CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Coantlns-Room Cl:y Circulation . Mantels Editor Sunday Editor Corapoclnc-Roc-U) City Editor Bujt. Buildlnc .. TEIX?B05U. Pu. State. ...Maln Tino , Main "070 Mala f)T0 .....Main TOTO .....Mala T"70 slain 7070 Main 7070 Homa a oa A 5 A SOUS A "V4 A A JJ A AMlSKMEXTSw BAKER THEATER tThlrd. between Mor rison and Yamhill.) Grace Camaron Opara Company in "Little Dollle Dimples." Tonight at 8:15. CBPHEUM THEATER (laorrlaon. b.tween Klitn and S.Tcnth) Advanced TaudaTille Matin... 2:15: tonlfht at 8:15. CRA.VD THEATER -Wahlnrton, between Seventh and Park) Vaudarllla da Luxe, 1:30. 7-30 and 0 P. U. FaKTAOES THKATER (Fourth and Stark.) Continuous audei;la, 2:50. 7:0 and :S0 P. JC Z.TRIC THEATER Bernta and Aldar.) Blunkal Stock Company In "A Cele bratad Case." Every nlsht at 8:15. Mati nees. Tueaday. Tburaday. Saturday and Sunday at J 15. THE OAKS Allan Curt la Musical Ccmedy Company In "A Loat Baby." In Air dome, at 8:14 tree. BASEBALL Recreation Park (S4th and Vauchn streets) Portland ts, Loa An- salaa, l.W P. M. WOULD TJtlTX CITT AKD COUNTY. Tbomw Hielop. a prominent resident of the East Side, is a persistent advocate of th plan to unite the city and county under one government on the grounds of economy and prompt transaction of busi ness. Fifteen years ago Air. Hlslop foujrht the projected Board of Public n orks. which afterwards appeared in the Executive Board, and now he is In sisting on doing away with this last body. He calls attention to the fact that the affairs of the county are handled by three men, the County Judge and two Commis sioners, and these three men. be says. handle as murh business as the city offi cials. "By uniting the city and county. he declares, "we could Jointly take up the matter of crushing rock for road and street improvements. The county has the quarry and plant at Kelly Butte, and the output could be delivered by electric railway at points In the city at minimum cost to the property-owners. I firmly be lieve that a council, or board, of five members, two elected for two years, two for four years and a. Mayor elected for five years could give us a compact and economical administration of both city and county affairs. The business of the city and county Is so closely united that It Is practically the same. The details, of course, of the charter, would nave to oe worked out by those fitted for the work. Monrr Tabor School Bnttattow. At the meeting of the Mount Tabor Improve merit Club Tuetday night a report was made on the condition of the toilets of the West-avenue schoolhouse to the effect thavt It could not be much worse. Bo far nothing has been done to better the arrangements. It tras decided mat un less the Board of Education takes some motion before the opening of school the attention of the building Inspector will Be called to the conditions. There has been talk of a septic tank to replace the present provisions, as there are yet no sewers within rach of the West-avenue building. Nothing has been done, how ever, and the opening of school Is near , at hand. The closets are In a building over a ravine and it was the opinion ex pressed at the meeting that when wet i weather sets tn and the ground becomes saturated the bulltang might slide Into the ravine, thus endangering the lives of the school children. The ciui win me a request with the Board of Education for some improvement. Mextino la Pervukctort. The City Civil Service Commission met at the City Hall yesterday morning, but transacted little besides routine business. Nothing was said about the failure of the police committee of the Executive Board to ap point a Captain to fill the vacancy left by Captain Bruin, although some looked for sensational developments. It had been Intimated In certain quarters that the Commissioners mta-ht take itcps to compel the Committeemen to name a Captain, but no such action was taken. The matter was not even mentioned. Appeals of Joe Day. J. J. Rseing. Frank J. Snow and U G. Carpenter, former de trtives. and Matt P. Murphy, formerly c. patrolman, were officially considered, VMt no date was set for the hearings. City Attorney Kavanaugh announced that he could start In on these cases tomor row morning. If agreeable to the Com mission, but Chairman Willis thought best to postpone the entire matter. Labor Dat Oimso.-The parishes of St. Mary's and St. Lawrence's churches are Jointly making preparations for an outing and celebration In Cedar Park, St. John. Monday; Beptember 7. Joint committees have been appointed and are now com pleting arrangements for the event. Rev. J A. Ryan, of St, Paul, Minn., who has been vislUng In the city, will deliver the principal address. He Is a prominent thinker along economical and social lines. Apart from the address there will be a musical and literary programme, with amusements and sports In the afternoon. It Is Intended to have a Marathon race run from the CKy Hall In St. John to the park a distance of half a mile. A num ber of prominent sprinters have promised to enter this contest. There will be a tug-of-war between a West and East Side team. Refreshments will be provided on the ground. The committees are now holding meetings and completing arrange ments for this event. Wiij. HoiD Bridge Miktino. A meet ing of dtixens will bo held In a vacant store, at the corner of East Eleventh and revision streets, tomorrow night, to dis cuss the erection of a high bridge for South Portland. Mark O'Neill, promoter of the bridge for South Portland, will be present and talk to the people. Resolu tions favorable to the project -will be In troduced at this meeting. Kx-rcsaicrx or Dawboh Strut. Daw son street on the Peninsula Is to be ex tended, from the southerly boundaries of Columbia Park to the westerly line of Wabash avenue. The object Is to make Dawson 80 feet wirt to Wabash avenue. The widening of the street Is part of the plan to open gradually a wide . street through Peninsula to St, John. MsTHODibt RgvTVAi Rev. Aura Smith, who la assisting Rev. U F. Smith In revival meetings, at Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, preaches the Gospel with power. He does not attack the churches, but preaches that Christ can save a man from all sin. and keep him saved. The meetings are growing in Intoest. Services each day at : and Bridqb MEBTTIlta CAU-ED.-C!tixens of I the Bast Sroe, wno k high bridge for South Portland, will hold a mass meeting in a vacant store at East Ninth and Divlrfon street tomorrow night. Mark CNell will preside and will present a set of resolutions, which will probably be adopted, calling; for favorable action on the project Horn Builders. Plumbers, attention. Tou can save money by buying your plumbing material from us. Get our prices. Bard Plumbing Supply Company. 110 North Third street, near Gliaan. NOT IN THE TRC3T. , M. BARDE SONS. ' Rev. J. R Wiuo.1, D. D.. principal of Portland Academy, has returned to the city and will be at the office of the acad emy dally on and after September 1, for the enrollment of students. Hours t to 1J and J to S. gAvx the Disoouwt. Send check or pay at office, on or before the loth to save the discount on September bills for the AutomaUc Telephone. Home Telephone Company, corner of Park and Burnalde. EvXRT 26th suit Is free at Werner Pet terson Company, tailors, 1 Second street, near Morrison street. Fob RsarT. A few nios offices In The Oregonlaa building. Bee Superintendent, room 301- UTnirni for warship. Merrill's boat house, north aide Morrison-street bridge. Dm, A, K. Uooa has) returned,. - ( OUR RECORD We Are The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon Incorporated April iX 1897. "We have kept faith with our depositors and other customers. i We have avoided doubtful in vestments and have shunned speculation as a plague. We have always limited the amount that we have invested in any one se curity. We are absolutely inde pendent of any other bank or trust company. THEREFORE We can with confidence Invite Your Deposits on which we will pay from 2 to 4 per cent interest, dependent upon the nature of the account. Call for our book of "I ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company of Oregon 1 1 CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS BKNJ. I. COHEN President H. I- PITTOCR Vice-President IIR. A. 8. MCHOLS td Vlce-Prea't. B. LEE PAGET Secretary W. J. GIIX, Aaatstaat Secretary C. W. D EG RAFF Cashier F. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for FEINTING Phones Main 165 Home A1165 First and Oak tV. C. T. U. held Its annual meetlns; yea- ports. Including Mrs. Unruh, president; airs, t-Tinwian, recording bcciihj y , wibb Lyman, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Thayer, treasurer. The reports of su- pertntendeixs followed. Mrs. C. M. Badftly, evangelist, reported the de votional exercises conducted each week wwv 1 fh Virtanltnla carried or- Noon meetings are to be held at head quarters during tne coming year com mencing September 15. 3diss Lyman re- rviica lur " " v " ....... - - - notices for the daily press. Mrs. Glenn reparted sailors worn, two meetings niu at Seamen's Institute. Miss Q. THden V. . J . I. . V. . r mr rt 1 1 mnnthlv tftUm BJld four evening entertainments. Mrs. M. L. Hidden had spoken on "Anu-.-sarcoucs, t flvA airTernnwt nlaces: the last at the County Institute at Dayton, and dis tributed 400 pieces of literature. Mrs. Williams reported 47 copies White Rib bon Review taken In the union. The elec tion of officers will be held next week and the rest of the superintendents' re ports received. Knows Wkiri WrrnisB Is. Failure of Harry Young, one of the chief witnesses of the state against Jack La Rose, charged with the murder of H. Neuman, . . i - r.i - . . k. to report regularly w ino ui iue i IMstrlct Attorney is the ground for the rumor that fce has disappeared. For a am- At fVlA rVllintV -T H 1 1 Ki, wa . releajierl on his nromlse to re port to the District Attorney regularly every week. For several weens ne naa failed to report, but District Attorney Cameron declares he knows Young's whereabouts and that the witness will be here when the trial Is called. Hamiutow-Joses Marbiaob. Dr. Luther H. Hamilton and Miss Amoylyd Jones ere married yesterday ariernoon at clock at the home of the bride's parents, . -Uh R W Tnnpa. In t h ft Dres- i . . . . s . u - mUHkh rf th. nnmrprt1l1 m CllCe 1 ll'O motou.w vm .. . . parties. The marriage ceremony was per- rormeci try tne Dnue s iajcrt -moii. .rvt Dr. L. R. Dyott, D. D. Dr. and Mrs. U-mllfrA-. let tilfrht (Vn tha MIR FT&Il- cisoo train, en route to New York, and will sail septemoer is on ino uumuuna m . ! ! th will flnnH the iwr Jjuivim, T. . I ' D " . "... . winter. On their return they will make their home In this city. Rbtokh From Autosiobiub trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Dunning and Mr. and vr-s iT r rtimnlnr and turn 1T returned yesterday from an extended automobile trip. They went to Balem. then to Alsea, mj. utrofr WaJHnort Toledo. Philomath 'tun 1 - . 1 i and Lebanon. They had two automobiles. and tneirs were xne umi ui-Kinnrs . wMmrt The citizens accorded w it ,1.. hnnnrl nf the town When Ll-eru " J l wiu " they arrived In their cars and tendered the Keys 01 tne xowu. iim v -n j of pleasure and there were no mishaps. . . iwivrM.iM Pio rtrcA with appropriating the sum of J200 to his own personal use, rj. so., cuci, vwni w hotel at sseasiae. was iu i by the Wagner-Klernan constabulary on the complaint of A. Zwlcker. of this city. It is alleged that Zwlcker paid Zeller the money for promoting a scheme whereby gold was to be dredged from rivers. In stead of using It for that purpose. Zeller Is accused of having appropriated It to his own personal use. He was held In the sum of $500. North Albina Wats Omen. For the accommodation of the people of North Albtna the Water Committee has made arrangements to have a collector at the Firemen's hall, on Albina avenue, near KllHngsworth avenue, the fourth and fifth of each month to receipt for the water tax This arrangement has been made In response to a petition from the peo ple of that section. It will be a great saving of time In the settlement of water taxes near the homes. Aoud Bailitts. -James L. Stuart. 81 years old, has assumed his duties as bailiff of Judge Bronaugh's department of the Circuit Court. W. B. Stewart. 80 years old, is bailiff In Judge Morrow's department. ru,,cM.,, w T'fcrirMi Mrmxo. The regular meeting of the Christian Union Hiii i t.ij this avenlna at 7:30 o'clock. at ths Church of Our Father (Unitarian). Dr. C. C. Newcastle, dentist, has rer turned. Office. 413 Mohawk building. Da, G. M. Wbu, 401 Dekum bldg. The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices 1.1 $1.50 Kid Gloves 2-clasp French Kid Gloves, all new Fall shades, all sizes, today, Friday and Saturday for $1.00. Women' Ribbed Vest Women's rib'd Vests and Pants fleece-lined and very elastic; come in cream only. All sizes. Heavy German Flannels Heavy German Flannel for kimonos, dressing sacques, etc.; beautiful designs and colorings; soft velvet finish; 28 inches wide; regular 25c grade. GireaftWeel I Women's Hosiery j I $2.00 Flannel Gowns I 11c $1.47 $1.00 25c Women's fine seamless Hosiery, Women's extra heavy Flannel with double heel and toe, and Gowns, trim'd with embroidery, warranted fast black ; 18c grade. beading and ribbon ; $2 quality. I white Wool Blanket, f 72x90 Hemmed Sheets j Full size white Wool. Blankets, N """OS splendid weight and our regular $5.00 grade. On sale three days. Xk&r Vl New Dress Goods 72x90 Hemmed Sheets in a fine quality, of mus lin; reinforced, with seam down center; this spe (J1 ff cial lot for today' Friday anJ Saturday at 38c. -. c New Herringbone and Chevron Canvas Hop Gloves Striped Suitings, for Fall, in all colors; all pure wool; $1 yard. (Q ... - -n 0c Dress Ginghams fNl I i fi 7V2C A Special lot fine Dress Ginghams 200 dozen heavy canvas Hop Gloves, with jersey Boys' Madras Blouse Waists, with two separate on sale today, Friday and Sat- cuff; Friday and Saturday at 8c a pair. Sup- collars; several patterns and colors; come in urday at above price; all colors. ply your needs now at this special low price. ages 10 to 12. Best regular 50c grade, for, 19c. Men's Golf Shirts Lisle Corset Covers Thomson's Corsets Men's Dress Shirts 49c 43c 95c 25c Men's soft-front Golf Shirts, in Fine ribbed French Lisle Corset .Thomson's new medium abust Men's $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Dress neat stripe patterns, detachable Covers, long sleeves and silk- Corsets for Fall; lace-trimmed; Shirts, open front and back ; cuffs; all sizes; reg. $1.25 grade. finished edges; reg. 75c quality. hose supp'rs. front and sides. separate cuffs; choice, Joe each. . . - .SatSssSSBsajBSaBajBatasal All Samples Reduced MgMonmM AH Sample Suits, Coats, Raincoats, Silk Petti- R J f B-aaJsgMnlB5 coats, Waists, Hosiery, Muslin Underwear, etc., S - on sale at reduced prices. ..Let us show you. CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS o G White Wool Blankets $2.63 Extra quality white wool Blan kets, pink or blue border, and silk taped edge; best $4.50 val. 42x36 Pillow Cases 11c 42x36-in. Pillow Cases, regular 12V2C grade, today, Friday and Saturday, on sale at above price. Boys' Blouse Waists $1 Flannel Gowns 63 Women's Flannel Gowns, pink and blue stripe patterns; good weight, nicely finished; $1 vals. Sateen Petticoats 97c Black mercerized Sateen Petti coats, 2 different styles; made extra full; best $1.50 quality. Kimono Flannels 12 13 New Kimono Flannels, pretty figured effects; good assortment of colorings. Reg. 15c grade. New Fall Dress Goods We invite you to view the new Fall Novelties now on display in our dress goods aisle. See the display in our show window. Take advantage. ern.1 headquarters of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Company in the Pa cific Northwest will be established in Portland and ihe different departments v : nun . 1 . . 1 . . . . - - - - - - - - quarters In the Beck building, at Seventh and Oak streets, ine inree separate c . AH&Mttnv .raffli and ftin- jjiuuiiciiis, 1 . ' -r. , . . ....... struction, will be maintained In Portland nerearter. 1 ne two corner po rrnuM Hoor of the Bvck building; will be Used lur tlVJ y . 1 n. t. . ' . ... pany has rented U rooms on the second oor where ine various onices win uo laced. The old quarters In the Colum la building- are now being- vacated. rpuB. nwptr ' lirt. .c?provir!K8. The regular services at Temple Both Israel will be resumed on Friday night when Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will preach and the temple choir will render the musical service. Several changes have been made I . V. M,M,vnnAl thA f-hnlr D H It 1 expected to prove the best organization of Its kind In the city. Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will direct end sing soprano. Mrs. Imogene roaie, oomrarco; wr, uum mn. basso, and William Boyer. tenor. Edirar . . .. wm Ha a . fh nrejul. The I . VUUIBCII "U ' " ' -a ' services commence at 8 o'clock on Fri day night and at 10:30 o'clock on Satur day morning-. Strangers are welcome at all services. N Spiritists' Annual Meeting. Spiritual- . . : . 111 In anmml tS OI tins lne will iT-w ... .inn September 6 and many Important matters will be transacted. It 1 to he . mooting nf the State Solritualists' As sociation of Oregon. Busipees sessions will be held eaturaay morning sun min noon and an all-day service will be held on Sunday. The Saturday session will be held in Alisky hail, Third and Morrison streets, and the Sunday services In Wo men of Woodcraft Hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. Rbddino Not Hotel Steward. A. M. -i .-..i i .Va TJsitAl Tnrt- . 1 LI IV Jd J 11 ta vlttiuu. wi ma " - hind Instead of Harry Redding, who was involved In the trial of Miss Marie Honlg. Or riUBn, cnarBcn wiwi buwiiuhiib. Redding Is captain of waiters, according jar. iwcnoison. it wss rciwrvro ui account of the trial that Redding was steward. Redding himself was the authority for the .printed assertion. Laces, silks and novelties still on sale. Max, 415 Washington street. Dr. Hol?n has returned. Corbett bldg. Dr. H. M. Patton returned. Swetland. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at ths Portland Restaurant: (Ine private apart ments for ladies 30S Wash.. nar Fifth Special Today TSe I.dles' SHU Lisle Tncy Ton Hoi.e J74C 60e ladles' Blsck Hose, with white sole37i4c Ladlen ont slse Black Hose, best black guaranteed not to crock. The best wearing quality ever offered to the public Special value pair oTe No Trouble o Shew Them. Lessons 25c Wslu Two-steD. Three- step and stage dancing taught daily. Prof. Wal Wlllson. 886V4 Wash. be. W. Park 10th sts. DIAMONDS Mounted to Order If yon should desire a brooch, pendant, necklace, bracelet or ring made, according to your special ideas, yn can select the diamonds from our incomparable looee stock and set them upon wax for your inspec tion, or we will draw designs subject to your approval Satisfaction Guaranteed Corner Third and Washington Streets. Manufacturing Jeweler Opticians Diamond Importer 66 YEARS AGO a piano was produced that immediately as sumed a foremost posi tion among the great pianos of the world. TODAY that same piano is a recognized standard of . piano value. Its name is HA ROMAN The Wiley 6. Allen Co. 304 OAK ST., bet. 5th and 6th Wholesale Distributing Center for the Entire Northwest.. I l3 SHAW'S PURE America's ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without a Rival Today BLUMAUER & HOCH 108 and 110 Fourth Street. Sole Distributor for Oregon and Wasblnxtoa MALT "TWELVE STORIES OF SOLID COMFORT 8 u i lding is of concrete, steel and marble. Located in the most fashion able shopping district. 210 rooms, 135 baths. Library and bound maga zines in read-" ing - rooms for guests. Absolutely fire proof. English Grill. Bates, $1.00 up SEATTLE'S Most Refined Hostelry Watch for Columbia Woolen Mills Co.'s "Reason Why" Contest in Sunday Papers. GLOGAO'S ALCOHOL-GAS STOVES $3.50 to $8.50 Agents wanted everywhere in Oregon and Washington, vv rite ior catalogue. J. D. HANCOCK & CO.. 33 Second Street, Portland, Oregon. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. A new Pacific Coast Life Insurance Company, conducting its business upon the most approved "old line" plan. W. M. Ladd, President. Vice Presidents: T. B. Wilcox, S. P. Lockwood, Edw. Cookdngham. Offices: Lumber Exchange Building, Portland. G. S. LONG GO. DRY GOODS STORE At 147)4 Sixth St tor the Past Tan Years, Now Removed to 193 Third Street Between Taylor and Yamhill, Opposite Baker Theater, and CONSOLIDATED WITH G.D.YOUNG CO. Ererything Being Sold at Less Than Manufacturer's Cost to Reduce Our Large Stock TRUNKS, SUITCASES AND BAGS AT A SACRIFICE Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of the Pacific Coast Trunk & Bag Company, we are now offering these goods at extremely low prices. HARRIS TRUNK CO. 132 Sixth Street, Opposite Oregonian. Yin Kin Lum Chinese Restaurant Chop suey and noodles. Chinese and American cook. Merchant's lunch 25c. Open day and night. 81-S3V4 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Corner Everett. Home Phone. A 2763 chwab Printing Co. BEST ITOlli. REJtONJBlt P It ICES 2 4 7 'i SXA.R.K ST REET FrcdPrehn,DJ)i 1L2.00 Fall Be si Teeth, f.0O. Crowns sod Brldce worfc. S.O0. Room 405, Dekum. Open Evenine Till 1. LHIilMilH.lMl) lUCARYi STRONGEST MB MOST PA LATA BLE Don't Pay 80c for BUTTER 5000 BOLLS NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER, 60c Eggs, per dozen 25 and 30 Hams, per lb 16 Cheese, per lb 15tf and 17 Swiss Cheese, per lb 25 Limburger, per lb 25 and 30 La Grande Creamery 264 Yamhill Street Pianos for Rent and sold on easy payments. H. SISSHEIMEIU 72 THIRD ST.