THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OS. BCKOPEAX FLAX MODP.RN KZalALJLAXT COST ONE J4I1XIOX DOLXAB. HOTEL OREGON I CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS 2 Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp European Plan. Free Bus ; : WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. atraliy treated tiT FTv-.;j Local and long-distance phones in every room, itooma (Pssil '"A 'f-ff-3;l with private bath, en suite and single. Large and mod-L-j iftis;. f-'VlZ -jfj ernly equipped sample-rooms. yiSH ELEGANT GRILL-MUSIC t:VSSJC? "Baa nneete aU tralae. Ratea sua ma. W. inrBTUro, Mtuicr. t F. DA VIES, President St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO lMl FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION I THE Park St. Bat. MorrUon and Aider CALUMET HOTEL sis uass , i J a a a r. Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at "THE CORNELIUS" THE BEST IX POBTXAXD. Situated In tbe center ot ths shoppln district; one block from the streetcars; not so expensive as some other hotels; sixty 'oo-J T6 JJ? ! solid mahogany: every room contains a heavy solid Blmmona brass Is a 40 or 50-pound hair mattress; the furnishings and general app public rooms must bs seen to be apprsolated; sample-rooms, each w; nrp..ra , foot table. Till! 'CORNELIUS. Park and Alr ern equipped hotel, solicits your patronage and assures you gooa cour?2ui treatment. An exceptlon.l hotel for families who come to Portland .hnn.n- .nd .irht-seelnr. when next In Portland give us a chance to maks you look pleased. THE CORXBUC8 Free Bus meets all tralna Cornelius, proprietor. S. K. Clarke. Manager. 'Z' j -" MEETING NOTICES. SHRINERS. LIST E N! Pinal arrangements tor the pilgrimage to Eugene were completed at last even ing's meeting. Already about i a, r-v 200 nave join.a iu v.." 13 J grlmage and more are ex ll 5L' ..j hrefoot nov- ICJ. . w. - J Ices have been rounded up' from the Calapoola's" near and around Eugene. This ..-in h. vnur last Summer outing. Don't wait until the last minute to do your business with the recorder, for he will be very busy. Register your reser vation now for this pompous pageant or pil grims who will pull out from the Union Depot promptly Raturdsy, September a. . Tims card for the Shriners' special: Leave Portland at 8:00 A.M. Lsstv. Oregon City : A.. M. Leave Woodburn at A- Leave Salem at :8X ?!' Lsavs Albany at 10:40 A.M. Arriving at Eugene 11:65 A.M. Fare Round trip one and one-third from any point on Southern Pacillc. Good for re turn September a. 7. or 8. Do not forget your fes and yellow card. J. G. MACK. Potentate. B. O. WHITEHOUSE. Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE, A. F. AND A. M Stated communica tion Ihl. Th.,r.av .v.nln. . . ft o'clock F r Hevrea Visitors wsl- lvcome. By order W. M. fked l. ulsuh, eecrstary. ENOROPPINO resolutions, testimonials, memorials, etc. Ellis, too Columbia bldg. HENDERSON At Wl HarvsM I wife of A. J. Headsrson, a sua. . i m uw I. - ---- KK AXXJC A BTEK8 FOR TOURISTS COMMW1AI. to families and sin gle lauan 1" mm isjusiI will be ptaaSea' at n Km" to show mot aasl a-rra prteva. A moo era Tnrklab. bn ce tabnaniiMsst , ta thm hotel. JdL C. MWVU. Huirr. Mode Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PhiL Matachan A Soaa, Prepe. Rates HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and "Washington Sts. C O. DAVTE3, Sao. aad TreaeJ A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Lena- Distance Phones In Every Room, i'reo 'Baa Meets All Trains. Ratss American. IJ.0O per day ana no. . , . tT.i n St.OO Mf dtf tad UD. Per month, elnsl. room and board. $45 to $85 according; to room, ror two. i to Board without room. $30 per month N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. Portland's Only Roof Garden Aaaerlm Rate to Families aad Europraa Oar Boa Me4a All Trains Sample Suites, wit a Baths, .for TraT.llng Men THB DANM00RE BSSBSsssaassaasssssssBssasaassssaaaBssaBsssssasaBl Portland's new hotel. 71 Waahlna-taa, career lk, epa. HatUa: Theater. Kaaspian esaa. 1.0 ana Up. Bus moots all trains. DAJf I. HOOKS Proprietor. Hotel Moore Claraep Beaefc, aid, Or. Opea all year, snatloa apply at The Da For laUor- ul S c mn. h. bed on which ppesxance of the lth 1W to lOV streets. Portland's newest and most mod Europlan. C W- HOTEL LENOX Portland's new and most modernly furnlahod hotel. Third and Main streets, fronting on the beautiful City Plasa and adjacent to business center. Free 'bus to and from trains. Up-to-date g-rllL Excellent cuisine. Telephone In very room. Private batha. EUROPEAN PL A If, AMERICAS PLAJT. 1 to sx&O per Day. 3JH t. S4 Per Day. O. M. SPENCER, Manager AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Baiter's Auction House, 152 Park St., near Morrison st. Furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auctioneers. At Gllman's auction rooms. 411 Washing ton St.. at 10 o'clock. S. L. N. Oilman, auctlonesr. DIED. ENGBERO At 45 West Sumner St.. Sept. 2. 19U8. Matilda Engberg, beloved wire of C. J. Engberg. age 81 years, 4 months. Funeral notice later. SCHAFFNER In this city. Sept 2, Adolph Scbaffner, aged 29 years. Ths remains are at Flnleys chapel. Funeral antics here after. ANDERSON In this city. September 2, Ola Anderson, aged 83 years and 7 months. Funeral announcement later. FUNERAL NOTICE. HAMILTON In this city, Sept. 1, Frederick Hamilton, aged 33 years. Ths funsrsl serv ices will be held at Finley's chapel at 10 A. M. Friday, Sept. 4. Friends Invited. In terment lUvervlew Dunning;, McEntee a GUbaugh, Funeral Directors, Tth and Pine, phone Main 420. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOI-MAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 2x0 Sd St. Lady assistant. Phone M S07. J F. FIN LEY a SON, Sd and Madison. Lady assistant. Phone Main , A MM. EELLER-BYRNE8 CO.. Funeral Direct or,, tit Russell. East 108. Lady assistant. F. 8. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East U. TOE MORNING OKEGONIAX. THTJItSDAT, SEPTE3FBER 3. 1903. ' - t .- ,.,.., re-rax I TOR 8AIX-REAI, ESTATE. ! FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. Baker Theater SSS5i Mala Oregon Theater To. (Inc.), Lessee. GEORGE L. BAKER, General Manager. Tonight, all this week, matinees Thursday and Saturday. C. H. Kerr presents Dainty (rare Cameron In his latest musical comedy success. "LITTLE DOIUB DIMPLES, aup ported by the great comedian. Harry Bow ley, and a big company. Gorgeous scenery. Evening prices 25c, 60c. 75c. SI. Matinees 23c. Mie. Next week: Richard Jose. M A IX A 1020 Matinees Ex. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS fVeek Anr- I 15-25-50-75C Creasy A Dayne; Katie Barry; Tom Da vies' Trio; A. O. Iranran; Basaue Grand Opera Quartet Barry Hughes; Melville Hlggins THE GRAND-Vaadeville deLoie THE "LAIGHIEST VET. EDWTH KEOITGH CO. In The Season's Scenle Sensation "A Bit Blaraey." Don M ThompMn. Bisters OMeers. doiuch a Brs- SELli "The Mnsl- rsvl Railroaders." Brotherhood d Co. Dorothy Dayme. Fred Bauer. Oraadascope. PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. Btars of AU Nations. CSTHAS. The Armless Wonder, Direct From Hammersteln's New York Theater, And Six Other Good Acts. Matinees dally. 15 cents; two shows at nlsht, is and 25 cents. THE LYRIC THB BLUNKALL CO., PRESENTS A CELEBRATED CASE In the first act Miss "Ward A. Howard will wear ths Dlrectolre Gown. SUNDAY MATINEE. "LENA RIVERS." BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. Two Games Labor Day, 10 1. HO A. M 2t30 P. M. Games begin weekdays J:30 P. M.; Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; boxes, 25c extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. WHERE TO DINE. Hot Weather Dletn'cafJ"'. 6th St.. near Washington. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rate, will be given only when advertising la ordered to run consecutive . I u il v uiH Hundav issues. The Ora- gonian charges first-time rate each Insertion lor ciassiiieo aaverusiua u. v on consecutive days. Tho first-time rate Is charged for each insertion In The Weekly Oregonlan. . . Rooms," "Booms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less. IS cents; 10 to 20 words. . t . . vi a . words. 25 cents, etc. At discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads. one time rate each Insertion UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." M cents for IS words er less; IS to 20 words, 40 cents; tl to 2S words, SO cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. ssw IVUil,- (gauge measure e" If cents per Una, first insertion; 7 cents per line for each additional Insertion. NEW TODAY. $14,000 Large residence, Nob Hill, 3 year guaranteed, lease $175 per month; $8000 cash re quired, on which amount it pays over 19 Net, E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. $15,000 Apartment-house site (about 7700 square feet), splendid location, frontag-e on two streets, on carllne close to upper Washlnsjton street, SE000 cash, balance on time. GEORGE H. HILL 08 COMMERCIAL BLOCK, (Cor. Second and WaahlntTton Sts.) Quarter Block Crosby St. Near Steel Bridge Three cotlaajea; alwaya rented. We ran make very attractive price on thla desirable property for the next few daya. Sengstake & Lyman 80 Fifth St. Mortgage Loans At Lowest Current Rates. Building; Loans. Installment Lonna. WM.MacMASTER SOa Worcester Block. TO LEASE Corner lot on Second St., south of Morrison. Will put up 8 or 4-story building- to suit responsible tenant. For particulars see 110 Second. H. W. uODDARD, Choice Residence Cor ner at a Bargain 34th and Overton, high and sightly; no phones. Frank Bollam 128 Third St. House Wanted West Side only; Nob Hill district pre ferred; I to 9 rooms. Must be thor oughly modern. Give full particulars. Owners only. Address Easterner, R 208, Oregonlan. DO YOU WANT 12 NET? We have a buy fr 7 that will net 12 per cent the year round. THINK QUICK Remember, We Handle Only Such Property as We Can Recommend PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. MX IRVINGT0N THE MODEL HOME ADDITION Take the Irving-ton or Broadway cars to this tract and sea the great number of modern homes now In course of construction; also the paved streets that have been put down dur ing the last three months. 8950 Lots 50x100 on 20th st, close to Brazee. giooo Lots 60x100 on 21st st., close to Brazee. SIOOO Lots BOxlCO on proadway carllne. 22d st., near Brazee. SHOO Lots 60x100 on 23d at, near Brazee, one block from car. S2300 M w Corner, 100x100, on 16th and Knott streets. S2300 Corner, 100x100, on 24th and Brazee streets. S2400 Corner, 100x100, on 15th and Brazee streets. One-third cash will handre any of these. Irvington Investment Co. S31 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Phones Main 3177, A 4V4SO. Homesteads Parties wanting- homesteads in Southern Oregon, where 100 claims per month are being located, call at office for full Information. WILLAMETTE VALLEY INFORMATION BUREAU 312 Board of Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to snlt spe cial rates and favorable terms on large loana on aualness properties. Fonda Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL ?02j Meter Bide., Sd a Stark. FOR SALE Or of the cheapest buys In Portland, 8 room modern house and fractional lot In Bunnyslde for $1850. A block of 8 full lots In Montavllla. one block from carllne; 11600. Mtist be sold at once. 160 acres of land in Marlon County: STOO. A. GROKI7KR ft CO.. Room 8, Cambridge Building, Third and Morrison Streets. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of interest. LOUIS SALOMON, 238 Stark Street, near Second. Abstracts! yers Abstract Trust Co. Suite Portland Co. Bank. M.6S0. - - A 422 One and one-quarter acres, food house, barn. well, trees; must be sold, $1700. BRONG-STEELE CO. 110 Second St. OIORHS BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 2 Woroeater Bulldln. Phon. Main Mil. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. Co.. M U40, 3S Hamilton hi Baker. Alfred A., lis Ablnxton bids. Chspln ft Herlow, 832 Chambsr of Commerce, Cook. B. S. ft Co., 60S Corbett bldg. Crossley Co., 708-0 Oorbett bids. M 7855. Fields. C E. ft Co.. Board of Trad. bids. Ooddard. B. W . Main and A 1743. 110 2d st Olllette-Blggs Land Co., Board of Trade. Jennings ft Co. Mala 188. 208 Oregonlaa. Kinney ft Stamphsr, 831-582 Lhr. Ex. M 4435. Lea. M E-. room 411 Corbett building. Mall ft Von Borstal. 104 2d st, 893 B rrornslds. Palmer. H. P . 218 Commercial Club bids. M 8690, A 2633. Parrlah. Watklns ft "Co., 250 Aldsr st. Richardson. A. B.. 121 Com. Club bids. Srhslk. Goo. D.. 24 Stark at. Main t3. A 8M. Bharkey, J. P. ft Co.. 122 Sixth st. Swsnsson, A. F. ft Co., 258 Washington St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., tSk laird St. tHolladay Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commsrcs WaddeL W. O.. 30 Lumber Exchange bldg. Whits. B. P.. 227 Washington St. Wm. Wolfsteln troved real estate office 218 Couch bldg. Call If looking for bar gains FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. GOOD HOME GOOD LOCATION GOOD INVESTMENT. Modern 7-room bouse, full lot, beautiful lawn, nice garden, close in East Side, near 2 carllnes, $3000, good terms. Haverstlc ft Oallagher, Sa Wash. st. TAKE) St. John car to Patton ave., one block west, two blocks south, northeast corner Concord and Bmerson; two new, modern 5-room houses, rented; price $3000: cseh; 66 2-3x102 feet; agents allowed regular com mission. Phone owner, Woodlawn 60, 16 TO 20 PER CENT GUARANTEED ON INVESTMENT OF" $4000 Close In, on Union ave., and big Increase In value of prop erty; values Increasing by big bounds. Heil man & Lathrop, over Merchants Natlosal Bank. 6-ACRE tract, 12 miles from Portland, on new electric line, near Holbrook; line for chicken ranch: 300 cords of wood on place; price $500, $50 cash and balance $10 per month. 333 Chamber Commerce. SNAP for $3000 You can buy new modern 7 room home close In on East Davie st.; in vestigate this.' F. J. Catterlln & Co., room 8 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, easy terms; 459 Mechanic St.; taks Woodlawn car. TWO lota and 3-room house, close to Al berta ear; $850. 825 Lumber Exchange. BT OWNER New 2-story 6-room houie, Brooklyn Heights; full concrete base ment, stationary washtuba, woodllft, piped for furnace; Winter's wood; halls, com bination fixtures, large pantry, hot and cold water. Bull Run water, large porches, east facing, splendid view; 30 minutes walk to business center. 2 blocks to car line, school and stores: will include all new furniture if desired and sell on small payment down, balance like rent. This is an exceptionally good buy. For particu lars inquire G 209. Oregonlan. IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. $2650 H4-Btory cottage. modern, 5 rooms, tine bath, best, of plumbing, all improvements in and paid, brit-k basement, cement walk and steps, full lot. nice lawn and flowers; built for a home four years ago (property In pink ot condi'.lon, block to two carllnes). East 22d and Clinton sts.; terms. Owner, V 20$, Oregonlan. GENUINE! BARGAIN. $S0 per acre; 86 acres of timber, one-half mile from Salem Electric line; 3.000.000 lineal feet of piling; - ground Is level and soil first-class; living etret.ra runs through the place; the timber alone is worth more than the given price. Call and let us show It to you. BOLDS. WALLACES CO.. ' Room 8 Canterbury bldg., 3d and Washington sts. (7750 11-room house, ftsll lot. Nob Hill, near 21st and Glisan; lot alone worth $0000; house cost $4000. $5750 7-room house, modern, Walnut . Park. $r.000 Nice home. East Side, lot 100 xl!M. MARTIN J. HIOLEY, 132 THIRD ST. HOLLADAY PARK. Tw One new residences, strictly mod em and up to date; take your choice for $.-o00: you can pay for them like rent; the chance of your life. CALL ON US, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash. A SPLENDID HOME. $2250 Will buy a new 6-room well-designed bun galow, 21st and Alberta; terms. $500 cash, balance $20 per month; must be sold this week. OTTO ft HARKSON. 133 V First St. 7-ROOM new, modern house, lot 40x100; barn; $1800, worth $2500. Fine new, modern residence, 7 rooms. Nob Hill; $9000. Several flne homes In thle location; It will pay you to see us before you purchase. FRARY & SE1TZ, 132 6th St. $1400 BUYS FINE HOLLADAY LOT. full size, eleated, sewer and water In yard, macadamized streets1, cement walk and curb; south facing; fine view; Just right for bungalow; can arrange terms. Call room 3, over Merchants National Bank. MODERN NBVV COTTAGE, $500. Nice new modern cottage on East 37th at., near Hawthorne ave.; $500 cash, bal ance $15 per month; why pay rent? Grussl & Gantner, room 7 Canterbury bldg.. 2U5 Washington, cor. 3d. $1500. Nice 4-room house with 100x125 corner; very flne garden and fruit trees, chicken house asd yard; this is a good buy; terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 608-509 Swetiand bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. NOB HILL RESIDENCE 86 Cornell (24th St.) between Everett and Flanders; modern, con venient and artlptic; concrete mission . styl. of architecture. H. E. Noble, owner. Com mercial Block. ' FOR a new 5-room modern cottage, good material, very convenient, large porches, aee S98 Cambridge St.; Union ave. car; $2500; bargain, owner, 302 Goodnough bldg. COTTAGE 5-room. bath, basement, mod ern; sell cheap on account death In Cali fornia. 9th and Shaver sts. AC 207, Ore gonlan. 8 ACRES, near carline. only $1720; cold spring water; flne for chickens and ducka; easy payments; 5c carfare; 17 mln. ride. See Russel at once, room 444 Sherlock HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city; acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney ft Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. A BARGAINsfj-or Bale, 6 lots, 3 houses, good warranty deed given, all for $1650; houses rent for $15.50. Owner E. W. Mel Uen Furniture Store, Oregon City. HOLLADAY ADDITION, beautiful modern home, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, plate glass, flne basement, sleeping porch, near carllne. Phone East 3JI4 before 9 A. M. DANDY place for country home at Mli waukle. 6 acres (or less), walnut and fruit trees; grapes. Good bass fishing, running water. W 209, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Excellent view polntB, overlooking en tire city and rivers; special bargains. Room 503. Corbett bldg. THE RYAN PLACE. Most desirable acre tracts within 5c fare, on Oregon Electric line. li. S. Cook ft Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL bungalow of 8 rooms, located on corner 100x100, planted to shrubs and trees: price $2t50O; part cash. Call room 40. Washington bldg. RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carllne, 2 acres or more; all In cultivation; best of land. C. W. Rlsley, owner, Rlsley'e P. O., Mllwaukle. 4-ROOM house, H acre in fruit. East Burn side; price $180O, easy terms. Krueger ft Sperry, 614 Buchanan bldg. Main 34S0. ROSE CITY REALTY CO., Rents houses, collects rents, sells country and city realty, timber lands, notaries pub lic. A 4321, 204 Mohawk bid.. Main 5607. WHY PAY RENT? $150 cash, balance to suit, buys a modern 5-room cottage, near cat line. A. S. Draper, room 32, Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Washington. FOR. PLATTING 5 acres near Ivanhoe sta tion, level as the river; will sell In lots at $300 and $400; price $6500; terms. Call room 40 Washington bldg. A NEW. strictly modern 5-room bungalow, large rooms, fireplace, modern plumbing and on improved street, $500 cash re quired. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchlld bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTT. D. A. TUFTS. 803 WASHINGTON ST. A BARGAIN 14 lota, 60x100. only $2SB0. at J 1. a Knfl . IT lns tAD lrlA. Km carfare. Bee Russell, room 444. 6 her lock bldg. $1000 CASH, balance terms, 6-room. mod ern cottage. 142x50 foot lot. 1 blocks from Woodlawn cah ; price $2100. Cail 459 Mechanic fit., owner. $STC0 Beautiful home on East Ankeny, west of 24th st.; modern, 6 rooms and basement; everything complete; splendid neighborhood; very cheap. C. B. Lucas, S22 Corbett bldg. 8 ACRES planted to fruit, on the corner of two prominent avenues, with large mod ern home ; price $0500. Call room 40, Washington bldg. CHOICE! building lots tor Mile In all parts of the city. Washington & Oregon Realty Co., 10S 2nd at., Portland. 7-ROOM house, fractional lot. near Union ave., not far out; price $2500; terms. J. J. Oeder. car. Grand ave and . Ankeny. $100 CASH, $25 month buys an 8-room house, modern. Union ave., $2000. State Land Co., 13344 1st st., room 1. $20 CASH, $10 per month, for quarter block. Pprse. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. 3-ACRB home, convenient to city; good lo cation, terms. Puree, 823 Chamber of Com merce. Main 7309. $2100 6-room modern cottage. 50acl42-foot lot; H cash, balance terms. Call 459 Mechanic St., near Union ave. Take Woodlawn car. LOT College, near Park. 35x60, suitable sin gle flats or home; $3000, part time. Culver. tt23 Chamber of Commerce. $1800 Ideal home, 50x100, 6-room hou-e, overlooking river; good car service; terms. J. Cyr, 2ft Hamilton bldg. $3500 -room, modern house in Holladay Park Addition. H. P. Palmer, 213 Com mercial Club bldg. Main 8699. A 2653. CORXDR, 60x65. IDaet of Union ave., on Broadway; $1800, or 40 wide, $1500. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $2400 Beautiful home. corner, $100, $20 monthly: 3 blocks south Hawthorne, EX 44th. Dr. Darling. $200 BUYS a farm and a lot with a waranty deed; will treble in less than a year. See Stevenson & Taylor, 286H Washington st. LARGE, modern home on West Side, price $4500, $300 cash, balance easy terms. Call room 40, Washington bldg. $45 CASH, $10 monthly: full lot, graded street; near car. Y 195, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow terms. Phone B 2087. $3000 and ABSTRACTS examined at moderate charge a W. & Ward. 210 Allsky. M 7329. t HAM? ACRE TRACTS. We ere offering the best thing IB aura or half acre tracts in Portland; water mains laid and terms of only $10 oasa aad $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CX. U. 24 it BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. With over acre of ground, under perfect cultivation; high and sightly, right on Ore gon City carline. near station, 25 minutes out; 4 large rooms, bathroom and pantry; living room Is 18x22. with large brick fire place, beamed ceilings in living-room and dining-room; veranda 10x35 fet: the land is nicely fenced and hae- good chlcken-hou? e and yard; price only $2U; terms; will be off market Sept. 10. If desired, over $700 worth of beautiful, high-class new furniture, everything complete, can be had for $450. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 508-509 Swetiand bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. RIVERFRONT ACREAGE. Beautiful grove of maple, fir, alder, etc., 35 minutes out on half-hourly service; level, sightly and all above high water mark; each acre has a frontage of over 150 feet directly on the river; noth ing finer, nothing as reasonable on the Willamette; a paradise spot at Portland's door. jSoid in one acre tracts on favor able terms. E. J. Daly, 222 Failing Bldg. BUILT for a home New 5-room modern bungalow, lot 60x110, 100 ft. of car; base ment, concrete foundation, wood lift, Dutch kitchen, wood fiber plaster, wired, tiled In kitchen and bath. 30-gaI. tank, porcelain bath, toilet, lavatory, and sink, columned arch, reception hall. Worth $2lft $2160 will buy it today; $200 down and $-X per month. 612 Couch bldg. $3700 WILL buy a modern 6-room house In the East Burnslde district; this is a very convenient house and is thoroughly mod ern in every way, has built-in china and linen closets and has a built-in seat, etc.; full cement basement, laundry tubs, fur nace, electric and gas fixtures, etc. H. P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. MODERN (-room house. Just completed: fireplace, electric and gas fixtures; full cenvent basement; new lawn; 10-mfnute car ride to center of city; a beautiful little home: can be had on easy payments. O. M. SMITH. 415 Commercial Club Bldg. Will buy a lot 60x100, with water, graded streets, cement curbs and walks, all paid; beautiful location; $2000 restriction; on Schuyler near E. 33d, 4 blocks to car. CAI-D ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th st., near Wash. LEAVING CITY. Will sell home; 6-room cottage, modern Improvements. 10 minutes' walk to post office, fins condition, lot 40x90. Phone today A 4072. See owner, So7 Merchants Trust bldg., Monday. This Is a snap; look it up. FINE lot near river. 50x100. 8 minutes' ride on Oregon City car. 20 minutes on So 11 wood line; hi block from each; streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and water main; for a few days only, $600. $250 down, balance easy terms. O. W. P. Land Co 18 Alder. FOR SALE 5-room cottage Just being com pleted on East 34th St.. near Washington; large rooms, electric and gas lights, good plumbing, full basement. Improved street; will giv terms or will make close price for cash. See owner, room 333 Sherlock bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL, Buyers waiting with $150 to $00 cash to apply on small homes. WHAT HAVE YOU? See me at once. Automobile for showing property. A. S. DRAPER. 82 Lafayette bldg., Uth and" Washington. CLOSEr-IN FINE RESIDENCE. Ia Holladay; all improvements, bath and toilet separate, large living room, corner lot. with flne porch; S bedrooms, with al cove; owner wants cash for business. Both phones, S126. $250 DOWN. $15 monthly buys nice new cottage-bungalow; 4 large fiber-plastered rooms; cellar, concrete foundation, rustic porch and 60x100 good lot, with large fruit trees; $1100. Portland Homes Co., 204 Mor rison st. FOR SALE A good home on East Yam hill st., near 29th st., 8 large rooms, 6 closets, bathroom and pantry, also iarge front and back porch ; three beautiful shade trees in front of lot. Call at room 332 Sherlock bldg. and see the owner. $1200 CASH BUYS FINE IRVINGTON LOT; fine elevation, cement walk, curb .and graded street; 1 block from car; no assess ments; everything paid; cheapest buy In Irvington. Hellman Lathrop, over Mer chants National Bank. 5-ROOM house and lot 60xlO0; $300 cash, bal. terras $15 per month. New bungalow, $5V0 cash, bal. terms $16 per month. Both on carllne, 20 minutes' ride. Will build to suit. Mult. Inv. & Realty Co., 1019 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. WANT s, house, modern, up to date? Full size lot, flne lawn, cement walks and steps, 6 large rooms, pantry, bath, hall, closets, tinted walls, pus, electricity, tine basement, $3500; $5O0 cash, balance monthly payments. 834 Kerby st. ABSTRACTS of title often show defects that will cause failure In your sale; have each abstract examined by a competent attor ney at moderate charge. See W. S. Ward, 210 AUsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. MT. TABOR Suburban home on East 50th st., about 6 blocks from carllne, lots of fruit trees, 5-room plastered house, barn, etc. H. P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. M 8699. A 2653. GRAND AND UNION. If you are interested in Grand or Union avenue business property, see J. J. OEDElf, Cor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny st. APARTMENT. WAREHOUSE OR LAUNDRY SITE, within 2 blocks of new bridge land ing; can be made 15 to 20 per cent In vestment. Hellman & Lathrup, over Mer chants' National Bank. MY new 5-room cottage for sale; all modern; corner lot, 60x100; fair cash payment, bal ance as rent; located near East 5oth and Hawthorne ave. Address T 199, care Ore gonlan. FOR SALE I have 6 small lots near Haw thorne, between 48th and? 49th sts., that I will sell on easy terms or will make a close price for cash. Call the owner, room 832 Sherlock bldg. HOOD RIVER r-20-acre orchard in heart of best apple belt, 5 acres bearing, balance 1 to 4 years, $11,000; if Bold at once might take $3000 Portland residence. P 203, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Excellent view points, overlooking entire city and rivers; special bargains. Room 503 Corbett bldg. BY owner, modern 5-room cottage; east front, full lot; fruit and roses, good lawn, half block carline. good service; price right, terms. Sellwood 330. $1500 CASH, balance easy terms. 6-room modern house, on carllne, Willamette Heights. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, .132 THIRD ST. TEN acres, about 3 to 4 acres in berries, close to electric car. about 6 miles out; $3500, $1400 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. 825 Lumber Exchange. T LOTS and 6-room house overlooking Wil lamette River; good car service, water, elec tric lights, graded streets, 6c carfare, etc.; price right. Houston, 2ol Swetiand bldg. FOR SALE I have a beautiful lot on East Yamhill St., between 27th and 28th. I would like to sell, price $1500, half cash. Call at 8S4 East Yamhill In the evening. $2800 Close In. corner residence, 7 rooms, reception hall and Improvements; near Ankeny carline; easy terms. See The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. $3265 To be sold at cost. New 6-room res idence on Belmont avenue, near 24th; all improvements made; lot 85x138. For terms see The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. CORNER. 60x68. 7-room house, 6 closets, porcelain bath, near East Side High School. Inquire 551 East Yamhill. ONE lot, Marina ave.. Belle Crest Add., for quick sale, $000, half cash; terms on bal ance, T 208, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern house. South Portland. 25x 106 lot; $25o0, $100 cash and $25 per month. S33 Chamber Commerce. H LOTS on 18th St., 5 buildings, a cracker jack business proposition; price $37,000; Investigate. 827 Board of Trade. ACRE, absolutely clear and level, near Myrtle Park; $1200, half cash. 325 Lumber Ex change. $900 6-room house and lot on East Morrison st.; house In good condition; perfect title. A 3767. Ask for W. M. SPLENDID 10-acre place at Hillsboro; best garden land; all In cultivation; very cheap. HT"Mj?"i 201 Swetiand. $700 CASH, balance liberal terms; 6-room residence, just finished, modern and "P;10" : date, fireplace. nas and electric lights. ; concrete foundation, full basement, wU built throughout, fine location, good bar gain; price $3600. H. W. Lemcke, Corbett bldg. Main 1177. A 2C35. $400 CASH, balance to suit; strictly modern , bungalow, paneled dining-room. electric lights and gas. nrxt-clatss In every respect; connected with, sewer, assessments all paid; in good locality, one block from car line; price $25ni). H. W. Lemcke, Corbett bldg. Main 1177, A 20;.5. 4-ROOM bungalow, bath, toilet and fire place; new, near Montavllla carline; $1500. $250 down, balance $15 a. month. 325 Lumber Exchange. THE RYAN PLACE. Moet desirable acre tracts within 5c fare, on Oregon Eleetrtc line. B. S. Cook & Co., 603 Corbett bldg. $2100 6-room house, lot 100x100, Firlnnd; , electric lights, full plumbing, easy terms. ; MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. . 6-ROOM house, bath, lot 50x100, 43 E- 2m h, ! near Pine; $1800. easy terms. J. J. Oeder, ' cor Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. , FOK SALE FARMS. - , NEW TODAY. 97H acres at $."4 per acre, near Tualatin. , 14 mile from depot; 4' acres cleared, 4 ' acres onions, orchard, 40 acres good tim- , ber. good 6-room house and outbuildings. 40 acres at $f7.50, near New berg eleetrlo line; 20 acres clear, box house, 24x30, barn, ; 24x40. 3 acres losanberriw, I acre straw- , berries'. 1 acre orchard. 2 springs, free au 11, no rock, on bank of Tualatin lttvcr. Look these up. 270 acres at $50 per acre. In Marlon ' County; 115 acres in cultivation. SO a :ns In timber, well-watered, ubundance of fruit ! and berries, 4-room house, barn, granary j and other huildlngs; $4 mile to P. O., 1 mile to boat landing; tern. ! 6 acres at Tualatin, nil cleared, fenced and in clover; 3o0 3-year-old apples, Klsg and Gravenstetn ; aohool and cb urch near; $1250, 1-3 cash, balance 2 years al 7 per ( cent. ; 20 acres at $125, near Newton; 4-room j house, burn, chicken-house, running water -well. 40 acres near Eagle Creek; 16 r-res; cleared, balance timber, fenced; house of 5 I rooms, well at houyo, barn, flne orchard, j Implements, slock, etc.; all for $.1500; farm; only. $:t0oo, half cash, term.. WESTERN REALTY &. INVEST CO.; 607 Buchanan bldg., 28t Washington st. BARGAINS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. b3 acres; 50 in nice state of cultivation, 20 acres in timber, balance in pasture; I 1 acre In orchard; good house and barn; I I mile from school and church; price $tioOO; 1 H cash. 1 80 acres; 40 acres In high state of cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; good well and spring ; two acres in orchard ; 10-room house and large burn; half mil' school; price $4000; Vii cash. 40 acres; 15 acres in cultivation, bal- ance pasture;, no buildings; one mile to church and school, 10 miles to Portland, t This Is an exceptionally good buy. Price)! $2500 ; cash. 40 acres, all In cultivation; good house 1 and barn, flne orchard. 10 acres of onion ; land, on Tualatin" river; R. F. D., phono In the house, on milk route. 2 Mi miles 1 from railroad station. Everything in un! to date and in ihie shape. Price, $5000; $3000 cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. ! SWEET, 204 Corbett Bldg. 867 ACHES, 0 miles from Salem. 200 acres! under plow, 8-room house in good condl-1 tion, horse barn for 14 horses, cowbarn for: 40 cows, stock barn for 20 head, fences good, mostly wire, watered by well with j windmill, lake, springs and river; land I level and some overflows. 30 acres hops, ; 35 head cows, one of the best dairy herds ' in the state, registered bull, 7 head horses, t one team fur which $s!0 was "refused, 'all . toots, crops and household furniture In-1 eluded at $2T,0UO; the land alone In worth,' more than the price asked: we have a, large list of Willumette Valley lands, and a few snaps always on hand. Olmsted Land Co., Sutem, Or. A FINE FARM AT NORTH YAMHILL. 120 acres, CO acres in cultivation, 20 acres: more can be plowed; good house and barn, 1 good water; 8 acres of English walnuts 4' years old, good apple orchard in full bear- I lng, land all fenced and cross-fenced; tele-; phone in the bous; 3 horses and harness, j cow. 50 hogs, 45 goals, 22 sheep, chickens, . 3 plows, 1 drill. 2 wagons. 3 harrows, all In i good shape, household furniture; everything goes; the cheapest farm in Yamhill County; 1 price $'io00; cash, balance long tune 5. per cent, W. H. LANG. 340 Chamber of Commerce. $1500 FOR 10 acres of good fruit land; i mile from The Dalles; 5 acres in 2-year-' old peach and cherry trees, balance in cultivation, with small house and barn.! 43 acres of good fruit lund; good huusu, and barn; running water to house and : barn ; 325 Royal Ann cherry trees; 35 . acres in cultivation; all well fenced. Willi make terms. I have other tracts of from 6 to 20' acres, and some large wheat ranches in I Sherman and Crook Counties. For terms j inquire of W. E. Mills. 114 2d st.. The Dalles. Or. VALLEY STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. , 812 acres, 100 In hay this year, 100 ton' hay In the barns; house, 3 barns, place well watered and fenced; this is an Ideal' grazing and dairy ranch, grass never dries; up. green the year around ; plenty out i range, a1 miles to R. R. and store, 011! mam county road, i mile to school; prlcoj $7500; will take income city property, but; it must be O. K. CAMERON & CABLE. 511 Board of Trade Bldg. $90 TO SUBDIVIDE) $90 A beautiful tract of land containing :25 acres, all first-duns land; 125 acres now in cultivation, balance extra good timber; two sets of building!, wells and spring, also city water; boundary lines, ratlroal, fine graveled wagon road, river and good ; live town; only 30 miles from Portland: you will have to see this property to know Its value; some one Is going to make some money on this tract of lund. Who is the lucky man 7 Geo. W. Turner, 415-16 Roth child bldg. $S.50 PER ACRE. 162 acres in Benton County, with un-j limited out range for stock; 13 acres in cultivation: 4-room house, good barn; i good family orchard ; timber on placo j worth more than price asked; plenty of , spring water; close to school and countyl road ; part cash, balance long time aD 6 per cent. IiEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 508-9 Swetiand B dg., cor. 5th and Wash.' -1 HOMESTEAD ENTRY. If you wish a good homestead, rich, 1 level land, ready for the plow, plenty! water, that will be a fortune within the, next 3 years, call at once as our lo cator leaves for the same evening- ofj September 4. Spencer & Co.. 611 fcwet- land bldg. t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Portland equity, 100 acres Al wheat: land In the choice wheat raining belt of I Morrow County. Oregon, located in the i Gooseberry section; no Irrigation :' about. 110 acres in cultivation; price, $20 per acre. If interested address L 191, Ore-; gonlan. 42 ACRES on Base Line road, near Trout-, dale, all in cultivation; 5-ucre bearing or-1 chord. 8-room good house, 3 barns and out-t buildings; water piped to house and bam;: also creek; $300, $.1800 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. 325 Lumber Ex-! change. DON'T write a letter; buy a one-fare re-t turn ticket; see 300 acres, house, barn, 2 cattle, hay. flne little valley home, good; neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250 cash, balance $4050, on ten years' time IC, desired, at 5 per cent Interest. O. Middle kauff. Yaquina. Or. FOR SALE 160 acres at Dover, Clackamas County; 12 acres in cultivation ; 800 young fruit tree, pasture. 4-ronm houa, hew barn, 82x5H, 10 cows. 4 horses, chickens, pigj, wagon, farm implements, separator; $4200, less without stock. Owner, 321 East 8th st. North. Phone East 2019. 40 ACRES near Beaverton and ReedvIIl. about 1-3 under cultivation. 1-3 slashed and all level; 400 cords wood; 3-room house, several outbuildings and good w-ell. Best buy in the neighborhood ; price $3000, terms. Chapln A Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY RANCH. 216-acre dairy farm on Columbia River; Astoria R. R. runs through same; a regular snap for $45 per acre. . F. O. Northrupv 815 Couch bldg 7 ACRES land all In cultivation, 5 acre apples trees, acre In grape vines; new 4-room house; 2 wagons; all necessaryi appliances; cheap for cash. Inquire 53 1st st.. North. Nick Matosln. WHO wants the beet farm in the Wlllam-j ette Valley? For particulars call upon or write . ConnelL, Long & Ira brie, Hills-1 boro, Or. j PARTIES wanting information Willamette I Valley, tho garden spot of Oregon, call and get booklets. Willamette Valley Information: Bureau, 312 Bd. of Trade, cor. 4th & Oak sts. IF you are looking for a farm, large or! small, cash or trade, call 325 Lumber Exchange. 80-ACRE stock ranch, running water, flna range, rich soil; $2000. R. Spread boron gh, ' Kalama, Wash. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmstel Land Comnaiur, Salem, Or.