i-kxr -w - o rrTTTT A "V ATTflTTS- 20. 1903. r ' H r- w k '.! I V ft - j m av M m SL a .4 Ji mj l -r ' -fc " FOB 8ALe REAL E8TATB. rHREE-BTORT brlc building 1" ..... - r,mr the Morrison bridge; Wet Bide; bringing a tine Income; Ptruble, JI46 Main at. HALF ACRB TRACTS. We are offertsg the bett thing la aore or half acre tract In Portland: water main laid and term of only $10 ca ad $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. 110 2d t- A GENUINE BARGAIN IN WOODUWS. 3 lot, cleared and fenced: fine young fruit tree. small shed. Bull Run water, fine view; $1000, or could be bought separately. Hii is absolutely the best buy o the Peninsula, no exceptions. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE New 2-stor, 0-room bouse. Brooklyn Height, full concrete basement tatlonary washtuba. wood lift, piped for furnace: Winter's wood; hall, combina tion fixture, large pantry, hot and cold water. Bull Run water, large porches, east facing, .plendld Tlew. 30 minute.- walk to buslnes center. 2 block to carllne. jschool and .tore.; will Include all new furniture If desired and eel! on mall payment don balance like rent; thl " exceptionally good buy and will ell on 1ght; you will paTno commission and get full J your money. For particular Inquire H 180, Oregonlan. CHOICE Iota, great number. 6. ' room. 2-tory residences; mansions, bungalowa All price. lOVi acre close In. 1 nlcely-rurnished home eheao. All In the mo.t select part of the city- Corn and ee. one look I enough. BI ay Irvlngton car. Office 15lh and Halsey ta.. East etfo. C 1993. C 1271. C 1508. Dolen at Uerdman. VERT ATTRACTIVE HOLLADAY HOME. Close In; built by owner: all wood se lected; fine corner: grand porch, with stone abutment, large living-room, bath and toi let separate: lain chance to buy fine clf" ln corner modern home. Both phone. 31 -ft. $900 BUYS 10 acre. 1H mile south of Beaverton. level, rich, cheap. 41250 6 acre In cultivation, within of a mile of the new electric line to Beaverton; good view of Council Cret . J. F. COMPTON. 116 Ablngton Bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND HOME. 1 2-room house, all modern Improve ment, lot 6oxlu0; lghtly location. Cash price. $50oo. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. A SACRIFICE. I am leaving the city; will sell a lot at Meagly Junction for $100 les than actual value- on Improved street, and idewalk; within two block of Hill Depot. G 180. Oregonlan. ' $6500 BUYS new "-room taouae and lot In Irvlngton. Fireplace, oak floor. fine leeplng porch. Price Include aaphalt street and $200 flxturea 44 East 18th. near Tillamook, (no agent ) FINE home In Holladay Addition; conven ient to two carllne; even room, base ment, bath. rloet; everything complete; carpet, shades, ga and electric fixture all go. Phone owner East 8007. AT Glenwood Park, to close out the 4 lot we have In our addition, will make you an attractive offer; street graded. Bull Run water; close to car: must sell this week. Call 411 Couch bldg. 36-M ELEGANT home; beat residence dis trict; 6 large rooms, basement, bath, clos ets; everything complete: fixture and shade all go; best car ervlce; must ell; term. C. B. Lucas, S22 Corbett bldg. WANT to leave city. 12650 for nice 6 room home; full concrete basement: gas fixtures: on terms; good location. Phone owner Main 3218. or A. 218. $210 BUYS one of the best 5-room bunga low In Vernon: $3uO cash, easy terms on balance. Call TOR Alberta at. Phone Wood lawn 2282. Owner. i MODERN 8-room house. WW Side, fire place, furnace: hardwood floor; cement basement. Easy term W. L. ROBB. 831 Qulmby St. FORCED SALE 100x100. 6-room modern house, fit. John carllne; all in fruit. Bull Run water. ilsoO; two-third of value. In quire Y 191. Oregonlan. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS bargain Full lot, Davenport and lth rts. ; $750 cash. SENUSTAKE & LYMAN. DO 5th at. f A BARGAIN For ale. 8 lot. 3 houses, good warranty deed given, all for Il'V.0; bouses rent for $15.50. Owner E. W. Mel Hen Furniture Store, Oregon City. HOUSES for sale In all part of the city: acreage close in and farm In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney st Stampher. 331-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. : QUARTER block on Halsey st S block from car: price $2500; a bargain; can ar range terma Harding A Reynold Co.. . 313 Chamber of Commerce. ! !2oo Home of 5 room on 50x100 lot. near the new East 2th-st. bridge and carllne; terms; a real bargain. Chapln Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. ' I HAVE a plan for 6-room house that I would like to build for you: call and see rlana. W. D. Swearinge. 631 Washing ton St.. room 66. Main 8878. i' FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, eaay , terms; 459 Mechanic St.; take Woodlawn I car. MODERN 6-room cottage, choice material, improved streets: Union-ave. car. Owner. A D 190, Oregonlan. , six.) J200 down, lis per month, pretty 3 room cottage on 18th, near Alberta. 627 Board of Trade. SIGHTLY, modern 7 -room house on Wet Side: eay terma Call room 40 Washlng ton bldg. 3-KOOM house In Lent: fruit and berries'; near eariine; snap. V-oO. terma. 611 Swet i land bldg. DR PAUL CROMWELIS former wife. Dr. Cromwell-Smith, will sell East India herb at 2V Harrison at. WILL sell good property on Front St.. rent 100 month, need money. 213 Couch bldg. 40 LOTS overlooking river. S0OO; ft cah. 411 Couch bldg. 10-ACRE tracts, close to city. $800 each; cash. 411 Couch bldg. WK1AI. $200 cash: 6 rooms, bath and toi let: large lot: $19oft. Angeles, 242 Sth St. TO MCHANGE. FOR sale or trade. 640 acres good wheat land, well watered; also best of berry, fruit and vegetable landa In small tracta B. M. Hawley. Ho. no Valley, Wash. TO exchange: acreage on Mount Scott car line, aMltable for platting, for hotel In or outside Portland: must bear closest Investi gation. A D 182. Oregonlan. L 913 OOO Klickitat bill fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or business property. FiaoJx Lea. 147 Vi Front st- OK COURSE! CERTAINLY I If yon want to bay sell or trade business or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson sV Taylor. 2S4tt Washington, room 311. HALF section timber land; 20 acre on pro posed Mount Hood R. ; East Gresham: om cash, for modern house: together not over, 14000. B 188. Oregonlan. WILL trade One paying motion picture theater near Portland for acreage. Par ticulars Newman, 2 Burnslde at. UNIMPROVED farm land, on Columbia Klver. good soil, for city property. 827 Worcester bldg. , FOR SWAP Hood River ranch. What' your trouble? Box J 191. Oregonlan. I WILL trade for what you have. Gu 6ml to. I 4k I I I I FINE EXCHANGE. 68 acres, nearly all cleared and In crops: fine soil: 7-room Tiouse. 2 barns, granary, other buildings', 18 row 2 horses, harness, wagon, cream separator aad all implements needed on a farm: near Reedvllle. Or.. 16 miles west of Portland, on R. R.. near elec tric line; price ooo0: will sell or exchange for good home In Portland. Big paying music tore, centrally located, to exchange for Oregon or Washington wheat land. Invoice 5000. 6-room modern cottage near carllne. Cen tral Albina: win exchange for small farm near Portland, Or. PINE TREE LAND CO.. Room 509-510 Buchanan bldg.. 296i Washington at. HOOD RIVER APPLE LANDS. For eel or exchange, 12 acres, all set to 1-year-old apples; team, harness and wagon, cow, chickens and small tool; price $5000. . 17 acres, uncIeaTed, team, wagon, har ness and cow; J5o0. 148 acres, unimproved: small house. Z gcres cleared: $5000. 75 acres, uncleared: $60 per acre. 97 acres: 190 bearing trets, 60 1-year-old trees, 4 acres potatoes, 6-room house, barn, team, wagon, harness, cow, chicken, small tools: $16,000. Will trade for Improved property or auto, '07 or "08; must be In good repair. P 192, Oregonlan. ICE cream parlor, confectionery, cigars and tobacco; nice, clean, up-to-date tock of staple and fancy groceries, pool-room for ladies and gentlemen, two nearly new pool tables: everything In best of condi tion; trade for suburban cottage or acre age Address 517 Villa ava.. Montavllla. lO ACRES, near Milwaukee, fir; soil, high ly cultivated. 8-room plastered house and 7-room bungalow, good barn, all -" $8000. Will take farm up to $4000 a part payment, balr-rce cash or term. 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity amounting to $700 in house and lot in Portland; brings $15 per month. 6 per cent Interest; $ '00 worth telephone bonds. $100 Block in same; $132 in German-American bank. Tub 18 months. Address L. B. 206 New berg. Or. TWO Los Angeles lots. 2 Riverside lota. 2 Long Beach lota. 2 hotels. 25 acres tan Fernando Valley. Cal., for Oregon prope"'. rooming-house or boslnesa. Room 64, Na tional Hotel. HALF section timber land: 20 acres on pro posed Mt. Hood R. ; East Gresnam; some cash, for modern house; together not over $4000. B 188. Oregonlan. THOSE! desiring to buy. sell or exchange farm city property or business investments, we have what you want. Call. .Room 6C9-610 Buchanan bldg. 2S64 Washington St. A NEW 5-room cottage, close in. on East Side to trade for grocery store: will as sume Indebtedness. Call or addrea owner, 689 Frederick St. WILL trade a cash buslnes Invoicing $1800 for lots or acreage. Room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W. Lawrence & Co., tie Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. IF you want to buy. sell or trade anything, see KauCfmann & Moftre, 325 Lumber Ex change. 2 LOTS coat $200; will trade for good horse and buggy. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. WANTED REAL KSTATE. WAREHOUSE SITE Want to buy from owner site south of Gllsan and east of Park ave.. for small manufacturing busi ness; don't care for trackage; state price and location; no agents. Address V 194. Oregonlan. WANTED From owner, 7 to . 9-room house and lot. West Side, between Jefferson end Sheridan, east of 14th; not over $5000. State location In first Utter. M 194, Ore gonlan. I WANT house of 6 room or more: price from $.1000 to $4000; can pay $300 down, g.VX) first of the year, balance monthly payments. W 193. Oregonlan: WANTED Small business lot on East Side. Williams. Union or Russell st ; state price and location; must be a bargain; owners. C 190. Oregonlan. WILL pay cash for a 15 or 2 0-room lodging house. State full particulars, and loca tion. W mean business. AX) 194. Ore gonlan. WANTED To buy ix-room house, well located and modern; must be a bargain; stale i i .lou. v. WANTED Acreage facing Willamette or Columbia, also other acreage. State price, etc. Box H 184. Oregonlan. CITY real estate and farm land wanted: we nave duj. .(,.... ... - only with owners. 403 WelU-Fargo bldg. WANTED To buy vacant lot or house and lot convenient to Alberta carllne; must be cheap. G 191. Oregonlan. WANTED Small bulnes lot; must be bar gain: state price and location. C 189, Oregonlan. WANTED 1O0 to 2fo acres, near electric line, quick. O. E. Walling. 243 Stark. FOB SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO, Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. WE are constantly acquiring One tracta of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprise of all kinda Phone Main 44.S6. Kinney & Stamcher. 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 142 ACRES. 2.068.000 aw timber. 4204 pil ing, from 12 to U Inches. 3974 piling from 6 to 12 Inche; all extra quality on good stream; $1200. Bennet & Derbyshire. 201 Swetland bldg. " TIMBER LANDS. California. Oregon, Washington. Government locations a specialty. OLIVER A HA VI LAND. 1119 Board of Trade Bldg. 7.000.000 TELLOW fir. 2 N-. 8 W., Tilla mook County, patented. $3000. .Oregon Timber Co.. 403 McKay bldg. SEVERAL timber relinquishment for sale. 219 Worcester bldg. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locatlona 327 Worcester blk. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 15 acres; 36 In good state of cultivation; best garden spot in Oregon; good market, $100. Stock and farming im plements for sale, consisting of 15 head of cattle 7 fresh by December), 2 good work horses, 2-year-old colt, 7 hogs, new Mllburn wagon, mower and rake, good a new. plow, harrow, cultivator: price $1000. Call at potoffiee. Columbia city. Or. Box 25. . TO XJEASK. FOR LEASE FLATS. Three and six-room Tats, new; $1.50 per room per month, and new five-room cottage. $10 per month; West Side, south. C H. Plggott. owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg. Both phones. WANTED TIMBER tVANDa. TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. Mccracken 804 .McKay bldg. FOR SALE: FARMS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Portland equity, 160 acres Al wheat land In the choice wheatralslng belt of Morrow County, Oregon, located In the Gooseberry section; no Irrigation: about 110 acre In cultivation; price, $20 per acre. If Interested address L 191, Ore gonlan. DON'T write a letter: buy a one-fare re turn ticket: see 160 acres, house, barn. 28 cattle, hay. flee little valley home, good neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250 cash, balance $1000. on ten years' time If desired, at 5 per cent Interest. O. Mlddle kauff. Yaqulna, Or HEADQUARTERS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY FARMS. We carry an extensive list of farm lands, acreage and city property. 1 Call, phone or write KURATLI BROS.. HlUsboro. Or. FOR SALE By owner. 10 acres, all cleared, excellent fruit or garden land, 14 mile from Forest Grove electric line and two miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500. This Is a bargain. Address P. O. box 314. Forest Grove, Or. PARTIES wentlng information Willamette Valley, the garden spot of Oregoa, call aad get booklets. Willamette Valley Information Bureau. 312 Bd. of Trade, cor. 4th A Oak st. IF yon are looking for a farm, large or small, cash or trade, call 325 Lumber Exchange. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. tributary to Portland. 327 Worcester block. yoR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company. Salem, Or. . - I " 1 - OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS. HUNDREDS OF THEM, ALL KINDS AND ALL PRICES A SNAP 80 acres on the Tualatin River: 40 acre high land. 40 acres low land: flaest soil in the world; 25 acres cleared, balance fine oak, ash and fir timber; 9 cows, span horses, chickens, wagons, harness and a complete outllt of farming Implements; worth $150 per aevre; will sell for $i5 per acre, H caeh. balance terms. A BARGAIN 30 acres. 25 In crop. bal. fir timber: fine running water, beet of soil; lo cated near the Salem Electric line, near Tigardvllle Station; all fenced; price $1-5 per acre If sold before September 1. BEB. THIS. , ' BUY THIS 40 acres. 2 miles from electric line or Tigardvllle Station, near schools churches and stores; this Is a pick up at $110 per acre: all clear except about 3 acres, which Is small Mumps; not a rock on this place; nice running water, small house, old barn; land little rolling. FOUND 20 acres of all clear land; not a stump or stone on the place; good small house, fine big barn; 12 acres in potatoes, 13 acres hay and grain; price $3800, $1j00 cash. bal. terma Be wise and see us before you buy or sell your farm or city property. We have got what you want. PINE TREE LAND CO.. Rooms 5O9-6L0 Buchanan bldg., 2S6 Wash. st. SMALL DAIRY FARM. 85 acres; 25 acre best kind creek bot tom land In cultivation; can plow any time of year; balance in pasture, with some timber; fenced: on county road and milk route; can keep 12 good cow at present: new 6-room house, good barn, znllkhouse. workshop, chicken-house; 100 good fruit trees with lots of fruit; half mile from school; 5 email creek, never dry. You can't beat this-for the money. Price. $1200. , . , . 20 acres good fruit or walnut land, all In cultivation, on good county road, three mile from Yamhill; price. $ii per acre WILLAMETTE VALLEY INFORMATION BUREAU. 312 Board of Trade Bldg. APPLE land on the Installment i.1an, 10 acre tracts. $100 down and $10 a month. In Jhe best Apple district in the state, four miles- from the R. R. and Columbia River, near Hood River. MANCHESTER & WILSON. 608 Well Fargo Bldg. I HAVE a number of small apple tracts 10 to 70 acres, located one and two miles from Columbia River and the North-Bank Railroad a' Underwoods, opposite Hood River; $40 per acre and upwards. Will produce peaches, apples, strawberries and other small fruits In perfection, realizing highest prlcea Write me for particulars. H. W. GODDARD. 110 2d at- Portland. Or. 40 ACRES near Hillsboro and Reedville, for $75 an acre; one-third cultivated, email house and barn, well and fair fences; land very level and has about 400 cords wood standing; our best bargain In acre. Chapln & Herlow, 832 Chamber of Com merce. ISO ACRES unimproved. $20O0; 120 seres. $.'!rtK); 40 acres, $1000; 40 acres giwld piling, $oO; all has running water and easy to clear and bargains. Write Joseph Parker, Scappoose, Or. FOR SALE 15.000 acre of tlmberland on Naa and Skena River. British Columbia. For Information address 8 190. Oregon lan. T TEN-acre tracta. best fruit land, unim proved, near Forest Grove. $400 for each tract, will take half cash. Box 131. For est Grove, Or. WHO wants the bet farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particular call upon or write Connell. Long & Imbrle, Hills bora, Or. 43 ACRES. mile 8. E. Mill City- near good county road. Price $1800. Chas. Hoedle, Mill City, Or FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicle and Harness. GOOD team horses, 4 and 7 years old. sound and gentle, one especially fine single driver; single-foots under saddle; weight 1130 and 12."0; also good covered mountain hack and buggy with shafts or pole. In quire 470 Flint St., near Russell, Upper Albina, or 601 McKay bldg. FOR SALE: Team horses, good travelers, weight about 1000 pounds each; not afraid of automobiles, electric or steam cars; also new light express wagon and new harness; price $250. Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg., or A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or. GOOSENECK trucks, butoher, grocery, and - bakery wagons, buggies of all kinds, horses, harness and saddle, for sals or rent. 211 Washington. 23 HOR8E3. farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to olos out. Hubert t Hall. 266 4th St. $135 BUYS young horse and buggy In good condition. For full particular phone A 4822. HORSFX harness and buggy for sale at a ' bargain. 956 Williams ave. House phone C 1948. FOR SALE Good work horse weighing bet. 1100 and 1200 lbs. Apply Mr. Hessian, 122 Union ave. WANTED To buy 3 or 4 horses weighing between 1100 and 1200 lb. Phone East 4804. HORSES, mare, rig and harness of all kinds for sale. 2t4 Montgomery. TEAM of horse for sale cheap. & Broa. 244-240 Front at. Simon FOR SALE Young team draft horses Ap ply 808 Davis st ' TWO horses for sale or hire. Phone East 6398. Automobile. FINE 7-passenger Touring car, with livery business, for sale or trade for Portland real estate. Will take or give cash dif ference. Address X 190, Oregonlan. BUICK runabout. J908 machine. Model 10. agent's demonstrator, run about 150 miles, first-class condition, will make attractive price. P. O. box 606, The Dalles, Or. WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and beat price. H 94. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, second-hand Cadillao automobile runabout, reasonable, w 194, Oregonlan. 30 HORSE-POWER f our-cjllnder Cadillac, flret-clae condition: $14ot" Portland Mo tar Car Co.. 626 Alder st. STODDARD-Dayton Automobile, five pas senger. 80-35 horse-power. Inquire room 85 Concord bldg. Pianos. 1400 Upright Grand piano, $135: easy terms; will rent $,1 month. 617 Tourney. Pacific 244. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Cheap: complete Scranton library on mechanical engineering; also complete drawing outfit. Address G. E. Meyerhuber, 450 E. Burnslde. BALANCE of a stock of Jewelry, silverware, clocks and findings; from $4O0 to $500, at 10 per cent below cost. Apply N 194. Ore gonlan. LAUNCH 21 feet, Sheffield engine, good I condition; make offer. Apply Mrs. Laslle, houseboat, south end Jefferson-at. station, or T 172, Oregonlan. SPACE on walls of nlckelodion for rent, 22x22 inches, $2 per month. Model Nlckel odion. 69 N. 3d. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. L. Winters, 818 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison eta. FINE brass bed-springs; elegant buffet: very cheap: leaving town- Call 245 Grand and Main. FOR SALE Canoe. Trescott, complete out fit. $30 cash. F. H. Rupert, Main 243, 461 Jefferson. NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents you the latest films, song slides, supplies, etc., at the lowest prices. 293 Burnslde. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. DEER HUNTING to rent on 2400 acres to responsible people only; no cluba Ad dress k. ha. wieiwj 'u. FOR SALE Full-blooded King Charles spaniel bitch. 1 year old. M 190. Ore gonlan. " TWO wood-saws, one steam, one gasoline, cheap. 22 Broad St.. Montavllla. Phone Tabor lSfJ BARGAIN $350 for hole-ting engine. 12 horse power. Apply phone Main 3826. TWO cows, one 4 gallons per day. ' 132 East 47th st. Mt. Tabor car. ROYAL typewriter, practically new, for sale. Address A 191, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Flock of pigeons cheap; runts. Phons Tabor 219. 604 . Gliaaa St. I T , "1 ' SITOATIOX WANTED MALE. WAXTEP-TO RENT. Miscellaneous. SALE OR TRADE 1 Remington No. 6 typewriter, nearly new. 1 Hallwood cash register. 1 set gold-mounted double harness, al most new, cost $300. Several new Reading Standard bicycle. 1 Stewart and 1 inlaid fancy banjo. 1 large office safe with alphabetical boxes for real estate and other contracts. 1 five-room Al houseboat. 2 burros, or donkeys. 1 automobile. Pope Toledo. 7-passenger. We will sell the above for cash or trade for Portland real estate kr groceries. If not either, what have you to trade? Ap ply afternoons. Merrill, 108 7th st. BATHTUBS BATHTUBS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Have Just mpved to our new quarters and will offer some exceptionally fine goods at very low price to Introduce our firm and our goods to the public. We carry a complete line of plumbing ma terial of all kinds and piping for all pur poses; let us figure on that Job and save you monev. BARDE PT.UMBING SUPPLY 'CO.. HO N. Third St.. Near Gllsan. SHEET IRON ROOFING. PREPARE FOR THE RAINY SEASON. Corrugated sheet Iron roofing: brand new; black and galvanised. Get our prices and save money. M. Barde & Sons. 847-353 Gllsan St.. cor 8th. ROOFING material, positively new corru gated Iron roofing at $2.25 per square. Any amount galvanised corrugated Iron roofing. 1000 squares rubber roofing. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-46-50 Front St. MOVING picture films for rent; the best selected stock In the West: all reels 1000 feet; no damaged films; everything that a good. Send for catalogue and terms. Theater Film Service Co. Inc.. 1042 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. MOVING picture machines: any make; films, slides and supplies; talking ma chines, records: opera and folding chairs; posters, tickets, etc 60) page catalogue free. New York Motion Picture Co., 1042 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. UNITED WIRELESS STOCK. Will sacrifice 100 shares United Wire less preferred stock at $12.50. worth $18.50, if taken before Monday noon. Phone M. 7732. 243 Chapman st. FOR SALE New and reconfl-hand billiard and pool tables; easv payments: w - rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prlcea Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 9 Third St. FOR SALE TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000, parties interested call Maglnnls 4 Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT, Logging and Hoist ing engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st. A 2363. Main 2363. MOVING-PICTURE) EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 16&H 4th st. A FINE Remington typewriter. No. 7. for sale cheap'. F 193. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Big black Alaska Pet. and Coal Stock, cheap. D 185. Oregonlan. SHOTGUN for sale cheap; Baker hammer less. $65 grade. 86 Sth St. FOR SALE 18 cows, 80 chickens. 2 horses, and 2 milk wagons. 82 Kelly ave. HELP WANTED MALE. $250 PER month to a salesman who can demonstrate his ability to sell the best proposition in the state for small farm tracts on the Installment plan. Give vour references In first letter B 189, WANTED A salesman to sell kimonos and dressing sacquea as a side line; one of the best lines In the country; must have trade with A-l houses. Apply by letter to Lion Broa Co.. 40 South Howard St.. Baltimore, Md. WANTED Competent man to take sales management for large lumber manufactur ing concern; small Investment required and Insured. Address. Lock Box 65. Bel llngham, Wash. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230 240 Sth st., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department $6 North Second St. Phones Main and A 161$. Help free to employers. WANTED Reliable party with $750 to take charge and manage one of the best light manufacturing businesses In city; will guar antee $200 per month salary; for lnforma tion. 300 LarraBea at. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WANTED Young man with small capital as partner In well-established real estate business; am tired of hired help; I will teach you the business. 226 Sth st. PARTNER for old-established real estate business; will pay live man $135 month: small capital required. Particulars at 818 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED Boy 14 year old, office work and errands; one with wheel preferred; chance for advancement if deserving. W ' 191, Oregonlan. WANTED At McMlnnviiie.Or.. 1 foreman. 30 first-class carpenters; no others need apply: 3 months' work. W. L. Barker, Klberton Hotel. McMlnnvIUe. Or. WANTED Experienced saw mill man to take charge of 65 M mill; Investment re quired and Insured. Lock Box 183, Bel lingham. Wash. SOMETHING good for hustling young man, with small capital; call and Investigate ,hls. 411 Commonwealth bldg, 6th and Ankeny. . MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly; learn the business in short time; easy work; lessons reasonable. Particular. Newman, 293 Burnslde. - LICENSED barber wants partner: have the location and fixtures. Call or address 344 Mi Front St. WANTED First-class man to run -10-inch Smith molding machine. Frank M. Brown, Salem. Or. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agent: winning offer. Cutborth Studio, De kum bldg. WANTED An honest partner with $200. as treasurer for traveling motion-picture show. 293 Burnslde. ADVERTISING solicitors who want quick cash commissions, will find our publica tions IT. 03 Goodnough bldg. FIRST-CLASS men to write health and ac cident Insurance. I'nion Guarantee Assn.. Commercial Club bldg., Sth and Oak eta SALESMEN In all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. P. A. & C. Co.. 323 V Washington st. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE!. For Men 250 Burnslde Street. Phone Main 6694. WANTED Salesmen, all lines: bookkeepers and stenographers. Commercial Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg., 301 Oak st FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d st Both Phonea GERMAN Catholics: light work, big profits; experience unnecessary; short or long hours. 003 Goodnough bldg. EXPERIENCED Job printer. $18. city, pri vate shop. Northwest Newspaper Broker age, 603 Goodnough. PORTLAND Law School Is In session all the year, enter now. 630 Worcester block. A GOOD presser, steady work for right man, at Harris. Fifth and Alder. CARPENTERS WANTED. Apply corner Vancouver and Failing sts. WANTED City Mlesman, with some knowl edge of electrical supplies. Call 306 Oak st. WANTED Coat maker. $9.50 and up. An drews & Berry. La Grande. Or. POSITION for sober, active man with $350. Call at once. 511 Swetland bldg. Headauarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P- Loratl. 148 4th. Pacific 2183. WANTED First-class vestmaker at J. Pollvka & Co.. room 206. Corbett bldg. WANTED 4 first-class non-union barbers at once. 266 Alder at DENTIST, WANTED First-class operator; good salary. New York Dental Parlors. WANTED Boy with wheel; good wages. Ap ply 128 6th St. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency. 289 Burnslde s' Main f30. BOY WANTED 16 years old. Apply room 10, Chambers bldg.. 3d and. Alder sts. . .WANTED An all round cook. 65 Ruaseil st For graduates last year; men ana women .to learn barber trads In weeks? nelp to secure position.; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: tructor: tool, free; writ, for "1u; Molor System of Colleges. 85 M. 4th it, Portland. Or. . TEACHERS. science- $1000. ecn?'c,B,! drawing $900; commercial $1000. Phone C 1580. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 3 COOKS , 30' 7 ::::: 20. 25 25 30 2 chambermaids 12 general housework 2 girls, 15-16, assist general house work " One experienced child's nurse.... THE ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY, 2094 4th. Main 2039. A 2S24. IB CHANCE for few men with small capital to Join owner in promoting mining prop osition. Big profits certain. K 190. Ore gonlan. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 V Wash. St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and? A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employer. WANTED Bright, ambitiou salesgirl, some previous experience required; permanent position. The NeedlecraXt Shop. 38 Washington st. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; good money. Call room 608 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington sts LIPMAN, WOLFE CO. require at onos experienced saleswomen of more than or dinary ability for suits, waists, corset, etc. Apply to Mr. Moyer. TEACHERS for city grades. lth Washing ton certificates, or Eastern state certifi cates, or normal diplomas; $65. Phone C 1580. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework with a small family in a nice country town. Inquire 253 13th st, after 10 A. M. I LADIES Easy and profitable homework, instructions free. Call 9 to 4, 452 .Wash ington st. ' WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Reliable, refined girl or woman to do second vcrk. Mrs. Clark W. Thompson, Cascade Locks, Or CATHOLIC ladles; refined wora; liberal prof Its; experience unnecessary; short or long hours. 603 Goodnough bldg. EXPERIENCED salesladies. Apply Mrs. Labarre. The Boston Store. 1st and Sal mon. WANT a young girl to assist with house work. 747 Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood 1257. GIRL to do housework; family of three; per manent position. Call after 9 A. M., 373 East 10th st. North. THE St. Louis has several good positions for good help with good people in good loca tion. 209J4 4th. Main 2039. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good home. Call forehoons, 604 DaviB St. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326H Washington st.. room 307. Phone Main 8836, A. 3266. GIRL wanted: second work; good wages; small family. Call 350 Salmon at. in the morning. YOUNG lady stenographer to begin Sept. 1; salary $40; state age and school at tended. AB 192. Oregonlan. WANTED A good woman to run dining room of a first-class private boarding house. Phone Main 8430. WANTED Apprentice In millinery; small pay while learning; good opportunity to advance. Fraley's, 214 Third. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; four In family: wages $25; fare paid. P. O. Box 388, Hoquiam. Wash. GIRL for housework, part day, sleep' at home; Sundays free; wage $16. 651 Kear ney. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Ladles' ilepartment 20614 Morison st. Phones: Main 1062: A 2064. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework; small family: small house. 659 Everett St. Phone A 2862. WANTED An experienced waitress: wage $25. The Cononlal, corner 10th and Morri- HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. $48ia Washington t.. comer 7th, upstair. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be experienced; family of two; good wages. 366 Eugene St. MILLINERY saleswoman; must be thor oughly experienced and capable; city ref erences. Fraley's, 214 Third. WANTED Two first-class waitresses; good wages. Alexander Court, 53 Ella st. STRONG, neat young girl to take care of baby. Call at once, 146 11th st. WANTED -Girl for general housework; family of 3. Phone B 2482. WANTED Girl for general housework who understands cooking. 670 Hoyt St. WANTED Girl for secosd work; two In family. ' 434 Market st. GIRL, for second work and to assist: with child. 680 Everett st. QUICK girl to sew: no experience neces sary. Holbrook. The Tailor. Couch bldg. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. Apply 747 Gllsan st GIRL wanted, general housework, family of two. small cottage. 662 East Main st. WANTED -Good plain oook for boarding house. 248 North 17th st IfADY solicitor for laundry and cleaning, $1 , a dav and commission. Hand Laundry. 309 E. Wash. WANTED Experienced cook: good wages. Apply 773 Marshall st. Phone M Z944, COMPETENT cook, family of 2; keep second girl. Flat 2. 362 3rd st. WANTED An experienced waitress at the Hill Hotel. 23d and Washington. GOOD COOK Please apply at 251 King street. WANTED Lady to travet for photographic work. Apply Hotel Royal, room 6. YOUNG LADIES Now is the time to learn barber trade cheap. 68 Fourth st HELP wanted for general housework. Phone Main 2937 or A 5348. GIRL for general housework; must be neat 107 16th st., North. v WANTED Girl for general housework. 181 N. 24th st Wanted Expert hairdresser and wigmaker; high salary. Apply room 4. Beverly. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; family of four adults. 565 Hoyt st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED 1000 hoppickers to ptck 600 aero of hops; big crop: fine accommodations; bakery, butcher shop, restaurant, grocery store, dancing pavilion, -beautiful camping ground; low excursion railroad rates. We pay $1 per hundred. No onarge for the Job. For further particulars apply to Krebs Bros., room 611-612 Worcester bldg.. - cor. Oak and 3d. Office hours. 9 to 8 P. M-; Sundays, 9 to 1 P. M. Tel. Main 2963 and A 4913. WANTED Hop pickers; shacks, potatoea and fruit free. Will be at the St Charles August 31 to September 4 to sell ex cursion tickets to Brooks. Romeo Gouley, grower. HOPPICKERS Families preferred; 100 acres, will crop 1500 lbs. to acre: $2.60 covers expenses. Including tent for sea son. 208 Falling bldg; evenings and Sun day. HOPPICKERS wanted; fine camping ground; good water: long picking. For particulars phone Woodlawn 1611. 909 Halght ave. WANTED Men and women to file on tim ber and homestead locations. AB 117, Oregonlan. - HOPPICKERS wanted at Olequa. Wash. George Bertrand. Picking begins Sept 7; $1- per box. SPECIAL shorthand classes, any system; secure positions. Business University, 68 3d st. Phone Main 4504 HOPPICKERS at 862 Corbett st. Phone Pa cific 1115. Call after 10 A. M. Mrs. Knapp. BOO HOPPICKERS wanted. to buy 500 camping stoves at 90s each. 271 1st st Bookkeeper and Clerk. FOR SALE. $3000 PER ANNUM. Mv ability, enthusiasm, energy and ex perience as office manager to an enter prising concern who are in the market for the best a sober, systematic, clean living. 36 yeara old German-American can give them. Well acquainted over Pacific Northwest. At present executive officer of Portland institution. Confiden tial propositions invited. T 191, Oregon lan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, like position in or out of city; prefer lumber or rail road contracting business; references. V 190. Oregonlan. MAN 35 years of age, 19 years' experience railroad station agent, desires position in Portland; good references. Phone A 2993. BOOKKEEPER, several years' experience, desires position; can give the best of ref erences. D 189. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED hotel manager, best refer ences, desires position steward. clerk, cashier or manager. A E 190, Oregonlan. GRADUATE bookkeeper desires position, ex cellent references regarding character and competency. AE 193, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer: 3 years" experience; first-class references furnished. B 193, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER wants a small set of books to take oare In the evening. N 176. Ore gonlan. Mlscellaneotts. ATTENDANT or nurse; position wanted by man of experience; would take an elderly or mildly insane person; used to travel; best of references; graduate of College, . Mechano-Tlterapy. F 1K1. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED carpet cutter and layer, good all round man, seeks situation; country preferred; reference furnished. Address B 181, Oregonlan. WANTED Position by first-class circular sawyer and flier; good all round mlllman; experienced foreman: best of references. Address box 805, Centralla. MARRIED man, middle aged, experienced In fish, poultry and meat, wishes steady position: best of references. Address J. A. C. 301 East Davis St., city. YOUNG man 18 years old desires position of any kind in restaurant or hotel, or office; small wages required. Antonio, 229 Jeffer son. POSITION as egg candler cr grocery clerk; experience and references. M 182. Ore gonlan. FIRST-clas bookkeeper unemployed a por tion of each day, would like a small set of books to keep. T 193 Oregonlan. AN experienced honest Japanese boy wants position of house cleaning In family. A D 192. Oregonlan. HONEST colored hoy wants work; small wages, room and board; 16 years old. Phone Woodlawn 1726. MIDDLE-aged Swedish engineer wants situation. 20 years' experience, married. 65 Astor St.. Astoria, Or. RELIABLE young college man desires posi tion, anything honest, age 18; excellent references. AF 193. Oregonlan. MAN and wife would rent or run on shares a small farm, near carllne. References exchanged. H 182, Oregonlan. JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANING CO. Cleaning, cooking, waiting, washing, by hour. M. Taka. Phone B 2075. WANTED Position In furniture store: 10 years' experience; references. J. B. Swe gle. General Delivery. HOUSEPAINTER, active young German, wants work. Address AD 179, .Oregonlan. AN HONEST Japanese boy wants house workl L 192, Oregonlan. YOUNG man. capable, intelligent, wants po sition, city or country. C 172, Oregonlan. WANTED By student, place to work for board only. AC 194. Oregonlan. Japanese employment office; furnishes all kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6321. POSITION as fireman with 14 years' ex perience. S 192, Oregonlan. A JAPANESE schoolboy wishes situation, housework. J 190. Oregonlan. JAPANESE young boy wants work at after noon or evening. D 180, Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment Co.; 208 Everett Main 4039. A 4073. JAPANESE strong boy want farm work. D 188. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. EXPERIENCED tenographer desires posi tion, law or railroad office preferred. Knowledge of bookkeeping; good refer ences. Y 192. Oregonlan. PERMANENT position by experienced young lady, stenographer; references. C 191, Oregonlan. YOUNG ladv stenographer and bookkeeper wants permanent position: salary no object. AB 193, Oregonlan. FOR a good stenographer or bookkeeper, ex perienced or beginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. Dressmakers. KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College open Saturday. August 29. 306 Stearns bldg. Every lady calling on that date will re ceive a shirt-waist pattern drafted to her measure free, with full instructions for using. We teach Kelster's system of drafting and making of garments, both fancy and tailored. Call and let us ex plain our plan. WHITE sewing or plain dressmaking. Phone Tabor 867. Domestic. SITUATION wanted. general housework, first-class references, competent worker In general; good home, good wages expected. P 191, Oregonlan. A NORWEGIAN lady desires position In a private boarding-house; small wages re quired. Main 7526. Norse. TRAINED nurse desires more engagements, maternity a specialty; terms to suit rich and poor. Phone East 261. Miscellaneous. MOTHER and son 18 want positions to gether, rooming-house or ranch: accept low wages If good home; capable house keeper, son strong, energetic. C 173, Ore gonlan. WANTED By young lady, business college Btudent. place as companion for lady, or to help with housework mornings and evenings in exchange for room and board. W 192. Oregonlan. POSITION as cashier where cash register Is used. 14 vears' experience, or to tend In bakerv. Address A. M. Collins. 1G.I0 East 13th St., Sellwood. A LADY of experience, ability and excellent taste would like position to manage mil linery department, out of town preferred. V 191, Oregonlan. SUCCESSFUL klndergartner with pleasant home In good neighborhood, will give mother's care to little girl, D 187, Orego nlan. MAPRIED woman would like care of apart ments or' rooming-house. N 179, Orego nlan. WANTED High school girl wants place to work for board. Address M. B., Molalla, Or., R. 1, B. 80. YOUNG lady wants position; cashier, clerk in bakery; three years' experience; refer ence. M 191, Oregonlan. WANTED Little girl to board; best of care; suburban home; $10 month. B 194, Oregonlan. YOUNG "lady wants position in -stock or road show; am experienced; has fine ward robe. C 185, Oregonlan. NEW maternity home, rates reasonable. Phons A 6571. COLORED WOMAN would like washing at home or by day. Mrs. A. C. 403 Flanders. WANTED AGENTS. EXPERIENCED photo coupon agents, first class studio, good seller. 362 Washing ton. . WANTED TO RENT. BORD wanted, c'ose in. moderate price, for 2 ladles with 2 little girls; give phone. J 194. Oregoniao- WANTED Houses to rent, furnished and unfurnished: we nave tenants waiting, xne Spanton Co.. 270 Stark t WANTED To rent homes, cottages, flats.' stores, offices, rooming-house, to. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E. cor.. M and Oak.. Phose Exchange 72. MARRIED lady desires 3 or more partly furnished housekeeping rooms with good family: rent must be reasonable, not upstairs- location near Steel bridge. Phone Woodlawn 1186. 1035 Mallory ave. WANTED Room and board in private fam ily where I can have a home. My lower limbs are paralysed, but I am able to cre for myself. Address, stating location and price. G 192, Oregonlan. 5 TO 8-rnom well furnished flat or house. Inside mile circle; no children; state loca tion, rent, how heated and all other par ticulars first letter; must be reasonable. H 191. Oregonlai. HOUSF3 of 6 or 7 rooms, family with 8 chil dren, modern, furnace, on or before Oct. 1. convenient to school and good car service. $30 limit: give full particulars. A E 191. Oregonlan. WANTED Within 10 or 15 minutes' walk of Inman-Poulsen mill 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping room or small cottage. L 193. Oregonlan. TWO young men want nice rooms within 5 or 6 squares loth and Salmon. Give location and price. AC 193. Oregonlan. WANTED Seven or eight-room house, Nob Hill or Willamette Heights; must be mod ern; references given. R 190. Oregonlan. GOOD location for confectionery and small grocery at once. Phone Main 2515. WANTED By voung man. room and board In private family. H 194, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOB FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to MIL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6655. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d St.. North. Phone Pac. 1722. STUDIO OF "MUSIC AND LANGUAGES" will reopen S.-pt. 1: private or class. 462 Morrison st. Main 2Hrr. ROOMING-HOUSE I will ry cash for rooming-house with not less than 20 rooms; mum have a lease. A Q 192. Oregonlan. WANTED Small plledriver engine in good condition; must be cheap for cash. Lueding haus Bros.. Dryad. Wash. WANTED The address of owner of mala Australian Fox Terrier. F. H. Kramer, 426 Couch. WANTED 1'se of piano, for storage, good . care, no children, reliable parties. AD 178. Oregonlan. WANTED Double flat-top desk, chairs and carpets, suitable for nice office. 6 191. Oregonlan. WANTED Lady 'cello player to Join ladles' orchestra. A 192. Oregonlan. WANTED Second-hand roll-top desk: state) size, price, location. O 190. Oregonlan. SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given. Phone -East 1061. CLOTHING Phone M 161 88 N. 3d. Highest prloa paid; prompt attentlon. WANTED Good drop head sewing machine (cabinet preferred). Phone Main 8458. FOR RENT. Furnllhhed Rooms. HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family Hotel. American or European Plan. Only ten minutes' walk from business center, cor. Grand and Hawthorn, ave. Car passes hotel every minute. Very reasonable rates. Largest coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found any where, with every modern convenience. Large, well-kept lawn. DO you realize that you can get an outside steam-heated, electric-lighted room at The Barton, cor ulth and Alder sts.. for $10 up per month? This house is being re painted, ropapered and put in first-class condition by the new owners. Nice large parlor In connection. Suites, with running water, $22.50 to $35. l THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Ho tel, 830 YamhiJl st.. under new manage ment; an itital place to make your Winter quarters; new fireproof building, with mod ern conveniences. In heart of the city; spe cial rates to permanent guests. A. il. I'racht, Prop. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 5c, 75c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st 8 or 4 WELL-furnlshed rooms; private: nearly new house; all conveniences; good neighborhood; West side: reasonable. Ad dress AB 191. Oregonlan. A 4860. even ings only. Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; dally. 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. "THE RusKi," 115 12th, corner Washing ton, large light rooms, transient. Mrs. Wakely. formerly 503 Alder. Phone A 4252; make reservations. GAYOSO.' Grand ave.. East Stark Well furnished rooms, possessing modern con veniences; steam heat, hot water, eleva tor, baths; very reasonable rates. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. ISth and Wash lngton sts. Newly furnished throughout; new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. 293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; room. $10 per month and up. Phone Mala 4631. THE WILLAMETTE. S22U, Stark St. Large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. Mrs, Hart, manager, A 6192. Main 9017. IN PRIVATE! family, furnished room, con noting bath, hot and cold water, gas, furnace heat, phone, pleasant borne. 609 6lh St. HOTEL KEN YON. 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also - housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable, pacific 496. PACIFIC HOTEL. 2'4 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Eelectrlo depot; running water In all rooms, bath and phone. A 1539; 5c to $1 day. $2.50 to $4 wk. FIRST-FLOOR suite, private bath and toilet, self-lighting gas. fireplace, furnace heat, phone, central, reasonable. J6 N. 17th st. 2SSHL9 13TII ST. Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every conven ience; gOllllcurou LARGS parlor, all conveniences, breakfast if d-elred, private family. 353 12th. Main 8643. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable: new furniture, telephone and baths free. 3-t . Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE AUDITORIUM, 2084 3d ; I1?"-, suites, rooms with private baths; transient or permanent. TWO front rooms, first-class re'dence neigh borhood. 10 minute.-' wa.k from "''om. gentlemen. Phone A 4J. 347 11th st. LARGE furnished front room, suitable for S gentlemen. 1105 South First st. Phone Main 5879. M, COLUMBIA, corner 10th. well furnished 3 rooms; furnace heat gal, bath, phone; walking distance. 26 12TH ST., lovely furnished rooms, $15 'month: running water. thk ANKENY Swell furnished room. $3 to $5; phones and bath. 349 V Ankeny. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient rooma 343 Morrison. Maxwell Hall. 207 14th St. Hot and' cold water, modern; walking distance. M. 1153. THE DORMER. 283 13th Beautiful rooms, porcelain baths, hot water, both phonea THE RANDOLPH, Sd and Columbia: modern rooms, bath. 60c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. ONE large, light, pleasant front room, $8; smaller room. $6; gas. phob.e. 361 14th st LARGE front room furnished suitable for a gentlemen, $4.50 per week. 144 11th St. ONE nicely furnished front room, reason able. 211 Park st. NEWLY-furnlshed rooms, walking distance, 313 3rd St., near Clay st VERY pleasant rooms, good location, walk ing distance, rates reasonable. 305 12th st. Rooms With Board. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for one or two; small private family; excellent board: modern. 212 11th st. SMALL room with good hoard, suitable for one gentleman. 674 Gllsan st. cor, 18th. i i I 1 ; i