3 " T THE MORNING OREGON! AX, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1903. -j PORTLAND'S MOST WONDERFUL VEILING STOCK NO W READY FOR YOU 4 . - . . MM . .1 .ll A D .A..7 .t ..till flSV0 ' l . A ,mm.nM Washtntrtan-Street window display. Women 's 26-inch Umbrellas $2.00 A splendid lisle taffeta Umbrella i n tight roll ef fect ; 26-inch size. They are fitted with Princess, horn, crook, gun metal or nat ural wood handles. Striking values, and the neatest umbrella ever offered in d0 ff Portland at the price. Special. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HANDKERCHIEFS Of 'crossbar lawn, fancy border or plain hem stitched. Regular price 5c each, special Q Friday, 6 for ... J,,v' Smallwares BELT BUCKLES, vhite or smoked pearl, assorted shapes and sizes; regularly worth to $1.00; 1 Q at this special price, each. -'V LINEN TAPE, white, in assorted widths; regular price 5c; on C special sale at 2 pieces for. . . SKIRT MARKERS, regu- Q larlv worth 75c; special, ea. ."' GARTER ELASTIC, fancy frilled, best English make, in all colors; regularly worth to 40c; special price, the yard fcJv IRONING WAX, on sticks, C special price, three for J KID HAIR CURLERS, reg-' Q ular price 15c; special, doz NAIL PREPARATIONS, Xail Bleach, Nail Paste, Nail Polish, in cake form; on sale at this 1 r special price, the cake Xl TOILET POWDER Amolin Deo dorant; destroys all odor of per spiration ; regular price 1 C 25c; on sale, special, box.. ( LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS IQc-lSc J y W KIM1 FfFTHWAS HINGTOfT" 6 IXTH6TREET$ Children 's Aprons 23 c Aprons made of good quality check gingham, with bibs andbretelles; ages 2 to 8 years. Regu- OOp larly priced at 40c ea.; extra special Friday. V INFANTS' BUGGY ROBES Of .eiderdown or India silk; trimmed in a variety of fo Print styles; reg. 90c to $5.50, Friday. . . I & ' Smallwares TOOTH POWDER, Listerated; regular price 25c; on sale Q at this special price, can..'' HOT-W ATER BOTTLES, extra good quality seamless rub- TQ ber; $1 value, special, ea. . TOILET S O A P Antiseptic Tar Soap, for the bath, toilet or sham poo; regular price 25c ; on 1 Qf sale at, special, the .cake. . v WAX PAPER, in rolls of 36 feet, 12 inches wide, on sale at C this" very special price, roll. LUNCH SETS, fancy decorated crepe paper; on s a 1 e at "1 f this special price, the set. WRITING TABLETS, Foreign Mail; regular price 15c; on Q sale at. special, each RUBBER BANDS, one gross in a box ; medium size ; regular "1 f price 15c; special, the box.. " WRITING TABLETS, linen, note size rule; worth 10c; on J sale at, special, each Special Sale of Hand Bags $1.48 and $2. 69 Two superb bargains in women's up-to-date Bags. Fitted with coin purse and card case. Gilt or gunmetal finish. The leathers are seal, wal rus, Morocco and suede. Come in black, blue, brown, grav and green. Values to $4.00 at 92.69, and $2.00 1 A Q values for ............ ? PARIS NOVELTY VEIL PINS Artis tic designs; plain or with sets; values to $1.00 tUi Our 2 SOih Ft May Economy Sale Bargains That Point the Way to Unequaled Savings Seasonable Merchandise Strikingly Bar gainized This Day 35c Embroidery 12xhc Hundreds and hundreds of yards of finest embroidery you have ever been offered for this money. Edges, insertions and headings in nain sook or cambric materials. The widths run from l2 to 10 inches, and the regular prices up to 35c the J yard. Extra special for Friday only TI7 1TJNC1S ' TuxeJo Hexiaue and Ru8aian " Nets in black, navy, brown, white, rose, pink, green or magpie. Values OT to 75c the yard, special for Friday, yard ' HDrCC rTinn C Fall weight materials in a large assortment of patterns and colorings. An immense quantity to sup ply you, and widths are 44 inches to 56 inches. Mostly in plaids and check effects. orsteds, serges or Pan amas. Values to $1.50. Choice Fri day, per yard, only 69c Great Table Linen Sale The tremendous success that brought so many housekeepers here Thursday con tinues for Friday selling. We will supply thousands of shrewd economists with high grade napery before this sale is over. Table cloths and Napkins of the finer sort are fea tured. Decidedly pleasing designs in goodly assortment, with cloths and napkins in matched patterns. Set, with cloth 2x3 yards, in very handsome patterns; one dozen napkins to match: worth $3.50 per set, only $7.48 Cloth, 2n'2'y yards, with one dozen napkins to match; splen did pattern; $12 val. 10.25 Cloth, 2x2to yards, with one dozen napkins to match; reen lar $13.50 value, set $11.50 Pillow Cases extra heavy, size 45x36 inches, special, each 10 Crash Toweling Good quality, 5000 yards, the yard 5 Huck Towels Hemmed ends, fancy border, splendid quality; regular 25c each, special 18 All Linen Crash Toweling Extra special quality; only, the yard 10 $1.50 Petticoats at 98c WOMEN'S UNDERSKIRTS Of pood quality cambric, with flounce of India linon. Flounce is finished with tucks and plain hem. Some styles are trimmed with hemstitching and tucks in clusters and embroidery edge. All have extra under or dust flounce. Values to $1.50, no choice only OC WOMEN'S CAMBRIC OR NAINSOOK DRAWERS Wide flounce, finished with tucks and hemstitching, or trimmed with dainty embroidery or Valenciennes lace. These are regular $1.25 the pair. qq Special Friday just ...'c WOMEN'S GOWNS Of cambric. High neck. Mother Hubbard style, full length sleeves; yokes of tucks and hemstitching; others with yokes and trimmings of embroidery. Regu- q lar $1.00 values, for the low price of only, each VJlC Women's $3.50 Shoes $1.98 Silverware . Ink Bottles, regular price $1.80; sp'l., ea. Regular price $2.35, special for, each Regular price $2.75; special for, each 4-Pc. Tea Sets, $6.50 value, special, the set. Covered Butters, $2 vals. ; special price, ea. Syrup Pitchers, $2.00 values, special for, ea. 4-Piece Tea Sets, regular price $12.25; Q special, set... P' Regular $14.65 values, at this special djl 1 price, set...P VJ Regular price $16.00; on ruf5r....$i2.5q Regularly worth $20, on' :irtSS!..$14.8S Crumb Pans and Scrapers, regular $3.75 J0 QC vals., sp'l, set J Regular price $5.50, on spe cial sale at, the 35 Pickle Casters, regular price $2.65; special ffO fC price, each pt.VfJ Bread Trays, regular price $2.25, at this spe- Q1 7C cial price, each. . .r Reg. $2.90 val ues, special, ea.. Regularly worth CQ 7 $3.50, sp'L, ea...P $1.26 $1.65 $1.92 $5.25 $1.50 $1.50 Today ends the special sale of these famously good Shoes at less than $2. Women's La Bonte Shoes, stamped to sell at $3.50, sold down to small lots, but good range of sizes left. Button or lace style"; tan or black leathers. In cluded are a large number of Oxfords, worth to $3.50 the pair. Choice of Shoes or Oxfords, Friday Hardware $1.98) $2.25 58c 13c 25c 58c 9c Women's Oxfords $3.19 All of our "fine low shoes for women are included in this offer. The best we have in patent leather, kid, eunmetal, suede and in tan, brown or black; over 60 different styles; also a few broken lines in high grade shoes ; mostly Laird-Shober make ; 1Q values in the lot to $6.00, at, the pair. . Men's Oxfords $3.19 Pair Any $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Oxford for men that w own; also a number of men's shoes, worth to $6; the assortment is a big one practically all sizes and widths, and a wide choice of leathers and styles; values to $6, and made by our well known, reliable makers; values to Hammers, regular price 25c 35c; special price, each.... Regular price 40c; on salene tL L IU1D f - - " J Regular price 75c, on sale at this special price, each Hatchets, regtdar 17c val ues, special price, each . . Regularly worth 35c, spe cial price, each Regularly worth 75c each, on soecial sale at, each... Screw Drivers, reg 12c value, sp'l., ea Regular price 15c 1 f special at, each.. "', Saws, regular price 50e, on sale at this OQ special price, ea. Saws, Disston, regular price $1.50; d Of special, each..P,u Saws, Disston, regular price, $1.65; CI QQ special, each..SOU Axes, small size, w7Ve 95c val., sp'l, ea. . Axes, regular size, QQf $3.19 1.15 value, sp'l., ea. Reg. price $1.25, 1 QO special price, ea..r ,ww Braces, regular price CQ 75c, special, each....''' regular price (f $1.35: so'l. eachf Monkey Wrench, 55c value, special, each. Monkey Wrench, 65c value, special, each. Door Bolts, 20c val., special price, each. . 45c 50c 16c Another Great Sale Shirts, Reg. $1.00 Grade $6 I 1 69c Trf Men who are fond of saving will soon learn to recognize our Men's Shop as low-priced shirt headquarters. For Friday's selling we offer our entire stock of Men's Golf Shirts, in $1.00 and $1.25 grades, at sixty -nine cents. Madras, percale and chambray materials, in all sorts of colors and patterns. Separate or attached cuffs, regular or coat styles. Sizes 14 to 18. Choice Friday at this very low price 69c 16 -Button Gloves for 85c Pair Women's Silk Gloves, in black or white. Fowne's or Ivayser's makes, in all sizes. Gloves famous for their quality and finish. Begular ly worth to $2.25 the pair. Something every woman needs plenty of. Special, the pair, " RKr Friday OUC New Plaid Ribbons for hair bows ; dark shades for school wear. Widths 4V' to 6 inches. Price, ?C yard, 40S 45 and. .UC Boys' Waists and Blouses The well-known "Mother's Friend" brand, for boys 6 to 14 years of age. A wide as sortment' of colorings and patterns. First-class mate rials. Special Fri- OQ day, each Boys' Columbus Suspender Garten Perfectly supports all clothing from .the shoul der. Sizes 4 to 12 years. A regular 50c Value, OQ on sale Fridajr at. . . . $6.50SilkWaists$39-Z Women's Black Silk Waists of extra fine quality taffeta. They are made in very lat est and most wanted models; long sleeves, finished with prettily trimmed cuffs, and the very stylish high collars. The trim fningare pleats and small tucks, buttons: also embroidered knots and designs; also yokes finished with open-work feather stitch ing. Extremely desirable for early Fall, outdoor, shopping and business wear. A high-grade waist at a startlingly low price. Values to $6.50, on sale Friday only at, choice $3.98 WA n OFF "C White Japanese Silks, 27 and 36-inch DlJLIS.tD widths. Thousands of yards for Friday's selling, and the most liberal value-giving possible in such staple fQf. fabrics. Regular 85c grade, special at only yard vJiC $1.09 Regular $1.00 grade, spe- fOjf. cial price, Friday, the yd.. 7C Regular $1.25 grade, spe- QQ cial price, Friday, the yd. OIC Regular $1.50 grade, special, Friday, yard. Regular $2.00 grade, tf -I ?Q special Friday, yard. .P .07 Women 's 75c Vests 39c MEDIUM SUMMER WEIGHT VESTS Lace or hand-crochet trimmed. Low neck, sleeveless style; .extra fine quality yarn, reg ular price 75c each, at the special OQ low price of only, each OJC WOMEN'S ELASTIC BIBBED LISLE PANTS Knee or ankle length. Regular price 75c the pair; special, Q only, per garment 027C WOMEN'S FAST BLACK SEAMLESS HOSE Regularly sold at 20c the pair; 2000 pairs on sale Friday at, only, i QlyU M, A I 4tt V A ( mm '.V-''!::;:Vr.7-- mm the pair MISSES' AND BOYS' lxl RIBBED HOSE For school wear. Fast black dye, stain less feet. A regular 20c value; ni 5000 pairs on sale Friday at 2C New arrivals daily in the Correct Styles and Qualities of Fall Hosiery and Underwear. Lace Curtain Sale We are used to giving big bargains in lace curtains, but enthusiastic custom ers in. large-numbers tell us these are the best values yet. There were about 1500 pairs to start the sale, but the first day's selling brought this down considerably. For Friday we strength en the sale by the addition of a number of pairs from regular stock, and Friday will be the best day of all. They come in Tambour Net, Filet effects, Scrim, Irish Point and Novelty designs. By all means, make your purchases as early as possible. Regular $9.00 values, special, per pair .$4.75 $10.00 values for Regular $11.00 values, per pair, only $12.00 values, special. Regular $12.50 values, per pair, only $13.50 values, special. Regular $15.00 values, pair, only - .$5.95 special, .$6.65 $7.50 special. $8.00 .$8.75 special. $9.85 $16.50 values. special.$10.75 Regular $17.50 values, special, per pair, only $11.50 $18.50 values, special $12.35 Regular $19.00 values, special, per pair, only $12.75 $21.00 values, special $13.95 Regular $25.00 values, special, per pair $15.00