TIIE MORMXG OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1908. 8' rORTUAND. OREGON. Entered at Portland. Oregon. Postortce as Second-Class slatler. Subscription Kates Invariably la Advance. (Br Mall) Dally. Sunday Included, one year 5'S iJallr. Sunday Included, six montha. ... 4 -o Dally. Sunday Included, three months. X.J Lai.y. Sunday included, ona month... iJally without Sunday, ona year Buu Dally, without Sunday, six montha tr T'ally. without Sunday, ona month Weekly, ona year ... Sunday, ona year Sunday and Weekly, ona year... .60 1 50 2 50 a so (By Carrier.! Dairy. Sunday Included, oe year t.00 Dally. Sunday Included, ona month ' How la Remit Send postofflc money order, ezpreas order or personal check on ycur local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. Give poatofnee ad dress In full. Including- county and slate. Poataca Rates 10 to 24 page.. 1 cent; 14 to 23 paces. 2 centa: 30 to 44 pa fee. 1 centa: 40 to 00 pagea. 4 centa. Foreign post ace double ratea Eastern Itu.lnrM Office The S. C. Peck wttii Special Agency New York, rooms 48 tO Tribune building. Chicago, rooma 510-512 Tribune building PORTLAND. WEIr'..SIAV. 8KPT. . 190S. SOLICITUDE FOR LABOR. The effort to "capture the labor vote of the country," put forth by various, divers and sundry politicians, is scarcely less than an insult to the elec tors included In the designation the labor vote. They who have knowl edge, by contact, association and ex perience, with the working people of the country know that we have no more Independent body of citizens. No other body of citizens votes more surely on Independent Judgment. Under our system, balanced as It is by and through the experience of time. neither one side nor the other. In thei conflict of Interest between employers and employed between wage-workers and wage-payers can have Its own way wholly, or go very far In that di rection. Justice lies always in the balance of interests and craims of each and of both. None know it better than the wage-workers of the country. Therefore all their ' instructions tell them to keep clear of party politics. In their advocacy of the interests of labor. Every man, therefore, votes on his own Judgment. Therefore It is that the special appeals of Mr. Bryan or of Mr. Taft, or for Jlr. Bryan or Mr. Taft as a special "friend of labor," will be estimated at their value. Greater part of the work of this kind Is done by Mr. Bryan, or for him. There are large bodies of workingmen whom It does not please. Among them Is the general brotherhood of railroad workers, employed In opera tion of the railroads of the country: and here Is the official organ of the brotherhood of painters, decorators and paper-hangers of America, in an editorial article written presumably by its editor, J. C. Skemp, saying: Moat of n differ with Mr. Bryan In many things, consider him as .unsound as he la un certain, but ueually credit him with being eincere In previous campaigns he clung to theories which killed hta chancre for auc r.sa. apparently preferring to be right than President. This time he has fallen short of what his beet friends and greatest admirers expected. Mr. Bryan haa done brave thlnga for principle, done them regardleaa of con sequences. It la disappointing to aee him asaoclste with professional politicians of shadr reputations and worse records. It makes one fear that a desire to win has overcome the conscientious scrupulousness which hitherto dtetlngulshed him from many men In public life. This Idea Is illustrated further by the remark that a. man is known by the company he keeps, and "the only excuse that the all-powerful Mr. Bryan can offer for permitting Mur phy, Mack. Connors, Sullivan. Stone. Francis and Taggart to remain In con trol of the Democratic machine In their respective states is a fear to arouse their enmity and a desire to profit by the influence which they are supposed to possess." Read further: The Republl. ans win have a -majority In the Senate and be In a position to kill any measure of advantage to the common peo ple which a remocratlc House might enact. But there la little probability of their being called upon to kill radical legislation. The Democratic leadera In the North will aee to it that "safe" men are nominated, a few radicals may creep In, but the majority will be trained to eat out of the hands of their mart era It Is a forecast absolutely correct, and the working people of the coun try know it as well as others. But the editorial doesn't end here. It re marks that the great strength of Mr. Bryan's party is in the South, and that the South will do nothing what ever to help labor reforms. 'Let us study this passage, to wit: Progresaive legislation through the Demo cratic party la Impossible aa long aa Its enactment depends upon the representatives from the South. In no aectlon of the United State and few parts of Europe, outside of Russia Is there aa little liberty and prog ress Child labor Is universally exploited, tradea onions practically outlawed. Ala bama, the atate from which Mr. Bryan choee the permanent chairman of hla con vention, repealed a law regulating child labor and enacted a leas atrlngent one In order to Induce Northern capital to invest In the misery and the Uvea of the children of Its working people. On its statute booka la the most drastic antlboycott law ever en acted. The atate leaaea Its convlcta to work In the Iron mines of the steel trust. From this system, resulting In untold cruelty, cor ruption and rrime. Alabama profits to the extent of $750,000 a year. Its chief city, Birmingham, with a Democratic Govern ment, is furnishing prisoner atrlke-breakera to the mlneowners, who are engaged In a desperate etruggle with the United Mlne workers of America. For each ablebodled criminal the city receives !0 a month. Sim ilar conditions exist In nearly every state of the South, which la still dominated by the men who In bygone days, too proud and too laxy to work, coined ths lives and the lib erty of chattel alavea Into luxury and ease. These are points that serve or should serve for enlightenment. In states that are strongly and surely for Bryan and his party, the demands of labor .get no consideration. Only In the Northern States are they heard. Observe that Mr. Bryan and Mr. Gom . pers never go Into the South to con tend for "the rights of labor." Per haps It is because they think labor fit only for "niggers." Yet no doubt the real reason is that the Southern States, the strength of the Bryan party, are resolved not to have any such doc trines on this subject as Bryan advo cates In the North. What, then, can be expected for labor by a Bryan ad ministration? Bn great a factor are the working people of the country In the activity and progress and welfare of the coun try that the only hope and safety of the country are In' the working-people who can't be beguiled or misled by politicians. Why Is there a need for speciajly organized "Taft Republican Clubs"? Every town In the state has its Re publican Club, or more than one, al ready. These clubs have their mem bership, their constitutions and their officers. Why should not meetings of these clubs be called an the work of this campaign be taken up by them without the organization of new clubs? Towns that have no Repub lican clubs already should organize, but not merely for the election of Taft. A Republican club needs no limitation to Its field of effort short of election of every Republican candidate. THE SALElt BCANDAU The dissensions in the family of Jo seph Meyers, of Salem, as presented to the public in more or less sensational installments during the past month, are but variations of the same old slobbered tale that has been rehearsed all too often at the instigation of in discreet heirs of uxorious and aged men of fortune throughout the gener ations. The folly of such dissension is only equaled by its futility. When an old man the father of a family of adult sons and daughters having been bereft by death of the wife 'of his youth and the mother of his chil dren, becomes possessed of the desire to marry, his children are apt to rise In a revolt that is at least quite as natural as is the father's desire. This revolt is Intensified in bitterness when the old man Is wealthy and the woman whom he proposes to marry Is rela tively young young enough, perhaps, to give promise of other heirs to the family estates. Expostulation in such a case has ever proved futile; attempts to spirit the aged lover away or to subject him to a chaperonage the of fice of which Is to protect alike unso phisticated youth and doddering age from the wiles and snares of the tempter, are easily foiled by conniv ance of the astute party of the second part and aspersions against the sanity of the old man have invariably been almost universally disallowed by an unsympathetic court or matter-of-fact lunacy commission. The old man has his way, -and eventually the relatively young wife has hers, leaving to the disgruntled heirs their labor for their pains. Such marriages, and the family rumpus that they have raised, are incidents in the life of every commu nity. Their history follows parallel lines- without deviation except In minor details. Nine times out of ten the old man comes off victorious, though not Infrequently the triumph Is In the end a bitter one to him, since, having first estranged his chil dren, it is likely to cloud his closing years by dependence upon the grudged bounty of his beneficiary. The wonder In all of this Is, not that the old man makes a fool of himself, since he: Is approached on his most defenseless and "easy" side, with flat tery and caressing, but that his sons and daughters hope and strive by co ercive means to counteract the spell under which he has fallen, and that, throwing family pride to the winds, they make the public the theater upon which they stage this ages-old domes tic play. It is the part of wisdom In such a case to acknowledge the power of "the whip hand" and smilingly stand aside, since by such means alone will the heirs be able to compete for their property rights against one whom they choose to consider an Invader. For who ever heard of a marriage deterred Or even deferred By any contrivance no very absurd As acoldlng the "boy" and "Fighting his bird." Such an attempt, with its manifold variations, is both useless and humili ating. Aggravating as the case may be and often Is from the standpoint of the heirs, seeming acquiescence to the marriage is at once politic and decent. SELLING FRl'IT. The opinion expressed by Mr. H. F. Davidson, of Hood River, that dealers In fruit lost money last year Is -undoubtedly correct, and It may be ex pected that their experience will make them a little cautious this year In loading up with supplies, though there Is nothing in the industrial situation that warrants extra caution. The financial flurry came last year, Just af ter fruit dealers had made their pur chases, and they were compelled to unload at a loss. The reduced value of fruit was not due to any change In the supply of fruit, but was due to diminution of demand occasioned by Inability of consumers to buy. The situation was an unusual one, affecting all markets, though the market for perishable goods, such as fruit, was probably affected more than that for most commodities. Whether with good reason or not, a man who has lost on an Investment will be slow to make the same kind of an Investment again. Men who laid In a large supply of apples last year will buy this year only what they can see a certain market for. And yet, at somewhat reduced prices, there should be as active a demand for apples for consumption as ever before. While growers will probably not agree to such a statement. It is quite possible that the price of apples, like that of many other commodities, was exces sive last year. Values in all lines were high. Though It would be grat ifying if apple-growers could get as high prices every year as they did last season, such good fortune is not to be expected. On the contrary, it seems that prices will be lower than actual conditions Justify a misfortune which the producers must suffer unless they can find a way to stimulate demand. Tire VNTtRCHASABLE VOTE. The shallowness of the demagogue Is seen in the fervid announcement by Mr. Bryan that, if he is elected. It will be by the. 'unpurchased and unpur chasable vote of the country. Exactly the same thing will be true of Mr. Taft. Whoever shall be elected, his election will be by the unpurchased and unpurchasable vote of the coun try. But Mr. Bryan Insinuates a thing that he dare not declare openly and manfully, that Republican leaders will buy votes. By indirection he tries to cast a reflection upon Mr. Taft to create the impression that Taft is a corruptlonist, yet not in all the history of Mr. Taft's public career has there been one word uttered against his In tegrity. That Taft is a high-minded man is indicated by the fact that he does not go about the country appeal ing to that class of people who can be caught y such sophistry as the cry "If I shall be elected it will be by the unpurchased and,. unpurchasable vote of the country." Neither party will have a campaign fund large enough to make corruption possible, nor would there be vote-buying on either side in the National cam paign if the money were available. Both times he ran for the Rresidency Mr. Bryan was-defeated by the unpur chased and unpurchasable voters of the country. Just as he will be either elected or defeated . in the . coming election. There is no election, either in America or In any other country on earth, in which the honest opin ion of the people is so fairly ex pressed as In the Presidential elec tions. The people of this country do not thank any man for voicing insinu ations which convey to the people of other countries the Impression that our National elections are bought and sold. CLAM-JUMPERS AND SETTLERS. The special agents who have been sent into the Siletz country to investi gate the troubles of claim-owners, squatters and Jumpers, are on a deli cate mission. The bona fide settler who goes Into the forest primeval aa It lies along the coast country, with the determination of winning a home from the wilderness. Is entitled to all pro-, tectlon possible In retaining possession of his land. This protection might reasonably be extended to cover an occasional absence from the land, pro vided always that the settler tempo rarily abandons it for the purpose of securing funds with which to continue his improvements. Throughout the Lower Columbia counties, on both sides of the river, are hundreds of thrifty homes that were originally taken up by settlers In a manner not dissimilar from that followed by the Siletz settlers. These original settlers, after devot ing several months each year to clear ing up their land and getting them under cultivation, would spend all or a portion of the fishing season on the river, earning money with which to continue Improving the land on which they had settled. Others spent much time away from their claims working In logging camps and on farms, but at no time having any Intention other than ultimately to make a permanent home on the farm they were gradu ally hewing out of the forest. These hard-working squatters or settlers in nearly all cases have proved gcod citi zens, .and their work in the aggregate has been of the highest importance in development of the lower river coun try. This class of workers has al ways had their claims In a certain de gree of Jeopardy fro'm claim-Jumpers, who would watch their chances, and, taking advantage of the temporary ab sence of the claim-owner, would "Jump" the claim, and then endeavor to enlist assistance of the Government In preventing the original settler from regaining possession. These claim-Jumpers have been em boldened and encouraged by the pres ence In some localities of a number of bogus settlers who have filed on claims without the slightest intention of be coming actual settlers and have In tended, by fraudulent methods, to se cure title to the land for speculative purposes only. This class of settlers is no better than the claim-Jumpers who endeavor to steal the claims of those who are acting in good faith, and It Is regrettable that so many of them escape the penitentiary. It will require careful investigation on the part of the special agents to enable them to separate the sheep from the goats In the remote districts which, in the past few years, have been overrun with land hunters. Wherever the good faith of the settler Is shown, there will undoubtedly be a disposition to waive technicalities and perfect the title to the land, but small consideration should be given the sneaking claim-Jumpers who attempt to deprive honest settlers of the land on which they are attempting to estab lish a home. THE AMERICAN'S HANDICAP. Mr. Harrlman Is reported to have purchased the Spreckels steamers Si erra, : Sonoma and Ventura for the purpose of re-establishing a regular service to South American ports. These steamers are about the nearest to fail ures of any vessels that ever came into the Pacific. The original cost was far out of proportion to the value of the vessels, and they were so expensive to operate that they contributed largely to the final collapse and retirement of the Spreckels line to Australia. News dispatches say that Mr. Harrlman drove a hard bargain in securing the vessels from Spreckels, but. If he paid anything above the Junk value of white elephants he got far the worst of the bargain. In his attempts to maintain a steam ship service on the Pacific, in opposi tion to British, German, French, Jap anese and other lines, Mr. Harriman is entitled to much credit, regardless of the opinion that may be held of the business Judgment that might prompt such a course. No matter how small the price paid for the Spreckels steam ers which he Is reported to have bought, he Is under a handicap so long as he operates them on either the South American or the Oriental or any other foreign route. The modern steamships built by foreign nations, for economy of operation and large carrying capacity, have an advantage over the Spreckels steamers that will run against the latter as long as the ships last. So long as our present Idi otic navigation laws remain in force there Is no relief for Mr. Harrlman or any other man who might wish to buy good, economically operated ships at as low a price as they are available to foreigners- The American transportation lines are nearly all in need of ships, and there has never been a previous period In the history of the country, when foreign shipowners could secure ton nage at as low rates as are quoted by the foreign shipyards. If our naviga tion laws had been framed for the purpose of encouraging Instead of stifling trade, this would prove a gol den opportunity for securing an Amer ican merchant marine that would en able our people to compete on even terms with the ships of other more en lightened nations. Mr. Harrlman displays considerable patriotism In keeping the American flag floating over the finest steamships on the Pacific, and, if the report of his purchase of the Spreckels "misfits" is true, he will have the largest Amer ican steamship fleet afloat, but they will be under a heavy handicap as dividend earners, so long as they must compete with ships that are built for about-one-half the cast, and that can be operated much more economically. The annual famine In China is al ready getting under way, and a vast region in which the rice crop was de stroyed by the floods Is expected to yield up its thousands of victims who will perish of starvation. It is a long range view that Americans get of these annual tragedies, and for that reason they appear less distressing than they would If we were nearer the scene. It Is somewhat paradoxical that thousands of these Chinese perish every year by reason of too much water, while in India, where the gaunt specter of famine is always stalking, the starvation death rate reaches high figures by reason of drought that de stroys the crop. Equalization of these climatic conditions would save mil lions of lives, but possibly the one credited with full control of the mat ter does not regard the lives which ara lost . as of sufficient value to warrant the change that might save them. The Increase of 2,611,000 bushels In the American visible wheat supply yes terday was not only the largest in crease reported this season, but the largest for any corresponding week In the past ten years. This, however, should not be taken as an excessively bearish feature, for the visible supply still falls short of that of last year at a corresponding date by nearly 30, 000,000 bushels, and, is, with Dut two exceptions, the smallest recorded at this date In ten years. That Europe has been a pretty free purchaser of early offerings ' is shown in world's shipments 8,500,000 bushels greater than for the first week In September last year, while quantities on passage are 4,0.00,000 bushels greater than a year ago at a corresponding date. The statistical position of the cereal . is strong, but the coming Argentine crop is already "casting Its shadow before." Mr. Gompers would be In much bet ter position to make a fight upon Mr. Cannon or any other particular candi date personally opposed by labor If he had not .-tried to deliver the whole labor vote to the Democratic party. Mr. Gompers wishes It understood that he is striving merely to promote the Interests of labor, but It Is noticeable that all his efforts are against Re publican candidates. Surely there are places, particularly In the South, where Democratic candidates are an tagonistic to the demands of labor. Why is not Mr. Gompers active there? The Portland Councilman who re cently went on a Junketing trip to Puget Sound and confided to a Seattle reporter that he had not been outside the city limits of Portland for thirty years, by His confession offers some explanation for some of the shortcom ings which are noticeable in municipal legislation. It Is, of course, barely possible that Portland Is the nearest to perfection of any city on the Pa cific Coast, tout even at that an occa sional study of some of the other cities and of their methods of civic improve ment might be of value. Neither the upper nor the lower river fishermen are satisfied with the new laws regulating fishing. Nobody expected them to be. The laws were not enacted to satisfy them, but to protect salmon. The fishermen have demonstrated for years that they do not intend to be satisfied with any law that prevents them frtm exterminat ing salmon. There is no use trying to satisfy them,' therefore, unless we are ready to abandon, the fishing industry to destruction. Use of a shotgun is a rather extreme measure for the protection of orchards and vineyards against petty thieves, and it can hardly fee commended for general adoption. But It must be ad mitted that a woman who thus de fends her property from destruction has considerable provocation. This much is certain, that those who do not wish to take chances with a gun can keep out of other people's vineyards. Perhaps It might be well, from one point of view, for enlightenment of a class of Republicans in Oregon, who are continually voting for Democrats for highest offices, on the plea of non partisanship. If Bryan should be elected. Then they would find out what Democratic non-partisanship means. And The Oregonian would have more reason than many to re joice. . According to a story that comes from Reno, the seniors at a local school of mines have forbidden Jun iors and sophomores to appear upon the campus In company with co-eds except at purely social functions. . If the Juniors and sophomores have -any gumption they will thump the heads of the first seniors who interfere with their affairs. Inthe future those "who apply for teachers' certificates, will be required to pass a more extensive examination in English classics. This is a wise change In the standard of qualification for , teaching. English composition and English literature have never re ceived attention commensurate with their importance.1 A rhymester says that the reason people leave the farm is that they do not want to stay. That may be the true reason now, but a few years ago, after a Democratic administration came Into power, many people who wanted to stay on the farms left be cause the mortgage holders didn't want them to stay. " It has been ascertained by statisti cians that .Fourth of July celebrations this year cost 163 lives and resulted in 662 Injuries. That Is not quite as bad a record as a battle with an In vading army, but It Is enough to show the sincerity of American patriotism. Mr. Bryan protests against the In- rvnaua In rViA number of nubliC Officers and employes. All those communities wishing to give up their rural mall de livery service will please notify Mr. Bryan at once of their hearty support of his protest. " It was reported yesterday from what seems to be an authoritative source that Columbia River salmon are planning a celebration In honor of Fish Warden McAllister, and that they will burn the Washington fishery laws in effigy. There Is said to be an unwritten law which Justifies the shooting of Mon golian pheasants at any time of the year in self-defea. No man Is re quired to stand still and let a pheasant bite him, in season or out of season.. Five per cent municipal bonds are so attractive In San Francisco that an issue of $3,200,000 was heavily over subscribed. This would Indicate that the money market was again on easy street on the Pacific Coast. FEDERAL PENSIONS DECREASE List of I'lde Sana's Beneficiaries Now Smallest la IS Year. Washington (D. C) Cor. Brooklyn Eagle. There are fewer persons on the Unit ed States pension roll today .than at any time for, the past 15 years. The army of beneficiaries from the Govern ment's bounty at last seems to be on the downward grade, in point of num bers. There are now only 951.687 left, and at the rate at which death is cut ting into the ranks the total will have shrunk to 800,000 before another year. The high-water mark In pensions was reached in 1804. when for a brief period there were more than 1,000,000 persons on the roll. The spectacle of this enormous number ot persons draw ing monthly checks from the Govern ment frightened the Republican lead ers for a while. So long as the army was kept within six figures it was found comparatively easy to defend the liberal pension policy. No mention will be found in the report of the Commis sioner of Pensions of the fact that at one time more than 1,000.000 pensioners were on the roll. The figures are given for fiscal years only, and the high water mark was touched in August. Before June 30 came around again the figures had gone back into the hun dreds of thousands, so that so far as the official reports go, the highest point reached was 998,446. The pension roll, prior to the present year, had been growing larger and larger with a regularity that attested the eagerness for business of the pen sion attorney. It assumed visible sie after the Civil War. for In 1868 it num bered 126,000. From that time on Its expansion was as steady and regular as J. Plerpont Morgan's income. In 1880 there were 250,000 pensioners;' in 1890 there were 350,000; In 1900 there, were 993,000. ' a ' The following table, shows the up ward climb of the list: No. ofl No. of .pensioners. pensioners. 188 18K7 1868 12K.7241SS8 452.557 153,474!l9 489.725 169.643.1890 537.044 1869 187.B3jl89l . . .67.lf0 1S70 .198, 6S6 189a . . .876.068 1871 207,495 18M3 966,012 1894 969,544 1872 .v. . .232,229 2,18.411 1873 1 905 970,524 1874 21)6,241 1899 970,678 1897- 976,014 1875 234.821 1876 232,137 1877 282.104 1878 223.998 1879 242.755 1898 993,714 1899 991,519 1900 993.529 1901 997.735 1880 250,80211902 1881 268,83019"8 ...999.410 ...898.545 1882 285,697,1904 994,763 1S8S 803.6581905 998 -141 1884 322.7561906 985.VT1 1885 345.1251907 867,371 1888 305.7S31908 951,637 1887 406.0071 Uncle Sam's generosity toward the maimed soldiers and sailors and their widows and dependents 'has cost the country a pretty penny. Since 1868 13,609,000,000 have been paid out for pensions. This is nearly four times the amount of the Interest-bearing public debt. In recent years the annual disbursements for pensions have been In the neighborhood of $140,000,000. This is more than the annual cost of the Navy, and Is enough to build a fleet of 15 Dreadnought battleships. Thousands of persons who draw pen sions from this Government never spend a penny of .It here. They live abroad. Congress has never attempted to require pensioners to pa-sa their re maining days at home, although the amount paid to those residing In for eign lands aggregates nearly $1,000,000 a year. The following list shows bow widely distributed are Uncle Sam's pen sioners: N. No. 1 . 10 t . 7T . 85 . : 4 4 I . 20 5 1 8 .3,57.1 1 9 . 18 l-.: 4 . 57 3 . 37 2 2 . 888 1 . 65 . 593 9 8 1 S 2 8 . 482 2 4 . 48 . 21 1 . 11 4 '. 164 8 Amount. $ 85.47 912.00 11. 088.83 S.040.62 6(14.00 B13.80 96.00 2.880.47 450.00 Roi.oo 867.5-0.3O 144.00 2.406.00 2.607.87 150.00 384.00 8,216.07 636.00 B. 304. 70 204.00 210.00 83,918.60 72.00 9.360.73 85.818.30 1.O62.0O 312.00 90.00 588.00 216 00 fi.16.00 69.376 30 216.00 522.00 7.112.87 963.00 S.0OJ1.27 144.00 1,827.53 852.00 288.00 23.508.44 1,218.00 192.00 1,302.73 242.07 8,760.47 876.00 956!S4 72.00 2,223.00 180.00 120.00 96.00 14, 272. OS 18000 96.00 722.40 120.00 8.072.33 9.792.18 1,409.00 62-i!on 8.260.73 Algeria Argentina Australia Austria-Hungary . . . A sores Bahama ........... Barbados . ........ Belgium . .......... Bermuda ......... Bolivia Brazil . Canada Cape Verde Islands . Chile China Comoro Islands ..... Costa Rica' Cuba Danish West Indes . Denmark Dominican Republlo Dutch West Indies . England Egypt . .. France Germany . . Greece . ........ Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hongkong India Ireland Isle of Man Isle of Pines Italy Jamaica Japan . ............ Cores Liberia Madeira Malta Mexico . Netherlands Newfoundland New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Russia St. Helena St. Martin , 31 ...... e 62 , 11 , 1 8 1 , 18 , 1 , 1 1 Samoa Scotland BS feychelles Island 1 Slanl 1 South Africa 5 Spain 1 Sweden 83 Switzerland RS Turkey 13 United States of Colombia 1 Uruguay 3 Wales 24 Total 6.090 $724,434.10 There are now only two persons on the rolls as pensioners of the Revolu tionary War. They are daughters of soldiers who fought with Washington and Lafayette, and were pensioned by special acts of Congress. They are Sarah C. Hurlbutt, aged 90, the daugh ter of Elijah Weeks, who served with the Massachusetts troops, and Phoebe M. Fal meter, aged 87, the daughter of Jonathan Wooley, of the New Hamp shire troops. Mrs. Palmeter resides In Brookfleld, N. T. The last surviving widow pensioner of the War of the Revolution was Esther S. Damon.Nof Plymouth Union, Vt., who died In November, 1906, aged 92. "The last survivor of the War of the Revolution was Daniel F. Bakeman, who died in Freedom, Cattaraugus County, New York, on April 6. 1869, at th ripe old age of 109 years. There are. more than 600 widows of the War of 1812 remaining on the pension roll. Stands for Constitutional Salaries. MARSHFIELD, Or., Sept. 5. (To the Editor.) "Wonderful Is logic," are the concluding words of an editorial bear ing the caption, "A Dip Into Exact Science," ia last Wednesday's Oregon Ian. These concluding worda are, It seems to me, apropos of the conclu sions of "W. M. R.," whose communica tion In the same Issue Is headed, "A Call for Flat Salaries." After clearly showing that our state officials have been drawing unconsti tutional salaries for a matter of 30 years. The Oregonlan's correspondent says the people righteously voted down an amendment at the late election pro viding for fiat salaries, because these same officials have been violating the constitution. The people will and should continue to defeat any proposed amendment until these officials cease to drawn down these unconstitutional salaries. Truly, "wonderful is logic." J. M. UPTON. WALL STREET'S NEW GRAB GAME Call for aa Investigation Into a Recent Flurry la Storks. Baltimore News. The apparent Intention of the New York. Stock Exchange to investigate the wild activity and fevarlsh fluctu ations which characterised a recent two-hour session of the market, when transactions exceeded the million mark in fewer than a dozen stocks, should be so thorough that when the verdict is rendered there will be no suspicion that the committee charged with getting at the bottom of the huge gamble was moved by motives other than to protect the reputation of the Stock Exchange for square dealing and to punish those who have brought the Wall-street market into disrepute. The New York Stock Exchange is now face to face with one of the worst scandals in Its history, and if it per mits this sand-bagging game to pass without protest It will be 'accepted by a large part of the public as a confes sion that the stories of gigantic swindles perpetrated in the . financial center of the world have not been idle dreams or the Imaginations of hare brains. It is almost inconceivable that men wearing the mantle of respecta ble citizens should so far forget them selves in their greed for money as to endanger confidence at home and abroad, especially at a time when the stability of soma of our Institutions Is questioned. According to reports current, one of the leaders In the wild speculation re ferred to, finding himself short half a million shares of various stocks, threatened to throw Into the hands of receivers a great railroad system which he controlled, and was pre vented from doing so only by big in terests turnng over to him. sufficient stock with which to make deliveries without severe loss. The fact that such a move on his part would en danger the fortunes of Innocent In vestors or that it might delay the re turn of prosperous times, thus work ing hardships upon hundreds of thousands of toilers, probably never once appealed to the finer Instincts of this man, if he really was possessed of Instincts higher than those of the midnight marauder. It will be a long time before Wall street recovers from the effects of this latest revelation, and it Is the duty of every member of the Stock Ex change to aid the Investigating com mittee in getting at the facts, that the guilty may be punished UNCLE SAM SELLS MOST LUMBER. German Review of Forest Resources and Importations by Countries. United States Consular Report. The following facts were taken by Vice-Consul James I A. Burrell of Magdeburg, from a brochure by Dr. Ernst Friedrich, of the German Com mercial High School at Leipzig: ' The world's lumber trade amounts to $285,600,030 annually, of which the United States furnishes about 20 per cent, Austria-Hungary 19 per cent, Rus sia 16 per cent, Canada 13 "per cent, Sweden IS per cent,. Finland 10 per cent, Norway 4 per cent, and Roumania also a small quantity. The countries importing wood are those on the highest economical plane, which were themselves In earlier times densely wooded,, but whose forests have been denuded to' a greater or less ex tent to make room, for agriculture. In dustry, etc. Only 4 per cent of tne territory of Great Britain la covered with forests, and during the year 1906 that country imported lumber to the value of $135,561,750. Germany has still 26 per cent of Its territory cov ered by forests, but Imported In 1908 lumber valued at $61,285,000. Belgium and the Netherlands, that have but 8 per cent forest lands; Denmark, that has 7 per cent; France and Switzerland, with a small percentage of forest land, are compelled to import lumber. Besides these countries, those lands lying -on the dry western side of the subtropical zone lacking forests are forced to Import wood. Egypt Imports wood and coal to the value of about $16,660,000 annually; Algeria, Tunis, Spain, Portugal (3 per cent forest land), Italy, Greece (with 9 per cent forest land), the eastern part of Asia, British South Africa, the vwestern parts of Chile and Peru, the Argentine Republic, and Australia, all poor in wood, are de pendent upon import. Three Heavyweight Republicans. SELLWOOD, Or., Sept. 7. (To the Editor.) In this morning's Onegonian you say: "If Senator Bourne and Can didate Cake can be Induced to stump all Oregon for Taft," etc. That Is not the combination.' It should be: Young, the brains; Bourne, the head; and Uh ren or U'Ren, or whatever it la, the tall. That would be novel, unique 'and startling, a "Combination- and a form Indeed, that would appal the guilty and make mad the free," I don't know that I am quoting quite correctly, but for that bunch It's near enough. The unique and novel part would be that the tall would have to do the talking, but It would make no difference with the result. Suppose you suggest it to the National and state Taft committee, J. D. STEVENS. Diamond and Gold la Hla Hoof. Altoona (Pa.) Dispatch to New York Press. This little mountain town comes to the front with a horse story which ranks in the first flight. He Is -a big roadster owned by George Coleman, a liveryman, and has a record hitched to a wagon. Several days ago the horse went lame, and Coleman called a vet erinarian, who found that there was a large diamond stickpin fastened In the animal's foot above the hoof. There was a carat diamond in the pin. Two days afterward Coleman, while cleaning the dirt from the shoes of his diamond studded horse, found a $6 gold piece firmly imbedded In a crack In the hoof. Coleman is a church member, fnd be sides he has several witnesses to each remarkable find. iMtt of Famous Coterie. Kansas City Detpatch. Judge Thomas H. Bacon, boyhood as sociate of Samuel L. Clemens, is dead in Hannibal, Mo., as a result of a bullet wound received when he was a soldier In the Confederate Army. He was per sonally acquainted with every member of the coterie of youths immortalized by Mark Twain In "Tom Sawyer" and "Hucklaberry Finn." Ostriches Trot to Sulkies. Baltimore News. Two ostriches, broken to sulkies and taught to trot, will be raced at the coming Mineola Fair, on Long. Island. The ostriches have trotted a mile in little less than 2:30. They are called. F.leetfoot and Fleetwlng. and are driv en to light sulkies built for them. Turtle Eggs Hatched Per Mall. Philadelphia Dispatch. When a package containing turtle eggs, that had been sent by mail from tha South, was opened at Morristown, Pa., it was found the eggs had hatched, and there were two little kicking turtles. " Traveler Samples Hotel Doorkeys. Trenton (N. J.) Despatch. William S. Harker. of Mulllca Hill. N. J., has a large and unique collection of doorkeys. There are at least 600, nearly all from hotels where Mr. Har ker has been stopping In hla extensive travels over the world. REGULATING LAKE FISHERIES. Writer Ridicules a Recent Utterance of Dr. David Starr Jordan. LAKEWOOD, O., Sept. 5. (To the Ed itorsBeing deeply interested in ' the business of the lake .fisheries, especlally so on Lake Erie, and well known here as suoh, a friend sends me from Portland a recent clipping from The Oregonian setting forth the views of Dr. D. S. Jordan, who is quoted as being "one of two members of an International com mittee to Investigate the fishing waters of America." This Dr. Jordan has previously been accused of "vaporing" to the publio over a variety of subjects, ranging all the way from fur seals down to football eth ics. In this clipping referred to he has been vaporing again.'. He says that his associate, the Canadian Commissioner, Dr. S. T. Bastudo, and himself are going to "formulate a new code of laws for Federal regulation of the fishing which we visited" that is. for all the fisheries in the waters on the boundary (Cana dian) line between the Atlantic and the Pacific. The utter nonsense of such a statement made in this distinct manner may not be at first sight clear, but, to us here, fac-: Ing the conditions which we understand a j thousand times better than Dr. Jordan does, or any man like him can, with his brief survey of "the last three months, " Dr. Jordan Is simply "vaporing" again. Just as his critics say ho habitually does. He says he is giong to "frame a now ; code of laws," and if that code of laws pleases the Secretary of State, then they (the laws) will be made public, and pass ; into effect! This Idea of such an idle statement as to what his mission means, and its result, passing unchallenged, : prompts me to say: First No code of laws changing exist ing laws for fishing in Ohio, on the lnko, or elsewhere within Its civil dominion,; can be framed by Dr. Jordan, unless the; fish and game wardens of Ohio first consider It. Then, If they agree upon such a code. It must get the approval of the Governor of Ohio, and be. In turn, ratified by the State Legislature. Second This procedure In Ohio must be followed in exact order by similar action in Maine,' New Hampshire, Ver mont, New York, Pennsylvania, Michi gan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Min nesota and Washington. Think, for a moment, of the time and labor, Intelli gent, profound and patient understand ing which must be employed to get up such an agreement on our side alone, and before we can even hint at this "code of laws" which we are to offer to the consideration of Canada! Third Then, when we have so sub mitted this "new code of laws" to ths Dominion authorities, if they make tha least change in them, we must go all over this same long road again with out game and fish wardens. Governors and Legislatures. Therefore, in order that The Ore gonian may not take up this statement: of Dr. Jordan seriously, and that the; real and serious difficulties In the path; of any sensible readjustment of our in-1 ternational fishing laws and regula-j tlons may be undorstood, as we under stand them so well over here, I ad dress this to the readers of The Ore gonian. Twelve years ago a similar commis sion. Joint Anglo-American, was put to work on this same question above cited. It was headed by Dr. Richard Rathbun, of the United States Fish Commission, and Captain Walker, for the Dominion. These gentlemen labored two long years. They gathered statements, com piled statistics, and presumably trav ersed the entire field. What became of their efforts? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The reports made by thesr men were all quietly buried In the pigeon holes of the State Department at Wash ington, D. C. Why? Because they were utterly valueless unless passed upon by the state game and fish wardens, Gov ernors and Legislatures before submis sion to the Secretary of State. No man of Dr. Jordan's caliber can perform this task. Nothing will ever be heard more from him of the least sense In the premises, and until he dws something In this way, and succeeds, will he submit that "new code of Fed eral laws" to govern the subjects at issue in International waters on this continent to the Secretary of State. HENRY WOOD. KILLING ELK OUT OF SEASON Loud Call for Deputy Warden to En force the Law Near Seaside, Or. SEASIDE, Or., Sept. 7. (To tha Ed itor.) A storm of Indignation has been sweeping over this section of the state during the past alx weeks, caused by the wanton destruction of game and fish. The Necanlcum River has been fre quently dynamited, and thousands of troot killed. In the Elk Creek coun try ths carcasses of three elk, from which not one pound -of meat was taken, lie rotting today. These elk were killed for their teeth, killed out of season, by some vandal who needed the price of the teeth, and who cared nothing for the law a dead letter In this vicinity, there being no officer to enforce it. Last week a man from Gearhart killed a fine bull elk In the vicinity of Union Peak. He "kicked" at having to give a quarter of a dollar to have the carcaBs hauled to town. A Deputy Game Warden, it is alleged, told this hunter to be careful or he would get Into trouble In killing elk out of sea son. The .nearest Game Warden Is located In Astoria. For the good he can do in this section he might Just as well be In h 1. By the time he reaches tha scene of slaughter the trail is cold. An appeal was made to Governor Chamberlain to have a special deputy appointed to patrol these mountains and enforce the law. The matter was turned over to Warden McAllister, who regretted his inability to do anything. the state being too poor to pay a man for such services. Mr. McAllister, I am told, offered to appoint a man Water Bailiff, without pay, such man being allowed one-third of all -fines he was instrumental In securing? When it was learned that the Bailiff must serve his one-third of all Jail sentences, there was not a candidate In sight. During the past year 16 elk In the Nehalem, Necanicum and Elk Creek mountains, have been killed out of sea son. This will continue so long as Oregon is too poor to appoint fearless. trusty men to enforce tne laws. A man holding that position has no sine cure. He is liable to get "humped" at any time, and must be- constantly on the move. No poor man ran afford to accept one of these offices. No rich an will accept so tne siaugnier goes merrily on, everybody's business being nobody's business. TOM CKAWr OKU. Last Chief of Pottawattomlra. Detroit (Mich.) Despatch. t T-,n.,t IT-ntth asraA 00 VAnrct t.hA lat lj n , n, . . . . , - c j , - -' - - chief of the Pottawattomle Indians. Is dead at the Indian settlement, Menom inee, Mich. He was the son of No-Sah-Maquant, and signed the treaty with the United States Government ced ing the tribal lands near the southern shores of Lake Michigan to the white settlers after the Black Hawk War in 13S. Fined for Looking: at Gambling;. New York Dispatch. Five well-dressed young men were arraigned In New York charged with playing "craps", on the street. Tliey all claimed to have been looking at the game. "You are fined 25 rents each." said the Magistrate. "If you use the city's streets you must pay for the privilege."