in the lot up
to $7.00 each; your flJO QE
choice tomorrow at.."P"00
See Fifth-St. Window Display.
1 5,000 Men's High-Grade Shirts
1.50 an
V&taes 85 c
The Men's Furnishing Goods Section of
fers for tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise
Sale Portland's greatest sale of Men's high
grade Shirts' The best shirt bargain you
ever had the opportunity to share in, and
you know the splendid shirt bargains sold
here in days gone by 1 5,000 in this grand
assortment The entire reserve stocks of
two of the largest and best manufacturers
in the country Plain and pleated bosoms,
coat style, attached cuffs All new, desir
able patterns and colorings in variety so
large and complete that everyone can be
quickly pleased Stripes and figures in
every good effect Shirt bargains no man
in city can afford to pass by. q m
All sizes, $ 1 .50 and $2 values
See Big Fifth-street window
2000 Yards Waist Frontings
$2.50 Values at 98c the Yard
For tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise Sale, another great
special lot of 2000 yards Swiss Embroidery Waist Frontings;
designs in filet, blindwork ' and baby Irish; values up to
$2.50' a yard, on salo tomorrow only at this excep- QO
iionally low price, per yard take advantage of sale. OC
Great bargains in Embroideries and Allover Laces see them.
Meier & Frank's 972d Friday Surprise Sale
Women's Neckwear 48c
3 5c-50c 'Kerchiefs 19c
85c-$ 1 Ribbons43c Yd,
Great bargains for tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise, 1000
pieces of women's Neckwear, including jabots, rabats, stocks,
bows, Gibson collars, yokes and embroidered' linen AQ
collars; great variety; regular 75e values, special, ea.
250 dozen" women's all-linen Handkerchiefs, embroidered,
hemstitched and scalloped edges ; 100 patterns to se- 1Q
leet-from; 35c-50c values; buy all you want, at, eah..A'C
15.000 yards of high-class Ribbons, all-silk taffetas, 7 inches
wide, and fancy flowered effects 5 inches wide; black, white
and, all the best colorings and combinations; regular A O
75c, 85c and $L0O values, on sale at this low price, yd. r)C
Big Basement Bargains
For tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise, 1000 covered Cf
Shirtwaist Boards and Sleeveboards ; great value, ea.
Special lot 500 Willow Clothes Baskets oval style, p7Qg
30 inches long; great special vals., tomorrow only, ea. .
Fruit Jars at the very lowest prices, on sale in the Basement.
2 Pounds Butter for 62c
Tomorrow, in Basement, our weekly offering of good CO
Creamery Butter, full 2-lb. squares, on sale at, square.
The butter comes from a well-known creamery in the Tilla
mook district, the entire output of which comes direct to
the Meier & Frank Store. No mail or phone orders filled.
1 000 Beautiful New
Veils and Hat Drapes
$ 6.50 Values at 98c
For tomorrow's 972dFridaySur
prise, our greatest offering of worn-
en's Automobile Veils and Hat'
Drapes in embroidered chiffon, vel
vet dotted chiffon, hemstitched
chiffon and wool veils, 3 and ll2
yard lengths; plain colors and two
toned effects; black, brown, white,
light blue, green, gray, red, pink,
lavender, tan, Copenhagen, etc.; all
new, beantifnl styles. An advan
tageous purchase enables na to of-
fer values np to $6.50
at this low price, each
See Fifth-St. Window Display. No
mail or phone orders will be filled.
A Great Sale of 1000 Boys' New School Suits
Wonderful Values $3.35 a Suit
Tomorrow, Our Great Annual September Sale of Boys School Suits, for
boys 7 to 16 years 1000 suits in the lot and the price ridiculously low at
$3.35 a suit The materials are good quality wool cheviot, in dark stripes,
plaids and mixtures, tans, browns and olives, belted coat and knickerbocker
trousers; dressy and durable school suits, made to our special order by a
maker of national repute The assortment is very large and
we guarantee the values the best in the city Look to your
boy's needs Profit by this grand offering Suits at on!
See Fifth-street window display Mail orders will be carefully filled Boys
waists, blouses, trousers, raincoats, raincapes, hats, etc., at very lowest prices
Great Sale of Boys',
Girls' School Shoes
1000 pairs of boys' Kangaroo Calf Lace Shoes double solos,
London toes, good, serviceable footwear and the best school
shoes ever offered for the money; look to your boys' needs:
Sizes UVt to 2, pair, $1.59 Sizes 2V2 to 5'2, pr., $1.95
1500 pairs misses' and children's dongola Blncher Lace Shoes
patent tip, low heels; good, comfortable shapes; great vals.:
Sizes 5 to 8, at, pair, $1.19 Sizes 8V2 to 11, pair, $1.39
Sizes HVi to 2, on sale at this very low price, pair, $1.59
Misses' and children's box calf Blucher Shoes patent tips,
double soles, low heels. On sale at the following low prices :
Sizes 8 to 11, pair, $1.50 Sizes 11 to 2, pair, $1.75
The Meier & Frank Store's 972tf Surprise Sale 2000 Pr. Women's
6-8 Button Kid Gloves $2.50 Values at 95c
Another Great Special Clove Bargain for tomorrow's 972d Friday Surprise Sale
2000 pairs Splendid quality kid, six and eight-button lengths; the style that will be
most desirable for this Fall and Winter wear Black, white, brown, tan, m
gray and red All sixes 5 to 7 Every pair guaranteed to give satis
factory service Every pair fitted to hand Reg. $ 1.75 and $2.50 vals.
Our Great Annual Glove Sale Is Now m Progress
1000 pirs 12 and 16-but. length glace Kid Gloves,
black, white, colors, guaranteed qual- frl 2Q
ity; all sizes; best $3.50 values, pair. . P
1000 prs. 16-but. glace Kid Gloves; black, white,
colors; all sizes; best $4 values, at, pair.. $2.78
1000 pairs Merry Widow Cape Gloves, fancy tan
tops; all sizes, regular $3.75 values, pair. .$2.95
1000 pairs 16-but. length heavy Cape Gloves. Dent
style; best shades tan; all sizes, $4 vals.. $2.95
$3 GLOVES 16-but- length and Merry Wid-
u Luamiiis uioves, wnue ana
AT 98c PAIR natural; all sizes, $3 vals..9S
1000 prs. 8-button length Glace Kid Gloves; black,
white; best colors; all sizes; $2.50 values, at, the pair
1000 prs. women Is 2-clasp Kid Gloves; black, white,
tans, browns, grays, modes, reds, R7f
navys, greens; all sizes, $1.25 vals., pr O f C
1000 pairs of one-clasp Cape Walking Gloves, Dent
stvie; best shades of tan; regular $1.25 0 0
value, on sale at this low price, the pair. 0
1000 pairs of two-clasp Perrin's Glace Kid Gloves, f
shades; regular $1.75 values, at, the pair..
1000 pairs of two-clasp buede Kid Gloves, in gray,
mode, white and black, all sizes; the best QO. Af'fr
$1.75 values, buy all you want at, the pair. .7 OC VJ
d 1 I C 1000 prs. famous Fowne 's and Chatham Cape Gloves
,P I) in reds and tans; all sizes; best $2.00 values, at, pair
j t v m of 1 1 ! t tcy.
. $1.29
500 Priestley Ramcoats
Tomorrow, a seasonable sale of men's fine raincoats 500 garments purchased
at a great sacrifice from a large New York manufacturer Every garment
labeled and stamped Priestley's Cravenette' The assortment includes the very
best styles, in medium and light grays, shadow stripes and black thibets Quarter
lined with fine quality satin lining All are full 52 inches long and are well made
and finished throughout A useful and necessary garment ft " - P-
for all the year round wear Every coat in the lot regular
$ 1 5.00 value Sizes to fit all At the low price per garment
See Morrison-street window display Our new Fall and Winter stock of men's
fine suits and overcoats is now complete All the newest fashions, all grades;
and a saving of 25 per cent on prices you are asked to pay for equal style and
quality at the exclusive clothing store Let us show you On the second floor
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