t PREACHES HOPE TO TO FLAMES THREATEN WOMAN REACHES TO THIEF SECURES FIVE SMALL CITIES SOCIAL OUTCASTS REFORMED THIEF DELIVERS REMARKABLE SERMOX. SUMMIT OF PEAK MISS PECK CLIMBS HUASCAN AT SECOND ATTEMPT. AFTER ROOSEVELT FIRST TEST S E MESABA FOREST FIRES FAXXED IXTO RENEWED FURY. - 1 ' ' " ttw.t4t Aprr.nv TTTT-snAT. RF.PTE1TBER 5! 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. XLVIII. NO. 14,007. jtuax,, wwv, - ' I 1 CRANK WITH GUN ABBUZZI WED r 1 a PRIMARY LAW KATHERINE ELKINS HAVE 0 PACKAG a. Papers of Jos. Meyers of Salem Stolen. CRIME TRACED TO THIS CITY Belief That Express Office Was Robbed at Night. VALUABLE NOTES GONE Robbery Brings Again to Public No tice Troubles In Meyers Family. Sons' Fight to Prevent Fath er's Marriage Recalled. BISTORT OF METERS CASE. August IT Joseph Meyers Is ar rested hs applies for marrlags license at Courthouse. Charge is In sanity, preferred by two older sona August IS Hearing set for 2 P. M. same day and sanity commission ap pointed. At time appointed, case la continued by Judr Webster at re quest of sons until Friday. August il. August 18 Marriage license Issued by County Clerk Fields and Meyers la married by Judge Morrow. August 20 Sons ask for appoint ment of guardian In Marlon County. August 21 Meyers" aluable papers delivered to . Wells-Fargo Express Company at Salem for transmission to him at Portland. August 21-22 Package Is stolen from express company In Portland Union Depot. August 31 Three physicians on sanity commission testify strongly to Meyers' sanity and Judge Webster renders adjudication of sanity. September 8 Attorneys for Joseph Meyers will file suit to collect notes given by his two sons and now miss ing with stolen express package. SALEM. Or, Sept. 7. (Special.) A daring; express robbery. In which a package containing; notes and other val uable papers representing; over $60,000 belonging to Joseph Meyers, of this city, brings again to public notice the Internal troubles of the Meyers family. It recalls the fight made by his sons to prevent his recent marriage In Portland to Mrs. Zenaide Du Rette, and to con trol the old man's fortune. . t'Pon the request of Mr. Meyers. J. H. Albert, president of the Capital Na tional Bank, of Salem, forwarded the former's strong box to him at Portland, In care of the Portland HoteL The package was Intrusted to the Wells Fargo Express Company here for transmission to Portland on the after noon of August 21. It arrived in Port land that night at 11:30 o'clock. Stolen From Express Company. The package never reached Mr. Meyers at bis Portland address, and it has Just been learned that It was stolen from the express company on the night of August 21. or the early morning of August 22. The circumstances of the daring theft are such that it is believed that unknown persons entered the express office at the Portland Union Depot, where the package was left over night, and carried it away. The strong box contained among other valuable packages and Jewelry three notes executed by Henry W. and Milton L Meyers to Joseph Meyers of a total value of a2.0O. Xotes of Large Value. Two notes, of 28000 and SS00O. were pay able on demand. Another note, of 138, 000. was payable In ten years, with In terest at 5 per cent. Since the disap pearance of the papers. Interest on the latter note has fallen due. Demands for payment have been refused by the sons unless a bond were given, as is usual In the case of missing Instruments. This was furnished. It Is said, signed not only by Joseph Meyers, but by J. H. Albert, president of the Capital National Bank. u well. This was deemed Insufficient and a, bond on real estate owned by Joseph Meyers was demanded. Believing this was an attempt to secure control of the remaining property of Mr. Meyers, the demand was refused. Payment to Be Asked. Suit will be filed here tomorrow to en force payment at once of the three notes by the two sons, because of the alleged refusal to pay the Interest. The sensational aequel to the Meyers family quarrel has aroused the keenest Interest locally, where the entire family Is well known, Joseph Meyers having been a prominent merchant here for a quarter of a century. Meyers Returns to Salem. Mr. Meyers declines to give) for publi cation his theory as to what became of . the box or to discuss the affair in any way- He and his bride returned to - Salem today and are staying at the Salem Hotel. Mr. Meyers Is looking as nappy as usual, and if he la worrying over the loss of the box. so valuable to him. be does not show It by the expres sion on faia face. Ha cams to Salem presumably to de fend himself against the guardianship proceedings brought by bis sons, H- W. and M. 1 Meyers. The case is set for bearing in the county court next Thurs day, bat it Is reported that negotiations arvi tn progress with a view to securing dismissal of the proceedings without hav lag the case) ootae to trial. All the sons (OoaehssVsd urn Pass A J Swiss Companion Frosen and Indian Miraculously Rescued on Peru's Lofty Volcano. LIMA, Peru, Sept. 7. Miss Annie S. Peck of Providence, R. L, the mountain climber, nas succeeded, on her second attempt within a month. In reaching the summit of Mount Huascan. She calculates that the height of the sum mit Is 16.000 feet. A Swiss companion of Miss Peck had a foot and both hands froien, which caused gangrene to set in, and an Indian guide was miraculously saved from death after falling 1000 feet down a ravine. This last attempt of Miss Peck to scale Huascan was begun on August 25. Two weeks previously she climbed the mountain to a height of 25,000 feet, but was compelled to return to the lowlands on account of the Illness of one of her guides. ENDS GRIEF IN OCEAN WAVE Mrs. Neumann, Brooding Over Son's Death, Leaps From Steamer. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 7. Brooding over the death of her son. Ensign Neu mann, who was killed in a turret explo sion on the battleship Georgia, while on the target range off Boston last Fall, It Is believed, caused Mrs. Eliza D. Neu mann to jump from the deck of the Pa cific mall steamer City of Sydney on the night of September 1 when the steamer was a few hours out from Acapulco. Mrs. Neumann, who was the widow of the late Paul Neumann, of this city, for many years legal adviser to the late King Kala kaua, of Hawaii, was missed about 11 o'clock at . night. The steamer was turned back over its course, but no trace of the missing woman was found. A daughter, Mrs. H. Focke, of Hono lulu, who came here on the steamer Mon golia several days ago, was at the dock today when the City of Sydney arrived, expecting to meet her mother. Mrs. Neu mann is said to have been despondent ever since the death of her son. FALLS FROM A WINDOW Carpenter, While In Drunken Stn por. Sustains Serions Injuries. Upton O. Hlckel, 47 years of age. a car penter, who lives In a lodging bouse at 213 Alder street, was probably fatally in jured shortly before 1 o'clock this morn ing by falling out of the window of. his room while in a drunken stupor. He fell from a rear window in the second floor to the ground, a distance of about 12 feet, and struck on his back. He re ceived injuries to his spine, which para lysed his body from his waist down. He was discovered by Patrolman Barsee, who heard his calls for help. Dr. Zeig ler, the city physician, was summoned, and upon ascertaining the seriousness of the man's condition, had him removed to Bt. Vincent's Hospital, where a more thorough examination revealed the fact that his hopes for recovery are slight. STEER CLEAR OF CO-EDS Drastic Kule for Male Students of Nevada School of Mines. RENO, Sept. 7. Opecial.) Under class men of the Mackay School of Mines will not be permitted to accompany co-eds to campus affairs unless such functions are purely social, according to this semester's rules, which were posted by the graduate students today. The fresh men and sophomores will be barred from the dormitory dlning-halls unless they go without feminine companions, and even a short chat on the floor of the gymnasium or in the lobby of the recitation build ings will be prohibited. The girl students in the University of Nevada and the State Normal School were first Informed of the drastic rule at dinner this evening. BOY SAVES LIFE OF SISTER Five-Year-Old Lad Catches Her by Hair "When She Falls Into River. SOUTH BEND, Wash., Sept. 7. Ope cial.) John Henry, aged about E years, proved himself a little hero yesterday, when, by holding his sister, Julia, aged 8, above the water by the hair, he saved her from drowning In the river. The two children went out In a rowboat when by some means the girl fell from the craft. The little fellow caught hold of his sister by the hair as she came to the surface and supported her until some people, who were attracted by his cries, arrived on the scene and took the girl from the water. John was almost exhausted when help arrived but the little girl did not appear any the worse for her experience. FALLS HEIR TO MILLIONS German Carpenter Succeeds to Es tates of Russian Adventurer. BERLIN, Sept. 7. Fried rich Schlegel, a carpenter of Spindelhof, Upper Pala tinate, has been notified through the Ba varian legation at St. Petersburg that he is heir to 25.700,000 in cash and to several estates in Russia, the property of a cer tain German soldier of fortune named Sehmit The latter was in the Russian service during the Crimean "War and was pro moted to be a General. He was married to a rioh Countess. His heir won the Iron cross In the Franoo-Pruaslan Wax. Washington Fight Has Unique Features. JOKES LIKELY FOR SENATOR Local Option Makes Gover norship Doubtful. COSGROVE SECOND CHOICE Even Division Among Mead, Mc Bride and Cosgrove for First Choice Expected Root Only Supreme Judge in Doubt. OLTMPIA, -Wash., Sept. 7. (Special.) Tomorrow will give the state of Wash ington Its first test of the new direct primary law, which la its second choice, nonpartisan judiciary, and free for all candidacy features is unique. With no precedent under the workings of such a law for guidance, the moat astute of politicians are wary about ex pressing predictions as to the result Conservative and unbiased opinion pre dominates that Wesley L. Jones will be the preference of a plurality of voters for the United States Senate. Recent de velopments and apparent gains f Sena tor Ankeny In the last few weeks, how ever, indicate that the contest may be close. Local Optiou Causes Doubt. There exists a more or less definite opinion here that the Governorship will not go to a secondi-choice candidate. Were It not for the local option Issue, Governor A. E. Mead would be considered an almost certain leader In the first choice voting and the probable winner. But It la doubtful If local option sentiment is so strong in this state that It will turn conservative local optloniats against their personal choice amonsr the other can didates. The local option vote is likely to be divided while the saloon vote bears every evidence of being solid for Mc- Bride. The liquor element will expend every effort in getting voters to the polls. actuated not wholly by desire to win the Gubernatorial contest, but also by a wish to elect legislative favorable candidates. Cosgrove on Second Choice. With the second-choice provision opera tive, indications point to S. G. Cosgrove as the probable winner of the contest. This prediction is based on the theory that the first choice vote will be fairly evenly divided among Cosgrove, Mead and McBride. with Cosgrove getting a greater percentage of the second-choice votes than either of the other two. Atkinson is stllll considered a possibility on second choice, but his' chances rest on the theory that persons who vote first choice for Mead, McBride or Cosgrove will not as a rule cast their second-choice votes for either of the other leading candidates. Because of probability of the anti-saloon faction being able to control the local option forces In general. It Is likely that McBride will be the leader on first-choice voting. On the remainder of the ticket, opinion predominates that J. H. Schlvely will win the nomination for Insurance Com- ( Concluded on Page 8.) . ' 1 ' 1 ; j I Rich Man's Son Who Sounded Depths of Sin Tells Story of Regeneration. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) Standing reverently before a group of mission workers and several hundred social outcasts in the slums last night, Leonard Mordaunt, son of a wealthy Eastern family, graduate of Tale law school, ex-convlct and now a convert , to Christianity, celebrated his fourth anni versary of freedom from crime with a remarkable sermon. In simple words he told of his regeneration, and the flotsam and jetsam of humanity, the derelicts who stemmed the tide for a moment to listen, lingered until he was through, many weeping aa If their hearts were broken. Falling to the lowest levels of degra dation, Mordaunt sought to hide himself by coming West. In his extremity he became a highway robber. He was caught, convicted, and sent to the peni tentiary. He later became a deputy sheriff, reformed, and now spends his time and money assisting unfortunates who are as he was. MILL AND LUMBER ON FIRE Plant of Bailey Company Xear,Ells worth Appears to Be Doomed. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) The Bailey Lumber Company's mill, about seven miles northeast of Van couver, and about two miles north of Ellsworth, is in flames. As there Js no lire protection the entire mill, with the lumber stacked in the yards, appears doomed. George G. Bailey, president of the com pany, values the mill at J16.000. The lum ber in the yards, cwhich probably will be consumed before the flames have burned themselves out, is worth about 10,000. Mr. Bailey says that the insurance on the property is $8000. Until four or five days ago It was $10,000. At that time $2000 of the Insurance ran out and had not been renewed. It to not known how the fire started, but it Is thought that It was due to an overheated furnace. DOOMED TO DIE AS REBEL Cornell Man Taken After Desperate Fight With. Honduran Troops. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7. Passen gers on the steamer City of 6ydney, which arrived here today from Panama and Central American ports, brought the news that Captain Lee Cannon, a graduate of Cornell, who is said to be one of the leaders in the Honduras revolution, was captured and has been sentenced to death. According to the reports heard by the passengers. Cannon killed IS men In his last stand, but was finally cap tured. SCORNS BEING LIONIZED Tolstoi's Only Objection to Edict Is Stimulated Sympathy. - VASS'AVl PO LIANA. Sent. 7. Count Leo Tolstoi, speaking of the encyclical Issued against him by the Holy Synod at St. Petersburg, asking all believers not to participate in the celebrations in honor of his 80th birthday, says that the en cyclical displeases him only in the fact that It Increases a "temporary and partly artificially stimulated sympathy toward him." SUNNING FOR CONGRESS AT DANVILLE Duke Defies Mother; Is True to Love. WILL MARRY NEXT JANUARY Last Appeal to Queen Mar gherita Fruitless. SHE FEARS CRITICISM Abruzci Sends Brother to Plead With Mother and Vows He Will Slarry Miss Elkins or Remain Bachelor. KOMB. Sept. 7. The Milan Unlone, a clerical paper, publishes an article to the effect that the Duke of the Abruszi will probably soon go to the United States to make definite arrangements for his mar riage with Miss Katherine Elkins, daughter of United States Senator Stephen B. EUfiina, of West Virginia, and that the ceremony may take place on January 29. the Duke's birthday. According to the Union, the Count of Turin, a few days ago visited Dowager Queen Margherita at Grossney, where she is spending the Summer, and attempted to overcome her opposition to the marriage of his brother, the Duke of the Abruzzi, to Miss Elkins. Dowager Queen Opposes Match. It had been the Intention of the Duke to have the marriage ceremony take place in December if the opposition of the royal family could be removed, but during the recent celebration of the silver wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Genoa, at which all the Savoy princes were present, opposition on the part of the Queen ap peared stronger than ever. She said, however, that time might bring a change in her opinion, and after waiting a reasonable period the Count of Turin sought her at her country home. In espousing the cause of his brother, the Count declared to the Dowager Queen that the Duke 'was steadfast in his love for Miss Elkins, and if he broke hla en gagement to her It would be impossible for him to form an alliance with anyone else. He added that Miss Elkins possessed all the qualifications necessary to fit her to enter the house of Savoy, and that while she Is not of royal blood, this was In keeping with the family tra Aitirn a, the late Prince Amede, Duke of Aosta, married a lady of recent no bility, who sat on the throne or bpain tnr flvo vears. The Count added also that, as the Duke is now 35 years old. it would not be proper for him to delay marriage much longer. Queen Fears American Critics. Queen Margherita. said that her views on the Question had not changed and she refused to give her consent to the mar riage. She objected to such an alliance Allan her&usfl She believed many Ameri cans thought that the Duke of the Ab ruzci had sought marriage with Miss Elkins when he found the American girl would come into a large estate. The Count declared that the Duke was ready to marry Miss Elkins, even with out the Queen's consent, and left for Spesta to Inform his brother of the fail ure of his mission. Village of Snowball Wiped Out. Inhabitants Barely Escape . With Lives. DULUTH. Minn., Sept. 7. The Mesaba range tonight is threatened wlth a new outbreak of the fire which swept away Chisholm Saturday and wiped out thou sands of acres of standing timber. After a day of quiet the flames, which died down Sunday, were fanned into renewed fury again today and are sweeping on toward Hibbing, Buhl and Nashwauk from the south. Snowball, 100 inhabitants, was destroyed this afternoon by a fire that came upon it suddenly. The people had no oppor tunity to fight the flames and fled in terror. Snowball is about two miles from Nashwauk. Brooklyn, a small suburb of Hibbing, is threatened by fire. Buhl and Nashwauk, which were threatened with destruction Saturday are again In danger. The citi zens are fighting the flames desperately. Aurora is surrounded by fires and the citizens are fighting them. Mitchell, a small town about one mile south of Hibbing. was threatened with de struction all day today and was saved only by the efforts of the Inhabitants and the employes of the Duluth, Mesaba & Northern Railroad, whose roundhouse is situated there. Several hundred men are still guarding the place. The pine timber which surrounds Mitchell has been almost all consumed. Between Nashwauk and Hibbing, a region 22 miles long, the forests are one continuous front of flames. From Hib bing it is an appalling sight and big clouds of smoke have been pouring over the threatened city all day, hiding the sun. BEATS AEROPLANE RECORD Leon de la Grange Exceeds Own Peformance of Sunday. PARIS, Sept. 7. Leon de la Grange, president of the Aviation Club of France, today beat his world's aeroplane record made yesterday. He circled the Held at Issy 18 times at an average height of 13 feet and remained in the- air 31 minutes. . As de la Grange's aeroplane ap proached the ground, while making Its first round of the -field, three minutes was deducted, making the official time 28 minutes. M. de la Grange carried 30 litres of fuel essence in the machine's tank, but was forced 'o discontinue his flight be fore all of It was exhausted, owing to Interference of the lubricating oil with the sparking apparatus of the motor. M. de la Grange is confident that he will be able to remain in the air an hour before the end of the week. SNELL WANTS LAND BACK Moves to Set Aside Deeds Father Gave to Mabel McXamara. BLOOMINGTON. I1L, Sept. 7. (Special.) An amendment to the bill of Richard Snell, asking thai deeds of his father to land In this county and state which he made out to Mabel Snell McNamara be set aside, was filed In the Dewitt County Circuit Court today. The amendment is more specific than the original bill In alleging the machinations of Mabel Snell McNamara in her efforts to secure the property from Colonel Tom Snell. No attempt will be made to set aside the deeds to Mrs. McNamara of property which she has already transferred to her husband. FOUR DEAD IN EMBERS' Incendiary Destroys Factory and Cremates Xlghtworkers. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Four persons, believed to be members of a group of employes working overtime, were burned to death tonight in a fire, supposedly incendiary, which destroyed a seven-story factory building on Water stree't. The bodies, burned beyond recognition, were found after the lire had been ex tinguished. Incident to the Are were rescues of nearly a score of workers who were re moved from the fifth floor by means of ladders after the flames had cut off their escape, and the collapse of the sixth floor, carrying with it and slightly injur ing two firemen. The financial loss is $100,000. BEST ALL-AROUND ATHLETE Brodemus Wins Honors at Amateur Athletic 3Ieet. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. J. Brodemus. of Princeton, with a point score of 6809, won the open all around athletic championship of the A. A. U. at Celtic Park today. This was a creditable performance, although it is far behind that of Martin J. Sheridan, of the Irish-American Athletic Club, who won the title on July 4 last year with a record total of 7130 points. In all there were several contestants for the honor. T. J. Mahoney, N. Y. A. C, finished second with 6321, and El lery H. Clark, Boston' Athletic Associa tion, third, with 5155. ANOTHER FAMINE IN CHINA Floods Destroy Rice Crop Between River and Great Wall. PEKTN. Sept. 7. A famine is threat ened tn the region between the rrrex and the great wall, as a result of the floods which ara destroying the rloa crops. Captured on Road to , Sagamore Hill. RESISTS SEIZURE OF WEAPON Pretended Detective Wants to Catch Yeggmen. WAS INMATE OF ASYLUM John Coughlin Advances on Presi dent's House to Ask Troops tor Rescue of Boston FroB Hands of Yeggmen. OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Sept. 7. A Orank armed with an antiquated bulldog re volver was caught near the President's house today by the secret service guarcta. The man described himself as John Coughlin, a detective, and, when stopped by the secret service men, presented a card upon which were inscribed his name and the word "officer." He said that he had come to ask the President to order 10.000 troops to catch yeggmen, who had been terrorizing Boston. Coughlin is supposed to have reached Oyster Bay on the 12:19 train. Ho walked three miles to Sagamore Hill. Tho road leading to the President's house forks at the tennis courts, 300 yards from the house, and forms a loop about the President's home, The two guards, who are on duty in the daytime stand at either end of the house and their view commands both roads. Wants Army to Fight Yeggmen. One of the rules for visitors at Saga more Hill Is that no one shall come on foot; so when Secret Service Agent Adams caught sight of Coughlin tolling up the hill road, he guessed that something was wrong and motioned for the man to go back. Coughlin kept right on. Adam? ran down the road to meet him. Coughlin produced his card and explained in tha most casual way that he hai come to confer with the President concerning the recent outrages by yeggmen in Boston and to lead back such troops as the President saw lit to order out. Moves for Revolver Disarmed. The secret service men tried to ex plain that the President was not see ing visitors at the moment, hoping to get him quietly out of the grounds. Coughlin hesitated a moment and then slid his hand toward the back pocket of his trousers. Adams grappled with him without further parley. Coughlin struggled for a moment, but he is a slight-built man and Adams had no difficulty In holding him until Agent (Concluded on Page 3.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS , The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 63 .degrees; minimum. BR TODAY'S Showers; southwesterly winds. Foreign. Miss Peck reaches summit of Mount Huas can after many perils. Page 1. Duke of the Abruinl will marry Miss Elkins against mother's opposition. Page 1. Congregation of Propaganda orders new election of coadjutor for archbishop Rlordan. Page 2. De la Grange breaks own record for avi ation. Fags 3. Scheme of Tammany to steal Independence convention from rs -- Hearst condemns Gompers for supporting Bryan. Page 2. Taft returns from fishing trip and will tour Ohio today. Page 4. Gompers denounces Cannon in his own - home. i'age i. Bryan sneaks on labor. Issue at Chicago. Page 2. Domestic. Richard Snell moves to get back father's nmn.riv from Mabel McNamara Page 1. Highwayman reforms.and preaches to social outcasts, rase x. Crank with revolver captured on way to see Roosevelt. Page 1. Forest fires break out with renewed energy, threaten five towns, burn one village. Page 1. Sports. Pacific Coast League scores rortland S, I.os Angeles 2; Oakland 10-2, San Fran cisco 8-1. Page 7. Portland Bankers beat Seattle Money Changers at baseball. 4 to 2. I'age 7. Papke defeats Ketohel In 12 rounds, draw ing much blood. Page 8. Attcll and Moran fight 23-round draw. Page 6. raclflc Coast. Express package worth over J50.000. owned by aged Joseph Meyem, of Salem, stolen from Union Depot. Page I. Lee Johnson, accused of killing womas at Nome, bought poison few days before her death. Page S. Woman fires on merrymakers who Invade vineyard near Grants Pass, wounding girl Two settlers on Sllets reservation, on whos claims squatters locatea, receivs piom to homesteads. Page 5. Portland and Vicinity. Populace applauds marching legions of labor. Page iu. Fair Grounds performer narrowly escapes death. Page 10. Difference of opinion among members of Calvary Church about uniting with First Presbyterian. Page 4. Chief Gritamaeher aaks for 60 more patrol men and taSO.OOO to run police depart ment next year. Page 14. Council to bold Important meeting tomor row. Page 14. 1 K. Lewis, retired Portland merchant, Is dead. Pag 14. Frenelt ship Blarrits ordered to proceed to Portland to load grain. Pag 15