Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 24, 1908, Page 10, Image 9

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1 JOB SALE REAL ESTATE. I FOB BA1,- xuuu. "'" I .
DIEV. I I . - I ' I Automobileo.
WILLIAMS IB this city. August 23. at the
rtldenco of hl daughter.
Sutler. 231 Gaines street. Edrard
Williams, aged SO years. Funeral an
nouncement later. '
FHILLIPB In this city August 33. at : the
residence of her sister. Mr. Minnie
Waldstrom. 638 Wasco street. Miss Hazel
Phillips, aged 2S years. 1 month, 6 daja
Funeral announcement later.
Hot Weather Diet;
meat. Vege-
Cafa, loa
6th St.. near Washington.
Idaho, on the main line of the ORE
GON SHORT LINE. 16.000 acres of the
best fruit land In the West will be
thrown open for settlement. The sale
will be conducted under the supervi
sion of the State of Idaho, full protec
tion being guaranteed for title. Easy
terms, low prices, great.
water. Special rates on all railroads.
Call upon
B. S. COOK & CO.,
Corbett Bldg., or Write Main Office.
Boise. Idaho.
Southeast Corner 10th and
Burnside, 88x90, for
Apply on Premises
Portland Real Estate
608 Commercial Block
Corner Second and Washington.
cash will handle a modern brand-new
8-room house on Union avenue, Pied
mont; full lot, east front; swell
neighborhood; balance $3000; terms.
Frank Bollam
128 Third Street.
Lowest rates and terms to suit; spe
cial rates and favorable terms oa large
loans on bualneas properties.
Panda Loaned for Private Investors.
303 McKay Bids., 3d t Stark.
Andrews. F. V. Co.. M 8340, S3 Hamilton M
Baker. Alfred A.. 115 Ablngton bide
Chapln 4 Hertow. 832 Chamber of Commerce.
Cook. B. 8. Co. 603 Corbett bldg.
Cruasley Co.. 708-9 Corbett bldg. M 7633.
Fields. C. E. 4 Co, Board of Trade bmg.
;-ddard. H W . Main and A 1743 110 3d st.
GIUette-Rlgga Land Co, Board of Trade.
Jaaalsgs Co. Main 188. 306 Oregonlaa.
Kinney Stampher. 631-632 Lbr. Ex. M 4434.
Las. M E, room 411 Corbett building.
Kail Von Dorstel. 104 3d St. 362 E Eurnslda
Pslraer. H. P . 318 Commercial Club bldg-
M 8099. A 2853.
Parrlsh. Watklna Co.. 350 Alder st.
Richardson. A. B, 221 Com. Club Bldg.
Bcbalk. Geo. !.. 284 Stark st. Main 392. A 393
Sharker. J. P. 4 Co, 122 H Sixth St.
Bwensson, A, F. Co, 263 Vs Washington St.
The Oreson Reel Estate Co, 88 Third St.
Holladay Addition.)
Veteran Land Co, 823 Chamber of Commsrcs
Waddel. W. O, ao I.nmber Exchange bldg.
Whits. B. F, 227 H Washington st.
Wm. Wolfeteln n oved real estate office
21 3 Couch bldg. Call If looking for bar
gains. ,
8 ROOMS, new and strictly modern, close
In. beet rarllne In city; only $-"750; see
this and you will want It. Call 513 Cham
ber Commerce.
S3OO0 WORTH more money, modern 7-room
house. East Everett st, 2 rarllnes. full lot.
lawn, roses, fruit trees. $1230 cash. Hav.
erstlc A Gallagher., Washington at.
MODERN 8-room house. West lde. fire
place, furnace: hardwood floors; cement
basement. Easy terms
W. L ROBB. S31 Qulmby St.
11500 7-ROOM modern house, on Wasco
St.. near Irvlngton. lot 60x100; terms.
Call at office and we will show it to you.
The Span ton Co, 270 Stark st.
HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city:
acreage close In and farms In Oregon and
Washington. Phone Slain 44?. Kinney 4
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
10H ACRES, garden land, cleared, near
electric and S. P. station, good 8-room
house and bam.; a snap, (3000; terms. 209
Commercial blk.
ON EAST terms, 8-room house In Irvlngton,
has basement, attic. hard-wood floors.
Phone East 276 or call 717 Broadway.
WELL-BUILT 7-room house, fractional lot.
walking distance. West Side; price $1900.
terms easy. Owner. 505 Everett St.
J HAVE a fine home on carllne to trade for
improved acreage; not over, a mile from
cars. AB 171. Oiegonlan.
500 FOR choice acre tract. West Side; lays
fine: easy terms. M. E. Lee. room 411
Corbett bldg.
$3000 Modem 4-room house, centrally lo
cated, near new High School. Inquire 691
East Washington.
I240O Beautiful home, comer. $30o; i
raontniy. o ciucki Kum nswiooriw,
44th. Dr. Darling.
FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, easy
terms; 459 Mechanic St.; take Woodlawn
FINE building lot near Hawthorne ave. for
$430: easy terms. M. E. Lee. room 411.
Corbett bldg.
SIGHTLY, modem T-room house on West
Side: easy terms. Call room 40 Washing
ton bldg.
EM ALL tracts within 6 miles of Court House,
near Canyon, Cornell and Barnes roads;
$100 per acre. 326 Lumber Exchange.
1750 Beautiful lot on Broadway st, near
2th; Improved street; title perfect. 416
Chamber Commerce.
MODERN 8-room house at 437 Larrabee et
Call Richmond 151.
VW DOWN. 8 rooms: snap: good location,
80H 3d. room 8. Swank. Pacific 1756.
AT HOOD RIVER An 8-room house, lot
100x100, make offer. W 177. Oregonian.
WOODLAWN lot on graded street. $450;
easy tarms. O 174. Oregonian.
$3400 My beautiful home. will be sold
this week; the neatest and most homelike
on the market. 7 rooms and bath, tinted
and frescoed, furnace, wash trays, cement
floor in basement, cement walks and
strictly modern throughout. beautiful
lawn and roses; don't buy until you see
this; terms. Owner, 1060 E. Madison st,
bet 35th and 88th st. Phone Tabor 1153.
B 2128.
FOR SALE or rent. 5-room house, large
bam. grounds 100x300; free water. all
kinds of fruit Just getting ripe; good car
service; price 33000. terms.
8-room cottage, comer lot 110x100. small
bam. good fence, house wired, good car
service; price $1600. terms.
531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4488.
$1950 buvs a good 6-room house and lot.
60x100.' In Brooklyn; Improved streets, close
In, block from Brooklyn school, two blocks
from Engine Hall, aoceee to two carllnes;
several bearing fruit trees: good neighbor
hood: barn. If Interested phone Main 7225.
between 13 and 1.
3 ROOMS, patent toilet, well plastered, lot
loo hy 105. fenced with woven wtre. pro
fusion of bearing grapes, berries and
young fruit, electricity, with fixtures, etc,
right close to car, all for 170O; $30O cash
and terms; see If you can beat this. Call
513 Chamber Commerce.
MODERN 4-room house. Just completed;
fireplace, electric and gas fixtures: full
cetrwnt basement: new lawn: 10-mlnute
car ride to center of city: a beautiful little
home: can be had on easy payments.
415 Commercial Club Bldg.
With sllevs; good car service: 25 min
uter ride from 3d and Yamhill sta; price
$140 each, terms. Owner, S 180.
Oregonian. m
J3000 Beautiful home. 9 rooms, full
lot. etc.; basement, laundry equipments,
etc.; $3000 cash, balance terms to suit.
Bv owner. Multnomah Investment 4
Realty Co., 1019-21 Board of TTade. Phone
Main 6066.
One of the prettiest homes on the Heights,
a half block of highly improved ground,
with fins view.
606 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 1963. A 1227.
20 ACRES on main county road near sta
tion, less than mile from carllne: level,
and all clear and In cultivation; fine for
fruit or walnuts; no rock or gravel; $1j0
Der acre.
Room 3. Chamber of Commerce.
Very choice view property for sale close
to car and very reasonable.
606 Chamber" of Commerce.
Main 1963. A 1227.
6 ROOM'S, new, well plastered, large bath,
toilet, closets, etc, right close to car;
wood sidewalks, all for 1600; 3600 cash
and terms; see this and compare It with
anything else offered you. Call 613 Cham
ber Commerce.
New. modern 5-room bungalow near
carllne: lot 50x100: price $2400. $100
cash, balance $15 per month.
Room 3. Chamber of Commerce.
$28O0. one of the grandest homes In this
neighborhood. 6 rooms, corner lot 60x83:
cash $2800, balance terms. By onfr.
Multnomah Investment 4 Realty Co, 1019
Board of TTade. Main 5066.
5-ROOM house, lot 50x100, $200 cash. $15
per month; 6-room house, lot 60x100. $100
cash, $17 per month; will build to suit
you on easy payments. Multnomah Inv.
Realty Co, 1019-21 Board of Trade
bldg, 4th and Oak sts. Phone Main 5006.
A BEAUTIFUL home at a bargain; a new,
modern 6-room house, reception hall, full
basement, terraced lawn, cement walks,
frulf trees In beating, one block to car,
in North Alblna, $3800; $1400 cash. A
1S2, Oregonian.
100x150. Lexington Heights; high, level
and clear: one block from oar: $800.
Room 3. Chamber of Commerce.
$2200 for a whole block In Woodstock,
all in highest state of cultivation; house,
barn, lots of fruit: S block, 5-cent cars.
F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison St.
$200 for an Irrigated farm. $10 down
and $10 per month; ask me about it.
Thos. McCusker. 205 Couch bldg. Main
10 acres 2-year walnuts, fine location,
on carllne; only $250 per acre.
Room 8, Chamber of Commerce.
$3650 TAKES one of the prettiest homes in
Alblna, 6 large rooms, modern and up-to-date:
fine neighborhood; everything first
class; terms.
C. B. LUCAS. 822 Corbett bldg.
THE most unique home In the city; not
for the ordinary person, but would Just
suit some one; $2500. easy terms.
Room 3. Chamber of Commerce.
$3750 6-room modem house on East Ankeny,
west ol 24U1 St.; uituiw - ." "
lawn: location the best; terms If desired.
C. B. LUCAS. 822 Corbett bldg.
A BARGAIN New modem 6-room cottage,
easy payments, only $16 per month; nice
home: near carllne; must go next few days.
By owner. Phone B 1066.
$3oo CASH, $20 per month. 6-room. modern
house. " blocs rrom cr; jinc.
This Is a bargain. 29 Taylor St. Laurel
wood. Mt. Scott car.
A LOT. 50x100. on Brooklyn st, with
shanty, plumbing. $S50 by owner. 873
Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood 1042, Wiv
erly Heights.
Rents houses, collects rents, sells country
and city realty, timber lands, notaries pub
lic. A 4321. 204 Mohawk bid. Main 5607.
CORNER. 40x65. Broadway and E. 7th: Im
provements good and all paid; $1550. all
or half cash. Culver. 623 Chamber of
Commerce. .
WHY PAY RENT? $150 cash, balance to
suit, buys a modem 5-room cottage, near
rarllne. A. S. Draper, room 32, Lafayette
bldg, cor. ttth and Washington.
8-ROOM modem house with bam. lot Box
125 In Upper Alhlna. close to car: reduced
from $3iX to $3B0i for quick ears, half
cash See owner. 325 Lumber Exchange.
CORNER lot and large house, $3000: two
cottages. 209 and 211 Glbbs st, $3000:
South Portland, pays 11 per cent. Owner,
Ml Front st.
200 BEAUTIFUL. well built. 7-room
house, on comer lot. close in: terms.
Call at office and we will show It to
you. The Spanton Co, 270 Stark st-
TWO new 5-room bungalow cottages on
South ave, Midway; $:00 down, small
monthly payments. Sellwood car. 581
South ave.
SPLENDID 8-room house. $2750; $250 cash,
balance like rent. Webb, 380 East Wash
ington st. .
A MODERN 6-room house In a nice neighbor
hood a short distance from carllne; $1700,
terms. 272 Stark at.
15000 Beautiful home. Holladay Addition:
furnace fireplace and other conveniences;
walking distance. 416 Chamber Commerce.
GOOD 10 per cent net Investment on $12,500;
four residences; rental; new.. C 1.1. Ore
gonian. ACREAGE lO or 20 acres choice land east
of Montavilla. $173 per acre. P 163.
Oregonian. -
i;on WILL buy 2 acres. aU improved,
part In orchard. 1 miles) southwest from
Lents. 325 Stark st.
ACRE Absolutely clear and level; near Mt,
Scott carllne; $1200, half cash. 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
$200 BUYS a farm and a lot with a waranty
deed; will treble in less than a year. See
Stevenson 4 Taylor. 2S6tt Washington st.
IRV1NGTON 50x100 lot. modem 8-room
house, never occupied- $7500 cash. Owner,
K G. Lundxtrom. 431 Worcester bldg.
U INTEREST in a 10-e.cre tract platted,
Zella- Gossett, ths Riverside Offlce. St. John
$2100 5-room modem cottage. 50xl42-foot lot:
u cash, balance terms. Call 4f9 Mechanic
st, near Union ave. Take Woodlawn car.
FOR SALE 60-room hotel, $12,000; a snap.
Call owner by phone. A 25ET.
SEVEN-ROOM modem house; large corner
lot,, with fruit. 906 East YamhlU St.
Swell new home, 8 rooms, hardwood
floors, tiled kitchen, tiled both and toilet,
fireplace, furnace, cement basement, elec
tric and gas fixtures, with billiard room,
30x40, frescoed . all over, garage and
stable, select location; $000; terms. 445
E 15th st. N, between Tillamook and
Thompson. Irvlngton.
We are offering the best thing In acre
or half acre tracts in Portland; water
mains laid and terms of only $10 cash
aad $10 per month.
110 2d St,
FOR SALE New 2-storj, 6-room house.
Brooklyn Heights, full concrete basement,
stationary washtubs. wood lift, piped for
furnace: Winter's wood; halls, combina
tion fixtures, large pantry, hot and cold
water. Bull Run water, large porches, east
facing, splendid view. 80 minutes walk to
business center. 2 blocks to carllne. school
and stores; will include all new furniture
If desired and sell on small payment down,
balance like rent; this Is exceptionally
good buy and will sell on sight; you will
pay no commission and get full va ue for
your money. For particulars Inquire II
160. Oregonian.
3 ACRES. ONLY $1720,
On time payments; can grow anything;
spring well alone Is worth the monty.
17 minutes- ride on new electric line; also
living water rur.ning all the time. .J"9'
the place for chickens and ducks; also
valuable for platting Into lots if you want
to do so. 1400 feet from depot; lots sell
ing further away for $350. If you hurry
you can get this.
83 H Third Street -
I will give away, free, one building lot
In Hyde Park Addition to any one who
will bring me a customer for one of my
new 5-room bungalows on Sellwood car
line; $250 down. $25 per month, by owner.
Multnomah Investment 4 Realty Co, 1019
21 Board of Trade bldg, 4th and Oak sts.
Phone Main 5006.
FOR SALE cheap, H block in warehouse
district. 404 E. 11th St. E 8578.
I have from 640 to 30.0(10 acres of Alberta
agricultural land, ranging In price from $9
to $18 per acre; I will sell this land In
tracts to suit, and will take as part or as
a whole Improved or unimproved property.
For further Information see Geo. W. Tur
ner, '415-16 Rothchlld bldg.
ICE cream parlors, confectionery, cigars and
tobacco; nice, clean, up-to-date stock of
staple and fancy groceries, pool-room for
ladles and gentlemen, two nearly new
pool tables; everything In beet of condl
i tion; trade for suburban cottage or acre
age. Address 517 Villa ave, Montavilla.
32S ACRES, 160 cleared, well fenced and
cross-fenced, well watered, house, barns
and outbuildings, good soil; only $40 per
acre; might exchange for Portland prop
erty. For information call 613 Chamber
60 ACRES In Willamette Valley, close to
railroad, 26 miles from Portland; good plas
tered house, with attic and cellar, orchard,
creek and good well; 30 acres In cultiva
tion; $6500; will take house up to $4000,
balance mortgage. 325 Lumber Exchange.
43 ROOMS new steam-heat brick rooming
house and good location, lease and reason
able rent; only $3000; "will accept good
house and lot; this Is a safe proposition;
come and see. 613 Chamber Commerce.
WILL trade suburban lots, close to carllne,
6c fare, 20 minutes ride from city, for
second-hand automobile 4n good con
dition, seating 5 people. Call 231 Wor
cester or Phone M 3-53.
160 ACRES excellent fruit land 1 mile from
Colfax, Cal, railroad Junction: Use soli and
water: $0 per acre; will trade for Oregon
or Washington real estate. 326 Lumber
$3000 EQUITY In double flats In fine condi
tion extra large lot; will trade this for
acreage or vacant lots. Call 513 Chamber
JL $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm
traot to trade toward Portland home or
business property. Flank Lee. 14754
Front st.
TO EXCHANGE $400 lot, 1 block from oar-
line. 20 minutes rrom city, lor nrst payment
on house built on same, monthly payments,
and Interest. A 184, Oregonian.
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
buy, sell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to Stevenson 4 Taylor,
2S6H Washington, room 811.
14 BLOCK on West Side; Improved and
bringing about $450 a month; $35,000. $5000
cash, $15,000 In trade, balance mortgage.
825 Lumber Exchange.
GROCERY STORE Good' trade and loca
tion. West Side, $500; will trade for real
estate In city or near by. 826 Lumber Ex
change. ROOMING-HOUSE. 30 rooms, paying well,
exchange for city property, $1500. Hat
field. 165 V4 4th st.
FOR SALE or exchange, confectionery. Ice
cream, lunch business; value $3000; terms.
O 174. Oregonian.
WHAT have you to trade or exchanger W. M. Cn 1& Lumber Exchftnr
bldg, 2d and Stark.
$700 EQUITY la suburban homeslts for a
desirable reeidesce corner. Steven. Main
136, Sellwood 923.
10 ACRES at Clackamas station, all cleared:
good house and barn; $45o0; will take house
In exchange. 325 Lumber Exchange.
80 TO 480 acres In Moeler-Dalles district, to
trade for Portland city or suburban prop
erty. S 179. Oregonian.
UNIMPROVED farm lands, on Columbia
River, good soil, for clys property. 327
Worcester bldg.
IF you want to buy. sell or trade anything,
call 326 Lumber Exchange.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith,
404 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED Seven or eight-room house, frac
tional corner lot preferred, north of Grant
st. West Side; won't look at old shacks.
Can pay up to $3300 cash and $3300
Omaha Telephone bonus. with stock
bonus. Address R 183. Oregonian.
WANT to buy good 10-room modern house
In Nob Hill or equally good section on
West Side: will pay neighborhood of
$16 000 cash. In reply state exact loca-
tion with price. D 184, Oregonian.
CITY real estate and farm land wanted:
we have buyers for bargains; will deal
only with ownera 403 Wella-Fargo bldg.
A B OR 6-room hcuse. Improved lot, on East
Side, not over $2600; state location. X
18L Oregonian.
WANTED Vacant lot between Williams
aad Mississippi avenues. Murdock 4
Young. 407 Buchanan bldg.
WANT B or 6-room cottage, near car, cheap;
owners only. A D 172, Oregonian.
WHAT have yon for saleT Purse, 823 Cham
ber of Commerce.
MYSELF and associates will buy from own
ers only, timber lands from quarter sec
tion up to 10,000-acre tracts. Give loca
tion, amount of timber and price in
answer. , O 17$. Oregonian.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. MoCracken
804 McKay bldg.
XO 'a
Three and six-room flat new; $1.60 per
room per month, and new five-room cottage,
$10 per month; Weet Side, south. C. H.
PIggott. owaer, lawyer,, room 4 Mulkey
bldg. Both phones.
WANTED Good ifarm In exchange for In
come property. West Side; pays over 9
per cent. M. E. Lee, room 411, Corbett
160 acres, 10 miles from Myrtle Creek.
Or, .complete set of logging camp build
ings. 230.000 feet timber and creek; no
rocks, large stock range. E. H. Klttredge,
Myrtle Creek. Or.
FIRST-CLASS farm 60 acres, rich level bottom
land, all in cultivation. 1 mile to station and
electric carline; fine 10-room plastered
house, windmill, 2 good bams, 2 hophousee,
spreader, bailer and large tank, mower,
rake, cultivator, 4 good wells, 10 acres in
hops, trellised and wired: fine orchard, good
fences: buildings cost $5000. A fine dairy
farm; must be sold to settle estate. Price
$7750. T. H. Littlehalee, Forest Grove, Or.
150 acres all in cultivation and every
foot of It good land, lays line, well
drained and Salem Electric line runs
through the land; It's a bargain, a sure
winner; you can make 50 per cent on
th Investment in six months. For par
ticulars call at my office. Geo. W. Turn
er. 415-16 Rothchild bldg.
I HAVE a number of small apple tracts, 10
to 70 acres, located one and two miles
from Columbia River and the North-Bank
Railroad a Underwoods, opposite Hood
River; $40 per acre and upwards. Will
produce peaches, apples, strawberries and
other small fruits In perfection, realising
highest prices. Write me for particulars.
110 2d . st, Portland. Or
820O Oregon Valley farm, near Lnke
vlew, together with a building lot, $2"0;
finest land on earth; terms $10 down, bal
ance $10 per month. Multnomah Invest
ment & Realty Co. 1019-21 Board of Trade,
4lh and Oak. Phone Main 6066.
DON'T write a letter: buy a one-fare re
turn ticket: see 160 acres, house, barn, 28
cattle, hay, line little valley home, good
neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250
cash, balance $1050, on ten years time if
desired, at 5 per cent Interest. O. Middle
kauff, Yaqulna. Or.
For city property, 160 acres A-l wheat
land located at Gooseberry. Or, the cream
wheat-raising belt of Morrow County; no
Irrigation; about 110 acres Spring grain in
this year: will sacrifice for cash; If Inter
ested address T 170. Oregonian.
FOR SALE By owner. 10 acres, all cleared,
excellent fruit or garden land, mile
from Forest Grove electric line and two
miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500.
This Is a bargain. Address P. O. box 314,
Forest Grove, Or.
FOR SALE 10 acres choice land, most In
cultivation, new buildings, 8H milts from
Portland; near carline, $2750. $1500 cash.
For particulars address owner, J. E. Nel
son. Hillsdale, Or, R. F. D. No. 2, box
117A. . '
CHOICE fruit and almond land In the
famous Goodnoe Hills, on- North Bank
road; no irrigation; no failures; 10 acres
will make you independent; easy pay
ments. 616 Commercial block.
PARTIES wanting Information Willamette
Valley, the garden spot of Oregon, call and
get booklets. Willamette Valley Information
Bureau, 312 Bd. of Trade, cor. 4th 4 Oak sts.
85 ACRES 5 miles from McMlnsvllIe; 6-room
houee and barn, good bearing orchard, fine
water, good roads; 32100, half cash. 325
Lumber Exchange.
WHO wants the best farm In the Wlllam
, ette Valley? For particulars call upon
or write Connell. Long 4 Imbrle. Hllls
boro. Or.
DAIRY and milk route. 7-room house, large
barn, 2Vi acres, well Improved, $4200;
about half cash, rest terms. 315 Villa ave.
GRAIN farms, stock farms, sheep grazing
land, any amount you want, $6 to $25.
404 E. 11th st. E 3578.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to
Portland. 327 Worcester block. .
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem. Or.
WE are practical timber dealers, with per
sonal knowledge of the best timber tracts
in the Northwest; can give reliable Infor
mation and correct values of large or
small tracts.
636 Chamber of Commerce. .
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone
Main 4486. Kinney 4 Stampher. 531-32
Lumber Exchange .bldg.
$30,000 WILL handle Columbia River logging
chance; timber first-claee yellow fir; don
key will haul direct to deep water: stump
age price $1.60 per M. AB 183, Ore
gonian. $2000 TAKES 4.000,000 feet of first-class
, yellow fir timber on the Alsea River.
Kinney 4 Stampher. 531-2 Lumber Ex.
TIMBER lands In tracts to suit, from 160
acres to thousands of acres; see what I
have to offer. C. J. McCracken, 304 Mc
Kay bldg.
RELINQUISHMENT In Slletx, guarantee
7,000,000 feet. $1750. X 180, Oregonian.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
One pair of brown chunks, 7 and 8
years old, weight 2SU0. One bay driving
mare. 6 years old, weight 1100. One pair
of blacks, a horse and mare, 6 and 8 years
old, weight 26O0. This is an exceptionally
nice, all-around team. One sorrel mare,
weight 1350, works single or double. 4
head of delivery horses, from 5 to 8 years
old, weight from 1100 to 1300. One pair
of gray horses, weight 2000. with set of
harness complete; price $125. One bay
horse, weight 900. perfectly gentle to ride
or drive single or double.
26 N. 15th St.
FOR SALE Team horses, weight about
1000 pounds each: also new light express
wagon and new harness; price $275. In
quire at room 200 Oregonian bldg, or call
or address A. P. Langenberg, Clackamas.
A SNAP, one span of horses, weight 2700
pounds, set' of new hand-made harness
and 84 Mltchall wagon, nearly new. J.
Schilling. 13 Hlbbard st, Montavilla.
FOR SALE One span of bay horses, sound
and gentle, to work to anything; weight
3100. Address P. L. Kenady, Woodburn,
GOOSENECK trucks, butcher, grocery, and
bakery wagons, buggies of all kinds,
horsea harness and saddles, for sals or
rent. 211 Washington.
TEAM of horses (bays), also young team
(roe-ns), or will trade either span for
larger horse; must be A No. 1. F. G.
Broetje, Mt Tabor.
HORSE, harness and buggy for sale at a
bargain. 956 Williams ave. House phone
C 1948.
36 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
' tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert 4 Hall. 266 4th St.
ONE bay horse, weight about 1600 lbs.; sound
and well broke. Anderson Bros, 241 Jeffer
son st.
FOR SALE On Wednesday, August 28, one
span horses, weighing 2100 pounds; ages
4 and 6. Call 211 Washington St.
$140 takes a young horse, harness and
buggy, or will sell separately. Phone A
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
NEW Babcock trap, cost $275; sell for $125
with harness. 445 E. 15th st. N.
FOR BALE Young team draft horsea Ap
ply 808 Davis St. -
AUTOMOBILE for sale; Stevens Duryes, 4
cyllnder, with top, lamps, Gabriel horn,
clock, extra tires and tubes, etc.; guaran
teed to be Is first-class condition; $1300.
L 123, Oregoslan
AUTOMOBILE Big. fine 7-pa-senger car, A-l
shape, for sale or trade for real estate; will
pay or accept difference. Merrill, 108 7th
st, afternoons.
BARGAIN 30 h. p. 4-cyllnder 5-passenger
car in fine condition; also 15 h. p. Ford
runabout cheap. Hartman, 46 2d st.
WANTED Runabout, sew or second-hand.
Address, stating condition and best price,
H 94, Oregonian.
80 HORSE-POWER four-cq-Jinder Cadillac,
ftrst-claes' condition; $1400. Portland Mo
tor -Car Co, 626 Aider st.
FORD runabout automobile, good car, rea
sonable. 403 Corbett bldg.
PHYSICIAN'S chair, $7.50: good sewing
machine. $5; couches, $1; white maplo
bedroom suite, dresser, commode, and
bed. $12.50; $45 Charter Oak steel range,
$25: 4-hole gas range. $7.50: 3-burner
New Perfection blue Heme - stove, '.
camp stoves. 75c; tents. $3.50 up to $12.50;
' $37.50 solid oak sideboard, $15; heavy
oak extension table. $12.50; quartered on k
hall rack. $7.75; Iron beds. $2; folding
beds. $5; $18 quartered tak sectional
' book case. $13.50; extra large chiffonier.
$15. We furnish houses throughout with
first-class or good scond-hand furni
ture. Everything guaranteed. Western
Salvage Co, 20th and Washington sta
Main 1108, or A 3793.
CORRUGATED sheet Iron roofing, brand
new, both In galvanized or black painted.
In all sixes. Get our prices and savs
847-353 Glisan st, N. E. cor. Sth St.
FOR SALE Milch cows, fire having de
stroyed our barns, we offer for sale about
50 head of select milch cows. Jerseys and
grades, some fresh now and others to be
come fresh during the Winter. Oak Grove
Crearnerie. ficappooee. Or.
FOR SALE New and -eeond-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: w- rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruuswick-Balke-Collender.
49 Third at.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000.
parties Interested call Maglnnis 4 Son,
403-4 McKay bldg.
LAUNCH 21 feet, Sheffield engine, good
condition; make offer. Apply Mrs. Labile,
houseboat, south end Jefferson-st. station,
or T 172. Oregonian.
BEAR HOUNDS, old established pack,
hunted 12 years by Mordeeal Jones.
This pack has killed over 100 bearB. Ad
dress E. Fish. Husum. Wash.
NEARLY new View Camera with fine
lenses and complete outfit; also one assay
er's scale, made by Christian Becker, very
cheap. ' Call room 9, Washington bldg.
FOR SALE OR RENT, Logging and Hoist
ing engines, rails, cars, etc Railway
Equipment Co, 74 1st. A 2363, Main 2363.
SPACE on walls of nlckelodlon for rent,
22x22 inches, $2 per month. Model Nickel
odlon. 09 N. 3d.
OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old
instruments always on hand. L. Winters,
818 Til ford bldg, 10th and Morrison sta
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at loweat market prices. Hoover, 313- Water
st. Phone Main 7451.
HOUSEBOAT for sale, trade or rent; finest on
the river, at a bargain. -Merrill, 108 7th,
NEW wheelbarrow, grindstone, tools, black
smith and carpenter. Inquire 6 Park st,
mornings. No second-hand need apply.
31-ft. full cabin launch, newly painted.
Price $325. 205 1st st.
DEER HUNTING to rent on 2400 acres to
responsible people only; no clubs. Ad
dress K 171. Oregonian.
$65.00 -Baker hammerless shotgun, 12
gauge, for sale cheap; in A-l order. 86
5th st.
CHILD'S CRIB, mattress, chair, wicker go
cart, cheap. 2S0 12th st.
FOR SALE Remington typewriter, nearly
new, good condition. AE 153. Oregonian.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165V4 4th st.
BARGAIN $350 for hoisting engine. 12 horse
power. Apply phone Main 3S26.
100 SHARES United Wlrelefs preferred stock
at $14. -Phone Main 7732. 243 Chapman et.
2 Head Fallers $3.00
2 Second Fallers 2.73
4 Buckers 2.50
3 Snipers - o(l
10 Laborers, log camp 2-26
4 Wool Bucks 2-O0
3 Signal Boys 1.75
10 Mill and Yard Men 2.iKr
1 Planer Man 3 00
4 Bridge Carpenters 2.73
23 Laborers, city 2.00
New Jobs every day, if you want work
see Canadian Employment Co, 21 North
Second street. Phone. Main 3074.
For graduates last year: men and
women to learn barber trtde In elgh:
weeks; .help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert In
structor; tools free; write for catalogua
Molor System of Colleges. 83 N. 4th st,
Portland. Or.
WANTED Baker, all. round on cake and
bread, only clean, sober men wanted: will
pay on the start $12 per week. Including
board and lodging; the right men can
make more, only day work. C. Rohman,
WANTED At once, two first-class bench
hands, must be quick workers and under
stand Oregon methods and detail work.
Furnish own tools. Apply to Central Plan
ing Mill, Corvallla, Or.
WANTED Reliable man for well paying
employment agency, old established, froe
rent. $250 required. Particulars Pacific
Business Exchange, 303 14 Washington st,
suite 4.
GOOD traveling salesman to travel Eastern
Oregon; also to make Willamette Valley
towns: real estate proposition ; big wages
to right parties. Address X le2. Orego
nian. C. K. HANSEN, JR.
Employment Offlce Men s Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1626.
Help free to employers.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking. En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly;
learn the business In short time; easy work;
leseona reasonable. Particulars, Newman,
293 Burnside.
FIVE good real estate salesmen wanted at
once. Will pay best commission paid In
the city of Portland; good live proposition.
Address S 182, Oregonian.
GOOD honest hustler, with small capital,
can secure interest in real estate business
' that will pay $150 month. Particulars
818 Allsky bldg, 3d and Morrison.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; con
tracts cashed immediately upon acceptance.
Cathollo and German magazines.. 603
Goodnough bldg.
WANTED AU round printer for work on
country weekly; good money and good
opening for right party. Address Two
Rivers Tribune, Two Rivers. Wash.
WANTED One more practical mattress
maker at the W. H. Burtless Lounge &
Mattress Factory. 811 J. St, Sacramento,
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De
kum .bldg.
FIRST-CLASS men to write health and ac
cident Insurance. Union Guarantee Assn.,
Commercial Club bldg, Sth and Oak sta
For Men 250 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 5694.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers
and stenographers. Commercial Abstract
Co, 408 Commercial Club bldg, 301 Oak Bt.
WANTED Special men for outside work,
$2 per day. Apply In own handwriting. S
173. Oregonian.
12 North 2d st Both Phonea
MILKMAN wanted, one who can make butter
and care for chickens. Apply afternoons,
Merrill, 108 7th st.
SALESMEN, dry goods, shoes, country, dress
goods, bookkeeper and stenographer, city.
P. A. 4 C. Co, 323Va Washington st.
PORTLAND Law School Is In session all
the year, enter now. 630 Worcester
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. . PaciHo 2183.
WANTED 20 teams at once for R. R. work.
Room 414. Chamber Commerce.
WANTED At once, at Sargent Hotel, cap
able elevator boy; references required.
WANTED A wood turner and band sawyer.
Oregon City Mill 4 Lumber Co.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency, 289 Burnside st. Main !309.
BARBER wanted to open a 1-chalr shop.
Address K 174. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class broom-tyers. Wash
ington Broom Factory, Epokaae, Wash. j
FIRST-CLASS salesmen wasted for Oregon
to sell a line of specialties. Including bot
tle coolers, to spring water distributers and
dispensing coolers to manufacturers of fruit
ciders and other still beveragea: liberal
proposition to man with proper references.
Address J. B. K, care George Batten Co,
II East 24th at. New York.
WANTED Experiftced real estate sales
men to sell building lots In one of best
additions' to city, improvements in. ex
cellent values; we pay large commissions,
also expenses; state how long -In city,
give last employer, phone, etc, in first
letter. AE 170. Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable partner for a first
class real estate business, averaging
monthly $1000; $60 weekly guaranteed;
also unlimited profits; best reference re
quired: trial allowed right party. Par
ticulars Pacific Business Exchange, 303 4
Washington st, suite 4.
TWO first-class porters: must have refer
ences. Applv superintendent Portland
Commercial Club, 5th and Oak sts.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School, 2.10
240 8th st, San Francisco.
EXCEPTIONAL offer to bright young man
with small capital to learn reliable estab
lished, big-paying business; investigate this.
Angeles. 411 Commonwealth bldg, 6th and
WANTED Messenger boy, good wages. T
183. Oregonian.
4 Cooks
3 Waitresses
3 2d Girls
2 Pantry Girls
lO General Housework
$30. $40
SO, 40
20, . 30
20. 25
20. 35
2 Housekeepers
12. 15
St. Louis Ladles Agency. Main 2039. A
2S24. 200 '4 4th St.
EXPERIENCED salesladies for glove depart
ment: permanent positions; state where and
length of time In previous poaltions; al-o
salary expected. Address Box AB 184,
848ft Wash, st, cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2A92.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city and state; good money. Call
room 508 Merchants Trust bldg, 8th and
Washington Bt
COMPETENT dressmaker for high-class trade
to run establishment on commission basis;
must have executive ability. AB 177, Ore
gonian. A NEAT, experienced girl to assist with
housework and care for baby; no cooking:
kind treatment and good ealary; references
preferred. Call 680 Tillamook st. I car.
COMPETENT girl to do cooking and general
housework in small family; no washing.
769 Marshall St. Main 2917.
STENOGRAPHER Small wages, good place
for commercial experience. Monarch
Agency, 231 Stark.
Ladles' iJepartment 206 H Morlson st.
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
3 adults. Apply mornings, 440 Williams
WANTED Competent cook for out of town:
private family; good wages. Apply 550
Hoyt st.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home, good
pay; instruction free. Call 452 Washing
ton st.
84SH Washington st, corner 7th, upstairs
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Girl for plain cooking, washing:
family of two. Call Monday morning from
9 to 12. 144 North lllth. Wages $25.
GIRL for general housework and cooking;
family of 4: $25 per month; no washing.
Phone East 3R34.
WANTED Competent cook In private fam
ily, good wagei. no wasMng. no house
work. 772 Marshall. Phone. Main 82S1.
WANTED Refined, capable womnn for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co , 603 Roth
chlld bldg, 4th and Washington.
Washington st, room 307. phone Main
8S36, A 3266.
WANTED Girl for general' housework:
must be experienced cook; two In family.
Apply mornings, 775 Kearney.
WANTED A girl for genera! housework;
small family and good wages. Address
Phone Tabor 7325.
STENOGRAPHER, understands bookkeep
ing; state terms, experience and refer
ences. S 1S3, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for general housework In
family of three: must be experienced. Ap
ply mornings, 794 Lovejoy at.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three. Phone East 370, 601 E.
Taylor st.
WANTED Girl or woman to do general
housework In small country hoteL Ad
dress R. Moslacher, Kent. Or.
HIGH SCHOOL graduate, able to teach
Latin, can secure desirable position In
academy. Write S. Berchmans. Sandy, Or.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; must be good cook. 6S3
WANTED Millinery apprentice, good op
portunity to learn thoroughly. Nonpariel,
124 Seventh st.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages, good home. 195 Union, near Hol
laday. NEAT girl, wait on table, assist with house
work; no cooking. 452 Morrison. Call
CATHOLIC ladies, write or call: light work,
short or long hours; references. 603 Qood
noagh bldg.
WANTED Good cook. Apply 245 St. Clare
WANTED A pantry girl at Winters' Res
taurant. 230 1st st.
MILLINERY lessons given; positions as
sured: terms reasonable. 375 Stark st.
WANTED Operators and finishers on
pants, steady work. 109 2d st, room 2.
WANTED Millinery apprentices. Frakes, 409
COMPETENT cook, family of 3; keep second
girl. Fiat 2, 362 Third St.
WANTED Competest girl for general house
work and cooking. Apply 216 N. 23th St.
WANTED Girl to do cooking and assist
with housework at 826 Everett St.
Wanted Expert hairdresser and wlgmaker;
high ealary. Apply room 4. Beverly.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 327
12th st.
WANTED 1OO0 hopplckers to pick 600 acres
of hops; big crop; fine accommodations:
bakery, butcher shop, restaurant, grocery
store, dancing pavilion, beauttful camping
ground; low excursion railroad rates. We
pay $1 per hundred. No charge for the
Job. For further particulars apply to Krebs
Bros, room 611-612 Worcester bldg, cor.
Oak and 3d. Office hours. 8 to 8 P. M.;
Sundays. 9 to 1 P. M. Tel. Main 2963 and
A 4913.
SOMETHING new for boys and girls to
work on during vacation; can easily make
from $1 to $2 a day; age from 12 to 18
years. 416 Marquam bldg.
CATHOLICS everywhere, make big profits
getting subscribers Catholic and German
magazines. Benedictine Press, Goodnough
SPECIAL shorthand classes, any system:
secure positions. -Business University, 68
3d St. Phone Main 4604.
HOPPICKERS wanted. Room 202 Falling
bldg, 3d and Washington.
Bookkeepers and Clerks,
EXPERIENCED ledger clerk desires posi
tion with large concern; seven years' ex
perience. References. Address S 175
SITUATION wanted in real estate office by
young man with eight years' experlonce
as bookkeeper and salesman. Address R
1S1 Oregonian.
MALE stenographer wants position. Four
years' experience; can furnish references
If necessary. M 173, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or other
clerical work; town or country; references.
B 173, Oregonian.
A-l BOOKKEEPER and accountant seeks
permanent position, experienced as head
bookkeeper, office manager, etc.; best of
references. Address "Accountant,' Box
249. Denver. Colo.
A POSITION as bookkeeper or assistant,
would be accepted by a man of 8 years
experience, with good references and
bond. N 173, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, position for general of
fice work by man of 35; competent and
with good references.. Address R 1S2,
HOTEL clerk or manager wants situation;
experienced, reliable and steady; best o
references. W ISO, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man. 26 years of sge, open for
clerical position of any kind; best of
references. N 172, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED colored man wants posi
tion in private place to drive and care for
horses or automobile and general work
around place; good city referencea Phone
.Main 8680.
If you want watchman will protect
your property and be permanent, write
J. C. Donneil. 589 Bybeo ave. Phone A
or Main 1890.
WANTED A position as nlglrt watchman
with some good firm or to drive a team,
by a reliable man of good hahtte. with good
references. G 176. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED carpet cutter and layer,
good all round man. seeks situation;
country preferred; references furnishes!.
Address B 181. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Janitor altd watchman, re
liable and responsible, wants any kind
employment; understands poultry. X 1S4,
JAPANESE, skilled cook, wants sltuatlos,
porter or housework, In family or business
place, city onlv. Address H. K, 250 1st
st. Phone A 5032.
OS GRADUATE, civil engineering, wants po
sition with construction company. Ad
dress K 246 7th St.
JAPANESE boy dtsires position of house
work In small fumlly. N. S, 311 Everett
YOUNG man desires a position of any kind
with chance of advancement. H ISO, Ore
gonian. STEWARD, chef with complete crew desires
change, country house preferred. AB 158,
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
housework and heip cook. A B 17 X
RESTAURANT or lunch counter man, ex
perienced, can furnish references or de
posit. Y 16S, Ocreognlan.
WANTED Situation by good all-around
t printer. City Job office preferred. F 170,
GOOD Japanese boy wants to do housework
or plain cooking for family. A 4518.
CHEF and wife want situation In private
family; long reference. Y 155. Oregonian.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
JAPANESE Employment Co, 288 Everett.
Main 4li"!, A 4073.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FOR a good stenographer or bookkeeper, ex
perienced or beginner, phone clerical
oftlco. Main 4504.
DRESSMAKER, first-class on fancy gowns,
excellent fitter, fine designer, wishes en
gagements. Miss Fanny, Main 3NU5.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en
gagements In families. Main 8ti08.
GRADUATE nurse having p!ea.sant home
would take invalid to care for. 821 Cor
bett. Main 6727.
MIDDLE-AOED lady wishes position as house
keeper: bachelors' club preferred; best of
referencea. N 181, Oregonian.
A GOOD, experlrnced colored laundress wishes
day work. Phone PellAood lol.
WOULD like few more washings. Phone
E. 878, room 21.
COMPETENT and reliable chambermaid wants
work: can give reference. J 172. Oregonian.
AGENT wanted to dispose of a swell 8-room
roominK-house; owner going East. Phone
Main 5223.
EXPERIENCED photo coupon agents, first
class studio, good seller. 362 Washing
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, fists,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portias!
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. $d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
EASTERN gentleman wishes room and
board in refined widow's family, where
there are no other boarders. Address 8
176 oregonian.
BY Sept. 1 to 15. furnished house. 8 to 8
rooms; any good location; one or two blocks
from car; not over $40; adults only. F 181,
PORTLAND Information Bureau, can rent
flats, houses and rooms; we have reatera
M. 8K20. A 1258. 814 Swetland bldg.
WE can rent your place. Call and see us.
Portland Information Bureau. Both
phones. 514 Swetlana Diag.
GENTLEMAN and wife desire to rent small
well-furnished cottage. W 162, Oregonian.
And any thing else you havs to sslL
Main 6656. A 412L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 8d at. Phoos Pacing 1722.
W'AN'TED To buy Butte Boys Consolidated,
Mining Stock for cash; give No. of shares,
name and address; will call and see you.
AC 166. Oregonian.
will reopen Sept. 1: private or class. 463
Morrison st. Main 2007.
WANTED Complete fumiahings for Tour-
room COIU1.C, Minnie, tf. . .w.
good goods. O 183. Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phona East 1067.
WANTED to rent 50 pairs roller skates. Ad
dress L. P. O. Box 761, Astoria. Or.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 8S N. 3d,
Highest prloe paid; prompt attention.
FurnllMhed Rooms.
CENTRALLY located, clean furnished
rooms, reasonable, phone, bath. 416
Taylor st,Vcorner Hth st.
THE TEMPLE, 34i4 Yamhill st, ntcely fur
nished rooms $2.50 a week and up; tran
sient. THE AUDITORIUM. 2OR14 3d.: single rooms,
suites, rooms with private baths; transient
or permanest.
392 COLUMBIA Large, cool, first-floor
room, electric light, porcelain bath, tele
phone, easy walk, reasonable.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
LARGE parlor, all conveniences, breakfast
if deoired. private family. 353 12th. Main
MODERN newly furnished front room, two
gentlemen. 264 7th St.
THE ANKENY Swell furnished rooms. $3
to $5; phones and bath. S49H Ankeny.
NEWLY furnished rooms with or without
board; everything modern. 470 Taylor st.
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for rent.
650 Couch st, bet. 16th snd 17th.
NICELY furnished front room, private fam
ily. 327 12th st. .
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia: modern
rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $6
wk.; also transient rooms. 343 Is Morrison.