Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 29, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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FOB RENT. I x s---- . .
- i
BLAKFLT HALL, .TM Jefferson, one of the
nicest private bearding houses In city.
Urge, slrv rooms, running water; beauti
ful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 5345.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table
board, strtctlv borne cooking, modern. 14
week- easy walking distance. The Lin
dell. 2i Market.
THE COLONIAl corner lOtb. and Morrison.
3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; special
Summer rates: large, airy rooms, with,
good board, by week or month.
LARGE, airy rooma: every convenience: hot
and cold water, extensive grounds; excel
lent board: walking distance. 811 Kear
ney. A 2118. Pacific 314.
PORTLAND Women's Union. Joth year: rooms
with board. ue of aewlng-room and li
brary: Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella Raw-
Unas, Supt.. 510 Flandrs st.
LARGE!, newly furnished rooms, with board,
modern conveniences, home cooking, walk
ing distance. 455 6th at.
GOOD board and ri"om. home cooking and
home comforts, for 3 young men. 1(30
Tillamook, corner Rodney. Phone C- imx
FIRST-CLASS room and board. IS. 50 and
14 per week; ail conveniences, good home
rooking. Aster House. 7th and Madison.
A LARGE, sunny, furnished room. with
board. In private family, reasonable. bath.
3S9 Harrleon t.
2T SIXTH, new bouse close to business
center, nlcely-f urnlshed rooms, board If
desired, reasonable.
FIRST-CLAPS rooms and 0,K225fro'm
month. The Glendora. 1 block from
Washington on 19th.
THE MARLYN. Washirgtcn and 17th. wsU
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
LARGE pleasant room for 2: also single
room, running water, with board. 4j3
Morrison st. .
nos:ipiRt.R furnished
MiitahlA for
gentlemen, furnace heat,
37 3d at.
modern house.
BOARD and room, both phones. 15.50 and 8
per week. 32S Clay. Phone Main 5963.
FRONT and side room, with board, home
cooking. 328 6th su Phone A JOSZ.
THE MANITOU. 21 13th St.. rooms large and
light, with or without board; reasonable.
BOARD and rooms by week or month. 523
Lovejoy St., cor. 15th st.
FURNISHED rooms with board- Tha Oxark.
226 11th at.
Madison sts. Elegant residence apart
ments, possessing every modern conven
ience. Including automatic elevator, tele
phone exchange: the maximum of con
venience, elegance and equipment; loca
tion and surroundings unsurpassed.
Bryn Mawr. 185 East 15th. comer Yam
hill. 4 and 5 rooms', new and convenient;
tire places, gas range, refrigerators, screens,
shades: moderate rents; ready for occu
pancy August 15. '
near 21st Handsome colonial steam
heatd building. Just completed; 6-room
apartments, possessing modern conven
iences; splendid location; reasonable rent.
W. L. Morgan. 322 Falling bldg.
THB WALDORF Fireproof apart
ments, finest building In Northwest, ele
vators, steam heat. Janitor service; send
fcr booklet. The Waldorf. Tib. aye. and
Pike at
IONIAN COURT Elegant I and 4-room resi
dence apartments, each having private ves
tibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range. refrigerators, window
shades and screens, telephone and Janitor
service. Apply Janitor. 18th and Couch.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apartment
with bath and all modern conveniences.
Including telephone, gas and electrlo
light, without further cost H 113, Ore
gonian. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Co
lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart
ments, possessing every modern conven
ience; excellent location, reasonable rent;
walking distance. .
THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts.. unfur
nished 4-room apartments, new. modern;
verandas; location first-class; rent reason
able: references. Apply to Janitor.
MORDAUNT apartments, everything up to
date, steam beat, telephone and janitor
service, fine location, walking distance.
' lsth and Everett
steam-heated, unfurnished, new, modern,
best location In city; inquire of Janitor,
21st and Flanders.
apartment, with all conveniences; also
6-room lower apartment; walking dis
tance See janitor. 401 10th.
and 14th sts.. new and up-to-date three and
four-room apartments; private phone, bath,
automatic elevator, steam heat. etc.
7-ROOM steam heated brick building, close
In on Morrison St.. Portland Trust Com
pany of Oregon. S. E. Cor. 3rd and Oak.
IRIS A PARTMENTS, 32 Third St.; 6-room.
40; 4-room. 32. unfurnished. Inquire
apartment 22. 248 Mill St.
ELEGANT flat, four rooms and bath: heat,
hot water, phone, swell location, close in.
392 Clay st., near West Park.
8 AND 4-room steam-heated flats fur
nished or unfurnished: modern: exclusive.
Cottel Drug Co.. 1st and Sherman sts.
THE Chetopa. 18th and Flanders, modern 4
room unfurnished a part men is. Apply to the
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent.
12th and Columbia. "Ths Bralntree."
S AND 6-room flats In the newly-completed
"Bellevue." corner Lerrabee and Dupont
sts; strictly modern In every way; lower
fiats 127.50 and upper flats I'.O; see us
about these. Parr Is h. Wa'.klns & Co.. 230
Alder mt.
MODERN upper six-room flat, excellent lo
cation, walking distance, 126 North ISth
at., between Glisan and Flanders; rent 130.
Dooley Co.. 1117 Board of Trade bidg.
Both phonea
MODERN flats, all slsea fcr rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. 8. R. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange T2.
5-ROOM modern, desirable flats, upper and
lower. 2."o and 250 1 Nartllla. near Main
st ; rent S20 eaoh. Parrish. Watkins A Co..
2V Aider at.
WELLINGTON FLATS 37 50: 0-room mod
ern, steam-heated 325 Everett, near 15th.
Apply W. L. Morgan. 322 Falling bldg.
CHERRY court. Just completed. 4-roora
flats: close In; modern; rent reasonable.
255 Cherry st.
SEVEN rooms and bath: good order; 13th,
near Washington. Sheehy Bros.. 2S2fe
Yamhill. Main 3072.
DBFIRABLE 5-room corner flat, every con,
venience. walking distance. Inquire 128
3d St. (
ELEGANT upper 7-room flat, between 13th
and 14th. East Salmon; deslrabls location.
Phone A or M 3213.
MODERN 4 and 7 room flat 17914 Green
Ave. near 23rd and Washington. Phone
Main 5390. Pac. 1243.
MODERN upper an-i 4-room flat. !. 2S!H
Beech St.; half block from Wiillams-ave.
MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location,
close In. Park and Harrtson sts Inquire
22 1st
MODERN flat; reasonable rent. Inquire
Mrs. Holman. SSI 3d st.
NEW 6-room flat, all modern, low rent to
right party. 360 Park st.
TWO nice 5-room flata for rent at 306
College st.. phone Main 6517.
MODERN It-room flat. East 12th St.. be
tween Ankeny and Burnside.
A MODERN 5-room flat. Just completed. o4
East Alder. Inquire 3S5 Taylor. Main 6536.
MODERN 5-room flat. fronting river, one
ulock north Steel bridge. Phone East 8612.
MODERN 6-room flat. Steel and gas range,
cement floor. 207S Halsey.
MODERN flat; reasonahls rent. Inquire
Mrs. Holman. SSI 3rd st.
LARGE, modern fat. hot water. Jani
tor service. 715 Johnson. A 1678.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
ENTIRE floor. 3 rooms and bath: light and
pleasant; reasonable. 226 Grant at.
HOU6EKKSPLNO room, close In. 3U01 4th.
Housekeeping' Rooms.
THE BEAVER. J2th and Msrshall sta.
newly furnished, fully equipped for house
keeping. Including gaa ranges.
of e, settle lights, hot water, baths, large
reception room and laundry room; beauti
ful lawns and verandas surrounding the
building. Furnished apartments from 118
up; also single rooms; with elmllar con
veniences. 12 50 per week up. There is
nothing In comparison In the city for the
money. This place will bear Inspection.
Short distance from Union Deioc Take
"8" or 16th-st. cars going north, get on
at Marshall st. Phone Main 8771. No doga
Corner 21st and Flanders fits.
Newly and elegantly furnished. all
ready for housekeeping, private baths ana
reception hall, free phone, hot water all
the time and plenty of heat; easy walking
distance; popular prices; no children.
Corner 2 let and Flanders Sts.
THE Luxor Apartments, corner 18th and
Clay streets, beautiful furnished -
apartments, private bath, hot and cold
water; phone and Janitor service; every
thing new and modern throughout.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms: gas rangea hot wa
ter, free batli free phone, both Boors,
nice aultee from 312 op.
THE ONEONTA. 18T 17th St.. near Yamhill,
thoroughly furnished, gaa range, hot ana
cold water In each apartment, both tele
phones and baths free; term reasonable.
no children-
THE OTI8 Housekeeping and transient;
best rooms for the money. 871Vj E. Burn
side; walking distance; gas. frse phones,
bath and electric lights: well ventilated.
GAYOSO Grand ave., East Stark Two and
three-room housekeeping apartments;
steam heat, hot water, electrlo elevator,
reasonable rates.
"WAYNE WOOD.' 109 N. 18th. nicely fur
nished housekeeping suites, hot and cold
water, furnace heat, pleasant location,
reasonable ratea .
FURNISHED housekeeping room, suitable
for 2 people; also sleeping-room. 450
Yamhill, near 12th.
BUIT first floor, gas range, furnace, laundry,
116, walking distance 146 16th. North.
Main 6173.
SEPT 14 nicely furnished rooms, ground
floor, nice surroundings. 302 B. 45th.
Phone B 1182.
814 CLAY 2 airy front rooms; usual conven
iences; adults; references. Main 3891. A
or Main 2032.
LARGE front basement room, well furnish
ed for housekeeplrg, close In. Inquire 19J
West Park.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; walking distance;
no children; reasonable referencea 210
14th St.. near 'Salmon. -
FURNISH BD housekeeping suite, suitable for
young couple, walking distance, modern
conveniences. 453 Hall.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping
and single rooms; genteel house and neigh
borhood; reasonable. 6914 Grand ave. N.
461 EAST MORRISON, oor. 8tn, newly fur
nished housekeeping rooms; electric lights,
baths; rates reasonable.
JEFFERSON IAN, 614 Jefferson, choice 8-room
suite, strictly modern apartments; direct
carllne to depot.
BEAUTIFULLY lrrsted bay-window, unfur
- nlshed 2-room suite In centrally located
apartment-house, 805V4 Jefferson, cor. 6th.
BEAUTIFUL front and1 back parlor and
kitchen, furalahed for housekeeping. 215
10th St., corner tsaimon.
600 HAWTHORNE. 3 freshly tinted rooms,
nicely arranged for light housekeeping,
gas bath; adults. East 3428. B 1053.
2 CLEAN, light, furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas. bath, sink, yard; 115 month.
692 Front.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: bath,
gas range, phone. 421 7th St. No chll
. dren.
FOUR finely furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, reasonable rent. 671 Glisan. Main
FLAT of 2 large furnished rooms, hall, pan
try, closets, private entrance; no objection
to child. 295 Montgomery, cor. 6th.
THB SANGERT. Washington and Trinity.
between 19th ana iaun, cnoics mwmecir
lng suites, private oatns. .
WELL-FURNISHED 2-room housekeeping
suite. 395 Salmon St.. cor. 10th.
TWO nlcelv-fumlshed housekeeping rooms,
good location. .UKUi Jefferson St., cor. 10th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished complete
at 149 l;lth, bet. Morrison and Alder.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, yard and
porch, walking distance. 533 Yamhill.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 254
Montgomery St., cor. 3d. Phone Main 8151.
2 PLEASANT front rooma furnished for
housekeeping; no children. 262 14th st.
3 LARGE furnished rooms, lower floor; no
children 388 Grand ave. North. C 1550.
2-ROOM furnished flat, for housekeeping.
120, bet. Alder and Morrison. 144 11th st.
ONE room well furnished for light house
keeping. 211 Park st.
Furnished housekeeping and single rooma to
rent; prices reasonable. 1K9-193 W. Park st
FURNISHED housekeeping suite. 118. 104
11th St.. near Wash. Phone A 4786.
THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and sin
gle rooms; transient. 191 14th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; central;
rates reasonable. 342 tfr 1st st.
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeep
ing rooma 93 11th St.. cor. iStark.
HOUSE. two rooms downstairs, one ui
atair. oantrv. torch, storeroom, 3 loi
well-fenced, chlckenhouse and yard; low
rent to a good tenant; near Mt. Scott
car. Mrs. Moxloy. Avery ave.. Tremont.
MODERN 5-room cottage. 426 San Rafael
st 320. Modern 6-room cottage. 421 San
Rafael St., 22.50. Inquire 408 Tilla
mook. T-ROOM modern corner house. East th
and Thompson-, rent 125. F. O. Northrup,
315 Couch bldg. '
GOOD 10-room house." partly furnished. 674
Johnson at. Apply to owner 670 Johnson
FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage with
yard. 551 East 8th St., South, on carllne.
Phone Sell wood 622.
MODERN 7-room house, nice yard, fruit.
Shaver and Montana: rent 1&. Pnone
Main 3547.
'5 n(4 Market St.. lower Portland Heights,
modern, 7 rooms, ground floor, fine view.
2 carllnes. Pbone Main 4159.
NEW and elegantly finished throughout,
hardwood floors. choice neighborhood;
Irvlngton. M. 8. Renlery, Stearns bldg.
NEW, attractive, five-room bungalow: good
car service; adulta. Phone East 2170,
SIX-RCOM modern house, central, Chap
man and Jefferon. Inquire Donald Wood
ward. 104 Second st.
126 MODERN 8-room corner house; gaa
electricity, furnace; on 8 carllne. Phone
Main 1410.
6-ROOM house, large attic and basement. 884
College. Inquire 441 West Park. Both phones.
Main 2749, A 2749.
MODERN 6-roora house. 4t4 East 8th St.
North. Phone East 1760.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 658
FOR RENT Cottage. 4:!l 12th st.; rent I8;
5 rooms: nice neighborhood.
MODERN 8-room house at 43T Larrabea
street. Call Richmond 151.
-ROOM house. 891 Harrison, near West
Park. Falrchild. East 2154.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 854 Lincoln St.
Inquire 353 Grant st.
6 ROOMS. 27.ftV 3 Market (at Park). Key
next door, or 303 Mohawk bldg.
DESIRABLE cottage for rent. Inquire 115
Ablngton bldg.
WE rent houses and flata RarsnUo s
Gallagher. 48Vi Washington st.
MODERN 8-room house and attlo. Call
58 Ella st.
4-ROOM cottage. 20th and Clinton.
4-ROOM cottage at 189 Hooker st. Call
714 Water st.
IR VINGTON. 35 per mo.. 7-room cottage.
411 x. 161b, bet. Tillamook and Haocock.
I - I Ri:flDlE88 CHASIIS. 5 -" - I
WHEN YOU MOVB yon always need BOMS
BUY AT NO-RENT prloes: the sa
lngs will exceed cos' of moving.
rupy one-half: collect rent on balanca
Grand ave: and E. Stark. Pbone East 293.
PORTLAND Information Bureau, we are
renters; have you anything to rent any
where? Do you want to rent a choice
room, housekeeping suite, flat, furnished
apartments or house of any kindT We
have the best list In the city, with full
particulars of each place. U 8820, A 1266
614 Swetland bldg.
8-ROOM furnished house on the Heights;
new house, nicely furnished.
14 Chamber of Commerce. A 2603, Main 937.
FRONT housekeeping rooms, new furniture,
every convenience, with small alcove kit
chen. 112, Including heat. 224 16th St.,
130 Modem T-roora house, gas. electricity,
porcelain plumbing. 746 East CUnton.
Phone Sellwood Sttl.
819 SELLWOOD ST. 6-room nice home;
best plumbing, gas: 120. permanently.
"Plttenger. 245 Morrison st.
FIRST-CLASS residence. 9 rooms. Nob Hill,
close to Washington. Address K 194, Ore
gonlan. NEW 5-room modern house, with Mtlc. No.
90S Garfield ave. Inquire on cor. No. SBs
Going st.
Fnmlshed House.
ELEGANTLY furnished 9 rooms and bath;
close in. East Side; adults; 1-year lease;
furnace, gas. electricity; strictly modern.
Phone C 1473. 8-10 A M. Address H 12.
FOR few months, 10-room house, vicinity
24th and Kearney; well furnished: reason
able rent to responsible parties. Y lw,
FINE chicken ranch. 5-room house, near
Mt. Scott line, half acre and ifse V"T
ture. stable, etc.. 110 month. Churchill
Ross, Laurelwood.
6-ROOM house, furnace, gas, electricity,
bath, hot and ccld water: rent 38;
adults: references required. 593 East
Ash st., near 13th.
4 OR 5-ROOMED furnished cottage, 1st
Sept ; adults; best of care and references;
must be low rent; reply quick. Y 193.
Oregonlan. .
MODERN furnfshed house, 8 rooms, vicinity
25th and Lovejoy, for one year; rent 80.
Wakefield. Fries Co.
NICELY-furnlshed 6-room lower flat, good
furnace: fine piano; adults only; fore
noon. Main 6648.
NICELY furnlshod house on Porter St.,
terms moderate; adults preferred. Phone
Sell wood 1109
MODERN 9-room furnished house, 210 TT.
"5th for 6 or 10 months. Wakefield.
Fries & Co., 229 Stark St.
COSY, small apartment. I22.R0: new furni
ture for sale cheap; leaving city. Call
8( Clay at.
8-ROOM furnished house, modern, rent
reasonable, modern, six months or longer.
1040 Belmont St.
EXCELLENT 5-room flat for rent, fur
nished, central location, good surround
ings, every convenience. Main 3544.
6-ROOM modern furnished house, good loca
tion. West Side, 3 to 6 moa, 45; adults
only. Phone Main 6759.
NEW 6-room house, fully furnished, bed
room set, carpet, stove, 318. 1006 Mis
sissippi ave.
FURNISHED house for rent or will rent
part. 6 Union ave.. South.
3-ROOM furnished flat. bath, gas stove. 514
E. 21st st , W.-W. or W.-R. car.
WELL furnished modern 5-room house, fine
lawn, best location; adulta East 2438.
NEW, modem 6-room house, clot
quire room 40 Washington bldg.
In. In-
House for Rent Furniture for Bale.
22 ROOMS, best money-maker In town; all
on one floor; newly-furnished; one-hair
cash; never offered for. sale Bee my
exclusive agent.
1800, 18 rooms; clean and modern, near
Washington su, must sell; 4 rooms pays
the rent. , , ,
Best rooming house bargain In the city .
11000: V4 cash; 21 rooma; very close In; on
one floor; modern; cheap rent; long lease;
owner leaving city. Others all prices.
Pacific Business Exchange. 803 Vj Wash
ington St.. suite 4-
NEED cash; small rooming-house; must be
sold1 by September 1 to highest bidder; 8
rooms, well furnished; line location; a
money-maker: look It over and make aa
offer. ' 77 Park st.
S-ROOM cottage. 8 acres, for rent 125,
for sale: new furniture, cow, 30 chickens,
with feed, vegetables for Winter; price
.0; easy terms. Phone Tabor 1154.
11-room transient house; heart of city;
best carpets and furniture. A 2116.
FURNITURE of a 4-room heated apart
ment for sale. Apartment for rent. In
quire 401 10th.
COZY 6-room cottage. 15; furniture for
sale cheap; leaving city. Call No. 233
McMUlen st.
FURNITURE of JO-room house, excellent con
dition. If you want a bargain. Investigate.
149 Lownsdale st.
FURNITURE of 5 cosy, clean rooms, with
dr without piano; house for rent. 290 12th
6-ROOM house, and furniture for sale cheap.
176 Sherman st. Phone M 8549.
Summer Resorts
JUST OPENED The Mountain Rest dining-room,
Csscade Locks; first-class,
home-cooked meals, 50c; lunches all
hours, 5 minutes' walk from boat or train.
FOR RENT Month of Sept.. two very de
sirable cottages. Seaside. Phone A 1422.
4-STORY brick building and basement. 6 Ox
1O0 with large e'ectrlc elevator, on 1st St.,
between Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for
wholesale or retail business. Apply to
W. E. Grace care or Commercial Club.
50x100 corner store, with offices and gal
lery complete; also 100x100 cement base
ment for rent. 7th and Oak. See Merrill.
108 Tth St.
NEW brick store, two floors, 23x100 each;
jobbing district, long lease, reasonable
rent. C 119. Oregonlan.
FIVE) location for drugstore. South 4th St.;
low rent to the right tenant. Smith's Ren
tal Agency, 105 Sherlock bldg.
LARGE store for rent, 20. 68 4th at..
THREE-storv and basement building, good
for wholesale or warehouse. 4000 square
feet with elevator. Apply R- H. Strong.
710 Corbett bldg.
ELEGANT private office with use of main
office and both phones, price 150 per
month, must give references. Address L.
B. 164 P. O.
Best location. 110 and up.
SOS Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington.
GROUND-FLOOR dsek room, including both
phones; 115. Sengstaka Lyman, 90 5th
st '
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply room 80& x
TWO or three connecting rooma A. B. Mc
Alpln. 129 7th.
LARGE, light, new room. 60x80. electrlo
elevator. Phone Main 4077 or A 4B46.
Arnold A Co., Main 7311, 161 H Morrison St.
W. W. WILLIAMS. 418 Marquam building.
FOR SALE At a bargain, grocery; good
location, doing good paying business.
Answer AF 192. care Oregonlan.
RESTAURANT, with long lease, doing good
business; a snap. 1550. 611 &5wetland bldg.
175.00 CASH buys 4 Interest In legitimate
established mfg. buslnesa 178 Madison.
GOOD cigar store tor sale, 1 125- 85 6th st.
HOME bakery; good buslne
R 192. Oregonlan.
flne location.
CIGAR store for sale cheap If taken today;
sickness ths cause. 414 Glisan st.
THE Bonvllle Pub. Co 's stock. 100 a stars;
terms. 415 Marquam. bldg.
A SNAP Confectionery ana ice cram p-i-
...I .-in room In city of 4o00; only
one In town; Just completed and all
new; paying big: also furniture complete
(Including fine new high-grade piano)
for 7-room house. Owner will sell for
cash at less thai cost; no reasonable of rer
refused; floor space In grill SOxiO; all
new linoleum on floor, with 6 years' lease
at 121 per month; house 7 rooms at iu
per month. Must sell before Oct. 1. 08;
good reason for selling. Address box 62,
Corvallls. Or.
lino A MONTH salary and a half iwterest
In manufacturing business in one of the
best towns near Portland: 11800 for half
Interest. 1000 to be put Into the--bus1nese;
profits 1150 a month over and above salary;
thorough Investigation allowed; present
owner prominent business man who cannot
handle alone. .
608 Wells-Fargo bldg.
A CLIENT of mine with beet references as to
character and business experience will pay
8 per cent Interest and one-half the net
profits of a buelaess established In Portlsnd
15 years, which he can buy at the right
price; he will give security for loan of I50O0;
best opportunity I know of to become In
active partner In good going 'business.
204 Corbett bid.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1895) furnishes free information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
403-4-5 Swetland Bldg.
REAL estate man wants partner to show
land, etc; can make 8150 to 1200 per
month; no experience necessary and very
little money. Particulars Multnomah in
vestment and Realty Co.. 1019 Board of
Trade, 4th and Oak sts.
GROCERY store at a sacrifice. In good sub
urban district: 11000 stock with small
line of notions and furnishings; also horse,
wagon and buggy, good dally sales and
good route solicited; If sold at once will
take 1975. 612 Couch bldg.
WANTED Partner with 34000. to help in
business established four years, paying
from 1600 to 800 per month, that will
stand a rigid investigation. Address P. O.
Drawer 587, Goldfleld, Nev.
ONE of the nicest cigar, fruit and confec
tionery stores In the city doing nice busi
ness, with a lease; selling on account of
other business. Inquire 195 4th St., cor.
I WONDER If wage-earners realise that a
bank will guarantee them 6 per cent on a
etock for two year also give them divi
dends earned during that period? I will
tell you about it. Box N 193, Oregonlan.
REAL ESTATE man will take partner and
teach him the business: chance for active
man to make 1150 to 3200 per month; very
little money required. Particulars 623 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
Will sacrifice 100 shares United Tt Ire
less preferred stock at 812.50. worth
318.50. If taken before Monday noon.
Phone M 7732. 243 Chapman St.
GROCERY, feed and hardware, est. 2o
years, in Portland's largest suburb, oMng
over 175 per day. Invoice about 3:Mo.
goodwill and location worth price alone.
Hall A Co., Concord bldg., 2d and Stark.
ROOMING-HOUSE, 9-room, a beautiful,
modern, close-in flat. A No. 1 location, rooms
alwsys rented, furniture Is all new and
good: must be sold; price 425. Call 191
4th st. '
WE pay special attention to business open
ings Before buying, call us up end see
what ws csn offer you. Phone Main 486.
Klnner A Stampher. 681-32 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
PARTNER for established business; will pay
salary of 1100 per- month, besides proms
on business; will bear Investigation. Call
room 315 Lurnber Exchange bldg., 2d and
A SNAP In a new, up-to-date rooming
house; nice location, cheap rent; clearing
over 1100 per month; will give terms on
272 Stark at.
FOR SALE One of the best paying corner
ealoons In Portland: long lease, low rent;
also nicely furnished 14-room house In con
nection; a bargain; investigate. A D 193.
We eat give you a special price on any
mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln A
Co. room 8. Chamber of Commerce.
RESTAURANT for "rent. cor. 26th and
Nlcolal sts.. located near Guild's Lake,
where railroad and carshops aro in con
struction; large range and Ice box.
I WANT to buy into established wholesale
produce business by trading In acreage on
carllne that is now ready for platting.
A D 181. Oregonlan.
TWO nice residence lots) In a thriving sub
urb will be sacrificed for half value, if sold
272 Stark at.
FOR SALE Photograph studio, town of
10.000. doing flne business; price 1300,
terms. Burns A Raymond, Couer d'Alene,
WE have some snaps In grocerlea 11 sizes
and prices, from 500 up to 35000; see us
before you buy.
272 Stark at.
FOR SALE Pool hall, tobacco, confection
ery, with barber shop' In connection; good
Income; splendid prospects. Address G
183, Oregonlan.
25-ROOM house In the bet location for tran
sient; it's making money: owner has to
leave city by the loth; cheap for cash; low
rent. 209!4 4th. Main 2089.
WANTED Smart man partner, with ISO;
shooting gallery and amusement business;
steady work year around: good money
made. Call No. 4 North 6th st.
A RELIABLE real estate man wants a good
rustler for a partner: it is the man he
wants; very little money handles it.
272 Stark st.
PARTNER wanted; experience not necessary
bevtind ability to show land, etc.: will pay
active man 3200 a month; little money re
quired. Particulars 248 Stark st.
PARTNER wanted to work In restaurant as
cashier, etc.; pay active man 15 a day and
board- 1275 cash required; experience not
necessary. Call 248H Stark st.
8300 GETS 3500 confectionery If taken at
once; good business; cheap rent. 225
Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Partner In general contracting
business, well established in city and plenty
of work now on hand. X 194. Oregonlan.
CASH store, partner wanted; owner will guar
antee you 175 a month, with bank refer
ence: money secured. Call 248H Stark st.
BAKERY A-l. the best In Willamette Val
ley; flne business, stock, etc.; 3750 cash.
Box 531. McMlnnvllle. Or.
BARBER SHOP for sale; three chairs, two
bath tubs; doing good business. S72Vj N.
WOOD and coal yard partner wanted to look
after hired help. Particulars 523 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
WANTED A good paying business In a good
live town; general merchandise, 15,000 to
120,000. J 180. Oregonlan.
RESTAURANT A snap, doing good busi
ness, long lease, any reasonable offer will
be considered. Phone Main 8570.
gNAP. 300 buys 'cigar, confectionery store.
'Good location and business. Soda foun
tain. Call 221 Vi Morrison St., room 9.
FOR SALE Grocery, about 11000; no deliv
ery: cash sales per day, 130. 27 Board
of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE Vi interest In finely equipped 3
chalr barber shop in good country town. J
181, Oregonlan.
I BUY and sell Morning, Mammoth and
Oriole Mining Stocks. F. Bruck, 611
Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED Immediately, a man for one of the
best paying businesses in Portland; 3350 re
. quired. - 511 Swetland bldg.
BY owner. 2 lots In Vernon near Alberta,
cheap for cash. Address AC 190. Ore
gonlan. A GOOD grocery proposition at a bargain;
will Invoice about 11200. 921 Board of
DRUGSTORE for sale In city, whole or
part, good location; snap. K 193, Ore
gonlan. PARTNER wanted In real estate buslnesa
. .. . n,ni; 1 M.. Mt mtrm 1 i
call at .i.Ti
FOR SALE ThTee-chalr barber shop. In
quire 303 East Morrison st.
WANT good location for confectionery; might
buy a business. A D 191. Oregonlan.
BARBER shop for sale; 2 chairs and lease.
AF 191, Oregonlan
BEST restaurant In the city for the money;
1550. terms. 511 Swetland bldg.
CIGARS and confectionery: good sales, cheap
rent; 1700. 511 Swetland bldg.
29, 1903. - 1
Various lines of business, such as hotels,
In or out of city, rooming-houses, grocery,
and hardware store; make your wants
known through the business department,
Goldschmldts Agency. 253 Washington
street. .
HALF Interest In gas and electric fixture
store, centrally located on East Side, do
ing a thriving business; must have part
ner; little money required. 325 Lumber
Exchange. .
A GROUND-floor coal Investment; no pros
pecting: mine thoroughly developed: needs
more capital; give opportunity to explain.
Address G 193. owner, Oregonlan.
1160 WILL secure you interest In a good
ousiness mat win vny j v ..
month. Portland Information Bureau, 614
Swetland bldg
A GOOD cook wants a sober. Industrious
partner; cannot depend on hired help; lit
tle money required.
272 Stark srt.
PARTNER Cash grocery, good business, best
location In city. Investigate. R 194. Ore
gonlan. ABSTRACTORS Lawyer wants position with
abstractor; any location; might Invest a
little. F 192, Oregonlan.
A FINE ltverv business; price 12000. Write
for particulars to Chas. Hoedle, Mill City,
WANTED A partner, good restaurant, take
charge day or night shift: good proposi
tion for the right man. 33 N. 6th st.
Money to Loan.
( ! t I H 1 I t I ! It I I ) I 1
704 DEKUM BLDG. -lltllltlltlllffff
lllllltllttlll till
.402 Rothchlld bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash.
The reeognlxed bank of the wae
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist,
engineer or employe can obtain money 01
ns on his note without security.
$16 return to us i,
ISO Return to us V.vl? a J5"'
100 Return to us 113.35 a Mo.
Conadentlal; no unpleasant inquiries.
8peclal rates on pianos, furniture, etc.
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; buslnesa confidential. ,
Mo. Seml-Mo. WKly.
175 return to us 120.00 10 .00 5.00
150 return to us 13 35 6.65 8.-3
ISO return to us.... 8.00 4 00 2 00
815 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 1 00
209 McKAY BLDG.. cor. 3d and Stark sta
SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried
employes and on pianos. Furniture, are
house Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policies
and all kinds of securitlea
403 Swetland Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without se
curity; cheapest rates, easiest payments;
offices in 00 principal cities; aave your
self money by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
WE will pay you 80 per cent for your German-American
certificates and pay the
highest cash price for Oregon Trust ac
counts. The E. L. Fraley Co., 418 Cham
ber of Commerce.
MONEY .oaned tin ralarlts; no other security;
my system is best for railroad men. clerks,
bookkeecpers, streetcar employes and others;
business confidential. F. A. Nevton. el
Buchanan bldg.,'2S6Vj Washing. on st.
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture. Insurance
policies; purchase contracts, diamonds
and Jewelry. E. Pierce. 512 Gerllnger bdg.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest ior u us wi .Vj
time. A. A M. Delovage. Jewelers. JttO
Washington st.
LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway. 10 Washing
- ton bldg Pacific 1632
3100,000 to loan in sums of 11000. or more
on Improved property. Cady A Seiple,
822 Mohawk bldg.
TELEPHONE bonds and Title and Oregon
accounta bought at highest market price.
Cohn Bros., 160 1st st.
3100,000 to loan in rums of 11000 or more
to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
M. G. Griffin. 261 Stark, opp. Cham, of C.
MONEY to loan on good real estate security
at from 6 to 7 per cent interest. Room
305. Gerllnger bldg.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property;
reasonable Interest. Coast Commercial Co.,
604 Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere
and any sum: 5100 and up; see us.
Vaughn A Burt, 402 Corbett bldg.
TO loan $10,000 or less; real esrate secur
ity. Farrington. 416 Commercial Club
bidg ;
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg.
A LOAN forthe asking, salary or cnattal. The
Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg.
State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as, state agt. Multnomah Co. 4O0 C. of C
TO loan on city real estate. 5i0, 50, I1O0O,
I250O, 310,000. 826 Board Trade bldg.
loans Wanted.
A CLIENT of mine with bet references as to
character and business experience will pay
8 per cent interest and one-half the net
profits of a business established in Portland
15 years, which he can buy at the right
price; he will give security for loan of loiioo;
best opportunity 1 know of to become in
active partner in good going business.
2i4 Corbett bid.
11500 FARM mortgage for sale, first-class
security, good Interest. Ralph Ackley, 603
Corbett bldg.
WANTED Loan of 13000. 2 or 3 ye". 7 per
cent. West Side security. WalUng, 24J
WANTED -A loan on a well secured farm
mortgage at good Interest. Ralph Ackley,
603 Corbett bldg.
1900, SECURITY city real estate; Interest 7
per cent. O 191. Oregunlan.
Proposals Invited.
States for the District of Oregon In the
matter of the Pacific Mall Order Company,
bankrupt: The undersigned will receive
sealed bids at his office, room 8. 7 First
st., Portland. Or., up to 12 o'clock noon
of Tuesday, September 8. for the follow
ing described assets of said bankrupt, to
wit: Stock of merchandise of the inventory
value of 114,982.09, together with store
fixtures of the inventory value of 32390.85,
all located at 210 First St.. Portland, Or.
The said stock of merchandise consists of
the following lines, namely: Farm Imple
ments, buggies and harness, furniture, toys,
musical Instruments, sewing machines, dry
goods and notions, shoes, stoves and shelf
hardware, crockery and glassware, paints
and oils, seeds and groceries.
Bids will be entertained for the said
stock of merchandise as a whole or for
any of the different lines. Cash or a cer
tified check for 10 per cent of the amount
offered mtst accompany each bid and the
right Is reserved to reject, any and all
bids. The said property may be Inspected
and full particulars of the sale obtained
on application to the undersigned;
R. L. SAB1N. Trustee.
August 1, 1908. Sealed proposals will be
received here for excavation, concrete,
masonry work, etc.. In connection with
- construction of portion of The Dalles
Celllo canal, Columbia River, Oregon and
Washington, until 11 A. M.. August 31,
1908 and then publicly opened. Informa
tion on application. J. F. Mclndoe, Major,
SEALED BIDS will be received until II
A M of September 1, at the office of
The Port of Portland. City Hall, for food
supplies for the months of September, Oc
tober and November. Bids must be made
on blank forms, which can be had upon
application at the office.
Clerk of the Board.
plumblns dept.. have moved to their new
quarters at 110 3rd St.. North, with a
complete line of plumbing material and
piping of all kinds. Figures given free
on any kind of contracts.
110 3rd St.. North, tear Glisan.
Admiralty selxure. Citation, United States
of America, District of Oregon, ss.
Whereas a libel has been filed In the District
Court of the United States for the District
of Oregon, on the 14th duy of August,
1908. by Clarence H. Gilbert, proctor on
behalf of Smith A Watson Iron Works, a
corporation, as libellants. in a causa of
contract. clvlWand maritime, against the
vessel. Oaks Flyer, her tackle, apparel
and furniture, and praying the usual pro
cess and monition of the court that all
persons Interested In said Oaks Flyer, her
tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture
may be cited to appear and answer the
premises and all due proceedings being
had, that the said Oaks Flyer may be de
creed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof
distributed according to law. Therefore, In
pursuance of said monition under the seal
of the said court, to me directed and de
livered, on the 14th day of August. 190S.
I do hereby give notice, generally, unto
all persons having, or pretending to have,
. any right, title or Interest In the said
vessel called the Oaks Flyer, her tackle,
apparel, machinery and furniture, to ap
pear before the said court, in the City of
Portland, In said district, on the 7th day
of September, A. D., 1908. next (If It be a
court day. or else on next court day there
after), at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, then and there to answer the
said libel, and to make known their alle
gations In that behalf. Dated at Portland,
in said district, this 18th day of August.
A. D., 1908, Charles J. Reed, United
States Marshal for the District of Oregon.
Clarence H. Gilbert, proctor for Smith A
Watson Iron Works, a corporation.
OREGON In the matter of F. E. Braga,
doing business as the Portland Paint &
Paper Company, bankrupt. The under
signed will receive sealed bids at his
office, room 8. No. 7 First street, Portland,
Or., up to 12 o'clock M. of Saturday. Au
gust 29, 1908. for the following described
property belonging to said estate: A stock
of wall paper, paints, oils, etc., of the
inventory value of 12313.22, together with
store fixtures of the value of 1178.15, all
located at No. 529 Washington St., Port
land, Or. Cash or a certified check for 10
per cent of the amount offered must ac
company each bid. and the right is re
served to reject any and all bids. Said
property may be examined upon applica
tion to the undersigned. R. L .Sabln,
Notice Is hereby given that on the 11th
dav of September, 19i. at 2 o'clock P. M..
there will be ecld at public auction at the
U S. Appraiser's store, corner 8th and
Davis sts.. Portland, Or., to the highest bid
der, for gold coin:
1 piece of silk, 1 tea set, 1 box of cigars,
1 can of paint. 245 cans of opium, which
have been seized for violation of the U. a.
customs and revenue iawe.
Collector of Customs.
NOTICE is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Ore
gon Railroad & Navigation Company will
be held at the office of the company In
' the Wells, Fargo building. Portland. Or..
Thursday. September 3. 11108. at the hour
of 12 o'clock M at which time a board
of directors will be elected and such
other buslnesa transacted as may legally
come before the meeting. W. W. Cotton,
ARCHITECTS, contractora engineers, get
Pacific Builder A Eng'neer. 810 Ch. Com.
LOST Lady s gold watch with' pin attached.
Frldav afternoon, on Bth, between Ankeny
and Morrison or Morrlpon from Hth to 3d.
Finder leave Imperial Hotel Baths. Reward.
LOST Somewhere between St. John and
Portsmouth, a gold watch fob with anie
thvst setting. If found please phone East
242, or C 1538. Reward.
FOUND Wnere hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. . Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metxger.
A POINTER dog lost; white, with dark
brown ears: a scar on head, a strap collar,
with 2 buckles. Please return to 776 Hoyt
St. Reward.
FOUND Black leather handbag, between 4th
and 5th st. on Stark; owner can have
same by calling at Oregonlan office.
LOST Cocker Bpaniel dog; return to 209
Washington St. ; reward.
LOST Two cows. 1 dark brown. 1 yellow
Jersey. Notify 524 24th St.. North.
Now Is the time to. have your furs re
modeled and repaired Redying and
blending skillfully done. All work
stored free of charge. Remember, you
will save money by ordering your new
furs NOW. Call and select the skins.
Latest styles on hand and perfect fit
guaranteed. Will call at residence and
give estimate. Main 5210, A 5472. A
Reiner, 5H3 Washington st. Practical fur
rier, designer and expert fitter.
ready: Cloth bound, 112 pages, by C. H.
Piggott; giving facta heretofore unread
and unsaid about marriage, procreation,
health, sociology, diseases and premature
death. Send one dollar to C. H. Piggott,
lawyer, 4. 5 and tl Mulkey bldg.. Port
land. Oregon.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To visit
ers of Portland hotels and to public at large:
Suits pressed at 5oc at Gilbert, the tailor's,
66 6th St., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles'
skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Main 49d4.
Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera
peutics; a full line of electrical appliances,
newest and most improved electrical
blanket. All diseases successfully treated.
Room 30. 350 Morrison st- Main 2011.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
ana nervous disorders by hand rubbing,
steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes.
7 East 11th st., one door from East An
keny car. Phones East 2(10. Home B 1SU3.
PARTY with house and lot or vacant prop
erty In Portland can trade for first-class
livery automobile, fully equipped, better
than new. capable of earning 20 or $30
per day in livery. Interested parties ad
dress X 191, Oregonlan.
YOU can't work when you don't sleep
a ell; Falmo Tablets make you sleep and
give you steady nerves; 50c a box, 6
boxes 12.50. All druggists, or address ths
J A Clemenson Drug Co.. Portland.
LADIES Ask your druggist tor Chlcnestors
Diamond Brand Pills. For 26 years knows
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere.
HARTMAN Detective Agency. No. 503. 4. 5
Swetland bldg.. one of the best organized
aitencles on the Pacitlc Coast to get results.
Evidence furnished by this office Is re
liable and we guarantee same.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex, de
siring acquaintance or companion, aend 10c
for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau,
613 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder
DRKSS suits for rent, all sixes: i.5o month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark.
ELEGANT private office with use of main
office and both phones, price HV) per
month, must give references. Address L.
B. 104 P. O.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods.
t2 per box or 3 boxes for 5. T. J. Pierce.
612 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder.
t nST nowers restored by Dr. I.orens' Nerve
LOBl powvij. ST.lra fhar-
1niC laUlcl'
macy, 2S9 Morrison st.. bet. 4th and 5th.
MRS OBROCK Masseuse, bcths. salt glow,
alcohol rub. cream massage; references.
283 " Park. Main 2403; A 2734.
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on
nr Ketchum, graduate; advice free
170 hm 3d st. Main 8770.
nrBMAN French. Spanish and other for-
iin textbooks and literature a specially,
a W. Schmale Co.. 229 1st st.
Mme Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat
facial deformities corrected; plastla
surgery. 226 Flleaner bldg. M. 5042. A 2u69.
WOULD meet lady, middle-aged, American;
object matrimony. A E 194. Oregonlan.
. PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock
Salve." Woodard, Clarke A Co.
DON'T forget the number, 68 4th, bet. Oak
and Pine. Lady barber shop.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560
Glisan si.
rnFIC Introducing Club for lonely, single
peoPle; circular 10c. 229V, 1st St.
iii FS cured without operation by a well
established physician. Box 300, city.
urti tr-q wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs! M. D. Hill. 330 Fliedner bldg. M 3473.
nuc ATWOOD; private hospital: maternity
cases'; good care; terms right. Ad. AUsky fa
If you have any acute or chronic dis
ease or run-down condition or nervous
trouble, we can cure you, even though
others have given you up.
See us. We have special departments
for the treatment of men. also for the
treatment of diseases of women, wltb a
ladv specialist In charge
Also for the eye. ear. nose and throat.
Including flie proper fitting of glasses, and
a special treatment for catarrh and skin
Each department Is In charge ot s
specialist who understands the work. .
Consultation free.
608 Merchants Tru6t Bldg.. 0th and Wash.
2.50 WILL be paid for the present ad
dress of E. L. Poor. Tabor anil Francis
ave.; L. C. Reeves, USD Macadam road;
V, ,'ni ov tv is Phil
lips, 15 N. loth st.; A. Main. 51 V N. 3d
St.; J M. Mumford. Houston Hotel;
James Martin, Sclling-Hlrsch. These per
sons formerly lived at the address given.
I. Gevurtx & Sons. 1st and Yamhill.
and ail Imperfections or tne scaiy. iimr
and face removed, busts developed, sup
perfluous hair removed by the latest
French method; all the rage In Paris; no
electricity; faces bleached, booklet free.
Facial Institute.
146 11th St., bet. Aldr and Morrison.
PATIENTS wanted for maternity home, best
care, terms reasonable; no oojecuon to one
small child. 52t3 Grand ave. S. Phone E.
E. H. COLLIS, 324 Worcester block, publla
accountant and estate agent. Auditing,
Investigating, systematizing; permanent
keeping of Looks and records a specialty
Architects and Builders.
SEE Johnson about bungalows,
hawk bldg. A 4321.
Assayers and Analysts.
Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists, and assayers. 24 Washington.
PAUL BAUMKih assayor and analyst. Gol4
dust bought. 207 Alder t.
and ore-testing work. ISti Morrison st.
Bicycle and li.eclrlcul Repairing.
SHAW 4 MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 32u ttlark st.
WM. DEVEN'Y and Estelle Deveny, the
only scientific chiropodists In tiie city. Par
lors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and
Aider. Phone Main 13ul.
Chiropody and Pedicuring,
room 330 FiiuUner bldg.
Mrs. M. D. Hill.
Pbone Mala U471
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com
mlsttiou merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles. 242 Gth and Main.
1'eetf Stores.
:. L. COOPEK & CO.. whulesalo hay and
grain. 181 Washington st. Phone Main
7718. A 3718.
Stationary, marine. electric
ric equipments,
holesalu. retail;
launches, accessories,
' engine repuiring. Kelerson Machinery Co.,
Harness ana Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad
dle and harness mnfri t0-86 1st. Main 22d
Junk, Hides and Pelts,
L SHANK A CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool. furs, tallow, eld rubbers, metals and
sacks. 312 Front St.
Launches and Yachts.
FOR charter and sale marine hardware,
gasoline engines, tee Heyes, 171 Madison.
Leather anc 1-indlngs.
tablished 1858. Leather and findings;
Stockton sole leather acd cut stock; full
line Eastern Jumbos. IbT Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTICIC A CO.. 74 Front, leather
of every description, tap nilis. findings
ICE machines. Complete installations. Arm
strong Machinery Co., Spokane, Wash.
EM IL THIELHOKN. violin teacher, pupil of
Sevcik. A 41 CHI. Pine 334. Main 3045.
Osteopathic l'hyeclans.
415-16-17 Dekum Bldg..
Third and Washington Sts.
Phone, office. Main 349.
Residence, E. 1023.
Faints, Oils and Class.
RASMUSSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor.
latent and l'enakon Attorneys.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; lnf ringemeut cases. 604 Lekum.
PATENTS, 'trade-marks, copyrights. A, J.
Matter, 411 Commonwealth bldg.
J. J. HIKSIIHEIMLK, pen:slon snd patent
attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
close figures, good work. 8 Russell bldg..
corner 4lh and Morrison.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chattea
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sta
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all office gooda P.
D. C. Co., 231 Stark St. Both phones 1407.
The largest sign-makers In the North
west, Gth uud Eerett sts. Phone Prlvats
Exchange 65. Home A 1155.
vis. 66 3d 6t Bargains In 2d-hand safea
THE MOSL.ER SAKE CO. 108 2d St. Safea
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
Showcase. lank and Store Fixtures.
THE Jamtsi I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch
st. Main 2703.
Storage and Transfer.
C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office
'and commodious four-story brick ware
house with seperate Iron rooms snd flre
uroof vaults for valuables. N. W. corner of
M and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved
and packed for shipping. Main 51)6. A 1996.
General transferring and storage, safes
cianos and furniture moved and packed
for shipment 209 Oak St.. bet. Front and
lBt Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Street Paving.
WARKEN Construction Co.. street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumbar Ex.
T Portland office. 402-3-4 Worcester block.
K F w and second-hand typewriters, ail
makes repaired, sold and rented; also
slate agents the Visible Fox. The Tjpe-
rlter Exchange. 84 3d St. Main U06
SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re
paired P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
AI-BINA Fuel Co., green and dry cord
wood. Alhina ave.. It. R. st.
Wholesale Jobbers.
WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, man
ufacturers, commission merchants. 4th
and Oak.
Portland. Oregon.
No Interest paid oh accounta