AMTBMtyW. I AMTSEMEjIb. . - I ; ; 7 Baker Theater PSZ u"n Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.) I -"- George L. Miw. Tonight, all week, regular matinees. Thurs day and Katurdav. the famous linger - RICHARD i. JOSE. IB Junetloa with the rattling- farce ronHr. "Don't Tell My Wife." Craning prWi. 25e. 50c. T5c. $1: mating. 25c, 60c Next week Pollard Opera Co. BUNGALOW THEATER Empire Theater Co. tine.) Lessee. George L. Baker. General Manager, phono Main 117. Rome of the famous Baker Stock Company. -All we- In the beautiful romantic drama -DOROTHY TF.RXON OK HADDON HALL Magnificent coitumea and scenery. Fascl 'Bating plot. Evening prices. 35c. 35c. SOC Matinees. 15c. 25c Mai I nee Saturday. Next week The Devil" THE STAR Phoaae Main 5496. A 1496. Fnr the entire week of Sept. 6, the original production HOOLIGAN D NEW YORK Matinees Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 P. M Prices 13c and 23c. B'' evening at 8:15. Prices 15c. 25c 35c. 50c Beats may be reserved by either phone. et Week The Little rrospector." 1' T Cnwrkri HoUdJ-TaU 15-25-W3C NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-5Q-75C Advanced Vaudeville Week September T. Creasy A Irayne, Planophleods. 7 Yulllan. 7. rubers. Vlnla Daly. Krtff Bros, -oem." Ed. Latvia. . PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED TAPDEIULB - Stars ef AU Nations T rW MORRIS CO.. Including La Bella Het-a and her Leaning Greyhounds; also Joha Hodge and the Wrestling Pontes; pT.. Madlaon, th greatest comedy animal act In America . Mattnees dally. 15 cents; two shows at night. 1ft and 24 oants. THB GRAND Vaudeville deLuxa A BILL OF NOVELTIES Geor Stmt Co- Armstrong Deris Portraying In "The Amateur RIatorto F. Tents In Chauffeur" the Careers of the Chs. Kendal World's O Ueet Ion Horns Military Com- Mr Linn Bros. i rrea nsow Grsjd scope TSSEi F. M. "THE SCHOOL GIRL." Song-play, with coasting girls, snow storm ballet and all cute late song hit a. FREE GATE ADMISSION daily till 8 P. M. SATURDAY OLD FIDDLERS' CONTEST. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES ' vs. PORTLAND September 7," 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Oameg begin weekdays 8:30 Sunday. 2:0 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; boxes, 25c extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c LADIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys-" under .12 free to .Bleachers Wednesday. . WHERE TO DIXBV. TI W-4V.- TltatNo meat. Vege- I tartan Cafe. 109 V. near Washington. . . Finds Lost Carrier-Pigeon. GALVESTON. Tex.. Sept. . Captain Baker, of the Morgan liner El Cod. when his vessel arrived in port yesterday brought with him a carrier pigeon, which ha picked up at sea 650 miles off the Texas coast. He sars that the bird dropped to - the deck of the ship aol when picked up was completely exhaust ed. The bird had attached to Its lea; a silver band bearing the Inscription "No. 19. R. B." Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN PAClnC I ring- Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Oroya Passenger...., California Express gu Franclaco Expraas Wast Side CorvaL'la Passenger ......... Shsrldan Passenger Forest Orore Passenger...... Forest Orovs Passenger....... Forest Qrove Passengsr...... Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Qreva Passsngsr ... Roeeburg Passenger Portland Express West Bide Corvallla Psssenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Qrove Passenger ...... Forest Grove passengsr Forest Grovs Passenger 8:15 a, m. 4:15 p m. 7:45 p. ra l:CO a, m. T:20a. m, 4 : 10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:13 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 6: 40 p. m- 11:15 p. ns. 6:20 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 4:50 p. m. "OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Cbicsgo-Portland special Spokane Flyer... Kansas City A Chicago Expraas. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer ChL. Kan. City Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special FendletB Passenger NORTHERN PACIFIC. T:15 8:50 8:15 :uo 8:00 9:45 8:50 8:15 p. m. p. zn. p. m. p. m. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express . . North Coast A Chicago Limited Ovsrland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited tnrtland F-xoress ............. 8:80 a. : 2:00 p. : 11:45 p. : T '.OOa. : 4:15 p. : Overland Express 8: S3 p. : ASTORIA A COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portiano Astoria beaslds Express.... Ssasids Special (Saturday only) Astoria A Seaside Express .... Arriving Portland Astoria at Portland Passenger. . Portland Express Seaside Special (Sunday only). 8:00 a. i 2:20 p. i 6:o0 p. i 12:ls t i 10:00 p. i 1O.20 p. I CANADIAN PA CI 110 RAILWAY CO. 1 In. Ar ' C p. ft Short Line, via Spokane Via Seattle Arriving Portland C P. R- Short Line, via Spokans. Via Beattls S 1 fl n m 11:45 p. m. 8:00 a. m. T:00 a. m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Portland Dallas passenger ... T:40 4:15 Xallaa Passenger Alvine Portlaadr Dallss passenger v i Paaaenxer 10:15 6:60 OREOON ELECTRIC RAILWAY, Arriving Portland WllsonvUls Local Sslera and Intermediate Local .. Wllsonvllls Local Salam and Intermediate Express. Salens and Intermedials Local.. WllsonvlUe Local- Sslsm and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate LooeJ.. aaiem and Intermediate Express. Leaving Portland Salem- and Intermsdlate Local.. 7 wiQ VfV T:0S a. m. 6:15 a m. 10:50 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 1 :SW p. m. 4:45 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:40 p. m- A' 15 P. as. I 6.25 a. m. T:as a. m. 8:85 a m. 11:10 a. m. 1:10 p. m. 2 :05 p. m. 2:80 p. m. 6:10 p. m. 8.05S, o, falem and Intsrmsdlats ExprsssJ Salem and Intel mediate Local.. Wllsonvllls Local fcalem and Intermediate Express Seism and Intsrmsdlats Local .. Wllsonvllls Local .. I jalanv aa&-Intermedial a Expraas. OREGON STATE FAIR Sept. 14-19 Slgaaasaasaaaaaam. .sssssaaa-sst RACING DAILY $5000 Trotting and Pacing Races Wednesday and Thursday. LIVESTOCK DISPLAY WITHOUT EQUAL OS PACIFIC COAST Free Evening Amusements Special Railroad Rates THE LYRIC THE BLCNKALXi COMPANY PRESENTS LENA RIVERS NEXT SUNDAY MATINEE. "THE DEVIL AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, ir.2 Park St., nesr Morrison at. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker A Son. auctioneers. At Oilman's auction rooma. 411 Wash ington atreet. at 10 o'clock A. M. 6- L. N. Oilman. Auctioneer. By the Portland Auction Co.. 211 1st at., at 10 A. M., furniture, ranges, caxpeta, etc. A. Schubach. auctioneer. NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON THE MODEL HOME ADDITION. $250,000.00 Expended in paving the streets; $150,000.00 Worth of modern homes now in course of construction. $150,000.00 "Worth of lots sold out of this tract since January 1. LOTS $900 to $1100 Take Broadway or Irvington cars to the tract, or come to the office for plat. One-third cash, bal. easy terms. Irvington Investment Co. 331 Chamber of Commerce. . Phones Main 3177, A 4450. . Beautiful 5:Room Cottage furnished and close In, on East Side, for a payment of $550 down. Has 2 larnre bedrooms with nice clothes closets; attic upstairs which would do for 2 more bedrooms; reception hall, Forceialn bath, with medicine chest; ivinje-room ond dinlng--room, with opening- built in china closet; concrete basement; gas - electric combination fixtures: nice front and rear porches, with Hffht stone steps and walk. Kverythins; brand new; lot 60x100 feet; nice lawn and shrubbery; 3 blocks from school and 6-minute car service; nice gas ranire, heater, carpets, tables, bed room sets, chairs and a lot of furniture, for J25O0. S550 down, balance in pay ments of $35 per month. You can't ap preciate this sacrifice without seeing; It, Ralph Ackley 60S COHBETT BLDG. SNAPS N. Third Corner. Improved. Good Lease 832,500 NORTH PORTLAND RAILROAD DISTRICT One-half Block S9000 Large Corner Lot, 83500- LAMBERT-WHITMER COMPANY . 107 Sherlock Blda-. The Last on Nob Hill 4KO0 Is the low price for this lot on Lucretla street; fine for a home amongst the sweFihood of Portland, or will bring- big- Interest If Improved with flats.- v. fitch's, S21Vi Morrison Street. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lowest Current Rates. Building; Loans, installment Loans. WM. MacM ASTER 303 Worcester Block. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and lerma to suits P Hal rates mud favorable terms oa larare loans on business properties. Kan da Loaned for Prlrate I ares tors. A. H. BIRRELL 202 Hckir Bids- 3d at Stark. Special Bargain 50i70 TWENTY - FOURTH STREET, near Northrup; choice neighborhood.- FRANK BOLLAM 12S Third Street. Mortgage Loans Lowest ratea of Interest. LOUIS SALOMON. tiS Stark Street, near Second. OEOROb BLACK. FTTBL1C ACCOCNTAlft 2S Worcester Bulletins. Phone Mala M7L GOOD platting- proposition. 100 acres, close to town: choice land; on rail and electric lines; will sell in 10-acre tracts at twice price asked. Houston, 201 Swetlsnd bids. 12 500 7xl00 feet, S. W. corner E. 6th and Wa.hlngton at. C 6. Jenae, all ilax auam blda. TIIE . MORNING OREGONIAN, TnUKSDAT. St. Helens Road Lots 50 by about 140 feet with double frontage on St. Helens Road and Sussex avenue; only five min utes ' walk from Thurman streetcar line and close to electric line now building. Only 31000 On Easy Terms There are only about 16 lots and each is nearly equal in area to iy3 ordinary lots, besides having double frontage. Grand opportunity for parties wish ing to have stable or outbuildings for business purposes; while, with the improvements now being made by us and others in the immediate vicinity, we think these lots will very rapidly enhance in value. RUSSELL6 BLYTH Commonwealth Building. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. HOSSACK & GODMA litis opened a real estate ofnee off tha wailln.-room in the Orwtun Electrio depot, and are malting a specialty of and have a large list of acreage and farms along the electrio carllne. fhone Main 6J. Andrews. F. V. A Co.. 1 3340. S3 Hamilton M Baker. Alfred A-i 115 Ablnrlon bid.. Chapln A Herlow. 3.12 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 503 Corbett bld. Crossley Co.. 708-9 tjorbeU bids- M 7853. Fields. C. E A Co.. Board of Trade bids. Ooddard. H. W . Main an A 1743. 110 ad st Gillette-Rlgg-e Land Co.. Board of Trade. Jennlns-e A Co. Main 188. 206 Orrzonlaa. Klnnsr A Btampher. S3 1-532 Lbr. Kx. M eeSS. Lea. M E-. room 411 Corbett bulldlnc Mall A Von Borstal. 104 2d st. 3S2 E Surnslda Palmor. H. P.. 1S Commercial Club blda. M 899, A 2S33. ... Parrish. Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder st Richardson. A. B.. 121 Com. Club bide. Bchalk. Geo. t.. 861 Stark st. Main 392. A SM Sharker, J. P. A Co., 122V4 Bixth st. Swsnssoo. A 7. A Co., 253 Vk Washln.ton st. The Oregon Real Estat Co.. 8S 1-Ird st. tHolladar Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 832 Chamber of Commerce WaddeU W. O., S09 Lumber Kxchanse blda. White. B. F.. 227H Washington et. Wm. Wolfsteln n oved real estate office 213 Couch bldg. Call If looking for bar gains FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. 7 -room modern cement block house; line location. $11000. . 3 new 5-room cottages at tlSOO each; S230 cash, balance 315 per month. Beautiful rt-room home on carllne; shade, lawn. $3SO0. Modern 7-room house, furnace, corner lot, 42oO. Handsome 7-room bungalow, block from carllne, $4:100. Fine bonding lot; RT'i by 100 feet, one block from carllne. 1000. Can make, terms on any of these. 627 Corbett Bldir ABSOLUTELY the best buy on Hawthorne ave.: a high, sightly lot. 3 feet above grade, 50x1:10 feet; good, honest, well-built housa, built for a home, not to sell. All kinds of shrubbery, 100 rose bushes, shade and fruit trees; full basement, cement walks, fireplace, house all screened; this will not last long as It Is a home and cheap. Price f 3.100. terms. East Side In vestment Cd.. 37th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1147. . IfjOOO 200-acre farm. Western Oregon, adapted to dairy, stock, or general farming- stock. larm Implements Included; mile to R. R. station; will exchange In part for Portland property. fQOOO Good bargain in Improved acre age, near Portland. Or. $1500 7 acres, convenient to R. R. sta tion, only 10 miles out. I. G. DAVIDSON, . 810 Chamber of Commerce. $3750 WILL .buy a modern 6-room house in the East Burnslde district; fhls Is a very convenient house and is thoroughly modern In every way, has bullt-ln china and linen closets and has a bullt-ln seat, etc.; full cement basement, laundry tubs, furnace, electric and gas fixtures, etc. H. P. Palmer. 2K1 Commercial Club bidg. I WANT TO SELL MY NOB HILL HOME At n.13 Kearney st., close to the expensive homes on 20th St.; It's modern, conven ient and pleasing; lot is worth $H00; house can't be built for less than $.13W; $11,500; and it's yours for $.1)000; you'll buy It. $3.100 Beautiful fi-room. strictly modern house, full cement basement, good furnace and fireplace, nice lawn with choice rosea In Hawthorne Park, easy walking dis tance; terms. J. H. Shields, 3U5 Gerllnger bldg. . BEST buy in Portland. 80x165 feet, with 2 store buildings and one 5-room houRe, and three 10-room double houses, $12,000, worth $17,000. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third Street. 8 ACRES planted to fruit, on the corner of two prominent avenues, with large mod ern home; price $0500. Call room 40, Washington bldg. 4-ROOM house, with bath, not quite fin ished yet. close to car; good porch and cement basement, $930; $&0 cash. 325 Lumber ' Exchange. FINE GSxlOO-foot lot. Just off Hawthorne ave.. In rery fine district. Price $J0OO: V cash. East Side Investment Co., 87th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1147. FOR BALE Lot 50x100. with new 3-room board house. Inquire at 875 Brooklyn St. Woodstock car. Phone' Sellwood 1042. CHOICE building lots for sale in all parts of the city. Washington A Oregon Realty Co., 108 2nd at., Portland. FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, easy terms; 459 Mechanic St.; take Woodlawn car. FOR SALE One acre, cleared. & blocks north of Grays" Crossing. Phone Tabor 1431. , FOR SALE Equity In 5-room house. Mount Scott line, 20 minutes' ride; must be sold quick. T 217, ' Oregonlan. FOR SALE Fine, strictly modern borne; full corner lot. at reasonable price, by own er. 572 Weldler t.. cor. 14th. 4 LOTS close to Alberta car. 2 for $750 and 2 for $d.j0. ::23 Lumber Exchange. Small house on both. ' $2400 Beautiful home, corner. $100. $20 monthly" 3 blocks south Hawthorne. E. 44th. Dr. Darling BEST snap on Nob HIU. 5-room house, full lot. lovejoy St.. near 23d. $440O. ' MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third Street. BY OWNER 6-room modern house, full lot. East 49th and Sherman.- near carllne and school, $2000. Phone Tabor 70. LARGE, modern home on West Side, price $4500 $o00 cash, balance easy terms. Call room 40. Washington bldg. MODERN 6-room house, new and excellent ly located; monthly payments. X 222, Oregonlan. CORNER. 50xi'5. East of Union ave., on Broadway, S1MO0; or 40-wlde. $1330 -Culver. 623 Chamber of- Commerce. 12000 New 5-room cottage 2 blocks from car; .full lot, concrete basement: $300 cash, bal. $2i) per month. Phone Main 9218. $45 CASH. $10 monthly; full lot. graded atreet: near car. Y 195. care Oregonlan. A BIO SNAP 10 lots, near Woodlawn; 2 cornera; $3000. cash. X 224. Oregonlan. ONE lot. 2 blocks from Piedmont car barn, 'cheap for cash. Y 223. Oregonlan. BY original purchaser, Hyde Park lots at a sacrifice. Box 273. city. BACRIFICB sale of modern 5-room cottage if taken at once, terms. Owner, Tabor 861. FOR BALE Beautiful lot In City of Dover, only j "V quica scuo. . vkiwui. . f p"KTlTr FOR RALEREAL ESTATE. I FOR SALE-FARMS. I X)R BALE-FARMS. RESIDENCE LOTS. $ft50 8 full lots. Including corner. Good Morning Addition, near tha wift hold- '"STlxM Corner lot. 70x100 feet, S blocks south of the Ladd Addition. $H0fl Full-size low choice location. Irvington. , $14,K) Fuil-nlze lot. East Taylor at-, near Hawthorne Park. . $1500 Lot 40x100 foet. Union ave., near Russell st. . , ., jiltK'O Full cornsr lot, choice location. Holladay's Addition. .,. . . $n:i00 pun quarter block, 100x100 fest, select location in Irvington. $5000 Full-size lot, Johnson St., west of 23d; hard-surface street. $7O0 Full-eiie lot, 23d St., near Wash- ,ngt0n- JAMES J. FLYNX. ' 612 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE HOMES. $4200 8-room modern house, fnll-eiza lot. South Portland. . $,-,500 7-room modern house, fractional lot. choice location, Nob Hill. $5500 6-room new, modern cottage or bungalow; full-size lot. Willamette Heights. SS.VIO 8-room modern dwelling, choice lo cation. Nob HIU. near 2"th et.: full-siie ' j 10 000 B-room modern house, corner lot, 24th 'et.. Kob HIU district. , $10000 11-room. new and modern home, a fraction over one lot: Ford St.. Just south of 23d and Washington. JAMES J. FI.TNN, B12 Chamber of Commerce. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing h acre or half acre tracta In Portland; mains laid and terms of only 10 cask aad f 10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO 110 2d St. A DANDY EXCHANGE. IT WON'T LAST LONG. Swell suburban residence. KC"n,I. '? 12.1 in live college town,- near PortlnnU. strictly modern in every respect, vnti large rooms, line lawn, cement walks ana stable. 1 block to electric carllne. to ex change for Improved farm, value $4000. PINE TREE LAND CO. 509-310 Buchanan Hldg.. 2S614 Wash. Bt. Phone M, SStfO. NEW and strictly modern 6-room house, facing rlvei. four blocks north of oast end of Steel bridge: full concrete base ment, gas, electricity, fine bath: beauti ful view; everything convenient: one block from car: owner must have money; will sacrifice for short time only. $42u0. SMITH. B22 Worcester bldg. ' rhone Main 51 a. SOMETHING NEW. An 8-room strictly modern bungalow; nice corner 30x100, fronts north and east, large basement, wash trays, brick fire place; price only $2900; terms $630 cash, balance easv payments. DEVLIN & KIKEBAUGH. 508-9 Shetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. fOOxlOO AND 8-room house, hardwood floors, high-class plumbing, thoroughly modern, close in. E. 0th st., Holladay Addition; price much less than actual value 100x100 and 7-room modern house, beautiful grounds. choice- location. E. Madison St.; trice very low. W O WADDEU 300 Lumber Exchange. GREAT number lots. Hollapay, Holladay Park and John living's Add.; also 6, 7 and 8-room 2-story residences, bungalows, cheap, mansion or two, fine house, nicely furnished, below cost. For further particulars call at office, E. 16th N. and Halsey ets. Broad wav, Irvington cars. E. 8D. C 1993. Res. C 1508. C 1271. Dolen & Herdman. WE have a home of 8 rooms on the East Side of the best possible construction throughout, new. which must be sold within the next few days. It is the best bur for "the money in Portland today. I,et us show it to you. Murfchy & Cas well, 230 Stark st. - MODERN 6-room house, Jusi completed, fireplace, electrio and gas fixtures; full cement basement; new lawn; 10-minute car ride to center of city: a beautiful little home; can be had on easy payments. . . , O. M. SMITH. 415 Commercial Club Bldg. HOLLADAY HOME. Close in, corner lot, very modern, all conveniences; 3 large bedrooms with al cove: large porch: walking distance; plenty room to build flat. Price $0,50. Hellman & Lathrop. over Merchants Na tional Bank . NEW 5 rooms, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, right close to car. good side walks; house is furnished and all goes for $1000; small cash and monthly payments This is a snap and will sell quickly. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM house and lot 50x100; $300 cash. bal. terms $15 per month. New bungalow, $50 cash. bal. terms $15 per month. Both on carilne, 20 minutes' ride. Will build to suit. Mult. Inv. Realty Co., 1019 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. $1500 LOT FOR $1000. $1000, V2 cash, fine corner lot. 60x100. all improvements paid, close in, well settled, good neighborhood, going away, worth $'.5O0. See my exclusive agent, 303H Wash. st.. suit 4. 50x100 EAST 17th and Main sts.. improve ments lrf and paid. 50x100. 29th and E Everett sts.. Im provements in and paid; price very low for auick sale. See owner. 3U9 Lumber Exchange. $1500. Nice 4-room house with J0Oxl25 corner; very fine garden and fruit trees; chicken house and yard; this is a good buy; terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 508-9 Swetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wlash. STOP! READ THIS. 7-room modern home on East Davis St.; $3o00, worth $3500. F. J. CATTERLIN & CO., Room . 3 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES on carllne. $1750. 2& acres 2 blocks from car, $.100. 6 acres l1 miles from car. $400. DABNEY & DABNEY. 412 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. MY new 5-room cottage for sale; all modern; corner lot. 50x100; fair cash payment, bal ance as rent: located near Fast 5oth and Hawthorne ave. Address T 199, care Ore gonlan. . VERY CHEAP LOT. $625 buys fine lot on E. 32d. 1 block north of Hawthorne; fine homes surround ing This must be sold at once. Phone East or B 1S94. - $1000 CASH, balance terms, 5-room. mod ern cottage. 142x50 foot lot. 1 blocks from Woodlawn car; price $2000. Call 459 Mechanic at., owner. NOB HILL RESIDENCE 86 Cornell (24th St.) between Everett and Flanders; modern, con venient and arlls-tlc; concrete mission style of architecture. H. E. Noble, owner,. Com mercial Block. A VERY select home place of 8 rooms in Nob Hill: every convenience and require ment that could be desired In an ideal home. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. 8 ACRES, near carllne. only $1720: cold spring wator;'flne for chickens and ducks; easy payments; 5c carfare; 17 mln. ride. See Russel at once, room 444 Sherlock. 6-ROOM bungalow, new and complete, on E. Salmon st.; ?ewer, street Improvements paid: $2900, .VO down. Conklln Bros., 302 Roth'child bldg. BY owner, very convenient house, on corner, 875 East Yamhlil st.; 5 large rooms on first floor: haif block from best carllne in city. Agents need not apply. SUBURBAN home of three acres; terms; convenient to car: line ride; will advance. Purse. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. ' - BUNGALOW 5 large rooms, flreplacp. pan eled dining-room, lot 45x2, on Ev 37th St.; $2SO0, $00 down. Conklln Bros., 302 Roth chlld'bldg I $7,50 BUYS a lot In Belle Crest Addition, $250 cash- terms on balance; this is a snap; must sell this week. T 218. Oregonlan. ejsoo WAREHOUSE lot on railroad. North Portland, with two houses. Owner. N 216. Oregonlan. MODERN almost new 5-room house, 60x100 lot. choice location. East Salmon, near 28th, $29QO. Owner. Main 7523. IRVINGTON Modern T-room cottage, lot 50 xlOO. near car; $3700. East 3981. 213 AT"RES- all or In part. Salem Electrio line. Phone owner, East 1719. ABSTRACTS examined at moderate chargea W. S. Ward, 210 Allsky. . M 7326. COUNTRY CLUB VIEW lot 100x100, $2000; beat la tract. A D 11. Oregonlan, SEPTEMBER 10, 1903,. . " EAST SIDE HOMES. $1150 6-room house, full-siie lot, choice location, Woodlawn. " $2500 6-room modern home, full-size lot. Mllwaukle at., near S. P. car shops. $31.1t 6-room modern house, fractional lot. East Stark, vest of 14th St. $.12fiO 6-room, new and . modern home, full-size lot, choice location, Sunnyslde. $3250 B-room new and modern house, corner lot, Clinton St., west of 23d. $4000 6-room modern home, full-siie lot. choice location In irvington. $5000 8-room modern dwelling,' zull-eize lot. East Ankeny St., close in. $5500 8-room dwelling, full-slie lot. East Burnslde St., near 22d. $Sooo 8-room strictly modern home, full size lot, Broadway, near 3th st. JAMES J. FLTXN. 612 Chamber of Commerce. CHEAP LOTS. 8 quarter blocks in Boston Add. 1 50x100 lot, nice, in Boston Add. 1 quarter block In Burfleld Add. 1 75xlOO lot In Willamette. 1 quarter block in Montavilla. 1 quarter block In Morgan Add. 1 50x100 lot In Hudson Add. 1 25x100 lot in Hudson Add. 1 50x100 lot In Irvington Park. 2 Soxioo lots in heart of Llnnton. 1 75x100 corner in Llnnton. These lots are sold at extremely low prices, and title to same is based on sheriff's deed. ' C. F. PFLUOER A CO.. Room .14 Mulkey Bldg., 2d and Morrison. $5250 Splendid buy. close In. East Side; house In fine condition; corner lot. Im proved etreets. ' $5000 Large house, 3 full lots, East Alder. $4000 2 lots. West Side. 10 minutes by car from 3d and Washington. $1,10073x100, high, sightly location, out Mt. Tabor way. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. ONE of best 6-room houses In the city; close In, $1000 down, $25 per month. 160-aere farm, 30 to 100 acres cleared. 12 acres orchard, fine well water, springs on property; $WO0; terms; near city. Modern bungalows, $200 down, balance to suit. 612 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Within 8 miles from Portland, on Salem road, 10-acre tract partly well inyroved; 3 acres rich bottom land, good comfortable houe, barn, implements and etock all for $3000. Where can you beat It? You better hurry if you want this. You can get It through the Goldschmldt'a Agency, 2.13H Washington st. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $1030 14 block in Rose City Park. 20iK) 3 full lots on Maryland ave. $lsoo 14 block In Piedmont. $'i0O0 14 block in Holladay Park. $700 V, acre in Flrland. All fine building sites; easy terms. C. B. Lucas, 322 Corbett bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL. Buyers waiting with $150 to $300 cash to apply on small homes. WHAT HAVE YOU ? See me at once. Automobile for showing property. A. S. DRAPER. 82 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. NEW 4-room house and 3 25x100 lots, cor ner; concrete basement, brick flue: house is plastered: situated near new racetrack and commands a grand view of the city; price only 4900 cash. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. INVESTMENT INCOME LOT. Owner of fine business or apartment site. Union ave., close in, wants cash; . will sell way below- value. Call morn ings room 3. over Merchants National Bunk. BEAUTIFUL 50x100 corner lot on, E. 22d and Multnomah sts.. finest corner in Irvington; nice view of city; all improve ments in and paid fon $2500. C. F. Ptluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. . YOU can double your money ' by investing in replatting and retailing a choice, extra well-located 4-acre tract with 10-room mod ern mansion, barn and orchard, near street car, in city limits; only $.1000 required. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. NEW map of Portland. Or., and vicinity of 23 miles' radius, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, showing the new railroads and electric lines in operation and course of construction. For sale at the Crossley Co., 709 Corbett bldg. 12-ROOM house, modern, very desirable and excellent location, 22d, near Northrup st. ; line surroundings, large, corner, lot, east front; owner nonresident: will make a sacrifice if this property Is sold this month. O 217, Oregonlan. CLOSE IN HOME. ' With extra ground for flat: home mod ern, on best car. Price $3000; easily worth $3300; can arrange terms; must sell at once. Both phones 3126. $36.10 ELEGANT home; best residence dis trict; 6 large rooms, basement, bath, clos ets; everything complete; fixtures and shades all go; best car service; must sell; terms. C. B. Lucas, S22 Corbett bldg. ABSTRACTS of title often show defects that will cause failure in your sale; have each abstract examined by a competent attor ney at moderate charge. See W. S. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. FULL lot In Sunnyslde, 2 blocks from car, with a good 6-room, 2-story house; gas, electric lights, bath, city water, sewer; $2500. terms. Culver, U23 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In and farms In Oregon and Washington, phone Main 4486, Kinney A Btampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. BEAUTIFUL bungalow of 6 rooms. located on corner 100x100. planted to shrubs and trees: price $2ti00: part cash. Call room 40. Washington bldg. 7-ROOM house, modern, up to date; lot 50x 100, full basement, on carllne: will sell ' for half cash; $1400. good time on bal ance. Y 224, Oregonlan. $300 A snap; lot on Montavilla carllne: Improvements; easy terms. Write quick, stlvlng phone and address. P 217, Ore gonlan. 6-ROOM modern house on carllne. Wlllam- ette Heights, fine view, $1500 cash, bal ance easy terms. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third Street. MY equity of 3 6-room houses on 50x100 lots; no reasonable offer refused. Call 928 Grand ave. north. Woodlawn 1739, C 1S89. 5-ACRB tracts, close to electrio and steam lines; best black soil; $750 each; cash, balance 6 per cent. Catterlln A Mann, 242 V Alder St 10 ACRES close to car, about 7 miles out, 3 '4 acres in berries, $3,100; $1400 cash, ' balance at 5 per cent. 325 Lumber Ex change. NEARLY one-half block and 5 modern houses; Income $132.50 per month; crose in, E. Morrison st. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Exchange. $20.000 Swell new apartment building. West Side, close in; Income $225 month; first-class Investment; half cash.- AB 213. Oregonian. RISLEY. TRACT. Oregon City carllne, 2 acres or more; all In cultivation; best of . land. C. W. Risley, owner, Rlsley's P. O.. Mllwaukle. FOR PLATTING 5 acres near Ivanhoe sta tion, level as the river; will sell In lots at $350 and $400: price $6500; terms. Call room 40 Washington bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT"Y. D. A. TUFTS. 803 WASHINGTON ST. noon 5-ronm modern cottage, 50xl42-foot lot- V cash, balance terms. Call 459 Me-" chanlc st., near Union ave. Take Wood lawn . car. FOR SALE FARMS. HOMESTEADS in the wheat belt of Eastern Oregon. 10. to 15 miles from a thriving town on the main line of railroad; all good tillable soil; fine water to be had: act quick, only a few left. Coast Com mercial Co., 5o4 Dekum bldg. - WHO wants ths best farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particulars call upon or write Connell, Long A Imbrle, Hllls- boro, Or. ' LINCOLN COUNTY orchard and dairy farm, mild climate, pure water; a few acres on the coast will make you independent. O. Dalaba, Elk City, Or. FARMS FOR SAL. Swedish Land A Immigration Co., 311 Worcester Bldg. IF YOU are looking for a farm, large or small, cash or trade, call 325 Lumber Ex change. 160 ACRES ready to seed, fenced, near Echo, Umatilla County; $1200. value $3000. Walling & Payson. 243 Stark. FOR Willamette Valley landa see Olmsted Land Company. Salem. Or. unMr.RTEAD rellnaulshment. tributary to i'ortland- 21 (Worcester block, - - noq-iCPR 'a rm A tnfU ranch fine loca tion, only 40 mllea from the city; 4O0 acres in fine state of cultivation. 100 acres of which can be Irrigated from stream that runs through place, the balance is open pasture and timber, all fenced and cross-fenced, water in every field, 12 room house, 5 barns and all necessary out buildings, plenty of spring water piped to house, good family orchard, schoolhouse on the place, good roads, R. F. D. and telephone, miles from good town anil R. R. Price $26 per acre. Including stock; good terms if desired. 114 acres, 60 In cultivation. 23 acres slashed, the balance in oak and fir timber, 3 acres in orchard, 0-room box house, fair barn 34x36. 1 mile to boatlandlng. 1 mile to school and town: price $65 per acre, including horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs and machinery. ' 100 acres, 90 in cultivation. 5 in hear ing Italian prunes, 9 In 4 and 5-year-old prunes; good- new 8-room house, 2 barns .and all necessary outbuildings, good team, harness and wagons, 7 head cattle, some sheep, goats and hogs' farming machinery. . cream separator and telephone; price $75O0 for all. 40 acres. 25 In cultivation, several acres of fine timber, balance pasture, running water, 7-room house, fair barn and all kinds of fruit; a nice little home for $3000: good terms. 30 acres, half under cultivation, good orchard, lots of small fruit, good 6-room house, barn and all - outbuildings : a good little ranch and a bargain at $2730. Tha above are all good buys, are well located on good roads, all handy to R. R. and river transportation. schools and churches. Geo. w. Turner. 415-16 Roth chlld bldg.. 3S7H Washington st. A BARGAIN IN A GOOD FARM. 840 acres as good land as In the Wil lamette Valley, known as the Goodrich piece; H mile north from the center of town of Yamhill: 300 acres line state cul tivation, 40 acre in oak grubs; lsnd Is rolling, good soil, no gravel, with good county road on east and south side of place; good, orchard, lot of fruit, good farm house, 3 barns and other outbuildings, with several fine wells good water. This Is fine fruit or walnut land or adapted for anything else, and there Is $12,000 to be made in one' year for the person who can buy this and cut it up In small tracts, as it lies fine, almost in town; price $65 per acre, with good terms, while all adjoining property Is $100 per acre; price It and eee for yourself. WILLAMETTE VALLEY INFORMATION BUREAU, 312 Board Trade. SUBURBAN FARM. $15,000 18 acres, all highly cultivated: 3 acres Concord grapee.. 850 peach trees, 350 pear. 100 wa nuts. 850 apples, assorted, 100 assorted berries, 75 filberts, 30 cherries, 9-room modern house, large hall and bath: hot and cold water, full-elze concrete base ment, tank-house. 3000-gal. tank, with en gine, firjit-ciass barn. 3-room cottage and 7 outbuildings. Thle- farm Is located on the Oregon City carllne, only a few minutes' ride from Portland: station right on the place. James J. Flynn, 612 Chamber of Commerce. t WE ARE cutting- up Into 20 or larger acre tracts the finest farm in the vicinity of Cornelius, Washington County, connected with Portland by steam and electric road. The very finest of soli In the very best condition; no weeds, no stone or gravel, but deep, black soil. Watered by large creeks, plenty of water the year through; all or partly in cultivation. German-American school across the road; German settlement. Price, $70 to $110. according to Improve ments. One-quarter cash, balance any length of time at 6 per cent. THE CROSSLEY Co., 708-709 Corbett Bldg. A DANDY. 10 acres, 8 acres in peifeet state of cultivation, 2 acres fine timber, fine lit tle orchard, full bearing, oxtra good fi room houss. good barn, well fenced and cross-fenced, 4 fine cows, 1 horse and buggy, 45 chickens and all farm .im plements, Sy, miles from Hillsboro and HV, miles from Portland. mile from United Electric, extra fine soil and on fine roads; this Is an elegant little home and one we can highly recommend to anyone. Price $3100. easy terms. Sweet. 204 Corbett bldg. Main and A 5790. 629 ACRES in a good stock farm. 7 miles from North Yamhill, well watered, about 2o0 acres plowed or nearly ready for the plow. In an estate which the executor and the helre are very anxious to close up. If our price does not suit, make an offer. There Is a bargain In It for someone. 160 acres, six miles from Portland, on west side of the hllle; 50 in cultivation, 10 acres of orchard, apples, pears, cherries and prunes; only $75 per acre. It will be " on a railroad soon and will make someone rich. Half cash. WHALLEY. 615 McKay Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL FARM. 99 acres. 80 acres in high state of cul tivation, all fenced and cross-fenced with tine board fence, county road . on two sides, fine 9-room house, new. modern barn equipped for horses on one side, and cows on the other, driveway between for taking In hay, storage room for bug gies, wagons. et2.; fine family orchard, extra fine soil; Just the place that would take an Eastern man's eye; 3H miles from Hillsboro. 6 mile from United Elec tric survey. Price $10,000; easy terms. Sweet, 2t4 Corbett bldg 125 ACRES. Willamette Valley. 3 miles from town of 800. 6 mlleB to one of 2500 population; only 50 miles from Portland; 70 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture; improvements good; fine for dairying, as it is located on milk route; $50 acre. Also have 20. 73. 178 and 69-acre ranches in same neighborhood, at very reasonable figures. Have other Dlaces In Valley from $12.30 to $200 per sere: aUo some fine buvs near Vancouver. Wash. 921 Board of Trade. 220 ACRES in Douglas County. 100 in cul tivation. 00 more easily cleared. 6 acres in fruit. 25 acres under irrigation; fine for fruit orchard; fairly good house, new barn, Just completed, cost $1300; $700 worth new machinery, 8 horses, 14 cows, 12 hogs, 100 chickens, 46 turkeys, abund ance of small fruit, running spring water In houae and barn. 6 miles from R. R station; complete $10,000. R. T. Mc Nichoias. Olendale. Or. FARM SNAP. 162 seres, $8.50 per acre. 15 acres in cultivation. 4-room house, good barn, family orchard, abundance of water, plenty of outrange for stock, lots of good timber, close to school and coun ty road; part cash, balance tf per cent, long time. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 608-9 Swetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. FARM of 134 acres, near North Yamhill. 50 acres In cultivation. 12 acres In orchard, 2 barns, good 6-room house, running water, 1 span of fine horses, wagon and harness, new mower, harrow, plow and cultivator, 1 disk, and all small tools, fruit dryer and etore-house; price only $42.50 per acre; will take $2000 Portland property. W. 11. Lang, 340 Chamber of Commerce. BEST EXCHANGE IN WASHINGTON. 114 acrea fine land, 90 acres in prunes, hay. oats, potatoes and garden truck, 24 acres pasture; will consider exchange for city income property, value $18,000; re member there 1b $12,000 In buildings, live stock, implements and crops on this place. 609-510 Buchanan bldg., 28614 Washington .St. Phone M. 8890. PROSPECTIVE FARMERS. 68 acres near Reedvllle, 50 acres un der cultivation, balance pasture. - no stumps, all fine soil, with all buildings, livestock. Implements and crops, to ex change for city property up to half its value; price $8300. 509-510 Buchanan bldg.. 286 Washington st. Phone M. 8890. A BARGAIN 40 acres 2 miles from a R. R. town, on county road: small house, good barn, best of land; 7 acres cleared; 50 apple trees, 5o . English walnut trees, abundance of small fruits; $1100. E. P. MOSSMAN, 408 Commercial Club bldg. A SNAP 100-acre farm, 30 acres cleared, - new buildings. Yt mile from railroad sta tion. In a booming mining town, 20 miles from Portland. Price $8000 without stock and implement; with stock and Implements, $10,000. Inquire C. Rabinsky, Scappooae, Or.. DON'T write a letter: buy a one-fare re turn ticket; aee 160 acres, house, barn, 28 cattle, hay. fine little valley home, good neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250 cash, balance $1050, on ten years' time if desired, at 6 per cent Interest. O. Middle kauff, Yaqulna, Or. FOR SALE 40 acres $1000; house, barn, 50 fruit trees. 40 English walnuts and small fruits. 5OO.0O0 feet timber, near railroad station and school. Write or call by Independent Telephone L. R. Kaylor, Blodgett, Or., Benton County. T ACRES land, all in cultivation, 6 acres apple trees, acre in grape vines; new 4 room house. 2 wagons, all necessary appli ances; cbeap for rash. Inquire 56 1st at.. North. Nick Matosin. ACREAGE. S3000 12 acres, all highly cultivated, 9 miles from Portland, on Oregon City line, 80 minutes ride from the city. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER claim relinquishment; 4 million feet of finest yellow fir. 3 miles to R. R. . B. P. MOSSMAN.- US Commercial Club. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. Oregon ana wasningwn -imi-. sale or exchange. If you do not aee what you want, we have it at ths 40 ' acres located 8 miles west of Portland near county road and electric line. 37 acres In high state of cultivation, in hay. grain and potatoes, 2 acres orchard, 3 acrea timber; land lies level and all good soli; good 7-room house, 2 barns, chicken-houses, etc.; best buy in Tualatin Valley- be sure and see this; price $.1000. 80 acres fine land 13 miles south of Portland; 22 acres under cultl ' vation. 20 in grain, 2 In potatoes; this is 2 miles to electric line, street and R. R. and river: log house, small barn, other buildings; ' price $5000. or will sell 40 acres of timber of this 80; price $1200, some cash, balance terms. 80, acres. 12 miles south of Port land; good land; 26 acres under cultivation, 40 acres low land, bal ance high land; mostly level; fine oak. ash and fir timber, good house, ' barn and other buildings; 9 cows, span young mares, 100 chickens, wagon, harness and all implements and crop, all goes: price $75 per, acre cash, balance long time 6 per ent. 30 .cres fine land, 26 acres under fine 'cultivation, close to electrio, line, on main county road, near good town, school and churches; price $125 per acre, balance 6 years 6 per cent. 20 acres 2 miles to good town, near Salem electric, 11 miles south of Portland, near good school and churches; small house, big barn and orchard. 12 acres In potatoes, bal ance hay and grain; remember this is all under a high state of cultiva tion; all crops go with place; not a " stump or stone on the place; prici $3SOO, $1500 cash, balance any old time, 6 per cent. 40 acres nice land; 35 acres in ' crop; 8'-4 miles west of Portland, near good town, sehooi :and churches and electric line; good 7 room house, 2 bams, tine orchard, other buildings; a snap at $5000. 103 acres fine land; 60 acres un der cultivation, balance pasture and fine timber; 40 hogs, 2S00-lb. team, harness and wagon and hack, 58 chickens, with mower, rake and plow; a complete outfit of farm im plements: good 6-room house, 3 barns, chicken-houses, etc., all crops, everything goes; price $6000, or will exchange for Portland resi dence up to $ looo value. 1110 acres unimproved, level land," Klamath County, Or.. 6 miles from Rostand, near schools, churches and stage line; plenty water: price . $1200; will exchange for city lots, full value or more. 120 acres raw land, 12 miles from Estacada, 14 miles from Oregon City; there is enough timber on 40 acres to pay for the whole 120 acres; land lies all level; 20 acres nearly cleared; plenty of running water: fine farms all around the . property; owners in California; a snap; price $2.1 per acre. 5 acres, all under cultivation, with good buildings, orchard, live stock, swell chicken ranch; price $5500. 75 acres. 10 miles from Portland, near Reedvllle, near electric line and R. R.. mall and milk route; this is all clear and fine, level land, best of soil, on county road: this Is the biggest snap In Washington County: price $130 per acre. A present to the first one who pays $12O0 down, good terms on balance; a swell chicken ranch on the Clackamas River, at Clackamas Tavern, 12 miles south of Portland; 6 acres well under cultivation, fine orchard, nice 7-room house, 2 barns, 7 chicken-houses. 60 chick ens, cow. horse, harness and wag- -on: price $2750; will exchange for city property up to $1,100. A bargain 40 acres good land. 32 acres under a high state of culti vation, 2 acres orchard, water at house and burn, fine 5-room house, with cellar, 2 barns, good ohlcken house, 2S miles to Oregon City electric line, 1 miles to R. R.. 12 miles S. E. of Portland: this Is no run-down place; all buildings nicely painted; price $30OO. $900 cash, balance time, or will exchange for Portland residence property same value. BEST EXCHANGE IN OREGON. 6S acres between Reedvllle and Wltchhaxel Station. 12 miles west of Portland, on county road; all level land, fine soli; .10 acres under high state of cultivation, balance bush land; no stumps, plenty water, well at house, good 7-room house, 2 barns, chicken-house, etc., 9 cows. 3 calves, team horses. 2 wagons and harness, 3 hogs, 50 chickens, cream separator, mower, rake, harrow and seeder: all Implements needed on a good farm: 30 tons hay. some grain . and all crops; price $8500; will ex change up to $6000 for Portland residence. 34 acres of fine level land 1 '4 . miles of Washougal, Wash., 12. miles to Vancouver, fine 5-room house, new . barn, chlcken-honses, etc.; this Is no run-down place; price $30O0, or wTll exchange for city residence., property eame value. . 20 acres, f under cultivation, balance seeded pasture: fine level land, near Wltchhael, Station, R. R.. electric line, school and churches: exchange for house and lot north of Russell St.. east of Willamette ave. : price $2300. 114 acres, finest fruit farm in Clark County. Wash., 9 miles X. E. of Vancouver: 90 acres undor cul tivation. 50 acres orchard. 40 acres hay, grnln, potatoes and - garden truck; 8 - houses. 2 barns. $7000 steam prune dryer, with all crops, cows, harness, hogs, chickens and a complete outfit of up-to-date farm Implements; price $18.O00. or will exchange for Portland property same value. 1300 acres, stock farm, best one in Union County; all level, wire fenced and plenty of water; price $10 per acre. Also several 40-acre tracts that can be had at $1.23 per acre, or will exchange for Portland property: Oregon and Washington farms, hundreds of them, sale or ex- . change. You cannot miss it by calling on the PINE THEE LAND CO., 309-3IO Buchanan Bldg., 286 Wash. St. A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. 20 acres prunes and walnuts, under per fect cultivation. In the celebrated Dundee red land district, mile and a half from station, close to Prince's big orchard: crop worth $70O goes with the place if aold this week: price." $150 per acre. ('. A. DUNN (Ownen. Room 15. 208 Stark St. phone Main 5489. LOOK AT IT ST'NDAY. Chance at a Life for a little fellow. $1700 For lo-acre, well-Improved farm, very best of soil, handy to Salem cars and S. P, at Tualatin, line spring, great buy: do not miss this; you will look a good while before you find anything equal. All kinds of choice farms by F. FUCHS. 221 '4 Morrison Street. ACREAGE. ONLY $42.10. 3 1-3 acres in desirable location on the Peninsula, close in. $3400 for 39 acres near Sycam' Station, on O. W. P. electric line; 5-room house and about 8 acres cleared; all first-class soil. FRED C. KING, 506 Commercial bldg., 2d and Wash. sts. 142 ACRES of good land for fruit or wal nuts, covered with good pile timber; only 6 miles from Forest Grove; will sell for a few days at $20 an acre. W. H. Lang, 840 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade 160 acnes homestead (with smalt house) land, partly cultivated (can cultivate about 125 a. easily), socated in good wheat belt; will take imnroved acreage near Portland for part payment. Address AE 214. Oregonlan. LOOKING for vacant lots, or well Improved property in this or other towns, or farm property for cash or trade, why- not save time and see the Goldschmldt'a Agency, 233 Washington at. FOR SALE or exchange, 2 new French bas soons, high and low pitch, "Trlhert A Buf fet." 22 keys rosewood, warranted every particular first-class. F. W. Van Dyke, Grants Pass, Or. A $1,000 Klickitat hut fruit and farm traci to trade toward Portland home or business property Flank Lea, 147 Front st. 10 ACRES near Mllwaukle. highly cultivat ed, 2 good plastered houses with water In house, good barn, etc., $SO00; will take ranch up to $4000. 325 Lumber Exchange. WILL trade 5 acres Hood River lsnd fol some Portland suburban lots. Address, with full particulars, AD 199. Oregonlan. UNIMPROVED form lands, on Columbia River, rood soli, for city property. 327 Worcester bldg. WANTED To exchange property in Victoria, B C or Wlnnlg. Man., for flrst-clasi boarding-house. X 214, Oregonlan. IF YOIT want to buy. sell or trade anything, see Kauffmann & Moore, 323 Lumber Ex- change. WHAT have you to trade or exchanger W. Lawrence A Co.. 115 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. WILL trade for what you have. Qua Smith, 404 Buchanan blda- . J