Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 05, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Put Accomplice in Wife's Mur
der Out of Way, Theory
of Oakland Police.
Suspect Held In Jatl Pending Fur
ther Investigation of Rapidlj
Deepenlng Mystery Xo Money
to Bury Dead Woman.
SAN FRANCISCO.. Sept. 4. In an
effort to determine responsibility for
the death of the woman known as Alice
Donahue, the police of Oakland, ac
cording to a report tonight, will pro
ceed on the theory that Joseph Berry,
whom Daniel Donahue virtually ac
cused of the murder before his suicide,
has also been made away with It is
aid to be the intention of Chief of
Detectives Peterson, with the co
operation of authorities about the bay,
to authorize a search for Berry's body,
arc-ulna; that his failure to appear and
clear himself of the charjre made by
Donahue Indicates that he is unable
to do so.
An elaboration of this theory, which
is admitted to be little more than
guesswork, is that Donahue and Berry
both possessed information concerning;
the woman's death, and that Donahue,
fearing; exposure, sought and obtained
the aid of a third man. whose identity
Is stringly hinted at. and silenced the
man who is said to have been the first
husband of Mrs. Donahue.
Arkell Will Be Held.
Because of the discovery of certain
property identified as belonging to the
dead woman in the home of Gustavo.
Arkell. the latter, it was announced to
night, will not be released from custody
until hLs connection with the case is
thoroughly cleared up. A slrieeomb and a
black-bordered handkerchief, both of
which have been positively identified as
having been in possession of the mur
dered woman, constitute the clews to
which considerable importance is at
tached. It is said that Donahue, prior to his
suicide, denied that the comb had be
longed to the woman, and it is the the
ory of the detectives that his refusal 14
Identify the article was prompted by a
desire to shield Arkell.
An exception to the Biblical teaching
that In death there is peace ard eternal
rest seems to have been found in the case
of Mrs. Donahue.
Her Money Not Available.
The remains of the slain woman
occupy a blab at the morgue, as do
those of the man who passed as her
hueband. In the case of the alleged
husband, there Is soon to be a funeral.
Money is In sight with which to defray
the funeral expenses. In the case of
the dead woman, who passed as his
wife, there la a different condition of
affairs. Despite the fact that she was
presumed to have died possessed of
money, insurance policies and Jewels
aggregating a total value of S15.000,
her estate la In such a tangled condi
tion that no funds are available with
which to pay her funeral expenses.
This morning Public Administrator
Oray filed letters of administration In
the murdered woman's estate. It will
take considerable attention of the
courts to straighten out the affairs of
the dead woman.
Donahue, a day or two before he
took his own life, had made funeral ar
rangements for the woman who for
ten years had posed as his legal wife.
He had agreed to pay for a perpetual
car grave In Mountain View Ceme
tery and had made all plans for an
elaborate wake.
Thinks Mystery Insolvable.
Captain Peterson, of the detective
force, stated today that he did not be
lieve all the complications of the case
would ever be cleared up. He Is of the
opinion that Donahue murdered the
woman, and committed suicide rather
than fare a charge of murder.
His theory is that Donahue mur
dered the woman for her money, for
the $3900 insurance and $9000 in the
w Ticket Is Accepted, but Dubois
Faction Starts Fight In Courts.
BOISE. Idaho, Sept. 4. The anti-Dubols
faction of the Democratic party in Idaho
scored the first point in the battle between
th two factions for recognition as the
regular ticket of the party today, when
Secretary of State Robert Landown ac
cepted the ticket named by the antl
Dubois men at Walle.ce. When the office
of the Secretary of State was opened this
morning. State Chairman Nugent and the
amis were on hand with a ticket, which
was accepted as the Democratic state
ticket for Idaho. Half an hour later rep
resentatives of the Dubois ticket arrived
with their ticket, but Londown, after con
sulting the Attorney-4Jeneral. declined to
accept It.
Attorneys for the Dubois faction at once
announced that they would file mandamus
proceedings In the Supreme Court to com
pel the Secretary of State to Hie their
ticket under the party name. It is prob
able that the papers will be filed tomor
row, and the court will be asked to give
the case immediate attention. An early
decision is expected.
Charged With Falsifying Report of
Broken Bank.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 4. After sev
eral days of Intermittent Investigation
Into the affairs of the defunct Market
street bank, the grand Jury today re
turned indictments against A. F. MarteL,
president of the bank. W. B. Nash, a
former cashier and director and I B.
Haven, the cashier who succeeded Nash.
The Indictments charge the return of a
false report to the bank Commissioners.
Martel. Nash and Havens are held under
$10,000 bonds in each case.
Courageous Clerk Rashes Into Blaz
ing Room and Saves Man.
Two fires in two dlffferent rooming
houses In the North End occured within
IS minutes of each other last night,
each being caused by a kerosene lamp.
The first blase occurred at 10 o'clock in
room 81 of the Grand rooming' house
at 45 North Third street.
Charles West, the roomer, attempted
to retire while Intoxicated and upset
the lamp. It struck the floor and ex
ploded. The clerk heard the noise and
ran to the room where he found the
Intoxicated man lying in a drunken
stupor on the floor while the flames
from the burning oil were rapidly eat
ing their way about the room. The
coat of the prostrate man was already
ablaze. West was aroused with diffi
culty and rescued from his perilous po
sition. The flames were partially ex
tinguished with a blanket and when the
firemen arrived a few buckets of water
finished the fire.. West was arrested
and taken to the city Jail for being
drunk. He said that he had Just ar
rived in this city and that his home
was in St. Paul.
A. few minutes later a second alarm
was turned in for a fire in the Cosmo
politan rooming house in the next block
at 51 North Third street. Here a lamp
In room 119. occupied by J. T. Nelson
exploded while Mr. Nelson was prepar
ing to retire. In his endeavors to
throw fragments of the burning lamp
out the window Mr. Nelson was pain
fully cut and slightly burned on his
right hand. The damages in both fires
were trifling.
Soldiers' Widows Will Let Pension
Agents Bring Up Their Case.
Xext Convention Decided.
TOLEDO. O., Sept. 4. Not for three
years will the Grand Army of the Re
public ask Congress for further relief
measures. It appeared to be the con
sensus of opinion of the leaders that too
much hammering for pension bills and
relief measures might soon create an un
dignified impression in the minds of Con
gressmen and reflect discredit on the
Civil War veterans at the time in their
lives when they would need the most
assistance at the hands of the Nation
they helped to save.
Status of Soldiers' Widows.
Another way will be sought by the vet
erans to get before Congress those bits
of legislation which they feel cannot wait.
The attention of the G. A. R. delegates
was called by Kate Brownlesa Sherwood
to the status of the pending widows' pen
sion bill, in which at present it Is re
quired that applicants shall have been
married a number of years prior to the
present date. ' She asks that the bill may
be altered to allow the eligibility of those
who marry up to the date of the passage
of the bill and that the matter may be
placed In the hands of the pension agents.
The same plan may be used with regard
to the amendment to the service pension
At the wish of General I. R. Sherwood
his dollar-a-day pension bill was not
brought up for consideration, and a res
olution asking Congress to pay ex-prisoners
of war $2 a day pension was laid
Next Meeting at Salt Lake.
After the Installation of the newly-elected
National officers at the morning ses
sion today, the G. A. R. delegates decided
upon Salt Lake City as the next meeting
place by a vote of 461 to 104 for Washing
ton. After Salt Lake City had been
chosen for the encampment. Vice -Commander-in-Chief
Scott ndtified the en
campment that Atlanta would be in the
field for 1910.
Motorman Finds It Impossible to
Stop in Tim to' Prevent
Stricken by adverse fate with a mal
ady from which he was a sufferer. Wade
Hampton Parsons, a resident of Lents,
fell unconscious In a fit of epilepsy last
night shortly before 8 o'clock, on the
car track of the Mt. Scott line, at East
Forty-seventh street and Hawthorne
avenue. A few moments later he was
run over by an Inbound car. from which
he received such Injuries that he died
shortly afterwards, while on his way to
the Good Samaritan Hospital in an am
Before he died Parsons recovered con
sciousness long enough to tell his name
and address and to explain that he was
lying on the track as a result of an epi
leptic fit. He said that he could not
positively remember how he came there.
but could account for his presence In
no other way.
Owing to the Incompleteness of dlrec
tions given by Parsons, the authorities
were unable to locate his relatives last
night and nothing further was learned
regarding him.
An Excursion to Klamath Falls.
The Southern Pacific will run a pop
ular excursion to Klamath Falls, leav
lng Portland at 1:30 A. M. Sunday, Sep
tember 6- Round trip $25. limit' 29
days. This is a rare opportunity to
Investigate the fertile, the promising
Klamath Basin fish and hunt to your
heart's content along Upper Klamath
Lake, or visit marvelous Crater Lake.
A special Pullman car will run through
to Weed for the comfort of this party
Pullman fare $4, including night In
car at Weed. Passengers may enter
this car any time after 9:30 Saturday
night. Call at city ticket office. Third
and Washington streets, for particu
lars. Blood Humors
Commonly cause pimples, boils, hives, eexema
or salt rheum, or some other form of erup
tion; but sometimes they exist in the system,
indicated by feelings of weakness, languor,
loss of -appetite, or general debility, without
causing any breaking out.
Hood's Sarsaparilla expels them, renovates,
strengthens and tones the whole system.
This is the testimony of thousands annually.
Accept no substitute, but insist on having
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets
known as Sarsata ba. lOO doses SL
See Page 3.
Contractors Ready for Work in
Moses Coulee.
Agents Representing: North Bank
Railroad Close Deals Tor Right
of Way Between Wlllapa v.
and Grays Harbor.
WEN'ATCHEE. Wash.. Sept. 4. (Spe
cial.) That the Great Northern content
plates constructing its Moses Coule
branch of that line at an eany aate.
seems to be assured fact, as the site for
the warehouses along the road have been
cleared and several cars of lumber have
arrived for the erection of a large ware
house at the mouth of the Coulee. The
latter point will be a great shipping
center for wheat that will find its way to
Portland, via the North Bank road.
Contractors Carlson, Jordan and an
other gentleman were in Wenatchee to
day and they state that about a dozen
sub-contractors are on the ground now
and about 1000 men will be needed to
carry on the work in a short time.
The preliminary work has already be
gun and the contractors state that the
whole line will be completed In about six
or eight months.
This will give Watervllle a railroad and
will be a great boon to the Big Bend
country in general as farmers have to
pull loads of wheat for miles to a mill.
Agents of North Bank Road Visit
Aberdeen and Hoquiam.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept 4. (Spe
cial.) Agents, said to be representa
tives of the North Bank Railroad, are
In Aberdeen and Hoquiam today mak
ing offers for rights of way, taking
options and closing deals for the en
trance of the North Bank from Wlllapa
to Grays Ha-bor. via North River. The
route was surveyed nearly a year ago
and is said to be one of the best along
the easiest grades obtainable.
The new line is surveyed to run
through Cosmoplis, down the North
River to Wlllapa Harbor and thence
through to the Columbia.
The Milwaukee is reported to have
begun actual construction work at
Cosmopolis. owners of buildings on the
right of way having been ordered to
move and work preparatory to tear
ing down buildings on the railroad
property is said to be in progress.
The North Bank is the Joint property
of the Northern Pacific and Great
Commission Reports on Collision at
Fourth and Sherman Streets.
SALEM. Or., Sept. 4. (Special.)
The Railroad Commission, after in
vestigating the collision between a
street car and locomotive at the cross
ing at Fourth and Sherman streets.
Portland, finds that the accident could
have been avoided had- the conductor
of the street car flagged his car at
the ciossli.f,. and the recommendation
to the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company is that it require its
conductors to precede their cars over
Sherman street crossing and flag the
cars to where It is safe to proceed.
In conducting its findings the com
mission intimates that if the Portland
City Council does not take steps to
correct the dangerous conditions at
crossings the commission will take a
What tb Frees Afent Say.
Baker Theater Matinee and Night.
Qrnrr fmron and the Cameron Opera
While it is not natural for everyone to have extremely long hair, it is possible for every lady
to have beautiful hair, for when the scalp is not diseased the hair will grow naturally and
abundantly. ,
The chief disease of the scalp is dandruff which is highly contagious and dandruff is
now known to be caused by an invisible vegetable growth called the dandruff germ. Ordinar
ily, the first signs of scalp infection are dryness, dullness and brittleness of the hair, although
the disease sometimes causes excessive oiliness. Following this, the hair loses its luster, the
scalp itches more or less and dandruff appears. Falling hair and baldness represent the last
stages of hair destruction.
Newbro's Herpicide the original remedy that kills the dandruff germ will cure any
stage of this disease, except chronic baldness, which is incurable. Herpicide not only de
stroys the dandruff germ and stops falling hair, but it is a most exquisite hair dressing,
making the hair light and fluffy and giving it a silken gloss. Almost marvelous results
sometimes follow the continued use of Herpicide. It stops itching of the scalp almost in
stantly. Two Sizes, 50c and $1 at Drugstores Send 10c in Stamps to the Herpicide Co., Dept. N. Detroit, Michigan, for a Sample
NOTE If the drna-arlst aassrests snbstltate, walk ont of his
store and send the advertised price direct to us. We will imrae
. . dlately express the Herpicide direct to your door, all chances
Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act Jane SO, 1906. Serial No. 915
Store Closed Monday Labor Day
When the leaves be
gin to fall it's the time
limit on that Summer
Here's an unlimited
variety in the new
blocks with just enough
change in the shape to
make last year's hat
look it.
The Beaver Hat, $3.
None better, few as
good. Sold only by us.
Our hat man will be
pleased to show you.
166-170 Third Street.
Company will appear at the Baker for the
last two times this afternoon and tonight
In the rollicking musical-comedy. "Little
Dollle Dimples." Miss Cameron U one of
th favorites of the comic opera stage, and
possesses a strong- and beautiful singing
voice and splendid acting ability.
Lyric yatinee Today.
"A Celebrated Case." a world-famous
French melodrama that has been delight
ing Lyric audiences this week, will be re
peated by the peerless Btunkall Stock Com
pany this afternoon. Warda Howard and
her dlrectoire gown will be the areat at
traction. Tonight will be the last chance
to see this great performance.
Today at The Oaks.
This afternoon at The Oaks will occur
the award in hf the children's pony and
cart, which haa been so eagerly awaited.
Tonight the Allen Curtis Company will re
peat Its splendid success In "A Lost Baby."
that merry song show. Last performance
tomorrow night.
Tom Davie's Trio at Orphenun.
Tom Daies. the world's -champion cyclist,
brings his novelty, "Motoring In Mid-Air.'
from the Coliseum In London. Last sea
son this act was considered so good that
It was made the clrcu section of tne New
York Hlupodrome. It Is one of those hair
raising acts one of those acts where the
performers appear to be courting the serv
ices of the funeral director.
--- Comedy at P outage.
"The Girl From Missouri. as depicted by
Minnie fit. Clair at the Pantages, is a rol
licking bit of comedy that fulfills Its - mis
sion of making people laugh. - Minnie sac
rifices a large measure of good looks to
make herself grotesque and she succeeds.
"Bit of Blarney Sunday.
Tomorrow will be the last opportunity
to see "A Bit of Blarney" and the many
other novelties on the splendid vaudeville
programme at the Grand. There is not an
act on the bill from Don and Thompson,
t he funsters, to the singing of Dorothy
Dayne. with her dlrectoire gown, which Is
not a hit.
Baker Stork Company.
Everything Is In readiness for tth initial
performance of the season of the popular
Baker Stock Company at its new home,
the beautiful Bungalow, tomorrow matinee.
The oyen'.ng bill Is "Dorothy Vernon of
From Using
"I am blessed with an abundance of long hair and I use the
utmost care in the preservation of it. I have never found any
thing that pleases me as much as Newbro's Herpicide. It keeps
the scalp clean and sanitary and adds a luxurious appearance
to my hair that no other preparation will give. I consider it
most delightful to use and I can truly say that I prefer it above
all other preparations for the hair. I like J'our soap also and
can recommend both highly to any ladv who wishes a good head
of hair." (Signed) JENNIE A. ABBOTT,
24-13 Warden Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Fan Season Is Here
Keep Cool
9 Hot weather comfort can be secured with
an ELECTRIC FAN at a cost for current
9 Your wife needs an ELECTRIC FAN in
the household quite as much as do you at
the office.
Do Not Delay
Q A nice, cool, well-ventilated room insured
by the use of an ELECTRIC FAN.
9 Call at our Supply Department, 145-147
Seventh street, and see our display.
9 Telephone Main 6683 or A 5517.
Haddon Hall." belnc the- dramatlzaUon of
Charles Major popular novel by that
name as presented In New York by Alberta
Galland. All the old favorites ar well
. - Jose Opens Tomorrow.
Considerable Interest is belns manifested
In the appearance here at the Baker The
ater of the renowned singer of ballads.
Richard Jose, who begins a week's engage
ment tomorrow afternoon, supported by a
clever company in' the extremely funny
farce. "Don't Tell My Wife." Jose at
tracts hundreds who do not go habitually
to the theater, but who never fall to fol
low him.
"Fasan's Decision" at Orpheum.
"Fagan's Decision" is the title of a new
playlet that will be presented by Claude
and Fannie Usher at the Orpheum next
week. Mr. Usher Is a clever comedian
and assumes the role of an ex-feather
weight puglllist who has retired with a
big bundle of money and buys a home on
the Hudson.
Military Commanders.
There will be a warlike act at the Grand
next week, commencing Monday after
noon, when George Street Co. appear in
"Mllltarv Corrmanders cf the World." Sev
eral batttlefleld scenes will be represented,
from the burning of Moscow to Port Ar
thur. Next Week at Paotaa-ea.
The Pantages patrons will see the fun
niest comedy animal act In vaudeville, the
wrestling ponies. They are a revelation and
will prove to be a big drawing card. They
do not wrestle with one another, however,
but with John Hodge, a comical unbleached
"Hooligan" Coming.
"Hooligan in New York." which opens
at the Star Theater, commencing at the
matinee tomorrow, can truthfully be termed
the quintessence of fun. Unlike most com
edies it has a plot, and this plot Is in
the main responsible for the many ludir
rous mishaps and complications that round
out a solid three hours of fun.
"Lena Rivers" Sunday Afternoon,
Opening Sunday afternoon the Blunkall
Stock- Company will offer a splendid pro
duction of the beautiful domestic comedy
drama. "Lena Rivers." or the coming
week. Everybody has read Mary J. Holmes'
beautiful story, but few have seen the
plav. This will be your opportunity.
In the Business
College World
Means all that is modern. Attested
by our popularity and attendance.
Get our catalogue and learn why our
school leads; why our graduates are
all employed.
Day and night classes throughout the
Elks Building
Portland. Oregon
Kindergarten and
Training Class
of the
University of Oregon
Twenty-second annual session begins Sett
tetnber 14. 1008. Address 8. E. Joseph!.
11 D.. Dean. 810 Dekum bid.. Portland.
Resident and Day School for Girls
You can't make a mistake in buy
ing a Reed-French piano any time,
but when you can get a Reed-French
piano for $224 you have touched
bottom in piano prices. Many styles
and all the woods to select from. The
terms will strike you right. Come in
this evening.
Fingers roughened by needlework,
catch every stain and look hope
lessly dirty. Hand Sapollo re- '
moves not only the dirt, but also
the loosened, injured cuticle, and
restores the fingers to their nat
ural beauty.
Watch for
Columbia Woolen
Mills Co.'s
"Reason Why"
Contest in
Sunday Papers.
A. Abbott.
piano store a piano
on ) AT A'
--, "i