, r OPINION IS ASKED Kavanaugh to Decide on Set ting Aside Bridge Bonds. WILL TRY TO FIND WAY Question as to Proceeding Xeceseary Put Tp to City Attorney by Street Committee Presoott Street- Paring Quest-ton fp. The street committee of the City Council. at lte meeting yesterday aft ernoon, referred to the City Attorney the question as to whether It Is pos sible to set aside the bona Issue of 1460.000 for a new bridge at Madison street and If it Is. how to proceed. The matter was brought up by pe tition of more than 5000 property owners, who want a hlsrh bridge built across the Willamette River In South Portland. This constitutes one of the most Im portant questions ever submitted to City Attorney Kavanansh, Two fac tions are actively at work. One wants the high bridge In South Portland, while the other wantu a bridge built across the river at Madison street forthwith. Arguments are being made on both projects, and some meetings have been held, at which the matter has been discussed. The present struo ture at Madison street is old and worn out. and that something should be done quickly is admitted by all par ties. The street ' committee fixed Thurs day. September 17. at o'clock as the time when applications for about 40 franchises for the Portland Railway. I-la-ht A Power Company will be con sidered. These are wanted for the extension of lines and some new tracks In various sections of the city. Something of a sensation was caused when G. B. Prank, president of the Northeast 8lde Improvement Associa tion, declared that petitioners for a bltullthie pavement on Prescott street had signed up for that improvement under a misapprehension of the facts as to the cost. He said the property owners were told that the cost would be about one-half of w-hat they later discovered It would be, and they signed another petition, asking that the proceedings be discontinued. James MeGuire. one of the original petitioners for the pavement, attacked Mr. Frank, saying that there is no such association as Mr. Frank said he represented, and that Mr. Frank Is not a property-o wn er and should not be allowed to talk against the proposed Improvement. Councilman Prlscoll in terrupted Mr. McOuIre, to say that he approved Mr. JlcGulre's remarks. Mr. Frank denied the allegations of Mr. MeOulre. except that he admitted not being a property-owner In the street. The remonstrance was referred to the -City Auditor, who was instructed to check It up to see If there are suf ficient property-owners on it to stop the proceedings. WANT A $1,500,000 BRIDGE East Side Residents Enter Campaign for High Structure. A meeting of East Bide citizens was ' leld last riTRht at" the corner of Division Md East Twelfth streets to promote In terest In the erection of a high bridge at First and Sherman streets, on the vVest Side, and East Ninth and Caru Ihers streets, on the East Side. W. J. Appleton was elected chairman and M. Tarlson secretary. The following reso lutions were Introduced by Mr. Carlson and adopted: Whereas. the apparent necessity of a brldse across the Willamette River In the southern part of our rlty. end the practi cability of such a brldse belnc constructed from First and Sherman streets on the West Side to Ninth and Caruthera on the Eut Side; and Whereas, the most convenient and suit able point for a bridge approach on the Eait Side. Is at Ninth and Caruthera streets, be it therefore Resolved, that we Join with the cltlxens of the Went Side In a petition under the Initiative and referendum to the voters of Portland, praying; for a sum not to ex ceed $1. 50O.000 for the purpose of constr-uct-n a suspension brldse 00 feet in width across the Willamette River from First and Sherman streets on the West Side to "Ninth and Caruthera on the East Side, and be It further Resolved, that the chairman of this meet Ins appoint a committee of five to solicit subscriptions to defray the expense In cir culating petitions under the initiative and referendum to be presented at the next general election to the voters of Portland. M. O'Neill, from South Portland, ad dressed the meeting, declaring he wanted it clearly understood that the movement for thla high bridge was not In opposition to any other bridge, either at Madison or East Mill, or at Albina, but that ft was an enterprise that stood on Its own merits. Both sides of the river, he said, seeded the bridge, as proposed, which would be from 135 to 140 feet above the river. All carline would want to use It. for it would be above all river naviga tion. Mr. O'Neill announced that a mass meeting would be held at the Harrison Hotel In a short time, to which all East Elde people interested are Invited to at tend. ENGINEER INSPECTS WORK C I. Davis, or Pacirio Rail war, la on Way to Buxton. HILLSBORO. Or.. Sept. 4. (Special.) Chief Engineer George L. Davis, of the Pacific Railway A Navigation Company, accompanied by Andrew J. McCabe. ar rived here this morning and went on out to the front, beyond Buxton, to look over the contract work recently awarded Mc Cabe Bros. Active work begins as soon as construction supplies can be trans ported. The Tillamook stage line, running out of Forest Grove, has been taxed to its capacity taking in laborers to begin work on the Tillamook end, where Contractor Wakefield has charge of the grading and bridge work. John S. Smith, of near Vernonla, Co lumbia County, states that the people of bis section are more than willing to extend the time for the competition of the Paciflo Railway & Navigation line to that place, the present agreed tenure being next January. Horse and Baggy Stolen. HILLS BORO, Or., Sept, 4. Spec!al.) A thief last night stole a horse and a rubber-tire buggy from the Dr. F. A. Bailey ranch, a half mile west of town, and drove into Portland. Prisoner Gains Liberty. ALBANY, Or., Sept. 4. Special.) Ar rested at 6c lo yesterday for assault. Thomas Psge escaped from Deputy Sheriff Bllyeu while en route to the County Jail at Albany last night. s DAILY KBTEOBOryQGlOAI. REPORT. PORTLANTX Pept. 4. Maximum tempera ture, AJ.T decrees; minimum, 67-1. River THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, CI KtfBOPBAW fTAH MODERN BEST AC KANT COST OKI MILLION DOLLAR. hoteloregon I CORNER SEVENTH Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp European Plan. Free Bus J WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. I ittttlllMM Centrally Locate! vll itam&tijatmm trasTsma WUumt IJiiSSJfrffcSiC? Boa meets aU lir 'HC Usual X F. DA VIES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $U50j FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Alder CALUMET HOTEL , -Ka . ' l.a.ii.4:.Ri5L!?..-: . i Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at "THE CORNELIUS ' THE BEST Situated In the center of the shopplnr district; one block from the clanslne; .tr..UAon.?xC;?n,.v. some other ho,...: r wlta Priv". bath nn..rilanr. .nrt 1QC&1 lei.DIlVllW " w carneted throushout with the best velvet solids m.hony ."irf room contains a heavy solid Simmons brass bed on which f. a JJ oS-pond haT mattress: the furnishing, and seneral PP'-ance of the v.. ..-n in bM aonraclated: sample-rooms, each with lOO to lou- THP"coRVELir9 Park and Alder streets. Portland's newest and most mod ern eouDDed hoteL Jo Iclti your patronage and assures you good service and look pleased. THE COKXEIJUS Free Bus meets all train Europlan. C. W. Cornelius. Proprlstor. N. K. Clarke. Manager. I5S p?r..- i.ii T-v i s readlna- at S A. M.. 87 feet: chang. In lat 24 hour 0.1 foot. Total rainfall, P. M to B P. M.. nil; total since September i. 1908. nil; normal. 0.13 inch; deOclency. 0.13 Inch. Total sunshine September S, 11 hours minutes; possible, 13 hours 12 mi utes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at B P. 28. Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 9 Wind. S vl S 6 1 J e is o 4, e W ?8 5 f : a 3 : : STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena K am loops , North Head.... Pocatello Portland. ....... Bed Bluff Roaeburs. ...... Sacramento . . Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... St'klyou Marshflsld Blaine 92-0 ,O0 I N .00 10W .00- 4'NW Clear near SS 0 V'i 0 160 0 Clear .OOl 4'NW knoudy 84 0. 78 0 RK O oo i: w Clear 00'Calm OOl s Pt cloudy Cloudy ,1B0 0 S6:0 ! o ,S8 0 90 0 'poo HO 0 o sw 8 SW Clear Clear Clear OO SB Ortl BNW .0O10 S OO! N ,O0lS4'W .00 iow ,00l 4'nW Clear Clear clear Clear Clear 78 0 Ins n Clear .00 4W Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear !S4 o .oo; 4 sw St 0 koo iS.O .OO I. aim 00 8 SW 00 4 W WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer continues to rise slowly along the Paciflo Coast and It has fallen de- TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1903 HKAXXlOABTEKa FOR TOURISTS a COMMK.JU 1L IHAtuiKi. to ISSUUfe gile gesHleanest. Tbe ILUaemest will be pleased a era TurkUh hath ef- tannshmsau in m b"l1"c, BOWERS. Mi AND STARK STREETS Moeiera Itnprav Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PbU. Maseehs ex. Sons, Prop. Rates 51.0O-51.50-S2.Ca HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. In the heart of the business and shopping district. The most modern and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. Local and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms with private bath, en suite and single. Large and mod ernly equipped sample-rooms. v-t t a TV-"-r riniT T A f T TClT trains. Katea 1.00 and op, w. 8 WE TLA Ml. Manager. C a D AVTES, Sew. mmd TrsjsatJ A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms- Only American and European Hotel in Portland. long Distance Phones In Every Room. Free 'Bus Meets AU Trains. Pates American. 12.00 per day and op. Rates European. $1.00 per day and up. Per month, alnsle room and board. $ to to 167 aecordlnc to room. For two. $75 to $110. Board without room $30 per month N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASBINGTOBr ST. Portland's ' Only Roof Garden America Rates Families atd European Oar Bns Meets All Trains ample Suites, with Baths, for Travellnc Hea THE DANM00RE Portland's new hoteL I Waabtna-t on, former lata us. lletlta? Tsesier. las spsaai pJaa SUOO aa TJp. Bus meets all train. DAN J. ItOORB, Proprietor. Hotel Mean Clatsop Beaafc, flaw sMo. Or. Osea all year. Far laiao saativa apply at The Das IX POKTLAXH. J . , o ; . .. carpets the rooms are furnished in yrs HOTEL LENOX Portland's new and most modernly furnished liotel Third and Main streets, fronting; on the beautiful City Plaza and adjacent to business center. Free "bus to and from trains. Up-to-date grill. Excellent cuisine. Telephone In every room. Private baths. EUROPEAN PI-AW, AttERICAW PLAIT, S l to VtAO Per Day. f 3.80 to S4 Pes Day. O. H. SPENCER, Manager 'cldedly over British Columbia No rain has occurred In this district during the last 24 hour Fog and cloudiness have Increased along the coast and ths wind at sea Is from the southwest. The temperatures are above normal everywhere, except on the California coast, where they are slightly below normal. The Indications are for fair weather In this district Saturday, except along the coast, where .showers are probable. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; winds mostly westerly. Oregon and Washington Fair, except showers along the coast; south to west winds. Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BEAL3. District Forecaster. Wlreleee Weather Report. STEAMER GOVERNOR, 8ept. 4. S P. M. Five miles north of Taqulna Head. Barom eter, S0.OS Inches; temperature. 63 degrees; light southwest wind and sea; weaaher over cast. 'COMMANDER S. S. GOVERNOR. TREASURE SPOT V TABLE ROCK" See Page 3. ., ' , I FOR SALE RKAL ESTATE. . I imnwrrwrm . S vnRFTvTRN'TS. I NEW TODAY. SHRINERS GOINO TO Eugene, will wear their fes at ths depot as a mark of Identification, passing through a apeclal gate to their train. Those having paid for their reservation will have their tickets de livered to them on the cars J Q. MACK. Potentate. B G. WHITBHOUSE. Rec. OREGON LODOH, NO. 101. A, F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening, 8 o'clock. SC Masonic Temple, West far ana Yamhill. K. A. aegree. vis.iins brethren cordially invited. Py order w. M. A. J. HANDLAW, aec. THE LADIES OF SUMNER RELIEF CORPS will giv. a social and programme Saturday evening. September 0. at their hall! corner, of 1'ine st. and Grand av.nue. Everyone Is cordially invited. ENGROSSING resolution testimonials, memorial etc Bill 600 Columbia bldg. prgp. ALTOCANDER In this city. Sept 4l,M late residence. W Knott St.. John V. Alex aniler, aged 12 years. Funeral announcement later. FUNERAL NOTICE. . BACK STROM At 24 Albina avenue Sep tember 3. Olaf Backstrom, aged 77 year 1 month. 10 days. Funeral services will be held from Zeller Byrnes Co.'s chapel Sunday. September 6, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. BROOKS At the residence of her son. D. W. McFaden, Walla Walla. September 4, Mrs. Mary, M. Brooks, aged 71 year Funeral services Sunday morning from Dunnlng-s Chapel. East Sixth and East Alder sts. MATTBSON The funeral services of Alonson L. Matteson will be held at Holman'e chapel. Third and Salmon sts., at 2:80 P. M. today (Saturday). Friends invited. Inter ment Rlvervlew Cemetery. JACKSON At 822 Tiago street. St. John. September 2. Ollle May Jackson, aged 26 years. 10 months, beloved wife of H. F. Jackson. Remains forwarded to Condon. Or., for Interment by Zeller Byrnes Co. CLARK At pueblo, Colo., August 80, Nellie Clark, wife of R. S. Clark, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Payne, of eauvles Island, aged 24 years. The funeral will leave Finleye chapel at 11 A. M. today (Saturday. Services will be held at Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends Invited. Dnnnlng, McEntee Cilbaugh, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Phoue Main 430. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Direct or. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M Ml. J P. FlNLEx BON, Sd and Madison, lady assistant. Phone Main , A 1898. ZELLEK-BYRNE8 CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 273 Russell. East 1088. LadJ assistant. P. S. DTJNU1NO, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. lady assistant, l'hone East Si- WHERE TO DINK. YegetarianCaf e w..h8Tunday" dinEr SBc. w0 If- cr.am. 11 A. M to S P. M. Car Inspectors Off Strike. TORONTO, Sept. 4. Canadian Paciflo officials report that all of their old car Inspectors, who were out on strike, are back at work ajraln today. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.! Following rates wltl be given only when advertising la ordered to run consecutive days. Daily and Sunday Issue The Ore gonian charges first-time rat. each insertion for classified advertising that U not run on consecutive day The first-time rate is charged foe each Insertion In The Week! Oreconlan. "Hoods," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. 13 cents i IS to 20 words. 20 cents: 21 to 23 words, 2S cents, etc No discount for additional Insertion Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads, ene tlme rate each Insertion UNDER ALL OTHER HP ADS, except "New Today." 30 cent, for 18 word, or less; IS to 20 words. 40 cenUi (1 to 25 words. 60 cent eto first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half s no further discount un der one month. "NEW TOO A X." (gauge measure agate), 14 cents per line, flint bwertloni 7 cents per line tor each additional Insertion. TELEPHONE AD VEKTISEMLNTB For the convenience of patrons The Oregonlaa will accept advertisements (excepting "Situations Wanted") for publication In classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising- will be mailed Imme diately and payment la expected promptly, tare will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070: A 6095. Above rates apply to advertising paid In advance only. All book entries villi be charged In lines lte per line for first In sertion and 7o per line for each consecutive Insertion. Special rates on contracts given on application. Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Orov. Passenger... California ExpTeas Ban Francisco Express .... West Side CorvallLs Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grov. Passenger Forest Grove Passengsr . . . . Arriving Portland Oregon Express .Cottage Grove Passenger . Roseburg Passengar Portland Express West Bide Corvallls Passenger ....... Sheridan Passenger ........ Forest Grov. Passenger .... Forest Grove passenger. ... Forest Grov. Passenger 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p m. 7:45 p. m 1:C0 a m, 7:20 m. 4:10 m. 8:30 a m. 1 .00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 11:30 a m. 6:S0 p. m. 11:16 p. m. 8:20 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a m. 11:30 m. 4:30 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. A Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express ... 8:80am. North Coast A Chicago Limited. 3:00p.m. Overland Express 11:43 p.m. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited 7.00am. Portland Express 4:18 p.m. Overland Express 8:33 P- m. OBEOON RAILROAD at NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland 1 Pendleton Passenger 1 7: 15 a m. nhtc&so-Portland apodal :S0 a m. Spokane Flyer Kansas City A Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokan. Flyer Chi.. Kan. City A Portland Ex. Chicago-Portland Special 6:16 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:00 a m. 9:43 a m. 8:00 p. m. 5:13 p. m. Pendleton Passenger ASTORIA A COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria A Seaside Express 8:00 am- Eeasids Sp.cial (Saturday only). 2:20p.m. Astoria A Seaslds Sxprsas 6:30 p. m. Arriving Portland Astoria a Portland Passenger. .. 12:15 p. m. Portland Express Jl0:00p. m. Eeaald. Special (Sunday only). .10.20 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving Portland ' C P. R. Short Line, via Spokane 8:15 p. m. Via Seattle 11:45 p.m. ArrlvUig Portland C p. R. short Line, via Spokane. 8:00 m. Via Ssattl. 7:00 a m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger 7:40 m. Dallas passenger 4:15p.m. Arriving Portland Dallas passsnger 10:15 a.m. Dallas Passenger 6:60p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. iivivliis Portland - Wllsonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Local . . Wllsonvllle Local Balem and Intermediate Express. Sal.m and Intermediate Local. . Wllsonvllle Local - Salem and Intermediate Express. Sal.m and lnt.rm.dlate Local. . Salem and Intermediate Express 7:03 8:15 10:30 11:20 1:20 4:46 4:00 6:40 615 I 6.25 7:35 8:35 a m. m. m. a m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. a m. a m. a m. a m. p. m. p. m Salem and Intermediate Local. . Wllsonvllle Local Ealem and Intermediate Expresa Salem and Intel mediate Local.. Wllsonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Expresa Balem and Intermediate Local . . 1TII.An.ltU tIPl! 11:10 1:10 2:05 3:30 6:10 p. m. p. m. 0,n, Balem and .Intermediate xf rea. 6:05 Baker Theater Zh Kmia a Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee. GEORGE L BAKER, General Manager. Matinee today; last time tonight. C. H. Kerr presents Dainty Grace Cameron 1" ' latest musical comedy succes "LIXlLli DOLLIE DIMPLES." Evening prices. 23c, BOc, T3c. ft; matinees. 2-lc. 30c. Next week, starting tomorrow mati nee, Richard Joes. MAIN 6 A 1020 Matinees Ex. Sundays and Holiday 15-25-50C NIGHTS Week Aug. 31 15-25-50-7 5C Creasy Dayne: Katie Barry Tom Davlee' Trio; A. O. Duncan; Baeque Grand Opera Quartet j Barry Hughes; Melville A Hlgglns THE GRAND-Vaadeville tie Luxe THE "LATJGHTEST" YET. EDWIN KF.OUGU CO. In The Season's Rcenie Hensation "A Bit o' Blarney." Don A Thompson. Sisters O'Meers. nORSCH RTT8 BKl.L Th Mnsl- cal Railroaders." Brotherhood A Co. Dorothy Dayme. Fred Bauer. Grandascope. PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. Stars of All NaUona. rjXTHAN, The Armless Wonder, Direct From Hammerstein'e New Tork Theater, And Six Other Good Act Matinees dally, 13 cents; two shows at night. 15 and 25 cents THE LYRIC THE BLUKKALL CO.. PRESENTS A CELEBRATED CASE In the first act Miss Ward A. Howard will wear the Dlrectolre Gown. SUNDAY MATINEB. "LENA RIVERS.- THE Water Fine for a Swim Tonight in Airdome, "A Lost Baby" Catchy specialties, new dances, songs, beauty ballet and sextet of Comedians. . Pony Prize Coupons. Bring them to the Park before 2:30 Saturday. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND September 1, 2, S, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. Two Games Labor Day, 10I.1O A. M, 2l30 P. M. Games beg-In weekdays 8:30 F. M. ; Sunday, 2:30 P. M. . Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; boxes, 25c extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. NEW TODAY. FIRE SALE Peters &. Roberts Furni ture Company, manufactur ers of couches, Davenports, parlor suites, odd pieces and Mission furniture, mat tresses, pillows and bed springs, will hold a fire sale after 9 A. M. each day until stock is all sold. The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING 19 BELIEVING BETTER iro nd see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company 8SVfc Third street, Portland, Orearon. $4900 21st and Glisan Lot 50x100 8-Room House Lot alone worth mors; house free. Grussi & Gantner , Room 7, Canterbury Bide., 20S Washington, cor. 3d. Stop Paying Rent $100.00 cash, balance $15 per month, buys a nice 5-room cottage, almost new; full corner lot, east front; near carline. 128 Third Street FRANK BOLLAM MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to salt; spe cial rates and favorable terms on large loans on business properties. Funds Loaned (or Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay 111 die-. 3d A Stark. Holladay Home FOR SALE 7 rooms and recetlon hall, large fire place, new furnace. Everything mod ern and In excellent condition. If you wish a home In good neighborhood, near school, one block from carline, call upon Owner, 281 Fourth st. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lovrest Current Rates. Bnlldlna; Loans. Installment Loans. WM. MacM ASTER 302 Worcester Block. Holiday's Addition MURPHY & CASWELL Phones Main 8877 A 8223. 230 Stark Street. MABELVILLE Lots S85 and $100 $10 Down, $5 Per Month 176 Lots Already Sold HOMES ALL OVER THE TRACT No Brush, Stumps or Stones on the Place No Prettier Property on the Market Today We Have Made tne Price Low for Quick Sale Only S ml mitre' east on Base Line road from end of nrlhw. Call at our office, or let our aa-enta. Redmond Real Estate Co., end of Montavllla carline. show tou the property every day. Including Sundays. IRVINGT0N THE MODEL HOME ADDITION Take the Irvlngton or Broadway cars to this tract and see the great number of modern homes now In course of construction; also the paved streets that have been put down dur ing the last three months. 050 Lots 60x100 on 20th st, close to Brazea. 91000 Lots 80x100 on 21st at, close to Brazee. SIOOO Lots 50x100 on Broadway carline. I2d st., near Bruxee. SHOO Lots 60x100 on 23d st, near. Brazee, one block from car. S2300 Corner, 100x100. on 16th and Knott streets. $2300 Corner. lPOxlOO. on 24th and'Brazee streets. S2400 Corner, 100x100. on 15th and Brazee streets. One-third cash will handle any of these. Irvington Investment Co. 831 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Phones Main 3177, A 44,10. $500 Cash will handle a swell 7 room, modern, new home, Hawthorne Addition, west of 17th, on East Main. Bal ance easy terms. FRANK BOLLAM, 128 Third Street. $4900 17V2 Acres Near Gladstone Station facing- Clackamas River. All kinds of berries, fruit and vegetables; best of soil, excellent water, f-roora house and new barn. If you want a revenue-pro-duclna- suburban home, better invfstl gate this. This place Is worth 6000. W. H. Grindstaff Commercial Block. - - TeL Main 6000. Portland Heights $3650 FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Full lot with modern 7-room houBe, corner location on carline, view cannot be obstructed. Positively the best buy on Portland Heights. Terms. DEVLIN A P1REBAUGH, 60S-9 Swetlund Bldg.,' Cor. 5th & Wash. BJBLAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. S. V. A Co.. M S340. S3 Hamilton si Baker. Alfred A., 115 Ablnston bide. Chap!n Rerlow, 8S2 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. B03 Corbett bids. Croaaler Co.. 708- Oorbett bids- at 7SS3. Fields, a B. A Co.. Board of Trade bids. Ooddard. H. W.. Main and A 1743. 1 10 2d at. Olllette-Rlsvs Land Co., Board of Trade, Jenalncs A Co. Main 188. JOS Orsfonlaa. Klnnar Stampber. B31-S33 Lor. Ex. M 443a Lea. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bundles. Mall A Von Borstal. 104 3d at, S63 B Eunnlde, Palmer, H. P.. IIS Commercial Club bids. M 8H09. A 2653. Parrlsh, Watklns A Co., 250 Alder st. Richardson, A. B.. 321 Com. Club bids. Bchalk. Geo. IX. ZS4 Stark et. Main 392. A SM. Sharkey, J. P. Co.. 122 Sixth .t. Ewanuoo, A F. A Co., 263 wa.nlnston at Tbe Oreron Real Eitsts Co.. US SAlrd St. tHolladar Addition.) Veteran Land Co.. 822 Chamber of Commeree Waddel, W. O., Lumber Kxcbanse bld. White. B. P.. 227 H Washington at. Wm. Wolfateln n oved real estate office 218 Couch bldg. Call If looking- for bar gains t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TAKE St. John car to Patton ave., one block west, two blocks south, northeast corner Concord and Emerson; two new, modern B room houses, rented; price $3000; H caah; 66 2-3x102 feet; agents allowed regular com mission. Phone owner, Woodlawn 60, 4-ROOM bungalow, bath, toilet and fire place; new. near Montavllla carline; $1500, $250 down, balance $15 a month. 325 Lumber Exchange. 6-ROOM house, bath, lot 00x100, 45 E. 28th, near Pine; $1800. eay terms. J. J. Oeder, cor Grand ave. and.E. Ankeny. NEW. modern cottage on East 34th at.; easy terms. Purse, S23 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 7309. FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, easy terms; 459 Mechanic St.; take Woodlawn TWO lots and 8-room house, close to Al berta car; $650. 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow, $3000 and terms. Phone B 2087. ABSTRACTS examined at modera'e charge. W. S. Ward. 210 Ailaky. M. 7320. 11 LOTS ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER at Island Station. 25 minutes' ride to center of city. ftOxUiO. S'-'.'.O and up. eaay pay ments; electric llcht. city water, graded streets: 2 to 4 blocks to car ACRE TRACTS ON THE WILLAM ETTE RIVER. 100 feet of rlrer frontage. 4 blocks from car. city water, electrio light, deep; water, one place for launch, protected harbor, 25 minutes' ride to cen ter of city: price $1200. $300 cash, bal ance easy term". ACREAGE A r MILWAUKEE HEIGHTS, on Kellogg Creek, fine lartte stream of running water: soil part beaverdam, mile from station: will double In value within 6 months: 25 minutes' ride to cen ter of city: 7tt cents fare; price $:00 par acre; terms. 3 ACRES AT MILWAUKIE. 1 mile from electric car. suitable for platting; will sell rapidly this Autumn when 5-cent fare is granted; price $00 per acre; $000 oash, balance easy tsrms. 14 ACRES ON THE SALEM ELECTRIC. 11 in cultivation, i mile to station, cbau tiful located, tine rich soli, will make fine berry fnrm: Southern Pacific will pass thla tract also; price $2SiK), $T73 caah, balance 8 years at fl per cent. AT HILI.SBORO. near r.ew electrio line. 15 acres, all in cultlratlon.' fine home of 8 rooms, modern, 6 acres in walnuts, 4 In Royal Anne cherries; price $3-50, half cash, balance 1 per cent. THE CROSSI.EY COMPANY. INC., 70S and TOU Corbett Bldg-. Fifth anl Morrison Streets. ONE OF THE FINEST DAIRT FARMS IN WASHINGTON COVNTV. 24R acres. 125 In cultivation, on the Tualatin River. 20 miles from Portland. 2 miles from K. It. station. 4 mllea from Hillsboro on fine country rond: 83 acres fine body of aaw timber, balnnca pasture. Good 8-room house, barn and outhouses, family orchard. A bargain a. $75 per acre; $5000 cash, balance 0 per cent any length of time. 26 acres. 2i in cultivation; good 4-room house, running water, line family orchard, large barn; on condenser milk route right at R. R station; 2 milea to Hillsboro. Price, $2,150; $2000 caah. balance 6 pel cant. THE CROPSLET COMPANY. Inc., 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. BY OWNER New 2-tory -room house, Brooklyn Heights: full concrete base ment, stationary washtuhs, woodllft, piped for furnace: Winter's wood; halls, com bination fixtures, large pantry, hot and cold water. Bull Run water, large porches, east facing, splendid view; 311 minutes' walk to business center, 2 blocks to car line, school and atoresj will include st new furniture If desired and sell on small payment down, balance like rent. This la an exceptionally good buy. For particu lars inquire G 2011. Oregonian HOLLADAY PARK. Tw fine new residences, strictly mod ern and up to date; take your choice foi $.".000; you can pay for them like rent; the chance of your life. CALL ON US. COLI-MP.IA TRI ST COMPANT, 714 Couch Bldg.. 109 4th St.. near Wash. MURPHY A CASWELL. 230 Stark St.. Thones Main NS77, A S223. 7-room house, modern In every respectl good barn and chlcken-lrouse. all ' fenced, 100xl50-fuot lot; 7.11 Tenlno St.. Sellwood; $.101)0, or will trade for Sunnyslde Droperty close to car bara. NEW map of Portland. Or . and vicinity of 25. miles radlus;givlng township, ranges and . section numbers: showing all the new rail roads and electric lines In operation and In course of construction. Price 51 cents. For sale at The Chossley Co., 709 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE, cheap: ready to move into: fix tures, tinting, etc.. complete; one of the most thorouKhly artistic and good 5-room bungalows in city at any price; built for myself, hut must sell, $2700; small amount down, balance monthly If desired. 1119 East Lincoln St.. bet. 37th and .Itith. WEST SIDE. A splendid investment, close In. two 6-room flats on Mill st. : always rented and at ft good rate on price asked. Hen kle & Harrison. 511 Gerllnger bldg.. cor ner 2d and Alder. $1500 LOT FOR $1000. $1000, cash, fine corner lot. (WxlOO. all Improvements paid, close in, well settled, good neighborhood, going away, worth $1500. See my exclusive agent, 303i Wash, at., suit 4. NOB HILL RESIDENCE 80 Cornell (24th St.) between EJverett and Flanders; modern, con venient and artletlc; concrete mltwlon styls of architecture. H. B. Noble, owner. Com mercial Block. 7-ROOM modern house, well built and ar ranged, good lawn and garden, number of young fruit trees In foliage, 10 min utes' from town, by owner. Phone East B399. fl-ROOM modern house on E. Ankeny St., near the new High School, carpets, ahades and ranges, on very easy terms. Henkle A Harrison. Cll Gerllnger bldg., corner 2d and Alder. COTTAGE B-room. bath, basement, mod ern; sell cheap on account death in Cali fornia. 9th and Shaver sta. AC 207, Ore gonian. 8 ACRES, near carline, only $1720: cold spring water; fine for chickens and ducks; easy payments; 5c carfare; 17 min. ride. See Russel at once, room 444 Sherlock. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city: acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44SH. Kinney A Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE by owner, corner. 108x100. new 9-room house, aite high, .It-foot cement wall all round, fruit trees, very large bane ment; price $3750. Call Corey. Main 212. IDEAL for chicken ranch, 1H acres.' West Side, near Oregon Electric: rich soil, fine for home; price $t0, easy term. M. B. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. $6ffl) 1H acree. West Side, near Salem Elec tric, 5c fare, close in; best anil, Tunning stream, graded street: cash. Jas. C, Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION, beautiful modern home. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, plate glass, fine basement, sleeping porch, near carline. Phone East 304 before 9 A. M. BEAUTIFUL bungalow of 6 rooms, located on coraer 100x100, planted to shrubs and trees; price $2'.0O; part cash. Call room 40. Washington bldg. ONE lot 50x100. large shack. V4 bloc ock 110 from carline. $550: cash $25, balance month. Pbona Tabor 647. O. H. Tay lor, agent. FOR nice homes nnd lots on easy payment! from $050 to $.1000 take Mt Scott car, get oft at Creston station. Phone Tabol 047. G. Hi Taylor, agent. RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carline, 2 acrea or more; all In cultivation: best of land. C W, Rlaley, owner, Rlaley's P. O., Mllwaukle. ROSE CITY REALTi CO., Rents housea. collects rents, sella country and cltv realty, timber lande, notaries pub lic. A 4321, 204 Mohawk bid.. Mala CB07. WHY PAY RENT? $150 cash, balance to, suit, buys a modern 5-room cottage, neaf car line. A. S. Draper, room 32, Lafayette bldg., cor. th and Washington. FOR PLATTING 5 acrea near Ivanhoe sta tion, level as the river; will sell In lots at $:i.')0 and $400; price $rt.-00; terms. Call room 40 Washington bldg ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT'Y. D A. TUFTS. 803tt WASHINGTON ST. $l000 5-room modern cottage, 50xl42-foo( lot; i cash, balance terms. Call 459 Me chanic t., near Union ave. Take Wood lawn car. " A BARGAIN 14 lots, 00x100. only $2250. at depot worth $5000; 17 minutes' ride: Oo carfare. See Russell, room 444. Sherlock bldg. CORNER, 60x05. Eaet of "Union ave., oa Broadway: $I!l0, or 40 wide. $1550. Cul ver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. IX)T College, near Park, 85xW. suitable sin gle flats or home: $3000, part time. Culver, 62.1 Chamber of Commerce SNAP 786 E. Yamhill. 24th. brand new 6-room residence, fireplace. $3450; Im provements paid; terms. BARGAIN 40x100. E. lth. near Wash ington. $1750; improvements paid. Thom son, 686 E. Stark. $100 CASH. $25 month buys an 8-room house, modern. Union ave., $2500. State Land Co., 133 1st st., room 1. $2400 Beautiful home. corner, $100, $20 monthly; 3 blocks south Hawthorne, XX 4th. Dr. Darling. ' 2-ROOM house, lot 50x100. nice garden. 1 block from carline. $650; cash $200. bal ance $10 per month. Phone Tabor 647. $200 BUYS a farm and a lot with a waranty deed: will treble in leas than a year. See Stevenson A Taylor. 2h6 i Washington t. LARGE, modern home on West Side, price $1500. $300 cash, balance easy terms. Call room 40, Washington bldg. $1000 Quarter block. East 18th and Sur man sts.. Vernon. Will sell all or part. Phone Woodlawn 1043. $350 Lot. East 48th st.. nar Hawthorne ave.: $50 cash. Puree, 628 Chamber of " Commerce. Mala 7309.