THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. . SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1903. 16 Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today and Monday Will Go on Yonr September Account-Portland Agents for Columbia Yarns "j Complete New Stock of "Nemo" Corsets A Model for Every Figure-Expert fitters at lour oervire ,u. uu . ? Store's Saturday Sfooppri Open Tonight fttf JUr WWill Until 9:30 Until 9:30 gBullet Great Saturday Sale of WomenChildren's Hosiery 1000 pairs of women's very fine gauze lisle Hose, in tan and black, full fashioned and absolutely fast color: all sizes; regular 65c Qf and 75c values, at, the pair. 2000 pairs of women's fine lace lisle Hose, allover and boot effects, sev eral very pretty patterns to select from, in all sizes; regular 35c val ues; buy all you want of 1 them at "this low price, pair. 800 pairs of women 's Jjlack and tan lisle Hose, full fashioned, absolutely stainless, all sizes; best 40c OAf values, on sale at, the pair. V 2000 pairs of women's black cotton Hose, seamless leg and foot, fast color and in all sizes; the best reg- mlar 20c values; buy all you want of them at this exception- 1 Q ally low price, the pair. 1000 pairs of boys' and girls' Diacx ribbed cotton Hose, seamless leg and foot; absolutely fast color, all sizes; best 25c values; look to your chil dren's needs and profit 1 21SC V-c this treat savins:, nr. I G 500 pairs of girls' fine lace Hose, broken lines also boys' and girls light and heavj weiHit ribbed cotton Hose, suitable for school wear; all sizes; regular 7 20 -0c and 25c values, on sale at this low price, the paxr take advantage. Si y Wl il ffiS. 3000 Prs. Yeomen's Gloves $ 1 .50 Values at 98c Pair Today, a Saturday Sale extraordinary of 3000 pairs women's short Kid Gloves A great special pnrchase of 250 dozen from a large New Yjrkjmpjrter. All are one-claso Piaue Suedes Browns, grays and modes All new High-Grade Gloves for street wear All sizes; reg ular $ 1 .50 values Anticipate your Winter needs at this price 25c Ribbons at 16c Yd. 25c Ruchings ?c Yard 5000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, 4 and 5 inches wide; black, white and a complete line of the best colorings ; regular 25c value, on sale todav onlv at this special price, the yard.. 16 500 pieces of handsome Neck Ruching, in all good styles; black, white, 1 9 light blue, pinK, gTeen, Drown, navy, reu, uwi lwuJ Sale of Boys School Shoes At $ 1 .69, $1.48 and $1.98 Pr. 500 pairs of bovs' satin calf and kangaroo calf Lace Shoes doub e soles and tip toes; good, stro'ng school shoes, in sizes 1 to 5ft; the best regular ClO 23 values buy all you want of them at this very low price, pair. K , Bovs' kid Blucher Lace Shoes, double soles, tip toes, swing last ; great special val ues in all sizes. Look to the boys' needs. On sale at the following lowprices: Sizes 2 to 5, pair. 51.98 Sizes 12 to 2, pair, $1.69 Sizes 9 to 11, pair, $1.48 Today and Monday Wind Up The Great August Linen Sale 72-inch bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, new patterns, $1.40 grade, yd..S1.18 Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, 72-in.. best patterns;$ val., yd..&l.J Hem'd Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, extra full size, $l.o values, eaeh..Sl.i Regular $2.00 hemmed Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, on sale at, each..$l.&4 Regular $2.50 hemmed Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, on sale at. eaeh..l.J5 Regular $23 fringed Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, on sale, special, ea..S1.78 Regular $2.75 fringed Marseilles Bedspreads, on sale at tins low price, ea..S2.05 Regular $4.00 fringed satin-finish Bedspreads, on sale at this low price, ea. .S3.20 Regular $4.50 fringed satin-finish Bedspreads, on sale at this low price, ea..$3.60 Great August sale of all our fine Linen Table Sets, in all grades up to $100 a set, at special prices. Fancv embroidered and hand-drawn pieces are reduced. See them. Bleached all-linen Damask Table Napkins, 22x22-ineh; $2.00 values, dozen. .81.38 Bleached all-linen Damask Table Napkins, best patterns; $2.o0 doz. vals. .$1.98 Bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, 24s24-inch; all new patterns; CA QQ fhe best regular $6.00 values, on sale at this very low price, the dozen. Special lot hemstitched Damask Tea Cloths, handsome patterns; $3.50 vals. .$52.65 Regular $4.00 hemstitched Satin Damask Tea Cloths, at this low price, ea..$3.10 Special lot 500 hemstitched Satin Damask Tray Cloths, regular 40c values, ea..24 Regular 50c hemstitched Satin Damask Tray Cloths on sale at, special, each..3o Rounfl scalloped, hand-embroidered Doilies, on sale at the following special pnees: 6-inch, regular 50c values, at, each, 38 D-inh, regular 75c values, at, each, 60? Regular 12c Linen Crash Toweling on sale at this very special price the yd..8y2C 6 to 9:30 P.M. Specials 500 Couch Covers 6 to 9 :30, 500 Oriental Stripe Couch Cov ers, 5 patterns; 50 inches wide and 3 yards long; best patterns, great OQ. assortment; best $1.25 values at. Swiss Curtains 79c 6 to 9:30 P. M., 1000 pairs of ruffled Swiss Curtains, plain, dotted or figured, 36 inches wide, 2y2 yards long; buy all you want of them at, special, pair. .79i Paraffin 10c a Pkg. 6 to 9:30, in the big Basement Store, 1000 packages of refined Paraffin, 1-lb. package; every housekeeper who puts up jelly, etc., needs it; special value.. 10 Matted Pictures 5c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 1000 handsome col ored Matted Pictures, a variety of sizes and subjects; great special value, each Picture Dept., fourth floor. 500 Waste Baskets 6 to 9 :30, 500" Waste Baskets, all shapes and colors; great value. w"0 Stamped Collar and Cuff Boxes for burn ing, best styles and 6izes, 40c vals.28 $1.75 Corsets 98c 6 to 9 :30, special lot women 's Corsets in white batiste, long hip and supporters attached; all sizes; regular $1.75 QQ. values, on sale at, special, pair, $1.75 Gowns 98c 6 to 9:30, 100 dozen women's outing flannel Nightgowns, fancy pink and blue stripes, in all sizes; made extra large; look to your Winter needs; reg- QQm ular $1.50-$1.75 values, at, pair. 50c Belts for 12c 6 to 9:30 P. M., 3000 women's Belts a great clean-up wash belts, linen belts, leather belts, silk belts, etc. ; reg- 1 Op ular values to 50o ea., tonight at. 40c Ribbons 8c Yd. Tonight, . 6 to 9:30, 2000 yards all-silk soft Messaline Ribbons for millinery pur poses, 5 inches wide; regular 40c values, to be cleaned up at, yard. Ruching at 18c Box Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 500 boxes of Neck Ruching, 6 neck lengths in box; great special value, for tonight" only 1 O. at this special low price, box. Kimono'kerchiefs 5c Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, 500 dozen colored Ki mono Handkerchiefs, large size, large as sortment of patterns; best 10c val ues, on sale tonight only at, each..'' Drug Sundry Spec'ls 5000 cakes of Pears' Soap, 25c 2 value, on sale at, special, cake. 500 bottles of Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, regular 50c value, bottle.. 33 Tray Clothes at 24c Tonight, 6 to :30, special lot hemstitched Damask Tray Cloths, oblong shape, as sorted patterns; regular 40c val- OAp ues, at this very row price, each.' 1 Table Linen 76c Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, 2000 yards of 72-inch Linen Table Damask, handsome patterns in great assortment; exceptional quality; best regular $1.00 value, on sale 7ffs at this special low price, yard. 5000 New Sweaters Women's, Men's and Children's At Special Low Prices In the men's furnishing goods section to day six immense special lots of Coat Sweaters for women, men and children at prices you are interested in The entire ' stock of two of the best mills in the land is represented Every good style and color and values, the greatest you ever shared in $3.50 Sweaters at .$2.35 Lot 1: Women 's and men '6 fine worsted Coat Sweat ers, made with large pearl buttons and two pockets; white,. red.. and Oxford; the best regular tfO J C $3.50 values, on sale at, special, each. V" Women's and men's fine wool Coat Sweaters, made with large pearl buttons and two pockets; very handsome sweaters,, in white, red. ox ford, all sizes; BEST $5.00 VALUES. Women's and men's high-grade wool Coat Sweat ers, plain and fancy kind; white, red and oxford; all new, handsome sweaters; regular CPA Q $6.00 SWEATERS ON SALE FOR. Boys' and girls' all-wool Coat Sweaters, plain col ors or, fancy trimmed front; large pearl buttons and two pockets; great special values at, each.. $1.29 Special lot of children's pure worsted Coat Sweat ers, made double-breasted style; two rows of pearl buttons; white, red or fancy trimmed; I CQ best $2.00 values, on this low price, ea. N i Infants' fancy Sweaters, all small sizes and Asp fancy colors; regular $1.25 values, at, each, Boys' Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices. You can buy the boys' school apparel here at a big sav ing. A large assortment to select from. See them. We are sole Portland agents for "Ramie" Linen Fiber Undeiwear; all styles, all grades, low-priced. P f "hi 1 New Fall Suits and Overcoats A very large and handsome showing of new Fall Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats for men The stock is about complete and choosingxan be done with the utmost satis faction. Styles and materials are the newest and best produced by the largest and leading manufacturers in the country. If you buy here the saving is fully -d per cent on what you are asked to pay at the exclusive store for equal quality, bee them. Women's Fine Knit Underwear Priced Far Below Cost Price 3000 women's low-neck, sleeveless Undervests of exceptional quality; taped neck and well finished throughout; 71C all sizes; best regular 15c value, on sale at, each. I 2500 women's low-neck, sleeveless Undervests, taped 1 Q neck and shoulder; all sizes; best 20c values, each. V Women's extra nice quality white cotton Richelieu-rib cot ton Undervests; low neck and sleeveless, all llfec sizes; best regular 25c values, on sale at, eaclu Women's outsize lace-trimmed Pants and fitted Knee 1 t Pants; French band; regular 35c values, on sale at.. v Special lot women's Vests, Pants and Union Suits, odds and ends of 75c values, your choice at, special. Regular $1.50 Union Suits on sale at,' the garment.. 75 I l ; . ' II i s . II i DOCTORS IN VERBAL WARl DR. R. C. COFFEY ATTACKED IX MEDICAL SENTINEL. Other Physicians Say br. H. W. Coe,, ' Editor, Fears That He Will Lose Paying Publication. Epithets fly thick and fast in the current : Issue of the Medical-Sentinel. There is a lull broadaide. directed for the most part at Dr. R. Coffey, former president of the Ore'son -Medical Association. The at ' tack is made by Dr. H. VTJ Coe. . And while Dr. Coffey declines to mane any re ply, further, than to say the assault of words is beneath hia notice, there is not a. little comment pro and con in the local medical world. It is charged directly that Dr. Coe. is .ii.mMin. in nhscure the real issue in he efforts of Dr. Ooffey and other phy eicians to have the Pacific Coast medical publications taken over by the medical societies of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, thus putting them out as official papers. It is urged that Dr. Coe has a mint in the Medical Sentinel and naturally does not wish to part with" the property. "Dr. Coe's attack on Dr. Coffey grows out of this plan to take over the publi cations." said a well-known physician last night. "It Is a case of much ado about nothing. Something has been pub lished about all Portland physicians being worked up in the matter. The only man really aroused is Dr. Coe. His ar ticles will not be answerea. i mm ui. . Coffey's friends understand." The article in question is not a direct attack. It wends its way over several columns of Innuendo, sarcasm and veiled accusations. It refers In sarcastic vein to Dr Coffey's experimental dissection of ' guinea pigs, of his profuse writing of technical papers, of the numerous color prints for these papers prepared by a upeclal artist. It suggests that much of Dr. Coffey's scientific worlt Is purely spec tacular and Intimates that he plagiarised his Ideas, dressing them up with irrele vant additions. Commercial ism of a most unscientific character, surgery as a trade, are two of the phrases used by Dr. Coe. Extract from the article follow: The claim is made that much of the so-culled scientific work done, by Dr. Coffey is purely spectacular. As an evl ctanca of tola view, attention is called by critics to the fact that of the vast amount of printed matter emanating from his pub licity bureau, in 10.000 lots, the vast pro portion is rehash from other writers, with additions of immaterial value. "The claim is also made that the 10.000 reprints from his works are not an evi dence of high-class scientific attainments, but of a commercialism of the most un scientific character. That the publicity room savors more of a patent medicine Joint than of a high-class medical man, such as the president of the State Med ical Society should be." It is also set out in the article that Dr. Coffey wasselected as president of the state association on a slate prepared at the annual meeting a year ago at Sea side, and that only his friends get position on the programme at annual meetings. It is charged that the doctor divides fees with other doctors who send him work, and refers to a "Ccffey Congress," which has for its membership Dr. Coffey, Dr. W. T. Williamson, Dr. Joseph Sternberg, Dr. Ray Matson, Dr. N. W. Jones and Dr. Gustav Baar. These doctors are pro Coffey first, last and all the time, it is intimated. Reference Is also made to the last meet ing of the state organization, and it is charged that an effort was made to "syn dicate" the session, the clans working for various ends. - This, It is pointed out by other doctors, is the real sore spot, as the Oregon Association reported favorably on the proposition of having an official Journal issued, and the matter has been passed along to the Washington Associa tion for its indorsement at the annual meeting to be held at Walla Walla this month. Dr. Coffey declined to talk about the case last night and Dr. Coe was out of the city. He is known to have saUfc that there would be more Heated litera ture in the September issue of his publi cation and that is being awaited with interest. HOTEL SARGENT. Go there and try one of those famous Sunday dinners you have heard about. Why James Xm Got Welt Everybody in Zanesvllle, O.. knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She writes: "My husband, James Lee, firm lv believes he owes his life to the use of Dr. Kng's New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that con sumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New Discovery. We tried it, and its use has restored him to perfect health." Dr. King's New1 Discovery la the King of throat and lung remedies. For coughs and colds it has no equal. The first dose gives relief. Try It! ' Sold under guar antee at Woodard. Clarke & Co.'s drug store. aOo aud 1.00. Trial bottle free. OFFICERS ON TEST RIDE CAXBY AND M'lXDOE START . FOR AMERICAN IAKE. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO Xo Failures to Meet Endurance Re quirement Reported In De partment of Columbia. Major James Canby, paymaster Depart ment of the Columbia, and Major J. F. Mclndoe, Engineer Corps, U. S. A, have left their Portland station for American Lake to make the annual test ride for Army officers abqve the grade of captain. These two officers are now in the saddle reeling off some 30 miles a day. In accordance with Army requirements they will have to ride 90 miles in three days, five and a half hours in the saddle each day. In order to do this they will have to maintain the average gait of a brisk trot. Posting isn't considered good form in the American Army.velther, and In making the ride they will have to settle down in their McClellan or Whit man saddles and take the Jolting as it comes. The annual ride Is part of the physical examination for Majors. Lieutenant-Colonels. Colonels, Brigadier-Generals and Major-Generals. Captains and Lieuten ants have to take a physical examination, but not the ride. The senior officers are examined before the ride. After it is ended they are examined a second time, the effect of the experience being noted on heart, lungs, liver, stomach and the physical make-up generally. : Any officer who is overcome by the. experience is placed on the retired list. All Majors and Colonels of the Depart ment of the Columbia at the various sta tions have already made the ride, with the exception of Majors Canby and Mc lndoe, who are now out. Not a single failure to complete the test in good con dition is reported. SAMPLEH0SIERY. Women's Sample Hosiery In lace boot, allover lace and silk embroidered styles; worth from 60c to 76c, on sale today at S8c. Sest 35c grade on sale at 23c Mc Allen & McDonnell, Third. and Mor rison. . Bosenthai'a wluoows ax money-savers. "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Four Markets 226 Alder St., between First and second ou. 512 Williams Avenue 791 Mississippi Avenue Cor. Fifth and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. Ti-nre fho r.rvnp nf sTiorfl; When you have returned from your Summer vacation, tamiea ana Drownea, ,ulu .uup -- -- and mountains, your very finger-tips dripping the t.- J-f to d make up your mind that you are going to conserve tne gooa en ecus wui . with vour table the best meats to be found on the face of the earth Oregon meats, Smith's meats. In b u y i ng Smith's meats, you run no risk of getting thawed-out, froz en Eastern meats Meat for Soup 3 For Meat Jelly , 3 Beef to Boil To Stew -: 5 To. Bake 5 Brisket Beef 5 Plate Beef .... 5? For Potpie .............. 5 To Cook en Casserole .... 5 To Spice and Boil ....... 5 Beef Hearts ... 5 Beef 'Liver 5 Corned Beef &t Fancy Cuts of Corned Beef 8 Pot' Boast Beef . 6? Better Cuts 7 Choicest Cuts s. Roast Beef . 8 Shoulder Beef Steak 8 Round Beef Steak 10 Very Fine Loin Steak. .13? Veal for Broth . 6 Veal for Stew ........... 10 Roast Veal 10? Fancy Cuts Roast Veal 12Yat Veal Cutlets l3 Extra Choice Veal Cutlets 15. Veal Sausage 1SVS. This is especially tasty during the cool weather. It is fine for your Sun day morning breakfast. n it.i may be lurking in imported stuff have no terrors for you. And the price-that ought to be a factor to .every sensible man and woman. We sell for about one-half the price your nearby butcher asks you. And our policy, igtaig Pity yourselves, dear people. Im agine the suffer ings of the middle classes and of the poor. The work ingman who couldn't afford to eat enough, and the little child of stunted growth and haggard look! That would be the fate of Portland's populace if the Beef Trust had no opposition, and could raise the price of meat to the same limit it, has reached in the East. Trade with Smith and help him "FIGHT THE BEEF TBTJST." Pork Sausage, fresh every hour ,.12V2? . When you get sausage at Smith's you know it isn't doped with bran, potato flour or any other adulteration which adds to the weight of the sausage and the Beef Trust's bloated bank balance. Smith's Liver Sausage ..10 Smith's Head Cheese 10 Smith's Frankfurters . . . 10 Smith's Bologna 10 Shoulder Roasts of Spring ; Lamb ....10? Fancy Cuts 12 Hindquarters Sp'g Lamb, 15 Leg of Spring Lamb 15 Spring Lamb Loin Chops 15 Spring Lamb Rib Chops 15 Frontquarters of Spring Lamb 12 Smith's guaranteed absolutely, choice and pure Lard in 5-lb.- pails Smith's Br'kfast Bacon 17V2e Hams 17 Oregon Hens 18 Oregon Spring Chickens. 25 1 j y t t i 1 4