Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 09, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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riSE FARM rim I K A L' c.
1TJ acrea near !ndjiinc; all gona
Und and all cultl-vated: 85 acrea In clover:
good 7-room houw; large barn; f'noeci
and cross-fenced with woven wire. divided
Into S fields; fine spring; rood orchard.
Thia la one of the beat farma In Poiic
County and held at only $50 per acre. A
good house and lot will be. taken ee part
pay. Don't overlook thla place It you
. .hi m a. verr low price.
RALPH AC K LEY. 003 Corbett Bldg.
Good big new ::-rxm hotel In a good,
live. town about 40 milei from Portland.
Place haa a large cement basement, house
la well furnished and la modern In
respect Payi over $1200 a year above
all ezpenaes and help. Can be-had on moat
any kin of term.. Party muat sell.
RALPH ACKLEY. 6o3 Corbett bldg.
1M0 arrea of Bne atock land: acres
fa nay land, all wire fenced; price $10 per
acre: alao several 40-acre tracta that can
be had at 2M per acre; thle 1 located In
t i iir Ia Grande: will I
chaajre thle for Portland property.
tta-514 Buchanan Bldg.,
;S6'4 Willi, at.
BELL or exchange Brick block. 9n by M
feet, occupying beet corner In live town
of 8000, 1O0 miles from Portland Tnia
property paya monthly Income of M'-J?-will
take Portland residence, value $oooo
to $10,000. aome cash, talanre on tin".
8i-i7-6: Corbett bldg.
WILL trade 10 acrea homestead (with
malt house) land, partly u'tt1,.ica,n
cultivate aoout 12S a. easily.. '"dv'"
good wheat belt: will take i,, ,
acreage near Portland for part pament.
Address AE 14. Oregonlan.
LOOKIVO for vacant lots, or well Improved
p?op.Vty in this or other town, or farm
nrxDertr fcr cash or trade, why not sae and see the Ooldschmldt's Agency.
2.13H Washlngtonst
FOR SALE or exchange. 2 new French bas
r JionC hllth and low pitch buffet and
frlehert. 22 keys, rosewood, warranted
every particular, first-class. T. W. an
Dyke. Grant. Pass. Or.
A. $11,000 Klickitat mil fruit and farm
trV w trad, toward Portl.ndhomeo,
business property. Flank Lee. 17
Front t-
10 ACRES near Milwaukle. highly cultivat
ed. 2 good plastered houses with water In
house, good bam. etc.. $SOOO; will take
ranch up to $4000. .TO Lumber Exchange.
buy. sell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to Stevenson Taylor.
288 H Washington, room 31 L
NEW. well located modern flats, worth
$15,000. Equity of $10,000 in same to ex
change or farm property. Call 613 Cham
ber of Commerce.
SEVEN acres, close In on electric line. 13000.
Would exchange for residence. call 31J
Chamber of Commerce.
WILL trade 3 acrea Hood River land for
some Portland suburban lots. Address,
with full particulars. AD 199. Oregonlan.
TO EXCHANGE SO acres near Grants Pasa
for building lot and pay cash difference.
Call room 9. Washington bldg.
WANTED To exchange property In Ictorla.
B C . or Winnipeg. Man., for first-clase
boarding-hoii-e. X 214. Oregonlan.
UNIMPROVED farm lands. on Columbia
River, good soil, for city property. 327
Worcester bldg.
IF TOU want to buy. sell or trade anything,
see Kauffmann A: Moore, 325 Lumber Ex
change. WHAT have you to trada or exchange? W.
Lawrence A Co.. tit Lumber Exchange
bldg.. 3d and Btark.
WILL trade for what you have. Que) Smith.
404 Buchanan bldg.
Waated the people of the Vnlted States
to know that we buy. sell and exchange
cltv and country property. See us. We
succeed where others fall.
VP-510 Buchsnan bldg. Phone M. reo.
I HAVE a client who wants to buy a 10
acre tract suitable for platting: must be
close in and reaacnable. Y 222. Orego
nlan. ,
WANTED Immediately. B room house with
fireplace or furnace. Holladay or Irving-ton-
will pay $3500 cash; answer prompt
ly. O 215. Oregonlan.
CITT real estate and farm land wanted:
we have buyers for bargains: will deal
only with owners. 403 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED Lots In Woodlawn. one or two.
handy to car. cash for reasonable price,
see J as. C. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg.
WILL pay cash for burned-over atump or
graslng land tributary to the Columbia
River; give net price, location and de
scription. V 300. Oregonlan.
I2.vooo cash In bank to buy timber direct
from owners; will buy single claims. . all
10 to 12 mornings, room 407 Rothchlld
TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McCraekeo
304 McKay bldg.
Horses, Vehicle aud Harness.
FOR SALE New light two-horse express
wagon with canvas top over seat; ca
pacity looo pounds: also new double har
ness and robe, all In good condition: price
$0O Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg.
or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or.
13 HORSES, farm and gToeery wagons, ho
tel "bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out Hubert H-alL 2M 4th at.
GOOD 1100-Ib work horse. cheap. 1349
Omaha ave. Phone Woodlawn 1390. St
John car.
8M4.LL horse for sale; will exchange for
larger horse. 1441 Cleveland ave.. Wood
lawn. "HORSES, mares, rise and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2t)4 Montgomery.
; FOR SALE Young team draft horaee. Ap
ply 308 Davis at
J3U1CK, runabout. 1908 machine. Model 10.
agent's demonstrator, run about 150 miles,
first-class condition, wilt make attractive
price. P. 'O. box 006, The Dalles. Or.
FOR SAI.F New and second-hand run
about from $2li0 to $575; touring cars from
$450 to $2vo. All in A-l condition. Phone
Phone B 2261. East 514.
1 WANTED Runsboot new or second-hand.
Address, stating condition and beat price,
' H 94. Oregonlan.
Positively New Roofing Material,
looo squares rubber roofing
Our prices. Others charge.
1-plv $1.25 1-Ply $2.0
S-ply 1.75 2-ply 2.50
3-ply 2.25 3-ply S OO
We have 5O00 squares positively new
corrugated iron that we are selling at
$2 25 per square.
Also 2000 squarea galvanised corrugated
Be sure and see us before buying roof
ing, as we have the right atock at the
right price.
244-246-250 Front at.
GET our price and wive money on all kind of
Yes, we sell to alL
110 N. 3d St.. near Ulisan.
ROOFING material, pos!tlve;y new corru
gated Iron roofing at $2.25 per square.
Any amount galvanised corrugated Iron
1000 squarea rubber roofing.
244-46-50 Front at
FREH cow for aale. extra good. 7O0 Har
old st Phone Sellwood 1171. Taka Sell
wood car.
FINE brass bed and springs, library table
and fine buffet. 394 Guild St, 23d and 24th
on Thurman, flat I.
OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old
Instruments alwaya on hand. L. Winters,
31S Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313 Water
at Phone Main 751.
supplies, slides, films for rent 1034a 4th at
BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Old
Book Store. 211 2d. near Salmon.
600-FT. gasoline) well drill; part cash. 1341
Maryland ave-, city.
We are aurely the pipe kings. Any
amount of any alxe and all good pipe. too.
Every foot guaranteed, all dipped in coai
tar free, which makes the earns aa good
as galvanised.
2- tnch pipe. 8c foot
2 H -Inch pipe, 12e foot
3- lnch pipe, 15c foot
4- Inch pipe, 23c foot.
We alao have on hand: .
BO.O00 ft. i and -Inch galvanised pipe.
2000 ft. 12-Inch new pipe.
2"O0 ft. lO-lnch new pipe.
W0 ft. S-lnch new pipe.
2000 ft. 4-inch new pipe.
1O00 ft. 8-Inch galvanised, riveted.
All pipe guaranteed; If not satisfactory
your money refunded.
The atore with the money-back policy.
244-24U-250 Front at.
MOVING picture machines: any make,
fllme. slides and aupplles; talking ma
chines, records: opera and folding chairs
posters, tickets, etc 50 page catalogue
free. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042
Golden Gate ave., San Franclaco. Cat
MOVING picture films for rent; the lest
selected stock In the West; all reels i 1000
feet: no damaged films; everything thst s
good. Send for catalogue and terms.
Theater Film Service Co. Inc.. 1042 Golden
Gate ave., fan Francisco. CaL
PREPARE for rainy season, corrugated
sheet Ircn, both black and galvanlxed. in
nearly all sites and kinds: get our prices
and save money. M. Barde Bona. - 347
353 Glisan at., cor. 8th.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswlck-Halke-Collender.
49 Third at
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000.
parties Interestsd call Maglnnls as Son.
403-4 McKay bldg,
$273 CASH, or will trade for good horse and
buggy or real estate, second-hand Cadillac
runabout Address Box No. 3, Hillsboro.
FOR SALE At a bargain, coxy furnished
houseboat. -The Mllla." with canal, row
boat and boat house. Call 247 Washington
at., or phone Main 6494. A 2494.
FOR SALE CHEAP Candymaker's outfit.
Including two marble alaba and other ap
paratus. Address A B 200. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE) Second-hald. 12-boree power
boiler, nearly new. Inquire of Milton J.
Jonea. 151 4th st. Main 722.
FOR SALE OR RENT, logging and hoist
ing engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway
Equipment Co.. 74 1st. A 2363. Main 2363.
you the latest films, song slides, supplies,
etc.. at the lowest prices. 293 Burnside.
FREfH. very gentle, young family cow.
Dill Elliott, mile east of Mt. Tabor Reser
voir. SPACE on walls of nlckelodlon for rent
22x22 Inches, $2 per month. Model Nlckel
odlon. 0 N. 3d.
FINE fresh cow and calf. Inquire of J.
Buckley. 71 Maxwell ave.. 3 blocks south
Stewarts Station, Mt. Scott car.
YOUNG MEN for postal clerks and letter
carriers, call or write In regard to prepar
ing at once for examination; good salary
to start; steady employment to ambitious
young men. Pacific States Schools. McKay
$1000 BUYS half Interest In first-class real
estate business averaging $1000 per month,
money goea In business and options, etc.;
$2.-0 monthly guaranteed, with real estate
or bank. Call or address. Pacific Business
Exchange, 303 hi Washington, suite 4.
$2O0 BUYS half Interest In fine paying light
office business, real estate and employ
ment agency averaging daily $15 and dou
ble. Pacific Bu.lnesa Exchange, 303 Vi
Washington St.. suite 4.
WANTED Two or three first-class meat
. cutters: muat be fast and understand the
business. Apply by letter to Puget Mar
ket Company. Public Market. Seattle.
FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop In city at a
bargain If taken thus week: good location,
cheap rent, 1ft months lease: shop Is doing
well: $HO cash. Call or address Wilson's
Barber Supply House. 72 th.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School. 230
240 8th at. San Francisco.
WANTED Msn to work around apartment
house, room, board and salary: must
speak English. Madison Court, Park and
WANTED An office boy about 17 years' old;
must be neat In appearance; good chances
fir advancement. Apply Illinois-Pacific
Glass Co., 100 2d at, bet. 8:80 and 10 A. M.
WANTED Two A-l salesmen for the best
real estate proposition In city. Apply to
Mr. Giles, 20 Kothchlld bldg., between 8
and 11 A. M.
GARDENER Sober, reliable, competent man
take charge of park: first-class recommen
dations required: good porrt to right man;
state salary wanted. . S 219. Oregonlan.
MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly;
learn the business In short time; easy work;
lessons reasonable. Particulars, Newman,
293 Bumalda.
WANTED A d,octor to work In a surgical
and medical eanitarlum. only a moderate
monthly salary will be paid until fitness Is
proven by trial. AC 221. Oregonlan.
STABLEMAN wanted at the O. R. Q. Sta
bles. 14th and Yamhill; man used to show
WANTED A man with some experience for
a general merchandise store. In a country
town. Address W 222. Oregonlan.
AGENTS wanted to sell our kitchen spe
cialties; they sell on sight Addre&a the
Nelson Fenne Co.. box 317, Portland, Or.
SUBSCRIPTION solicitors wanted for fair
circuit. Apply Pacific Homestead, 319 Lum
ber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, clothing,
drv goods, furnishing goods: grocery sales
men. P. A. A C. Co.. 3231, Wash, st
WANTED High school boy, with wheel, to
deliver after school. Grand Leader (mil
linery dept.)
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agenta; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De
kum bldg.
WANTED Agents to sell photo coupons for
C. Elmore Grove's atudlo. 362 Washington
12 North 2d st Both Phones.
WANTED An experienced apprentice In
compoalng room of Mann A Beach, B2
1st st.
WANTED One wood turner and one man
to run band aaw and shaper; good wages.
12 North 2d st.
WANTED Ambitious young man for per
manent position in fire Insurance office on
salary. Addr-'ss P 221. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLAPS real estate solicitors wanted;
exceptionally liberal terms. Apply 319
Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED A first-class tailor for ladles'
coats at Harris. 5th and Alder.
BOY WANTED With bicycle, at Drake
Swan Co.. 413 Washington; call early.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Pacific 2183.
SHEET-METAL workera wanted: roofers
wanted. Wyankoop the Roofer. 243 Ash.
A GOOD block butcher wanted at Franklin
Barnes Market 103 3d st.
WANTED Two coatmakers; coats $9.30 and
up. Andrews A Berry, La Grande. Or.
STRONG. Intelligent apprentice to learn
machinist trade. O 223. Oregonlan.
BOY WANTED 317 Dekum bldg.. to learn
mechanical dentistry.
WANTED A good man to drive team to
haul cordwood In city. 313 Water at
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency. 2S9 Burnside st Main b308.
OYSTER openers wanted to work In can
nery. Call 29 2d st.. Portland. Or.
MAN (cook) and wife to run dining-room;
$100 and room. Room 7. Benson bldg.
W' ANTED a rough carpenters and a helper.
Phone Woodlawn 1799.
2-CHAJR barber shop. $200; owner leaving
town. Inquire at once. .126 E. Harrison.
BAKERY manager wanted for ftrst-clasa e
tabllrhment. Phone Main 542.
WA NTED- Bellboy. Inquire Nortonla Hotel.
WANTED One experienced salesman for
Oregon: must be of good repute, indus
trious and have sufficient money to travel
the state continuously for first 30 days;
commissions promptly paid; splendid in
come assured; yearly contract. To secure
consideration Inclose references from
firms of etsndlng; bona fide offer. The
Wllltamson-Hsffner Co.. makers of art
calendars. Denver. Colo.
WANTED lO stave bolt cutters. Good camp
accommodations. Steady work. None but
experienced woodsmen need apply. West
ern Cooperage Co., Corbett bldg.
10.000 FOUITlONa -For
graduates last year: mata ana
woman to learn barber trada In sigh,
weeks: help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $26 weekly: expert In
structor: tools free; write for catalogue
Molar Syatem .at Colleges. K. 4th at.
Portland. Or.
Employment Office Men's Department,
26 North Second at.
Phonea Main and A 1528.
Help Free to employers
WANTED Young man. IS years, to assist
in cigar stand and learn the business;
good opening for right party: must be
neat and polite, living at home. Y 219,
MAN and wife to take boarding contract,
about 50 boarders, at $5.25 a week; outfit
free; R. R. camp.
C. R. HANSEN. Jr.. 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and sten
ographer; referencee required; state quali
fications and salary desired. V 221, Ore
Call Main 4077.
ACTIVE, honest young man. West Side gro
cery: must understand care of horse and
delivery; give age. reference and adress;
stesdy position. W 225. Oregonlan.
PHYSICIAN, licensed. Oregon, splendid
guarantee with private practice In Port
land, excellent opportunity. W 221, Ore
gonlan. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while tearing. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
For Men 250 Burnside 8treet
Phone Main 0894.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers
and stenographers. Commercial Abstract
Co., 40S commercial i;iuo dug., ovj. uaa ah.
dress, giving references, W 220, Ore
gonlan. FOUR salesmen, city, country work, steady;
good money. Call S13' Columbia bldg.,
1 to 3.
WANTED Experienced second girl; one will
ing to assist with two children; good wages:
German preferred. Apply mornings, 773
Marshall. Phone M. 2944.
MANY waltreasea, cashier-waiting combina
tion; cooka. housekeepers (child), cham
ber, family help. "Drake'e,- 205 vt wash
. Ington st.
WANTED An experienced girl or woman to
do housework In a country home; three In
family, all grown. Address AB 203, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Lady retoucher and arlsto print
er also good operator. McKlnstry's studio,
Albany. Or.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework, good wages to right party.
324 Jackson st.
SOLICITOR Good appearance, salary and
commission. Inquire 329 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.. 1 to 2 P. M.
WANTED For a first-class out-of-town the
ater, a alnger who can alao play piano.
Apply this morning. 107 6th St., room 6.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework: good wages, good home. Tel
ephone A 3080.
COMPETENT girl to do cooking and gen
eral housework, small family, no washing.
769 Marshall st. Main 2917.
WOMAN for cooking and housework part of
- day; small family; $18. 747 East Madi
son st. Hawthorne cars.
343 Vj Waahlngton a:., corner 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Girl for general housework; small
family: must be good cook. Call 358
North 32d. Willamette Heights
EXPERIENCED girl for second work; small
family, good wages; must have references.
844 Salmon at
A GIRL for cooking and general housework
In Salem family ot 3 adults. Apply 848
Overton at.
WANTED School girl to help with house
work for board and room; three adults.
S25 E. 8th st. S., city.
WANTED Neat girl to assist with areneral
housework, small family. Addreea 331
WANTED An experienced apprentice In
composing room of Mann A Beach. 92
1st st.
WANTED Two women, sisters preferred,
'to act as cook and second girl in Eu
gene. Call morninga at 703 Glisan st.
Washington st, room 307. Phone Main
8836, A 3263.
WANTED Young woman to assist In
kitchen and general work, private sani
tarium. Sell. 9o8.
Ladles' i)epartment 2u6H Morlsoa st
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
WANTED A competent woman for house
work and cooking; good wages. Apply
357 12th.
HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist In work for
good home and some wages, 4 blocka from
school. Inquire ITS E. 14th st.
GIRL, 18 or over, to assist In housework,
--sages $15. Inquire 178 E. 14th at.
WANTED Girl to do cooking. Apply 626
Everett st.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Phona A 3941.
GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted for
housework. 5ti5 &th st.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 333
Sherman at.
GIRL to assist with housework, small house,
small family. Apply 552 Kearney.
WANTED Girl to do aecond work and
plain sewing. Apply 381 12th st.
WANTED Stock girl and helper. 506
Marquam bldg.
WANTED Girl to do general housework.
Apply 884 Everett st.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper for phy
slctan'a office. N 224. Oregonlan.
WANTED Two lady helpers on pies, from 7
to 10 A. M. each day. 329 17th st.
ALTERATION hands wanted. Nonpareil, 334
WANTED An experienced waitress at The
Hill. 28d and Washington.
GIRL for general housework. 770 Flanders
GIRL to assist In general housework, small
family. Phone Main 5003. 745 Overton.
WANTED Girl for light housework. 309
Market st
WANTED Girl for light housework; no cook
ing. Call 430 7th st
WANTED Girl for general housework. 181
24th St., North.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
Apply 792 Lovejoy st.
WANTED 2.1 girls and women at Oregon
n 1. . Coat Bth and RftlmOlL
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 142 Union ave. North.
WANTED Girl for general housework; ref
erences. 186 N. 17th st.
WANTED Girls at the Yale Laundry. 500
E. Morrison st.
GIRL wanted for general housework; good
wages. 680 Lovejoy.
WANTED An experienced cook and cham
bermaid at once. 535 Couch st
WANTED Girl to help In dining-room. S3
N. 18th. cor. Pavla.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. T15 Lovejoy at
Restaurant cooks, $S0 to $55: 10 cooks
for private families. $30 to $35; boarding
house cooks. $33 to $40; waitresses, $20 to
$.10. board and room; 3 chambermaids.
$20 to $25. room and board; one chamber
maid. $33 and room; 4 dishwashers. $20
to $25. board and room; kitchen helper
for camp boarding-house. $30; house
keeper on ranch. $33; girls for country.
$20. room and board; 4 second girls, $20
to $23; several othera too numerous to
mention here.
Large List of New Work Every Day.
Ladles' Department 205 i Morrison St.
Phones. Main 1062. A 2064.
WANTED First-class saleswoman for
cloaks and suits. The Bartholomew Co.,
892 Washington St.
3 waitresses, country. $25: 3 waitresses
and chambermaids, fare paid: restaurant
waitresses. $8 and $9 week: cooks, aecond
girls and nurse girls: good positions and
good wages. Call 32614 Washington St.,
Merchants Trust bldg., room 307.
8 COOKS. $25-$40; 2 dishwashers. $20-$30:
8 waitresses $20-$30; 12 general house
work. $20-$40; 3 housekeepers. $15-$3o; 1
girl. 15 to 16, to' attend child, $15. St.
Louis Ladles' Employment Agency, 2094
4th. Main 2039, A 2824.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and state: good money. Call
room 508 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and
Washington str
$43 Wash, at, cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2C92.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Girl for light chamber work,
who Is an experienced waitress and will
wait on table fordinner: wages $25. The
Colonial, 10th and Morrison.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co . 603 Roin
cnlld bldg.. 4th and Waahlngton.
A PARTICULARLY desirable position open
to girl with some experience In cooking
and general housework: family of two.
Phone at once. East 1910.
GIRL General housework, plain family, at
Courtney, Oregon City carllne. P 218. Ore
gonlan. LADIES to make pillow tops at home, good
pay; Instructions free. Call 452 Washing
ton. MIDDLE-AGED lady as housekeeper on farm;
two In family; no objection to little girl.
A C 219. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good plain cook for light house
work. 227 7th, bet. Salmon and Main.
Main 5217.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework; 3 In family. 341 East 12th st.
North. Broadway car. Phone East 3396.
DAY and night school now In session;
cure good position. Business University.
3d st.
WANTED Young women to make Schell
patent forms; wages paid while learning.
209 10th St., side entrance.
COMPETENT girl or woman for general
housework and cooking. 794 Irving St.,
cor. 24th. Phone A 1182.
WANTED A good talloress. Apply 109 11th
EXPERT pressers on ladles' garments.
Vienna Dye Works, 226 3d st.
LONDON restaurant, 384 'A Hawthorne ave.,
lady cook wanted.
WANTED Woman kitchen helper. Apply 25
2d St., near Ankeny. the Galley restaurant.
WANTED A competent cook. 625 Everett st.
WOMAN to work In factory. 147 North 6th.
HOPPICKERS .wanted. 24 miles west of
Portland on West Side railroad, good
camping grounds with wood and water
convenient, $1 per 100: picking to begin
Sept. 14. Address R. B. Porter, Forest
Grove, Or.
WANTED For wholesale house, man or
woman thoroughly familiar with mail
order business. Address, with references,
A 205, Oregonlan.
ADVERTISING solicitor, racing programme
Pacific National Fair. Apply B. H. Wilma,
327 Corbett bldg., 12 to 1 P. M. today.
THIRTY hop-pickers and ten pear-pickers.
Address W. H. Egan. Gervals. Or., or phone
Farmer 36. Salem. Or.
226 Morrison. M. 8022. We are white.
WANTED First-class ladles' tollora and
skirt-makers; good salary. 420 Morri
son st.
LEARN advertising evenings. Holmes Busi
ness College. 10th and Washington sts.
Phone Main 513. A 2554.
50 HOPPICKERS wanted. Apply today, The
Stephenson Co.. 234 Front St.. city.
BOO HOPPICKERS wanted. to buy 500
camping stoves at 0c each. 271 1st at.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUTH over 20 wants position where he
could learn proofreading or where there is
a chance to develop Into any kind of Jour
nalistic or literary work; naturally capable:
experienced stenographer. good penman;
willing to commence with modest wages if
position Is bona fide. X 217. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED business man and book
keeper wants position as cashier, treas
urer, paymaster or collector. A Everdlng,
The Glendora. Main 6280.
YOUNG married man with best of refer
ences wishes position as assistant In
office, good penman. I-hone Woodlawn
1060. Address D 222. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS reliable man. experienced In
wholesale Jobbing trade In this territory,
with best of references, desires connection
of trust and responsibility, with good live
concern, sales, office or traveling. Answer
S 223. Oregonlan.
6TEAM engineer, used to steamflttlng and
machinery of different kinds, would like
situation In machinery supply house or
any situation of the kind offering steady
employment. AC 222. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE civil engineer wants contract
excavation, grading, surveying, drafting,
concrete work, clear land. S. Oxasa, 30
N. 3d at., city.
EXPERIENCED salesman, groceries and shoes
a specialty, with first-class references, would
like permanent position with reliable house.
P 215 Oregonlan.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situa
tion in private family: speaks English; has
good references. Address AF 213, Ore
gonlan. JAPANESE wants a situation to do cook
ing, washing and ironing, good, at city or
country. S 216. Oregonlan.
ing, cooking, waiting, washing, by hour.
M. Taka. Phone B 2075.
CONTRACT work wanted clearing land,
contouring, treeplantlng or gardening, etc.
Sondre Romtvedt. Jr.. 594 Glenwood ave.
EXPERIENCED gardener, sober, Industrious,
wishes work, city or country. C. K., 252
Front St.
JAPANESE desires position. Instructor In
mathematics or computer In shop, store.
Y 218. Oregonlan.
A POLITE young man wants position as
driver; Is willing to start for $10 per
week. D 220. Oregonlan
PLAYS Drilled and staged, young bands
and orchestras directed. Clifford J. Dor
sey. 384 East 7th.
YOUNG man wants position aa tailor, sev
eral years' experience. John Shlbata. 385
East Fine st
JAPANESE First-class cook wants place,
city or country; wages $40 Up month. H.
S., 49 2d. Home A 1093.
FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position,
family, boarding-house or porter. Home
phone A 3856.
YOUNG man. looking for a fireman's or
engineer's Job. la good with toola. N 221.
CARPENTER, good finisher; can lay out
work. D 225. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation, house
work or schoolboy. AC 220. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
common housework. K 225. Oregonlan.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds ot help. 249 Couch, st. Phane M. 6521.
DO YOU need a good first-class, reliable, ex
perienced business man to take charge or
assist in management of a live business
proposition on salary and percentage basis
or with chance for partnership; best of
references: state conditions and require
ments. Address S 222. Oregonlan.
MAN of 30 wants position. experience
varied and more than ordinary: buyer,
-. salesman or collector; I don't want any
thing easy and will expect good pay; ref
erences, my present employer. D 221, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man attending business college
wants place to work for room and board.
L 208. oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be
ginner" phone Clerical Office. Main 4504.
Tested and certified.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer. 8 yea"" eT
perlence: commercial work preferred. D
224. Oregonlan.
LADY with experience would like position as
cashier In hotel or cafe; can assist with
books. Address S 217. Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper,
beginner, wants permanent position. A D
223. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Phone E 209.
THE famous Kelster's Ladles' Tailoring
College Ladles, save dressmakers tlUls'
make your own gowns here. We te.
Kelsters ararting nmem.
SEWING, shirtwaists, plain sewing and
pairing by an experienced hand. 31
Kelster's drafting system, juo ai""" "'
PLAIN, fancy dressmaking, at home or by
day. 38S 5th at. A 5794.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonably
done 147 15th st. N. Phone Main 4005.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day. Miss Chlsholm. Phone A 2i30.
REFINED young woman iwlshee position as
housekeeper with couple, family adults,
club, or will take charge of rooming or
apartment house; best of references given.
O 222, Oregonlan.
A WIDOW lady desires a situation as house
keeper for widower or small family. Ad
dress K 221, Oregonlan. .
YOUNG English widow, new arrival, ex
perienced child'e nurse, desires position
refined family one or two children, or
companion elderly lady. S 220. Orego
nlan. WANTED By experienced nurse. Invalid
or .elderly people to care for; good home,
references furnished. E 3803.
WANTED More engagements by experi
enced nurse; maternity cases preferred.
E 3803.
CAPABLE Swedish girl wishee housework
at $35 month. 659 Northrup st. Phone
Main 7610.
A COOK wants position; wages reasonable.
D 223. Oregonlait
EXPERIENCED girl wants cooking and
general housework. 88 East 27th st. North
COOK wants position: wages not less than
$:sO. Phone Main 69411.
GIRL wants position, small family. 445 N.
22d St.
BNGL1SH couple, accustomed to fine New
- York families, desire positions; man first
class cook or butler, wife any position ex
cept laundrejw; city, country. Selby, 3J4
5th st. Phone Main 7526.
RELIABLE American woman would give
kind care to Invalid lady going to Cali
fornia In exchange for expenses; If de
sired would be an attendant. AD 220,
A SWISS lady, refined, highly educated, de
sires position as governess or companion;
or would take pupils for German, French,
Italian, oil painting. P 206. Oregonlan.
THE St. Louis Ladles' Agency has list of
several good situations; must have today
some good help for them. 200 4th. Main
2039. A 2824.
WANTED Good home for two girls, ages
11 and 13 vears. where they can work for
their board and attend school. R 218,
WANTED By married woman. 2 house
keeping rooms, close in. In exchange for
some help; elderly couple preferred; ref
erences exchanged. D 219. Oregonlan.
POSITION In small market by lady cash
ier; can cut meat. Phone Cashier, 844
POSITION In doctor's office by experienced
nurse: could keep books. Address A. M. C,
1530 East 13th st. Phone 844 Sellwood.
WANTED Position as nurse or companion
and housekeeper to elderly person. AC
217. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT laundress and cleaner wishes
work Wednesday and Thursday. Main
7323, room 4.
WANTED Position as cashier; restaurant
preferred; state wages paid; good refer
ences. G 207, Oregonlan.
GERMAN girl wants day work washing,
Ironing and cleaning. V 232, Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 3d
uu - .
3 OR 6-ROOM furnished flat, handy to West
Side High School. Address Y 220. Orego
nlan. WANTED to rent, 4 or 5-room furnished
flat or cottage: good location. Phone A
45S9 Address 525 Montgomery st.
COLLEGE man wants nice room in private
family must be reasonable: give price, lo
cation, etc. R 221. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent furnished house. Upper
Alblna; adults. Address 323 Cook ave.
Phone C 1092.
STORE Confectionery, corner preferred:
might buy a business, good location and a
snap. 8 215. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man of good address wishes first
class room and board In private family;
permanent West Side. X 219, Oregonian.
TWO rooms and board, private house, by
couple with baby and daughter of 4; state
terms. Druggist, 400 Washington St.
WANTED Room and board, gentleman and
7-year-old son: near school; state terms.
Address X 221, Oregonlan.
BY Oct 1st. 6 or 7-room house: state price
and location. X 218. Oregonlair
ROOM with a private family, close In. on
East Side, by a bachelor. X 220. Oregonian.
And any thing else you have to selL
Main 5655. A 412L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the -Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
I WANT to lease duck shooting privilege on
either large or small farm or tract on Deer
Island: willing to pay good price. P. O.
Box 627. city.
WANTED An automobile, 5 seated, must
be in first-class order and a bargain.
Phone East 1020.
WANTED A second-hand typewriter desk,
in good condition. Address R220, Orego
nlan. CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d.
Highest price paid: prompt attention.
Furniished Rooms.
262 12TH Two nicely furnished rooms with
furnace heat: also running water In room;
centrally located.
NEW furnished pleasant room, private resi
dence; gas. bath, furnace heat. 586 E. Sal
mon st.
VERY pleasant rooms, quiet residence sec
tion. $1.50 and up per week. 305 12th st.
LARGE airy rooms at 334 Yamhill St., cor.
7th. opposite Portland Hotel.
NICE, large furnished room, 2 gentlemen
preferred. 401 Stark, at
DO you realize that you can get an outside
steam-heated, electric-lighted room at
The Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts , for
$10 up per month? This house Is being
repainted, repapered and put In first-class
condition by the new owners. Nice large
parlor In connection. Sultea. wltn run
ning water. $22.50 to $33.
Beautifully furnished single rooms all
modern conveniences. Including het. hot
and cold running water, bath and telephone:
$3 to $6 per week. The Mercedes, 20th and
Washington. .
Nicely furnished rooms. $2 per week upt
steam heat hot and cold water, free baths
and phone; transients 50o, 75o and $1 par
day. Open all night: office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st
THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel,
S30 Yamhill: new management: an Ideal
place to make your Winter quarters: new
fireproof building, with modern conveniences.
In heart of city: special ratea to permanent
guests. A. H. Pracht, Prop.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout:
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7105. Long-distance phones in all rooms.
GAYOSO. Grand ave.. East Stark Well
furnished rooms, possessing modern con
veniences; steam heat, hot water, eleva
tor, baths; very reasonable rates.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc.. $2.50 week up; translenta
269 H Washington.
Hotel Bushmark, Wash, aad 17th, first-class
furnished rooms, single or sn suite; all
modern conveniences. $3 weekly up; dally,
75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647.
THE WILLAMETTE. S22H tark st. large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite. 50c to $1 day; $2 30 to $3 week. Mrs.
Hart, manager. A 5192. Main 9017.
TWO well furnished rooms, one large front
room, first floor, one small room at $2 per
week. 327 West Park, near Clay. Phone
Ma.'n 7959.
293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water In rooms, furnace heat;
rooma $10 per month and up. Phona Mala
HOTEL KENYON. 18th and Waahlngton
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
258H 1S1H ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
private family: new house; every conven
ience; gentlemen only.
NEWLY furnished rooms, close to Burnside
bridge; home comforts; furnace heat
Phone East 4595 or call No. 5 East 12th.
THE TEMPLE. 3434 Yamhill st. opposite
Hotel Portland, nicely furnished rooms,
$2.50 a week; transient.
THE ANQELUS. cor. 6th and Jefferson sts..
modern front suites, also single rooms,
bath and both phonea
FIVE furnished rooms to rent. In modern
house; take pay In board. 321 Eugene St.
East 2305.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, private
family; use ot parlor, piano. 165 North
$10 per month, front room, private home,
all modern conveniences; gentlemen pre
ferred. 414 7th st.
THE E8TES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827
Stark, corner 6th. Mra Maud J. Bates.
THE AUDITORIUM., 208 V .Id: slngte rooms,
suites, rooms with private baths; tran
sient or permanent.
NICELY furnished room, walking distance.
429 6th.
FINELY furnished modern rooms, gas. heat.
7 North 14th at., bet. Davis and Everett.
THE ANKENY Swell furnished rooms. $3
to $5; phones and bath. 849H Ankeny.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d aad Columbia: modem
rooms, bath, too to 11 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $3
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 yj Morrison.
Unfurnished Booms.
FLAT 3 large unfurnished rooms, den,
closets, bath. Instantaneous heater, hall,
second floor. 295 Montgomery St. A 3231.
Booms With Board.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
room and board, $25 per month, large
grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables:
large parlor with piano all free; easy
walking distance.
BLAKELY HALL. 300 Jefferson, one of the
nicest private boarding-houses In city;
large, airy rooms, running water; beauti
ful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 6345.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooma
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mra. Ella Raw
lings, Supt, 510 Flanders at
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table
board, strictly home cooking, modem, $6
week; easy walking distance. The Lln
dell, 269 Market.
you first-class room and board, two In a
room, for $5 per week; all conveniences,
close In and good home cooking. 251 7th.
LOUISE HOME boarding-house for girls,
close In. modern Improvements, good
board and lodging. $3 and up per week.
Phone Main 1678. 37.1 Cable at.
ROOM and board, private family; every
thing modern; room nicely furnished; walk
ing distance, pleasant surroundings; terms
reasonable. Main 3280.
WANTED Boarders; good rooms and board,
reasonable, home ouoklng. The Hartman,
426 Alder St.
FIND room, new corner house, modern con
veniences. ' West Side, central, reasonable
terms. Phone Main 2219.
WANTED A roommate, separate beds. $6
per month; excellent board. $12 per month,
fine place. 442 Jefferson st.
PLEASANT room with good home board. In
private home, suitable for two; references
690 East Burnside.
FIRST-CLASS room and board. $5.50 and
$6 per week; all conveniences, good home
cooking. Aster House. 7th and Madison. ,
FURNISHED front room, with board, $20;
first-class neighborhood; walking distance.
210 14th at. ;
432 MORRISON, cor. 13th. very large room
for 2; also single room; modern conven
iences. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and oo.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient
FIRST-CLASS room and board at reason
able rates; large rooms, running water.
391 7th st.
THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri
son. A home hotel; large rooms, good
board, low ratea
ROOM with board for 2 ladles or 2 gentle
men. 310 College at., bet. 5th and 6th ats.
THE MANITOU, 261 13th St., rooms largo
and light, ratea reasonable.
ROOM and board, private boarding-house, very
central. Call 225 West Park.
FURNISHED rooma with board. The Osark,
225 11th st
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts., un
furnished 4-room apartment with bath; new,
modern and fully equipped for convenience;
rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap
ply to Janitor.
lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart
ments, possessing every modern convenience:
excellent location, reasonable rent; walking
BRYN MAWR. 185 East 15th, cor. Yamhill:
4 and D rooma new and convenient: fire
places, gas range, refrigerators, screens,
shades; moderate rents; ready for ocu
pancy August 15.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 3-room apartment
with bath and all modern conveniences.
Including telephone, gas and electrla
light, without further cost H 118. Ore
gonlan. THE IRVING. 21st and Irvine; sts.. unfur
nished 4-room apartments, new, modern;
' verandas; location nrst-clasa; rent reason
able; references. Apply to Janitor.
and 14th sts.. new and up-to-date three and
four-room apartments: private phone, bath,
automatic elevator, steam heat, etc.
unfurnished, new. high-class building. In
quire of Janitor. 21st and Flanders.
4 AND 3-ROOM steam-heated apartments,
all conveniences. See Janitor, 401 10th.
lower flat.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent.
12th and Columbia. "The Bra In trees"
Apartments: Roosevelt. 6U8 Kearn
near 21st, handsome, splendidly local-r-oinntal
ateam-heatsd bldg. Just co
pleted. S rooms possessing modern Cf
venlences; one at $40. one at $30; Wl
llngton Court, oxo r-verwii. o
same aa above. $3T.80.
rnttiM crvfTWT- Klesant 8 and 4-room r
Idence apartments, each having prlvsl
vestibule ana nam. imam nc. u. -cold
water, gas range, refrigerators. i
An .hati. and screens, telephone s
Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 18th a
THE WALDORF Fireproof spa
M.nn aneat hullrflna In Northwest, e
vatora. steam heat. Janitor aervlce: se
fcr booklet The Waldorf. 7th ave. a
Pike at
modern apartments, centrally located
V'amt Ride, near MnrrlACn-st. earllraa. F
further partlculara apply to Rogera, Ha
A Gibson Co.
SUITE of 8 rooms and bath, unfumlshe
S8 80 per month, similar suite furnlehe
ii no u. Knlck to car. walklna- dlstan-
to We'st Side. 152 East 20th st. Phone f
A. Hossack. Main 4io or iaDor at.
MODERN flats, all alsea. for rent East an
ti -. . , dm,, vartiana ituii i,jiuu,"i i
Oregon. 8. B. cor. 3d and Oak- Phor
Kxcnange J.
FURNISHED or unfurnished flat for ren
all modern Improvements, all modern coi
venlences. Apply Edwarda A Co.. 189 li
$16 4-room lower fist yard. baseman
woodllft, shades, etc.. 15 minutes' wai
from eteel brMge. 44 iwum -
Tillamook St. East 4S66.
NEW. modern upper 5-room corner flal rn,tMl. shades, electricity, gai
easy walking distance, $18. 621 1st
Phons Main 3675.
MODERN flat of 5 rooms, centrally located!
, , - . i-i.i u.i. Ulll Alatrtct ianltont
steam heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency!
owetiana Diug.
....... -n amn. ,1 . . . ...... M,ll,m,.
T. 1 ..11' IV i " u . ... , '
modern flats, a ana rooms, rent re uui
able. Inquire 20 stout si.
r, a.,. Co..
in, rent reasonable. 255 Cherry st PhonJ
t ivvo.
MODERN 5-room flat; steel gas range!
window shades, cement floor in basement!
2U7H Halsey. SJ
MODERN 6-room upper flat on lovejoy at I
Vanduyn A Walton, eie tnamoer i-om i
THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk
tng distance. an. Mrs. A. Larry, room
Washington oiag. r-none Aiain eo.
FOUR new 6-room flats, strictly modern!
walklna distance. Everett, near 22d. Van I
duyn A Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce I
AAlvvrJM comer nnv. u una. ,,,i,, v--newly
tinted; no small children; $35. 56-1
MODERN and T room flat 17Vi Oreenl
Ave. near 23rd and Washington. Phonal
Alain Dritfu. rao-
wnnirRM 4-room UDDer flat. $16, good loca
tion: adults. Inquire 780 Wllllama ave.,1
Woodlanw 4ttH.
close in. Park and Harrison sis. Inquire!
Od ' I
MODERN 6-room flat, one block north
Steel bridge, fronting river, rn, a. oou.
MODERN flat 104 McMillan st. Inquire at 188 1
McMillan, near ivwai. wm, i . . .
LARGE, modern flat, heat, hot water. Jani
tor aervloe. 713 Johnson. A 1678.
286H 16TH. 6-room modern flat $18. W. la.
Morgan, azz r suing oms.
Housekeeping Booms.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms across from I
Sunnyslde scnooi, buiihoi ii avuvwt
achra or others: use of kitchen If de
sired. 174 E. 34th st. cor. Yamhill, or
phone B 1413. A
$17 FURNISHED housekeeping suite, first
floor gas, sink, water, no children. West
Side. Phone East 4S31. before 10. morn
ing and evenings. 4Hn r,veren.
WELL furnished connecting housekeeping
rooms, bath, gas. free phone, sewing ma
chine, large yard, private family; $1280.
421. comer Hall and 2d.
4 OR 5-room flat, first floor, steel rang In
kitchen, bath, hot and cold water, good
neighborhood; rent very reasonable. SKI
llth at.
WAYNE-WOOD," 109 18th North, nicely
furnished housekeeping suites, hot and cold
water. furnace heat, pleasant location,
reasonable rates.
THREE large connecting rooms, brick build
ing, centrally located, suitable workshop
for tailor or othera. 211 Vi 2d and Salmon.
THE SANGERT. Washington and Trinity,
bet. 19th and 20th. newly furnished
housekeeping suites, private baths.
TWO large, clean, sunny housekeeping rooms,
unfurnished, or partly furnished; sink; threjjr
closets. 503 Everett.
ONE choice furnished housekeeping room,
small kitchen attached, gas stove, close
In. 249 Jefferson.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, sink, bath,
modern; also furnished room; reasonable.
611V4 Glisan.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma In private family;
modern conveniences, light and heat fur
nished; reaaonable. 518 Yamhill.
603 tj ALDER and 113 12th St.. large, light,
nicely furnished housekeeping and alngia
rooms, running water, $3.
12 Two light, pleasant connecting roomM
partly or entirely furnished; referenreaT
Main or A 3176.
PLEASANT furnished rooms for housekeep
ing, gas. bath and free phone, $12. 555 5tb
$20 Two large front housekeeping rooms,
alcove, closet and attic; no children. A
CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms.
$1.75 per week and up. 144 Russell at,
cor. Borthwlck.
PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms,
single or en suite, walking distance,
prlcea reasonable. 655 Morrison
TWO pleasant rooms, walking dlstsnce. gas.
bath. heat, phone and laundry. 573 Irving
st.. near 18th.
MANLEY COURT. 657 u, Williams ave, fur
nished and unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, en suite, sleeping rooms.
LARGE front basement room, well furnish
ed for nouseaeepit-g, ciuan . iiuiiv
West Park.
THREE clean, light, furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, bath, large yard; $15 month.
692 Front
BEAUTIFULLY treated bay-window, unfur
nished 3-room suite In centrally located
apartment-house, 803 V Jefferson, cor. 5th.
FINE front housekeeping rooms; clean and
completely furnished; upper flat; refer
ence. 368 13th st.
TWO large rooms and alcove, furnished for
housekeeping; electric light and phone. 848
r-aMRRinOE BLDG.. 3rd and Morrison.
furnished and unfurnished housekeeping -
rooms. Apply room J.
ESPECIALLY desirable front room, large,
alrv. well lighted; first-class location;
both phones. 334 Morrison.
250 N. 19TH Neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms: electric lights, gas range, bath;
TWO housekeeping rooms, walking distance,
no children, rent reaaonable. 210 14th at
near Salmon.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooma for rent
cheap. 91 V First et, cor. Stark, room IS.
TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms.
175 N. 17th St.
487 CLAY. NEAR 14TH Newly furnished
housekeeping suite; walking distance.
THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and sin
gle rooms; transient. 1BI 14th st.
Furnished housekeeping and single rooms to
rent: prices reasonable. 189-193 W. Park at.
16RVg lOTH Three nicely furnished house
keeping rooms; two Deas; no enwaren.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for 2 or 3 gentle
men ; also other rooms. 373 Taylor st.
3 NICE modern furnished housekeeping
rooms at 380 2d st
NICELY furnished parlor suite for house-
keeping: no children. 408 Main st.
TWO large rooms furnished for housekeep- ,
Ing. 301 Holladay ave.; no children. t I
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In, 300 Vi 4UX,