Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 09, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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dominations Made by Oregon
Independence Party in
Mass Meeting.
Hugh J. Mclsaac, of California,
Pacific Coast Organizer of Party,
Makes Address, Denounc
ing Old Parties.
Presidential electors -were nominated
last night by the Independence party at a
mass meeting In Alisky Hall and attend
ed by about 100 members of the new po
litical organization. The four electors
were recommended by the executive com
mittee of the state organisation, and
they were unanimously elected by the
meeting after Thomas L. Hisgen and
John Temple Graves, the party's Presi
dential nominees, had been indorsed. The
electors are: John W. Bennett, farmer,
of Clackamas County; Thomas El Swee
ney, union machinist, of Portland; W. R.
Lake, representing lumber Industry, of
Portland, and M. J. Malley, grocer, of
M. J. Malley, of this city, chairman of
the party organization in this state,
railed to order the meeting which organ
lied by electing Paulinus McDonald
charman and Kdward Ryan secretary. C
A. Fostrr. a member of the executive
committee, submitted the names of the
four Presidential electors, together with a
recommendation that they be elected. The
suggestion of the committee was fol
lowed and the business for which the
meetlrwr was called was transacted with
enthusiasm in less than 15 minutes. The
remainder of the evening was devoted to
Old Parties Arraigned.
Both the old parties were arraigned
severely by Hugh J. Mclsaac, of San
Francisco, Pacific Coast organizer of the
Independence party, who urged that the
only way by which existing political con
ditions could be corrected was by de
serting the Republican and Democratic
parties and uniting in tne movement that
has been Inaugurated by the Independ
ence party. He denounced Harriman's
domination of California politics and de
plored the dangerous Influence the rail
road magnate exercised over legislation
in that state. It is such character of cor
ruption, countenanced by both old par
ties, he said, that the Independence
party is flghlln: to remedy.
The speaker charged that Taft has the
backing of the trusts and the money in
terests, while the candidacy of Bryan
was likened unto that of the vacillating
candidate who was willing to abandon
principles for which he had been con
tending for years in order possibly to sat
isfy hto maddening desire to be President.
On the other hand, he asserted, the pri
vate and publlo records of the nominees
tin the Independence party ticket would
bear the closest investigation and would
prove them to be the real champions of
the -common people.
Discussing the platforms of the Repub
lican and Democratic parties, particu
larly with, reference to Injunctions, Mr.
Mclsaac said the declarations of both
parties were meaningless and Insincere.
Speaker Commends Hearst,
John I. Knight, state committeeman
of the Independence party for Washing
ton, also addressed the meeting and
heartily commended "William Randolph
Hearst, who. he said. Is a man of honest
convictions and is doing- more to purify
the politics of the United States than
any other man or set of men.
M. J. Malley, chairman of the Inde
pendence party movement in Oregon, and
C. A. Foster, representing organized la
bor of this city, also addressed the meet
ing, which was an enthusiastic one.
Mention of the names of Hearst, Hisgen
or Graves was greeted with applause.
Mr. Mclsaac left on the midnight train
for California, where he will assist in
completing the state and legislative tick
ets of the Independence party in that
Prospects Good Everywhere, Es
pecially So in California.
"Everything looks bright for the In
dependence party on the Pacific Coast."
said Hugh J. Mclsaac last night. Mr.
Mclsaac has directed the work of or
ganizing the party on the Pacific Coast.
"We have nominated a strong electoral
ticket in California as well as a good
legislative ticket. The candidate for
Congress from the Fifth Congressional
District Is George Tracy, president of
the California State Federation of La
bor, who undoubtedly will be elected.
It is reasonably certain that he will be
Indorsed by the Democrats and the La
bor party. This district consists of the
greater part of San Francisco. He will
make a vigorous fight against Con
gressman Hayes, a Republican. John
A. Sands, of Oakland, has been nomi
nated in the Sixth Congressional Ils
, trlct and will make a strong fight
against Congressman Knowland.
"In California the Independence
party is making a hard fight to elect
several members of the California state
legislature which of recent years has
been g-uilty of gross extravagance. At
the last session there was appropriated
for miscellaneous expenses 1350.000 as
against only $50,000 In Oregon and
1 100.000 In Washington. For Instance,
the Senate employed one sergeant-at-arras
and 44 assistants, or more than
one for each member of the Senate.
The Democrats Joined the Republicans
in this reckless expenditure of the peo
ple's money and neither can offer any
defense. The Independence party has
compiled figures on this subject and
will use them in the campaign by
means of charts and stereopt icons.
"The San Francisco local convention
will meet next Saturday and complete
nominating Its ticket, which will in
clude IS candidates for the assembly
and five for the Senate. Alameda and
Los Angeles Counties In that state will
complete their tickets within the next
few days.
"In Nevada the Independence party
confidently expects to carry the state.
Complete local tickets are being placed
In the field and if the legislature Is won
the candidate of our party for United
States Senator will be elected to suc
ceed Senator Newlands. The Independ
ence party candidate for 'Congress In
Nevada Is Judge A. L. Fitzgerald, for
many years a Judge of the Supreme
Court of that state and a very highly
respected man.
"An electoral ticket and several can
didates on the state ticket have been
nominated in Utah. The Montana state
convention meets the latter part of the
month and will nominate a full ticket.
Very encouraging reports have been
received both from Montana and Idaho.
la Arizona, T. J. Cleary, Independence
party candidate for Congress probably
will be -elected. In the state of Wash
ington an electoral ticket will be elect
ed in a few days and probably several
candidates for state offices will enter
the field.
"Here in Oregon the National com
mittee Is receiving very encouraging
reports from all sections of the state
and confidently expects that a surpris
ingly large vote will be polled by the
party in this state. The party also will
be an important factor in the coming
city election in Portland. The policy
of the party at present is to elect as
many members as possible to the state
legislatures that its policy may be car
ried out speedily.
"After the Fall election the move
ment will be kept up and organization
stimulated oy the entrance of the party
in local contests wherever city elections
are to be held. The fact that our party
was able recently to elect six members
to the legislature in the rock-ribbed
Republican state of Vermont, after a
very brief campaign, has encouraged
the leaders of the movement every
where. "The people are rapidly becoming ac
quainted with the strong public and
private record of Thomas L. Hisgen,
the Independence party nominee for the
Presidency, and are beginning to re
gard him as a happy medium between
Taft and Bryan. There are many who
do not want to vote for Taft and who
will not vote for Bryan. They find In
the candidacy, of Hisgen a place for
their votes."
Jimmy Gleason, of Baker Company,
Wounded in Sword Fight,
There Is nothing the( average theater
audience, or street crowd, or almost any
other sort of gathering for that matter,
loves quite so much as a fight, whether It
be composed of dogs, cats, roosters, bulls,
human beings, or any other species of
animal that has the power give and
take with vigor. So, many of the most
popular plays are those in which .the
principal actors engage In some kins of
physical struggle, especially with swords.
There Is something refined and clean cut
about a sword that gives It precedence
over its more common rivals In the bid
for public favor. When one thinks of
getting stuck through the heart with a
handsome sword, it doesn't seem half so
bad as a butcher knife in the ribs or a
razor In the throat, but Jimmy Gleason.
the pouplar younc Juvenile member of
Xpe Baker Stock Company, hae suffered
a change of heart on the subject since
he was selected as a special victim for
the two leading people In the company's
production of "Dorothy Vernon of Had
don Hall" this week to wreak their fury
upon, according to the author's ideas.
By the time the. third performance had
taken place, which was Monday after
noon, the redoubtable James had suf
fered from a severe cut over the right
eye and another in the knuckles of his
trusty sword hand, and If his luck only
keeps up he expects to resemble a plate
of uncooked Hamburger by the end of
the week. According to the plot of the
piece. James and Sydney Ayrea are rivals
for the hand of the lovely Dorothy, and
during a fierce combat between them with
swords Sunday night by some accident
James got the bad cut over his eye. and
It is said had a very narrow escape from
having the eye cut out.
The author has made him the unlucky
dog in the play all through, and Jimmy
was dolnsr hie best to sustain the role
evidently, for Monday afternoon when he
came to the other bout he has to engage
in with the fair Dorothy herself (for Dor
othy is a creature of many humors and
rare qualities), he got it again, this time
splitting his knuckles. Miss Jewel, who
plays Dorothy, does not understand how
the accident occurred, but the stage is
darkened for the ecene, which makes it
extremely difficult to enact. Although
blood has been freely spilled twice.
Jimmy announces that he Is still In the
fight, and here is where his early train
ing as one of Uncle Sam's soldiers comes
in handy.
IV. II. Hudson Pays $20 for Strik
ing Adolf Cnna.
W. H. Hudson was fined $20 In the Mu
nicipal Court yesterday morning for as
sault and battery on sixteen-year-old
Adolf Unna, a Portland High School stu
dent. Although Hudson contended that
he accidentally struck Unna with a cro
quet post which he has aimed at Unna s
dog. the child's father testified that the
blow was Intentional. Testimony was
given to the effect that Hudson attempted
to kill the dog because It attacked the
neighborhood cats.
Hudson has made complaint to the Ju
venile Court, charging young Unna with
urging his dog on several of the Hudson
cats. Probation Officer Krum served the
papers yesterday afternoon citing the boy
to appear before Judge Gantenbeln next
"Three weeks ago our dog chased a cat
from our yards." said Mrs. Unna yester
day. "Mr. Hudson brought the cat back
to the yard. Last Thursday the dog
chased the cat again. This 'time Mr.
Hudson threw a piece of slabwood at the
dog. I am sure the dog did not eat any
cats, as has been reported. Mr. Hudson
took a croquet stick and struck Adolf
on the head and arm with it.
Cor. Fourth and
Y. M. C A.
88 Third Street
Chamber of
is i Building f vr rM rv x. i j r i
ipbipip' toff
An order, good for a pair of our best soles to be put on free of charge with every pair of Boys' Shoes sold until Saturday, September 12th
Boys' Shoes With Indestructible Soles Boys' Shoes That Are Waterproof
High-Cut Boys' Shoes
1 I i
Edwin C. Clapp
For the benefit of the public that cannot get their shoes
fixed during the week, we keep the Repair Fac
tory at 88 Third Street open Saturday
evenings till 10 o'clock.
Chrome Elk Absolutely
Water-Proof Soles
Wear Twice as Long
Architects Score Victory
School Controversy.
Clerk Instructed to Announce That
Final Judgment Was Not
Passed on Committee's
After a bitter fight, which was carried
Into the Circuit Court by several local
architects, the latter have won their point
In the endeavor to force the Board of
Education to reveal the contents of the
report of Architect E. H. Somervelle, of
Seattle, relative to the award In the new
Atblna High School design. What the
architects have gained is hard to under
stand, as the school directors made pub
lic the much-talked-of piece of paper yes
terday afternoon, and a careful reading
of It fails to show anything of general
Interest. It Is not signed. City Superin
tendent Rlgler and members of the board
declare they do not know whether the re-
recommending that design No. 11 be ac
cepted, although he referred in his report
(if It Is his report) to the "brutal plain
ness" of No. 11.
Superintendent Rlgler was named by the
directors as a member of the Jury on
awards, and went into the details of all
the designs with the full membership of
the Board of Education, after it had
been, found that Mr. Somervelle's recom
mendations could not be accepted and
adopted. The members spent three full
days behind closed doors, Btudylng the
various designs, finally accepting that of
Whltehouse & Hofieyman, numbered 11.
Shortly after the award was an
nounced certain architects, principally
Ernest Kroner, who had submitted de
signs, made a complaint, charging fail
ure by tha directors to live up to the
agreement alleged to have been entered
Into between them and Mr. Somervelle,
to adopt his recommendations. Inasmuch
as the report as given to the Board of
Education contained some unfavorable
comment on certain of the designs, the
members decided to keep It secret, espe
cially as it was unsigned.
However, after a formal communication
requesting that the report be published,
the architects, not gaining their point,
carried the matter Into the Circuit Court
and secured an order citing Clerk Allen
to appear and show cause why the report
should not be published. After consider
ing the matter fully, the members of the
Board of Education decided, at a special
session yesterday afternoon, to make the
report public and end the controversy.
Resolution by Board.
A brief executive session was held,
after which the Board gave out- the fol
lowing resolution:
On motion the clerk was authorised and
directed to permit the unsigned recom
mendation of a member of the Jury, se
lected by the board, to examine and report
on the plans submitted by the several
architects in competition for the new fcasi
Side High fcChOOl, lO DO iiiapwi:
rjort which has been so loudly called for oh mihtiaherf hv anv person or per
by Portland architects was written by sons desiring, and to notify "19""0.r,n!y.
Mr. Somervelle or not, but they suppose
It was.
The gist of the supposed report of Ar
chitect Somervelle Is that a number of the
designs, the majority of which were by
local architects, were not particularly
notable for their excellence, and because
of the fact that no record was ever kept
by the Board of Education of the num
bers of the various designs, there Is no
means of Identifying them.
Complication in Reports.
Furthermore. It develops, the report of
Mr. Somervelle was accepted, but his rec
ommendations were not adopted. He
dwelt at great length on design No. 10
and gave It great praise, but finished by
(or the plaintiff In the case of E Kroner et
al. vs. H. S. Allen, clerk, of the action
of the board, and to request the dismissal
of proceedings of the said cause; and the
clerk was further authorized to inform
any persons interested that no report was
ever made by the Jury selected by the
board and the recommendation referred to
was not signed by anyone or agreed to by
the Jury,
The report Is as follows:
Text of Report.
Portland. Or.. July 1, 1908.
To the Board of Education, City of Port
land Gentlemen: Pursuant to the instructions
of your committee I have examined the plans
submitted in the High School competition
and have the honor to report as follows:
The problem of schoolhouse design being
nrimnHiv nrnptfcfll one I have endeavored,
as far as possible, to judge these plans from
a purely utilitarian point of view. ' The ques
tion of artistic merit, while of much Im
portance to the community, from an educa
tional standpoint, is of secondary importance
to such practical considerations as economy,
sanitation and ventilation.
In making a comparison between these
plans I first drew up a trial schedule by rooms,
and after thie had given me a starting point
I made a still further comparison, syste
matically arranged with regard for the
various requirements of a 1 building of this
character. This seems to be the only way in
which definite results can be systematically
arrived at in Judging a competition of this
In a high school building, such as you de
sire, the requirements are many and varied
and unless a plan were prepared directly under
the supervision of an expert a perfect solu
tion, embodying all the varied requirements,
could not be expected. I have, therefore, en
deavored to eelect as premiated plans those
which seem to offer the best general solu
tion of the problem, which are not prohibitive
in cost, which are least wasteful in construc
tion and which have a certain amount of
The two designs which I consider as most
perfectly embodying the requirements are Nos.
10 and 11, both of which are extremely well
thought out. No. 10 is scholarly in every
detail of plan and arrangement and showa
a thorough knowledge of schoolhouse require
ments and shows a great amount of In
genuity. The light is very well arranged, the
staircases and exits and the distribution of
sanitary appliances are all that could be de
sired, and according to the latest develop
ments in schoolhouse planning.
Merits of Design No. 11.
Comparing this plan with No. 11 we find
that while the cubical contents of the two
buildings are very nearly the same No. 11
seems to present a more direct, simple and
open plan. The great defect In No. 11 Is
the narrownees of the central corridor, which
should be 15 feet, at least, and the Inade
quate size of the auditorium. These defects
could be very easily remedied. The first by
simply widening the hall to the required di
mensions and the second by changing the
axis of the auditorium and placing it at right
angles with the main axis of the building,
which would permit a large window on either
side, opening into and directly lighting the
corridor in its center. With these changes,
the plan marked 11, would be 'the best and
most direct solution of this problem. This
plan is evidentlv Inspired by some of the
recent work of Mr. Ittner, of St. Louis, who
is. perhaps, the best-posted authority on
schoolhouse comrtruction In this country.
To sum up. both Nos. 10 and 11 are of
about equal merit, but I am Inclined to give
the preference to No. 11, owing to Its econ
omy of construction and Its absolute direct
ness" of plans. Either one of these plans
will produce an excellent result to the city.
In selecting the third and fourth premiated
designs the problem presents a greater dif
ficulty. Each one of these designs has many
good features, but at the same time each
one has more or less prominent defects. No. 8
has the first floor very well worked out, while
the upper floors are cut directly in two in
the center, of the auditorium. 'While this
scheme has been used In some cases in the
East, notably in the Jefferson School. In Bos
ton, it cannot be recommended, as it destroys
the circulation. In plan No. 1 the arrange
ment is excellent throughout, save that the
gymnasium Is doubled on the top floor,
making one room for each sex at opposite
ends of the building. Although by actual
count No. 1 would seem to be better than
No. 6 there is a certain grasp oi tne suua-
s e e - e e e s s e e e s e e e s s s s s s e s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ' t
j ..r.. ...,i,..,,iiMiiitii .-n-r-1-M..u i :-- ; r-- ; r T.rrr.r" ""T" "" " rr''"W,l''' ""j
I II k""s- - - w"r v - . T J ftV - '
l?.- ' t-i "-" h..-. C! v j.1- i I
An exhibit of 65 boxes of peaches, now m place In one of the display windows of Olds. Wortman & King, has attracted a great deal of atten
tion during the past few days. The fruit was grown by a Portland orchard and Irrigation company owning a large tract in the ne g hborhood of
Iwiston Idaho The peaches represent several varieties and are splendid evidence of the possibilities of tne Northern Idaho district In the
maTter of fruVt rafsVng The present exhibit is one of a series that the orchard corporation In question has been enabled to make through the
courtesy of Olds -yVtortman & King. Later in the season it is proposed to Install a display of grapes grown in the same district.
wlston furnlThed peaches yefterday at the Commercial Club for lancheon. , All sitting down at the midday meal were given luclous speci
mens of the fruit brought from the Lewiston orchards and presented to the club by the growers. The fruit was perfect and club members were
delighted with It. . '
J.JLJJ...Jl--JU-- J------
tion in No. 6. which, combined with the real
beautiful exterior design, cannot be ignored.
I would, therefore, make Nos. 6 and 1 as
third and fourth premlative designs respec-
tiIrireRard to the exterior treatment of these
buildings, design No. 6 is by all odds the
best, and is a work of uncommon ability. The
composition is very strong, materials well
chosen, and the general design expresses the
general functions of the building admirably.
The design No. 11 is almost brutally plain.
It is, however, a frank expression of a school
house design and would make a very pre
sentable building.
Design No. 10 is good in composition, cut
might be open to criticism on account of the
smallness of scale from the general treat
ment. Design No. 1 presents a rather re
strained neoclasslc effect, but to generally un
satisfactory on account of the size and group
ing of the windows. Of course, one of the
most effective features In exterior design in
that of plain wall surface, but in this case
the windows are actually too smalt, and in
case of the adoption of this plan they would
require enlargement, so as to get a glass area
In each room equal to at least one-fifth of
the floor area of the classroom. This is the
minimum amount of light required In the
Bast, but in a climate such as we have here
loo much glass) area cannot be provided.
It Is absolutely necessary to mention In this
report the question of cost. The programme
issued by your board calls for a maximum
expenditure of $2!V,n00, and further on stipu
lates reinforced concrete construction, with a
brick veneer. Again, there Is an addendum
to the effect that solid brick walls, with
brick or stone veneer may be used.
If this requirement is to b strictly ad
hered to It would practically eliminate every
design submitted from serious consideration.
The smallest cubical area. I believe, is that
presented by plan No. T, nt 1.600,000 cubic
feet. I would figure for a fire-proof construc
tion, with a building having the broken out
lines shown in No. 7. that the cost would be
between 22 and 25 cents per cubic foot; most
likely the latter figure, which will give us
for this building a cost of .'I76.000. or there
abouts. On this account I have felt .obliged
to give the preference to dejtgn No. 11. as
this building is probably the only one which
would come within the appropriation. This
point of cost is very often overlooked by
building committees, but I deem It a very
Important factor in practical civic architec
ture. Wishing your board every success In
this undertaking, and trusting that my report
may be acceptable to you, I Beg to remain,
respectfully yours.
weather In this district Wednesday, except
along the coast, where the temperature
will remain nearly stationary and cloudi
ness will increase and be followed by rain
alons; the North Washington coast.
Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer;
northerly winds.
Oregon Fair, warmer, except near the
coast: northerly winds.
Washington Fair and warmer Interior,
increasing cloudiness fallowed by rain along
north coast. Winds shifting to southerly.
Idaho Fair and warmer.
Observations taken at S P. M.. Pacific
time. September 8, li08.
3 5
3 55
3 o 3
Helena . .
North Head
Pocatello. ......
Red Bluff
Sacramento . . . .
Salt Lake
San Francisco..,
Tatoosh Island..
Walla Walla....
rt0.00 ,'N Clear
S4!n.0012iW clear
8;.00 4lNW Clear
ilirt.(H 12 NW Clear
HlO.on RW Clear
IWO.OftldNR Pt.e!oud
tsnio.on H!SW Clear
ci.00 12W Clear
B4O.O0 6;NW Clear
90 0.00 4lN Clear
72 0.00 SlNW Clear
SH0.00 S NW Clear
72 0.24 4jW Pt. cloudy
S.0OH2V Clear
two.00 lOlHW Clear
B4 0.00 4NW Pteloudy
.Ml T. 12IS Cloudy
tiSO.OO 4W Clear n Clear
102 0.00 22!NW Clear S'S cloudy
EDWARD A. BEAT. ft. District Forecaster.
THOMPSON At 166 North Tenth street,
August 28. to the wife of H. P. Thompson,
a daughter.
BOW EN At 1100 Belmont avenue, August
27, to tha wife of R. Bowen, a son.
BOUK At 1004 Mississippi avenue, Septem
ber 2. to the wife of H. B. Bouk, a son.
JjAYTON At 605 Second street, September
6, to the wife of Louis Layton, a daughter.
HAYNES At Pf9 East Burnside street,
September 6, to the wife of B. Haynes, a
M'GEE At 172 '4 East Second street North.
September C, to the wife of Lewis B. McOee,
a daughter.
MOVERS At 005 East Ninth street North,
September 6. to the wife of Jacob Moyers,
a daughter.
WALKKR At SBO Rodney avenue, Septem
ber 6, to the wife of Conrad Walker, a daugh
ter. ROSS At 14TB East Main street, September
7 to the wife of Charles C Ross, a eon.
THOMPSON At Portlsnd Sanitarium. Sep
tember 1, to ths wife of A. G. Thompson,
a daughter.
HENDERSON At 861 Harvard street, Sep
tember 6, Florence M. Hepderson, a native of
Canada, aged 88 years.
LI'S EE At Oood Samaritan Hospital. Sep
tember 5. Clyde Lusee. a native of Oregon,
aged 4 years.
PARSONS At Good Samaritan Hospital,
September 4. Wads H. Parson, a native of
Ohio, aged S7 years.
MATOSIX At (13 Northrup street, Septem
ber 6. Kata Matosln, a native of Washington,
an infant.
BURR ELL, At 232 First street, Septem
ber 4. L. B. Burrell, a native of Ohio, aged
76 years.
DOUD At St. VInesnfa Hospital, Septem
ber 6, Lizzie Doud, a native of Washington,
aged 21 years.
MRTTBXN'ING At 395 North Second street,
September 6, Caroline Bruennlng, a native of
Wiscnnn. aged 53 years.
COTTMIRE At 65 Syracuse street, Sep
tember 7. David' Cottmire, a native of Ore
gon, an Infant.
M'INTTRB At ROSti Alblna ave., Septem
ber B, Bridgett Mclntyre. a native of Ireland,
aged 70 yearSL
Marriage Licenses.
WILSON-HAMMOND Robert Edmund Wil
son. 21. city: Margaret Hammond, 20. city.
SACLE-WIGG1NS R. C. Saule, 22, city;
Marion M. Wiggins 21. city.
BOUCHER-YOUNG Louis A. Bougher. 25,
city: Emma A. Young, 21. city.
OATHS-PERRY Roy Gates. 29, city; Fran
ces Ethel Perry. 21, city.
2S, city; Tlllle Schroeder, 27, city.
V.' " (! d '. K and visiting cards. W. G. Smith
A Co., Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash.
PORTLAND, Sept. 8. Maximum temper
ature, 65 degrees. Minimum temperature,
47.9 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M.,
4.3 feet. Change in last 24 hours, fall,
0. 4 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 3' P.
M.). trace. Total ranlfali since September
1. 1908. 0.09 inch. Normal rainfall since
September 1. 1908. 0.32 Inches. Deficiency,
0.28 inch. Total sunshine September 7,
1908. 48 minutes: Possible sunshine Septem
ber 7. 1908, 13 hours. Barometer deduced
to sea level), at 5 P. M.. 30.20 Inches.
A high pressure area overlies the North
Pacific States and the weather has cleared
In all sections on the Pacific Slope. It is
warmer In Oregon and Southeastern Idaho
and cooler in Nevada and Utah.
The Indications axe for fair and warmer
Grand Central Station lime Card
Leaving Portland
Roseburg Passenger
Cottage Orove Passenger....
California Express
San Francisco Express
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Cottage Grove Passenger ...
Roseburg passenger
Portland Express
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Paesenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
8:19 a. m.
4:15 p xn.
7:45 p. m
l:C0a. m.
7:30 a. m.
4 : 10 p. ro.
8:00 s. m.
1 :00 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
7:15 a. m.
11:30 a. m.
5: SO p. ni.
11:15 p. ra.
6:20 p. m.
10:30 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
11 :50 s- m.
4:50 p. m-
Leaving; Portland
Pendleton Passenger
Chicago-Portland Special
Spokane Flyer I
Kansas City Chicago Express.
Arriving Portland
Spokane Flyer
Chi.. Kan. City Portland Ex..
Chicago-Portland Special
Pendleton Passenger
7:13 a. m.
8:30 a. m.
8:16 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
8:00 a. m.
9:45 a. m.
8:50 p. m.
6:15 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Timtni and Seattle Express .
North Coast He Chicago Limited.
Overland Express
Arriving Portland
North Coast Limited
Portland Express
Overland Express
8:30 a. m
2 00 p. m.
11:45 p. m.
7 :00 s, m.
4 :13 p. m.
8:35 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Astoria & Seaside Express 8:00 a.m.
Seaside Special (Saturday only). 2:20p.m.
Astoria & Seaside Express 5:30 p.m.
Arriving Portland
Astoria & Portland Passenger. . .112:15 p. m.
Portland Express Jl0:00 p. m.
Seaside Special (Sunday only) . .10.20 p. no.
Leaving Portland
C P. R. Short Line, via Spokanei
Via Seattle
Arriving Portland
C. P. R- Short Line, via Spokane,
'via Seattle
8:15 p. m.
11:46 p. m,
8:00 s. re.
7:00 a. m.
Jefferson-Street Station
' Leaving Portland
Dallas passenger ....
Dallas Passenger ....
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger ....
Dallas Passenger
7:40 a. m.
4:16 p. m.
10:15 a. m.
6:60 p. m.
Arriving Portland
Wllsonville Local
galem and Intermediate Local ..
Wllsonville Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.
Salem and Intermediate Local..
Wllsonville Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.
Salem and Intermediate Local..
Salem and Intermediate Express.
.... .In. Vnrt Innii
Salem and Intermediate Local..
Wllsonville Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.
Salem and Intetmediate Local..
Wllsonville Local
Salem and Intermediate Expreis.
Salem and Intermediate Local ..
Wllsonville Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.i
7:05 a. m.
8:15 a. m.
10:30 a. m.
11:20 a. m.
1 :20 p. m.
4:45 p. m.
4:00 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
8 13 p. m.
I 25 a. m.
7:35 a m.
8:35 a. m.
11:10 a. m.
1:10 p. m.
2 05 p. m.
3:30 p. m.
D:)0 p. m.
8:05 p. Ko.