Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 09, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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Mfc W'Mv Trade Braidlninig p
j: P'Ij Sale 1
i. f'f 4 t "- -lu-rIy behind -nd thrlr.
Vpf-y-j .jfc 1" owa reputation ptrmln f no exaggeration o be maae.
During the entire month of September, in our
Great Special Woolen Mills Trade Building
Sale, we will give the pick and choice, with
out reserve, of any Suit in the store for only
There are now over Five Thousand Suits on hand all marked in
the plain' figures at which they sell. These regular every-day sell
ing prices being $15.00, $17.50, $18.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50
and some $30.00. No matter what the Suit cost, or what it
i. tr:ro noiiarQ will huv it if taken before October 1st,
at which time all Suits will again be sold at the regular prices, j
-'J ''J
h- r" ? I nlll -lu.rely behind and their, a. well a. . f , , - . , , tf , M
PfiTVl owa reputation permit, of no exaggeration. o be made. i-l..uji I I 4fr'r'-?.'TPrn. n R HWJ
1 yW PP'jp
L'W-w.ti L-,wy,v. -ii, 1
I ' w Q I I " !
Quarter-Block at Second and
Alder Taken for 90 Years.
Structure Occupied by Chinese Will
Be Raxed When Leases Expire
Next May Ground Rent
$1000 a Month.
Documents carrying a lease on the
quarter block at th. northeast corner
of Second and Alder streets were yes
terday filed In the County Clerk's office.
Under this agreement Mrs. Hilda G.
Holmes, widow of Byron Holmes, leases
the property tn Question to M. E. Free
man. E. House and Frank Bollam for
a period of 90 years at the rate of
fiooo a month.
The property occupies a. full quarter
block. 100x100. A two-story building Is
located on the premises and has been
rented to Chinese for many years.
When the1 lease of the present occu
pants expires in May of next year,
Messrs. Freeman, House and Bollam
propose to demolish the buildings now
on the site and erect In their stead a
modern office building of Ave or six
stories. While detailed plans have not
yet been prepared, it is known that the
structure will be of reinforced con
crete and class A In every respect.
The erection of this building will
furnish a handsome addition to this
neighborhood, which has had several
notable acquisitions In the matter of
business blocks during the past year.
The recently completed Erlinger build
ing is located diagonally across from
the property In question and Just oppo
site on the west side of Second street,
are the properties of the D. P. Thomp
son estate and Mr. Spatildlng. of Hono
lulu. Rumor reports that at the ex
piration ot the leases on the Thompson
premises, which have 20 months still to
run, the structures win ne oeiuuuou
and replaced with modern office build
Dr. Whitehead Dies From Injuries
Sustained In Wreck.
SEATTLE. Sept. . S. Dr. Cabell
Whitehead is dead at Nome as the re
sult of an accident on the Seward Pe
ninsula Railroad Saturday night. The
body will leave Nome today on the
steamship Northwestern for Seattle.
The fatal injuries were sustained in
a wreck on the railroad, of which Dr.
Whitehead was general manager. The
car In which Dr. Whitehead was riding
was overturned and he fell Into a shal
low body of water. While the depth of
the water was but two" feet, his head
was held under the surface for two
minutes and his lungs partially filled
with water and sand. He lingered un
til Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Whitehead is an invalid and Is
staving with friends in this city. A
cablegram this morning to Captain D.
H. Garvis, announced the death.
Few men have been more thoroughly
identified with the development of Sew
ard Pninsula than Dr. Cabell White
head and it is doubtful If any man was
better known to Alaskans.
To the Yellowstone Park
Is via the Oregon Railroad Naviga
tion Company and ' Oregon Short Line.
Time and money can be srvh1 now by
using this route, and the park will re
main open until September 13. Remem
Bcr. too, a 30-dey stopover will be given
on through tickets to and from the East
to anyone .desiring to make a side trip
to the Yellowstone. Round trip rate from
Portland 179.76, which Includes all trans
portation. 13 meals and four lodgings at
the various park hotels. Gall at the city
ticket office. Third and Washington
streets, for further Information and beau
tifully Illustrated folder, or call on any
O. R. & N. agent outside of Portland.
Comfort, safety and .speed, together
with scenic attractions of the Canadian
Pacific route, guarantee the traveler the
beet possible trip across the continent.
For descriptive matter, apply at the lo
cal office, 143 Third street.
Tomorrow (Thursday) positively last day
for discount on West Side gaa bills. Don't
tail to read Gas Tips.
Local Management Makes Arrange
ments for Interesting Races
and Superb Exhibit.
Arrangements to take care of ap
proximately 100,000 people for the first
annual harness horse meet and Paclflo
National Livestock Show, during the
week of September 21-26. are being
made. The various committees of the
Country Club and Livestock Associa
tion which submitted their reports at
the postponed meeting of the directors
yesterday afternoon declared that the
general programme as planned together
with the incidentals and feature attrac
tions which will be offered should sure
ly attract a daily attendance of not un
der 18,000 as an average.
The attendance at last year's State
Fair at Salem was more than 10.000, and
the state capital has net the local popu
lation nor the central location of Port
land to draw the crowds from the many
livestock centers of the Northwest. For
this reason, the local management fig
ures that the first exposition here
should register a much larger attend
ance than Salem did last year.
One of the most trying situations
which the management will have to
face is the fact that the entries in the
different divisions In Ihe livestock
show are swamping the association,
and that unless a limit is placed on the
number of nominations in the various
classes there will be no space to ac
commodate the late entries. It was es
timated at yesterday afternoon's meet
ing that the 12 snow barns would. take
care of close to 3000 head of livestock
in the main divisions, horses, cattle,
sheep and swine, but the entries so far
recorded are hut little under that num
ber. The only alternative will be to
close the entries before the time al
ready specified or else erect temporary
canvas pavilions to furnish quarters
for the over-supply of sto-;k.
It was stated that the live
stock show here would embrace
close to 20 per cent hi excess
of the number of entries filed
with the State Fair management for
the reason that many Washington
points are sending their exhibits here
without routing them to Salem, th.
next preceding point in the big North
Pacific Fair circuit.
.... Tnitns arrived yesterday
and will be Installed today. These are
novel mechanical devices which do
away with having gatemen and ticket
takers, and the five turnstiles are sup
posed to be able to handle the crowds
much faster than a similar number of
employes at the entrances. All that
will be needed will be two or three
young women to make the proper
change and the turnstiles will do the
rest, registering the admissions not
only at the gate but In the general
F. O. Downing, chairman of the gen
eral management committee, reported
that a goodly number of privileges and
concessions had already been contract
ed for and that his Office Is flooded
with informal bids for various privi
leges. It was decided to leave it en
tirely to Mr. Downing's committee to
select and arrange for all accommoda
tions and comforts which might tend
to please the public No effort will be
made to put the concessions on a
money-making basis this year. Only
such as are absolutely necessary for
the convenience of the crowds will- be
Pbysicisna of
Yamhill and Folk
Elect Officers.
DALLAS, Or., Sept. . (Special.) A
number of the physicians of Polk and
Yamhill Counties met In Dallas last
night and formed a medical association.
Temporary officers were elected and
a committee was appointed to draw up
a constitution and by-laws for the new
organization, which will be adopted at
its next meeting In McMinnville, Mon
day, December 7.
The officers chosen last night follow:
President, Dr. Gilstrap, of Sheridan;
secretary and treasurer. Dr. L. A. Boll
man, of Dallas. Committee on consti
tution and by-laws. Drs. L. A. Bollman,
B. H. McCallon and A. B. Starbuck, of
The members of the new association
plan to extend It territory until it
shall comprise several of the counties
adjoining Polk and Yamhill.
(35,000 Stock New Fall Style Shoes Labeled
Admit mistake and order shoes sold.'
Bannister. Kneeland. Slater and Moral,
16 and S7 grades, $3.85; (4 and 15 grades,
12.66; women's J3.50 and $4 grades, J2.45.
Dellar. 291 Morrison, bet. 4th and 6th.
Tomorrow (Thursday positively last dav
. . . i Tirac, CiHfl o-aa Hill. Dnn't
arinc rair circuii. j ior oimtouih uu kj, "'- -
The automatic slot machine pay-as- fall to read OM Tips.
Allegation Is Made That $2C,000
Taxes ou 16,000,000 or Money,
Notes and Accounts Illegal.
Contending that the action ot the
County Board of Equalisation in up
holding the 229,000 tax assessment of its
money, notes and accounts was Illegal,
the O. R. & N. Company, through Its
attorney, will 'file suit in the State Cir
cuit Court today to have that decision
set aside. The company will endeavor to
have the tax reduced to $9000, it being ad
mitted that at the time of the assessment
the company had JS0O.000 ot taxable prop
erty. Should the case go against the rail
road company, it will be compelled to
pay not only the 229,O0O taxes, but 30.000
additional as penalty, and the nre'
which has accrued during the months it
has remained unpaid. Assessor Sigler
valued the money, notes and accounts of
the company at $16,800,000.
After the Board of Equalisation had
listened to testimony to the effect that
this large surplus was not taxable be
cause it belonged to fe .Union Pacific
Company, Instead of the O. R. & N.. and
was being expended in building new
roads, it confirmed Mr. Slglera assess
ment. The company then appealed to the
Supreme Court.
Arthur C. Spencer, the company s at
torney, gives as a reason for the aban
donment of the appeal and the Institu
tion of a new suit that the law of 190,
authorizing the appeal, is- unconstitu
tional A temporary injunction was Issued
yesterday by Judge Gantenbein. restrain
ing Sheriff Stevens from collecting the tax
pending the decision of the ease.
Property-Owners Protest Over Cost
of Fill on East Washington.
Whether the contractors, who made the
East Washington-street fill, between East
Water street and Union avenue, charged
an exorbitant price when they fixed their
rate at 40 cents a yard, or whether that
is reasonable for the work done, is the
question which is at issue before a Jury
in Judge Bronaugh'a department of, the
Circuit Court. It is the contention of Not
tingham & Co.. and of Joseph Paquet
that 25 cent's a yard is a reasonable price.
The City Council advertised for bids for
the work, and accepted that of the Pa
ciflo Bridge Company.
Testimony taken yesterday by the city
showed that ell the property-owners on
each side of the street have paid their as
sessments, with the exception of the
One of yesterday's witnesses was
Whitney L. Boise. He said that the
property near Est Washington street
doubled in value Immediately after the
fill was completed, in December 190a. and
that three lots sold by the Hawthorne
estate before the fill was made, are now
worth between Smo end SS000 each.
Boycott Hearing Postponed.
WASHTNGTCJ, Sept. 8. The hearing in
the contempt case of the Buck Stove &
Range Company against . labor officials
who are allesed to have violated nn In-
Junctlon to dtocontinue a boycott may not
be held until October. Justice Gould, of
the District Supreme Court, has tmunated
the matter should go over until the reg
ular court term In October. The Federa
tion today was allowed an extension of
time for filing its answer to the Buck
Company bill, pending which the hearing
may be postponed.
Pianos Marked in Plain
The carload of pianos that recently
arrived damaged by tramps breaking
into the car and walking on the topi
was placed on sale this morning.
Every purchaser today was more than
pleased with his bargain, knowing he
has obtained the lowest price, as every
piano is marked in plain figures.
When $135. $150 up to $19;. will ob
tain a new piano sold by retail stores
for $300 and $325. you cannot afford to
delay a minute, providing you have
any use at all for a piano.
The Interior of each piano is fully
Terms cash.
804 Oak St., Bet. Fifth and Sixth.
Send 10c in Stamps for the
the greatest puzzle ever made.
Choose the man you want tn win
and put him in the White House.
32B Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash.
Agents Wanted
It makes the toilet something to be
enjoyed. It removes all Btains and
roughnesa, prevents prickly heat and
chafing, and leaves the skin white,
soft, healthy. In the bath it brings
a glow and exhilaration which no
common soap can equal, imparting
the vigor and life sensation of a
mild Turkish bath. All Grocers and
When you want a quick cure without
any loss of rime, and one that is followed
by no bad results, use
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
It never fails and is pleasant to take.
It is equally valuable for children. It is
famous for its cures over a large part cf
the civilized world.