Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 03, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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    TOD DWT I " - -- I . '
B room. 4"3'j 12th St.. so.
6 rooma. ! 12th t.. $3".
8 roomi, R27 Overton st.. $1. 50.
B room. 62.- Overton St.. $11 SO.
1 rooms', 621 Overton, rent reasonable.
M E. Ua. room 411 Corbett bids
DESIRABLE 4-room iower flat: lsrge bay
win-low , room. ' fireplace: instantaneous
heater In bathroom; rent 115. 351 Hast
Park. Phone Main XA.
HODEP.N flats, all sli-a, for rant. Eut and
Waat Bides. Portland Truat Company uf
Oiegon, 8. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Phons
Exchanga Ti.
THOROt'GHLT modern 4-room flat. ""Ik
In distance.' 25. Mr. A. J-'"'', mp
Washington b.dg. phone East 1681. pa
cific 1925.
649 WASHINGTON. " IT, f-.i'i
newlv furnished.
flHnruiMvv --
venlngs Iur 6:3o.
MODERN 4 and T room flat 179 Own
A vet near 23 rd and Washington. Phona
Main 5390. Pao. 1245.
MODERN Broom flat, one block nrt
Steel bridge, fronting river. Phona
E. 3612. '
NEARLY new 8-room. modern lower flat.
Aih and Sherman -
Chsrober of Commerce.
MODERN upper 4-room deelrable flat. $16;
adult.. 7S0 Williams ave. Phona
Wood lawn 426.
B-ROOM lower flat, furnlahed, ?- i.
at., cor. 7th. lnQUlra 3-J"a Eaat Burn
dV MODERN 5-room flat; steel range;
window snaoea. ca".
207 H H-ly.
riAT. 6 room mod.rn. 1Aafl 'V.ntJi?"
laarn. hltim
MODERN flat 194 McMillan InulrJtJ.'I
188 McMillan, near J at and. of sts-ei
-ROOMED flat. bath. gas, fireplace, pleas
ant outlook. wal"?ln distance. 41 Second
at., afternoon".
MODERN B room lower flat, beat l-tlon.
close in. Park and Harrison at Inqulrs
229 1st.
MODERN 4-room flat: reasonable rant. In
quire Mra. Holman. 51 3d at.
NEW S and 4-room furnished flat: prlvata
bath: 6 minute, to pc-toftlcs. 3.-3 Btn.
MODERN 3-roo-m flat. 8 Eaat 12th at., be
tween Ankeny and Burn.lde.
aiaMrfe 4-room lower flat. 440 .Rodney
ave. Inquire' 3utf Stark at.
Ho-nsrke-rplng- Room.
FOUR lower burnished honaokeeplng rooma,
two hooaakeepin- room. u"V-r, fc,U
baaemenu porchea. yard. 51 6th. A
214 -
tilj trn.iUMnina and transient;
be.t room, for tha money. 371H E. Burn-
aide; walking aiatanra; kk """.rvrj
bath and electric Ughta; well ventilated.
WELL fuml.hed connecting housekeeping
room bath. gaa. free phone aew ln ma
chlne. larjre yard, prlvata family. l-50.
421. corner Hall and
ONT housekeeping room.
new furniture.
amall alcove
i..!rh.n- 112. Including heat. 224 18th at.
Sraj 13TH ST. Furnished housekeeping alcove
i!te: modern convenientfr. i . .
dren. '
...-t. . e..(.hH hnu.ekeeplna room..
rnnnd floor: nice .urrnundlnsl 2S Eaat
4.1th at. Phone B I1R2.
rte-.cvr furnished housekeeping rooms,
a-.r.Rl'e or en suite: walking distance; prlcea
reasonable. aa. iiorriein. wi .
CORBETT at.. 8 nlcely-f urnl.hed hou.e-
n, rooms, aas. Take s car aoum.
' no children wanted.
M MONTGOMERY Clean housekeeping
suite: rink. bain. gas. yard, dealrable. can
tral. Main 44o.
481 EAST MORRISON, cnr. 8th. newly fur--i.hH
hnuMkreDlna rooma; electric
llBhta. baths; rales leaaonable.
r vrr t) r flnnr. 8 rooma and bath, nicely
furnished, light, pleasant, reasonable. :
Grant t.
. c. . a . xrt. rooma. Including kit-
rhen. .Ink. bath and phone; walking dis
tance, reasonable. 147 N. Ulst.
a '-i v a v H I I.I. Large, well-furnlahed house
keeping room, nr.t floor; gaa. very coaven-
lent. ciosa in.
TWO well fuml.hed lower floor
housekeeping; water. gas. also
rooma. 274 Montgomery.
AND S nice, large, modern flurnlshed
housekeeping rooms, suitable for 4 adulta.
403 or osu iu .u
1 hniii.bwnlnr rooms: Drl va to
f.rnllv. close In: no children. 633 iani-
- ih... innms. to adults, modern,
walking distance, good neighborhood. 249
Grand ave. orin.
LOWER floor or suite of housekeeping
rooma, 8 Eaat 6th. North, between Burn
.lde and Aniteny.
LAKUbi I ron t oriit . . - , - 7
ed for housekeeplrg. close in- Inquire 163
West Park.
LARO.E front furnished housekeeping rooms;
modern accommcKiatlons : children no objec
tion. 313 I4tn. cor. i lay.
BAY-WINDOW aulte first floor, gas range,
furnace, .is. central. u ,unu - ' -
Phone Main 5173.
.TiT-cc-L.r ct'ivn enAms eurnlshed com
niata. 14ft 13th at., bet. Morrison and
at MAIN. cor. 12th. all kinds furnished
housekeeping rooms, S per month and up.
aat MAIN cor. 12th. 8 unfurnished base
ment rooms for housekeeping. 10 per
month, central.
BEAUTIFULLY Irrated bay-window, unfur
nished 2-room suite In centrally located
apartment-huuae. SOiM Jefferaon. cor. Stb,
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. i. bath, stationary tubs; adulta.
BOO Hawtnorne. rnones wi ot-'. x
Ki'ITE of two housekeeping rooms, first
floor, laundry and bath. 815 month- 69 'm
Grand ave. North.
iim-fSKKFjKPIVf! rooms, with bath, phone,
steam heat, centrally located; rent ty
week or month. SMli Alder, cor. Park.
TWO large room, and alcove furnished for
housekeeping, electric ligni ana poooo.
840 Jefferson.
250 N. 19TH Neatly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, gas range, electric light, bath.
phone: reasonable.
TWO nice clean housekeeping room., gaa
and llghta furnished. 1; mint give ret
erencea. Call at ,2 7th at.
S OR 4 furnteied houaekeeptng rooma prlvata
bsth; no otner roomer.; reasonaoie. in
6herman St.. South Portland.
CAMBRIDGE bldg. 3rd and Morrison, fur
nished and unfurnished .housekeeping
rooms. Apply room 14.
4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for
rent. 80 East 12th at., cor. Stark.
vif'FLY furnished rooms, also housekeeping
room.. 9.1 11th St.. cor. Stark.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 88
per week. 91 1st. room 19. near Stark.
THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and sta
gie rooms: tran lent. 191 14th at.
TWO furnished room, on Erast rtth and Fats
worth; water and balh. Phone Sell. llu.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, or partly
furnished; 812 month. 224 Harriaon st.
Furnished housekeeping and single rooms to
rent: prices reasonable. 1S9-193 W. Park at,
FOR RENT 6 housekeeping room. 174
East 34th at. Home phone B 1413.
NIE clean suite of
phone. 2rt; Clay St.
3 room.; gaa. free
a,i, MTH Three nlrely furnished house
keeping rooms, complete kitchen.
2 OR 8 unfurnished rooms, rent reasonable.
52 Irving at.
TWO pleasant front rooms, furnished for
housekeeping: no children. 262 14ih st.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms en suite.
3..4 4tb St. Fhone Main 7104.
81 SO WEEK up. large clean fuml.hed house
keeping rooma laundry and batb, 184
HOUSEKEPPINO rooms, close In. 300V. 4th.
HOUSEKEEPINO and alngla rooms. 414 6th.
Housekeeping Rooma.
THE BEAVER, lath "d Mars"."
keeping. Including gas ranges,
of electric llghta hot water, batha. large
reception room and laundry room: Jaautl
ful lawns and verandas .urroundlng the
building. Fuml.hed apartmenta from $1
up; also single room.; with aim liar con
venience $2 30 per week up- Thar, la
nothing in comparlaon In the ciW f ths
money. Thla place will bear Inspection.
Bhort dlatance from Union Depot. Take
8" or lth-ec. eara going north. at on
at Marihall at. Phona Main 67 . L Io dogs.
Washington, cor. join niceiy w-"
housekeeping room.; U range hot wa
ter, frea bath frea phona. Both floora.
nlca eultea from $12 op.
THE ONEONTA. 187 lTth at,, near TamhtlU
thoroughly furrjianea. caa rm
cold water In each apartment, both tele
phone, and batha fraa; tarma reasonable,
no children.
WAYNE WOOD," 109 18th. North, nicety
fuml.hed housekeeping sultea. nm
cold water, furnace heat, pleaaant ca
tion; reaaonabla rates.
GAYOSO Grand ave.. East Stark Two ana
three-room housekeeping iptmu"""
steam heat, hot water, electric elevator;
reasonable ratea.
BEAUTIFUL. housekeeping apartments.
rooma larga and airy, completely iur
nishod; first-class location. 634 Morrt-son-
NICE newly furnished three-room flat for
housekeeping, all convenience o
cor. Montgomery.
WHEN YOU MOVB mm always Bead BOMB
BUY AT NO-RENT prtcea: tha sar
ins, will exceed coa of moving.
eupy one-half: collect rent on balance.
Grand ava and E. Btark. Phone Eaat 2928.
PORTLAND Information Bureau, we ar
t-enters; have you anytning m mm
where t Do you want to rent a choice
room, housekeeping aulte. Oat. furnlahed
apartment, or house of any klndt y,
have .the best list In tha dty. with full
particulars of each place. M 8820, A 1256
514 Swatland bldg. ,
TO LET for year or mora, modem furatshed
7-room house, 15 minutes to oia -im ...
Ington sis; 6-mlnute aervlce; Woodlawn or
Aiberta car; lawns, flowers, fruits; snap,
830. Inquire on premise., 415 Wygant t.
6-ROOM cottage. 6S1 Belmont: !,,
8-room house. t3 r-a.t ".,"-.
8-room house, 754 East Taylor: 82T.50.
6-room bungalow, lc78 Milwaukle. 8-5.
F W TORGLBR. 106 Sherlock Bldg.
MODERN 3-room cottage, with attic; good
neighborhood; 12 minuwr w.i. o
and Washington: beautiful shade trees;
8 blocks from achool; 22 per month; no
amall children. Phone Main 7606.
-ROOM cottage, new. modern, ii.": o-
room cottage, new, moo-n,
cottage, cosy. 812; all cioae In. J. L.
Day. 408 Tillamook at,
FOR RENT 8-room modern house on Eaat
Main; street. Improved, cement walk.;
822.50. Henkle Harrison, on u-ri.e.
bidg., cor. Zd ana Aiaer va.
COZY B-room cottage. Just cleaned top to
bottom: gas. large rjainroom. j'o.
walking distance, WeM Side, 224 Carru there.
Phone Main 8C76.
FOR RENT ft-room modern house, cor. 6th
and Montgomery sts.; rent 875 per month;
references requlrea. Morris diu., v
8 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
B-ROO.M and bath, full cement basement.
walking dlatance. sot nan n y
Park). 830. Key at house, bengstake a.
Lyman. t" Sth at.
rnu bp.nt An Ideal home. East Side; 8V
responsible partle. only. Home phone A
4822. ,
prc urvT vinnwrn houae. eltner rur-
r.ished or unrumutneo, m ' . ' "
cltr. within walking dl.tance. Inquire lU
First at. Tel. M. 1260.
121 S-rocm modem house, walking aiatance;
porcelain Dim sjiu wrc, V i
basement; near ia a iu
i, o house: hath, toilet, elec-
iV retail .t Jtn
Chamber Commerce.
irv-iu pfvt s new modern 6-room houses.
-as and electric; l diocs i"uu nuuw.
ave; rent 80- Call 202 V Stark at.
I-ROOM modem house, comer of Eaat 9th an 4
Thompson; rent to gooa leno-u . j.
Northrup, 31S Couch bldg.
MODERN 7-room house, nice yard.
Shaver and Montana; rent 818.
Main 3547.
ti u v vt 7-mom house: new corner lot
vrv modern convenieiic-. v
Couch at. Phone East 2632.
8-ROOM house. 754 E. Taylor. 827.BO.
6-room cottage. f-o Mimuni, t'
F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg.
7-ROOM house, good closets, porcelain bath,
rorner East 12th and Washington. Call
East 1710 or 551 Eaat f amhlll.
6-ROOM house, lot 50x100. 42 E. 27th. near
Pine: 816. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave.
and E. Ankeny.
815 McFarland'. new bungalow. Myrtle Park;
2 lota electricity. Datn, Mount dcovi cars.
Wells, agent, Stewart Station,
FOR RENT 7-room house, 13th and Mont
gomery ax..; open from 1 to 8. Phone Eaat
nrw-ir lA-mom house partly furnished. 61
Johnson. See owner. 670 Johnson. Phone
Main 7105.
v . ei-ntiv finished throughout,
hardwood floora choice neighborhood;
Irvlngton. M. 8. Bentery. Stearns piqg,
1. vnnEBV A-room comer house: gaa,
electricity, furnace: on 8 carllna. Phone
Main 1410.
B-ROOM cottage. 668 Belmont; rent 814.
Phone Eaat 6tS5.
8-ROOM house. S01 Harrison, near West Park.
Falrchlld. .aai io.
7-ROOM house on Knott .t. near the railroad
hops; (14. Inquire 806 Thurman St.
MODERN. 6 room-, large yard. West 81de.
498 Clay at., near 14th .t.
X WISH to rent medlum-.laed house on or
near canine. Ji. aw. urciuno.
MODERN 8-room house at 437 Larrabea
atreet- call ruenmona ui.
7-ROOM house, good yard, with stable.
. 17th North.
678 MADISON. 6-room cottage, low rent, gas.
bath; Key w mo.
MODERN 5-room house. Clay at., between
h ana r&rn; - o- x-i.u w.iu
6 ROOMS. 827.50. 349 Market (at Park. Key
next door, or 303 Mohawk blag.
tt-or RENT 7-room house. 367 6th. about
September 15. Apply 360. next door.
XT. v. rant houses and flata Haveratlo e
Gallagher. 843 H Waahlngton at-
mo RENT Suburban B-room cottage: elec
tric lights, etc.. 81"- Phone Main 7049.
FOR RENT House tent, pleaaant location, 84.
Phone Main im.
MODERN 8-room house and
58 Ella St.
attic Call
6-ROOM cottage. Inquire 56R Third st,
t uirtliiel Mouses.
FOR few months, 10-room house, vicinity
2th and Kearney; wen iun., "",,.
.Ki. rent to responsible parties 190,
Oregon ian.
FURNISHED completely. 5-room and bath.
t, KUiLl i in r ii l. . 1 uiuuku, .t.-
erences. AE 199. Oregonlan.
km a l. r. furnished upper flat. gaa bath.
walking distance: adults only. Inquire 41
Second, afteraoona
6-ROOM cottage furnished complete: gas,
bath. yard. 5a Columbia st,; no children.
Inquire ooi ciay st.
FOR RENT Completely furnished 8-room
house. Jli rjisi layior.
F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg.
All. or part of 6-room modem cottage, very
cheap If taken at once. Call at 91.1 Mai-
lory ave. '
fi'RNISHED 4-room cottage: electric lights.
bath; central . - .
TRVIvflTON. 7-room. modern, furnished
cottage; rent or sell 8370O. East jpst.
R-ROOM modem house on carllne, partly fur
nished 1036 Albina ave.
tt'Rvishfd a-room flat, gas .tove. batn.
314 E. 21st st. W.-R. car.
1040 BELMONT ST. Furnished house of
rooms for rent, 6 months or more.
House for Rent Jfurnlturey for Kale.
linoo Half cash. 15 rooma. newly furnished,
all full at good prlcea. close In; a rooma
pay rent; must sell at once, good leaae.
etc other.. .11 prlcea Paclflc Bus nes.
Exchange. 803 Vs Washington at., aulte 4.
FINE oak furniture 8-room house, suitable
rooming, boarding; piano lwn "n,r(Ri
located; cash M0, Tent 850. AP 205. Ore
gon ian
B50 Furniture of 8 rooma good as new,
best resident portion of city; rent only
827.50. 42 21 at., near Waahlngton.
NT CELT-ARRANGED 8-room modem corner
house In housekeeping sultea; cash is,
rent 840. Phone Main 6814.
GOOD location, well-furnished house of 9
rooms; fine cnanco i"r "" IX,,
good prlcea 405 Stark. Main 6017.
FITRNITURB of a modem 8-room house for
sale, house lor rem. ov "
Uama-ave. car.
FURNITURE of 10-room house, excellent
condition; see owner ana gei pais-. -
Lownsdale t.
OOMPLETE furnishings of four rooma, near
ly new; muat eeu; cim
FURNITURE for sale of -room flat, cheap;
parties leaving city. .wim.
7-ROOM furnished flat, with or without
piano; cheap; flat xor reni, -to, n
Summer Tffcesortar.
JUST OPENED The Mountain Rest din
ing-room, cascaae jocs-s.
home-cooked meals, 50c; lunohea all
houra, B minutes' walk from boat or train.
14th and Flanders.
19th and Washington.
6th near Oak.
Morris and Commercial at... Albina.
Two nlca new stores Grand ave. and
8. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts
4-STORY brick building and basement. 80
100. with large e'ectric eievaior, ui. ....
between Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for
wholesale or retail business. Apply to
W. E. Grace care or Commercial Club.
FOR RENT December 1, 4-story ana base
ment, brick store DUiiaing. ivuxioo. -.
corner Front and Pine ts.; also large
dock In rear. 100x200. Apply to C. A.
Dolph. Mohawk bldg.
DESK ROOM for rent to congenial party.
North Bank jana m., ooo u jow
STORE. Grand ave.
near East Morrison,
brick building. v.
Schmld. 105 Grand
6 TO RE for rent. 307 Flenders 1., bet. 5th
and 6th. for a term or. yeara. Appij
Washington st.
FOR RENT Corner stops and 6-room flat.
Inquire Vo, nst eaimon.
LARGE store for rent. $20. 68 4th st.
THREE-story and basement building, good
for wholesale or warenouse. iwo suaie
feet with elevator. Apply .n, ouwm,,
710 Corbett bldg.
Best location, 810 and up.
803 Swetland bldg., 6th and Waahlngton.
GROUND-FLOOR desk room. Including both
phonea; 810. Hengstaae st wmm, w i.
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply room bob.
Arnold Sl Co., Main 7311, ISltt Morrison st
W. W. WILLIAMS, 413 Marquam building.
IB-room rooming-house, flat In business
block, housekeeping suites. gas ranges,
gaa lights, bruasels and B. B. carpets,
heavy rlon beds, good bedding, full of
ateady, nice class people; rent $40; in
come $90; hurry If you want this; price
$650; part time.
326 Washington St., Rooma 201-202.
MAN AND WIFB I have a small restaurant
and lunch counter witn a nrm-ciu iruo,
will clear you $150 per month and guar
antee you satisfaction before putting your
money Into it. Particulars room 315 Lum
ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts
REAL ESTATE business, owner has more
work than he can do aione ana warns a
steady, sober partner to help show land,
etc.; experience not necessary and little
money required. Will pay active, ener
getic, man $200 a month. Particulars
24S4 Stark st.
WANTED Young man with $500. to take
Interest In a new company, to do incor
porated; can clear $2000 a year, exper
ience unnecessary, grand opportunity; In
vestigation solicited. Address for Inter
view, giving age, occupation 1 and phone
number, to room 4, Mllner bldg.
FOR SALE Grocery and meat market do
ing good business; this is a money-maker,
cash trade; living rooms in connection;
good lease; will sell Invoice, about $1900;
will exchange for real estate. AF 208, Ore
gonlan. GET In on ground" floor, real estate and in
vestment company, well established, go
ing to incorporate; fine chance for right
party with small capital. Inquire 411
Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny.
I HAVE one of the best-equipped autos in
the state: seats : just tne thing to rent ana
make money; will sell or trade for city or
country property. F. J. Catterlln, Chamber
of Commerce.
1 WANT to have a talk with a good live
man who wants to get Into the real estate
business; I have the best proposition in
Portland. Write for Information. T 207,
CIGAR and confectionery stone with fur
nished living rooms in rear; clearing o to
$5 dally: very little money required. Call
room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
SPECIAL Owner of a restaurant does the
cooking and want, partner to do casnier,
etc.; will pay you $4 to $6 a day. Particu
lars 248 Vi Stark st.
FOR SALE by owner Comer cigar, fruit and
confectionery store, aoing a nice Dusine-s.
with a lease; selling on account of leaving
the city. Inquire 165 4th St., cor. Taylor.
No agents.
We can give you a special price on any
mining .tock or bond? F. J. Catterlln
Co . room 8. Chamber of Commerce.
WANTEDA reliable man who can fur
nish references to attend to cash and do
banking In a -solid business concern. Par
ticulars 023 LUmDer jxenange uiug.
ROOMING-HOUSE 68 rooms, centrally lo
cated, rent $50. pays $1.10 per month over
all; owner obliged to leave city at once;
$1700, terms. 511 Swetland bldg.
WELL-KNOWN, reliable Arm wants office
man to buy Interest: trial given: pays
$150 monthly salary, also big pronta. Par
ticulars. 248 W Stark st.
PARTNER wanted In one of the best paying
businesses In Portland; $400 required; mum
be strictly sober, honest ana industrious.
61 Swetland bldg.
RESTAURANT on North 3d St., doing
business of $5 per day; must he sold at
once on account of sickness; $S00. Look
thla up at once. 511 Swetland bldg.
W A.NTKU To rent a rooming-house direct
from ownes: give particular... Address O.
Edwards. 603 Guild ave., city.
PARTNER wanted to handle office business
of modern. MU-room noiei: owner awa cw
lng; $2000 cash. W 199. Oregonlan.
PARTNER wanted to act as cashier In a
restaurant; little money required; fully
secured. 272 Stark st.
CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, fixtures,
also stock for sale and store for rent. Ap
ply Calef Bros.. 366 ,ast ruorrison at.
WFLL-ESTABL1SHED cleaning and pressing
shop: good location; cneap rent; a snap; in
vestigate, oto v .mingion.
RESTAURANT, doing a fine business, cen
trally located, rent $50. with long lease;
$550: a snap, oil Bwetiana Diag.
AMERICAN HOTEL for sale. 40 rooms, fur
nished, modern, cemrai. 101. ajooa oraer,
clean, $000. Springfield.
HOTEL Good town Eastern Washington;
good buy; $1000 cash, balance term..
209 Commonwealth bldg.
THE Bonvllle Pub. Co.'. stock, $100 a share
terms. 415 Marquam bldg.
PARTNER Willing to glva services In es
tablished, business, inquire mu 2a at.
IF YOU will back me with 840.000, which
I will Mcure with first mortgage cn Ore
gon real estate, or with bonds, 1 will con
tract to pay you 8 psr cent and a bonus
of 820.000 at the end of 12 years, or I
will give you a permanent one-fourth In
terest In my Investment; thla la a bank
ing proposition. Write for a personal In
terview. Lock drawer 74, Astoria, Or.
WANTED A man to handle Orecon and
California, attend to shipping and check
up goods fop manufacturing company.
Salary $100 per month and large commis
sion; can make $0000 per year; experi
ence unnecessary; must have references
and Invest $1000 to $2000 a. guarantee;
laple line and no competition. P 198,
A SNAP In an up-to-date restaurant, very
little money requireo, a ho
house to trade for good property, also
several more, all alxea. A .nan In a 1--room
house, close In. for $300. A .nap
In a confectionery and cigar store, also a
railroad waiting-room, cheap If sold soon.
272 Stark St.
On leading. street: rent only $40 per month;
3-year lease; receipts average about $20 per
day and can easily be Increased by a lltt.e
hustling; If you want this, act quick; prloe
417 and 418 Corbett bldg.
S rooma. newly furnished. Brussels and
Axmlnster carpets, good solid oak furni
ture; rent only $25; nice modern house
on Sth St.: price $350.
417-18 Corbett Bldg-
ROOMING-HOUSES. We have them, all
sizes and prices. ' '
18 rooms, money-maker, only $Mio.
82 room., fine transient, only $3000.
SO rooma. hot and cold water. 84-00.
627 Corbett Bldg.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1895) furnishes free Informstlon on
opportunities In mercantile or manufao
turlng lines, city or country.
403-4-6 Swetland Bldg.
A DAIRY of 16 cows, a first-class milk route,
with over 130 customers; business of w
per month; good pasture, -leased, all cane
and bottles and other utensils used in a
first-class dairy; a chance to get Into a
good business with little money. 340
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE General merchandise store,
stock about $4500. situated on railroad
near creamery and two condensed milk
factories: three rural routes from town;
a business of $30,000 to $40,000 can be
done here. Address X 206. Oregonlan.
HEADQUARTERS for rooming-houses, ci
gar stands. hoteU, saloons, restaurants,
general business chances. Some money
makers that won't lost long. See me be
fore you buy. Smith. 622 Worcester bldg.
FOR SALE Barber shop and confectionery
In country town; doing a business of
$lO0 per week; must sell at once on ac
count of 111. health: a bargain if taken
at once. Inquire of S. M. C. 8118 Wil
liams ave.. Portland. Or.
GROCERY, bakery and confectionery, old
established business, close in; Ice cream
parlor and four living rooms in connec
tion; rent $15; good family trade; prloe
$1500; good reason for selling. Phona
Main 6095
CONTRACTOR, builder and property-owner
will take a partner to look arter tne re' references reaulred and fur
nished. Active man can make $175
monthly. Call 623 Lumber Exchange blag.
WANTED Partner with $4000. to help In
business established four years, paying
from $000 to $S00 per month, that will
atand a rigid Investigation. Address P. O.
Drawer 587, Goldneld. Nev.
PAY active man $150 to $2O0 month; real
estate office wanLS partner; very mim
money required and no experience beyond
! ability to show land, etc. 386 Washing
ton at., room 11.
WE pay special attention to business open
ing, before ouying, can us up
what we can offer you. rnon. Mam scov
KInnev A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
CASH buolness doing ?M dally and clearing
. over $40 monthly, wun gooa lease miu
finest location in tne city; win u-m -,'i.
Inve tieatlrm. Call room 315 Lumber Ex
change bldg., 2d and Stark ts.
opuirvT holiness. wAnt man with $1000;
secured; pay you iuo mommy salary.
profits; previous experience not utt.,j
Call 248 S Stark St.
DO YOU want to get in on the ground floor
of a neat manufacturing business? Will
guarantee $HH) per montn salary, .iwv
. .. . . . , . - ,i- .j . . , . i
requireo. -i lioara oi nftuo umft..
GROCERY Good location: stock and fix
tures Invoice atiout inu; k"mi "iiu',
also one. Invoice about Sif.ViO. rent $25,
sales $0. 921 ftoard of Trade bldg.
ftonnii Partner. areneral merchandise store,
gooa vauey town, iiuiub sw.
office man preferred. Kinney & Stampher,
631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED Reliable and active party with
$750 to manage Jlgnt manuiaciurmg pmo.
in city; will guarantee $150 per month
salary. For Information call 300 Larrabee.
FOR SAI.Ei The Commercial Livery and
Feed Stables: paying dubihuw, Mu,t,i,cu
Id years. inquire J. w. r.i., uwuc,
McMlnnvlIle, Or.
STORE Partner wanted, owner will guar
antee you mommy sHjarj, i,...
little money requtrea,
Call 248 V4 Stark
, .ooi'vn.finnT- rani Investment: no pros
pecting: mine tnorougniy aovnoii,
more capital; rivw uuo.,,,.
Address G 193, owner, uregonian.
ot n a t mnA nnnl room, centrally located
clearing 2oit mommy, uvn iw """'
expenses. Particulars 023 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
Restaurant and lunch counter, profit.
$10 dally; $'00 buy. It If taken at once.
303V. Washington St.. room 4.
ftmTKKn wanted for store dealing In po
tatoes, fruits, eggs, etc.; win ay acuve
man $150 to $2(M a month; small capital
required. Call 248 h Stark at.
HALF Interest In gas and electric nxture
s'ore. centrally localofl on tim ome; uoinn
thriving business; little money required. 325
Lumber Exchange.
WOOD and coal yard, partner wanted to
look - alter nirea neip; guarantee
monthly. Particulars 823 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
$275 MONTHLY Dairy business, city; teach
,k, hitatnesM- K'.LVK. nSJ-t Cash.
Angeles. 411 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and
Ankeny. .
RELIABLE real estate dealer wants honest
man for partner; he guarantees $100 to
$150 per month: little money required.
Call room 7. ism 1st t.
PARTNER wanted with $5O0 cash and will
ing to work; owner guarantees you $3 a
day wages, also profits on your money,
which Is secured. Call 248 Stark et.
$35 FOR half Interest In paying business
on road, investigation is all I ask. Sut
ton. 334 Johnson st-
GOING East, will sell my $500 established
business for $200; give terms. Quick if
you want a bargain. AD 201). Oregonlan.
GROCERY1 doing business of $35 dally; no
opposition, no delivery, will sell at In
voice, $1000. 827 Board of Trade.
A BARGAIN for a person with a few
hundred dollars for patent right In Oregon
and Washington. AB 199, Oregonian:
8400 Corner grocery; 5 living rooms; low
rent; long lease; bargain If taken at once.
421 First St., comer Hall.
SALOON Want partner today, $500 re
quired; experience unnecessary. Pay you
$150 month. Call 24Sii Stark St.-
ROOMING-HOUSE, 12 rooms. one block
from public library; $323. 511 Swetlaud
PARTNER with $100. established business,
paying $lO0 a month. - Investigate. Y
205. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Good-paying city business; strict
ly a gilt-edge proposition: $4000 required;
terms If desired. Address Y 197. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A flrst-class paying- barber shop,
well located: owner leaving the city. AC
199. Oregonlan.
PARTNER wanted in real estate businesa
Call'at 242 Alder St.. room 214.
S-CHA1R barber .hop lor aale.
303 H East
FREE Government land in a good location,
close to railroad and town. 272 Stark at.
RESTAURANT, with long lease, doing good
' . . 0 tl ...tlonH KMr
Dusiness, . ".. . .. ......... f
OLD established dye works. Inquire 445
Glisan st.
BARBER SHOP for sale; three chairs; two
balh luhs. .North 17th,
SEPTE3IDER 3. 1903.
$160 CASH.
Put. you In possession of the swellest
roomlnir-houBe of 27 rooms In the city:
modern, with steam heat, etc.; furniture
B E. maple, quartered oak; velvet and
Torussells carpets; rent $12S; lease; clear.
$125 a month; balance long time.
320". Washington t.. Room. 201-202.
GOOD furniture 11-Toom house. 6th St.. only
$; snap: fine furniture 11-room house.
7th st.. close m. $450 It sold today.. Mrs.
Koontx. 243 Stark St. "
Money to Imm.
. ..,ti-L$
704 DEKUM BLDG. . , , ,
: 402 Rothchild bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash.
The rognixed banK of the wage
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist,
engineer or emDloye can obtain money of.
us on his note without security.
$16 return to us $
$30 Return to us V.vf? ? 55i
$50 Return to us $13.34 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries.
Speclill rates on piano., furniture, eto.
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
,ge; business confidential. nrvi
Mo. Seml-Mo. W k IT.
$75 return to us. .. .$20.00 Blow ;.vv
$30 return to us.... 13.35 t.oo
$30 return to u...,. 8.00 4 00 w
$15 return to us.... 4.0O .w f.V
209 McKAY BLDG, cor. ad ana pirn i-a.
SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried
employes and on Pianos. Furniture, "Ware
house Receipts, Horses, Insurance Policies
, aud all kinds of securities.
403 Swetland Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without se
curity; cheapest rates, easiest payments,
offices in 60 principal cities; save your
self money by getting my terms flrst,
TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
WEwill pay you 80 per cent for your German-American
certificates and pay tne
highest cash price for Oregon Trust ac
counts. The E. L. FraJey Co., 418 cham
ber of Commerce.
MONEY .oaned un raiarlta; no other security,
my system 1. best for railroad men, clerks,
bookkeeeper., .treetcar employe, and other.;
business confldential. F. A. Newton. 611
Buchanan bidg.. 28UV4 Washlng.un st.
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture. Insurance
policies; purchase contracts, diamond,
and Jewelry. E. Pierce. 512 Gerllnger bdg.
WE positively pay the highest cash prloe
for Title and Oregon Ace. also German
American certiorates. Call at once at
Cohn Bros.. 180 1st St.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest for lrng or short
time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 269
Waahlngton st.
LOANS "on real estate, chattels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Waahlng
ton bldg Paclflo 1832
WANTED Dwelling house mortgages. $500
to $1500: easy terms ; .owners only apply.
W. S. Ward, 210 Alleky. M 7326.
ax-v mrt of 5.000 to loan on good se
curitv at 6 to 7 per cent Interest. Room
305 Gerllnger bldg.
I WILL loan up to $25.O0O on good Inside
property. Thos. McCueker. 2oo Couch
bids.. Main 7640.
$100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more
on improved property. Cady & Selple.
322 Mohawk bldg.
8100.000 to loan Is rum. of $1000 or more
tebsuit- 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
M. G. Griffin. 261 Stark, opp. Cham, of C.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere
and any sum: $100 and up; see ua
Vaughn & Burt. 402 Corbett bldg.
WK ' allow par for German-American cer-
tlflcatea for a few days only. Call at
once. Cohn Bros.. 180 1st st.
$3000 Omaha Telephone bond, with 60 per
cent stock at 65 if taken at once. B 200,'
$900 AND $1400 to loan on real estate. R
207, Oregonlan.
$4000 TO loan on good real estate security. S
2o9, Oregonlan.
WILL pay big prices for German-American
certificate.. V195, Oregonlan.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgage, or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The
Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg.
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as, state agt. Multnomah Co. 400 C. of C.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d t.
Loan. Wan tea.
WANTED Loan $1000. 8 per cent, on Im
proved residence property, near car. AE
205, Oregonlan.
$4110 WANTED on Improved city property.
Apply at once. 430 Worcester bldg. M 1940.
LOST Suitcase belonging to Otto Hanson,
containing valuable papers, taken by mis
take from the New Grand Central Hotel
lobby September 1: return and receivo $'-5
reward. J. A. Tllley.
FOUND Wnere hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 223 Front
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metxger.
LOST Small gold seal ring, between Gll
san and Johnson on Sunday, initials H.
E. S. Reward if returned to 171 North
LOST A blue silk waist pattern with
pink rosebuds. Return to 129 First St.,
to receive riward
LOST On Scholl's Ferry road, toolchest for
automobile. Please return U. S. Laundry.
LOST Brlndle bulldog: stub tall, clipped
ears, white face. Muslo Dept., Meier &
LOST Gold locket, inlt. "J. D." ; liberal re
ward to finder. Return to Perkins Hotel
bar. ,
38 IVER JOHNSON pistol, on L car: nlckel
plflted. Reward. Phone Woodiawn 1294.
Masters' Notice.
BRITISH steamer Queen Amelle. Captain
Curry; neither the captain nor the under
signed consignees will be re-yponslble for
any debts contracted by the crew.
Proposals Invited.
CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster's Office. Van
couver Barracks. Wash.. September 3, 1808
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re
ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.
October 2. 1W9, and then publicly opened,
for furnishing labor and material required
to construct a two-story addition to build
ing No. 63, and for certain other construc
tion work at Vancouver Barracks. Wash.
The United States reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. Plans, specifications
and full Information will be furnished on
application. Envelopes containing proposals
should be Indorsed "Proposals for Construc
tion," and rhould be addre.esed to the Con
structing Quartermaster, Vancouver Bar
racks, Washington.
CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster's Office, Van
couver Barracks. Wash., September S, 1908
Sealed proposajp. in triplicate, will be re
ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.,
October 2. 1908. and then publicly opened,
for furnishing and Installing plumbing fix
tures in buildings No. 62, 63. 64. 68 and 78,
at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., and for
making connections with the sewerage rs
tem of the post. The United States reserves
the right to reject any or all bide. Plans,
specifications and full Information will be
furnished on application. Envelopes con
taining proposals should be indorsed "Pro
posals for Plumbing" and addressed to the
Constructing Quartermaster, Vancouver
Barracks. Washington.
SEALE-D BIDS will be received until 11 A.
M. of Monday. September 14. 1909. at the
office of the Port of Portland, City Hall,
1 for supplying two boilers and shafting for
the dredge "Portland." Plan? and speci
fications can be hnd upon application. The
Port of Portland reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. John P. Doyle, Clerk
ot tha Board,
States for the District of
matter of the Pacific Mall Order Company
bankrupt: The undersigned will "celve
sealed bids at hla office, room 8. 7 First
at., Portland. Or., up to 12 o clock noon
of Tuesday. September 8. for the toUow
lng described assets of eald bankrupt, tow-it:
Stock of merchandise of the Inventory
value of $14,982.09. together with "ore
fixtures of the Inventory value of $2390.85.
all located at 210 First St.. Portland Or
The said stock of merchandise consists of
the following lines, namely: Fajni Imple
ments, buggies and harness, furniture, tos.
musical Instruments, sewing machines, dry
gooda and notions, shoes, stoves and shelf
hardware, crockery and glassware, paints
and oils, seeds and groceries.
Rids will be entertained for the said
stock of merchandise as a whole or for
any of the different lines. Cash or a cer
tified check for 10 per cent of the amount
offered must accompany each bid and the
right Is reserved to reject any and all
bids. The said property may be Inspected
and full particulars of the sale obtained
on application to the undersigned.
R, L. SABLN, Trustee.
Now is the time to have your fur. re
modeled and repaired Redy ng and
blending skillfully done. All work
stored free of charge. Remember, you
will save money by ordering your new
furs NOW. Call and select the skins
Latest style, on hand and perfect nt
guaranteed. Will call at residence and
give estimate. Main 6210. A 64,2. A.
Reiner. 563 Washington t- Practical fur
rier, designer and expert Utter.
Atimlralty selxure. Citation, United States
of America. DlBtrlct of Oregon, ss.
Whereas a libel has been filed In the D strict
Court of the United States for the District
of Oregon, on the 14th day of August,
1908. by Clarence II. Gilbert, proctor on
behalf of Smith & Watson Iron Works, a
corporation, as llbellants. In a cause of
contract, civil and maritime, against the
vessel. Oaks Flyer, her tackle, apparel
and furniture, and praying the usual pro
cess and monition of the court that all
persons Interested In said Oaks Flyer, her
tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture
may be cited to appear and answer the
premises and all due proceedings being
had that the eaid Oaks Flyer may be de
creed to be sold, and the proceeda thereof
distributed according to law. Therefore, In
pursuance of said monition under the seal
of the said court, to me directed and de
livered, on the 14th day of August. 1908.
I do hereby give notice, generally, unto
all persons having, or pretending to have,
any right, title or Interest in the said
vessel called the Oaks Flyer, her tackle,
apparel, machinery and furniture, to ap
pear before the said court, In the City of
Portland, in said district, on the 7th day
of September, A. D., 1908, next (If It be a
court day. or else on next court day there
after), at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said dav, then and there to answer the
said libel, and to make known their alle
gations In that behalf. Dated at Portland.
In said district, this 18th day of August.
A D.. 1908. Charles J. Reed. United
States Marshal for the District of Oregon.
Clarence H. Gilbert, proctor for Smith at
Watson Jron Works, a corporation.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Nehalem Coal Company will be held at
Astoria. Or.. Clatsop County, Monday, Sep
tember 7. at 10 A. M.. at the Smith Bros,
law office, for the purpose or electing di
rectors for the ensuing year, and to transact
all such business as may be brought before
said meeting.
It is desired that every stockholder should
be present in person or by proxy. Respect-
fu"J' w. J. COOK, Secretary.
NOTICE 1. hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Ore
gon Railroad & Navigation Company will
be held at the office of the company In
the Wells. Fargo building. Portland. Or..
Thursday, September 3. 190S. at the hour
of 12 o'clock M.. at which lima a board
of directors will be elected and such
other business transacted as may legally
come before the meeting. W. W. Cotton,
NOTICE; That I. Frank M. Rankin, will In
no way be responsible for debts incurred
by Alma J. Kankln. my wife. September
1, 190s. FRANK M. RANKIN.
I WILL not be responsible for any bills
contracted by my wife on or after this
date. September 3. 190S. R. H. Pease.
ARCHITECTS, contractor., engineer., get
Paclflo Builder & Eng'neer. 815 Ch. Com.
If you have any acute or chronic dla
' ease, or run-down condition or nervous
trouble, we can cure you. even though
other, have given you up.
See ua We have special departments
. for the treatment of men. also for the
treatment of diseases of women, with a
lady specialist In charge.
Also for the eye. ear. nose and throat.
Including the proper fitting of glasses, and
a special treatment for catarrh and skin
diseases. 1
Each department Is In charge of a
specialist who understands the work.
Consultation free. .'
608 Merchants Trust .Bldg.. 6th and Wash.
and all Imperfections of the scalp, hair
and face removed, busts developed, sup
perfluous hair removed by tha latest
French method; all the rage In Paris; no
electricity; faces bleached, booklet free.
Facial Institute,
146 11th St., bet. Alder and Morrison.
SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslngfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
ana nervous disorder, by band rubbing.
team sweat and tub bathB; both sexes.
7 East 11th St., one door from East An
keny car. phones East 200. Home B 1803.
Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera
peutics; a full line of electrical appliances,
newest and moat improved electrical
blanket. All diseases successfully treated.
Room 30, 350 Vi Morriaun St. Main 2011.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 5uc. To visit
or, of Portland hotel, and to publlo at large:
Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the tailor's,
tt 8th t., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladle.'
skirts pressed, 60c. Feather, and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964.
YOU can't work when you don't sleep
well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep auid
give you steady nerves; 50c a box. 6
boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address th.
j A,. Clemenson Drug Co. Portland.
aADIES Ask your druggist tor Chichester.
Iiamond Brand Pills. For 25 year, knows
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere
ALL ladies representing Splrella Corset Co.
In Portland and vicinity will And It to their
very great Interest to send name and ad
dress at once to Gertrude Rowland Taylor,
state manager. Hotel Lenox.
HARTMAN Detective Agency. No. 603. 4. 6
Swetland bldg.. one of the best organized
agencies on the Paclflc Coast to get results.
Evidence furnished by this oftloe U re
liable and we guarantee same..
PERSONS of marriageable age. either sex. de
siring acquaintance or companion, .end 100
for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau,
613 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder
DPKSS suits for rent, sll size.: $1.30 month
keep, your clothe, cleaned, pressed, button,
sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries, bnlque Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark,
DR SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Hoot Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods.
? per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce,
612 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder.
loct powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve
Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar
macy, 289 Morrison St., bet. 4th and 5th,
OFRMAN, French. 8panlsh and other for
eign textbooks and literature a specialty.
W- Schroale t-o.
229 1st st.
Mme Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat
ments facial deformities corrected; piastl-l
surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. A 2069.
MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist, 302
iukv bldg . hours 10 to 8. Public lectures
Wednesday. 2 and 8. Main 2835.
DR PAUL CROMWELL'S former wife. Dr.
Cromwell-Smith, will sell East India herb,
at 2S8'A Harrison st.
MRS OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; reterencea
282 Mi Park. Main 24Q3 ; A 2734.
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on
rr Ketchum, graduate; advice free.
170". 3d St. Main 8770.
a PERMANENT cure for piles, "
Salve." Woodard. Clarke & Co.
BALM OF FIGS for all female dlseasea 560
Glisan ., -H----
DON'T forget the number, 68 4th. between
Oak ana X-iue- ia un, oor "iivi.
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, single
people: circular 10c. 229 1, 1st st-
PILES cured without operation by a wsll
established physician. Box 300, city.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. aL X. HUl, 330 Flltdnar bide. 11 3473.
BCblNESs) Dllil-CTORY.
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD. 835 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ao
cordlcn aud knife plaiting and pinking.
B. H COLLIS, 824 Worcester block, publls
scc'ounlant and estate aBont. Audlllug.
Investigating, systematizing; poi uiuueul
keeping of books aud records a spajlaltyi
Architects and Builders.
SEE Johnson about buiiiiaJowa 204 Mo
hawk bldg. A 4321.
Assayers and Analysts.
Wells & ProebsteL mining engineers, chenv.
lets and assayers. 24 W Wasnliigtan.
PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bougut, 2u7 Alder st.
and ore-testing work. 136 Morrison st.
EMMONS EMMONS have removed lavr
offices to 909-913 Board uf Trada bldg.
Bicycle and K-ectrica. Kepairtug.
SHAW Jfc MITCHELL Bicycle, jjasoline. en
gins and electrical repairing, att titark st.
WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, tha
only scientific chiropodist, in the city. Par
lors 302 Ueiilnger blue, d. W. our. 24 aud
Alder. Phone Main 1301. -
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mra M. D. Hlll,
rooin 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 34 ,'3.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG oV CO., .nip broker., eonv:
mission merchants. Sherlock bid.., Portias!.'
Lessons 23c; now opening classes for begin
ners this evening at 7 o clock; private les
sons every morning, afternoon and even
ing Prof. W al Wlllson acnooi, 000 -sj
Washington, bet. West Park and 10th mis.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcea,
Mrs. Angeles. 242 otn ana main. :
Dog and Horse Hospital.
DR. C. E. Brown. D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog.
horse hospital. 113 N. Oth. Union Trans Co
Feed Stores.
E L. COOPER fc CO.. wholesale nay and
grain. 181 Washlm; Ion at. Phone Mala
7718. A 3718.
Gasoline ILngtaea.
Stationary, marine. electric equipments.
launches, accessories, wholesale, retail;
en.lno repairing. Releraon Machinery Cos.
Harness ana ftaddle-ry.
THE George Lawrence Co, wholesale sad-:
die and harness mnfra 80-86 1st. Main 224
Junk, Hides and Pelts.
L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelt a,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers. Hiatal, anj
aacka 312 Front .t.
Launches and Yachts.
FOR charter and sale marine hardware,
gasollns engines, beo Heyes, 171 Madison,
Leather an Undine;..
tablished 1838. Leather and tlndlnKs;
Stockton sole leather ard cut stock; full
line Eastern Juiaboa 181- Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, tap mil'.'. Undlua
ICE machines. Complete
strong Machinery Co.,
installations. Arm
Spokane, Wash.
TO MKN The only scientific vacuum ap
paratus Is manufactured by Eric Medical
Co, Dept. Eh. Buffalo, N. Y., -tvho made
It known throughout the world; fur
nished, together with important acces
sory treatment, on approval and easy
terms. Write company for descriptive
matter, mailed In plain sealed envelope.
From London and Paris. 1'iaiio, French
and elocution. 144 18th st. North (second
E.V1IL THIELHOKN. violin teacher, pupil at
Sevclk. A 4160. Pine 334. Main 3045.
Osteopathic rhysfclans.
410-16-17 Dekum Bldg.,
Third and Washington Sts,
Phone, office. Muln 349.
Residence, E. 1028.
faints. Oil. and Uluss,
F. E. Beach & Co., tne Pioneer Paint Co,
Wlnduw glass and glazing. I:t5 1st. M. 1334.
RASMUSSEN A CO. Jobbers, paints, oil.,
glass, sash and door. Cor. 2d and Taylor,
Patent and tension Attorney a
R C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat.
ents; luf rlllgemeut cases. 604 Latum.
PATENTS, trade-marks, copyrighta
Matter, 411 Commonwealth bldg.
A. j.
J J. H1KSHHE1M1IK. pen:slon and paten
'attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bidg.
close figures, good work. 38 Russell bldg-1
corner 4th and Morrison.
l'hoto Ella, ravers.
PERFECT printing platea Illck.-Chattea
Eugravlng Co., corner 2d and Alder .la.
Rubber Stamus.
ALSO trade cheok. and all office gooda P.
D. C. Co.. 231 Stark at. Both phones 1407,
The largest sign-makers in the North
west. Sth and Kerett sts. Phone Prlvata
Exchange 05. Home A 1155.
vis, 06 3d st. Bargain. In 2d-hand safes.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d t. Safes
at factory price.. Second-hand .afea
Showcase, Hank and Store Fixtures.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, .tore and oIQos tlxturea. 28 Couch
t. Main 2708.
Storage and Transfer.
C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co., o fries
snd commodious four-story brick ware
house, with eeperate Iron room, and Ilra
nroof vaults for valuables. N. W. corner of
Ed and Pine its. Piano, and furniture moved
and packed for .Hipping. Main 596, A 1996. :
General transferring and storage, safes
nlanos and furniture moved and packed
Si? shipment. 209 Oak t bet Front and
1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Street pavln.
WARREN Construction Co. street paving,
sidewalks and crossing.. 314 Lumber Ex.
T" ortland office. 402-3-4 Worcester block.
Typew ritrrs.
- -,.,.n-.iTid typewriters.
makes repaired, sold and rented: also
State s,gen?s the Visible Fox. Tha Typ
writer Exchange. 84 3d at. Main 608.
eps-rlAL Drloes. all makes rented, sold, r
6Poa?red P D C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 149T.
.imvi s-uel Co.. green
and dry cord-
wood. Albina ave., K. R. st.
Wholesale Jobbers.
nr . rju a ms & CO . wholesale grocers, man
WAf?ctuVers, commission merchanta 4th
and Oak. .
Portland. Oregon.
No Interest paid en accounts